• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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146. Weyr Log #9847


Awakened from meditation this morning to find Pegasus foal dubbed S sitting next to me, possibly attempting to imitate me? If so, she'll fail; S has no latent psionic potential. Should head inside; Weyr just pinged me that the others - SB and AB - are approaching, and I don't want to be bothered by them--again.


Weyr Gestalt Defenses pinged again; pony A.L. still attempting breach in order to access my mind; possibility exists that L might think I'm some kind of threat. Hardly. Wish A.L. would leave me alone. She won't get through; the last time she did the Weyr successfully shielded my mind and swiftly patched the hole she made. This time A.L. won't even get past tertiary layer.


TS attempted another breach of Weyrhome - the living space - today. She teleported in--and then was violently ill, throwing up all over the carpet. Weyr promptly ejected her; then probes cleaned up the mess. Partial shielding against equine teleportation success; TS got in but it was an effort for her. Soon the Weyr should implement a better system and then she won't be able to come here at all.


Woke up in bed to find QC there again this morning. Unlike nosy ponies insect-equine QC seems to know that this is my home, and that I desire to be left alone. QC only comes here to sleep with me - to cuddle and sip at my psychic aura - but aside from that she doesn't talk to me or really bother me at all. Have discovered that she makes the most adorable buzzing purr when her belly is rubbed...


Pony A.C. appeared again this morning; asked me again why I hadn't made any friends. Made every attempt to ignore her as I went about my business of mapping the forest around the Weyr. After a while, A.C. just looked sad; then teleported away. Good riddance. Returned to Weyrhome after several fruitless hours. EF seems to change constantly, making static mapping futile.


Discovered several of QC's drones here today; all were quiet and respectful of my presence as they assisted the probes with their tasks. Upon closer examination, discovered that drones were thin and malnourished; called an all-stop then brought them all in for medical checkup.


Scans revealed that as time passed, the drones were getting better; Weyr informed me that drones fed upon the psionic energy of the emotion of love. Weyr effectively providing them with unlimited food source. Have said that drones can stay; all were grateful many bursting into tears. Poor things.


QC teleported in, looking for her missing drones; when informed of what was happening she hugged me, her eyes suspiciously misty. She is here with me on the sofa in Weyrhome as I write this. Just asked me why only shorthand used; this format is used for efficiency. QC intends to relocate her hive here; Weyrmind is thrilled.


Hive relocation successful; have never felt Weyrmind so happy. Quiet buzzing of changeling wings fills the halls along with the insect-like sounds of their voices; Weyrmind is building a translation matrix. QC is ecstatic; seems to be taking the role of unofficial 2IC so will make her a full-fledged crew member of the Dragon Weyr.




Neural lace implantation successful - as always - and QC has been given a Warp Beacon; she's now a full crewmember. Drones as they come have been given Beacons as well; some have chosen to use their minds as additional processing adjuncts for Weyrmind. When process of becoming adjunct was explained to QC, she was deeply saddened but knows of sacrifice. Foal S was back today; trying to imitate my martial arts.


All changelings now equipped with neural laces and QC truly appreciates her enhanced Neural Processing Adjunct; her hive now functions better than before. Have permitted city to be built on Weyrland--and it's going up fast! P.C. and TS arrived--and were utterly furious; she, P.C. and QC almost came to blows--and would have had Weyrmind not influenced all calmed them down.


Found pony S sleeping in the psionic therapy chamber, right beneath the Nexus' Khaydarin Capstone! For a foal - for any child - exposure to massive amounts of psionic energy such as generated by the Capstone is extremely dangerous. Scolded foal S and raced her to medical bay but too late--way too late; signs of internal mutation present for months but only beginning to show... How long has S been sleeping beneath capstone? And WHY?


Took QC before the Weyrmind today; never a pleasant experience despite the fact that the Mind knows to be as gentle and compassionate as possible. QC was fascinated by the great frankenvessel at the heart of the Nexus, but - when the Weyrmind softly, gently, examined her mind in Judgement, metaphorically stripping her naked - QC wept like a foal, and the Weyrmind wept with her; her life up until now hadn't been a pleasant one. QC was passed for Redemption by WM and now wants it more than anything in the world; wants nothing more than for her and her Hive to be well-fed, loved, and happy.

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