• Published 21st Apr 2013
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Short Shorts - Coranth

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122. Intruder?

With only the softened 'pop' of displaced air, the intruder teleported herself into Weyrhome, literally the 'house' inside the wondrous, Great Pyramid she knew was called the Dragon Weyr. How did she know the enormous metallic pyramid was referred to by said name? The answer was simple, dear readers: the intruder had been here many, many times before; had briefly touched the amazing Mind of the place. In that instant the mind of the intruder had been near-overwhelmed! The Mind of the Dragon Weyr held so much information yet she'd only been able to seize a mere fraction of it, a drop in the bucket as it were, which she'd needed several... others to help her process.

Slitted, reptilian eyes opened. Spiracles set within a segmented abdomen inhaled a soft breath which she then exhaled from her mouth. Slender, chitin-covered, equine-like hooves felt soft carpet... and then kneaded and wriggled as the intruder did her best not to shout with glee! Because... she was here. She was here! Once again, she'd managed to slip in past the Mind of the Weyr without it knowing; her newly fashioned spell of teleportation - made for just this purpose - had been a success. Once again, she could be with him, if only for another night. Forked tongue issued from fang-filled maw as the intruder scented the air--then fragile-appearing insectoid wings buzzed eagerly for a moment as she tasted his scent - sweat/soft-fabric/steel - before she turned to head to the Sleeping Quarters, specifically the Master Quarters where he was sleeping...

No sooner did she approach the entrance to said quarters than the door was silently opening to admit her entry--and enter she did, making her way towards the big double bed where he slept peacefully beneath the soft, luxurious, down-filled duvet. 'Hive Mother below, that bed looks so comfortable...' thought the intruder, shivering, a whimper of longing escaping her. More than anything she wanted to be there with him, sleeping by his side. Just then, a softened sob escaped her. Why did she do this to herself? Why did she hesitate like this. She always did this, and - like clockwork - as she hemmed and hawed, wrestling with herself internally, the temperature within the room dropped somewhat, enough to make her chitin rattle as she shivered. This had happened many times before, and still she didn't know why. Could the Mind know she was here? Impossible; she'd used every infiltration trick she knew to evade it. Or had she...?

Desperate to escape the sudden coldness of the room, whimpering, sniffling, Chrysalis crawled beneath the thick duvet, wriggled against his body until she was spooned with him, wings folded into her back carapace; then she felt his arm lay atop her body felt him pull her closer to his warmth and then and then and then... "Oh..." she choked. Near-overwhelming relief filled her being, because she was with him. David. The Human. The man who so easily seemed to defy Celestia and Luna. The man she wanted as her King. By the First Hive she felt so very safe with him, here in this bed, in his arms. All of her worries - finding a new home, pony retaliation for her failed invasion attempt, and whether she was the only of her kind left - seemed to just fade away when she was with him... A low, musical crooning - reminiscent of a fusion between singing crickets and a purring cat - issued from her throat as the hand touching her absently, sleepily stroked her belly. Here in his arms she didn't need to be Queen of anything; she wriggled, nymph-like, nestling closer to him, purring all the while. She was so happy! She was--

"Hello, Chrysalis."

--dead. Her purring dying in her throat, trembling and whimpering, she slo-o-o-o-wly turned about to face him. His hazel eyes were open, within them a flicker of the power she had tasted of so many times. Trilling softly with alarm, she tried to get away from him; surely he would kill her, wouldn't he? She wriggled. She writhed. She flailed about in the human's grip, heaving and straining as much as her weakened body would allow. But, alas, it was futile, and finally, the Changeling Queen... gave up, something breaking inside her as she burst into tears. At first, her cries resembled pony-like sobs, but as she became sadder, and sadder, Chrysalis started to keen softly; a terrible, heart-wrenching sound of despair. This was it; all of her dreams were going to end along with her life. Closing her eyes, she bared her neck, waiting for the killing blow, waiting for him to... to... to... Why wasn't it happening? Why wasn't he killing her? Strong arms gripped her gently but firmly, pulling her against him as her hooves wriggled futilely. Gentle compassion flowed from him unto her across the aether. His five-fingered hands soothingly stroked her body, and with a drop of her magic, she instinctively shifted hard chitin to soft, supple leathery hide that she might better experience his gentle touch.

Then, like a blanket thick and heavy, love from something else - a machine mind far greater than their own - filled the air, love with which she could feed herself and her children for eternity. Chrysalis burst into tears again, feeling David rock her like a... a pony foal as she cried, and cried, and cried... David wasn't idle as she wept there in his - their? - bed; he rocked her gently, he stroked her mane which she'd made hair, and he near-made her drunk with bliss as he stroked her ears. Later, when she was able to stop crying - when she purred gently in his arms once more - as he gently brushed away her tears with his thumbs - an act which nearly made her start crying again - finally, she choked, "H-How?" At her question, David frowned for a moment; then he stated, "How did we know you were visiting us?" When she nodded, the human continued, "Several weeks ago - the first night you visited - the Weyr felt your desperation; it let you in, then watched as you climbed into my bed." Chrysalis blushed, her cheeks turning green! Then, her expression wilted as her King fixed her with gentle yet stern gaze. "If you'd had any intentions other than wanting to sleep beside me for my warmth and love - freely given, of course - the Dragon Weyr would have evicted you immediately--or even killed you, had you threatened my life. Fortunately - unlike certain ponies I know - you seem to have some sense in your head." For a moment - just for a moment - David looked at her as if he would see, was seeing, had seen all of this before. Then, a chill ran down her spine as he softly intoned, "Celestia and Luna couldn't teleport into this place. So how do you think you got in...?"

The Weyrmind had known of her illicit visits to David. She'd spent weeks and weeks researching and surveying the Weyr to try to get inside, had designed the ultimate teleportation spell... and it had let her in. Terror gripped her guts, then along with arousal and the Queen fawned against David, nuzzling all over him as he tickled her, making her laugh. What power he had here in this place--and out of it, too; she'd witnessed him practicing--and who knew what he could teach her and what remained of her children. His personal power was amazing, too; he was a "High Templar"; one who'd given up martial combat to embrace the raw power of his mind; psionics. Could he teach her children his abilities? Could he teach her? Panting softly - wanting nothing more than to take him right then and there - voice thick with emotion, begging, pleading, her body screaming at her, she rasped, "Please, oh Hive Mother, please..." But then... one moment she was aroused - a writhing mass of instincts - and the next she wasn't as the Weyrmind influenced her with its empathic field; a sigh ending in a whimper escaped her as David settled her down next to him again. "Your kind is drawn to power. I have it in spades - so say your instincts - and you want it," he stated, baring her secret want.

Eyes misty, Chrysalis nodded. "What do you want?" he barked, frightening her. "Do you want to kill me and take my power?" His eyes were blazing now; her mind screamed in fear whilst her body howled muted want! Chirruping with distress, the Changeling Queen frantically shook her head. "N-No," she mewled thickly, "I... I would never... never...!" The mere suggestion of her killing her beloved King; it made her feel physically ill... David pondered this for a time, then - pulling back his power, settling down again - he replied, "So you would share power then. This is good--but if you gather the remnants of your children and come with me, your lives will change. You'll not steal love or feed from Ponies--or anyone for that matter--because you'll no longer need to. You won't need to disguise yourselves anymore. You and your kin will become Weyrlings, if you so desire; you'll live with me here in the Weyr, and together we'll explore the stars and go places Ponies are afraid to go..." Now Chrysalis was crying again, looking up at her King, smiling beatifically. What could she - low and wretched - possibly offer him in return for such a thing? "Your friendship, for now; and perhaps later, your love," he stated when she asked him. "We know you can feel it; you've merely forgotten how. We'll work with you and your kin; try our best to teach you to be symbiotic again."

At this, Chrysalis blink-blinked, overwhelmed. "What?" she whispered. Prod. Poke. She tried to poke him with a hoof, wanting to know what he meant--but then she was groaning and trilling with bliss as she was stroked and petted, eyes slowly closing as she drifted off to sleep beside him.

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