• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Codex/Demons I

Baron of Hell
UAC REPORT FILE: IIS5LW21 “It is clear that Barons are ferocious fighters with a bloodlust unparalleled by any other demon. Barons, larger and faster than their lesser brothers, also possess the ability to generate Hell-energy fireballs which can be hurled at a target. In the doomed Project Lazarus Manned Expedition (MTC 2145/128) it is believed that most of the explorers were set upon by Barons of Hell, though the details are unclear.

Tablets, retrieved from the Great Steppe in the UAC Automated Survey of 2143, suggest that the Barons of Hell are the current Royal Guard of the unknown dark lord of the fourth age. While the nature of this entity is unknown, it must be presumed that as the Royal Guard's power has significantly increased, so too has the power of their master.”

After the defeat of the Dark Lord, the Baron of Hell has been rerouted to an alternative lead. A duo of archdemons that the lord of Hell considered worthy of leading a last-ditch force, now they lead the new armies and are served and commanded directly by these archdemons.

The non-Fireborne variants of the Baron are much more natural in appearance. a Baron takes the appearance of an incredibly muscular, goat legged demon with slightly tan legs that are digitigrade in structure and end in black hooves. The shoulders and chest of a Baron of Hell is covered by plate-like natural armor, and they possess a thick robust skull with horns that curve inwards. They possess two muscular arms that end four clawed-digits including an opposable thumb.

Baron of Hell (Fireborne)
The Fireborne Barons have evolved from the descendant clan of the Baron hell breed, and are indigenous to the caustic, scorched hellscapes bordering the Burning Abyss. A landscape of cragged spires forged from unbreakable Blackstone, tempered by the crashing waves of the magmatic tide, these sulfuric planes of Hell have long served as banishing grounds, a place of the exodus to which the damned are sentenced as their final destination.

The Fireborne Barons have evolved in this environment, sustaining themselves on the remnants of the damned, growing obsidian carapaces and in time becoming infused with the very incendiary matter of Hell itself.

A muscular, goat-legged demon with a muscular build resembling solid obsidian. The main difference between the Fireborne counterpart and the regular Baron is that its body has become grey with thin, glowing red cracks, giving it the appearance of recently-cooled magma. It also has a large fiery blade emitting from each forearm. When damaged in battle, its stony "skin" breaks away, revealing a skeleton engulfed in a bright, magma-like glow.

Blood Maykr (The Worst Things Ever in DOOM Ever, Seriously I Hate These Guys)
Maykr Angels, a devoted and distinguished higher caste within Urdak, were corrupted and mutated by the waking will of the Icon of Sin. Now branded by the Icon's wrath, Blood Maykrs move amongst the demons freely as hellfire courses through their veins. Retaining their staff and hurling them with thunderbolt force to harry their prey, the Blood Maykrs scour the dead skies of Urdak in unholy mockery of their former home.

In the exodus of demons commanded to invade Equestria, they serve the mysterious duo of archdemons that lead the charge. The Blood Maykr resembles its former Maykr self, except that its armor is now bright red, its helmet has large demonic horns, and its face is exposed as a result of the demonic corruption it has undergone.

Hell Knight
The Hell Knight, warrior beast among demons, has earned its place over the millennia in service of the eternal Archdemons. As imposed by the sovereign houses, Hell Knights have long served as barbaric enforcers of the Netherworld, impelling lesser demons by way of brutality.

Rare among demon-kind for its innate regard from primal orders of hierarchy, the Hell Knight exhibits adherence to the prevailing rule of its demonlord masters. Requiring little compulsion on behalf of its highborne masters, Hell Knights readily serve the Elder Hell-gods for the extent of their lifespans, reaping great satisfaction in the way of war and desecration.

Hell Knights are tall, muscular beasts with deathly gray, hard skin. They utilize their strong fists to strike its enemies savagely. They are swift and fast moving and strong enough to tear most beings limb from limb.

Scavengers of the underworld, Imps are among the most common of beasts found on the scorched surface of the Hellscape. Lesser demons of Hell, the Imp possesses limited intelligence, driven only by a hunter's impulse to seek out prey - a task for which the Imp is naturally suited due to its innate capacity for violence.

As a result of these attributes, the Imp makes for an ideal footsoldier and is oft deployed in the warring legions of Hell, easily manipulated and controlled by commanding highborne demons at the behest of the sovereign chapters. It is common for the Imp to appear at the frontline of an offensive attack, an expendable resource unleashed in great numbers to overcome and break through the enemy front.

Imps are ape-like, slim and skinny demons with brownish-red, chitinous skin. Their bug-like armor provides some sort of natural protection however firearms mostly bypass this issue. They have sharp claws at the ends of their hands that easily tear through most natural skin and their minor manipulation of Hell magic leaves them to cast hyper-lethal fireballs capable of burning a being with a singular touch.

A creature of darkness, the Prowler hunts from the shadows, preferring stealth and concealment to open conflict. Imbued with parietal infravision, the Prowler is able to see that which is unseen to the naked eye. Known among the Sentinels as 'the Nightstalker', the Prowler's preternatural sense of sight makes it a lethal hunter, capable of tracking its prey even in the pitchest black of dark. Believed to be peripherally descendant to the lesser Imp brooding, the Prowler is rarely seen in groups, forsaking pack-hunting for the precision of the solitary pursuit.

Prowlers are believed to be descendants of the Imp breed, which would explain their similar hunched appearance, the spikes jutting out from their back, and overall body structure. However, they are notably larger and bulkier than Imps, and are a dull purple color as opposed to the Imps more brownish-orange shade. The Prowler also has three, closely-knit orange eyes and a tri-segmented jaw. Portions of the body are covered in jagged chitinous armor, and the hands end in four dagger-like claws including an opposable thumb.

In battle they are known for sneaking up behind its enemies and tricking them via teleporting behind their target. However, if the enemy is swift enough, they could detect the faint purple fire that appears right before they teleport back in and triangulate their tactics. They are simple to take out and often a singular shot from the Ballista will blast them away.

Titans (also known as The Ancients) are mighty beasts of Hell, far larger than regular classes of demons. They serve as beasts of burden for the more powerful demonic entities, and as giant combatants in the armies of Hell.

They are tall, completely ginormous demons reaching skyscraper height. They often are used to carry their smaller demon allies around and to strike fear into the enemies of Hell from their sheer size alone. They are often non-combatant however.

A scavenger of the Hellscape, the Whiplash creature was first discovered by UAC expedition teams in the black desert of the Sanctum Wastelands. These elusive, serpentine demons move with great speed and agility and trail along the grounds of the battlefield to easily dodge attacks. They are capable of striking from a great distance with retractable bladed whips concealed within their forearms.

This particular demon breed became an object of great interest to the UAC engineers on Earth, while attempts to capture live specimens of this nimble and unpredictable creature proved to be exceptionally dangerous. After successfully acquiring living specimens, researchers implanted cybernetic augmentations designed to enhance the Whiplash's innate strength and lethality.

Author's Note:

(I apologize for two Codex chapters in a row. However, I feel it is necessary for those who are unfamiliar with DOOM kore and gameplay. I am releasing this Codex halfway through the week this time. I will release the chapter this weekend as always.

You will notice that every demon type name has its first letter in its name capitalized. I did this on purpose to emphasize the type of enemy that the Slayer would be fighting or what monster the ponies may be hiding from. The same has been done with the Slayer’s arsenal.

Every chapter new demons appear, I will make another codex chapter before it for those who are unfamiliar to the enemies of DOOM Eternal and don’t have their individual silhouette’s each memorized to a tee.

Credit to ID Software since a lot of these descriptions are taken straight from the in-game codex entries. Good work on them for making such gnarly lore. Special thanks to the guys at the Doom Wiki for inspiring and being the source of a lot of these descriptions.)

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