• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,518 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission 6. Altar of Pain


“This is Daisy. While I’m gone, she will take care of you.”

The Doom Slayer sat in the woods, kneeling as he inspected the horde guarding the front of the castle. There had to be a good two hundred demons in front of the castle. He could spot the huge shield surrounding the horde, a Sapling somewhere within fueling the barrier. The Slayer also saw the slogging forms of Maegi and Unwillings between the numerous taller demons.

Imps, Gargoyles, Prowlers, even a Cursed Prowler. Them making the brunt of the force. There were ten Tyrants, six Barons with half of them armored, numerous Whiplashes latched around the limbs of said Tyrants, twenty or so Hell Paladins… it was a larger battle, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

The Slayer noticed a large chasm in the land between the treeline he hid in and the castle itself, an ancient bridge allowing passage. It looked old and dangerous to cross. A treacherous to ride, easy to be funneled into death. There had to be a different way.

He took the Sentinel Hammer off his back, igniting it and inspecting the healing head of the weapon. The old Sentinel runes that used to mark the eviscerating magic were now replaced with the names of his loved ones. Daisy, Isaac and his wife, Lilly. His fists clenched around the Hammer’s grip as he gazed at the English writings.

“Are you ready?” the voice of Twilight tore the Slayer from his thoughts, like a black void. He looked at the alicorn, nodding firmly. “Your weapons, they’re ranged, right?”

The Slayer reached into his inventory systems, holding up his Chaingun with one hand.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile at her idea. Her horn lit, consuming the weapon with sparkling magic before it floated out of the Doom Slayer’s hand. He watched curiously as the many barrels unfolded, them spinning as they propelled towards the enemy.

He watched as it flew over the many demons, ramming straight into the head of a Mageus and forcing it to the ground, breaking the beast's magical concentration before mowing it down whilst it was stuck to the ground. With that, it began rushing after the Saplings, shields dissipating throughout the arena.

With one more statement, the two were off to fight. “Use me to cross the chasm.” Twilight said, her helmet folding over her head.

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

The Doom Slayer wielded his Sentinel Hammer in his right hand as Twilight Sparkle casted a swarm of magical bees. She commanded them to swarm a legion of Revenants blasting a group of rockets at the two whilst their more powerful allies were distracted with the animated Chaingun. The unnatural, ear splitting roar of gauss-propelled gunfire filled the clearing the castle resided in.

Twilight took flight, the Doom Slayer jumping and grabbing one of her hooves to fly over the chasm. Once she was past it and over the enemy, the Doom Slayer released himself to fall in the middle of the arena, his Sentinel Hammer screeching mercilessly before bursting into the ground, stunning the surrounding enemies.

The foes in his area that were stunned were a Baron of Hell, one Tyrant, a duo of Hell Knights and a Mancubus. The fodder in the area had all been reduced to mush. He switched to his Super Shotgun, firing a quad shot into the Mancubus before finishing it off with a Blood Punch. After the attack, he switched to a Rocket Launcher, locking onto the Tyrant and sending three volleys to it before releasing a Ballista shot not a moment later.

Finally, to end the Tyrant he used a seemingly never ending barrage of shotgun shells from his Fully Automatic Combat Shotgun, the demon collapsing right onto the Baron who was about to be released from the stunning energy of Hellbreaker. The Slayer wasted no time in dashing to the demon’s neck and jamming his Doomblade through its jugular brutally.

Not a second past before he was dodging a Hell Knight, loading a squad of shells into his Quadruple Shotgun. He shot the demon’s torso off its legs, before feeling a brutal punch shatter into his side. He returned one to the other Hell Knight, decapitating it with a powerful fist and a snarl.

As chaos surrounded him, he felt a new purpose guide him. This wasn’t to cause maximum suffrage to his foes, or to avenge his people. It was to stop what had happened to him so long ago to occur to anyone else. Any creature capable of love would be consumed by these foes.

He blocked a stray attack from a Marauder, ducking under a barrage of missiles from a Tyrant and sliding beneath a fiery swipe from a Baron of Hell. He barely managed to block an electricity zapped blade launched by a Whiplash before he grabbed the demon by the neck and broke it with a swift clench of his hand.

The Slayer felt the damage he sustained from the Hell Knight’s punch replenish for a moment, before instantly being replaced by a Mancubus fireball straight to his chest. He quickly swapped to his Precision Bolt, sniping both of the cannons away.

He proceeded to dash closer, firing his Quadruple Shotgun before hopping on its shoulder and stabbing it to death with the Doomblade quickly. With the extra height, he jumped onto the shoulder of a Tyrant, occupied by the animate Chaingun that had mowed down a lot of the demonic force.

He tried to jam his Doomblade into the demon’s neck, however upon inserting the adamantium, cell-splitting wrist-sword into the beast’s throat, it remained alive. The beast tried its best to reach its shoulder with its stubby arms, failing to grab the human. He tried to tear the weapon out, failing as he gripped the demon’s horn, cracking its neck while the head was bent unnaturally.

Suddenly, a flash of teleportation magic erupted near it before the Tyrant was stabbed in the neck by Twilight. The beast held the stab wound opposite of the Slayer’s position as it clung to life on its hoof-like feet. Before it could collapse, Twilight teleported away, behind a Marauder. She flung the demon high in the air with immense force, catching it by surprise.

Seeing this, the Slayer rushed to swap his Super Shotgun’s mod to the Meathook. The fiery chain shanked into the former Sentinel, propelling the Slayer towards it. He blasted a Shotgun shot into the stunned demon before kicking away right into the dual piercing Hoof-Blades of Twilight Sparkle.

Even with that brutal execution, the Slayer added onto it by equipping his Sentinel Hammer. As he fell, he slammed the weapon’s head into the ground. The blow bursted straight through a poor Hell Paladin, flinging tons of its allies backwards onto the ground.

The Slayer wasted no time, ending four of the demon-turned ponies with multiple shots from his Super Shotgun, Ballista, Rocket Launcher and Heavy Machine Gun. His slaughter was only interrupted by a familiar noise shimmering from the weapon of an Armored Baron. The Slayer dashed out of the way of the Morning Star, equipping his HMG in preparation to snipe the arm-mounted device once it was ready again.

He dodged an attempted swipe before it locked on with its high-tech Morning Star once more. He sniped the weapon as it flashed green, eliminating the Super Heavy demon with one brutal slam from the Sentinel Hammer. It was flung back, crashing into the wall of the castle.

As the Slayer wielded his hammer triumphantly, he looked up to see Twilight being swarmed by multiple Tengu. The flying corrupted pegasi swarmed her, tearing at her armor and wings. The Doom Slayer lifted his Super Shotgun, firing his Meathook and swatting the hooked one out the sky with his Shotgun blast.

With the momentum, he landed on the back of another demon, hanging onto its back as his Shoulder Cannon ignited every flying demon in the air with burning flames. They plummeted back to the ground, scorching to death as they were finished with an unhelpful Frag Grenade the Slayer sent down for good measure.

Twilight looked over at the Doom Slayer a moment before he finished the Tengu he rode with a brutal snap, ripping its wings off. He fell to the earth, clearing his demon-filled landing area with an Ice Bomb-Frag Grenade combo. The large group of Hell Paladins and two Mancubi was cleared in a matter of multiple well-landed combos of his HMG and Rocket Launcher.

With the numerous demon-filled ice fragments flinging through the air, he spun quickly to catch a sneaky Prowler attempting to get a stab at him. Its arm was met with a dicing cut from the Doomblade before the Slayer ripped off the rest of the limb and shoved it down the beast’s throat. Its death was ensured by a headshot from his Precision Bolt.

He heard another flash of a Prowler sneaking behind him. The Slayer spun around, wrapping his powerful hand around the neck of the green demon. It gasped for air as he lifted it up in the air, mowing down an approaching Imp as Twilight swooped down to decapitate the Cursed Prowler.

The Slayer then threw the decapitated corpse at a Marauder who was closing in for the kill. It stunned the beast mid-swipe, the Slayer blasting a Flame Belch whilst he reloaded. He finished the combo with a well-timed shot from Lucifer’s Bane. The demon would have regained itself if not for the aid of the Chaingun flying by to put an end to the beast. It was torn to shreds by the highly propelled rounds launched from the animated weapon.

The Slayer, hearing the sching! Of another Armored Baron, spun to quickly blast off its Armor. It was dealt with quickly via a brutal and swift swipe with the Sentinel Hammer. After that kill, he returned the Hammer to his back and equipped his Ballista.

He witnessed numerous demons focus on the flying whirlwind of deadly magic that was Twilight, some more intent on the flying Chaingun. Before he let them notice the portion of the legion that targeted the Doom Slayer had perished, the crackling Sentinel energy from his Ballista roared.


A low-flying Cacodemon amongst the crowd could only barely glance behind him before gasping in terror at the sight of the Slayer’s charged weapon.


The powerful electricity scourged through all the demons, slicing most in half and leaving the extremely damaged ones to be quickly killed by Twilight’s own Energy Slice. Finally, the only demon to remain from the slaughter was a singular Cyberdemon. The Slayer sprinted behind it, slicing its leg clean off. It roared, falling to its back before the Doom Slayer and Twilight brutally stabbed it with each other’s wrist-mounted blades. The Doom Slayer even chained in a couple Shotgun shots whilst his floating Chaingun bursted relentlessly into the Cyberdemon.

Once it was still, the two stood before the carnage. A moment or two passed of them observing, Twilight landing beside the Doom Slayer triumphantly. A lot of her armor was broken and he could see some burnt fur and chars beneath them. The Doom Slayer took his Hammer off his back, pointing it to Twilight.

The alicorn felt her armor and fur reheal, the pain dissipating. She lifted her head to him a moment. “Thanks.” before the two continued off towards the front doors.

The Chaingun collapsed behind them, the spell dissipating. He turned, picking up and admiring his loyal twelve-barreled gauss gatling gun. The Slayer put it back in his inventory before continuing beside Twilight towards the front gates of the castle.

They were locked, but getting in was trivial as Twilight used her Hoof-Blades to slice a rectangle out the wood to let them slip through. As she did, she spoke up to the Doom Slayer. “You know, I’m sorry for throwing that table at you.”

The Doom Slayer had almost forgotten that event. He shrugged it off before the two entered the large entrance room of the castle. There was an ancient carpet beneath their feet, leading two a stairway that split off up to the second floors. Above that was a huge set of paned windows behind a set of flags displaying the two sisters.

“I guarantee they are in the old throne room.” Twilight declared.

The Slayer flicked the chamber release on his Super Shotgun whilst holstering his Hammer, empty of energy after healing Twilight. He inputted the dual shells into the double barrels, readying himself. He knew that would not be all.

Twilight looked at the four gaping dark doorways that led to different sections, until deciding on one, pointing that way. Before they could continue on, the crashing of glass alerted the two. They gazed at the front of the room, watching a dragon explode through the front with a Marauder riding it. A Lancer.

The demon wore a rectangular helmet of red and gold, just like the rest of his armor. His helmet was cut in half, the left half shaped in a sort of cybernetic face. He had one horn from the still biological bit of his head, poking through his helmet, but none on the helmetless cyborg side.

Its half-templar, half-cyberdemon form rode the dragon confidently, a duo of Pain Elementals floating in beside him, a trio of Cacodemons after that. “I will not allow you two to deny the Dark Lord’s resurrection!” he declared. “You two will perish here and now!”

It removed a spear from the quiver of energetic javelins attached to the hellish dragon. “Die, by the name of the creator of all things! You will be unmade.”

Twilight and the Slayer looked at each other a moment, before nodding. They were not going to sugarcoat it.

The alicorn flew ahead, compressing her hooves together as she flew idle. Before it could aim his javelin, the Marauder was stunned by a blast of profound energy. The Counter-Magic Blast from the alicorn interrupted all the demon’s initial attacks, giving her room for her own.

Whilst that occurred, her human ally rushed the Pain Elemental on the right, dodging a chomp from a Cacodemon to Meathook himself onto the head of the frozen demon. As he did, Twilight joined him on the Pain Elemental opposite the room. The two both jammed their close-quarter weapons through the eyeballs of the floating demons simultaneously.

The Doom Slayer jumped from the Pain Elemental atop the dragon, Twilight flying above the Lancer as well. In a panic, the dragon-riding Marauder launched a spear at him, missing before feeling the full might of an upper-cut from the most despised being known to Hell. It was flung in the air from the attack, the Slayer grabbing him by the ankles last second.

Coming just in time, Twilight grabbed the cybernetic demon by the arms. The Slayer held its legs in place as Twilight activated the boosters on her wings, pulling the upper body as hard as she could. He screamed in pure agony before a painful snap cracked through the entrance hall.

The Lancer had been torn in half by the deadly combination of an eon-experienced demon slayer and a loyal Princess of Friendship. Twilight tossed the torso of the Lancer away, the Slayer throwing the legs off as he jumped off the dragon to deal with the Cacodemon. He equipped his Rocket Launcher, firing a legion of rockets at the Cacodemon before finishing it off with a Super Shotgun blast.

As the red circular monster fell, Twilight dealt with the demonic dragon. She weaved around pillars, firing energy blasts at the dragon to harass it and distract as the Doom Slayer disposed of the second and third Cacodemons.

He threw a Frag Grenade in the mouth of the closest one, equipping his Combat Shotgun and firing a brutal legion of shells at the farther Caco. Once it was finished off with a Flame Belch and Super Shotgun shot, he turned to the already stunned beast to drive his Doomblade into its back, digging a sharp tooth from its mouth to tear out and jam through its only eyeball.

With the death of the final Cacodemon, all there was left to worry about was the Lancer’s dragon as it chased Twilight. Thinking quickly, he locked onto the beast with his Lock-On Rocket Launcher, sending a volley before equipping his HMG and quick-scoping the foe.

It roared in pain, stopping its chase of Twilight a moment as the Slayer equipped Lucifer’s Bane to reel himself onto the beast. He landed right on the side of the neck, seeing Twilight rush the monster's head too. He waited a moment for her to join him on the other side as they decapitated the dragon with a synchronized swipe. With that finishing blow, he jumped off and landed on the floor with a huge thud, fist to the ground before he began to stand.

The Doom Slayer unlatched the barrels on his signature firearm, gently loading each individual shell. He laughed a little at the situation. A little horse was demolishing these demons. Once Twilight joined him, he flicked the gun’s barrels upward. He set the weapon on his shoulder satisfyingly, lifting his free hand and forming it in a fist to present to the alicorn.

Twilight took a moment to realize what he was requesting, before lifting her hoof. The two fist-bumped. Well, hoof-bumped? The Doom Slayer didn’t bother to ponder these sorts of questions as they continued to their final battle in the throne room of this abandoned castle. To decipher the fate of this world.

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