• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,508 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission 4. The Corpse Forest

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Your fists shake with rage as you stomp your way through the woods, eviscerating any demon that approaches. You must locate the Argent Wells, the main source of Hell energy that is being sent into Equestria. Crushing these will dampen the invading forces' transportation, supplies and reinforcements.

An Imp leaped down from a pony-holding branch, only to be gripped around the neck and thrown into a field of hell-electricity striking between the tall trees of the Corpse Forest.

The Imp roared in shocking agony while the Doom Slayer viciously gripped the jaw of an approaching Revenant. He tore it away, grabbing its neck and spewing an army of flames down its throat with his Shoulder Cannon. He then threw it to the ground and decapitated it with his Doomblade savagely.

He dove under a slash of a Hellborne Baron’s fireblade, grabbing its hoof and throwing it through a nearby Hell-tree. It roared in agony as the tall, electric filled tree shocked it to death. The Slayer roared in rage.

Suddenly, cutting off his path was a towering Tyrant. This was lightwork to the furious Slayer as he dodged a wave of missiles and slid up to its shins. With all the might of his tower-crushing fist he blasted the mechanical right leg of the Cyberdemon off it’s knee, before slamming another and cracking away it's right leg.

Blood fountained from a horribly torn artery as the Slayer landed a final punch into the Tyrant’s pig-like face, knocking it several hundred feet away from the man. Its spine was broken, jutting into the corroded artery and slicing it. The blood fountain of the Super Heavy Demon was slaughtered as the Slayer looked at his shaking fist.

They slowly stilled, the hyper-lethal hands unfurling into gun-ready gauntlets. He steadied his breath as he felt the more furious breaths leave himself. He brought out his glorious Quad-Barrel, continuing down the woodland path. The dark blue and sickly green leaves and grass of the forest remained eerily still as his bloody boots left a legion’s worth of footprints behind him.

Far ahead, above the trees he could see a tall tower of demonic red energy shooting into the sky, going into the swirling clouds. That had to be the well. He swiftly spun behind him, bisecting a sneaky Prowler with a quadruple blast of shells. Predicting their teleports was like muscle-memory to him. Easier than pie when he wasn’t focused on twenty thousand other demons.

“That must be the source of the wells. Locate them and find some way to destroy it.” Luna explained.

Finding a way to destroy things was the Slayer’s specialty. He jammed half his barrels with new ammo, before loading the next pair and clicking the shotgun shut.

His grieving for his magnificent weapon was interrupted by a huge stomp behind him. The Slayer spun, readying Lucifer’s Bane. A demon, recovering from his landing, rose from a valiant knee.

It had the body shape resembling a Sentinel, however it was armored in devilish steel. He wore a dark underarmour beneath the maroon and burgundy metal commonly seen across the Dread Legion. It completely covered the entirety of his body. The underarmor of his limbs were composed of strong chainmail, revealing bits of rotting flesh beneath. His helmet had three horns, two curving four inches up and a middle when standing straight high.

The trio of horns descended into a brow-shape of the helmet, a curved eye-slit in the shape of a wide, tempered glare that glowed with fiery orange. Covering his mouth and nose was a face covering shaped like a demonic scowl. Topping the threatening look off was the sash of tiny skulls attached to his waist-belt and the large demonic skulls on each shoulder pad.

The feature that most caught the Slayer’s attention was his enemy’s weaponry. A duo of a unique weapon he had not seen before. Two hell-revolvers. The handles were slanted with carved designs of ancient runes and demonic forms. Triggers the length of fingers followed the handle’s curve before going up into the similarly engraved receiver.

The barrels extended into the shape of serpents tattooed with satanic runes. To top the gnarly weapons’ appearances off, the iron sights were made purely of the horns of slain demons. Hellfire flagged and waved from the tip of the barrel, ready to be blasted along with the firearm’s hot lead.

The Doom Slayer could notice the sight of a good gun, nodding a small bit in appreciation of the well-maintained side-pieces. He took further note of a sash of what looked to be vials, filled with some substance he believed to be of demonic origin.

“The Corpse Forest isn’t big enough for the two of us, Slayer.” the stoic Marauder stated, pointing his dual revolvers at him. His voice was gravely, like the trickle of whiskey down a hill.

The Slayer turned his head to see a crackling pool of orange appearing several feet behind him. An Archvile rose from the ground, hands raised in an electric spell. The demon appeared to be shaped like a standard Archvile, but its coloring seemed to be adapted from the Corpse Forest. With dark blue, chitinous flesh and red electricity dancing between its long fingers and eyes. Once he was fully in this plane, he lowered his huge hands to growl at the demon killer.

The Marauder snickered. “Or should I say three of us?” it shot the first duo of bullets at the Slayer’s head, cocking the hammer of the weapons.

The Slayer immediately dashed out of the way of the blasts, another wave coming by as he sprinted to the Archvile. He grabbed his Sentinel Hammer, leaping to the air and slamming it to the ground near the tall demon.

The stunned beast groaned as the Slayer sliced the leg of the vile beast. He let it drop to the floor before pumping the quad of shells into its face. He successfully killed it before it could summon or buff any fellow demonkin.

Before he could gaze back at the Marauder, his vision exploded in a flash of white. The Slayer’s ears rang heavily, his perception reduced to a useless amount. He began seeing double as the white faded. He felt a huge smack to the face, the Slayer being pistol-whipped before his helmet managed to block a close-quarters hell-shot. His armor dissipated swiftly.

Thankfully, before the demon could fire his other revolver, the Doom Slayer’s Shoulder Cannon picked up on the situation and shot an Ice Bomb. The shards surrounded the firearm oriented Marauder, the demon not completely frozen yet still stunned and slowed by the crystals he tried desperately to remove.

The Slayer used this opportunity to bring out his Combat Shotgun to get a multitude of shotgun blasts in. Chuk-chuk-chuk-chuk-chuk. The barrels rotated and shot hot lead into the armored Marauder’s face. It advanced slowly, shivering and shaking and tearing away ice from his form. His armor seemed to be resistant to the effects of the Ice Bomb.

An idea crossed his mind. If he was resistant against the Ice Bomb, how would he fair against the Flame Belch? The Slayer thought quickly as he witnessed the demon remove another orange vial from the sash on his chest.

He dashed back several meters, ears ringing at the sight of a much less intense, but certainly noticeable explosion of brightness. The demon attempted another shot from his revolver, which clinked against the Slayer’s armor with a graze.

Assuming the Doom Slayer had been stunned, the Marauder arrived closer to blast a cap into his knee. The Slayer grasped his gun’s firey barrel, lifting his barrel up before legioning a bout of flame into his face.

The demon roared in agony, the Slayer grabbing his neck and forcing him into the ground. The Doom Slayer stashed away his Combat Shotgun, readying a brutal fist to punch the helmet in.

His attempt was thwarted by a blast into his face from the Marauder’s other handcannon. “AGH!” The Doom Slayer stumbled back, eye clenched shut. A giant hole was cracked into his helmet’s visor.

The Marauder coughed a tad as the Slayer viewed him through his singular eye. It raised a gun to the Slayer, shooting before he dashed out of the way of the bullet. He quickly swapped to his Rocket Launcher, locking a group of missiles onto the demon before launching them away.

They collided with the Marauder, explosions surrounding the demon before the next group he sent continued the legion of detonations. Another merciless round passed before the Marauder finally dashed away from the attacks, seeking safety behind a tree.

"You thought it would be that easy to slay an Archvile?" a fiery cackle echoed in his mind. He quickly swapped to Lucifer’s Bane at the sound of the voice.

Before he could spin around and blast the two pounds of hot lead into the shins of the demon behind him, he felt the three fingers wrap around his torso and neck. The Slayer shook furiously at the pure shocking pain as his suit systems were overflowed with the energy. He unsheathed his Doomblade swinging wildly behind him in hopes of breaking free.

With a meaty slice, the Doom Slayer felt himself reach the ground once more. He picked up his Super Shotgun and stood up to face the Archvile. Before he could turn to face the electric demon, his view was met with a rushing Marauder. It was a second one, different from the revolver wielding monster.

Its armor was an off-white, blood staining it in multiple locations. The design of his uniform was more reminiscent of the crusader faction of armor among the Sentinel ranks, with a rectangular helmet, blocky armor and a single red glowing eye slit on his face. He charged the Slayer with a bright red energetic spear readied, slit flashing bright green.

Rather than meeting the steel of its enemy’s armor, he met the wall of lead blowing through his armor. It staggered back as the Doom Slayer exploded a grenade in its face, scratching its helmet. A Ballista blast tore through the plating on his chest before a Precision Bolt shot a shoulder pad off the demon's arm.

The Doom Slayer attempted to fit in another attack for the combo, only for it to be blocked by the tip of his foe’s energy spear. He heard a monstrous roar from above, spotting a demonic dragon swoop downward, flapping near the retreating Marauder. It leaped onto the back of the beast, guiding it to fly above the trees to rest.

He clutched his stomach, a long strike melted through his multi-layered plating. Sparks crackled around the torn armor. His eye was still gone and his health showed below 50 on his HUD with no armor to speak of. He glanced at his two foes, the Marauder still hiding behind the tree and the Archvile wailing at the loss of his hand. Electrified blood poured from the missing limb.

"I recommend finding a source of health, Great Slayer." Luna advised.

The Slayer, thinking quickly, gazed upward to the numerous branches of the Corpse Forest. Stuck onto the splintered wood, and still living were about a dozen Unwillings on one batch of arms. He double-jumped to the bark, climbing with the Doomblade aiding as a sort of ice pick.

It took a solid thirty seconds of booster assisted climbing before he reached the top of the unnaturally tall tree. He landed on the wide limbs, the sound of groans from the zombified ponies echoing through the woods. He rushed to the closest one on the tree-limb. It was a white stallion unicorn with a stringy batch of blue hair and a strong build. It was impaled with a huge wood branch spike driving through its torso.

He grabbed the former-pony’s head, tearing it away with relative ease. His health climbed to 78. The Slayer rushed to a pair of other ponies, too dead-looking and grayed out to decipher their appearance beyond a husk. He lit the two demons ablaze with his Flame Belch, before chopping away the head of one pony and cracking away the head of the other one.

It ticked to 94, then 115. His armor crawled up gently to a nice 46. He glared at the next arm, taking a mighty leap and landing onto it. It shook violently with his weight as he slaughtered each pony impaled there brutally. As he did, he began feeling his vision restore, the eye he lost reforming into its socket.

The Slayer breathed softly once his health returned, resting at a nice 200 with 77 armor to spare. While he stood on the branch, he loaded the next batch of shells into his Super Shotgun, readying himself for the next portion of battle.

RRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the Slayer turned to the demonic dragon, the once-Sentinel riding on its back with the long energy spear in hand. It was lifted in a reverse grip to be launched at the enemy.

He glared, lifting his Super Shotgun and firing away the wall of lead. The demonic dragon tanked most of it, in reply the Sentinel-rider launched a furious spear-throw at the branch he was standing upon.

The Slayer stared at the energy-weapon that was embedded into the base of the giant tree-arm. Suddenly, the giant branch shifted, the Slayer stumbling a little before he began tumbling down with the broken wood.

His mind rushed as to what he could do. Glancing downward, he spotted a section of the woods absolutely consumed by demonic electricity. An idea suddenly crossed his mind. He extracted the quad-barrel attachment on his Super Shotgun, slamming on the standard double barrel with the Meathook below it.

The Doom Slayer aimed it upwards, launching the weapon’s sharp prongs into the demonic beast above. He felt the air rushing past him halt for a moment as the Meathook stopped his fall, before it rapidly reeled the demon killer upwards towards the dragon.

The dragon was roaring furiously, trying to tear the charring hook from its chest. The only thing that removed it was the Slayer, as it retracted quickly back under the barrel of the Super Shotgun. He was flung a couple meters above the dragon and Marauder-like demon. It stood atop the beast, commanding it where to go while being attached to it by a very long harness.

It stared up at him before the Slayer landed on the back of the dragon, lifting his Super Shotgun’s barrel to him. The Lancer blocked the shot quickly with his large spearhead, The Slayer reloading as the demon charged with the weapon.

The Doom Slayer dodged the strike, demonic energy whizzing past him as he blasted the lead into the side of the demon. It staggered, the Slayer unhooking his Meathook and gripping its prongs tightly.

He ran up behind the Lancer, wrapping the chains around his neck and pulling tightly. The demon was strangled brutally, gripping and grabbing for the chains. Everytime it could grab it, the Slayer leaned left or right to shift the positions of them vastly, making its grip inadequate.

“AGH! HUH! GHACK!” It struggled, getting a decent grasp of the chains and tearing them away for a moment to exclaim something. “S-STOP!”

A wicked, horrifying grin cracked across the Slayer’s battle-hardened face as he saw life drain from the movements of the demon. Luna swore she could hear the crazed mutterings of approval at the sight of the dying Lancer.

Before the Lancer blinked his last gaze, the Slayer felt gravity shift on the dragon. He felt himself fall from it, still remaining attached by the Meathook wrapped around the throat of the harnessed Lancer. He moved his head up, seeing the ground and spotting that electric Archvile alongside the gun-Marauder. The two were watching the fight. The Marauder had swirling electricity around him, buffed by the arch-demon beside him.

He quickly re-antiquated his chain positioning, keeping it around the neck of the demon. Its dragon roared in worry as its master was slowly fading on its back. Once more it spun right-ways up, flinging the Slayer across its back with his Meathook retracting under the barrel of his Super Shotgun.

The Lancer struggled near the tail-end of his beast, gasping for air desperately as he clenched his neck. The Doom Slayer prepared his charge at the head-end of the beast. He attempted a rushing step forward, only for his foot to never reach the ground. The Slayer looked at his boots, seeing the first stride mid-air still.

The Lancer’s dragon was gripping the Slayer in its jaws, rearing its head for a moment before launching him off its back. The Slayer quickly spun to fire his Meathook, the prongs stopping short from the dragon. He felt himself go into freefall, several dozen meters above.

He looked down at the ground he was rapidly approaching. Down at the forest floor stood the electric Archvile as well as the gun-wielding Marauder. He holstered his Super Shotgun, preparing one of his fists.

The Slayer crashed into the ground, crushing one of his gauntlets through the gun-Marauder. His arm was stuck in the torso of the demon, blood surrounding it. The Marauder was killed on the impact of the near ton man falling from so high up. The Doom Slayer lifted the monster to face the electric Archvile.

The Marauder’s back shielded the Slayer from a legion of assaulting electricity from the hands of the Archvile. As it attempted to shock him, he removed one of the demonic revolvers. He cocked the hammer, blasting a fiery shot through the knee of the tall demon.

He chambered another bullet, aiming the next shot at the collapsing demon's face. Once it was on the ground, bleeding its electric blood, he tore his metal boot through the large demon's head. The caved in head of the beast let out one little spark before finally ceasing back to normal liquid.

The Slayer grabbed the corpse of the demon still stuck on his fist. Meaty tears echoed through the woods. With a grunt, he finally tore the heavily armored gunslinger off of his arm. He leaned down, picking up the other revolver off the demon's dead body. He inspected the Dual Hell Revolvers. Hellvolvers.

He unlocked the chamber of the weapons, flicking the cartridge out to review the ammo. They were rather large pistol bullets, most likely propelled by the souls of the damned.

"RRAAAAAAAAH!" The roar of the demonic beast bounced from the tall arms of the Corpse Forest. The Slayer glared at the Lancer, before lifting both Hellvolvers and beginning to propel a volley of burning rounds.

The demonic knight riding the back of it lifted a long energy javelin, launching a spear at the Slayer. He dashed out of the way of the weapon, seeing it stick to the ground before combusting into a huge explosion of lethal electricity. The Slayer lifted a gun to shield himself from the blast, continuing to fire with the other Revolver.

The Hell-beast blasted a wall of flame in front of him as it passed, the Slayer dashing back before equipping and aiming his Super Shotgun in the direction of the dragon. He fired his Meathook, slicing and holding into the side of the Lancer’s steed. The Doom Slayer propelled after the demon.

Once he arrived close enough, he yanked his Shotgun to leap over and onto the back of the beast again. He set a Hellvolver into his inventory, aiming the remaining one and his Super Shotgun at the Lancer. Before the Night Sentinel could turn to confront him, a powerful Super Shotgun blast ripped into his armor, another shot from the Hellvolver joined it.

The Lancer missed a shot from a thrown javelin, the Slayer swapping away his Super Shotgun for Hellbreaker. He brutally slammed the Hammer into the head of the Lancer, the helmet flying away and leading the demon’s body headless. The Slayer kicked the demon off the back of the dragon, watching it fall down to the forest floor with its head.

The Doom Slayer unignited Hellbreaker, sliding the long hilt of the weapon back into his backplate lock. He holstered the Hellvolver on his left hand on his left hip plate, grabbing the reins of the Hell beast.

Out of fear, the dragon obeyed the Slayer’s guidance. He commanded the monster to fly far towards the energy beam that extended into the cloudy sky. Wind tore past his blood-covered armor as the dragon batted its wings, taking a swift flight to journey far to the beam.


The Slayer looked off the edge of the dragon’s back, spotting the Gore Nest that sourced the Argent energy being sent to Equestria. Patrolling it were several demons. From here he could spot a Baron, two Mancubi and what looked to be a few Revenants. The Slayer cracked his knuckles, removing the Shotgun and Hellvolver from his sides.

He leapt off the dragon, landing his boots into a Revenant. He blasted a hole straight through the head of the demon with his Hellvolver, the Slayer spinning to launch a Super Shotgun shot into the Mancubus before Blood Punching one of its cannon arms off.

It roared in pain while the Slayer unlatched the chamber of his Super Shotgun, setting it near his hip to let his inventory reload while he shot another Hellvolver shot to the face of a Revenant that was attempting to launch a legion of lock on rockets.

It made the demon stagger as he shot another Shotgun blast into the face of the Mancubus. The huge beast lowered its weapons, stunned. The Slayer holstered both guns, grabbing the huge cannon on the arm of the Mancubus and contorting its aim up to the beast's head. It charged with a glorious shot before blasting its owner's head off.

Blood covered the visor of the Doom Slayer. Once the glory kill was completed on the Mancubus, he turned to finish off the Revenant he had staggered earlier. He leg sweeped the bony limb of the demon, digging his giant gauntlet down the throat of the beast. He gripped its tongue, tearing it up and out of the Revenant’s mouth.

He lifted it high, for all to see before crushing it with his hand, even more crimson dousing the gauntlets. Once the Revenant was done for he jammed a pair of shells into the chamber of his Super Shotgun before turning right around at the sound of a Baron approaching.

The Slayer lifted his unsheathed Doomblade, blocking the swipe of the Fireborne Baron’s blade. He pointed the dual barrels at its knee, shooting the bone out before swapping away to his Ballista and cracking a double energy blast into its torso. His Doomblade SChk’d back into its wrist-sheath so he could better continue the combo.

The beast staggered back, a Grenade stunning it again before a Blood Punch joined the string of faltering attacks. The Slayer dashed away to be safe from any retaliation, equipping Paingiver and locking on a trinity of rockets. They bursted and blasted through its natural chitin armor, before another set of explosions joined the first.

It roared agonizingly through every attack, blood and broken chitin flying everywhere before the Slayer finally tackled the beast to the ground. He packed away his Rocket Launcher, laying down an absurd beatdown on the beast. Lava-blood practically caked his armor with each hit, every merciless punch echoing gruesome smashes that interrupted the horrified screams of the Baron.

The Slayer growled viciously, seeing the beast fail to yield from life. Growing impatient, he drove both his hands sideways into the neck of the monster. He roared in effort as he tore the head off the demon. He let out a gravely huff, picking the head up by its horn. He stood up, presenting it to the empty clearing.

No other demons opposed him. With a long breath, he dropped the head of the Baron, equipping his Super Shotgun from off his hip and loading a new pair of shells. His feet rumbled the floor as he climbed up the stairs to the Gore Nest, the Hell energy towering far above him into a portal that led to Equestria.

“We must be swift, Slayer. The demons must be routing forces to your location.” Luna informed him.

He went up to the mass of pony-sourced gore, gripping his Shotgun’s handguard with his left and rearing his right fist back into a punch. The Slayer tore into the fleshy heart of the writhing mass.

His hand plunged deep, tearing out the heart with a fountain of blood. The spire flickered repeatedly, before dying out when the demonic screeches deafened the area. The mound of guts exploded after a moment or two, the Slayer returning his iconic gun back to its familiar position in both hands.

“That should make the demon’s access to reinforcements more difficult. Great work, Slayer.” Luna spoke thankfully.

As he stood in front of the remains of the gore nest, he heard tons of portals open behind him. He took a couple steps to turn, seeing the absolute legion begin entering. A huge Titan tore through a giant red vortex, thousands of heavy demons and fodder coming along with it. The amount that presented themselves was nearly uncountable.

He growled, lifting his Super Shotgun. The only way out was through.

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