• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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An Old Ally

“By Davoth, Incendium. You go off to confront the Doom Slayer himself, and now you are running some kind errand for no reason?” Kronos’ red hologram spoke, refracting from the wrist of the Archvile’s gauntlet.

Incendium was surrounded by a powerful squadron of demons. A behemoth Cyberdemon marched right to the armored Archvile. To the left valiantly strode a possessed Baron, standard with red flesh and glowing green eyes. Sitting on the back of that demon were several Imps, Gargoyles, pony Unwillings and two Maegi.

The Tyrant was similarly equipped with a multitude of riding demons. Most of which were Immoran Troopers taking a seat on the shoulders of it counting up to seven. Around its legs and arms coiled four Whiplashes, all of which were imbued with swirling Spirit energies.

On top of this roaring arena, were the several dozen reserves awaiting summoning from the spells of the Archvile. Incendium began rumbling from his silver skull-faced mask. “Like I said before, Kronos. We are a partnership.”

The Marauder rolled his glowing eyes. “Yes, this is what I am saying. How are we partners when we are working on completely different goals.” he replied. “And how come I must be on pony watching duty while you go do… whatever you are doing.”

The squadron of monsters were marching down a long legion of stairs that extended down into a sickly green and brown valley. It was an excruciatingly dry environment, reminiscent of a savannah. Multiple exotic stones jutted up into strange shapes with nearby oak and moss trees.

His eyes were set on the large metallic doors of their destination embedded into the rockface, an ancient sigil of locking placed on it. Incendium was thankful for the nearby slipgate point.

“We work towards the same goal, however we need to divide our efforts,” he began. “It is like I said, my focus is on the Slayer. Yours, the Elements. If the Slayer remains, then the Dark Lord only knows what he could do to halt the Dread Legion.” the Archvile looked at the fellow demons that surrounded him.

Kronos shook his head. “And what exactly does this Tartarus place have to do with stopping the Slayer?”

“Hm, well Kronos.” he said, metal boots and demonic stomps rumbling across the steps. Any form of wildlife that could run immediately evacuated as they passed. Legions of birds and squirrels, not even the disgusting flies would make their presence near these wretched beasts. “Have you ever heard of King Vorak?”

The hologram nodded. “Old ruler of the Evokan Plains? He was slain eons ago by the Doom Slayer, massacred with the rest of his kingdom.”

“Yes.” Incendium replied, reaching the bottom of the stair steps. The gates to Tartarus were a couple meters out. “He had a son, you know, a powerful caster such as I.”

“Tirek?” Kronos realized. “But I thought he and his brother had disappeared for years. Unless…”

“Not commonly known throughout Hell, Tirek traveled with his brother, Scorpan into Equestria.” the Archvile explained. “They defied the demands of Davoth to hold onto the world until the time came. They invaded early and failed. Tirek was captured and sent here.”

The Marauder scoffed. “And how would a pitiful demonic noble that can’t even handle these ponies be capable of withstanding the Doom Slayer himself?”

“You underestimate our equine foes,” he pointed out. “When coordinated and united, they are quite a threat.” the demon set two large feet in front of the doors, looking it up and down. Tons of bright red swirling lines and sigils marked the dark metal, a section at the bottom dedicated to whatever device was designed to open the door.

“He managed to battle them far under full power and nearly come out on top.” He lifted a giant hand at the gates, letting his fiery magic engulf it.

“I suppose another ally could not hurt. Keep him in check, Incendium. He could be reckless or worse, disloyal.” Kronos warned. He looked outside the range of the hologram at the sound of a demonic voice speaking. “I must go. Stay safe, brother.”

Incendium nodded. “You as well.” he replied before the feed was cut away. The demon turned, hands folded behind his back while looking at his squadron. He particularly gazed toward the Immoran Troopers riding on the shoulders of the Tyrant.

“The beasts here are highly dangerous. Beings capable of turning you to stone with a glance.” his burning stare singed into the souls of the simple human-like demons. “We need a volunteer to enter and scout our immediate entry point.”

The Troopers all immediately glared at John. John sat at the edge of the Tyrant’s left shoulder, napping with his Reaper gun resting on his lap with obnoxious snores. Everyone hated John. No one liked John.

The nearest Trooper grabbed his shoulder pad, tossing him off of the tall beast. “AH!” John exclaimed as he landed, grunting in pain as he rose to his feet. He lifted his Hell-Pike, pointing it at the opened door.

“John.” the powerful demon spoke down to the man. “Connect your helmet’s feed to my HUD.” he offered a hand.

John tapped it’s hand lightly, a zap of red electricity being shared between the gauntlets before a camera of his view appeared small at the top right of Incendium’s HUD. “Are you connected?” the Trooper asked.

Incendium nodded his large, alien-like head before the Immoran turned and marched shakingly towards the door. He entered the giant prison. It was rather bright, large and giant with tons of hills containing individual cages of monsters. Jagged cliffs dotted around which held several captive beasts.

Every cliff had a rocky path towards it and a magical light meant for containing the cage. Different, strange creatures resided in the prisons. A weird combination of a bee and a bear, a combined goat and tiger with the head of each and a couple of manticores.

John looked over at a cage that contained a hybrid chicken and dragon. The head and legs of a chicken but the torso and wings of scaley wyvern. “Hey, look at this little guy.” John lowered his staff, taking a knee in front of the imprisoned cockatrice and lifting a hand to it.

“I wouldn’t recommend that, Trooper.” Incendium cleared his throat as the gauntlet reached for the bars.

“Why?” John replied, looking out the doors to his squad.

The Archvile looked in disappointment. “We are not sure what it could do.”

The demon-following man shrugged. “Eh, to heaven with it.” He reached his hand in, the protective magical barrier surrounding the cage breaking and giving in to the armored glove. It began getting consumed by stone, the human’s eyes widening in terror. “AH!”

John turned, tearing his hand out from the cage and began shaking it. He dropped his Hell Pike, beginning to punch his rapidly stone-ifying hand. It cracked slightly as he tried to break free from it while it crawled up his arm.

The group of Immorans on the Tyrants shoulder were in hysterics at their squadmate’s peril. “AH! AHAH! AH! HELP ME!” he was running around like a maniac.

Finally, with a cracking hook, the stone fell away. He flexed his fingers, sighing in relief. “Thank Davo-”

John immediately got plowed by a towering, three headed beast. Armor snapped and cracked as he screamed in pain.

His shouts ended fast, the beast cracking open his metallic suit like a lobster and demolishing the fleshy interior. His squadmates were still cackling, harder now. Living in Hell your entire life didn’t teach the finest of morals.

Incendium groaned, shaking his head before turning to the Tyrant. He glared at the four Possessed Whiplashes. “Attack.” he commanded.

The snake-like monsters slithered off the limbs of the Cyberdemon, snaking off towards the door. Their bodies stealthed across the ground stealthily and quickly with blue Spirit energy trailing behind. The three snuck up on the over-sized dog, the tri-headed beast hardly noticing over the sound of cracking armor and bone.

It barked in alarm, feeling the beasts climb up it as the demons unlatched their chain-whips and pulled it around the monster’s necks before it could react any further. It began barking and shrieking, choking on the sharp chains the demons corded around the throats of the beast.

The fourth and final Whiplash stopped in front of the monster, throwing the bladed ends of her chains straight at the throats of the dog, blood spewing out as they were removed. With extremely lethal swiftness, Cerberus’ life drained with numerous whimpers and gallons of blood pouring from his neck.

The slaying of the hound was quick and relatively clean, considering the more brutal deaths bestowed by the Dread Legion. The Spirits that possessed the demons made them way faster than any amount they could muster without them.

It collapsed to the ground with a final roar, Tartarus rumbling with the force of the giant dog. The squad of Whiplashes unlatched from the beast, slithering back. The Archvile, Tyrant, Baron and the dozen other riding demons joined by their sides.

“Where to now, boss?” A Trooper queried as the Archvile gandered across the cliffy landscape of the ginormous prison. The entire mountain must have been hollowed out to make room here.

At one of the tall cliffs, with ridges surrounding the edges and a rocky path leading to it, sat a giant cage which held a familiar form to the Archvile. He started towards the path, placing his hands behind his back as his fiery footsteps crackled through the echoey prison.

Flame lapped behind his footsteps while the other infernal beasts followed up the ancient stairs to the plateau. The long slope felt as if it took ages to embark over, until finally, the arch-demon stopped at the top.

The Baron adorning fodder on its shoulder flanked the Archvile, the Whiplash wearing and Trooper-carrying Cyberdemon joined near the pink goat-like demon as well. They all stared down at the sight within the cage, black bars sealing it in and a magical spell circling around it, meant to cancel any attempts at magic.

A centaur demon laid within the ginormous cage. Its horse-half was covered in dark, aging fur while his humanoid top half was colored a faded red with a weak form and even thinner arms. Two pathetic horns extruded through his head. He slowly turned, beginning to speak. “I understand you ponies wish to mock me, but I will not comply. I have no interest in fr-” his eyes froze at the sight of the demonic group before him.

“D-Demons?” the centaur looked around. Relief overwhelmed him, but fear slowly trickled down. “Wait. Don’t tell me you are here to punish me. I-I didn’t know Equestria was a forbidden realm at fi-”

“That is of no matter now, Tirek.” Incendium’s infernal voice growled. “Our invasion has already commenced.”

His eyes lit with recognition at the sight of the significantly tall Archvile. “Incendium? Is that you? I-If the invasion has commenced, then that must mean…”

“Davoth has been killed at the hands of the Doom Slayer. And this is why we need you, Tirek.” he explained, his giant hands crackling with flame.

Tirek stood to his hooves slowly. “Really?” he asked, moving closer to grip his hands around the bars. “So, you have come to free me?!” his tone dripped with excitement.

The fellow arch-demon nodded his large, helmeted head. “And I believe this form you currently take wouldn’t be ideal for combat either.”

Tirek cackled. “It would not be so.”

You could hear a confident snicker come from the demon before he lifted his hands high in the air, preparing a spell. Red, demonic energy began swirling around Tirek, his size expanding. His spindly horse end grew into a large, mighty stallion three ponies tall. The demon’s torso bulked out from the previous weak form, muscles growing out and hardening to density of steel.

As his height increased, he began tearing out of the cage. His horns grew exponentially high, widening and turning in a position where they would be right beside each other at the tips, a magical sphere of magic forming between the two. His eyes burned red and orange, looking at his significantly large and strong hands with a wide smile.

He threw his arms out, tearing through the adamantium cage with minimal might. “HAHA! Just like old times, friend!” Tirek exclaimed with a booming voice, examining his more powerful form.

Incendium stepped forward, laughing along slightly. The two lifted arms, clasping each other's hands in a handshake. “It’s been too long!” the Archvile agreed, calling back to their times in the arch-realms, training in combat and Hell spells together.

The two released, Incendium turning and walking past the members of his legion. Tirek joined beside him. “Now tell me, how has Hell been without me?”

Incendium smirked behind his ghastly mask. “A little more hectic with the Slayer business. Now the Night Sentinels have a hold on Immora.”

“How in Davoth’s name did they manage a foothold there? Let alone get over the walls?” Tirek questioned.

“The Doom Slayer, of course.” He huffed, his super heavy demons trailing behind them down the stairs.

“Slayer?” Tirek tilted his horned head. “Back when I was still down there, he was just the pesky Marine.”

The Archvile scoffed. “Trust me, you are lucky to have skipped that age.”

Tirek looked down into the clearing in front of Tartarus’ entrance, Cerberus slain with blood pooling around the beast. He smirked at the sight. “Now tell me, what exactly have I been released for? I know you and your selfishness wouldn’t have gotten me out of here in the good of your heart.” he teased in a friendly fashion.

“All will be explained once we return to the Athergarrian Hunter.” the demon replied, dust falling from the ceiling of the tall prison.

The large squad of demons stepped over Cerberus’ corpse, hardly giving a glance as they rode off and out of the gates. Once they exited out into the open, the doors slowly swung shut behind them, crashing and shaking once they made contact before clicking with a rumbling lock.

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