• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,518 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Adrian's Pen

“You know how unfamiliar this technology is to me, Immoran.” Kronos rumbled through his decaying jaw.

He walked down the crimson and fleshy halls of the Hellship. The walls were curved just slightly, on occasion murals of Davoth, the Dark Lord, were inscribed and molded into them. However they were often interrupted by the interlocked flesh of the beast that carried it all. This particular hall, their creator watched down at them each step of the way. Every two meters or so both sides of the hall showcased their unholy leader.

Beside the superbly powerful Marauder stood a much shorter soldier. He appeared human by his form, a brown undersuit and plates of finely forged, smooth yet strong and warm Hell metal. Held in his hand was a tall metal handle, a small red energy spear-tip at the top. He used it as a cane as he walked with the arch-demon.

His helmet shaped around a man’s head nicely, brown vents where his mouth would be. Above that was a dark circle in the helmet, a camera used to visualize surroundings. There was a halo-like crest that surrounded the top of the armor piece, a symbol of protection. He had a steady and refined march. A gait that emphasized prestige and high caste as he moved nobily with his weapon.

His voice was deep and gravely through the helmet’s speaker. “I do not mean disrespect, sir. But I have a name.”

“And that may be?” Kronos questioned.

The Demonic Trooper looked up from his advancement at his superior. “My parents called me Matthias.”

The demon nodded, respecting the soldier. Even if the Troopers were weak, he held great respect for their intelligence and battle-strategy. Although, the Slayer does mow through them like twigs to a wood chipper. If Davoth deemed them worthy of his personal guard, then the arch-demon would treat them in such a way as well.

“I am unfamiliar with allies that utilize names. The culture of Immora has always fascinated me.” Kronos admitted.

Matthias looked forward. “So has the culture of fellow demons outside of my home’s walls,” he replied. “Even if the rest of Jekkad is mostly a wasteland of mindless monsters.”

The two halted in front of the large red door, a sign above it reading “Holding Chambers” in Jekkadean runes. The door made up the entire width and height of the hall, a large glowing symbol on a sphere-like structure in the middle of it which stated the word “Locked.” This notion was further supported by the red lights shimmering in the seams of the door.

The Demonic Trooper made his way to the switch, a metallic structure positioned near the door. It was a panel elevated from the ground, a button in the shape of the same sphere in the gate. The same “Locked” symbol was shining off of the button. There were three other runes surrounding it on the panel, forming a quadrilateral.

The Trooper placed a hand on the panel, watching the light shimmer green on the door and it quickly divide to reveal the contents behind it.

The room stretched down, pods of glowing orange lining the sides. Almost all of them were empty besides the dark orange liquid. The Trooper and Marauder marched down the room.

“And what are these devices exactly, Matthias?” Kronos set a bony hand on one of the pods, stopping his march. It felt as if the structure’s external platings were extremely heated, however there was a dividing chill at the center where the liquid resided.

Matthias stopped beside him. “They are stasis pods.” he began. “It's common throughout the bowels of Immora, where outliers and prisoners of the populations are held captive.”

The Marauder stepped away, continuing down the hall. “And they will keep our new guests cozy for their stay? Until we find the sixth, of course.” he said cozy in a joking manner.

“They are.” the trooper replied, keeping pace with his commanding officer.

“Where?” he had not seen what his lower in rank officers had done after returning to the ship, immediately going to view his Archvillian partner’s live-feed.

The stomping of the spear handle halted once more in front of a batch of pods. Five of them were occupied, floating within on either side of the room. The colorful crew he had captured all rested gently within the fluids of the capsules. Respirator masks resided on their muzzles with dozens of lines of tubing flowing from it to the back of the pod. Their manes floated through the liquid, unkempt like weeds in the ocean.

Even more mechanical veins extended from the forelegs of the ponies. Their colorful coats were discolored from the orange material, well, besides the already orange-coated one. Monitors stood in front of the pods, displaying vitals, life signs and brain activity of the equine.

Kronos walked closer to one of the monitors, the pod containing the resting orange pony. A floating stetson hovered through the pod near her head. ‘Inmate Code: AJ-415 | Inmate Name: Applejack | Vitals: Stable, Sedated | Mental Activity: Minor, NREM-3 Occurring.’ Beneath these statuses showcased heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature and much more information.

“NREM-3?” Kronos questioned.

The Trooper nodded. “The deepest form of sleep.”

Kronos glanced at him with an understanding look in his orange eyes before back at the accessory the earth pony was acquainted with. “Who provided this equine with her silly hat?” there was an air of annoyance in his question.

“An Imp.” the demonic soldier informed. “We had this hat she called her ‘stetson’ removed before injecting her within the capsule.” he sighed, shaking his head at his fellow demon’s incompetence. “She had begun shouting and yelling for it. The pony sounded rather miserable without it. The Imp took pity, and after she was sealed, it snuck in and returned the bit of fashion.”

He huffed, going to the next prisoner. “I want top security in this division, make sure nothing like that occurs again.” Kronos demanded. “This Imp’s intentions could have been more detrimental than simply returning a piece of cloth.”

In the neighboring pod resided the pink one, hair heavy and low within the liquids of the capsule. ‘Inmate Code: PP-217 | Inmate Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie | Vitals: Stable, Sedated (WARNING: SEDATION REQUIREMENTS BEYOND AVERAGE CAPACITY OF STASIS POD) | Mental Activity: REM-Sleep Occuring | Dream Imagery Available.’ a button stood below the words that read ‘View’ in a virtual demonic rune.

Kronos lifted a finger to the warning. “I do not believe this is common.”

“Lift your foot, sir.” he nodded downward to the floor

The demon looked down to see his large boot compressing down on a piece of piping that led and connected to the pink mare’s pod. He lifted his foot away, seeing it attached to an empty pod on the other side of the room, the source of the further sleep-inducers.

Matthias returned his gaze to the resting equine. “She requires a remarkable amount of sedation to be kept at rest. How she manages to facilitate dreams through all the narcotics amazes me.”

“Peculiar,” he commented, the warning sign on the monitor disappearing. “And this dream imagery, what is it?”

“It allows you to view the dreams being facilitated by the equine. Here, let me show you.” he tapped the button on the screen.

A video feed of Pinkie Pie joyfully bounding across magical fields, plants and trees made of sweets surrounding her. Cotton candy dotted the sky and the sun glowed like a lemon drop. It was some of the most girly stuff the arch-demon had seen in his entire life.

“Turn it off.” Kronos demanded in disgust, the Trooper complying and tapping an x-button at the top right of the feed.

The demon looked over at the next pod, where a light yellow pegasus rested. He glanced at her wings. “Hm, the orange and pink ones must be inferior subspecies.”

Matthias nodded. “Yes, so we believe. Although, when the equine of the wingless and hornless variety are exposed to argent, they produce interesting results.”

Kronos moved over in front of the pegasus, still listening. “I know very little of Incendium’s experiments.”

“Well they are making great progress. The Maegi has provided effective support against the Slayer. The look under his visor when his guns are jammed is rather entertaining.” the Trooper had minimal experience in battle against the Doom Slayer.

“His fists may be powerful, however his weapons keep him in the safety of range.” Kronos explained. “He is not invulnerable when enduring melee.”

Matthias nodded. “Precisely. On top of that, an even more exotic mutation has formed. The Troopers have been calling them Hell Paladins.” he recalled the off-putting stature of such a demon. “These wingless and hornless equine morph and contort into a bipedal, muscular form comparable to our Hell Knights. However they commonly roam in much larger packs with much closer bonds.”

“And what of the pegasi?” he queried.

“Tengu. Named after a long dead race of demon.” the demonic soldier began. “Primarily seen from pegasi who know flying like no one else. It is a simple evolution of the Unwilling, flying mindlessly through the air. Not too effective against the Slayer, for he has hardly noticed them yet.”

Kronos nodded, reading the monitor of the third pony. ‘Inmate Code: FS-989 | Inmate Name: Fluttershy | Vitals: Stable, Sedated | Mental Activity: Extreme REM-Sleep Occuring (Unusual Amounts for Sedation Level) | Dream Imagery Available.’ he gave an intrigued look at the monitor.

“What appears to be the issue, sir?” Matthias queried, reading the screen. “That is strange.” he commented.

Kronos tapped the view rune, preparing to witness another girly dream.


Fluttershy laughed as the draconequus somehow poured the tea. The teapot was held upside down in the eagle talon, no tea pouring out before it was tilted right-side up to release the hot drink. The water flowed toward the ceiling before flowing downward and into the porcelain cup.

The two sat at a table happily on the ceiling of Discord’s house, other furniture joining at the top as well. It was an entertaining sight to see for the pegasus. “I’m glad you let me over for lunch today, Discord.” she grabbed a tea cup with a hoof, lifting the drink to her lips and sipping.

The mis-matched chaos being nodded. “It's no problem, Fluttershy.” he sipped his tea. "It's always a joy to have you over!"

She lowered her cup. "Thank you. It was a really slow day at my cottage." Fluttershy pondered for a moment. "I think that would be a good thing though. That means not a lot of animals are sick or hurt."

"How could they be when they have such a good pony-pal as you?" Discord slurped from his drink.

The pegasus blushed from the compliment. "Th-thank you…"

Discord knew all this was to Fluttershy was a dream, but he was glad he could be there for her. Even if she was captured by his former colleagues. Just a little peace for his friend would at least help her a tad, right?

A ding suddenly rang through the room, Discord’s head perking up. "Oh!" he jumped out of his seat, going towards the kitchen. "The strawberry bread is done baking!" the draconequus lifted his hands in excited, balled up claws. "I'll be right back."

Fluttershy simply nodded, drinking tea as her friend headed into the kitchen.

Discord’s tall frame walked over to the oven, the usually bipedal creature reaching the ground with his arms to place himself closer in height with the oven. He grabbed a mitt off the bar, slipping it over his lion paw.

He clutched his eagle talon around the oven handle and pulled it down, revealing the beautifully baked bread. He slid the tray of four loaves out, placing it on the top of the stove.

The draconequus smiled at the result of the baking, standing to his back two feet before turning and heading to the fridge. Mid-step he stood completely frozen. A scorching chill wriggled through his lengthy spine. His claws stretched out in surprise. He slowly craned his long-necked head at a nearby window, feeling a pair of evil eyes glaring into him. He knew that feeling, anyone could have.

It was that glare that constantly followed him so long ago at a missed opportunity of torture. It was the guilt he felt when his old friends cheered him on in his commanding role. The fear that consumed him when he did not follow a brutal order

The stare felt familiar and fear striking, yet he could not see the source. The window was empty. He spun his head to look at the rest of the windows, curious furthermore at what could be spying on him through this conjured dream.

Discord took a moment to realize the most likely occurrence. Doubt quickly flooded her mind. “N-No not here. Please not here!” he whispered to himself, panic flooding him.

He should have considered the consequences of so sneakily visiting Fluttershy! The demons were brutish, but far from simple! But he could not just cut the dream so short. He peaked his long neck to the living room, spying on his friend a moment before slipping back.

As Discord pondered his course of action, the stress and shakiness of his hands caused them to lose grip on the tray, the metal clanging to the floor and spreading the strawberry bread all across the floor. His eyes widened in surprise, his shakiness increasing as the sweet voice of his best friend spoke up.

He clenched his talon, wondering what to say, imagining what the demons would do now they found her dreams, what they’d do to him. His mind filled with stress like water to a bathtub before with a final, quick thought, he snapped his fingers.


‘| Mental Activity: NREM-1 Sleep Occuring | Dreamless |’ The monitor read now. Kronos smiled down wickedly at the screen as the dream ended, knowing exactly who he had discovered. “The Wretch.”

Matthias tapped a button on the side, a panel at the top left of the screen showing ‘Dream Imagery Data saved.’ “Do you wish for me to record any further dreams?” he asked.

Kronos nodded. “It seems we have found our key to our longest and most cowardly enemy. I do not think the resurrection of Davoth will be our only victory here.” he smiled, placing his hands behind his back as he walked away.

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