• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,518 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Rainbow Dash bursted through the Everfree forest, dodging several spiky bushes and long branches. She moved as fast as she could away from Ponyville with sweat staining and slightly darkening her brightly colored coat. The saddlebag on her back hung heavy, its weight tearing away from her as she flew so quickly.

Her heart beated at an exhilarating pace from her encounter in Ponyville. She had just managed to scrounge together what she needed but narrowly met her end thanks to one of those demons. A Prowler, so the Soul Cube referred to it as.

Her long ears rang loudly from the numerous screeches, explosions and gunfire she heard throughout the town. Rainbow Dash hadn’t understood the source of the explosions until she truly saw that robot android thingy do battle with the monsters. Its devices tore through hundreds with ear-splitting bangs.

She wasn’t sure what that big iron-clad beast was, but Rainbow couldn’t help but thank Celestia that it wasn’t after her. She had to admit, it did look rather cool. The design of the armor and that robot’s strong physique. At least what she guessed was a robot. The pony had never seen anything like it.

The way it stabbed out that thing’s eyes so brutally and continued fighting more of them with that laser hammer, she could only really describe it as awesome! And terrifying. It seemed like the alien didn’t particularly like the demons judging by how savagely he battled them.

The glimmer of blue peeped through the branches. The rainbow-mane mare slowed down a little, glancing back to see the lack of threats following after her. She landed on her hooves, taking a long draw of the air. It felt more stained than usual. Not clear and clean like the usual air produced from her home.

“I don’t know how I made it out of there!” she walked the rest of the way to the shield tiredly.

As she did, she investigated the contents of her saddlebag. Most of it was food and water, but some were portions of this party Pinkie was planning. Food and water wasn’t exactly a priority inside the barrier. The ponies could graze off the grass that grew around the castle and live off the fountain water within. Issue was, none of that exactly tasted appealing.

Grass had an absurdly earthy texture to it and it always left the mouth dry and arid. The water was passable in the castle but it still tasted of dirt and occasionally left a pony with a stomach ache.

“Thank Celestia…” she muttered, taking a notepad out and reading through. She had gotten a lot for Pinkie. Balloons, banners, markers, tape, scissors. A lot of party-setup stuff.

Rainbow Dash walked through the protective dome, shivering at the strange feeling that crawled all over her on entry. She noticed a pony at the front of the castle, looking curiously at the abandoned garden. It was Carrot Top. The orange earth pony jumped at the sound of arriving hooves, her looking over to the returning pegasus.

“Rainbow Dash! Are you alright? How did it go?” Carrot Top looked over.

The pegasus felt conflicted. The trip was extremely dangerous and frightening at times. She found herself hiding between alleys and within trash cans from those monsters. She had to avert her eyes from what a lot of them were doing to the former inhabitants of Ponyville.

One the other hoof, she felt as if it had been just a little cool. Surviving, running, flying and hiding from all those terrible monsters was rather rivetting. It was like something from one of her comic books. In fact, that was one of her strategies for making it through. ‘It's all just some over the top comic book, none of it was real.’ That's what she had told herself throughout the run.

She was just glad that she made it out of there relatively unscaved. Well, aside from one spot. The mare twitched her right hind leg, the fiery scratch of an Imp still scoring through her hide. “I’m a little banged up.” she admitted. “It was scary, a lot of it.”

“Scary? For you? It must’ve been really bad then.” Carrot Top stated. “Did you find anypony? Are they safe?”

Rainbow shook her head, sorrow filling her. That was another aspect, she couldn’t find a singular pony that wasn’t shooing her away from showcasing their hiding spot or ones that were… gone.

“Not exactly.” the pegasus stated. “How’s Twilight?”

Carrot Top’s ears lowered a little at the news. “Twilight’s been getting better, but she still hasn’t woken up.”

She nodded. “And everypony else?”

“Everypony’s been doing fine.” Carrot Top answered optimistically. “Fluttershy has been seeming more cheerful, Dr. Hooves is less worried about his work, White Lightning isn’t so down in the dumps about her flying friends and Applejack has been keeping herself occupied with the garden.” it was a feat unique to many Equestrians. The optimistic search of hope and joy in dark times.

Rainbow nodded. “That’s awesome to hear.” a small smile grew on the tired pony’s face.

“Well, go on right in! Nothing’s keeping you outside, right?” Carrot Top queried.

She shrugged. “Fair point, I could use a nap.” Rainbow Dash admitted, walking towards the doors of the castle and entering the suspiciously dark ballroom. Usually a pony would have placed a candle or two to liven up the place.

Rainbow immediately caught on. It was a surprise party for her. A sly grin grew across her muzzle. “Oh, wow! I wonder why it's so dark in here! Let me go try and use the light switch!” she went over to a nearby wall, reaching for the non-existent switch.


The room blasted with light, several dozen candles coming in view and lighting with magic. Everypony came from cracks and halls going into the room, Pinkie Pie running in front of her. "Welcome back, Dash!" she greeted. Beside her was Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack, all happy to see Rainbow return.

“Hey.” She looked way too beat for a party right now. “I got the stuff on your list.” Rainbow opened her saddlebag to show the party supplies.

Pinkie bounced. “Yipee!” she viewed the contents, pulling out tons of the balloons, papers and tape. It was amazing how much Rainbow had crammed into one saddlebag.

“Thanks, Dash!” she took it all out, bouncing away to set it up.

Rainbow looked over at Rarity as she closed her half-on the saddlebag. “How’s Twilight?”

Rarity sighed dramatically. “By Celestia, she is rather dire still. Don’t worry yourself about her, dear. Enjoy the party! She will improve in due-time.

“I guess.” Rainbow replied.

Applejack stepped forward. “Rainbow, I know ya worried about her and all, but ya can’t do much for her now. We just gotta wait.”

She nodded a little. “Alright…”

“J-just try to enjoy the party. The cake Pinkie made is great.” Fluttershy smiled smally.

“Cake?” Rainbow looked around the room. Everypony was chatting, enjoying a cake Pinkie had somehow created in the castle. “How did she make that?” it was multi-layered and colored a bright pink.

Rarity shrugged. “Probably got the bakery here functioning again somehow. I don’t question her methods! The cake here is simply immaculate!”

“Hey! Rarity!” Pinkie exclaimed from the stairs, trying to set up some decorations. “Could you give me a hoof?!”

“Of course, darling!” Rarity turned, clopping away to aid her friend.

Once she was gone, Applejack faced Rainbow. “How was Ponyville?”

The pegasus closed her eyes, searching for the right words. “Not good.” she summed.

“Ain’t that specific? How not good?” Applejack asked for further detail.

Rainbow had to think of a way to put it. “Okay, so… this may not sound great.”

“Just tell me Rainbow. I have a feeling that I know how bad it is.” the country mare demanded.

The pegasus nodded. “Alright, so, thousands of evil monsters attacking all the ponies. They are like, even turning the ponies into other monsters. It's crazy! There was this big robot dude fighting the things with explosions and fire and other insane stuff.”

Applejack looked at her like she was crazy for a second, before accepting it as so. “I don’t think you’d lie. Is it really all that bad though?”

Dash nodded.

The apple-themed Earth pony sighed. “Any survivors?”

She shook her head negatively. “None that wanted to come with me. They all complained about me giving them away to the monsters.”

Applejack sighed. “Well, at least ya tried.” she seemed a little sad about the ordeal. “But good thang you made it back.”

“I almost didn’t.” Rainbow replied.

“Why?” the country mare queried.

Rainbow scratched the Imp claw mark on her leg. “One of those monsters got me. Well, two of them did. I just nearly made it out.”

“Well I’m glad you did.” she looked back at the punch table. “Maybe ya need some punch to clear your mind?”

Rainbow declined. “No thanks. I’m good.”

“Ya sure?”

“Yeah.” the pegasus responded.

Applejack shrugged. “Well, alright then.” she turned, looking back still. “Stay safe.” she stated before heading to the punch table. It appeared that Fluttershy had also left, the pegasus not noticing.

Rainbow Dash kicked the stone floor beneath her lightly. By now, the Soul Cube’s healing ability would have completed charging. It would be ready to use now, hopefully. She headed towards the stairs that led to Twilight’s room.

The pegasus started up the stairs of the castle, heading to the room Twilight was being cared for within. Rainbow Dash creaked the old door open, seeing her mangled alicorn friend lying in bed. Nurse Redheart stood at bedside, observing Twilight.

“How is she?” she asked the only pony here really medically qualified.

“Better. Not much better but just a little.” Redheart began. “Her wing is still broken and there appears to be a fracture in one of her legs. Some of the wounds are beginning to heal though and they aren’t infected. She hasn’t woken up but I’ve noticed movement in her sleep.” the mare explained.

Twilight shifted under the purple sheets with a small grumble. Rainbow Dash looked to the nightstand beside the bed, a cubic artifact lying there. The Soul Cube sat there, resting its powers gently.

“Could I have a moment with her?” Rainbow requested from the nurse.

Redheart nodded, putting her nurse cap up on a rack. “Of course! I’ve been waiting all day to join the party.” the earth pony exited the room, door swinging close as she went to join everypony else.

Rainbow Dash sighed, nudging the Soul Cube. “Come on, wake up dude.”

The artifact rumbled to life, yellow light filling portions of the artifact as it began floating. “You have returned.” It sounded impressed.

“Mhm.” she nodded.

The floating square jumped a little. “How?”

Rainbow shrugged confidently. “Ponyville has a lot of dark alleys to hide in. Those demons aren’t too great at finding ponies.” she shuttered a moment. “I-I could’ve lived without seeing those weird flesh mounds.”

Gore nests?” the Soul Cube queried.

“Sure?” she wasn’t too sure of the official name for them. “How is your whole healing thing doing? Do you think you’re ready?”

The artifact thought for a moment. “Yeah.” they floated over to Twilight. “I’ve mostly healed more humanoid creatures so I’m not too used to quadrupeds. I think I could get a hang of it though…

Rainbow sighed. “You better get the hang of it. Without Twilight, I don’t know how we’re getting out of this. She knows like, everything!”

The Soul Cube’s eye-like structures on it shut, blue energy surrounding it. Slowly, it began floating from them, flowing into the purple alicorn as wraith energy. Rainbow watched as the magic caused the fur of the pony to begin regrowing over the extreme wounds.

Rainbow Dash witnessed her broken leg be reset by the magic and her many scars from the fight resealing. Her friend progressively regenerated back to health thanks to the magic of the Soul Cube.

Eventually, the blue colored magic slowed its flow, the cube gently levitating onto the nightstand. “It is done.” it rested.

The pegasus overviewed Twilight. “S-She looks good as new! That’s awesome, cube-guy!”

Yes.” they replied humbly. The artifact had done this many times before to numerous different creatures.

She stared down at the lavender pony. “So… when does she wake up?”

You may wake her up now if you feel so inclined.” it stated.

Rainbow looked down cautiously, slowly moving her hoof towards her friend. She nudged the resting pony, a small movement in her wing flicking off. Rainbow jumped a little at the sight of her friend’s wing-flick.

“Twilight!” she shoved her harder, excitement filling her eyes.

A small groan came from the mare, her hooves shifting under the covers. She mumbled something incomprehensible as one hoof came to her head and ran through her mane.

Rainbow gave a final nudge. “Wake up, dude!”

Twilight’s eyes slowly rose open, the alicorn setting a hoof to her head and rubbing it. She carefully rose, sitting up straight. The alicorn could hardly see with her adjusted depth perception. The blows taken from that fight were so intense that the Soul Cube was unable to repair most of the mental injuries.

Her ears still rang and she felt sore all over. “Ugh…” she groaned, rubbing her head still as she set a hoof behind her on the bed to stabilize herself. “W-Where am I?” she slowly gazed across the room. “Some castle… old.”

“Twilight! You’re alive!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, taking flight in excitement.

The alicorn held her ears. “N-not too loud, Rainbow.” she whispered slowly, squinting her lights through the candle-lit room. Suddenly, it came rushing back to Twilight. “T-The demon! Where is it? Is everypony okay?!”

She pushed past the pain that was banging in her head, clambering out of the bed and taking off several bits of medical equipment. “I need to help Ponyville! M-My friends need me- AH!” she fell from the bed, landing on her chest with a grunt. The ringing in her ears increased at the impact

Rainbow helped her up. “Take it easy, Twi. You just came back from some nasty wounds.” she placed her on the bed. “You need some rest.”

The alicorn considered it for a moment, really feeling the aches in her joints and muscles from the fight with that demon. Last she could recall was pleading to her friends that she could fight the Marauder.

She stared at her blankets, realizing what had happened. “I-I lost…” she had failed her friends. “Oh Celestia! What am I going to do?! Where’s Spike! I need to make a-a schedule or something!”

Rainbow looked awkwardly. “Err… Twilight, Spike isn’t here.”

“What should I do first?!” she asked herself, looking about frantically. “Can I even do anything?!” the alicorn began pacing. “Celestia must be so disappointed in me.” her ears were extremely lowered.

The pegasus stared worryingly now.

Twilight rushed to the nightstand, swiping the codex with her magic. Aged pages flew with gusto as she skimmed for some way to set everything right. “Come on! Come on! Come on!” Twilight exclaimed. “Spike, write me a letter to Princess Celestia. ‘Dear Princess Celestia. I’ve just awoken from my-” upon hearing a complete lack of scribbling, or an affirmation from the young purple dragon, she turned to see his absence.

Rainbow kicked a hoof on the ground nervously. “Spike isn’t here anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight rushed to the least stressful conclusion. “Oh, then go get him!”

“I can’t, Twi. The demons, they got him first.” she confessed.

“Then we need to save him! I’m an alicorn princess, I can fight the demons.” Twilight stumbled forward on her shaky hooves. She stretched her wings with a wince. It sizzled with pain, like her muscles were being roasted on an open fire. Twilight gasped in pain for a moment. “Don’t worry Spike, I-I’ll find you!”

Rainbow shook her head. “I think you need to take this slow, Twilight. You can’t just run head first into this!”

Twilight limped over to a nearby table where the pegasus had placed all the books that used to be in Twilight’s saddlebag. A dozen notepads and books sat upon the desk. She opened a book, beginning to write plans frantically.

She scribbled everything she knew about the demons swiftly. The types she had seen, the ones the Soul Cube had told her about, the weapons they use, everything. Knowledge was power and the more knowledge she could get on the demons the better.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Twilight, I think you need to take a break! Slow down a little, you know? The other four have a party going in the mainroom of the castle.”

Twilight looked up, surprised. “Four? You're saying Rarity and Applejack and everyone is still alive?” her ears lifted slightly, her stress shifting to optimism.

“Yeah! We’ve been held up in the Castle of the Two Sisters since the whole thing happened. You were beaten pretty bad by that knight dude.” the pegasus lifted a hoof from the floor as she explained. “Like, tons of broken bones.”

The alicorn tilted her head. “I-I don’t feel like I have broken bones? How long was I out?”

Rainbow guessed for a moment. “About three weeks?”

“Three weeks?!” Twilight seemed surprised. “But that isn’t nearly enough time for bones to heal!”

“I used the Soul Cube.” Rainbow replied.

Greetings, princess.” It rumbled on the nightstand next to the bed, energy too used up to float at the moment.

“How?” the alicorn didn’t know how the artifact could’ve been used for healing.

The Praeleanthor spoke up. “I can reconfigure and reroute d̶̼̫͕̤̻̒̚e̷̢̨̞͌̀̉m̷̯͆͒͝o̶̘̐͜n̶̹͖̣̅̍ì̴̦̀̉͑c̴̰͈̥̜͂͑̅͒̆ energies absorbed from the souls of dead d̴͍̭̙̤̮͗̉͘͘ȩ̶̯͈̌̿̀̚͝m̷̨̨̰͚̒̎̓̈̆o̷̦̖̝̩̲̍n̸̜̱̺̈́͝ș̷̛̻̪̺̪́̽̓ into other beings to restore their life force.

Rainbow gave a confused look, attempting to comprehend the large words before simplifying it. “It can heal you if it hurts demons.”

The lavender pony nodded. “I understand. Thanks, Soul Cube.”

The pegasus placed a hoof on the shoulder of Twilight. “Just lay back for a moment, Twilight. Enjoy the party or rest in your bed. You deserve it.”

Twilight Sparkle sighed. “And just ignore all my other friends?” she stretched out, feeling her aching muscles span.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No, Twilight, listen! Purposefully throwing yourself out there towards a legion of unstoppable monsters won’t do anything for your friends! It would be best to save your strength, you know? You can’t kick monster-butt when you’re all sore like this.”

Twilight looked at the ground for a moment. “You’ve got a good point.” she admitted.

“See? Now let's get you some punch.” Rainbow Dash started towards the ancient door, placing a hoof on it to move it open as she walked out.

Outside, downstairs in the main hall of the castle, there was a classic Pinkie Pie party. Although, there could’ve been more ponies. Balloons were plentiful with party streamers and confetti littering the ground. There were several hung up, DIY decorations plastered with exclamation of ‘PARTY!!!’ and other joyful statements.

In the center stood an impressive cake created by Pinkie Pie. The party pony had found a way to get the bakery in the castle functioning somehow and cooked that up. Pinkie truly worked in mysterious ways.

Twilight Sparkle looked across the limited attendance, only a good dozen ponies there. Guilt struck her. This is my fault… Everypony was smiling and enjoying the cake and punch, chatting away. However, the many scratches, unshowered coats and tired looking faces really hammered home that these ponies weren’t exactly living well.

Even in the fun party environment, the Princess of Friendship pitted the blame on herself. Her guilt ridden stare didn’t falter at the sight of the morale boosting party. Her mind couldn’t discover the positivity in the situation, especially with her failure to protect her own people so recently on her mind.

“Twilight?!” Nurse Redheart stopped, looking up with a glass of punch in hoof.

Twilight awkwardly lifted a hoof, waving. “...Hi?”

Redheart rushed up the stairs, staring right at her. “Y-You’re up! You're awake! And you can walk? And talk?! How?!” she asked, shocked.

The princess stared at her, not sure exactly how to respond.

Rainbow moved in front. “I found an artifact. In the castle. It managed to heal Twilight back to being all fine and dandy!” she half-lied, grinning wide to try to run the lie through. As her friend explained, Twilight grew a pleasant and convincing smile as well, nodding along with the claims.

Redheart awed. “Oooh. Of course only magic could bring a pony back to health like that. It must have been very powerful.” she eyed the alicorn carefully across her slightly faded and damaged looking coat. “Don’t work yourself too hard though. You still may be sore.”

“Yeah, I could feel a little better. But, I think a good walk couldn’t hurt.” Twilight explained.

The white earth pony nodded. “Just don’t overdo it.” she took a sip of punch before turning and clopping off back to the party.

Twilight returned to her frown as the nurse went off.

Rainbow Dash looked at her friend worryingly. She patted the shoulder of Twilight. “A slice of cake will help.” the pegasus nudged her down the steps.

Twilight put on a small smile to not worry the others. As she went down towards the large cake, her friends began surrounding her, filling in dozens of questions, searching for answers on their friend’s health and state. Rainbow Dash watched as Twilight followed along with her own claims, accepting hugs and showcasing a more genuine smile at the words of her loving friends.

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