• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Hellish Perspective




Metallic boots stepped on the hard path that wound through the demonic base. The walls, floor and ceiling were made out of a high-tech, crimson colored metal. Glowing yellow lights shimmered on each side of the hall as the large Marauder made his way.

This was no ordinary Marauder. He was much larger than the usual human-heighted demon and adorned a lot more of a prestigious, skull-wrapped armor.

He marched through the facility, adorned with the most advanced technology Hell and its capital city of Immora could offer. It was some of the best devices and doo-hickeys in the universe, combining Hell magic and technology in perfect tandem.

Kronos marched towards a large door at the end of the hall. On his way, he would spot a duo of much shorter Immoran Troopers. They were simple, weak humans that adorned and carried high-tech Hell armor and weaponry. They were fragile yet useful fodder, especially in maintaining fortresses and mechanics.

The two seemed to be working on some wiring under a plate of the metal walls. As Kronos walked by, the two looked away to salute their passing superior. Once the archdemon had passed they returned to diligent work.

He continued down the hall, eyes set on that large door not too far down the hallway. Suddenly, his march was interrupted when he heard gnarly snaps and growls to his right. Kronos glared over at the noises of scrapping and demonic roars. He spotted two Imps battling with each other, tearing away at one another.

Kronos growled, rushing over and grabbing a hand into the mad wrestle match. He felt his armored hand grip meatily around the nape of one of the demons. The Marauder tore out one of them from the fray.

“Stop fighting!” He commanded, lifting the Imp by the back of his neck like a misbehaving chihuahua. Fear chilled through the brown monster as it roared sadly. “We do not make the same mistakes we made so long ago! Focus your energy on the Slayer, not your allies.” Kronos shouted before slamming the demon to the ground.

It wasn’t hard enough to kill it outright. If Kronos wished so, he could’ve slammed the demon to the ground and ended it instantly, however it was just enough to teach the thing a lesson.

As the monster roared in pain on the ground, Kronos continued off, finally making his way to the large red door. Green lights shimmered from edges on it to symbolize that it was unlocked.

The door divided in half, making way for Kronos into the large room. It was a control area for the fortress, a giant demon in the middle and a couple of Immoran Troopers at the front. The humans were working hard at wheels, buttons, TV screens and everything used to maintain the ship’s controls.

It seemed to be a command station, the window at the front showing dozens of clouds below, some of them breaking up to reveal the canopy of the Everfree forest and Ponyville. Slightly below the view was where several large, chitin armored tentacles swirled. The fortress was a giant battleship.

A Leviathan Cruiser, largest ship in Hell’s history with dozens of terrible cannons. It was half demon half machine. A demon carried the fortress that was controlled by a series of electronic shocks to its mind sent from the unholy citadel. Watching the tentacles swarm from the heavens struck fear in their enemies and it was just discreet enough to stealthily fly high above the clouds when at high enough altitudes.

Kronos made his way up to the tall Archvile that stood in the middle of the control room, observing the Troopers as they commanded the Leviathan. This tall, giant demon adorned armor similar to that that the Barons wore, however there was no apparent weak point.

Unlike most Archviles, jutting out of his giant head were two long demonic horns, uncommon for his race of demon yet present in this much larger-than average specimen. The demon did not audibly speak, trading words via telepathy.

Everything below his neck was covered in strong, crimson armor. The demon in the center turned. “Greetings, Kronos.” he greeted his shorter, fellow archdemon.

“Greetings, Incendium.” he replied. “You called for me?”

The armored Archvile nodded. “Indeed.” He stepped away from the stand he stood upon, making his way to Kronos. He stopped a couple feet away, a table rising from the ground of the ship between them. A crimson red holographic map of Equestria flashed onto it with a whir. “We must plan.”

“I assume this is about the complications the Slayer brings into our invasion?” Kronos had been frustrated for eons at the Doom Slayer. It seemed that any easy battle or win that Hell had in its grasp was snatched away the second he arrived. “The argent energy idea you had was genius. Too bad he had to ruin everything.”

Incendium nodded. “We must track him and plan accordingly.”

“This is aggravating.” Kronos growled. “This was a simple invasion, in and out. And with no Slayer, it should have been dead simple!”

Incendium shook his head. “Easy, Kronos. Easy. We can still counter this.”

“How? Did you not witness what was done to the Dark Lord?” His fiery temper flared.

“I did, I did.” The Archvile replied. “However our reports say that after Ponyville was purged by the Slayer, that he entered the large castle here.” He planted one of his giant fingers on a structure in one of the corners of Ponyville. The Castle of Friendship, as the ponies referred to it.

“And?” Kronos queried.

And, that he has not noticed the protective barrier in the Everfree.” He moved his finger to the large, glowing bubble that surrounded some structure far into the swampy woods.

Kronos wasn’t much of a strategist. “And what does this bubble mean? That some pathetic survivors are hiding out from us?”

“No, even better. I am sure you remember why we are here.” He asked to make sure he wouldn’t have to explain it to his ally once more.

“To use the exotic magics of these lands to resurrect the Dark Lord. Yes, I do.” Kronos answered.

“And among those magics include the Elements.” Incendium explained.

“Elements?” The Marauder queried. “Elements of what sort?”

Incendium huffed a bout of humor. “Of Harmony. Or so our enemies refer to it that way. It is the most powerful magic in the land, possibly in the universe.”

“And why would that be in that bubble?” Kronos wished his fellow demon would just cut to the chase.

“My spy within the barrier describes that the Elements are hiding within.” he began. “You see, we cannot use the elements. Only six specially designated Equine can. It is exclusive to Equestrian magic.”

“And who might these ponies be?” Kronos queried. “I will have them captured in no time.”

“Do you recall your first battle? Against the princess?” Incendium asked.

A smile cracked across his face. “It was a truly glorious duel.”

“The pony you fought, she is one of the wielders.” Incendium informed. “She has five other friends, each one holding an aspect to the elements. If one is lost, the rest are useless to our goal.”

“And I presume they all hide within the barrier?” The Marauder guessed.

“Indeed. We need all six of them alive no matter what. If you bring fodder, keep them in check so their mindless brains don’t slaughter them.” Incendium explained. “We’ve almost had that occur a couple times.”

Kronos looked down at the shield on the map. “You are sending me out there I presume?”

“Indeed.” The Archvile rumbled telepathically to his ally. “I will send you profiles on all six. This is a capture mission. Do not harm our targets. According to the youngling I have under control, she says that the group is weak and demoralized.”

“Glorious.” Kronos smiled. “However, one issue.” he planted a decaying hand on the shield. “This is no ordinary protective barrier.”

Incendium gave a curious look. “Oh?”

“This is an advanced spell designed by a special Sentinel mage. I have not seen something like this since Illkana. Demons cannot bypass it. If they attempt, they will be dissolved instantly.” he explained, knowing the difference.

“Similar to the one they used when we attempted to invade Canterlot?” Incendium assumed.

Kronos shook his head. “That is different. It simply keeps demons out. With enough force, it could be broken into.”

Incendium nodded, understanding. “That knowledge would have been useful.” plots of invasion swarmed the demon’s mind thanks to the Slayer’s absence from Canterlot.

“I would need either a way to disable it, or a way to tempt them out.” Kronos messed with the chain of his wrist-mounted meathook a little in thought.

Incendium nodded. “I have just the contingency. I have the young one investigating the castle now, searching for a way to disable the shield. In the meantime, I believe I have found a way to bring them out. At least one.” the devilish grin of a being finding all his plans coming along grew across his large, alien-like head.

He turned, heading to a certain slot in the wall. As he approached, the hexagonal shelf hissed before slowly extending out from the crimson walls. It revealed a cage, small and uncomfy looking. Hiding within with wide, horrified green eyes was a young dragon. Purple scales and green spikes.

The dragon yipped in fear, backing to a corner of the cage as Kronos went next to it. “What does this have to do with the ponies?”

“D-Don’t hurt me!” the prisoner looked with fearful eyes.

Incendium spoke up. “This is the assistant of that princess you battled,” he began. “Spike is his name. This Princess of Friendship views him very dear to her.”

Kronos nodded, reaching a creepy finger in and poking the tiny creature. He winced. “How weak. It is strange how attached these equines get to menial things.”

”Yes. Now the plan is that you will go down and present “Spike” to the ones behind the shield. They will surely want to aid him.” Incindeum explained. “This is a capture mission, remember.”

Spike swallowed his fear, forming an angry look at the demon as it stared down at him. “Hey, big guy! If you think in any world that I’d let you use me to lure my friends out so you can torture them or whatever, then you’re wrong!”

Kronos laughed. “This one has some fight in him.”

“Mhm! And I’d rather die than give up my friends!” Spike stood defiantly, tiny fists balled, prepared to brawl the several foot taller demon.

“And who said you had a choice in the matter?” Incendium queried, lifting a hand to the floor of the cage.

Slowly, the metallic gray color began heating into yellow. Spike began jumping between feet, hissing in pain. “Ah! Ow! Why is it so hot!”

Incendium chuckled as the baby dragon danced above the burning metal. Kronos reached for the latch on the cage, opening the top and gripping him by one of his spikes. “Ah! Let go! Come on!” He began squirming, punching at his hand.

The demon hardly flinched, carrying the dragon like a misbehaving pup. “And with him will we bribe our targets here? With no resistance.”

Incendium nodded. “Yes, it must work on at least one. Capture them and bring the six back. Do not fail me.”

Kronos rolled his eyes. “More like do not fail us. You aren’t my superior, Incendium.”

“Fine. Then do not fail us.” Incendium turned, heading back to his command station and laying his giant, mechanics covered hands over the pads to guide the his legion. “Be waiting in the deployment chamber.”

“Let go you stupid monster! AGH!” He let out his mightiest punch on Kronos’ arm, hardly doing anything. “Come on!”

“And keep the young one in check.” Incendium commanded.

Kronos glared at Spike. “Calm down, little one!” He demanded, the dragon glaring up at him silently.

The demon carried Spike out of the command room with heavy boots stomping as per usual. The Immoran doors shut with a crunch behind the two as they left.

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