• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,516 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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A Most Critical Defense

Princess Celestia slid her golden armor over her head, her horn gliding through the hole in the helmet. She grabbed the chestplate in her shiny magic, floating it around her and fitting it across her body. She had to fiddle with her wings to get them through the holes of the gold-plated steel.

She lifted four gauntlets from her closet, slipping them on each hoof one by one. She was in her pristinely white room, preparing for battle with a fiery determination in her eyes. Reports from the wall recently stated sightings of a strange floating red ship above the clouds near Canterlot early that morning.

It was blatant who it was. She tightened the straps on the gauntlets, flaring her horn for a spell just a moment. A nearby apple was engrossed by magic, before bursting into fruit flesh. Celestia took one deep breath, staring at the remains all over the wall and table.

She tried her best to imagine it as viscera, but felt she grow sick at the concept of an enemy exploding in such a way. She would have to forget that spell. The alicorn turned before exiting her room.

The world never felt more quiet as she clomped down the halls. Even with the loud echoes of her clanking metal hooves, the dreadful emptiness that roamed the castle’s halls was all that filled her head. When she passed a legion of valiant guards or gallant sentries she could still feel this lonely hole within.

She felt her confidence be sapped as her hooves clanged down the footsteps to the main throne room, gazing at her and her sister’s throne. Her head then moved to look at the many colored windows, telling dozens of tales of their culture and history. Even as she stared at what she would go out to battle for, she could feel the ravenous bug eating in her mind, consuming and sapping each ounce of confidence and replacing it with fear.

Celestia would have to push past this. She started out her huge double doors, going down the next hall of windows. She tried to overlay the anxiety that convulsed in her mind with her battle spells. Mentally, the alicorn flipped through her internal bank, digging for the most useful magic.

She memorized her most powerful laser beam spell. Celestia pondered over her teleportation spell, her magic shields and explosive spells. The alicorn exited the next door to the exterior of her castle. Standing valiantly next to the door was Shining Armor, waiting for his princess.

“Are you ready, your majesty?” the leader of the royal guard asked, a tone of worry embedded in the question.

She pondered a moment, before replying with a nice nod. “Yes.” of course, the gentleness was a front. If she could show all her emotions in this moment, she would be shaking profusely.

The two hardly exchanged words as the royalty roamed down the long and pristine streets of Canterlot. Hundreds of eyes gazed at the battle-ready princess which they almost never saw in the armor.

It felt like hardly any time had passed before the alicorn found herself before the front gates of Canterlot, ascending the stairs to approach the top of the kingdom’s defensive walls. Two guards stood at the platform above the gates, where Celestia arose and stood upon.

“Status on the enemy ship?” Shining Armor queried.

One of the guards spoke up. “It’s been floating above since we noticed them at sunrise.” she reported.

Shining Armor nodded. “What is the plan, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia took a long breath, steeling herself. She gently shut her eyes from the large field before her, ready to be met with carnage from the enemy. When she inhaled fully, she opened her eyes to exhale in a determined fashion.

“We cannot rely on the Slayer’s aid currently. If they send troops soon, I will fend them off. Inform every guard on the fort to focus upon defending the barrier while I lay waste to their forces.” she commanded.

“Yes ma’am.” Shining Armor saluted, heading off to inform the many other forces.

Celestia stared at the earth below the hellship, waiting for the fighting force to arrive. She flinched slightly, seeing a bright red light beam down to the ground, presenting a familiar form. She had to double take at the sight of what presented itself before her.

It was Tirek. She should’ve known the centaur had something to do with these demons. They seemed too similar to not be connected. Appearing beside the fully powered centaur was a more alien looking monster, adorning monstrous, scary armor. It was just as tall as Tirek but was bipedal as well with two huge fiery hands.

She felt as if her heart was tipped forward by a weight too heavy for it to hold as she witnessed the legions begin to warp in behind them. Short Imps, winged Gargoyles, savage Barons adorned in hellish red armor, a team of Marauders releasing war cries as they appeared next to a duo of standard Archviles. Celestia almost felt sick witnessing more pony-like monsters joining the wave. Horribly contorted Hell Paladins, flying zombified pegasi, and limping Maegus.

The princess shook her head, trying her best to hold together for battle. Focus, Celestia. Everypony is counting on you.

“Open the gates.” Celestia commanded one of the guards, the pony heading to a crank. The alicorn started down the stairs, standing before the huge doors.

She heard it creak open, revealing the battlefield that Celestia would have to survive upon. One hoof was set before another until she found herself outside the walls of her kingdom, the doors shutting behind her. It was only a couple more hoofsteps before she was found in front of the pink magic that defended the walls so valiantly. There she stood, before a legion of beasts, monsters and strong demons. All ready to tear her to shreds.

"Celestia! It's been so long." the centaur shouted over the gap between her and the Dread Legion.

He adorned hard crimson armor. The strong red plates rested on his shoulders, shimmering yellow in-between the creases of the metal. The armor continued across his upper, humanoid torso defensively. Supporting the chestplate was more protection across Tirek's more equine body parts.

The alicorn prepared a spell, quickly stomping as she utilized a casted weapon spell. A bright orange and yellow weapon floated above her shoulder, the spear radiating with the energy of the sun. She could hardly recall when the Helios Javelin was last used. She lowered the bottom end to the ground, crossing it over her chest defensively as she stood before her kingdom’s bubble shield.

He set his hands behind his back, folding them together confidently. "Last time we met I learned a valuable lesson. I was defeated not by strength, but numbers." Tirek snorted with humor. "Friendship, as you would call it." Tirek sneered with the current irony. "Now, I am with many friends, and you are to be defeated by us."

Princess Celestia did not reply to the statement. She had no response, her mind stuck on the first spell to utilize. It would be a protective barrier. She knew the first thing that would occur after the assault was commanded was a legion of projectiles.

She saw the armored bipedal demon lean towards Tirek, informing him of some too far to hear statement. "Yes." Tirek responded, before lifting a strong finger to the princess. "Pike the alicorn on her own horn!" he directed loudly.

A bright yellow shield-shaped wall appeared in front of Celestia immediately, halting the green, yellow and red burning fireballs. She felt a burning scratch rake on her side, looking to the right at a tall purple beast. The monster snarled, mandibles unfurling. The alicorn blasted it away with an energy blast, launching her sun spear into the monster.

It crackled with heat, slamming through the flesh and bone into the Prowler. The weapon felt like the heat of the sun ravaging straight through the beast's chest, radiating merciless flames so hot it felt as if it sliced through its body like a knife through butter.

The Prowler faded on the ground, perishing swiftly from the sun-matching weapon. Her horn flickered in shine, reappearing beside her head. She spun quickly to look away from the corpse, just noticing a flanking Imp attempting to grasp her. She drove the spear through its chest, the blood sizzling and cauterizing before it was thrown off the weapon.

Seeing more fodder attempting to route around the shield wall, she began propelling dozens of cruel beams to slay the fodder on the right and driving quick jabs to hold away the assaulting line on the left.

With every crumbling figure, she clenched her teeth harder. Every kill was another spark of cringe. It felt dirty, wrong to be slaying so many creatures, demonic or not. She felt her mind ache after much longer energy shots. Deciding now would be the best time, she casted a duo of walls in flame, burning the fodder attempting to catch her and encasing her defense.

Celestia heard a ferocious roar, rippling with mechanical effects. The energy shield cascaded, crumbling down by the force of an Armored Baron. Before she could react, its morning star arm shimmered green and cracking into her gold plated armor. She felt her hooves leave the ground, being flung into the wall of the pink shield. Celestia bounced off it, balancing mid-air on her wings.

She winced in pain, agony coursing under the dented plate. Celestia wobbled a bit in flight, gathering herself before dodging another attempt of attack from the Armored Baron. The morning star scraped the metal of her armor before she casted another spell. On her left gauntlet appeared a circular shield, the alicorn blocking away a stray fireball.

The alicorn launched her spear into the Armored Baron, seeing her spear melt the outer layer of the demon's armor but not pierce. Half-mindedly she hurled yellow beams to suppress the many savage Imps and Prowlers, flying in all directions to quickly avoid the projectiles. Celestia recalled the Helios Javelin, ears perking as she noted the green glow from the demon, exposing flesh beneath the armor before launching the weapon.

She dodged it easily on her swift wings, wincing a moment as a fireball scraped her flank. Celestia spun around and beamed the Imp culprit with a lethal charge. The alicorn suddenly gasped with pain, feeling a cut be sliced across her wing. She fluttered back, looking at the Gargoyle that continued its charge. She put a swift end to it with a launch of the Helios Javelin, the beast collapsing to the sea of demons trying to crawl their way up to Celestia.

Celestia gazed up at the bubble shield, looking at the many flying creatures trying to crack and break through the barrier. The alicorn breathed heavily, gasping for a piece of air before propelling herself towards the protective magic, stabbing and swiping the pesky Gargoyles away. She dodged the starving maw of an assaulting Cacodemon, jamming the spear through the roof of its mouth and kicking it away with a hoof.

Suddenly, she was slammed into the shield wall, looking up to see a savage pegasus snapping at her. She gasped in fear, terrified. Celestia swallowed, she couldn’t bear to fight back against her own people. She tried to shove it away, hooves pushing at it desperately. Suddenly, as the monster began fighting back and injuring the princess, she subconsciously drove the spear through the demon’s head.

Horror ranked through her, her breathing hastening with adrenaline as the corpse of the fellow pony fell several dozen feet to the ground. Celestia flew idly, gazing as the corpse fell to the crowd of ground-forces.

The alicorn’s frozen state was interrupted by the feeling of a blistering heat surrounding her. The pony was being grasped by magical flames, drawn towards the same bipedal creature that stood next to Tirek. Celestia struggled in the hold, trying her best to find some way to break out. She looked in shock when she noticed Tirek charging up an energy blast, ready to put an end to her.

While he prepared, Celestia charged Helios’ Javelin into one of the armored hands of the Archvile. It growled in pain, armor tearing away as she commanded the spear to mercilessly jab at the source of the spell as swiftly as possible.

Last second, just as the lethally charged energy blasted in her direction, she tore from the fiery binds. Celestia dodged the beam, resummoning her weapon right next to her. Tirek beamed a lighter charge towards the pony, the princess deflecting it away with her magical shield.

She lifted her horn high, summoning many copies of her spear, propelling them towards the two leader demons. An army of sharp, scorching javelins ready to crash and demolish the duo. She threw her horn down, directing them all to charge into the duo as she absent-mindedly strafed around the many projectiles.

Celestia watched with annoyance as the spears were blocked by a large firewall summoned by the Archvile. She gritted her teeth in annoyance, before exhaling in torment as she felt a sizzling plasma scorch through her fur and bone. She felt the disturbing pain of one of her wings being detached by a flinging energy ax.

The princess felt her wings disable, the alicorn plummeting to the ground. She felt the air in her lungs squeeze out of her as she was slammed to the grassy, stomped out floor. Her shield deactivated with the break of concentration, her javelin falling beside her.

Her attempts to scramble to her hooves were thwarted as she felt a cold gauntlet wrap around her throat. Celestia felt herself be lifted off the ground, a fiery glare from the eyes of a Marauder. Its throwing ax rested in his other grip as it held the princess.

A million thoughts raced through Celestia’s head as she sourced the strength to try to tear free from the grasp. Was this the end? For her and her kingdom? Has she gone so far to meet her end just outside the walls of her home?

She began tearing up, both from the feeling of her airway being choked off with every squirm for freedom and from her emotions. She couldn’t, she couldn’t give it all up! She needed to fight harder.

“N-No! Gkh, No…” she growled determinedly through the demon's grasp. She shut her eyes, engulfing herself in a teleportation spell.

Just as she felt hope dim back in, and her strength return, she felt a strong hand brutally grip her horn, zapping the power away. She would’ve screamed if she was not being choked so mercilessly after her horn was torn away by another devious Marauder.

Hardy laughter badgered at her emotions as she struggled. “Let her go!” The cackling Tirek commanded, the Armored Baron dropping the alicorn.

Celestia dropped to the ground, gasping for air desperately, unable to scream from her hornless head due to the lack of oxygen. All she could do was tear up in torture as the legions of demons leaned over her.

The princess felt shame draw over her as she slowly felt herself fade, unconsciousness beginning to take over as blood pooled from the injury she had received on her back. She had failed…

As she shut her eyes, she could barely hear words be spoken between the two leader demons, congratulating the Marauder duo. The alicorn hardly responded as she felt the warmth of flame slowly surround her, tendrils of welcoming red fire begin to overtake her.

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