• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,508 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission T4. Black Hole

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

The blood soaked demon killers approached a pair of large double doors, aged symbols of the two princesses above them. Twilight could feel the demonic magic within the throne room. “They are here. I know it.” she could sense the aura of Kronos within, the energy releasing from his sword. It was difficult to forget the weapon.

The Slayer put a hand on the left door, Twilight putting a hoof on the right before they both opened the door at the same time. The destroyed and decrepit throne room had a torn up red rug, occasionally labeled with the sun and moon. Tapestries hung up across the area, depicting the two princesses nobley.

There were two thrones at the other end of the room, sitting on a raised platform just below two destroyed windows. The wall to the left and right of the absent glass was adorned with the sun and the moon, which was also above the respective thrones. Between the two was a pedestal of gore and bone, a device made of similar structure sitting and pointing to the heavens. The Unmaker sat ready, aiming for the sky to be utilized.What immediately caught Twilight’s eye was not the state of the room however, it was the inhabitant of Luna’s throne.

Sitting on Luna’s throne, beside the thrown over chair of Celestia, was Kronos. The Marauder sat casually, one arm on the armrest and the other holding his sword, which was set into the floor. His right gauntlet tacked the arm gently.

“I should have known it was you two to confront us.” he stood, wielding his sword for battle and letting his Meathook fall into his hand. “Did you think I died on that ship, Slayer?”

The Doom Slayer clenched his fist.

“Well, I’ll have you know that I’m not your average Marauder.” he unlatched the steel on his chestplate, opening it to reveal a humongous green-tinted dent in his flesh. “And from my knowledge, that was your last shot with that obscenely huge weapon, wasn’t it?”

Before he could speak anymore, Twilight bursted off, flying full speed toward the demon. Just as she was about to reach the throne the beast had casually stolen, she felt her face slam right into what felt to be a flaming wall.

The alicorn fell to the floor, standing up and shaking her head. She set a hoof near her horn painfully, looking up again. Walking from around the wall that sat behind the throne was Incendium, cackling. She saw his absent left hand as he stepped forward.

Twilight began noticing a wall formed around them from fire, a split blasting up to separate the Slayer and Twilight. “Your attack was rather unexpecting.” Incendium commented. “But, if we were any lesser demon, our head would’ve been lobbed off long ago.”

Incendium lifted his only hand, fire dancing within it as numerous forms of demons surrounded Twilight and the Doom Slayer. Around Twilight, a duo of Barons with a Blood Maykr were spawned. In the small arena she was confined to, it would be difficult to survive without her wings.

Once they were fully enacted, Twilight bursted into the sky. The Blood Maykr immediately rose to hurl her spears at the alicorn, only to get its head swiftly blasted away. Twilight zipped and flew under the fireballs of the two Barons, diving in close before being flung back into the sky with a double shot.

She cried in agony, her armor dissipating by 70. Twilight thought swiftly, casting a teleport spell and appearing behind one of the Barons. She drove her blades into its nape, feeling it go limp right before she was swept away by the other Baron of Hell’s fist. Now, with her armor heavily cracked and ineffective, she had to play it safe.

She blocked the fireball of the Baron quickly, dodging another fireball before sending a lethal blast to its hand. It winced, pulling its left hand back in pain before feeling its other one be chopped off by the Hoof-Blades. The Baron, stunned by the agony, felt its horn be torn off by the strength of the pony. The keratin head-piece was flipped, sharp end pointing at the demon before it was driven through its eye, killing the beast.

As she did, she witnessed a duo of Pinkies and a Cybermancubus being summoned. She immediately dove into the tail of one of the Pinkies, severing it before teleporting away as another charged at her with full speed.

She grabbed the Pinky in her telekinesis, turning it around as it mindlessly continued running. Once it was spun to face the Cyber Mancubus which was attempting and failing to hit Twilight, she released it to demolish the large armored demon.

The Cyber Mancubus and Pinky collided, exploding into gore and scrap metal. She smiled a little at the kill, before shouting in pain. She felt a Meathook drive into her side, Twilight being drawn to one of the fiery walls. A hand reached through and held the alicorn by the throat. “That was just the warm up, princess.” Kronos cackled before his Archvile ally summoned more.

Kronos threw her back into the fray of a good dozen fodder. She could feel the numerous claws and bangs against her, her health draining rapidly before she teleported out. Once she flew close to the Slayer’s wall, she felt her health rejuvenate slightly. As the Slayer murdered a Baron, he lifted his pink hammer to her to heal the fellow demon killer.

Once she saw her bars climb to max, she flew higher above the mayhem to keep count of the numerous demons. The alicorn lifted her horn after a moment of dodging fireballs, summoning a legion of bees to end the fodder. The magical purple dots swarmed the Imps and Gargoyles, tearing them apart viciously and ripping them to shreds with little effort. The agonizing and extremely loud shrieks of the surprised beasts were slightly amusing as they were slain by the buzzing swarm.

It felt like it would never end as another set of demons were summoned. She winced at the sight. It was a set of Hell Paladins, covered in the yellow confines from a melting unicorn, using its magic to shield the monsters as well as buff them. It was upsetting to see. Of course they would use her own kind against her. Regrettably, she swooped in, getting smacked out by a swift earth pony turned demon.

Twilight spun away, being grabbed by another double-buffed pony to be slammed into the ground. She felt her armor crack. Twilight gripped the hand-like hoof of the beast, tearing it away before she felt her head be crushed mercilessly by another mutated pony.

She cried in agony, producing a protective barrier around her to stop any more attacks. She warmed up a spell, creating a magic-made sword from her horn. Once the shield was broken, she took a huge swipe with the weapon, knocking back numerous Hell Paladins. She had to fight them. There was no bringing them back.

She decapitated one with her sword, Twilight swinging her Hoof-Blade at the neck of another Paladin to slice its throat. She used her boosters to dash away from a heavy blow warmed up by another pony-demon. As she commanded the sword to cause more damage, she summoned a feisty beam from her horn, bursting with magic as she unleashed it in one continuous burst.

The line of death wouldn’t let up, screeching with deathly magic as it reached to such an intensity that it began melting through the assaulting monsters. Soon, the horde of Hell Paladins were slain simply, the remaining Sapling being decapitated by her summoned sword.

Princess.” a deep voice spoke in a teasing tone.

The alicorn turned, glaring at the source. It was Kronos, entering the arena through the flame wall. His boots thumped on the floor as he ignited his sword.

“You’ve grown in strength since last we met.” he cackled. “You are much more powerful than ever! I am afraid I may have to use Deathslicer this time.” Kronos inspected his blade.

Twilight, fuming with anger, struck at him with her floating magic sword, the blow being blocked by the Arch-demon. After the halted blow, she barraged him with a fury of swipes from her Hoof-Blades. All of which were blocked before she was bashed away with the blunt handle of the weapon.

Twilight staggered, gasping in pain as Kronos’ blade was torn into her shoulder pad. She retaliated by cutting the beast’s armored gauntlets mercilessly. He stuttered before uppercutting Twilight away and launching his Meathook at her.

Mid-flight, Twilight caught the weapon with her magic. She yanked the chain, pulling it up and lifting Kronos. As Twilight lifted him by the chain, she bursted at him, drilling with her blades. The attacks were quickly countered, Kronos slashing at the armored pony. Twilight spun away, hissing as a chunk of her helmet fell away to reveal her rage-filled gaze.

The concentration required to keep the telekinesis spell was broken, so was for her Forge Weapon spell as the sword disappeared. Kronos landed on his boots, cracking his neck left and right. “Not bad for a miniscule equine.”

“RRRAAH!” Twilight rushed the taunting demon, feeling her Hoof-Blades connect to the demon’s sword as she drilled relentlessly, trying to break through it.

“But you’re foolish to believe a dumb horse will stop the Dread Legion.” he grunted with effort as he threw Twilight away with a thrust of his blocking blade. “Even if I perish, we will still be victorious.”

Twilight narrowly dodged a launched meathook. As Kronos approached to deal a blow, the alicorn’s magic horn glowed brighter than usual. A swarm of purple dots with tiny wings expelled from her magic, rushing the demon. Kronos cackled. “Murder bees?”

Somehow, someway the demon was familiar with this sort of attack. He drew his sword through the approaching swarm, killing a number of them. The bees targeted the exposed bits of his armor, but even then the demon pushed through the scourging agonies of the swarm.

With him distracted, Twilight casted a spell to produce a chain from the ground, wrapping around the sword-wielding gauntlet of Kronos. He shouted in pain, unable to block the legion of Murder Bees as he twisted his fist in force from the strength of the purple energy chain. He groaned in agony as he placed the prongs of his Meathook into his left hand, using it to stab and cut at the binding magic. With a snap of immense force, his hand was freed to finish off the painful swarm.

With a huge slam of his energetic sword into the ground, the force blasted the bees away. “AGH!” he exclaimed, feeling the full brunt of Twilight’s jet boosted kick. He staggered back, hand leaving the floor-stabbing weapon.

Twilight, thinking fast, gripped the handle of the sword in a spell. It was torn out of the ground, swinging at Kronos. He dodged, crossing his gauntlets a moment to block another blow before weaving under a slice. Between blocks and dodges he tried to catch the handle, failing each time as her swings were too quick.

Twilight joined the attacks of Deathslicer with a large amount of her own attacks. With three blades swiping at him all at once, he couldn’t help but take a couple blows. Numerous plates and shieldings were cut away from him, like bark off a tree before he began feeling the cuts drilling into flesh. He kept on attempting to back off, only for the princess to teleport herself back in front of him in less than a second.

Swipe after forceful swipe passed before finally, Kronos felt a slab of magic flame cinder into his abdomen. He could feel himself paint the inside of his helmet with blood before he wound up a punch with all his might and hooked the pony right in the face, sending her across the arena.

He fell to the floor, coughing up a bit of blood as it seeped from his shanked abdomen. Twilight dropped his weapon, the demon quickly Meathooking it back into his grip whilst on one knee. He jammed the weapon into the ground, using it to stand up as he placed his arm to his stomach to stop the bleeding.

“I will not let you destroy my kingdom.” she declared, letting the bar of magic displayed in her HUD refill.

Kronos coughed painfully, before letting his helmet fall away. The metal receded behind his decaying head as he wiped the blood off his mouth. “Incendium! Hit me.” he called for his ally.

A zombified pony was summoned with a wisp of flame. Twilight watched as he chopped the head off the beast, catching the head mid-air before guzzling its blood like a goblet of wine before throwing it away like litter. She saw some of the wounds across his body reseal.

“I don’t believe you understand just how long the dominion of Hell has survived.” he stated. “It has been here since the beginning of existence. Nothing has halted its progress before the Doom Slayer, and still, nothing will stop it now. I won’t let some pony with attachment issues doom my pledged home.”

Twilight gave an annoyed growl. “Your home is built on thousands of dead civilizations. Ours is built on peace and prosperity! What have we done to you?”

Kronos let his Meathook slither into his hand, cackling darkly. “It seems you don’t understand, princess.” He wiped his blood stained mouth. “Your world has only been so peaceful because of Hell.”

Twilight stopped. “What do you mean?”

“Your home is only this way due to the intervention of the Dark Lord.” Kronos smiled cruelly. “The lack of wars, the miniscule amounts of conflict. by Davoth himself! you have spent the last few months prioritizing the stop of petty arguments as if it would end all civilization if they were not halted.”

Her head lifted in confusion.

“You think the Dark Lord would allow a realm he planned to consume to have the smallest chance of victory?” he asked. “No. The only things that kept you from pure peace and bliss were Discord, Tirek and the pesky Sentinels.”

Twilight silenced herself as she listened longer.

“Your planet is nothing but a one-way station back to the multiverse. And I’m sorry to say, but we have our ticket.” with that final word, his helmet returned over his head, prepared for battle.

Twilight attacked, sending a wave of lethal magic energy. It was blocked by the huge blade, Kronos blocking a thousand swings from the princess.

She backed away after every hit was stopped. The princess pondered what spell to utilize as she dodged a meathook. She warmed her horn, unleashing a series of magic cuts. The Slicing Barrage. She witnessed the utter wave of energy be blocked, some of them flocking towards the beast's legs and a bit of his exposed shoulder. However, it only seemed like it mostly struck armor.

"Stop with these pesky spells, alicorn." He growled in annoyance.

Twilight finally rushed him, slicing a blade straight into the beast. As she felt her Hoof-Blade slice through the adamantium steel, she smiled cruelly, her exposed eye in her face-plate dripping with satisfaction. The pupil shrunk as she realized where the blade hit. It was sticking right through the hand of Kronos.

The demon had caught the blow, holding the blade straight through his hand like nothing. Twilight lifted her other energy sword as fast as possible to target his chest. He caught her gauntlet, holding both in place before rearing his head back and head-butting the unicorn brutally.

Twilight screamed in writhing pain, holding her exposed eye as it bled furiously. It had been jabbed in by one of the exposed horns of Kronos. She lay on the floor, holding her eye in her hoof.

She attempted flight, falling to the ground with another pang so unbearable she could not handle focusing on anything else besides the eye. She glanced at the other arena her demon slaying ally fought in, seeing him being overwhelmed by a double possessed Tyrant duo. He could not move his attention to heal the alicorn without being killed by the two.

“I’ll hand it to you, princess.” Kronos’ boots marched like an eternity of death. “You were an effective sparring partner this time.” he winced, shaking his scratched up gauntlet. “Unfortunately, this was no sparring session.” his metal hand cracked around her throat,Twilight being lifted off her feet.

The furious glare did not waver from the alicorn’s face as she was held up.

“I will give you one small mercy.” he cackled. “A death similar to your ‘kin.’” Kronos mocked.

Twilight felt the fingers grip, muscles crackling with pressure as she felt her throat constrain through the armor. The metal shielding around her throat snapped, wires spewing out as her HUD began glitching.

"Kronos." the muffled voice of Tirek spoke from inside the demon's helmet.

"Yes?" he replied with a hint of agitation.

Tirek coughed. "Those pesky four r-rushed me and got in through the back. They had the Praeleanthor with them… it got me." he admitted with distressed breaths. Kronos could hear blood trickling in the background.

"Incendium!" Kronos looked at his ally, still out of the shield. “The Soul Cube!”

The Archvile looked from the Slayer's arena. "I heard. I can't use my arena or summon spells if I am to halt the Praeleanthor."

Kronos grimaced, before looking at the nearly beaten Alicorn. Then, he heard it. The dreadful swooshes of circulating blades echoed in his ears for only a moment before he dropped Twilight, dodging out of the way of the artifact. The Soul Cube had just barely missed the removal of Kronos' hand.

Before it could course correct, the artifact was surrounded completely by a ball of hell-fire. Incendium lifted his hand, the fire walls collapsing as the Soul Cube was halted.

The Doom Slayer finished the slitting of the last Tyrant’s throat, slaying the Spirit with his Plasma Rifle's Microwave Beam mod. The two demons gazed over, realizing the important target as he readied his Hammer to fight.

Twilight felt a pair of hooves lift her up gently whilst the screeching war-cries of the Sentinel Hammer raged on. She weakly looked up, eyes barely open as she saw the mane of Rainbow Dash. “Oh…” the pegasus seemed surprised by the grievous injury.

Twilight didn’t respond, writhing out of her grip and crawling herself towards the frozen Soul Cube. Maybe if she was just able to touch the Soul Cube, it could transfer life to her. As she slowly climbed to her hooves, Rainbow Dash came by her side. Rarity joined her as they supported their friend towards the ancient device.

“Come along, darling. You have a world to save.” Rarity encouraged, trying her best to avoid the ghastly sight of her friend’s eye.

As she was drawn towards the Soul Cube, she began seeing the yellow light that often flowed to a healing subject fly out, reaching out for her. The closer she got, the more it repaired her body. With the remaining energy in the sealed artifact, it was able to heal a lot of damage to her body, sealing her unusable eye.

It could not fix her armor or her removed ocular organ, but it did restore her strength to a state ready for battle. She walked out of the supporting shoulders of her friends, turning to gaze at them. “I thought I told you all to stay outside.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Well, once the decapitation cube came around, we thought you would need it.”

Applejack joined. “And ya did.”

Twilight smiled a little, it being shown by the half of the helmet removed. “Well, you had good timing.” she turned, facing the two foes the Slayer was having issue holding off. “You two stay back, find some way to free the Soul Cube. I’ll finish this.”

She propelled off her wing's jet boosters, accelerating to Kronos who was currently blocking a swing from the Slayer’s Doomblade. The two demons were noticeably guarding the ghastly structure of the Unmaker.

Thinking fast, she blind-sided Kronos with an attempted Hoof-Blade to the chest, only for him to dash back to avoid the attack. Thankfully, the Doom Slayer blasted him with his Quad Shotgun, leaving room for Twilight to force him to the ground. She barely managed to drive a Hoof-Blade into his side before she was kicked off and met with an unrelenting strike from the Hellish sword.

She dodged it, boosting on her jets a moment before cutting a cleft into his injured side. Kronos shouted in pain, launching his Meathook at her whilst the Doom Slayer was distracted by the fire-casting Archvile.

She felt the hook jam into her armor, only for it to be torn out by Twilight’s hoof. She watched as he recalled his Meathook, holding it before hurling it at the Doom Slayer. Twilight thought it would be foolish, before she realized just what he was aiming for. He swiped the Hellvolver off The Slayer’s belt, catching it.

Twilight felt a shot straight to her helmet, ears ringing momentarily as she staggered back in shock. She barely had enough time to shake herself back in before she was hurled into the sky with an uppercut. She felt a wave of bullets unleash into her as she was flung mid-air. Kronos then threw the gun at the pony before sending his Meathook to force her back into the ground.

Acting fast, he rushed her and forced the blade into the floor where she once lay, only to see the alicorn was gone. He proceeded to feel an agonizing burn drive through his back, Kronos dropping to his hands and knees as he felt his body begin going limp. He fell forward, the singing blade that drove right through his spine being removed.

He fell to his chest, feeling the sudden disabling of his body in surprise. It wasn’t supposed to be like this! He tried his best to fight the pain, attempting his best to move his arms to lift himself up, trying to shift on his legs.

He heard the metal hooves click on the stone floor, his vision barely able to make-out his enemy’s legs. She stopped in front of him. Looking up, he could see her half-face glaring in viciousness and unrelenting fervor. A hate brighter than the most extravagant of nebulas. Twilight grabbed the demon by the throat, lifting him up as she flew upwards. He felt his immovable feet leave the floor as he was flown up.

“You will feel the pain my brother did.” Tears shedded from her eyes.

As Kronos felt the grip of the hoof squeeze in unnatural strength, his spine cracking further than before and the never-ending agony presented by the neck breaking pressure, he heard the satisfying schwoom of the Unmaker’s mechanism. He let the force of Twilight’s hoof break his neck, satisfied at a mission well done. He had served the Dark Lord well.

Twilight felt his head go limp in her hoof. However, she didn’t leave it at that. With the demon now dead and the anti-magic removed from it, she consumed the rest of its body in a telekinetic spell. With a gnarly snap she tore his head away, letting the rest of the corpse fall to the ground as she wielded Kronos’ skull. With a lengthy charge of her magic, she beamed into the head. The endless magic didn’t seem to halt as it burned directly into Kronos’ face, armor melting away, old flesh and bone turning to ash.

Once the beam stopped, she breathed heavily for air. She looked down at her hoof, empty of the head. She slowly lowered to the floor, sitting on the ground dejectedly. The thump of Incendium’s corpse interrupted her grief for just a moment, the Doom Slayer standing over the dead Archvile proudly.

Twilight sat, satisfied yet grief-struck about Spike. She had avenged him, but the truth was her little dragon assistant would never return again.

Her sorrows were only interrupted by a talon gripping her shoulder comfortably. Twilight opened her eye, staring up at the culprit. It was Discord, Fluttershy standing right beside him. She went forward soon after, encasing Twilight in the comfort of her fluffy wings. It was like a field of clouds surrounding her for just a couple of moments. It felt unusual on her cold armor.

Once Fluttershy backed away, the rest of the six began approaching. Discord began explaining his absence. “Sorry for the hold up, everypony! I wanted to make sure Mr. Mind Control there kicked the bucket.” he said, pointing at Incendium.

Or he wanted some extra tea time with Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie joked, whispering to Applejack who gave her an annoyed look.

“Now come along, everypony get in a circle. We have an anti-demonic ritual to perform!” Discord began pushing Fluttershy to a position near the middle of the room, doing the same with Twilight.

Everypony began forming the circle hurryingly, who knows what would happen if they wasted any more time. “Hurry! Hurry!” Discord urged, standing in the center of the shape.

Finally, once Pinkie Pie hopped into position, Discord reviewed them. “Good! Great, now…” he took out a napkin with a tea stain, the ancient ritual on the piece of paper.

Whilst Discord relayed the demonic language, Twilight turned to look at what the Doom Slayer was up to. He was currently inspecting the Unmaker, looking at the barrel that pulsated with an ancient power. The device was surrounded by a fiery wall, not too different from the one that made the double arena’s walls, or the Soul Cube’s prison. Twilight looked at the Soul Cube, seeing it sealed away still. The spells were remaining after the Archvile’s death.

She broke the circle, rushing to the Unmaker. Just before she could make it, it exploded with red. A laser beam extruded from the barrel, breaking through the ceiling and toward the sky. Everypony gasped in terror.

Rebooting audio systems…

Checking sound library…

Library corrupted…

Attempting creation of track…

??? Track produced

“W-we don’t have enough time for the ritual!” Discord exclaimed.

Twilight Sparkle looked at Discord. “Discord! How does the Unmaker work, tell me!”

“Well, first it shoots the laser in the sky, then it comes back down and back into the plant and cracks it like an egg.” Discord explained as the beam whirred with the intense demonic magic.

“So, w-we’re doomed?” Fluttershy asked.

Discord looked at the ground sadly. “Yes, I can’t intervene with ancient magic on that scale. It would only accelerate the process!”

“Then you don’t need magic.” Twilight realized. She knew what she had to do. Her eyes locked to the floor a moment, before back up to her friends.

Rarity gasped. “Twilight, don’t tell me you will do what I think you are thinking.”

Twilight turned. “One more thing… for my friends.” she said, looking at the Slayer for a moment. He nodded in understanding, standing back as the beam heading to the sky dissipated.

“W-Wait, Twilight.” Fluttershy stuttered. “M-Maybe there’s a different solution?”

“There isn’t enough time for different solutions.” she said, feeling the rumbling earth beneath shatter slightly due to the recoil of the Unmaker’s charged blast.

“Twi! Look, ya ain’t gotta go up there. Maybe the err… that guy could do it?” she signaled to the Slayer.

The alicorn began walking to the Unmaker’s pedestal. “The Slayer can’t fly.” she responded, staring up to the dark clouds.

Pinkie couldn’t form a response, just staring. No joke could compliment the moment.

She felt a hoof pull her back. “Twilight, look, dude! If you go up there, that thing will explode you! Totally! There is no coming back from that.”

“And if it reaches us, it’ll kill everyone.” Twilight replied.

Discord spoke up sadly. “Twilight is right… I’m afraid that stopping the beam mid-return would be the only way to stop it. I-I could stop it, but I'm the only one that could separate Equestria from Hell.”

The five all looked at each other solemnly.

Twilight turned fully to look at her five friends, all standing in concern for her. She sat down, wings shrinking behind her as she stretched out her forelegs. The grieving ponies all looked curiously a moment, before going forward in understanding.

The group hug formed, wrapping numerous hooves around each other. Specifically Twilight. Even through the hard, unforgiving steel of her armor she could feel her friend’s welcoming hug. As they sat there, combined in a huddle of multi-colored fur, Twilight pondered about the future without her.

Luna and Celestia would need a new prodigy, Starlight perhaps. Maybe she would overtake the Element of Magic after she was gone? She wondered about Pinkie Pie, seeing her bright and happy, throwing a party for everypony in Ponyville. Applejack would surely have an endlessly growing apple business. Rarity? Why, she would be a lavish dress designer as always, just more popular than ever.

Rainbow Dash would continue her path of being the best Wonderbolt in all of Equestria. She already knew Fluttershy would be happy at home, caring for her animal friends… if they were still alive. She felt the anxiousness and fear of the sacrifice melt in her friend’s arms. Twilight finally retracted, noticing the accepting looks on all the pony’s faces. With exception to Rainbow Dash.

Tears were staining her cheek fur, not ready to say goodbye just yet. Twilight moved up to her in specific, looking down at her hoof before offering it the pegasus. “Hoof-bump?” she smiled awkwardly.

Rainbow Dash’s tear filled expression slowly rose to a grin, punching her friend’s hoof lightly. “Hoof-bump.”

With the little time she had, she turned around, walking below the hole in the roof. Before she took off, she glanced back for one last look at her friends. There was one final wave from the Princess of Friendship, before she blasted off.

She flew through the hole in the roof that was blown out by the Unmaker. With all her effort, she dashed into the sky, seeing the red energy in the clouds slowly turn and rush back to the ground. From a distance, it was a tiny dot propelling to a stick of destruction. It almost screeched for the world’s end as it arrived closer and closer.

The alicorn shut her eyes, thinking deeply as she flew towards the world-shattering laser. The memories that flashed were of Ponyville. Her old dinky library, all her goofy friends she’d go on grand adventures with, her assistant Spike. She could remember that night, after the chaos of the first Grand Galloping Gala they went to. All of them enjoyed pastries at the donut shop, chatting it up.

As she felt the heat slowly encroach her, red brightening her vision through her shut eyelids, she realized that she did live up to her title. She did everything in her power to save her friends. Giving up her life not just for them, but all of Equestria as well.

Twilight faded in the massive beam, the pillar of red descending from the earth exploding into a bright flash. The color of her aura protected her home, bursting in dazzling stars like a supernova. The clouds were painted by the explosion of purple, the magic slowly drifting across the castle with gentleness.

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