• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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A Particular Respect

“I do not believe I have ever given you my name, princess.” the demon realized, Spike still trying to break from the strong grasp.

“Please! Twilight!” he begged.

The demon simply ignored him. “My name is Kronos. I am an arch-demon of Hell and my purpose here is to preserve the Dark Realm’s dominion and bring your home to doom.” he gazed at her through the one shimmering horizontal red slit in his helmet.

“Let him go!” she demanded, stepping closer.

Kronos lifted a hand, wagging a finger condescendingly. “Don’t take a step closer. One wrong move and I’ll crush his spine like a twig.” he squeezed the neck of the dragon lightly, the young beast gagging for air. He glared at the bag on her back. “And don’t think for a second that the Soul Cube will work on me.” the hand he held Spike with was heavily damaged, bits of bone and muscle exposed with dozens of scars all over his palm from his last encounter with it.

Spike struggled in pain for a moment before the grip was loosened, him gasping for air. The poor dragon couldn’t muster the strength to speak much further.

Twilight glared, angry at his tortures of her assistant. “Why haven’t you just killed us yet?”

Kronos shook his head, snickering. “I would have done so a long time ago if that was my objective.” he took a deep breath. “No, your death is not what we require. What we do need is you and your friends. Alive.

The alicorn stomped a hoof threateningly. “Why?”

“Because you six are the source of one of the most powerful magics in the universe. And the only way to harness it, is to capture all of you.” he explained. “So, I will kindly request.” Kronos looked up at the castle, lifting his voice so that those within it could hear him. “That all of you come out and surrender to the dominion of Hell!” Kronos looked down at Twilight, helmet vision slit glowing menacingly. “Or we will slaughter your little assistant and all your other friends in that castle.”

Her wings lowered a little, considering it. “And if I fight? What would happen to them?”

“They will be slaughtered mercilessly. And those we need will be tortured endlessly in our warship. All we require is for you to turn yourself in.”

Twilight stared at the ground in deep thought, before rumbling stomps stormed past her. Kronos had jumped away from the Possessed Baron, commanding it to enter the castle and gather the other five. She heard cries of terror and momentary shouts of challenge.

“Ha! You can’t catch me! I’m too fa- OW!” a huff came from Rainbow Dash as the unnaturally fast monster returned outside, the other five of her friends struggling within its unbreakable grasps.

Fluttershy had her eyes closed, muttering about something nopony could hear. Applejack was attempting to tear from the large demon’s hand, Rarity was struggling against it in a much more verbal form.

“Unhand me now! You're ruining my coat! Do you know how long I worked on this mane?!” The demon simply squeezed its hand tighter, the pony exclaiming in pain before halting her exclamations.

Pinkie Pie was hopeless, mane deflated and eyes sad. The one party she decided to throw to try to cheer everypony up had been demolished by the demons. A crashed party was one of the only things that truly depressed her.

Twilight looked over at the demon, both hands filled with her friends. “Let them go!” she exclaimed to Kronos, galloping towards the demon. She felt compelled to blast him away with her magic, however she realized that it would endanger Spike as well. She swooped towards her brotherly assistant, charging to grasp the dragon from Kronos.

The demon swiftly dodged, Twilight feeling a sharp jab straight into her already hurt head. “AGH!” she skidded on the ground behind him. Her ears rung sharply, head blistering with agony.

Spike coughed sharply. “Twilight! C-come on, get back up!” he tried to encourage, his speech being broken up by several deep breaths. “You got this!”

“Come along, princess! Save your assistant.” a maniacal grin cracked across the deathly face that hid below the valiant helmet.

A pink magic engulfed the dragon for a moment, before dissipating from the dispelling properties of the demon’s armor. Twilight looked up, anger in her violet eyes as her attempts at magic were halted. She growled, speedily flying after the dragon.

The experienced fighter was too quick, stepping out of the way once more. Dirt flew across the grass, Kronos laughing harder through his helmet’s speaker. “”How ironic! The Princess of Friendship, unable to save one of her closest allies.”

Fury flooded the alicorn’s mind as she unsteadily stood up, jittering the pain away in her head. Well, as much as she could remove.

“Twilight!” the sound of Fluttershy demanding for her attention echoed. “Please stop! Y-You’ll just get yourself hurt!”

Twilight struggled to her hooves. “I can’t, Fluttershy! I need to save Spike. And if they get their hooves on the elements, Celestia knows what they could do!” she glanced back at her saddlebag. Soul Cube, go after him! What are you doing?

Her bag rumbled. “We are not yet capable of being used with so little power. I’d require more demonic energies. We had used all of it repairing your wounds.

Twilight huffed a cloud of furious air. Of course. She skidded her hoof across the grass angrily as she glared straight forward.

The alicorn’s fury cleared for a moment however, an idea striking her. She kept her face forward, in order not to ignite any suspicion in the enemy demon. You can still float, right?

Yes? Why do you ask?” they queried.

Try to make your way to Canterlot, now. She explained. You will be safe there. The ponies there will need you more than here.

The Praeleanthor shook in her bag. “If we know where that place is.

By now, her friends had begun arguments with the archdemon, Rainbow leading a flurry of taunts about his messed up hand and chipped armor. She bragged about Twilight’s ability in battle, despite the loss her friend endured.

“Northwest of here. On a mountain. It’s a giant castle, you can’t miss it.” she muttered as the demon was distracted. She squinted at the less aware grip of the Marauder, loose and half-hazard.

I understand.” they replied, the latch of the saddlebag sliding open slowly and the Praeleanthor floating away gently, in the direction they had been told to head.

“Yeah?! Well, imagine what she could do if she could use her magic!” Rainbow Dash taunted. “She would’ve turned you into a chicken! HA! A demon chicken! Isn’t that funny Pinky-” she looked at her bummed out friend who clearly wasn’t paying attention to the conversation. “O-Oh.”

Just as Rainbow finished speaking, Kronos heard a sparkling crack shimmer behind him. He jumped, before feeling the dragon slip from his grip. “Augh!” Kronos exclaimed in surprise as he turned to see the alicorn teleporting away and sprinting as fast as she could. He growled, unlocking his wrist-mounted meathook.

Twilight Sparkle dashed as hard as she could, breathing with difficulty as she held the dragon in a magical hold. “S-Spike!” she floated him in front of her, managing to let out another sentence between heavy breaths. “Spike, please tell me you’re okay.” she was winded, placing the small dragon on her back to relieve her whittling strength.

She had already used a lot of her limited energy on teleporting away the relatively short distance, so a levitation spell would be risky, and dropping him would be far from impossible.

Spike’s eyes slowly opened, green ovals staring at her. He looked around, seeing the lack of demonic sights in the vicinity. He had hoped that if he closed his eyes long enough, that maybe the pain around him would disappear. “Twilight!” the young dragon beamed at the sight of the princess. “Y-You actually saved me! You did i-”

SChwowop! CHRK!

Twilight’s eyes widened at the sound of the meathook, feeling a sudden lightness arrive on her back. She glanced back in surprise, seeing the lack of the purple dragon. She stopped, skidding to turn and look where she suspected her assistant to be sent.

Her eyes shrunk at the sight of the heavily wounded baby dragon. She felt her heart compress at the sight of Spike’s small neck in the large hand of that dreadful demon. Shock filled her soul as she saw blood drizzle from the unresponsive Spike, a meathook driven into his back.

Kronos wrapped a hand around the hook, tearing it easily out of the back of the noble assistant, his body jolting from the force. Twilight couldn’t help but stand there frozen as the arch-demon allowed the meathook to slither back into the top of his gauntlet. A puddle of crimson was forming on the ground below the baby dragon, more blood than she could ever expect to drip from a creature that small.

A word was not spoken as the soul-tearing crack echoed through the clearing. It repeated in the ears of Twilight, ringing out in her slightly concussed mind. The baby dragon's neck was bent unnaturally by the savage squeeze of the demon’s hand.

He had slaughtered Spike like a pesky rat, tossing the corpse away. That young beast only amounted to Kronos as a bargaining chip. More accurately, a way to torture his enemy. He didn’t give a glance to the corpse as he looked to his allied Baron. “Send these worthless equine to the Hunter.” he commanded, starting towards the red beam of light.

“The H-Hunter?” Fluttershy worried as the protests of her many friends erupted.

Twilight couldn’t bear hearing them. All sound was shut around her as she stood there in shock. Until finally, rising from the shock was one feeling…

She could feel it.

In her bones. In her heart, in her soul, in her hide, in her brain, in her very cells. Every bit of herself was filled to the brim with that feeling. Every ounce of her existence, all that she could feel, all that she could recognize: A brimming hatred for the powerful demon that stood before her.

The smug grin that she could sense beamed from the monster. “I must admit, young princess. I have a particular respect for your courage.” Kronos turned, walking off as the Baron levitated up high above the clouds to the hellship through the red energy lift.

Before she could react any further, Kronos joined his ally as well. They were gone, and now it was just her. Her and this Celestia-forsaken land.

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