• Published 24th May 2022
  • 3,629 Views, 1,028 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

  • ...

Turtles count it off!!

From within the ship, everyone was trying to relax and unwind for a bit, especially after that exhausting mission that they had gone through on the Turtle 96 world. And ever since Roland had confessed to Team Shine and a handful of others, he felt some of his burden lifted. And during that time, they had tried to help him try to turn his life around. And seeing that they had some free time, they decided to watch his progress and try their best to help him, and he to them, like he should have done long ago.

He was able to tell Grandpa Max and his group the truth. He and his staff were actually stunned by what he revealed, but given his sake, they promise to keep his secret. Grandpa Max promised to get him the help he needed.

One by one, he was able to spend time inventing things with Donnie and Gamer, trained with Raph and Night Shine, with Night Shine keeping an eye on him, but nodded once to show that he was making some progress. He trained with Leo, Shinigami, and Karai as the two of them slowly moved into motion, with Shine Boy watching and nodded whilst smiling as he approved. He played video games with Mikey, with the latter laughing at their antics.

With the Mane 6, he was able to help them adjust to the human world, even showing them a few things that could help them all out in the long run. He even helped the Rock N Beats record their first album, after much trying, they made their first successful album. Roland chose to sit aside and watch them enjoy themselves, until they hugged him, which surprised him as they were showing his thanks, with the latter smiling at this.

As for the Rainbooms…

He baked a ton of goods with Pinkie Pie, with the latter seeing how good it was, with the two of them smiling at their teamwork. He helped baked pies with Applejack as she told him of her family, with Roland chuckling over Big Mac’s accident at the barn and Granny being her crazy and sometimes usual self. He helped Rainbow with her athletics training, with the latter giving him a thumbs up and a smile, to which he smiled whilst he was grateful. He helped Fluttershy take care of her animals when she went to check up on them on the animal shelter, to which the latter was very grateful for the extra help. He helped Rarity design a few outfits, with the latter observing, and when she wanted someone to model for her, he agreed, to which she really enjoyed. He even helped Twilight with a few chemicals and math problems along the way.

With Sunset however…she was still in her room. She sometimes practices her training on her own in her room, which was thankfully large enough. However, she still kept being distant from everybody. He wished he could help her…but he didn’t know where to start.

The rest he slowly spent time with, and he was able to apologize to those he hurt. It was slow…but it was progress.


Later near one of the hallways, Love Shine was drinking coffee when he saw Donnie walking up to him.

“Hey, D.” He then noticed an upset look in his face. “Everything okay?”

“I had just talked to April. She was constantly apologizing to me for everything. At first, I thought Roland grilled her too for her past mistakes. But it wasn’t him.”

“Was it Obaki?” Love Shine guessed.

“No.” Donnie frowned. “It was Night Shine.”

“WHAT?” Before Donnie could continue, Love Shine stomped away.


Meanwhile, at the mess hall, Shine Boy was with Leo, Karai, Ben, Mikey, Shini, Twilight, Spike, Mondo, and Leatherhead next to the food-a-Matic.

“I think you'll guys like this.” He said before letting the machine scan his tongue. Soon, it opened with steam pouring out as Shine Boy reached in. “This is something my mom made when we were kids.” as the steam cleared, he was holding a plate full of hamburger bun halves with tomato soup, beef, and cheese on top. “Behold! They're called Pizza wiches.”

“Whoa.” Mikey wowed. “Why didn't I think of that?”

“Go on. Try one.” Shine Boy offered.

Everyone grabbed a pizza wich and took a bite. Soon, their eyes widened with enjoyment.

“Mmmm!” Mikey wowed before stuffing the rest of his in his mouth. “So delicious!”

“I haven't had something this good since pizza gyoza!” Shini smiled.

“Yeah. they're definitely up there.” Karai grinned.

“This is amazing!” Leo admitted.

“Agreed!” Ben added.

“Same!” Twilight grinned.

“Yum!” Spike licked his lips.

“Bodacious!” Mondo thumbed up.

Leatherhead grinned after swallowing his pizza wich. “This is definitely one of the most delicious foods I have ever tried! Could I have another please, Shine Boy?”

“I made enough for seconds. Go right ahead, Leatherhead.” As Shine Boy held the plate up for everyone to take another, he saw Sunset walking by looking down. “Hey, Sunset! Wanna try a pizza wich?”

Sunset faked a smile. “Thanks, Shine Boy. But... I'm afraid I'm not really hungry.”

As she walked out of the mess hall, everyone looked confused as Spike spoke up. “What was that all about?”

“You know, she's been pretty distant since we came back from the 96 worlds. I hope she's okay.” Twilight worried.

“You and me both.” Leo stated, equally worried.

“You don't think she's still upset about what Obaki and Venus told them?” Shini guessed.

“That might be part of it.” Everyone looked at Mikey who looked concerned. “When we were separated and had to deal with Rita and Zedd's forces, she along with the other Rainbooms made pizza for me to apologize for the time I had to fight Jagwar again.”

“It was Roland's order.” Twilight recalled as Mikey continued.

“Yeah. And she might be feeling like she failed to make up for her evil mistakes because no matter how hard she tried to redeem herself, someone's always doing something to ruin her good name. Anon-a-miss, The Memory Stone incident, The Meanbooms, Cozy Glow, and so much others.”

“I think you hit the nail, Michelangelo.” Shine Boy sighed, knowing the real truth.

“I really wish those two would quit putting everyone down while we're trying to save our homes.” Ben huffed.

“I know right?” Karai agreed. “Couldn't this wait until AFTER we save the multiverse?”

“Apparently not.” Leo sighed, secretly believing what Obaki said.

Shine Boy then said “That reminds me, I need to check up on something.”

After Shine Boy left, he then secretly contacted Roland and said “Hey, Roland?”

Hey Shine, what's up?

“Mind of I ask a favor, it's important.”

Anything for you.”


In the hanger where the vehicles were stored, Kevin was working on his car with Gamer, Billy, and Alpha helping out. As they worked, Kevin was telling them about Obaki and Venus’ lecture to the Turtles and Rainbooms before they went to the 96-world.

“They really said that?” Billy asked surprised.

“Yeah. As much as I wasn’t too keen they did that, I halfta agree with Ben that that was going a little too far.” Kevin huffed. “Socket wrench.”

Billy handed him the tool as he spoke. “Well, it maybe illogical that they repeat the same mistakes, I kinda share the same kind of guilt that I don’t ever want to feel again.”

“What do you mean, Billy?” Gamer asked underneath the car.

“Well, Rita used her Dramole monster to capture our parents during visitors day. While the others fought the putties, Rita mind controlled me to steal the Dragon Dagger and give it to Goldar and then ransomed our Parents for our Power Coins only to be double crossed. Even though we were able to repower Tommy’s Green Ranger powers and get our coins and parents back, I still felt guilty for almost costing us big. I guess that was why I got a B when we fought the Grumble Bee.”

“Billy, you were mind controlled. It wasn’t your fault.” Alpha replied at the driver’s seat.

“And yet I feel just as guilty.” Billy sighed.

“Saying that to someone who’s been bad most of his life?” Kevin grinned. “While I’m not too keen about the Rainbooms repeating mistakes or not trusting Mikey, I’m not exactly perfect either.”

“Though I remember seeing Sunset struggling to stay morphed during our fight with Rita and Zedd?” Asked Billy.

“Yeah. Probably the reason why she’s been avoiding everyone ever since we got back. I don’t like it.” Kevin glared.

Gamer hid his face as he worked, remembering everything Roland told him and Team Shine. After he finished, he wheeled out from under the car. “Okay. That outta do it.”

“Okay, Alpha. Start her up. Remember, easy on the gas.” Kevin instructed as he shut the hood.

“Right, Kevin.” Alpha started the engine. However, his foot was on the accelerator causing the car to speed forward. “Aye-Yi-Yi!”

Kevin, Gamer, and Billy dove out of the way in the before Alpha stopped it and turned off the engine. He then sheepishly peaked out of the window.

“It worked.” His only response was Kevin tossing his rag on Alphas head. “Aye-Yi-Yi.”


It wasn’t long before he found Night Shine in the arcade. Right when he turned around, Night Shine was thrown into another machine. After reconnecting his jaw, he looked up to see Love Shine cracking his knuckles glaring.

“Really? I was struggling with that game already.”

Love Shine grabbed Night Shine by his jacket. “You idiot! You Moron! What gives you the right to grill April like that?”

“I was just proving that I can play Roland’s game.” Night Shine huffed.

“By putting everyone else down before him?” Love Shine snapped.

“By reminding these brats that they’re not angels themselves!” Night Shine countered. “They should remember what they’ve done before lecturing those guys about abandoning Mikey or failing Equestria or WHATEVER Roland and Obaki lecture them on and on about!”

“And how many more people you have to lecture yourself? Wallflower? Sapphire? Casey? Caitlyn? Huh? How many more before you doom the multiverse as well?”

Night Shine was unfazed. “You forgot to add Flash Sentry abandoning Twilight during the Battle of the Bands.


There was a huge hole in the wall as Night Shine slid out ready to fight.

“Oh! You gonna be serious, Brandon? I want to ease some attention!”

Love Shine extended his photon blades. “I’m gonna rip out your JAW!”

The two charged at each other and were about to attack when who should push them back but Jason.

“ENOUGH!” The red power ranger demanded. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?”

“Just proving my point.” Night Shine hissed before walking away.

Jason turned to Love Shine who retracted his blades. “Everything okay?”

“Not really.” Love Shine sighed before he punched the wall and walked the other way.


Meanwhile, both Roland and Shine Boy met in a private hallway.

“So, what's up?” asked Roland.

“First thing's first.” said Shine Boy. “How are things going with...you know.”

Roland sighed and said “I'll admit, it's still hard. But...I was able to make it up to AJ, Rares and Rainbow. After they found out through you, we understood and bonded a bit. I was able to bond with Pinkie and Fluttershy. And after I apologized to the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats, I also bonded with them. Twilight was okay, same with Donnie and Shinigami. But...the others I'm still trying.”

Shine Boy nodded, knowing that he at least made some good progress. For ever since Roland told him and Team Shine, they've been trying to help him on the right path, trying to be a better person. And after much argument, Venus agreed to change her ways too, though Obaki was a bit reluctant, but it was still a work in progress.

“So, what's up?” said Roland.

“It's about Sunset.” said Shine Boy. “I think what Obaki said to her had hurt her more than anyone else had ever realized.”

“Oh yeah, back at the training room.” said Roland. He the sighed and said “I told Obaki and Venus to stay out of my business, and that Batman trusted me to do it. But this...this isn't what I wanted. I was trying to remind them through their stubbornness that the last time they thought like that, they nearly lost everyone.”

Roland sighed and rubbed the back of his head, “I can't believe I was so stupid enough to go ask him for help.”

“You were only looking for guidance.” said Shine Boy, “Which was understandable, considering he was one of your teachers.”

“And I ended up being dependent on it.” said Roland. “Just like Master Splinter told me back at the 96 worlds....”

“Wait, Splinter spoke to you?” asked a surprised Shine Boy.

“He did.” said Roland before he smiled, “And he was a lot better from the one in my dimension.”

Shine Boy nodded in understanding, “Anyway, he said that because I was so dependent on hearing their advice, I ended up losing my own ability to think for myself, to help those in need the way I wanted to. But instead, I followed another's. He even said that though a teacher can guide their student, the student needs to learn to rely on his own words, his own choice, and his own decisions, rather than continuing to follow orders blindly.”

“Looks like Splinter taught you well.” said Shine Boy.

Roland sighed, and said “Do you think I should tell her the truth, too?”

“Normally I wouldn't make one tell another,” said Shine Boy, “But if it were up to me. I think she deserves to know the truth. I can understand what her counterpart did was wrong. But to quote a certain god of war I encountered by accident; we must be better.”

Roland then nodded, agreeing with that statement.

Shine Boy, you there?” said Grandpa Max.

“I’m here, Max.” said Shine Boy.

“We were able to reach out to Batman’s group,” said Patelliday, “We’re sending them through, now.”

“Alright, we’re on the way.” Said Shine Boy, before looking at Roland and said “Come on, let’s go.”

“Before that…” said Roland. He then breathed and said “I really hope I can help Sunset.”

Shine Boy held his shoulder and said “Don’t give up hope. She’ll get the help she needs. But it needs to be from you, and no one else.”

Roland nodded and said “I understand.”

The two of them was then off, going towards the hanger to wait for the Justice League.


Soon, the Turtles and Rainbooms, along with the Mane 6 were at the hanger. Team Shine, minus Night Shine, were also there, with Gamer calibrating the portal.

“Alright, portal should be opening…now.” Said Gamer.

Within a split second, a portal opened. The first one to walk through was none other than Superman, along with the Leaguers that volunteered, aka, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, aka the Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aqua Man, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatanna, Hawk Girl, Green Lantern John Stewart, Wally West, aka, the Flash, Captain Atom, Red Tornado, Mr. Miracle, and the Atom.

“Nice of all of you to drop by.” Said Ben.

“He’s not the only one.”

Everyone looked to their right and saw the Titans walking in, aka, Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, Blue Beetle, Static, Rubberband Man and Gear. However, among them was another man, which was none other than Virgil’s father, which surprised Shine Boy.

“You invited Virgil’s dad too?” whispered Shine Boy to Roland.

“I figured he’d help as a psychologist alongside Black Canary, considering he knows how to talk to people.” Whispered Roland, which Shine Boy nodded, remembering from what Leo told what Static had told him. But then Roland smiled and whispered “And he wasn’t the only one.”

However, surprisingly they weren’t alone. For alongside them were many dogs and two cats. For alongside them was Krypto the Superdog, Ace the Bathound, Streaky the Cat, Stretcho Mutt, former cat villain Snooky Wookums, and the Dog Star Patrol (Consisting of Brainy Barker, Bulldog, Hotdog, Mammoth Mutt, Tusky Husky, Tail Terrier, and Paw Pooch). Fluttershy gasped at the sight and ran over to them, whilst giving Krypto and Ace a hug at the same time, with the animals going near her to say hi. The others were surprised too.

“Whoa, who are they?” said Mikey.

“We already know Bathound and Snooky.” Said Donnie, “but who are the others?”

Fluttershy then turned to the others and said “Everyone, I’d like you to meet the pets I met and helped a while back. This is Superman’s dog, Krypto, this here is his friend, Streaky the Cat. And these are the Dog Star Patrol. There’s Brainy Barker, Bulldog, Hotdog, Mammoth Mutt, Tusky Husky, Tail Terrier, and Paw Pooch.”

“Aw, they’re so cute.” Said April, but then noticed another dog, but in blue. “But who’s that?”

The said dog barked, with Fluttershy saying “Oh, this here is Stretcho Mutt. He has the ability to stretch his body.”

“Oh, kind of like Elongated Man and Plastic Man.” Said Wally/Flash, gaining their attention, with him saying “Long story.”

“I know them,” said John Stewart/Green Lantern, “They once helped the Green Lantern Corps out on several occasions.”

“Uh, how are we going to understand them?” asked Keno.

“I can help with that.” Said Gamer as he came over with small chips. “These will be designed to be connected to your collars. That way, you’ll be able to speak our language.”

He first went over to Krypto and placed his chip behind his collar, to stay hidden for just in case. After he was done, he said “Alright Krypto, you’re up.”

Krypto cleared his throat and said “Testing, testing, one, two three.”

The others were surprised by this, with Shine Girl saying “Wow, good call Gamer.”, with the latter blushing whilst smiling, whilst at the same time, placed the same chips behind the other dogs.

“Huh,” said Superman, “So that’s what you sound like.”

“Oh, you bet I do.” Said Krypto as he hovered over, “You have no idea how many times I wanted to speak to you like this. I had a translator, but the boy looking after me, Kevin, had to use it so that he could understand me.”

“Same with Audrey.” Said Streaky, “And then again, she wasn’t prepared to hear where Krypto was actually from.”

“Static, good to see you.” Said Leo as he walked over.

“Same here Leo.” Said Static as he and the others greeted them. However, Static noticed that, though Sunset was happy to see them, she seemed less…enthusiastic about it. He couldn’t explain why…but he saw that feeling before.

“It is good to see the friends again.” Said Starfire in excitement as she hugged Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“Good to see you girls again.” Said Fluttershy.

Dog Spike walked over to Raven and said “Good to see you too, Raven.”

“You to Spike.” Said Raven before she stood on one knee and petted Spike.

“Whattup party people?!” said Beast Boy.

“We’re onboard and ready for a throwdown!!” said Cyborg.

“Great to see you guys.” Said Mikey as he high fived them.

“And Beetle, great to see you.” Said Rainbow.

“We haven’t seen you for a long time.” Said Twilight.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Said Blue Beetle, “Someone had to look after the Tower whilst they were away.”

“Hey,” said Raph as he noticed someone was missing, “Where’s the others?”

“She-Bang’s back at Dakota watching over things whilst we’re here.” Said Static.

“Plus, Snowstorm and Shot Cord’s back at Titan’s tower.” Said Nightwing, “We wanted to teach them more about responsibility, so they’re currently going over the basics. One of our allies, Bumblebee, is overseeing their training.”

“Aw, I really wanted to see them too.” Said Pinkie all pouty.

“Don’t worry, they’ll be here soon once the rest of the Titans are gathered.” Reassured Nightwing.

“So, Blade.” Said Mr. Hawkins when he approached him. “How’s Maureen doing?”

“She’s alright.” Said Blade, “Princess Celestia, my superior, helped me set up home for her. She hadn’t been there long and she’s changed so drastically. She never felt so loved in all her life. It felt…great to see her like this.”

“That’s good to hear.” He said with a smile, “You gave her hope and a family that she really needed.”

He then noticed Tempest next to him and asked “Is this your special lady?”

“She is.” Said Blade as he blushed, with Tempest doing the same. “We had similar backgrounds, none of them good. But we were able to find our way in the end.”

“And Maureen, er, Permafrost has…really warmed up to me.” Said Tempest as she smiled fondly.

“Glad all of you could make it.” Said Grandpa Max as he shook Superman’s hand. “Wish it was under better circumstances.”

“The feeling’s mutual.” Said Superman, “We went to report about the Shredder to the League and the rest of our allies.”

“They’re back home at the moment,” said Barry/Flash, “They’re busy gathering their allies and supplies for when the big battle comes in.”

“So, at the moment all of them are on standby.” Said Hal/Green Lantern.

“In the meantime, we’ll be the advance force.” Said Wonder Woman.

Applejack, knowing that Batman was with the League, still wanted to have a few words with him, but then noticed that he wasn’t with them.

“Hey, where’s Batman?” asked Applejack.

“Batman’s currently missing.” Said Ace, which surprised the Rainbooms. “He went on patrol and suddenly went dark. We…haven’t heard a word from him since.”

“Yeah, it’s not like Batman not to report in.” said Robin. “I really hope he wasn’t kidnapped, otherwise it would be Brainiac all over again.”

“I’m sure he’s fine, he’s Batman after all.” Said Gears.

“So, what’s our current status?” asked Martian Manhunter.

“We were able to find another stone.” Said Gwen.

“Right now, we’re heading towards another Earth.” Said Kevin, “Hopefully the Turtles there will be more helpful.”

“Oh, don’t you worry.” Said Rainbow, “These guys are legit.”

“Rainbow’s right.” Said Princess Twilight, “The Turtles over there are trustworthy, and they were a big help when we fought their world’s shredder.”

“I just hope the Karai from that Earth will be more helpful this time.” Said Karai.

“Fingers crossed on that.” Said Shinigami.

“Well, I’m looking forward to see my counterpart again.” Said April.

“Same here,” said Casey, “Jones and I have a lot of catching up to do.”

Roland then thought of something, then went over to Shine Boy. However, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity noticed. And seeing that they promised to help, went over to them.

“I have an idea on how we can help Sunset.” Whispered Roland, “But it’s going to require the turtles from that world’s help.”

“You think so?” whispered Shine Boy.

“Oh, I agree.” Whispered Rarity, “I’m sure that they can help out once we explain everything.”

“And we need to bring Static, Gears and Rubberband Man on this, same with Mr. Hawkins.” Said Roland. He then noticed the dogs and said “And maybe Krypto and the others too.”

“You sure?” asked Rainbow.

“I’m sure.” Said Roland.

Suddenly, Mikey remembered something. “Uh, are we sure we’ll be safe over there once we arrive?”

“What do you mean, Mikey?” asked Spike.

“Uh, about a certain super soldier agent guy who nearly dissected us Turtles and tried to mind control Princess Twilight and the Rainbooms?”

Then it immediately dawned to them, and they had completely forgot about him.

“Oh, crud, we forgot about him.” Said Keno.

“Who?” asked Kevin.

“He is talking about my counterpart.” Said Bishop.

“What’s so bad about him?” asked the Atom.

“He’s talking about Agent Bishop of that Earth.” Said Leo. “A while back after my brothers and I arrived, we were captured by this guy, Bishop. He was once a human from the seventeen hundreds, until a group of aliens had captured and experimented on him. He ended up becoming immortal with enhanced strength…”

“But he became a total Xenophobic towards all aliens!!” said Mikey.

“Wait, he hates Aliens?!” said Wally/Flash.

“And Metahumans.” Said Amethyst Majesty, which surprises the League.

“He’s right,” said Raph, “This Bishop would do anything, even risk millions of lives just to destroy aliens. He even tried to dissect us and turn the Rainbooms into his own personal weapons. But the guy’s also a total nutjob. And no matter how hard we tried, he’s still deadest on destroying anything that’s not human.”

“And seeing a big space ship like this,” said Leo, “Not exactly going to convince him.”

“No need to worry,” said Azmuth as he came in with his hovercraft. “Bishop had informed me of this counterpart, and thanks to our spies, we were able to study their so-called feeble technology. So, we were able to upgrade out ship with over ten different cloaking techs. So now we can enter that world without any problems.”

“And once we arrive there,” said Grandpa Max, “We’ll send the Turtles of that world a message to let them know we’re there.”

“We’ll even try to teleport them to us.” Said Roland, “That way, we won’t have to send a ship to pick them up.”

“Smart move.” Said Green Arrow. However, he noticed that Rarity was standing near him and smiling with her arms crossed. “What?”

“So, you happen to be the infamous Green Arrow?” asked Rarity.

“Uh, that’s right.” Said Green Arrow in confusion.

“Canary talks a lot about you.” Said Rarity, “And it was really sweet of you of what you did for her when you tried to convince her mentor to stop.”

He widened his eyes surprised and looked at Black Canary.

“I did.” Said Canary, before looking at Rarity whilst smiling and said “Rarity, it’s good to see you again.”

“Good to see you too, Dinah.” Said Rarity as she hugged her, “It’s been a long time.”

“Hey, where’s Huntress?” asked Pinkie.

Dinah breathed through her teeth and said “Yeah…it’s a long story.”

Pinkie flexed her eyebrow at that, and went “Aw, I thought it would be great to see my bestie again.”

“If you wanna call her that after what she said to you.” Muttered Batgirl, remembering what Huntress had said to Pinkie.

“Sir, we’re almost there.” Said the Bridge.

They watched from the screen that appeared above them and within a split second, they arrived at a certain Earth.

“Everyone,” said Roland, “Welcome to coordinates 0802, on what we call, Earth 2003.”

“Doesn’t look that much different from our Earth.” Said Streaky.

“Do not be fooled by appearances Streaky,” said Brainy, “For even though this world resembles that of our Earth, there are many differences too.”

“Right,” said Gear, “One where we don’t exist.”

“Seeing that we’re here,” said Leo before he looked at Azmuth. “Azmuth, do you think we should teleport them to our ship?”

“Already done.” Said Azmuth. “I already sent a message to them the moment we got here. They should be here shortly.”

Within mere moments, their friends from the 2003 world arrived. They were this world’s Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Splinter, April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Fugitoid, and Leatherhead.

“Whoa, that’s a new experience.” Said Michelangelo.

Splinter looked at their direction and said “It seems we are about to meet our hosts.”

They turned to the others and were surprised to see so many folks.

“Guys,” said O’Neil, “Long time no see.”

“It’s been too long.” Said April as she hugged her adult counterpart.

Everyone went over and greeted them, with Wally/Flash saying “Whoa, they almost look the same, but also different.”

“Kind of reminds me of the heroes we met when we were trapped in that one comic.” Said John/Green Lantern.

“Though it is good to see the Rangers again.” Said Wonder Woman when she saw Jason and the others.

“Whoa,” said Mikey as he looked at the Rainbooms and Mane 6. “I think I’m seeing double here.”

“Oh, these are my friends from Equestria.” Said Princess Twilight, “It’s their first time as humans in any world.”

“And it’s awesome!!” said pony Rainbow Dash as she felt pumped up.

As they greeted, Splinter noticed Sunset looked a bit down and was a little further from the others. He could sense that there was something wrong with her. Before he could move, he felt someone holding his shoulder. When he looked to his right, he saw Roland standing near him, and had a guilt look on his face.

“Once you’re settled.” Whispered Roland, “Could you, the turtles and your April and Casey meet me in the training room. There’s something important that we need to talk about.”

Splinter could sense the urgency from his words, but nodded nonetheless. Roland looked at his right and saw Shine Boy whispering to Static, Gear, Rubberband Man and Mr. Hawkins, and he knew he was asking them to meet them there. Even Applejack asked the canine companions to go with them.


Roland stood there by the training room, waiting, and was really nervous at the same time. He looked to his right and saw Shine Boy, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash approaching, with the said people coming over.

“Alright, we’re here.” Said Leonardo, “What’s all this about?”

“Yeah, from the sounds of it, it sounds pretty important.” Said Jones.

Roland typed on the keypad and created a dojo like simulation, and motioned them to enter. Once they did, Roland entered last and locked the door behind them, for this was going to be a long conversation.


“And that’s why I did what I did.” Said Roland.

To say that the Turtles, O’Neil, Jones, Krypto, Steaky, the Dog Star Patrol Static, Gear, and Rubberband Man were shocked were an understatement. Mr. Hawkins and Splinter on the other hand, they listened to him word for word, and could understand him better, especially since Shine Boy, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow chose to be with him.

“Whoa,” said Michelangelo. “Did not expect that.”

“And what da shell were ya thinkin?!!” exclaimed Raphael, “Scolding the others like that, just because of their counterparts?!!”

“Hey, back off, man.” Said Rubberband Man.

“Yeah, he’s right.” Said Static, “The dude’s been through a lot, I mean I would’ve been the same as he was if I grew up in that kind of world.”

“Though I’m surprised Batman made him do all that.” Said Gear in disbelief.

“He's also lived a life filled with depression, fear and anger from his time growing up in that world.” Said Mr. Hawkins as it gained their attention, “I've worked with kids and people like him and I can tell you, none of us can dismiss this. He needs help.”

“Oh, he needs more than help, governor.” Said Bulldog.

“Yeah, he needs major life realignments on a number of levels.” Said Hotdog.

“Yeah, starting with that attitude of his.” Said Streaky.

“We’ve been tryin since we found out.” Said Applejack on behalf of her, Rarity, Rainbow, and Team Shine. “It was hard for him at first, but he was able to push on through.”

“And right now, Sunset also needs help.” Said Rarity.

“I still can’t believe I did this sort of thing.” Said Roland, “I can’t believe I was such an…idiot to ask him for help.”

Splinter opened his eyes and said “I can sense your words are genuine and your heart speaks true. You truly regret for what you did, and you wish to atone for what you have done. And from what the others have told me, you have made some progress. But you felt you need to do more, what you should’ve done long ago.”

“Yeah.” Said Roland in a depressed tone.

“Although,” said O’Neil in worry, “I’m more concerned about the Shredder you fought. And what he did.”

“He’s more of a monster than Ch’Rell.” Said Donatello. He then suddenly looked sad and said “Plus, I believe you, and I’ll help out too.”

The 2003 Turtles were surprised by this, with Donatello saying “Remember when I went to that other world and encountered…you know.”

Then it dawned to them, they remembered what he said about their counterparts, and what they went through because of the Shredder. In truth, now they understand.

“So, what can we do to help, Sunset?” asked Leonardo.

“We could always fake someone being in danger and Sunset to rescue her.” Said Michelangelo.

“Seriously?” said Raphael in a deadpanned tone.

“What?” said Michelangelo, “We don’t have to literally put someone in danger. Remember when you guys set up that training course for me when we were at the future? We do the same thing, minus the threat, and we place someone where Sunset can help save him.”

“Hmm, agreed. Michelangelo is correct.” Said master Splinter, which surprised the Turtles, O’Neil, and Jones. “We help set things in motion that would truly help bring the best of her. For a warrior who hides itself with self-doubt, is prone to danger and not being able to help those in need.”

“But where do we start?” asked Roland. “Who’d be that crazy to volunteer?”

“What about Flash Sentry?” recommended Rainbow, which caused Applejack and Rarity to look at her surprised.

“Who?” asked Michelangelo.

“He’s a friend our ours from Canterlot High.” Said Applejack. “He and a few others were trained the same way we were.”

“Although…” said Rarity as she wasn’t sure, “Things might be awkward for the two of them.”

“What do you mean?” asked O’Neil.

“They…” said Roland, seeing that he knew their history. “Used to date before he broke up with her when she was a bully, but then later became friends since Camp Everfree.”

The ones listening were surprised by this, with Gear saying “Wow, that is going to be awkward.”

“If you think it’ll work,” said Mr. Hawkins, “Only question is, will he be onboard with this when you tell him?”

Shine Boy, Roland and the girls look at one another, realizing that he may have a point. However, Brainy Barker could tell that something else was off about Roland. She then closed her eyes and used her abilities to read his mind. True and behold, she saw how greatly Roland had suffered over the years and what it had done to him both physically, and mentally.

The poor boy” thought Brainy as she couldn’t help but pity him. “What could have driven him to go down such a…

However, within a split second, a dark screech was heard as a terrifying face was shown before her, causing her to gasp in shock the moment she opened her eyes and nearly collapsed, which gained Krypto and the rest of Dog Star’s attention as he instantly held onto her.

“Brainy, Brainy are you okay?” asked Krypto in concern.

“You okay there, love?” asked Bulldog.

“Uh, it’s nothing.” Said Brainy.

She slowly looked at Roland in great concern. For there was something deep inside of him, something that wants to get out. She knew that Roland knew, but even he was greatly afraid of it. Whatever it was, she had to save it for another time to tell them before things get out of hand.


“You want me to do what?” said Flash as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You want me to pretend we’re in danger once we’re down there?”

They brought him in with the others and they explained everything of why they needed his help.

“That sums about right.” Said Applejack.

“Look, Flash,” said Rarity, “Normally we wouldn’t be asking you of this. But we really need your help, to help Sunset regain her confidence.”

“We did try to cheer her up,” said Applejack, “But she’s scared that she might mess up again.”

“I know what you mean,” said Flash as he looked down and thought about how he saw her last time. “Seeing her like this. I haven’t seen her like that since the whole Anon a miss and Memory Stone fiasco.”

“So, you’ll help?” asked Rainbow.

“I’d do anything to help, Sunset.” Said Flash, “Though why haven’t you asked Fugitoid to help, considering how those two have the same thing in common.”

“He tried, but he couldn’t get through to her.” Said Applejack.

“So, here’s hoping we can help her.” Said Rarity.

“Fingers crossed to that.” Said Rainbow Dash.


From within Roland’s quarters, he was just done taking a shower, however, just as he was about to put on his usual outfit, he saw something in front of him that he was surprised to see. It was a type of hood; with armor, weapons, and gadgets he had never seen before. He saw that there was a note on top and took it. He then read the note on top.

I heard that you were trying to change your ways and tried to make things right. Which is good. Now that you are on that path, you will need to show them that you are no longer that same person, but one that truly wishes to help. Accept this hood as your own, and may it shield you well from your enemies.


Roland looked at it, for he felt that there was something familiar to it. The moment he touched it though, he grunted loudly and saw more images in his head. In each image, showed him fighting techniques he had never seen before. Were they…more powerful than ninjitsu?

He suddenly regained his focus and looked at the hood once more. He then looked at his old outfit. He then got mad and tossed his old clothes away. Maybe this JB is right. Maybe it’s time to show everyone he was not that same person anymore. He grabbed his clothes and tossed them into the trash. For it was time.

First he put on his black pants and tightened the belt around it. He placed his feet into his armored boots, causing them to seal around his feet, showing for extra comfort and protection, causing certain lights to glow blue. He placed the hood on, and then he placed the chest armor on him, causing it to seal around him, showing that his armor was secured. He pulled his sleeves to make sure they were comfortable. He place his hand into his armored gloves/wrist, causing it to seal and be secured on him, with him placing his utility belt last.

He placed tactical gauntlets underneath his wrists, revealing two strong and powerful hidden blades from underneath. He took the two chaos double edge knives and placed them in the hilts behind his belt. He took what appeared to be coin claws and placed them securely at the front of his metallic boots and his wrists to show how well hidden they were. He placed two pistol rings at his middle fingers, and secretly placed two knives in a secret compartment of his boot. He placed four provoke knives at his left shoulder and placed a special element onto his gloves, showing that he was now fully ready for a fight.

He looked at the mirror, and noticed how different he looked. It looked different, yet, very familiar. What did it mean? He suddenly heard alarms, questions for another time.


Within a split second, everyone minus Obaki (Who was still recovering from the broken jaw), and Venus (Who didn’t have the heart to face them), gathered at the screen.

“Grandpa, what’s going on?!” said Ben.

“We’ve got trouble on the surface.” Said Grandpa Max.

Everyone then saw, to the Justice League’s shock, were many of their enemies and their armies, invading all over the city.

“That’s impossible.” Said Hawkgirl.

“How did they get here?”

“Shredder.” Growled Raph.

“Wait, dose are your enemies?!” said Raphael.

“Whoa, super dangerous bad guys 2.0!!” exclaimed Michelangelo, “Twice as bad and dangerous as the ones back at our home!!”

However, the door opened and someone walked through it. The Plumbers were shocked and surprised to see what they were seeing, even the techs and engineers, along with CHS’ students and Usagi.

“We’d better get down there.” Said Leonardo.

“He is right,” said Splinter, “We cannot abandon the city to be on their own.”

“And we won’t.”

Everyone turned and was very surprised, for Roland had entered, but looked different to.

(It's the only picture I could get for the outfit, so sue me😋)

Roland stood there with his arms crossed and looked at the screen. But the look on his face was of calm and control, something that they’ve never seen before.

“If we go down there, we can’t risk people getting hurt.” Said Roland when he looked at the 03 Turtles. “You may have handled tougher enemies, as well as supervillains in your dimension, but you haven’t handled the league’s. They’re thrice as dangerous and horrible as the next. Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Cheetah, Star Sapphire, and a whole lot more. But I’m more concerned about a certain individual.”

They were surprised to see how calm he is, and that he was different too. Very different.

“So, uh…what’s the plan?” asked Leo.

“Shine Boy?” asked Roland.

Shine Boy was surprised by this, but nonetheless, he answered. “We’re gonna have to divide and conquer on this. The League can try to handle the big bad guys, but if they’ve also brought their henchman, hired help, or more of Shredder’s goons over, then we need to be down there and cover what ground we can.”

“Agreed,” said Superman, “We can’t allow the citizens of New York to suffer because of our enemies.”

“We’ll have to take groups of two,” said Hal/Green Lantern, “That way we’ll be able to…”

“Sir!!” shouted one of the Plumbers, “We have a platoon worth’s intruders heading towards us!!”

They saw on the screen were unidentified forces, heading towards them.

“They’re going straight for the hanger.” Said Max.

“Then let’s get going!!” said Kevin as everyone immediately went over.


Everyone soon arrived at the hanger, getting ready for anything, just in case. The Ninjas and Rainbooms drew their weapons for just in case, same with their allies.

“Alright we’re here.” Said Mondo, “Now what?”

Suddenly, an explosion went at the hanger doors, thankfully the security protocols locked it down before anyone got sucked out. Everyone stood in attention. However, the Green Lanterns were shocked to see who was before them, same with the league. In the center, one of them was a robot, who glared at them with its eyes.

“No man escapes…”

“The manhunters.” Finished Roland for them.

True and behold, they truly were what Roland had said. Large robots, carrying what appeared to be staffs of sorts, who are known as the Manhunters. And from what they’ve seen, there is about thirteen of them.

“Whoa, are those Manhunters?” said Wally/Flash.

“Impossible,” said John/Green Lantern, “We fought the Manhunters, they don’t look anything like them.”

“You sure? Cause the looks are quite uncanny.” Said Wally/Flash.

“Uh, question,” said Mikey, “What are Manhunters?”

“Uh, Mikey, fight now talk later!!” said Raph.

“I second dat motion!!” said Raphael.

However, Roland suddenly signaled them to stop, which confused all of them. Then, to their surprise, he was just walking straight towards the Manhunters with his head lowered. The handful of Manhunters noticed as six of them moved towards Roland and had him instantly surrounded.

“Is he out of his mind?!” exclaimed Beast Boy.

The Manhunters then pointed their weapons whilst surrounding him at the same time, though for some strange reason, Roland was closing his eyes, with his head lowered and steadied his breathing. He then felt his body, his instincts, and his skills flaring up, as if…there was something else from within.

As they surrounded Roland, one of the Manhunters said, “No man escapes the…”

Within a split second, Roland instantly opened his eyes and pulled out a sword that’s sharp end glowed, causing him to slice two of the Manhunters before him, then thrusted his left hand at the next two, causing them to fly towards the wall and break in half, whilst Roland jumped in the air, twirled, and sliced two of the Manhunters to pieces.

Then he suddenly leaped in the air whilst placing his sword away, allowing him to land near three more Manhunters. He jabbed what appeared to be a blade from below his wrist and jabbed it in the first Manhunter’s back and pushed him aside. The second tried to turn, but Roland jabbed his other hidden wrist blade behind another, shutting it down. The third tried to swing its weapon, but Roland caught its arm and used his wrist blade to jab it into its back and pushed him aside whilst keeping his sight focused on the enemy.

The next two Manhunters charged and attacked, until Roland pulled out a small pellet and tossed it into the ground, creating a large red smoke, which disoriented the two Manhunters in the process. Roland performed a leg sweep, making the Manhunter collapse onto the ground, with Roland pinning it, the second tried to use its weapon, but Roland deflected it with his sword and jabbed it in the chest, before he used his dagger to destroy the other one he pinned onto the ground.

Roland instantly stood up and placed both the sword and shield away, whilst he took out a cylinder of sorts and threw it at the Manhunter he was charging at, causing the Manhunter to slowly melt and malfunction at the same time, whilst Roland grabbed the malfunctioning Manhunter, vaulted over and jabbed his hidden blade into the next one.

As the last two fell, Roland saw the last one, as if it was hesitating to attack. When Roland approached it, the Manhunter tried to swing its weapon, but Roland dodged it left and right, until he blocked the Manhunter and punched it in the face, making it collapse onto the ground, with Roland tossing its weapon away and walked over to it. The Manhunter tried to punch Roland, until Roland grabbed it and ended up holding its left arm, and Roland aiming his left arm at the Manhunter’s head.

“You say no man escapes the Manhunters,” said Roland, “But what would happen if the Man becomes the hunter, and the Manhunter becomes the hunted?”

Roland pressed his right hand, causing the blade to pierce the Manhunter’s head, disabling it in the process. Roland then released it as it collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud. Roland then breathed a bit, trying to stay calm after such a huge fight.

Everyone stared at him shocked and baffled, as Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata, even Rainbow to drop their weapons in shock by what they had seen.

“Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman.

“You can say that again.” Said Wally/Flash.

“He just took down…thirteen Manhunters, without breaking a sweat.” Said Hawkgirl in shock.

“Who is this kid?” said John/Green Lantern in shock.

Roland then picked up two of the Manhunters’ weapons. He then smiled and shouted “You, Donnie!! Souvenir!!”

He then tossed the weapon to both Donnie and Donatello. Whilst Donnie smiled in excitement, Donatello observed it.

“Fascinating.” Said Donatello as he looked at the design, “I’ve never seen such an amazing design before.”

Roland flipped the Manhunter over and was able to rip its memory core out whilst the others came over.

“Fugitoid, Gamer, Twilight,” said Roland as he tossed it to them, “Take a look at these. And be careful, there’s no telling what’s on this.”

“Very well then.” Said Fugitoid as they looked it over.

“What exactly are they?” asked Leonardo.

“I’ve never seen anything like it before.” Said Leo.

“I have.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “They’re called Manhunters.”

“You sure,” asked Wally/Flash, “They don’t look like the Manhunters we know.”

“That’s because they’re from a different Earth,” said Roland as he observed them, “I’ve seen them before, from coordinates 1111, on Earth 2011 if I’m not mistaken.”

“So, what are they?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“They were created by the Guardians of Oa,” said Roland, “In other words the two Green Lanterns’ bosses.”

Everyone, minus the League, looked at both Hal Jordan and John Stewart surprised.

“The Manhunters were created by the Guardians long before the existence of the Green Lantern Corps.” Said Roland, “The Guardians thought that robots, aka, the Manhunters, would be good peace keepers, to wipe out the criminal element. But unfortunately, they were flawed. They couldn’t understand the difference between good and evil. Because of that, they ended up wiping out thousands of worlds under their wrath. Which in turned formed the forgotten zone, the very place where every Lantern is forbidden to set foot on.”

Once again, everyone, minus the ones that know, were shocked by this. Roland looked away and said “Which in turn created them.”

“Them who?”

“The Red Lantern Corps.”

Hal and John were surprised that he knew about it.

“The what now?” asked Applejack.

Roland then looked at them.

“In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night. No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might. Beware my power. Green Lantern's Light.”

As they were puzzled by what he said, both Hal and John felt their rings glowing, which shocked the two of them, as they never realized something like this before.

“What the hay is that?” asked pony Rainbow Dash.

“It is the Green Lantern Corps’ oath.” Said Brainy Barker, “It’s an oath that they live by, as well as the code. For every Green Lantern, to be able to wield them and be among them is a great honor.”

“But what about them Red Lanterns that he mentioned.” Asked Applejack.

“As the Green Lantern Corps is powered by Will,” said Roland, “The Red Lanterns are powered with Rage. Their minds are so twisted, it would turn you into a rabid animal. As for their oath.”

Roland cleared his throat as he recite it.

“With blood and rage of crimson red, We fill men's souls with darkest dread, And twist your minds to pain and hate. We'll burn you all—that is your fate.”

Some were afraid of this, with Princess Twilight asking “How many Lantern Corps are out there?”

“Counting Green Lantern’s, the Red Lanterns, Star Sapphire and Sinestro, seven.” Said Roland, “Each of them is powered by a certain emotion. Red is Rage, Green is Will, Yellow is Fear, Star Sapphire, which is violet for Love, Indigo is Compassion, Blue is Hope, and Orange for Avarice, in other words, Greed. Each Corps are powerful, but none of them are to be underestimated.”

“You seem to know a lot of the Green Lantern Corps.” Said John.

“I spent my time training with them.” Said Roland, “And…I used to be a Lantern too.”

This surprised everyone, until the science trio spoke that gained their attention.

“Incredible.” Said Twilight.

“So that would explain things.” Said Gamer.

“Explain what?” asked Blue Beetle.

“According to their memory banks,” said Fugitoid, “When an AI of the Green Lantern Corps went rogue and took over the Manhunters, they tried to wipe out all of creation in their universe. Though thankfully to the Green Lantern Corps, they were able to help free the AI of her own control and initiated a kill switch protocol to shut down the Manhunters. However, they suddenly disappeared.”

“Whoa,” said Cyborg as he looked it over, “And according to this, they were able to receive upgrades and fighting moves from the Shredder.”

“Guess we know how they got here.” Said Wally/Flash.

“The Shredder truly is unlike anything we’ve ever faced.” Said Martian Manhunter, “Even more dangerous than Darkseid.”

Superman then had a determined look on his face, but at the same time was concerned, for the Shredder truly was a threat that needed to be stopped.

“We’ll sort this out later,” said Superman, “Right now, there are innocent people that need our help down there.”

“Agreed.” Said John/Green Lantern, “We’ll focus on the supervillains on the surface. Everyone else can fan out and try to thin out their lines, as well as the Manhunters.”

Roland then whispered to Shine Boy to take Flash, to which he nodded and went over to Flash, who he told the plan and used the teleporter to transport them away. Roland then said “We’ll have to go in different teams. I’ll take Sunset, Rainbow, Silverbolt, Applejack, Rarity, and Amethyst Majesty with me. The others can search in different parts of the city.”

“Agreed,” said Leo, “Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo will go with me and my brothers to help secure downtown.”

“I can live with that.” Said Raphael.

“Let’s get down there.” Said Wonder Woman as everyone else as they went to their ships and transportation module.

“Sunset,” said Roland, causing her to stop. Roland then gently placed his hand on her shoulder. “Stick with me. I got your back. Always.”

Sunset was a little surprised by the tone of his voice, for it felt…different, genuine. She couldn’t explain it, but from the looks in his eyes, they were different this time. Roland then looked at Gwen.

“Gwen, can you open a portal near one of the buildings.”

“Uh, sure.” Said Gwen confused as she opened a portal.

When it opened, they saw the fight going on, with Roland saying “I’ll see you down there.”

To their shock, Roland jumped and descended downwards. Decided to follow his lead, Max said “Everyone to the teleporter!! We’ll send you to different locations whilst we send you down there!! We’ll send whatever teams we can to help keep the situation under control!!”

Everyone nodded their heads and went straight to the teleporter.


From down below, many of the Manhunters flew around and were also aided by the Foot Bots, as well as many of Lord Zedd and Rita’s monsters.

The first up was Man-Bat and Clayface, leading his group of Manhunters and were tearing up the place. They suddenly saw a glow and there was Ben and his group, along with Big Macintosh, Bulk Biceps, Derpy, Lyra, Bonbon and Maud Pie. Man-Bat ordered them to attack, causing the Foot Bots and Manhunters to attack.

Ben activated his Omnitrix and activated it, turning himself into Big Chill.

“Allen!!” said Ben/Big Chill, “We’ll take care of the bat and clay monster!! Everyone, pick your targets and take them down!!”

Both Ben and Allan flew with great speed towards Man-Bat and Clayface. Allen used his heat powers to fight against Man-Bat, with Ben/Big Chill using his ice abilities to freeze Clayface’s power at the same time.

From on the ground, Gwen jumped up and used her magic to make magic spears with ropes attached to them. She launched them at the Manhunters and pierced through them, before pulling them apart. Kevin absorbed the Manhunter’s armor, allowing him to attack in full force against Shredder’s Foot Bots. Helen used her superspeed to speed through the Foot Bots and sliced them to pieces, with Manny backing Max up as they use their blasters to shoot down the Manhunters, whilst Lucy uses her sludge powers to splatter them away.

Big Mac uses his 2 Tang Machete swords to block and kick away one Manhunter, then sliced two Foot Bots to pieces, with Bulk Biceps doing his mighty cry as he uses his Ninjitsu boxing gloves to punch many of the Manhunters to pieces, with Derpy jumping over and uses her hand and foot spikes to tear through the Footbots whilst backing up Bulk at the same time. Lyra and Bonbon fought back-to-back as they use their flutes to shoot down the Manhunters over their heads whilst trying to avoid their laser fire. Maud uses her Tekko Brass Knuckles to punch and pummel many Footbots, whilst standing in her exact spot at the same time without moving.


From near the skatepark, many of the Manhunters and Footbots were tearing up the place, whilst at the same time, Two-Face and Harley Quinn were shooting up the place with their own gangs.

Though from out of nowhere, a glow then appeared. And appearing was the Crystal Gems, along with Crimson Napalm, Cherry Crash, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Wallflower and Sapphire Night.

“Connie and I will try to get to the leaders, you lot focus on the henchman!!” said Steven.

“Right!!” said everyone as they charged.

Steven charged towards Two-Face, with the latter using two tommy guns and try to shoot him, but Steven kept using his shield to block it whilst he ran. With one swift move, Steven whacked the shield against Two-Face’s, well, face. Connie on the other hand charged against Harley and dodged her hammer, before Connie blocked it with her own sword.

Garnet jumped around and uses her gauntlets to punch many of the Footbots away, whilst Pearl dealt with the Manhunters as she blocked, dodged, and struck them like a ballet dancer at the same time. Pearl uses her whip to wrap her whip around the gangs’ waists, then uses all her strength to toss them away. Bismuth uses her hammers to bash a ton of Manhunters, whilst Peridot uses her stun rounds on the gangs, with Lapis trapping them in her own bubbles.

Crimson Napalm uses his sais as he jumped in the air onto a Manhunter’s back and jabbed it many times, causing it to malfunction and collapse, whilst Cherry Crash uses her 3 bladed scythe as a lasso and spins it around before slicing the Footbots to pieces. Vinyl jumps over and double kicks a few bad guys, whilst Octavia delivered a strong roundhouse kick, with Wallflower jabbing her daggers into one of the robots before tossing it over, with Sapphire Night doing the same with her weapon.


From Chinatown, many of Lord Zedd and Rita’s Putties were all over the place, with Lord Zedd and Rita, along with Penguin and the Riddler, leading their own gangs as they also began to loot things at the same time.

Whilst at the same time, Tommy fought, blocked, and kicked four putties away, with Jason backing him up as he uses his sword to cut down some Footbots and Manhunters at the same time. Kimberly was using her bow to shoot down many Manhunters that were flying and shooting from the skies.

Zack jumped in the air and struck down a Putty with his axe, whilst delivering a strong roundhouse kick that kicked two Manhunters away. Trini vaulted over and used her power daggers to block and throw a Manhunter over her shoulder whilst using them to slice two Footbots in half. Billy charged ahead and used his power Trident to jab it through a large Manhunter, then used the downed both to smash two more with one swing.

Juniper Montage charged towards a Manhunter and uses her Nordachi Sword to slice the Footbots left and right, with Micro Chips using his Ninjitsu scythe to twirl and strike down a few Manhunters, with Sandalwood backing him up as he uses his Ninjitsu shield to block and bash many Footbots at the same time. Snips and Snails jumped onto a flying Manhunter and kept bashing it like crazy, whilst Thunderbass was using his dual samurai katana swords to fight against many of the Putties all around him.


From upper town, many more Manhunters tore up the place, with many Footbots all around them as they fought against the heroes that teleported there.

Tiffany, Trisha, Buffy, Zack, and Caitlyn used their Plumber weapon, granted permission from Max, and fired at the bots whilst they stayed in cover. Thankfully, they weren’t alone in this fight.

Angel uses her sparring batons to smack many of the Manhunters, whilst Carter transformed into his mutant hawk form to grab and toss many of the Footbots away.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pounced on the three Manhunters and disabled them, whilst at the same time, used the Manhunters’ weapons against them. If they could properly hold it without falling, even if they do destroy them by happy accident.

Ace uses his sparring batons to block, parry and kick a few Footbots away, whilst Melody jumped on his shoulders and threw both her 2 Chakrams, making them fly around like a boomerang and destroyed a few Manhunters in the air, before they came back and caught them the moment she landed. Patch used her two butterfly knives whilst she jumped in the air and struck down a Manhunter, whilst Half-Note uses her Tang Sword to block a few of Harley Quinn’s gang’s gunfire before kicking them away. Sweetheart uses her chain claw to wrap up a manhunter and tossed it hard onto the ground, with Clover Bloom bashing a Footbot’s head off, and Lancer using his 2 Naginata blades to perform a twister cut, cutting down the two Footbots at the same time.

Thankfully they had supervision to help them out.

Timber Spruce used his Shuang Gou swords to cut down a few Footbots, whilst connecting them and spun them around as he took down a Manhunter, with Gloriosa jumping in the air and smashing a couple more Footbots as if they were from a game of Whack-a-moles, whilst Aloe and Lotus Blossom were backing them up with their own nunchucks.


In the middle of Downtown China, many of the Manhunters and Footbots were causing trouble, whilst they were greeted by none other than Firefly, Deadshot and Deathstroke.

And from below, the fight also intensified.

Silverbolt punched many of the Footbots whilst using his wrist guns to shoot many of the Manhunters down, with Invictus using his pistol to shoot them down.

Trixie smashed a few Footbots with her Bisisto Axe, Valhallen backed her up using his Pramatisu scissor daggers to slice them to pieces. Blueberry Cake uses her bamboo bo-staff to bash most of Deathstroke’s mercenaries away, with Mystery Mint using her Katana swords to slice a few Mousers to pieces, whilst Thunderbass backed her up smashing a few Stockman bots.

And they weren’t alone, oh no, they have heroes by their side.

Nightwing uses his acrobatic skills to jump over and fought and bashed a few Footbots using his batons. Though to his surprise, they were giving him a fight for his life.

“Wow, these things really are tough!!” said Nightwing.

Robin jumped over using his bo-staff to smash an incoming Manhunter.

“No kidding.” Said Robin before wiping the sweat from his brow, “These guys are nothing like the Kraang.”

Batgirl came and threw her Batarangs, destroying a few Footbots, “Doesn’t mean we won’t go down easily without a fight either!!”

Beast Boy turned into a Rhino and charged through many Footbots, then turned into a gorilla and tore a Manhunter to pieces. Cyborg uses his arm cannons to shoot many of the Manhunters from the sky. Starfire was busy flying around using her laser eyes and blasts to destroy as many Manhunters as she could.

Raven then focused her magic whilst she said “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”, and uses her powers to ensnare many of the Manhunters and destroyed them. However, to her surprise, she saw the Footbots had weapons that could wield magic and were this close into destroying her.

“That’s impossible.” Said Raven as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

Blue Beetle uses his armor to create a shield to block the Footbots, and then uses his swords to slash them, then his blasters to blast them away.

Static flew overhead and uses his shock powers to electrocute and destroy the Manhunters, with Gears taking care of the Footbots on the ground.

And further down, the Equestrians were giving them a hand.

Princess Twilight did a somersault and sliced a Footbot in half using her Kamayari Sickle Spear, whilst she jumped backwards using her acrobatic skills.

“Nice moves, Princess.” Said Beast Boy when he temporarily came to lend them a hand.

“Thanks, I learned a few new moves.” Said Princess Twilight before she backflipped whilst dodging a few shots from the Manhunters. “These things sure are tough though.”

Pony Rainbow Dash used her Naginata Spear to block a Manhunter with his own weapon as the two of them wrestled. “Very tough!!”

Pony Applejack came from behind and sliced it in half with her Shuko hand claws and saved pony Rainbow Dash, “Predictable when fightin’ though!!”

Pony Rarity uses her Kama Sickles to block and slice a few of the Manhunters, whilst Pony Fluttershy uses explosives darts when she was firing her own Fukedake Blowgun, and Pinkie Pie constantly jumping around as she dealt with Deathstroke’s Mercenary groups whilst laughing at the same time.

Spike then looked around and saw how they were fighting. “What am I going to do, I need to help.”

Suddenly he saw his collar glowing, and pressed it out of curiosity. He suddenly turned into his mutant wolf form, which surprised him. He then found a note on his collar and read it.

I thought you might need this. Don’t worry, the collar you have on is special. I traded it for a collar that would allow you to transform into that mutant form, no need for Mutagen and you’ll still have control over your mind. Now go nuts and tear them apart.


Spike then smirked and looked at the Manhunters surrounding him, and said “Oh, this is going to be good.”

He howled and charged towards them and tore them apart, whilst taking their weapons and fired all over the place.

Starlight stood in cover and uses her bow to shoot her own arrows, blowing up the flying Manhunters at the same time.

“I’ve really gotta thank Roland for the special arrows.” Said Starlight as she continued to shoot them down.

Blade uses his blade to block and slice a few Footbots and Manhunters, with Tempest punching a Manhunter’s face off, then took its weapon and used it against the rest. Sandbar charges and uses his Tanto blade to block at least two Manhunters, until Yona jumped in, grabbed the two of them and threw them so hard, they exploded. Silverstream uses her Double Claw staff to slice a Footbot in half, whilst Gallus jumped over her and did a roundhouse kick, sending the next Footbot flying. Smolder jumped up and did a wrestler move and tossed a Footbot backwards, with Ocellus using a black flip kick against another, with Bright Eyes blocking a Manhunter, then helped Teddy up as he jumped in the air and smashed the Manhunter with his hammer.


Near a public mall, where many civilians were running for safety, the Manhunters and Footbots and Putties were already making a mess of things, but thankfully the Shadowbolts and Mighty Mutanimals were there to try and put a stop to them.

Sal Commander uses his wrist blaster and sword to take down many Manhunters, with Traximus and Zeno giving him a hand as they bashed more of them away.

“These Manhunters are tough!!” said Zeno.

“That’s for sure!!” said Traximus.

“I am thankful that none of them were in our galaxy, otherwise our people would have a hard time fighting them!!” said Sal Commander before he sliced another.

Slash smashed one Manhunter with his mace, then he grabbed another by the head and smashed it onto the ground. Leatherhead screeched and tackled a couple of Footbots over. Dr. Rockwell uses his telepathic powers to send many Putties flying, with Pidgeon Pete fighting many of the Manhunters in the air as he tried to dodge their fire at the same time.

Mondo Gecko uses his skateboarding skills to dodge left and right, but grabbed a Manhunter’s weapon and uses it as a baseball bat. Mona Lisa uses her brutality skills to smash, punch, and kick many of the Manhunters away. Ray Fillet slices them to pieces with his Harpoon Spear, before throwing Hokum Rabbit in the air in order to grab and hijack one of the Manhunters.

Sour Sweet uses her Surujin chains to wrap a couple of Manhunters in the air, before Sunny Flare jumped up and stabbed them using her Katar Daggers. Lemon Zest was able to trip one of the Footbots, before Sugarcoat came along and delivered a strong kick whilst jumping in the air, whilst Indigo Zap jabbed a Manhunter before tossing it over her head.

Alopex uses her speed to slice many of the Footbots before they collapse to pieces, Bebop uses his dance moves to dodge the Putties before using his energy mohawk to blow them up. Rocksteady tackled at least seven Footbots and smashed them, before Muckman uses his garbage to literally wash them away with garbage.


From a different part of town, Team Shine (minus Shine Boy), and the Rainbooms, (minus Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity), and a few friends, were at the highway, fighting many Footbots and Manhunters.

Fugitoid was busy firing his weapons onto the Manhunters at the sky, Keno jumped over and uses his sparring sticks to bash and kick many Footbots away. Karai fought using her snake form in order to strike a few Mercenaries down before turning back to human and sliced the robots in two, whilst Shinigami performed a double kick and grabbed another Footbot with both her legs before using her entire body to throw it very far.

Fluttershy jumped around and tried her best to avoid being shot at by the Manhunters and uses her darts to blow them up. However, as two more came, they were suddenly taken out by a few arrows. Fluttershy looked and was surprised to see Green Arrow giving her a hand.

“Sorry for cutting in.” said Green Arrow.

“Oh, no problem.”

Black Canary jumped in front of Fluttershy and performed her Canary Cry, destroying the Footbots in the process, before fighting hand to hand with a few.

“I’ve gotta admit, these things are tough!!” said Canary before punching another Footbot.

The from out of nowhere, Mr. Terrific came along and uses his spheres to even the playing field.

“You say that now, but wait until the hard part comes.” Said Mr. Terrific before kicking a Putty away.

Farther down, Pinkie Pie jumped around using her exploding sprinkles to blow up a few Footbots, then she suddenly got surrounded by Manhunters.

“Uh-oh.” Said Pinkie in worry, until they suddenly blew up. “Huh?”

“Hey there.” Said a voice, gaining Pinkie’s attention as she saw none other than the Atom on her shoulder. “Mind having a partner around to help?”

“Oooh, by all means.” Said Pinkie, “It’s always good to make more friends.”

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” Said Atom before the two of them smirked and attacked the rest.

Twilight performed a few backflips before twirling her Kamayari Sickle spear and sliced a few left and right, with Spike backing her up as it chewed one of the robots’ wires to bits. When suddenly, a magic fire was shot that struck and melted the Manhunters. Twilight looked back and saw Zatanna approaching.

“You okay there?” asked Zatanna.

“Uh, yeah.” Said Twilight as she was surprised to see Zatanna.

Spike approached her and was surprised to see her. “Wow, you’re really pretty.” Said Spike whilst he was wagging his tail.

“Aw, aren’t you sweet.” Said Zatanna as she petted Spike, with the latter wagging his tail, and Twilight rolling her eyes with a playful smirk.

Adagio twirled her sword as she darted forward and sliced the robots back and forth. Aria uses her Tri-Baton to smash a few Footbots, then wrapped one with it and threw it in the air, before Sonata came along and delivered a strong kick, sending it flying and crashing into a few putties like they were bowling balls.

Shine Girl uses her small staff to knock and kick away a few Putties, whilst Love Shine was smashing a ton of Footbots using his fists. He then grabbed Gamer and threw him in the air, allowing Gamer to spin like a ball and used his blade to cut through many Manhunters. At the same time, Night Shine used the flames and combined it with his Manchette and swung his sword so hard, it sent a wave of fire onto the flying Manhunters, melting them in the process. At the same time, Captain Atom flew around and fired his Atom blasts, whilst Red Tornado came along and used his Tornados to send many of the Putties flying.


Meanwhile, at New York Town Square, Leo, Leonardo, and their teams and Venus arrived, and the 03 Turtles were surprised to see the Footbots, as they were nothing like they’ve ever seen before.

“Whoa, those guys look tough.” Said Michelangelo.

“And dangerous.” Said Leonardo.

“That’s because they’ve got the brains of all of the greatest martial artists in the other world.” Said Mikey.

“Wait, what?!” exclaimed O’Neil as she and Jones were shocked.

“This Shredder’s monstrosity knows no end.” Said Splinter as he readied himself, “But we will not allow him to take this world, or any other, not as long as any Ninja or warrior still stands.”

“Right!!” said the Turtles and their allies as they got ready. The Footbots noticed them and instantly went onto the attack.

“Ninjas, attack!!” shouted Splinter, causing all of them to charge towards the Foot robots.

Leo darts forward and slices the Footbots back and forth, whilst Leonardo blocked and sliced a few of them before delivering a strong kick. The two blue turtles were back-to-back and fought many Footbots.

“You weren’t kidding about them being this skilled.” Said Leonardo to his counterpart.

“They gave us a hard time during our fight.” Said Leo before he punched them away.

Raph punched many Footbots using his brutal skills, even jumping in the air and jabbed the two Footbots with his Sais, whilst Raphael uses his own Sais to do some damage.

“They’re also tough.” Said Raphael before declaring, “But we’re tougher!!”

“Now you’re speaking my language!!” said Raph as the two of them charged forward.

Donnie and Donatello used their bo-staffs to twirl them and jump in the air, before striking a few Footbots away. Donnie deployed the hidden blade from his bo-staff and stabbed one before tossing it away. However, to his surprise, Donatello also had the same feature when he threw another Footbot away.

“Whoa, you also added a hidden blade inside of your Bo-staff?!” said Donnie surprised.

“Sure did.” Said Donatello, “After the last time we teamed up, I decided to upgrade my bo-staff too. Though I sometimes think I want to replace it with a metal one.”

“Huh,” said Donnie, “You know, Venus said the same thing.”

“Booyakasha!!” shouted Mikey as he used his nunchucks to bash many of the Footbots, whilst Michelangelo jumped up in the air and did the same to a handful of Manhunters. “Oh, yeah boy!!”

“Now that’s how you take down a robot!!” said Michelangelo as he and Mikey used a shellshock technique and smashed a few Footbots that were huddled together.

Master Splinter jumped over and delivered a strong double kick, with Venus using her bladed Tessen to slice many of the Footbots around her, before she threw them and struck down a few Manhunters.

O’Neil uses her martial arts skills to take down a few Footbots, whilst April used her psychic blast to destroy a handful of Manhunters in the sky. She then grabbed their weapon and tossed it to O’Neil.

“Thought you might even the playing field.” Said April.

“Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” Said O’Neil with a smirk and uses it to shoot the Manhunters in the sky.

Jones ran around and bashed as many Footbots he can when they tried to attack.

“You ain’t kiddin’ about these guys bein’ tough!!” said Jones.

“Goongala!!!” shouted Casey as he uses his exploding pucks to take down a handful more. “Then we just fight harder.”

“Uh, not as hard as they do.” Said Mikey as he pointed up, to which some noticed.

For up in the sky, Superman and his team had engaged in combat against their enemies.

Superman constantly punched, blocked, and fired lasers against an Amazo that was nearly giving Superman a run for his money. He then tackled it hard, causing them to crash into the ground.

Wonder Woman was busy fighting against Cheetah as the two of them locked fists, but Wonder Woman wasn’t going to give up the fight so easily, as she twirled and kicked and blocked Cheetah’s constant claw strikes, until she uses her lasso to ensnare Cheetah and threw her aside.

John/Green Lantern was busy fighting against Sinestro as they were matching ring power towards one another, even using constructs to try and take them down. Both of them were neck n neck to one another, with Sinestro looking like he’s going to win.

“You never did stand a chance against me!!” shouted Sinestro.

He then felt something tap on his shoulder and said “Then how about me?”

Sinestro looked behind him and was shocked to see someone he thought he’d never see again. Hal Jordan, aka, the first human to become a Lantern.

“You?!” exclaimed Sinestro.

“Let’s dance.” Said Hal/Green Lantern before a boxing glove formed onto his right hand, allowing him to punch Sinestro in the air. He then looked at John and said “I’ll handle Sinestro!! You see to it that the civilians are safe!! And take the Dog Star Patrol with you!!”

“On it!!” shouted John/Green Lantern as he flew off, with the Dog Star patrol flying in after them, with Hal perusing Sinestro.

At the same time, Wally/Flash sped around with Barry/Flash to help out the civilians. Until the two of them stopped and were shocked to see who they were.


“It can’t be.”

For right in front of them were two other speedsters. One in yellow, and one in black. They were none other than Reverse Flash and Zoom.

“Been a long time, Barry Allen.” Said Reverse Flash.

“Thawne.” Said Barry/Flash with squinted eyes.

“I thought we stopped you two for good.” Said Wally/Flash.

“You may have stopped us before, Flash.” Said Zoom, “But we will not go down so easily.”

“I’ll handle Thawne, you handle Zoom.” Whispered Barry/Flash, making Wally/Flash nod in agreement.

Within a split second, the Speedsters engaged in combat, both trying to take down the other with their pure speed.

Martian Manhunter continued to fight against Ma’alefa’ak whilst trying to shapeshift at the same time, both trying to oust the other, whilst Aqua Man was fighting against Ocean Master, both engaging their tritons in combat.


Meanwhile, from atop one of the buildings, Roland, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Sunset, and Shine Boy were able to defeat a large number of Footbot and Manhunter platoons, who looked like they were trying to plant more bombs throughout the city.

“Okay,” said Sunset as she wiped the sweat from her brow, “That was a lot tougher than we thought.”

“You’re right.” Said Shine Boy, “Let’s take a break.”

“Wait,” said Rarity, “Where’s Amethyst Majesty and Usagi?”

“They went to scout on ahead,” said Shine Boy, “They’ll contact us once they found something.”

Roland offered Sunset a water bottle, to which she accepted and went over to a spot to sit down. However, Roland looked at Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity, and motioned them to go talk to her, to which they did. Roland and Shine Boy were standing on the other side so that they could talk in secret.

“She’s not looking too good.” Said Roland.

“Yeah, what Obaki said really messed her up.” Said Shine Boy.

Roland then thought about something and sad “What else did Obaki say to her? I know he said something else when we were in the training room.”

“Well…” said Shine Boy as he remembered. “It started about…after the Rainbooms made up with Mikey.”


Shine Boy walked by and he heard Obaki scolding Sunset, with him watching at the same time.

“And what,” said Obaki, “You think that just because you finally made up, everything will be fine!! What makes you so sure you won’t fall back into those habits, again!!”

“But I really am sorry!!” said Sunset.

“You know what, I don’t know what’s sad and pathetic.” Said Obaki, “The fact that you think that being a loud mouth bully makes you look like a tough guy!! Or the fact that you think you’re suddenly a saint just because you did a couple of nice things. Or the fact that you, could do a lot of amazing things in the world, and you’re still going to try and screw things up.”

He then squinted his eyes and said “And you know what, given from what I’ve seen, you’ll never be a princess. You know why? Because you still don’t know the first thing about being a leader, or a friend. You’re not Princess Twilight, and you’re definitely not on Princess Celestia’s level.”

Sunset was taken aback by this, same with Shine Boy.

“You’re still a bully, who only has friends, because a certain Princess took pity on you, and asked the girls to befriend you!! That’s why, no matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how much you accomplished. Deep down, you know that these people are only friends with you, because you’re acquainted, with the Princesses, but nobody, wants to be friends, with Meanset the She-Demon Shimmer.”

Sunset was shocked by what he said, with Obaki walking away. Sunset suddenly whimpered and landed on her knees and cried, with Shine Boy gripping his hands.


Roland then growled as he suddenly crushed a bit of the wall, with Shine Boy noticing, and saw purple energy, as well as his eyes slowly turning purple and purple ooze coming out of his mouth.

“Roland, calm down!!” whispered Shine Boy loudly, causing Roland to snap out of it and quickly wiped his mouth.

“Damn you, Obaki.” Muttered Roland. He sighed and said “I should’ve left him for dead, long ago.”


Roland sighed and said “I know. It’s just…”

Shine Boy placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder and said “I know Roland…I know. We’ll find a way to help her. Together.”


From the girls, they were talking to Sunset.

“Y’all okay there, Sunset?” asked Applejack.

“I’m fine girls, really?” said Sunset.

However, the flexed look from Applejack said otherwise, making Sunset change her words and looked down.

“No.” said Sunset as she sighed and looked away, “No, I’m not alright. They were right, I’m such a hypocrite. I did everything I could to make up for my mistakes, but nobody believed me. And even after I helped save them from the Dazzlings, there were always people who would undo my hard work. Sometimes I wish I was better off dead.”

The girls were surprised, with Rainbow saying “Sunset, do you even hear yourself?”

“Rainbow’s right darling,” said Rarity in equal worry, “That’s a terrible thing to say, even for you.”

“Look, Sunset,” said Applejack, “If y’all remember, we weren’t exactly perfect either.”

“Yeah,” said Rainbow, “I mean after the Fall Formal, we made a promise to Princess Twilight that we’d look after you.”

“Pinkie and Fluttershy were the only ones willing to help.” Said Rarity in sadness, “But unfortunately, I didn’t fully commit to it.”

“And Rainbow and ah refused to.” Said Applejack.

“Cause we feel just as bad for not helping you.” Said Rainbow, “I mean, if Twilight had asked anyone to look after you, she’d believe them.”

“But the three of us?” said Rarity as she was guilty, “We made a promise in front of Princess Twilight to look after you. But the moment she left, we ended up breaking her promise and trust.”

“And even after ya’ll apologized and tried to make it up to us,” said Applejack, “We acted like complete mules to ya, whenever you wanted to help us or try to make it up fer yer mistakes.”

“And the most uncool part,” said Rainbow, “Was the fact that we constantly gave you the cold shoulder and refused to help you whenever you wanted to prove yourself.”

“Still,” said Sunset, “You girls had every right to hate me after what I had done.”

“But we weren’t any different.” Said Applejack, “Sure y’all may have set up everything, but we were the ones who did it out of our own choice. And we didn’t even bother to try to make things right.”

“And our pony counterparts can also be stubborn and selfish sometimes, but…” said Rainbow, “But the difference between us and them…they forgive overtime when they had help, but we held a grudge towards one another for a long time.”

“And between what happened at the Fall Formal and before the Battle of the Bands,” said Rarity, “You worked hard every day, but none of us, sans Pinkie and Fluttershy, gave you a chance. We were so focused on the bad, we never considered of some of the good you tried to do.”

“And to quote what Luke would say,” said Applejack, “That we were idiots for not letting mistakes like that go.”

“What we’re saying is darling…” said Rarity, “Even though we’ve done good in the past, there will always be others out there to ruin everything.”

“Plus, you weren’t the only one who was hurt by someone who wanted revenge.” Said Rainbow. “Remember when Amethyst Majesty wanted revenge on Rarity, because he thought she and Applejack had a thing when it was all a misunderstanding? Or that time when Lightning wanted to get back at me when she joined Viper Kai because she wanted payback at me because she though I framed her for cheating when she did? Or that time when Flim and Flam constantly wanted payback on Applejack’s family, but have no idea why they were like this to them for a long time?”

“Believe us Sunset.” Said Applejack, “Y’all aren’t alone out there in that department.”

Rarity placed her hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “You’re not alone Sunset. And you shouldn’t let others who bring up your past mistakes like that.”

However, unknown to them, Sunset had what looked like a miniature listening device on her shoulder, which revealed that Sunset was speaking and both Roland and Shine Boy were listening.

I just don’t know guys.” Said Sunset through the speaker, “No matter how hard I tried…

You know all those Power Pony comics that I always read?” said Rainbow, “Superhero secret, first plan never works. Meaning that we can’t always predict what will happen. Cause there’ll always be bumps on the road. But we also shouldn’t obsess about it. Remembered how badly I obsessed during Last Spring Break?

“You planted a listening device on her?” whispered Shine Boy.

“Normally I’d use it to spy,” whispered Roland, “But now…I just wanna use it to make sure that they’re alright. Cause it’s my fault that I let this get out of hand and…I just wanna make things right.”

“So, we see.”

They turned and see Usagi and Amethyst Majesty, who were listening as well.

“It is clear that you truly regret your actions and that you wish to make things right.” Said Usagi.

“Yeah,” said Roland in sadness, “But will it be enough?”

Usagi placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder, and said “It will be as long as you do not give up.”

“Also,” said Amethyst Majesty whilst he rubbed the back of his head, “I’m really sorry for the punch in the face.”

“No, I deserved it.” Said Roland. “I guess…no, I know, I need to make this right. The right way.”

Before they could say anything else, someone contacted them.

Yo, Roland, can you hear me?

Roland knew it was Flash Sentry’s voice. “Flash, what’s up?”


Flash was at an abandon building. Though he was able to take care of a few Putties and Manhunters, he still felt a bit unsure of him being alone.

“Are you sure about this?” said Flash, “I don’t like the idea of being alone.”

Don’t worry, we made sure that everything is set.” Said Roland.

Once we give the signal, you’ll pretend to be trapped with a few drones of our own, and then we’ll be able to tell Sunset about it.” Said Shine Boy, “Look, we know you’re not comfortable with this, but…

“No, it’s okay.” Said Flash, “I’d do anything to help, Sunset. She’s done a lot for us, so I’ll do the same for her.”

However, unknown to him, something was lurking through the darkness, and not the fun kind.

“I just hope that what we’ve planned would work.” Said Flash. “The last thing we need were…:

Suddenly, he heard a loud clash. “Wait, I hear something.”


“That must be the Drones.” Said Roland.

However, when Shine boy looked at his drone cameras. He was stunned, and really worried.

“Something’s wrong,” said Shine Boy, “They’re not responding.”

Uh, guys.” Said Flash, now sounding really worried. “I don’t think I’m alone here. And I think I hear…laughing?

Roland widened his eyes in shock. For…no…it couldn’t be.

Wait, no. No!! Stay away from me!!” shouted Flash, before he left out a large scream, which startled Roland, Shine Boy, Amethyst Majesty and Usagi.

“Flash? Flash?!!” shouted Roland as he was now getting worried, which gained Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack’s attention. He then turned to the others and panicked, “We gotta go, now!!”

“What’s wrong?” said Sunset worried.

“Flash is in trouble!!” shouted Shine Boy.

“What?!” said Sunset.

Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity smiled, knowing that their plan was working, however, the look on Roland’s face as he quickly shook his head…then they knew something was really wrong.

“We gotta go!!” said Amethyst Majesty.

“I’ve got his location, let’s go!!” said Roland as all of them ran.

“Grandpa Max!!” shouted Roland as he continued to run, “Contact the Turtles, April, Casey, their counterparts, Karai, Shinigami, the Rainbooms and their friends from CHS, the Mane 6, Team Shine, Nightwing and the Titans, Robin, Batgirl, Static, Gears, the CMC, and Rock N Beats over, stat!! This is not a drill!!”

“Roger that.” Said Grandpa Max.

From all around the city, after they dealt with the problem, the Turtles, April, Casey, their counterparts, Karai, Shinigami, the Rainbooms and their friends from CHS, the Mane 6, Team Shine, Nightwing and the Titans, Robin, Batgirl, Static, Gears, the CMC, and Rock N Beats received their calls and immediately went over to the location that Roland had sent.


Within mere moments, they arrived at the abandoned building.

“There it is!!” said Sunset.

“You lot stay here and wait for the others to arrive!!” said Roland, “Shine Boy and I will check it out!!”

The two of them quickly darted towards the building whilst the rest were waiting outside. As they approached the building, they found the Shine drones (robots that look human) half destroyed as they were scattered all over the place.

“That would explain why the drones didn’t respond.” Said Roland when he and Shine Boy observed them. “It looks like they’ve been burnt by acid.”

“Oh boy,” said Shine Boy, “My brother’s not gonna like this when he sees them.”

“You’d better teleport them back to the lab.” Said Roland, “We don’t want anyone else to suspect anything.”

“Good call.” Said Shine Boy as he activated his wrist console, allowing the Drones to be teleported. “Let’s go.”

Both Shine Boy and Roland ran inside, searching from floor to floor. Once they reached the tenth floor, Roland ran around, desperately trying to look for Flash, with the others following in tow.

“Flash?!” shouted Roland, “Flash, where are you?!!”

“Roland, look!!” said Shine Boy as he and Roland spotted Flash Sentry on the ground.

The two of them instantly ran over to him, with Roland skidding and landed on one side, with Shine Boy on the right.

“He must’ve been attacked.” Said Shine Boy.

Roland then took a good look at his face, with him suddenly gasping in shock, whilst his face went pale.

“Oh, no.” muttered Roland.

“What is it?” said Shine Boy.

Roland showed Shine Boy, which shocked him too.

“No. No it can’t be.” Said Shine Boy, “He’s here?!”

“I’m afraid so.” Said Roland.


They saw the rest of Team Shine, the Rainbooms, Turtles from both worlds and their human allies, Nightwing and the Teen Titans, Robin, Batgirl, Black Canary, Mane 6 and the 2 Spikes came running in, along with the rest of their CHS friends, the CMC, and the Rock N Beats.

“Is Flash okay?!” said Princess Twilight in worry.

“What happened to Flash?” said Gamer.

Both Roland and Shine Boy slowly looked at them, with Shine Boy saying “We’ll give you one guess.”

Roland slowly showed them Flash’s face, which showed his eyes were widened and his face was stretched with a smile, which caused the Turtles, Rainbooms, Team Shine (minus Night Shine), April and Casey to gasp in shock and horror.

“No.” muttered April, “He’s here?!”

“Who’s here?” said a confused Karai.

Before they could say anything, Flash suddenly chuckled in that state, but in an exhausted breath, as it left everyone unnerved.

“Help…me.” Said Flash as he felt like he was going to die any minute.

Roland suddenly remembered something and dug into his pocket and took out what appeared to be a vial, which was labeled “Anti-Joker Toxin”, which surprised the others. Roland then jabbed the needle into Flash’s neck, causing him to gasp and pass out, no longer smiling like that.

“What is that?” said Casey.

“Anti-Joker Toxin.” Said Roland, “When I looked through most of Batman’s enemies, I studied the Joker too. He uses nitrous oxide. It was once a normal laughing gas component, but after he got his hands on it, he modified it in his own twisted way. Meaning with this gas, you’ll literally laugh yourself to death.”

The Mane 6, Karai, Shinigami, and the rest of CHS were horrified to hear this, same with Jones and O’Neil. “So, I was able to whip up an antidote when I studied it, to counter the toxins.”

Everyone was silent for a moment, with Mikey exclaiming “Where were you when we had the bad case of the giggles?!!”

Roland looked at him with a deadpanned expression, with Mikey realizing what he said and said “Oh, right.”

“Okay, ah’m confused here!!” said Raphael, “Who da shell are you lot talkin about?!!”

The handful of folks who knew him said, “The Joker.”

The 03 Turtles, Jones and O’Neil blinked at this, with Leonardo saying, “You’re joking, right?”

“Oh, believe me, he’s no joke here.” Said Nightwing. “He’s a psychopath. A monster.”

“How bad is he?” asked Scootaloo.

“Put it simply,” said Batgirl, “Whilst your Shredder may have killed many people, the Joker is responsible for over twenty thousand deaths.”

Everyone, minus the ones who know him, were shocked to hear this. “He was that horrible?” said O’Neil in shock.

“He wasn’t always a monster.” Said Roland, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Why in tarnation would y’all say that?!” said Applejack.

“Because I know how his story began.” Said Roland, taking them by surprise as he said “When I last met Rennet, I asked her if I could use the staff. Everyone knows the Joker by reputation, but not as a person, so naturally I got curious and looked deeper. That is…if any of you is interested.”

Everyone wasn’t sure, until Sunset remembered something that Jacob told her about Neutral Jing. She took a breath and said “I think we should hear him out. Master Splinter would say that to understand the enemy, one must know the enemy.”

“Indeed” said Splinter, “For if this enemy is dangerous as you say, then we must know it with our own eyes.”

Some were a little reluctant, but agreed nonetheless, with Nightwing asking “And you sure you know?”

Roland pulled out a disc and activated it, causing everyone around them to be placed in a hologram like room. They saw a normal human being, attending his wife, and to Nightwing and the team’s surprise, they recognized the man.

“Whoa.” said Beast Boy.

“So that’s what he looked like.” Said Static.

“Joker was once a humble man once,” said Roland, “All he ever wanted to do was to provide for his wife, move her to a decent neighborhood, wanting what was best for their child. He worked at Ace Chemicals, but he quit because he felt uncomfortable being around them.”

“If he ever get the bad case of the acne from the chemicals I would too.” Said Mikey, before Raph smacked him at the back of his head.

Roland then changed the scene, showing Joker at the bar, talking to two lowlifes. “He then tried to take shortcuts to earn some money, so that he could provide for his family, even if it meant breaking the law. However, fate had other plans.”

They then saw the scene where two officers were talking to him, with Joker going back to the two lowlifes and sat down.

Something you want to tell us, friend?” said the first Lowlife.

There was an accident this morning.” Said Joker, “Testing the baby bottle heater. An electrical short and… my wife died.

Everyone was surprised to hear that.

“Whoa,” said Raphael, “I don’t know how to respond to dat.”

“And realizing he had no choice, he had to go through with it.” Said Roland as he fast forwarded, and he showed them how he was donning the red hood costume.

“Wait, that’s the Red Hood outfit?” said Nightwing in disbelief.

“Trust me, tons of criminals take different outfits to make a name for themselves.” Said Roland.

He then fast forwarded through the events where everything went wrong as the two lowlifes were killed, and Joker was running up the rails, trying to get away, and that’s when Batman arrived. He slowly walked towards Joker and had a pair of cuffs on him.

So, Red Hood.” Said Batman as he approached him, “We meet again.

Stay away from me, don't come any closer, you monster!” said Joker as he panicked.

Then they saw how he tripped on a piece of his cape and fell over the rail, making Joker scream whilst he fell, with Batman too late to help him. They all saw him falling into one of the Chemical filters whilst looked like he drowned, shocking everyone. Roland fast forwarded and showed them outside, with Joker crawling his way out, coughing from underneath the helmet, until he was at least two feet away from the lake.

It burns!!” said Joker as he was finally able to remove the helmet whilst panting, though none of them could see his face yet, with the Bat family watching him closely. He rubbed his head and face as if he had a bad itch. “I’m itching all over…what’s hap…?

Joker then took a good look of himself at the puddle, as if he had seen something horrible. Suddenly, the loss of his wife and his face went over and over in his head, causing him to land on both his hands, and began to sob. However, as he stood up, that sob, suddenly slowly turned into laughter, a very scary and sickening laughter, that everyone knew all too well. And after laughter, the maniacal laughter came as it echoed throughout the entire area whilst he was holding his head.

Roland pressed a button, revealing the Joker’s face. His hair turned green, his face turned white, but his face, his face showed that his smile went wide and his eyes and mouth began to bleed, as pure madness itself had been revealed to the face of the Joker.

Everyone who saw were horrified to see this, seeing how the Joker came to be. Roland then ended the recording as he brought them back to reality.

“And from that day on,” said Roland, “The Joker was born. And it was from there, he began his many crimes.”

He then showed them holographic pictures of everything he has done over the years he was active, which horrified many when they saw what happened to each and every one of those victims.

“Wait,” said Michelangelo as he spotted a picture, “Who’s that?”

They saw a picture of Robin, only deceased. “That would be Jason Todd.”

Roland looked at them and said “As you know, Nightwing here was the first Robin, before he left. Jason was the second. And this Robin over here, is the third. But the problem was, he was more of a delinquent rather than someone like Nightwing or Robin. He even stupidly went after the Joker when they tried to stop his plans in another country. Results…”

He then showed them another recording, showing the Joker having Jason, but was tied up, stripped of his gadgets, and beaten. Joker then bashed him with a crowbar.

Whoa, now, hang on. That like it hurt a lot more.” Said Joker whilst holding his crowbar, “So let's try and this up, okay, pumpkin? what hurts more?

And from every word, he began to beat Jason with a crowbar, much to the others’ horror.

A? Or B? Forehand? Or backhand?

After the beating, Joker left him there. Then they saw how Jason tried to escape, but was locked in. And much to their horror, they saw there was a bomb inside, that blew up as a result. Then they saw Batman trying to look for him and dig around the ground.

No.” said Batman as he picked up Jason’s lifeless body. “Jason.” said Bruce as he closed his eyes and mourned him, which surprised the others when they saw him like this.

“And Jason didn’t stay dead.” Said Roland as he showed them the next footage.

They saw how Ra’s al Ghul tried to resurrect Jason.

“Whoa, what was that?” said Gear.

“That would be the Lazarus Pit.” Said Roland.

“I know of it.” Said Nightwing. “Ra’s al Ghul had used that pit to stay alive for centuries. It reverts his aging, making him live for a long time.”

“In other words,” said Roland, “He’s over 700 years old. And during that time, he was taught by some of the greatest martial artists and swordsman in history. In fact, I remember back in my world, he was trained by the founders of both the Foot and the Hamato Clans.”

Everyone was shocked and surprised to hear this at the same time. Everyone saw Jason being placed into the pit. At first things seemed quiet, until Jason burst through the waters screaming, shocking them as they saw him screaming in pain as he tore of the bandages, then ran away and beating a few of the monks and ran away before jumping out of the monastery window, disappearing after that.

Everyone was shocked to see what happened.

“Dude.” Said Mikey.

“So that’s how he ended up like that.” Said Robin.

“Actually, he was like this before he died.” Said Roland, which puzzled the others. “As you no doubt know, Batman felt responsible for what happened to him. And when he went to find him…”

Roland then played a recording of both Batman and Alfred’s conversation.

Sir,” said Alfred as he explained, “Please take this to heart. Who Jason was before, and how we lost him. And this dark miracle or curse that has brought about his return. It was not your fault. I know you view his death as your greatest failure but…

His life and his death are my greatest failure.” said Batman, which surprised the others. “Do you remember how he was when I found him?

Of course, sir. Fearless, arrogant, brash. And gifted.

Yes. Different than Dick in so many ways.” said Batman, which surprised Nightwing. “But still so full of potential, and power. But I knew, even from the beginning, he was dangerous. If I hadn’t made him into Robin, he would’ve grown to do wrong. Then I got him killed. My partner. My soldier. My fault. I own that. I’ll carry that like everything else. But now there’s this, he’s taking everything I’ve ever taught him, and turned it on me. It’s a hell of my own making, Alfred.

Sir, this isn’t your doing,” said Alfred, trying to reason with him, “You loved him, he knows that, it should be enough.

It’s not.

They were surprised by this, with Raphael saying “What’s dis guy’s problem?! Why didn’t he finish the Joker?!”

“He provided the answer to that too.” Said Roland as he pressed the recording. “This was when he faced Jason and Joker.”

You don’t understand.” said Batman. “I don’t think you’ve ever understood.

What?” responded Jason harshly, “What your moral code just won’t allow for that? It’s too hard to cross that line?!

No!! god almighty, no.” said Batman, until he said something unexpected. “It would’ve been too damn easy.

They were surprised to hear what he said.

All I ever, wanted to do, was kill him.” said Batman. “A day doesn’t go by where I don’t think about subjecting him, to every horrendous torture, he’s dealt out to others. And then…end him.

Everyone was speechless over what he had said.

But if I had done that. If I had allowed myself to go down into that dark place. I’ll never come back.

Why? I’m not talking about killing Penguin, or Scarecrow, or Dent. I’m talking about him. Just him. I’m doing it because…because he took me away from you.

I can’t. I’m sorry.

Roland ended the recording, with many surprised what they had heard.

“It would seem there is more to meets the eye from this Batman.” Said Master Splinter.

“Exactly.” Said Roland, “Batman felt responsible for what happened to both of them. He kept holding out hope that they would be rehabilitated, but sometimes, what we learned the hard way, not everyone is being capable of being saved, and they never say thanks even after you save them. Sometimes, no matter how you started out.”

He partially looked at Sunset, to which the latter noticed.

“Fate has a way of giving you a hand that you never expected.” Said Roland, which got Sunset to think a bit, with Roland looking at Nightwing. “For example. Remember when you punched Batman in the face?”

“Yeah?” said Nightwing with a flexed eyebrow.

“You didn’t get this from me but…” said Roland, who was quiet for a moment, but decided to be honest and looked at him straight in the eye. “You actually made him proud that day.”

Nightwing was surprised by what he had said, even the others.

“But before we get to that.” Said Roland, “You know the tragedy he suffered when he was a child, but what you didn’t know was that he blames himself for what happened.”

They were confused by this, with Roland revealing the full truth.

“His father wanted him to come with him to Wayne Enterprises to attend a board meeting,” began Roland, “But like any child, he begged him and his mother to take him to the movies, to watch the Mark of Zorro. He was excited like any child, but instead of taking the limo back, he wanted them to walk home…through Crime Alley.”

Everyone was slowly being baffled by what he was revealing, but not as baffled as Nightwing was.

“Everything he did as Batman was to make that one night right, but it would never be enough for him.” Said Roland, “From that night, he never wanted to forget, and that his penance, and his bat shaped cross to bear.”

He looked at Nightwing and said “When you lost your family, he could see the look in your eye. He had the exact same look he had when he was still a child. And he was scared that you would force yourself to become like him. Though you went crime fighting anyway, and confronted the man who took your parents away, you ended up having what he couldn’t.”

“Closure?” asked Robin.

“A choice.” Responded Roland, which surprised everyone. “You chose to fight crime, you chose to become Robin, to help those in need. But as we all learned the hard way, nothing lasts forever. He didn’t want you to become like him, nor did he want you crime fighting, he wanted you to move on, to have a family. Though you became Nightwing, you did it out of your own choice. But he knows that when the time comes, one of these days you, Batgirl, Robin, even Catwoman, all of you would one day choose to hang up the cape to live your lives. But Batman on the other hand won’t. Or can’t. And he’ll end up being that way for the rest of his life. But through all that fierce exterior, there has never been a person who cared so deeply about his fellow man, than Batman himself. Except maybe all of you.”

Everyone was surprised by what Roland had said, with Roland helping Flash stand up once he had recovered, but Roland walked a bit ahead, then looked at the others, and could see that he looked…different.

“My advice to all of you,” said Roland, “You want to have a better life than him, or myself, or Obaki or Venus? Then take good care of each other and the folks who love you. Or don’t. It’s your choice.”

Roland then left to search for Joker, with everyone else standing there for a few moments, thinking about what he had said.

Princess Twilight whispered to Shine Boy and said “I don’t know what you did, but the more he’s like this, the more I like him.”

“One more thing.”

They saw Roland standing at the door, “I’ll go scout on ahead. Sunset, you’re with me.”

Sunset was a little surprised, but complied nonetheless. She walked over to him, allowing Roland to grab her, whilst using his wrist to shoot out a grapple. It soon attached the top of the building, pulling the two of them up in the process.


As they continued to search, Roland and Sunset continued to run along the building. He then signaled her to stop, which she did, whilst he looked around. Though seeing that it’s quiet. He decided to call Superman.

“Yo, Supes, you there?” said Roland.

At the same time, Superman and the rest of the league gathered on top of one of the buildings to regroup.

“I hear you, what’s up.” Said Superman as he and the rest of the league listened.

“We have a problem.” Said Roland, “A major threat of a problem.”

“Who?” asked Superman.

“I’ll give you a hint,” said Roland, “One villain who happens to have the bad case of the giggles.”

Superman instantly knew who it was whilst he widened his eyes in shock, even the League was shocked to hear this.

“He’s here on this Earth?!” said Hawkgirl in shock.

“This, is bad.” Said Wally/Flash.

“It’s not bad, it’s worse.” Said Barry/Flash.

“Never mind that.” Said John/Green Lantern, “We need to go find him and fast.”

“Agreed, let’s go.” Said Superman as he, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Hal/Green Lantern, John/Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter took the skies whilst Barry/Flash and Wally/Flash ran down with their superspeed.


Roland and Sunset went from building to building, then soon stopped. He looked at her and placed his hand on her shoulder, “Sit down and have some rest. I’ll take watch.”

Roland walked over to the edge and looked at the city, with Sunset sitting down whilst she was getting a breather. As he was looking, he asked “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Said Sunset, “Just a little winded is all.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Said Roland. “I heard about what Obaki said.”

Sunset winced at that and held both her arms as she looked away.

“You didn’t deserve that.” Said Roland, “It’s clear as day that you worked hard more than anybody else around you. But all of them are so blinded by their own bitterness and past, they don’t see the new you. The you that you should’ve been instead of your time as Celestia’s pupil.”

“Yet, it was never enough.” Muttered Sunset. “No matter how hard I try, nobody would believe me.”

“Well, you can’t expect things to turn around automatically.” Said Roland whilst he kept watch. “Our lives are sort of like a routine.”

“Routine?” asked Sunset confusingly.

“That’s right.” Said Roland, “Every day we go through the same routine. We get up, we work, we come home, we entertain ourselves, then we go to bed and sleep. But every time whenever we follow that routine, there will always be a massive bump in the road, changing our routine entirely. Like your situation. Everything works out fine, until something comes along the way. We can’t always predict what will happen, the only thing we can do is prepare for it.”

She looks at him confusingly, with Roland looking back at her and said “And I know you kept feeling lost whenever things happen, but the truth is, none of us will always be around to protect you. There’s always gonna be a problem, there’s probably a problem around the corner if we’re not careful.”

Roland then walked over to her and sat across her. “Plus, I don’t know if you remember that movie, Zoom?”

She looked at him and nodded, remembering that movie.

“Superhero secret…” began Roland.

“First plan, never works.” Finished Sunset.

“That’s right.” Said Roland. “Not everything can sometimes go according to plan. Sometimes we gotta wing it. Or as anyone else would say, try to take a leap of faith.”

He stood up and walked over to the ledge and looked around once more whilst talking at the same time.

“Sometimes, you gotta dig deep for what you’re looking for whenever you’re searching for something.” Said Roland.

Sunset pondered for a bit, and said “I don’t even know what I’m searching for anymore. Yet, no matter how hard I try, it was never enough, even people still call me names because of it.”

“We all have names for just about anything.” Said Roland before looking at her, “It doesn’t matter what others call you, nor does one simply declare that they are better by just word of mouth. It’s the deeds and actions that make others see from your own point of view.”

“But my deed kept making things worse,” said Sunset, “I sometimes feel like a fraud, a phony. Everyone kept believing in me, but there are always people who still don’t believe that I’ve changed. They need a friend that…better than me.”

“Then be a better.” Said Roland as he looked directly at her, “Be a hero, be their friend.”

“But yet,” said Sunset, “How come I feel like I’m not supposed to be here?”

“That’s right.” Said Roland, which surprised Sunset. “You came all this way, trying to find something that was never there. Something that you wanted, without realizing what you really needed. Don’t you see, it was never about you, it’s about them. Even though we feel different, that doesn’t mean we can’t go out there and make a difference.”

Roland placed his hand on her shoulder, which left her a little tense, “And you won’t have a say or choice in the matter when it comes to that. For no one can walk out of their own story. Just because one chapter ends, doesn’t mean it’s fully the end. Sometimes we gotta keep moving forward. And all of us may have forgiven you Sunset, and you may have forgiven some.” Said Roland. “But there is one that you haven’t forgiven, nor the person.”

She was confused, until Roland pulled out a mirror and showed her reflection. When Sunset looked, she realized in shock. There was one person she hasn’t forgiven, and one that hadn’t forgiven her…

It was herself.

Roland placed the mirror away and saw something ahead and pointed at the horizon. “What do you see over there?”

Sunset looked at the sunset, and was confused. “A beautiful sunset?”

“That’s the beauty about the sunset,” said Roland, who chuckled and said “Sorry if it sounds so cheesy, but not only does it mark the end of something, it’s also the beginning of something new. Here you are, a mark of the end of your past as a horrible person, who lost sight of what was truly important, and now it marks the start of your future as a better person. Though there will be certain obstacles along the way, that shouldn’t stop you from becoming who you were meant to be, who you choose to be.”

Sunset, for some reason, felt moved by his words. He walked over to her and held onto her shoulders and looked straight at her. But then she noticed that his eyes went from blue to Emerald green, as he suddenly spoke with true honesty.

“Ask yourself this…who are you, and what do you want?” asked Roland. “Are you Princess Celestia?”

Sunset then answered, “Well, no…”

“Are you Princess Twilight?”


“Are you the former bully who was once a she-demon?”

“No.” said Sunset, as she felt more moved.

“Then who are you, and what do you want?”

“I’m…Sunset Shimmer.” She said softly.

“Say it.”

“I’m Sunset Shimer.”

“Say it.” Said Roland a little louder.

“I am Sunset Shimmer.” Said Sunset a little seriously.

“Say it!” said Roland louder.

“I am Sunset Shimmer!!” said Sunset louder.

“Say it like you mean it from your heart, for all to hear!!” shouted Roland.

Sunset then pushed his hands away and shouted from the top of her lungs that everyone can hear.

“I am Sunset Shimmer!!” shouted Sunset with her head raised high in pride, “I am the girl from Equestria, who lost her way!! I am the girl who gained friends and helped saved my school!! I am the girl who tried to help those along the way!! I am the girl who wants to help people in need!! And what I really want in life, was to help people, with my friends!! No!! My family!! You hear me world, my family!!!”

Sunset nearly collapsed and held onto her knees whilst standing, panting from exhaustion as if she had run, a marathon, her heart was racing, and her eyes had determination. Roland then helped her stand up as he looked at her with a smile with pride.

“There you go.” Said Roland. “Keep that head up with pride Sunset. You deserve to live. Deserve to be loved. Deserve to have a family.”

She looked at him, his eyes were still green.

“I’ll always be here for you Sunset, always.” Said Roland.

Roland then let her go, with Sunset asking, “What gives? One moment you’re lecturing us, next thing we know, you’re…different. As if…you were someone else completely.”

Roland then looked at her and said with a smile “Maybe it was time for me to grow up and see the bigger picture after all. Remember Sunset, Harmony gave you the power you needed because you truly have invited friendship to your heart, one that rivals Princess Twilight. But it was also because of you, she’s also a Princess.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sunset.

“Another time.” Said Roland. “I’ll explain everything…someday.”

Roland walked ahead to find where the Joker was, until he grunted and held his head.

Sunset…I’ll always protect and help you.

Roland was startled by the voice, for it felt…familiar. His Emerald green eyes went back to blue and walked ahead.

As for Sunset, as she watched Roland, she placed both her hands together against her heart, thinking about what Roland had said. All the voices of doubts and hypocrisy had faded, even Obaki’s had faded and heard his voice…there was both wisdom and encouragement. And the green eyes she saw. There was…a bond she couldn’t explain. Little did she know, he geode began to glow a little brighter, especially her Morpher that she had with her, without her realizing it. She then tried to catch up to him.


Everyone continued to scatter around the city, trying to find the Joker. And from above the skies, Krypto was leading Streaky, Ace the Bathound and the rest of the Dog Star Patrol through the skies.

“I can’t believe the Joker of all people are here in this dimension!!” exclaimed Streaky in shock.

“What’s so dangerous about a clown?” said Hotdog in confusion.

“Trust me guys,” said Krypto, “The Joker is not someone you want to mess with. He was nearly this close into killing my boy, Superman.”

“Whoa, Crickey.” Said Bulldog in shock.

“He’s really that dangerous?” said Mammoth Mutt in shock.

“Oh, trust me, he is.” Said Stretcho Mutt, “He’s the most wanted criminal on the entire planet.”

“The Joker has come close into destroying Gotham, Metropolis and many other locations on numerous occasions.” Said Ace the Bathound, “You could say he makes your enemy, Mechanikat look like a squeaky toy.”

“Whoa, he really is dangerous.” Said Tail Terrier.

“Sacre Bleu!!” exclaimed Tusky Husky, “I spotted the clown!!”

Krypto and the others soon spotted the Joker, walking alongside a taller man, whilst having his maddened grin on his face.

“I’d better call the others.” Said Krypto, then he turned around and used his back to call Superman.

Whilst on patrol, Superman heard Krypto’s bark and turned to that direction.

“Everyone, this is Superman,” said Superman, “Krypto spotted Joker. Hone in to their location.”

Everyone, minus half the ones still fighting, all immediately went over to Krypto’s location.


Soon enough, everyone arrived at a large building, whilst also looking around for Joker.

“Where did he go?” said Wally/Flash.

“He couldn’t have gone far.” Said John/Green Lantern.

“Oh, on the contrary.”

Everyone turned to the top of the stairs and saw someone walking, revealing his purple suit, green hair and a smile that could unnerve anybody. For that man, was none other than one of Batman’s most terrifying enemies…

The Joker.

“I’m much closer than you think.” Said the Joker before chuckling.

Everyone stood in position and got ready. Whilst at the same time, one of the 03 Turtles’ enemies, Hun, appeared, with Harley stood on the left of Joker.

“Say, pudding’” said Harley as she looked, “Ain’t them those girls and Turtles back in Gotham? And are there two pairs of them/”

Joker then noticed the set of Turtles and girls, which Joker got interested.

“Ooh, and what do we have here?” said Joker playfully, “And I assume that the one without the nerdy glasses happens to be another Twilight Sparkle? Or should I go with, your majesty, the Princess of Friendship, as well as the student of Princess Celestia?”

Twilight and Sunset looked started at that.

“Oh, how do I know?” said Joker as he pretended to be shocked, then squinted his eyes and said “I’m crazy, not stupid.”

“Whoa, you weren’t kidding.” Whispered Michelangelo, “He really is terrifying.”

“How did you get here?!!” shouted Night Shine.

“Oooh, and this one is Luke Bedding, but also knowns as Night Shine.” Said Joker, making Night Shine growl.

“Oh, don’t be so angry. And I thought old bird boy number 2 has issues.” Said Joker before he chuckled.

“You have nowhere to go, Joker.” Said Wonder Woman.

“Yeah, dude.” Said Rainbow Dash, “There’s plenty of us, and only one of you.”

“Oh, you’d think that.” Said Hun as he snapped his fingers, causing many Purple Dragons to appear, especially with their own high-tech suits and weapons.

“But…just to make it interesting.” Said Joker, “I brought something else on the table.”

Joker then took out what appeared to be a sort of tranquilizer gun. However, when Roland saw the chemicals, he instantly recognized it and was shocked by what he had.

“Don’t use that!!” shouted Roland in panic, causing the others to look at him in confusion, “You have no idea what’s inside it or what it can do!!”

“Oh, I have a pretty good idea that I do.” Said Joker.

“What’s wrong, Roland?” said Karai in worry.

“Oh?” said Joker, “I’m surprised that nobody told you. Then again, we all have our little secrets now, don’t we?”

Roland sweated as he focused on the Joker, but secretly, Team Shine, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash felt the same way.

“Why not show them, pudding?” said Harley.

“Oh, splendid idea Harley.” Said Joker, “I believe a demonstration is in order.”

He instantly pointed his gun and shot at least twenty-four darts at the first twenty-four henchman at their backs and shoulder, making them yelp.

“No!!!” shouted Roland in panic.

“What did you do?!” said Hun 03 when he turned to the Joker, whilst the Clown Prince or Crime began to laugh maniacally.

At the same, the twenty-four began to groan and scream in pain as if something had gone inside of them. Their veins had turned green, their muscles looked as if they were having a spasm. Then suddenly, they slowly began to bulk out, and their faces also slowly changed as they growled. They began to grow, as their muscles began to bulk out, their spines appeared on their back like a dragon’s spiked tail. Their eyes had turned green with veins inside of them, and their teeth as sharp as a shark’s jaw, causing some to launch their heads backwards and some who roared at the heroes as if they had gone feral.

“Great Hera!!” exclaimed Wonder Woman as everyone watched in shock and horror of what the Joker had one.

For right in front of them, were now Titan sized henchman, all of them roaring and having their sights on their prey.

“What have you done?!” shouted Superman.

“Whoa,” said Mikey, then whispered to his brothers, “They make our mutant enemies look like teddy bears.”

“Mikey, for once, we completely agree with you.” Said Raph in shock.

“Wait,” said Twilight as she recognized the way they transformed, “They transformed almost like Bane.”

“She’s right,” said Batgirl, “We’ve seen it before.”

“Alright kiddies, time to play!!” said Joker, causing all of the Titans to roar and attack.

“Heroes, take them down!!” said Roland, with everyone charging.

They fought against the Titans with everything they had. Half of them were struggling, whilst the other half had to focus on them and the Henchman at the same time.

Superman delivered a strong punch, but the Titan staggered and attacked back. “These things are a lot tougher!!” said Superman before he continued on the offensive.

Applejack struggled on her own with one, “Stronger Too!!” shouted Applejack before Roland backed her up.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, the Utrom Council came to aid the others.

“Let us give them a hand!!” said King.

“Agreed, let’s go!!” said Bishop before the others attacked.

However, from the stand, Hun 03 turned to Joker as he shouted, “Have you gone mad?! That wasn’t part of the deal!!”

“Oh, but my dear Hunny,” said Joker, “Where’s the fun in telling the plan. Besides, it’s more fun of saving the joke for later.”

“If you plan to keep secrets from me, then I want out.” Said Hun in anger, before Joker pulled out a big gun, shocking Hun.

“If you insist.” Said Joker before blasting Hun with what appeared to be gas.

The 03 Turtles saw Hun crash onto the ground, and what shocked them, the way his mouth was stretched into a grin and laughed uncontrollably.

“Holy mackerel!!” exclaimed Michelangelo.

“Roland was right about the Toxin.” Said Donatello.

Suddenly Leonardo caught what appeared to be a syringe, containing Anti-Joker toxin. He looked and saw Roland had tossed him one, with Leonardo nodding and injected it in Hun’s neck, causing him to stop laughing and pass out. They then immediately returned to the fight.

“Come along, Harley,” said Joker as he walked, “We still got some murdering to do.”

As Joker cackled, Harley followed and said “Right you are pudding.”

However, from afar, watching the fight, two figures watched from above. Both of them who were concealed from the darkness.

“So, the League’s villains are here.” Said the first, “The world is getting more and more dangerous.”

“Agreed.” Said the other, “We need to get there, and fast.”

The two of them darted off, wanting to get to their next destination as fast as possible.


After a long hard fight, they were able to beat half the Titan sized henchman, with the rest that had been able to escape. They began to inspect one of the downed monsters, with some a bit shaken on how tough they were.

“I’ve never encountered something so monstrous.” Said Wonder Woman.

“What did Joker use on them?” said Leo.

“It almost resembles to Bane’s venom.” Said Twilight.

“I agree,” said Donnie as he scanned one of the downed Titans. “I’ve detected traces of the Venom, but I’ve also detected other forms of chemicals I don’t recognize.”

“One of us, might.” Said Night Shine as he pointed at Roland.

Everyone looked at Roland whilst he had his arms crossed and looked at one of the downed Titans. For Night Shine did have a point. They saw how Roland panicked and warned Joker not to use it.

“Roland,” said Leonardo as he took a step forward with the others behind him, “You know the chemicals injected in them, don’t you?”

Roland then took a breath, sighed, and said “That I do. It was something I had hoped to never see again.”

“What are they?” asked Hawkgirl when she landed next to Roland.

Roland took a deep breath, and told them what he had learned.

“During my travels, I went to another world, coordinates 2508, on Earth 2009. I met the Batman of that world and helped him capture the Joker. But the both of us were suspicious of him, cause his capture was too easy. When we got back to Arkham, we saw tons of Joker’s gangs being transferred from Black Gate Prison, because a fire started there. Right before Joker was going to be in his cell, he escaped. Not only that, but all of his gangs escaped and took over the entire Asylum. Which was Joker’s plan from the beginning. But whilst we explored, we uncovered a few things.”

He looked at them as they continued to listen.

“We found out a young female scientist, named Penelope Young, was hired to experiment with Bane’s venom.”

“What’s so special about that certain venom?” asked Jones.

“From what we could tell from Batman’s files,” said Twilight, “The TN-1 happens to be a sort of serum that enhances one’s strength and durability.”

“And Penelope Young was paid to extract every ounce of Venom from Bane’s body, as well as some of his blood. Fully paid by Jack White.”

“One of Joker’s oldest aliases.” Said Nightwing.

“You know it?” asked John/Green Lantern.

“Joker used that identity a lot in the past to perform his illegal operations.” Said Robin.

“He did the same thing overseas when Batman and Jason traveled there.” Said Batgirl.

“Young continued with the experiments,” said Roland, “But when she found out that Jack White and Joker are the same, she tried to put a stop to it, but Joker decided to get personally involved. It turned out he combined it with the spores and plants made from Poison Ivy’s collection, making it twice as dangerous. He planned on using it on half his men to take over Arkham. But during that fight, he ended up injecting it on himself.”

“He’d really do that?” said Wally/Flash.

“It’s the Joker, of course he would.” Said Wonder Woman.

“We were able to find the antidote and returned them to normal.” Said Roland, “His men had slight amnesia as they couldn’t remember anything before they came to Arkham. As for Joker…he was slowly dying.”

“Wait, dyin’?” said a confused Raphael. “Whatcha mean by that?”

“When he fell into one of the chemical vats at Ace Chemicals,” said Roland, “The chemicals were infused with his body, but because of the Titan formula, it made the chemicals unstable, causing him to die slowly. He even infected Batman with it. Batman was able to take the antidote in time…but it was too late for the Joker. He died shortly afterwards.”

Roland looked at the Titan and said “I should’ve realized that Shredder would go to that dimension and get it.”

“This Shredder is truly getting more dangerous.” Said Queen.

“Qui, especially ze Joker.” Said Pawn

April gasped and realized something whilst saying “That means Shredder would have a full army’s worth!!”

“Right you are, kiddies!!”

Everyone was startled and looked at a large TV screen from out of nowhere, revealing the Joker as he laughed like a maniac.

“It’s clear to me that all of you have truly improved. Though some lingering pasts still linger within, like a certain cowgirl and hothead without regarding the safety of others, eh?” said Joker as he chuckled.

The two growled at Joker’s words, with Donatello saying “Joker, what you did here is pure madness!!”

“You’re using it to hurt innocent people!!” said O’Neil.

“Stand down now, before you hurt anyone else!!” shouted Princess Twilight.

“Oh, now where would the fun in that be? After all, everyone needs a good laugh. And I’m certainly laughing!!” said Joker before laughing insanely again.

“Good one pudding!!” said Harley as she laughed too.

“He’s crazier than the Storm King.” Muttered Tempest.

“I know what you mean.” Muttered Blade, remembering their time of service when they once sided with the Storm King.

“But…” said the Joker playfully once he was done laughing, “If you really wanna stop me, then come to this location.”

Shredder showed them a picture of a large tower, which was none other…

“Shredder’s old lair?!” exclaimed Michelangelo.

“But Pudding?” said Harley playfully, “If they go there, who’s going to stop them?”

Then it showed images of other Titans tearing up New York whilst other Purple Dragon Gangs planted bombs all over the city, which shocked the others, with Harley saying “As well as the special gift you’ve placed into the tower?”

“Oh yes, I almost forgot.” Said the Joker.

“What gift?” said Gamer suspiciously.

“A really big gift. Something that goes…” said Joker before showing them a picture, with Joker saying in a dark tone “Bye, bye, New York city.”

The Utrom Council were shocked to see it. “Where did you get that?!” shouted Queen in panic.

“Oh, I have my ways.” Said Joker, “And now it’s time for the big bang. Hurry along kiddies, the clock is ticking.”

They saw a countdown clock, showing that they have at least twelve hours before it goes off.

Roland knew that Joker was listening, and he didn’t want to tell them what kind of bomb it is without them giving themselves away. So, he smirked with his hood down and spoke.

“Yo Joker.”

“What?” said the Joker.

“You’re saying this you’re doing this for laughs, right?”

“What are you getting at?”

“Well let me tell you this.” Said Roland, “I’ve already heard that joke plenty of times. And let me tell you, it wasn’t funny the first time.”

Some flexed their eyebrows as they wondered where he was going with this.

“You never got a laugh out of him, did you? That’s why you’re always so fixated on him.”

Joker knew where he was going with this, and said “Don’t get psycho analyst with me, boy.”

“Yeah, that’s my job.” Said Harley.

“Oh, I don’t need a college degree to figure you out.” Said Roland. “The reason why you keep coming back was because you never did get a laugh out of him.”

“I’m not hearing this.” Responded Joker as he pretended to not care and look away.

“Get a clue, bub.” Said Roland, “He doesn’t have a sense of humor. He wouldn’t know a good joke if it bit him in the cape. Not that you even had a good joke.”

“Shut up. Shut up!!” said Joker loudly. Everyone who saw was surprised, for Roland actually struck a nerve.

“I mean, come on.” Said Roland. “Joy buzzers, squirting flowers, LAME!! Where’s the A material? Make a face, drop your pants, something!!”

“You, little…”

“You make me laugh. But only because you’re weak.” Said Roland before he chuckled, and shook his head. Which made him madder. “So, you decided to fall into a vat of chemicals, got your skin bleached and became a supervillain. What, you couldn’t become a clown?”

“Don’t you dare laugh at me.”

“Oh, this isn’t a laugh.” Said Roland, he looked at him and said “It’s a fake. Meaning…the joke’s now on you.”

Joker growled and got angrier. “Hey, don’t talk to pudding like that!!” said Harley.

“And I got one for you.” Said Roland. “I know you still have that little fantasy that Joker would finally fall in love with you, well I got news for you bub, it’s never going to happen.”

Harley was shocked and also got angry, but then…

“And did you know, the Prince had a wife before he turned to Crime?”

Harley widened her eyes in shock, even Joker for once.

“And to think, the only reason you went down that path, and truly went insane..” said Roland, before he squinted his eyes and said “All because your wife and unborn baby, got fried to oblivion.”

And for the first time, Joker became enraged and screamed in rage before grabbing his handgun and shot the screen, causing the feed to be turned off, with Roland kept staring at the screen.

Everyone stared in shock by what they had seen. For as long as Nightwing remembered, no one saw Joker angry like that, like, ever.

“Dude.” Muttered Mikey, Beast Boy, and Cyborg in shock.

“Have you gone insane?!!” said Leo.

“I agree,” said Batgirl, “Getting him angry is the worst mistake.”

“And you’ll end up making yourself a bigger target for him.” Said Fugitoid.

Roland then sighed, then looked at them and said “That’s the plan.”

Everyone was taken aback by this.

“If I do that, I’ll end up drawing him away from all of you, whilst you focus on the explosives and the Titans. And to warn the Karai of this world. Make sure that no one else gets hurt.”

“And get yourself hurt?!” exclaimed Static.

“No way, we’re doing this, together!” said Leonardo.

Suddenly, Roland held a small pellet, and said “It’s not a request.”

He dropped the pellet, causing a massive flash to appear, making everyone cover their eyes, even Superman. When the Flash cleared, Roland suddenly vanished, which shocked the others.

“All of you will go and disable that bomb and stop Roland.” Said Superman, “We’ll deal with the Titans and have the other teams disable the bombs.”


Everyone soon darted off. For whilst the League would deal with the Titans, everyone else will focus on the bombs.


From the first location of the bomb, near what appeared to be a stadium of sorts, many of the Purple Dragons and Footbots, along with a couple of Titans, guarding the bomb at the center. Within a split second, Superman attacked and knocked the Titans as far away as possible.

“Now, whilst I keep them busy!!” said Superman.

Within a split second, Gamer and Keno appeared. And after knocking away a few Purple Dragons and Footbots, Gamer and Keno approached the bomb. Gamer opened it, whilst also shielding his eyes from the confetti and streamers, then plugged a wire in the bomb, connecting it to his gauntlet.

Keno fought against many Footbots and Purple Dragons whilst Gamer did his best to disable the bomb. Within a split second, Joker’s bomb short circuited and smoked. When he disconnected, he spoke through his commlink.

“Bomb at the hockey stadium is down. Moving on to next.” He reported as the two hurried out.


Near the old Stocktronics building, Tommy, Kevin, and Sandalwood located the bomb inside.

“Leave this to me and Saba!” The white ranger said as he drew his sword.

“Right. We'll cover you!” Kevin nodded as he and Sandalwood prepared to battle.

“Alright, Saba, Need your help here.”

“Alright. let me walk you through.” Saba floated next to Tommy. “Okay, first open the cover.”

Tommy opened the bomb as Saba continued. “Remove the magnet slowly.”

The white ranger did as he was told. “Now remove the wires in this order. Red, black, and yellow, blue, green, and yellow.”

“Done.” Tommy said after pulling the correct wires.

“And the bomb is now disabled.” Saba floated back to Tommy who grabbed his saber.

“Thanks, Saba.” he then turned to Kevin and Sandalwood. “Bomb's down! On to the next!”

“Right on!” Sandalwood thumbed up as they hurried out.


Meanwhile, from atop of Shredder’s old lair, Roland had arrived via grappling. He entered the building and slowly walked in whilst looking around at the same time. He then stood at the center, where everything was dark. However, Roland closed his eyes and started to sniff. He then opened his eyes and said “Come on out, Joker, I know you’re here.”

Joker then slowly appeared from around the corner. But instead of a grin, he then had a scowl in his face, whilst holding his Tommy Gun.

“So.” Growled Joker, “You finally showed up.”

“I figured I would. After all,…” said Roland as he slowly turned to the Joker, “You do wanna kill me because I was able to strike a nerve.”

“Oh, but I do.” Growled Joker, whilst at the same time, Harley, the Joker Gangs, and about thirteen Titan monsters appeared. “Now then…”

Joker aimed his weapon at him, Harley preparing her hammer, many of the goons preparing theirs, with the Titan monsters preparing as well.

“Are you ready to make like a piggy and squeal?” said Joker whilst squinting his eyes.

“I don’t know.” Said Roland as he turned around and looked straight at Joker, “Are you ready to cry before you even had a chance to cry for your wife and child?”

Joker then growled and screamed “Kill him!!”

Everyone else charged around him, with Roland standing prepared. “Let’s get, dangerous.” Said Roland before he charged straight ahead.


Maud and Mondo Gecko took out a couple Foot bots before Fugitoid merged from the East River with Aquaman.

“This bomb's a dud. Let's move to the next!” the cybernetic professor reported.

“The Joker probably wanted someone to drown trying to disable that one.” Maud guessed as they hurried.

“Totally bogus.” huffed Mondo.


Carter shifted into his Raptor form to help Pearl stall Gem Knights as John/Green Lantern was shielding them, whilst Wally/Flash distracted them with his speed and punches as Shine Boy and Ben hurried to the bomb in an alleyway.

“Gosh. I hate disabling bombs.” Shine Boy groaned.

“Leave it to me. Just get it open.” Shine Boy opened it while Ben transformed into Greymatter and quickly disabled the bomb. “Done!”

“Okay! Bomb down! Moving on!” Shine Boy called his group and they moved out.


At the same time, The Turtles and their human allies, their counterparts, and allies, the Rainbooms, Dazzlings, Teen Titans and Martian Manhunter, along with Krypto and Bathound, arrived at the building, just about ten floors below, where the fighting was taking place, everyone arrived and looked around.

“Where da shell are dey?!” exclaimed Raphael.

“They must be fighting somewhere in the building.” Said Adagio.

“Shh, wait.” Said Sonata as she suddenly placed her one hand near her ear, “You guys hear that?”

“Hear what?” said Gear.

Krypto used his super hearing and said “Someone’s knocking against that door.”

Ace smelled the air and said “And if I’m not mistaken, I smell about fifty-one people in there, one of them who smells like Karai.”

Karai immediately perked up and ran towards the door. “Wait!!” said Krypto, “There’s a bomb on the other side of that door.”

“I got this.” Said Static as he used his powers to short circuit the bomb from the other side. With one swift motion, Karai kicked the door opened. Then there on the ground, was Karai’s counterpart, with Leonardo and the others quickly untied her.

“Karai, are you okay?” said Leonardo as they undid her bonds.

“I am fine, Leonardo.” Said Karai 03, “But help the others, first.”

Everyone saw Doctor Chaplin and the rest of her Foot, all tied up. Whilst everyone else quickly helped and untied them, Leonardo, Sunset, Leo, Karai, Nightwing and Splinter chose to stay with her and help her up.

“What happened?” said Leonardo.

“I do not know much.” Said Karai 03, “But it all happened a month ago. I was continuing managing our headquarters, when all of a sudden, this…clown thing attacked and took over the tower.”

“When did this happen?” asked Karai.

“About a month or so.” Said Karai 03, “As far as I know, he and many others like him secretly began to take over the city from within the shadows, along with the Purple Dragons and the Turks, and many other Crime families.”

They were surprised by this, with Sunset saying “How the heck did nobody notice any of this?”

“They know how to hide themselves.” Said Nightwing, “Every criminal out there have been doing this a long time. That and they also learned a few things from Ra’s.”

Karai 03 looked at Nightwing with a flexed eyebrow and said “Who are you?”

“Karai, this is Nightwing.” Said Leo, “He’s an enemy to the ones who captured you. And believe me when I say, he’s worse than the Shredder. Much worse.”

“How worse?” asked Karai 03. Cyborg suddenly came along and showed the footage of Joker’s many crimes, which shocked her beyond belief. “We must stop this madman.”

“We can’t!!” said Chaplin as he and some of the foot came along, “We need to stop it.”

“Stop what?” said Karai 03.

“Oh, just a bomb so powerful it could destroy New York city.” Said Pinkie Pie, which shocked Karai 03.

“There are also other bombs in this building.” Said one of the Foot, “And they have many hostages.”

“What kind of bomb is it?” asked Karai 03.

Suddenly, Cyborg beeped. “That’s weird.”

They then saw a hologram of Roland appeared via Cyborg’s arm.

“If you guys get this message, then I’m already at Joker’s.” said Roland, “I didn’t have time to tell you because I didn’t want him to get suspicious, but I was able to record this. This bomb that he has, it’s no ordinary bomb. It’s a DNA bomb.”

Some were puzzled by this, with Roland explaining further.

“I encountered something like this in another dimension.” Said Roland, “On another world, which a resort was built all over the planet, was taken over by monsters, gangs, and giants. So, the corporation who built that place, created a DNA bomb, that has the ability to destroy all lifeforms on the planet, whilst leaving the buildings, trees, and plant life intact, allowing them to move in and rebuild.”

Then suddenly, it dawned to them slowly, as Shinigami said “Wait, is he saying that…?”

“If you’re wondering what I’m saying, then yes.” Said Roland via recording, “That bomb…has the power to wipe out all life, on the planet.”

Everyone else was horrified by this, with Roland saying “So whilst I’m dealing with the Joker, I need everyone to get to that bomb as quick as possible.”

The recording ended, with Karai 03 saying, “He truly is a madman.”

“And we only got about six hours before it goes off!!” said Cyborg.

“Karai,” said Chaplin as he went over to her, “Before we get to the bomb, we need to evacuate the building first. Everyone else is either unaware or captured all over this building. We also need to disable the bombs all over the place.”

Karai 03 thought about this, then nodded in agreement and said “We will need to split up and find those bombs.”

“We’ll take the dogs with us.” Said Venus, “Krypto, Ace and the two Spikes here can use their noses to sniff them out.”

“Static and I will try to track some of them down, too.” Said Gears.

“I will do what I can from floor to floor to try to find both the hostages and the bombs at the same time.” Said Martian Manhunter whilst he descended downwards.

“Then let’s go!!” said Leo as everyone quickly began to split up and tried to disable the bomb.


From floor to floor, everyone quickly looked for every bomb they could find, whilst trying to stop the Footbots at the same time. Once they did, they were able to free some of the hostages and other Foot Ninjas, whilst continuing to search for more.

Thanks to the dogs, Static, Gears and the Martian, they were able to find some of the bombs and some of them were able to disable it.


At the same time, Roland continued to dart left and right, dodging the gang’s fire, even jumping in the air to dodge their fire, right before he pulled out his blade and darted straight towards a handful of them. He then tossed a few stun knives onto them, causing them to collapse before they had time to react. Roland then looked behind and jumped up, causing him to land onto a Titan’s shoulders. Then he pulled out two knives and jabbed it a couple of times, allowing the titan to wave its arms around and bashed many Gang members in the process. Roland then took out a grenade and planted it into the monster’s mouth, causing it to explode, stunning the Titan before he collapsed in the process.

Roland turned around and saw there were many more gang members and Titans surrounding him, there were even Footbots that came to fight.

“You guys just don’t know when to stop, do you?” said Roland as he stood prepared to fight again.

Joker growled and shouted “Will someone just kill him!!”

Within a split second, a handful of bots exploded, which revealed to be Team Shine jumping in and stood alongside Roland and were also prepared for a fight.

“Whoa, what are you guys doing here?” said Roland.

“After we were able to disable most of the bombs, we rushed right over to help.” Said Gamer.

“No way we’re going to let you have all the fun.” Said Love Shine.

“Normally I’d say that you should go help the others,” said Roland, “But truth be told…it’s good to see you guys here.”

“Feeling’s mutual.” Said Shine Girl.

“Less talking and more fighting.” Said Night Shine, “After today, I feel like I really wanna cut loose.”

“May I?” asked Roland when he presented his hand.

Night Shine looked at him with a flexed eyebrow, and saw that he was gesturing his machete. Out of curiosity, he handed it to Roland. Roland pulled out a purple gem and planted it on the handle of the machete. Then he handed it to Night Shine, which confused Night Shine for a bit.

“Empower your flames.” Said Roland.

Night Shine did just that, and within a split second, his entire blade became incased in flame. He looked at it with a flexed eyebrow, but the rest of Team Shine were surprised by it.

“You upgraded his machete?” said Love Shine surprised.

“With an ancient gem?” said Gamer.

“That’s not the best part.” Said Roland, before looking at Night Shine and said “Grab the handle with both blades and try to split them apart.”

Night Shine did just that, and to his slight surprise, he was able to pull it apart, creating dual machete blades in the process.

“Figured you could do twice the damage.” Said Roland before focusing back on the battle.

Night Shine then looked at the flaming blades, then smirked and said “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.”

Night Shine instantly charged and performed a tornado slice, causing many of the Footbots to melt. Though he may have taken down a platoon, more of them kept on coming.

“We haven’t been gone for that long.” Said Gamer.

“And already you made new friends.” Said Shine Boy playfully to Roland.

“As a videogame character would say,” said Roland as he did a pretend sigh, “Just shut up and fight something.”

“I know that reference!!” exclaimed Love Shine as everyone split up and attacked.

Love Shine darted through and used his photon blades and sliced many Footbots in half, before he jumped in the air and bashed the ground hard, sending everyone flying in different directions.

Shine Girl used her acrobatic skills to jump over a few gangers and use her small staff to slap their weapons out of their hands, then used it to bash their faces with it, before jumping onto a gang member and use her legs to lock his head into a headlock, before tossing him hard against the wall.

Gamer fought the Footbots left and right, whilst also trying his best to dodge their weapon’s fire, until he spotted a Titan charging towards him. Gamer jumped over and planted a device onto it, which turned out to be a rocket, causing it to ignite and sent it flying straight towards a large group, flattening them as if they were bowling pins.

Shine Boy twirled his staff and bashed one of the gang member’s weapons out of his hands, then used it to smash it. Just before the second gang member could shoot, Shine Boy smashed it with his bo-staff, then bashed the gang member hard away. He then used it twister style and bashed many incoming Footbots trying to do him in.

Roland gripped his fists, causing his gloves’ fists to ignite with light, allowing him to punch one Footbot, then blocked another before punching it away, then did the same routine. Roland twisted around and bashed many Footbots away, whilst also using his strong kicks to send most of them and the gang members flying.


In Central Park, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo hurried through the bushes.

“Hurry, girls!” Apple Bloom said. “Alpha said the bomb's this way!”

“There it is!” Sweetie Belle pointed to the bomb ahead.

“Unguarded.” Scootaloo looked around.

Suddenly, Goldar and Scorpina jumped down between the CMCs and the bomb as Goldar chuckled. “We can fix that!”

The girls gasped before Sweetie Belle screamed in her commlink. “Goldar and Scorpina are blocking the bomb!”

“SWEETIE BELLE! I'M COMING!” Shrieked pony Rarity, who was with the Mane 6 and Shine Girl on the Washington Bridge fighting Hive soldiers.

“No, Rarity! Stay with your group! That's an order!” Hawkgirl ordered on the commlink.


“Keno and I are near the CMCs! We're heading there now!” Gamer spoke up as he and Keno hurried. “Remember, this Sweetie Belle’s not your sister, but your counterpart’s!!”

Back at the Park, the CMCs stood with their weapons out as Goldar taunted.

“You think you can defeat us? I was able to best your sisters and their friends!”

“Not to mention we're more than a match for the Power Rangers.” Scorpina teased.

“Then how about we take ya? HEE-HEE!” Suddenly, Scorpina was kicked back suddenly followed by Goldar when Bebop appeared out of nowhere as Rocksteady stomped from the bushes, with Barry/Flash and Hal/Green Lantern by their side.

“You harm hair off little girls, I squish your heads like the blueberries!” he snorted. “Been while since I said that.”

As Goldar and Scorpina, along with their Putties and Z Putties, got up and charged, Rocksteady turned to the CMCs. “Get to bomb! We hold them!”

“Thanks, Rocksteady!” Scootaloo thanked as they hurried over to the bomb.

“Okay. We're at the bomb!” Sweetie Belle reported as she opened the hatch.

“I'll walk you three through it. Listen carefully, you three!” Gamer spoke in the commlink.

Suddenly, Scorpina appeared in front of them, making them scream in fright, “You’re not doing any…”

Suddenly, she was blasted away from a strong snowstorm, gaining their attention as they looked, and to their surprise, Blade and Tempest were standing there, but in the middle, was none other than their adoptive daughter, Permafrost.

“You three disable the bomb, we’ll handle this.” Said Blade.

“Remember your training honey,” said Tempest to Permafrost, “Focus on the battle, and do not let your opponent’s get into your head, okay?”

“Okay mom.” Said Permafrost as the three of them charged.

“Quick, the bomb!!” said Apple Bloom, seeing that this was now their chance.


Meanwhile, back at the building, everyone continued to try and find as many bombs as they could. From Sunset, she found her fist bomb.

“I found it!!” said Sunset.

“Disable it, we’ll cover you.” Said Raven as she used her power to send them flying whilst shouting “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!!”

Even Martian came from out of nowhere and used his dragon form to smash many Footbots away.

However, just as Sunset was about to disarm the bomb, Obaki’s words began to haunt her, and because of her slight depression, she couldn’t focus on disarming the bomb. She then suddenly grabbed her head and muttered “I can’t do this. I can’t do this.”

Raven noticed that Sunset looked distressed, and said “Sunset, calm down, don’t panic. Focus on the task at hand.”

However, from above, Roland had Raven’s comm secretly activated and overheard her. He then grew worried, but had an idea.

Martian. Martian.” Said Roland telepathically, surprising the Martian. “Link me to Sunset’s mind, I need to talk to her.

J’onzz was surprised that Roland could speak to him telepathically, but seeing that he felt Sunset’s distressed mind, he decided to help Roland out and did so. “It is done.

Roland then gave it a try. “Sunset!!

Sunset was suddenly startled, hearing Roland’s voice. Whilst at the same time, from the top floor, Roland was busy fighting as many of Joker’s goons as possible, whilst he jumped out of the way from one Titan, then he kicked another at the beg of its leg so hard, making it stand onto its knee, allowing Roland to jab his wrist blade through its head, killing it before it collapsed.

Don’t let your fears and depression take you over!! Remember what we talked about!! You are not a monster, nor will you ever be!! You are Sunset Shimmer!! The girl who would do anything to help those in need!! The girl who believes in friendship!! The girl…who’s a hero to me and always will be.

Sunset widened her eyes in surprise in what he said.

Don’t let the voices of others tell you differently, you always find a way. Do it for them. Do it for your family!! The family on your phone!!

She blinked at that and opened it. She saw the picture of her and her friends altogether at their last holiday, with them being together, smiling and laughing at the same time. She then remembered the good they did…together. That alone made her smile and shed a tear. She the wiped her tears and had a determined look.

She quickly went over and cut the wires of the bomb, disabling it in the process.

“Alright, I got it, let’s go!!” said Sunset before she, Raven and Martian went off. The two of them looked at one another, as if they were communicating, with both of then nodding, knowing Roland had helped.


From the top, Roland and Team Shine continued to fight, until Roland noticed Joker pulling out a pistol and was about to shoot Gamer. Roland instantly darted over to the Joker and surprised the Clown Prince of Crime by giving him a strong right hook, then an uppercut, then twice at the gut, grabbed him by the head and head butted it against his.

Just as Joker was about to shoot, Roland knocked the Joker’s weapon out of his hand, struck against the Joker’s neck, then punched him hard, making the Joker stagger backwards. Roland then grabbed him and tossed him hard against a pillar. Roland jumped and kneed Joker hard in the face, making the Joker stagger backwards.

“No more!!” shouted Roland as he punched the Joker over and over. “All the people you murdered, all the innocents that suffered!!” shouted Roland before he kicked the Joker in the groin, making the Clown Prince land on his knees. “And they kept letting you live.”

Joker spat out the blood and muttered with a chuckle, “I never kept count.”

Roland grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up before saying “I did.”

“That’s a first.” Said Joker, before taking out a knife and said “But you’re still no Batman.”

Joker sliced Roland’s gut, making him back away. He then felt something wet. He looked down and was shocked to see his own blood. He held it in pain and looked at Joker, and realized his knife was made from a metal that can cut through his armor.

As Shine Boy kicked a few Gang members and Purple Dragons away, he saw Roland was staggering and, to his shock, bleeding.

“Roland!!” shouted Shine Boy, before he got whacked by Harley and her hammer. Shine Boy got up and struggled a bit, and saw Harley walking towards him with her hammer.

“Sorry, Shiny, but nobody touches pudding, but me!!” exclaimed Harley.

Before she could make a move, a mysterious assailant came from out of nowhere and punched and kicked Harley constantly, until she delivered a strong buddha palmed strike, sending her flying backwards and crashed onto the ground. Just before she could get up, Night Shine casually walked beside her and gave her a hard bop on the head, knocking her out cold before she fainted.

Shine boy was surprised by the mysterious masked assailant. Who then looked at Shine Boy and quickly went over to him whilst crouching.

“Are you alright?” The person asked in a disorienting voice.

Shine Boy was confused. “Yeah. Thank you. I take it you’re on our side?”

“Always have been. Always will.” The assailant nodded.

“Who are you?”

The assailant removed her helmet to reveal a certain girl in Shine Boys life. “Someone who loves you.”

“Serenity.” He embraced her and the two kissed each other.

As they kept kissing, Serenity smiled. “You don’t know how long I wanted to say that line.”

“When did you came here?” Shine Boy smiled.

“I just got here. Venus asked that Zordon guy to come get me and brought me here. And as a surprise, I disguised myself to surprise you.”

She helped him up as the two of them stood close to one another. She smiled and said “Were you surprised?”

“I sure am.” Said Shine Boy with a smile, “And right now, we gotta help Roland.”

Serenity looked at Roland and was surprised and said “Are you sure about that?”

Shine Boy saw Roland pinned Joker whilst strangling him.

“Though it’s been fun,” said Joker, “But I still have some murdering to do. Starting with you.”

Withing a split second, Joker laughed and stabbed Roland six times in the gut whilst moving backwards, which shocked Shine Boy and Serenity. Before the Joker continued, Roland instantly pushed Joker away and delivered a strong roundhouse kick, cracking the side of Joker’s skull. Then he delivered a strong knee to his chest, nearly cracking Joker’s ribs, then Roland jumped backwards and gave Joker a strong kick to his jaw, nearly cracking it and his teeth too. Joker collapsed hard onto the ground near a pillar, with Roland standing tall, but staggered whilst holding his gut.

“It’s over, Joker.” Said Roland.

“On the contrary, Roland.” Said Joker, before he suddenly got serious and pulled something out, “It hasn’t even yet, begun.”

Roland was shocked from what he was holding…a detonator.


Meanwhile, at the same time, everyone was slowly trying to disarm the bombs.

“We’re almost there.” Said Donnie.


“Time for the big bang!!” shouted Joker before he pressed it, causing every bomb throughout the building that hadn’t been disarmed yet to activate.

The bombs in their floor beeped, the ones throughout some of the floors beeped, even the ones the teams were going to disarm began to beep, shocking everyone.

“It’s gonna blow!!” shouted everyone in the building.

Roland instantly saw Team Shine and Serenity, he panicked whilst his eyes suddenly shifted from blue to green.

“Roland…” said Shine Boy before he was cut off…by Roland’s glowing green hand.

CHAOS CONTROL!!” shouted Roland.

Within a split second, Team Shine, Serenity, Harley and many Purple Dragon and Joker gangs were teleported out, with Roland looking ahead at the bomb in shock as it gave its final beep. Within a split second, the bomb went off, knocking him backwards as everything was set alight.

Whilst throughout the building, everyone quickly jumped to cover and used their powers for cover, with Martian quickly flying out to avoid the fires. From mere moments, the building exploded from different sides and were on fire, shocking all passers and pedestrians who saw the whole thing.

Martian quickly contacted everyone else that were scattered, “All teams, meet at my location immediately, Joker set up an explosive throughout the buildings, and we have innocent people trapped inside!!”

Heading Martian’s call, everyone quickly darted towards their location.

Meanwhile, from inside, everyone who was able to get shelter, struggled to get up, whilst those that were protected quickly got up, but were shocked to see what happened.

“We…we didn’t turn off the explosives in time.” Said April.

“Everyone else will most likely be trapped within the building.” Said Karai 03.

“I have a lock on them.” Said Cyborg as he was able to get their signal. “We’d better get going and fast. I don’t know how long this building is going to last before it collapses.”

“But what about the bomb!!” said Nightwing.

“No time, we need to get everyone else out of here, first!!” said Leonardo as they quickly rushed to save the others.

Whilst from outside, the Purple Dragons were transported to an unconscious Hun, Harley and the Joker’s gangs were teleported to an abandoned Docks, whilst Team Shine was outside of the building, whilst everyone was stunned by what just happened.

“How did he…?!” exclaimed Gamer when they looked around.

However, Shine Boy looked up at the top floor, and realized who was still up there in shock.



Roland lied motionless on the ground, until he grunted and struggled to stand up. But as he did, he saw a piece of metal wire that struck to his hip. He then grabbed it and with great force, pulled it out before grunting in pain before tossing it away. He then heard chuckling and saw Joker, approaching Roland with a crowbar.

“Well, little one,” said Joker whilst pointing his crowbar, “You may not be the Batman, nor his little sidekicks. I have to admit, you surprised me, and can be quite as serious as he can be. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.”

Roland then looked at him and said “Before you…end my miserable existence, mind if I ask a question?”

“Oh?” perked the Joker.

“Ever heard of Elton John’s song, rocket man?”

Joker suddenly growled, hating that song and singer, causing him to grab Roland and pulled him via shirt collar.

“I don’t listen to that soft garbage.” Growled Joker.

“Well…that’s too bad.” Said Roland as he pulled something from behind his back. “Because it’s you. You’re the rocket man.”

With a hard buddha punch, Roland knocked the Joker a few steps back. However, the Joker heard a loud humming sound and looked down at his chest. To his shock, it was one of Batman’s gadgets, one that he recognized.


Within a split second, Joker was shot out of the building and screamed like a maniac whilst flying at the same time. Roland grunted and chuckled.

“Well, what do you know,” said Roland, “I was able to get in a famous movie line after all. Can scratch that off of the bucket list.”

He grunted and kept on moving.

“No time…gotta…get moving.”

He moved whilst limping at the same time, for he needed to act fast.


Sunset continued to try and help more people along the way as she helped them evacuate.

“This way, hurry!!”

She then noticed someone limping, whilst holding onto his ribcage. However, she recognized the sword.

“Roland!” said Sunset as she went over. “Roland, are you…?”

But the moment she took a good look at him, to her horror, Roland was wounded, stabbed six times at the gut, and his left eye was shut.

“What happened?!” said Sunset as she came over.

“I bumped into the Clown Prince of Crime and then sent him flying.” Said Roland. “But enough of that, Joker started the countdown, and we only got about forty minutes.”

“What?!” said Sunset. “We’ve got to get out of here!!”

“You need to get everyone else out first.” Said Roland whilst he held onto his wound. “But your high priority is April’s adult counterpart, O’Neil.”

“What? Why?” asked Sunset in confusion. Roland then whispered in her ear why, making her gasp in shock and looked at him.

“Whilst you do that,” said Roland, “I’m going to the bomb to disable the component, so that it would only be a useless bomb. But it won’t be enough…unless I blow it up before it destroys the city.”

“Are you crazy?!” said Sunset, “You’ll never make it!!”

“I have to try.” Said Roland.

“Then I’ll come with you after I help…!!” said Sunset before Roland cut her off.

“Absolutely not!!” said Roland.

“Why not?!”

Roland grabbed Sunset’s shoulders and shouted “Because you’re more important than you realize!!”

Sunset was surprised by what he had said. He looked down with his eyes closed and said what he should’ve said.

“I know how hard it was for you, trying to rebuild your life after the life you forced yourself to live. Yes, you may have started the wrong way and became a bully, and yes, you may have turned into a monster when you put the crown on.

He looked at her dead in the eye, “But that’s not you anymore. You proved that a thousand times over to everyone. You and your friends had changed so many lives that you could possibly imagine. You became a better person and inspired tons of folks to be better. You’re smart, brave, kind, caring and compassionate. Something that I wished I was, something that I wished I was ten times the better person you were. You and your friends did so much good than you could possibly imagine. And if it means making sure that does happen.”

He grunted, and said to her face “Then I’d gladly die for that if need be!!”

Sunset was shocked by what he had said, whilst at the same time, for the first time in his entire life…he began to shed tears.

“And I know the reason why you were angry.” Said Roland, “Your anger stems from desires that you know is never going to come true. And whenever you try something, you always take shortcuts. And because of that, you were so unfocused, you always got angry. Until your friends came into your life. You went to take advise from others, wanting to be the best and supportive friend you could ever be. So sometimes you channel that anger, and put it into protective instincts. Every outburst whenever something happens, is you wanting to protect your friends. In fact, you love them so much that the thought of anything bad happening to them, no matter who’s responsible, infuriates you.”

Sunset was baffled, as if he had just figured her out. He looked at her again, and said “You inspired me to be better than themselves, to help make friends to those who had nothing. Even after many struggles, after everything you did to redeem yourself, even helping those in need. Sci-Twi, Gloriosa, the Shadowbolts, Juniper Montage, Wallflower, Vignette, and Post Crush. You helped everyone along the way. I always wanted to be like you, the one person named Sunset Shimmer, the one who never gave up on her friends and would do anything to make sure that they’re safe and happy, even in the face of overwhelming odds. You’re my hero Sunset. You always have been.”

Sunset was taken aback and greatly shocked by what he said. He took a step backwards after letting go of her shoulders.

“Which is why you need to get out of here, to be their hero, their purpose, their beacon.” Said Roland. “My life isn’t as important as yours. You have a purpose, a goal, and a journey to live for. But me…”

Roland looked saddened, and said to her, “I’m just a worthless little nobody, trying to clean up a mess that should never have been made.”

Sunset didn’t know how to respond to it, and couldn’t help but shed tears too.

“Roland…I…” said Sunset, trying to say something…but to no avail.

Suddenly the building began to rumble, and Roland saw a bit of the debris that was falling down, causing him to quickly push her away, with the debris falling in between them, causing Roland to be blocked, but still visible enough to see them.

“Get out of here!” said Roland, “Get everyone and O’Neil to safety!! I’ll try to disarm the bomb and destroy it with my own one!!”

Sunset saw that he was holding a bomb of his own in his hand, but she also noticed the wounds on his body. The moment she pieced it together, she realized in shock and horror.

He wants to die.

“Let me for once do something to make this right.” Said Roland, before turning around, grunting, and making his way towards the bomb whilst limping.

Sunset watched him left as the building was suddenly slowly being enflamed, with her reacting by getting up and running to other places where the others might be.


Soon, everyone was outside, bringing everyone outside, the Turtles, Rainbooms and everyone else was outside, with Sunset being the last one out whilst escorting O’Neil out in the nick of time.

As soon as everyone got outside, Leo then asked “Is that everyone?! Did we get them out?!”

“Yeah,” said Raph, “We got everyone out just in time!!”

“I still can’t believe that twisted Clown planted a bomb in there!!” said Raphael.

“We’ll find a way Raph.” Said Leonardo.

“How, Leo?!” exclaimed Michelangelo, “The building’s on fire, and we don’t know who’d be crazy enough to try and disarm the bomb!!”

That’s when Venus noticed that someone wasn’t with them, and realized in shock. “Wait, where’s Roland?!”

Everyone was also surprised and looked around, realizing Roland wasn’t with them. However, for two members, that’s when it dawned to them.

“Wait a second…” said Static.

“You don’t think…?!” exclaimed Gear.

Everyone looked at the building, and realized Roland was still in there.

“We gotta get in there!!” exclaimed Beast Boy.

“Are you nuts, BB?!!” exclaimed Cyborg.

“He’s right, it’s too dangerous to go inside, and we don’t know how long the building will last!!” said Raven.

“But we must do the something!!” exclaimed Starfire, “We can’t just leave him in there!!”

Sunset however, kept staring at the building. She slowly lowered her head and placed her hand against her chest. She then thought about what Obaki said of how she messed up. However, that thought was suddenly replaced by Jacob and Roland, who both talked to her about how she changed their lives and that Roland…said that he wished he was twice as brave as she was…and that he wished he was like her…and that she was his hero…and the tears. They were genuine, and honest. And what he planned to do.

She gripped her hands. No…no, she wasn’t going to let him die like this.

Within a split second, she instantly ran towards the building. But the moment she was halfway, Princess Twilight saw her running towards the building.

“Sunset!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight, gaining everyone’s attention as they saw her running inside the building.

“Sunset!!” exclaimed the others as they too wanted to follow, but they were too late as some of the debris began to fall, causing some to not being able to follow.

However, from above the rooftops, two individuals were watching her. They looked at one another and nodded in agreement before darting off in different directions.

Sunset continued to run around, trying to find Roland in this mess. “Roland!!” shouted Sunset, trying to look for him, “Roland!!”

She couldn’t let him die, not like this.

Just as she turned to another corner, something was about to fall on her, but she was able to dodge it, and continued to move on forward.


Roland on the other hand, began to slowly lose blood, trying his best to block it with his shirt he’s torn, but he had to carry on, for he had to accomplish what he was trying to do. He soon stopped and leaned against a door for some reason, trying to stay awake, for he didn’t have much time.

He slowly turned to his right and saw right ahead, the bomb he was looking for. He grunted and made his way towards it. He finally made his way towards the bomb. But before he could do anything, he was suddenly blocked off by robots. But not just any robots, the robots belonging to Slade, from what he remembered what Nightwing and the others had told him.

“Dammit,” muttered Roland, “I don’t have time for this.”

Roland placed the bomb away at his back, but he couldn’t fight, not with the beating he received from the Joker. He used his left arm to hold onto his injuries, whilst he used his right arm to pull out his sword. He stood in position and waited for them to attack.

Within a split second, all of them darted towards him. Roland stood still and waited for the right moment to strike. The moment they were close enough, Roland swung left, right, below, above, clockwise and jab, striking down all six of the robots in the progress.

After he was done, he grunted and landed on his knee whilst planting his sword onto the ground. He used the sword to lift himself up, trying his best to get into the fight. He walked over to the core, and saw that it was still counting down, whilst the building was also on fire. But he didn’t have time to think about that, he needed to stop it. He needed…to make things right.

He climbed onto the bomb and looked at the central core.

“Good thing…I know how these things work.” Muttered Roland as he grabbed the circle of what appeared to be a disc of sorts. He turned it a few times, until he was able to finally pull it out with what strength he had, making him fall with a grunt, whilst the circle itself revealed to be a tube, revealing to be the bomb’s firing key. He slowly stood up and walked over to it. Even though the key was out, it was still counting down, meaning the building would soon blow up. He saw where the wiring was placed and went over there.

He then grabbed the wires and attempted to pull them. As he did, he felt like he was being electrocuted, which caused him to partially burn. It began to hurt, but he was able to pull the wires free, thus deactivating the bomb, which made him land hard onto the ground as he grunted. He held onto his side and took the bomb. He took a good look at it, and saw it was a one-way trip for him. He sighed, for he knew he did enough damage already.

He was about to set the bomb until…


Roland blinked and looked back, for Sunset was there, why, he didn’t’ know.

“I…told you…” grunted Roland as he turned around, “To get out of here.”

“Don’t do this!!” shouted Sunset, “Don’t throw your life away like that!!”

However, unknown to them, one of the robots slowly got up and aimed a pistol at Roland.

“You have to do this!!” said Roland, “It’s not…!!”

When all of a sudden, a gunshot was sounded, which caused Roland to grunt. Sunset stood there in shock, for Roland was holding the side of his neck, as it had begun to bleed and he fell over. She noticed one of the robots was up and was about to attack, causing her to throw her Kunai dagger and destroyed the robot as it landed onto the ground. She quickly ran over to Roland and tried to help him. She panicked and saw that his neck was badly bleeding.

“What do I do, what do I do?!” said Sunset.

She then remembered something from history class, of how soldiers close the wounds, by using…

She quickly took out Roland’s pistol and pulled out its ammo cartridge and pulled out a few bullets. She then opened each of them and placed the gunpowder by the side of his neck. She then focused on the rest of his stab wounds when he ripped his shirt open. But unknown to her, a figure was standing close by. After she was done, she then tried to figure out what to do.

“How do I light them?” said Sunset, “I don’t have any matches on me.”

She then felt a presence and looked back, and was shocked to see a large figure standing above her. But when the figure stood on one knee, she was surprised to see it was a turtle, but he looked very different. He then pulled out a pair of matches and was about to light them, until he looked at her.

“You might wanna put something in his mouth.” Said the turtle, “This could get loud.”

“Who are you?” asked Sunset.

“Some call me Ronin.” Said the Turtle before he placed what appeared to be a piece of wood in Roland’s mouth, “But I think you know who I am.”

He then light the matches and placed it on Roland’s neck and wounds, causing the gunpowder to blow and seal Roland’s wounds, making Roland scream at the same time. Sunset however, felt that the turtle looked familiar. Ronin kept his focus on Roland, but when Sunset looked at his eyes, she slowly widened her eyes in shock. Could it be…?


Ronin looked at Sunset and said “Booyakasha.”

Sunset was stunned from what she was seeing, for this Mikey was very different. For one he looked older, and he wasn’t the same goofball as he was. He was serious, cautious, and cold.

“You focus more on helping him.” Said Ronin as he pulled out what appeared to be a countdown timer, “I’ll set the explosive.”

He grabbed the bomb and attached the timer to it. Sunset, having no time to argue, picked up Roland and used all her strength to pick him up as his arm was over her shoulder. She carried him away as she partially looked at Ronin, whilst he was setting the bomb. Once she was out of sight, Ronin had placed the timer for almost ten minutes, which was enough time for them to get clear before the place would blow up. Once he set the timer, he quickly left through the rooftops.

Sunset continued to take Roland down the hallway as he struggled to stay awake.

“You…should’ve left.” Said Roland.

“Not without you.” Said Sunset. “And don’t you dare call yourself a nobody.”

She continued to carry him and said “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but I can tell how much you’ve struggled, wanting to trust us.”

“Wait…” said Roland, “You knew…?”

“That what you went through but couldn’t bring yourself to tell us?” said Sunset, “Yeah, that’s about it. And we figured you’d tell us when you were ready, but clearly you were too scared to say anything. And that you ended up losing hope when whatever our counterparts did was bad. That you’d end up calling yourself a nobody. But that’s not and never will be true.”

She then guided him down the next hall and said “Like I told Wallflower, everyone matters, no matter how insignificant or invisible they feel.”

Roland then sighed and said “I’m so sorry, Sunset. For everything.”

“I know you are. And that you really want to make things right.” Said Sunset. “But just know this, after this, you’re telling me everything, no questions asked.”

“I…understand.” Said Roland as he grunted whilst looking ahead. “I’ll do my best…to explain everything. And for what it’s really worth…I’m sorry…for everything.”

“I know.” Said Sunset, she felt down a bit and said “I’m sorry too. My temper and impatience is what kept getting in the way.”

“I guess we both need help in that department, huh?” said Roland.

Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle by that remark and said “I guess we do.”


Right outside, everyone was waiting eagerly for a sign of hope, waiting for something to happen, a miracle of sorts.

“Look!!” exclaimed Angel as she pointed at the building.

They saw Sunset coming out, walking out of the building, and holding a very badly wounded Roland as he struggled to stay awake. Just as they were halfway, the building blew up, sending them to fly for a bit and landed. Sunset quickly got up to see if he was okay, and smiled to see that he was.

He was able to smile at her and said in a strained voice “Thank you, Sunset.”

Sunset was able to shed a tear for her friend and said “I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.”

Within a split second, the medics came along and quickly helped him up and carried him away. As Sunset stood up, Venus suddenly came over, as she was in tears.

“You saved him.” Said Venus, “You saved my brother, even after everything that happened. You really are a better person.”

Within a split second, Venus hugged Sunset, surprising the Equestrian girl in the process. “Thank you.” Said Venus, “Thank you so much.”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile and said “You’re welcome.”

After they broke the hug, everyone suddenly came to her and congratulated her, and began to praise her for what she did. She was surprised at first for what was happening, but couldn’t help but give a big full smile from seeing all of this.

Ben then whispered to Shine Boy. “We probably need a lot of pizza wiches to celebrate this.”

“I think we can pull it off. You can help me with that.” Shine Boy nodded, happy to see Sunset regaining her spirit back.

He saw Roland being taken away, and then went over to them. He signaled them to stop as he wanted to say something, to which the medics stop to give him that chance.

“Whatever you did must've really helped her.” Said Shine Boy.

“I told her...” said Roland whilst trying to stay awake, “That she's important...and that...I wished that I was...twice the better person she was.”

Shine Boy was surprised by this, with Roland saying “I should've told her that before everything fell apart. But...you were always right, Shine Boy. We give everyone else in our lives a second chance...why not ourselves too?”

Shine Boy watched Roland being taken, with him not being able to help but smile at what he was seeing.

“That’s great and all,” said Raph, “But what about Joker?”

“He escaped before we could catch him.” Said Static.

“The dude’s more slippery than an eel, that’s for sure.” Said Gear.

They saw Superman flying in and landed near them, along with the rest of the League.

“What happened?” asked Hawkgirl.

“Joker happened.” Said Nightwing. “Somehow he ended up being hired too.”

“How the heck did Shredder recruit someone like him?!” exclaimed Beast Boy.

“That’s not good.” Said Superman, remembering his experience with the Joker, “If he really is here, then this entire world is in danger.”

“If he’s anything like the demon Shredder we’ve faced,” said Raphael, “Then de city is in a whole lot of danger.”

“Not as dangerous as those other villains.” Said Michelangelo, “And that chick with the Freeze powers ain’t no joke either.”

“Killer Frost’s always been a danger to everyone around her.” Said Wonder Woman.

“Not just that.” Said Wally/Flash, “But it looks like all of our enemies have gained some serious upgrades. I didn’t think Captain Cold would be this dangerous. Even Trickster’s not fooling around.”

“He’s right.” Said Hal/Green Lantern as he and Barry/Flash also came along, “Even Sinestro’s showing some backbone we’ve never seen before.”

“Same with Reverse Flash.” Said Barry/Flash.

“How many villains did we capture so far?” asked Leo.

“We were able to round up about twenty five percent of all supervillains,” said John/Green Lantern, “But there’s still a lot of them out there, even their own armies are still out there.”

“And you can bet Slade has his own army with him.” Said Robin, which Nightwing gripped his fists in anger, to which Wonder Woman noticed.

“Nightwing?” asked Wonder Woman, “Is something wrong?”

The Titans noticed Nightwing as he looked away, with four of them knowing why he’s like this.

“He and Slade,” said began Starfire, “Have what you would say, a history.”

“When he first popped up on radar, he was constantly hunting us.” Said Cyborg, “Even messing with Robin, er, Nightwing’s head.”

“He had to hide it because he felt that as leader, it was his responsibility to stop him and not endanger us.” Said Raven.

“But we had to constantly remind this knucklehead,” said Beast Boy as he turned into a Monkey and knocked against Nightwing’s head, much to his annoyance, “That as a team, any bad guy is our responsibility.”

“It’s alright.” Said Superman as he approached Nightwing and held his shoulder. “I know how it feels when it comes to trying to take responsibility to stop people like him. But you should know that you shouldn’t do this alone. You can get frustrated when a team is in the way to stop you from doing something rash. But that’s what a team is for, to help put you in the right direction so that you wouldn’t make a mistake or cross the line. Not to mention help you bring the one responsible to justice. It’s how I feel every day when fighting those more powerful than I am. And sometimes you don’t want to help, but sometimes we have to choose to be better. That’s what Batman sometimes try to remind me, and what I tried to remind him.”

“Was anyone injured before we got here?” asked Martian Manhunter.

“Roland.” Muttered Sunset as everyone looked at her.

They could see the clear worry in her eyes, for from within her mind, the way he opened up to her and what he said, everything Obaki had said had completely washed away, now she shows great concern for her friend.

“Sunset?” asked Fugitoid. “Are you alright?”

“I am. And I owe him a lot.” Said Sunset, then she looked at O’Neil and said “But he also told me to get you to safety, as if it was of great importance.”

“Really?” asked O’Neil as she and Jones were surprised.

“Why would he want to protect April.” Asked Jones, “Not that there’s anything wrong, and ah’m glad that she’s safe and everything.”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile and walked over to her. She placed her hand against O’Neil’s belly, which confused her. Sunset couldn’t help but said “I believe you know the term, ‘Bun in the oven’.”

O’Neil widened her eyes in shock, including everyone else.

“Wait, dos dat mean…?!!” exclaimed Jones in shock as he realized what she was saying, and within a split second, he fainted, causing him to fall flat on his back on the ground, surprising the others in the process.

“Didn’t see that coming.” Said Casey.

“Dats nothin,” said Raphael, “Ya shoulda seen him the day he and April were getting married.”

“Dude nearly fainted twice.” Said Michelangelo.


Later that day, back on the ship, after the medics healed Roland up, Shine Boy was standing next to the door and he listened over to what Roland was saying to Sunset in her quarters. But she wasn’t alone in there, for Virgil and Mr. Hawkins were there too, to make sure things would be okay.

“And that’s why I did what I did.” Said Roland.

Sunset was shocked by what she was hearing. For in another world where he was from, all of their mistakes were bigger and didn’t learn from any of it. And that they tore apart their own friendship and didn’t talk things through. But the worst part…what her counterpart said to him…she was at a loss of words.

“I can’t believe she did that.” Said Sunset in disbelief.

“It also made me realize that what they had really needed was the strength to move on.” Said Roland, “I was too soft back then, always letting them do their own thing. And it caused nothing but chaos and distrust. Nobody agreed on anything or moved on from their own idiocy. And that’s how they stopped being friends and Shredder killed them so easily.”

He then looked at her and said “And if you want proof.”

He then grabbed her hand and placed it on his forehead, causing her eyes to glow whilst she read his mind fully, because he allowed it. After five minutes, she let go and was shocked by what she had seen. With Roland looking down in regret. And suddenly, out of instinct, she then did what Fluttershy did, by hugging him tightly.

“Oh, Roland. I’m so sorry.” Said Sunset. Roland slowly hugged her back.

“As you can see Sunset,” said Mr. Hawkins as he stepped forward and stood on his one knee, causing Sunset to break the hug and look at him, “From what he told us, he may be rough around the edges a lot, but he’s gone through a lot that could break anyone physically and mentally. I’ve also worked with people like him for a long time and I’m telling you, none of us can dismiss this. He needs help.”

“A lot of help.” Said Virgil as he sat next to Sunset. “I could tell how much he was hurting and hiding it for a reason. But when he talked to the other turtles, I saw that he wanted to say something, and that Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity were there with him. That’s why we agreed to help him. Er, not with the scolding part, the part to help him be on the right path. He needs people like us. Still, how the heck did you turn your life around so quickly.”

“Master Splinter, er, their Master Splinter.” Said Roland as he pointed to Sunset without hesitation, which surprised them. “He saw right through me and ended up making me open up of what I was hiding. And he was also right. I should’ve been honest from the start.”

“Hey now,” reassured Static, “You admitting your mistakes is but the first step.”

“But still.” Said Roland as he stood up and hugged Sunset, to which she accepted it. “I’m so sorry, Sunset.”

Sunset smiled whilst she was still hugging him. She broke the hug and looked at him with a soft smile.

“Apology accepted.” Said Sunset as the two of them broke the hug. To show no further hard feelings, she kissed him on the cheek, which he couldn’t help but smile at the gesture.

Sunset and Roland exited the room, both with smiles on their faces, with Shine Boy standing near them.

“I'm glad you were able to sort things out.” said Shine Boy.

“Me too.” said Sunset, who looked at Roland with sympathy, “Now I understand why you were so hard on them.”

“Again, I'm sorry for what Obaki had said, you didn't deserve that.” said Roland.

“I know, they were just trying to protect you.” said Sunset, “I hope you'll tell the others about this one day.”

“One step at a time Sunset.” said Shine Boy.

“And you know what?” said Sunset, before she chuckled and said “I'm totally starving.”

Both Roland and Shine Boy chuckled at this, with Roland saying “And I'll cook this time. The least I can do.”

The three of them walked down the halls, knowing that things were right between them.

“Also,” said Roland as they walked, “The Turtles of this world wants us to celebrate our current victory back at their lair.”

“Back at the reservoir?”

“Nope, someplace new.” Said Roland, which surprised Sunset with a flexed eyebrow.


On the ground, everyone moved what appeared to be an underground tunnel of sorts. But what was different, was that it had train tracks instead.

“Oh, I simply cannot stand a place like this.” Complained Rarity.

“At least it’s not the sewers, Rarity.” Said Rainbow.

“Well, I do have standards after…” said Rarity before she yelped and felt someone picking her up. Then saw it was Amethyst Majesty who picked her up.

“If you wanted a lift, Rarity.” Said Amethyst before he playfully rubbed his nose against hers, making her blush madly. “All you had to do was ask.”

“Oh, you.” Said Rarity before she giggled and kissed Amethyst on the lips.

As they continued to walk, Leo asked “So where are you taking us?”

“After our fight with Ch’Rell in the Prime Dimension,” said Leonardo, “Our old lair got trashed pretty badly. So, we were able to move to a new lair.”

“Another part of the sewer or reservoir?” said Mikey.

“Not exactly.” Said Donatello as they stopped near a large wall, where the Train tracks stopped. He placed his hand onto it, causing the wall to scan his hand, allowing it to open.

They were surprised, whilst walking in at the same time.

The moment they were inside, Donatello flipped a switch, causing the entire lair to be illuminated, revealing many different parts of it that none could imagine. Everyone stared in awe of the size of the place, even the train wagons, carts, and a train itself, whilst also showing new rooms, new training rooms, computer room, dojo and so on and so forth.

“Whoa.” Muttered the CMC, with Apple Bloom saying “What is this place?”

“This right dere is da underground railway headquarters.” Said Jones. “Back den when New York was bein’ built durin’ World War 1, dey’ had an idea of building dis place and stored many trains underground and built in a new system. Dey built many railways and underground tunnels that spanned all over New York city, even outside throughout de entire country.”

“But by the time the second World War ended,” said O’Neil, “Everything was left forgotten.”

“Sure, there were tons to trains and tech from the 40’s, but the store houses and large rooms, even command center made the perfect spot to store our belongings, gears, and other stuff here.” Said Donatello.

“And we have twice as much room, too.” Said Michelangelo.

“And the best part is,” said Leonardo, “This place also served as a fallout shelter in case the Axis forces would invade America, it’s even connected to many sewer systems that would allow us to travel from one place to another.”

Everyone, minus the 03 crew, stared at them surprised. “How do you two know so much about it?” asked Karai.

“Cause,” said Jones as he looked back, “Whilst my grandpa’s pops fought in de second World War, his brother was busy helpin buildin’ the tunnels. He was the foreman and stored tons of plans in his trunk.”

“Same with mine,” said O’Neil whilst Roland noticed something on the wall, “Whilst I was managing the antique store, I found it in my family’s trunk. After the guys got back from their mission, I showed them the place.”

“And the best part is,” said Michelangelo, “Whenever we send out email and messages, nobody can trace us to this place.”

“That’s awesome.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, but we still have no idea how that’s possible.” Said Donatello.

“I have an idea.”

Everyone looked and saw Roland pointing at a symbol on the wall. Roland couldn’t help but smirk and said “Well what do you know, they did exist here.”

“Who?” asked April.

“The Men of Letters.” Said Roland as he turned to them, which confused them. “The Men of Letters are a secret organization that deals with supernatural activity. They hunted everything, Vampires, Demons, Werewolves, Revenants, you name it. I know about them, because I used to work with them.”

Everyone was surprised by this, with Roland saying “There were many bases all over the world, and they also have different branches. The entire world dealt with their threats, all but America’s, well, ever since their branch was destroyed by the last group of the demons.”

“Really?” said Raph, “How come?”

“Put it this way,” said Roland, “Everyone knows the stories and lore of ancient evils from all over the world, yet America has always been a soft spot for all demons to roam, and have a much stronger presence here.”

“Hmmm, there is truth in his words.” Said Splinter, gaining their attention, “It is no wonder many of the Supernatural tends to make themselves known in this part of the world.”

“And if I had to guess…”

Roland then took out his knife and cut his finger, allowing him to place it onto the symbol. Within mere moments, certain rooms began to appear, containing books, supplies, and everything else the Men of Letters needed, surprising them. They looked at him, with Roland showing the symbol on his arm.

“I am an honorary member, after all.” Said Roland.

“Amazing,” said Donatello, “Now we also have supplies in dealing with them.”

“We’ll sort that out another time.” Said Roland. “Now then, which way to the kitchen.”

As he walked, everyone was surprised by what he said, with Sunset saying “He’s going to cook for us.”

She walked down to join him, with the others just as surprised. But whilst he did that, this would give them the perfect opportunity to explore the new lair, with the others entering as well.


Soon enough, everyone was at the cafeteria, wondering what was going on.

“Soooo.” Said Mikey as he rubbed his hands together. “What dish is on the menu?”

“Oh, I can answer that.”

Everyone saw Roland, dressed in a chef uniform, which confused everyone.

“Roland?” said Applejack.

“Why are you wearing that?” asked Rarity.

“As I told everyone, I’m going to do the cooking around here.”

“You are?” said Cyborg.

“That’s right.” Said Roland, “But I’ll do it, in the most unnecessary, over the top, black and white sequence I can think of.”

Roland then clapped his hands together, and within a split second, everything was black and white and he was suddenly wearing a mad scientist outfit, baffling everyone.

“Wait, how did he do that?!” said Pinkie Pie, “That’s usually my job!!”

“So, who here wants the ultimate pizza?” said Roland as he made a large pot appear before him. “We can make the ultimate pizza. We’ll make it bigger, tastier, cheesier, greasier than any mortal has ever seen before them!!!”

Everyone was surprised by this, with Beast Boy suddenly smirking and said “You know what? I’m starting to like this guy a lot.”

“Same here.” Said Applejack on behalf of half the people.

“And we shall make it with my own very special ingredients!!” said Roland. As he began to add them in the pot.

“Extra-large pretzel bread crusts!! Four heaping pounds of four cheeses!! Two galleons of tomato sauce!! Olivers!! Peppers!! Mushrooms!!”

“Jelly beans!!” said Pinkie Pie and her counterpart.

“Veggies!!” said Beast Boy.

“Peperoni!!” said Cyborg.

Everyone was silent by what they said, but before they could say anything, Roland grabbed them and tossed them in the pot, which surprised everyone as he continued.

“Jelly Beans, Veggies and Peperoni!!” Said Roland as he continued, “Licorice, Honeycutt Cheerios, Sour patch fillies!! Whatever this stuff is made off!!”

He then went over with something small and said “And with a hint of Oregano.”

After he put it in, he then said “And now power, Through the Force Switch!!”

“The Force Switch?!!” exclaimed Pinkie, Beast Boy, and the other Pinkie.

“Yes, the switch!!”

He then flipped the switch, causing the pot to be raised, and then they saw him laughing like a mad scientist with his eyes being crossed. The girls were giggling at what he was doing, even the guys found him very funny. Then massive lightning began to strike, causing everyone to block their eyes. Then they saw a massive platform being lowered. And the moment it did, was the largest and most delicious pizza ever to be created. Everyone was in awe of what they had seen.

“It’s so…” said Mikey as he sniffed, “Beautiful.”

“It’s well done.” Muttered Roland as everyone watched him. “It’s well, done!!!!!”

At first they were freaked out when he shouted, until he popped over and said “And it comes with your own choices of dipping sauce.”

“Oooh.” Said the others as they were amazed by it.

The light continued to shine on it as if angelic music was playing. Until the lights was switched on, everything looked back to normal and the music was slowly being gargled.

“Whoa, what gives?” said Cyborg.

“It’s already well done; we don’t need this extra heat lamp.” Said Roland, and suddenly pulled out a record player and shouted “Also, who the heck left this lying around!!”

He then tossed it away as it crashed against something. Everyone else however, was focused on the pizza, and how delicious it looked, with Beast Boy suddenly moving away.

“Wow, this looks amazing.” Said Leo.

“Bro, you have excellent pizza taste.” Said Michelangelo.

“Thanks,” said Roland casually, “I call this, the Pizza-rebus!!”

They heard the sounds of loud neighing whilst lightning looked like it had struck, which surprised the group.

“There’s no other creation, greater than the Pizza-Rebus!!”

They heard the same sounds again, making them look around confusingly.

“It shall the greatest pizza, in the history of the Pizza-Rebus!!”

They suddenly heard loud neighing again, which annoyed some, with Rainbow saying “Okay, seriously, what the heck is that noise!!”

“Uh,” said Roland he was nervous of saying it out loud, “That would be the sound of Beast Boy’s nasal cleaning.”

Everyone grunted in shock of that, whilst they heard the sound of neighing, and then the sound of sniffing. “I got it!! I got it!! We’re all good now!!”

Everyone then exclaimed in shock, “Ewe!!”

“Really?!” exclaimed Blue Beetle.

“Hey, I’m part animal!!” said Beast Boy, “Can I help it when I have certain problems!!”

“But uh…where are we going to sit?” asked Mikey.

“Oh, we got a large table over there for just in case.” Said Michelangelo as he pointed at it, “We need to set it first.”

“Oh, I got it.” Said Roland. “But I’m gonna need some help first. Serenity?”

Shine Boy was surprised by what Roland was asking. Soon the two of them stood side by side together, whilst at the same time, the League came in and were surprised by what they were seeing.

As Serenity began to sing, the two of them suddenly began to move fluidly as they began to set the table. They took a large cloth, stood on the table, and juggled many plates and glasses, then landed them safely on their spots with ease, then soon placed the knives and forks onto the table.

They brought the main food and other foods with them. They tossed the foot and pizza in the air, causing them to pull out two dual katanas. They spun and sliced everything, making them land safely on the table, which surprised everyone.

Soon enough, the song ended and Serenity ended up being in Shine Boy’s arms and Roland casually standing near the table whilst dusting his hands. Everyone was surprised to see how well it turned out, even the League was surprised.

“Wow, you gotta admit, they got some real talent there.” Said Wally/Flash.

Serenity on the other hand, playfully kissed Shine Boy on the cheek and said “Surprised?”

“Uh, wow.” Said Shine Boy, who couldn’t help but smile and said “That was awesome.”

“Hey, Leaguers!!” said Mikey when he saw the Justice League, “Come and get some, get while its hot!!”

The League looked at one another, with John/Green Lantern saying “I can eat.”

They then walked down the stairs and joined the others.


Everyone continued to dine, with Sunset still having a smile on her face. The pets were enjoying their food, and the League began to bond with the others. They have to admit, this was really nice and fun.

“Glad that y’all have ya back, Sunset.” Said Applejack.

“Thanks Applejack.” Said Sunset, “I know I’m not proud of a few things that happened, but…I’m glad I have such great friends to help me move forward.”

“The feeling’s mutual.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “I also did things that I wasn’t proud of. Things that I didn’t have any other choice.”

“Like what?” said Fluttershy.

He then looked at them and said “First thing’s first, Cinch went to work somewhere else, right?”

“Yeah, why?” asked Sour Sweet.

“In my world, I killed Abacus Cinch.” Said Roland, which shocked the group.

“Why would you do that?!” exclaimed Leo.

“Because she went crazy with power.” Said Roland, “I didn’t have any other choice at the time.”

“What do you mean?” asked Gamer.

“See, it was like this.” Said Roland, “We thought that after our encounter with her, she would change her way, until she found an Equestrian Artifact, known as the Time Twister.”

Princess Twilight gasped at that and said “Time Twister?!”

“A what now?” said a confused Applejack.

“The Time Twister is an Equestrian Artifact that allows the wielder to travel through any specific parts of time.” Said Princess Twilight, “It was once wielded by Starswirl and Clover the Clever. But they destroyed it centuries ago.”

“In my world, they chose to try and hide it like the Memory Stone.” Said Roland. “When Cinch found it, she tried to use it to travel through time. And because of it, certain side effects were created. The geodes you girls wore were never recreated and Gloriosa still had it, the Dazzlings gained their gems back and…”

They noticed Roland looked uncomfortable into revealing something else.

“And Midnight Sparkle and She-Demon Sunset were still alive, slowly resurfacing and trying to take control of the both of them that resulted their friendship to end.”

Everyone gasped in shock about it, with Sunset and Twilight dreaded by that too.

“Wait, who now?” said Static.

“I know.” Said Raven, “Basically when they tried to wield magic they didn’t understood, it slowly took control of them, which resulted them turning into monsters.”

“If it’s anything like your darkness, I can sort of see it.” Said Beast Boy, with Raven glaring at him, “What, I’m not the only one who thinks like that!!”

“What did Cinch try to do with it?” said Sour Sweet in worry.

“She tried to use it to stop you girls from becoming friends and that she didn’t get fired from Crystal Prep Academy.” Said Roland, which shocked the others. “Yet somehow five out of seven of the Rainbooms still had their memories, but were slowly losing it.”

“Wait, what?” said Princess Twilight, then pondered “Maybe the Magic of Friendship tried to protect them?”

“That’s one theory.” Replied Roland.

“But wait,” said Mikey, “If it protected them, shouldn’t it have protected Sunset and Twilight too?”

“Remember,” said Roland, “It was Equestrian Magic that turned them into monsters, and it was Equestrian Magic that made them bearers to the Elements of Harmony. But if you found a way to remove them from the equation.”

That’s when it clicked to Gamer. “They get reverted back to their original states.”

The others caught on too.

“Right,” said Indigo Zap, “Where Twilight was still timid, didn’t want to make friends and was afraid.”

“And Sunset was still a bully.” Said Flash.

“Exactly.” Said Roland. “They caught it, but unfortunately they were transported to where after the Friendship Games took place. We called the Turtles over and we called on Rennet to help us, and we realized that the more we used it, the more unstable the space/time continuum would be. And the new timeline is where Cinch took it too far.”

“What do you mean?” asked Rainbow.

“Because of her constant traveling, she ended up merging other worlds. Crash Bandicoot’s world, Batman’s world, the Rangers’ world, all of them were fused into the same plain of existence.”

Everyone was shocked to hear this, “And when Abacus realized we were onto her, she tried to stop Sunset from being born.”

They were shocked by this, with Roland looking at Sunset and said “And you not being born, was the worst thing it could happen to all of Canterlot City.”

“Who-what happened?” asked Starlight in worry.

“It’s like this…” said Roland as he started out.

· Because Sunset had never been born, Trixie would’ve lost her confidence into becoming a magician and ended up becoming a bookworm.
· Derpy, because of her constant bullying that she was forced to endure, she became a street thug and did much harm to others around her.

But that’s not what shocked them the most.

· Because of the fact that Rainbow couldn’t raise CHS’ spirits after losing so many times of the Friendship Games, Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna gave up running the school, causing Abacus Cinch to take it over and turned it into a Western Branch of Crystal Prep, where the students were beyond miserable.
· Cinch continued to run half of Canterlot City with an Iron Fist whilst the Dazzlings, seeing that no one noticed them, ended up taking over the world with their magic and agreed to have Cinch keep her free will so that she can do whatever she wanted.
· And because that Equestrian Magic didn't happen, Camp Everfree was doomed and Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce could no longer keep the camp open, allowing Filthy Rich to tear it down and turned it into an outer town spa.

And what he revealed horrified them all.

· Because Sunset wasn’t around, Pinkie Pie had lost her confidence in helping others to become happy, causing her to be unhappy and was afraid to be judged and ended up losing her smile forever.
· And if Sunset didn’t change the bake sale date, Rainbow would’ve met Lightning Dust, causing Lightning to use her and in the end, ended up accusing Rainbow of cheating, making her a pariah of CHS, and would end up getting banned and everyone, including Scootaloo, would abandon her, and was reduced to a water girl.
· Because Sunset hadn’t been around to warn Applejack about their trees being poisoned, they lost their entire field and would be on the verge of bankruptcy, forcing them to be partners with Flim and Flam. So, they had to send Apple Bloom away to Appaloosa so that she could continue with her education whilst Applejack and Big Mac were forced to lie and sell stuff, losing themselves along the way whilst Granny Smith was in the hospital, with Flim and Flam paying her medical bill, and if Applejack didn’t do what they said, they’d kill her by pulling her plug.
· Because Sunset hadn’t been around to help Rarity with her job at Carousel Boutique, she was fired and forever disgraced by the fashion world no thanks to Suri Polomare, whilst Cinch used a magical artifact to control her parents, throwing her out on the street and was forced to live in a dumpster and became cruel.
· Because Sunset hadn’t been around to save Fluttershy from Gilda, she ended up beating Fluttershy to a pulp and killed her beloved pet Angel Bunny, turning her into a cruel and malevolent person, became a gang leader and ended up brining the streets of Canterlot City to their knees and would cause trouble for others when she thought her friends, namely Rainbow, had abandoned her.
· Because Sunset not being born, Princess Celestia ended up passing her mistakes to Princess Twilight, and because of her unhealthy thirst for knowledge, she ended up learning dark magic and made a deal with all of the villains in Equestria, only for her to betray them and ended up banishing Princess Celestia to the sun permanently, and because there was no Element of Magic bearer, the Elements of Harmony were rendered useless as her friends died in the onslaught whilst Princess Twilight destroyed all of Equestria and turned into Midnight Sparkle and ended up attempting to take over their world and get revenge on the Dazzlings for betraying her.
· As for human Twilight, because Sunset hadn’t been around, every student from CPA continued to resent her and made her isolate in loneliness. And because of her CPA had lost the Friendship Games for the first time, making everyone hate her even more as Cinch had started her torment and made sure no academy would ever accept her, whilst Cinch fired Cadance when she tried to protect Twilight whilst her dog spike…had to be put to sleep because Cinch discovered him. And because of it, human Twilight had committed suicide when she no longer had the will to live.

Roland concluded, “And that’s what would’ve happened if Sunset Shimmer had never been born.”

Needless to say, everyone in the room was shocked. Not just the Rainbooms and Equestrians, but all of their allies. In fact, Mikey was so shocked, he dropped a pizza out of his mouth, Leo dropped his glass, even Fugitoid was flabbergasted and thought he would malfunction. But none were more shocked than their other dimensional and Ranger friends.

“So, as you can see,” said Roland as he looked at the equally shocked Sunset, “All of us actually owe you far more than you or anyone else could realize. It may be fate, it may have been Destiny, but the point is…”

“You were supposed to have been there.” Said Karai in realization.

“Precisely.” Said Roland. “And it may come as a shock to you…but I know the true source of your anger.”

Some were confused by this, with Roland dropping the bombshell on everyone as he started.

“Sunset’s anger stems from desires of her not being able to become a Princess and that it would never come true, and whenever she tries something, she always takes shortcuts, and because of that she became so unfocused, she always gets angry.”

He then motioned to the Rainbooms, “Until her friends came into the picture.”

They were surprised by this as he continued.

“She went to take advise from councilors and other adults, wanting, to be the best and supportive friend she could ever be. So, she sometimes channels that anger and puts it into protective instincts. Every outburst whenever something happens, is her wanting to protect her friends.”

Roland then looked at her and concluded, “In fact, you love your friends so much that the thought of anything bad happening to them, no matter who and what’s responsible, infuriates you.”

Everyone stared in shock, and then remembered all the times she got angry…The Friendship Games, the Memory Stone, and so on and so forth. Roland couldn’t help but smile.

“Don’t you see, Sunset.” Said Roland, “You were never a failure to begin with. Sure, we may have been knocked down, but who in this room hadn’t? Some of them may have been hard, but you’ve helped so many people along the way. Twilight, Princess Twilight, your friends, Wallflower, Juniper, Starlight, and everyone else that you fought alongside ever since you came here. And you taught all of us everything. Something I’ve forgotten for so long.”

He looked at his cup and said “Titles, fame, fortune, power…even winning doesn’t mean anything.”

He looked at her whilst keeping that smile.

“Your family, your friends, your home, and the people you love. That’s the most important thing to remember. That’s what truly is worth fighting for. That’s truly something to live your life for. You ran away to another world and tried to find a way to be a better Princess. But instead…you made all of us better people.”

Sunset was very stunned, and touched by his words, but not as much as everyone else was.

“I don’t know what you did,” whispered Princess Twilight to Shine Boy, “But I really like him a lot.”

Roland placed his hand on her shoulder, and said “All of us can’t thank you, enough.”

“Oh,” said Sunset as she didn’t know how to respond to it. “You don’t need…”

“But I do.” Said Roland, “And I’m sorry I never properly apologized. Cause you’re not just a hero to everyone in this room. You’re a hero to me. And you always will be.”

“I’m sorry. But…I’m not.” Said Sunset.

Roland suddenly felt a picture and took it out. He then couldn’t help but remember, and shed a tear. Then he showed it to her, which she accepted. To her surprise, it was the two of them together, holding one another, whilst raising video game controllers in the air and smiling, indicating that they had won a gaming tournament. She was stunned and slowly looked at him.

“Sunset,” said Roland, “You’re the best friend any of us in this room could ask for. You’ve always been the best of us, and you’ve always been a better person than any of us are, even with all of our flaws. So, you gotta stop blaming yourself and feeling sorry for yourself, or constantly try to tear yourself down. It’s not okay. Okay?”

Sunset’s mouth felt like quivering as she began to shed a few tears and looked at Roland, who kept his smile and encouraging her. In the end, she couldn’t help herself but smile to the fullest and instantly hugged him too, with him hugging her back.

“Aaawwww.” Coed the girls and the guys were touched by what they were seeing.

Sunset kept her smile and shed a tear or two. For now, she really has forgiven another, and she felt something inside…true happiness. And from that day on, her heart grew great and all doubt had all disappeared. Within a split second, her geode glowed brightly and her Morpher was now at full capacity of power, which caused her to pony up, as well as gaining her fiery wings. Everyone was surprised by this, with Shine Boy smiling at the scene.

“I owe you my life Sunset. And from here on out…I trust you with my life.”

And suddenly, he began to sing for her whilst he was slowly stroking her to calm down.

Everyone was surprised to hear how beautiful his voice sounded. Whilst he was singing, he sat down, and to their surprise, Sunset was sleeping with a smile on her face. Some couldn’t help but adore and coo at this. Roland stood up and held onto Sunset.

“I’m gonna take her to bed back at the ship.” Said Roland as he used his belt to travel back.

However, Superman then had that look on his face, and motioned Black Canary to follow him, to which she did. At the same time, from the shadows, two figures watched them.

“Should we reveal ourselves?” said the first.

“Not yet.” Said the other, “They’re still tired from the fight. We’ll tell them in the morning.”


Back on the ship, Roland had placed Sunset back in her bed and still kept a smile on her face. He couldn’t help but smile back, for seeing her happy…it was a feeling he had forgotten in a long time. Then he pulled out what appeared to be plushies of herself and her friends. He placed it near her, causing her to instantly wrap them in her arms whilst she was sleeping. He then placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry Sunset.” Said Roland with determination. “I promise you…I’ll never be that way again. I’ll never forget. And I’ll always have your back. Always.”

He then placed the blanket over her and kissed her forehead, “Sweet dreams, Sunset.”

He then walked away and closed the door behind him. He sighed and was about to turn around, but then to his surprise, he saw Superman and Black Canary. The two of them walked towards him and stood near him.

“We need to talk.” Said Superman.

Roland then guessed, and said “Should’ve known you’d use your super hearing.”

He then looked at them and said “I’ll tell you. But not here.”

Superman nodded, with him, Black Canary, and Roland walking down the hall.


Back at Shredder’s ship, he smashed a random chair as he was angry.

“They disabled the bomb?!” said Shredder.

“They did.” Said Lex Luthor. “And they captured over twenty five percent of the villains. They always were weak.”

“But on the plus side,” said Tiger Claw, “Our forces are currently gathering ancient artifacts on this world to aid us, and they are still searching for the stone at the same time.”

“See to it that they do.” Said Shredder as he looked at the horizon, “For every moment that they’re here, they grow stronger by the day. We cannot let that happen.”


“And that’s the story.”

Black Canary was surprised by this, with Superman having trouble grasping this.

“Bruce.” Muttered Superman, “You used him and the others to help him like this? And you call me an idiot.”

“I just didn’t know what else to do.” Said Roland, “I thought that they were just like the ones back in my world. But I can’t believe I was such a fool to do this. And the sick part, part of me that I was afraid of…I wasn’t devastated by what happened. That everyone turned on one another, abandoned me…abandoned everything we stood for. I felt…at peace.”

They were startled by what he said whilst he continued.

“See, from the moment that I came to CHS, the one thing I desired, and feared, was to have friends again, a family. To know…what it felt like to love again, after I lost everything when I was little. And from that day on…I was happy. Everyone I knew, everyone I cared about. Everybody that I lost that split apart, didn’t trust each other, and died, because they couldn’t look past any of that. And I was too weak to stop it. To afraid…a coward. How can I get past that? How can I get past that guilt? How can I get past any of it and move forward, to have what I lost again…and afraid that I might lose everything…again. How can I live with myself? How can I look at myself in the mirror, and call myself a comrade, a friend…if I keep being stuck…trapped in a cage, locked away, and I’m forever condemned in a path of…loneliness.”

They didn’t know how to respond to it, even the way he confessed that way. Canary leaned forward and held onto both of Roland’s hands, gaining his attention.

“I don’t have any, easy answers for this, Roland.” Said Canary, “But I do know this, and one thing is clear…admitting it, is the first step.”

Roland then lowered his head and was still ashamed, with Canary hugging him, and Superman placing his hand on Roland’s shoulder. Knowing that the boy was not only in pain from the outside, but greatly from the inside.

And they know this. This is far from over. Both outer and inner battle.

For this was just the beginning.

Author's Note:

Author’s Note
And there you have it, I was finally able to finish this before I go overseas. I'll be going on holiday for two weeks, so I won't be able to finish this. But hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Author’s Note 2

And so, Sunset Shimmer had not only found her fighting spirit, but also found a new sense of purpose. And Roland is finally feeling a ton of weight off of his chest. But what was it that Brainy Barker had sensed from his mind? And what happened to Batman? The answer will come soon enough.

Author’s note 3

· The world’s coordinates was actually the date the 8th of February 2003, the year that the 2003 TMNT was created show was created.
· Roland’s suit is a resemblance from one of the artists who made a hood from Assassin’s Creed. Why? Because they’re awesome.
· Instead of the Manhunters from the Justice League series, I picked the ones from the Green Lantern animated series. Why? Because face it, they’re more awesome that way.
· Through JesusG0987’s suggestion, we decided to give the 2003 Turtles a new location to live.
· The mention of the Men of Letters was a reference to the series Supernatural.
· Roland playing back Joker’s origin was from the movie, Batman: The killing Joke
· Roland playing back Jason Todd’s fate as the Red Hood and their encounter was from the movie Batman: Under the Red Hood
· Roland’s line about the rocket man was from a movie that Nicolas Cage played in. Can’t remember what it’s called.
· The mentioning of Manhunters from Earth 2011, was created on 11 November 2011…Hey, that was on my birthday!!
· The Titan monsters and Roland’s mention of them came from the Batman Arkham series, Batman: Arkham Asylum.
· Roland mentioning of what Canterlot City would be like if Sunset had never been born was a reference to Sonicfan05’s story, Sunset’s wonderful life
· Roland confessing to Black Canary and Superman, and Canary listening, was a reference to Young Justice, season 1 episode 17.
· The songs Iconic and Everything will be OK, was a reference from both the MLP Gen 5 Bridlewood fest and Helluva Boss