• Published 24th May 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

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Shredder's move, Demon arise

A day had passed since the match between Roland and Jagwar, and because Jagwar damaged the gauntlet on Roland’s wrist, a dangerous evil had overtaken his mind and slaughtered some of the villains whilst hospitalizing the other. Despite being thankful that none of the kids, namely the CMC and the rest of their friends, had witnessed Roland’s attack, everyone else were a little startled, especially with Roland keeping it a secret.

Despite witnessing the darker side of Roland, many of the heroes still prepare for their next mission against Shredder’s forces. Some trained while others were researching or doing their own things to recuperate. They all helped each other get through their fears and worries.

In the training room, Shine Boy was hitting a practice dummy with his staff honing his skills while Jason was practicing his martial arts and Usagi was meditating. But as he kept hitting the dummy, he kept hitting it harder as he kept thinking about Roland’s predicament. Even when the dummy fell over, Shine Boy jumped on it and began punching it in the head violently, getting Jason and Usagi’s attention.

“Just once, I’d like to get my hands on Shredder.” He said to himself before punching more before Jason grabbed his shoulder getting his attention.

“We’re all worried about Roland, but aggression isn’t going to help him.” The Ranger advised.

“I know. It’s just… I made a promise to Roland. To help him. And in the past, I’ve done everything in my power to keep my word. I can’t back down! Not even against whatever is within him.”

“While it is noble to keep a promise, you mustn’t give away what is precious to you or anyone else just to keep your promise.” Usagi advised.

“If there is a way to do so, My brother and I will find it.” Shine Boy got up and pushed a button restoring the dummy before leaving.


Meanwhile, from the security cameras, Roland was in his room, doing a hook sitting position whilst his head was resting on his arms, feeling greatly ashamed by what had happened. From the security room, Shine Girl, Love Shine, Gamer, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity, were watching in concern. All of them felt really bad for Roland, for having one of his secrets exposed like that in front of everyone. It’s not something one can easily overcome. However, Static, Gears, O’Neil, Jones, the 03 Turtles, Mr. Hawkins and Splinter walked inside when Splinter could tell where they were, gaining the ones watching security’s attention.

“How’s he doing?” asked O’Neil.

“He hasn’t left his room since we got back.” Said Shine Girl.

“Well, I can’t blame em,” said Raphael, “Dude didn’t want anyone else want to know because he already feels responsible for what happened.”

“Still, I wish there was a way to help him.” Said Donatello.

“I have tried to speak to the Ancient One and the Daiyou in both worlds. None have the answer to help him.” Said Splinter.

“We can.”

They turned and saw Batman and Superman walking in.

“Is there a way to help him?” asked Rarity.

“We were able to get into contact with most of our magic users.” Said Superman, “Raven’s already offered to help. Plus, Zatanna already went to fetch Dr. Fate and Jason Blood. Hopefully they’ll get here soon.”

“We were able to get a hold of John Constantine too.” Said Batman.

“Seriously?” said Superman with a flexed eyebrow.

“Who’s John Constantine?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“You haven’t met him,” said Batman, “John Constantine is a Master Warlock, knows every form of spell there is. He has a Genius-level intellect Extensive knowledge of the occult Expert user of magic like telekinesis, necromancy, pyrokinesis, illusion projection, teleportation and chrono kinesis. He’s also a detective and a tactician.”

“Whoa, seriously?” said Jones as he and the others were surprised by this.

“He’s also a master manipulator.” Said Superman, “It’s one of the reasons why Jason Blood doesn’t like him.”

“We haven’t seen him since he helped us out during the Apocalypse of 09,” said Batman, “But thankfully, we were able to have Zatanna find and call him. Though she didn’t want to.”

“Why not?” asked Sunset.

“He’s Zatanna’s ex-boyfriend.” Responded Superman.

“Ouch.” Said Michelangelo as the others in the room agreed.

“What happened?” asked April.

“It’s…complicated.” Said Superman.

“And how did you know him?” asked Casey.

“After we dealt with the Thanagarian threat, we began to recruit more members of the league.” Said Batman, “A few supernatural appearances began happening. That’s when Boston came and temporarily possessed me and wrote down words to find John Constantine. And I remembered that he used to have a relationship. We both went looking for Constantine, and we eventually found him and his house, which was moving from one location to another.”

“Whose Boston?” asked Michelangelo.

“Boston Brand was a circus performer back in the day, until he was murdered and became a ghost, known as Deadman.” Said Twilight, remembering reading about Batman’s file.

“I worked with them to help them put a stop to the supernatural.” Said Batman, “The league couldn’t help because they were affected too. Turned out the one who started the madness was an old associate of Constantine. Goes by the name, Ritchie. Until Destiny took a hold on him.”

“Wait, like capitol, D, Destiny?” said Donatello in surprise.

“Long story.” Said Superman.

“But after we defeated it, the spirits of hell dragged Ritchie down for his sins.” Said Batman, “But even though Ritchie says that Constantine owes him, but we couldn’t take any chances to have Destiny control him again. After we were done, Boston asked me to help solve his murder, because once I do, his exile would end. Only for the spirit to deny him.”

“So, where’s he now?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“We don’t know.”

They saw the Titans entering, who also knew the story.

“We weren’t sure if he would ever do the helping.” Said Starfire. “Especially since…the last mission.”

The 03 Turtles were confused, but the Rainbooms knew, whilst Batman looked away, showing a bit of scowling.

“See, a while ago, Gorilla Grod sent Lex Luthor and a few villains to attack a monk temple where Batman trained whilst he was preparing himself.” Said Cyborg.

“Then he ended up taking a mystic totem that was filled with the souls of hundreds of monks. And he went to Gorilla City to use their technology.” Said Blue Beetle.

“But then that monkey brained doofus only wanted to use their device to turn the world into apes.” Said Beast Boy whilst rolling his eyes.

“Seriously?” said Raphael, “He stole a hundred monks’ souls, steals a machine, and his big plan was to use it to turn everyone into monkey eating simians?!”

“Trust me, we can’t believe it either.” Said Robin.

“But after they stopped him, one of our enemies, Devil Ray, tried to shoot Wonder Woman.” Said Batgirl, “Only for him to possess Batman, take Luthor’s gun and shoot him, only for Devil Ray to crash into one of the reactors and killed him.”

They were shocked to hear that. That’s when Sunset and Applejack filled them in.

“When we last time saw Deadman,” began Sunset, “He was sorry that he possessed Batman and shot Devil Ray. But if he didn’t, he would’ve killed Wonder Woman, and that he didn’t know that Devil Ray would crash against electrical equipment.”

“So, after we asked Zatanna for help, she was able to make him visible.” Said Applejack. “Although Batman wasn’t all that happy to see him. So, after we told him about him not hearing out others was the exact reason why Nightwing left him in the first place, he decided to hear him out. Though Batman accepted it, it would take him a long time for him to earn his trust again.”

“But then Batman’s teacher was saved, as well as the monks from the temple,” said Robin, “But the Monk told him his work was far from over.”

“You know, maybe we can find him and ask him to help Roland to expel the dark side.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“It won’t work.” Said Raven, “Whatever’s inside of him is nothing we’ve ever seen before. Not even my magic would stand a chance.”

“So, what, we do nothing?!” said Twilight.

“She didn’t say that.” Said Nightwing.

“That’ll have to wait,” said Superman, “In the meantime, we’d better go and plan our next move.”

Everyone soon left the room.


Later, Shine Boy was watching the windows of the ship staring at the 03 Earth, with the 03 Turtles walking by.

“So why haven’t we seen the Justice Force?” asked Donatello.

“Silver Sentry sent me a message,” said Michelangelo, “He said that before he left, he and his team are currently off world trying to negotiate a peace treaty. They won’t be back till next week.”

“So, in the meantime, we’ll have to keep an extra eye out on the city.” Said Leonardo.

After they walked by, Sunset walked up to Shine boy.

“Tony?” She asked. “How are you holding up?”

“Worried.” Shine Boy sighed. “Now that we’ve seen Roland’s dark side up close.”

“I know.” Sunset cringed. “But we can’t give up on him.”

“That thought never occurred to me.”

Sunset looked closer to Shine Boy. “You’re scared aren’t you?”

“I am.” Shine Boy sighed, still being strong despite shedding a tear. “I never seen such evil before in my life. But I can’t abandon my promise to Roland to help him. I will keep my promise to him no matter what. Even if it means I have to die trying.”

Sunset patted his shoulder. “That won’t happen. We’re going help him together.”

As the two talked, Amethyst Majesty was at the corner listening in. He was equally concerned about Roland and reached in his pocket and pulled out one of the rings that belonged to his father.

Suddenly, an alarm went off, gaining everyone’s attention.

“All hands, battle stations, battle stations, this is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill!!”

From all over the ship, everyone ran in different directions, wondering what’s going on. Just as the Turtles, Rainbooms, and other heroes arrived, Max was already on full alert.

“Grandpa, what’s going on?!” said Ben.

“New York’s under attack.” Said Max, “This time in full force.”

Everyone watched as Shredder’s forces, along with other villains, attacked all over the city, as well as most of their enemies.

“We gotta get down there, the people need our help!!” said Donatello.

“Agreed,” said Leo, “Everyone, let’s move out!!”

Everyone ran towards the new Zeta Beam teleportation device, hoping to get there as soon as possible.


Meanwhile, at a different location not known to many, many demons were on the attack, as all of them were busy hunting for their new prey. They kept firing fireballs and anything they can at what appeared to be a large rock. For behind that rock, was a man wearing what appeared to be wearing a trench coat, hiding with a female wearing somewhat of a magician outfit, a man with a helmet, and a demon of sorts.

They are John Constantine, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, and Jason Blood.

“Well, this is another fine mess you got us into.” Said Zatanna.

“Me?!” said John, “I’m not the blooming idiot who thought it was a good idea to provoke them!!”

“In fairness, we didn’t expect them to be like this.”

“We need to get back.” Said Dr. Fate, “Batman requires our assistance.”

“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not that important.” Said Constantine.

“Oh, but it is.”

Everyone turned and saw a man wearing a cloak of sorts, which was none other than Jacob.

“Sir, what are you doing here?!” exclaimed Zatanna.

“You’re gonna get yourself killed, mate!!” said Constantine.

“Remain here.” Said Jacob as he moved forward and pass the rock.

He soon stopped in front of it as the demons continued to their onslaught. Jacob slowly raised his hand into a three fingered position and pointed ahead.

“Nale fa, koan li, o bola na koi.” Muttered Jacob.

Within a split second, a powerful magic was blasted towards the demons, destroying half of them in the process, which shocked Constantine and the others from what they were seeing.

“Bloody hell.” Muttered Constantine as he saw this.

Other demons soon approached Jacob as they stood in front of him.

“I do not know who you are,” said one of the demons, “But you made a mistake coming here.”

That was, until Jacob removed the hood of his cloak and revealed his face, which shocked the demons as they stepped back.

“You?!!” exclaimed the demon as all of them stepped back.

“Run.” Said Jacob before squinting his eyes and said, “Now.”

All of the demons ran away in fear of Jacob before he put the hood of his cloak back on and channeled his energy onto the tip of his finger, making it the size of a marble. He flicked it, making it fly towards the demons. After about five seconds, it exploded, killing the last demons in the process, shocking the four even more. They slowly walked out and approached him as he kept his back turned.

“Bloomin hell man, what the devil are you?” said Constantine as he was shocked by what he had seen.

“Clearly you are not any normal man.” Said Zatanna.

Jacob slowly looked at Jason Blood, which confused the latter. Suddenly Jacob spoke in a very eerie tone.

“Gone, gone, form of man,” said Jacob, “Rise the demon, Etrigan.”

Suddenly, Jason Blood grunted and groaned and was suddenly on fire, causing Etrigan to come out, much to the others’ shock.

“Who calls upon the demon of wrath,” said Etrigan, “For those who twist man’s words shall face the bloodbath of…”

The moment when Etrigan sees Jacob, he gasped in shock and horror, and instantly bowed to Jacob, much to the surprise of the other three.

“Forgive my words, warrior of Chosen,” said Etrigan, “For thou have summon the One, from the Spoken of ancient Tongues.”

“There is no need for that.” Said Jacob.

“Alright then, you’ve got our attention.” Said Constantine, “What do you want?”

“I need your help.” Said Jacob, “The Turtles and Rainbooms will need your help. One of their comrades has been tainted by evil.”

“What kind of evil?” asked Zatanna.

John took out a blood vial, and said, “Feel it for yourself.”

Four of them were confused by this, until they reached out. The moment their hands were close, suddenly they saw an image of a demon, screeching at them, causing them to instantly retract their hands and had horrified looks on their faces.

“By the Lords of Order and Chaos.” Muttered Dr. Fate.

“A boy who has been tainted by evil, and will soon be used as a toy, by the creation of the devil.” Said Etrigan.

“This evil is unlike anything all of you have ever faced.” Said Jacob. “If he comes out…the others won’t stand a chance.”

“And why pick us then, mate?” asked Constantine.

“Because you four are the most powerful magic users in your universe.” Said Jacob, “I would help, but I’m needed elsewhere that requires my attention. As well as gathering more to help you out, and gathering the tools needed for this.”

“But given what you’ve said about this one’s darkness, we won’t stand a chance either.” Said Zatanna.

“But with this, you will.” Said Jacob as he pulled out a book.

The book they saw, was a large ledger book, with silver tips at the corners of the book, with a golden spine, with ancient writing that have not been seen for a millennium, except being heard of by a few.

They were shocked by what they saw as they approached it.

“It cannot be.” Said Constantine, “The Tome of the Ancients of the Multiverse.”

“This will allow you to cast any spells that can fight him off.” Said Jacob, “But use this to subdue him and see if you can find a way. In the meantime, I’ll try to gather what I can to help put a stop to it.”

Jacob presented the book to them, “I’m counting on you.”

“You can count on us mate.” Said Constantine as he was about to take the book, until Jacob pulled it away.

“You can learn it,” said Jacob, but then presented to Zatanna, “But only if she guards it.”

“Me?!” said Zatanna in shock. “But…why?”

“Because he doesn’t trust myself, Constantine, or Jason Blood.” Said Dr. Fate, as he already knew the answer. “He knows of Constantine’s past and the things he did, and he doesn’t trust me because he serves both the Lords of Order and Chaos as well. As for Jason Blood, because of his demon side.”

Etrigan grunted and said, “A warrior has a right to distrust, for a demon like myself, has not earned that Trust.”

“That,” said Jacob as he looked at her, “And I like her smile and her magic.”

Zatanna blushed at this, but accepted it all the same.

“I’ll do my best.” Said Zatanna.

“I know you will.” Said Jacob, before sighing and smiling. “So full of life, so full of compassion and love. You inherited that trait from your mother.”

Zatanna looked at Jacob shocked by what he said. “You knew my mother?”

“I knew her very well.” Said Jacob before turning around and walking away.

“Wait!!” said Zatanna, but it was too late as Jacob disappeared.

“Well, that sure was lovely.” Said Constantine. Then looked at the others and said, “Well, seeing that we still have some time, what’s the plan?”

Zatanna looked at the book, and remembered of the boy who had the darkness inside of him. And if what Jacob said is true.

She gave a determined look and looked at the others and said, “We have work to do.”


Meanwhile, back at New York in the 03 Turtles’ world, everyone was fighting all over the place, trying their best to fend off the Shredder’s forces. Currently, Batman was buy taking down a few Manhunters with his gadgets. After he landed, Superman landed behind him as they were back-to-back.

“Is this what the Manhunters were like when you fought them?” asked Batman, considering he wasn’t there.

“Not really.” Said Superman, “But from what Roland told us, the Manhunters from the other Earth were just as lethal and dangerous as the one in our universe.”

“Ever think of comparing notes and wonder if ours and our enemies’ counterparts are lethal or non-lethal?” asked Batman.

“Never occurred to me.” Said Superman with a smirk.

The two Green Lanterns used their constructs to smash a few of the Footbots, whilst many of the Leaguers continued to fight all over the entire district.

The second district was currently being occupied by the Titans, as all of them fought all over the place, trying to stay alive.

The third district was being handled by Invictus, Venus, and Silverbolt, as all of them were fighting all over the place. Thankfully, the CMC, Young Six, and Rock N Beats were backing them up in this fight.

The fourth district was being handled by the Rangers. Jason fought with his sword, Tommy fought with Saba, Billy fought with his lance, Zack fought with his axe, Kimberly shot down the flyers using her bow and arrow, and Trini fought using her Power Daggers.

The fifth district the Crystal Gems, along with Sal Commander, Traximus, Zeno, and the Utrom Council fought against the corrupt Gems and Devil Ray’s forces and many Para-demons that were flying all over the sky and trying to tackle them at the same time.

The sixth district was being handled by Ben 10’s team. He was currently transforming between Diamond Head and Chroma-stone and took down as many enemies as he could, with Gwen and Kevin backing him up whilst Max was leading Rook, Helen, Manny, and Allen to fight in different directions.

The seventh district were being handled by the Mane 6, whilst Starlight, Blade Swipe, and Tempest were backing them up as they fought against Vilgax’ drones.

The eight district was being handled by everyone from CHS, as all of them were getting into the action and trying to stay alive at the same time.

The ninth district were being handled by the Dazzlings and the Shadowbolts were handling were handling Lord Zedd and Rita’s monsters at the same time.

The tenth district was being handled by the Mighty Mutanimals as all of them were busy handling gangs from Black Mask, Ra’s al Ghul, Prometheus, Two-Face, and Hugo Strange.

However, at the center of New York, the Turtles, along with their human allies, Team Shine, and the Rainbooms, were handling the Foot Bots, and the Gem Knights as they had them surrounded, but all of them kept up a spirited fight.

“Man, is it just me, or do these guys get really annoying!!” shouted Raph before he punched one and tossed it away.

“I know what you mean!!” shouted Night Shine.

Suddenly, they jumped out of the way when they saw a random blast. When they looked, they saw it was none other than Jagwar’s wife, and boy she was angry.

“You’re going to pay for what you’ve done!!” she shouted.

“Hey, you’re idiot son died because he provoked us, not ours!!” shouted Raph.

“Who the heck is that?!” said Gamer.

“Wait, I know her. Roland told us about her.” Said Shine Boy as he looked at those who don’t know. “She’s Jagwar’s wife. She tried to help him and Khan trying to steal the Turtles and Rainbooms’ magic and killing Karai to turn him into an unstoppable force.”

“Great, so the feline wants to have a washed out has been and a wannabee brat who don’t know when to stay out of others’ affairs and stopping poking their noses into other people’s business!!

“Mock all you want, but I have something equally terrifying.” Said Jagwar’s wife as she held onto a staff.

“Be ready guys!!” said Leo.

“Let her try!!” said Rainbow, “Anything any bad guys throw, we’ll always come back on top.”

“Oh, so true.” Said Jagwar’s wife, who then smirked. “But what about them?”

They saw a handful of figures slowly approaching from behind her. But as they did, they met a sight that they would never see.

They were none other than the Turtles and Rainbooms. But something was different from them. All of them were darker, had red eyes, with also yellow veins at the side of their necks.

“What…what are they?” said a nervous Fluttershy.

“Oh, you do not recognize your fellow counterparts?” said Jagwar’s wife, “Especially the friends of a certain companion of yours?”

That’s when Shine Boy clicked, and said, “You monster!! You summoned Roland’s friends from the dead?! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!”

This surprised the others, as Jagwar’s wife said, “They died because they were weak. I brought them back to life, stronger than ever.”

“A life worse than death!!” said Shine Boy.

“If you do not believe me, then here is the proof.” Said Jagwar’s wife. “Take them down.”

This caused them to draw their weapons and attacked them head on. This caused them to fight their Revenants.


From within his room, Roland had finally stood up. But just as he was about to sit on his bed, he heard the monitor’s alarm going off. He looked at it and saw New York was under attacked. But then he saw the Turtles and Rainbooms, fighting the Turtles and Rainbooms.

Roland quickly went over, and saw them. And to his shock and horror, it was his friends from his dimension, brought back as Revenants.

“No…no.” muttered Roland as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he saw Shredder on the next monitor.

Roland growled, knowing Shredder was responsible, causing him to turn tail and run out of his room door.


At the same time, Team Shine watched as the Turtles and Rainbooms were fighting their Revenants selves.

“This…this is a nightmare.” Muttered Shine Girl.

“What did they do to them, yo?” said a frightful Casey.

Leo then fought against the Revenant version of Mikey.

“Mikey, stop!!” shouted Leo, trying to reach out to Roland’s friend, “You don’t have to do this!!”

“Oh, but I do!!” said Revenant Mikey, “And why would you even care?!”

“Because you’re my brother!!” shouted Leo.

“Oh, sure, now you care!!” said Revenant Mikey.

“What are you talking…?!” said Leo before was cut off.

“Where was my brother when Raph constantly treated me like garbage!!” shouted Revenant Mikey, “Where were you when Sunset yelled at me, over what, just because I was trying to protect her, and this is the thanks I get?!! And where were you when Jagwar was close into killing me?! Maybe I would’ve been better off if Jagwar had killed you lot instead?! Oh look, the big bad Leo, who thinks everything evolves around him, just because I was too weak and useless!!”

Leo was shocked by Revenant Mikey’s words, but not as shocked as the ones who were watching.

“I wasn’t…but I…” said Leo as he didn’t know what to say.

“Oh, what, nothing important to say, oh fearless leader?!” said Revenant Mikey, “If you had been twice the better leader, we wouldn’t have watched Splinter die!! Twilight wouldn’t have stolen the pearl had you stopped her!! And I guess you finally have something in common with her after all, you’re both screw-ups for letting your friends and family down!!

Leo was so shocked by his words; it allowed Revenant Mikey to kick him away and charged. Karai couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Mikey…why did…?”

Then they saw Raph fighting against Revenant Leo.

“Leo, snap out of it!!” shouted Raph.

“Oh, sure, now you want to hold back!!” said Revenant Leo, “I thought this is what you wanted, right?! Not holding back to fight our enemies!!”

“Yeah, our enemies, not our family!!” shouted Raph.

“Yet, how many times did you quit our family?!” shouted Revenant Leo, “How you constantly walked out on us, just because you didn’t like the way we did things!! The difference between me and you, at least I follow the Hamato Clan’s code, whilst all you do is whine and complain about everything!! Your temper and impatience is what always jeopardize and ruins all of our missions!! You never trusted me, Mikey, or even Donnie to pick up the slack, so what makes you think you’re the trust worthy one?!!”

“I’m trust worthy!!” shouted Raph.

“And yet I couldn’t trust you enough to keep our father alive?!” shouted Revenant Leo, “Because of you and April, he’s dead!! You two saw him coming and you didn’t do a thing to stop it!!”

Raph was shocked by what he said before being kicked away, with even April shocked by what he said. “But Leo…it wasn’t…”

Then Mikey was being pinned by Revenant Raph.

“Dude, I know you have anger issues, but don’t let it control you!!” said Mikey.

“And why should I listen everything you say?!” shouted Revenant Raph. “We’re always the ones who had to clean up your mess!! We’re the ones who always had to suffer, because of your screwups!!”

“Okay, I’ll admit, I could’ve been more honest, but it wasn’t my fault you didn’t believe me!!” shouted Mikey.

“You constantly acting like a big baby is exactly the reason why I don’t trust you!!” shouted Revenant Raph, “I don’t need some screwup of a brother to hold me back!! Maybe we would’ve been better off if Shredder killed you instead, then we wouldn’t have to put up with your stupidity!!”

Before Mikey could say a word, Revenant Raph backhanded him and attacked further.

“Dude…” said Casey as he didn’t know how to react to it.

The Rainbooms on the other hand…

Applejack was fighting against the Revenant version of Sunset.

“Sunset, snap out of it, this ain’t you!!” said Applejack.

“Are you talking to Sunset, or are you talking about Anon-a-miss?!” said Revenant Sunset with a sneer.

“Who-huh?!” exclaimed Applejack as she was surprised to hear this.

“I know I wasn’t a very nice person, but at least I tried!!” shouted Revenant Sunset, “I tried my best to redeem myself, but no matter how hard I tried, it was never good enough for you!! And after the Battle of the Bands, I tried to show my appreciation, but when something bad is posted about you, you automatically blamed me!! You didn’t give me a chance to explain myself or listen my side!! It’s always about you, and nothing else, right?!”

“But…I…” said Applejack.

“I’m nothing but a joke, aren’t I?!” shouted Revenant Sunset, “It’s no wonder no one ever likes you, you don’t like anyone you don’t trust!! You didn’t trust Batman, you didn’t trust your own sister, you didn’t even trust me, after I worked so hard to earn it!! I’m glad your parents aren’t around; cause even they’d be ashamed of a country hicked bumpkin who breaks everything she touches!!”

Applejack was taken aback by this before being tackled away, with pony Applejack shocked by what she was seeing and hearing.

Rainbow was fighting a Revenant version of Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, don’t do this!!” said Rainbow.

“And why not?!” shouted Revenant Fluttershy as she tried to hit Rainbow, but she dodged it.

“Because it’s not you!!” shouted Rainbow.

“Well, it’s about time I did it!! Poor pathetic Fluttershy, no longer a coward, and also more selfish as you are!!” shouted Revenant Fluttershy.

“What are you talking about?!” said Rainbow.

“When we first formed the band, all you cared about was yourself!!” shouted Fluttershy, “You never wanted to play any of my songs. I worked so hard on them, but it’s always awesome this and awesome that!! Not everything is always about you!! That’s so like you Rainbow, acting all high and mighty, thinking that you’re important and so much better than anyone else, but really, you’re nothing more than an insensitive jerk and blamed others whenever something went wrong. So instead of being a stupid selfish hotheaded jerk, pointing hooves at folks as always when you should accept the fact that you’re nothing but a major screwup who can’t do anything right! Some loyal friend you are.”

Rainbow was extremely shocked by what Fluttershy had said, causing her to backflip and kick Rainbow away and charged, with pony Fluttershy and pony Rainbow Dash shocked by what the Revenant said.

Twilight was fighting a Revenant version of Rarity.

“Rarity, stop fighting, this isn’t you!!” shouted Twilight.

“And why not?!” shouted Revenant Rarity, “People always complained about me being afraid of the muck, well at least I’m not a wimp for admitting when I’m at fault. I used to be normal, until you came along!!”

“Wha…?” said Twilight as she was shocked by what Rarity was saying.

“We used to have a normal life without life threatening magic at our doorstep!!” shouted Revenant Rarity, “But if you hadn’t constantly snooped around, our school and world wouldn’t have been destroyed. Maybe we would’ve been better off if you never came to our school in the first place, the stupid nerd who always started everything!!”

Twilight was shocked by what Rarity said as she kept blocking, but failed. Princess Twilight and pony Rarity were shocked by what she said.

Sunset was fighting a Revenant version of Applejack.

“So here we are again, huh She-Demon?!” shouted Revenant Applejack, “Or should I call you Anon-a-miss, or Meanset Shimmer?!”

“Applejack, this isn’t you!!” said Sunset.

“How do ah know that y’all won’t lie your way out of this?!” shouted Revenant Applejack. “Y’all came to our school, y’all lied and tricked us into hating one another, and y’all turned into a monster, all because y’all were selfish and didn’t let the power thing go!!”

“I did everything to make up for my mistakes, Applejack!!” shouted Sunset as she wasn’t going to let her Revenant affect her, not after what she had been through, “You’re the one who didn’t want to give me a chance!!”

“And why should we?!” shouted Revenant Applejack, “Y’all tore us apart, y’all humiliated us, y’all treated us like dirt, and y’all nearly killed us!!”

“I already paid for my mistakes!!” shouted Sunset, “And I tried it every day of my life, but you and Rainbow were the only ones who refused to give me a chance!! So much for being honest and loyal!! And I was telling the truth for wanting to make things right!! And I won’t let people, talk down to me…ever again!!”

Sunset kicked Applejack away, no longer letting her past weigh her down, as she was driven to fight.

Pinkie Pie was fighting a revenant version of Twilight.

“Twilight, stop what you’re doing!!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

“Why should I, all I wanted to do was to study magic and not waste my time at ridiculous and stupid parties!!” shouted Revenant Twilight.

“Huh?” said a hurtful Pinkie Pie.

“I just wanted to study what was happening, but everybody always held me back!!” shouted Revenant Twilight, “I don’t care or never liked your stupid parties!! And the only way to stop it, is to remove you from the equation!!”

The Mane 6 were shocked by what they were hearing from the Revenants of the Rainbooms.

“I don’t like this.” Muttered pony Fluttershy as she hugged herself.

“This is…horrible.” Said pony Rarity.

Princess Twilight instantly snapped out of it and looked at Shine Boy.

“Shine Boy!!” shouted Princess Twilight, gaining his attention. “We need a distraction so that we can regroup!!”

“Right!!” shouted Shine Boy as he used his light to make it blinding in order to blind the Revenants and Jagwar’s wife.

When the light died down, Jagwar’s wife noticed that they were gone, causing her to growl, for she was not going to let them escape.

“Find them and destroy them!!” shouted Jagwar’s wife, causing them to scatter to find them.

However, from above one of the buildings, someone was watching them.


Shredder watched from above the Channel 7 News building, and he sees the Turtles and Rainbooms were now running, but couldn’t be found.

“Ah, the sight of one running from one that resembles them.” Said Shredder. “If that’s not a sign of…”

Suddenly, he was wrapped in a chain and pulled away, making him crash against what appeared to be a wall. But after he landed, he looked up and saw Roland, who heard what was happening and can no longer sit by and do nothing.

“Ah, so the Hamato boy has finally come forth to meet his end.” Said Shredder.

“I’m not that same boy anymore, Shredder.” Said Roland. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done to everyone else.”

“You know, that is the same thing that Leonardo, Sunset Shimmer, and Shine Boy once said to me.” Said Shredder as he deployed his claws. “Right before I killed them all.”

“The only one who’s going to die, is you!!!” shouted Roland as he drew out his pistols and began to charge whilst shooting at the same time.

“Then let us truly, end this.” Said Shredder as he instantly charged towards him with his claws deployed.

The two of them continued to charge at the same time, until they eventually jumped as Roland had drawn out his sword at the same time.


At the same time, on one of the buildings, the turtles, Rainbooms, Mane 6 and Team Shine had regrouped, panting and were shocked, with the 03 Turtles finding them in time.

“Guys, are you alright?!” said Leonardo as he and the others were greatly concerned.

“We…we saw them.” Said Leo.

“Whatta ya talkin about?” said Raphael.

“We saw…undead versions of the Turtles and Rainbooms. As Revenants.” Said Shine Boy.

“They were Rolands’ friends…from Roland’s world.” Said Karai.

“What?!” exclaimed the 03 Turtles as they were shocked.

“I looked into their minds.” Said April, “There was nothing left but hatred and darkness.”

“Are you serious?!” said Michelangelo.

“Shredder has indeed gone too far.” Said Splinter in anger, “Not only did he desecrate their bodies, but he also brought back only the darkest parts of their souls, and a life far worse than death.”

The first one to speak was Sunset.

“Is…is this what Roland went through?” said Sunset, really concerned for Roland and of what he went through. “Is…this why he was angry…at us?”, then she thought, ‘I understand you now Roland. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.’

The Turtles and Rainbooms looked at one another.

“It…it was scary.” Muttered Fluttershy as she was hugging herself, with Rainbow comforting her, even if she was feeling that way too.

“How…how could Roland live like this?” asked Rarity.

The rest of Team Shine came together, with Gamer said, “Is this what’s left of Roland’s friends?”

“I can’t sense anything good in them left.” Said Shine Boy.

“What did the Shredder do to them?” said Shine Girl.

“I think all that good was gone ever since Roland broke his friendship with them.” Said Love Shine.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of guns going off.

“What was that?!” exclaimed Mikey.

Michelangelo saw something down below, causing him to pull out a telescope and looked. There, he saw Roland and Shredder fighting one another.

“Oh, this isn’t good, bros!!” said Michelangelo, gaining their attention as he looked at them, “Roland’s fighting Shredder!!”

“What?!” exclaimed the others as they instantly got up.


Roland then skid on the ground, and was on his one knee. He grunted whilst holding his sword at the same time in a crouch position, waiting for the right moment to strike.

“I won’t let you take them away from one another!!” shouted Roland.

“And yet, I took your friends from your miserable existence.” Said Shredder. “You were once a formidable opponent, Roland. But now you will fall by my hand.”

The two of them then charged towards one another, until Shredder felt something struck behind him, allowing Roland to strike, making Shredder crash against another wall.

“Back off, shred head!!” shouted Mikey.

He then looked up and saw the Turtles and their 03 counterparts, along with the Rainbooms, Venus, the Mane 6, their New York allies, and Team Shine to arrive and had him surrounded.

“You’re not hurting anyone else Shredder!!” said Leo.

“You will never hurt another innocent!!” shouted Venus.

“So here you all are at last.” Said Shredder. “I wonder if all of you will prove to be more of a challenge than the ones from my old world.”

“Oh, we are more than tough enough, bub!!” said Raphael.

“Ninjas!! Take him down!!” shouted Leo.

Everyone began to charge him from all around as all of them put up a spirited fight, with Shredder going against them, even at their full strength. Even though all of them were able to get a few hits, Shredder used his claws to slash against a few, making them fly backwards and landed a bit further from him.

“No matter how hard you fight, you will eventually fall before my hand.” Said Shredder.

“We’re more than tough enough to take you on, Shredder!!” shouted pony Rainbow Dash.

“Let’s show em’ what we’re made of!!” shouted Raph as he, the Turtles, and the Rainbooms powered up and fought with all their power.

“Please!!” said Shredder as he was able to dodge Rainbow’s speed and hold against Applejack’s strength, much to the latter’s surprise, “All of you were barely a match for me in the Prime world!! What makes you think you’ll be able to stand a chance against me now!!”

Mikey stopped and was surprised to hear that.

‘Wait,’ he thought, ‘We didn’t fight that Shredder in the Prime world since we started. What did he mean by that?’

The Shredder then jumped backwards and was now a foot away from them.

“I must admit, you all are formidable.”

Suddenly, Shredder’s eyes began to glow bright red, as the lines in between of his armor began to glow too, as if he was being energized from the power Roland talked about.

“But now let’s see how you only handle half of my strength.”

“Wait, you weren’t even using your full power?!” exclaimed both Twilights.

Shredder charged as he fought everyone head on.

Everyone scattered as Shredder struck the ground. First Raphael and Raph attacked first, but Shredder caught the both of them by their necks and tossed them aside. Casey charged aside and dropped his photon pucks.

“Goongala!!” shouted Casey as he hit the first four, but then suddenly, to his shock, Shredder jumped and spun around whilst grabbing the four of them at the same time. “No way.”

Shredder threw the four pucks at his first targets, causing them to hit Fluttershy, Pony Fluttershy, Zach, and Caitlyn, making the fall backwards. April fired her telepathic blast, with Twilight and Princess Twilight using their magic to lift heavy objects and threw it at him, but he kept dodging them. Suddenly, he was wrapped in chains, curtesy of Mikey and Shinigami.

“Gotcha now, boy!!” shouted Mikey.

Suddenly, Shredder grabbed the chains and pulled Mikey and Shinigami, making them scream in panic as they were swung around, until they were thrown against Casey and Keno, making them crash against a door.

Donatello and Donnie tried to attack with their bo-staffs, but Shredder kept dodging left and right. Shredder grabbed Donatello’s head and pinned him hard onto the ground, whilst he grabbed Donnie and held his arm in position, allowing him to lift his leg and with one strong kick…broke Donnie’s left arm, making him scream in pain.

“Donnie!!” shouted April, Gamer, and Shine Boy in shock.

Shredder kicked Donnie away as he crashed against the wall. He jumped up as he was about to strike him down, until both Leo and Leonardo blocked his blades with their swords. As they struggled, Shredder grabbed them, causing electricity to surge through them, electrocuting them before tossing them away.

Karai turned into her mutant form and wrapped her body around Shredder whilst Pinkie Pie and her pony counterpart wrapped their chains around his hands in order to keep him restraint, whilst April jumped on him and used her telepathic powers to try and subdue him, making him scream.

Just as it looked they got him in the ropes, Shredder’s eyes turned red, making the power go in reverse, causing April to scream in pain before Shredder used the back of his head to knock her off, whilst blades suddenly were shown from his elbows, thankfully only grazing Karai, allowing Shredder to kick her away. Then he pulled the two Pinkie Pies, grabbed them, and bashed their heads before tossing them away.

He suddenly felt a sting from his shoulder, causing him to slowly look back. Then he saw Roland, Applejack, Pony Applejack, Shine Girl, and Gamer charging towards him. He blocked them left and right, but then he clawed Roland’s chest and punched him away. He grabbed Gamer and merely tossed him away and back handed Shine Girl hard, but thankfully Roland caught her, even in his injured state. Shredder then grabbed Applejack and her pony counterpart by their heads and electrocuted them before tossing them both away.

Rarity, her pony counterpart, and Mikey tried to attack all around, but they couldn’t land a hit on him. Shredder punched through Rarity’s shield, breaking it, allowing him to punch her in the gut, and gave her a strong uppercut, whilst grabbing Michelangelo and tossed him hard, making them fly towards the next fallen group. At the same time, both Shine Boy and Night Shine jumped high in the air and charged up their abilities and charged towards him like a speeding bullet, only for Shredder to overpower them by bashing them both ways with some type of kinetic wave.

Love Shine shot a few photon blasts before flying and charging towards Shredder with his photon blades, only Shredder to grab him by the arm, then the head and bashed him hard onto the ground, then he looked up and shot four kinetic blasts, knocking Twilight, Princess Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, and her pony counterpart away.

“Foolish beings, this fight is already over.” Said Shredder as he looked around whilst everyone struggled to get up and tried to stay in the fight for another round. “And it’s time that another falls to my list.”

Shredder slowly looked at Sunset, who was trying to focus, but Roland was already drawing his sword.

“Starting with her!!” shouted Shredder as he charged.

Everything looked like it was in slow motion, but Roland looked and saw Shredder charging. But when he looked at the direction he was going. In horror, he realized he was going after Sunset. For some reason, Roland ran faster towards Sunset. When Shredder was close, but Roland was faster.

“Look out!!” shouted Roland as he pushed Sunset away, and…


Roland felt an extreme pain at his gut as he gasped whilst he grunted in pain, as Shredder stood next to him…with his claws dug right into his prey.

“Roland!!!” shouted Team Shine.

The Turtles and their human allies, their 03 Counterparts, Venus, Team Shine, the Rainbooms, and the Mane 6 watch in shock and horror as they watched Roland getting stabbed through the gut.

However, from different buildings and different locations, the rest of the teams heard the commotion and tried to hurry towards their position.

“So much for your, comrade.” Said Shredder as he slowly lifted Roland up. “And now…another comrade…”

And with a great swing on his arm, “DIES!!!”

Shredder threw Roland towards the edge of the building, flying lifeless towards the side. However, the Turtles suddenly had a flash memory, for instead of being Roland, they saw their Splinter instead.

“No…” muttered Leo, “Not again.”

Roland crashed a bit, then fell off the building at a fastened pace, and fell on top of the car, before bouncing off it and landed onto the ground.

Roland grunted and struggled to get up, as he had never felt such unimaginable pain before. He was slowly bleeding, and felt every inch of his body was slowly losing life.

“Well, well, well.”

Roland slightly gasped and looked, and saw it was none other…than the Clown Prince of Crime.

“Big bad warrior, finally shown his place.” Said Joker, “Oh, but you’re not laughing. For you’ve finally seen the reality of the situation, but you still don’t show a smile.”

Joker crouched near him and said, “Oh, but don’t worry, you will soon enough, as will many others.”

Joker then pulled out what appeared to be tools, and was about to do something.

“For it will be…my greatest achievement.”

And before Roland blacked out, Joker was laughing. For whatever he planned, Roland was helpless to stop it.


“And so,” said Shredder whilst smirking underneath his helmet, “Another piece of rebellion, finally falls before my hand.”

He then heard a scream of rage and turned, revealing to be Night Shine as he ran at great speed with his machete, before jabbing it through Shredder whilst his black flames had intensified, then tossed him hard off of the building. However, Shredder had already used his power to land back onto the ground.

At the same time, many of the villains gathered near him whilst the heroes were on one side.

At the same time, the rest of the heroes arrived. Some of them noticed Roland on the ground, not moving a muscle.

“You’re gonna pay for what you did!!” shouted Leo.

“Oh, I think not, Leonardo. You couldn’t even stop me when you fought alongside the Prime Turtles, so what makes you so sure, you can defeat me now?”

Mikey was a little surprised. For they were recently there, and they didn’t encounter him before.

Suddenly, many of the villains, as well as Jagwar’s wife came along.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done!!” said Master Splinter, “You have disrupted the balance!!”

“I will do whatever it takes to ensure that my revenge would be complete on you all.” Responded Jagwar’s wife.

“Hey, this wouldn’t have happened if your idiotic and stupid husband and son would stay out of our enemies’ affairs!!” shouted Silverbolt.

“They died because of their own actions!! Not ours!!” said Invictus.

“Well, it doesn’t matter.” Said Jagwar’s wife as she used the power of her staff, “For now, all of you will face even more deadly force.”

Suddenly the Revenants of the Rainbooms and Turtles and Mane 6 arrived, which shocked everyone by what they were seeing.

“Great Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” said Superman.

“You just disrespected the dead man!!” said Static.

“They don’t deserve this fate!!” said Tommy.

“Funny you should say that.”

When all of a sudden, Revenants of the Rangers arrived, which horrified Tommy and the others as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“And we aren’t alone.” Said the Revenant of Jason.

And from group by group, they arrived.

For it was not only the Revenants of the Turtles, Mane 6 and Rainbooms, but also of their human allies, the Mighty Mutanimals, the Dazzlings, the CMC, the Shadowbolts, the Rock N Beats, their friends from both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. The Young Six, Team Shine (much to their horror), Ben 10’s team, their alien allies, Steven Universe’s group, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, the Digidestined, Team Sandiego, The GI Joes, and Team Spy Racers.

Everyone was unnerved and horrified by what they were seeing.

“So, all of you fancy fighting us, huh?” asked Chrysalis rhetorically.

“Then let’s see how you do well with counterparts of your own, but dead ones.” Said Tirek.

“At the ready!!” shouted Shredder, causing the Revenants to get ready on the fight, with the heroes doing the same.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a maniacal laughter. Gaining their attention, as they saw the Clown Prince of Crime laughing whilst he was sitting on top of a ruined car.

“What are you laughing at?!!” shouted Shredder.

“Oh, quite simple, Shreddy.” Said Joker, “I am about to do the most unexpected performance unimaginable. It will be…my greatest, prank.”

Joker laughed as he lifted something with broken wires, which was a gauntlet of sorts. Team Shine, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and those who knew gasped in shock. For it wasn’t any gauntlet, it was…

“The Gauntlet!!” exclaimed Gamer as he saw it was no longer on Roland’s arm.

“But then that would mean…!!” exclaimed Sunset as she knew what this means.

Suddenly, Roland slowly moved, shook, grunted, whilst his body looked like it was changing, bulging and spasming out of control as red electricity was slowly being generated.

“What is this?!” said Shredder when he saw, as everyone looked.

Suddenly, Roland screeched as he suddenly glowed red, causing him to shake and move rapidly and red electricity was shooting out of him.

“Oh, no.” muttered Shine Boy, as he could feel the evil growing.

Roland, during his occurrence, looked at them as if he was in panic and groaning in pain, whilst his eyes were suddenly black with white spots at the center, with what looked like piranha teeth replacing his own. Which shocked many what was seeing it.

Suddenly, Roland was suddenly on his feet as if he was struggling and grunting, as if he was trying to resist it, but it kept failing as it grew stronger and stronger, whilst his bulging and spasming body was slowly doing something to him. Suddenly, with swift motion, as Roland moved his left hand, suddenly his left arm exploded, replaced with something dark. With claws. With veins that almost look like a lava’s trail, and skin as black as charcoal.

Roland’s face felt like it was going to be on fire as he was slowly building up smoke from his face, and wings that slowly began to grow out of his back with a snap, which caused Roland to once more collapse hard onto the ground and screeched, until he exploded into energy, causing everything to die down, as everyone had covered their eyes from the loud flash, but dare not look as they don’t know what to expect.

The ditch that was made was still aflame, until a foot, covered what appeared to be a biker’s boot with a metallic boot heel underneath came up, with another following suit. And everyone slowly watched what was going on.

The mysterious being was standing there, as he was wearing boots with metallic plates underneath, as if it were either a biker’s or military boot. His pants was black, but with metallic places on some of his legs. His chest was covered in black armor that none had seen, as it had a skull up front, whilst on his back were demon wings. Both his arms had metallic gauntlets and fingerless gloves, whilst there were chains wrapped around his arms.

The face…the face was a skull, that had been lit on fire, whilst it was slowly raising up, whilst lighting had struck, revealing Roland’s demon eyes and vampire teeth, even on a skeleton of sorts.

Both sides stared in shock and horror as they could see what Roland had transformed into without the gauntlet, whilst some could feel a powerful evil emanating from him, even the revenants of Roland’s former friends and allies were somewhat nervous for some reason.

Roland stood there, tilting his head slowly left and right, with his head still aflame, awaiting the right moment to strike. He slowly looked at the sky, then slowly reached his hand out. The moment he gripped, the entire sun turned red, whilst the skies itself turned red, which concerned everyone, even the people of New York were suddenly nervous at the same time.

“You’re not so tough!!” said the remnant of Jakob as he and the remnant of Luke Hobbs fired their weapons. The moment they hit Roland, he instantly turned to the one responsible for shooting at him. He swung his chain towards them, causing them to be ensnared. The moment Roland pulled them, the two of them immediately burst into flames and turned into ash, with the chains going back to Roland.

Everyone was shocked by what happened, as Roland just stood there. He them moved his body back and forth whilst eerie sounds were coming from him, which unnerved a ton of folks as they felt they couldn’t move.

When all of a sudden, Roland turned towards both She-Demon Shimmer and Midnight Sparkle, startling the two of them. Roland suddenly moved towards them as if he was teleporting and shifting his body back and forth at the same time, until he was finally in front of them, both of them not daring to move a muscle. Roland just stood there, looking at the both of them, and staring them down at the same time. And then…


Both were suddenly shocked by what he said. When all of a sudden, Roland slowly opened his mouth, with the sounds of a million death sighs, as everyone from all around could hear it. Which made everyone even more afraid as Roland continued to do it. But then he closed his mouth and stared right at them, which continued to terrify the two at the same time.

Roland then slowly opened his mouth, causing the two of them to suddenly ignite in fire, allowing Roland to absorb their Remnant powers and magic, causing him to further ignite his powers.

No one dared to move, as each of them were afraid that if they did anything…

“Wha…what do we do?” whimpered Apple Bloom as she hid behind Applejack.

Roland slowly turned around and faced them, whilst at the same time, something came out from between his knuckles. From what it looked like, they nearly resemble to what Shredder used before his face was burnt, which were the Tekkō-kagi, except it came from out from between his knuckles…and they were set aflame. Roland continued to growl like a beast, waiting to attack his prey. However,…, one of the Revenants have other ideas.


“No, wait!!” shouted Shine Boy as he tried to stop them, but it fell under deaf ears.

Within mere moments, the Revenants of Deckard Shaw, Santos, Leo, Han, Roman, Brian, Dominic, and Letty began to shoot, causing Roland to grunt as the rounds kept on bouncing off of him, just to annoy him. Now all of them had reason to worry. Roland merely looked at the bouncing rounds, causing him to growl loudly.

Within a split second, he jumped in the air and struck, causing the Revenants to scream in agony as all of them were butchered whilst everyone watched in shock and horror.

“This is bad.” Said Venus.

“What is it?” asked Shine Boy.

“Whenever we’re corrupted with darkness, all of us react to things differently.” Said Venus. “Sunset’s was driven by a lust of power, Twilight’s was driven by obsession, and many with greed and so on. But with Roland’s, he’s is very different. For he has a different kind of need.”

“W-what kind?” said Mikey in fear.

Venus then gave her answer as Roland slowly stood up like the beast he is.

“The need to kill.”

Roland then growled, and did a loud human like roar that could be heard throughout the entire city whilst surprising every human. Roland then crouched, and sprinted towards his first targets.

Gary and Miss Nowhere tried to shoot Roland, but he just kept on charging. The moment he was close enough, Roland clawed down both the Revenant of Gary. But then he sliced the Revenants of Miss Nowhere to the left, Sissy Benson from the right, Layla Gray from the left, then he blocked the Revenant of Frostee Benson and sliced him from the right. Then he did a twirl and sliced both the Revenants of Cisco and Echo. With his prey in front of him, Roland pounced and roared before he pierced his claws through the Revenant of Tony before collapsing hard onto the ground, startling everyone from what they have seen.

Roland pulled them out and roared in rage as they now have unleashed a beast. Before looking over to his next targets.

Shredder the pointed at the Revenants.

“Don’t just stand there, you fools, do something!!” shouted Shredder.

The Revenants attacked head on, with Roland darting over and did the same, whilst his first targets were the Revenants of the GI Joes.

(I’m not gonna constantly say Revenant over and over, just so that you could get the idea. When we get to the ones who are already there, then I’ll say Revenants)

Roland leaped like a jaguar and sliced Spirit up front, then Long Range on the left, then Wild Bill on the right. Roland then jumped onto Sgt. Savage and jabbed his claws through his head, before collapsing as Roland moved on to the next. Then Roland jumped off and stabbed both Tiger Claw and Kamakura as he crashed back down. But just as he got up, he jabbed his claws through Lieutenant Stone and threw him aside like he was nothing.

Freight tried to charge at Roland from behind, but Roland instantly turned around and slashed him down, then sliced through Metalhead as he tried to use his weapon to defend himself. He ran towards Grunt then slashed him on the left, then to Clutch on the right, and thrusted his claws forward onto Quick Stryke, making him collapse onto the ground.

Roland darted towards the next group, which made him target the Revenants of Carmen Sandiego and her group.

He landed in front of Player and head-butted him hard, before slashing his claws on him a few times. He jabbed his claws into Ivy, then slashed against Zack, then tossed Ivy hard against the wall as she collapsed. Then he instantly disappeared and reappeared as he clawed Grackle and Carmen down, before blocking Shadowsan and delivered a strong uppercut with his claws, sending Shadowsan flying before landing hard against a dumpster.

Then the Revenants of the Digidestined tried to attack. Even though without their partner Digimon, they were still a threat. Just as Tai tried to strike at Roland, he instantly vanished. They looked around, only for Roland to appear and jab both his claws onto both Ken and Yolei, before pulling them out and disappearing.

Roland then appeared again as he clawed down Davis, Cody, John, Willis, and Joe, before disappearing in smoke again as TK and Matt tried to strike him down. Only for him to suddenly appear again as he clawed down Joe, Mimi, Izzy, and Sora before vanishing again. The last group looked around, trying to look for them, until he appeared and clawed down both Matt and Tai. Then it was TK and Kari left as they moved backwards, showing fear, with Roland walking towards them slowly. Suddenly two rocks appeared from out of nowhere, allowing Roland to instantly jab his claws through them, before pulling them out as they collapsed.

Jagwar’s wife, the Priestess, was now greatly terrified, as she saw the beast that killed her son. But before she could make a move, Roland turned to her and growled.

“No,” muttered the Priestess, “No, no, No!! Stay away from me!!

She began to run away, whilst Roland suddenly disappeared into the smoke.

Get out of my way!!” shouted the Priestess as she shoved a few Foot Bots out of the way as they saw her running into the alley, and around the corner.

But it would not last…

Suddenly, from around the corner, a wall burst, revealing a light, with a shadowy figure, who had caught the Priestess, and ripped her to pieces as she screamed until it gargled. Then there was silence after Roland ripped something, causing him to throw it against the wall for them to see, which was the headgear of the Priestess as Roland released a shriek.

“Oh, my Celestia…” muttered pony Rarity as she covered her mouth whilst looking terrified at the same time.

Suddenly, Roland screeched and disappeared. They then heard screaming inside one of the buildings, which they heard the screams of the Rock N Beats, and the Young Six, no doubt their Revenants as they could see from the shadows how all of them were being ripped apart. Within a split second, three more screams were heard as they were thrown out of a three-story building and collapsed hard onto the ground, revealing to be the Revenants of the CMC, which the real ones gave startled screams as they hid behind their siblings, who were just as horrified.

Roland jumped out of the building and landed hard onto the ground, with the Revenants of their allies from Canterlot City were attacking.

(Again, they’re Revenants, and I’m sure you’d get the idea by now.)

Roland slashed Juniper hard from his left claws, then used his right claws to slash Thunderbass. Then jumped in the air and clawed down Snips and Snails. He grabbed their weapons and threw them hard through Sandalwood and Micro Chips’ chests, before Roland stomped on them hard. But as he jumped in the air, he jabbed his claws into both Mystery Mint and Vignette whilst also jumping in the air.

Roland used his chains to snag a nearby shotgun from one of the biker’s bikes that was abandoned some time ago. But the moment he touched it, it immediately changed form as it was partially aflame and had a bayonet up front. Roland aimed his shotgun and shot the Remnants of Gloriosa, Timber, Lotus, and Aloe Blossom, then aimed the shotgun and shot down Blueberry Cake, Shining Armor, and Cadence.

Roland used the bayonet of the shot gun to slice down the Remnants of Sapphire, Wallflower, Valhallen, Vinyl and Octavia, before he jumped onto Trixie and shot her, which caused her to fall down. Roland landed back onto the ground and reloaded his shotgun, whilst taking down the Revenants of Cherry Crush, Crimson Napalm, Maud, Lyra & Bonbon, Derpy, Bulk Biceps, Big Macintosh, even Principles Celestia and Luna. But when part of the shot hit Flash in the face, he began to scream in agony whilst moving towards Roland.

Roland looked at the shotgun, then to Flash. He twirled the shotgun and aimed it at Flash’s legs, destroying it in the process as it shocked the others. As Flash crawled, Roland pointed his finger as if he was a soccer player. Then with great strength, kicked its head clean off, sending it flying, causing many to be horrified.

Running out of ammo, Roland threw the shotgun away and darted towards the next group with a loud screech, whilst at the same time, created two swords made of molten flame.

He jumped around and slashed the entire Revenants Teen Titans and Crystal Gem’s teams. Until he stopped and the chains around his wrists had begun to swung around like whips, destroying the Revenants of Team Tennyson, the Mane 6, and their friends, the Shadowbolts and the Dazzlings.

Roland struck his chains and killed the Revenants of Breaker, Heavy Duty, High-Tech, Mouse, and Jinx. Just as the Revenant of Flint tried to throw a pistol, Roland destroyed it, but the grenade went off near Roland as it flashed.

Suddenly, Roland was floating in the air and spinning around like a pin on the spinning wheel, which confused most of the Revenants. Suddenly, Roland stopped and looked at the Revenant of Tunnel Rat, aka, Nicky Lee, which started it. The moment Roland was in front of it, Tunnel Rat screamed in fear whilst shooting his SMG gun, but in Roland’s mouth as he suddenly took the bullets without flinching, which in turn shocked the others.

After the shots were fired, suddenly Roland looked like he was struggling of sorts, which caused Tunnel Rat to look at him. However, Roland suddenly darted his eyes towards Tunnel Rat, which shocked the latter. Before he could react, Roland barfed lava all over him, incinerating it in the process.

Roland stood there whilst he used his chains to destroy Lifeline, Colton, Hawk, Lady Jaye, Duke, Ripcord, Scarlet, Snake Eyes, and Roadblock.

Roland turned to his next victims as he was about to take them down, until he was suddenly sucker punched by a speedster. When he looked up, he saw the Revenants of the Justice League getting ready to the attack, which somehow worried most of the Leaguers. For if Roland was able to take down the Titans and so on…

Suddenly, the revenants of Hawkman and Hawkgirl were the first ones to attack as their maces charged up with electricity. Both of them tried to bash Roland back and forth during flight, until Roland crashed onto the ground, which made him being covered in rubble. Both the Revenant Thanagarians hovered above, until Roland popped out.

He grabbed both of them and bashed them around as if they were nothing but toys to him. He grabbed Hawkman and punched it so hard, it’s chest shattered before crashing back into the ground. He punched the Revenant of Hawkgirl, grabbed her neck and tossed her hard onto the ground, whilst also ripping both her wings off at the same time, before using her mace to end her, which shocked Hawkgirl.

Roland stood up and screeched, until he was attacked by two Revenants Green Lanterns of John Stewart and Hal Jordan. Both of them tried to use their rings to contain him. Suddenly, Roland growled and looked like he struggled, causing both Revenant Lanterns to struggle to contain him, but Roland just kept going and going, until he finally shattered his containment. Before both Lanterns could retaliated, Roland jumped up and slashed Revenant John Stewart, then grabbed Revenant Hal Jordan and held him in the air and shouted one word.


Lightning struck Revenant Hal, instantly blowing him up in the process, which shocked the Leaguers when they saw it.

Roland landed back on the ground, until he was punched by Revenant Barry/Flash, whilst Revenant Wally/Flash did the same. Suddenly, Revenant Barry grabbed Revenant Hawkgirl’s mace and bashed Roland with it left and right, speeding around at the same time, with Roland shielding himself with his arms. The moment Revenant Barry/Flash attempted to strike, Roland slashed his prey, before rolling and crashing against the wall, shocking Barry/Flash, until Roland grabbed Revenant Wally/Flash’s head, and instantly crushed it, shocking Wally/Barry.

Roland stood there, until a Revenant of Batman tried to attack from above, causing Roland to grab him by the leg and bash him hard onto the ground, then hit him again, making him shatter like a statue in the process, which shocked the Bat family before Roland tossed it away. A Revenant Red Tornado attempted to try to suck him in, but Roland used his fire to fire him down, causing Roland to pull Red Tornado to him.

Roland tore it to pieces and shrieked, until a Revenant of Aquaman attacked from behind and grabbed him by the neck and stabbed his trident, whilst Revenants of Martian Manhunter and Icon punched him constantly, only for Roland to grab Revenant Icon and snapped his neck whilst backhanding Revenant Martian away, whilst Roland twisted his head and bit Revenant Aqua Man’s neck and tossed him hard away, crashing against the wall, which shocked Icon and Aquaman from what they were seeing.

Revenants of Dr. Fate and Black Lightning tried to stop him, but Roland used his fire to distract them whilst instantly punching through Revenant Dr. Fate’s head, and punched Revenant Black Lightning in the gut, causing him to ignite his fire. Just as Roland landed back on the ground, Revenant Martian tried to attack, only for Roland to toss him hard against a gas tanker, causing it to explore, with Revenant Martian screeching in pain before collapsing into ashes.

Joker laughed at this at the same time, until Lex Luthor grabbed him and said, “You idiotic moron, you doomed us all!!”

“Oh, but where’s the fun in being sane and fair, Lexy?” said Joker, “After all, what better to watch the carnage of undead heroes of another world, being taken down by a demon not of this dimensional plain. Finally, someone to be driven to the deep end.”

Joker laughed at this, but at the same time, Beast Boy was able to sneak past and grabbed Roland’s gauntlet. He then transformed back and gave it to Twilight.

“Quick, Twilight, you gotta fix this!!” said Beast Boy.

“I…I don’t…” said Twilight in fear as she saw what Roland’s demon side could do.

Shine Boy grabbed it and gave it to Gamer.

“Gamer, quick, fix it!!” said Shine Boy.

“He’s right!!” said Shine Girl as she realized this, “You’re the only one who can fix the Gauntlet to help Roland!!”

Gamer was panicking, but he realized that they were right, with him yelling, “Cyborg, I need some tools!!”

“On it!!” said Cyborg as he quickly went over to give some tools to him.

At the same time, Roland was suddenly going in combat against Revenant Captain Atom, until suddenly, Roland jabbed both his claws into him, with Roland opening his mouth and absorbing all of the atomic energy, causing Revenant Captain Atom to evaporate out of existence. Then he suddenly turned around and unleashed the atomic energy, destroying the Revenants of Wonder Woman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow.

Then finally, Revenant Superman would come along and punch Roland, sending him flying. Until, Roland disappeared and instantly stood in front of Superman and did the same. Suddenly, it was fist to fist, kick for kick, speed by speed, especially a handful of shockwaves being sent. Everyone was in shock as they saw him fighting against Revenant Superman. For if Roland’s demon form could handle a Kryptonian.

Then they flew and were bashing and fighting one another, going from one place to another, until suddenly, the two of them came crashing down as they heard tons of slashing. Suddenly, as the dust settled, Roland was suddenly standing there, his demon form glaring at the Revenant version of Superman, whilst the said Revenant was on his knees, looking up at Roland, battered and bruised, breathing heavily, which shocked many.

But just as he made a move…


Revenant Superman was now headless, making him collapse hard onto the ground and shattered, as if he was just a living statue, which shocked everyone as they saw the Revenant Kryptonian being destroyed. Roland then looked at his next targets whilst he slowly crouched and had his claws released, before charging to them again.

Suddenly, the Revenants of the Rangers, and the resurrected elementals and ink clones surrounded him. Until Roland suddenly grasped his hand, formed a peace sign, and lifted it up, causing all of them to be engulfed in fire and were slowly being swallowed down to the netherworld, which once again shocked them. Then Roland charged head on.

The Revenants of Sour Sweet tried to strike, but Roland easily took her down when he jumped and clawed her, same with Sugarcoat. The Revenants of Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap tried to attack Roland. But Roland blocked Lemon Zest and upper clawed her, sending her flying. Roland jabbed Revenant Sunny Flare in the gut and tossed her against the wall, with Roland kicking Revenant Indigo’s knee, making her stand on one knee, whilst Roland used his claw to claw her down as she collapsed.

Roland then clawed down the Revenants of Zach and Caitlyn as they, with Roland grabbing the Revenants of Carter, Tiffany, and Angel, before stomping them hard onto the ground. Roland did a massive swing, taking down the Revenants of Mikey, Casey, and Keno. Before Revenant Raph could react, Roland grabbed him and pushed him against a wall, making him knocked against it and moved towards Roland, who jabbed his claws into his chest, making Revenant Raph grunt before Roland looked sharply to his right as he moved on to his next target.

Roland jumped and slashed against Revenant Mona and moved onto Mondo Gecko before he sliced and jabbed his claws into him, before tossing him against the wall. Roland them moved onto the Revenant Hokum Hare and clawed him, whilst jabbing both his claws into Bandit Raccoon against the wall as it screamed in pain, whilst shocking the others at the same time.

Roland upper clawed Revenant Ray Fillet, before grabbing Revenant Pidgeon Pete and tossed him against the wall before clawing him down. Suddenly he darted and jabbed his claws through Revenant Alopex, with Rarity suddenly placing a shield up to protect themselves, but what startled them was the claws going through her geode shield. Roland pulled the claws out as Revenant Alopex collapsed. Roland then looked at all of them face to face, as all what they could see was a rabid animal, filled with pure rage and no control. Growling and snarling, before darting off to his next set of targets.

He jumped up and kicked Revenant Slash aside and grabbed Revenant Leatherhead and plunged him onto the ground before jabbing his claws into its chest, whilst slashing against Revenant Slash. He then turned and saw Revenants Rockwell, Bebop and Rocksteady coming towards him. He charged up and slashed Revenant Rockwell over, before tackling over Revenant Bebop and slashed him over and over, until Revenant Rocksteady kept shooting at Roland with a mini-gun, but it was short lived when Roland slashed him down too.

Suddenly, he felt shot in the shoulder, then looked behind and saw Abigail Finn. And suddenly sees this as an opportunity.

“Once I have you contained,” said Abigail, “I’ll finally have the proof I need!!”

“Are you serious right now!!” shouted Sunset.

“You’re choosing to do this, now!!” said Raph.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m not afraid of…!!!” said Abigail before being cut off.

Suddenly, Roland stood in front of her, which surprised her. Normally, she wouldn’t be afraid. However, seeing his eyes up close.

You claim to be a monster hunter, are you now?” said Roland. “Clearly, you’re in the wrong profession, lady. I’m not a monster. I’m a demon.

Roland then grabbed her by the throat and pulled her towards him, causing him to give out a massive shriek like a banshee, making her terrified as she dared not to move.

You wanna know what it feels like to be a monster?” asked Roland. “Well then…allow me to give you an opportunity.

Suddenly, out of thin air, he pulled out a syringe and planted in her neck, causing her to grunt as he injected something in her. He pulled it out and tossed it away, whilst pushing her backwards as she stood next to a broken car whilst holding her throat. But then she grunted a bit, causing her eyes to slightly turn white and yellow at the same time. This however, felt very familiar to the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“Oh no.” muttered Amethyst Majesty, as he had seen this before.

“What…did you…do to me?” grunted Abigail as she looked at Roland.

Oh, I just infected you with a very old virus.” Said Roland, “But it’s also very powerful.

“What are you…talking about?” grunted Abigail Finn.

I’ll give you an answer about this virus. But let me give you a clue first.” Said Roland, before smirking and said, “Are you familiar with Umbrella Corporation and Raccoon City?

This horrified those who knows what happened, but not as shocked as Abigail, as she had also heard of it.

“You, what?!” exclaimed Abigail.

Suddenly, she grunted, causing her body to spasm and decay at the same time, which surprised those who didn’t know.

“What’s happening to her?!” exclaimed Shine Boy.

“Uh, I won’t say much.” Said a nervous Mikey, “But I can say this…brace for extreme grossness.”

Suddenly, Abigail transformed into a BOW, with one massive eyeball on her right shoulder, whilst her claws formed on her hands, making her roar as the transformation was now complete, which horrified the good guys and bad guys as they saw this first hand.

And seeing that you are a monster now, Abigail.” Said Roland as he produced his claws, “It’s time to put the animal, down!!!

Roland instantly dashed towards Abigail and bashed her against the wall, whilst clawing off her mutated arms, then grabbed her whilst he flew in the air, then threw her hard upwards. He flew up and punched her many times, then teleported somewhere above a volcano whilst holding onto her neck.

Enjoy the lava bath.

Roland dropped Abigail, causing her to fall into the volcano with no way out. He watched as she slowly sank, before he teleported back, which startled the remaining Remnants.

Roland then released his claws and charged straight directly towards the remaining Remnants. However, …

“Uh, Shredder?” said Cozy Glow nervously, “Might I suggest a temporary retreat?”

Shredder then growled, and said, “Very well then.”

He then contacted the ship.

“Baxter, teleport us back at once.” Said Shredder, but then he glared at Joker who was sitting on the car laughing.

“Except for the Joker.” Said Shredder, which shocked Joker as he looked at Shredder, then stood back up.

“Hey, where are you going?!!” shouted Joker.

“Sorry Joker, but what you did, it’s clear you’re not onboard with our plans.” Said Shredder.

“Seeing you get rejected?” said Luthor, “Now that’s funny.”

As they teleported away, Joker shouted, “I may have a weak memory, but this I won’t forget, do you hear me?!!”

After Roland had slaughtered the last of the Remnants. He continued to growl. The heroes on the other hand, all of them were now greatly terrified of seeing Roland in his demon form. Suddenly, Beast Boy bumped into something, which was a broken car, causing Roland to instantly look at them, making them tense. He slowly turned around and faced them. And in shock, they realized one thing…

Roland then displayed his claws.

“Roland! Stop!” Shine Boy cried.

Kill.” Roland growled.

Love Shine and Shine Girl ran next to Shine Boy.

“Shine Power!” they shouted firing their beams at Roland, who recoiled at first.

“You got him!” Trixie cheered.

“Uh, No they don't!” Jones gulped.

As it turned out, Roland used his claws to deflect the Shine Power and began working his way towards the trio.

Shine Boy realized their attack wasn't working. “Save ‘em!”

They retracted their attacks as Roland ran up, ready to slash them. Acting quickly, Love Shine drew a photon blade and blocked the attack.

“GO!” he shouted as his faceplate covered his face.

Sparks flew as the two locked blades. Roland suddenly deflected the blades and hit Love Shine in the chest, sending him flying into a brick wall.

“BRANDON/LOVE SHINE!” Everyone cried as they saw the armored hero lying unconscious.

“Okay. I've had enough!” Hal readied his ring and flew towards Roland as a green locomotive appeared around him. But as it hit Roland, it disintegrated causing Hal to roll to the ground. He flew up again swinging a green sledgehammer at Roland before the demonic fighter suddenly grabbing his arm breaking it, causing the Green Lantern to scream in pain before passing out.

“HAL!” John and Barry cried.

Suddenly a cable wrapped around Roland. He looked to see Shine Girl pulled out her grappling gun.

“Please do some damage.” she whispered as she pressed a button sending an electric current through the cable. Recoiling at first, Roland grabbed the cable and pulled, sending Shine Girl flying towards him. He then punched her very hard in the gut.

“KYLA/SHINE GIRL!” Everyone cried as she watched Shine Girl fall to her knees, vomiting.

Watching his team being taken out and near death, Shine Boy shook before glaring in anger. His hands began glowing bright. Just before Roland could kill Shine Girl, Shine Boy's full body was glowing as he sprinted and tackled Roland. As he pinned him, Shine Boy broke his hand and began punching him rapidly in the face.

“Sorry. Roland. You. Left. Me. No. Choice!” He grunted as he kept punching his friend in the face.

After it appeared he knocked him out, Shine Boy crawled away from exhaustion as Roland sat up like a robot and turned to him.


Shine Boy stopped crawling.

“Oh, quarter notes.” he whispered and quickly turned to block a slash from Roland. Unfortunately, his arm glowed dim as Roland's claws caused his arm to bleed. This caused Shine Boy to scream as he held his arm. Just when Roland was about to slash again, Night Shine jumped in and slashed at Roland with his black burning machete and kept slashing.

Shine Girl was still wheezing when Steven ran up to her.

"Kyla! I'm coming!" he placed his hands on her shoulder. "Kyla, you're fine! I'll heal you!"

Steven's hands began to glow as Shine Girl's wound was healed. Shine Girl then gasped and began to pant normally.

"Thanks, Steven." She thanked as he and Connie helped her up. "I owe you one."

"Don't mention it." Steven winked.

"What're we gonna do about Roland?" Connie asked.

Shine Girl looked in fear as Roland whacked Donnie away. "I don't know. I just hope Gamer gets that gauntlet fixed."

Raph turned to Gamer who was sweating as he hurried to fix Roland's gauntlet. “Gamer! Hurry up with that gauntlet!”

“Going as fast as I can!” Gamer said as he continued to work.


Gamer glared at Raph and held out the gauntlet. “Here! You fix the gauntlet and I'll help my brothers!”

“I ain't fixing that thing!” Raph scoffed.

“THEN SIT THERE AND SHUT UP! OR BETTER YET, YOU HELP MY BROTHERS!” Gamer shouted before going back to work.

“Why you-!” Raph was about to stomped towards him before being blocked by an equally angry Sunset.

“Really, Raph? You have to do this NOW!”

“YOU IDIOTS CAN JUMP IN AT ANYTIME NOW AND HELP!” Everyone heard Night Shine cry.

“Cmon!” Leonardo cried as he drew his swords.

When Roland begins to lose more control, Gamer quickly tries to fix his gauntlet while everyone distracts Roland. Here’s the scene:

“Gotta weld it just right.” Gamer muttered before he dodged 03 Raph getting thrown passed him, but it knocked his mini torch out of his hand. “NO!”

Seeing everyone was distracted, Sweetie Belle ran towards the mini torch.

“Sweetie Belle! Come back!” 03 April cried.

Sweetie quickly dodged anyone who was thrown by Roland and grabbed the torch.

“Gamer! Catch!” Sweetie Belle threw it back to Gamer who caught when suddenly-


Everyone watched in shock as Roland whacked Sweetie in the eye, sending her flying to the ground.

“SWEETIE BELLE!” Gamer/Rarity/Apple bloom/Scootaloo/Bright Eyes cried.

Roland then had his sights on Gamer before he was punched by Night Shine.

“Fix that gauntlet! Then we’ll save your girlfriend!” He ordered before Roland tackled him.

Gamer winced, but knew there was no time to argue, and went back to forging.

Roland then spotted Sunset, released his claws, and charged. The moment he was close, she screamed in terror and kept her eyes shut. However,…nothing happened. She looked, and to her surprise, Roland just stood there, as if he was greatly struggling.

“R-Roland?” said Sunset in confusion.

Upon hearing his name, he ended up growling and roaring slightly as he was suddenly holding his head and struggled.

“Roland!!” said Sunset in concern. Just as she was about to approach him.


This startled Sunset, as well as the others as they saw Roland struggling.

Stay…away!!” said Roland through his demonic voice, “I…can’t…stop it!! I don’t…want to hurt you!! I’ve hurt…too many already!! Please!! RUUUUUN!!!

“We’re not leaving you!!” said Sunset as she wanted to help Roland.

Please!!!” begged Roland.

Suddenly, he was struck by magic from behind and crashed against a car. When she looked, she saw coming from above, was none other than John Constantine.

“Now, now, we’ll have none of that.” Said Constantine.

Roland then got up and growled at the person responsible, which was John Constantine.

“Bloody hell,” said Constantine, “Our mystery assailant was right about this one.”

At the same time, Zatanna and Dr. Fate arrived and sees the evil.

“This evil is truly unlike anything we’ve ever seen.” Said Dr. Fate.

“He makes the demons from out world look like playthings.” Said Zatanna.

Then Etrigan appeared next to them.

“The witless mortal from a young age had bought a demon’s lies,” said Etrigan, “But it is we, who hold the element of surprise.”

“Indeed.” Said Constantine, “I’ll start first, you follow.”

Constantine jumped off and landed, whilst Roland glared at Constantine, knowing it was him who casted that spell.

“Now then, before we begin.” Said Constantine as he raised his hand in the air, and chanted, “Coelum superum, sana quassatum.”

Suddenly, every hero that Roland injured was suddenly fully healed, restored, and rejuvenated, which surprised everyone as they got up.

“How did you…?!” said a surprised Hawkgirl.

“Less talking, more getting your comrade there under control.” Said Constantine, who looked at Roland. He could see the piercing eyes through, and muttered, “This evil is truly beyond ours. But thankfully, he gave us the help we needed.”

Roland screeched and darted towards Constantine, whilst Constantine began to chant at the same time.

“Lumen sancti spiritus punge malum quod ante me est!!”

Roland was suddenly hit by a blinding light, making him screech at the same time in pain before being pushed backwards, and landed him hard against the wall, which shocked the others.

“How?!” exclaimed Shine Boy, “Not even my shine power had any effect!!”

“Had some help from a benefactor.” Said Constantine whilst Dr. Fate appeared and began to chant whilst Roland got up and screeched again.

“biwasitat qua rae wa'anubis, qum bikabh jimah alshaytan biquat al'asbas!!”

Suddenly, dozens of asps appeared and ensnared Roland, making him struggle to break free. However, the asps began to bite at Roland, making him screech again, whilst he was suddenly oozing yellow ooze from his eyes at the same time.

“Bloody hell, it’s actually working.” Said Constantine in disbelief.

Then Zatanna came along and began to chant in backwards.

“Tsac yht tsegnorts lleps tsniaga eht cinomed thgink fo eht slived niamod!!”

With a powerful spell from her wand, Roland screeched as he was blasted by such a powerful force. As Roland appeared weakened, Etrigan arrived.

“Behold, man’s final mad disgrace.” Said Etrigan before looking at Roland. “He chops his nose to spite his face.”

Etrigan unleashed his power, causing Roland to scream once more once again as he was now blown in the air, and collapsed hard onto the ground. Etrigan looked at his hands and smirked.

“The Chosen’s words are true,” said Etrigan, “But now this demon, will not have words for thee.”

Roland struggled to get up as he growled like a rabid animal, for he was not going to be taken down that easily without a fight. That was, until Constantine appeared with a large vial, containing dark purple substance inside.

“Why don’t you take a nap there, mate.” Said Constantine before tossing the vial.

The vial shattered on impact, allowing the dust to cover Roland, making him screech as he felt more weakened as his flames were dim, causing him to revert from flaming skeleton to a normal face, but his eyes still was glowing yellow. He moved towards the Rainbooms, Team Shine, and the Turtles as he reached to them, but then lowered his hands limped.

“Forgive me.” Muttered Roland in his normal voice before collapsing hard onto the ground.

Everyone still had a shockened look on their faces, as all of them had never been this terrified before. Etrigan moved over and sniffed the boy.

“The boy of demonic plague has been subdued,” said Etrigan, “But it will not be long, before the spell of sleep, be undone.”

Dr. Fate, Zatanna, and Constantine casted their spell, allowing them to contain Roland what appeared to be a glass tube of sorts.

“That should contain him for the time being.” Said Zatanna.

“And we’d better work fast, if we’re gonna find a way to remove this bugger from his body.”

“Aw, party pooper.” Said Joker, gaining their attention, “And just when it was getting good.”

“You call this, good?!!” shouted Shine Boy at the fallen Revenants, before Dr. Fate teleported them to who knows where.

“You’re gonna wish you still have your teeth!!” said Raph.

“Oh, I don’t think so!!” said Joker as he turned around. But the moment he did, Batman was suddenly there, allowing him to punch Joker in the face, making him land onto the ground.

“It’s over, Joker.” Said Batman.

“We both this is never over, Batsy.” Said Joker before taking out his pistol and is about to shoot.

Joker then took a shot, but instead it was one of his trick pistols that showed a ‘bang’ sign a couple of times. He kept pulling the trigger, but nothing happened. He went to check on it, but it didn’t do anything.

“Well, dang it.” Said Joker as he tossed the pistol away. Then he looked at Batman and said, “Well, what are you waiting for, beat the crud out of me and get your standing ovation.”

Joker then just sat there with his head lowered, with Batman looking at the Joker. However, he then remembered what Roland showed him about the Joker. His origins, his real name, and to what led him down this path, which made Batman realize that it was his fault Joker came to be. And there was only one thing he could do.

“Come on.” Said Joker, waiting for him.

“No. Not this time.” Said Batman.

This was a little surprise by the Joker, but the others were just as surprised.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Said Batman, “I don’t want either of us killing the other. But we’re running out of alternatives. Perhaps it really does hinge on tonight. I don’t know what it was to bent your life out of shape. But maybe…I’ve been there too.”

Batman then stood near Joker.

“Maybe we could work together.” said Batman, “I could rehabilitate you. You don’t have to be alone. We don’t have to kill each other.”

Batman then presented his hand to Joker, wanting to help him.

“Let me help you.” Offered Batman.

Joker then kept looking at Batman, whilst everyone else was tensed up, wondering what the Joker might have planned. But instead, Joker first looked at Batman’s hand, then to the Dark Knight. Slowly, Joker stood up on his own with his eyes closed. But instead of being madman, he looked at Batman.

“I’m sorry but…no.” said Joker.

Everyone was surprised. For the first time in his entire life. The Joker sounded sane.

“No,” said Joker before turning around, facing his back towards Batman. “It’s far too late for that.”

Both the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime were silent for a moment, both waiting for the next move whilst the others watched, not knowing what the Joker might do. Suddenly he chuckled and placed his hand on his face. Though it wasn’t a maniacal laugh, but a normal chuckle.

“You know, it’s funny.” Said Joker, before turning to Batman. “This reminds me of a joke.”

Batman didn’t do anything, as he decided to let Joker humor him, whilst the others were confused of what he wanted to say.

“See, there were two guys who were locked inside a lunatic asylum.” Said Joker. “But one night. One night, they decided they didn’t like that anymore, they decided to escape. So, they made it up to the roof, and there, just across this narrow gap, they see rooftops. Stretching across town, stretching to freedom. Now the first guy, he jumps right across, no problem. But his friend, oh no, no way, he’s afraid of falling. So, the first guy, he has an idea. And he says, ‘Hey, I got this flashlight with me. I’ll shine it across the gap between the buildings and you can walk across the beam and join me.’ But then the second guy says, ‘what do you think I am, crazy? You’ll just turn it off when I’m halfway across.’”

The Joker stood there; a bit silent. But then he chuckled again a bit. “Oh, excuse me.”

The Joker then began to laugh again, but not in a maniacal way, as it was a normal one, though the others felt a bit uneasy about this.

And then suddenly, they heard something they never thought they’d heard.

Batman suddenly…batman suddenly began to chuckle as well. And before you know it, much to everyone’s shock, he actually laughed with Joker, causing Batman to hold Joker’s shoulders, whilst the Clown Prince of Crime, whilst he was laughing, he was shocked on the inside that he actually got Batman to laugh.

Mikey then suddenly thought of something very hard. Then…he suddenly got it, which made him laugh too, which shocked the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“You actually find that wacko funny?!” said Raph.

“No,” said Mikey, “I'm laughing cause it's the truth.”

“Huh?!” went the Turtles and Rainbooms.

Mikey took a few steps forward and explained. (In 3...2...1)

“The two people he talked about, the two people who decided they didn't want to live in the asylum anymore, that's Batman and Joker.” said Mikey whilst he closed his eyes. “Both of them were good souls who lost everything to the harshness of reality, which caused both of them to spiral down a path that there was no coming back from. The escape part, they were of how they both broke free from the confines of society, but all they managed to do was to get to the roof of the asylum, for they're not really free, just look at the asylum from a different angle.”

Mikey looked to the sky and said “And the leap from the one was also Batman. For instead of letting trauma consume him, he channels all of that into a quest for meaning, to fend off the darkness so that no one else would go through the same path he did, that's why he was proud Nightwing went off on his own, because he had what Batman didn't...a choice. And the other who was afraid of falling, was also the Joker, he let his trauma consume him and ended up deciding that because of what reality had given him, he ended up deciding life has no meaning, which is why he chose to go down that dark path.”

Mikey looked down with his eyes lowered. “And the flashlight, was Batman's offer of rehabilitation, to help him find that purpose again, to show him that life was worth living, even if reality tends to throw every harsh thing imaginable at you. And when Joker mentioned across the beam, was the offer of the rehabilitating path, but he thought it was absurd, thinking that rehabilitating him would allow him to achieve a sense of meaning. And when he mentioned about turning the beam off? It was a sign of Joker's fear, that if he were to trust Batman to achieve the impossible would only make him worse than it already is, and that's why he turned him down, because Joker knows it better than anyone. “

Mikey looked to his right and said, “That's why he didn't want to take the offer, because on the surface it seems okay, but Joker's afraid that if Batman continued to help him, something unexpected would happen, things would only get worse before it gets any better. That's why both Joker and Batman chose to love the fire instead of resisting it, because they chose to stay in the crucible because it was easier for them to embrace the pain when it's all they knew anymore.”

Mikey then concluded “In the end, he proved that the path we take, we're all insane anyway. We can't always expect things to work out, for it's easy to lose yourself along the way like getting angry very easily, but it's also what we do with that anger that's really important. For self-worth to yourself and around you comes from within, not from others.”

After Mikey was done, he noticed everything sounded too quiet. When he looked back, he didn't expect to see their looks. The Turtles and human allies, Mane 6, Rainbooms, Young Six, Rock N Beats, Team Shine, Power Rangers, Ben 10 and his team, Batman's group (minus Batman), the Justice League, the Teen Titans (sans Raven), and the 03 allies, all looked at Mikey with their jaws agape and their eyes wide.

“Whoa.” muttered Raven.

“What?!” said Mikey, not liking the look they were giving him.

“Duuuuuude...” said Beast Boy.

“That...was super deep.” said Cyborg.

“Whoa.” said Gear.

“Forget him sounding scary. That's terrifying.” said Casey.

“Now we really have to be in another universe.” said Raph.

“I find your stasis, Michelangelo, to be…logical.” Gamer blinked.

“What did I just hear?” Night Shine asked.

“It actually makes sense when you think about it.” Shine Boy pondered.

“Yeah, but from Mikey? I expected this kind of thing from Donnie or Billy, but Mikey?” Kimberly asked.

Billy shrugged. “Everyone has one.”

Nightwing then slowly looked at Bruce. For is this why he chose to be Batman? Is this why he chose to try and help the Joker? And he knew that he would leave, because it was his choice and his choice alone.

“Alright then, this chat has been lovely and all,” said Constantine, gaining their attention, “But we really must get back to the ship. If we are to help this poor bugger, then we need to act fast. The sleeping mist is only going to last for twelve few hours and we need to keep him sedated and fast until we can find a way to remove that demon part of him.”

“Do it.” Said Batman. “A quarter of the teams will monitor things from here, the other quarter will tend to the wounded and get them to the sick bay. In the meantime, we’ll try to contact Serenity. Hopefully she has luck bringing in reinforcements.”

Leo turned to the counterparts.

“Sorry we have to leave on such short notice.” Said Leo.

“Don’t worry, focus on helping Roland first.” Said Leonardo, “And when the time comes, we’ll be there.”

“Thank you.” Said Sunset.

Ben then contacted the ship. “Azmuth, beam everyone up. And get every medical team on standby.”

Everyone soon teleported up to the ship as they have a lot of work to do.

“You really think they can help him?” asked O’Neil.

“One can only hope.” Said Splinter, “For I have sensed within the cosmos, the sisters of fate will soon turn to their favor.”


Meanwhile, in the medical room, Martian Manhunter was quickly trying to help Sweetie Belle who had blood on her left eye, as Gamer and Rarity watched in hope.

“Please, J’onn. Will she be all right?” Rarity whimpered.

“I’m doing the best I can, Rarity. If I can contain the wound, the worst that could happen is she has a scar. If not, she may not be able to see with her left eye.”

Gamer grimaced at Sweeties condition feeling partially responsible for her predicament.

Suddenly, the door swung open as Serenity hurried in.

“Where is she?” She demanded as she hurried towards the medical table.

“Ms. Vatheela?” J’onn asked.

“Mr. Martian, let me see her please! I think I can help her.”

Martian Manhunter was curious but moved aside. “Since you said please.”

“Since when did you know medication?” Gamer asked.

Serenity pulled out her new pendant and held to Sweetie Belles wound. “Please work.”

The crystal then began to glow. In a blinding light, The blood vanished and Sweetie Belles wound closed up like nothing happened. When the light stopped, Sweetie slowly opened her eyes.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity cheered as she hugged her sister. Shortly, she felt a nudge. “What?”

“Air!” Sweetie gasped before Rarity released her.

Gamer breathed a sigh as J’onn looked at Serenity’s crystal. “Where did you get that?”

“It was given to me and I was told it was my grandma.” Serenity answered.

“Whatever it is, it helped saved Sweetie Belles eye. Keep it safe. We might need it again.” Martian advised before taking care of his medical tool.

“My eye? Oh yeah.” Sweetie Belle felt her eye area before pouting. “I suppose you want me to not train anymore.”

“No, Sweetie.” Rarity held her hand. “I won’t punish you for being brave. They always say no pain no gain. I think we may have to train a little harder. But for now, we deserve some rest.”

“Okay, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle smiled.

Rarity then looked at Gamer and got up. “Well, I think I need to find the other girls. Apple bloom and Scootaloo will be here soon.”

“I need to go find Shine Boy.” Serenity followed Rarity out.


Serenity stopped and saw Batman approaching her.


“Go to Tony.” Said Batman, “He and his team need support. Once you’re done, come to the briefing room. We’ll talk from there.”

Serenity nodded, and said, “Thank you.”

After she left, Gamer looked at Sweetie as the two looked at each other in silence. At last, Gamer spoke.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry about what?” Sweetie asked.

“I-I didn’t mean to get you hurt.” Gamer tried to hide his tears.

Sweetie held his hand. “I don’t blame you. I wanted to help. And Rarity warned me that we’d get hurt when we started training! And if it means I can help, then I will do it again if it helps us beat the Shredder. I mean, Tony trusts you, doesn’t he?”

“He does.” Gamer sighed.

“Well, same here. We can help each other if you like. You know, you help me and I’ll help you. We can train together on watching each other’s back.”

Gamer blushed red as he stammered a little before standing up. “Sure. Why not? Listen I gotta go. I need to check on the others, and find a way to help Roland.”

And with that, Gamer dashed out of the medical room, unaware that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo heard them before entering to see their friend and Cyborg heard everything too before looking back at Gamer.


Later that day, Shine Boy went to Love Shine's room to find Shine Girl and Gamer checking up on him.

“Hey.” he whispered. “How are you all holding up?”

“I'll be fine thanks to the Healing Hands.” Love Shine sat up.

“I can't stay long. Cyborg is getting some supplies so we can fix the gauntlet and soon.” Gamer said. “Long as Raph stays out of my way.”

“I've never been so terrified before.” Shine Girl gulped. “Usually, our teamwork has seen us through. But this, this almost killed us! So glad Color Groove wasn't here. She'd be scared stiff if she saw Roland.”

“What are we gonna do, Bro?” Gamer asked.

Seeing his friends depressed caused Shine Boy to shed tears.

“I don't know.” he whimpered as he fell to his knees. “I don't know.”

Serenity then barged into the room and saw Shine Boy on the floor. Feeling great concern for him, she instantly went over, stood on her knees, and hugged her, with him hugging her back. For she could see everyone had been through a lot.

Meanwhile, in his room, Night Shine angrily threw furniture around in anger. he stopped to catch his breath before screaming in rage.

Author's Note:

Author’s Note 1

And thus, the 03 arc has ended. What next await our heroes? How will they save Roland from the Darkness. The answers, lies in the Digi volution.

Sorry for taking so long. It took a lot of effort, but it's done.

Author’s Note 2

· The Reference was an idea one of the commentators came up with a while back, so I decided to implement them.
· Batman talking about John Constantine and the magic crisis was a reference to the ‘New 52’ movie, Justice League Dark.
· Them talking about Deadman was a reference from Season 3 Episode 6, “Dead Reckoning”, from the series Justice League Unlimited.
· I originally had Roland’s voice sound like this

, to give it that scary vibe.
· Roland’s dark side was a crossover between Wolverine and Ghost Rider, which I thought of long before I joined Fimfiction.
· Joker telling the Joke and Mikey figuring it out was a reference from the movie, “Batman: The Killing Joke”
· Roland gutting down the Revenants were a reference to all of Wolverine’s fighting moves on every scene he has ever been.
· Roland taking down the Revenants of the Justice League was a reference to “Death of Superman”, when the League attempted to fight Doomsday.
· The fighting against Shredder were references to Marvel vs Capcom game. I tried to adapt as best I could.

Comments ( 39 )

That was intense. Great chapter, my friend.

The Revenants are like the evil doppelgängers of the heroes, right? I’m thinking this was based on Mortal Kombat 11. So cool to imagine and see different evil counterparts of the heroes from DC, Marvel, or from other brands/franchises.

Indeed, one of the commentators suggested it. Can't remember who though.

And what did you think of the Shredder when they faced him for the first time?

Man, this was intense!

And you see that even with their full powers, Shredder was able to beat them, for Shredder is stronger than before.

As well as their Revenants.

All those Revenants are horrifying and for the others to see the people they knew and loved turned into that really traumatized them

Another great episode, I liked the interaction of the Revenants with their counterparts, I liked that everyone had something even Mikey, another part that caught my attention was Revenant Sunset throwing her Pipe Bomb against the Rainbooms, it reminded me of Seth Rollins' Heel Turn in 2019 where he expounded that no matter what you do nothing would be enough, and that's one of the themes I want to address for The Light of Friendship, but now, let's see what's in store for the next arc.

Here I have an OST suggestion for the part of Ronald vs the Revenant horde, which is Sad Duel from Yugioh GX:

Comment posted by Kburke20 deleted April 21st

Yeah, they were.

Also, Shredder you will pay for what you did to Rolands's versions of the turtles and rainbooms! 😡



I don’t remember Roland’s versions of the Turtles and Rainbooms.


So it looks all the revenants are dead including the revenant versions of the Rainbooms and the 2012 turtles.

I don’t think even an army can stop him.

yeah, also speaking of him glad that the Justice League Dark were there to help & hopefully figure out a way to remove the evil within his body for good.

Remember the Revenants fighting the turtles and Rainbooms, they were Roland's friends.

Yeah, they were.

And Joker you monster. 😠

Wow, I like it. The song's really good. Even the guitar skills is phenomenal.


Jesus Christ! Roland killed all the revenants including The revenant versions of the Rainbooms and the Turtles! He’s insane!

Comment posted by Twinzoopony15 deleted April 21st

But how are they going to remove all those powers shredder has and make sure he’d never do harm ever again? All we need now is a miracle.

Oh, you'll just have to wait and see.

Yeah, I know it was insane & I bet that during the fight Roland plead to the demon inside him to spare his friends from his earth.

And you know what I realized today is that both this story & magic in Manhattan were both updated yesterday.

I knew they were gonna bring back rolands turtles and rainbooms back from the dead


I wonder what Obaki would say if he sees this?

Don't know maybe he would say that he try & kill them.

Thats just my opinion on what he would say.

Yours bud?


I hope he says sorry to the Rainbooms and The Turtles in the next chapter.

Well, considering what we know about him probably not.

Yeah your right he's a total jerk

👎💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢👊👇🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜🤜 YEAH


I'm glad all the undead versions of The Rainboms, Turtles, The Dazzlings, April, Casey and the others are dead.

Yeah, plus since Roland's darkest secret has been revealed it will cause a lot of tension between him & Obaki especially since what he said to Sunset a few chapters ago.

Comment posted by Kburke20 deleted April 28th







What did all of you think of their first fight against a different Shredder?

What do you think of a new Shredder on the board that was able to defeat them with ease?

I think it works. You always need a challenge for the heroes

I'll say it was insane and two your right he totally took all of them down without breaking a sweat. 😱

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