• Published 24th May 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

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Dark Knight's Wrath

A few days had passed since helping the Turtles 03 from New York, and things couldn’t have gone any better, especially for Sunset. Ever since Roland helped her, she couldn’t stop smiling and was just…happy. And every now and then, whenever she would greet her friends and the rest of CHS, everyone couldn’t stop thanking her, for ever since what Roland revealed, everyone saw Sunset in a whole new light, and she couldn’t be any happier. At the same time, Venus came over and apologized to the Rainbooms and Turtles, whilst Amethyst Majesty also apologized to Twilight for the scolding. It took a while, but they accepted Venus’ apology. Obaki on the other hand, chose to avoid everyone, for ever since what happened, Roland broke their brotherhood. And right now, Sunset and the Rainbooms were in the middle of training.

Not for weapons, not yet, but their powers first.

Roland had asked the League to help the Rainbooms train to use their powers. Seeing that it’s temporarily apart of them, he felt like they could use proper training from experts who had been at this for a very long time. He told them that since Azmuth had temporarily fused their powers, they need to control it like it’s second nature to them, hence why they came over. At the same time, the Mane 6 watch them train the Rainbooms, whilst also feeling impressed, whilst at the same time, the Titans and Turtles were busy training too, as well as the students of CHS, and the CMC.

· Superman was teaching Applejack on how to use her strength.

“Just make sure you use your knees whilst using it.” Said Superman.

“Y’all…did this before?” said Applejack as she struggled to lift a few heavy metals.

“At first.” Said Superman, “My powers didn’t fully develop until I was sixteen. I was normal my whole childhood, but for a long time since I was raised, the yellow sun began to make me slowly develop my powers. Once it was in full effect, I had some trouble, so whilst I continued to study for my final years on Smallville, I tried to train myself to control my strength and other abilities. At first it was hard, but I was able to make it second nature.”

“Well,” said Applejack as she used all of her strength to toss them away, before standing up and wiping the sweat from her brow, “Ah say y’all are a natural.”

“Thanks.” Said Superman before he smiled.

“Not as much as y’all are.” Said Pony Applejack to her counterpart, with the latter nodding in agreement.

· Zatanna was teaching Twilight in how to use her magic.

Twilight took a breath and concentrated, whilst at the same time, used her magic to teleport from one place to another.

“Wow, nice one, Twilight.” Said Zatanna.

“Thanks.” Said Twilight whilst rubbing her forehead.

“Now,” said Princess Twilight to her counterpart, “Try lifting heavier objects with your magic.”

Twilight then concentrated and used her magic to lift a few things.

“Just make sure you don’t overexert yourself.” Said Princess Twilight, “If you overdo it, you’ll end up getting a nosebleed whilst damaging your brain.”

“Seriously?” said Raven whilst she was flying around and overheard their conversation.

“That’s right,” said Princess Twilight, before she felt embarrassed and said “It happened to me once.”

“It was…a little hard for me.” Said Twilight, whilst she was focusing on her magic, “When Rainbow kept usin’ her geode, my magic started to feel enhanced. It was hard controlling it, as if it were out of control.”

“Your geodes are connected?” Zatanna.

“They are.” Said Roland, gaining Zatanna and Princess Twilight’s attention as Roland was busy doing some pullups. “Harmony is one massive force. When the Rainbooms gained them, the power of Harmony was split into seven pieces, which caused them to gain them. They gained a piece of Harmony, and like a single force it’s connected, so if one of them were using their energy, the others’ would react the same way and follow suit. Though I don’t remember their power running out once. Well, except the part where they mentioned it didn’t work when Cozy Glow was draining all the magic away from Equestria.”

Princess Twilight was surprised by this and said “How do you know so much about it?”

“I did my homework since the day I first met the Princess Twilight of my world,” said Roland, “As well as a few others who happen to be experts on the matter.”

“Really?!” said Princess Twilight when she stood below him.

“What?” said Roland before he landed back on the ground, “You think you’re the only one who uses the power of Harmony? There are thousands who know how to wield it.”

Princess Twilight was at a loss for words.

“Other thousands.” Muttered Princess Twilight as she now has so many questions.

· Hal Jordan and John Stewart was teaching Rarity on how to use her geode shields using her will.

“So,” grunted Rarity as she focused on displaying her geode shields to block a laser that was firing whilst being more concentrated in its energy. “Why am I doing this again?”

“Your geode power is sort of like our ring.” Said Hal Jordan, “Whenever we create constructs, we think of it and we use the ring to display it, and the more we focus on our willpower, the more powerful they become.”

“But when using it, one should have complete focus onto them.” Said John Stewart, “Cause if we break our concentration for just a moment, as well as not being able to focus more of our willpower, our constructs starts to weaken, as well as our ability to wield them.”

“Wait, constructs?” said Rarity as she tried to keep her focus.

“Yeah, didn’t you make something like that?” said Hal.

“Well,” said Rarity as she remembered something, “I do remember trying to make my geode a sword or like my ninja weapon, but I never thought of using it for other uses.”

“Well, now’s a good time for everything.” Said John Stewart. They notice her shield was beginning to crack. “Keep focusing on your will.”

“Rarity,” said Roland, “Think of calm thoughts, and then focus your will.”

Rarity did just that by taking a breath and focus on all of her will, allowing her geode shield to fully fix itself and used it to push it back, allowing her to destroy her laser. Rarity panted for a bit and nearly collapsed, but Hal was able to create a makeshift fancy couch for her, allowing her to sit down onto it.

“That was most certainly hard.” Said Rarity as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

“It is at first,” said Hal, “But you’ll get used to it overtime.”

“But one more thing.” Said John, as he then suddenly looked nervous, and said “I heard from Batman and Static that you’re also a fashion designer?”

“That’s right?” said Rarity with a flexed eyebrow.

“See, I’m dating this woman, who also happens to be a member of the league,” said John Stewart, “And she also happens to be a model. And I was…”

“You wish for me to design for her?” asked Rarity, which he nodded in embarrassment, “What does she look like?”

John pointed at Vixen whilst she was training Fluttershy, with Rarity looking at her.

“Oh, she’s lovely.” Said Rarity, who then smiled and said “Very well then, if you could invite her over, I’d be more than happy to make something breathtaking for her. Free of charge even.”

John was surprised by this and said “You’d really do that?”

“Of course, darling.” Said Rarity, “When it comes to fashion, I’d charge them, but when it comes to giving them the first time and them having smiles on their faces, I’d be more than happy to make her one.”

“Huh,” said an impressed John whilst he crossed his arms, “You really are generous.”

· Both Barry and Wally were teaching Rainbow on how to use her speed.

At the moment, Barry was watching Wally and Rainbow racing one another on a track as they kept running around in circles. Soon enough, both of them stopped. Whilst Wally was stretching, Rainbow was out of breath as she had never run this long before.

“Whoa, I’ve never done this before.” Said Rainbow before wiping the sweat from her brow. “I’ve run the distance with my speed for a long time, but not like this.”

“Must be that your power hadn’t fully combined with your body yet.” Said Wally.

“Meaning?” said Rainbow whilst Barry walked over and gave her some water, to which she accepted and drank it.

“When we first got our speed, we also had some trouble, especially keeping it up.” Said Barry, “Not to mention when we kept running, we use a lot of energy. You wouldn’t believe how much glucose and sugar was drained from our bodies as a result.”

“How were you able to keep up your energy?” asked Rainbow whilst she was stretching.

“They were able to create energy bars for us that would help give us the boost we need to help with our speed.” Said Barry, “But overtime we were able to further harness our powers so that we were able to be used to them overtime.”

“What about you?” asked Wally, “Did you eat something to give you the boost?”

“I onetime ate a pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough.” Said Rainbow, which surprises the two speedsters. “What? I like the carbs.”

“I see.” Said Wally, as he was somehow interested in it. “And your speed?”

“Well, I use it to avoid bad guys, and…” said Rainbow as she blushed in embarrassment, remembering what Obaki said, but came through with it. “And I kept using soccer tactics to make my opponents dizzy.”

“Heh, rookie mistake that one.” Said Barry, “It happened to me tons of times, same with Wally. But we were able to come up with a ton of new tricks.”

Rainbow was surprised to hear that those two had twice as much of a hard time trying to fight with their speed when they first started out.

“We can show you a few tricks that we learned over the years.” Said Wally.

“I’d like that.” Said Rainbow, “Anything to give me an edge when it comes to fighting.”

· Martian Manhunter was teaching Sunset on how to use her mindreading powers properly, even from a far distance.

“So, this mindreading thing is common among Martians?” asked Sunset as she tried to focus.

“Indeed.” Said Martian Manhunter, “Though for some it was unnatural, which is understandable because none possess the same abilities I do. Though to be honest, I never thought of searching for one who had the same ability.”

“Well…I’m actually thankful that you’re trying to teach me on how to use my powers.” Said Sunset whilst smiling.

“Indeed.” Said Martian, who then pointed and said “Now then, concentrate to anyone who you see, in order to read them.”

Sunset looked around and spotted Nightwing. She used her ability to read his mind. She focused, and focused, and eventually was able to do it.

“Huh,” said Sunset, “He thinks what move to use to block and attack his enemies. No wonder he fights so well.”

Sunset blinked at this and said with a smile, “Wow, I did it.”

“That is good,” said Martian, “But just be careful when using this ability. Mindreading is one thing, but to over exert yourself when doing it can do much damage to the mind. So, take caution.”

“I will.” Said Sunset, “Thank you J’onzz.”

“My pleasure, Sunset Shimmer.” Said the Martian.

· Static, Gears and Starfire was teaching Pinkie on how to concentrate and properly use her power for a much bigger effect.

Gears typed on his console and said “So tell me again how your powers work? And a little slow, please.”

“Well,” said Pinkie as she tried her best to explain, “Whenever I use my sprinkles and sweets, my power energizes them and makes them explode, almost like smoke bombs, only sparkly and effective.”

“In other words,” said Roland as he did pushups, gaining their attention as he said, “She can use her Candy to Explode as a Party Cannon Explosive Sprinkles”

“Exactly.” Said Pinkie, who was then in thought, “Although, I remember that onetime when Rainbow overused her power, ours became more energized.”

“Energized?” asked Starfire, “How energized are we talking?”

“Well, I don’t know about Rarity, but Twilight’s magic made her fly, Applejack couldn’t control her strength, every animal kept following Fluttershy as if she was the alpha male, Sunset kept reading everyone’s mind, whether voice or see in their thoughts. And me. I didn’t have any control, for whilst I was holding and tossing an apple up and down, my power kept energizing it so much, it exploded.”

“So, in other words, the more concentrated, the more powerful it becomes.” Theorized Static.

“Exactly!!” said Pinkie with a grin, whilst Starfire suddenly had an idea. She then grabbed a random object.

“Here you go.” Said Starfire, which confuses Pinkie. “Whenever I fire my laser eyes or from my hands, I had to concentrate on how much energy I use. The more I concentrate, the more potent and powerful my energy becomes.”

“Same goes with my lightning.” Said Static. “Now, concentrate with everything you have, and once you think it’s enough, throw it at those pair of practice dummies, got it?”

“Okie dokie lokie!!” said Pinkie with a smile.

She looked at the objects, then to the ones in her hand. She then concentrated, well, in her own Pinkie Pie way. Within a few moments, the object began to glow brighter and brighter and brighter. Once it was done, Gear said “Okay…now!!”

Pinkie threw it with all her might, and the moment it made contact, they exploded to much bigger pieces, which in turn, left a slight dent on the ground.

“Yay, I did it!!” squealed Pinkie Pie as she jumped up and hugged Starfire, whom the latter was glad she was doing that.

· And Vixen, who came over to help, taught Fluttershy on not just to use her ability to understand animals, but also a possibility to use their abilities as well.

“So, you were able to understand every animal?” asked Vixen.

“That’s right.” Said Fluttershy, “Although…from what my counterpart told me, she accidentally stepped on a magical artifact and acted like any animal she came into contact with.”

“Hmmm,” pondered Vixen, “Let me try something.”

Vixen used her pendant to scan Fluttershy’s. She closed her eyes for a bit, trying to focus, which caused Fluttershy to wonder what she was doing. Vixen then opened her eyes after she was done.

“Interesting.” Said Vixen after she placed it back around her neck, “It seems that your geode nearly resembles to my power.”

“It does?” said Fluttershy in confusion.

“That’s right.” Said Vixen as she explained, “As you can see, this totem around my neck came from my ancestor’s homeland, and from there, they were able to wield the power of the amulet. The amulet allows you to use any animal trait as part of one’s power. It can help you fly like an eagle, strong like an elephant, fast like a cheetah, and so on. Sometimes I use it to help me understand animals.”

“So…it’s possible I can do the same?” asked Fluttershy.

“Only one way to find out.” Said Vixen. “All you need to do is to concentrate, and think of a specific animal you can picture, then imagine yourself flying like it, and then, it would allow you access it.”

“How do I know if I can?” asked Fluttershy.

“I tried to dig deep when I first started out.” Said Vixen. “All you need to do is to focus, afterwards, you’ll be able to use that power only when necessary.”

Fluttershy nodded and closed her eyes. She began to think a specific animal, starting with a bird. Her power made her slightly glow, whilst within a split second, she jumped, allowing her to fly in the air. She looked and was surprised, whilst also very excited at the same time.

“This is amazing!!” said Fluttershy as she flew around like a bird, making her feel like a natural.

Roland couldn’t help but smile and seeing the Rainbooms’ progress. He went to the floor and began to do some sit-ups whilst he remained focused at the same time.

At the same time, everyone’s training went smoothly, until Trixie saw Blade walking in. She smiled, but was surprised to see Tempest next to him, which caused her to lose her focus and was knocked back by Wallflower and Sapphire, making Trixie yelp as she walked backwards nearly tripping, and failed to realize that Roland was behind her. The moment Roland was on his back, he saw Trixie falling down, making his eyes widened, before his vision became dark.

Leo saw Trixie hurt after she fell over, and yelled “Time out!!”

Everyone ceased their training and went over to Trixie.

“You okay there, Trixie?” asked Sunset.

“Ow!!” exclaimed Trixie as she held onto her head after she sat back up, “That really hurts!!”

Suddenly, they heard a muffled voice going “Hey!! Get off of me!!”

Trixie was surprised by the sound of the voice, and went, “Uh, whose there?”

When they looked, everyone immediately went wide eyed as half of the guys at CHS had jealous looks, the girls looked flustered, even the Turtles, Rainbooms, Mane 6 and Titans were surprised, whilst some, even Wally/Flash couldn’t help but snicker at what he was seeing. For Trixie…was sitting on Roland’s face.

“Your butt’s on my face!! Get off me!!” shouted Roland through his muffles.

“My mutt’s on a race, in Kentucky?” said Trixie in confusion.

“Uh, Trix.” Said a concerned Applejack as she tried to say something.

Until suddenly, Roland placed his arms on the ground, his hands turned into fists, and with great force, shoved Trixie off of his face, making her land near the others. Then she got back up and looked back with a glare and said “Hey, what’s the big…?!”

Suddenly, with great speed, Roland suddenly launched himself off the ground and onto his feet whilst crouching and gripping his fists and stared with an angry face, whilst it also went red, his eyes had a spinning vortex on it, as his nose suddenly flared fire from it, shocking everybody by what they were seeing.

“Look here, missy!!” shouted Roland, “Just who in the right mind gave you permission to fall, bottom first, on my face!!

He then went casually whilst smiling and looking away, “I mean, granted to some, that would be like the best cause of death, ever.”

Then back to angry as he said “But seriously, I could’ve been Picasso’d!!!

They were sort of surprised what he said in between, but given the way they saw him freak out, they were going to let that previous comment slide.

“Wow,” said Rainbow, “Never figured I saw you freak out over someone sitting on your face.”

“You would too, if they had bean burritos for lunch.” Retorted Roland.

“Oh.” Said Mikey, until it suddenly dawned on all of them what he was saying, which caused everyone to say in disgust, “Oh…”

“Mmm-Hmm!!” muttered Roland with a twitchy eye.

“Wow,” said Hawkgirl, “Never saw someone panic like that before.”

“That’s because there’s two things I don’t like.” Said Roland, “People sitting on my face, and the wild west of 1870.”

That one, surprised them the most. “Really?” said John/Green Lantern. “How come?”

“Let me tell you something…” said Roland as he looked like he was about to go crazy whilst motioning Venus, making her realize what he was implying.

“Oh, no.” muttered Venus, as she knew where this was going to go. She then activated a hologram simulation of what he saw, and to their surprise, they were in a large saloon, whilst Roland explained everything.

“That place, is the most terrible place of all time.” Began Roland. “The American West of 1870, is a disgusting, awful, dirty, and dangerous place. I mean look around you. Everything out here that’s not you, wants to kill you. Outlaws, angry drunk people, scorned courtesans, hungry animals, diseases, major and minor injuries, the natives, the weather. I mean you can get killed just by going to the bathroom.”

Everyone flexed their eyebrows at that.

“I mean, I sometimes take my life in my hands, every time whenever I walk to an outhouse. I mean, there’s sometimes rattlesnakes all in the grass out there. And, and, even if I can make it, you know what can kill me? Cholera. You know Cholera?”

“The black poop.” Muttered both Invictus and Silverbolt, remembering that type of disease in their health classes.

“The black poop. The biggest offering in the frontier’s disease of the month club. And, and, even if you survive, all those things. You know what else can kill you, the doctor. The doctor can kill you.”

“Seriously?” said Beast Boy.

“Yeah,” said Roland, “I onetime had a cold over there and went to the doctor, you know what he said, ‘Oh, you need an ear nail.’”

Donnie blinked in surprise and said “Wait, as an actual nail, in your ear?!!”

“Yeah, that’s right. Their form of proper medicine. I then went and told him I have a temperature of a 102, ‘Oh, you need a donkey kickin’!!’”

“Wha?!!” exclaimed Applejack, “That’s the most ridiculous method of medicine ah ever heard!!”

“That’s what I said!!” said Roland, “And you know what else can kill you?! The Pastor.”

“Pastor?!” exclaimed Shine Boy, Gamer, Shine Girl, and Love Shine, with Night Shine flexing his eyebrow.

“Yeah, that’s right. I saw that pastor kill two people. He shot a guy in a duel, then killed his teenage son, because he was afraid that he was going to get revenge on him. And how do I know that, he did a freakin’ sermon of it, a twisted version of seeing things through. Oh, and look at this.”

He pointed at the three guys sitting at the table, eating what appeared to be ribs, gaining their attention, and looked at them.

“You see those miner guys over there? The guys who work at the silver mines? You know what they’re eating? Ribs dowsed in hot sauce. They eat hot spicey foods, every meal of the day. You know why? Because their pallets are so dulled, from inhaling poisonous gas from the mines 12 hours of the day, that’s about all that they can taste. You know what that kind of diet does to your guts? Constipation, cramps, dyspepsia, liver disease, kidney disease, hemorrhoids, bowel inflammation. They literally die from their own farts.”

They saw one of the miners standing up after he was done. However, the moment he farted, he suddenly stood still, and collapse onto the ground, which shocked everyone by what they were seeing.

“Oh, and you wanna see more?” said Roland as he used the tool on Venus’ arm to take them outside. “You see that guy over there?”

They saw a dead guy on the street with a hat over his head.

“That’s the town’s mayor. He is dead.” Said Roland, which surprised the group, “He’s been lying dead there for three days. No one has done a thing. Not moved him, not looked into it, not have him being replaced by a temporary appointee. So, for the past three days, the town had been run, by a dead guy.”

Then Roland did a panic laugh and pointed, shocking everyone as they saw the mayor being taken away by wolves.

“Oh, look, there, see, now he’s being taken away by wolves. As to further prove my point. Bye mayor, it’s been nice knowing you, have fun being wolf poop!!”

Roland groaned loudly again, with Venus quickly shutting the hologram off, leaving them back in the training room.

“And that right there, is the West,” said Roland, “A disgusting, awful, dirty cesspool of a despair, and to heck with all of it.”

Suddenly, half the people of CHS and New York were afraid.

“I don’t wanna get stuck in the West of 1870.” Trembled Mikey.

“Me neither!!” exclaimed Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they held onto one another.

The others were extremely baffled by what Roland had said, causing them to slowly looking at Venus, demanding an explanation.

“Roland was stuck there for a month because of an accident with Renee.” Said Venus, “When we found him, he was completely traumatized. Even if he did learn how to survive out in the wilderness, he hadn’t gone through trauma like that before.”

He then pointed a finger, with a crazed look and said “Never. Again.”

Suddenly, his stomach growled very loudly, causing him to blush in embarrassment and held onto it.

Half of them couldn’t help but chuckle at that, with Superman saying “Come on, we’ll get some breakfast first. Maybe some food can calm you down.”

“How about we shower first, and then breakfast, I mean we did wake up early to do training.” Said Roland.

“Oh, I so agree.” Said Pony Rarity, “All that stress is doing numbers on my hair.”

Everyone soon walked off to do their showers before breakfast.


After everyone showered, everyone was in the mess hall enjoying their breakfast, and with an impressive spread too.

“I have died and gone to heaven.” Said Mikey as he looked at a certain breakfast. For it was topped with scrambled eggs, cheese, and breakfast meats such as bacon, sausage, or ham. Vegetables like peppers, onions, and tomatoes, and it was put…on a pizza. He ate a slice and hummed in approval.

“I can’t believe there’s actually a pizza for that?” said Donnie in disbelief.

“But you have to admit,” said Michelangelo as he ate a slice too, “It does taste amazing. What’s it called?”

“It’s called a breakfast Pizza.” Said Roland, “And believe it or not, someone named, Marietta John, owner of Bucketcake, a cake-to-go company in Perwick, Pennsylvania, claims to have invented it at some point in the early- to mid-1990s.”

“Now that’s my kind of guy.” Said Mikey before consuming it.

“At least it’s better than a pizza topped with anchovy butterscotch.” Whispered Venus to Shine Boy and Night Shine, the both of them looked at her strangely, then to each other.

“And what’s embarrassing,” said Rarity, “I’ve never consumed so much food. Think of the calories.”

“But it will leave you satisfied.” Said Jones, “My old man once told me that when you work hard on training before breakfast, you work up on an appetite so big, you’ll be left satisfied.”

“That would explain your consumption of food.” Said Leonardo.

“Least he ain’t a bottomless pit like Mikey.” Said Raphael.

“Be thankful it’s not gut busting burritos.” Said Roland, which surprised the Turtles, “Trust me, Hulk and his team nearly made me pass out on that.”

“Wait, you know the Hulk?” said Twilight.

“Yeah, I onetime traveled to the Avenger’s world by mistake.” Said Roland. “Hulk and his team really knows their stuff. And in case you wonder, no, not the Avengers, his own team.”

“Hulk has his own team?” said Rainbow surprised.

“Yeah, consisting of him, his friend Rick Jones, aka, A-Bomb. Red Hulk, Scar, and his cousin She-Hulk.” Said Roland. “They call themselves the Agents of Smash.”

“Agents of Smash? Really?” said Raph in disbelief.

“What the heck does that stand for?” said a confused Serenity.

“Super Mega Awesome Super Heroes.”

Everyone blinked in surprised by that, with Mikey saying “No way, I totally would’ve called him that!!”

“Who are the Avengers?” asked Wonder Woman.

“They’re also a group of superheroes.” Said Roland, “Only….”

“What?” said Hawkgirl.

“When you guys went to each other’s worlds, they had…different opinions about you guys.”

“Like what?” asked Wally/Flash.

“Oh,” said Roland, “Something about how all of you were dismayed, especially Superman, by the Avenger’s failure to improve their Earth’s conditions, even encountering an angry mob that wanted to beat someone to death, like Wally when they thought he was a mutant or one of Earth’s enemies, whilst the Avengers who were in your world, they saw how everyone praised you for your deeds and they, mainly one of the founding members/leader, thought that all of you were fascists who demand that civilians hero-worship them.”

“They what?!” exclaimed Superman when he and the League were shocked to hear this.

“Trust me, I’ve seen it before.” Said Roland, “It happened on…Earth 2004, coordinates 0309.”

“Wow, you’ve really traveled a lot.” Said Ben surprised.

“Trust me, I’ve gone into way more worse hijinks than everyone else.”

“I can believe…” said Starlight Glimmer before she stopped whilst Roland was suddenly taking a bit of butter and put it in his coffee, which didn’t go unnoticed by others.

“What the…?” said Twilight as she was surprised by what he was doing.

“What are you doing?!” exclaimed Rarity.

Roland looked at them and was confused by the looks of their faces.


“What do you mean, what?” said April.

“Yeah, you just put butter in your coffee.” Said Gamer.

“Yeah, it’s grass-fed butter.” Said Roland casually, “Here, try some.”

He pushed the large container of grass-fed butter to the others. At first it was silence, until…

“Ah’m up for it.” Said Applejack, with Pony Applejack agreeing, as well as Apple Bloom.

“I’ll have some.” Said Rainbow Dash, with her pony counterpart agreeing, as well as Scootaloo.

“Same here.” Responded Mr. Hawkins and Superman.

“Pass it on.” Said the Turtles from both dimensions..

“I’ll have some too.” Said both Green Lanterns.

“I could go for it.” Said Karai and Shinigami.

Roland passed it to the others, which surprised the others as well.

“You all seriously put grass fed butter in your coffees?” said Princess Twilight both surprised, disgusted, and shocked at the same time.

“No, it’s a team building thing. We do it to boost energy, enhances brain functions, and it helps us get through the day.” Said Roland, then teased “You hear that Mikey, and Raph, it enhances brain functions. Maybe you should try it, and maybe you’ll think more clearly.”

Raph merely growled at that comment, with Mikey saying “No way bro, I like my brain the way it is.”

“Eh, suit yourselves.” Said Roland before he takes a sip.

“Though he does have a point,” said Donnie, “We sometimes take it with our coffees before our morning training.”

“Same here.” Said Leonardo.

“At first it was weird,” said Karai, “But it turned out it worked well for us.”

“I also take it before I start a workout.” Said Rainbow.

“I thought you weren’t a coffee person.” Said Silverbolt.

“Only on mornings, but not on a daily basis.” Said Rainbow, “Otherwise I’d make a habit out of it like Rarity.”

“Excuse me?!” said Rarity, “I don’t drink coffee all the time, I drink tea!!”

“And remind me how many times a day do you drink tea, milady?” teased Amethyst Majesty with a smirk.

Rarity blushed and said “Ahem, good point.”

“I take coffee before I work with Ponyville’s weather teams.” Said pony Rainbow Dash.

“Same with the military.” Said Stewart/Green Lantern.

“Really?” asked Apple Bloom, “What do y’all do, er, you know, when you’re not bein’ a superhero?”

“I served in the Marines,” said Stewart/Lantern, “But I got discharged after I suffered some trauma. But I’m over it.”

“I’m a pilot.” Said Hal/Green Lantern, “But I then became a test pilot to test new jets for the military in order for the next generation of planes to serve on the frontlines.”

Applejack changed the subject and said “Ah also take some o’ this before farming.”

“You farm?” asked Superman.

“Born an’ raised on an Apple Farm.” Said Applejack, “We make every single apple produce there. Why y’all ask?”

“I was raised on a farm too.” Said Superman, “Helped my ma and pa with the harvests and planting. Plus, they all taught me from right to wrong over the years.”

“Well then they taught ya well.” Said Applejack.

Pony Rainbow Dash was suddenly curious about something, and moved over to Roland.

“Say, Roland.” Said Rainbow, “If some of the things over at your dimension was the same as ours, what else were there?”

“Hmmm,” pondered Roland, then said “Well, you did make the front page of the Wonderbolt magazine.”

Pony Rainbow Dash gasped and said “Really?!”

“The what now?” said pony Applejack.

“A magazine that talks everything Wonderbolt related.” Said Roland.

“They have magazines about that?” said pony Rarity.

“They got magazines about everything,” said Princess Twilight, “Books, farming, baking, fashion and so on. For the Wonderbolts, they get the front page by the most popular vote about them.”

“So, what was I voted best for?” said pony Rainbow Dash in excitement, “The fastest flyer?!”

“Nope,” said Roland, “Guess again.”

“Best flyer?”


“Best team player?”


“Most popular.”


“Most awesomest?”

“No such thing.”

Pony Rainbow Dash was confused and sad “Then what was I voted the best for?”

They then saw Roland desperately tried to keep his laughter in, for he knew pony Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to like it, which got everyone else also curious.

“What?” said pony Rainbow Das in confusion. Then Roland pulled something out of his bag, and showed the Wonderbolt Magazine. For the front page was Rainbow alright, only it was her butt. And it was said that Rainbow was voted that she has the best butt in the entire Wonderbolts team, which shocked everyone as half of them laughed. “WHAAAAAAAT?!!”

Pony Rainbow Dash grabbed the magazine and looked really peeved as she held onto the magazine and looked at it whilst ranting. “Best butt in the Wonderbolts?! Are you kidding me?! Why would they think I was voted to have the best butt in the entire team?!”

“Well, for one you do have an adorable tushy.” Said Roland, which baffled the others as he continued, “Especially since you were born with one, whenever you wave it around as it jiggles at the same time, waving your tail around when you tempt the bad guys, whenever you do your victory dance, that you make it alluring and that it gets a lot of guys’ attention.”

Within a split second, pony Rainbow’s face instantly went red whilst she stammered, instantly turned around and covered her butt with her hands and shouted “Now cut that out!!”

Roland couldn’t help himself as he snickered and desperately tried to hold in his laughter because he knew that was going to be her reaction, which the others couldn’t stop laughing too. However, after the laughter, he noticed that Applejack was wearing something he never thought he’d see.

“Also, I just noticed,” said Roland, “Applejack, you’re wearing jeans?”

Everyone looked at her and was surprised to see her actually wearing jeans.

“Whoa, looks good on you AJ.” Said Casey.

“Seriously,” said Gabby, “It looks good on you.”

“Heh, thanks.” Said Applejack.

“Why did you choose a partial wardrobe change Applejack?” Said Rarity, “Not that I’m complaining, but it really works for you.”

“Well, ah figured ah’d try somethin’ new for a while, and I figured this would be a good choice.” Said Applejack.

However, Roland suddenly had a deadpanned look on his face, and knew the real reason.

“You wanted to switch pants because a handful of boys saw what they shouldn’t when you were doing a backflip during training, weren’t you?”

Applejack immediately went red and darted her eyes back and forth, as if trying to come up with a better excuse. This however, caught everyone’s attention. With Rarity looking at some of the boys, namely the ones from CHS.

“Really?” said a deadpanned Rarity, with the others sweating.

“Well, she does have an adorable tushy, so who can blame them?”

Everyone once again looked at Roland flabbergasted as he just said something right off the bat.

“S-seriously?!” exclaimed Applejack as she felt really embarrassed.

“What, it’s a compliment.” Said Roland, “Besides, be glad it was only ten percent of my complimentary skills.”

“What’s a hundred percent?” asked Mikey.

Roland then looked at them with a smirk and said “You really wanna know?”

Some nodded when he was talking about a hundred percent. “Okay, you asked for it, but if I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna have to go all out…and motion to every single woman in the room.”

Now all of them were curious where this was going. Roland then placed his cup down and then gave his most charismatic smile and began to do what no single male was bold enough to do.

“All of you,” said Roland as he began whilst motioning his left arm and placed his right hand on his chest. “Whose names are so wonderful and unique, for they only match to the face that have been carved by angels and have blessed on this world, as thou forms have grown quite natural and beautiful through the hard work that many have toiled away for many years. Each of your names, as well as the forms you are in, are beautiful, hypnotic, majestic, mysterious, like all of yourselves, as you are shrouded in mystery that many wish to solve. For they are truly such a noble alias that matches the magnificent beauty that all of you have graced upon the earth. Fair maidens whose looks are practically the cutpurse of one’s heart. Looks that are uncommon and unimaginable that humbles even the strongest and wisest of soldiers and royalty and warriors, who would line up for miles on end, just to receive a mere glimpse at a small fraction of heaven that walks on this very earth itself.”

The moment he was done, every female in the room, older, younger, and toughest, (In case you wonder, the Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Equestrian females, the females of CHS and CPA, the ones from New York, as well as some mutants and Justice Leaguers, Titans, Ben 10, Steven Universe, and Power Rangers), were blushing bright red as their eyes widened, with some whose legs felt like jelly and some who nearly fainted by what he said. The guys were surprised, and some felt greatly jealous over what just happened.

Roland merely smirked and took his cup whilst taking a normal sip. Until he got a call and said “Hang on a moment.”

As he answered, many of the girls still felt very flustered over what he had just said, until Caitlyn nearly fainted, causing her brother Zach to catch her, as she was fanning herself with half lid eyes and a smile on her face.

“Uh, you okay, Caitlyn?” asked Zach.

“I don’t know how he did it.” Began Caitlyn whilst fanning herself, “But boy does he have a way with words.”

“Alright, thanks.” Said Roland as he put the call down. He turned to the others and said “Guys, that’s Ace the Bathound, he says he needs to talk to us. Something that we need to hear.”

“If it’s really important, then we’d better get going.” Said Leo.

“Agreed,” said Leonardo, “If it means trying to be one step ahead of the Shredder, I’m all up for it.”

“Although…” said Roland, gaining their attention, “I also brought in someone who can help. But uh…you’re not gonna like it, especially Nightwing.”

Everyone wondered who he had in mind, but decided not to question it until they got there.

“Then let’s…” said Roland, but then he stopped when Raven suddenly stood in front of him, with her still having that blush on her face. Everyone else was curious about this too, as if she wanted to get something off of her chest. “Uh, is there something…?”

When all of a sudden, Raven grabbed Roland and did the unthinkable…

She kissed him full, on the lips.

Roland was greatly surprised by this action, but not as shocked as the others were, whilst Beast Boy and Cyborg looked like their minds had been blown before passing out of shock, with everyone else just as flabbergasted by what she did. Raven slowly pulled away and still had that blush on her face, with Roland just as surprised by that action.

“Um…” said Roland as he didn’t know how to respond to it.

“Yeah…” said Raven in the same way. “Um…wanted to get that off of my chest.”

Roland rubbed the back of his head and said “I assume that was your first?”

“Um…yeah.” Said Raven as her blush deepened, which caused Roland to smile.

“Don’t worry. It was my first too.”

Raven couldn’t help but smile too, with her clearing her throat and said “You should get going. We’ll uh…met you there.”

“Right…sure.” Said Roland as he walked away, but couldn’t get the smile off of his face as he couldn’t believe what just happened.

Raven on the other hand went back to the others, as two certain Titans, who still had their minds blown, couldn’t believe that just happened, for Raven never did that, in like, ever.

“I…did not see that coming.” Said Static.

“Yeah, no kidding.” Said Gear.

Mikey then went over with a sneaky smile and said “So…how was it?”

Raven merely shoved him away and walked ahead, but stopped. She then blushed again and partially looked at them whilst saying two things.

“It felt really nice.” Said Raven, who them gave a partial goofy smile and said “And his lips were very soft.”


Roland was then standing near what appeared to be a closet of sorts, whilst leaning against it. Soon enough, the Rainbooms, Turtles, 03 Turtles, their human allies, Dazzlings, Team Shine, Titans, along with Nightwing and his Gotham team, arrived and wondered what he was doing, especially since Ace was with them.

“So, where’s this contact you told about?” asked Leo.

“He’s in the closet.” Said Roland, before tapping against it, causing it to open and a person falls out of it, being bound, and gagged, not being able to move at the same time.

“What the…!!” said Shine Boy, “Who the heck did you have to gag to be brought here?!!”

Roland crouched and rapidly pulled off the bag on the person’s head, which a handful recognized, as it was none other than…

“Jason Todd?!!” exclaimed some of the folks who knew him.

“What is this, Scooby-Doo?” said Roland jokingly, which confused the others, but Roland waved it off and made Jason sit up straight.

“Uh, question?” said Mikey whilst he raised his hand, “Why is he here?”

“He’s here to help us find Batman.” Said Ace as he walked over and stood next to Roland. “Whilst I was busy looking for Batman, I tracked him down near downtown Gotham. Only to find a large fight there. And Jason Todd, former Robin now Red Hood, was the last one there, meaning he knows something.”

“And how the heck did you convince him to come along?” asked Robin.

“Yeah, the guy wasn’t in the mood to cooperate with any of us last time we encountered him.” Said Cyborg.

“Oh, I was able to convince him.” Said Roland, as many were curious. “It was like this…”


Far away, near one of the cities, a familiar man with a red helmet, which was none other than Red Hood, jumped from one building to another, trying to find his next gang to take down. However, as he jumped at the next building, he instantly caught a Batarang with his hand and landed.

“So…” said Red Hood as he looked at the Batarang before tossing it away. “You were able to…”

He then suddenly saw Ace coming from the corner and barking.

“What do you want, mutt.” Said Red Hood, clearly not in the mood to talk to the dog.

“We’re here for answers.”

Red Hood looked behind him and saw Roland standing near a piece of the wall whilst crossing his arms.

“And who might you be?” said Red Hood.

“Who I am isn’t important,” said Roland, “What is important, is that I need your help finding a certain someone in Gotham.”

“Yeah, hard pass.” Said Red Hood, “I don’t know what the old man did to get himself in trouble, but I’m not in the mood for…”

Suddenly, he felt a chain wrapped around his neck, making him struggle, and was pulled back hard, and crashed against the wall. Red Hood landed on his feet, and looked at Roland sternly.

“So that’s it then?” said Roland, “You’re just gonna walk away? After everything he did for you? He took you in and loved and accepted you for who you are, when nobody else did. He put a roof over your head, food on the table and wanted to give you a family, and this is how you repay him?”

“Pff, please.” Said Red Hood whilst rolling his eyes, “He may be a good man, but he’s weak. He doesn’t even finish off criminals. He wants to rule them by fear, but what does he do with the ones who aren’t afraid? I’m doing what he won’t, I’m taking them out.”

“If you do this, then you’re no better than those you fight.” Said Roland.

“Pff, and what about you?” said Red Hood as he walked around in a circle. “You think dressing like that, you think you’re a hero. You look like you couldn’t even handle a true fight.”

Roland then smirked, and pulled the ultimate card.

“At least my mom didn’t sell me out to the Joker.”

Red Hood instantly stopped and widened his eyes in shock.

“Oh, how did I know that?” said Roland, “Put it this way. You mommy dearest, after she left, fell into hard times, so she embezzled money from the aid group, only to be blackmailed by the Joker. So, she thought that by giving you up, she ended up selling you out, hoping it would gain a favor from him, but he double crossed her and killed you both. Meaning, she sold you out, for nothing.”

Roland could see Red Hood’s hand slowly gripping, which is what he wanted.

“Ironically, the same goes for your daddy dearest.” Said Roland, which made Red Hood’s eyes widen again. “He worked for Two-Face but was killed for failing him. And it’s quite ironic really, both your parents worked for criminals and madmen, people they couldn’t escape from, people who would rather hurt, rather than seek help. Both of them must’ve been really insane to work with them.”

Roland then squinted his eyes and said “And now you’re following in their footsteps, following the paths of a criminal. Making you completely insane. Making you…”

Roland then moved his left hand, which had a wide smile painted on top of it.

“Just. Like. Him.”

Roland moved the mouth in front of him, whilst imitating Joker’s laughter at the same time, indicating that Red Hood was no different than Joker, that he was insane and a monster just like him.

This…didn’t sit well with Jason. He gripped his hands so tight, he growled and ended up screaming and charging whilst pulling out his pistols and began to shoot at the same time, whilst Roland stood there. The moment when Red Hood was close enough, Roland delivered an extremely hard right hook.


“After that, I busted him up good and he agreed to follow me.” Concluded Roland.

Everyone was surprised to hear that, with Roland taking off the earmuffs whilst Red Hood was struggling.

“I made sure he was a very good boy.”

Red Hood instantly froze and slowly looked at Roland, who had that same smirk, causing him to back up in fear, which shocked the others.

“And he will do exactly what we say for the time being whilst I’m here.” Said Roland, before grabbing Red Hood’s face. The whispered, “And we won’t be having any problems now…would we?”

Red Hood rapidly shook his head in fear, which once again surprised them as they saw him afraid.

“Good.” Said Roland before removing the gag and undid his bonds, causing Red Hood to stand up and stood against the wall in fear. Roland once again looked at Red Hood and said “Remember…I’m always watching. Now if you want, join me in the interrogation room.”

He walked away, with Red Hood watching in fear. The others wondered…

What did Roland do to make Red Hood afraid?


They soon arrived where Roland was going, with Roland standing near a window of sorts.

“Okay…” said Applejack, not knowing what this is about. “So why are we here?”

“I think you’ll recognize an old acquaintance of yours.” Said Roland before tapping on the glass.

The glass showed someone on the other side of the window, all tied up in a chair in the middle of the room, who looked unconscious whilst groaning. Which was none other than…

“Vic?!!!” exclaimed the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“Who?” said the others.

“Vic,” said Roland before pulling out a tablet and typing on it before presenting it to Nightwing and those who don’t know him. “Otherwise known as Spider Bytes.”

They looked at the tablet and saw a picture of his mutant form whilst Roland explained.

“He was a civilian in New York when the Turtles stumbled upon him during one of their missions. He got captured by the Kraang and mutated into a spider like mutant. The guy also has a mouth on him. You could say he makes Sussy Bakkes look like a standup comedian. But there’s also the dangers of being bitten. If you get bitten, then the spider poison, combined with the Mutagen inside of him, can mutate anyone into a mutated spider.”

“How’d you know that?” asked pony Rainbow Dash.

“Because Shine Boy got bit by him and got turned into a monster.”

Everyone looked at Shine Boy, who held his arm, remembering that day, with Gamer and Serenity holding him close.

“But last time the Turtles fought him, they ended up de-mutating him, reverting him back to human.” Said Roland, “Then it turned out, he was wanted for selling counterfeit lottery tickets and skipping town, so they had him arrested.”

“So why is he here?” asked Leo.

“Whilst we were in your world, looking for a way to stop the Shredder,” said Roland, “He secretly came here and recruited all of your mutant enemies, including former enemies and brought them to him, mutating him again. But as you can see…”

He pointed at the collar at his arm, “That collar he’s wearing cancels out the mutagen entirely, making him human. That way, I figured it would be easy enough to interrogate him.”

“Interrogate him? For what?” asked Batgirl.

“Because according to Ace, he was the one who was responsible for Batman’s disappearance.” Said Roalnd, which shocked the others, “Hence why he’s here for interrogation.”

“So why didn’t you?” said Nightwing.

“I figured that someone else would want a bit of payback.”

They were confused at first, until Roland walked up to Night Shine, which made him look at Roland with a flexed eyebrow. Roland said “I figured I’d ask him to talk first. But if he tries to make another snappy remark, if he refuses to talk or talk a bunch of usual garbage.”

Roland then pulled out two tungsten knuckles out, which made Night Shine flex his eyebrow again. However, some were shocked when they realized what he was asking.

“Put the boot to him. Triple extra-large style.”

Night Shine smirked and accepted it, allowing the two of them to enter the room whilst locking it behind them, as well as darken the windows so that they wouldn’t see what was going on. Realizing where this was going, Mikey asked “You guys wanna pass the time?”

Meanwhile, from inside, Roland and Night Shine stood in the shadows as the light was shining at Vic so he couldn’t see.

“Care to do the honors of waking him up?” asked Roland.

With a swift strike, Night Shine punched Vic in the face, making him groan and wake up in the process. He groaned a bit, and then realized he was tied up.

“What?! What is this?!” said Vic.

“If you had watched any movie,” said Roland as he took a step forward, “You would know this is something called, an interrogation.”

“Pff, interrogate me with what?” said Vic in a mocking tone, “Are you going to the renaissance fair dressed like that? Are you going to woo some lady with a lyre?”

“And you’re not too bright either.” Said Roland.

“Oh, and what are…?” said Vic before being cut off.

For in a split second, Roland had taken out a knife and jabbed it right into his pelvis, causing Vic to scream in pain, with Night Shine flexing his eyebrow at him. With Vic finished muttering, Night Shine scoffed and said “What a wimp. Oh sure, when he’s a spider he’s threatening, but as a human, he’s a coward.”

“Agreed.” Said Roland, then looked at Vic. “Ten years of torture when I was six years old and I have been through everything you can possibly imagine. I know what kills, I know what cripples, and I know what hurts.”

Roland twisted the knife, making Vic scream in pain again. Roland then leaned towards him and said “You’re going to tell me exactly what we need to know, otherwise you’re going to feel more than just a jab.”

He looked at Roland whilst he continued to grunt in pain and said “I’ll tell you nothing.”

“Oh, it’s not me you should be worried about.” Said Roland with a smirk as he pulled out his knife, making him yelp in pain. “I believe you remember my associate here?”

He points to another behind him, which Night Shine revealed himself, which shocked Vic. “He still has a bone to pick with you after what you did to Shine Boy. And seeing that you’re not a bug right now, or even having your own bug buddies with you. I’d figured you two would have a chance to have some…personal conversation.”

He turned around and looked at Night Shine. “We got about ten minutes before they barge in and get really concerned. Make it count.”

He walked ahead as Night Shine stood in front of him and placed the knuckles onto his hands, before smirking.

“Now then,” said Night Shine as he grinned at a terrified Vic. “Where were we?”

As Roland stared ahead, he took out two earphones and his iPod, and chose a music of his choice. As it played a classical music, he slowly placed it in his ears, but not before hearing the sounds of punches and grunts at the same time before being completely blocking out the sounds behind him, with him closing his eyes and began to focus on something.

At the same time from right outside, everyone else was busy doing other things to pass the time.

Shine Boy was busy reading a Manga comic, with Mikey standing next to him whilst also reading a comic, but noticed how confusing it looked.

“How can you even read that?” asked Mikey, “Doesn’t it get confusing?”

“Hey, the folks who write the Manga always did this kind of thing for years.” Said Shine Boy.

“But why are you reading the Japanese version?” asked Mikey.

“Well, I wanna make sure my language skills don’t get rusty.” Said Shine Boy as he continued to read.

Mikey shrugged shoulders and went over to Pinkie.

Rainbow was busy napping, with Applejack doing the same. Fluttershy was busy looking after the animals, Twilight and Sunset were busy catching up with their homework, Pinkie was handing out some baked goods and Rarity was busy designing her outfits.

Love Shine and Cyborg were busy helping both Raph and Raphael with their sparring so that they don’t get soft. Both Leo and Leonardo were busy meditating. Donnie and Donatello were busy helping Gamer build a few gadgets, with Michelangelo running away from Beast Boy in order to keep up with his cardio.

Gamer was busy playing Go Fish with April, Casey, Karai, and Shinigami. Sonata was having a few tacos; Aria was having some nachos and Adagio was having some chili dogs. Shine Girl and Serenity were busy going over a few moves that Shine Girl had taught her. Raven began to meditate whilst Starfire played around with both Spikes. Blue Beetle was going over his weapons whilst Nightwing decided to spar with Batgirl, Robin, and Black Canary.

“So…” said Mikey as he was playing sudoku with Pinkie Pie?!! “How long have they been in there?”

Twilight looked at her watch and said “About ten minutes.”

“Ugh, this is boring!!” said Rainbow, “They were supposed to…”

The doors suddenly opened and out walked Night Shine, who had a satisfied smile on his face.

“That…was satisfying.” Said Night Shine as he and Roland exited the room, causing everyone to stand up.

“How’d it go?” asked Shine Boy.

“We’ll explain it over at the debriefing room with the others.” Said Roland, “They need to know what’s going on.”

“And what about the other guy?” asked Blue Beetle.

“We dropped him.” Said Night Shine as he walked away.

Suddenly, they shockingly clicked, with Leo saying “You guys literally dropped him from the ship?! Are you insane?!”

“Relax,” said Roland, “The collar on him should pop off whilst he’s falling, his mutant body will break his fall.”


Meanwhile, Vic was falling from the sky as he was screaming for his life whilst wailing and flailing at the same time. However, as he was falling, the collar on his shoulder instantly came off, causing him to slowly mutate back to his spider form. He kept falling and falling until he crashed with a massive thud at a junkyard.

He was on the ground, in his mutant form, groaning from the fall whilst his eyes were spinning.

“I really hate those kids.” Muttered Spider Bytez.


Meanwhile, from within an unknown room, a certain individual was watching many monitors relating to what had happened outside recently. It was someone wearing glasses and a black coat, which was none other than the Agent Bishop of this world. He watched as the Turtles, Rainbooms and all of their allies were combating against the villains, as well as the Manhunters.

Agent Bishop squinted his eyes from behind his dark glasses as he watched the action, whilst at the same time, a robot containing a human brain named Baxter Stockman, walked in the room, and stood next to Bishop.

“Quite an interesting display.” Said Stockman, “We have encountered many threats before, but we have never faced anything like this before.”

“Were you able to secure them?” asked Agent Bishop.

“We couldn’t capture the Turtles, Rainbooms and their allies, but we were able to secure many of these so-called henchmen, as well as gathered the fallen Manhunters and try to reverse engineer them. We have also captured some of the powered individuals in order to study their genetics, to see if we can reverse engineer them for our own forces. Their weapons are truly remarkable, nothing like we’ve ever seen before.”

“What have you learned from them?” asked Agent Bishop.

“From what we could gather,” said Bishop as he displayed a holographic screen and looking through the data, “These were sent by their leader. And you’re not going to believe this. Their leader is the Shredder.”

Agent Bishop looked at Stockman with a flexed eyebrow.

“According to this, he successfully wiped out the Turtles and all of their allies in that world, leaving no survivors.” Said Stockman, “And from what I could gather, he’s going to different worlds, trying to gather what appear to be crystals. They already lost a handful in three different worlds, and now they’re after one somewhere in this world.”

He made the screen disappear and said “And knowing the Turtles of this world, they probably allied themselves with their friends from the other dimension and gained some new allies along the way.”

“That is of little concern to us.” Said Agent Bishop, taking Stockman by surprise.

“Are you sure that’s wise, Agent Bishop?” asked Stockman, “You do remember what happened the last time we ignored another dimensional threat. Remember what Ch’Rell did years ago?”

“That is all in the past now, Stockman.” Said Agent Bishop, “Right now, I’m more focused on the here and now, as well as future threats. If the turtles and Rainbooms’ allies are that powerful, how long will it be until they turn their wrath on the planet?”

“I think they are more focused on stopping the threats instead of focusing on us.” Said Stockman.

“Better safe than sorry.” Said Agent Bishop, “Especially since we have a new weapon in our arsenal.”

And right on one of the monitors, was none other than Batman, tied on what appeared to be a table with a mind-controlling device on his head.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, Stockman.” Said Agent Bishop, “I have a few things to oversee.”

Stockman watched Agent Bishop leave, but merely squinted his one eye, then looked at the monitors with the threats.

“Your personal vendetta will be your downfall one day, Agent Bishop.” Said Stockman, who secretly downloaded something, then placed it into his robotic body, “Thankfully, though I loathe them, they are the only ones who can truly stop him.”


At the debriefing room, everyone (with Night Shine near the door) had gathered, with Roland standing at the edge.

“So, what’s all this about?” asked Wonder Woman.

“We interrogated Spider Bytez in the interrogation room,” said Roland, “Once we were able to piece things together, we were able to figure out what was going on.”

Roland cleared his throat and explained to them what he and Night Shine had learned.

“Whilst all of you had been busy gathering your allies,” said Roland, “Batman went on patrol. Ace told me that Batman was on patrol in Downtown Gotham, and that’s where he disappeared. Ace tracked him down and saw signs of a fight. And whilst he smelled a few unfamiliar scents, he was able to pick up Jason Todd, aka, Red Hood’s scent. Meaning he knew something, so naturally we tracked him down and after a little, persuasion be the right word, we were able to get some information out of him as well.”

Roland showed them pictures of a fight in Downtown Gotham, where he and Red Hood were about to stop the gangs from leaving, only for them to be attacked by Foot Bots and, to the Turtles’ and Rainbooms’ surprise, all of their mutant enemies. They fought hard, but Batman was captured and taken away whilst Red Hood was knocked out cold and against the wall.

“As you can see,” said Roland, “Before joining the rest of the League to help us out, he went to investigate. Red Hood was busy trying to find something to, as a certain merc without a mouth would say, ‘unalive them’…”

Some were puzzled by that last part, but Roland continued before they could ask.

“Both of them arrived at that spot. Just before they could investigate, they were attacked by the Turtles’ enemies. They put up a spirited fight, but were eventually overpowered. So, they took Batman whilst leaving Red Hood behind. When Alfred couldn’t reach him, Ace went to investigate and smelled that a fight took place. So, he told me what happened and the two of us went to retrieve Red Hood. Then after some convincing, he told us of the mutants. But when he mentioned one of them being a big spider, I knew he was talking about Spider Bytez, and seeing that the guy has a mouth on him, he tends to flap his lips about everything. After some talking, he told us what happened. Though there’s somewhat good news and bad news. The good news is, Shredder doesn’t have Batman as his prisoner. Bad news is, he could be in any dimension.”

“Not only do we have no leads on Batman, but there's also the matter of the other villains from our universe. not to mention finding the stone in this world.” Superman spoke out.

“At least Batman’s not being held prisoner in Shredder’s ever-growing army.” worried Twilight.

“But he could be anywhere in a world beyond our reach.” Steven added.

“I think the Joker would've teased us if they have Batman. He'd never be quiet about something like that.” Batgirl said.

“And if Zedd or Rita had mind controlled him, they wouldn't keep that a secret either.” Gamer pointed out looking at a clipboard.

“I've asked my friend Gill in the multiverse, but he hasn't found any leads on our Batman.” Shine Boy mentioned.

Suddenly, something began beeping on the console. Alpha checked it. “I'm picking up a transmission.”

“Is it Batman?” Wonder Woman asked.

“No, it's- Ai, Yi, Yi, Yi! it's Baxter Stockman of this world! He wants to meet!”

“We'll send a small group.” Max confirmed.


Shortly, in a desolated area, The Turtles, along with Ben, Shine Boy, Gamer, Jason, Zack, Pearl, Garnett, Wally, Hal, Sunset, Pinkie, and Maud as well as the 03 Turtles teleported and quickly drew their weapons ready to defend themselves.

“Drop your weapons!” Hal ordered.

“Hands where we can see them!” Jason cried.

Everyone saw Maud glaring in front of her and there in front of the group was the 03 Stockman in his android body as he spoke to the group.

“I am not here to fight! but to share some info.” Said Stockman calmly.

“Wut kind of info, Stockman?” Raphael gritted his teeth.

“Does the word Batman mean anything to any of you?” inquired Stockman.

Everyone wide eyed at Stockman's claim before Leo spoke. “What do you ask for in return, Stockman?”

“Only that you use this information wisely.”

“Well? we're listening.” Zack held his Power Axe.

“Your friend Batman is in captivity by Agent Bishop in Area 51.” Said Stockman, which shocked the others.

“Guess we do have to deal with Bishop's counterpart after all.” Kevin whispered to Shine Boy who retracted his staff.


“I have heard about this Shredder who is attacking the multiverse. Bishop could care less let alone listen.”

He handed them a flash drive, and said “This contains information about the base if you’re going to break in, so that you won’t be unprepared like last time.”

Gamer stood forward. “Then you can help us. Join us and we can save our worlds.”

“You are a brilliant young man. Naïve but brilliant. Besides, Bishop would hunt me down like a bloodhound.” Stockman then turned and crawled in a copter.

He then stopped and turned to them and said “And I should warn you. During your scuffle, he’s already taken in many of your enemies and their minions and trying to reverse engineer them for his own ends. If you wish to stop him, now would be a good time.”

“What gives, Stockman.” Said Sunset, “Usually you’re not the type to side with us. So why now?”

“I have worked too long with madmen like the Shredder and Agent Bishop for a long time,” said Stockman, “I would’ve done something great with my Mouser robots, only for me to waste my genius to the likes of them. And for once…I’m only going to do the right thing by pointing you in the right direction.”

Soon Stockman took off and went back to base, with the others looking at Stockman leaving.

Sunset sighed and said “He’s telling us the truth.”

“How can you tell?” asked Donatello.

“Thankfully Martian Manhunter’s training paid off,” said Sunset, “It’s a little difficult with the bits and pieces, but I was able to read what I was looking for.”

“Good, then let’s head back.” Said Shine Boy, “We’ll need to fill in on the others first.”

“Grandpa Max,” said Ben whilst contacting his grandfather, “Bring us back to the ship, we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

They were soon teleported back to the ship.


Back at the ship, Shine Boy and Roland were talking over a few things as they walked down the hall, by comparing notes and differences between their worlds ever since he told them of how Cinch tried to get revenge on the Rainbooms.

“So…did you guys give Wallflower a hard time after the memory stone fiasco?” asked Shine Boy.

“Only Obaki and Raph.” Said Roland, “I didn’t have the heart to tell her, cause I could tell how alone she was. On one hand, I pitied her because of her isolated loneliness, on the other I was sort of mad at her for using the memory stone for petty revenge. Then you told me that not everyone is capable of making friends or do what the other does, no matter how much they really wanted. So, for her sake, I was the one to reach out to her and became her first friend, even if she didn’t feel comfortable with it.”

Shine Boy smiled, knowing the other him gave him wisdom when they first met. Then he was curious and asked “But what did the latter say to one another?”

“At first, Wallflower threw a hissy fit about not being noticed,” said Roland, “Though I told her there are twice as many people who feel the same way, and it’s only natural that she feels that way. Obaki and Raph on the other hand, I believe their words were, ‘Poor Wallflower Blush, nobody notices you’.”

He then took out a yearbook and showed Shine Boy two pictures of two random CHS students.

“They also pointed out that these two don’t even have any names or barely say anything since the franchise started, and you don’t see them going around using Equestrian Magic to hurt people. Then again, not a lot of background OC get any respect.”

Shine Boy looked at him baffled, then flexed his eyebrow. “Did you just speak as if you were outside the fourth wall?”

Roland widened his eyes, then darted them back and forth, then looked back at Shine Boy and said “Maybe.”

He then cleared his throat and tried to change the subject.

“Although,” said Roland when he pondered something, “I did notice a difference between the memory stone incident on my world and yours. Your Leo and the others gained their medallions from the memory stone, but mine didn’t.”

“Really?” said Shine Boy surprised, “Huh, that is interesting.”

Gamer then contacted them and said “Shine Boy, Roland, you’d better get here, we’ve got something.”

“We’re on our way.” Said Shine Boy, then looked at Roland and said “Come on, Gamer says he has something for us.”

The two of them went back to the debriefing room to see what Gamer and the others discovered.


From the debriefing room, Gamer and the others showed the rest of what Stockman had given them.

“So according to Stockman,” said Leonardo, “During our fights, they were able to capture many of your enemies’ forces in order to reverse engineer them to make their own soldiers.”

“We’ll need to get them out of there.” Said Superman, “Even though they’re our enemies, no one deserves that kind of fate.”

“Agreed.” Said Leo, “We’ll need to try to break into his base.”

“Oh, no comprende.” Said Michelangelo.

“What do you mean, Mikey?” asked Donatello.

“Oh, they moved their base a few weeks after we came back from the Prime World.” Said Michelangelo.

“What?!” said Raphael and grabbed him, “Why da shell didn’t ya say anythin’?!!”

“Duh, you didn’t ask.” Responded Michelangelo.

Needless to say, half the folks in the room face faulted, with Mikey saying “That sounds like a good reason.”

“Oh, that’s just great!!” exclaimed Raph, “Where the heck could they have moved?!”

“They’re in Area 55.” Responded Roland, causing everyone to look at him. “It resides in the Nevada Mountains.”

“How did you know that?” asked Sunset.

Roland suddenly had a deadpanned look on his face, and slowly pointed at the screen. When they looked, they saw that there was a large note from Stockman, saying the location of the base. Needless to say, everyone felt embarrassed about it.

“But why would Bishop move his base to the other side of the country?” asked O’Neil.

“Knowing them, they’d probably be far away from us to make sure we don’t rescue any of our friends in time.” Said Leonardo.

“What da heck is Area 55?” asked Jones, “Is it another division for studying aliens?”

“Sort of.” Said Roland, “From what the Utrom told me that whilst Area 51 is located at an airfield that specializes air units. Area 55 on the other hand focuses on ground forces. Weapons, vehicles, you name it.”

“And given how some of our enemies and their forces were taken by Agen Bishop,” said Donatello, “No doubt he’ll try to reverse engineer them.”

“Their weapons, yes, themselves, no.” said Roland, which confused them. “A little something, I learned from Doc Sampson.”

“From the Avengers world?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“A different one, yeah.” Said Roland, “I assume that some of you know General Ross?”

“The Red Hulk?” asked Mikey.

“That’s right.” Said Roland, “In another world, he was obsessed into destroying the Hulk. Not only that, but he also wanted to create his own Hulks for the military using his blood, which Doc Sampson, try to bear with me, told them that it wouldn’t work, because they’ve seen it first hand at one of their prisons based for radiation-based criminals called the Cube. It can’t be controlled, for the only thing that it would give them are monsters, though Ross pointed that Doc and Hulk are perfect examples, but Doc pointed out that both he and Banner were accidents, and the conditions can’t be reproduced. That’s like trying to create an army of Flash and Wonder Women, and it never turns out well.”

Many of them looked at one another whilst talking and whispering.

“He’s right.” Said Superman, gaining everyone’s attention, “I’ve seen Lex Luthor tried to clone me before, with disastrous results, for it was how Bizzaro was created in the first place.”

“Same with the Batman robot.” Said Nightwing, which surprised the others whilst he said “Long story.”

“If Agent Bishop is planning this, then he needs to be stopped.” Said Wonder Woman.

“We’ll have to be smart about this.” Said Hawkgirl. “If it’s in the mountains, then it has to be heavily guarded.”

“And if it’s like Cadmus, the only way in is its entrance.” Said Wally/Flash.

“We’ll need to try to infiltrate the base.” Said Martian Manhunter.

“John will go in.” said Roland, “Given how he’s got military experience and learning to study another’s, he’ll be the perfect candidate to go inside with a small team.”

“I’ll do it, and I could use some volunteers.” Said John/Green Lantern.

“We’ll go with you.” Said Leo.

“Uh, no offense guys,” said Ben, “But you kinda stick out like a sore thumb.”

“That’s why we have the perfect way of disguising ourselves.” Said Mikey.

“Won’t work.” Said Gamer, “From what Stockman also says, they have devices that can shut down holographic disguises the moment you enter the base.”

“Aw, nuts.” Muttered Mikey.

Roland then thought of something, then it hit him as he widened his eyes.

“Uh, Gamer.” Said Roland, gaining his attention, “Does that include aliens that can shapeshift? Even wearing a certain device to turn you into one?”

“Uh, no, not according to the notes.” Said Gamer, “Why do you ask?”

“I think it’s high time we get that secret DNA project we’ve been working on.” Said Roland with a Grin.

Gamer gasped and said in excitement “We get to finally use it?!!”

“You betcha.” Said Roland.

“Then let’s get going!!” shouted Gamer as he grabbed Roland and darted out of the room, confusing everyone.

“What is that all about?” asked Applejack.

“I don’t know, but hopefully it’s not something destructive.” Said Raph.


A minute later, everyone was waiting patiently, with Gamer and Roland coming down in a rush, with a tray that appeared to have four looking watches on it.

“Okay, this is something bother Gamer and I have been working on for some time.” Said Roland.

“What’s with the watches?” asked Keno.

“It’s like this,” said Gamer, “Ben transforms into other aliens because of their DNA, correct?”

“Well, what would happen if the Turtles could turn into humans, thanks to the watches with a lifeform lock mode.” Said Roland.

They were surprised by this, with Gamer saying “We were able to ask Azmuth if we could make a smaller version of the Omnitrix, and thanks to his help, we were able to make it.”

“But wait,” said Donnie, “The only way that could be possible is if we had…”

Suddenly, Roland showed them four different vials containing blood with their names written on it. “These, happens to have DNA from your human counterparts.”

Mikey blinked in shock and said “Wait, you mean to tell me that in another world, we’re actually humans?!”

“That’s right.” Said Gamer, which shocks the Turtles. “And because of the lifeform lock, you’ll be able to stay in your human forms for a long period of time until you input the code to deactivate them.”

“Sweet!!” said Mikey in excitement, “That means we don’t have to worry our disguises failing!!”

Roland and Gamer added their DNA into the respective watches. Once that was done, the watches detected the DNA, it beeped and turned green on the screen, indicating that it was ready.

“Anyone mind filling some of us in here?” asked Robin.

“I can explain,” said Donnie, “A while ago, my brothers and I wanted to go to April’s school when they were going to have a pizza Friday. So, I created a cloaking device that translates our personalities into a human version of us, making us look like humans.”

“Oh yeah, you guys used that when you came looking for me.” Said Virgil/Static.

“Too bad there were some bugs that needed to be worked out.” Said Gears.

“Agreed.” Said Donnie.

“Although the guys here made fools of themselves there.” Said April in a huff.

“Well can you blame us; it was the first time that we get to interact with other kids besides you and Casey.” Said Leo.

“I know we’d do the same thing, despite the handful of folks we already met.” Said Michelangelo, to which his brothers nodded in agreement.

“When we got there, we found out the Kraang had infiltrated the school as well.” Said Raph.

“And they used cloaking tech too, and because ours were close to theirs, it short circuited. They froze everyone in school, including April.” Said Mikey.

“Thankfully we were able to escape when we sent them running.” Said Leo.

“Until Splinter punished you.” Said April.

“What did he do?” asked Gamer.

“He gave them,” said Roland until he pulled out a large stick, “Randori!!”

The brothers widened their eyes in shock, causing Roland to beat them the way Splinter did, surprising everyone as the turtles were groaning and on the ground.

“That’s Randori?!!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“That’s right.” Said Roland, then pointed the stick and said “Would you like some as well?”

Everyone frantically shook their heads, with Roland saying “Good.”, until he whacked Casey over the head with it.

“Hey, we said no!!” exclaimed Casey.

“It was a trick question.” Said Roland, who then chuckled like Splinter, which caused the 03 Turtles’ Splinter to chuckle at this too.

Suddenly Mikey stood up, walked over to Roland…and gave him a big hug. “You’re a good friend. Getting hit like that…memories.”

Suddenly Leo and the others agreed and said “Good times.”

Roland tossed the stick away and said “The Turtles tried the same disguises when they went to the mall to find the girls, only for Juniper Montage to trap them in a mirror dimension.”

“Wait, Mirror dimension?” said Wally/Flash surprised. “How did she do that?”

“With magic.” Said Roland, who looked at the Turtles and friends and said “One of Flash’s enemy was a guy who called himself Mirror Master. He had a special gun that could allow him to open a portal through a mirror, and is able to travel from one spot to another in any part of the world that has a mirror reflection.”

“Fascinating.” Said Donatello.

“Then they tried again when they helped the Spy Racers, only problem was the guy from SH1FT3R saw right through their disguise because he was a faction from the Purple Dragons. That and Han told them. And since Gamer brought up that their hologram disguises would backfire, we came up with a solution.”

“We use a design from Azmuth’s blueprints and he helped us make these.” Said Gamer, “And we figured that this would work well. Except for the timing out part. Thankfully we found an alternate energy source that can power the device to a full extent of its abilities.”

Roland gave the watches to the Turtles, allowing them to put them on their wrists. Everyone came together, wondering how the devices were going to work, with Roland asking. “So, who goes first?”

“Oh, I’ll go first!!” said Mikey as he slammed his hand down onto the watch, causing it to flash.

When it died down, everyone saw Mikey transformed into his human counterpart, bearing the same clothing when they tried out the hologram disguises, which surprised the ones who didn’t see it.

“Whoa, check me out, I’m excellent again!!” said Mikey.

“Whoa, dudes, that’s awesome!!” said Michelangelo as he looked over at his counterpart’s human form.

“Incredible.” Said Donatello, “I never figured that this is what we would look like as humans.”

“Whoa, major change dude!!” said Beast Boy.

“I like it.” Said Cyborg.

“Alright, my turn.” Said Leo as he did the same, turning into his human form.

“Whoa, looking sharp.” Said Jones.

“Never knew Leo looks handsome as a human.” Said O’Neil, which made Leonardo blush a bit.

“And I’m sure a certain Princess will agree to it too.” Said Roland before pointing at Princess Twilight.

Everyone looked at Princess Twilight as they saw her looking at Leo with her jaw dropped and her face turned red whilst seeing his human form. It dawned to the others that this is the first time Princess Twilight sees him as a human and if her reaction is anything like Twilight’s…

“Uh, oh.” Said Leo.

Princess Twilight ended up breathing heavily and fainted, causing Leo to quickly catch her, whilst she also had a smile on her face from seeing him. Half the people laughed at the moment, even half the Rainbooms, as they figured something like this would happen. Though the 2003 Turtles were a bit confused.

“Uh, what’s going on?” asked Leonardo.

Roland whispered to them and said “Leo and Princess Twilight have a thing for one another.”

The Turtles, Jones and O’Neil were shocked and surprised to hear that.

Raph laughed and said “So our fearless leader’s counterpart’s girlfriend is a pony Princess from another dimension?! Man, that’s a good one.”

Leonardo on the other hand blushed and was a little embarrassed at the same time.

“Twilight. Twilight, wake up.” Said Leo as he tried slapping her cheek a couple of times.

Roland then whispered to Raven about something, causing her to smirk and snap her fingers, making Leo suddenly kiss Princess Twilight full on the lips, taking everyone by surprise. But not as surprised as Princess Twilight was when she opened her eyes wide awake, and blushed madly, making her instantly get up.

“Whoa,” muttered Princess Twilight, “That was some wakeup call.”

Half the Titans and grouped snickered at this, whilst Leo was embarrassed about it. Though not as surprised as Leonardo was when he saw that display.

Next up was Raph as he activated his. However, the moment he activated his, he was turned into…you guessed it, his prom Queen form.

“What the?!” exclaimed Raph, then screamed “Guys!!!”

This caused everyone in the room to laugh their heads off when they saw him.

“Well, that was amusing.” Said Hal/Green Lantern.

“Well, what do you know,” commented Roland, “The female setting worked.”

Then some of them looked at him surprised. “Wait…did you say, female mode?” said Rainbow as she stifled her laughter.

“Yeah, we wanted to test the gender change feature.” Said Gamer.

“Okay, that’s just disturbing.” Said Ben.

“Yeah, like I’m gonna take advice from the guy who laid eggs when he turned into Big Chill.” Said Roland.

“Oh, you had to bring that up!!” exclaimed Ben as he covered his face.

“You know he does have a point there…mommy.” Teased Kevin, which Gwen laughed a bit too.

Roland walked over and changed the setting, causing Raph to turn into his jock form, with Raphael saying “Now dat’s more like it.”

“You know I kinda pictured you as a jock.” Said Jones.

Next up was Donnie, who turned into his human form, only for Raphael to laugh at him, and said “You’re a skinny nerd!!”

Suddenly, he was whacked behind the head by none other than Donatello, who looked at him with a stink eye as he held his Bo-Staff.

Suddenly, Mikey saw something on the side of Leo’s watch. And said “Hey, what’s that?”

“Huh?” muttered Leo as he looked at the side of his watch. He pressed a button and within a split second, he was wearing a Plumber suit, which surprised everyone. “Huh?!!”

He pressed the same button, causing him to get different outfits at the same time.

“Oh yeah, we were able to install outfits into that.” Said Roland.

“The data scans any piece of clothing, and bam, instant outfit..” said Gamer with pride.

Everyone made comments like ‘Whoa/nice/amazing’ and son on. Rarity on the other hand was curious about something.

“Exactly how many outfits does that have?” she asked.

“Over ten thousand.” Responded Roland and Gamer.

Which was a big mistake, Rarity gasped so loudly, she instantly zipped over and grabbed both Gamer and Roland whilst saying “You simply must give me such a device!!”

“Sorry Rarity, but the watches were designed with those who aren’t human!!” said Gamer.

“Awww.” Pouted Rarity as she let them go. Until…

“But I did make this.” Said Roland.

Rarity was curious and took it. It looked like a makeup mirror. But when she opened it, it had a mirror, as well as computerized buttons. She pressed it and within a split second, she was wearing an outfit she wore when they encountered some of VILE’s faculty when they teamed up with Carmen Sandiego. She gasped and was surprised by this.

“This is amazing!!” said Rarity as she held onto her… “Wait…I recognize this.”

“Good eye.” Said Roland, “I borrowed this tech from WHOOP a while back.”

“Wait,” said Sunset as she, the Rainbooms and turtles were surprised. “You know Alex, Clover and Sam?!”

“That I do.” Said Roland. “They’re really nice girls. Fun to hang out with.”

He then rolled his eyes and said “Although, Clover’s twice the bigger drama queen than Rarity.”

“He…!!” exclaimed Rarity for a split second as she was offended by that. However, she instantly remembered all the times that Clover complained more than she did. “Actually, I agree with you on that one.”

Leo then noticed something on his watch’s clothing section, and he said “All natural?”

He pressed the button, causing another flash. However, he heard many gasps all around him, making him look. He noticed that some of the girls were blushing and looking way. However, both Twilight and Princess Twilight blushed madly at this, making them faint in the process.

“What?” said Leo.

“Uh, Leo.” Said Mikey, “Detect a breeze?”

Leo looked down and yelped before pressing another button, making him get his original disguise’s clothing.

“What the heck?!” exclaimed Casey.

Though the two geniuses were stunned, they instantly shook it off and were confused.

“That can’t be right.” Said Gamer as the two of them looked over the plans of the watch.

“How the heck could we have made that error?” said Roland.

They then suddenly spot something that caught their attention, making their eyes widen, as they slowly look at each other and went, “Oooooohhh.”

“Gamer, Roland,” said Shine Boy, “What did you do?”

The two of them slowly look up, with Gamer said “We uh…followed a bit too much of the Omnitrix’ design.”

“Which one?” asked Rarity.

“They uh…” said Roland, then noticed the kids around, and said slowly and nervously, “Also have the ability to perform the birds and the bees in that state to pass on genetics?”

Everyone was stunned by what he had said, with some of them blushing madly at this.

“Okay, that’s it.” Said Shine Boy, “No more working in the lab for a few days.”

“Oh, come on!!” shouted Gamer.

“We’ll uh…” said O’Neil, “Try to get ready.”

“Hey, whilst we’re at it.” Said Michelangelo. “Why not contact the Justice Force. We could use the help.”

“Good idea.” Said Donatello, “I’ll try to contact them.”

“Wait!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, “Not without these!!”

Within a split second, Pinkie pulled something from her hair, and zipped over to her friends. Within a split second, she dressed them up as the Power Pony costumes again, which surprised everyone, minus the ones who already knows.

“Pinkie!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight.

“Whoa, nice costumes.” Said Wally/Flash.

“What are you guys dressed as?” asked Black Canary.

“I’ll answer that.” Said April, considering she saw them first hand. “They’re dressed as superheroes from a comic book. Pinkie Pie is dressed as Filli Second, the fastest pony alive.”

“Like the Flash.” Said Spike, which surprised the two Flashes.

“Applejack is Mistress Mare-volus.” Said April.

“Like Wonder Woman.” Said Mikey, which surprised Wonder Woman.

“Rainbow Dash is Zapp.” Said April.

“Which makes her like Thor, the god of thunder.” Said Mikey.

Rainbow was surprised by this, making her look at her medallion, and said “Huh, I can kinda see that.”

“Rarity is Radiance.” Said April.

“Which makes her like Green Lantern.” Said Mikey, “Except her power comes from her bracelet.”

Both Hal and John were surprised by this whilst looking at one another with flexed eyebrows.

“Fluttershy is Saddle Rager.” Said April.

“Which kind of makes her like the Hulk.” Said Mikey.

Everyone looked at her and was in disbelief. From what they learned about the Hulk, he becomes stronger when angry, but from Fluttershy…

“Yeah, I don’t see it.” Said Raph as he shook his head, with the others voicing their agreement.

“My counterpart and I are dressed as Hum-Drum, their sidekick.” Said Spike, “Sunset is dressed as one of their arch enemies, the Mane-iac, Starlight is dressed as another villain called Shadowmane, and my Twilight is dressed like the Masked Mare-Do-Well.”

Pony Rainbow groaned at this, for it was something she had hoped to never see again, however, she was focused on the others.

“Whoa,” said pony Rainbow Dash, “So that’s what the Power Ponies look like as humans?”

“How astounding.” Said pony Rarity, then she pondered, “I wonder what Shadow spade looks like as a human.”

Roland on the other hand, looked at both Sunset and Princess Twilight’s costumes, and had somewhat of a disappointed look. He walked over to Sunset, which gained her attention. And for some reason, didn’t like the look on his eye.

“Uh, Roland, what are you…?” said Sunset before Roland grabbed her and lifted her over his shoulder. “Hey, wait!! Put me down!!”

He walked over to Princess Twilight and did the same thing. “Hey, let me go!!”

They saw Roland walking away with them and went around the corner. At first, all they heard was yelping, exclaiming, along with ‘don’t take that off’ and ‘your hands are cold’, and other embarrassing noises. After so many noises, Roland walked out and dusted his hands. But he noticed everyone giving him odd looks.

“Uh, what did you do?” asked Batgirl.

“First off, let me introduce a superhero that Spike the Dragon knows.” Said Roland before pulling someone, which was Princess Twilight.

To their surprise, her costume almost looks like Masked Matterhorn, but her arms, gloves and legs appeared to have armor of sorts on it. That’s when Spike gasped.

“I got it!! Matterhorn Prime!!” exclaimed Spike, which confused some.

“Uh, what now?” said pony Rainbow Dash.

“In issue 226 of Power Ponies,” said Spike, “The Power Ponies stumbled upon Matterhorn Prime, who happens to be the original Masked Matterhorn, who came to help the heroes when her arch nemesis, Anti-Matterhorn, escaped to cause havoc.”

“Whoa, awesome!!” said Mikey as he got excited.

“Yeah girl, that’s like, so metal!!” said Casey.

“I like it.” Said Cyborg, “It really suits her.”

“But wait, where’s Sunset?” asked Robin.

Roland smirked and brought her in. And what they saw, they didn’t expect.

Sunset was wearing black boots, black skin tight pants with flames on both sides. Black skin tight wear that covers the center of her body, with a belt buckle with her cutie mark up front, wearing a jacket that almost looks like her old one, but with flames on the side, black gloves with metal knuckles for punches, along with glasses that covers her eyes.

“I present to you,” said Roland before pointing at Sunset, “The Phoenix!!”

Everyone adored Sunset’s outfit as they saw her, which left her confused. Hal/Green Lantern made her a mirror for her to see. When she looked at herself, she was surprised to see what she saw whilst observing herself.

“Darling, wherever did you come up with this idea?” said Rarity with interest.

“I met a guy named Malcontent.” Said Roland, “Nice guy, he said that she was inspired by Sunset when she saved his life, so he created a superhero that almost looks like her. And in my spare time, I uh…”

Roland blushed and said “I secretly made that one for her in case she wanted to go to a costume party.”

Everyone was surprised by it, with Rarity holding him and exclaiming “You made it?! You made such a masterpiece?!”

“It’s a hobby.” Replied Roland.

Sunset kept looking at herself and smiled.

“I have to admit, this is amazing, Roland.” Said Sunset, but then noticed from her posterior. “Although…doesn’t it make my butt look big or something?”

“Actually, studying between the physiology of the female, whether human or pony,” began Roland, “A lady’s posterior is normal for society, but when it comes to a pony, who turns into a human, their posterior tends to have a very alluring side, hence why most folks couldn’t stop looking at you whenever you walk by.”

Roland then concluded, “But all and all, I think you, Princess Twilight, and Starlight look great. Cause as far as everyone else is concerned, that’s Equestria’s booty.”

There was a long dead silent, as everyone was giving him surprise, awkward and strange looks from what he said, whilst Sunset, Princess Twilight and Starlight blushed greatly from this.

“What?!” exclaimed Roland, “Can’t a guy who’s also a trained doctor admires the anatomy of physical transformations between a pony and a human?!”

Venus then grumbled, “Nice save, dork.”

Roland glared at her, whilst Sunset ended up looking at her posterior again, same with Princess Twilight and Starlight. However, curious, Mikey looked and motioned to his brothers, counterparts and the two Caseys. They saw the reflection and saw their posteriors, whilst thinking about what Roland had said. They slowly formed a flex from their eyebrows whilst slightly tilting their heads to the right and crossed their arms whilst staring at it.

“You know, I think I can see that.” Said Leo.

This however, did not go unnoticed to Sunset, Princess Twilight, and Starlight, causing them to squeak and cover their posteriors with their hands whilst they were embarrassed at the same time.

“So,” said John/Green Lantern, trying to avoid anything awkward. “Now that we have our volunteers, where will we go from here?”

“We’ll have to find a way to hijack a random patrol.” Pondered Roland.

“Thankfully, I know the answer.” Said the 03 Turtles’ ally, Croc Leatherhead, with their Professor Honeycutt next to him. “When Donatello was mutated with his already mutant DNA, I was able to secretly hack into the EPF database.”

“Indeed,” said Professor Honeycutt, “When Bishop told me about this human organization, it became clear that he needed to be kept in check. So, I handed Leatherhead a device that would allow us to track their movements and reports. With this information, we can keep tracking them and we’ll be able to stay one step ahead of them.”

“Whoa,” said Venus as she walked over to the mutant crocodile. She motioned the two of them to come closer, to which they did, causing Venus to kiss the both of them, surprising them, especially a few. “Nice work you two.”

The robot and gator blushed and cleared their throats. “In any case.” Began Croc Leatherhead, “We’ve tracked recent chatter that the EPF have recently began to go on a recruitment drive. And according to them, they’re moving from Virginia right now. So, our best bet is to ambush them and subdue them at Tennessee.”

“Then we’d better get going.” Said Roland, “The quicker we get going, the sooner we’ll be able to catch up with them.”

“We’ll need to get some things ready.” Said Gamer, “I don’t like the idea of going in there without having some backup.”

“Good call.” Said Leonardo, “Better to be safe than sorry.”

“But what will the rest of us do?” asked Jason, “Obviously we can’t just sit around doing nothing.”

“We’ll need a diversion of sorts.” Said Nightwing. “The team goes in to infiltrate, whilst the rest would appear all over to cause a distraction. If Agent Bishop has all of our enemies down there, no doubt he’s already cloned most of them and prepared to unleash them to test them.”

“The League and the rest of our allies will be the distraction from outside.” Said Superman, “Static and his group will go with the Turtles and Rainbooms and will disguise themselves as the EPF recruits..”

“Oh,” muttered Rarity, “We’re not going to have to wear those icky sweaty uniforms now, are we?”

Some groaned at this, with Roland saying “Good thing I came prepared for that.”

Roland walked over to Night Shine, which made him look at Roland confused. Roland used the same mirror he gave to Rarity to scan himself with the outfit hood he was wearing. He then handed it to Night Shine and pressed it, and within a split second, the device scanned him whilst giving him the same outfit, which surprised everyone.

“As you can see, the scanner scans the clothing the other wears,” said Roland, “And within a split second, you automatically have identical clothes, but in your size. In other words, making clothes out of nothing.”

Once again, everyone is impressed. With Roland looking at Superman with a flexed eyebrow, and said “And you know supes, if you want, I can make one for you too. That way you don’t have to switch outfits constantly.”

“That would come in handy.” Wondered Superman.

Roland then looked at the Rainbooms, Starlight and Princess Twilight.

“Though I still think with those costumes you look great.” Said Roland, who then smirked whilst crossing his arms and said “All comfy, and snug in all the right places. Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

This caused the said girls to blush hard by what he said, with Rainbow being bright red and went “S-shut up!!!”, causing Roland to chuckled as he found the looks on their faces adorable.

“So, what’s the game plan going to be?” asked Karai.

“We’ll, knowing most military trucks, and I do,” said Roland, “They’ll most likely go to a truck stop station to refuel and snacks.”

“Classic military shenanigans.” Said Wally/Flash, causing both Hal and John to look at Flash with a flexed eyebrow.

“Then we’ll have to strike from there.” Said Wonder Woman.

“We’re gonna need more volunteers for just in case.” Said Roland.

“The Rainbooms and our Turtles are obvious.” Said Venus. “We can even add the Mane 6 and this world’s turtles, as well as April, Casey and their counterparts, along with Keno, Karai and Shinigami.”

“Good call.” Said Karai, “We can try to sneak around and try to cover more ground that way.”

“Then let’s get ready.” Said Tommy, “We’ve got a long day ahead.”


Whilst they were getting ready, both Shine Boy and Roland walked down the hall.

“Look, I said we were sorry okay, how the heck were we supposed to know we accidentally added that in there?!” said Roland.

Ever since he and Gamer discovered that they added something else to the Turtles’ cover, Shine Boy ended up banning the both of them to make sure that.

“I told Gamer, like I’ll tell you, you should’ve double checked the device before building it.” Said Shine Boy.

“We were both tired whilst working on…” Roland tried to protest.

They suddenly stopped as they heard…smooching sounds? They slowly looked at the room door, wondering what was going on. They slowly approached the door and then opened it. Both of them widened their eyes as they saw something they never thought they see. For inside was Turtle turned human Leo, without his shirt, whilst his face was covered in lipstick, whilst the two Twilights, with Twilight having her hair down, both of them making out with him.

Leo suddenly widened his eyes in shock as he saw two faces. “Uh…girls? We got company.”

Both Twilight and Princess Twilight looked at his direction and also widened their eyes in shock, whilst both Roland and Shine Boy was smirking and leaning at the door.

“Enjoying yourselves are we?” said Shine Boy.

“Uh…” muttered Leo and the two Twilights.

“Shine Boy, Roland.” Called Grandpa Max through the intercom, “The EPF recruit truck is nearing the gas station. We’ve got an hour till they get there.”

“Got it Max, we’ll be right there.” Said Shine Boy.

“You got thirty minutes.” Said Roland with a smirk as the two of them closed the door behind them.

Leo and the two Twilights looked at one another.

“Think we can finish up in twenty-five minutes?” asked Leo.

“I think so.” Said Twilight.

“It’ll be the first time, too.” Said Princess Twilight.

The two of them continued from where they left off as they continued their passionate kiss.


Within moments, on the ground, far away to a random gas station, everything seemed normal and didn’t look anything out of the ordinary. Or so it seems.

From up top of the hill, Roland was looking through the binoculars. And beside him, were the 03 Turtles, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and the Young Six.

“Anything yet?” asked Leonardo.

“Nothing so far.” Said Roland. He then contacted the others and said “Everyone in position?”

Far down below, from both sides of the gas station, two teams were down there. On one side was Team Shine and the Shadowbolts, on the other side is the Equestrians.

“This is Shine Boy,” said Shine Boy, “Team 2 is in position.”

“We’re ready too.” Whispered Blade. (I know what you’re thinking, usually Princess Twilight is the one to answer, but Blade slowly learned on how to use a radio, so he does the talking)

From within the gas station, Leo and his turtles and their New York friends, along with Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy, were waiting on the rooftops of the gas station.

“We’re in position from up here.” Said Leo.

“You know, for a gas station that we’ve never been to,” said Mikey, “I have to admit, sometimes they look like they’ve got good snacks. Keyword, sometimes.”

“I know what you mean,” said Spike, “Remember the last gas station we went to when we went on that summer vacation that time with your parents, Shining Armor and Cadence Twilight.”

Twilight groaned and said “Don’t remind me.”

And among the crowd in disguise as janitors, Venus, Invictus, Silverbolt, along with Static and his team were getting into position as well.

“We’re all set here.” Said Static.

“Gotta admit,” said Gears, “This is the first time I’m disguising myself as a janitor to clean a place whilst being undercover at the same time.”

“You get used to it.” Said Nightwing.

“Yeah, trust me, it’s no joke.” Said Robin as he felt the same.

“Alright, keep us posted, we’ll let you know if we spot anything, Watchmen out.” Said Roland before signing off.

“Ugh, do we have to wait?” complained Rainbow.

“Down Rainbow,” said Roland playfully, “Don’t go all Bugs Bunny on us. Unless you wanna make the same mistake like he did with Cecil Turtle?”

Rainbow widened her eyes in shock by what he said, then sighed and said “Point taken.”

“Still,” said Smolder, “Why do we have to wait around for them to arrive, couldn’t we just attack the convoy?”

“And risk calling for backup, no way.” Said Sunset.

“Yeah, until then, use your ears to listen instead of brushing an order off.” Said Roland.

“Fine.” Groaned Smolder.

Roland then scoffed and did something unexpected…

“Wish you lot had showed that kind of commitment when Ace and Mikey asked for help.”

Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity were surprised by what he said, with the others just as surprised.

“Uh-oh, looks like he’s doing the thing that he told us about.” Whispered Michelangelo to his brothers, to which they nodded, though Leonardo only heard of it from him, he wanted to see it himself.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Smolder.

“Oh, I think you know what I mean,” said Roland as he kept his eyes on the road, “How you lot turned your back on Ace after you lot kicked him in the mud puddle.”

“That wasn’t us,” said Silverstream, “Melody and Patch were the ones who kicked him in.”

“Plus, he was the one who got us into trouble in the first place, and we ended up getting blamed for his mistake.” Said Gallus.

Roland then partially looked at Gallus sternly and said “This coming from a beak-faced moron who got his own friends into trouble by planting that goop bomb on that star on Hearth’s Warming Eve and everyone got blamed for your mistake? Or that time you and your so-called entourage got Princess Twilight in trouble and got the school to shut down because you lot decided to play hooky and got Chancellor Neighsay and the EEA their crosshairs on you lot, especially that time he thought that all of you were stealing magic when he had no solid proof and judged you because of your species and their reputation.”

Gallus was taken aback by this and felt very sheepish about it, especially the rest of the Young Six as they felt bad about it, and Ocellus for turning into a fly monster.

“All because you wanted to spend more time with your friends because you didn’t have a family to go back to. At all.” Everyone us was surprised by this, until he said whilst focusing back on the road “Besides, I’m an orphan too, and you don’t hear me whining about it.”

Everyone was surprised by this, with Applejack saying, “Y’all didn’t have any family? But what about your Splinter?”

“He’s not my real father.” Said Roland, which surprised them. Roland sighed and said “Before my mom died, she looked through my medical records. When she was asleep I looked through it myself. And it turns out…Splinter wasn’t my real father. He was only someone that my mother dated before he got mutated. Meaning he never was my real father. I never had one. And my mother never told me about it.”

He looked at them and said “And the least you lot could’ve done was to defend Mikey, considering he was the one who recommended and defended Bright Eyes when your so-called teachers thought she was going to pull a Cozy Glow, and a certain someone who accused her just for smiling.”

“Well, if Mikey hadn’t acted like a spoilt child, we would’ve supported him in the first place.” Said Smolder.

And within a split second, Roland snapped his fingers, causing a small dome to appear around him and his group, which surprised the others before he darted over to Smolder and shouted right in her face.


Smolder was taken aback by this when she was on her rump, and suddenly found herself shedding tears by that amount of force. The others were just as shocked and taken aback by this, even Leonardo was surprised by this.

Roland then ended up shedding tears too, which surprised Smolder. Did he…felt hurt for saying things like that? Roland then scoffed and said “Neighsay ended up being right about you lot after all.”

He walked a bit to the edge and gripped his fists before snapping his fingers and dropping the barrier. Silverstream and Sandbar went over to Smolder and helped her up. However, …

“Um…if I might ask…why are you so defensive over Mikey?” asked none other than Ocellus. “I felt it. You were acting really…defensive about it.”

“Yeah, I noticed it too.” Said Sunset. “Whenever you talked to us, we felt a voice of overprotection. How come you defended him from certain…situations?”

Roland looked ahead and felt his heart aching. His breath was shaking, but he had to let it out.

“Because I see a lot of myself in him.” responded Roland.

The Young Six, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and the 03 Turtles were surprised by this.

“After when my mom died,” said Roland, “I had nothing. The Joes turned their backs on me. I was dirt poor, with no family, no relatives, no friends, no nothing. And I struggled, my whole life, to pull my life out of the gutter. No one gave a damn about me. Or believed in me. Not even for one second. Unlike all of you, who had everything they needed, on a silver platter.”

The others were speechless by what he had said.

“But Mikey...” said Roland, “I bumped into him shortly when I lost all hope. He was the same age I was. He saw something in me. Believed in me. He told me that everyone would always treat them harshly. He taught me how to believe in myself. At first I didn't want to hear it. But after Shine Boy saved me, only then did I understand. And years later after when I bumped into the Turtles again with the Rainbooms, I was overjoyed to see him again. And through our time together, we always supported and helped one another through thick and thin. There were two people I owe my life to. Shine Boy, for saving me from myself...”

He turned around and faced them, “And Mikey, who believed and supported me when nobody else did.”

He then glared, “After they abandoned him, I was furious. But then I was enraged when he left. He wasn't the Mikey I knew anymore, the one who smiled like Pinkie and believed in others when nobody else did, even in the face of dark times.”

He faced ahead, and said “Besides Shine Boy and Team Shine, Mikey was the only good thing that gave me a reason to hope and live. But then they ended up taking that away from the both of us. I didn't care what I had to do to get it back.”

He sighed and said “But then I ended up cutting ties with him. Not only was he cold to the others, he was to me as well. What he said...really hurt me. The Mikey I cared was gone.”

He looked at the Young Six angrily, “And Mikey may not be mature, but unlike you six, at least he was brave enough to be himself. But what would a boneheaded selfish dragon…”

Smolder widened her eyes at that.

“A Fishface chicken who chose to hide like a coward…”

Silverstream widened her eyes in shock.

“A greedy glorified Pidgeon…”

Gallus was shocked by the insult.

“A brutish small-minded yak…”

Yona winced at that.

“And bug faced emotion sucking leech, to understand that.”

Ocellus looked hurt by that.

“Hey, come on…” said Sandbar as he tried to calm things down until Roland cut her off and looked at him face to face.

“Especially an airheaded Earth pony, who tends to act cool, but will always be that little colt who wet his bed at the first sound of a squeaky toy.”

Sandbar widened his eyes in shock and blushed in embarrassment that someone knew his secret, but also looked hurt in the process.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and looked. He saw Sunset behind him, showing a concerned look, especially Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity, with the 2003 Turtles giving him both flexed eyebrows and a concerned look. Roland realized what he did, causing him to hold his head in shame.

“Not again.” Muttered Roland.

Sunset then shockingly realized…this played out before, like her scolding Twilight because of the magic that she released during the Friendship Games, and then she yelled at her, with Rainbow being the one to calm her down and help her realize it. Seeing that image, now Sunset understood. Not just Roland, but herself too.

Roland then looked at the kids, who looked hurt. But then he said in regret and hurt of his own. “Look, I’m sorry, for the losses and pain all of you had from your own shared experience. But you're not the ones who had to watch your friends die and lost everything on that world.”

Roland then stood up and went ahead, saying “I’ll scout on ahead. Signal you when they’ve stopped.”

As he left, the others looked at the Young Six who looked hurt.

“Well…that was something.” Muttered Smolder.

“Sorry guys.” Said Rainbow.

“Why are you apologizing for him?” said Gallus.

“Cause Roland told us what he went through.” Said Leonardo. “Pain is like a net. It ensnares you when you travel, and the tighter it grows, so does the pain. He carried that pain for a long time.”

Ocellus then realized something, and said “He’s right.”

They looked at her, with Ocellus saying “The way he talked, behind all that anger. All I could feel was bitterness. Pain…loneliness. There wasn’t an ounce of love left in him. And that…he lost hope.”

“Plus, we found out the truth of why he was like this.” Said Michelangelo, only to get slapped behind the head.

The Young Six was confused by this, with Yona saying “What Roland say to teachers?”

“That’s…not our place to say.” Said Applejack.

“Indeed.” Said Rarity, “He’ll tell you when the time is right.”

As Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and the other 03 Turtles walked over to watch the view, Michelangelo felt the six of them needed to know, so he motioned them to come over to him, which they did.

“Don’t take it the wrong way,” said Michelangelo, “Roland means well, it’s just that he’s haunted by his past, a lot. And seeing you lot, only brought back painful memories.”

“Oh, come on.” Said Smolder, “What did they do that was so bad?”

“Well,” said Michelangelo, “Keeps this between us. But…”

“But what?” said Gallus with a flexed eyebrow.

“Let’s just say…” said Michelangelo, “In his world, after the Meanboom incident and that fight you had with Rihona, you, the Rock N Beats, the Canterlot Movie Club, Princess Twilight and her friends were the reason Ace and Bright Eyes were dead.”

The Young Six were shocked and taken aback by this. Michelangelo said “Just…wait until this is over. Then I’ll tell you. Just…not with everyone watching.”

Michelangelo went back to the others, with the Young Six shocked by what Michelangelo revealed. Is that why Roland was angry…because of what their counterparts did? They decided to ask another time, until.

“Guys, incoming trucks.” Everyone from their stations looked through their scopes, and saw two EPF trucks driving down the road. They kept an eye on it just in case. Within mere moments, they began to park at the spots and did what Roland guessed they would do.

“Wow, you were right, Roland.” Said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, they really did come here to refuel and snack.” Said Twilight.

“Alright everyone, move in.” said Roland, we’ve got some hijacking to do.

Sunset turned to the Young Six and said “You guys get back and report to the others, tell them to get ready.”

“You got it.” Said Sandbar as they used their teleporter and teleported back to the ship to warn everyone.

“Let’s get to work.” Said Roland as he moved ahead, with the others following suit.


The trucks had parked at the spots where the soldiers climbed off to get the snacks they were looking for whilst also getting fuel at the same time. The two leaders of the trucks were waiting for them at the front of the trucks, talking to one another. From around the corner, Roland, the 03 Turtles, along with Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow were watching from the corner.

“Let’s take them out.” Whispered Rainbow until Roland stopped her.

“I’ve got a better way without giving ourselves away.” Whispered Roland.

He took out what appeared to be a blowgun and held a couple of darts ready. He placed them inside and said “Rainbow, Rarity, on the count of three, you two take a guard each and hide them behind here.”

The latter nodded, with Roland aiming his blowgun. Within a split second, he shot both the guards, causing them to strike at their necks, making them hold onto them before they collapsed onto the ground. And before they could hit, Rainbow zipped and grabbed the one guard whilst Rarity used her geode shield to lift up and brought the EPF guard over at their hiding spots.

“Let’s hope the others have better luck.” Whispered Leonardo as they quickly took the guards away.


From within the stores, the EPF guards were getting some snacks, before they were grabbed by the Turtles and New York allies.

From the bathrooms, after they were done doing their business, the EPF soldiers were done washing their hands, and were suddenly knocked out by Static using his electrical powers.

From the gas stations, where the EPF soldiers had just finished putting fuel inside, closed the caps, until they were subdued by the Shadowbolts and were knocked out cold as well.

And finally, the leader of the EPF, who happens to be a recruiter, was busy standing a bit further a way to take a break, until he was put into a choke hold by Roland. Roland then spoke an incantation and ended up reading his mind, before placing him back onto the ground. Until Roland was suddenly punched in the face. Roland held his jaw and looked at who punched him. He saw it was Night Shine. Roland sighed.

“You heard?” said Roland, to which Night Shine nodded. “It…never gets any easy, does it?”

Night Shine grunted and turned around, but instantly stopped and slowly looked at him. And said something unexpected.

“No. No it doesn’t.”

Night Shine walked away, with Roland grabbing the EPF soldier and hauled him over his shoulder and walked away.


Soon enough, everyone had gathered the unconscious EPF soldiers, with Roland holding the scanners and scanned their uniforms. He then synced them with the others before turning around to them.

“Alright then, on the count of three.” Said Roland. “One. Two. Three.”

Everyone pressed the button, causing them to instantly change their outfits to the EPF uniforms.

“Whoa,” said Jones, “I am so lovin’ this device. Makes me wonder what it would be like if we had tech like this?”

“Oh, I know what you mean.” Said Rarity.

“What are we going to do with them?” asked Shine Boy whilst pointing to the EPF soldiers.

“We’ll teleport them to the ship for safety measure.” Said John/Green Lantern, “We’ll have Martian erase their memories of anything related to the EPF, just to be on the safe side.”

John/Green Lantern was about to use his ring to disguise himself, until Roland stopped him.

“Hold up,” said Roland, “How much power does your ring have?”

John/Green Lantern flexed an eyebrow, and used his ring to investigate. The ring then said “Power at 25%.”

“Should be enough.” Said John/Green Lantern.

“Still, can’t take any chances.” Said Roland and pulled out a large battery pack, which John/Green Lantern flexing an eyebrow on what Roland has planned.

“Put your ring against it, and you’ll see.” Said Roland.

Deciding to humor him, John/Green Lantern placed his ring into the hole of the battery pack, causing to glow, which surprised the Lantern a bit. The battery then ran out of power and instantly evaporated. Lantern checked his ring, with it responding with “Power at 100%.”

“That’s impossible.” Said John/Green Lantern in shock.

“I studied a bit from Hal,” said Roland, “So after much experimenting, I was able to determine what kind of energy it uses. Oh sure, it requires will power to be used, but after much experimenting, I was able to create that energy and placed it in a walking battery pack, that would allow you to restore your ring to full power. It even can be stored within the ring for just in case of an emergencies.”

“This is amazing.” Said John/Green Lantern in surprise, “Every Lantern would make great use of it.”

“It wasn’t easy to make, but I like a challenge.” Said Roland. “Anyway, let’s get going, we don’t want to attract any unwanted attention.”

“Agreed.” Said the Lantern as he used his ring to disguise himself, whilst the unconscious EPF soldiers were teleported away.

“Alright then,” said Roland, “John and I will be riding in the first truck. So, one of you will need to ride the second truck.”

“Ah’ll do it,” said Applejack, “Ah’ve got experience driving trucks.”

“You do that.” Said Roland.

“Shotgun!!” said Rainbow.

Roland then gasped and said playfully said “Why Rainbow, why are you wanting to sit in front with her? Are you and Applejack a couple?”

Rainbow was surprised at that statement and nearly blushed. However, the looks she was getting from the others, caused them to smile.

“S-Shut up!!” exclaimed Rainbow as she marched into the second truck and climbs into the passenger seat whilst slamming the door.

“Oh, she’s so cute when she’s all pouty like that.” Said Roland, and went, “Gee, ain’t I a stinker?”

Some couldn’t help but laugh at this, with Michelangelo whispering, “I don’t know what’s surprising, that Roland’s all super serious, or that he tends to be a more different and likeable person when he does that?”

“It’s clear that he’s trying his best.” Said Leonardo, “From what Shine Boy told us, he had a hard time trusting anyone, hence why he’s trying to change.”

“Won’t be a problem if he doesn’t do some’in about dat attitude of his.” Said Raphael.

“You know, coming from you, that’s kind of ironic.” Said Donatello as everyone else climbs into the truck.

“Alright John, you’re on point.” Said Roland.

“Right,” said John/Lantern, before contacting Applejack and said “Keep close at all times. We don’t want them to get suspicious.”

“Roger that, Sugarcube.” Said Applejack.

Soon enough, John/Green Lantern and Applejack drove the trucks with all of them onboard, heading towards the next destination. However, from atop the same hill, two individuals were standing on the top of a hill. The cloaked figure, revealing to be Jacob Drake, was standing right next to another individual.

“Alright, they’re off now.” Said Jacob before turning to the individual. “They’re off to the base. Once you get inside, they’ll try their best to turn off the defenses so that the others could attack and rescue Batman. But something tells me it won’t be enough. So, whilst they deal with the EPF, I’ll try to rescue the Dark Knight. You do what you can to disable security. No distractions. Got it?”

“Acknowledge.” Said the second being.

“Good. Let’s go.” Said Jacob before he suddenly powered in a powerful aura and flew off, with the second being flying right beside him.


After a long drive, they eventually made it to their destination.

“You sure this is the place?” asked John/Green Lantern.

“Positive.” Said Roland, “Thanks to a spell I know, I was able to go through different protocols. Now I’ve got total access to everything. Same way I was able to transfer it to your mind.”

John/Green Lantern was surprised by this, then said “We need to talk personal boundaries after this.”

“Yet you allow Martian to read your mind?” said Roland rhetorically.

“Ahem, touché.” Said John/Green Lantern as he couldn’t argue with that.

They made their way towards a mountain, until part of the bottom was revealed to be a holographic gate, with two EPA soldiers standing guard. Once they were close enough, they signaled them to stop, with John/Green Lantern doing just that. They parked nearby, with the EPA soldier slowly coming forward.

“Identify.” Said the soldier.

“Joseph, Johnson.” Said John/Green Lantern whilst showing his ID, which he was thankful whilst wearing a helmet, “I’m here to drop off the latest batch of recruits. Just be warned, they’re green horns.”

The EPA soldier looked at the ID, then handed it back to John. “Not a problem. We’ll handle it.”

“No, I’ll handle it.” Said John/Green Lantern, “Bishop trusted some of you to take care of the recruits, and they ended up nearly exposing his operations. He was not happy about it. Which is why he trusts me enough to do it.”

The soldier sighed and said “Fine, we’ll let it slide. Don’t want to get on his bad side anyway. Go on in.”

The gates soon opened, allowing them to drive inside. Everyone began to stay prepared, for they didn’t want anything to catch them off guard.

However, a little farther away, both Jacob and the assailant were watching from afar. He turned to the assailant and said “I’ll go find a way to rescue bats. You do what you can to get what info you can.”

“Acknowledged. Cloak engaged.” Said the assailant as he turned invisible.

Jacob slowly moved towards the perimeter, where one of the Commanders were taking a break whilst staring out in the open. Suddenly, Jacob grabbed the guard, making him grunt, with Jacob slowly turning into energy and went straight into the man’s body, making the soldier grunt whilst holding his head. Suddenly, he stopped squirming, with the Commander looking normal. However, Jacob had possessed him like a ghost, making him move towards the base. For their work has just begun.


“So, this is the base?” said Indigo Zap as she was able to get a partial look.

“That’s right, but don’t let it fool you.” Said Leonardo over the comms, “We nearly fell victim to them numerous times, they even captured us to try to dissect us and tried to brainwash the Rainbooms into working for him.”

“If it’s almost anything like Ra’s al Ghul, we’ll believe it.” Said Robin.

“Speaking from experience?” asked Sour Sweet.

“He’s not wrong.” Said Nightwing, “We’ve all had our fair share of bad encounters with villains and organizations.”

“So where do we go from here?” asked Static.

“According to Stockman,” said Donatello as he looked at the map, “We’ll need to make our way towards the security station.”

“Thankfully it’s not far from where we are.” Said Gamer.

“Hopefully we can try to shut things down without them noticing.” Said Gears.

“Even if we do shut down the security station, they still have their defense system.” Said Donnie.

“We’ll have to shut that one down too.” Said Tempest. Though they may not understand how half the technology works, or understands them at all, at least she’s able to make sense of a few things when it comes to security. “And hopefully the others can distract the outside long enough for us to make our way towards Batman.”

“Though something tells me they won’t go down without a fight.” Said Blade.

“They won’t.” said Venus, “Which is why we’ll need to make sure there aren’t any backup security.”

“Good thing I got a little something along the way.” Said Invictus as he held onto some kind of card.

“A gift from a certain Lombax from another dimension.” Said Silverbolt, “This baby will shut down any form of security and make sure that it permanently stays down.”

“Wait, you guys know Ratchet and Clank?” said Mikey surprised.

“We sure do.” Said Roland, “But…sometimes his inventions can be a bit…weird.”

“Weird is an understatement.” Muttered Raph, to which the others agree to it as well.

John/Green Lantern spotted a parking area, and contacted Applejack and said “We’re coming up at a parking area. We’ll have to go from there.”

Soon enough, both trucks had stopped at the parking area, with everyone climbing out and moving in between in order to be less suspicious.

“Any idea where we go from here?”

Roland opened a map from his tablet and looked through it. “Through that door, we go down the hall and make our way towards the security station. Once we get there, we knock out the guards. Then we find a way to replay the security system.”

“Maybe with yesterday’s footage?” suggested Invictus.

“No can do.” said Venus.

“She’s right.” Said Sugarcoat, “Yesterday’s footage might be a different crew doing different routines. And once we do, they’ll end up knowing what’s going on.”

“What about last week’s footage?” asked Mikey. “Wouldn’t that work?”

“It’s worth a shot.” Said Static, “We don’t wanna keep the others waiting, especially Bats.”

“Then let’s get going.” Said Leonardo, “The longer we’re here, the more Bishop is likely to catch wind that we’re here.”

Everyone quickly went to the door in order to get to the security station.


Soon enough, they arrived at the security station. But to their surprise, there were at least a hundred people inside.

“Whoa, that’s a lot of security dudes.” Said Mikey.

“No kidding,” said Michelangelo, “Though isn’t this kind of overkill?”

“It’s Bishop, what’d you except?” said Jones.

“Is there a way to take out their security system?” said Blade.

Roland turned to Static and said “You think you can work your powers to create an EMP in this room?”

“I can try, but I’ve never tried something so small before.” Said Static.

“It’s worth a shot.” Said Roland. Who then deactivated his disguise, with the others doing the same as they got their weapons at the ready. However, Roland couldn’t help but stare at the Rainbooms again, which of course, didn’t go unnoticed to the girls.

“What?” said a confused Fluttershy.

“I still can’t get over it.” Said Roland, “Your costumes. All snug in the right places. Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

The said girls in costumes couldn’t help but widened their eyes and blushed madly, with Rainbow going, “S-shut up.”

Roland couldn’t help but chuckle at their response before looking forward. Pinkie then looked behind Roland, and then whispered “And you have to admit, that pants does make him have an adorable tushy.”

The girls gawked and looked at Pinkie in shock, as they couldn’t believe she just said that. Roland on the other hand was more focused on the task at hand. He signaled Static to prepare his version of an EMP. Static began to generate enough energy to start a small EMP.

He counted down from three. The moment he went to zero, Static immediately threw it inside, causing all of the computers and cameras and alarms to go offline in the entire room, which shocked the EPA soldiers inside as they looked around.

“What just happened?!” said one of the EPF soldiers.

“Now!!” shouted Roland, causing everyone to charge inside.

“Intruders!!” shouted the second EPF soldier.

“Attack!!” shouted the third as all of them immediately began to fight back.

Everyone began to split up in different directions in order to take the EPA soldiers down.

Roland jumped up in the air and used his pistol’s stun rounds to knock the first two out whilst Roland used his weapon to smack three at the same time. Venus jumped over and did a double kick on the first two before using the fans to knock out the next two. Invictus used his pistol to shoot a concussion shot, knocking out three soldiers whilst delivering a strong kick to the fourth, sending him flying towards the wall.

Silverbolt used his wrist guns to shoot stun rounds at the first four soldiers, with Amethyst Majesty jumping over and delivered a spinning bird kick at the next four.

“Where the heck did you learn that?!” said Silverbolt.

“Learned it from an Interpol agent who happens to be a Street Fighter!!” said Amethyst Majesty.

Leo charged forward and used his swords to slice six of the EPF soldiers’ weapons, whilst Donnie, Mikey took the four of them down, whilst Raph tackled the next two over. Casey and Keno jumped up in the air and double kicked a larger EPF soldier, whilst April used her psychic blast to blast them away. Karai used her sword to deflect a few EPF soldiers who tried to attack with their batons, until Shinigami came along and kicked the two of them away.

Sunset and Fluttershy ran whilst trying to avoid the EPF soldier’s line of fire at the same time, until the two of them jumped together in sync whilst crisscrossing at the same time. Sunset threw her Kunai daggers whilst Fluttershy fired her darts, allowing them to destroy the four of the EPF soldiers’ weapons, allowing Pinkie Pie and Sonata to move in and took two of them out, with Aria and Rainbow Dash doing the same with the other two. Applejack and Rarity darted towards the four heavily fortified EPF soldiers, allowing the two of them to cut the four EPF soldiers’ weapons off, with Adagio double kicking the EPF soldiers away, and Twilight using her magic to send the two of them flying.

Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat ran along and used their chains to wrap the three EPF soldiers and tossed them in the air, allowing Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap to take them down separately.

Princess Twilight vaulted over and double kicked the first two EPF soldiers whilst Applejack grabbed them and threw them with all her strength. Rainbow Dash tackled from below whilst Fluttershy did a spin kick against the next EPF soldier. Rarity used her sickles to slice a few EPF drones, whilst Pinkie Pie uses her party cannon to blast at least two EPF soldiers away. Starlight uses her arrows to shoot six of the EPF soldier’s weapons away, allowing Blade Swipe and Tempest to come along and beat them up.

Leonardo jumped up and sliced the EPA soldiers’ weapons, whilst Donatello used his bo-staff to take three of them down. Whilst Michelangelo distracted a handful of EPF soldiers, Raph was able to take them down. O’Neil stayed behind and fired her blaster from a distance, with Jones covering for her.

Shine Boy and Shine Girl used their weapons to knock down at least five more EPF soldiers, with Gamer using his sword to slice more EPF weapons as Love Shine uses his power to slam onto the ground, sending them flying in the progress. Night Shine uses his fire to melt the five EPF soldiers’ weapons whilst punching their clocks out at the same time.

Nightwing jumped over using his acrobatic skills to fight and take down four EPF soldiers with his batons. Robin uses his bo-staff to knock down four EPF soldiers, with Batgirl using her Batarangs to disarm the next two before using a double kick. Static and Gear used their powers/tech to take down the EPF soldiers’ weapons whilst Rubberband Man took care of them.

As they fought, Sunset was suddenly grabbed from behind as someone shouted “Don’t move!!”

Everyone stopped and saw the last 11 EPF soldiers, holding Sunset hostage as some aimed their weapons at her as well as them.

“Sunset!!” cried the Rainbooms.

“Don’t move!!” said the EPF Squad Leader, “Or we’ll kill your friend right here, right now!!”

Everyone couldn’t make a move, not without injuring Sunset as two men were holding her down and four aimed their weapons at her, with four men aiming their weapons at the others, with the leader aiming directly his pistol at Sunset’s head. However, from far ahead, a cloaked assailant walked down the hall and with its glowing red visor, watched the event go down. But it couldn’t intervene as it had a mission. But just as he took a step.

Roland’s eyes suddenly went back to emerald green, and spoke in a different voice.

“Someone help her!! Someone help Sunset!!” said Roland, but in a different voice.

The assailant suddenly stopped, and played the voice, saying “Someone help her!! Someone help Sunset!!”. The assailant instantly turned to their direction and scanned the assailants holding Sunset down, as well as Sunset herself.

“Acknowledge.” Said the assailant as it walked towards them.

“Let’s not do anything stupid.” Said Leo.

“Let’s calm down and…” said Leonardo, but the squad leader was getting impatient.

At the same time, the squad leader was getting really impatient. “I won’t tell you again!! Drop them!! Now!!”

When all of a sudden.

“Cloak disengaged.”

The assailant dropped its cloak, revealing itself as it walked towards the EPF, revealing itself to be a cyborg.

Both sides were shocked by what they were seeing.

“What the shell?!” exclaimed Raph.

“Cease and desist!!” Said the robot.

It grabbed the first EPA soldier whilst he screamed and tossed him hard against the wall, shattering the glass that was in the way, which shocked the others. He grabbed the next one and stomped onto its foot hard, making him scream before tossing him hard against a pillar. The third EPA soldier tried to attack, only to grunt hard as the cyborg kneed him in the gut before smashing his head against the wall. The fourth struck its face, but was unfazed, causing it to backhand the EPA soldier hard, making it skid on the ground and in front of Leo and the others, making them look at the fallen soldier, then to the cyborg.

The cyborg pulled out what appeared to be a special pistol hidden from its leg and began to shoot six of them at point blank range, hitting them at the right spot as they collapsed. It then looked at the last one, then moved towards him whilst placing its pistol away, whilst the EPA squad leader used two assault rifles and fired.

“Die cyborg scum!!” shouted the EPA soldier.

The Cyborg instantly kicked the leader against the wall, then produced a wrist blade and struck…hard.

Everyone was shocked by what they had seen as the robot had just taken them down and saved Sunset, with the cyborg pulling back his arm, making the assailant drop onto the ground. Things were now tense because of what just happened, but then the cyborg slowly looked at Sunset. It then slowly walked towards her, then stood near her. Though she was afraid, the robot suddenly presented his hand to her, wanting to pick her up.

She slowly accepted it, allowing the cyborg to help her stand up. After she stood up, the cyborg slowly placed both his hands on the side of her face, which startled her at first. The others wanted to make a move, but Roland motioned them not to move.

The Cyborg slowly scanned her, revealing that she has some signs of stress, anxiety, tension, and a little bit of fear, for what happened to her nearly took her off guard. Then suddenly, the cyborg went *Ding*

Suddenly, it’s chest opened, revealing a cappuccino inside, allowing it to take it out and present it to her, which surprised everyone.

“That thing’s also a cappuccino maker?!” said Gamer surprised, “I gotta get me one of those.”

Sunset slowly accepted it, allowing her to slowly take a sip. Then the cyborg walked behind her and slowly placed one arm around her, which startled her, but its other hand was busy stroking it, whilst playing a lullaby tune.

They were once again surprised as they didn’t expect that. After two minutes, Sunset had finished her cappuccino and was relaxed. The cyborg released her, allowing her to look at him. The cyborg placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Are you well?” asked the Cyborg.

“I am.” Said Sunset with a smile, “Thank you.”

The cyborg released her, and then looked at the others.

“What…are you?” said Static in confusion.

“Avoid levels 2, 4, and 6,” said the Cyborg, “That’s where it’s most heavily fortified with troops. Levels 3, and 5 contain their most dangerous experiments of super soldiers. Your enemies, the Purple Dragons, and Purple Nightmares, are in level 7, arming themselves.

“Wait, what?!” exclaimed Leonardo as he and his group were surprised.

“The Purple Dragons were recruited by Bishop because he had no other option but to ensure that all of you, are eradicated.”

“Oh, great!!” said Raphael in anger, “Add hiring gangsters on Bishop’s crime list!!”

The cyborg went to a computer against the wall and planted his finger inside of it, whirring for a few minutes, until it pulled out, then pulled out from his chest of what appeared to be a keycard and a data drive. He walked over and presented it to Shine Boy and Leo.

“The master keycard allows you to access the facility without resistance. Use it wisely.”

The cyborg turned around and walked away, until Roland called out “Who are you?”

The cyborg stopped for a moment.

“Unit 756724/55555.” Responded the Cyborg. But then it partially looked at them, and said “You can call me…Delta.”

The Cyborg, known as Delta, walked away, and used its cloaking field to shield itself, making it completely invisible, never to be seen again.

Everyone else was stunned by what they had seen. “What just happened?” said Gears in disbelief.

“I don’t remember us recruiting anymore robots.” Said Adagio.

“But whoever it was, it saved Sunset’s life.” Said Sonata.

Roland and Venus walked over to Sunset and spoke to her and said “You good?”

“I’m fine. Thanks to that Cyborg.” Said Sunset in relief.

“Still, now that we’re at security,” said Gamer, “We can hack into their systems and make sure that they don’t track us.”

“That’s gonna be a problem.” Said Silverbolt.

“He’s right,” said Sugarcoat, “If they see something’s off on one of their security systems, then Bishop will know what’s going on.”

“Then we’ll need to step up our game.” Said Leo.

“We’re gonna need the rest of the tech geniuses to help out.” Said Invictus.

“Yeah dudes,” said Mikey, “We’re gonna need Rockwell, Cyborg and a few others’ help.”

“Seeing that we’ve got about five minutes.” Said Twilight, “We’ll need to open a portal here.”

“We’ll need to bring in the Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, Young Six, Teddy and Bright Eyes as well.” Said John/Green Lantern as he just came in.

“Where have you been?” asked Donatello.

“Trying to scout the perimeter.” Said John/Green Lantern, “So far, nobody knows about us being here, or their security being offline for a few moments.”

“We still have some time.” Said Invictus. Then mumbled a bunch of stuff, which confused some.

“You good?” asked a confused Blade.

“Being in a place like this makes me nervous, okay.” Said Invictus, “Especially since…that incident.”

“Incident?” said a few.

“Long story short, whilst we were in your world, trying to hack the database to find the Shredder, hoping he didn’t arrive.” Said Roland as everyone looked at him, paused for dramatic effect, “He accidentally blew up half a couple of buildings.”

Everyone was surprised by that, with Michelangelo asking “What was it?”

Once again, Invictus was greatly nervous about it. Until…

“The CIA, MI6, Kremlin…” said Roland, causing everyone to widen their eyes in shock. “And ever since then, they called him…”

“He’s Looney Lin Victy?!” exclaimed half the folks in the room.

“Why would you blow them up?!!” exclaimed Donnie.

“We were trying to hack a few files…” said Roland. “Then he sneezed and accidentally pressed the self-destruct button.”

Everyone once again gawked at that, with Night Shine laughing and said “You…idiot.”

“It was an accident!!” shouted Invictus.

“Accident, or not, you nearly started World War 3 as a result!!” said Silverbolt.

“Told you, you should’ve taken your meds.” Said Venus.

“Can we just get them here, already?” Said Invictus.

“We can’t risk using the teleporter.” Said Leo.

“Agreed,” said Leonardo, “For all we know, they might have placed a protective barrier around this place.”

Roland then thought about something, but then something popped at the back of his mind, making him gasp at the same time, gaining their attention.

“What’s wrong?” asked Shine Boy.

“Wait a moment.” Said Roland as he walked off a bit, sat down in a meditative stance and concentrated. At first they were confused, but Roland was deep in focus.

“Raven…Raven.” Muttered Roland from within his mind. At the same time, on the ship, Raven was going over a few spell books for research purposes. Until… “Raven.”

Raven gasped as she raised her head and dropped a book. She looked around and noticed no one was there.


Raven knew the voice and looked around, then said “Roland?”

“Raven, listen carefully,” said Roland, “I need you to gather the Mighty Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, Young Six, Teddy and Bright Eyes, as well as the rest of the Titans. We’ll need all the help we can get on this. Gather then in a circle, and wait for five minutes. Contact me once you’re done.”

“I’m on it.” Said Raven as she flew off to fetch the others.

Roland stood up and walked over to the center.

“What was that about?” asked Raph.

“You’ll see soon enough.” Said Roland with a smirk.

“See what?” asked a confused pony Rainbow Dash.

Roland then heard Raven. “Roland, I was able to gather everyone. What now?”

Roland smirked and said “Wait and see.”

Roland then closed his eyes, lowered his head, and crossed his arms into an X with closed fists, with the others confused by what he is doing.

“Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos…”

“Wait, is he trying to cast Raven’s spell?” said Batgirl confusingly.

“No way,” said Nightwing, “Only Raven can…”

When all of a sudden, Roland’s eyes glowed brightly, as did his hands the moment he opened it, shocking everyone in the room.

“Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos…”

From Raven’s position, she and the others were waiting, until to her surprise, a large gateway appeared.

“What the…?” said the confused Raven.

“Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos, Azerath Metrion Zinthos…”

And finally…

“Azerath Metrion Zinthos!!” shouted Roland as he aimed his hands at the piece of the ground.

Within a split second, the Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, Young Six, Teddy and Bright Eyes were teleported into the same room they were, which shocked both sides as they looked around. After it was done, Roland nearly collapsed as he rested his hands on his knees and breathed heavily. Both sides were still shocked by what they had just seen.

“That’s impossible.” Muttered Robin as everyone else was just as shocked.

“You used magic.” Said Princess Twilight in shock.

“I get by.” Said Roland as he looked at them, “I learned a lot during my travels.”

“How did you know?” said Nightwing.

“Well, when you mentioned Bishop might be shielding the base with his tech,” said Roland, “I knew it would be impossible to teleport, so I figured he doesn’t have any protection against magic, so I used that as a last resort.”

“But how did you do that?” asked Raven as she walked over.

Roland rolled up his sleeve and showed the mark of Azerath, which surprised her as she looked at him.

“I spent my time learning everything magic related on Azerath.” Said Roland, “I also heard what happened thanks to Trigon.”

Raven looked away for a bit, until Roland said “And what you didn’t know, your people survived, even your mother.”

Raven looked at him surprised. “How…?”

“I was there, I saved her and half her people that day.” Said Roland, which shocked the girl. “When this is over, I’ll take you there when the time is right. That sound okay?”

Raven thought about it for a moment, then looked at him and nodded with determination.

Whilst the second team was with the others, Bright Eyes looked around and saw Night Shine. But what shocked her, was his arm bleeding.

“Mr. Luke! You’re bleeding!” said Bright Eyes as she got there.

Night Shine checked his arm. “Just a flesh wound.” He shrugged.

“Don’t say that!” Bright Eyes held his arm before Night Shine stubbornly snatched it out. Still determined, Bright Eyes grabbed it abruptly and started to clean the wound.

Night Shine only rolled his eyes as he let the pony turned girl treat his wound. As he looked at Bright Eyes, he thought of what Roland told him about what happened to her in his timeline. Since the 87 worlds, he has found Bright Eyes to be interesting that she knew how to talk to him and not be afraid of his threats. He looked away as he spoke to her. “Why?”

“I hate seeing my friends get hurt.” She answered.

“No!” Night Shine snapped before taking a deep breath. “Why are you helping me? I’m not exactly the nicest person in the whole world.”

“Because. I don’t think you’re all bad either.” Bright Eyes sighed. “Gamer told me of how you and Shine Boy were chosen to be eternal rivals because of you both embodying light and darkness. If I went that way with Teddy, I’d be devastated forever. But if you are capable of fighting alongside your brother, then you must still care for him.”

Night Shine closed his eyes hiding a tear. Bright Eyes was true to her name. He remembered again what happened to her and muttered. “Rainbow you idiot.”

“What was that?” Bright Eyes asked bandaging up his arm.

“Nothing.” Night Shine got up rolled his sleeve down when Bright Eyes finished. “Thank you. You breathe a word of this to anybody and I’ll deny it!”

Bright Eyes looked confused as he walked away but smiled at him.

Not far from them, Blade Swipe saw the whole thing and smiled before hurrying to join the others.

“What’s the status?” said Cyborg.

“We were able to take the security station.” Said Leo.

“But we need to make sure Bishop doesn’t know we’re here.” Said Leonardo, “Otherwise we might lose the element of surprise.”

“I can handle that.” Said another voice.

When they turned, they saw among the ones that teleported was none other than the 03 Angel, wearing new type of attire whilst she was smiling at the same time.

“Angel?!” exclaimed the 03 Turtles, O’Neil, and Jones, with Jones saying “What are you doin here?!”

“I came by for a visit when Master Splinter told me that you guys were on a mission, so I came over to help.” Said 03 Angel.

“But it’s too dangerous.” Said Leonardo.

“And yet, here they are.” Said Angel 03 whilst she pointed at the kids of the group.

“You know, she does have a point.” Said Ace.

“Plus, I’ve been taking lessons from Master Splinter for some time.” Said Angel 03.

“Wait, Splinter’s been given ya lessons?” said Raphael.

“Why didn’t he tell us?” said a confused Michelangelo.

“We all have our secrets.” Said Angel 03, “Plus I also wanted to try something out.”

She pulled out a type of knife, but not any that they’ve ever seen before.

“Whoa, what is that?” said Rainbow Dash as she looked at it.

“When I was on board your ship, I decided to create a new weapon to defend myself.” Said Angel 03, “This has a new metal alloy that can even cut through metal, but at the same time, can also hack into any computer anywhere as it can act like a portable memory stick. I call it, the Data knife.”

Everyone was stunned by what she said.

“You really made that by yourself?” said O’Neil in disbelief.

“I’ve also been taking some extra computer classes.” Said Angel 03. “Here, let me show you.”

Angel walked over to the large computer and put on what appeared to be a scouter scope. She scanned the keyboard, and uses it to cut it open. She opened a keyboard and revealed a spot where the knife could be inserted. She placed the knife inside, causing it to automatically hack into the computer. Once it was done accessing, they now had full access to it. Angel closed it and had a smug look on her face, which surprised the others.

“Okay, now that is awesome.” Said Michelangelo.

Donnie went over and inspected the knife. “This is amazing. With this invention, it could save us a lot of time and trouble trying to hack into enemy computers.”

“Remarkable.” Said Rockwell.

“Uh, less time gawking and more hacking into security?” said Angel 03 rhetorically.

“Oh, right.” Said Donatello as he quickly went over to the computer and began to type everything down on what needed to be done. After a few moments, he said “Done. Security should be ours for the time being.”

“That means we still got some time.” Said Amethyst Majesty.

“So, what’s the plan?” Said Beast Boy.

“We need to make sure no one catches us off guard and to make sure that nobody else would catch up to us.” Said Leo.

“So where do we go from here?” said Sunset.

“I got it.” Said Roland, “The Mighty Mutanimals, CMC, Rock N Beats, and Young Six will remain here and watch our six. Once the defense grid is offline, no doubt that the rest will come in and attack all around to distract Bishop’s forces. Once that’s done, they’ll regroup with us immediately, which will allow us to double our strength against him.”

“I can work with that.” Said Slash. “I’ve been looking forward to bust some heads at them for some time.”

Roland went over to the CMC and Bright Eyes, stood on one knee, and said “Remember your training and stick together no matter what. Work as one, and make sure you’re safe. Okay?”

The four of them nodded, until they were taken aback by his hug, with him whispering “Be careful out here.”

He broke the hug and stood up, with Leo saying “Let’s go guys!!”

They soon left whilst the rest remained behind to watch the place, whilst Bright Eyes and the CMC were sort of surprised by what just happened. Whilst the Young Six remembered what Michelangelo told them about what happened to Bright Eyes, which caused them to look in concern for her.

However, unknown to them, they weren’t the only ones who were teleported. For among them was none other than Fluttershy’s pet Angel Bunny, who had been looking for her owner for some time, and when it saw the CMC, it knew they were going to the Rainbooms, which meant Fluttershy was nearby. Wanting to find her, he hopped along, hoping to find her along the way.


From within the base, everyone was standing near the edge of a corner, with Amadeus taking a peak, and saw at least six guards guarding the defense grid room. He looked back to the others and said “There’s about six guards around the corner. We’re gonna have to find a way past them.”

“Why don’t we just beat them up.” Said Night Shine.

“I like that.” Said Raph.

“And risk setting off the alarms?” said Donatello.

“He’s got a point; I saw a panic button near the door.” Said Donnie, “If they spot us, we’re exposed.”

“Then how are we going to get past them?” said Sunset.

Roland tried to think of a way, until he grunted for a bit, with his eyes suddenly turning emerald green for a moment. Then he ended up smirking and looked at Rarity.

“I might have something.” Said Roland, gaining their attention, “But…it’s gonna be crazy. So crazy it just might work.”

“Oh, and what are you going to do, distract them, lure them away and beat em to a pulp?” said Raphael rhetorically.

Roland looked at him for a moment, then looked at Rarity and said “Rarity, I’m gonna need a red wig, some purple eye liners, some lipstick, blush, hairspray, and that red dress with purple gloves you wanted to get rid of.”

Everyone gawked in surprised by what he said, but none were more surprised than Rarity.

“Um, darling.” Asked Rarity. “If I might ask…why?”

“Do you have them or not?” asked Roland.

“Of course, I do.” Said Rarity as she pulled it from out of nowhere, which surprised the group.

“And I thought Pinkie Pie was full of surprises.” Said Static.

Roland took them and placed a cover wall in front, so that they wouldn’t peak. They heard a ton of grunting noises, squirming noises, as well as a few yelps and painful noises, which confused the others.

“Uh, you okay there, dude?” asked Rainbow Dash.

When all of a sudden, they heard him going over, “Become another person, become another person, become another person…”

When all of a sudden, a woman’s voice was heard as it said “Become another person.”

Everyone was silent for a bit, with them looking back and forth. However, Shine Boy and Night Shine looked at one another.

“You don’t think…” said Shine Boy before he wanted to assume anything.

“If he is, I’m taking a picture.” Said Night Shine as he took out his phone and said “This ought to be good.”

“Are all of you ready?” said the woman.

Uh, I guess? Said a confused Gears.

When all of a sudden, Roland walked out, and revealed something…very shocking.

Everyone gawked and dropped their jaws in shock whilst their eyes nearly widened like dinner plates, as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing, with Night Shine dropping his phone as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Roland walked passed them and spoke in a woman’s voice, “Wish me luck boys.”

Everyone continued to stare as they couldn’t believe what they saw.

“I, dui, Dai, duh…” babbled a few of the guys as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

The six guards were standing there, normally, until they saw a figure approaching, causing them to aim their guns.

“Halt!!” shouted one of the soldiers, “Who goes…?!”

When Roland walked into the light, the guards were surprised by what they were seeing. He walked to them and began to sing.

(look from 0:26-0:50)

The guards were stunned as they watched Roland walk and began to stand near a different part of the wall.

“I seem to be a little lost.” Said Roland playfully, “Could one of you…please show me around?”

Suddenly, the six guards went gaga as they all looked at Roland and chased after him, with Roland going around the corner with the guards following him as everyone watched. Suddenly, loud bashing, punching, kicking, and other roughhousing were being heard as the guards grunted. Everything was silent, with Roland suddenly coming from around the corner, back to his normal attire and normal, whilst whistling, tossing a guard’s helmet away and holding tons of their access ID cards.

He stood near the baffled folks as he said “Now then, shall we?”

He walked down the hallway as he began to whistle ‘Oh Suzanna’, with everyone watching in shock as they couldn’t believe it.

“Uh…what just happened?!” exclaimed Rubberband Man.

“Guys.” Said Mikey, “We fought robots, mutants, meta-humans, aliens, other dimensional monsters, ghosts, demons, ninjas, spies, super soldiers, monsters and everything unimaginable…”

“As well as the supernatural hijinks.” Said Michelangelo. “But that…”

That is the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen!!” shouted both Mikeys.

“Mikey, for once in our entire lifetimes.” Said a baffled Raph.

“We completely agree with ya.” Said Raphael.

“One thing’s for sure.” Said Shine Boy as he slowly looked at the others, “We will never, speak of this again.”

“Agreed.” Said the others.

When all of a sudden, a loud snicker was heard, and the loudest laughter, came from Night Shine as he instantly fell over and onto his back, with the others just as freaked out from what they have seen.


After that surprising ordeal, everyone was at the next room. They saw a large computer up ahead.

“That must be the security system.” Said Cyborg.

“Though why do I get the feeling it’s a bit, too easy?” said Lemon Zest.

Sugarcoat thought of something and pulled out an empty clip from Roland’s belt, which surprised him, causing her to throw it, making lasers appear and sliced and shot it at the same time, surprising everyone.

“Sensitive and motion lasers.” Said Sugarcoat, “I have to admit, they do love being secured.”

“Oh great, just what we needed.” Said Raphael.

“How are we going to cross it?” Said Michelangelo.

“Maybe something completely unexpected and completely crazy?” said Mikey.

“Like what, acting like a boy band and…” said Roland before he stopped and blinked. He suddenly smirked. The others noticed this too.

“What?” said Beast Boy.

“You have the idea?” asked Starfire.

He slowly looked at both Amethyst Majesty and Rarity, which caused the two to notice.

“What?” said both Amethyst and Rarity.

“How are your dancing skills?” asked Roland.

“Huh?” said Amethyst in confusion. “What do you mean by…?”

Roland suddenly pressed a button, causing certain music to play.

Suddenly, Amethyst Majesty’s hip began to slowly move to the music, making him realize in shock.

“Oh no.” muttered Amethyst

He suddenly placed his hands on his hips and moved with the rhythm of the song, which surprises everyone the way he was moving.

“Uh, what are you doing?” said a nervous Sunset when they saw him move and twirl and then raised his right arm in the air.

He instantly went over to Rarity, held her behind her hip and dipped her, making her lean backwards as it surprised her whilst she blushed at the same time.

“Uh, I don’t know what came over me.” Said Amethyst Majesty nervously.

“Just go with it.” Said Roland.

Amethyst looked at Roland surprised, then to the security controls. Then it clicked what Roland had in mind. And with Rarity as his dance partner…

Amethyst Majesty suddenly smirked whilst placing his left hand on her cheek and said “Oh, I’m so going to enjoy this.”

Rarity suddenly couldn’t help but smile in return with half lidded eyes.

And then…they moved and danced at the same time whilst the lasers were firing.

The two of them separated and twirled at the same time whilst aiming their right/left arm in the air. They connected their arms as they stepped left and right whilst moving at the same time. Amethyst twirled Rarity and brought her close, with the two of them nodding once to one another. He twirled her around him as they continued to move before bringing her closer again. The two of them were then in a tango type of position. They move in a fast pace as they shifted to and fro. The two of them were on their knees and looked at one another. Amethyst twirled Rarity and made her tip her body backwards over his leg whilst she smiled at the same time.

The others couldn’t help but watch in awe as they watched them dance.

The two of them stood up and twirled a bit before joining together, and dancing together in sync as they moved towards the controls whilst the lasers were missing them at the same time.

The two of them stopped as Amethyst Majesty dipped Rarity as she leaned backwards, then made her spin a bit before stopping whilst the two of them smiled at one another as their arms were raised in the air. They moved them as well as dub step their feet at the same time. The two of them moved their bodies in different positions whilst they still kept an eye on one another, not wanting to miss a step.

During the dance, Pinkie Pie pulled out a bag of popcorn and presented it to Team Shine, with Shine Boy and Gamer share a bag of popcorn and Night Shine grabs a handful himself whilst watching the dance.

Rarity and Amethyst Majesty joined up and did a fast pace dance as their feet tapped with the rhythm. Though they continued with the song as Amethyst Majesty lifted her up as the two of them continued to dance. They were close to the controls, with Amethyst grabbing Rarity’s hand and twirled her, before she was on the ground, making her skid whilst Amethyst grabbed her hand.

Out of instinct, Roland tossed a rose to Rarity, allowing her to catch it with her mouth. The two of them danced and held onto one another with their left arms in the air whilst not taking their eyes from one another. They then separated as Rarity twirled whilst Amethyst Majesty skid on the ground with one knee as he was close to the security defense controls.

Rarity went over, allowing Amethyst to twirl her around his body, making the two of them stand whilst Rarity was leaning as Amethyst held her by the hip with the two of them in position, and at the same time, deactivated the security, causing everything to shut down along the way whilst the alarms went off.

Everyone who saw was stunned, and then all of them clapped their hands as they thought it was amazing.

Rarity and Amethyst Majesty stood normally and walked together whilst holding onto one another as Rarity playfully held her rose.

“When this is over,” said Rarity, “You and I are so going to dance at a place of my choice.”

“I’ll pay for it, as well as a tux.” Said Amethyst, “You focus on a dress that matches that beautifully white snowy skin of yours.”

He playfully rubbed his nose against hers, which made her giggle at the same time.


From outside, a ton of explosions were happening outside, causing everything to go into chaos.

Agent Bishop quickly went over to the controls and said “Status report!!”

“Sir, we’re under attack!!” shouted one of the EPF soldiers.

“Multiple hostiles attacking all over the base!!”


From one part of the base, the entire CHS and CPA teens were keeping the guards busy with their weapons and ninja training, whilst some of them were using teleportation tech that the Plumbers taught them in order for them to teleport everyone out of the base.


From another part of the base, half the League were fighting all over the base against the mutated soldiers that were created using their enemies’ powers.


The Dog Star Patrol were flying around, causing as much damage to the defenses as best they can.


From the south side of the base, Ben and his team were taking care of the Alien hybrids from the lab to make sure that they would not hurt anyone else.


At the same time, the Rangers were busy dealing with the mutated Putties that Bishop had experimented on.

“I can’t believe this world’s Bishop would do something this horrible.” Said Kimberly.

“I know,” said Jason, “But we’ll do what we can to make sure no one would get hurt ever again.”


The Crystal Gems were busy destroying most of the machines to make sure no one would be hurt ever again.


At the same time, from down one of the hallways, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies, along with the Mutanimals and their groups once they regrouped, headed straight down for where Bishop is located.

“How much farther?!” said Leo as he looked at Fugitoid.

“According to my scanners, it’s should be further straight ahead, just beyond those doors!!”

“Allow me to open the way!!” said Cyborg as he engaged his arm cannon. Once he had his target, he fired and took it down without ease. Just as they were about to enter, suddenly Roland felt something off…really off.

“Stop!!” shouted Roland.

Everyone stopped the moment they were on the other side of the doors.

“What?! Why’d we stop?!” said Smolder.

“Uh, I think I know why!!” said Batgirl as she pointed ahead.

And to their surprise, they were surrounded by many EPF soldiers, larger robots, mutant hybrids and so on. But at the center, were the Purple Dragons of the 03 world, the Purple Dragons from their world, as well as many Kraang droids and Putties and so on. But among them were Hun 03 and the Turtle Hun.

“Normally I’d be pickin’ a fight with Bishops’ forces, as well as the Purple Dragons, but the lot of dem in dis joint together?!” said Raphael.

“What gives, Hu?!” said Michelangelo.

“You never sided with Bishop before, why now?!!” said Leonardo.

“Pretty simple really.” Said Hun, “We figured that whilst you lot were keeping Bishop busy, we’d be raiding the place.”

“And once we get what we want, nothing will ever stand in our way.” Said Hun.

“And what better way to start off, by taking care of all of you.” Said Hun.

“Is he always like this?” whispered Beast Boy.

“You get used to it.” Said a handful of others.

“And I was thinking that the clockwork villain we fought was of the big ego.” Said Starfire.

“Enough talk!!” said Hun, “Let us finish this, now!!”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

They looked above and saw the Justice League members, Superman, Wonder Woman, John/Green Lantern, Wally/Flash, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter entering the building and slowly landing near the others.

“What are you guys doing here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Er, not that we mind asking, that is.” Said Fluttershy in her whimpering state.

“We took care of things on our side,” said Wonder Woman, “So we fought our way here to lend a hand.”

“Plus, we also kind of have a score to settle with Bishop for what he was doing.” Said Wally/Green Lantern.

Roland then smirked and said “How about a bet? Laser tag rules. Whoever gets the lowest points, has to buy dinner.”

The League looked at him with flexed eyebrows, until Wally/Flash said “You know what, it’s been a while since we did that. As long as John or Clark pays, I’m solid.”

“Oh, you wish.” Said John/Green Lantern as he got ready.

“Everyone ready!!” said Roland, causing everyone to get ready as they pulled their weapons out. “Set!!”

Both sides were now prepared to strike as all of them were staring down at one another.

“Go!!” shouted Roland, causing everyone to charge.

“Crush them all!!” shouted both Hun and Turtle Hun whilst their side charged towards them, with both sides about to clash.


From one of the rooms, the soldier, which was Jacob in disguise, was busy sneaking around and eventually found his way to the room he was looking for. And there, right ahead of him, was Batman. He quickly went over to him and untied him. Batman groaned from the pain whilst Jacob helped him up.

“Easy there, Bats. You’ve been through a lot.” Said Jacob. He then looked at the other direction where the noise was. “Looks like their little distraction is working. We’ll need to…”

He was suddenly punched away and crashed against the wall. When he looked, he saw Batman looking at him, whilst he was wearing what appeared to be an upgraded version of his bat suit. The Dark Knight’s eyes were glowing red. Meaning Bishop has him under his control.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”

Batman charged towards him, for this was going to be a long fight.


Back at the large hanger, everyone continued to give their all against their opponents.

Sunset continued to dodge the Purple Dragon’s fire, until she yelped and jumped in the air. She half expected to land back, though for some reason, she didn’t land back. To her surprise, she was flying in the air.

“What the?!” exclaimed Sunset as she noticed she was in the air, which gained the others’ attention.

“Sunset, you’re flying?!” exclaimed Leo.

“It’s not her, it’s her attire!!” shouted Roland, gaining some of their attention.

“What are you talking about?!” said Casey.

“A while back after Princess Twilight talked about their time in the comic book world, I secretly took the costumes from Pinkie Pie’s hair…!!”

“What?!” exclaimed Pinkie before dodging another attack from Bishop’s men.

“And swapped it with my own design!!”

“Your design?!” said Applejack after punching one of the larger robots.

“The fabric contains a special nano and micro technology!!” said Roland, “Remember the guys you bumped into a while back, the Crysis team?!!”

“Wait, you mean those guys with the funny looking armored suits?!” exclaimed Casey whilst he was skating around the enemy.

“That’s right!!” said Roland, “I was able to copy the idea and placed it into the fabric, but those are specifically designed to their genetic structures!! They think it, they can do it!!”

“Translation!!” shouted Rainbow as she zipped past.

“In other words, you now have the Power Ponies’ powers!!!”

The Rainbooms and Princess Twilight stopped in shock as they were surprised by the revelation.

Sunset thought about it, and generated enough heat and created fire, causing her to shoot fire at the EPF robots down below, making them melt, surprising her as she shouted “This is amazing!!”

The rest of the Rainbooms decided to try it out as well.

Applejack used her thoughts to summon her lasso and used it to ensnare a few EPF agents and tossed them aside. “Amazin’!!” said a surprised Applejack.

“Wow,” said Wonder Woman as she landed next to her, “You’re a natural.”


Rainbow used her medallion and began to summon lighting. Within split seconds she fired lightning at the roboticized putties before they collapsed. “Awesome!!”

Pinkie Pie began to use her superspeed to dash around from here to there, and went “Tag, you’re it!! Tag you’re it!!” over and over, until she giggled when she tied them up using her speed.

Rarity uses her bracelets to make constructs and uses them to take them down with ease. “Wow Rarity, you’re a natural.” Said Amethyst Majesty.

“Naturally,” said Rarity as she flipped her hair, “Thankfully, both Hal Jordan and John Stewart taught me everything they knew.”

Twilight flew around and began to fire pure energy from her head via her headgear’s horn, knocking many of them back.

“Wow, you’ve taken the whole powerful mind thing to a whole new level!!” said Venus surprised.

“This, is, amazing!!” said Twilight in excitement, whilst Princess Twilight flew behind her and uses both her mind and hands to fire pure energy in order to give them some cover.

That leaves out…

“Fluttershy.” Muttered Roland, before turning to the shy girl, who was fighting. “Fluttershy!! You gotta get angry!!”

“Huh?” said a confused Fluttershy.

“It’s the only way you’ll be able to access your abilities!!”

“Still not seeing it!!” shouted Raph as he tackled a few bad guys over.

“Sorry, but, I’m not angry.” Said Fluttershy, “And nothing is making me angry at the moment.”

“Darn it.” Muttered Roland as he quickly hid behind cover in order to reload his pistols. “Her turning into Saddle Rager is the only way to…”

However, to his shock, he saw Angel Bunny, who somehow wandered in here.

“Angel?!” whispered Roland in shock. “What’s he doing here?! Doesn’t he know that it’s…!!!”

He suddenly blinked in shock, and then looked at Fluttershy. There was one way to get her mad but.

“Oh, sweet nibblets, she’s not gonna forgive me for this.” Muttered Roland as he quickly ran over and grabbed Angel, which surprised the rabbit.

He hid behind the corner and took a peak, and saw that he has some time. He looked back at Angel and said “Angel, I need your help. I need you to get yourself injured.”

The rabbit was surprised, but looked in confusion.

“Look, normally I wouldn’t do this to any form of animal,” said Roland, “But Fluttershy has the costume that turns her into Saddle Rager, but the only way she can do that if she gets angry. So, I need to help you get her angry enough to transform.”

Angel shook his head, looked away and crossed his arms, for there was no way he was going to do that. Roland then remembered if pony Fluttershy’s Angel is like this one, then there’s only one way. He pulled out a paper and quickly wrote some stuff down.

“If you do, I’ll let you have everything on this list.” Said Roland as he presented the paper to Angel, causing the rabbit to look and took it. He began to read it through, until Roland offered him a pen, “feel free to make any changes to it.”

Angel took the pen and looked over the list. He wrote a bunch of stuff down whilst making some changes at the same time. Angel gave the list back to Roland, allowing him to accept and looked it over. After reading it, he looked to Angel and smiled.

“Deal.” Said Roland as he shook the rabbit’s hand, causing Angel to smile back. “Now do your thing.”

Angel nodded and hopped on over to the 03 Hun, who was sneaking up on Fluttershy as she was trying to cover the group. Angel was then in position and began to tap against the 03 Hun hard.

Roland dramatically gasped and said “Angel, what are you doing?!”

Fluttershy gasped and said “Angel?”, before turning back to 03 Hun and saw Angel.

The 03 Hun saw Angel tapping hard against his foot. Annoyed, he shouted “Stupid rabbit!!”

Then Hun 03 swatted Angel hard, making him crash against a barrel and yelp in pain before collapsing onto the ground, shocking Fluttershy.

“ANGEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL!!” exclaimed Fluttershy in shock as she ran over to her injured pet rabbit.

As Roland saw her, he then grabbed Night Shine as he was about to take down the next group. Before he could react, Roland whispered something to his ear, which slowly surprised him as he looked at Roland.

“Really?” said Night Shine, to which Roland nodded and handed him some popcorn, allowing him to accept it and ate it whilst looking at the scene, with Roland sipping some soda.

Fluttershy went over to her injured pet rabbit and quickly picked him up in concern. “Oh, my goodness, are you okay?”

Angel whimpered a bit as he had a hard time standing up, before fainting from the pain. Night Shine and Roland whistled to everyone in the room, making them stop as they pointed at Fluttershy, causing them to look at her. She gently placed the rabbit down in a safe spot and slowly looked at Hun 03 as she slowly got angry.

“Are, you, kidding me?!” said Fluttershy as she slowly walked over to Hun 03. “I mean, I know you’re evil and everything. But you would hurt, my innocent, harmless little bunny?! Really?!!

Hun 03 was a little confused by this as she went on, “Why you’re just a great, big, MEANIE!!

Hun 03 was taken aback by this, same with everyone else in the room. Except the Mane 6 were surprised as they had sudden Déjà vu.

There, I said it!!” shouted Fluttershy in a very different voice as there was a vein on her neck. “What makes you think you’re so special?!!

But as she talked, she began to grew, as well as some of her muscles, in a more feminine way, which slowly shocked Hun 03. “What, does the rules of common curtesy don’t apply to you?! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?!!

As she was done, she was now a six-foot-seven-inch-tall warrior. She then roared out loud like the Hulk, which shocked everyone, minus Roland, Night Shine, the Mane 6, the two Spikes and Angel Bunny in the room from what they saw.

“Okay, now I see it!!” shouted Raph.

Fluttershy gave hun 03 the stare, whilst Hun was in shock as he muttered, “Crud.”

With one big punch, Hun 03 got tossed into another direction, making him crash against the wall, with the other henchman watching in shock. Fluttershy jumped in and began to smash everything around her, with everyone getting tossed and turned at the same time. Every good guy slowly gathered around Night Shine and Roland as they watched the fight.

“Uh, wow.” Said Gallus.

“You can say that again.” Said Wonder Woman.

“Is she normally like this?” said Hal/Green Lantern.

“Only when she has to.” Said Roland, “She really doesn’t like getting mad or anything, otherwise she might break down thinking that she might’ve hurt somebody.”

After Fluttershy beat them, everyone gathered near her. She at the same time looked sheepish whilst smiling nervously at the same time.

“That, was, awesome!!” said Casey.

“Yeah girl, that was amazing!!” said Mikey in excitement.

“So, this is what Saddle Rager looks like?” said April whilst looking at Fluttershy.

“It can’t be.” Said Spike, saying his knowledge of the Power Ponies Comic, “Whenever Saddle Rager gets angry, she turns into a bulk form, like Bulk Biceps. She shouldn’t gain a form like this and have more muscle.”

“Well, I did base the design from She-Hulk.” Said Roland, “She’s also strong, but I chose to design one that’s of her build. I mean you have to admit, this looks great on her.”

Everyone else looked at Fluttershy and noticed that she does look good.

“Wow, she really does look good.” Said Shinigami.

Everyone else voiced their agreement, with Fluttershy smiling and turning away bashfully.

They suddenly heard what appeared to be a jet of sorts, gaining their attention, revealing the Purple Dragons from both sides retreated and revealed they hijacked a transport.

“This isn’t over!!” shouted Hun, “We’ll be back. And we have a prize along the way.”

To their shock and horror, Bright Eyes was being held prisoner and was unconscious.

Roland saw and watched in shock. However, he suddenly saw something else in her place all of a sudden. Something snapped inside of him. A strange energy began to pulse from within him. He lowered his head and stood up. Suddenly, his wrists began to generate red and green electricity, gaining some of their attention.

“Roland?” muttered Apple Bloom.

Within a split second, he began to generate a powerful aura like energy and surrounded himself with it, shocking everyone as they backed away. Roland crouched and was in position.


Within a split second, Roland dash jumped straight towards the ship at great speed, much to their shock. Roland charged his right fist into pure energy and was prepared to strike.


With one hard punch, Roland damaged the ship as it made it stagger backwards, with Bright Eyes falling out, causing Roland to dart and catch her and safely land. He gently placed her onto the ground, then rapidly looked at the Purple Dragons, much to their shock, as well as everyone else’s.

Roland slowly turned around and began to generate energy again.


He then shot a powerful beam from his body, making it hit their transport, and them flying far away from the base as all of them were screaming all the way to New York.

Back at the base, Roland powered down and nearly passed out, with Superman quickly darting over and caught him.

“You good?” asked Superman.

“I will be, after we finish the mission.” Said Roland as he was able to stand up, but then went over to Bright Eyes and picked her up. “Blade, Tempest, you wanna take her back?”

“Of course.” Said Blade as he held onto her.

“Max, we got our first injured.” Said Roland, “Blade and Tempest are bringing her back. Teleport the others back to base once that’s done.”

“We’re on it.” Said Max over the radio.

“We’ll see you in a bit.” Said Blade before they got teleported.

“Come on, all that’s left is facing Bishop.” Said Roland, then moved a bit and said “He’s got a lot to answer for.”

“Whoa now, partner.” Said Applejack as she helped him stand. “Y’all can barely move on yer own. Y’all need some help.”

“Fine.” Groaned Roland.

“Oh, don’t act like an injured patient.” Said Applejack.

“If I was a patient, then you’d be my pretty nurse, taking care of me and my golden years.” Teased Roland.

“Oh, don’t y’all sass me.” Said Applejack.

“Says the girl who dresses like a supermodel in that outfit.” Retorted Roland, causing Applejack to slap his buttocks, making him yelp.

“Now, now, enough of that.” Said Applejack.

Roland sighed and said “You’re right, I’m sorry AJ.”

“Yer good.” Said Applejack.

“And I know it’s gonna sound weird,” said Roland, who then had a surprised look and said “Now that was a gunshot.”

Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at this whilst they continued with their current path

“Come on, we still got a fight to finish.” Said Leo as all of them headed for Bishop.

At the same time, Kevin arrived and held onto Night Shine’s shoulder.

“Hey, spotted a lounge not far from here.” Said Kevin, “Wanna see what they have?”

Night Shine then shrugged his shoulders, which the two of them walked to another direction.


At the same time, Jacob was busy down the hallway, fighting Batman at the same time. The two of them were evenly matched as they continued to fight down the hallway.

“Normally, I’d kick his butt in a heartbeat.” Muttered Jacob, “But I don’t want to risk anything bad. I’m gonna have to think of something though.”

He dodged Batman’s attack and continued to move down the halls.


Back at the base, everyone was close to a door, with Roland signaling them to halt. He looked back and said “Before we go in. Just wanted to let you know, that Blade and Tempest have taken Bright Eyes to the infirmary. They said she has a slight concussion, but she’ll live. She’ll just need some proper rest in the meantime.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Said Rarity as the others were relieved.

“Now then,” said Raph, “We got bigger things to fry.”

“Agreed.” Said Roland. He then looked at the Leaguers and said “Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lanterns. Would you be so kind enough to open us the door for us, please?”

“With pleasure.” Said Superman.

With great strength, they punched the doors down, allowing all of them to enter. They were in a large room where it looked like the command center, whilst all of them were looking around.

“Where da shell is he?!” said Raphael.

“Looking for me.”

Everyone turned around and saw Agent Bishop approaching and standing in the light, whilst everyone got ready at the same time.

“So, this is Bishop, huh?” said Static.

“The human version in this world.” Said Applejack whilst squinting her eyes at the same time.

Superman used his supervision and scanned the Agent. Then said “His genetic structures are very different. Just like all of you said.”

“So, you are the fabled superpowered beings I’ve heard so much about.” Said Agent Bishop.

“Yeah, we are,” said Wally/Flash, “And you also happen to be the xenophobic psychopath that our friends told us about.”

“What you call a psychopath, I call myself a visionary.” Responded the agent.

“Visionary?” said Superman as if he was insulted, “You call experimenting on innocence, using them for your own selfish benefit, attacking lifeforms that haven’t done harm to others a visionary?”

“If you truly were a defender of humanity, then you should use that to help unite others to help combat those who would do those harm, not exploit it and stab them in the back.”

“Hmph, I don’t expect you to understand.” Responded the agent.

“Oh, we understand perfectly.” Said John/Green Lantern, “The two of us before you, we’re born from Earth, and we chose to fight alongside an alien galactic police force to protect the innocence.”

“We both took an oath to protect others,” said Hal/Green Lantern, “And yet here you are, killing anyone who isn’t human to further your own selfish goals.”

“Not to mention, trying to mind control a bunch of kids for your own selfish goals.” Said Amethyst Majesty, “You’re a sick man.”

“I do whatever it takes to ensure humanity’s survival.” Said Agent Bishop.

“Like reverse engineering supervillains and our enemies for your own armies?” said Nightwing rhetorically.

“Especially kidnapping Batman?” said Batgirl.

“You claim you do this for humanity, yet you tend to hurt and force other humans to work for you because they refuse to work for you.” Said Raven. “The way I see it, you’re more alien than they are.”

Agent Bishop scowled, and said “Be that as it may. You only stopped a fraction of my plans. Once we reverse engineer…”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Agent Bishop.” Said Twilight as she cut him off.

“We’ve already seen firsthand on how clones and reverse engineered powered being are capable of.” Said Sunset.

“It can’t be controlled, and the only thing you’ll get out of it, is a monster.” Said Venus.

“Plus, we should know,” said Roland, “Superman and the League, even the others here have seen it before. The conditions can’t be reproduced. And you know the old saying, the created will always rebel against its creator.”

“Then I will make short work of this.” Said Agent Bishop, “I already gathered many of my elite forces. They will be here shortly.”

When all of a sudden, a loud explosion came from the wall, surprising the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends, with Bishop looking with a flexed eyebrow.

To their surprise, they saw an EPF agent, aka Jacob in disguise, was fighting against Batman whilst he was holding his own. However, the Leaguers and Titans were surprised to see the look in Batman’s eyes.

“He really is under their control.” Said Superman.

“Just like before with Brainiac.” Said Robin.

“How are we going to snap him out of this?” said Sunset in worry.

Agent Bishop on the other hand was focused on his so-called subordinate.

“What is the meaning of this?! Stand down!!” shouted Agent Bishop.

Batman delivered a strong kick, causing Jacob to skid on the floor and was in the middle of the room. Batman slowly approached him and pulled out two Batarangs whilst Jacob slowly sat up.

Jacob realized that the more he’s delaying, the more trouble things are going from here. But then he realized he had a contingency plan to snap him out of it. It was a long shot, but it had to work. But then he realized that there were witnesses, so he has no choice in the matter.

“Aw, screw it.” Said Jacob as he pulled out the cube. “He can sort it out himself after this.”

Jacob activated the cube and threw it, causing it to go off in a flash.

Everyone closed their eyes and opened them, and realized that they were somewhat in a different location.

“Where de shell are we?!” exclaimed Raphael.

Applejack then saw something and widened her eyes in shock. She tapped on Raph’s shoulder and said “Uh, Raph.”

Raph looked at to what Applejack was pointing, and to his shock, it was the one place Batman took them…

The theatre, near Crime Alley.

Batman looked around in confusion, with Agent Bishop shouting “What are you waiting for, destroy him!!”

Batman turned to Jacob, but then Jacob shouted, “But first, look over there!!”

Batman looked at the direction, and coming out of the theatre, was young Bruce, imitating his hero, Zorro, with his parents walking out of the theatre with him. Batman widened his eyes halfway in slow shock before dropping his Batarangs.

“Who are they?” asked Flash.

But then Roland, ended up saying, out of instinct, “Batman’s parents.”

Everyone looked at Roland surprised, then to them.

They saw young Bruce, going with Thomas and Martha Wayne down an alley. That’s when the mugger arrived from around the corner with his gun.

“We’ll start with the pretty necklace there.” Said the mugger.

Everyone was surprised to see what was going on, however, Raph and Applejack realized what this person was trying to do in order to snap Batman out of the trance, by watching of what happened that night. However, they saw Batman trying to resist, but Jacob walked over towards him.

“You try to hold it all back, but you’re weak.” Said Jacob.

Before Batman could react, Jacob grabbed Batman and held him in a headlock, whilst forcing him to watch the holograms, which surprised everyone by what he was doing. As Batman struggled, Jacob then slowly went to Batman’s ear as he watched.

“You know it in your soul.”

Batman saw the mugger, pull the trigger, causing the first shot to be fired, killing Thomas Wayne at point blank range as he collapsed onto the ground, shocking everyone when they saw what happened to his father that day. Batman’s eyes widened, with Jacob whispering in his ear.

“You’re nothing but a hollow shell.”

The mugger pulled the trigger a second time, causing the second shot to be fired, killing Martha Wayne at point blank range as she collapsed onto the ground. Whilst young Bruce watched in shock and horror, of what he had just witnessed. Half the people were horrified when they saw what happened to Batman’s parents.

“A rusty trap.”

Jacob tossed Batman in front of the holograms whilst using a knife to throw at the pipes above, causing water to come out. Batman then opened his eyes as he widened in shock, seeing the rain, the holographic blood coming down whilst he slowly looked at his dead parents, lying lifeless right in front of them. He slowly reached out and placed his hands onto them, feeling them even. He lowered his head in pain and sadness.

Everyone was just as shocked. But none were more shocked than Nightwing and his crew, along with the League.

“Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman from what she had seen.

Agent Bishop was confused by what Jacob was doing, until a hundred EPF soldiers came in and marched forwards, causing them to aim their weapons at everyone, minus Agent Bishop, and Batman, thinking that he was still under their control.

“The time has come.” Said Jacob one more time.

Batman gripped his fists. He slowly lifted his head whilst from his face. All that pain, all that rage, that he had kept hidden beneath, was now showing through his facial expression, which shocked half the group from what they were seeing.

“Stand down or…!!” said the soldier before he was cut off.

Batman instantly punched the soldier in the throat and uppercut him so hard, it sent him flying across the room. The soldiers all looked at Batman as he slowly stood up, lifted his head, and showed them just how angry and enraged he his. Just as the Justice League wanted to move, Roland signaled them not to move for some reason. They didn’t know why, but the look on his face showed that this time, Batman was not going to play around.

Agent Bishop noticed that Batman was no longer under his control and shouted “Quick, take him down!!”

The soldiers fired, but they missed Batman as he used his grapple to lift himself away from the group, allowing himself to be against the upper wall and launched himself forward whilst gliding. He used his grapple and fired at a random target, causing him to land onto a soldier and jumped against a wall whilst pulling the weapon, causing the said weapon to fly out and knocked the EPF soldier behind him out cold, with most of the soldiers tried to attack him.

One EPF soldier tried to tackle Batman, but the Dark Knight double fist slammed him on the back and kneed him in the gut, causing the soldier to let go and be head butted by Batman, whilst the soldier behind tried to kick the Dark Knight, only for the latter to catch it and elbowed him hard against his face, allowing Batman to trip him, jumped in the air and punched his lights out cold. Another soldier tried to use the bud of his weapon to knock the Dark Knight out, but Batman blocked him left and right and gave him an upper buddha palm, sending him flying and out cold. The next tried to attack Batman from behind by grabbing him, but Batman moved backwards against another soldier, allowing the said soldier to let him go. Batman turned around and disarmed the soldier when he had a knife, only for the soldier to kick Batman in the gut, but the Dark Knight caught the soldier’s right leg, lifted it in the air and kneed him in the groin, before punching his lights out, and continued to fight the others around him.

Batman jumped in the air and threw both his Batarangs, causing the two soldiers to lose their weapons in the process before Batman grabbed one of the soldiers and threw him hard against the wall. As the one soldier fell unconscious, Batman tackled another and pinned him against the wall, whilst punching his gun away and backhanding him out cold. Batman blocked the second one’s attack before ducking to avoid the third’s attack, allowing Batman to deliver a reverse roundhouse kick, knocking him out too. Batman blocked another soldier when he tried to strike him down with a baton, only for the Dark Knight to use that said baton and knocked the soldier out, whilst grabbing his head and smashed it against the wall. Another attempted to attack, only for Batman to use his cape to distract the soldier, then used his elbow to knock the said soldier out.

“Whoa, he’s good.” Said Leonardo.

Batman charged towards one of the EPF soldiers whilst dodging their shots at the same time, the moment he got close, Batman deflected the soldier’s gun and punched his lights out so hard, he flew across the room. The next attempted to shoot Batman, but the Dark Knight was too fast for him, allowing Batman to grab his head and kneed it whilst he jumped, and then did a roundhouse kick in the air. The third attempted to shoot Batman, but Batman threw both shock collars onto the soldier’s shoulders, shocking him, allowing Batman to give him a hard kick against the wall. Suddenly, two EPF soldiers in mechanized suits tried to attack, but Batman kept dodging them as he kept jumping and twisting in ways no one could, until he jumped in the air and planted what appeared to be discs on their backs. Both suddenly began to hum and activate themselves, turning themselves into rockets, launching them as they each crashed into three soldiers, before crashing against the wall and all of them falling both hurt and unconscious.

Agent Bishop kept staring in shock, for Batman had defeated over forty one out of a hundred and he’s still fighting.

“What…is he?” muttered the Agent.

Everyone else was just as dumbfounded when they saw how he was fighting against this many soldiers at the same time.

Batman jumped backwards as he threw his Batarangs again, but instead of hitting them, they landed between them, causing them to explode and knocking at least six out in the process. Then he threw a handful of smoke bombs, causing them to be blanketed in smoke, making this disoriented, but they then tried to remain alert and tried to find him.

Batman then tackled one of them over whilst using his Batarang to disarm the other before tackling him over too. The soldiers kept looking around, until one of them got tackled and disappeared, whilst the next had his leg tied and pulled from within the smoke. The soldier kept looking around, trying to find Batman, then he saw two more of his fellow troopers being taken down. The EPF soldier kept looking around, trying to find trace of Batman, until he reacted too late when he saw the Dark Knight jumping from above and attacking him.

Everyone saw from the outside of the smoke that whilst the gunshots were being made, they saw how Batman took six soldiers down in the smoke. A few got out and fired their shots, until two grapple lines appeared, wrapping around one’s leg and one’s neck, causing them to be pulled into the smoke and knocked out, then Batman suddenly grabbed another by the leg and took him out, with Batman instantly taking out another by tackling him and knocking him out.

Batman then went to the smoke as he tripped the next seven soldiers out before darting out of the smoke to attack the next batch. He jumped in the air and pulled out two of the EPF soldiers’ batons and held them in his hands before turning around to face them.

As the first small group of soldiers attacked, Batman smacked one to the left, then one to the right, another to the left, and another to the right. He blocked all three and struck them down. Then he blocked and took another one down. One of the EPF soldiers tried to strike Batman, but he blocked him whilst using the baton to bash against the soldier’s gut twice before swinging the baton against his face, whilst Batman blocked the other and punched him multiple times in the chest before giving him a power right hook, striking the soldier down.

Batman charged at the EPF soldiers as they tried to shoot back, but Batman kept dodging their fire. He grabbed the first soldier and twisted it, before pulling the soldier’s rifle out of his hands and bashed the weapon against his face. Batman somersaulted over the next soldier and kicked him away, before grabbing the next one and elbowed him up on his chin. He went to the next one and elbowed him in the gut before pushing him away in another direction, before throwing the gun at the next one’s head. The next EPF soldier tried to take down Batman, but Batman blocked his fist, and punched him so hard, his nose broke and bled, causing Batman to deliver another punch, sending the soldier flying hard against the floor.

Batman darted forward and threw three of his Batarangs before he jumped in the air, causing all three EPF soldiers to be knocked out before they collapsed. Batman grabbed the first EPF soldier and used his grapple to launch himself in the air before throwing the soldier hard onto the ground, before he tackled the next one onto the ground and punched him so hard, he was out cold.

“Whoa, look at him move.” Said Michelangelo as he and the others couldn’t believe how fast Batman was moving, however, most of them noticed that he wasn’t holding back his punches.

Batman punched the one EPF soldier, before grabbing his face and smashing it to the ground, and used the soldier’s weapon as a club to smash it against another. Batman went behind another soldier, twisted his arm, and elbowed him unconscious, whilst he used his grapple to ensnare the soldier’s arm, allowing Batman to pull him towards the Dark Knight, allowing him to elbow uppercut him, sending the soldier flying and crashing against the wall.

Batman suddenly threw another smoke bomb before the soldiers began to fire, but when the smoke cleared, he was suddenly gone, which surprised them. The remaining soldiers look around, trying to find Batman, but he was nowhere to be found, even the others wondered where he was.

“Where did…?” said Fluttershy before she was cut off.

And explosion came off, causing one of the soldiers to fall through, with Batman instantly going up. Before the others could react, the first twelve soldiers suddenly had small devices planted onto the side of their weapons, taking them by surprise. Before they could react, Batman pressed a detonator, causing their weapons to blow up. One of the soldiers shot through the hole, until Batman shot his grapple, causing it to piece the soldier’s leg as he screamed in pain, shocking the others as Batman pulled him up and punched him hard under the chin whilst he was upside down, knocking him out.

Batman grabbed the next soldier and dislocated his arm whilst holding onto his weapon, which made the soldier scream in pain. Batman turned around, causing the blaster to be fired, striking down the next 8 soldiers as they collapsed onto the ground stunned, before Batman tossed the next one hard onto the ground, John Cena style.

The next soldier began to fire, until Batman fired his grapple, piercing it through the soldier’s shoulder, allowing Batman to pull him hard towards him, making the soldier fly towards him, with Batman jumping in the air and delivered a strong punch, making the soldier fall hard onto the ground whilst rolling away. Batman pulled out his two Batarangs and threw them hard, knocking out the two soldiers hard as they collapsed onto the ground.

One of the soldiers pulled out a grenade, pressed the button and threw it, only to his surprise, Batman caught it in his hand in midair, before tossing it back, causing three soldiers to be knocked back in the process.

Batman shoved one soldier away, elbowed the one on the right, then punched one soldier in the gut before delivering a strong uppercut to him. He dodged left and right whilst trying to avoid the soldier who tried to swing his batons at Batman, only for the Dark Knight to grab him, lifted him in the air and smashed him hard onto the ground, leaving a large dent.

Everyone, from the 2003 universe and the newcomers, watched in shock as they saw Batman fighting with force and brutality, something they’ve never seen him do before, not even Nightwing and the others, for they were surprised that he was holding back this whole time when fighting bad guys, especially since he just knocked another guy away as one of them grunted before being tossed to their feet out cold.

The few soldiers kept firing their pistols until they ran out of ammo, causing some to draw their knives and their batons. Batman came charging to one of the soldiers as he jumped into the air and bashed the soldier’s head hard onto the crate, whilst Batman used the said crate via grapple, and threw it hard against the next soldier, which caused him to crash against the wall unconscious. One of the soldiers used the last ammo from his pistol and fired at Batman, causing him to lose his grapple. When he ran out, Batman took one good look at them and moved towards them whilst the remaining ones attacked.

Batman grabbed the first one’s arm whilst he punched the second one before he, karate chopped the first one behind the head whilst quickly blocking the third and fourth before double punching them away from both sides, whilst he blocked the fifth one and head butted it hard in the face. He punched the sixth soldier in the face before blocking the third and fourth soldiers from both sides.

Batman grabbed the seventh soldier’s arm whilst backhanding the sixth one, before he nearly dislocated the seventh’s arm, making him drop the knife in the process, whilst he kicked the fifth one away. The first one tried to attack Batman again, but Batman grabbed the soldier and used his knife to block the second attacker before kicking him away, the ended up plunging the first soldier’s knife into its pelvis, making the soldier grunt. The third tried to attack, but Batman blocked him and elbow uppercut him in the face, whilst the fourth attempted the same, before Batman blocked him and Buddha palmed him in the face, making the soldier stagger backwards, with Batman looking at the first soldier, and delivered a punch so strong, the soldier collapsed onto the ground hard, leaving a small dent in it.

“What de shell is this guy packing?!” exclaimed Raphael when they continued to see Batman’s brutal attacks, which Agent Bishop suddenly began to sweat.

The fifth tried to attack, but Batman grabbed him and pinned the soldier on the ground before delivering a few strong punches in the process before the soldier was knocked out. The sixth and seventh tried to attack Batman, but not before delivering strong Shaolin Monk punches, grabbed their heads and bashed them against one another.

The second tried to shoot Batman in the head, but he instantly dodged it before grabbing the second soldier’s hand, trying to get him to drop his weapon, but the soldier wouldn’t let up, causing Batman to throw the soldier hard onto the ground and dislocated his arm, causing the soldier to scream in pain, which shocked the others.

The third and fourth soldiers, or in this case, the last ones, tried to fight Batman as one pulled his cape before the other kicked him in the face. Batman crawled backwards whilst trying to deflect their knives at the same time. The second kicked Batman down whilst the first jabbed his knife into his shoulder, making him grunt and surprising the others.

Batman kicked the second one in the knee, making him collapse onto the ground, whilst Batman kneed the other one that held the knife. The moment Batman got up, the second one was up, before Batman blocked him and punched him in the leg, making the second one collapse. Batman stood up and glared at the first before pulling out the knife from his shoulder. He moved towards the first soldier and pinned him against the wall and jabbed the knife in the soldier’s shoulder, instant karma.

The second tried to attack again, but Batman blocked him, before delivering a strong punch to the gut, then to the face, then kneed him in the gut again, making the soldier collapse onto the ground hard, before Batman grabbed him and tossed him hard against the wall. Batman turned to the first one that tried to pull the knife out, but then he saw Batman walking towards him with the same angered expression. The soldier whimpered and tried to signal him to stop, begging not to be hurt, until Batman punched him so hard, it knocked the soldier out before he collapsed onto the ground.

Batman then went to another soldier, who had a rifle on him, which Batman gave a good right hook before knocking him out. However, he suddenly held the soldier’s rifle and aimed it at the last soldier.

“Drop it!!” shouted the soldier, gaining everyone’s attention, and what shocked the individuals from the 2003 universe, it was Angel being held hostage as the soldier aimed a gun at her head.

“Angel!!” exclaimed Jones when he saw Angel being held hostage.

“I said drop it, I’ll kill her!!” warned the soldier, with Angel being scared to death, however, Batman kept his gaze and didn’t move a muscle. However, what really surprised the league, he was holding a gun for the first time as he aimed it at the soldier. “Believe me, I’ll do it!!”

Before anyone could react, Batman pulled the trigger, shooting at the soldier’s hand, making him drop the weapon as he shouted in pain. But just as he turned to Batman, the Dark Knight used the bud of the weapon and knocked the soldier out hard, making him collapse onto the ground, with Batman suddenly holding Angel close to him, to which she calmed down, but slowly looked at Batman.

“I believe you.” Said Batman in retort.

Everyone was dead silent from what they saw, for all around the Dark Knight, over a hundred men were taken down, each of them battered, bruised, wounded and barely being able to move, whilst some were also unconscious.

“Holy chalupa.” Muttered Donnie.

“He took down…a hundred men…on his own.” Said an equally shocked Donatello.

“Who da shell is he?!!” said Raphael.

The League, the Titans, even Static, Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Huntress, and Canary had no words to say from what they had seen.

Agent Bishop growled on the other hand and said “You may have bested them, but I have a weapon of my own.”

Agent Bishop pulled something out, which shocked the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“Is that…?” said Mikey in shock.

“How did you get that?!!” exclaimed Donnie.

“Oh,” said Bishop as he smirked, “You’d be surprised how careless your Utrom buddies can get when it comes to portal tech.”

“So that would explain why our portals were spiking!!” said Professor

Agent Bishop then raised the amulet in the air, causing a portal to open, and within a split second, a familiar Demo-Dragon appeared from the portal.

“I have returned!!” exclaimed the Demo-Dragon, who was none other than Kavaxas, shocking the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“Holy chalupa!!” exclaimed Mikey.

“Took the words right out of my mouth!!” exclaimed Michelangelo.

Kavaxas landed, causing everyone to prepare for a fight. Kavaxas looked at the familiar group, and said “So, it is you lot. How my revenge would be sweeter once I finish you off once and for all.”

He then noticed a certain girl among the group. “Ah, and the daughter of Trigon is here as well.”

Raven was partially surprised that Kavaxas knows Trigon, “How did you…?”

“Who did you think tricked you into revealing your location to Trigon?”

Raven was shocked by the revelation, causing her to growl and plan to unleash her power, until…

“Enough!!” shouted Agent Bishop, as he held the amulet in front of him, causing Kavaxas to nearly cower in front of the amulet. “You will have your revenge soon, but right now, finish the Batman.”

Kavaxas noticed the Dark Knight standing there, with Kavaxas struggling to resist to attack. Batman then said to Angel, “Go back to the others. And don’t look back.”

Angel nodded, allowing her to run to the others, with Jones holding her close, with O’Neil by her side.

Batman turned to the Demo-Dragon, which caused the Demo-Dragon to launch himself at Batman, only for the Dark Knight to jump aside and throw a small pellet, causing a partial explosion as the Demo-Dragon was knocked a bit back, but then got back up and charged towards the Dark Knight. Kavaxas swung his claws left and right, trying to get his claws on the Dark Knight, but the Batman kept dodging it left and right, avoiding the creature’s attacks, but then Batman swung his cape, causing the Demo-Dragon to be caught off guard, making the Dark Knight jump over him and planted two small objects behind his back, causing them to hum too.

“What the…?!” exclaimed the Demo-Dragon before he was launched whilst he was screaming. But just as he was about to crash against the wall, he landed on all fours, then removed the discos from his back, growled and said “I’m going to make you regret that.”

Kavaxas produced a spear from his hand, then blew fire from his mouth, with Batman suddenly using his cape to shield himself, which caused the flames to deflect from his cape.

“Huh?!” exclaimed the CMC before Apple Bloom said “How did he do that?!!”

“His cape’s got a special alloy.” Said Venus, “Meaning it’s something that’s flame proof that he was able to weave into his cape, even to turn it into wings so that he can glide like a glider.”

“Whoa.” Muttered the CMC when they saw Batman continuing his fight.

Kavaxas attacked head on with his weapon and tried to strike a swing against the Dark Knight, but he merely jumped over and kicked it at the back of his head, before crashing onto the ground, with the Dark Knight turning around, ready to face him again.

Kavaxas growled and said “Will you stop running you coward and face me!!”


Batman instantly darted towards Kavaxas, which surprised the demon whilst he pulled something from his utility belt, that looked like a tungsten knuckle, made of Nth metal. Batman jumped up as Kavaxas used his arm to block him, only for Batman to anticipate it and jumped off it, then landed on his left hand, allowing him to push himself up in the air and delivered a strong right hook to Kavaxas’ face, causing the demon to scream as the side of his face was burnt. Batman landed in front of him and jumped in the air and grabbed Kavaxas’ face, allowing the Dark Knight to knee the demon in the head, disorienting it, allowing Batman to use his grapple to launch himself in the air, and give the demon a strong right hook.

Kavaxas got angry as he turned around, only for Batman to throw seven of his Batarangs at the Demo-Dragon. When suddenly, they suddenly missed. “Ha!! You missed!!” said Kavaxas.

“I didn’t.”

The Batarangs suddenly stopped in midair, then flew back towards Kavaxas. The seven of them struck behind his back, causing them to beep, and explode simultaneously at the same time, causing the Demo-Dragon to be launched forward as both his wings were now damaged. The Demo dragon got angry as he stood up, but he failed to see the Dark Knight charging towards him.

The moment when Kavaxas looked up, Batman delivered a strong right hook, breaking the demo-dragons’ teeth. As the Demo-dragon staggered a bit, Batman punched him in the face, two times in the gut, and then an uppercut under his chin. Batman once more delivered a strong punch to the gut, then to the face, a knee to the chest, two more punches to the gut, and then to the face. Batman then used a monk move as he concentrated his chi, and delivered a strong double punch, sending the Demo-Dragon flying for at least a foot away from him.

Everyone watched in shock, bafflement, and stunned, as no one could believe what they were seeing, even the Equestrians were just as shocked.

“He…he…” muttered Donnie as his one hand shook whilst pointing at Batman. “He’s beating Kavaxas…”

“With nothing…but his gadgets and fists.” Said Princess Twilight.

“Awesome.” Muttered Smolder when she couldn’t believe a human could beat him. “Wait until the dragons back home hear about this.”

Even Agent Bishop couldn’t believe what he was seeing. For someone was beating a Demo-Dragon. Whilst at the same the same time, Kavaxas slowly stood up and felt his wounds at the same time.

“That’s not possible.” Said Kavaxas, before Batman darted towards him like a speeding bullet. “How could you possibly…?”

Before the Demo dragon could utter another word, Batman buddha palmed Kavaxas in the chest so hard, causing a loud crack to be heard, and a sonic wave was emitted, making Kavaxas grunt in pain loudly whilst his slobber went out of his mouth. Once again, they were shocked by what they were seeing, but none were more shocked than Agent Bishop.

Within mere moments, Batman Buddha palmed him in the center of his shoulder, then at his chest, kicked him in the right leg between the knee and shin, then buddha palmed him at the center of his left shoulder, and then another kick in the left leg between the knee and shin.

Kavaxas struggled to stand as he was disoriented, not being able to move a muscle, then ended up falling on his knees. Batman stood near Kavaxas whilst motioning his arms, with Kavaxas watching in shock.

“How…are you…doing this?”

Before Kavaxas could utter another word, Batman gave the demo dragon a powerful buddha palm right at the center of his head, causing a loud snap to happen, sending a sort of shockwave. Once that was done, the Dark Knight stood normally and looked at the demo dragon.

“That’s…not…possible…” muttered Kavaxas before falling on his back in pain.

Many were once again in shock, even Agent Bishop from what he was seeing. Batman walked over Kavaxas and looked above him, to which the demo dragon looked at the Dark Knight.

“What…are you?” muttered the demo dragon.

Before anyone could react, Batman pulled out his Batarang and jabbed the tip of it into its chest, causing the demo dragon to instantly turn to dust, with Batman responding with “I’m Batman.”

Everyone was stunned by the Demo-Dragon’s defeat, even Agent Bishop was shocked and dropped the amulet. Batman slowly looked at Bishop, with him squinting his eyes.

“It’s over Bishop.” Said Batman.

“Nothing is ever truly over.” Said Agent Bishop as he squinted his eyes, “One way or another, I will protect this world from…”

Before Bishop could react, Batman threw his Batarang at the agent. But the moment Bishop caught it, it exploded, causing him to be gassed, and ended up choking onto it whilst he coughed violently. Once he did that, Batman slowly approached the mad agent.

“You feel that don’t you?” said Batman, causing Bishop to look at him. But instead of the Dark Knight, he suddenly saw a vampire demon approaching him, shocking the agent as he took a step or two backwards. “Breathe it all in. Do you know what that is? That’s fear.”

Batman slowly approached Bishop, as he felt like he was in a corner now, with the Dark Knight saying “You’re not brave. You were never brave.”

Bishop then tried to land a punch, only for the Dark Knight to block it with his right wrist and closed fist.

“Men are brave.”

Batman opened his fist, causing electricity to be produced from his glove, with his left hand doing the same thing. Before Bishop could react, Batman grabbed Bishop’s head with both of his hands. The moment Batman held onto Bishop’s head tightly, Bishop ended up screaming in pain, which shocked the others as they saw Batman holding the mad agent in that position, whilst the mad agent continued to scream.

“You think you answer to some greater good and authority!! You only wanted the Turtles gone and their counterparts and the girls under your control because they’re an embarrassment!!” Said Batman, whilst Agent Bishop dropped on his knees during the electrocution. “Because they do what you can’t!! What kind of authority is that?!”

Batman ended up kneeing Bishop in the face hard, making the agent stagger backwards whilst standing up. He took another look at the dark knight, before Batman Buddha palmed him hard, causing him to get hit by a random debris, which surprised the others in the process. The mad agent stood up and growled.

“It doesn’t matter.” Said Agent Bishop, “It’s our world and they won’t stand for the likes of them. If it isn’t me, someone else would invite them in and end up betraying Earth for the extra-terrestrials.”

“Really?” said the Dark Knight, “Who else could be worse than you?”

Batman used his grapple to launch himself in the air, and attempt to tackle Bishop. But before the mad agent could defend himself, Batman suddenly landed behind him and gripped his right fist, causing it to be energized for some reason. With one swift motion, and the moment Agent Bishop turned around, Batman delivered a strong right hook, making the agent collapse hard onto the ground.

Batman grabbed Agent Bishop and punched him hard, causing Bishop to stagger for a bit backwards, but Batman didn’t let up as he kept punching the agent, not giving him a chance to defend himself. Agent Bishop was able to grab Batman and punched back. The two of them exchanged blows, until Batman was able to launch himself in the air and used his Batarangs to cut down a wire with a strong metal like ball attached to it. He grabbed it and swung the agent hard onto the ground, with Batman using it again to hit Agent Bishop backwards.

Agent Bishop peeled himself off the wall whilst Batman took two heavy objects and charged towards him. He used the two objects to bash Bishop multiple times. Bishop attempted for a punch, until Batman grabbed him by the head and Buddha palmed him, sending him flying in the air, causing Batman to follow, grabbed him, and slammed him hard onto the ground. Agent Bishop slowly stood up as Batman stood above him.

“You claim that you fight for humanity,” said Batman, “Yet you use underhanded tactics and brutal experimentation, along with intimidation and murder to destroy an enemy. Being human is about being better than that. So, from what I’m seeing, you’re not doing this for humanity, you’re doing this out of your own hatred, because you’re a criminal.”

Just as Agent Bishop stood up, Batman grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him close.

“Despite your claims, from what I’m seeing, you’re not exactly a human being.” Said Batman, which surprised the mad Agent. “Maybe…you’re more alien than they are.”

Agent Bishop had a shocked look on him, then an enraged one as he screamed, trying to punch the Dark Knight, only for Batman to block him with his right hand, and using the said hand to launch a pepper spray to his eyes, making the agent scream in pain. Batman grabbed a canister like explosive and planted it on the agent’s chest, causing Batman to jump back and explode, making the Agent launch a few feet with his suit torn.

“What…is he?” said Leonardo as he and the others were stunned by what they were seeing.

Batman then took another Batarang whilst Agent Bishop was on his one knee and foot before tossing it. The moment it was close enough, it exploded, releasing another bit of gas, but also one that caused dark veins to appear all over him, which shocked the others, for it was somewhat of a toxic gas.

“You’re not the first immortal I’ve ever fought.” Said Batman as he stood in front of the agent, “It’s a little something I put together myself. It took time and costed me a fortune. And in case you wonder, I have both.”

Batman punched Bishop hard in the face, causing Bishop to drop the first blood from his mouth. However, Batman didn’t stop from there as he grabbed the agent and continued to beat him mercilessly. He then pinned the agent against the wall, and delivered strong punches from the left, from the right, from the northwest, from the southeast, and so on and so on, leaving but a heavily bruised faced Bishop as he collapsed onto the floor whilst missing a few pieces of teeth.

At first, they wanted him to stop, but Roland signaled them to stop, showing that he needed to do this.

“You feel it for the first time, don’t you?” said Batman. “What all of us feel every day. Your own mortality.”

Agent Bishop struggled to look at him. “Don’t worry, the toxins should pass from your body, soon enough.” Said Batman, before delivering a strong kick to Bishop’s face, making the agent land hard on his back.

Bishop struggled to breathe as he looked at the dark figure towering over him, showing for the first time, the slightest of fear, as Batman grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close.

“But I didn’t have to go easy on you.” Said Batman, “A different binding agent, a stronger mix.”

He then looked at the agent dead in the eye in anger, with Agent Bishop being afraid for the very first time. “I want you to remember that.” Said Batman, “I wanted to remind you to stay out of the Turtles and everyone else’s way, and all the years to come in your greatest and most private moments. I want you to remember the one man who beat you.”

“W-w-who…are you?” said Agent Bishop in shock and fear, which the others were surprised.

When all of a sudden, everyone heard silent screeching and wailing, and within a split second, hundreds of bats flew in all around the fallen troops, causing the surviving ones to wail and flail and scream in fear, with Agent Bishop also showing signs of fear.

“I am the vengeance. I am the night,” said Batman, “I am the pillar of Justice. I. am. BATMAN!!”

Batman then held something in his hand, which looked like a brand, in deep heat and the symbol of the bat on it.

“Agent Bishop.” Said Batman as he slowly raised his fist in the air with the brand. “Judgement time.”

Batman then struck, and if you were outside, you’d hear the scream of fear from Agent Bishop.

At the same time, both Kevin and Night Shine were at the EPA lounging near the bar, drinking a milkshake whilst he EPA soldiers were unconscious around them. Kevin looked around after his ears have perked up.

“You hear something?” asked Kevin.

“I don’t hear anything.” Said Night Shine whilst he was drinking a root beer float.

“Meh me neither.” Said Kevin as he drank his.


Soon enough, far away, the EPA base were in flames whilst the remainder had fled, with Agent Bishop leading the way.

Whilst from afar, everyone watched them escape.

“You sure it was wise to let him go?” asked Wally/Flash.

“Bishop doesn’t have any resources to stop us.” Said Batman, “With his operations crippled, it’ll take him a long time to recover.”

“Indeed,” said Splinter, “An enemy cannot hope to strike, if it does not have the sword to wield it.”

“Still,” said Jones as he looked at the Rainbooms, “You girls were amazing. I had no idea you had extra powers.”

“It’s not us, it’s the clothing.” Said Sunset.

“Indeed.” Said Azmuth as he floated over, “As Roland explained to some of you, these suits contains a special type of fabric, which can make thought a reality. They have been specifically made for each of you, so that you would use your powers like the, who are they again, Power Ponies?”

“It’s still awesome!!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, “We got two powers for the price of one!!”

“If we plan on usin’ em.” Said Applejack, “Ah don’t like the idea of cheating’ to gain an advantage.”

“Applejack’s right.” Said Rarity, “Even if they are fabulous.”

“Still, I think Fluttershy is more awesome.” Said Casey, “Girl, I had no idea you had that in you.”

Fluttershy smiled and felt embarrassed at the same time.

“After the way one of those dudes hurt Angel, I can’t blame her.” Said Silverbolt.

“Still, I wonder how Angel got here in the first place?” wondered Invictus.

“Probably because Roland quietly quickly went back to fetch him because he knew how to get Fluttershy angry.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Huh?!” exclaimed the others.

“You did what?!” exclaimed an angry Fluttershy in her Saddle Rager form as she leaned over to Roland, who was nervous, whilst the others were surprised by this.

“Look, I know it sounds bad, but I had to do it to get your Saddle Rager side out.” Said Roland, “Plus I made a deal with Angel and he agreed to it.”

They saw Angel on a large stack of carrot pies and carrot flavored tea as he casually sipped at it like a gentleman, before waving at the others. Some were stunned by what they were seeing.

“That is one sophisticated bunny.” Said Static.

“Roland…” growled Fluttershy as she was face to face with Roland.

“Oh, I, uh, eep, uh, I, eep, ah, oh, ah.” Muttered Roland as he had been put in a corner, until he suddenly had an idea that made him blush, something that he thought he’d never ever do. He took a breath and said “Flutters. I’m sorry for this. But you’ve left me no choice to do something crazy.”

“Like what?” growled Fluttershy.


Roland grabbed Fluttershy’s face and kissed her full…on…the lips, which in turn took her completely off guard with widened eyes. But not as shocked and surprised as everyone else was by what they were seeing. Within mere moments, Fluttershy returns back to normal as she was slowly shrunk back down to her normal self, but with her eyes still widened and her cheeks now red. However, Fluttershy instantly lifted her left leg and had her eyes closed. Roland broke the kiss, making Fluttershy nearly faint before Roland carried her.

Fluttershy kept a dreamy smile and went, “His lips are so soft.”

Roland couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement. Classic Fluttershy. And still cute. He looked at the others and noticed all of them had stunned looks on their faces, with some smirking.

“What?” responded Roland.

“If I said this once Roland, I’ll say it again,” said Venus, “You have a very interesting way with the ladies.”

“Ahem, no comment.” Said Roland, which caused half of them to laugh about it.

Back at the moving EPA vehicle, Agent Bishop was slowly holding onto his wound, whilst looking at the agent who fought Batman.

“You and I are going to have serious words when this is over.” Said Agent Bishop sternly.

The EPA soldier suddenly grunted and screamed as steam came out of him and collapsed, causing the mist to appear in a fully cloaked form, which was none other than Jacob, which shocked Bishop.

“Funny, I was going to say the same thing.” Said Jacob to the shocked Agent Bishop. “You’re a disgrace as a human being. You may think you’re doing the right thing, but you’re doing the complete opposite of it.”

“I will do what is necessary for the sake of planet Earth.” Said Agent Bishop.

Jacob instantly moved face to face with Agent Bishop, “And what, you were willing to mind control a bunch of kids to work for you? Yes, they may have powers, but they have friends, family, a home, a couple of things you obviously don’t have.”

Jacob stood back up and said “You have no right to play god when it comes to protecting the innocent. You could’ve used that to fight alongside the Justice Force, stopped the war between humans and Triceratons, stopped the supernatural and helped the Turtles defeat the Shredder.”

“And what, let aliens come to this world and run amok on this world?” said Agent Bishop rhetorically.

“Better that than wasting my genius, talents and resources to fight a pointless inevitable fight.” Said Jacob.

“This is only a setback.” Said Agent Bishop, wanting to change the subject, “Once I regroup, I’ll make sure that they never set foot on this world again.”

Jacob smirked from underneath his hood, and said “Good luck with that.”

Agent Bishop flexed his eyebrow, with Jacob taking out a tablet and showing him.

“Whilst they broke into your base, I took the liberty of downloading all the information you had, and uploaded it to every government and military personnel all over the world, minus America.”

Agent Bishop widened his eyes in shock as Jacob showed them that his bases from around the world were raided and arrested.

“Even as we speak, your agents and troops from all over the world have been arrested, and most of your funding has ceased. And I’ll upload this one in American soil too, if you think of crossing the line again.”

Jacob took his tablet away from the shockened Bishop.

“The president is also a friend of mine, and I convinced him to cut half of your funding. Meaning…it’ll take about fifty years for you to build up your forces again, which should leave tons of opportunities for peace, rather than war.”

Jacob crossed his arms and said “So here’s a warning for you, Agent Bishop. You think of crossing the line, then you will answer to me. And I hear a peep from you.”

And from what Agent Bishop saw, was a slow transformation, as his face felt hot and was horrified by what he saw.

“Then you will know the true meaning of fear and pain”

From a distance, Agent Bishop screeched in fear and horror from what he had seen in front of him.


From afar, after he was done, Jacob had teleported close to near one of the rocks, and from a distance, saw Roland and the others leaving and heading back to the ship.

“Cutting it a little close, aren’t we?”

Jacob looked from the corner of his right eye and saw a familiar anthropomorphic hedgehog, with blue fur, green eyes, and red sneakers. Who looked about in his late thirties.

“You know me, Bluehog.” said Jacob, “Always liking to play it close to the vest. But what are you doing here Sonic, shouldn’t you be at home?”

“Hey, Sally was worried.” Said Sonic as he sat back up, “You didn’t report in and we had to ask some of your students at the Order to give us your location. That and…Nicolette was worried too.”

Jacob sighed and said “I know.”

“So why are you out here?” asked Sonic.

“I felt a familiar presence. One that I couldn’t put my finger on.” Said Jacob, “So I’m helping them out with their mission. Though some were…distressed.”

“You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” said Sonic with a teasing smirk.

“Pff, like you’re one to talk.” Retorted Jacob.

When all of a sudden, Delta appeared near them.

“What happened Delta?” said Jacob, “You were supposed to have helped get the information earlier. What kept you.”

“I was assisting the others when Sunset was in danger.” Responded Delta.

“Delta, I didn’t authorize that!!” said Jacob whilst Sonic sat up with a flexed eyebrow.

“But I heard his voice.” Said Delta.

“Voice? What voice?” asked Sonic.

Delta then played back a recording of what he had heard.

Someone help her, someone help Sunset!!

Both Sonic and Jacob gasped by who the voice was. Sonic dashed over to Delta and said “Are you sure?!”

“One hundred percent.” Said Delta.

Jacob sat down in shock, as he couldn’t believe his ears. Then he slowly looked up and said “No, it…it can’t be.”


Soon enough, everyone was back on the ship, with many looking exhausted. Roland decided to take them to the cafeteria so that they can get something to eat. For when it comes to missions like this, sometimes good food tends to help.

“Wow,” said Wally/Flash whilst rubbing the sweat from his brow, “Never thought I’d be this exhausted.”

“For once, Flash, I agree with you.” Said John/Green Lantern after they sat down.

“Where’s Batman.” Said Wonder Woman.

“Max told him to go to the infirmary,” said Silverbolt, “After what Agent Bishop did to him, I don’t think we want to take any chances.”

“I hope so.” Said Robin, “Otherwise it’s Brainiac all over again.”

Everyone sat down, with Roland going over the menu, and typed ‘After battle snacks’, causing tons of food to appear in front of everyone, which took them off guard.

“What, I figured that after a day like this, everyone has quite the appetite.” Said Roland.

“Well…we are kind of hungry.” Said Green Arrow, causing everyone to dig in.

However, they saw the mountain of food for both Barry and Wally, which surprises them.

“Goodness.” Said Rarity.

“Why so much food?” asked pony Rarity.

“Both Barry and Wally are speedsters,” said Amethyst Majesty, “They tend to burn a lot of calories, which leaves them completely exhausted and drained of energy. And the more calories they eat, the more they’ll be able to replenish themselves. You could say they’re somewhat a bottomless pit like Pinkie Pie.”

“Hey!!” exclaimed the two Pinkie Pies.

“Well, it’s true,” said Amethyst Majesty, “Remind me how many times you eat sweets in a single day?”

“You know he’s got a point there, Pinks.” Said pony Rainbow Dash, “Or did you forget that one time when the two of us were sent to help Gilda with her friendship problem?”

“Or that time when you literally had a big bag of marshmallows that you stored in your hair.” Said Rainbow Dash.

Everyone began to consume their food as they felt more relaxed.

“Normally I’ll never understand why you humans like to eat.” Said Wonder Woman, until she tasted a certain cake, which made her smile in delight. “Mmm, but I definitely see the appeal.”

“Told you.” Said Cyborg as he ate some pizza.

“Well, you guys enjoy yourselves.” Said Hawkgirl as the League and Rangers stood up.

“Where are you guys, going?” asked Fluttershy.

“We gotta report to Max and tell him what’s happened.” Said Superman. “That and we think you kids could use some space after this.”

“Well, you’re more than welcome to join us.” Said Michelangelo.

“It’s nothing personal,” said the Martian, “We just need to inform the rest of our allies and need to hear how the army buildup is doing, considering the fight that lies ahead of us.”

“We understand.” Said Leo before shaking Superman’s hand. “Thanks again for the help.”

“I think we’re the ones that should be thanking you.” Said Superman.

Soon the League left the room, whilst at the same time, a figure looked from the shadows. This however, didn’t go unnoticed for Roland as he felt a presence in the room.

“You okay there, man?” asked Static when he noticed the look on Roland’s face.

“I have a feeling we’re being watched.” Said Roland.

Roland then suddenly drew his sword at the shadows and said “Come out and show yourself!!”

At first they were puzzled, until a mysterious figure popped out of the shadows, which startled the youth and made them arm themselves too. However, the figure’s size was a little familiar to them. So, the figure slowly removed his hood, revealing to be another turtle, which surprised a lot.

“Whoa, another us?” said Mikey.

“The name’s Ronin,” said the turtle, “And nothing else.”

They noticed his tone was dark and cold, which was sort of unnerving. However, Sunset walked over to him slowly, and asked “Mikey…is that really you?”

Everyone else was baffled by what she had said, until Mikey squinted his eyes and took a closer look. When he looked at him in the eyes, Mikey widened his in shock.

“No, way.” Said Mikey, then squealed in glee and hugged the turtle, “It really is me!!”

Ronin suddenly shoved Mikey off of him, making Mikey land on his butt, with the latter saying, “Though a little grumpier.”

Even the Turtles were surprised to see him.

“Mikey?” said Leo, “Is that really you?”

Ronin took a look at Leo, Donnie, and Raph, causing him to close his eyes, remembering the pain he had endured, making him take a step back from them, then looked at them sternly, which unnerved the Turtles, especially Raph.

“Just who…are you?” asked Ben.

“Yeah, you almost look like Mikey, but…older.” Said Beast Boy.

“I don’t go by that name.” said Ronin coldly. “I’ve abandoned that name for sixteen years. I go by Ronin now.”

“Why would you go by that name?” asked Usagi.

Ronin scoffed as he crossed his arms, “Because long ago, my world had been attacked by your enemy, the Shredder.”

Many were surprised to hear this and looked at one another.

“He was relentless, fought with savagery that none of us had ever imagined.” Said Ronin, “He took over our world with an iron fist. Once he was done, he was able to capture every single martial artist and infused them in his own army, even recruited my world’s enemies to join him.”

“Why didn’t anyone stop them?” asked Superman.

“Because they’re gone.” Said Ronin, “We lost a lot of good folks over the years.”

“Wait,” said Karai, “You mean the Mighty Mutanimals? The Foot Clan? All of the others?”

“That’s right.” Said Ronin before looking at his brothers and the Rainbooms with a cold stare. “Even them.”

The Turtles and Rainbooms were surprised to hear this, as some couldn’t help but pity him, but the stare he gave them said otherwise.

“And my team?” asked Shine Boy.

When all of a sudden…

“We’re the only ones left now. Deal with it.”

They looked at a shadowy figure that approached them. When he stood in the light, it was revealed to be none other than an older Night Shine, but instead of black clothes, his was white, and his eyes were white instead of black. Many were stunned by what they were seeing, with Night Shine looking at him with a flexed eyebrow. Shine Boy walked over to the other Luke, with that version smirking at him.

“Surprised to see me?” said the other Night Shine.

“A little.” Said Shine Boy, “I’m more surprised that you decided to wear that kind of attire.”

“Because I chose to wield the power of light long ago.” Said the other Night Shine, “And besides, I go by Light Shine now.”

“Pff, great, the other me looks like a dork.” Said Night Shine with a scoff whilst rolling his eyes.

Light Shine then smirked and said “At least I don’t look like a goth reject.”

Night Shine then was face to face with him. “You wanna repeat that?”

“Wow, did I always have a stick up my butt with no sense of humor?” said Light Shine, causing Night Shine to growl and displayed his flaming fist.

Ronin then pulled out a bo-staff and put it between the two. Donnie was shocked to see it was his bo-staff, but it looked different, as if it had seen better days.

“That’s enough of that.” Said Ronin.

“He’s right.” Said Sunset, “I owe him for helping me out.”

Ronin merely scoffed and placed his bo-staff away. Light Shine walked over to Grandpa Max and said “We have much to talk about, and we also have some information about the Shredder.”

“We’ll talk about it in the briefing room.” Said Grandpa Max as he took Light Shine with him, with Shine Boy behind.

“I’ll be in the observation room.” Said Ronin as he walked, only for Mikey to stop him.

“Hey, since you’re me, why don’t’ you have some…?”

When all of a sudden, Ronin backhanded Mikey’s face, making him crash against the wall, which shocked the others as some gasped. Mikey looked up in shock whilst Ronin stared down at him with anger at the same time.

“Grow up.” Responded Ronin before walking away.

Everyone stared at him stunned as they walked away. Both Leo and Donnie went over to help Mikey up. Roland stood next to Raph and whispered, “You wanted to know what Mikey would be like if he actually grew up?”

Raph was surprised by what Roland had said, then looked at Mikey, who was hurt from that punch whilst Leo and Donnie helped him up.

“Could Mikey…turn our like that if he did?” muttered Raph.

“We may never know.” Said Roland, “Sometimes fate has a weird way of showing us these things.”

Raph thought about it for a moment, and said “No kidding.”


Batman was working on repairs on the Batwing when Shine Boy hastily stormed in.

“Batman!” He called out.

“I’m busy.” Batman replied.

“Make time! What’s the idea of having Roland grill the Ninjas and Rainbooms for their past mistakes?”

Unfazed, Batman stopped tinkering and looked at Shine Boy as the hero continued.

“I get that the Turtles are immature and repeat the same mistakes over and over, and The Rainbooms had threatened their own friendship over dumb decisions, But the important thing is they apologize and move on! So why can't Roland?”

Batman stood up on his plane. “Are you familiar with the old saying 'Those who forget about the past are doomed to repeat it'?”

“I am.”

“Then I think you just answered your own question.”

“That's not the point!” Shine Boy raised his voice. “Roland told us that it was because of those mistakes, they were divided and that caused them to die by Shredder's hand. I get he wants them not to make those mistakes, but making them feel bad about stuff their counterparts did and not them will cause them to doubt themselves and that'll be worse! I understand you're not a team player, but they are still young and have feelings! I get it! They should keep their emotions in check, but they still need to THINK! and depression and sorrow can cloud one's judgement! I'm sure you let that happen to you when you lost your parents! You might be willing to risk your friendship with them, but I'm not! I'd rather risk my own life than let them fall like that!”

Batman responded by jumping off the Batwing and walked up as Shine Boy breathed.

“Batman, I'm sorry. I just want the team to be united if we're going to beat Shredder and save the multiverse. Sorry for wasting your time.” he mumbled.

“Tony.” Batman stood before Shine Boy and held out his hand. “You're a good kid. And you are something Roland needs right now.”

“Okay?” Shine Boy asked as he shook Batman's hand.

“Roland felt that he couldn't trust anyone after the Ninjas and Rainbooms he knew were divided and destroyed. And even when he bonded with your counterparts, he felt guilty and angered and blamed them as well as himself. So, I knew he would show that same hatred to them, but also know the friends they made would help them regain their confidence. Ones who made similar mistakes. You need to help Roland open his eyes that they're not the same as in his world. as a friend.”

But as Batman took a few steps forward, Shine Boy said “You knew he would eventually talk to us, didn’t you?”

Batman stopped for a moment and looked at Shine Boy, then resumed back to his Batwing, giving Shine Boy his answer before walking away. However, before Batman got to the Batwing, Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity stood near him, all of them giving stern looks on their faces. Batman knew that they must know by now, with him sighing and walked over to them. For this was going to be a long explanation.


Later that day, whilst everyone was resting up, Sunset was watching the stars from the window, as she had a sad look. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Roland standing next to her.

“You okay there?” asked Roland.

“It’s just…” said Sunset, “I never thought in my entire life that we would meet an older Mikey.”

“Yeah, took us off guard too.” Said Roland, “I didn’t even know that there were other worlds that were affected by the Shredder. And though I’m glad we were able to rescue Batman, I don’t know I’m going to explain that I’m done with his plans.”

“Don’t worry.” Said Sunset as she held his shoulder and reassured him. “I’m sure we’ll find a way. We always do.”

“I sure hope so.” Said Roland. “Still. Are you okay? I know it wasn’t easy, going over that place again after what he nearly did to you and the girls.”

“It was unnerving at first,” said Sunset, “I’m just glad that he won’t be causing trouble for a long time. And as Donatello said, it would take them years to restore everything back to the way they were.”

Roland then rubbed his shoulder, still aching from his fight with the Purple Dragons and Nightmares.

“We should rest up,” said Sunset, “Donnie’s probably close into finding the next stone.”

However, Roland was thinking if he should tell Sunset about the Equestrian magic leaking through. Then again, she did blame herself for brining magic into this world, but she didn’t know how it kept happening on a daily basis. For even though he told the truth to her of what he went through, he left out the part of what he thought about Sunset, because she had been hurt enough already, as well as what Twilight did.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Said Sunset whilst she left.

His honesty with his friends somehow took him over and made him walk to her. “Wait.”

Sunset stopped and looked at him, with him standing near her.

“I need to tell you something, something that you have to promise never share this with the others.” Said Roland. Sunset was puzzled, but did the Pinkie Promise motion, which he knew she was going to keep it.

“So, what is it?” asked Sunset out of curiosity.

“I know how Equestrian Magic kept coming into your world.” Said Roland.

“Huh?” said Sunset, which she chuckled and said “We already…”

“Because it’s leaking into your world.” Responded Roland, causing her to immediately stop and looked at him in shock.

“What?” muttered Sunset, “What do you mean?”

“Think about it,” said Roland, “All the magic shenanigans that kept happening on a daily basis? How do you explain that Juniper’s mirror, Vignette’s phone, that golem monster, Sapphire’s paintbrush, even Twilight’s watering can got infected with Equestrian Magic?”

Sunset pondered and realized in shock, for he was right, because for one thing he experienced it in his world and he had been through it before, the only way that magic kept happening and how others were infected were…

She immediately grabbed him and shook him. “How?! How is it leaking and how does it keep coming to this world?!”

“It leaked since the Friendship Games,” said Roland, “How else did you think your geodes got to Camp Everfree in the first place?”

Sunset was completely stunned. For it all made sense. Her geode, even her friends’ came from the portal, leaving her stammering backwards and lean against the wall.

“How is it, wait…” said Sunset when she realized the first thing he said. She looked at him “You said since the Friendship games.”

“That’s right.” Said Roland, “Remember all the rifts between your world and Equestria that Twilight opened when she was Midnight Sparkle?”

“Wait, what?” said Sunset, “But…but I sealed them back up.”

“And I’m sorry to say this, but…” said Roland as he was hesitant, she deserved to know the truth. “You didn’t seal all of them.”

Sunset was now shocked by what he said, and slowly shook her head. “But…how…?” said Sunset as she was speechless.

“Before we get to that.” Said Roland. “Let me explain this. When we create gateways to another dimension using magic, we use special containment materials to keep the portal open. And if there’s a small crack in said containment unit, that bit of magic that was used to open a path will instantly leak out.”

“I don’t understand.” said Sunset whilst flexing an eyebrow.

“I’ll give you a hint.” Said Roland, “Remember the first thing that Twilight destroyed? And the one tiny crack that came along with it?”

Sunset pondered for a moment. And she remembered that day, when Twilight destroyed the statue, and then she remembered a tiny crack that looked like a small hole inside. She widened her eyes in shock and horror, whilst slowly looking at Roland.

“The…Canterlot High statue?” muttered Sunset. “But…how…the portal closed after Princess Twilight uses it and it doesn’t open up every thirty moons…”

“In Equestria, yes.” Said Roland. “But what I learned long ago, is that the portal, like you and your friends, had some leftover residual magic left inside of you. And what you didn’t realize, was that the portal was opening between there and Equestria the entire time. Once every thirty moons in Equestria. But once a month in your world, because of the full moon. Meaning the portal from the human world, uses the power of the full moon to open a portal between here and Equestria.”

That’s when Sunset realized in shock and horror once more. That every full moon in the human world, that’s when a portal to Equestria is opened, and that would mean…


That would mean, Equestrian Magic was leaking in the human world.

“Are you kidding me?” muttered Sunset. Roland knew that look, for he knew she’d react this way. “Are you kidding me?!

She then walked back and forth whilst holding her head.

That’s where Equestrian magic was leaking the whole time?! And it happened under our noses the whole time?!! How did we not know this?! Why didn’t we see this sooner?! How did we not see any of this coming?!

“Well,” said Roland as he listed things down, “Fluttershy was thinking about minding and helping the animals at the shelter. Pinkie Pie was obsessed with parties and thinking about baking baked goods and treats. Applejack was obsessed with working with her apples at the farm, as well as selling them. Rarity was obsessed with designing and making her dresses for her customers and you girls. Rainbow Dash is obsessed with sports, being competitive and playing soccer at the same time, and Twilight was busy working on her experiments that could possibly work or possibly die of embarrassment. And you were busy thinking about playing video games to beat your online competitors and snuggling with Fugitoid.”

Sunset leered at him for a moment whilst a heavy blush was on her face, then sighed in frustration and rubbed her head. “Okay, you have a point there.”

“Although…I’d be more worried about Twilight.” Said Roland.

“Wait, what?” said Sunset as she looked at him, “Why?”

“Put it this way,” said Roland, “Princess Twilight is a very curious pony and tends to look and absorb knowledge like a sponge. And because of the events of the Fall Formal. And seeing that Twilight is half as curious as her pony counterpart, she ended up messing with things that she doesn’t understand, which resulted her to put everyone in danger without thinking about the consequences, or the people that she would end up hurting, cause if it’s anyone’s fault for the magic disaster started it would be hers. Because she didn’t drop it and let it go, she had to go snooping around and poked her nose into other people’s business. And the end result, everyone got infected with Equestrian Magic and put everyone in danger, all because she couldn’t stay her nose out of other people’s business.”

Sunset was shocked by that revelation.

“Remember, she already feels bad about the whole Friendship Games situation…” said Roland, whilst also waiting for Sunset to realize it.

Sunset realized in shock as she realized it.

“Oh no.” muttered Sunset. “She blamed herself at the Friendship Games. But if she finds out about her being the cause of Equestrian Magic leaking into the world and turned everyone into monsters as a result…she’ll be devastated.”

“And if I were to recall,” said Roland, “She once thought that Frankie was a bad guy in disguise, or the fact that, it may shock you, she still doesn’t trust Sapphire.”

“What?” said Sunset as she looked at him.

“It’s true, I can see it.” Said Roland. “But the only reason Sapphire used magic was to get back at you girls because she thought you girls, even you, ruined everything. But Twilight failed to realize that Sapphire wasn’t the only ones who used Equestrian Magic. Gloriosa Daisy, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Amethyst Majesty, the Color Strikes, a lot of them used Equestrian Magic for their own selfish gains, even VILE when they found out about it and during the Young Six’ visit. If you think her being devastated was because of magic leaking through, I don’t wanna know what she would think if she was responsible for folks using Equestrian Magic for their own selfish gain.”

Again, Sunset dreaded this as she sat down a nearby bench and held her head.

“To think,” began Sunset, “I blamed myself for bringing magic into this world. But Twilight…oh sweet Celestia, she already struggled to get her life back together ever since the Friendship Games, how she’ll react though…”

Roland sat down next to her and said “I know. I honestly don’t know what I can do to help her, or any of us if they were to find out.”

Roland felt a hand on his shoulder, making him look and saw Sunset, looking at him in great concern.

“Promise me you won’t tell Twilight this.” Asked Sunset.

Roland could see the look of worry in her eyes, fearing for her friend’s sake. Roland sighed, knowing that look all too well.

“I can’t make any promises Sunset,” said Roland, “But I’ll try my best. For her sake.”

Sunset held Roland’s hands and said “Thank you.”

Roland hugged Sunset, for though he was glad he was able to tell the truth for her sake, but now he had another to worry about…

Keeping the one secret that could shake everything to its core.

Author's Note:

Author’s note 1

This entire chapter is dedicated to Kevin Conroy, who passed away not too long ago. No matter what animated Batman is created, no matter how many voices him, Kevin Conroy will always be the one and only Batman. Farewell Kevin Conroy, you will be missed. For you are and always will be…the Dark Knight.

Author’s note 2

For those who do not know, I will be away on vacation from the 26th of October to the 10th of November, so I won’t be able to write anything. Just wanted to give all of you a heads up for just in case.

Author’s note 3

· Spider Bytz returns to this series, where Shredder captures him and mutates him and forces him to serve him.
· Thought Applejack should wear a jean for the next few chapters, something I got inspired from SapphireGamgee’s comic, “Hey don’t you know, I’m off to see the world.”
· Roland mentioning of how the JLA met the Avengers, was a comic story Avengers/JLA, the very first attempt of making a superhero crossover.
· Roland freaking out about people sitting on his face was a reference to ToucanLDM’s Sailor Moon meets My Little Pony.
· Roland ranting about the west was a reference to the movie “A million ways to die in the West”.
· Roland adding Grass fed butter to his coffee was a reference to an episode from the 2010 series, Hawaii Five-O.
· Batman seeing his parents’ death was a scene used from Batman: The Dark Knight’s Returns part 1.
· Kavaxas also makes a return on this chapter only.
· Batman fighting 2003 Bishop was a reference to Batman’s fight with Superman in the Dark Knight Returns part 2 and Batman vs Superman.
· Sunset’s superhero design, the Phoenix, was made by DarkMalcontent