• Published 24th May 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

  • ...

To the Prime

It had been an hour since all of them had left their world and right now, all of them are taking a tour throughout the ship.

“We can’t thank you enough for the rooms Roland.” Said Sunset Shimmer on behalf of her and the rest of the group.

“Got that right,” said Casey “They’ve got tons of space and their own bathrooms.”

“And they’re so fancy.” Said Rarity as she pretended to be dramatic “It’s like spending in a fancy hotel.”

“Well they wanted to make it as comfortable as possible when they first designed it.” Said Ben.

“And it’s worth every penny.” Said Kevin.

“Now that you’re settled in your rooms,” said Roland “Time for the tour.”

But then he suddenly turned and faced Caitlyn whilst pointing his finger at her, taking them by surprise as he gave her a stern look.

“And you had better learn to control yourself and not snitch to anybody.” Said Roland, “Or do you want a repeat of what happened the last time when you got Mikey, Keno and the CMC in trouble? Got it?”

She quickly nodded yes, but then she saw him looking at her phone, making her turn it off and put it away whilst sheepishly smiling. Roland then continued with the tour.

“What was that about?” asked Zach.

“Remember, he was also involved in your adventures in our world.” Said Venus “Let’s just say he was pretty mad at Caitlyn for squealing.”

“Especially at you three for not trusting your sisters.” Said Obaki as he pointed at Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow, making them wince at that and felt really sheepish over it, but thankfully they were able to come to terms with it and realized that they were growing up and that they wouldn’t always be around for them.

They first arrived at the Cafeteria whilst they showed them.

“Here we have the Cafeteria, where we can go on breaks or midnight snacks before or after missions.” Said Roland. “They even added a special feature where they scan your tongue and food will pop out.”

“Whoa, really?” said Twilight surprised.

“Yeah, in fact.” Said Roland as he motioned a hover robot to hover near her. “Stick out your tongue.”

She was puzzled at first, but decided to try it out. It scanned her tongue, and once it was done, it created a burger right in front of her. Which surprised everybody. Out of curiosity, she took a bite, and her eyes lit up.

“Oh my gosh.” Said Twilight after she swallowed it, “This tastes exactly like the burgers from Burger Frenzy.”

“It scans your tongue and creates any kind of food you want.” Said Ben.

“It also help that you don’t have to worry about making a mess when it comes to eating food.” Said Kevin.

“Ooh, ooh, my turn!!” exclaimed Mikey in excitement. He had his tongue scanned, and the scanner scanned his tongue, causing his favorite pizza to appear. He grabbed it and scarfed it down.

“Best Pizza ever!!” exclaimed Mikey “Let’s do it again.”

Unfortunately, the moment he stuck out his tongue again, he was immediately electrocuted and collapsed onto the ground, surprising everybody. They looked at Gwen, who couldn’t help but smirk.

“We also had to make sure it’s Mikey proof so he doesn’t scarf down everything in his path.” Said Gwen.

“Now that’s the smartest thing you guys ever made.” Said Raph with a grin.

They then walked to the next room, which looked like a large empty dome on the inside. “And right here is the training room.” Said Rook.

“Looks a bit bare in here.” Said pony Rainbow Dash.

“Rook, if you’d be so kind?” said Roland.

“My pleasure.” Said Rook as he walked towards the panel.

“In this room, you can add anything inside.” Said Rook as he typed on the control panel. “Whether different environments to different simulations. And thanks to latest Plumber technology, we create a lifelike hologram inside to create any enemies you desire to fight. You can even set them on different levels when you’re in combat with opponents whenever you wish to challenge yourself.”

“Ah, just like the training room in my ship, brilliant.” Said Fugitoid with joy on his robot face, “I’m glad to see the schematics that both Azmuth and I have been working on has been extremely helpful.”

“Indeed,” said Rook “They’ve already set up rooms like this at Plummer HQ and other training academies.”

They then took them to the laboratories for both science and technology, which caused the eggheads, namely Donnie, Sci-Twi, Gamer, Fugitoid and Rockwell to gawk in marvel of what they were seeing.

“In this room,” said Obaki “Is your everyday laboratories. You can work on chemicals and technology that can help win an advantage over any of our enemies, even new ones on the table if need be.”

“And also what we need to help counter Shredder.” Said Azmuth as he arrived on his hover craft. He looked at Princess Twilight and said “And Princess, did you and your cohorts bring what I asked?”

“Oh, yes I did.” Said Princess Twilight as she pulled out a large book. “Everything about Grogar’s Bell is in here. How to activate it, how to use it and how it functions.”

“Very good.” Said Azmuth “Once you’re done with the tour, I would like you to join me in the labs. Every bit of information would be very helpful. And if the others from other worlds can deliver, I will be able to work on the same details for the others into a united force.”

“Very well Azmuth.” Said Princess Twilight “We’ll come back soon.”

Next up, came another room that they were excited to see. Tons of band instruments, video games, TV, and various forms of other entertainment that everyone might enjoy.

“In this room, is the entertainment room.” Said Venus as he pointed at the very large room. “It helps everyone to relax after missions.”

They went to the next room, showing the medical centers.

“This here is the medical center.” Said Silverbolt, “Here, everyone will be treated when they have minor or serious injuries, as well as prescription pills for those with minor or serious problems.”

“You guys really thought of everything, huh?” said Leo.

“Trust me, after the times we get into trouble, we’re always unprepared.” Said Ben.

“Indeed, the Plumbers ensured that everything is ready without any problems.” Said Rook.

As they walked down the hall, everyone noticed a room that was busy with construction.

“What room’s that?” asked Raph.

“Remember that stupid space story Leo likes to watch?” Said Venus.

“Hey!!” said Leo as he felt offended, “Space heroes is a great show!!”

“Yeah, from the nineties.” Said Roland as he looked at the lead turtle, “Seriously dude, watch something that everyone can actually enjoy, like, I don’t know, Galaxy Wars?”

They looked at him surprised as Karai asked “You actually watch that?”

“It’s got more action than the others.” Said Roland, “Especially since Forge Luca took it to the next level when it involved clones and the biggest plot twist that no one ever suspected.”

“Oh yeah,” said Shine Boy “That was actually pretty intense.”

“I know right?” said Shine Girl “Even the forbidden romance was amazing.”

“Too bad one of the characters got turned into a bad guy.” Said Love Shine.

“Anyway,” said Roland “What they’re building is a teleporter. That in case any transport can’t pick us up whenever we’re in the middle of a firefight, we can automatically transport ourselves to the ship and back.”

“Oooh,” said Pinkie Pie whilst it caught her interest “Kind of like the same teleportation technology that the Justice League use?”

“Exactly.” Said Roland as they continued. “Unfortunately it isn’t finished yet. They still need a few days of work on that.”

They soon arrive at the hanger whilst he said “And finally, the hanger. In case we needed a small ops or launching a full invasion.”

“Hey, is that our rides?!” said Mikey surprised.

And to their surprise, their vehicles were also among the many vehicles in the hanger. They looked at Roland whilst he said “Grandpa Max called ahead for permission. And seeing that your rides are here, you can upgrade your vehicles with the technology here. And if you need help, just ask Kevin, he’s an expert at putting stuff together.”

“That I am.” Said Kevin whilst boasting.

“Just make sure you don’t throw a hissy fit when your car blows up again.” Retorted Roland, causing many to laugh, much to Kevin’s dismay.

“Whoa,” said Scootaloo as she looked at the vehicles “You guys really have a nice setup.”

“How many people can be on the ship?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“The ship is designed to carry over a hundred thousand people.” Said Invictus, which surprised the group.

“At the moment we only have about a hundred engineers, a hundred crew and three hundred Plumbers on board.” Said Silverbolt, “Once Grandpa Max reaches out to the others, we’ll be able to expand the numbers.”

“I’m also worried about one thing.” Said Princess Twilight.

“What is it, Twilight?” asked Leo.

“Roland mentioned that this Shredder also recruited all of our enemies.” Said the worried Princess. “You don’t mean…?”

“He could bring Stockman, Tiger Claw, Fishface and Don Visio and the Purple Dragons in, considering they know how to operate in gangs.” Said Donatello.

“Don’t forget Lewej, Ripley and Gladitron.” Said Gamer “They caused a lot of trouble both on Earth and the Digital world the last time we tangled with them.”

“What about most of our space enemies?” said Mikey.

“Hmm,” pondered Fugitoid “It could be possible that Armaggon, Lord Dregg and Newtralizer onto the table.”

“What about Krang Prime?” said Casey “We hadn’t seen his ugly mug since we sent the Triceratons packing.”

“I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Said Roland.

“If there aren’t any unsuspected surprises that might catch us off guard before we even realize it.” Said Sugarcoat.

“She does have a point.” Said Sour Sweet “Every time whenever we plan something, something unexpected always happens.”

“Yeah, but soon we’re going to have an army large enough to take on Shredder.” Said Indigo Zap with determination.

“Numbers don’t win a battle.” Said Sugarcoat in her bluntness “The Shredder wiped us out in Roland’s world, and there will be a chance that we could end the same way if we’re not careful.”

“She does have a point.” Said Shine Girl “We’re going to have to step up our game a bit if we’re going to make it.”

Before any of them could say anything further…

“All hands, prepare to drop out of dimensional drive.”

“Looks like we’re here.” Said Silverbolt.

“Everyone to the observation deck.” Said Roland.

Everyone left for the observation deck.


After they arrived, everyone watched as they orbited the planet.

“So we’re here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Looks that way.” Said Gamer.

“Though, why is everything in black and white?” said Love Shine in confusion.

Everyone noticed that the world appeared to be grey.

“Aw, if it’s grey, then it must be really sad.” Said pony Pinkie Pie.

“That’s why we’re here to cheer it up.” Said Pinkie Pie with a glee.

“Wait,” said Leonardo when he got a good look to that world “It can’t be.”

“Wait,” said Sunset as she widened her eyes in realization “Now I know this world!”

“You do?” asked Kevin.

“According to what navigation said,” said Grandpa Max, “The stone let us to this place. It’s coordinates are unknown, but it’s also known as Earth 1983.”

“Aka, the world of Turtle Prime.” Said Roland.

“Turtle Prime?” said half the folks in confusion.

“This is the world where everything us turtles have been involved have been born from.” Said Donnie, “Each world is different from our ones.”

“You could say they make Batman look like a pushover.” Said Mikey.

“Yeesh, that serious?” said Scootaloo.

“So, what’s the game plan?” said Leo.

“Well, seeing that we’re in uncharted territory, we’ll go in together.” Said Leo.

“Except for the Rock N Beats and the Mane 6.” Said Roland.

“What?!” exclaimed the named group.

“You’re benching us?!” said pony Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, both Venus and Obaki covered for Roland.

“What he means is, you five aren’t experienced with your new bodies yet and it might take a while for you to learn them.” Said Venus, “Hence why you need to stay here so we can help you get more used to it.”

“And you kids aren’t ready to face this version of the Turtles.” Said Obaki “Leo and the others may be fair, but their counterparts on the other hand, not so much.”

Rainbow suddenly spoke whilst rubbing her jaw out of instinct, “Tell me about it. I still feel the pain in my jaw every time whenever I think about the last time, I faced that version of Raphael.”

“Plus we figured you lot could use the training from the professionals like the Young Six and the CMC.” Said Silverbolt “They know what to expect and they traveled to different dimensions before.”

“What do you guys think?” said Invictus.

“Well, considering what we nearly went through when we last fought with them,” said Rarity in worry, “I think it’s a good idea for them to remain behind.”

“That is if you lot don’t mind.” Said Silverbolt.

“Now that you mention it, we could use a little more practice.” Said Sandbar.

“Alright then,” said Roland once he was able to collect himself, which seemed to have caught Night Shine’s attention. “Silverbolt, Invictus, Amethyst, seeing that you three are highly skilled, feel free to teach the others.”

“You got it.” Said Invictus “We’ll even give them some gadgets along the way.”

“Gadgets?” said the kids in confusion.

“Even though you’re skilled with weapons, there will be a chance that you’ll end up losing them.” Said Silverbolt as he showed them his wrists with his mounted weapons and his utility belt, “I use this in case I lose my weapons in battle. Sometimes even the smallest of tools can help you make a big difference.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Said Gamer “They always save our bacon tons of times.”

“And whilst you’re at it.” Said Roland as he looked at the Mane 6, Starlight and Sunburst. “Princess Twilight, Sunburst and Starlight will go to Azmuth and help him out about Grogar’s bell.”

“Good thing we were able to bring the book with us.” Said Sunburst, he then suddenly felt sheepish and said “But would it be okay if I learned about my body function too?”

“I don’t see why not.” said Roland.

“So how exactly is this going to work?” asked pony Applejack.

Pony Fluttershy gulped and said “It’s not going to be painful, is it?”

“Don’t worry,” said Venus “Azmuth knows what to do. He walked a mile in other aliens’ shoes before, so he whipped up a device that would allow all of you to easily learn how to use your new bodies properly, as if they will be second nature to all of you.”

“Very well then.” said Princess Twilight, before Grandpa Max showed up.

“We’ll monitor things from our end.” Said Max “The moment things get heated, we’ll send whatever help we can.”

“Appreciate it Grandpa.” Said Ben.

“Alright then team, let’s get going.” Said Leo once everyone else leaves for their respective ships.

Fugitoid, the Turtles, April, Casey and the Rainbooms approached the ship they hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Ah, the Ulixes.” Said the professor, feeling the nostalgia. “It feels like it was only yesterday that we flew in this.”

“So the old gal flies again.” Said Casey.

“Alright then,” said Roland, gaining their attention “You guys will be leading this, considering you’ve been here before. So you and Venus will be team 1. I’ll be team 2, taking Sonata, Adagio, Karai, Shinigami, Wallflower, Sapphire, Blade and Tempest with me. Team 3 will be Ben 10 and his group, the Mutanimals, Rocksteady, Bebop, and Muck Man will be team 4, whilst Keno and Obaki and the Shadowbolts will go with Team Shine.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Said Gamer, “Where should we meet?”

“Leo and the others can lead us there,” said Roland “Considering that they’ve been to the Turtle Prime World before.”

“That we can do.” Said Donnie.

“Just hope they don’t plan to attack us again.” Said Fluttershy in worry.

Venus reassured Fluttershy whilst she said “Don’t worry, you’ve got nothing to worry about. As long as we stick together, we’ll be able to make it through.”

The teams soon boarded their own modes of transportation and took off, with the Ulixes leading the way, with Team Shine’s ship and three others in tow. But as they flew, Mikey looked out of the window and said “You know, we never did get a proper look on the ship on the outside.”

Everyone decided to take a good look on it too and they were surprised to see how it looked almost up closely.

“You have to admit, that’s actually pretty cool.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Though I wish it had more color instead of grey.” Said Rarity as she looked at it.

“At least it’s not in green and white.” Said Pinkie. The others looked at her and said “What? That color is a huge giveaway. Besides, we’re not the Plumbers.”

“She does have a point.” Said Sunset.

“Prepare yourselves everyone,” said Fugitoid “We’re entering the atmosphere.”


They soon flew through the atmosphere and flew above the skies. Everyone looked around and saw everything was black and white, as if they were in a very old movie.

“This place still gives me the creeps.” Said Casey.

“Remember, this is the original world where our worlds came from.” Said Fugitoid.

“We know Fuge,” said Sunset “But I’m afraid this isn’t for a social visit.”

Back at the ship Roland flew in, the passengers onboard continued to slowly prepare themselves for anything just in case. At the same time, Blade kept glancing to Tempest, and he found himself blushing for some reason.

“Bit for your thoughts?” said Roland, gaining Blade’s attention, whilst noticing a smirk and said “Bet you never realized that she looks more attractive as a human, especially one well-built and taller than you.”

“Just be quiet and fly the ship.” Said Blade as his face continued to be more red.

“You know,” said Tempest as she stood next to Blade, much to his surprise, for she really was taller than him. But she also blushed with a smirk and said “I never realized you also look good as a human.”

Blade felt himself blushing hard, until Shine Boy contacted them and said “We found a clearing up ahead. Might be a good spot to land and hide our ships just in case things get dicey.”

They soon landed their ships individually in a circle formation. Once all of them exited, they immediately cloaked their ships and continued to set forth. They looked around and saw everything was in black and white.

Lemon Zest shivered and said “This brings back memories.”

“You mean other than the fact that we nearly got wiped out of existence when we fought against that Ch’Rell guy when he tried to kill the Prime Turtles?” said Bebop.

“That’s the one.” Said Sugarcoat.

“Da, worse experience ever.” Said Rocksteady.

“Still, I can’t believe we were this close into kissing our bacon goodbye.” Said Mondo “Thankfully the other Turtles got clever and freed the Prime Turtles.”

“Don’t remind us of them.” Said Donnie in a dry tone.

“Working with them was a nightmare.” Said Sci-Twi.

“Come on, don’t be like that.” Said Venus, “Mikey and Pinkie are also like that and yet they’re fun to hang out with.”

“Yeah, the only reason you lot didn’t tolerate them was because you were in the middle of a crisis instead of a social visit.” Said Obaki.

“Which is kind of ironic now that you think about it.” Said Ben.

“What do you mean?” said Gwen.

“I think what Ben is trying to say that whenever one visits normally, they tend to get along, but when it comes to facing a crisis, just one misstep and mistake and everything tends to turn to chaos.” Said Rook.

“Yeah, like Applejack and Raph when we first met Batman.” Said Mikey, which made the two frown.

“Or that time Leo didn’t trust us Mutanimals when we first tried to work together.” Said Pidgeon Pete whilst Leo rolled his eyes.

“You know, in a weird kind of way, it is kind of ironic.” Said Gamer.

Suddenly, April gets a migraine whilst holding her head, causing Roland to notice and quickly signal them to stop and pointed at April, which they noticed she was sensing danger.

“April?” said Leo as he held his sword for just in case.

“Guys,” said April “They’re close by. I can feel it.”

“Where?” said Raph as he readied his sais.

When all of a sudden, a random shuriken went straight for Raph, until he was caught off guard when he saw a random hand catching it in midair. He saw Roland catching it, whilst also pointing and saying “Right there.”

Everyone looked up and lo to behold, the Turtles from Turtle Prime were present, standing from the top of the building in different poses, holding their weapons and had that batman vibe on them.

“That’s the Turtles from Turtle Prime?” said Gamer.

“Wow, they’re even darker than Luke.” Said Love Shine, making Night Shine growl at him.

“Alright you mugs,” said Raphael Prime whilst twirling his sais “You gots till the count of three to give yourselves up or the only thing you’ll face is…”

That’s when Michelangelo Prime blinked and bumped against Raphael Prime and said “Hey wait, don’t we know dose clowns?”

The Turtles Prime took a good look at them. After recognizing some of them, Donatello Prime said “Hey wait, aren’t those them colorful yahoos and girls from the other dimension?”

The Prime Turtles jumped from the rooftop and landed in front of them whilst placing their weapons away.

“So you lot are back again, huh?” said Leonardo Prime. “Last time I remembered there were more turtles of you and them. Though last time I checked, there weren’t doubles of you girls, or them new visitors. Plus if I remembered correctly, we told you lot to lay off of the dimension hopping business.”

“Yeah, uh, sorry about that.” Said a sheepish Princess Twilight “We’re not here for a social visit.”

“But in case you want to know.” Said Mikey as he came over to the Mutanimals first. “The new ones you see before you are the Mighty Mutanimals. Slash, Leatherhead, Rockwell, Pidgeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, Bandit Racoon, which is just a name, Ray Fillet, Hokum Rabbit, and Muckman.”

He zipped over to Ben 10 and his team whilst saying “This here is Ben Tennyson, though folks sometimes call him Ben 10. His cousins Gwen Tennyson, though some call her Gwendolyn. This here is Kevin E Leven. Though he sometimes like to be called Kevin 11. These three are the strong guy Manny, the speedy one Helen, and the fiery one named Allen. And the one here is called Rook Blonko, but we just call him Rook.”

Then he zipped over to Team Shine next and said “And finally, we have Team Shine here. We have Shine Boy, his lady Shine girl, his little brother Gamer, his bud Love Shine and uh…”

He stopped in front of Night Shine, who looked at him with a stink eye, which he then went over to the Turtle Primes and said “That guy’s Luke. Just don’t call him Night Shine, he hates that name.”

The Prime Turtles flexed their right eyes at that, whilst Prime Leonardo looked at Roland and the others and said “What about those three?”

“This here is Obaki. That there is Roland. Those two are best buds.” Said Mikey, then he finally motioned to Venus and said “And this is Venus. And guess what…she’s, our sister.”

The Prime Turtles were a little surprised by this as Michelangelo Prime said “Wait, we got a sister in another dimension?”

“That’s a new one.” Said Donatello Prime.

“So why are you mugs here?” said Raphael Prime whilst aiming his one sai at the newcomers.

“It’s a bit of a long story.” Said Leo.

“Fine then. Start talking.” Said Leonardo Prime.


After much explaining…

“So let me get this straight,” said Raphael Prime “In another world, Shredder killed us and all of our allies, these three are the only survivors, they helped you deal with Shredder’s new goons, then asked for your help, and now this Shredder somehow got to our world where he hopes to find a way to wipe out the entire Multiverse, and not just the Turtle worlds?”

“That’s pretty much it, yeah.” Said Shine Boy.

“It would make sense.” Said Donatello Prime “If the Shredder from your counterparts’ world failed to destroy our world to only focus on your worlds, then it would make sense to go to the source of reality, where all worlds are affected.”

“Would explain them other folks who are here.” Said Michelangelo Prime.

“Wait, what others?” said Donnie.

“Don’t know,” said Leonardo Prime “But them goons left this behind when we beat some of them.”

They tossed what appeared to be a robot’s head and a piece of armour. Taking the group by surprise. However, none were more surprised than Team Shine and Team Tennyson.

“No way.” Said Ben as Kevin took an inspection.

“Vilgaxian Drones.” Said Kevin, then looked at the others whilst saying “Vilgax is here.”

“And if the Gem Knights are here.” Said Gamer when he took a good look at the armour “Then that means Lewej, Ripley and Gladitron are here too.”

“Looks like you were right.” Said Keno “This Shredder really did recruit the others’ enemies.”

“Did you also happen to see any of their Foot Bots yo?” said Keno to the Prime Turtles.

“If you mean them fancy looking robots with the Foot Symbol on em?” asked Raphael Prime “Yeah, they’re here too. And some funny looking cat too.”

“Tiger Claw?!” exclaimed the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“He’s here too?!” said Karai.

“If you mean that cat guy with a red eye and wearing red, yeah, him.” Said Michelangelo Prime.

The others looked one another, with Roland saying “That would be the Tiger Claw from my world. When Shredder came back, he helped regrew his arm and tail, but also gave him a robotic eye to step up his game in combat. But be warned, he’s not like the Tiger Claw you know.”

“He’s that bad?” said Sonata in worry.

Roland looked down and said “He personally beheaded Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Wallflower and Sonata with a hardened heart and hatred and he kept their geodes as if they were trophies to him.”

They widened their eyes in shock and horror, even Pinkie and Sonata were shocked, whilst Wallflower nearly fainted and Fluttershy clasped her mouth shut in horror whilst shedding tears.

Raphael Prime looked at Roland and saw the look in his eye. He went over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder, saying “If they mean that much to you, then I promise you we’ll help you avenge him.”

Roland then presented his hand to shake, which Raph Prime returned.

“So, where do we go first?” asked Applejack.

“We’ll head towards Hudson Street.” Said Donatello Prime “That’s where we spotted them.”

“Then that’s where we’re going.” Said Twilight.

“Alright teams, let’s go.” Said Leo as he and everyone else jumped towards the rooftops and went from city to city.

As they jumped, Gamer looked around, then back to the others and said “You know, in a weird way, it kind of reminds me of those old comics I read. With familiar backgrounds and everything.”

“Any year specific?” asked Mikey as he jumped alongside Gamer.

“1984 if I’m guessing right.” Said Gamer.

“Definitely feels that way.” Said Shine Boy as he jumped around.

“Kind of reminds me of the Knight Avenger.” Said Obaki. He looked back at the others and said “Basically, in my dimension, after we bumped into Batman, we kinda made a comic book that’s almost based on him. Though we wanted to start out on something new.”

“Huh, good to know.” Said Mikey.

“Alright, cut the chatter, we’re almost there.” Said Leo whilst she was jumping ahead.

After they got to one of the buildings, the Prime Turtles were the ones to arrive there first and look from the rooftops.

“There, that the rest of them?” asked Michelangelo Prime.

Everyone stood next to them and watched from the rooftops. They watched many Foot Bots walk in formation down the streets. But among them, were many Gem Knights and Vilgaxian Drones.

“Whoa,” said Mondo “So those guys are the Gem Knights and Drones you talked about?”

“Based on their crude designs, I’d say they are.” said Rockwell.

“Are the Gem Knights really that tough?” asked Bandit Raccoon.

“They are.” Said Shine Boy “But these guys are nothing in comparison of Lewej and Ripley. Especially their general Gladitron.”

“And what about this Vilgax?” asked Mikey Prime, “Is he really that much of a threat?”

“Do not take him lightly.” Said Mona Lisa “Vilgax is by far the fiercest warmonger that ever came to be. Even Lord Dregg, Triceratons and Krang dared not to face such a foe. He destroyed many innocent worlds, including the Crystal Sapiens.”

“In other words, Diamond Head’s people.” Said Ben when he looked at the others.

“The only few humans who were able to defeat him were both Maxwell Tennyson and his grandson.” Said Mona.

“Yeah, but it turned out I bit off more than I could chew.” Said Ben “It took us with a ton of teammates to fight him.”

“Yeah, even we had a hard time beating him.” Said Helen as she spoke for herself, Manny and Allen.

“So what,” said Indigo Zap “We going to take them?”

“It’s too risky.” Said Lemon Zest.

“If we go down there, we’ll end up raising an alarm within the streets that would alert them, and maybe Shredder, to our location and if they find us, they’ll know what we’re up to.” Said Sugarcoat.

“She does have a point.” Said Leonardo Prime.

“So where are we going?” asked Applejack.

“Our best bet would be Hell’s Kitchen.” Said Donatello Prime “Plenty of alleys there.”

“We might find a small patrol there too.” Said Gamer “If we can somehow get a hold of one of the Foot Bots.”

“We might be able to try and track their movements and what they’re doing.” Said Donnie.

“Then we’d better double time it back, and fast.” Said Karai.

Many of them instantly went to Hell’s Kitchen, jumping from rooftop to rooftop to make their way towards their destined target. They soon arrived and were standing on the rooftop whilst looking over. Leo signaled the Mutanimals, Dazzlings, Shadowbolts, Wallflower, Sapphire, Blade, Tempest and Ben 10’s team to remain on the rooftops whilst the Turtles, their Prime counterparts, Team Shine, Rainbooms, Roland, Venus, and Obaki jumped from the rooftops to hide behind the alleyways. Once they quickly hid, most of them peaked from them and lore and behold, they saw six Foot Bots, with one looking slightly taller, revealing to be its squad leader, scanning and looking around for something.

“What are they looking for?” asked Rarity.

“No doubt looking for one of them stones.” Said Applejack.

“But why here?” said Twilight “Clearly they won’t find it in a place like this.”

“Remember, New York is a big city,” said Shine Boy “They’re scanning for any potential place to find their target.”

“So how do we take them out?” said Pinkie Pie.

As some of them were debating on what to do, Roland on the other hand, looked at each of the Foot Bots and it’s leading bot, he instantly calculated on how to take them down. He took out his pistol, but suddenly placed a silencer on it. He also pulled out one of Sunset’s Kunai daggers, which surprised her when she saw what he did.

“What are you…?” said Sunset in a whispered tone.

“We could always…” said Shinigami before Roland suddenly darted towards them.

“Roland.” Whispered Leo when he and the others saw him darting towards the Foot Bots.

Before any of them could react, Roland’s calculation began to take form.

He aimed his pistol to the right, shooting the first Foot Bot and taking it offline. The second noticed him, but Roland took him out next. The third was about to attack, but Roland killed it too. He did an automatic twist and jabbed the kunai dagger right into the fourth Foot Bot’s chest and shoved it away. He darted towards the squad leader Foot Bot and twisted its arm to its back, making it bend over. As he was behind it, he aimed his pistol over at the fifth and shot it down, then aimed his pistol at the one to the right and took it out too. Roland instantly jumped over the leading Foot Bot and kneed it in the head, allowing him to shoot at it three times at the chest, making it collapse on the ground with a metallic thud.

Roland took a few breaths before turning to the others. To say all of them were stunned were exaggerated when they saw him easily take them down in ten seconds. He walked back towards the group as they exited from hiding, whilst at the same time, stood near one of the robots and pulled out the kunai dagger from its chest. He pulled out a cloth and cleaned it before handing it back to Sunset.

“Sorry about taking it.” Said Roland “Don’t like to take stuff that isn’t mine, nor leaving them a mess and not cleaning it.”

Sunset took her dagger back, whilst Leonardo Prime looked at the robots. Then back to Roland and said “Impressive. You took them down without making any noise or raining the alarm.”

Soon the rest of the group from the rooftops landed and regrouped with the others.

“Aw, but I wanted to trash some robots.” Said Indigo with a pout.

“Hey, don’t worry, you’ll get the next one.” Said Keno whilst patting his girlfriend on the back.

Rockwell looked at the robots and said “Interesting takedown.”

“It was obvious of why he took them down like that and not messy like us.” Said Mikey.

“It is?” said the others.

Before Mikey was going to say anything.

“Mikey,” said Roland, gaining his attention and gently spoke to him “First, observe your surroundings, think really hard, and then give the answer.”

Mikey was a little curious about why he said that, but decided to do so. He looked around and was deep in thought. He first looked at the unique way the robots were destroyed. Then it suddenly clicked.

“Oooh, now I get it.” Said Mikey. Then pointed out “We needed the robots intact so that our team brainiacs on the group would be able to hack into them to find out more of their plans, so he only focused on taking out the power cores in order to shut them down and not be able to raise any silent alarms, that way their memory cores would still be intact and our brainiacs can work on hacking into their systems to not only track Foot Bots, but also their objectives and where they think the next stone is located in this world.”

Roland gestured to Mikey with a grin, whilst everyone else were greatly surprised by this by what he said.

Venus couldn’t help but chuckle and said “That’s my little brother.”

She petted his head whilst Mikey merely chuckled by the affections, he got from her.

“Donnie, Rockwell, Twilight, Sugarcoat, Gamer, Gwen, Fugitoid.” Said Roland to the smart ones of the group, whilst pointing at the robots and said “You’re up.”

The genius members of the groups immediately went over and started to hack the said robots, with Donnie and Gamer going over the lead robot.

At the same time, the others began to look over at the robots.

“Still hard to believe that these are the new Foot Bots.” Said Juniper whilst she was looking over them whilst adjusting her glasses.

“This Shredder that you’re all facing really is different from the ones we fought before.” Said Leonardo Prime whilst picking up one of the robots.

“That’s an understatement.” Said April “When Shredder came along, his Foot Clan were ordinary Ninjas.”

“She’s not wrong there.” Said Karai “But after we encountered the Krang, they made robots that looked like our Foot Soldiers.”

“Indeed.” Said Shinigami whilst she crouched and looked at one of the robots “These robots were modified, built stronger, equipped with its own arsenal of weapons that would help last longer in a fight.”

“No kidding.” Said Sour Sweet “These robots gave us a hard time when we first fought them. We were fortunate that we regrouped, otherwise we would have been overrun.”

“So they’re a little tougher,” said Raph “Not like we faced anything worse than that. I mean Equestrian monsters, Equestrian magic, new mutans, Cobra, VILE, crazy scientists, aliens, supervillains and so on, but we always got on top in the end.”

“We just got lucky Raph,” said Leo “We were thankful enough we encountered plenty of our allies to help us out.”

“Indeed.” Said Blade “Although that does not mean we have to rest on one’s laurels.”

“Agreed,” said Tempest “Any foe we keep facing in the past are deemed dangerous for a reason.”

“We never faced other villains before,” said Sapphire, “But fighting these things? I can see why you lot had trouble facing them the first time.”

“Well they may be advanced fighters,” said Sonata “But they don’t develop instincts like we do.”

“She does have a point.” Said Aria.

“But they can adapt,” said Fugitoid “I wouldn’t be surprised if they developed a prediction algorithm that could cause them to adapt to our fighting style.”

“You know I think they actually did that once.” Said Mikey “But that was long ago.”

“Yeah, right before you dismissed and called your brother Lame-o-nardo.” Retorted Obaki.

Mikey and Donnie winced at that, with Raph growling, not wanting to remember that again.

“Okay, back to the bots.” Said Sour Sweet “We know they have built in weapons like full-fledged ninjas. They even know how to adapt to their surroundings.”

“And they’re more coordinated.” Said Sunny Flare.

“They nearly used half of every one of our tactics during a battle.” Said Slash.

“They even know when to adapt both distance and close combat.” Said Pidgeon Pete.

“The Krang performed much barbaric means,” said Leatherhead, “But what this Shredder is going. He has gone too far this time.”

“Then what are we waiting for,” said Bandit Raccoon “Let’s find these guys and bring the fight to them.”

“We need to find them first.” Said Muckman.

They saw the Egghead group going through the data.

“Any luck darlings?” asked Rarity.

“Indeed miss Rarity,” said Fugitoid “And most of them aren’t good.”

“According to this, they’ve already sent an advance force in this world.” Said Rockwell.

“From what we can tell, they haven’t been able to send anything to Shredder yet,” said Donnie “More likely they were sent as a scouting group.”

“They were merely being sent to find what they were looking for.” Said Twilight “Once they do, they would send an entire Battalion to occupy an entire city.”

“Or destroy it.” Said Leonardo Prime “We’re not gonna let that happen.”

“Any idea where we are supposed to go?” said Night Shine.

“We’ve almost got it.” Said Gwen “But we should send most of the robots back to our ship in the meantime.”

“Why the heck would we do that?” asked Indigo Zap.

“It’s obvious that we needed to take the robots back with us so that we can further study it to find out if there are any weaknesses cause if we don’t, the next time we might not be so lucky when fighting them.” Said Sugarcoat.

“Girl does have a point.” Said Gamer whilst going through his holographic console “But first thing’s first, we might wanna disable their tracking devices just in case.”

“They look like this.” Said Fugitoid as he displayed a hologram of them.

Rainbow decided to use her superspeed to go through the robots, then went back with a handful of them in her hands and said “These them?”

“That’s about it.” Said Gwen.

Rainbow once again used her speed to grab the robots and take them back to the ship, then came back and said.

“Wow, I’m impressed.” Said Roland, “It took you about eight seconds.”

“Eight seconds?!” said Rainbow surprised, “Sweet, that means I’m getting the hang of this.”

They then heard a loud ping, when they looked, they saw Gamer had gone through the computer and had found their location.

“Alright, I got their location.” Said Gamer.

“Where are they located?” said Sapphire.

“According to this,” said Donnie when he looked back “They’re located at New York City central park.”

“Then that’s where we’re heading.” Said Sunset.

“Let’s go guys.” Said Leo, allowing them to make their way to the rooftops once more. They ran on the top of the rooftops and sped all the way with posthaste.


Very soon, the group arrived at New York Central Park. But they were staring from the edge of the building. Some were surprised to see what they were seeing. Towering machines being placed all over, hundreds of Foot Bots and Drones and Gem Knights all over the place.

“Holy chalupa.” Said Donnie.

“That’s a lot of bad guys.” Said Ben.

“That’s enough to destroy half the city.” Said Love Shine.

“I gotta hand it to em,” said Raphael Prime “This Shredder knows how to invade a city.”

“How are we going to fight them?” said Sonata.

“Ooh, how about a four way slice.” Said Mikey.

The others looked at him confused as some said “What?”

“You know, four slices, like a pizza, and making sure that they don’t get past our touch cheesy defenses.” Said Mikey.

Everyone was baffled by what he said, but before any of them could comment.

“So what you’re saying is,” said Roland “We form four different teams and surround them.”

“Attack from all directions in order to catch them off guard.” Said Venus.

“And we make sure that none of them escape or report in before anyone could figure out what we’re up to.” Concluded Obaki.

“Precisely.” Said Mikey.

Now all of them were really taken aback and baffled as they looked at the three.

“How the heck did you…?!” said Raph, until Roland, Venus and Obaki gave him a dry look with flexed eyebrows. Raph then sighed and said “You’re right, dumb question.”

“So who will go where?” said Shinigami.

“We’ll have to attack on all fronts for this.” Said Roland as he made a holographic map in order for them to see.

“The Turtles will attack from the North and the Prime Turtles will attack from the South. The Mutanimals will go to the East whilst the Rainbooms go to the West.” Said Roland. “Team Shine will be with me and the Prime Turtles.”

“The Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings, Blade and Tempest will go with me and the Rainbooms.” Said Venus.

“Fugitoid, Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, Wallflower, Sapphire, Keno and Juniper will go with the Turtles and me.” Said Obaki.

“And Ben’s group will be with us.” Said Roland.

“A sound plan, but we’d still be outnumbered.” Said Karai.

“Then it is a good thing we came along.”

They looked behind them and to their surprise, were none other than the Utrom Council, Sal Commander, Traximus, Zeno and Max Tennyson.

“Grandpa?” said Ben “What are you doing here?”

“After Rainbow Dash brought the robots to the ship, we immediately brought it onboard.” Said Grandpa Max.

“But when we looked through the Intel, we realized that they had gathered a small army.” Said Patelliday.

“Which is why we are doing the same.” Said Sal Commander.

“You brought the army with you Commander?” said Mona Lisa surprised.

“I have.” Said Sal Commander “When the council were informed, they were indeed troubled, so they sent a large Task Force to help with the problem whilst they gather their armies, should there be need of a battle.”

“Commander G'Throkka informed us of what was happening,” said Traximus “So we, after you helped myself and Zeno out with the Triceraton Empire, we owed you ours and the future of our people’s lives. We are in your dept to see this through till the end.”

“We also decided to help.” Said King “Thankfully the Utrom from Dimension X and our Home planet of your counterparts, we were able to combine our forces into a sizeable Task Force. So we will help in any way we can.”

“That’s good.” Said Obaki “We were worried that we wouldn’t be enough.”

“So these are your friends?” said Prime Leonardo as he looked at them. “Interesting bunch.”

“So you four are the originals.” Said King. He shook Leonardo Prime’s hand and said “It’s an honor to meet you. Even from our dimension your exploits are well known.”

“Alright, now that we’re all acquainted,” said Raphael Prime “I think it’s high time that we take care of business down there.”

“Agreed.” Said Grandpa Max.

“So who will go with who?”

“The Plumbers will go with my group.” Said Roland. “The Salamandrians will go with the Mutanimals, the Utrom will go with the Turtles, and the Triceratons will go with the Rainbooms.”

Roland could hear a silent “Yes” from the background, whilst he noticed that it came from Sour Sweet. He couldn’t help but smirk, for he could see her blushing when she saw Traximus.

“Then let us be underway.” Said Sal Commander.


From every direction of Central Park, the teams quickly made their way through different directions. The teams were going all around the park in order to surround the Foot Bots, Gem Knights and Drones. Especially any of their enemies that might be leading them. Once all of them were in position, all of them contacted one another.

“This is the Southern Team, we’re ready.” Said Roland as he, the Prime Turtles, Team Shine, Ben 10’s team, Grandpa Max and the Plumbers were ready for a full on assault.

“This is the Western Team, we’re all ready.” Said Venus as she, the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings, the Shadowbolts, Blade and Tempest, along with Traximus, Zeno and the Triceraton Forces were standing by.

“This is the Eastern Team, we’re ready.” Said Slash as the Mutanimals were ready, along with Sal Commander and the Salamandrians

“Northern Team is a go.” Said Obaki as he, the Turtles, Fugitoid, Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, Wallflower, Sapphire, Keno, Juniper and the Utrom Council and Utrom Troopers were in position too.

“Alright everyone, let’s do this.” Said Roland. “And Commander G'Throkka? Would you like to do the honors?”

“Oh, it would be my pleasure.” Said the smirking Commander as he stood up, revealing himself to the Foot Bots and Gem Knights. “Warriors!! ATTACK!!!”

“RAKKA RAKKA!!!” shouted one of the Salamandrians as the Mutanimals, Sal Commander and the Salamandrians attacked.

“Intruders!!” shouted one of the Vilgax Drones “Initiate Counter attack!!”

The Foot Bots, Gem Knights, Vilgaxian Drones and Bioids attacked in full force.

Slash smashed a few of them with his hammer and fists, Leatherhead roared and pounced on a few Gem Knights, Rockwell used his psychic abilities to launch them away in a different direction, Mondo Gecko was skating around and using his new gloves to punch a few Bioids away whilst skating around, with Pidgeon Pete using the blaster he was holding with his feet to blast a few Drones away from the skies.

Mona Lisa punched, and kneed a few Foot Bots away. Some of them blocked her blade with her own, but she was able to make short work of them. At the same time, Sal Commander stood by her side using his sword and tail mace to make short work of them, especially with the help of his wrist blaster.

“You were correct when we last spoke,” said Sal Commander “These warriors are truly formidable.”

“They nearly defeated us had Venus not saved us.” Said Mona Lisa.

“Then our troops will enjoy their new challenge.” Replied the Commander.

Bandit Raccoon in the meantime pounced on one bad guy after the other and disabled their wires. Ray Fillet sliced them with his spear, Hokum Rabbit jumped from one place to another, planting explosives on them before they blew up. Muckman used his power to wash the bad guys away with garbage, Bebop used his dancing skills to blow up a few robots whilst Rocksteady bashed them to pieces.

As the fight was going on, everyone saw the explosions from afar.

“Alright then, let’s do this!!” shouted Roland as he was the first to lead, with Obaki following suit, as well as Venus.

Everyone began to attack on all sides.

From the Southern Team

Roland used his pistol to shoot a few bots from left to right, whilst using his sword to slice them up. Leonardo Prime used his katanas to cut them to pieces, Raphael Prime jumped to the air and tackled a few bots from above, Donatello Prime jumped and rolled in the air a few times whilst bashing a few Gem Knights in the way, with Michelangelo Prime using his nunchucks to bash them away.

Shine Boy jumped from the air and used his bo-staff to bash them left and right whilst deflecting blaster rounds. Shine Girl used her small staff and maneuvered around them. Gamer used his blade to slice them to pieces, with Love Shine smashing them, whilst at the same time, Night Shine empowered his blade with his black fire and sliced them to pieces like knife against butter.

Ben transformed into Diamond Head and sliced them to pieces whilst covering the Plumbers. Gwen used her magic to blast them to pieces, Kevin took a piece of steel and transformed his body, allowing him to be resistant to blaster fire and punched a few away. Rook used his Proto-tool to blast a few away, Helen used her speed to disarm them whilst Manny smashed them, with Allen burning them from the skies, whilst Grandpa Pax and Patelliday led the Plumbers to shoot many of them down.

From the Western Team

The Western Team attacked with full force.

Venus used her bladed Tessen to slice them. Sunset used her Kunai daggers to slice a few whilst throwing them at the same time. Rainbow Dash used her speed to quickly go around them whilst using her Naginata Spear to slice them. Rarity used her Diamond shields to block their attacks whilst using her Kama Sickles to slice them, Fluttershy used her Fukedake Blowgun to block and bash a few away whilst using her new darts to blow them up. Pinkie Pie used her sprinkles to disorient them whilst using her Bakuhatsugama sickle with weight chain to bash them. Twilight used her magic to throw them aside whilst stabbing them using her Kamayari Sickle Spear. Applejack used her superstrength to punch them away whilst cutting them using her Shuko hand claws whilst Spike helped by chewing out most of their wires.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata teamed up using a new technique they’ve been working on to deal with larger forces.

Sour Sweet used her chains to swing them around whilst using her daggers. When she chained a few Foot Bots, she literally ripped them in half when she pulled her chains, though she lightly blushed and smiled whilst she saw Traximus bash them away with his amazing strength, with Zeno backing him up whilst pounding a few Gem Knights. Sugarcoat twirled the chain from her Chigiriki Mace and twirled it around her whilst hitting a few drones away, before she vaulted over and used her chain to pull them and threw them in another direction. Lemon Zest used her Kanabo Clubs to bash a few Bioids left and right, whilst she jumped and twirled in the air before she delivered a strong kick, sending one of them flying, whilst Sunny Flare used her Katar Daggers to block and slice a few Drones, whilst she kneed one in the gut, elbowed it and jabbed the dagger behind its back. Just as a drone was about to attack from behind, Indigo threw her Guandao Spear, taking it down whilst she ran and jumped whilst pulling it out.

“Watch your back!!” said Indigo as she assisted Sunny.

Blade used his sword to slash a few robots whilst Tempest used her fists to make short work of them whilst the Triceratons helped smashed a few robots along the way.

From the Northern Team

The Northern Team attacked just as fiercely.

Obaki used his wrist blades to slice them from left and right. Leo used his dual katanas to slice the robots in half. Donnie used his bo-staff to bash a few robots, then used it to hoist himself up and used the blade from within his spear to slice the next one in half. Raph used his sais and fists to bash some bots, then jumped in the air and tackled them over.

“Booyakasha!!!” shouted Mikey before he used his nunchucks to bash them in the heads before kicking a few over, tornado style.

Fugitoid uses his onboard weapons to blast a few Vilgaxian Drones away, whilst Casey skated by and shouted “Goongala!!” before he swung his puck and blew up a few Bioids. April used her fan and blade to slice a few Gem Knights, whilst using her psychic powers to blast them away. Karai used her blade to cut them down, whilst she kept shifting back and forth with her snake ability just to rip the Foot Bots’ power cores out. Shinigami used her Kusarigama to slice a few bots and kicked some away before rushing back to assist Karai.

Wallflower jumped and kicked a few Gem Knights away whilst she used her Daburu Hidden Knives to stab a few Foot Bots and deflected the Vilgaxian Drones’ weapons. Sapphire backed her up whilst she used her Kama Hoko Yari Spear by using the paint brush side to block their sensors whilst using the spear to slice them in half.

Keno performed acrobatic skills to kick and bash a few robots away using his Escrima Sparring Sticks whilst he backed up Juniper Montage as she cut a few Foot Bots down using her Nordachi Sword to cut a few down.

“Good thing Nightwing taught me a few acrobatic moves when I last time saw him.” Said Keno “He was right, this really does help your body.”

At the same time, King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Pawn and Knight fought the Foot Bots whilst the Utrom Troopers helped them out by giving them cover fire.

So far, the attack had been working. Everyone began to get closer and closer to the center of the Foot Bot’s command center. Soon, everyone regrouped to the center, where some of the Foot Bots were still at work.

“There they are!!” said Mikey.

“Do you think they found it?!” said Twilight.

“There’s no time to waste!!” said Gamer.

“Let’s get it before…!” said Obaki before he was cut off when a laser was fired into a long line to keep them from passing them.

“Little cubs, always think they’re grown predators.” Said a voice.

When they looked up, they saw a familiar face, wearing some sort of attire that represents the new Foot Clan.

“When they failed to realize, the Predator outranks everyone.” Said the face.

“Tiger Claw.” Growled Roland.

“Whoa,” said Mikey “Is it just me or does he have an upgrade?”

“No robot hand.” Said Mondo Gecko.

“No eyepatch but a robotic one.” Said Fugitoid.

“And has a normal tail.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“This Tiger Claw is definitely different.” Said Casey.

“Even though he’s different, don’t underestimate him.” Said Leo as they were cautious.

“Please, we can take him out easy.” Boasted Raph.

“Like you thought Bane was easy?” said Obaki, which made Raph growl.

“You punks have some nerve trying to attack our dimension.” Said Raphael Prime.

“Now you’re going to regret ever setting foot in our dimension.’ Said Leonardo Prime.

“Please.” Said Tiger Claw whilst rolling his eyes “You barely survived against Ch’Rell when he fought you to a standstill, what makes you think you can beat us this time?”

As they were focused on him, Mikey widened his eyes a bit, for how did he know about it. He pondered it for a split second, before going back to paying attention to him.

“Because we’re together with more this time!!” Said Applejack.

“And we’re here to stop you from what your Shredder is planning!!” said Rainbow Dash.

“And besides,” said Ben “We’ve beaten your robot cronies, so send more, we’ll make sure that they’re all trashed some more.”

They heard a couple of chuckles. It nearly threw them off, but they remained focused. Then two being appeared. One was a large alien being appeared next to them, with another what appeared to be a Knight of sorts. And on Tiger Claw’s right, was a female decked in armour and a male who was by her side.

“Still as overconfident as ever.” Said the large being.

“Vilgax?!” said Ben surprised.

“Never figured I’d ever see you again Joseph.” Said Max when he saw both Joseph Chadwick and Sir Morton.

“It was very foolish of you to come here, Shine.” Said the female.

“If it isn’t Lewej and Ripley.” Said Gamer in a sarcastic tone.

“I’d say it’s good to see you again, but then we’d be lying.” Said Love Shine.

“Why are you even siding with the Shredder Lewej?!” demanded Shine Boy “You never worked alongside anyone except use them for your own selfish benefits!!”

“And if you plan to wipe out all life, you’d be wiped out too!!” shouted Shine Girl.

“As the humans on your world would say; Totally worth it.” Said Lewej.

“And if you think we came alone, think again.” Said Ripley.

Appearing in front of them were many enemies. In front of them, were Team Shine’s enemy, Gladitron. Whilst appearing all around him were Kraab, Rojo and her crew, Vulkanus, Clancy, aka, Bug Man, Dr. Animo, Thumbskull, Acid Breath, Frightwig, Albedo, Charm caster, and two bounty hunters, Sixisix and Sevenseven.

Everyone were surprised to see some familiar faces, with Keno saying “Wow, never thought I’d meet alien robots.”

Casey then recognized a few and said “Wait, is that General Griffin and Skonk?!”

“And Dr. Abigail Finn?!!” said Fluttershy surprised.

To their shock, they were, for they were standing in front of the others.

Roland then noticed them wearing Forever Knight armour, with Roland, seeing that he knew them, said “Wow, Griffin, Skonk and Dr. Abigail, being alien haters and monster hunting wasn’t bad enough for you?! You had to sign up with the Forever Psychos and Shred head’s group too?!!”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the likes of you are destroyed.” Said Griffin.

“And I’ll make sure I’ll expose every single one of you as the monsters you are.” Said Dr. Abigail.

“You brought that to yourself you crazy witch!!” shouted Mikey.

“He’s right,” said Fluttershy “You tried to capture a monster and take her away from her cubs!! You were going to make orphans of them!!”

“And we already had to deal with a crazy general who treated all aliens like monsters without giving them a chance or turned into the proper authorities!!” said Gwen.

“Besides, there’s a reason why they’re all hidden!!” said Donnie.

“Monsters, Aliens and the lot would be constantly hunted and chaos would ensue on the world!!” said Shine Boy.

“And besides, didn’t you read the news?!!” said Allen “Aliens now live among the humans in Bellwood, soon the world would be part of the alien galactic community, and you’re destroying everything what other heroes stood for!!”

“Shut up!!” shouted Skonk. “We will have our revenge, and we’ll start with all of you!!”

Roland whispered to Leo. “You, Sunset, Slash, Leonardo Prime, Shine Boy and Grandpa Max try to get inside and find out where that stone is located. We’ll keep them busy. And take Donnie, Twilight, Fugitoid, Gamer and Dr. Rockwell with you.”

Leo nodded in agreement, whilst motioning the said groups to go with him.

“Warriors, take them down!!” shouted Venus as they began to lead the attack, whilst Leo and his group immediately left to get inside their mobile base to see if what they’re looking for is there, whilst at the same time, the troops from different groups would keep the remaining Foot Bots and Aliens busy.

Ben turned into Four Arms and immediately attacked Vilgax head on, with Leatherhead, Ray Fillet and Bebop following in pursuit. Vilgax jumped off of the rail and fought them head on. Vilgax and Ben exchange blows, until Leatherhead jumped from behind and bit the alien warlord’s shoulder, whilst Ray Fillet used his spear to slash against him, with Bebop delivering a sweeping high kick against his face.

Lewej used her gem powers to float down and fire, but Shine Girl jumped up and bashed her against the head. She then blocked both April and Rarity as they attacked her from all around. Karai used her snake form to wrap herself around Lewej, with Adagio delivering a strong punch to the face, Rarity tripping her from behind, but she quickly recovered and fought back.

Ripley pulled out his blade and attacked, with Night Shine, Raphael and Blade attacking head. Raphael punched and jabbed with his sais whilst Ripley countered them. He then fought Blade as the two of them clashed.

“You fight well.” Said Ripley with a smirk “You should join us.”

“I made that mistake with the Storm King and Dark Codex a long time ago. I refuse to let it happen again.”

“An unwise an...”

He was sucker punched by Night Shine, whilst also clashing blades.

“You talk too much.” Said Night Shine as he delivered a knee to the gut, with Raph tackling Lewej from behind.

Gladitron attacked with his blaster and mace. Love Shine and Gladitron traded blows, whilst Applejack tackled from behind and grabbed him from behind the waist, tossed him up in the air, only for Sour Sweet to use her chains to grab him and threw him hard whilst she was in the air, with Traximus grabbing him from the leg and threw him hard, whilst he was able to catch Sour Sweet.

“Impressive.” Said Traximus “You have certainly improved last we saw.”

“Well,” said Sour Sweet as she twirled her ponytail for a bit whilst blushing a bit “I have been keeping up with my training.”

They saw Gladitron ready for more.

She looked back and said “To be continued.”

“Agreed.” Said Traximus as she and Sour Sweet continued with their attack.

Roland, Obaki, and Venus fought with all their might against Tiger Claw. As Tiger Claw fought with his blade and blaster, Roland fought using his dual pistols to shoot whilst he jumped over, pulled out his sword and struck, only for it to be blocked, Obaki used his claws to strike left and right, only for him to be kicked away, Venus used her Tessen bladed fan, but was still not being able to crack through Tiger’s defense.

The Utrom Council members, King, Queen and Bishop faced down Griffin, with Casey siding with them, wanting to have payback to the general.

“Even after we tried to show you the error of your ways, you have failed humanity.” Said Bishop.

“I will do whatever it takes to make sure alien filth like you are wiped from this world.” Said Griffin.

“You truly have lost your way, General.” Said King “We helped your kind build its defenses to defend those who would be deemed threats, yet from what I’ve seen, it’s you who are the threat here.”

“And we will see to it that you pay for your crimes.” Said Queen.

The three of them engaged in combat against Griffin, who proved to be quite the formidable form.

“You truly are fools, I have learnt a lot since our last…” said Griffin before he was electrocuted from behind. Revealing to be Casey Jones as he gave a hard swing against the General’s head.

“That was for trying to dissect me, yo!!” shouted Casey as he charged at the General.

At the same time, Rook, Pawn and the new Knight fought against Skonk, who had an axe to grind against aliens.

“All of you have robbed everything from me!!” shouted Skonk “And I will make you pay for it!!”

“For the last time, we are not the Krang!!” shouted Rook as she shot her blasters.

“Qui, you are ze deluded!!” shouted Pawn as he shot back.

“You have lost your way, Skonk!!” shouted Knight “We too were robbed when one of our own betrayed us!! But you are blinded by your own grief you fail to see what was right in front of you!!”

At the same time, Mikey and Pinkie fought Dr. Abigail. Though she may not have Tranquilizer darts, she is pretty handy with a blaster.

“You brats costed me everything!!” shouted Dr. Abigail “I will make sure that all of you pay for what you did to my career!!”

“Is that all you care about?!!” shouted Mikey “You were the one who wouldn’t stop hurting that poor monster!! She was just trying to protect her young, like any parent would!!”

“You even tried to threaten my friends!!” shouted Pinkie “No one threatens my friends!! Not even you!!”

Pinkie threw her sprinkles at Dr. Abigail, causing her to be disoriented, allowing Pinkie to use her chain and snatched the doctor’s leg, allowing her to pull the bad doctor towards her. Mikey slide on the ground and kicked her in the air, allowing Pinkie to give her a strong roundhouse kick.

At the same time, Dr. Animo used his helmet to control the frog to try and snatch the shy girl and athlete, but they were able to jump out of the way.

“You pests are as annoying as that Tennyson brat.” Said Animo. “No matter, as soon as I’m through with you, I will harness your DNA and use your power for my own!!”

Rainbow kicked one of Animo’s mutant bugs away, then shouted “How many times do we have to tell you, we’re not aliens!! You’re as dense and stupid as that Skonk guy!!”

Fluttershy faced a few bugs and used her darts to knock them out. Fluttershy then jumped and landed in front of Animo. Said girl looked at him in anger.

“AAAARGH!!” screamed Animo in fright “Scary animal girl!!”

“Nobody uses these animals for freak experiments!!” shouted Fluttershy, causing said girl to beat the tar out of him the moment she tackled him over.

Rainbow, along with Mikey and Pinkie (After knocking out the good doctor), watched as Fluttershy beat up Animo.

“Wow,” said Mikey “She’s really letting him have it.”

“I think she’s still mad when we last time bumped into him,” said Pinkie “When she found out what he does to animals, she really lost her cupcakes.”

“Tell me about it.” Said Rainbow “She really put that guy in the intensive care unit.”

“I know right,” said Mikey “Remember what she did to that Poacher guy whilst we were helping the GI Joes?”

They all shuddered at that.

At the same time, Raphael Prime and Sugarcoat were busy trying to get past Kraab. He would sometimes throw Grenades at them and use his claw blaster to try and shoot them.

“Tennyson had always been evenly matched against me,” said Kraab “The least you could do was give me a proper challenge.”

Sugarcoat used the chain from her Chigiriki Mace to wrap it around Kraab’s claw, allowing her to pull it down, whilst Raphael Prime attacked from behind and jabbed both his sais into the Kraab’s back, causing him to short circuit and be disabled before he crashed onto the ground.

“At least we’re not cocky and overconfident when it comes to fighting bad guys or we’d end up losing and fall flat on our backs like you did.” Said Sugarcoat.

“Well said.” Said Raphael Prime as he pulled out his sais.

Whilst the fighting was going on outside, Leo, Sunset, Leonardo Prime, Shine Boy and Grandpa Max were watching their surroundings as they made their way to the command center. Grandpa Max placed a hacking module on the keypad, allowing it to hack the door and open it. Grandpa Max aimed his blaster, with Leo holding one of his Katanas at the ready. They saw the coast was clear, allowing Leo to motion them to move in. With that in mind, Donnie, Twilight, Fugitoid, Gamer and Dr. Rockwell went inside, with the others following suit as they were able to close the door behind them.

After they got inside, they immediately went over to the console and look it over.

“Fascinating,” said Donnie in fascination “This technology is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

“Indeed,” said Dr. Rockwell, “The Foot Clan from the other dimension are more organized that we realize.”

“And their technology are more sophisticated than we anticipated.” Said Fugitoid.

“Think you guys can hack this?” asked Leo.

“It’ll take some time.” Said Twilight as she pulled out her spider bot that she made back at Dakota city when they helped Static, “But we’ll be able to hack this.”

“In the meantime, watch our backs.” Said Gamer as he also took out his laptop in order to hack it “We don’t want any…”

The doors suddenly burst opened, revealing a large platoon of Foot Bots and Vilgaxian Drones, armed to the teeth.

“Trouble on our backs.” Said Gamer, then face palmed whilst saying “Of course they’d suspect we’d come in here.”

Leo (pulling out his dual katanas), Sunset (pulling out her Kunai daggers), Leonardo Prime (pulling out his dual katanas), Shine Boy (pulling out his retractable bo-staff) and Grandpa Max (whilst aiming his blaster rifle), stood in front of the brainiacs of the group whilst arming themselves too.

“Never mind them,” said Leonardo Prime “You lot do what you can to hack through that device, we’ll deal with these chumps.”

“Take them down!!” shouted Sunset, causing them to attack head on.

Sixisix continued to fly around the air and used his missiles to shoot at his targets. Rook used his blaster to blast the missiles right out of the sky, allowing both Lemon Zest and Aria to attack from both sides. The alien chattered in its own language.

“You know, you really shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.” Boasted Lemon Zest “Because we can’t understand a single word you’re saying.”

Sixisix pulled out his pistols and shot them from all around. Lemon Zest used her clubs to deflect them, whilst Aria was able to jump from behind and uses her Tri-Baton to wrap it around Sixisix’s neck. She pulled him, which left him unbalanced.

“Rook, take the shot!!” shouted Aria.

Rook was able to fire the shot, allowing Aria to jump up, causing the shot to hit his jetpack. Sixisix flew out of control straight towards Lemon Zest.

“Batter up!!” shouted Lemon Zest, allowing her to strike Sixisix in the head, making his helmet shatter before he collapsed onto the ground.

Rook and Aria regrouped, with Rook saying “You two are quite skilled. I am very pleased to fight alongside you.”

“The feeling’s mutual.” Said Lemon Zest with a smirk whilst she held her club over her shoulder, with Aria smirking as well.

Donatello Prime, Sonata and Sunny Flare were busy fighting Sevenseven, who decided to fight in close quarter combat. Sonata and Sunny blocked and sliced a few times, with Donatello Prime having just as much trouble.

“Gotta hand it to him,” said Donatello Prime “He really knows how to fight.”

“For realsies.” Said Sonata, “We gotta try to take this guy down.”

“I got it covered.” Said Sunny Flare as she charged forward.

Sevenseven ended up pulling out his pistols and began to shoot, but Sunny ended up darting back and forth whilst she charged.

‘I gotta remember to thank my coach and Leo for teaching me how to be light on my feet.’ Thought Sunny to herself.

She tossed one of her Katar Daggers, allowing him to disable Sevenseven’s weapons. Sonata was able to jump and use one of her Tonabas to knock him sideways, allowing Donatello Prime to jump from behind and give a hard whack onto Sevenseven’s head, knocking him out cold.

“Knows how to fight,” said Donatello Prime as he held the bo-staff over his shoulder, “But easily beaten like a chump.”

“No kidding,” said Sunny Flare as she picked up her dagger “The Rainbooms are much more of a challenge than that.”

“For realsies.” Said Sonata, knowing the feeling.

Kevin, at the same time, was able to absorb a piece of the Foot Bot’s armour. After his body was encased, he charged towards one of Rojo’s crew. As one of the crewman kept firing, the blast kept bouncing off of Kevin thanks to his armour. The moment he was close enough, he punched her in the ribcage, then the gut, then kicked the side of her leg and gave her a strong uppercut. After knocking her out cold, Kevin looked at himself over.

“Got a hand it to the Foot Bots,” said Kevin “They produce strong armour.”

Indigo charged towards one of Rojo’s second member. He used her Guandao Spear and deflected her blast. Then she jumped in the air and did a spinning somersault. When she got close enough, she struck her blade, allowing her to disable her suit and knocking her out.

“Aw yeah!” exclaimed Indigo “Now that was awesome!!”

Tempest fought Rojo head on with fist to fist. At first, Tempest had trouble because of her human body, but thanks to her military training, she was able to stand a better chance.

“You’re quite the opponent.” Said Rojo “You should consider joining us.”

“I made that mistake once.” Said Tempest sternly. She threw a smoke bomb into Rojo’s face, disorienting her, until she was caught off guard as Tempest delivered a hard uppercut, making Rojo fly in the air and crashed on the ground hard. As she groaned, Tempest walked over to her and said whilst holding the side of her hip “Never again.”

Albedo used his version of his Omnitrix to turn into Ultimate Spider-Monkey, shooting webs and trying to take them down, whilst at the same time, Patelliday was shooting at the traitorous Galvin, whilst Pidgeon Pete used his blasters to distract him whilst Hokum Rabbit looked for an opening.

“You weak-minded fools will never defeat a superior intellect like mine!!” shouted Albedo as he kept tossing heavy objects.

“Is he always this talkative?” asked Pidgeon Pete.

“I believe young Ben Tennyson can tell you stories about him.” Said Patelliday before he fired his blaster.

Hokum waited for the perfect move. And just when Albedo turned around, Hokum jumped up high in the air and kicked Albedo hard. Seeing that there was an opportunity, Patelliday used his stun blaster to knock him out cold, whilst Pidgeon Pete shot Albedo’s Omnitrix, causing him to return back to normal.

Hokum was a little surprised and said “He was a kid?”

“Not really.” Said Patelliday “He used to be like Azmuth, but according to his file, he believes he is more intelligent and believes that Ben was unworthy to wear it and thinks that it was Ben’s fault for being in his form and takes credit that he didn’t earn.”

“So in other words, he’s an overconfident alien, thinking he’s better than anyone else and blames others for his mistakes and likes to hog the glory for himself?” said Pidgeon Pete.


“Dang.” Said Hokum whilst he adjusted his hat “And I thought a handful of folks I know had extremely bigger egos than this.”

At the same time, Gwen, whilst fighting in her Anodite form, fired her magic against Charmcaster, whilst Shinigami used her own magic to try and get past her.

“You really are a challenge,” said Charmcaster, “Too bad you’re not in my league.”

“As are you.”

Charmcaster looked behind and saw her Uncle.

“Uncle?!” exclaimed Charmcaster.

“You’re nothing but a weak child, playing with things you do not understand.” Said her uncle, “You are forever a disgrace. I cannot believe that your father asked me to look after you.”

Charmcaster got angry and was about to attack, until she felt something really heavy hit behind her head. She then collapsed, revealing to be Shinigami, who knocked her out with her weapon. Both her and Gwen approached Charmcaster’s uncle.

“That was a little overboard, don’t you think Lucy?” asked Gwen.

Charmcaster’s “Uncle” suddenly morphed into a sixteen year old girl with a grin on her face.

“Sorry about that,” said Lucy “I sometimes get a little too deep.”

“Although I must confess, you really outdid yourself.” Said Shinigami whilst smiling, “I’m impressed.”

“Thanks new bestie.” Said Lucy as she hugged Shinigami.

At the same time from inside HQ, then infiltrators were having some trouble. Leonardo jumped in the air and performed a spinning kick whilst slicing a few of the robots to pieces. Sunset rolled and fought with her Kunai Daggers, but once she was in position, she threw them with all her might, destroying a few in the process. Leonardo Prime fought with his fist and sword, ploughing through as if they were nothing to him, Shine Boy used his acrobatic skills to jump around and kicked a few away whilst using his retractable bo-staff to knock a few away. Grandpa Max was standing his ground and using his blaster to give the others cover fire.

“How’s it going over there?!!” shouted Grandpa Max.

“Having difficulty trying to getting past their mainframe!!” said Fugitoid whilst he was hacking.

“And trying to get past security protocols!!” shouted Gamer.

“Indeed, we are having some trouble getting through!!” shouted Dr. Rockwell.

Donnie noticed something and said “Wait, we’re almost through!! Twilight!!”

“I’m on it!!” said Twilight as she hacked through the terminal.

At the same time, right outside, Clancy kept unleashing his bugs whilst he flew around, which left Allen, Muck Man and Keno surrounded.

“Man, this guy is in serious need of therapy and an exterminator.” Said Allen.

“I agree,” said Muck Man, “There’s only so much a man can take.”

“Wait, I have an idea,” said Keno “Try to make me an opening, I think I can take him down.”

“You got it.” Said Allen as he and Muck Man attacked head on.

Allen used his fire to burn them a path towards the way, with Muck Man using as much of his garbage to try and clear a path for them. Once he had a clear shot, Keno darted straight towards the bug faced freak. He jumped up and used his sparring sticks to hit him left and right, then to the gut, whilst delivering a very strong spinning kick against his face, but then used his sticks to knock the bug out cold. Keno landed on both his feet whilst both Allen and Muck Man regrouped with him.

“Nice one.” Said Allen as she fist bumped Keno.

“Indeed,” said Muck Man “You certainly made short work of them.”

“Let’s just say my time with the turtles taught me a lot of things.”

At the same time, Mondo Gecko rode around in his skateboard, dodging Thumbskull’s attacks to and fro.

“Ha!! Too slow bra!!” said Mondo whilst dodging Thumbskull. Until Thumbskull was able to get a punch in, making Gecko land on his back. He then groaned “Oh…major wipeout.”

Thumbskull grabbed Mondo, lifted him up and said “You talk too much. You think you could honestly beat me?”

“Wasn’t trying to bra.” Said Mondo with a cheeky grin “I was merely a distraction.”

Thumbskull was a little surprised, until he saw Manny coming along. He constantly beat him over and over, until he was finally able to give him a punch strong enough to knock him out.

“Nice work.” Said Manny. “You really know how to get their attention.”

“Got taught by some of the best peeps bra.” Said Mondo “Sometimes we all need friends to help inspire us.”

“I hear that.” Said Manny before the two fist bumped.

Frightwig uses her hair tentacles to try and grab her targets, but Michelangelo Prime, Wallflower and Juniper kept jumping around, trying to dodge them. But at the same time, Juniper and Wallflower used their weapons to slice some of her hair tentacles before they had a chance to reach her.

“No one messes with my hair!!” shouted Frightwig as she kept trying again.

“And I thought I had hair issues whenever I try to groom myself.” Said Juniper.

“Tell me about it,” said Wallflower “Not to mention the hard work one does.”

“You two make sure you keep her distracted,” said Michelangelo Prime, “I got her right where I want her.”

As the girls kept Frightwig busy, Michelangelo Prime suddenly jumped in between and used his nunchucks to wrap her hair up, causing her to be trapped in them.

“Now!!” shouted Michelangelo Prime.

Both Juniper and Wallflower immediately charged forward, jumped up and both of them gave her a hard punch to the face, causing her to fall over unconscious. Whilst she was done, they quickly used her hair to tie her up so that she doesn’t plan to escape.

As Michelangelo Prime placed his Nunchucks away, he said to the girls “You know, for an introverted botanist and a movie jock, you girls really know how to fight and throw a punch.”

“Well, it was thanks to our friends we learned a lot of new things.” Said Wallflower sheepishly.

“And it will also help me learn how to move like a ninja when I one day study to become an actress the right way.” Responded Juniper.

At the same time, Acid Breath kept using his, well, Acid Breath to melt everything in his path, causing Helen to use her speed to dodge the former circus freak, whilst Sapphire and Bandit used their agility to quickly jump out of the way.

“Geez,” said Bandit after they landed “And people say my breath stinks.”

“Too bad there aren’t any mouthwash strong enough to give him a proper breath.” Said Sapphire.

“We’ll need to find a way to seal his mouth somehow.” Said Helen.

“We’ll try to keep it busy,” said Bandit “You figure out what we’ll need to cool it off.”

As Sapphire and Bandit charged, Helen blinked by what Bandit had said. “Wait, cool off?”, she then gasped and said “That’s it!!”

She quickly used her speed to rush back to their transports. When she arrived, she looked at her transports, but couldn’t find it. Then she went to Fugitoid’s ship and looked through, until she found a cryogenic liquid.

“Perfect.” Said Helen before she grabbed it and rushed right on out.

Bandit and Sapphire kept jumping about, whilst Acid Breath growled and said “Will you hold still?!!”

“Sorry,” said Bandit “But if you read your animal books, Raccoons don’t ever stand still for nobody!!”

“And even though artists need to stand still when painting,” said Sapphire “We also need to move when it comes to art!!”

Then Helen came along and shouted “And you’re breath is really bad!! So you need to cool off!!”

Helen threw the canister with all her might, causing it to explode on impact, causing the liquid to cover him. As he screamed, he was instantly encased in ice, making him unable to move.

“Wow, nice one Helen.” Said Sapphire.

“Thanks.” Said Helen.

“But uh, won’t that stuff kill him?” asked Bandit as he tapped onto the frozen Acid Breath.

“Don’t worry,” said Helen “I tampered with it a bit before I came here.”

At the same time, both Zeno and Rocksteady were fighting against Vulkanus, trying to match strength for strength.

“Rocksteady admits one thing,” said Rocksteady as he and Zeno were exchanging fists with Vulkanus, “Bad alien know how to fight.”

“I got plenty more of those where that came from!!” shouted Vulkanus.

“Too bad you’re not at full strength!!” shouted Zeno as he grabbed Vulkanus’ arm and yanked it off.

“What the?!” exclaimed Rocksteady.

“He has a robot body!!” said Zeno as he tossed the arm away “Tear it to pieces!!”

The two of them charged and ended up ripping his robot body to pieces. Once that was done, Zeno pulled him out, revealing his tiny body.

“Aw, not again!!” exclaimed Vulkanus before crossing his arms.

“Bad alien really tiny baby alien?” said a confused Rocksteady.

“From what I heard,” said Zeno as he looked at Rocksteady “When he last time faced Ben Tennyson, he ended up getting his body blown up. His head survived, but the rest of his body was reduced to a larva like state. His kind has a special regenerative ability, but it takes time for them to be restored.”

“As turtle friend would say, that’s freaky.” Said Rocksteady.

“Tell me about it.” Said Zeno.

“I’m still hanging around here!!” said Vulkanus, feeling insulted as if they acted, he wasn’t in the same room.

Both Sal Commander and Mona Lisa continued to fight Newtralizer as they exchanged blaster fire and blows. Even though with his built in weaponry, Newtralizer was still a dangerous foe to be reckoned with.

Newtralizer growled and said “Even in this dimension, you continue to hunt me G'Throkka!!”

“You are a traitor to the Salamandrian Empire K'Vathrak!!” shouted Sal Commander “You betrayed me to our enemies when we fought together, and you will pay for your betrayal!!”

The Salamandrians continued to exchange blades with one another. That was, until Roland came from out of nowhere and kicked the Newtralizer sideways. The Newtralizer growled as he looked at Roland.

“Do not interfere in Salamandrian matters!!” shouted Newtralizer.

“You already did that the day you came to Earth.” Said Roland before he pounded his fists together “Now this is personal!!”

The two of them continued to exchange fists, until Roland pulled out dust and blew it against his opponent’s eyes, making him scream in pain, which allowed both Sal Commander and Mona Lisa to finish him off by knocking him out.

“Our thanks, fellow warrior.” Said Sal Commander.

Roland bowed and said “My pleasure.”

He stood up and said “In case you wonder, it’s how we show respect to other warriors. Just in case there might be a misunderstanding.”

“Ah yes,” said Sal Commander, remembering that day “Our apologies for that misunderstanding.”

At the same time, from within the Command center, the fighting continued to intensify. Leo, Slash, Sunset, Leonardo Prime, Shine Boy and Grandpa Max were able to finish off most of them, which allowed them some breathing room.

“How are we looking here?!” exclaimed Slash.

Gamer then disconnected his computer, looked back to them and said “We got what we came for, let’s go!!”

They soon ran out to rejoin the others and help them turn the tide of the battle whilst they try to get outside.

The moment they got outside, half of their enemies were beaten and unconscious whilst some kept on fighting, whilst at the same time, many of their allies, the Utrom, the Salamandrians, the Plumbers and the Triceratons were able to beat their armies about halfway, meaning they were making some good progress.

“Guys!!” shouted Leo when most of the heroes regrouped.

“We got what we came for and erased their data before we left!!” said Donnie.

“That’s great!!” said Ben.

“Now all we have to do is…” said Fugitoid before he was suddenly blown to bits, leaving only his head. “Oh dear.”

“Fugitoid!!” exclaimed the others in shock, before they heard another scream after he was being pulled.

They saw Roland being engulfed with electricity as he cried out in pain, then being pulled back at least a few feet away from them. But then he was on all fours whilst he was being engulfed with electricity, curtesy of Gladitron, whilst he was holding a mace of some sorts and electrocuted him in order to make him submit, which shocked the rest of the group.

“Roland!!” exclaimed some of them when they saw him in that position.

Whilst at the same time, Lewej, Ripley, General Griffin, Dr. Abigail, Skonk and Vilgax regrouped a foot away from him, whilst their remaining troops were carrying the other villains via portal of their own.

“Now then,” said Vilgax “Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to surrender what information you have on you, and we might spare him. If not….”

Gladitron caused the hammer to generate more energy that made Roland hurt more, which caused many of them to hesitate. Roland saw this, he wasn’t going to let this happen. He had to do something. He then knew what he had to do, and in this case, he didn’t have a choice whilst he saw that they were going to make up their minds.

Leo sighed in defeat and said “Do what he…”

When all of a sudden, Roland slammed his fist onto the ground, making a sudden crack, taking everyone by surprise on both sides. He did the same using his right fist. Then planted his right foot onto the ground and growled, as if he was trying to resist whilst attempting to do something. He forced himself up with great force whilst groaning from the electricity.

“Wait,” said Gladitron as he was partially surprised by what he was seeing “What are you…?”

Within a split second, Roland gripped both his fists and screamed in rage, whilst at the same time, he was engulfed what appeared to be fire from his fists, wrists, shoulders and back, shocking both sides when they saw what he was doing. Roland then looked at Gladitron with his eyes set aflame.

“What the…?!!” exclaimed Gladitron when he saw Roland, especially since he was moving towards him in a slow manner. “Stay back!!”

But Roland didn’t listen, as he still kept on going, growling like a monster as he made his way towards Gladitron. Gamer on the other hand, squinted his eyes and said “It can’t be.”

“What is it?” said Shine Girl when she heard Gamer.

“That power,” said Gamer “I felt like I’ve seen it somewhere before.”

Roland still made his way towards Gladitron. Decided to go for the offense, Gladitron tried to strike Roland with his mace, but Roland ended up catching his wrist and looked straight at him.

ROLAND SMASH GLADITRON!!!” shouted Roland.

And with one swift movement from his arm, Roland punched Gladitron so hard, he ended up flying a few feet away, but landed on both his feet whilst skidding on the ground. He looked at Roland as the latter charged straight towards him, but at the same time, ended up grabbing a nearby rock, causing him to use the sudden power to turn it into an axe. He threw the stone axe with all his might, but so too did Gladitron with his mace, causing both weapons to collide. When they bounced from one another, both Roland and Gladitron grabbed their weapons and they clashed once more, causing sparks to fly from both sides as they collided. Before Gladitron could react, Roland headbutted him in the head, allowing Roland to grab his mace and smacked him so hard, he ended up flying upwards for a few feet, with Roland jumping after him, grabbed him by the leg and threw him hard into the ground, with Roland catching up and delivered an elbow slam onto his chest.

As Roland got up and held his stone like axe in his left hand, he stomped on the ground hard, making Gladitron lift himself up in the air, along with the mace. Roland ended up grabbing it and used it to bash Gladitron hard, making the warrior crash against a large rock, which surprised the others when they saw someone actually giving Gladitron a beating.

Gladitron struggled to stand up straight whilst he looked at Roland. Roland on the other hand, whilst he kept his stare, but then stared at the weapons in his hands. He suddenly tossed them away and charged straight towards the warrior. He tackled Gladitron against the rock, and before he could react, Roland began to punch Gladitron hard in the face. Then he punched left, right, southeast, northwest, southwest, northeast, then grabbed his head and kneed it hard, before punching him twice in the face.

Roland continued to punch Gladitron senselessly as both sides watched the beatdown he was giving him. Gladitron was close to his knees, until Roland kicked him hard, making him crash onto the ground. Roland then walked over to Gladitron. The said warrior was groaning in pain, but it wasn’t going to stop him as he lifted his head. But Roland grabbed a robot’s head whilst walking over to him.

“You little…” said an injured and angered Gladitron whilst lifting his head, “I will not be intimidated by an…”

But before Gladitron could react, Roland bashed the robot’s head against Gladitron’s head a couple of times whilst shouting “THIS!! ISN’T!! YOUR!! TO!! CONQUER!! ANYMORE!!

He gave another bash, causing the said warrior to be knocked out and collapsed. Many were shocked to see Roland giving Gladitron a beating. He tossed the robot’s head away, then looked at General Griffin sharply. He then used his own rope dart as it pierced through Griffin’s shoulder, making him shout in pain. Roland then took a grip on the rope dart.

GET OVER HERE!!” shouted Roland as he ended up pulling not just General Griffin, but Skonk as well.

Roland used a clothes’ line to knock the general out, but grabbed Skonk by the throat and looked at him directly.

“Let go of me you freak!!” shouted a strained Skonk.

“You know, I’m actually glad that your family’s dead.” Said Roland, which shocked Skonk and the others by what he said. “So that none of them would be alive to see the kind of monster you’ve become!!”

“I just wanted to wipe out the alien filth that destroyed my family!!”

“And what of your sister?” Said Roland, which took him by surprise. “Did you know the day that you wanted to blow up New York, she went into labor that day. But she chose to go to New York. She gave birth to fraternal twins. She name her one son after you. But then again what would she said if she found out that you were a monster.”

Skonk then paled, not realizing his sister had been there that day.

“But then again you won’t remember of being one.” Said Roland.

Roland then grabbed Skonk’s head and said in backwards “*Erase and permanently alter memories*”

Skonk then screamed in agony and pain as his mind was being altered, which shocked many by what he was doing. Once he was done, Roland released Skonk, making him fall on top of Griffin. He grabbed Gladitron and tossed him back to Vilgax and the others.

“We’ll be keeping the stone and humans.” Said Roland. “But know this, next time we meet, I won’t show mercy next time.”

Getting the message, Vilgax and the others quickly left through the portal before things could get worse.

Roland panted a few times during his heated moment whilst everyone else stared at him stunned. When all of a sudden, he clutched onto the side of his chest, feeling like he was having a heart attack whilst collapsing onto the ground and had a seizure too, which shocked the others.

“He’s having a seizure!!” shouted Gamer.

Venus and Obaki quickly got to action. As Obaki held Roland’s arms behind his back, Venus pulled out what appeared to be a mask with chemicals attached to it. She planted the mask onto his face, causing to hum and gurgle at the same time, which seems to be having an effect. The fire on his body immediately died out, making him return back to normal as he was partially conscious.

After she removed the mask, she looked at him whilst the others gathered. Venus instantly slapped Roland, which caused the others to wince at that.

“What were you thinking?!!” shouted Venus as she held onto his shoulders after Obaki let him go, “Do you have any idea how dangerous it was, you could’ve died!!”

“You know very well I didn’t have any other choice.” Said Roland in a stern tone, even in his weakened state “They were going to get the stone and we’d be back to square one. I wasn’t going to let that happen again. Especially not after what they did to Fugitoid.”

They saw the Utrom Council carrying Fugitoid with him.

Sunset came over and stood on her knees whilst looking at her friend in concern and said “Are you alright Fugitoid?”

“Oh, I am fine Sunset Shimmer.” Said Fugitoid whilst showing a smile on his face “My body may have been destroyed, but thankfully my brain and head are still intact.”

“Do not worry Professor.” Said Traximus “We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

“Thankfully we have the technology to make Fugitoid a new body, as well as making a few upgrades.” Said Rook.

“I’ll be more than happy to help you build a new body again Fugitoid.” Said Twilight.

“I’ll gladly help.” Said Gamer “It’d be nice to work with someone who’s also into science like I am.”

“Roland would help too, but…” said Obaki whilst he looked at Roland.

Rook came over and scanned Roland. She looked back and said “He’s body is stable, but he’ll need to take it easy for a bit.”

“So now that the punks are out of our dimension,” said Leonardo Prime “Where is this stone located?”

Twilight held a drive and said “I have it right here. I would ask Fugitoid to help, but uh…”

“Oh, I got it.” Said Ben as he used his Omnitrix to turn into Upgrade. He used his ability to hack into the drive. After going through it, he said “According to the Drive, the stone is located at Bleeker Street. In front of a…pizza joint?”

“Of course.” Said the Turtles, Rainbooms, Shadowbolts and New York allies whilst shrugging their shoulders.


Soon the group arrived and unearthed the stone that was buried near the Pizza Place on Bleeker Street. Leo was able to dig it out, allowing him to pull the stone out, revealing it to be the color magenta as it was radiating energy.

“Oooh, pretty.” Said both Mikey and Pinkie at the same time.

“The stone has been secured.” Said King.

“But we would still need to secure it so that Shredder cannot detect it.” Said Queen.

“I’m sure I can work on something.” Said Donnie.

We, will.” Said Roland as he was able to stand and gaining their attention. “We’re in this together, meaning we’re going to need all the great minds on this. Donnie, Rockwell, Twilight, Gamer, Sugarcoat, Gwen. We’re going to need all your help on this.”

“A chance to work with other geniuses?” said Gamer with a smirk “I’m game.”

“Excuse me,” said Fugitoid, gaining their attention “May I be a part of this as well?”

“After we build you a new body rust bucket.” Said Kevin.

“And thankfully, with Plumber Tech and some of your tech, we’ll be able to get you spic, spam and lickety split in no time.” Said Lucy.

“Much appreciated.” Said Fugitoid.

After Leo gave them the stone, he went to the Prime Turtles and said “Thanks for your help out there. We really appreciate it.”

“Least we can do.” Said Leonardo Prime. “Now get out of our dimension already before we start to get mushy here.”

“One more thing.” Said Venus as she came over, giving Leo Prime a small device. The Prime leader looked at it, then to Venus with a flexed eyebrow. “There will be more fights ahead. If we need any help, we’ll give you a call.”

“You’d better.” Said Raphael Prime “I still want some payback on that Shredder punk for letting his foot attack us.”

“See you around.” Said Obaki whilst they left.

As they walked, Mikey took a good look on Roland. He couldn’t help but feel a certain vibe. Not the stabbing them in the back kind of vibe, but something very different.


Sure enough, everyone was back on the ship, with Leo saying “I assume that since you helped us, you’re willing to join?”

“Of course.” Said Sal Commander “After recent events, we’re not sitting this out.”

“We’ll help in any way we can.” Said Traximus.

“Aw, yeah!!” exclaimed Mikey “Welcome aboard guys!!”

“The pleasure is ours Michelangelo.” Said King.

“Now then, let’s get you all fixed up.” Said Kevin as he took Fugitoid whilst being accompanied by a handful of Galvin, who were more than willing to help out whilst the medics took Roland for a quick check up on his state.

“Speaking of which,” said Juniper “How do you think the others are doing?”

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about our friends’ counterparts and the kids.” Said Bebop.

“Da, had to stay behind to help them out.” Said Rocksteady.


Pretty soon, they arrived near the room where Princess Twilight was about to walk in.

“Oh, you guys made it.” Said Princess Twilight “How did it go down there?”

“We nearly got our butts kicked.” Said Pidgeon Pete.

“But thankfully we gained an advantage and new allies.” Said Bandit.

“We were lucky to get the stone too.” Said Twilight.

“Bad news though,” said Sapphire “Roland was right, Shredder really did gather everyone else’s enemies there.”

“We bumped into both Team Shine and Ben 10’s enemies.” Said Wallflower.

“So where’s Roland and Fugitoid?” asked Princess Twilight.

“Fuge’s body got blown up so they went to build him a new body.” Said Mikey.

“Thankfully his head is still intact.” Said Donnie.

“And they took Roland to the infirmary to see if he’s okay.” Said Twilight

“So how do you think the others are adjusting?” asked Rarity.

“Let’s find out.” Said Princess Twilight “I was just about to go in and see how they were doing.”

When they opened the door, they were surprised to see how well Princess Twilight’s friends have adapted. Pony Rarity was sowing her clothes like an expert, though to their surprise, she can use her unicorn magic. Pony Pinkie had adapted well, especially with her 4th wall breaking shenanigans. Pony Rainbow Dash did an obstacle course combined with her flight. Pony Applejack was adjusting to her body as well as she used her body strength. Even pony Fluttershy was adapting to it well when she was helping a few animals that got on board.

“Hoo-wee.” Said pony Applejack as she and the others got together “Now that was one heck of a workout.”

“I know right,” said pony Rainbow Dash “Who’d thunk that the kind of training we received would actually work.”

“Wow, you lot sure have adapted well.” Said Karai.

“We sure have.” Said pony Pinkie Pie.

“I don’t know why you struggled so much Twilight,” said pony Fluttershy “Turns out learning the basics was really easy.”

Princess Twilight giggled sheepishly at that as she couldn’t believe her friends had learned that quicker than she did. “Right.”

“Oh, y’all are back?”

They looked to their left and saw the Rock N Beats, CMC and Young Six, along with Brightstar and Lancer, coming over, with Invictus, Silverbolt and Amethyst leading the way.

“We sure are.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“So how’d the training go?” asked Rarity.

“Surprisingly it went really well.” Said Apple Bloom.

“Yeah,” said Clover “With the extra gear we’d be able to stand a chance in the middle of the field.”

“Though we also have to learn to fight smarter, not harder.” Said Patch.

“That’s good to know.” Said Sunset.

“Think we should go over to see how Fugitoid and Roland’s doing?” asked Lucy.

“Sure, they must’ve been done by now.” Said Ben.

The others soon leave and made their way to the said latter.


Meanwhile, from within what appeared to be a flying Fortress, bearing the symbol of the Foot Clan, the Shredder, stared out of his window whilst his Foot Bots had gathered in the masses. He kept his steely stare, until a certain bald man stood next to him.

“So, Shredder.” Said the man.

“What do you want, Luthor?” said the Shredder, looking at the man, revealing to be Luthor.

“Just wanted to see if production is going well.” Said Luthor.

“It is.” Said Shredder whilst looking outside. “You have done well supplying your technology to help build my armies faster. Now we have twice as many to ensure that we will not be beaten so easily.”

“Indeed.” Said Luthor. “And I also just came to tell you, that our engineers are already building up your ships for space travel as you ordered. It will take two weeks to amass a fleet as you ordered.”

“I do not care how long it takes to have them built,” said Shredder “I only care for those who stand in my way to fall on their knees.”

“Oh, I know Shredder.” Said Luthor, then grumbled “You were not the only one who demanded things from me.”

“I can assure you that I am not Brainiac, Luthor.” Said Shredder as he overheard him. “The difference between me and a simpleminded machine…”

Shredder immediately displayed his claws and held them underneath Luthor’s chin, which caused the bald villain to be afraid, with the Shredder moving his face closer and said “I actually kill my enemies with my bare hands rather than let some foolhardy AI control other machines to do their bidding.”

“Uh, yes, of course.” Said Luthor, trying to sound calm.

Shredder placed his claws away and said “And what of the others…of your reputation?”

“If you must mean the people the Justice League fight.” Said Luthor after clearing his throat “Some of them have joined, but the others are too spineless to join. I was hoping that you could…”

“Very well.” Said Shredder. “I will talk to them…personally.”

That’s when Tiger Claw appeared, with both Team Shine and Ben 10’s enemies.

“My liege.” Said Commander Tiger Claw after he bowed. “You were correct. The last three rebels, the turtle and the two human cubs have survived and come to their world, but they were not alone.”

“Then I can assume they went to the Turtles and their allies’ for help?” asked Shredder.

“Yes, my lord, as you predicted.” Said Commander Tiger Claw.

“So, it was only a matter of time before he came running to them.” Said Shredder.

“There is more.” Said Vilgax “They’ve already gathered Team Shine, along with Ben Tennyson and his team.”

“And it’s only a matter of time before the rest of their allies join the fight.” Said Lewej.

“Hmm.” Muttered Shredder. He looked at them and said “What of the others’ enemies?”

“A slow progress,” said Ripley “But they’re getting there.”

“And Gladitron?” asked Shredder.

“He took a beating, but he’ll be on his feet soon.” Said Lewej.

One of the Foot Bots then arrived and said “My liege, we have brought the ones you requested to be here.”

“Send them in.”

Within mere moments, whilst struggling to move, the Foot Bots brought a handful of prisoners in. But they weren’t just any prisoners.

From one side, were the enemies of Equestria, aka, Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow (But in their Equestrian forms) and the Dark Turtles, along with a fully resurrected Sombra. On the right were the Purple Nightmares and the four elementals, who served Kavaxas. But they were not the only ones, for among them were Xever, aka, Fishface. Tiger Claw, Rahzar and Doctor Stockman. They were shoved forward and landed hard on the platform.

“What is the meaning of this?!” shouted Chrysalis.

“You have till the count of three…” threatened Tirek before.

“So…you’re here at last.”

Everyone looked up and saw the Shredder, descending from the steps, bearing down his eyes on them.

“S…Shredder…” muttered Stockman as he was afraid, even Xever couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Whilst at the same time, both Tiger Claw and Rahzar bowed to the Foot Ninja Master.

“Oh great,” said Cozy Glow with a roll in her eyes “Another goofy…”

Before she could utter a word, he immediately darted forward and grabbed her by the throat, strangling her in the process. He brough her closer to his face and stared down at her.

“I am not that weak minded version of myself, little girl.” Said the Shredder in a threatening voice “You will do well to remember that.”

He shoved her backwards, making her drop onto the ground as she scurried backwards and scared out of her mind.

“Hmm,” muttered Chrysalis “You are indeed not the Shredder I know.”

“You are a different Shredder.” said the elemental water warrior.

“Indeed.” Said Shredder. “As you may not have guessed, I come from a world where I have already destroyed all my enemies and now seek the one domain to rid of all their filth once and for all.”

He gestured to the handful of allies around him, “As you can see, many have begun to slowly join my cause. All who seek the destruction of all.”

He looked at them and said “And from what I have gathered, all of you are from both worlds, who too are enemies. Therefore, I will make a proposition.”

“And what might that be?” said Dark Mikey.

“I merely ask all of you to join me.” Said Shredder.

“Uh, excuse me,” said Cozy “But uh, we’re already employed by…”

“That goat can fester in his cave all he wants.” Said Shredder “I on the other hand offer an army where he could not.”

He walked away and said “If you join me, then you will have what you need to finish what you started and destroy your enemies. But only…if you join our cause.”

“Sorry,” said Sombra as he attempted to turn down Shredder’s offer like he did with Grogar, “I don’t do our, I only do mine!!

When all of a sudden, Sombra was struck in the eye by a whip of ancient magic, causing him to scream in pain whilst holding his left eye and shocked the rest in the group. The whip was then held by none other than Commander Tiger Claw, which shocked Tiger Claw, seeing his other self.

Be silent, mule!!” bellowed Commander Tiger Claw, “You are in the presence of the mighty Shredder, conqueror of worlds!! He could kill you with a single strike if he wishes!!

Shredder then extended his hand whilst it glowed in a color they’ve never seen before. And from out of nowhere, all of the villains were grabbed by giant skeletal hands whilst four spikes each were around their necks, which frightened everyone in the room.

“My trusted Commander speaks truth.” Said Shredder. “I could easily absorb all of you into my being. And I should, considering all of you have failed to subdue your worlds years ago!!

We could’ve conquered them easily if it weren’t for those blasted ponies!!” shouted Chrysalis.

“Or maybe, you’re just weak.” Said Luthor as he made himself known.

You?!!” exclaimed a shocked Chrysalis.

“Wait, you know him?” said a confused Cozy Glow.

“Oh yeah, now I remember you,” said Dark Mikey “You’re that bald guy who got trapped in Equestria with your enemies and the two of you worked together till things went south.”

They looked at him surprised, with Dark Mikey saying “Grogar told me.”

“That’s right.” Said Luthor. He walked over to Sombra first and said “The only reason you lost was because you were overconfident, arrogant. You say you destroyed the source of their power, but you failed to realize that you have underestimated your enemies. And before you think you have another chance. Let me tell you this. Your physical body was destroyed when you attempted to take over your so called empire. You were resurrected with your horn, but now that’s destroyed too. So my magic wielding associates were able to bring you back via your spirit.”

He leaned over with a smirk and said “And guess what? If you die again. You will be erased permanently, forever.”

Now Sombra looked shocked by that statement. He walked over to the others and said “And your problems are, you say you’re the strongest beings yet you couldn’t best anyone or gain valuable allies to destroy them. And now look at you, the strongest beings reduced to mere weaklings. A washed up queen, a powerless man horse, and a little girl who’s so deluded, she might need a doll to suck on it like a pacifier.”

What?!!” shouted Cozy Glow as if she had been insulted, until she felt the spikes on her neck and was now even more afraid.

“And unlike all of you in this room, we have much more powerful forces here that could easily destroy you without a single thought.”

Within mere moments, more villains appeared, which surprised the Equestrian villains. At the same time, one of them came with what appeared to be an insect of sorts, with Shredder grabbing it and walked over to Sombra.

“And if anyone attempts to defy me.” Said Shredder, causing the worm to instantly fly towards Sombra.

The Equestrians watched in shock as they saw the worm taking over Sombra as it went into his mouth whilst he screamed in pain and lowered his head. He lifted it up and looked in a daze.

“I am at your command, master.” Said Sombra.

Shredder looked at the others and asked “No further objections?”

They immediately shook their heads, allowing Shredder to free them as they collapsed. They had no choice but to bow to him. He smirked and said “Tiger Claw. Take them to our little… ‘reeducation room’. Show them who the true master is.”

“At once, Lord Shredder.” Said Commander Tiger Claw as his guards took the captured Equestrians, Canterlot City and New York away and straight towards the room, with him smirking as he walked back to the window and looked ahead as the other villains left him alone for his thoughts.


Later in the day, after Fugitoid was fixed with a new body and parts and weapons and with Roland recovering well, they decided to have lunch at the Cafeteria. Where they decided to have some small talks.

“So, what was that power from earlier?” asked Leo.

“It’s called Warrior’s Rage.” Said Gamer.

“Warrior’s Rage?” said the group confused.

“Wait, Warrior’s Rage?” said Love Shine “I thought it was a myth?”

“Given what we’ve seen, evidentially not.” Said Shine Girl.

“So what’s Warrior’s Rage?” asked Mikey.

“I know what it is,” said Shine Boy “Warrior’s Rage is a special ability that any warrior gains when they’re training under deities. Mostly the Greeks, because once upon a time, they had the mightiest warriors there.”

“The Spartans?” guessed Twilight.

“That’s right.” Said Gamer “When you use that ability, it increases your strength up to three hundred Spartans, as well as develop an immunity from the elements and your body tends to be partially set aflame to increase your strength.”

“Unfortunately it also has a side effect.” Said Roland when he decided to fill them in “If you tend to use it, your mind is tended to be reduced to a barbaric brute, where you will attack anyone who would attempt to trying and reason with you.”

“That would explain the beatdown you gave Gladitron.” Said Slash.

“And from what we’ve witnessed,” said Dr. Rockwell “It also causes strain to your body, hence the partial heart attack and seizure.”

“Too bad I don’t have a device that could keep my mind in check whilst I use that ability.” Said Roland.

“Maybe we can help with that.” Said Donnie.

“Indeed.” Said Dr. Rockwell, “It would be quite amusing to see what we can create.”

“I’m down with it.” Said Gamer.

“Oooh, me too.” Said Twilight.

“So what’s going to happen to Skonk?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“The Utrom has looked at his mind,” said Knight “His mind has been completely altered, such as his hatred for aliens and the death of his family had been wiped, but it was also tampered so that he could remember that they were in a car accident.”

“But doesn’t it feel wrong?” asked Fluttershy in concern.

“Don’t worry,” said Venus “He won’t remember his encounter with us. His mind has been carefully wiped so that he wouldn’t get any brain damage.”

“How did you do that anyway?” asked Mondo.

“I learned that from Zatanna.” Said Roland.

“She’s a powerful Sorceress from the Justice League.” Said Obaki “She casts spells whilst talking backwards. It’s very handy if anyone can learn how to master it.”

“But I’d never use it or abuse it, same with the rage,” said Roland “I only used it as a last resort.”

“Given what we’ve seen,” said Wallflower “I think that’s for the best.”

“Too bad I don’t have something to keep my mind sane whilst using it.” Said Roland.

Gamer then pondered, for that was going to be quite the challenge. When all of a sudden, Magister Patelliday walked up and said “Excuse me, Rarity?”

“Oh, Magister Patelliday.” Said Rarity “What can I do for you?”

“Nothing,” said the Magister “I just came to tell you that I just got a call from janitorial services, complaining about the stinky mess you left behind in the girls bathroom.”

Within a split second, Rarity’s face instantly went red in embarrassment. “What?!!” exclaimed Rarity. “That’s a lie, I do not know what you are talking a…!!”

When all of a sudden, Patelliday shouted in a girl’s voice “Psyche!!”

And within a split second, Patelliday transformed via mud form into a girl, revealing to be Ben’s cousin Lucy. “You should’ve seen the look on your face!!”

Lucy laughed out loud, with Ben, Kevin, Casey, Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Keno, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, pony Pinkie Pie, pony Rainbow Dash and both Spikes to laugh out loud whilst Roland and the others rolled their eyes.

“Lucy!!” scolded Gwen whilst Rarity fumed in anger.

“It’s not funny!!” shouted Rarity “I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life!!”

Roland then turned around and said “I thought the most embarrassing thing in your life was the pudding pie incident?”

Suddenly, the girls of both the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts gasped out loud, whilst Rarity blushed in deep embarrassment, whilst covering her face and said “Please don’t bring that up.”

“Uh, the what now?” said Karai.

“I’ll tell it, considering no one noticed me back then.” Said Wallflower with a sigh. “See, it was about during everyone’s freshman time, It was the first time that Crystal Prep and Canterlot High, long before Cinch molded CPA to be like her, that everyone came together and started an annual baking contest, where everyone would make their favorite desert. Pinkie’s favorite dessert…

“Ah,” said Roland, interrupting her “She doesn’t have any favorites.”

“She doesn’t?” said half the group.

“Put it this way,” said Roland with a smirk, “Like her counterpart, four years ago, she set up a channel on a website, but she forgot the password for it. When it gave her a prompt, it said, quote, “your favorite pie”, and she ended up having a four year long existential crisis.”

That got half of them, even Team Shine and Ben 10, Wallflower and Sapphire to laugh hard, whilst Pinkie Pie blushed in embarrassment over that. After they cleared things up, Wallflower continued.

“Anyway,” said Wallflower “As she was putting together her favorite dessert, she used the most outrageous ingredients no one had ever seen.

“Like what?” asked Applejack.

Pinkie presented them a list of ingredients, which took them by surprise.

“Why would you add something like that?!” exclaimed Kevin.

“Well duh,” said Pinkie “To make my treats extra delicious.”

Fluttershy then wondered out loud “I wondered why her doughnut fillings were extra creamy and tasty.”

Wallflower continued and said “When it was announced that it was almost ready, Rarity came along, cause she was voted to be pie queen, cause of her exquisite taste. Only problem was, she was showing off her dress. When she was about to taste Pinkie’s dough of the pie, she tripped on her dress whilst she was using her eyeliner for the final touch. She leaned against the container, but the eyeliner fell in. Because of it, combined with the eyeliner, it ended up creating a chemical chain reaction, causing the pudding to blow up, injuring half the students in the room. From that day on, because of it, Rarity was forever known as the Diamond Pudding Bomb Queen and she didn’t shake the name until about a month before the Fall Formal.”

Everyone was taken aback by this, until they heard both Keno and Casey laughing very hard.

“I wondered why you looked familiar!!” exclaimed Casey in laughter.

“That was so funny!!” laughed Keno.

“Wait,” said April with a flexed eyebrow. “You two know about that?”

“Are you kidding?” said Keno.

“Half the schools in the country knows about that incident.” Said Casey.

Rarity’s face went even more red of embarrassment and covered her face whilst Amethyst quickly comforted her by giving her a hug. But Leo decided to change the subject.

“So we got the second stone,” said Leo “Now all we need is to find the others and make sure Shredder doesn’t get his hands on them.”

“Agreed.” Said Shine Boy “And what of the data Azmuth needed?”

“Sunburst, Starlight and I were able to give whatever information we could to Azmuth.” Said Princess Twilight “He’s already added the data to his device.”

“And what about the others?” asked Bandit “Any word from them?”

“They’re still gathering what they could from the artifacts and powers the Shredder absorbed.” Said Roland “It’s going to take some time for them to get what we need.”

“And the others?” asked Blade.

“We were planning to send out a message to the others,” said Donnie “But we don’t want to risk Shredder tracking us down whilst we do so.”

“Donnie, Twilight, Gamer, Sugarcoat, Gwen and myself were able to create a new ways of communications, one that’s unrecognizable and that Shredder won’t be able to track.” Said Rockwell.

“We’ve already sent out a call to the GI Joes, even the Spy Racers from our dimension, but so far nothing.” Said Love Shine.

“That goes the same for the Digidestined.” Said Shine Girl.

“We’re even having a hard time trying to find Carmen Sandiego and her friends.” Said Gwen.

“But we haven’t heard anything from Batman and the Justice League.” Said Obaki.

“Same goes for the Power Rangers.” Said Venus.

“There is some good news though,” said Shine Boy “We were able to get in contact with Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems. It’ll take them a while to be here, so we should be prepared in the meantime.”

“That’s great.” Said Sunset.

“It would be wonderful to see the Crystal Gems again.” Said Rarity.

“Trust me, you guys will like em,” said Mikey “And I think pony Rarity will like them too.”

“I’ve heard about them through Sunset,” said Princess Twilight “I can’t wait to meet them too.”

“In the meantime,” said Roland as he was done eating. “Once everyone is done eating and resting up, we’ll pop over to the training room. Knowing the Shredder, he won’t back down from this.”

“Agreed.” Said Leo “Let’s go.”

“And whilst we’re at it, we can teach Princess Twilight’s friends some ninja training too.”

“Huh?!” exclaimed the rest of the Mane 6.

“He’s right.” Said Princess Twilight. She looked at them and said “And I know you girls will have problems, but trust me, it’ll be worth it. I was skeptical too, but I was able to succeed with your counterparts.”

“Plus it’ll be a great way for us to bond too.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“I’m okay with that.” Said Pony Pinkie Pie as she got excited too.

“We’ll start simple,” said Leo “We’ll have the Rainbooms train their counterparts, then the rest of us will train them too.”

Roland stood up and said “I’ll join you in a moment, I gotta report to Grandpa Max.”

“See you at training.” Said Venus as everyone left.

Roland walked down the hall until he grunted and leaned against the wall whilst coughing, what appeared to be purple goo. To his shock. He quickly looked at his gauntlet and saw that the energy almost died down. He quickly took out a vial that was made of pure energy, the Quantum Trigger, a better substitute. He pulled out the current one from his gauntlet, which instantly melted, allowing Roland to place the Quantum Trigger in it, allowing the gauntlet to power up and work overtime, returning him back to normal. He sighed in relief, seeing that it was able to suppress something from within him. He continued to walk whilst he tried to regain his composure.

But on the same hall, someone came and picked up the goo with his two fingers and looked at it. The person was none other than Night Shine, who then looked back and saw Roland disappearing down the hall.

At the same time, as Mikey walked, he then said “Guys, I don’t know if I should bring this up, but I’m getting a weird vibe from our new friend.”

“From Roland?” said Sunset “About what?”

“Like, I don’t know, like he’s hiding something.” Said Mikey.

“Like what?” said Leo, showing interest this time instead of the past.

“Not hiding something bad like ‘I’m secretly going to stab you in the back’, but like ‘I’m so ashamed and afraid that all of you will never accept or trust me’, kind of hiding something.”

The others looked at one another with flexed eyebrows.

“Like what Mikey?” said Shine Boy.

“I don’t know,” said Mikey “But I can’t point my finger at it.”

“Eh, don’t worry,” said Raph “We’ll get to it when we get there.”

“And if he does, he’ll tell us when he’s ready.” Said Fugitoid.

“I hope so.” Said Mikey “The last thing we need is another incident.”


They soon walked down the halls and to the training room, for they know perfectly well, their hunt for the stones and saving their worlds have only just begun.

Author's Note:

The part from where they make food by scanning your tongue was a reference to Jimmy Neutron.

The characters Skonk and Dr. Abigail were from Magical Mayhem by Jebens1

Roland's Warrior's Rage was a reference to Kratos' Spartan Rage from God of War.

The part where Shredder talked about how he'd absorb them into his being was a reference to one of the villains from Max Steel.

The part where Roland took down the small patrol was a reference to Splinter Cell Blacklist.

The Prime Turtles were released on 1983, but I chose to call them Prime, because they were sort of the beginning of the franchise that started it all.