• Published 24th May 2022
  • 3,628 Views, 1,028 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

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Alternate Origins

Author's Note:

Welp, here you go.
Took a lot longer than expected. But it was worth it. Enjoy to your heart's content.

Though it had been many hours since their fights in both New York and in Canterlot City, both parties were wondering what this was about. Who was Venus, Roland and their group bearing the symbols of the Hamato Clan? Why were there new Foot Bots that were twice as dangerous? How did Grandpa Max know them? There were too many questions and they needed answers.

“Dude, how the heck does that guy Roland know about Grandpa Max?” asked Mikey.

“I have no idea,” said Leo “But one thing’s for sure. Something big is about to go down.”

“Wait, I’m a bit lost…” said Sonata as she raised her hand.

“Which you sometimes are.” Retorted Aria.

Sonata glared at Aria, but then asked “How did you know this Grandpa guy?”

“It was about some time ago.” Said Twilight “Bishop contacted us and told us of Alien activity in Bellwood. We were teleported there and met a teenager named Ben Tennyson. He was wearing a device called the Omnitrix. It was created by an alien scientist who sent it to earth for safe keeping. Ben accidentally found it when he was ten. The Omnitrix merged with him and he somehow gained the ability to turn into any aliens on the list, but he only started with ten, hence the name Ben 10. Until in time he discovered that there were more aliens he could turn into.

He even has different teammates to help him out.” Said Sunset “There’s his cousin Gwen Tennyson. She studied magic for years and also found out that she’s part alien. Then there’s Kevin Leven, who has the power to absorb any matter and use it as a second armour to fight bad guys. Then there’s also Rook, an alien from the planet Ravana. Then there’s also his grandfather/leader, Max Tennyson. He’s a legend among the organization known as the Plumbers.

“Plumbers?!” said Mondo as he laughed a bit “Seriously? What the heck kind of dumb name is that?”

“Do not joke about them Mondo.” Said Mona Lisa “The Plumbers were known to be the Galaxy’s Intergalactic police force, comprised with every alien throughout the galaxy. They were weary of us because of our people constantly fighting them, as well as Lord Dredge’s race, the Triceratons and the Sludge Puppies.”

“Sludge Puppies?” said a confused Indigo Zap.

“Oh, aliens comprised of mud.” Said Mikey. “We should know, they have a cousin who happens to be one, but can shapeshift into a human.”

“That’s right.” Said Mona “The Plumbers fought them to a standstill, until a Sludge and a human fell in love. The Sludge could shapeshift into a human, allowing them to be together. There were a few disagreements, but they were able to make it work.”

“Wait,” said Juniper “If the Plumbers are also enemies of the Triceratons, why didn’t the Plumbers come to help us?”

“From what they could tell,” said Donnie “The Triceratons had sent a large force to keep them occupied so that they didn’t interfere with their plans.”

“And last I heard, they were at odds with Mona’s race.” Said Raph.

“And what of this cousin who happens to be a sludge?” asked Rockwell.

“She joined law enforcement,” said Pinkie Pie “She’s the first ever Sludge Puppy to become a Plumber, graduated top of her class and got promote four times. No wait, five!! She became a Commander.”

“And if her kind could join,” said Mona “We felt we could do the same, so we reached out to the Plumbers and wished to join them too. It was a long road of trust, but they were able to accept us. My Commander is personally helping them train the new recruits.”

“And I guess this Grandpa Max is a Plumber?” asked Sunny Flare.

“More than that,” said Casey “The dude’s a freaking legend. He’s turning sixty seven and he’s still a major awesome warrior.”

“Given the way you’re describing him I can believe that.” Said Sugarcoat with her usual bluntness.

At the same time, Donnie, Leo and Mikey, even Raph, were having their own conversations with Roland.

“I gotta say dude, you really got the moves out there.” Said Mikey.

“I’ll say, that was quite the impressive swordsmanship I’ve ever seen.” Said Leo “Especially that technique you used”

“It’s called Ryujin no ken wo kurae.” Said Roland “Which means ‘Take my Dragon blade’. It’s a rare technique that allows your sword’s power to be intensified and be able to cut any strong armour and metal in half. It takes a lot of Chi energy to summon it.”

“Though you didn’t need to use it when you did something to your sword earlier.” Noted Rockwell.

Roland pulled out his sword and showed them. “This sword is almost like any type of katana. Which some called it, the ‘Hamato’s blade’. But as you can see, I added a feature that allows you to twist the holster, allowing the edge of the blade to be heated in order to cut through metal as well. The hotter it gets, the stronger it gets.”

Donnie held onto the sword and looked it over, whilst also saying “Fascinating. How did you come up with that idea?”

“Little something I learned from Raph.” Said Roland.

Raph was a little surprised by this, even the turtle brothers. “Really?” asked Leo.

“Yeah,” said Roland “That one time he came up with that idea when he faced a spiritual version of Fish Face during his spirit quest.”

The four were taken aback by this, but none were more taken aback than Raph, for no one knew about what they faced. The only ones they did tell to were Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami and the Rainbooms.

“Alright then, enough with the riddles.” Said Raph “You still haven’t explained much of who you were.”

“Keep your shell on Raph.” Said Roland “You’ll get your answers, but only until we get to Grandpa Max. He knows the situation and he’s the one who calls the shots. Or do you really want to tick him off like you did when you encountered Dr. Animo a while back?”

Raph was once more taken aback by this, but remembered the last time he angered Grandpa Max, and that’s something he doesn’t want to do again.

One of the hooded figure sometimes kept staring at both Rainbow and Fluttershy, as if he really wanted to tell them something, but he kept it a secret until they reached their destination. At the same time, some of the Rainboom members began to get to know Venus.

“So you’re also a turtle?” said Fluttershy.

“I am.,” Said Venus.

“You look a bit different than the Turtles,” noted Rarity “But I have to say darling, you simply have a remarkable figure.”

“Thanks.” Said Venus with a slight blush.

“Y’all were pretty impressive too.” Said Applejack “Y’all weapon is almost the same as April’s. Only in a different design.”

Venus took out her weapon and said “Some fans come in different shapes and sizes. I just felt compelled into accepting them. It was as if it was speaking to the real me.”

“I know the feeling.” Said Rainbow as she looked at hers “I didn’t know why Splinter gave me this when I first trained, but after a while I got used to it, as if it was just as awesome as me.”

Venus couldn’t help but roll her eyes and smirked at that.

“So uh, quick question?” said Beebop “Where’s this base located?”

“Underground of Bellwood.” Said Sunset.

“Then why are we going into space?” asked the master thief whilst pointing out of the window.

Everyone looked outside of the window and were surprised to see that they were indeed in space.

“Whoa,” said Indigo with stars in her eyes “We’re actually in space.”

“But why?” said a confused Spike “I thought we were going to the Plumber base?”

“We are,” responded one of the hooded figures “It should be straight ahead.”

They looked out of the window again, and true to behold, it was indeed a base of some sorts, but it was a massive space station, which took them all by surprise.

“Whoa,” said Casey “Did they build a new base?”

“Nope, it’s the same one, but they moved it to space.” Said Roland, which caused many to look at him. “Ben will explain once we get there.”


Very soon, their transport landed in the Plumbers’ hanger bays. The ramps opened and lowered themselves, allowing Roland and his team to move down first, with the Rainbooms and many of the guests in tow. Everyone minus the Turtles, Fugitoid, Rainbooms, Casey and April, looked around in awe and amazement of what they were seeing around them. But what was more surprising, was the aliens going back and forth.

“Whoa,” muttered Ray “I’ve never seen so many.”

“You get used to it.”

Everyone turned around and saw four familiar people walking over towards them. Which happens to be none other than Ben Tennyson, his cousins Gwen, his partner Kevin, and his partner Rook.

“Sup Turtles and Rainbooms.” Said Ben.

“Ben, long time no see.” Said Sunset as she came over and gave Ben a fist bump.

“And Gwen, darling, so good to see you again.” Said Rarity as she gave Gwen a hug.

“Good to see you to Rarity. It’s been a long time.” Said Gwen after she broke the hug.

Casey greeted Kevin and held his hand in a grip. “Nice to see you again Kev.”

“Right back at ya case.” Said Kevin “Still kicking butt?”

“Like always.”

“Ah, Fugitoid. Wonderful to see you again.” Said Rook.

“You too Rook.” Said Fugitoid.

“And I see a fellow Salamandrian is with you.” Said Rook when he noticed Mona.

“Ah yes,” said Fugitoid “Out companion joined us a while back and have stayed with us ever since.”

“And I see all of you have brought some friends over.” Said Ben.

He motioned the Rainbooms and Turtles’ friends who looked around in awe.

“Oh yeah, they’re with us.” Said Pinkie Pie “We’re more of a packaged deal.”

Ben nodded in confirmation, then looked to the others and said “So what’s been going on since we last saw each other?”

“Things have been pretty normal a while lately,” said Leo “But we just got under attacked by Foot Bots.”

“Those ninja robots you guys encountered a while back?” asked Ben.

“That’s the one.” Said Raph.

“Ben.” Said Roland, which Ben recognized “We’ll be going to Grandpa Max.”

“Ah, not so fast.” Said Gwen “Go check the infirmary. You know the rules.”

Roland groaned and said “Fine.”

Roland, Venus and their team soon left, with Rainbow asking “Do you have any idea who they are Ben?”

“Not really.” Shrugged Ben.

“They were working alongside Magister Tennyson and Azmuth for a short while,” said Rook “But they didn’t say anything, only to keep it secret. And only be shared when the time is right.”

“Given the Foot Bots,” said Applejack “Ah think now would be a good time to talk about it.”

“Agreed.” Said Ben “Come on, let’s go.”

They were about to leave the hanger, when all of a sudden “Wait, is that my ship?!”

The Rainbooms and Turtles stopped and looked surprised, for what Fugitoid pointed at, was none other than Fugitoid’s old ship.

“Whoa, not just your ship,” said Mikey “Your past self’s ship.”

“Does that mean…?” said Raph as he was curious.

“We’ll explain later…” said Ben as he motioned them to follow them.

They soon left the hanger and walked down the hall, with many of the guests in tow.

“So Ben,” said Donnie “Since when did you guys build a base in space?”

“We didn’t,” said Ben “This is the same base you lot entered a while back.”

“Whoa, it is?” said Mikey “What happened?”

“You guys remember Rook’s Master from his home planet?” said Ben.

“Vividly.” Responded Twilight bitterly whilst rubbing her left shoulder. “My shoulder still sometimes hurt from thinking about it.”

Rook explained as he said “A while ago, he came back and sought revenge. He tried to destroy the Plumber base, but due to recent events, he ended up launching the base in outer space. We arrested him, but the damage was done. Seeing that we could no longer return the base to its original standing ground, we agreed that the base would remain in outer space. Now we monitor threats on both sides.”

“Fascinating.” Said Donnie.

“And at least this place has a proper view. It is, as one of your old friends would say…prodigious.”

The others couldn’t help but chuckle on that, for that’s something their old friend Izzy would say.

“Guys?” said a familiar voice.

When they looked ahead, to their shock, it was none other than Team Shine, comprising of Shine Boy, Gamer, Shiner Girl, Love Shine, and the tall brooding guy Night Shine, or as he’d prefer to be called, Luke Bedding (Cause he hates the name Night Shine).

“Team Shine?” said a surprised Rarity “What are you doing here?”

Shine Boy shook Leo’s hand and said “We were busy on a mission, until we got a call to come straight here the moment, we were on our way home.”

“Wait,” said April whilst looking at Ben “You guys know them?”

“Sure do.” Responded Ben.

“Team Shine helped many Plumber operations in our campaign against criminals.” Said Rook.

“Turns out Lewej, Ripley and Gladitron are top of the Plumbers and Galactic Authority’s most wanted list.” Said Gwen.

“Would’ve also gone smooth if Night Shine bothered to be a team player.” Responded Kevin. Night Shine growled at him, for he hated being called that, with Kevin saying “Well it’s true, don’t get snippy on me.”

“Still same hothead since last we saw comrade Luke?” asked Rocksteady.

“Sometimes.” Said Gamer.

“Any idea who else is here?” asked Twilight.

“We were about to ask you the same thing.” Said Shine Girl.

“They mentioned about us going to the debriefing room.” Said Fluttershy.

“Then let’s get going,” said Shine Boy “Don’t want the old man to get cranky because of our timing.”

“If we do, then that means we get less chance of him serving us centipede gumbo.” Responded Night Shine.

Many shuddered and shivered from that, with Adagio asking “Are you serious?”

“Trust me,” said Gamer “The guy has weird tastes.”


They soon entered the room, they saw Grandpa Max talking to Azmuth whilst he and a few Galvin tinkered away with a device, whilst different colored looking tubes were next to him.

“Grandpa Max, they’re here.” Said Ben.

Max looked at them and said “Glad all of you could make it.”

“We were surprised that you also wanted to see us Mr. Tennyson.” Said Twilight as she and the others stood near the old timer.

Leo then turned to the others and said “Everyone, this is Ben 10 and Gwen’s grandfather, Max Tennyson, and the alien with the engine is a Galvin scientist named Azmuth.”. Leo turned to Max and said “Max. These are our friends back home. The Mighty Mutanimals, the Shadowbolts, Juniper Montage, the Dazzlings, Karai, and Shinigami.”

“Glad all of you could make it.” Said Max “We wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important.”

“You mean other than the new Foot Bots that attacked us?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“It’s tied to that.” Said Azmuth whilst tinkering onto the device.

“What is that?” asked Donnie.

“A dimensional Generator.” Said Azmuth “We’re going to use it to call over a few people in this meeting, seeing that they’ll be involved in this too.”

“Whoa,” said Twilight “Where did you get that?”

“Remember that weird sales alien we met a while back?” said Ben.

“Vividly.” Said Applejack in a bitter tone, thinking about that alien made her think about the Flim Flam Brothers.

“He had a device that made me travel to another dimension by accident.” Said Ben “Rook and I reached out to him, but the device he had was damaged after he came back from his trip. Thankfully he forwarded the plans to Azmuth, so he was able to build a new one from scratch without any problems.”

“Oooh, who are you inviting over to the party?” asked Pinkie Pie in excitement.

“Two dimensions and a group of friends that all of you might know.” Said Azmuth “Namely Zordon’s rangers and Equestria and another dimension that no one talks about.”

Some of them were surprised, with Sunset asking “Wait, you know Equestria and our friends from Angel Grove?”

Azmuth peaked out of the generator and smiled whilst saying “Who do you think helped the Morphing Masters built the Morphing Grid and helped the Pillars made the Elements of Harmony?”

Everyone was stunned when Azmuth mentioned them. After tinkering a few things here and there, he was able to finish and closed the generator’s panel. He turned to them and said “That should do it.”

“You think they’ll arrive?” asked Ben.

“We both had already sent out messages to the Utrom Council and the other dimensions,” said Max “They’re only waiting for our signal.”

Mikey gasped and said “Are you going to invite Crash Bandicoot and the others too?! I love those guys!!”

Pinkie and Sonata were excited too, but then Max said “I’m afraid not. We did send out a signal, but they said no. Same with the other dimensions and that city filled with Beast Men.”

“Aww.” Sighed the three Goofballs, for they really wanted to see them again.

“Be prepared everyone.” Said Azmuth before he pushed the button on the generator.

The generator fired four beams, allowing four portals to open further from each other. Once the portals were stabilized, the first handful of individuals walked out.

From the first portal, came the Utrom Council. Namely King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Pawn, and a new Utrom they haven’t seen before.

From the second portal, came Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, Trini and Tommy, aka, the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

From the third portal, came Princess Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6, along with Blade, Starlight and the Young Six.

And from the fourth portal, came Batman and Nightwing.

“Wait, King is here too?” said Pinkie Pie as she was surprised to see him. “And who’s the other Utrom?”

Princess Twilight looked around and was surprised to see where she is. She looked ahead and were surprised to see a certain group.

“Leo?” said Princess Twilight surprised. “Wow, this is a great surprise.”

“Princess Twilight?” said a surprised Sunset Shimmer.

However, the rest of the Mane Five and Rainbooms were suddenly shocked to see one another, causing them to move towards one another and looked at them straight in the eye.

“Okay, this is just weird.” Said Applejack.

“Y’all got that right.” Responded Pony Applejack.

“Wow,” said Rainbow Dash “Even in another world I look awesome.”

“Well hey, you’re not so bad yourself.” Said Pony Rainbow Dash whilst hovering and observing her human counterpart.

“Oh my darling,” said Pony Rarity “What a beautiful dress you have.”

“Why thank you,” said Rarity “And you simply must tell me who did your lovely mane.”

“Oh my, um, hello there.” Said Fluttershy whilst greeting her pony counterpart.

“Hi there, I’m Pinkie Pie. Really? That’s my name too. Do you love parties? I love parties!!” responded both Pinkie Pies at the same time with wide grins on their faces.

“Oh great, there’s two times the madness now.” Muttered Raph.

“At least I can tell the difference between the two,” said Mikey before he muttered “One of them being the only ones who actually believe me.”

Suddenly Pony Pinkie got into his face and said “Will you stop bringing that up!!”

“Actually,” said Pinkie Pie as she grabbed her pony counterpart and said sternly “I’d like to have a word with you.”

Pinkie suddenly grabbed Fluttershy and her pony counterpart and brought them to a corner. Some watched as Pinkie scolded her and Fluttershy’s pony counterpart for not believing Mikey and turned their backs on him.

Princess Twilight then looked at herself and said “That’s strange. I thought we would be turned into humans.”

“That is strange.” Said Starlight.

“Not exactly.” Said Azmuth, gaining the Princess’ attention.

“Oh? Who are you?” asked Starlight.

“My name is Azmuth.” Said the scientist. “I am a Galvin from Galvin Prime and the creator of the Omnitrix.”

“Oh,” said Princess Twilight as she remembered him now “I know you. Sunset told me about you when she last visited. I’m quite surprised that there are more beings whose intelligence are the highest.”

Spike then asked “So what did you mean by not being strange?”

“What I have used was just an ordinary gateway.” Said Azmuth “The one you’re referring to is a concealment Gateway.”

“There’s a difference?” asked Spike.

“Of course.” Said Azmuth “Normal Gateways are when you open a portal to any dimension, but still retain your original form as you travel between realms. Concealment Gateways allow you to change your appearance whenever you travel to any of the world’s dominant species. Whilst inhibitors are placed on your abilities, your forms will change to fit into the world’s society.”

Princess Twilight, Starlight and Spike were surprised by that revelation.

“So that’s why we kept changing forms the moment we crossed into different worlds.” Said Spike.”

“That’s ingenious.” Said Princess Twilight whilst scratching her chin “I’ve been asking over and over why the mirror kept changing our appearances whenever we travel. But I never considered that there were two different types of gateways.”

“When it comes to science or magic, one tends to keep an open mind.” Responded the Galvin.

The Mane 5 on the other hand were amazed when they saw that they were in space whilst they watched from the window.

“We’re actually in outer space?!” exclaimed Pony Rainbow Dash as she looked outside. “Awesome!! Somepony pinch me.”

When all of a sudden, Mikey came along and pinched her flank.

“Hey!!” yelped Rainbow as she automatically kicked Mikey, causing him to fly across the room and landed in front of his brothers.

“Really Mikey?” said Leo with a flexed eyebrow.

“What, she said to pinch her.” Said Mikey.

“I don’t think she meant literally.” Said Donnie.

At the same time, Zack looked around and said “Whoa, so this is what it feels like to be on an alien ship.”

“We’ve been on an alien ship before Zack.” Reminded Trini.

“Yeah, but not an alien ship that wants to kill us.” Responded Zack.

Tommy noticed his friends, allowing him and his fellow Rangers to walk over to them.

‘Sunset, Leo, good to see all of you again.’ Said Tommy as she shook their hands.

“Good to see you and the others again too, Tommy.” Said Sunset.

“We haven’t seen all of you since we helped took down Rita a while back.” Said Leo.

“So how’s it going down in Angel Grove?” asked Sunset “Is Rita still giving you guys trouble?”

“Not anymore.” Said Jason “Not since Lord Zedd came to power.”

“Lord Zedd?” responded the two different leaders.

“He’s a new threat that came to Angel Grove a while back.” Said Kimberly “When Rita failed to destroy us on our last battle, Lord Zedd came along and took power. But not before imprisoning her and banishing her to space. But we even hit a few snags along the way.”

“What happened?” asked Leo.

“I ended up losing my powers.” Responded Tommy.

“What?” said both the leaders at the same time as Sunset asked “What happened?”

“After the spell on me was broken,” said Tommy “I discovered that the Green Ranger Power was only temporary, so now the Green Ranger powers are gone for good.”

“I assumed you left the team?” asked Leo.

Tommy couldn’t help but smile and showed them a new Morpher, whilst saying “Not exactly.”

“Whoa,” said Sunset “A new Morpher?”

“That’s right.” Said Tommy “Whilst I was away and took a break before deciding to go back home, Zordon and Alpha suddenly teleported me to their Command Center, and ended up creating a new White Ranger power. I even have a Zord called the Tiger Zord. Once that was done, I ended up becoming the Leader of the Power Rangers.”

“That’s great Tommy.” Said Leo with a wide smile.

Sunset playfully slapped his shoulder and said “Way to really step up.”

At the same time, Mikey went over to the Young Six to see how they were doing.

“So, you three doing good?” said Mikey.

“Sure have Sensei Michelangelo.” Said Ocellus.

“I hope you three have treated Bright Eyes with respect?” said Mikey.

The lot winced at that, with Gallus walking up and said “Look, we admit, we’re not proud of certain events. How we treated Ace and how our teachers didn’t trust Bright Eyes and the new students despite different circumstances. But we’ve been trying to make up for our mistakes and stood up for Bright Eyes when Headmare Twilight and her friends went too far. But in the end, we made things right and we’ve been on the straight and narrow ever since.”

Mikey eyed them suspiciously, then smiled and said “Glad you learned your lesson. But next time, be more open minded and not being jerks.”

“We promised.” Said the Young Six.

At the same time, Princess Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity and Applejack walked over to Batman and Nightwing.

“Batman,” said Princess Twilight, “It’s good to see you again.”

“Good to see you to Princess Twilight.” Said Batman with a normal smile. “Despite the circumstances.”

“I know what you mean darling.” Said pony Rarity “One minute I was busy minding my shop, and the next thing I knew, we were summoned to come here.”

Pony Applejack noticed Nightwing and said “Who’s this feller?”

“This is Dick Grayson.” Said Batman.

“But like my superhero identity,” said Batman’s former sidekick whilst rubbing the back of his head and said “Call me Nightwing.”

“Whoa,” said Pony Rainbow Dash in excitement as she said “So you were once the first Robin that Batman took in to be his partner until you two had a falling out, left and became your own superhero called Nightwing?!”

The said ponies looked at Pony Rainbow surprised whilst Nightwing looked at her with a flexed eyebrow.

“Uh, yeah…” said Nightwing as he was a little confused. “How did…?”

“She was spying on us.” Said Batman, which surprised the others. “Rainbow was hiding among the clouds and spied on us. And her tail was sticking out of the cloud so it was obvious to know who it was.”

Pony Rainbow chuckled sheepishly whilst rubbing her hoof at the back of her head.

“I heard from Sunset that they ended up in your universe?” said Princess Twilight.

“They did.’ Said Nightwing, but then nervously rubbed the back of his head and said “Although…”

“Raph and Applejack had a grudge against me.” Said Batman plainly.

“Really?” said Pony Applejack “Why would they do that?”

“Raph resented Batman because they beat him in a fight and Applejack resented him because he called her dumb.” Said Nightwing “That and Bruce kinda used them.”

“What?” said pony Rarity “Darling, whyever did you do that?”

“I was merely testing them to see how they fought.” Said Batman “When they fought their skills in Ninjitsu is formidable.”

“But they still had a few kinks to work out.” Said Nightwing “Meaning they still had a lot to learn.”

“Plus when they mentioned about the Krang’s Mutagen,” said Batman “I saw how they mutated most of the criminals from Arkham, so I wanted to observe and see how dangerous they are.”

“Ah, like Shadow Spade,” said pony Rarity as she realized what he was getting at “To focus on attention to detail, and to see if they measure themselves to be on your level.”

“Precisely.” Said Batman.

“How do you know how he fights?” asked pony Rainbow Dash.

“I watched him train and fight when he and his friends were in Equestria.” Said pony Rarity.

“Although Applejack didn’t think so and she held a grudge, even at me when I kept secrets.” Said Nightwing.

“Really now?” said pony Applejack as she didn’t like the sound of her counterpart not trusting Batman enough “Ah outta have a word with her later.”

At the same time, the Utrom council approached the Turtles and Rainbooms once they came together.

“Turtles.” Said Bishop “It is good to see all of you again.”

“Good to see you too Bishop.” Said Donnie.

“And King is here too?” said Twilight “I thought he was busy looking after one of our friends’ counterparts from their world?”

“He was summoned here too.” Said Queen.

“Qui,” said Pawn “If King was summoned, zen ze situation must be dire.”

Mikey then noticed a new Utrom with King, nearly resembling Fugitoid from the 03 Universe. “Huh, who’s that?”

They looked at the new Utrom, with Rook saying “That there is G’Alavad. Or in case you wonder, the new Knight.”

The others were surprised to hear this, with Raph being suspicious and says “Really?”

“There is no need to cast suspicion Raphael.” Reassured Bishop “After Krang Subprime had been put away, we Utrom tried our best to rehabilitate him, but he proved that he was beyond help. Until one day, King came and decided that to complete the council, we needed a replacement. So he recommended G’Alavad. He had helped your turtle counterparts from time to time, and so he chose to join our ranks as the new Knight.”

“And we can also assure you, he is very well mannered.” Said Queen.

They then saw both King and the new Knight walk over to Batman and Nightwing.

“So you must be Batman, otherwise known as Bruce Wayne.” Said King, though Batman just kept staring at him, not wanting to take any chances.

“I understand your mistrust.” Said King “We are beings from different worlds and you do not know us. We are even well aware of your encounter with the Rainbooms and the Turtles. And we can assure you that though we come from different worlds, we are on the same side. We both fight for Justice and peace and wish for the safety of others. We both have the same goal. You may not trust us, but we trust you. All that we ask for is a chance.”

King extended his robotic hand, with Batman kept staring at them. After a few seconds from his glare, Batman chose to shake King’s robotic hand.

“When I first met the Rainbooms and Turtles, I was at first suspicious.” Said Batman “But if they can trust you, then so can I.”

“Excellent.” Said Knight “And if you wish, we’d be more than welcome to help upgrade your arsenal with our technology. If you will allow us that is?”

“I’m up for it.” Said Nightwing “I’ve been meaning to upgrade my equipment anyway.”

Leo decided to walk over to Grandpa Max and asked “Mr. Tennyson. What’s this all about?”

“Our guests will be here soon to explain the situation.” Said Max.

“We’re here.” Said Jen.

They saw Jen walking in, with Roland, Obaki and Venus in tow. The Equestrians minus Sunset were surprised to see Venus.

“Whoa, another Turtle?” asked dragon Spike.

“And appears to be female.” Said Blade.

“Did the others had a sister that we never knew about?” asked pony Rainbow Dash.

“We’ll explain things in a moment.” said Roland before he and his group sat down.

“Sorry it took so long,” said Jen “Turns out the medics took a bit longer cause he was overdue for a checkup.”

“Given how he saved a little kid’s life, I can’t blame em.” Said Lemon Zest, remembering how the boy saved the little girl from certain death.

Roland looked at Azmuth and asked “Were you able to decrypt it?”

“Yes, the decryption is complete.” Said Azmuth “We will begin once you’re done explaining.”

Roland nodded and sat down on a large crate with his head lowered, with Obaki choosing to stand and Venus sitting next to him, whilst the other three hooded figures were standing near him. He partially looked up and saw everyone was around him. He closed it again and said “I don’t even know where to begin.”

Grandpa Max came and held his shoulder, which made him look at the old man, showing some encouragement in his face. “Try from the very beginning.” Said Grandpa Max.

“Alright, but first thing’s first.” Said Roland, then he looked up and said “Paradox, you there?”

Within a split moment, Paradox appeared, whilst holding a handful of glowing canisters in his hands.

“Indeed.” Said Paradox “Sorry it took so long.”

“Paradox!!” said the Rainbooms and Turtles as they were surprised to see him.

“Wait, you guys know him?” asked Sour Sweet.

“They sure do.” Said Ben “Paradox was a normal scientist who was experimenting with a time portal. Until it malfunctioned and got sucked through it. He was trapped inside the timestream for a while and he ended up learning about it and used it to travel through time. He occasionally comes to help us or asking us for help whenever there’s something that could affect the timeline.”

“But what’s with the Steampunk makeover?” asked Indigo Zap.

Jen filled in as she said “Paradox was forced to take a more active role because the entire timeline got thrusted into a time war.”

“And we were kinda involved in it.” Said Ben.

“Same with us.” Said Pinkie on behalf of her and her friends, which surprised the others.

“What’s in those canisters?” said Donnie when he noticed the canisters.

“First thing’s first.” Said the Professor as he used his power to lift them. “Catch.”

He tossed the Rainbooms, Princess Twilight, Spike, Dog Spike, the Turtles, Casey, April and Fugitoid a canister each. However, the moment they caught them, the energy from within suddenly merged with them. When it was done, they quickly let them go.

“Whoa, what was that about?” asked Dog Spike.

“Those energy that combined with you, appear to be your past selves.” Said Paradox.

The others were shocked to hear this. “What?” shouted Donnie “Have you lost your mind?! It could have disastrous consequences.”

“Ah, but you forgot about the Balance effect.” Said Paradox.

“Balance effect?” said the ones who touched the canisters.

“Indeed.” Said Paradox. “As time is rewritten to undo a certain event, there will be two individuals who exist in the same timelines. One from the original, and one from another timeline. As time is fixed, two cannot exist in the same plain of existence. However, there is also something called the Balance effect. Your past self instantly turns into energy and merges with you. You will still retain your memories and experiences, and the said individual will exist as the only one.”

“Whoa,” said Mikey excited “You mean that since our past selves are able to merge with us, restoring balance in the timeline, we don’t have to worry about our past selves being destroyed and us ceasing to exist?”

“Precisely.” Said Paradox.

“Fascinating.” Said Fugitoid “I have studied the timeline multiple times, but never have I thought about another alternative that not even I have thought of before.”

The said people were relieved to hear that and also excited about it too.

“Now then,” said Paradox “Roland, I believe they deserve to know the answer?”

Roland agreed, for this has gone on long enough. He took a deep breath and said “My name is Roland Hart-Burnett. But I suppose I could go to my other name. Roland Hamato.”

The Turtles, April, Casey, Karai and Rainbooms, even Princess Twilight and dragon Spike were surprised to hear that name.

Casey was the first to ask out of caution and said “You…wouldn’t happen to be related to Hamato Yoshi now, would you?”

“He’s, my father.” Responded Roland.

The ninjas from New York and Canterlot City in the room had their jaws dropped by that revelation.

“That’s impossible.” Said Karai as she stepped forward “My father only had one child, a daughter. I don’t have a brother.”

“Yeah, what she said.” Said Mikey, whilst he and his brothers agreeing as they remembered how they ended up in the past by accident when they first met Shen. “Plus you don’t even look like him.”

“He is from another dimension.” Said Roland “Besides, I got my looks from my mother’s side of the family, nearly resembling to her father.”

The others were surprised by this, with Twilight asking “Wait, you’re from another dimension?”

“That’s right,” said Roland “From coordinates 0508, on Earth 2022.”

“Ooh, like the day this story first began.” Blurted Pinkie Pie.

“I know, right.” Said Pony Pinkie Pie.

Everyone in the room was confused by what the two of them said, but decided to let him continue.

“Whoa, another dimension?” said Mikey, until he got excited and said “Do you guys have free pizza where you came from?!”

And within a split second, Raph slapped Mikey behind his head. When all of a sudden, out of instinct, Roland stood up, grabbed Raph’s tongue, pulled it out and bonked his head hard, making the hotheaded turtle bite his own tongue.

“OW!!” bellowed Raph as he held his mouth shut, which surprised the others. He looked at Roland angry and said “Why you little…!!”

Before Raph could move, Roland looked at him with his own harsh stare, making Raph stand stiff still. The way he looked at Raph…that was the exact same look Splinter gave him when he was younger.

“Show. Your brother. Some…respect.” Said Roland as he pointed at Raph, making the turtle take a step backwards. The others were surprised by this, even his look.

“No way,” muttered Donnie “He really is Master Splinter’s son from another dimension.”

“Yeah, he’s totally got the same stare he does.” Said Rainbow as she noticed.

“Wait.” Said Mikey, gaining their attention, then he walked over to him with a suspicious eye and asked “What other proof do you have that we’re brothers?”

Roland groaned and rolled his eyes, for he couldn’t believe he was doing this. He gestured Venus to play that one specific song, causing her to go over to a nearby portable music player and played the song.

(Bear with me on this one)

Roland stood up and stood next to Mikey, with the party turtle surprised as he knew that song. When all of a sudden, Roland began to dance, and Mikey followed suit. Everyone was surprised to see how well synced they were. When the music was over, both Roland and Mikey did a pose.

Mikey took a big gasp and with great excitement, zipped over and hugged Roland, shouting “We really are brothers!!”

Some were a little amazed by that, with Leo saying “Wow Mikey, first shadow puppet skills and this? When did you have the time to do that?”

“I always wanted a hobby.” Said Mikey.

“I thought making dozens of Pizza flavors was your favorite hobby.” Said Keno.

“That’s a food hobby,” said Mikey “This is my dance hobby.”

Roland sat back down, with Karai saying “If we have the same father, then we both came from different mothers, meaning we’re…”

“Half siblings, yeah.” Said Roland.

“So who’s your mother?” asked Fluttershy.

“Her name is Alison R. Hart-Burnett.” Said Roland “But most of you know her from a different name.”

“What’s her name?” asked Sunset.

“Lady Jay.” Responded Roland.

“Wait, Lady Jay?” said Adagio as she immediately picked it up “As in the GI Joes, Lady Jay?”

“That’s the one.” Said Roland, surprising the ninjas.

“Wait,” said Shinigami “How did they meet?”

“Shortly after Shredder took Miwa away.” Said Roland. “She accompanied Snake Eyes, for he was planning to visit him. When they arrived, they found him crying after he lost everything. They stayed by his side for a while and Splinter chose to honor Chen’s wish by going to America. Lady Jaye chose to stay with him. They fell in love for a while and a year later, I was born. But at the same time…”

“He adopted four baby turtles.” Said Raph with his eyes rolling “We already know this.”

Venus cleared her throat, gaining their attention. She then said “Five…baby turtles.”

They pondered, and then it clicked as the turtles stared at her in shock.

“You?!” exclaimed the Ninjas from New York, with the Ninjas from Canterlot High just as surprised.

“That means…” said Mikey slowly, then he gasped and smiled widely and immediately darted over and hugged her and exclaimed out loud “We’re siblings!!”

Venus couldn’t help but role her eyes and smile whilst patting her brother from another dimension’s head.

“And as the story goes, then he encountered the Krang.” Said Roland “He and the turtles all mutated, but my mother, fearing what would happen, took me to safety.”

“Father took Leo and the others to safety,” said Venus “But my mutations came a bit late. I ended up being dragged to the middle of the ocean and ended up floating all the way to China, where the Shaolin Monks found me, adopted me and trained me in the ways of not just Ninjitsu, but other forms of martial arts too.”

“Whoa,” said Keno in surprise “You got trained by the Shaolin monks?”

“As well as the Hamato Clan,” said Venus “It turned out half of them survived Shredder and his Foot Clan’s attacks.”

“We didn’t meet until the day Casey came into the picture.” Said Roland.

“Whoa,” said Mondo “So you ended up missing like fifteen years of your life with your brothers. That’s harsh dudette.”

“And what about you?” said Bandit “What happened after your mom took you to safety.”

“Mom spent her time trying to look for dad, but couldn’t find him.” Said Roland, but then he looked down in sadness and said “But she also spent a long time looking for me.”

“Looking for you?” said Starlight.

“I was kidnapped when I was five years old.” Said Roland.

The others were surprised by this as Gallus asked “By who?”

“The Shredder.”

All of them were taken aback by this.

“Shredder had a very twisted idea on how to train his ninjas before switching over to robots.” Said Roland “He captures and kidnapped tons of kids and puts them in his own type of prison. And for the past year, they beat you, poison you, whipped you, burn you, break your arms and your legs, waits for you to heal only for them to do it all over again. He repeats that for an entire year, until he finally breaks you and indoctrinates you to serve under his whim so that he could train you with no resistance.”

All of them were horrified by this, even some shredded a few tears.

“And if you want proof.”

He stood up and pulled his shirt up and lowered a side of his pants and showed him his left thigh, which had ten cut marks and a burnt skull on the side, which shocked them.

Karai recognized it and said “The mark of the Foot Clan’s Elite Guard. Shredder had that idea a long time ago, but by the time I turned five, he dismissed the idea.”

“I ended up escaping when I turned six.” Said Roland, “That’s when my mother and Snake Eyes found me. We escaped, and helped many other kids who hadn’t been turned to serve the Shredder. But…Snake Eyes’ master came along and offered to train me. I ended up being under his tutelage and became a master fighter when I turned eight. Every bit of my childhood was…gone. Like the old me didn’t exist anymore.”

“Whoa, major bummer dude.” Said Casey.

“That’s when I met Mikey.” Said Roland “Then I ended up meeting the rest and my father. My mom found him and she was overjoyed. They tried to make it work, but because of Splinter’s fear of the surface and my mom being called to duty by the Joes, they were forced to go their separate ways. I chose to train with my brothers until I was twelve. Then one day I got a letter…no more mom.”

They were shocked to hear that the Lady Jaye from his world was gone.

“I felt lost for a long time,” said Roland “And by the time I turned sixteen, I needed to clear my head, that’s when I first went to Canterlot High and met the Rainbooms. Sunset had begun to tear folks apart through lies, but I saw through them and showed it to everyone. At first, she wanted to get rid of me, but instead I tried to help her, see from right and wrong. And before she could put on the crown, I stopped her, telling her that this isn’t the way. She wanted to get rid of me again, but somehow…she didn’t. Because she realized I became her first friend. I chose to stay at CHS and chose to help those in need, same way I did for the Dazzlings. And around that time Princess Twilight came, that’s when we went to New York…and that’s how we met the Turtles.”

Many were surprised to hear his story, even how all of them met differently.

“Fascinating.” Said Donnie “Different worlds, different possibilities.”

“Where in every world,” said Rockwell “Each of them have different outcomes, where instead of one thing happening, another began instead.”

“And though some worlds stay the same,” said Twilight.

“The differences would be the individuals alongside them.” Said Sugarcoat in her monotone voice.

Lemon Zest looked at Obaki and Venus and asked “So what about you two?”

“Obaki joined later on in our group when he showed some potential.” Said Venus with a straight face. “As for me, about a month before father perished, I traveled to New York to find him. That’s when I bumped into Roland whilst he was on patrol. He took me to the lair and he introduced me to the Turtles. They realized I was the fifth Turtle that went missing and they welcomed me there.”

“Except for Raph,” said Roland “He always did have trust issues.”

“I can relate to that.” Said Bandit, which Raph growled on the other hand, even if it was the truth.

“We continued to be friends for the next few years.” Said Roland. Then he looked down in sadness and said “Until recently.”

“What happened?” asked Pony Applejack.

Roland had an angered look on his face as he said “The Shredder.”

They were shocked by what he revealed, even some gasps.

“What?!” said Leo “But I thought Shredder died in your world too.”

“In our world he survived.” Said Roland, much to their shock. “I don’t know how, or how it’s even possible. But he somehow got back and was de-mutated. He looked exactly the way he looked before the fires burnt his face when he stole Karai from our father.”

He showed them a hologram of Shredder via a small device he pulled out, but in a new look they’ve never seen before, which surprised everyone in the room.

“And since that time, whilst we were partially trying to live our lives and also trying to help others in need, he was slowly biding his time.” Said Roland whilst he explained, as well as some new Foot Bots. “He found a way to different worlds and got what he wanted. Then he secretly gathered his allies and constructed new Foot Bots, with new fighting forms and also brains from different martial artists.”

Roland turned the hologram device off and said “Then about a few years later, that’s when he struck.”

“And we beat him, like we do to a ton of bad guys.” Boasted Rainbow.

However, the look on his face said otherwise, which they caught on.

“We didn’t, did we?” asked a concerned Sunset.

“No, we didn’t.” said Roland, much to the others’ worry. “When the Shredder attacked, he attacked us with a power that none of us had ever seen before. He was too powerful to face. Anyone who did…they didn’t survive. We fought hard…but to no avail. He attacked us on both worlds when he opened a portal and personally brought us all to New York to fight him.”

Roland than looked at them as he had to bear a saddened look.

“The Mane Six, Spike, the Turtles and the Rainbooms, along with Casey, April, Karai, Shinigami, Beebop, Rocksteady and the Dazzlings…” said Roland, but then he lowered his head as if the hurt was still fresh “They were the first ones to fall.”

The ones he mentioned were shocked and horrified by what Roland revealed, especially their allies, with Grandpa Max and Azmuth looking away, confirming what Roland had told them.

“Wait, Shredder…killed us yo?” said Bebop in shock.

Roland still looked hurt as he said “Not just them.”

They then dreaded what he meant.

“What do you mean?” said Leo.

Roland looked at them and said “He didn’t just stop from there.”

That’s when Roland revealed more, which took them all the hardest.

“Starlight Glimmer, the Young Six, the Pillars of Equestria, Tempest, Blade, Princesses Celestia and Luna, Sapphire Night, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, Angel, Buffy, Gabby, Bright Eyes, Team Shine, the Mighty Mutanimals, Shadowbolts, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush…”

But what he said, stunned them the next.

“Ben 10 and his team, Usagi and his home dimension, Batman and his team, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, Carmen Sandiego and her group, the Spy Racers, Creepie, the Crystal Gems, the Digidestined, the GI Joes, along with every single Power Ranger throughout History, anyone of them that could’ve helped us were all destroyed.”

All of them were greatly horrified by what he revealed, with Zack saying “Did you say every single Power Ranger throughout history?”

Roland gave him a serious look and said “Every. Single. Power Ranger throughout history.”

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were greatly horrified by this. For not only them, but every single Ranger for future generations were also wiped out.

“And…” said Roland “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and the Rock N Beats. They were the last ones to…to…”

Roland held his mouth as he wanted to break down, but he had to stay strong. However, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were horrified by what he revealed about the fate of their little sisters and fan and friends.

“What you see here,” said Venus “Roland, Obaki and myself…we’re the only ones left.”

Many were horrified by what he revealed, even Team Shine had a hard time grasping of what Roland had revealed. Some sat down as they nearly wanted to collapse in horror.

“That monster.” Muttered Karai. “I can’t believe he went farther than he already did.”

“That’s why we’re here.” Said Obaki “We really need your help.”

“How?” said Twilight “From what you told us, the Shredder wiped us out, how can we help?”

“Because we were able to buy ourselves some time.” Said Venus “Before we came here, we were able to get what data we could from the Shredder’s mainframe and got what we came for. As far as we could tell, they were still occupied on his world whilst we would decrypt the data.”

“What data?” said Pinkie Pie.

“This data drive Roland brought.” Said Maxwell as he pointed at it whilst Azmuth was working on it.

“After he got here, I immediately began to decrypt on it.” Said Azmuth “My other me decrypted it so that only I could. Once we do, we can figure out the Shredder’s plan and try to prevent it whilst trying to find a way to defeat him.”

“And how’s the decryption going?” asked Gamer.

“We were able to decrypt half of it so far.” Said Azmuth “And from what it revealed, was what gave Shredder his power. Five different ones in fact.”

“And during that time,” said Roland “We were able to gather a few good people who excelled at their training. Three of them that some of you might know.”

Some were confused by this. The third hooded figure removed his hood. And the Turtles, Rainbooms and New York allies immediately recognized, especially Rarity.

“Amethyst?” muttered Rarity as she felt herself blushing.

“Yo, Amethyst, long time no see.” Said Mikey as he casually walked on over and extended his hand.

Amethyst managed a smile and shook Mikey’s hand and said “Good to see you to Michelangelo. It’s been too long.”

The second removed his hood, and a certain party girl was surprised to see a familiar face. Making her gasp in joy as she instantly darted over and hugged him.

“Invictus!!” exclaimed the happy Pinkie Pie.

“Hey Pinkie.” Responded the boy whilst rolling his eyes, but couldn’t help but smile at her affection.

“Friend of yours?” asked Shine Girl.

“Sure is.” Said Pinkie “Victy and I were old friends back in kindergarten all the way to elementary. But then he and his family were forced to move when his dad got another job out of state. We ended up becoming pen pals and wrote to each other by e-mail once a week.”

“And whenever Pinkie had the chance,” said Invictus “She would somehow miraculously track me down and surprise me during Summer Vacation, even the holidays. She was the one who got me out of my funk when I was little after being bullied. But thanks to her, I found a reason to keep on going. You could say I owe my little party balloon big time.”

Pinkie couldn’t help but blush and said “Aw, Victy.”, before giving him a hug and nuzzling her face against his. Some couldn’t help but find it very amusing.

The third one moved close to both Rainbow and Fluttershy, which confused the two.

“What?” said Rainbow.

The third hooded figure showed a present, then ended up getting pied in the face, which shocked the two of them. Rainbow wiped the pie from his face as the guy was laughing.

“Why you little…” said Rainbow as she was about to hit the dude.

“Rainbow no.” said Fluttershy, until she looked at him and said “That was very mean. You’d better apologize.”

The guy laughed and said “Ah, Flutter Butterfly and Skidashie. Always full of fire and spirit.”

The latter blinked at the names, making them look at each other.

“Skidashie?” muttered Rainbow.

“Flutter Butterfly?” muttered Fluttershy.

Then it clicked for both of them.

“Wait…” said a surprised Rainbow as she and Fluttershy looked at him.

“Only one person used to call us that.” Said Fluttershy.

The second figure removed his hood, revealing his black hair with a silver line as well as two pairs of silver colored eyes as he smiled and said “Who loves you baby?”

“Silverbolt!!” exclaimed the two girls in excitement as they rushed over and gave him a hug.

“Wait, you guys know him?” asked Gamer.

“Know him?!” said Rainbow in her excited tone “He’s a really old friend of mine and Flutters.”

“The three of us went to Cloudsdale Elementary together.” Said an equally excited Fluttershy.

“That’s right.” Said Silverbolt “We’ve been friends for a really long time and did everything together. That was until I moved away. Plus I didn’t know their numbers so it was kinda hard for me to keep in contact. But that was until after the Friendship Games I bumped into them.”

“We even tried to catch up for lost time.” Said Fluttershy.

“So how did you bump into Roland?” asked Rainbow.

“After we went home after the whole uh, memory stone incident,” said Silverbolt “Roland and I bumped into each other and he asked us to be part of the group. He even trained me, Invictus and Amethyst.”

“You trained them?” asked Leo.

“That’s right,” said Venus “Roland happens to be a master sensei. He was not only trained in the art of ninjitsu, but also karate, jujitsu, kung fu, Krav Maga and a few animal related martial arts.”

“Whoa, that’s wicked dude.” Said Casey.

“But aren’t you a little young to be a master sensei?” asked April.

“Yes, yes I am.” Responded Roland.

“Can’t argue with that logic.” Said Pinkie Pie.

Azmuth’s generator suddenly beeped. Allowing him to walk over and activate it.

“Azmuth?” said Max.

“Apologies.” Said Azmuth “But Roland wanted a handful of individuals over.”

“How so?” asked Indigo Zap.

“Because it’s something they’ve encountered before.” Said Roland “And once they hear this, then it’s a reason to worry.”

Once Azmuth was done, three more portals opened, allowing eight individuals to come through.

One was wearing a red and blue suit, with an S on his chest. The third was a tall and strong woman, which some of the guys couldn’t help but gawk over. The fourth was an African American wearing a black and green suit, bearing the mark of a lantern of sorts, with another Caucasian male bearing the same outfit. The fifth was a man in red with a yellow lightning bolt in the middle. The sixth was the same, but he had yellow lightning bolts on his wrists, his waist and also around his gloves. The seventh was another strong woman, but she had wings. And finally, the eight was a green man wearing blue boots, a blue cape and red straps around his chest.

Many were surprised by the individuals, but Batman knew them all too well.

“Where in blazes are we?” asked the African American. He then noticed another next to him and said “Hal?”

The one called Hal looked at the one and said “John? What’s going on here?”

“Wait, Wally?” said the one in red addressing the other.

He looked at the other and said “Uncle Barry? What are you doing here? Last I heard you were busy time traveling trying to stop Reverse Flash.”

“Took care of him a while back, but I had a bit of trouble finding my way back.” Said Barry “Somehow, I made it here. Wherever here is.”

The one with the S noticed Batman and said “Batman?”, and walked over to him, with the rest of the leaguers going with him. “What’s going on here?”

Wally blinked in surprise and said “No way. Princess Twilight and her friends?”

The said ponies were surprised and happy to see them again as they came forward.

“Good to see all of you.” Said pony Fluttershy.

“All of you too.” Said Wonder Woman as she gently petted pony Fluttershy. But then she noticed Fluttershy and the others. "And it is wonderful to see all of you again."

"You can say that again." said Rainbow Dash.

"Still, we had one heck of an adventure." said Pinkie Pie.

Superman looked at Batman “So what are we all doing here?”

“He brought us here actually.” Said Batman when he pointed at Roland.

“Him?” said Barry “How so?”


After a brief explanation, the League were shocked to hear this.

“Great Hera.” Muttered Wonder Woman.

“So there’s a guy that wiped us all out?” said Wally “But how?”

“If you don’t believe me,” said Roland “Martian can link my mind and show you if you need more proof.”

Martian Manhunter was a bit unsure about this, until…

“J’onn” said Roland, gaining the Martian’s attention. He then spoke in his language “I wouldn’t ask you this if I didn’t trust you.”

Martian widened his eyes and was surprised that he knew the language. Within mere moments, J’onn used his mind to link everyone with Roland’s. That’s when they saw it.

How Shredder had survived, how he observed from the shadows, how he obtained massive power and used them to strike. The Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Turtles, the Shadowbolts, the Mighty Mutanimals, the Pillars, their allies from both the human world and Equestria, Ben 10 and his team, Usagi and his home dimension, Batman and his team, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, Carmen Sandiego and her group, the Spy Racers, Creepie, the Crystal Gems, the Digidestined, the GI Joes, along with every single Power Ranger throughout History, were all dead and Shredder roared in victory.

Once it ended, everyone was horrified to see the Shredder come to power and wiped them out. They looked at Roland as he said “Now you see why he needs to be stopped?”

Everyone looked at one another in concern. For if the Shredder in his world destroyed them in the other world, then all of them would be in terrible danger.

“Have they made their appearance in your world?” asked Superman.

“They did recently.” Said Donnie “The Foot attacked us in New York.”

“And us in Canterlot City.” Said Juniper Montage.

“And if they’re here.” Said Obaki “That means Shredder’s made a new one from scratch and is sending his advance forces through.”

“But what’s he after?” asked Jason.

“I’m gonna take a guess here.” Gamer walked up pulling out a marker and board. “Knowing power hungry dictators, Shredder wouldn’t be satisfied with worlds and dimensions. He then would want to rule the next thing- multiverses and alternate realities.”

“Precisely, and during our time going over the encryption.” Said Azmuth “We came across a stone like this.”

He then pointed the Red Stone behind him that was glowing, emitting a different type of energy, which surprised everyone when they saw it.

“This stone was in one of my vaults on Galvin Prime.” Said Azmuth “I asked Ben Tennyson and his group to accompany me and help retrieve it, considering that the security system wouldn’t respond to my commands. Once we retrieved it, we studied it and discovered it had dimensional properties.”

“Wait,” said Twilight “Dimensional properties? As in travel through them. I thought the Utrom tech could be used.”

“You must remember Twilight Sparkle,” said Bishop “There are many ways to travel to different dimensions. Some with technology, some with magic. Like the mirror portal all of you used a while back.”

“That’s right.” Said Princess Twilight “When we faced the Triceratons we used Krang Technology to travel to different dimensions. And the mirror portal, the one on the island and a handful of others are the only ones that can be used for travel.”

“If they have the stone,” said Shine Boy “What’s Shredder planning to do with it?”

“He plans to use it to travel to one specific location.” Said Roland. “Right before we erased his entire database, I saw where he wanted to go.”

“Where to?” asked Wally.

And then Roland said two words.

“Earth Prime.”

The Justice League, Barry and Hal, minus Wally, John and Hawkgirl were shocked to hear this as they looked at one another, which the others noticed.

“What the heck is that?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Batman, then looked at the Superman, to which he nodded. He walked to the center and spoke to all of them.

“Long ago before there was thought.” Said Batman, remembering what an old adversary told him “There was a single planet. One Earth, with a single history. But with the coming of man came the illusion of Free Will. And with that Illusion, came Chaos. With every decision we make, we literally create another world.”

The others were fascinated by this as he said “History branches in two. Creating one Earth, where we made a choice. And a second, where we didn’t’. That’s the secret of the Universe. Billions of people, making billions of choices, creating infinite Earths. Some so similar to each other you can spend an entire lifetime searching for a distinction. Others so radically different, that they defy comprehension.”

Everyone in the room were surprised by this, with Keno asking “I assume that you lot had that kind of experience?”

Some of them looked uneasy at one another, with some deciding to tell them.

“A few months before Darkseid was defeated and both Wally and John were away on a mission,” said Superman “We encountered a different Luthor from another world, where he was not only the leader of the Justice League, but also the only surviving member.”

“Wait, Luthor, a good guy?” said pony Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

“That just feels wrong.” Admitted pony Applejack.

“Believe me, the feeling was mutual.” Said Superman.

“They were taken over by group of criminals, calling themselves the Crime Syndicate.” Said Martian Manhunter “They consisted of Ultraman, Owl Man, Superwoman, Power Ring, Johnny Quick, and the late J’edd J’arkus. They ruled their world with fear and the Government pretended to ignore them in order to maintain some minimal order, but they refused to be ignored. And they realized that they couldn’t make a move on them because of their fear. And the only thing that keeps them from overthrowing their government, is the threat of a nuclear response. So Luthor came here asking for help.”

“Turns out Luthor came here to hide a pure energy called a Quantum Trigger, a single source of pure energy.” Said Hal Jordan “They wanted to use it as part of a bomb, capable of destroying their own planet.”

“Destroy their own planet?!” exclaimed Donnie “Have they lost their mind?!!”

Wally looked at Fugitoid, who noticed the robot looked sad and asked “Is the robot okay?”

“Sorry about that,” said Roland “The bomb thing kind of reminded him of his mistake.”

“Like what?” asked John.

“He created a blackhole generator as an alternate energy source,” said Roland, which surprised Fugitoid that he knew about it “But then the Krang, enemies of the Utrom, came along and paid for his device. He ended up giving in to his greed. And in turn, the Krang ended up using his device to destroy their enemy’s homeworld. And since that time, their enemies demanded that he made them weapons but he refused, he didn’t want his invention to fall into enemy hands again. So they killed him. But before he died, his robot assistant saved him by placing his brain inside of it, thus the professor was able to live on. Since then he tried to make up for his mistakes.”

The Leaguers were surprised, which Fugitoid looked down in guilt. Barry came over, held his shoulder and said “You don’t have to feel that way. We all know what it’s like to make mistakes. The only thing we can do is move on and try to help make the world a better place.”

Fugitoid was able to smile and said “Thank you.”

Roland looked at the others and said “continue.”

“We were able to take the fight to them,” said Barry when he went back to the group “But the government was still afraid to fight back. So we eventually took the fight to their moon. But it turned out, one of their members, Owl man, wanted to try something insane.”

“He was going to take the bomb to Earth Prime,” said Wonder Woman “He wanted to detonate and destroy it. And if he succeeded into destroying it, he’d end up destroying all of reality.”

All of them were surprised by this, with Mikey saying “Man, and I thought the fight to the Turtle Prime world was tough.”

“We tried to go there, but we were somehow locked out of it.” Said Superman “But Luthor deduced that we needed a speedster to open it.”

“So the Flash helped?” asked Casey.

“No, Batman said that I was too slow and that I couldn’t reach my top speed.” Said Barry, which baffled the others. But then he gestured and said “Wait and hear the rest.”

“So Johnny Quick was able to help open a portal.” Said Batman “I took the fight to Owl man and were able to defeat him by teleporting both him and the bomb to an ice planet, where it blew up there instead. When I got back, I tried to tell Johnny to stop vibrating. But then as he stopped, he was a frail hundred year old man.”

The others were surprised by this, even Wally.

“What happened?” asked Leo.

“It turned out that every speedster is connected to the Speed Force.” Said Barry “But if we use too much of it, we ended up paying a much greater price. If we overuse it, we’d end up aging rapidly and turn into dust.”

Everyone was shocked by that revelation, even Rainbow as she suddenly felt herself afraid and looked at her geode, even if she wasn’t connected to the speed force.

“And it turned out Batman knew it was going to happen.” Said Barry.

Everyone looked at Batman surprised except for Roland, with him saying “Batman knew it was going to happen because he also studied the Speed Force. And if Barry had used it, he would’ve died too. So in a way he saved Flash’s life.”

Everyone in the group were still surprised by this, with Wally saying “It nearly happened to me too when I wanted to stop Luthor. But thanks to my friends I was able to come back.”

“Now you see the importance of why I called you here.” Said Roland as he stood up and looked at everyone.

“I came here to warn all of you of what his plan was.” Said Roland “Shredder has gone great lengths to reach that world and ensured that what he is planning will become a reality. That’s why I came here and asked for your help. But if you don’t want to be part of it that’s fine. Just know that all of you will be part of something bigger. Shredder’s already gone to each of your dimensions and recruited all of your enemies to their cause. And he will stop at nothing until the Multiverse is wiped out. But like I said, it’s your choice.”

Everyone looked at one another, contemplating of what they should do. Then they looked back at him.

Princess Twilight was the first to take a step forward, with her and her friends with determination. “Normally we would never leave Equestria undefended. But if what you said it’s true, then our world will still be in danger. We’ll go with you to stop him.”

“Same goes for us.” Said Sunset on behalf of herself and the Rainbooms.

“Count us in.” said Leo on behalf of him and his team and friends.

“It’s not even a question.” Said Slash on behalf of him and the Mighty Mutanimals.

“We’ll help too.” Said Juniper Montage on behalf of her and the Shadowbolts.

"As will we." said Shine Boy on behalf of Team Shine.

“We’ll help too.” Said Sandbar on behalf of himself and his friends.

“The Utrom will provide any assistance we can.” Said King on behalf of himself and the Utrom Council.

“Same for us.” Said Superman on behalf of himself and the Justice League.

“Same here.” Said Tommy on behalf of himself and the Rangers.

“Like we’re going to say no.” said Ben on behalf of himself and his team.

“Then it’s settled.” Said Venus.

“First thing’s first.” Said Batman “From the glimpse we saw Shredder, he appeared to have obtained large amount of power. If he did, it would explain how he defeated our counterparts so easily.”

“Good point.” Said Leo “If we can find a way to depower him, we could have a better chance at beating him.”

“Do we happen to know what kind of power he took?” asked Nightwing.

“Thanks to the device we encrypted we already have the answers.” Said Max.

“He gained five different power sources that gave him his power and made him unstoppable.” Said Roland.

“Five different power sources?” said John Stewart.

“Like the Green Lantern Corps who’s source of power is will and their main power battery from Oa,” said Azmuth, gaining the Green Lanterns’ attention “So too has the Shredder’s.”

“Who are you?” asked Hal.

“A visitor from another dimension.” Said Azmuth, who simply smirked and said “And the one who taught your Guardians everything they knew, how to create their power, even had a hand of helping create the Speed Force and Themyscira when the Amazons needed a sanctuary.”

The Green Lanterns, Flashes and Wonder Woman were shocked and surprised by his revelation.

“Anyway.” Said Roland “Shredder gained his power sources from five different locations. One of them is something that both Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer have knowledge over.”

“We do?” asked the pony and pony turned human.

“Yes.” Said Roland “You’ll know it as Grogar’s Bell.”

Both of them gasped as Princess Twilight said “Grogar’s Bell? As in the, Grogar’s Bell?”

“You know what it is?” asked Ben.

“As well as who.” said Sunset “Long ago before Equestria was founded, Grogar was an ancient Necromancer who was also known as the king of monsters. He led the monsters and controlled every creature. And with the power of his bell, his powers were greater than what any had ever witnessed.”

“So how was Grogar defeated?” asked Wonder Woman.

“A Unicorn named Gusty the Great.” Said Princess Twilight “She took away his bell and used it against him by stripping him of his own power and sealing him away for all eternity.”

“That’s right.” Said Roland. “The second one came from a crystal only known by Homeworld and the Diamonds.”

“I know of it.” Said Azmuth “Homeworld once asked me to help them construct a power to help them create their own colony worlds. But I told them on the condition that they would use it on uninhabitable planets only. And after what happened to the Crystal Gems on Earth, I warned them that the next time they did that, I would have no choice but to destroy their planet.”

“You’d really do that?” said Wally surprised.

“Trust me, he would.” Said Roland “You don’t want to mess with him when he’s in a bad mood. Anyway, the third one is powers from the Dark Code from the Digital World.”

“Wait,” said Gamer “As in home to our friends the Digimon and their partner Digidestined?”

“That’s right.” Said Roland.

Shine Boy then whispered to Team Shine “We’re gonna have to contact Gennai, Izzy and the others about this.”, to which they nodded in agreement.

Roland then looked at the Power Rangers and said “The fourth one is from the Dark Grid.”

Tommy suddenly felt a chill in his spine, and said “You don’t mean…?”

“Drakkon’s source of power.”

The Rangers paled and that with widened eyes and shock. Both the Justice League and the Rainbooms, their pony counterparts, Turtles and allies were confused by this.

“Who in the hay is Drakkon?” asked pony Applejack.

Tommy was reluctant, but he gestured Roland if he could, to which he nodded, allowing Tommy to speak.

“All of you are familiar with parallel versions?” asked Tommy.

“We have some…experience.” Said Superman cautiously, remembering the time when he and the Justice League fought the Justice Lords.

“In another world, after I became the White Ranger.” Said Tommy “Rita Repulsa came back and somehow corrupted me again, and combined it with the Green Ranger power she brought back, I became an unstoppable menace and became Drakkon. Drakkon’s first act was to kill Jason, Alpha and Zordon, enslaved Billy to be his chief engineer, turned Kimberly into his queen and Zack and Trini into the resistance. He even killed Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. He took over the Morphing Grid, turning it into the Dark Grid, and created Ranger sentries, thus making his world into his own personal domain.”

“Great Hera.” Said Wonder Woman as she and many others, except for Batman, were surprised by this.

“He then attacked our dimension.” Said Kimberly. “We fought the best we could. But…” she then trailed off and didn’t want to think of that nightmare again.

“Drakkon ended up murdering Tommy.” Said Jason, shocking everyone in the room.

Night Shine spat out some coffee he was drinking and looked at him with a flexed eyebrow, before saying "You look great for a dead guy."

"We're getting to that." said Zack.

“With Tommy gone, he began to focus on the other Rangers throughout not just timelines, but dimensions as well.” Said Billy. “Some were defeated, some joined his cause and many tried to put up a spirited fight, but they didn’t stand a chance.”

“We were able to unite all the Rangers.” Said Trini “But then a miracle happened.”

“I somehow got resurrected and challenged Drakkon to a fight.” Said Tommy “We succeeded into defeating him, but as his world slowly began to fall apart, I offered him a chance of redemption, but he refused. I had no choice but to leave him behind when all of us got back. We thought the Dark Grid was gone for good.”

“And if this Shredder guy somehow got his hands on it,” said Zack “Then every world out there is at risk and in danger.”

“All the more reason to tell Zordon about this.” Said Tommy. Then he looked at Roland and said “What else does he have?”

“From their world,” said Roland as he pointed at the League “The full power of both the Mother and Father Box.”

The League were shocked to learn of this.

“How the heck did he get that from Darkseid?!” said a shockened Wally.

“Shredder killed him for it.” Said Roland.

Now the League was greatly concerned for this.

“We’re going to have to contact both Mr. Miracle and Big Barda for help.” Said Martian Manhunter “Barda is the only one who knows the designs of the mother and father box inside and out.”

“We’re going to need a ride too.” Said Wally “No offense, but we can’t just go around jumping in random places, we’re going to need a mode of transportation where we can be properly prepared.”

“And luckily I have what you need.” Said Azmuth whilst activating a remote from his belt. He pointed at the window and said “And it’s right out there.”

When they looked outside, they were shocked to see the ship in front of them.

All of them were amazed to see it.

“When Roland came here for help,” said Azmuth “I asked the Galvin and other engineers from all over the galaxy to help travel to different dimensions. It has its own dimensional warp drive. It also has other things for travel. Kitchen, Training Room, Laboratories, Hangers, Garages and everything you’ll need to build up a proper arsenal.”

“That and also other forms of entertainment that can help one pass the time.” Said Ben when he whispered to the group.

“Mind opening the portals back our dimensions?” asked Tommy.

“Wait, you’re leaving?” said a perplexed Leo.

“If what Roland says it’s true,” said Superman “Then Shredder is a much more dangerous foe than we could ever imagine. And if he’s really going to Earth Prime, then we’re going to need all the help we can get on this.”

“And once we do, we will join you.” Said Wonder Woman.

“Very well.” Said Azmuth as he instantly handed the individuals from their own dimensions their own devices. “These devices will allow you to go to and fro from your dimension to the next. Once all of you have concluded your business, you will automatically be on board the ship.”

“Then we shall depart and make preparations.” Said Bishop as everyone from their own dimensions. Princess Twilight then thought about something and said “We’ll go back to our dimension too. We’ll need to inform Princess Celestia about this too. Once we’re done, we’ll join you via mirror portal.”

“You sure It’s a good idea?” asked Venus.

“What do you mean?” asked Princess Twilight.

“Only you, Starlight, Blade, Brightstar and the Young Six came through the portal and experienced yourselves as humans.” Said Obaki, “Except for…”

He motioned to the rest of the Mane 6, which left them surprised and realized this too. They’ve never been human before, so it would be their first time doing this.

“You know, he does have a point.” Said Starlight.

“Well forget it.” Said pony Rainbow, which they were surprised by her claim “There’s no way we’re going to let you go on your own. We already didn’t come with you on your last adventure, heck no way we’re doing it again!!”

The others nodded in agreement, until…

“Besides,” said pony Rainbow Dash as she suddenly smirked and said “If my other me looks awesome, then I wanna look just as awesome too.”

Everyone rolled their eyes, typical Dashie.

“Alright then, opening portal now.” Said Azmuth, allowing the Equestrians to go back.

Fluttershy suddenly came over and stood on her knees, gaining Princess Twilight’s attention.

“Yes Fluttershy?” asked Princess Twilight.

“Well, um…it’s good to see you again.” Said Fluttershy.

When all of a sudden, Fluttershy slowly scratched behind Princess Twilight’s ear, surprising the princess, and suddenly found herself smiling and humming.

‘Hmm, this is amazing.’ Thought Princess Twilight to herself whilst Fluttershy scratched underneath her chin.

She suddenly heard loud snickering. When she opened her one eye, she saw the Rainbooms and the rest of the Mane 6 desperately trying to hold in their laughter whilst they couldn’t believe what was happening before them. She then suddenly looked to one of her hind legs and to her shock, it was tapping, as if she was a dog or something.

“Okay now,” said Princess Twilight as she quickly retracted from the animal loving human whilst feeling embarrassed “I think we’ll get going now. See you.”

The pony Princess quickly went through, with the others following suit as they were planning to make fun of her in the future.

“But wait,” said Twilight as she realized something “If we’re going to leave, we’re going to have to tell everyone. We can’t miss out school.”

“Not to worry,” said Paradox “Time will be slow, so all of you won’t miss out much. But in the meantime if all of you are planning to travel, I suggest prepare everything you need for the trip. It’s going to be, for all of you, one big adventure.”

“You got it Paradox.” Said Kevin “We’ll see you soon.”

After Paradox left, Sunset looked at the others and asked “Let’s get back to Canterlot City guys. We’ve got a lot of packing to do.”

“Road Trip!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie as everyone left.

Roland stood up and walked over to Obaki and Venus, whilst Sunset kept a glance at Roland and felt herself blushing, but shook it off and moved on once they were out of sight.

Roland sighed and said “Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing telling them.”

“Do not think that way Roland,” said Rook as he stood next to him “You didn’t know that Shredder would eventually make his move.”

“He’s right.” Said Jen “We didn’t know the Shredder would come this soon.”

“And now that he made his move, we will need to step up our time table.” Said Max. “Which is why I’ve called half the plumbers and have them come with us. The ship’s large enough to store enough teams and enough soldiers per design.”

“And I’ll be coming with you.” Said Azmuth “Once everyone brings me the data needed on what Shredder had absorbed, I can work on a device that can exterminate his powers, leaving him vulnerable.”

“But we know he’s not going to make it easy,” said Roland “Not since he recruited everyone’s enemies to work for him.”

“Still,” said Gwen “It was a surprise that he convinced Vilgax and the Incurseans of all aliens to work for him.”

“Still, we can’t go in unprepared.” Said Max. “Whilst we go out to the other worlds to find more of those keystones, I’ll give the ones the Ninjas and Rainbooms helped in the past to give us all a call and see if they’re available to help us out.”

“In the meantime, let’s get to work.” Said Roland as he and the others left.


“So you can see why this is urgent.” Said Leo.

After they got back, they immediately called Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna, along with Principle Cadance and Captain Shining Armour to them and informed them of the situation. They were all horrified to have learned of what happened to them in the other world and what the Shredder has planned.

“I know you don’t want us endangered,” said Sunset to them “But if we don’t go right now, there won’t be a home for all of us to go back to.”

“That’s right,” said Leo “Which is why we need to do this. We’re the only one who has knowledge on how to fight him.”

The head of the schools and police station were weary of this, but given what they saw and faced, they understood why they needed to go.

Principle Celestia stood up and walked over to them whilst placing both her hands on Leo’s shoulder. “If you think this is the right call, we will not stop you. But the moment all of you are in trouble, we will be there to help. Deal?”

“Deal.” Responded all of them.

“We’ll need to cover you lot in the meantime.” Said Vice-Principle Luna.

“Agreed,” said Principle Cadance “We’ll make sure that your parents think that all of you are on a special class assignment that needs to be out of town just to be safe.”

“I’ll make sure mom and dad know about this too.” Said Shining Armour “I don’t want them to worry.”

“Thanks shiny.” Said Twilight as she hugged her brother. “We’ll see you soon.”

“Be safe out there Twiley.” Said Shining Armour whilst hugging her sister.

They quickly left to get their things ready whilst Celestia and the others immediately went to work.


“So you can see why this is urgent.” Said Princess Twilight.

In Canterlot, Twilight had called an emergency meeting that gathered the Royal Sisters, Tempest, the Pillars and the leaders of other kingdoms. All of them were shocked and horrified to learn of this new threat that wiped them out in the other world and is planning to do so again.

“Princess Celestia,” said Starlight Glimmer “We know that you don’t want us to go to the other world or it might bring unbalance to another world, but if we don’t do this, then all life throughout other worlds will be threatened.”

“She is correct your highness.” Said Blade “We need to take the fight to them, or else everyone, not just Equestria and the human world that would suffer, but every world out there.”

The leaders contemplated over this whilst looking at one another, even the Pillars were concerned about this new threat. Celestia stood up and looked at the others.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Said Princess Celestia, “Normally we would be against this sort of idea. But given the circumstances of what you have revealed and the true threat, we will allow this.”

“Indeed.” Said Princess Luna “We need all of you to go forth and face this threat. If we are to have a future, we need to ensure every creature’s survival.”

“We’ll gather as many allies as we can to help.” Said Princess Celestia “Once the time is right, we will join you.”

“As will we.” Said Starswirl the Bearded, “If this Shredder is indeed powerful, then we need to be prepared, otherwise we’d march in blindly.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.” Said Twilight.

“Smolder, you go with them too.” Said Ember “If Shredder’s a true threat, then you’re needed out there too.”

“You got it.” Said Smolder as she and the rest of her friends agreed.

“Then let us make haste, for time grows short.” Said Princess Celestia before Twilight and her friends left.

“Sister,” said Princess Luna “Are you sure it is wise for all of Twilight’s friends to go with her? She alone has experience in their world, and her friends are not ready for this.”

“I know Luna,” said Princess Celestia “But if what this Roland says it’s true, then all life would cease to exist. We encountered the Shredder and Krang from one world and both of them are buffoons. But from what they witnessed through telepathy of this Shredder, he is unlike any foe they have ever faced. If they are truly to succeed, then they will need each other, now more than ever.”

“I hope they will succeed together.” Said Princess Luna “We do not need another Mount Aris incident.”

Princess Celestia looked down saddened, and said “I wished we had done better. But I have faith that they will bring out the best in themselves.”

They soon left with the leaders and plan out their next strategy.


The next morning, in front of CHS, the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings, the Shadowbolts, Wallflower Blush, Sapphire Night, the CMC and their friends the Rock N Beats have gathered at the front of the school with their weapons and belongings, whilst at the same time, the Turtles, Mutanimals and their New York Friends arrived with their things too.

“Alright, we’re all here.” Said Leo whilst holding his backpack. “Now all we need to do is to wait for Princess Twilight and the others.”

At the same time, the mirror portal activated. Within moments, the Mane 6, Dragon Spike, Starlight, Blade, the Young Six, Gabby and Bright Eyes arrived. However, two more individuals arrived. One who was none other than Tempest Shadow, and the other one who looked like Sunburst.

“I know it’ll be strange at first,” said Princess Twilight to the ones who didn’t travel via mirror portal “But all of you will get used to this soon.”

They saw the rest of the Mane 5 trying to walk on two legs, but all of them were struggling greatly.

“Darling, how in Equestria do you ever walk on these?” said pony Rarity whilst trying to keep herself balanced.

“You get used to it.” Said Princess Twilight.

“Really?” said Spike whilst smirking and chuckling, “Cause the way I saw it you panicked and complained about not wanting to walk on two legs.”

Princess Twilight shot Spike a glare, making her assistant be quiet.

Mikey took a good look at them, then whispered to his bros, April and Casey “You know, looking at them, I can tell the difference.”

“Really, how?” asked Casey.

“The outfits for one thing,” said Mikey “I mean come on, those look familiar.”

They took a good look at them, with April saying “Now that Mikey mention it, I haven’t seen them in those outfits since they first visited New York.”

“And Princess Twilight doesn’t wear any glasses.” Said Donnie.

“You think it would’ve been weird if our Twilight decided to go for an eye surgery or something.”

“Mikey,” said Donnie “Even if she could, it’d be dangerous. The odds of one’s eyes getting fixed are always a million to one.”

“I’m just saying,” said Mikey “I mean if our Twilight did, and we were in the middle of a fight, she wouldn’t worry about losing her ability to see when she loses her glasses.”

Some wanted to say something, but then realized it, and Raph saying “Surprisingly, Mikey does have a point.”

And finally, Team Shine arrived with their things.

“Alright, we’re all here and set.” Said Shine Boy.

“Supplies are fully stocked, equipment is ready, sleeping quarters picked,” said Gamer as he went through the list. “We’re all set.”

At the same time, all of them saw a handful of transports from the Plumbers arrived from orbit and landed near them, allowing the ramps to be lowered. Ben and Roland were the first ones to climb out and stood near them.

“Alright everyone, it’s time.” Said Roland.

“Next stop, great adventures into the unknown.” Said Ben.

Everyone immediately climbed aboard their respected transports, allowing them to leave orbit and made their way towards their ship. As they approached, everyone noticed that the side of the ship was called, the “Hamato’s Hope”, which seemed fitting. The transports soon landed inside the hanger, allowing everyone to disembark, with Grandpa Max and the others waiting.

“Alright Mr. Tennyson, we’re all set.” Said Fugitoid.

“Good.” Said Max before he looked at one of the officers and said “Take them to their rooms and tell the boys to prepare for more to come.”

“Yes sir.” Said one of the Plumbers as he guided their passengers to their rooms.

“And Fugitoid.” Said Azmuth “Once you’re done, you’re more than welcome to join me in the lab. We have much work to do.”

“Indeed Azmuth, I shall be there at once.” Said Fugitoid before he left.

“Bridge, this is Tennyson, prepare for departure.” Said Max to bridge control.

The ship soon turned around and faced in the direction of space, whilst at the same time, opened a dimensional portal, allowing the ship to fly towards it. From within, everyone was watching from outside of the window and saw them flying into a dimensional portal.

Leo took a deep breath, and said “Here we go.”

Within mere moments, the ship had successfully flown into the portal, allowing it to close behind them.

One thing’s for sure, they’re now part of something bigger. The battles for their world were one thing. But the war for the entire Multiverse, has only just begun.