• Published 24th May 2022
  • 3,632 Views, 1,028 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

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Crystal Clear to the 80's

A few days had passed since their adventures to Turtle Prime World, so far nothing has happened. Roland on the other hand was busy looking through the stones they had as they were connected. He began to look through the Multiverse map, trying to find where the next stone might be. He took a sip of his coffee and ate a muffin whilst looking through the map.

“Hard at work?”

Roland looked from the corner of his eye and saw Leo, Sunset, Princess Twilight and Shine Boy coming in.

“That’s right.” Said Roland as he looked back. “I’ve been up since six in the morning.”

“Uh, isn’t that pushing a little bit?” asked a concern Sunset.

“I just want to make sure we find it.” Said Roland. “Plus you’re not going to believe this.”



Roland was on his way to bed and

“Yo, Roland!!”

Roland saw Rainbow Dash rushing to him.

“Rainbow? What’s wrong?” asked Roland.

“You’re not going to believe this.” Said Rainbow as she pulled out what appeared to be a tablet. “After we got back, I found this tablet placed there.”

He took the tablet and looked at it.

“It says that it’s from a spy called Patch Stripe.” Said Rainbow, “He said that Shredder was able to recruit our enemies from both our world and Equestria. Just like you said.”

Roland looked at her and realized what she said whilst he said “There’s a mole in Shredder’s group.”


“A mole?” said Leo surprised “As in a spy?”

“From what Rainbow told me, yeah.” Said Roland.

“Who did they recruit?” asked Sunset.

“From what the tablet said, from Canterlot City,” said Roland “The Purple Nightmares, those elemental warriors working for Kavaxas.”

“What?!” exclaimed Sunset, “They’re in on this too?!”

“They are,” said Roland “Along with Fishface, Tiger Claw, Stockman, and, you’re not gonna believe this, Rahzar.”

“What?” said Leo “I thought he was dead after we dealt with Kavaxas.”

“Not anymore it seems,” said Roland. Then he looked at Princess Twilight and said “You’re not gonna like this either.”

“What?” asked Princess Twilight.

“But apparently they also recruited Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, the Dark Turtles and Sombra.”

“WHAT?!!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight even louder.

“So it’s true,” said Shine Boy “Shredder’s certainly not taking any more chances if he’s recruiting our enemies.”

“And it’s only a matter of time before they recruit the enemies of all our friends.” Said Sunset in equal worry.

“Which is why I was able to send out a coded message to the others so that they’d be in the loop of this.” Said Roland.

“Speaking of which, any word from them?” asked Shine Boy.

“Nothing yet so far.” Said Roland whilst he closed the tablet and placed it into his pocket. “In the meantime, we should focus on training. After that, they can hit the showers. And maybe the turtles need a bath.”

“Excuse me?” said Leo.

“Come on Leo, after all the times you guys spent in a sewer, you lot could use a bath. Remember back at Usagi’s world?”

“Oh yeah, right.” Muttered Leo.

“What happened at Usagi’s world?” asked Sunset.

“Long story short, when we were in disguise and helped Usagi, the patrol’s leader caught our scent and identified us as intruders because we smelled weird.”

“But wait, we sometimes go in the sewer and we turned out okay.” Said Princess Twilight.

“That’s because you guys clean yourselves up after you guys help them out.” Said Roland. “That and when Rarity constantly made you guys shower.”

“So that’s why Rarity always makes us shower after we get back to our hotel.” Muttered Sunset.

“So, shall we?” asked Roland.

“Sure,” said Sunset “Seeing how you fought on the battlefield, we’d like to see how well you spar.”

“Just…be careful around Raph.” Said Leo.

“Oh don’t worry,” said Roland with a smirk “I got something in mind.”


Later in the training room, where they displayed a very large Dojo, everyone was hard at training, sparring with one another, trying to gain an advantage. Roland on the other hand took partial notes seeing them whilst he prepared his weapon too. He saw Mikey sparring against Raph. Knowing how it was going to turn out, he saw Raph delivering a punch to Mikey’s chest, making him stagger backwards.

“Mikey!!” called Roland out, gaining the turtle’s attention. “Rotate your shoulder to the left for a successful defense!!”

Mikey nodded. When Raph attempted it again, Mikey was able to rotate his shoulder, which allowed him to dodge Raph, then ended up grabbing his arm and tossed him over, leaving him surprised.

“Whoa,” said Mikey “That actually worked!!”

“Work on this!!” shouted Raph as he was about to tackle Mikey over.

Roland then took his cloth and tossed it against Raph’s face, blinding him in the process and making him fall over with a loud crash, gaining everyone’s attention as they stopped and saw that.

“Alright, cool your jets there hot turtle soup,” said Roland whilst taking off the cloth from Raph’s head whilst the hotheaded turtle scowled. “This is supposed to be a sparring lesson, not a battle brawl. You want an actual fight, save it for the enemies out on the field.”

“Yeah dude, you really need to chill out.” Said Ben.

“I am calm!!” exclaimed Raph.

“More like you wanted to tackle Mikey over because he was able to do a successful defense.” Said Venus.

“Plus you need to learn to fight smarter, not harder.” Said Obaki.

“He does have a point, Raph.” Said Casey.

As Raph growled a bit, Lucy popped in and said “Hey guys, don’t look now, but we’ve got visitors.”

Within a moment, a few familiar faces came in. One of them was a boy in his senior, bearing a gem by his belly, to which many recognized.

“Hey guys.” Said the familiar boy.

“Steven!!” said the Turtles (minus Raph) and the Rainbooms as all of them came over and hugged the boy and his friends.

“Glad you guys could make it.” Said Leo.

“Like we’d ever miss it.” Said the young woman with white hair who was shorter than Steven.

“When we got the call, it sounded very urgent.” Said the taller one who one would almost mistake for a ballet dancer.

“So naturally we came over as quick as we could.” Said the one in the same size as Steven, but in green.

“Uh, you mind introducing us here?” said Indigo, who felt very confused.

“Oh, right, sorry.” Said Twilight.

“Everyone, meet the Crystal Gems.” Said Rarity.

“The boy here is Steven Universe.” Said Sunset, “His father is a human and his mother was a Crystal Gem. His mom was known as Pink Diamond, but then she went undercover as Rose Quartz. When she was fascinated on how Earth was, she wanted to protect it from her home, so she faked her death and lived on Earth in peace. Then she met his dad. But when she gave birth, she sacrificed her physical form and now her gem is connected to Steven.”

"And this is Garnet," said Karai, "She's a fusion gem of both gems named Ruby and Sapphire. Both of them were under duress, until they were able to fuse together. In fact, both of them fell in love and with that, combined with their fusion, they chose to stay this way. She sort of became a mother figure for Steven, taught him from right to wrong, and she has the ability to see the future."

“This one here is Pearl.” Said Rarity, “She was once Pink Diamond’s servant, but chose to rebel with her and she stayed by her side for a long time. At first, she was very lonely after Pink was gone, but she ended up with a new family.”

“And this one is Amethyst.” Said Twilight, “She was supposed to be a soldier for Pink Diamond, but after the Crystal Gem’s so called defeat, she came out late. She wandered for a long time, until Rose found her and accepted her in the team.”

“And this one here is Connie.” Said Applejack, “She’s the first human friend of Steven who used to wear glasses, until he somehow healed her eyes and now, she can see without them. She even learned how to fight thanks to Pearl. She and Steven are also very close.”

“This rad gal here is Bismuth.” Said Rainbow Dash, “She’s like the totally awesome weapons maker of the Crystal Gems. Any weapon they used, she was the one who made it. She’s like, totally awesome.”

Bismuth laughed and said “Thanks for the praise my Rainbow friend.”

“And this here is Lapis.” Said Fluttershy, “She was trapped in the mirror and was also very shy and scared of joining, but after she got to know them more, she was more comfortable around them and chose to stay with them.”

“And this is Peridot.” Said Pinkie Pie, “She used to work for Yellow Diamond, but chose to rebel and stay with them.”

“Yes,” said Peridot nervously “It was a bit scary at first, but it also felt really invigorating.”

Leo introduced the Crystal Gems to the others.

“Crystal Gems.” Said Leo “Meet our friends. The ones over there are Princess Twilight and her friends, the Rainbooms’ counterparts from Equestria, along with their friends, Starlight Glimmer, Blade and Tempest, as well as the Dazzlings, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.”

“And these are the Shadowbolts,” said Donnie “These are Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap.”

“The ones over there are the Mighty Mutanimals.” Said Mikey “These are Slash, Leatherhead, Rockwell, Pidgeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Mona Lisa, Bandit Raccoon, Ray Fillet, Hokum Rabbit, Bebop, Rocksteady and Muckman.”

“These are also our friends from two different cities.” Said April. “That’s Wallflower Blush, Keno, Sapphire, Juniper Montage, Angel, Buffy, Burne Thomason, Tiffany, Trisha, Yoshi, Chen, along with Zach and Caitlyn.”

“These here are Team Shine.” Said Karai. “That there’s Shine Boy, Shine Girl, Gamer, Love Shine and Luke.”

“These are also Ben 10 and his friends.” Said Shinigami “That’s Ben, and his cousin Gwen. There’s Kevin. And these are their alien compatriots, Rook, Helen, Manny, Allen and the one who brought you in was Lucy.”

“Wow, new faces.” Said Amethyst. She then noticed six others and asked “Who are those guys?”

“Oh, that there’s Roland,” said Mikey as he listed them off, “The one over there is Silverbolt, an old friend of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. There’s Invictus, an old friend of Pinkie Pie’s. The one over there is Roland’s friend Obaki. The one over there is our sister from another dimension named Venus. And that there’s Amethyst Majesty, the boy who has a crush on Rarity.”

“Mikey!!” exclaimed Rarity whilst blushing.

“Really?” said Steven “How did that happen?”

“Long complicated story.” Said Rainbow Dash whilst rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“And if I might ask,” said Peridot before she pointed at Raph “Why is Mr. sourpuss in a bad mood?”

“Oh, I know that look.” Said Bismuth whilst rolling her eyes. “He’s sour because he lost a match again.”

“Technically it was a sparring match.” Said Garnett whilst she adjusted her glasses.

“I didn’t lose!!” shouted Raph.

“Sheesh, chill out Raph.” Said Connie “It’s not a contest, it’s a sparring match. And in matches, you train so that you can think of ways to improve yourself on the battlefield. You can’t keep relying on old tactics that would result everything to fall apart.”

Raph scoffed and said “What would you know?”

“Uh, maybe because she was taught by a master swordswoman who fought against Homeworld for a millennium?” Said Steven whilst pointing at Pearl.

“He does have a point.” Said Pearl.

“And it doesn’t hurt to learn new things.” Said Obaki.

“And that’s why we need to better up our game.”

Everyone looked to see Shine Boy walk up carrying a maroon mechanical staff.

“New staff?” Kevin asked.

“This is my CDA staff. Our friend Andromon made it for me as a birthday present.”

“What does CDA stand for?” Obaki asked curiously.

“Chrome Digizoid Armor. It’s the strongest metal in The Digital World. Check this out.” Shine Boy pushed a couple buttons as his staff converted to a war hammer, then a Battle ax, a rocket launcher, then finally back to a staff.

“Sweet.” Kevin grinned.

“But you still have your old staff?” Ben asked.

“Indeed. There’s always the possibility this could fail during combat or if possible, break. Besides, this old baby and I won so many battles together.” Shine Boy held up his original staff.

“Smart thinking.” Gwen nodded.

“Well you know what they say. The weapon is as good as the arm that wields it.”

“As well as the person who wields it does no harm unless attacked.” Said Obaki, who high fived Shine Boy.

“So then,” said Roland to the Crystal Gems “I assume you…”

“Hang on there. I’m not done yet.” Said Raph. “I want a rematch.”

The others groaned, knowing he wasn’t going to let this go.

“Dude, just drop it already.” Said Love Shine.

Roland on the other hand, knew Raph wasn’t going to let this go. However, when it comes to bets and honoring that bet, he has no choice. Which Roland smirked.

“Tell you what Raph.” Said Roland, gaining the hothead’s attention. “How about a little wager. You go against me. If you win, I’ll cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner and clean your room for a week.”

They were surprised that he would offer that, even Raph. He thought about it, and ended up smirking about it too.

“Alright then,” said Raph “If you win, which you won’t?”

Roland walked over to him, the two clashed heads, and he kept a stare on him and said “Then you will do exactly what I tell you to on the next mission. No quarreling, no whining, no complaining, no questions asked. Deal?”

Raph kept his smirk whilst saying “Deal.”

The two fist bumped, knowing a match was going to happen. Many began to feel excited as they would see Raph and Roland would fight, to see how well they handle themselves.

“So Garnet?” asked Amethyst “Who do you think will win.”

“I’m not saying anything,” said Garnet, much to Amethyst’s disappointment, “But I can tell you this. One of them will be given their just desserts.”

Both Roland and Raph were in the middle of the sparring mat, whilst Roland performed a few moves to remember the basics, whilst Raph stretched a bit. Roland then took out something from the counter and said “Catch.”

He tossed something to Raph, allowing him to catch it. He looked and saw that it was a mouthguard. He looked at Roland with a flexed eyebrow.

“What?” said Roland “First rule when it comes to sparring, always make sure you wear protecting gear in your mouth. You don’t wanna lose your teeth in the middle of a sparring match, do you?”

Raph merely shrugged and did what Roland said and placed the mouthguard in his mouth. However, he was surprised when Roland pulled out a blindfold whilst he said “Let’s make things interesting.”

He wrapped it around his eyes and made sure it was sealed tight, whilst he placed both his arms behind his back, preparing for a fight. Raph smirked and thought to himself ‘This is going to be easy.’

He charged towards Roland and delivered a jump kick, only for Roland to move to the left, surprising some to see his lightning fast reflexes. He kept dodging Raph’s punches, then playfully slaps him behind his head, making the hotheaded turtle growl in anger. He charged again and tried to kick Roland by the legs, but Roland used his other foot to block it, then dodged another attack. Which only angered Raph.

“Stop dodging and fight me!!” shouted Raph.

Some got worried, then Roland did a stance whilst holding his right arm out. Shine Boy perked up and saw the stance. Raph attacked again, and this time, Roland pictured something in his head. The moment Raph tried to strike him, Roland quickly parried left, blocked right and delivered a hard kick to the gut, making Raph back up and holding it in pain.

The Turtles, Rainbooms and Team Shine were surprised to see Roland land a hard hit. But Raph wouldn’t give up. Raph attacked again, with Roland picturing something in his mind again. Before Raph could deliver a punch, Roland wrapped both his arms around Raph, then kneed him hard in the gut. He twisted Raph around and delivered a hard left elbow strike.

Raph nearly fell over, and was surprised to feel a scratch on his forehead, which surprised some. Roland did his stance once more. As Raph attacked again, Roland pictured something in his head once more.

Raph tried to deliver a kick, but then Roland grabbed him by the leg and delivered a strong gut puncher, making Raph squirm as he staggered backwards. He then moved both his arms and rammed him in both the chest and gut, making him staggered backwards and could suddenly barely stand, which surprised some.

Roland once again pictured in his mind to finish his opponent off.

Raph once again charged, only for Roland to move a few degrees, grabbed Raph by the leg and elbowed him in the chest, making Raph grunt out loudly. Roland kicked the back of Raph’s leg, making him fall hard on his back. Before Raph could react, Roland instantly punched both his chest and gut, making Raph grunt out of breath whilst he spat out his mouthguard, with Roland then doing a stance, whilst at the same time, Raph collapsed on the ground unconscious.

Many were shocked and surprised to see the skills Roland displayed, whilst at the same time, he removed his mask and asked Raph “You done?”

Raph got angry and got up, ready to attack, but before he could react Roland retracted his fist, causing a chi energy in the form of a dragon to appear, which shocked everyone. And with one hard punch, Raph flew straight towards the wall, hit it and collapsed onto the ground, making him groan in pain.

“Yeah, you’re done.” Said Roland. He then walked over to Raph. However, to their surprise, Roland’s arms and hands begin to glow with Chi energy as he chanted.

“Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. E. Sai. Nyu. Rai. Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen!”

He placed his hands on Raph, and within seconds, he was instantly healed. Raph ended up gasping for air for a bit, then instantly got up. He looked at himself and he was alright. Then suddenly got angry again, then said “Alright you…!!”

But just as he turned around, he saw Roland leaning against the wall and puking in what appeared to be a bucket for just in case. Obaki and Venus came over and helped him a bit. But when they helped him up, they were shocked to see a bit of blood. The others came over to see if he’s okay.

“Whoa, you okay dude?” asked Rainbow.

Peridot suddenly pulled out a device and scanned him. After she was done, she looked back to them and said “His body is merely suffering stress and trauma, but he should be fine within the hour.”

“What was that technique?” asked Leo.

“Which ones?” said Roland.

“All three, duh.” Said Mikey.

“Mikey!!” said the Turtles.

“Oh come on, like all of you weren’t half as curious over what he used.” Said Mikey.

“The first technique all of you saw is known as the Kyokushin Form.” Said Venus. “He learned it from Case Walker.”

“Wait,” said Ace surprised “As in Casey ‘The Headcase’ Walker?!”

“Who’s he?” asked Patch.

“Only like one of the best caged fighters there is!!” said Rainbow in excitement. “He’s the undefeated champion and won over forty two fights!!”

“That’s the one.” Said Roland.

“The other you saw was known as the Dragon’s Fist.” Said Obaki.

“But that’s impossible,” said Gamer “Only the highest level of grandmasters can use that technique.”

“I’m a quick study.” Said Roland. “As for the one I used. That was Chi hands. It’s like the healing hands, but it requires a massive amount of Chi to heal not just injuries, but broken bones and torn muscle. The downside further, it also requires a bit of your lifeforce.”

“That’s a dangerous technique,” said Karai “Ninjas only use them if absolutely necessary.”

“I know the risks.” Said Roland.

“Your friends have a right to be concerned.” Said Pearl. “Power like that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Otherwise disasters might follow.”

Roland couldn’t help but smirk and said “You mean that time Steven misused his power to age himself when he accidentally turned himself into a baby?”

Steven ended up blushing bright red and cleared his throat, whilst the others looked surprised.

“Wait, seriously?” chuckled Raph “You turned yourself into a baby?”

“Not on purpose!!” exclaimed Steven “I just haven’t gotten used to controlling my powers yet.”

“You know you didn’t have to do that to impress your girlfriend, right?”

Now both Steven and Connie blushed hard at that. But before any of them could react…

“All hands, report to the bridge, we’re approaching our next destination.”

“That’s our cue.” Said Leo. “Come on guys.”

Everyone soon left the room, with Roland saying “Remember our bet, Raph.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it.” Said Raph, steamed that he lost the bet, but reluctantly agreed with it.


Everyone soon arrived at the bridge, where Grandpa max was showing them another world, they’re in, whilst Roland told the Crystal Gems what happened.

“So this Shredder…wiped us all out?” said a shocked Steven.

“They did I’m afraid.” Said Roland.

The Crystal Gems, Connie and Steven were shocked to hear this.

“Oh, now that’s a major bummer.” Said Amethyst.

“More than that, this is really bad.” Said Peridot. “To think that this Shredder has the ability to wield a power to wipe out everyone, even the Diamonds and Homeworld.”

“He is clearly an enemy not to be underestimated.” Said Garnet

“Agreed.” Said Pearl “We will need to warn homeworld ahead of time for just in case.”

After they were done discussing things, they stood near Grandpa Max to be debriefed.

“This is the next world you’re going to.” Said Grandpa Max.

“Whoa, looks a bit cartoony.” Said Pinkie Pie as she took a good look at it.

“For realsies.” Said Sonata.

“So what world is this?” asked Leonardo.

“Let’s see,” said Roland “According to this, we’re at coordinates 1412, which lead us to Earth 1987.”

“So what’s so special about this place?” asked Sour Sweet.

Roland took another look, and blinked in surprised. He then moaned and said “Oh, no.”

“What?” said half of the folks with flexed eyebrows when they saw him act like that.

“Uh, I know where we are.” Said Roland as he slowly turned around with a dreaded look on his face. “But uh…you’re not gonna like it.”

“Come on, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Said April.

“So where are we yo?” asked Casey.

“I can’t say.” Said Roland “But uh…I’ll give you a hint.”

“Ooh, love guessing games.” Said Pinkie Pie, which the girls rolled their eyes at that.

“So where are we?” asked Rainbow.

Roland then cleared his throat, raised his fist in the air and shouted “Turtle Power!!!

Within a split second, everyone blinked their eyes at that and groaned very loudly whilst some facepalmed at what he was talking about, whilst confusing Ben 10, Team Shine and Steven Universe’s team.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Muttered Raph.

“You’ve been to this world before?” asked Amethyst.

“Unfortunately.” Said Dr. Rockwell.

“Are they really that bad?” asked Amethyst Majesty.

“Extremely.” Said April O’Neil.

“Those guys are the worst.” Said Bandit “Always goofing around, acting like we’re in some kids show, would always crave for pizza twice as much as our Mikey, and they won’t shut up and act like a bunch of stupid kids either.”

“Well I’m sure that they’re not that bad.” Said Ace.

“Trust us Ace, they are.” Said Apple Bloom.

“Look, I know all of you don’t like them, and I agree with you,” said Roland “But if they have a clue on where the next stone is, then we need to get down there, pronto.”

“Uh, and I think for good reason.” Said Ben as he pointed at the screen.

When they looked at the screen, they saw many monsters attacking all over the city. But what shocked them, was the corrupted forms of gems.

“Corrupted gems?!” exclaimed Pearl.

“But how did they get here?!” exclaimed Steven.

Sunset thought about something, then looked at Garnet.

“Garnet?” said Sunset, gaining the gem’s attention “Did the Crystal Gems somehow have different groups? Same with Homeworlds forces?”

Garnet widened her eyes and said “Oh no.”

“What is it, Garnet?” asked Fluttershy.

“Allow me,” said Peridot, seeing that she read the history of the battle. “When Homeworld wanted to unleashed their weapon to corrupt and destroy Rose Quartz, the weapon was focused on both the Crystal Gems and Homeworlds forces. However, they also realized that the Crystal Gems also have taken over different territories that they were holding and the Diamonds’ armies were attacking all over.”

“Oh no, the other divisions.” Said Pearl “We were so focused on the battle around us, we completely forgot about the ones from all over Earth.”

“But wait,” said Twilight “Wouldn’t the world have known about them?”

“The Utrom told us that the Krang captured them and wanted to use them as their own personal soldiers.” Said Grandpa Max.

“And I can guess who.” Said Mikey as he pointed at the screen.

To their surprise, they saw a handful of Krang Droids, but more advanced weaponry. And right in front of them, were two Krang that they had hoped to never see again.

“Subprime and Bixolio?!” exclaimed the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“How in tarnation did they get here?!” exclaimed Applejack.

“Doesn’t matter.” Said Obaki “Right now, the people down there need our help.”

“Head to the teleporter.” Said Grandpa Max “We were able to get it fully operational, so all of you are clear for teleportation.”

“Agreed,” said Leo as he turned around “Let’s go guys!!”

But as they ran off, what they didn’t know, was that after watching things play out, Subprime, Bixolio and a large squadron of Krang and Foot Bots moved through a makeshift portal, allowing them to travel to the other side.


Pretty soon, everyone arrived via teleporter, however, some of them went over the corner and threw up whilst others felt a bit woozy.

“Oh, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” Said Twilight.

“A few of us do,” said Roland “Steven and the Crystal Gems are proof enough, same with the Unicorns that could teleport.”

“He’s not wrong.” Said Princess Twilight “It’ll take some time for you to get used to it.”

“Don’t worry, I had trouble on my first try too.” Said Steven after everyone was done.

“Alright, now that we’re all here,” said Slash “We should try to find the turtles from this world. Once we find them, we’ll help them with their problem and we’ll get started on working a plan.”

“So where do we begin to look?” asked Pinkie Pie.

But right as she said that, a large explosion was heard, and they saw at least a couple of buildings were on fire, whilst many of the Corrupted Gems were all over the place.

“Uh, how about over there?” asked Rainbow Dash whilst she pointed at that direction.

“Let’s go!!” said Leo as they charged towards the destruction.


(To most of the readers, I’m going to call the characters of this universe by adding the numbers next to their names just for you to tell which is which.)

At the same time, April O’Neil of this world, (Or as I’d like to call her, April 87) was doing a live feed as she said “This is April O’Neil from Channel 6 news! Large unidentified creatures are attacking New York. Law Enforcement requires all citizens to evacuate at a ten mile radius before…”

“Look out!!” exclaimed a woman as she tackled April 87 out of the way before she got crushed by an incoming object. The woman who saved her revealed to be the Irma of this world (or Irma 87 as I’d call her), who saved April as she said “Are you alright April?”

“I’m fine, thanks Irma.” Said April 87 as she and Irma 87 stood up and looked at the destruction. “This is crazy, where are the Turtles?!”

From out of nowhere, a random Turtle fell near them against a car, which was none other than the Michelangelo of this world (Or Mikey 87).

“Whoa,” said Mikey 87 “Did someone get a number on that pizza truck?”

“Michelangelo?!” said April 87 as she and Irma 87 immediately came over. “What happened?”

Mikey 87 shook his head to snap himself out of it, then said “No idea April. One moment my bros and I were chowing down on pizza on one of the rooftops, next thing we knew, these large creature dudes started to attacking us.”

“But where are the others?!” asked Irma 87 out of panic.

They heard another scream and saw Donatello (Or in this case Donnie 87) crashing against April’s van. “Present.” Said a groaning Donnie 87.

At the same time, Raphael and Leonardo (Or Raph 87 and Leo 87), both of them were struggling to fight against the large monstrous Corrupted Gems. They tried their best, but both of them were grabbed and tossed aside near Donnie 87.

“Oh man, this is hopeless!!” exclaimed Raph 87 “No matter how hard we try, whenever we take some of them down, more of them show up!!”

“What’ll we do?!” said April 87.

“I don’t know,” said Leo 87 “We’re going to need some backup on this one.”

“Did someone say, backup?!”

The Turtles and friends turned around and to their surprise, saw many familiar faces, standing by the ready to take the fight to them.

“Guys!!” exclaimed the Turtles.

“I never thought I’d say this, but boy am I glad to see ya.” Said Raph 87.

“You guys, sit tight.” Said Mondo “We’ll take it from here.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice, brah.” Said Mikey 87.

“Princess Twilight,” said Leo “You, your friends, the CMC, the Young Six and Rock N Beats make sure that they’re okay.”

“We’re on it.” Said Princess Twilight as she and the others quickly went over to make sure that they were okay.

Both Leo and Sunset pointed their weapons at the corrupt gems.

“Ninjas, take them down!!” said the pair before all of them charged.

Leo used his katanas to slice the creature’s claws before Raph jumped up and stabbed both of his sais in the creature’s back, making it roar as it reared its head. Mikey delivered a nunchuck uppercut, whilst Donnie deployed the blade from his spear and stabbed the creature’s head, causing it to turn into dust, allowing Steven to quickly come in and put the gem in a bubble.

April used her telepathic power to raise a few of them in the air, allowing Casey, Karai and Shinigami to move in and make the kill, with Fugitoid and Keno backing them up, making it turn into dust whilst Amethyst was able to place the gems in her bubbles.

Sunset used her Kunai daggers to distract one of the Corrupted Gem monsters, whilst Fluttershy used her new ammo and blew them through her Fukedake Blowgun, causing them to explode and further disorient the creature, allowing Rarity to run up and used her diamond shields as stairs that allow her to run up and used both her Kama sickles to jab them in its back, making the creature roar as it reared its head backwards, allowing Adagio to move in and use her Kusanagi sword to pierce through it, allowing the creature to turn into dust, which gave Pearl the chance to catch it with her own bubble.

Pinkie Pie jumped around and used her sprinkles and tossed it against three of the monsters, making them disorient. Twilight and Rainbow Dash jumped on the backs of the first two, allowing them to jab their weapons into their backs, making them roar in pain, whilst Applejack used her claws, combined with her superstrength, to toss the third in the air, allowing Aria and Sonata to come from above and used their weapons to bash the third so hard, it made them coming down on top of the other two hard, once both Twilight and Rainbow jumped out of the way, making the three explode and allowing Garnet to capture their gems using her bubbles.

Slash and Leatherhead began to wrestle against the larger creatures that tried to tackle them over, but both of the monsters roared when Pidgeon Pete came along and blasted them using his blasters, which allowed Mona and Ray to gain an opening and attacked head on, cutting the creatures that turned them into dust whilst Peridot came along and trapped the creatures with her own bubbles.

From the smaller monsters, Bebop used his dance fighting moves to punch and kick them whilst Rocksteady tackled them over, but not before Lapis quickly flew by and placed the gems in bubbles, but then caught more of them after Doctor Rockwell, Mondo Gecko, Bandit Raccoon, Muckman and Hokum Rabbit took care of a few more.

Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat used their chains to wrap it around the monsters after Lemon Zest used her clubs to beat them senselessly. Whilst at the same time, both Indigo Zap and Sapphire charged straight towards them and used their spears to jab through them, turning them to dust, whilst at the same time, Wallflower and Sunny flare stabbed their weapons behind the creature before Juniper came and delivered the killing blow, turning it into dust. At the same time, Bismuth was able to capture them in her bubbles.

Starlight was about to shoot her bow, until the creature swatted her away, causing both her quiver and bow to break. When she landed, she was shocked to see them.

“No!!” said Starlight when she saw the state, they were in.

“Here, brought one just in case!!” said Roland when came over and gave Starlight a new quiver filled with advanced arrows and a folding bow.

Starlight grabbed both of them and strapped the quiver on. When she fired her arrows, the arrows exploded as it knocked a few creatures.

“I was able to upgrade them for you just in case!!” said Roland before he pulled his sword out “I’ll help fix your bow later.”

“Thanks!!” said Starlight with a smile whilst she continued to support from the side.

Roland dashed towards one of the corrupted gems with Silverbolt next to him, allowing both of them to use their guns and began shooting. The corrupt gem blocked the shots, which allowed Roland to pull out his sword, jump in the air and then thrusted the sword onto it’s back, making the creature roar, allowing Silverbolt to use his charged up tungsten knuckles and delivered a hard punch, causing the creature to turn into dust and reduced to a gem, allowing Bismuth to come by and place it in a bubble.

Venus, Amethyst Majesty and Invictus charged towards a couple of corrupted gem warriors. Venus tied the ropes around her two Tessen. She threw them, allowing them to act like boomerangs as it wrapped around them. When they came back, she grabbed them and jumped over them, allowing her to pull them hard, instantly tying up the gems. Both Invictus and Amethyst Majesty thrusted their weapons hard, causing them to evaporate in an instant, with Steven coming along and placed it in a bubble.

Obaki and Connie were charging together towards a crab like corrupted gem. Obaki used his claws to dart back and forth, cutting up the legs in order to throw it out of balance, with Connie striking from above, taking it out in the process, with Garnet coming along and placed it in a bubble.

Blade used his lightning attacks, combined with his sword, to cut and electrocute a few gems, with Tempest grabbing one of the corrupted gems with her bare hands, lifted them up and smashed them hard onto the ground, turning them into dust, whilst also allowing Amethyst to come along and placed them in a few bubbles of her own.

Blade looked at Tempest and said “I forgot how attractive you keep getting whenever you do that.”

Tempest couldn’t help but blush, but then smirked and grabbed him by the shirt collar and planted her lips fully onto his, taking him by surprise, but also succumbed to it and returned the gesture.

Amethyst saw this and groaned, whilst saying “Get a room you two.”

Gamer charged towards a few corrupted gems whilst he drew his blade. As they saw him coming and were prepared to strike back, Gamer suddenly placed his katana away and pulled out what appeared to be explosives. He tossed them onto the ground after running past them. The moment they turned around, the explosives launched them in the air, allowing Shine Girl and Love Shine to strike, turning them into ordinary gems, allowing Pearl to swoop in and place them in her bubble.

Shine Boy and Night Shine attacked at the same time against a larger corrupt gem that was the size of a truck. Both of them looked at one another and nodded, then looked back at it, allowing them to charge. Both of them used their Shine and Night powers, charged up their fists and punched it so hard, it turned it into dust, allowing Peridot to place it in a bubble.

“Wow, very impressive.” Said Peridot when she was impressed by their strength and power.

“Reminds me of the Bug Alliance that tried to destroy the Aquilian race on Orion’s Belt!” Said Night Shine with a smirk whilst he and Shine Boy charged.

“You and I remember Orion’s Belt very differently!” Said Shine Boy.

Ben turned himself into Four Arms and fight alongside Manny so that the two of them could deal with the heavier gems, with Lucy and Gwen doing their best to try and contain the regular ones. Allen uses his flames to trap them in a flame circle, whilst Helen used her speed to dart back and forth to bring the ones that were scattered closely. Once they were close enough, Kevin stood in front of Rook.

“You sure this will work?” asked Rook.

“Trust me!” Said Kevin when he was looking at him.

Rook unleashed his blaster at full power, allowing Kevin to absorb it, amplifying its power and then shot at the group of corrupted gems with full blast, allowing them to be destroyed, with Bismuth and Lapis immediately placing them in bubbles.


After a hard battle, everyone regrouped at the center, with Gamer looking at the monitors from his wrist.

“According to this,” said Gamer, “Half of the corrupted gems have been defeated and placed in the Crystal Gem’s custody. But the other half got away.”

“Probably went back with Krang Subprime.” Said Twilight.

“I will contact the Utrom Council and tell them of this recent development.” Said Fugitoid before he quickly contacted the council.

“Yeah!! We kicked butt!!” said the retro Turtles, but then winced in pain.

“Hey, we did all the work, you were the ones being lazy!!” said Raph.

“Uh, Lazy?!” said Raph 87, feeling insulted, “We fought them just as hard, but they keep coming back!! Plus we had our shells kicked before we had a chance to get back up!!”

“Sure you were.” Said Donnie with sarcasm.

“Although,” said Leo 87 once Princess Twilight and pony Rainbow Dash helped him up, “Why are you guys here? Does it have something to do with the Krang?”

“You might say that.” Said Leo.

“Then let’s grab ourselves a couple of pies before going to the lair dudes and dudettes.” Said Mikey 87 “We got a lot to talk about.”

“After we get you, guys healed up first, and then pizza.” Said April 87.

Irma 87 looked at the newcomers and said “Whoa, are you guys friends of the Turtles?”

“Uh, you might say that.” Said Sunset.

“And you are?” said Twilight.

“Oh, I’m Irma, nice to meet you.”

The Turtles, Rainbooms and New York allies stare at her in shock.

“Wait, that’s Irma?!” whispered Casey a bit loudly.

“And she’s a grown up here too.” Whispered Mikey.

“Is she an alien in disguise?” asked Rainbow. She instantly darted over and pinched her, making her yelp and looked back, only for Rainbow to be back to the group and said “Nope, she’s human.”

“Whoa, this is weird.” Said April.

“No kidding.” Said Donnie.

“What?” asked Irma 87.

“Nothing.” Said the Turtles, not wanting to go to that subject.

“So come on dudes. Pizza time.” Said Mikey 87, “We don’t want to get to another scene without pizza.”

The retro Turtles immediately darted off, with the others groaning.

“Nice to see they haven’t changed much.” Said Apple Bloom in a deadpanned tone.

Peridot on the other hand, observed the whole scene. Then asked the others. “If I might ask?”

“Oh?” said Rarity as she and the others looked at her, “What is it Peridot.”

“Do they often act this way?”

“Unfortunately.” Said Scootaloo whilst rolling her eyes.

Peridot pondered for a few moments, then asked “And did they happen to say something ridiculous along the way, like about not doing violence and said that it’s a kid show?” asked Peridot.

The others were confused by this, as Donnie asked “Yeah? But what’s that got to do with…?”

“And do they always tend to act goofy whenever they fight or talk to other folks?”

“They sure do.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“And more importantly,” said Peridot “Do they also tend to be annoying most of the time.”

“Y’all really need to ask that?” said Applejack, mighty miffed at the dumb question.

“Well, given the analysis.” Said Peridot “It’s obvious what’s wrong with them.”

The others were now greatly confused by this, until Roland groaned and said “They’re cartoon characters.”

“Precisely.” Said Peridot.

“Wait, what?” said Rainbow Dash.

“Why on earth would you think that?” said Rarity.

“Well think about it,” said Peridot “You lot mentioned that you met other versions of yourselves. One world where everyone is edgy and serious. And this one happens to be cartoon characters who act goofy. Trust me, I’ve seen cartoons and studied them and know them inside and out.”

Some wanted to say something, but then they gawked after realizing it, with Mikey saying “Holy Chalupa, they are cartoon characters.”

“So that’s why they’re so annoying.” Grumbled Twilight.

“You’re grumbling about a cartoon?” said Obaki whilst flexing an eyebrow “And this coming from a girl who still watches Pup Buddies?”

Twilight greatly blushes in embarrassment whilst the others chuckled at this.

“Well they may be frustrating, because all of you don’t understand them.” said Steven “But you don’t need to understand them. You just have to go with it.”

“Go with it?” said an annoyed Raph.

“Well, yeah,” said Steven “All of you have been in different worlds a few times, right? Well, you have to remember, in different worlds, they won’t play by your rules. The only way you can make it is by playing by their rules.”

“He’s got a point,” said Venus “Remember Batman’s world?”

The Rainbooms and Turtles winced at this, but they knew they were right. Even if they didn’t want to be part of this, they had no choice, considering the situation they’re in.

Raph groaned and said “Fine, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it.”

“As long as you control yourself.” Retorted Venus, which Raph growled at before all of them followed the Turtles.


From at the Turtle Power’s lair, everyone began to explain everything to the Turtles, April, Irma and Master Splinter from their world.

“And that’s why we’re here.” Said Princess Twilight.

Needless to say the group, minus Splinter, were shocked to hear this.

“Whoa, that’s a total bummer dudes and dudettes.” Said Mikey 87.

“Sorry you had to go through all that.” Said Leo 87 when he looked at Roland, who nodded silently.

“So this new Shredder is a lot worse than ours?” asked Irma 87.

“The only one I know who was a lot worse than Shred head was the one that nearly destroyed us along with our prime counterparts.” Said Raph 87.

“But why are all of you here, besides the Shredder?” asked April 87.

“We’re also here because of this.” Said Venus as she pulled out the stone, they took with them just in case. “We’re trying to find more like this.”

“Not to mention they’re also keys to enter Earth Prime.” Said Donnie.

“Earth Prime?” asked Donnie 87.

“That’s right,” said Shine Boy “This world is unlike the Turtle Prime world. From what the Justice League told us, it’s the source of all reality, where only one Earth existed, but from every decision they make, they literally create another world.”

“Like if Master Splinter never got mutated and we didn’t either?” asked Mikey 87 out of curiosity.

“Precisely.” Said Sunset “And that’s why we’re here. If Subprime is here, that means Shredder won’t be far behind.”

“Hmm,” pondered Splinter 87, then looked opened his eyes and said “It seems that the winds of fate, had turned to our direction.”

He stood up and said “All of you being here, is no mere coincidence. I had sensed in the cosmic plain, that the very fabric of our reality and the reality of other dimensions, is in danger, and if this Shredder is unlike any Shredder that every one of our counterparts have faced, then all life is at stake.”

He turned to his sons and said “And my sons, as what they described of your behavior when you last visited their world, now is not the time for foolishness, for you must respect their rules as they try to respect yours.”

“But sensei…” said Leo 87.

“This is no argument to debate Leonardo,” said Splinter in a serious tone “Do as they ask, or everything we had grown to love and care, will be destroyed.”

Though they were reluctant, they realized he was right, for if this Shredder is unlike theirs, then they need to take this seriously.

“Hai sensei.” Said the 87 Turtles.

“We really appreciate the help.” Said Fluttershy.

“So, what is our plan of action, as most teenagers would say?” said Dr. Rockwell.

“Hmm,” said Donnie 87 as he stood up whilst looking at the stone. “These stones carry not only unlimited energy, but also a hint of radiation.”

He looked at the others and said “Have any of you used a Geiger counter to track anything?”

“You mean for radiation?” asked Twilight “I also onetime used them to reconfigure it and track Equestrian Magic in our world.”

“So how’s that going to help?” asked Raph.

“If we can find a way to reconfigure a few Geiger counters and test them to see if we can track something like this,” said Donnie 87 “Then maybe we can also use them and place them at the radio antennas all over the city, then we’ll be able to get a stronger signal to track them anywhere on earth, or even below and above.”

“By Jove, that could actually work.” Said Rockwell.

“We’ll need to fetch as many as we can and reconfigure them.” Said Gamer.

“I have plenty in my van.” Said April 87.

They looked at her with flexed eyebrows, with Bandit saying “You just happen to have that many, in your van?”

“I did an interview with a few chemical and nuclear power plants.” Said April 87, “And it turned out they didn’t want to use them anymore, not since they replaced them with newer models.”

“Then let’s go get em, boys!!” said Mikey “The sooner we get things done, the better!!”

“Alright then, let’s get to work.” Said Leo.

Soon everyone got up and got to work.

“Anything unexpected happening Garnet?” asked Steven.

Garnet used her powers, then she ended up smirking and said “All I will say is that we are going to get a very unexpected surprise.”

The Gems merely shrugged at that and left to quickly fulfill their tasks.


Meanwhile, from underneath New York, in the Technodrome, Krang was ranting over and over of what happened.

“What the heck happened up there!!” shouted Krang “Who the heck would send those stupid blasted things here to take over a dimension that I was banished to!!”

“Oh, for Kranging sake, will you stop whining!!!”

Krang turned around and to his dismay, it was none other than Krang Subprime and Bixolio, along with a handful of their Krang Bots.

“Oh, no, not you.” Moaned Krang, “It’s bad enough that you banished me to this dimension long ago, but now you’re further here to rub in my face because of my past failure?”

“Oh, shut up already!!” said Subprime “You tried to wipe out the dimension we’ve been trying to mutate, you had that coming for a long time. And you failed to take out those Turtle and Rainboom chumps, twice.”

“Is this the one you told me about?” said Bixolio.

“He is.” Said Krang Subprime “And as to answer your question of who those crystal creatures belong to. That would be mine.”

“What?!” exclaimed Krang.

“Who do you think brought them here?” said Subprime “And in case you wonder who they are. Let’s just say, I found a dimension where these creatures were their own humanoid beings, until the Diamonds in all of their idiocy, decided to corrupt them. For them, they’re idiots. Me, I scored a jackpot of an army!!”

“They weren’t easy to control,” said Bixolio “But we were able to find ways to control them.”

“And speaking of embarrassing failures, where is your Shredder?” said Krang Subprime.

“I’m over here you worthless brain puddles.”

They saw Shredder 87 walk in and said “I have already performed a brilliant plan to stop those blasted puny brained Turtles. And once that plan is complete, nothing will stand in our…”

When all of a sudden, portals began to open all around them, surprising them. When all of a sudden, new Foot Bots came out and surrounded them, surprising Subprime, Bixolio, Shredder 87 and Krang.

“What the Krang?!!” exclaimed Subprime.

And soon another portal appeared. A handful of Foot Bots bearing armour and weapons walked out and stood side by side as if they were guards. And from the portal, appeared the Shredder, with his menacing gaze.

“What?” said Shredder 87 surprised “Another me?”

Within a split second, Shredder dashed towards his cartoon counterpart and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him towards his face.

“I. Am nothing. Like you.” Said Shredder, before tossing the cartoon version of him hard against the wall.

“How is this possible?!” said Subprime “There’s no way you’re that fast. No Shredder is.”

“Oh, I am no ordinary Shredder, Knight.” Said Shredder, which shocked Subprime. Shredder walked over to him and said “I am here for your services, and nothing else.”

“Oh please,” scoffed Subprime “I don’t work for…”

Shredder displayed his claws as it cackled with Electricity, shocking the traitorous Utrom turned Krang.

“Oh, believe me.” Said Shredder as he leaned over to Subprime face to face. “You’re in no demands to deny me. Old friend.”

Subprime looked at Shredder, however, the moment he took a proper look at the eyes, he instantly recognized him.

“No…no it can’t be.” Said Krang Subprime “You’re supposed to be…”

“Not. Any. More.” Said Shredder, because laughing, as the entire cave echoed from his maniacal laughter.

Author's Note:

· When Roland said coordinates 1412 on Earth 1987, was actually an Easter Egg, which was a reference that the Turtle Power Turtles were created and released on the 14th December, 1987.
· The technique that Roland used on Raph during their sparring match was inspired by the movie Never Back Down: No Surrender.
· For the Crystal Gems, I figured that the group that were with them weren’t the only ones, so I decided to add more groups.
· Night Shine bringing up the Bugs and Orion’s belt, were character references to Men In Black.
· Shine Boy saying that they remember it differently was a reference to what Hawk Eye said in the first Avenger movie.