• Published 24th May 2022
  • 3,648 Views, 1,028 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

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Darkness Brawl

Hey everyone, after a long while, I've finally been able to post this chapter. Sorry I couldn't put this on Author's note. But just a heads up, a few lives would be ended off screen, and a special shoutout from WarriorofFaith for keeping an eye on me

It had been 2 days since they rescued Batman. And now that he’s back into the fold, the hunt for the stones continue. Although…ever since a handful of folks found out what Batman made Roland do, some weren’t happy about it. Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack walked down the hall and had some coffee and breakfast burritos with them.

“Are you sure about this, Applejack?” said Rarity, “It’s nearly close to lunch time and you want to bring them snacks?”

“Well, ah figured that Shine Boy and the others have been training non-stop with Roland and Venus, so we figured that they could use a snack.”

“And besides, lunch isn’t for another two hours,” said Rainbow Dash, “And they already missed breakfast, it’s the least we can do.”

“It wasn’t the right call, Bruce.”

The four of them stopped as they heard a voice. When they looked around the corner, they saw both Batman and Superman arguing.

“Making Roland scold the others because of their counterparts’ mistakes?” said Superman, “You know very well the damage it could do to another’s psyche when that happens.”

“It was the only way for him to see sense.” Said Batman.

“Instead of telling him that they aren’t their counterparts?” retorted Superman.

“He wouldn’t listen to reason.” Said Batman, “When he first came to me and asked for my help, I gave him instructions on what to do. And by doing that, he would see that they weren’t like them.”

“There’s also a thing called violating another’s trust.” Said Superman, “If it had gone on like this, then their lives would’ve been lost.”

“They already did that themselves in the other world.” Said Batman.

“You know,” said Superman as he crossed his arms, “From what Roland once told me and Canary, you didn’t trust them and didn’t make an effort to try to reason with them.”

“The only ones who didn’t was Applejack and Raphael, you know that.” Said Batman, which made Applejack lower her eyes, as she couldn’t argue with that.

“It doesn’t matter.” Said Superman, “Like Shine Boy said, they may make mistakes, but in the end it proves how strong their friendships and team works could be.”

“Did they also happen to mention that it also had to take an outside force to help them realize both that and their mistakes?” retorted Batman.

The four Rainboom girls winced, and realized he did have a point.

“You of all people should’ve also known that there was no other way.” Said Batman, “I tried convincing him otherwise and it fell onto deaf ears. Believe me, if there was another way, I’d use it.”

Superman sighed and said “I still don’t like it. But I’ll let it slide, but only this once. However, I’m more concerned about his darkness that he mentioned.”

“It’s not just any darkness.” Said Batman, “From what I’ve seen it seems to be getting worse. There are also signs that whenever he gets too stressed or angry, as well as the purple ooze he coughs out of his system.”

“Wait, purple ooze?” muttered Rainbow.

That’s when the girls silently gasped and remembered. That during their training session after an argument, they saw him cough out purple ooze from his mouth, though not that bad.

They hadn’t realized that it would be this bad. And that when they mentioned that he needed help, but didn’t realize it was this bad.

“Then we can try to convince Doctor Fate to help him. Maybe Zatanna and Jason Blood.” Suggested Superman.

“They can’t,” said Batman, “All of them are busy with a few supernatural problems as it is. Once they’re done they’ll be available to help us out. Until then, we need to keep an eye on him. And I don’t want you to get anywhere near him.”

“Are you serious?” asked Superman, to which Batman gave him the look, with Superman saying “Is he that dangerous?”

“If that demon side comes out of him, then yes.” Said Batman.

“Fine, but we’re not done talking about this.” Said Superman. “I’ll keep the secret for now, but if the truth does come out, it’ll be on your head.”

“I’m aware of that.” Said Batman before the two of them walked away.

Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack were all worried at the same time.

“Y’all think we should tell the others?” asked Applejack.

“Are you crazy?” said Rainbow, “They’re not ready to know about this yet. Besides, we promised we’d help him and keep it a secret.”

“Though I hate to say it, Rainbow’s right.” Said Sunset, “We can’t do anything else unless the timing is right.”

“Still…” muttered Applejack.

She thought about how she, Rarity, Rainbow, and Sunset confronted him about why he made Roland did this. He started with…

“I did it to help him.”

After explaining everything, they were surprised on why he did this.

“Are you alright, Applejack?” asked Rarity.

“Ah’m fine.” Said Applejack, “It’s just…ah’m not comfortable with all this keepin’ secrets.”

Then she remembered what Roland said.

You of all people should know that sometimes, it’s necessary to keep secrets.

“Though ah know he was just hurting, ah knew he was right.” Said Applejack, “Some secrets are supposed to be kept. Cause Apple Bloom and the rest of mah family found out, and ah ended up draggin’ Apple Bloom into this.”

“I know, darling.” Said Rarity, “But remember, we were the reason why they started Anon a miss, because we left them out instead of having them befriend Sunset. And we have to remember that even though we’re trained ninjas, we’re also just kids, teenagers, who also tend to get in more trouble too.”

“I felt just as bad for Scoots,” said Rainbow, “She may have lived with her aunts, but nobody gave her the support she needed. When she saw me compete, she wanted to be like me, and I ended up pushing her away. During Anon a miss, keeping my parents from finding out. But they were right, we left them out in everything.”

“Look, girls.” Said Sunset, gaining their attention, “I know the three of you wanted to protect them, and I know how much you didn’t want them to get hurt ever since the whole Triceraton business, but we were able to be given a second chance. It’s their choice to be ninjas. Plus, they’re growing up and we need to give them their own space. Cause if we don’t, they’ll never grow into the people that they needed to be. All we can do is guide them.”

The three couldn’t help but smile, with Rainbow smirking and said “Since when did you get so wise?”

“Let’s just say…” said Sunset as she thought about how Jacob came into her room and gave her his piece of wisdom, “I had a good teacher to show me a different way.”

“Welp,” said Applejack as she stood up, “As much as ah want to carry this on, we’d better get goin’.”

The latter agreed, stood up and headed for the training chambers.


Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack walked into the training room and to their surprise, they were at a golf course.

“Strange,” said Rarity, “Why on earth would they make a golf course?”

“We'll ask them when we see them.” said Rainbow.

“Ah see them.” said Applejack as she pointed ahead.

The four of them saw Roland and Team Shine...playing golf? Puzzled, they walked over to find out what's going on.

“Guys?” said Sunset, gaining their attention.

“Oh, hey Sunset, what's up?” said Gamer.

“Nothing much,” said Rarity, “But what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be training?”

“We're taking a break.” said Love Shine.

“Yeah, we trained a lot lately after we left.” said Shine Girl.

“So, we decided to take a break.” said Roland after he swung his stick and struck the ball, sending it flying. “You're up, Tony.”

“Thanks.” said Shine Boy as he walked up and was preparing to hit his ball.

That's when it hit Rainbow, “Wait, don't you guys hate golf?”

The latter blinked, then slowly looked around them, then themselves, and then to each other.

“We play golf every now and then, especially to ease tension.” Shine Girl explained.

“It’s Night Shine who hates it.” Love Shine put in.

“In fact, when we had our adventure in Anaheim, Serenity and I double dated with Gamer and Sweetie Belle at the golf course Nosedive told us about.” Shine Boy recalled, unaware of his brother blushed like crazy.

“IT WASNT A DATE!” He yelled before clearing his throat. “She asked to come and I decided to accompany her.”

“Uh huh.” Shine Boy, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and Roland smirked, along with Rarity, Sunset, and Rainbow.

“Say, we brought a snack for all of y’all before lunch starts.” Said Applejack, “Figured y’all would get a head start.”

“Much appreciated.” Said Shine Boy as he and the others accepted their late breakfast burritos.

They sat down and ate their burritos, with the girls joining them.

“So, what’s up?” said Roland.

“Well,” said Rainbow, “Let’s just say Superman found out about what Batman made you do.”

“Right, because of his super hearing.” Said Love Shine.

“And Superman ain’t happy about it.” Said Applejack, “Especially keepin’ a secret from everyone else.”

“Don’t worry,” said Shine Boy, “Roland’s making good progress. He already told the Young Six the truth, and they understood why he was like this.”

“Still,” said Rainbow as she pondered something, she looked at Roland and asked “In your world, you and our counterparts went to Batman’s world too, right?”

“That’s right.” Said Roland. “We landed the same way all of you did. I even tried my best to keep everyone together. I even asked both Leo and Sunset if I could be the team leader.”

“You being a team leader whilst in that world? Why?” asked Shine Girl.

“Because he’s been there before.” Said Sunset, surprising the others, “I read his mind that he willingly let me allow to read. Whilst he was away, he stumbled upon Princess Twilight’s world, and that’s how he met the Justice League. He asked them to train him, so that he could find purpose. They took him back and trained him, and he owed them ever since. They even gave him a device that allowed him to travel between dimensions.”

“That’s right.” Said Roland, “I’ll start from the beginning.”


After we got there, we tried to hunt down for the Kraang, and Raph, being his jerky self, blamed Mikey for getting us stuck there, but I told Raph that Mikey made the right call, that sometimes when it comes to saving the innocent, we have to do what’s best for the greater good and not being selfish about it. But when I saw Batman’s company, I instantly knew where we were. I asked Leo and Sunset if I could lead for this, and I had to reveal that I knew where we were, considering that I’ve been to this dimension before.

As we were looking around, we stumbled upon the Batmobile. And as usual, Raph attacked like the doofus he is, which caused the others trying to explain to fall under deaf ears. During the fight I chose to sit in front of the Batmobile and meditate at the same time. After the others ran, Batman and the others saw me. When I said Batman’s real name, he instantly knew me and brought me back into the cave. The others were hard to convince though. I told Batman to bring Princess Twilight and Starlight here because he had a stone that could bring them there.

“Wait,” said Applejack, “In yer dimension, y’all were able to convince Batman to bring Princess Twilight and Starlight with y’all?”

“I did, it was the only way they’d vouch for me. As well as convince the others when they got there.” Said Roland, “Anyhow…”

After we were brought to the cave, I explained everything, even about the Kraang. Princess Twilight vouched for me because she fought them before during our space adventure. She even told them a bit about the Rainbooms and how they’re similar to their pony counterparts, but also very different. Batman agreed and waited for them.

When they found us, they were surprised that I was having casually tea with Batman and the others, I even explained to them that I told him everything, especially Princess Twilight and Starlight. Though they were baffled that they were there, I had to make up a story that they accidentally teleported here whilst they were testing a spell. Cause I can tell that both Raph and Applejack were having trust issues with him.

So, during our stay, as everyone carried on, I was at the Batcomputer, looking at Gotham’s map. I figured that since the Kraang were there, they would probably try to set up a base of operations, so I searched for places that would be the least suspicious, would have a place to build an army, especially with the Mutagen they have.

And during a patrol, we encountered a mutated Bane, and I told Batman to stay behind so that he could see just how dangerous anyone is with the Mutagen. At first, they were mad that Batman observed, but I told them that I told Batman to stay back so he could see just how dangerous they were. At first, Raph and Applejack were miffed, I reminded them that it was also because of the Kraang, they were planning to mutate all of Gotham’s Supervillains and would raise a mutant army, and that we had to stop them, considering it’s our problem too.

“But let me guess,” said Rainbow, “Applejack and Raph didn’t listen and didn’t care.”

“That was the gist of it.” Said Roland.

Whilst they were going to the Titans, I stayed behind with Batman on patrol to look for the Kraang. I told him that things were getting strained and that no one would listen to me. Batman told me that when other heroes joined the League, he had to boss them around and some took it personally. But they never disobeyed an order, and it’s also what kept them alive. I realized he took charge for the good of others, because he’s been at this for a long time. I asked what would happen if they didn’t listen, then he replied that there was also the aggressive way.


“Aggressive way?” said a concerned Applejack, which got the others concerned too. “Ah don’t like the sound of it.”

“Believe me, it was a lot worse than it sounds.” Said Roland, “Back then I thought it was necessary, but in the long run…it was the worst mistake of my life.”

“What did you do?” asked Rarity.

“Remember when Raph and Applejack walked out on you guys because of…that day.”

Applejack cringed at that as she didn’t want to remember it. “We do.”

“Well…from our point of view…” Said Roland.


After Batman got back, that’s when Raph and Applejack exploded about what happened. I watched what happened whilst the others argued.

“Hey, don’t diss the pizza!!” said Mikey.

“Shut up, Mikey!!” shouted both Raph and Applejack.

“Oh, why don’t you two shut up!!” said Obaki, “Or are you going to whine like Sussy Bakes again?!”

“The Kraang are gonna mutate and enslave all our friends and families,” Applejack said. “And we won't be there to stop 'em! Or did all that just slip your minds?!”

“It didn’t slip through our minds, Applejack!!” retorted Venus.

“He’s right,” said Starlight, “We’re more concerned for the millions of innocent people of this world, so we’re trying to hold the fort so that they don’t mutate both your world and Equestria, or have you forgotten!!”

“Who cares about those idiots!!” shouted Raph, which shocked the Bat family, minus Batman, “If they can’t even defend themselves, they don’t deserve their world!!”

Wait, Raph actually said that?! exclaimed Shine Boy in shock.

“He did.” Said Roland, “Truth be told, none of us had ever thought he’d say that. Applejack thought the same way. She didn’t say it, but she thought about it.”

“Do you even hear yourselves?!” said Princess Twilight, “Every bit of life is precious, or did you forget?!”

“All we've been doing is running around and getting nowhere closer to finding the Kraang!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Well, you two haven't exactly been much help on the matter!” April pointed out not wanting them to act so innocent.

“Ever since we got here, all you two have been doing was being resentful to Batman, while he's been trying to get us home!” Twilight Sparkle noted.

“So instead of whining and complaining like spoilt brats, we’ve been trying to clean up a mess that we made because of our enemies!!” said Venus.

“Yeah, your whole “We Don't Like Batman thing” is really bumming us out!” Pinkie Pie said as several of the others nodded in agreement.

“Well, excuse us for telling the truth!” Raph yelled.

“There’s a huge difference between telling the truth and being a jerk, Raph!!” said Obaki.

“What is your problem with Batman anyway?” Sunset Shimmer asked finally having enough of them.

“I'll tell you exactly what our problem is: This so called “hero” is anything but one.” Raph said, pointing right at the Dark Knight.

“He brings in anyone he can to deal with his problems and sometimes tricks them into doing it,” Applejack put in, “And he keeps us in the dark about things that could be useful and is acting like he's the big guy of the city.”

“Because it’s his home dimension,” said Princess Twilight, “He kept it secret for a reason. If it were me, I would’ve done the same thing.”

“How can y’all side with him?!” said Applejack.

“Because he and the Justice League saved Equestria,” said Princess Twilight, “I owe him, and so does Starlight and Roland.”

“Oh please!!” retorted Raph. “You guys may see him as a hero, but all we see is a rich guy with fancy toys looking for a thrill that doesn't care about anything other than himself! Not people! Not families! Nothing!”

“Excuse me?” said Obaki, feeling insulted, “You guys actually thought that he’s seeking thrills?!”

“There is nothing, thrilling about fighting crime.” Said Venus, “Or did you forget how our father was murdered?”

The Turtles winced at that, especially the Rainbooms.

“And need we remind you, that the both of you not following Batman's lead nearly got us all killed by the Joker!” April reminded them.

“Yeah,” Applejack admitted, but then she changed the subject and said “But maybe we wouldn't have, if Batman had told us WHY Joker was so gosh darn dangerous in the first place!”

“We wanted to tell you about him,” Batman said, “But you seemed so confident in yourselves it would've been like talking to a wall.”

“And we weren't sure if you'd believe us or have what it takes to listen to them.” Nightwing added.

“Yeah, just like that time you guys didn’t believe me and Sunset were from Equestria.” Said Princess Twilight.

“After seeing Joker beat us with a baseball bat, we can believe that.” Twilight Sparkle said, rubbing the multiple bumps on her head.

“And don't be surprised, Batman is the king when it comes to keeping secrets.” Robin stated.

“Which was the only option.” Said Obaki.

“You’re actually agreeing with him about that?!” exclaimed Applejack.

“AJ, you and Raph of all people should know that sometimes it’s necessary to keep secrets.” Reminded Venus.

“And from the looks of things, you treat everything like it’s a big fat joke to you lot.” Said Obaki. “And we are taking things seriously. The only ones who aren’t taking this seriously is you two.”

Raph turned back to Batman, “He may have everyone else fooled, but not us! We see right through you!” He said, “All you are is just a rich boy playing the hero game!”

“And that ain't someone were gonna put our faith in!” Applejack said.

“Really?” said Venus as she walked over to the two of them, “And given the fact how many times you screwed up before Princess Twilight met the both of you, I wouldn’t exactly call you two good character witnesses.”

Both Applejack and Raph were taken aback by this.

“And we don’t wanna put our faith in a hotheaded reptile and a country hicked bumpkin who’s not to bright when it comes to fixing problems either.” Said Obaki.

“You know what!! We're done!” Raph declared. “With all of this!”

“We're gonna actually work on getting us home!” Applejack added.

Just as they were going to walk away. I looked at Batman, and remembered the advice he and Luke gave me some time ago. Seeing what was going to happen, I didn’t have any other choice.

Roland sighed and said “The hard way it is.”

Roland took out his rope dart and threw it, causing it to pierce through Raph’s leg, making him scream in pain, which shocked the others, as well as Applejack when she stopped. Roland pulled the rope, making Raph fly towards him. He grabbed Raph by the waist and threw him over him, but not before he grabbed Raph’s sais. He twirled them and threw them with all his might.

The moment Raph crashed against the wall, the two-sais pierced both his hands, making him scream out loud, which once again shocked the others.

No one had ever seen me do that, but I didn’t care, I was focused on putting Raph in his place once and for all. I looked at the others, knowing fully well what would follow. But back then I was different.

“Anyone else?!!!!” shouted Roland, which scared everyone, minus the bat family, in the room. He walked over to the pinned Raph who was in pain. He grabbed Raph by the neck and spoke in the harshest tone as he looked at him.

“This…is not up for debate.” Said Roland, “I chose to be the leader ever since we got to this world for a reason. If you feel like I am unfit to lead the team, if you feel like any one of you could do better, if any of us get home, I will happily step down. But until that time whilst we’re in this dimension, I am in command here.”

Roland grabbed the sais and twisted them, making Raph scream more.

“And you know what, why should I even trust you to do anything,” said Roland, “It’s your temper and impatience that always jeopardizes our missions!! For you are arrogant, brash, and out of control!! This will not stand.”

He leaned forward and said “You will, honor the Hamato Clan’s ways, and you will, listen to orders when one tells you. It is not too late.”

Roland pulled the sais out of Raph’s hand, making him yelp in pain and landed face first onto the ground before placing his foot on top of his head. Roland leaned over and whispered, “We’d better not have this conversation again. We almost died because of you and Applejack, Raph. Never forget that.”

He stood up and jabbed both sighs straight through his shell and into his back, which made him scream again, and horrifying the others. Roland then tossed a towel to him.

“Now wipe yourself and clean up your mess and pull your own sais out of your back.” Said Roland, “You’re bleeding all over the floor.”

He stood up from Raph and walked over to the frightened Applejack.

“And you,” said Roland when he stood near her, “How dare you, thinking that none of us care about going home, when all of us are more focused on helping the people of Gotham City because of Subprime!!”

“But, I…” replied Applejack before she was cut off.

“Did you forget that ever since you joined us, we had to clean up a mess that you lot made because of the Dazzlings?” said Roland, “That means that their enemies are your enemies too, meaning that if their enemies are involved, it’s our responsibility to put a stop to them. So, whilst you go on obsessing about going home, all of us are more focused on stopping the Kraang before they hurt the millions of innocent people in this dimension. And since they mutated all of Batman’s enemies, that means it’s our responsibility to put a stop to it. So, all that time you think Batman doesn’t care about getting us home? Well, he couldn’t do that, because he was too busy trying to clean up a mess that all of us, but mostly you and Raph made!!


“Typical Applejack, always having a habit of pointing fingers and accusing someone without proof or evidence of any form of betrayal and about the person.” Said Roland, “This is the Battle of the Bands and Anon a miss all over again!!”

“Ah was not responsible for the Battle of the Bands and Anon-a-miss!!” shouted Applejack.

“No, your sister was responsible for the Anon a miss part, all because she got jealous because you wanted to spend time with Sunset because she didn’t want to be lonely anymore!! And she hated her for that? I mean you two already have family, what more did she want?!” said Roland. “But what would I expect from a country hicked bumpkin who’s not smart enough to solve any actual problems!! ‘Oh no look, my embarrassing nickname is posted, oh look, it had Sunset’s name written all over it’ when it had my sibling’s webpage written at the bottom of it!!”

Applejack was taken aback by this, with Roland saying “And you know what, I think I know another reason why you’re called Piggly wiggly, because you’re extremely pigheaded when it comes to hearing people out or giving them a chance!!

The girls gasped at shock at this whilst three out of four of the turtles were surprised by what he said.

“That’s always been your problem, Applejack.” Said Roland, “Whenever stuff happens, you never think things through. Before the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, Anon-a-miss, and now this. You always do this whenever we’re in the middle of a situation. I would’ve thought you would’ve learned your lesson about not judging others because of their actions, but clearly, that doesn’t matter to you. Did you forget you nearly got us killed, therefore you owe it to make it up to them. More importantly…”

He grabbed her by the arm, which made her tense up.

“You owe me, remember?” said Roland before he released her arm and poked her chest “I’m calling in the favor, right now!!

Applejack blinked in shock, and forgot the favor that she owed him, making her look down.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” said Roland, “You’re going to follow his lead, for as long as we’re in this dimension, you follow both mine and Batman’s lead. Do I make myself clear?”

Applejack nodded, with Roland moving away to join Batman on patrol.

Nobody had ever seen me do that before. And truth be told…I didn’t even recognize myself. What I did…was unforgivable. I lost it completely instead of trying to calm the situation. And to this day. I felt both horrible…and terrified at the same time.


“I was scared out of my mind when I did that.” Said Roland, “I…didn’t have full control over myself, because I acted like a monster, when deep down I was.”

Team Shine, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack were stunned by this.

“I felt horrible of what I said to Applejack,” said Roland, before his expression soured and said “But Raph on the other hand, temper or not, he had that coming for a long time.”

“Wait, what?” said Sunset, “But what did he do that was so bad?”

“Remember when you guys first met the Turtles, as well as Bandit?” asked Roland. The others nodded at this, with Roland saying “When he trained he actually broke Bandit’s ankle,” said Roland, which surprised the others, but then Roland growled and said “But after when you girls met them, and after Fluttershy saved Raph, he did something I could never, forgive.”

“What did he do?” asked a concerned Rainbow.

Roland had a hard time saying it, but he was able to calm down. And revealed through a shuddering tone, “He slapped her.”

4 out of seven of the Rainbooms clasped their mouths closed in shock as they couldn’t believe what they heard. But the more shocked were Team Shine.

“Ah,” said Applejack as she struggled to say anything, “Ah literally have no words right now. But…what did y’all mean by owe you? What did mah counterpart owe you?”

“During my…violent days whilst hunting down Cobra’s forces and before Shine Boy stopped me…” said Roland, “I saved your parents’ lives.”

Applejack was greatly shocked by this. “Mah…parents were alive in that world?”

“They were.” Said Roland. “You were lucky to have grown up with them. After the girls accused the other Sunset of being Anon a miss, your mother was waiting for you and held Apple Bloom by the arm. It turned out both their parents caught her posting about you girls. You felt horrible. But Sunset didn’t forgive you for the accusation until a week before the Friendship Games.”

“Wait, what?” said Rainbow, “That was like…3 months wasn’t it?”

“Yeah…I tried playing peacekeeper, but it always fell onto deaf ears.” Said Roland.

“Still, back at Batman’s world, what you did was out of line.” Said Shine Boy.

Roland sighed and said “I know. But…I’m not exactly…good at being, well…”

“Sensitive?” asked Rarity.

“That, and try to stay calm in certain situations.” Said Roland. He sighed and said “Seems like my life is filled with nothing but drama. I haven’t felt like this since that time I asked that one guy to help me out.”

“What guy?” asked a confused Rainbow.

“Don’t know his name,” said Roland, “But I do know he’s a skilled dimensional jumper. Dan, something.”

“Oh, him.” Said Love Shine whilst rolling his eyes.

“Wait, you know him?” asked a confused Roland.

“We crossed paths before.” Said Love Shine. “But what did that guy do?”

“Let’s just say…Rainbow and Mikey weren’t the only ones I gave good advice whilst I was in disguise. I also did the same thing with Raph when I was disguised as the Samurai Rangers’ mentor.”

“Wait, what?!” exclaimed Rainbow in surprise as she and the few members of the Rainbooms were shocked by this, “When?!”

“Shortly after Batman was mind controlled.”

“Wait, Batman was mind-controlled?” said a surprised Gamer.

“Yeah,” said Applejack, “When the Samurai Rangers’ enemies came back, one of them was a Nighlok named Negatron that had the ability to attack you with insults.”

“Like when he said “Your uniform makes you look fat”, the said person would flinch and be shocked, whilst you felt like he really punched you so hard without even touching you.” Said Sunset.

“Whoa, I didn’t know there was a Nighlok like that.” Said Shine Girl.

“That’s nothing, you should’ve seen one of Lord Zedd’s monsters when he turned Tommy into a gluttonous moron.” Said Roland, which surprised them as he said “Long story.”

“That ruffian actually took down Batman’s team and captured Batman, then hypnotized him into being their servant.” Said Rarity.

“It took both Raph and ah to try an’ break it.” Said Applejack, “He was mighty miffed at that and wanted payback. Haven’t seen him since.”

“Except for Nightwing and Batgirl when he and the Titans helped us stop the Kraang when they tried to take over Static and Gears’ world.” Said Rainbow.

“Anyway, back to that guy.” Said Shine Boy.

“I helped him out a while back with a problem and he owed me a favor.” Said Roland. “But after I left, I confronted him about his earlier comment.”

“What comment?” asked Shine Girl.

“Remember the…deal I made.” Said Roland as he held onto the scar on his left hand, which made them remember why he took the deal. “He thought I was supposed to know that stuff. And my mom was supposed to tell me. But one, I was eight years old and too young to know that and thought it was make-believe like any kid would. Two, how was I supposed to know that after my mom got murdered? And three, not everybody can get over trauma, especially when the demon took advantage of my vulnerability.”

“He’s got a point.” Said Gamer, “All of Team Shine didn’t know about any of that until each of us turned nine or so.”

“Anyway, the last time I encountered him…” said Roland as he began to reminiscence of his past.


I was talking to him of how my mission was successful, but I had a bone to pick with him over our last conversation.

“As I told you before, I already lost count, plus you also messed with things you don't understand, and don't want to excuse yourself by saying you were a kid back then, because even a kid would know that there are things you shouldn't mess with even as a joke, at least that's what my parents told me, but I guess your mom never warned you about that kind of stuff."

“Your mother didn’t also tell you that not everyone is lucky enough to grow up and have a normal life?” said Roland in sarcasm, “That everyone that grows up in a different environment and have difficulties in trying to live a life when not everyone is lucky? Plus, I was eight, a stupid kid, who was too young to understand anything. And I was tortured for a year since I was five, hence why I ended up getting ten cuts and a brand. Or are you going to say that it’s a fake?”

The Jumper scoffed and said “And you wonder why we’re not friends.”

“Oh, this is why we’re not friends? Because I didn’t grow up in the same sissy environment like you did, I don’t think so.” Said Roland as he felt insulted, “We’re not friends because you thought I was making up stories and looking for an excuse to be pitied upon when I told you what I went through, so you pretended to not know me and turned your back on me, until you needed me to help fix your problems for you, because you were too weak and incompetent to do any of it yourself.”

The Jumper looked at him shocked and appalled, “No wonder Hunter and the others thought you were an embarrassment when you wanted to join their guild.”

Roland poked at him in the chest and said “You say you faced danger, I fought my entire life and faced things that would’ve made you wet your pants. Cause FYI, I know I’m not Batman or anyone else, but at least I know when to follow orders.”

As Roland took a few steps, the dimensional Jumper stopped him.

“You think I’m an embarrassment?!” said the Jumper, “I’m not the one constantly blaming others for their faults!! I’m not the one who guilts them into agreeing with them and I’m not the one who always hides secrets!! There are other ways to fighting, whilst people always look for an excuse!! And you can’t do everything on your own!! You’re just one person!!”

Roland stopped as he listened. But now this time, he was going to give his own two cents.

“You know,” said Roland as he began to point something out. “Who do you see when you’re talking to someone huh? A poor child who doesn’t have any parents who became an orphan when no one wanted him? An angry teenager who was shunned by someone who they just hurt and rejected when no one else bothered to get to know him, who lost everything?”

Roland stood near him and said “Whilst you’re here, sitting comfortably and lavishly enjoy the comfort of your own home. I’m out there, fighting, to make sure the crud that I went through, doesn’t happen to anyone else. I, who was kidnapped and tortured for a whole year when I was five years old. I, who watched my mother get butchered like she was nothing. I, who got tricked into accepting something when a monster took advantage of my weakness. I, who was forced to kill someone when they first put a sword or a gun in my hand. I’m not the first kid, teenager and young adult who went through that kind of pain and suffering every day, and not all of them, are as lucky as I am.”

“And whilst you play where others refuse to grow up and change and make themselves the victims and guilty card, when all they wanted in life was the same amount of respect that was denied of them. So, let me point something out, did Joseph deserve to be sold as a slave by his own brothers when he didn’t do anything wrong? Did Moses’ people deserve to be treated like slaves when all they wanted was a home and wanted to coexist peacefully with others? Did those who worship different religions deserve to be tossed into camps and poisoned by a madman dictator who saw them as an abomination?! I’m actually out there, just like those before me, the only ones with common sense, standing between safety and annihilation!!”

“You may be!!” said Jumper, “But that still doesn’t justify you to…!!”

“No, not ‘may be’, I am!!” said Roland, “And this has nothing to do with Justification!! This is about doing what’s best and doing what’s necessary, to make sure that not only do they not make the same mistakes as their dimensional counterparts and people before them who went through the exact same things they did, but they should focus on putting differences aside and help those in need!! That, is progress, that is unity, that’s what it really takes to earn the respect of others whilst also seeing past the flaw to make sure that it stays that way!!”

He then was face to face with him.

“So no, bub. I’m not over my head. And no, I will not apologize for my actions!! And no, I will not apologize for speaking the truth!! And no, I will not apologize for putting them in their place or keeping them in line!! And it will be no one’s end.” Said Roland, “But if they do repeat their mistakes by forgetting that history, it will be!!”

He pulled back and said “At least your father understands this better than anyone.”

Roland then glared deep into his eyes and said “Your father Danyram is twice the man you’ll ever be, and he told you constantly to stay out of his business. And seeing that I already helped you out, we’re even. Don’t expect me to cover for you from your old man again. And like he told you…stop being an embarrassment.”

I walked out on him after I was done. He didn’t show it, but he was hurt from what I said. But back then, I didn’t care.


“Like I said,” said Roland, “Non-stop drama.”

“Yeesh, and I thought we had problems when we’re not being ninjas.” Said Rainbow.

“Surprisingly ah agree with ya, Rainbow.” Said Applejack.

“Ditto.” Said Rarity.

“I on the other hand hope that we have a normal day.” Said Gamer.

Roland then suddenly teased Gamer and said “And take Sweetie Belle on a date like last time..”

“IT WASNT A DATE!” He yelled before clearing his throat. “She asked to come and I decided to accompany her.”

“Uh huh.” Shine Boy, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and Roland smirked, along with Rarity, Sunset, and Rainbow.

Just then, Alpha 5 spoke through the intercom. “Gamer, could you report to the lab please?”

“Game over!!” exclaimed Gamer before tossing their sticks away and hurrying out.

“Right.” Sunset smiled.

“End simulation!!” shouted Roland and Shine Boy, making the room back to normal as if nothing had changed.

Serenity was bringing lattes when she saw Gamer stomping past her.

“Still denying he like likes Sweetie Belle?” She asked Team Shine, Roland, and the four Rainbooms who were just coming out of the training room.

“Mmhmm.” They nodded.

“Well, might as well go talk to Jason about our next move.” Shine Boy shrugged as he took his latte and pecking Serenity on the cheek before taking his leave.

“I gotta find Leo anyway.” Roland left with his latte as well along with Love Shine and Shine Girl.

As everyone else left, Serenity whispered to Rarity. “Remind me to share this with Mimi when she and the Digidestined get here.”

“Oh, she’ll get a giggle out of Gamer’s emotions.” Rarity agreed. “I do hope the Digidestined get here soon. We need them against Shredders forces.”

“Yeah.” Serenity nodded. “Well, Batman told me that I may have to help gather others. I better find him and Mr. Tennyson.”

“I’ll be sure to let him know.” Said Rarity as she left.

Serenity drank a bit from her latte.

“You’re lucky, you know.”

Serenity was startled by another voice and looked behind, and it was Jacob, still wearing his hood.

“W-who are you?” said Serenity.

“My name is Jacob, so you don’t have to be afraid of me.” Said Jacob, but then couldn’t help but smile and chuckle, whilst saying “You’re lucky, you know.”

“Lucky?” said a confused Serenity.

“You and Shine Boy.” Said Jacob, which caught her off guard, especially when he said “So when is he gonna put a ring on you, already?”

She couldn’t help but blush madly at that comment and stammered a bit, but Jacob cleared his throat to calm her down.

“As I said, throughout another’s life, there will always be special people in another’s life to be their guiding light. The way you help him, he’s lucky to have someone like you in his life.” Said Jacob. “Your love for life has always been precious.” Said Jacob. He chuckled and said “You remind me a lot of your grandmother.”

Serenity was greatly taken aback by what he had said. “You knew my…how?”

“I taught her everything she knows.” Said Jacob as he showed a picture of her grandmother when she was her age, with Jacob beside her, which took her greatly aback and looked at Jacob in shock. He then had a solemn look and sighed whilst saying “She was one of the best I had.”

He smiled and pulled something out, revealing to be a type of jeweled crest. “This belonged to your grandmother. I made this for her long ago after she graduated. And before she died, she wrote to me and asked me to make another to her specifications. It has special healing abilities that can help you heal others, like a doctor, and to help you calm the most powerful monsters, almost like an alpha male. It even has special protection wards that can protect you from the strongest of darkness and demons.”

“It’s beautiful.” Said Serenity.

“She asked me to give it to you.” Said Jacob. “Her words to me were, quote, give this to my special beautiful little peacemaker.”

Serenity looked at him shocked. For that was exactly what her grandmother called her when she was little. She slowly shed a few tears whilst looking at it. Jacob walked around her and placed the crest around her neck. Then he took out a mirror and showed it to her. She couldn’t help but smile and looked at it and placed her hand against it. Jacob was then in front of her and looked at her face to face.

“Continue to be a beacon of hope, Serenity.” Said Jacob as he slowly kissed her forehead, “You really are special.”

He stood back up and was about to walk away. Until, “And Serenity?”

Serenity looked at him, with Jacob smiling and said “May the Great Spirit be with you.”

Serenity felt the power in those words and couldn’t help but smile and nod. Jacob then walked away and teleported out of plain sight. Serenity looked at her crest one more time and couldn’t help but smile.

“Thank you grandma.” Said Serenity before she walked away to hear from Grandpa Max, as well as contacting anyone who could still hear them.


Later, down at the cafeteria, everyone was having lunch. Except for the League. Though they wanted to accept their offer of joining them, they wanted to take over their shift, considering that they’ve been through a lot the past few days. Everyone was having a conversation. Although…Roland was talking about the rematch situation with Jagwar. Some thought he was going to bring up the grudge conversation, but to their surprise, he talked to Blade casually and asked about it because he was curious over something, considering his Blade didn’t fight at the match.

“The others I can understand,” said Roland as he understood their reasons for ditching Mikey, “But why wouldn’t you want to help? I never expected you of all pony…er, people, to have a grudge over things like that.”

“The others wanted to teach him a lesson about Karma.” said Blade. “I only went along with it because we thought it was the only way to teach him about humility. We didn’t know Jagwar had other plans.”

“Come on, Blade.” said Roland as he casually sat whilst enjoying his drink, “I know the others turned their backs on Mikey because they had a reason. He never pointed your flaws because you've had decades of training and experience, and you never showed any flaws, and you were beaten by an opponent who also gave his all. You didn't have to go along with the others.”

“Still,” said Blade before Tempest sat next to him, “He shouldn't have gone around pointing their flaws. There's no honor in wiping one's victory in another's faces.”

“Really?” said Roland with a smirk before he talked like a smooth man, “Is it also not dishonorable, to abandon and turn your back on a fellow warrior and refused to help him when they beg one for their help despite recent events?”

Blade wanted to say something, but then realized he had nothing, neither did anyone else on the table, for he had just asked Blade into a corner.

“Look, Blade,” said Roland, “I know that Mikey being, well, Mikey, annoyed all of you, but you also have known, not everyone can be humble and tends to let certain victories go to their heads. Remember when Rainbow from Equestria ended up being a glory hog? She ended up boasting a lot about her abilities. The others tried to teach her a lesson in humility by disguising themselves as another hero coming to Ponyville.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that.” said Sandbar as he and the others remembered that event, “They disguised themselves as the mysterious Mare Do-Well, an unknown hero who came to save the day.”

“Which turned out to be professors Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Headmare Twilight in disguise in order for them to act on their own heroic selves.” said Silverstream.

“They tried to teach her that being a hero is great and all, but a real hero doesn't brag and rub their victories.” said Smolder.

“See, they also taught one of their friends a lesson,” said Roland, “Just....not in that level of extreme.”

Roland sat forward and said “Not to mention not all of them are mature.”

“Excuse me?” said Twilight, feeling insulted.

“We are mature.” said Applejack.

Roland looked at them with a smirk and said “Says the folks who play with their dinosaur shaped chicken.”

“No, we...” said Rarity before Roland pointed at another direction.

They saw Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Casy, Indigo, Keno, and Lemon Zest acting like dinosaurs and played with their dinosaur shaped chicken at the same time. Everyone else looked weirded out, especially Mikey and Michelangelo, with Roland rolling his eyes and throwed a piece of bread against one of their heads, making them stop and placing them away whilst having sheepish smiles.

“Okay, even I wouldn't play with my food like that.” said Mikey.

“Ditto.” said Michelangelo.

“So weird.” Gamer muttered before flicking a triangular cracker into Cyborg’s mouth. “Three pointers! From downtown!”

“Booyah!” Cyborg cheered as he munched.

Suddenly Beast Boy came over and said “You know, he does have a point, and that's coming from me.”

Roland then turned to Blade.

“Point is Blade,” said Roland, “A true warrior does not rub or boast their victories in others' faces, that much is true, but a greater warrior is also selfless and do not let the faults of others distract them from doing the right thing by being there for them when it is very clear that they need it instead of wanting it. Sure, there will be those who boast, who rub in others' faces, and who annoy them, but you also have to learn to lead by example, by choosing to be better. Not be a better fighter, or a better leader, but a better being who wishes to help others from the goodness of their hearts. They never gave up on you when some thought you were a lost cause, did they?”

Blade was taken aback by this and looked down, and realized Roland had a good point. He couldn't help but chuckle and said “Never thought another outside force would see this from their perspective.”

“I get by.” said Roland, who then smirked and said “Otherwise I'm gonna bring up what your sister said to you before you had your buttocks handed to her.”

Blade spat out his drink in shock, which shocked the others.

“Wait,” said Raph as he wanted to laugh, “You got beaten up by an old Mare.”

“He did.” said Roland, “I even got the photos to prove it.”

“Wait, what?!” exclaimed Blade.

Roland showed them a picture of Melody pinning Blade on the ground and making him scream for mercy when she found out what he did, causing everyone to laugh over the fact that he got beaten up by an old mare, and that mare was his sister, even Tempest found it amusing as she chuckled.

Suddenly, Roland felt something, even Venus when the two of them stood up, gaining Tempest’s attention.

“Is something wrong?” asked Tempest.

Venus instantly took out Leo’s Shuriken and threw it towards the shadow, causing a hand to appear and grab it, which shocked the others as they quickly got up and got ready for a fight.

“Show yourself!!” said Nightwing.

When all of a sudden, a person walked out of the shadow, which was none other than…

“Ue Sama?” said the Turtles, Rainbooms and Blade. The 2003 Turtles however, were shocked to see a different version of him.

“Huh, he’s not a little kid.” Said Michelangelo.

“Hopefully he’s not like ours.” Muttered Donatello.

“Only one way to find out.” Said Leonardo.

“It seems your skills are sharpest.” Said Ue Sama before he bowed, “No one could ever detect my presence from the shadows. It does well to see there are still a few.”

He looked at the corner and said “Usagi. It is good to see you.”

“You as well, old friend.” Said Usagi as he bowed.

“You two became friends?” said Mikey.

“Indeed,” said Ue Sama, “After seeing all of you bond with one another, I attempted to do the same thing. It was quite…enjoyable.”

“Indeed.” Said Usagi.

“Okay, hold up.” Said Beast Boy, “You know who this is?”

“That’s right.” Said Leo as he introduced the Rangers, Titans, Gems, Shine, and a few others. “Everyone, this is Ue Sama. He comes from another dimension and is known to be one of the best ninjas. I fought him a while back when we were trying to solve the magic problem in Canterlot City.”

“Indeed.” Said Ue Sama, “He had bested me. Then the Battle Nexus came. Many warriors came, and many lost, with one victor.”

“Let me guess, Mikey.” Said Raphael, causing everyone to look at him surprised.

“Wait, you too?!” said Raph surprised.

“Dat’s right.” Said Raphael.

“I have heard of another Battle Nexus.” Said Ue Sama, “I was surprised to learn of another dimension holding the competition.”

“Indeed.” Said Usagi.

“Then things went spiraling out of control.” Said Roland, which gained Usagi’s attention, with the latter saying “Long story.”

“Anyway,” said Mikey, “What are you doing here, Ue Sama?”

“I have come to deliver a message,” said Ue Sama, “My father said that this new Shredder has somehow infiltrated our home dimension and gained more allies along the way. One of them wishes for another rematch.”

“Rematch?” said Mikey confused.

“Wait a minute,” said Roland as he got suspicious, as he realized whom Ue Sama was talking about, he stood up and said “He wouldn’t happen to look like a tiger of sorts and wears armor that looks like a gladiator, right?”

“Your deduction serves you well.” Said Ue Sama.

However, the brief description, causes everyone to realize in shock as they shouted “Jagwar?!!”

“But I thought he was dead!!” said Mikey.

“He’s right, yo!!” said Casey, “We saw him get swamped by Gennosuke!!”

“That’s what we thought, too.” Said Ue Sama.

“You gotta be kidding me!!” said Raph, “He’s joined up with Shredder?!”

“There’s also someone else.” Said Ue Sama. “He also wishes vengeance upon Karai.”

“On me?” said a confused Karai.

“I believe he appears to be the same one who tried to kill you and take your friends’ powers as his own.”

The ones who knew paled, as Leo said “That’s impossible, he’s dead.”

“Shredder somehow brought him back too.” Said Ue Sama.

“Who is he talking about?” asked Raphael.

“I do.” Said Roland, “Do you happen to have someone named Khan?”

“What?!” exclaimed the 03 Turtles.

“You guys also have a Khan in your world?!” exclaimed Leonardo.

“Wait, also?” said a confused Mikey.

“We also had a Khan who tried to rebuild his own Foot Clan ever since our Karai went straight.” Said April.

“He haven’t heard from that punk in a while, and good riddance.” Said Jones.

“But who the heck could bring those two back?” said Raph.

“I know who.”

They turned and to their surprise, it was none other than…

“Versallia?” said the surprised Rainbooms and Turtles.

“Whoa, who’s that?” said Cyborg.

“This is Versallia, the co-ruler of Atlantis in our world, next to her brother, Alim.” Said Leo, who then turned to her and said “Versallia, do you know what’s going on?”

“I do.” Said Versallia. “My sister, Rihona is responsible.”

“Rihona?!” gasped the CMC, Young Six and Rock N Beats in shock.

“Isn’t that the human hating fish girl you guys were talking about?” said Michelangelo.

“She is.” Said Sunset before turning to Versallia. “How did she escape?”

“All of you remember a while ago of who broke her out?” asked Versallia, whom the others nodded, “After you fought her again, I never stopped keeping tabs on her. Then my spies told me of a man in metal armor recruited her and was able to help her steal some of Atlantis’ artifacts. I asked my brother that I wanted to take this mission personally, to try and reason with her.”

“I doubt she’ll listen,” said Mikey, “Considering how it played out last time.”

“But this time we’ll be ready.” Said Shine Boy.

“Where are dey anyway?” asked Raphael.

“I think I know.” Said Roland. “Remember the place where you encountered the guardians?”

“The Ninja Tribunal Temple?” said Donatello in confusion, “But aren’t the guardians watching over the place?”

“We haven’t heard from them ever since we defeated the original Shredder.” Said Leonardo.

“Which is most concerning.” Said Splinter. “I will try to contact the ancient one and see if he can help us provide a way to go there safely.”

“We’ll need some volunteers to go with us, just in case.” Said Roland, “I don’t want to take any chances before we get there.”

“Agreed.” Said Leo, “Let’s go gather everyone willing to help and keep an eye out for just in case.”

Everyone soon left as they were about to make their way towards where Jagwar and the others would be waiting for them.


Later, Gamer was in the garage working on some projects to calm down. He was in the middle of welding when he heard another voice.


Gamer stood up and lifted his face protector to see Obaki standing there. He clearly wasn’t happy to see him.

“Well…well. He lives.” He muttered. “What do you want, Obaki?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Sweetie Belle-!”

Gamer responded by lowering his protector back on his face. “And now I’m going back to work.”

He began welding again as Obaki walked closer.

“Look, Gamer. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” Gamer set his welder down and pulled out a filer which made a loud noise causing Obaki to shout a little louder. “Sweetie Belle is a pretty amazing girl! And- and-!”

At last, Gamer lost patience as he dropped his filer and yanked off his face protector. “And what? You want to talk about the time she, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo made that MyStable page Anon-a-miss and everyone thought Sunset went to being a bully again after she SAVED THEIR UNGRATEFUL LIVES?”

Obaki was speechless as Gamer continued. “All I can say about it is that I could’ve hacked their page and stopped them for theirs AND Sunset’s sake before things escalated for the worse! But I wasn’t and things were resolved so THERE!”

“Now you listen here-!”

“Or WHAT?” Gamer angrily interrupted Obaki. “You wanna remind me of the wrestling Teacher I broke his arm? Or when I blamed AJ and Rainbow for their snowball war resulting in Bro and Leo getting buried by an avalanche? Oh, wait I know! How about the time I wailed on Dr. Droid because I’d be happy to give you a REENACTMENT OF IT!”

Gamer took a deep breath. “And furthermore, I am too young to Zing or whatever! And Sweetie Belle has a better chance with other guys our age than with me! So, the next time, someone tells you that I have a crush on Sweetie Belle, DROP IT! Now if that was all you wanted to talk about, DOORS THAT WAY!”

And with that, Gamer put on his headset and went back to work. Seeing he wasn’t getting anywhere, Obaki walked out and shut the door.

“You’re wrong. And she agree with me.” He whispered as he walked away, unaware that Karai and Cyborg heard the whole thing.


“You understand your orders?”

Max and Batman were in the teleportation room briefing Serenity on her orders before she left to gather more allies and friends as she wore the same outfit as she helped fight off Harley Quinn.

“Yes, sir. I won’t let you down.” She nodded.

“And keep your comm link on at all times should you run into any trouble gathering the others. We’ll send more out to help soon enough.” Batman instructed.

“Understood.” Serenity said as Alpha walked up with her helmet.

“Here you go. I took the liberty of fixing the voice modulator so you should speak clearer now.”

Serenity put it on and began to speak in a robotic version of her voice. “Oh yeah. This is so much better. Thanks, Alpha.”

“Anything you want us to do?” Max asked as Serenity walked on the platform.

“Just keep my love and friends alive while I’m gone, please.” Serenity said.

Max and Batman nodded before Batman pushed the button to teleport her to her destination.

“We better make sure we get the volunteers sorted out soon so she won’t have to do this by herself.” Max suggested.

“Agreed.” Batman nodded. “If Shine Boy is as clingy to her as Clark is with Lois, he’ll be worried sick and not focus on our mission.”

“Tony knows the importance of the mission and trust’s Serenity to do things on her own. Besides, it’s when she’s kidnapped he goes on the warpath.” Max chuckled a bit.

Batman smiled at his jester. “Let’s look at the list of people we can spare to gather the others.”


Meanwhile, from another location, which was the Ninja Tribunal itself, a portal opened up, allowing Roland, Venus, Ue Sama, the Turtles, their human friends/allies, their 03 counterparts, the Rainbooms, Versallia, Alim, along with the Rangers, the Crystal Gems, Ben 10, Titans and Static and his team to arrive.

Static whistled whilst being impressed. “So, this is the Ninja tribunal. It definitely has that vibe.”

“Don’t let the looks fool you.” Said Leonardo, “Last time we were here, we nearly got killed.”

“No kidding.” Said Michelangelo, “Not to mention every challenge was just as crazy as the last one.”

Roland continued to keep his eyes open, with Venus walking next to him. Until the two of them had heard something, causing him to signal them to stop, gaining their attention.

“What is it?” asked Kevin.

Suddenly, Raven, Garnet and Gwen also felt it.

“Guys.” Said Gwen.

“We’re not alone.” Said Raven.

“We’ve got company.” Said Garnet.

“Right you are.”

Everyone turned around and to their surprise, it was a face that Karai didn’t want to see for a long time.

“Ashira Khan.” Growled Karai.

“He’s not the only one.”

One by one, they saw Jagwar with him, along with Rihona and their own version of a Ninja and Atlantis Clans.

At the same time, Roland, and Venus, along with the Turtles and their human friends/allies, their 03 counterparts, the Rainbooms, Versallia, Alim, along with the Rangers, the Crystal Gems, Ben 10, Titans and Static and his team, prepared for a fight as most of them prepared their weapons. However, Karai was shocked to see who was among them.

“Aunt Mitsu?!” exclaimed Karai, which shocked the others.

“That’s Mitsu?!” exclaimed Raph.

“That’s right.” Said Hamato Mitsu.

“You’re the one who wanted to kill Leo?” said Donnie.

“To take back what’s rightfully mine!!” said Mitsu.

“You don’t have a right in anything!!” said Roland, “You lost your right to be Hamato long ago!!”

“Father chose me to lead the clan when he realized I was worthy of being a Sensei!!” said Leo, “Besides, we fought the Shredder and I killed him whilst avenging the Hamato Clan!! What’s your excuse?!!”

“The way I see it, you have no honor!!” said Venus, “For because of your actions before their fall, Hamato clan member’s blood had been spilled on your hands. Bloodshed, without cause or provocation!!”

Just before Mitsu pulled out her sword, Ebon stopped her, which shocked Static and Gears.

“Don’t bother. You’re only going to waste your energy. Save it for when the bigger fight.” Said Ebon.

“I’m surprised that you of all people are here, Ebon.” Said Static, “Especially with half of your gang being here.”

“Oh, believe me, I didn’t want to join at first, not after Subprime ditched us. But when he told me about one of my crew that lied.” Said Ebon as he glared at Hotstreak, which the latter grunted and looked away. “I had to set an example by showing what happens when one of my crewman double crosses me behind my back. And told him not to go after Raph and Sunset, because I saw at firsthand what Shredder did to my counterpart the last time he didn’t follow orders.”

Karai then noticed Viper Kai among them.

“Why are you even here, Kai?” said Karai.

“I came by to exact my revenge. But when it was denied twice, Shredder made an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Said Kai.

“Clearly, you haven’t learned one bit.” Said Roland, “Or did you forget how you got your butt kicked.”

However, Alim was focused on Rihona.

“You continue to be a disgrace to our people and family Rihona.” Said Alim, “We told you that they were allies, and they had nothing to do with our mother’s passing.”

“I will do whatever it takes to end them right here and right now.” Said Rihona.

“So, you stole from our own people,” said Versallia, “Lied to us about the threats we face? And siding with our worst enemies? Because of you, you had brought dishonor to our people, and nearly have us attempt a bloodshed, without cause or provocation.”

“And to use the resurrection stone.” Said Alim in disgust, “Do you have any idea the punishment for abusing such power?!”

“I will do whatever it takes to exact my revenge on humanity.” Said Rihona.

“For the hundredth time, not all of us were responsible for the mine poisoning!!” shouted Raph.

“Man, dis girl’s got issues.” Said Raphael.

“Tell me about it.” Said Mikey in an eyeroll. Then he looked at Jagwar and said “And what do you want Jagwar? Let me guess, you wanna rematch, again.”

“You are mistaken, turtle.” Growled the cat warrior. “I am not the Jagwar you know. I am his son, named after him.”

“Wait, Jagwar had a kid?!” said Venus surprised as he looked at Ue Sama.

“Even I am surprised.” Said Ue Sama.

“What do you want?” said Roland.

“For one reason and one reason only,” said the son of Jagwar, “To have my revenge on the ones who took my father, and to have revenge on the one who stole my father’s honor and victory.”

“Dude,” said Rainbow Dash, “Your dad lost!! Get over it already!!”

“I will not. I will have my rematch and have my father’s honor restored.” Said Jagwar.

“Your father already lost his honor the day he decided to change the Daiyu’s Battle Nexus match!!” said Venus, “And now you’re disgracing your family further by joining with a Shredder wannabee!!”

“You keep your tongue!!” said Khan.

“Or what?” said Donnie, “You’re gonna try to steal our powers again?!”

“It’s not gonna happen!!” said Steven.

“And we’ll make sure you will never hurt anyone else ever again!!” said Tommy.

“Be that as it may, I will not let my family’s honor be stained any further!!” said Jagwar before pointing his axe at Mikey, “I will have my revenge one way or another.”

“Man, this guy’s annoying.” Whispered Michelangelo.

“If his father’s like dat, I can see why ya don’t like em.” Whispered Raphael to Roland.

Before Mikey could say anything, Roland stepped in front of him and looked at Jagwar sternly.

“Forget it, pussy cat!!” said Roland. “The first fight where he won against your father may have been a fluke, but the second time, Mikey won that fight fair and square, even though, your father cheated.”

“It was an honorable and fair combat!!” shouted Jagwar.

“Pff, yeah if you wanna call rigging the fight to a deathmatch, kidnapping the Diaoyu’s son and challenged Mikey to a fight when he knew his friends would turn their backs on him being fair.” said Venus.

Everyone was shocked by what Venus had said.

“Wait,” said Leo in shock, “Your father knew we would abandon Mikey?!”

“Of course, he did.” Said Jagwar with a smirk, “He saw it the moment he entered your dimension. And honestly? Him watching you turn on him…is sweeter than bathing in the blood of our enemies.”

The Rainbooms and Turtles were shocked and paled. For they were used by…

“You little!!” shouted Raph as he was about to tackle Jagwar before he was stopped by Venus.

“As we said, forget it, Jagwar.” Said Venus, “We don’t make deals with those who join our enemies for their own selfish amusements.”

“Then I’m sure, you will come to an agreement then?” said Jagwar.

Khan took something out, and to their surprise, it was the Keystone that they were looking for, but in the color of orange.

“How did you get that?!!” demanded Leonardo.

“Oh, we have our ways.”

Suddenly, the Rainbooms and Turtles felt chills up their spines.

“No.” muttered Sunset.

“It can’t be.” Muttered Donnie.

From out of nowhere, appearing from the shadows, were none other than the vampire trio.

“Van Mi?!” exclaimed Leo.

“Along with Chi Chu and Bing?!” exclaimed Raph.

“How are you lot still alive?!” exclaimed Sunset.

“We saw you three destroyed!!” said Twilight.

“Uh, I’m confused here.” Said Steven.

“Yeah, you know these guys?” said Ben.

“They do.” Said Roland, “These three are Chinese Vampires who have been trying to steal chi and lifeforce from innocence for hundreds of years, leaving their victims as zombies. They tried to do the same thing with the Turtles and Rainbooms. Though by some miracle, Bonesteel had equipment to handle them.”

“Oh boy, Gamer’s not gonna like hearing this.” Said Shine Boy as Shine Girl and Love Shine nodded in agreement.

“They were burnt to dust thanks to their efforts.” Said Venus.

“Have you gone mad?!” exclaimed Alim, “You resurrected Vampires!! One of our sworn enemies!!”

“Father and mother would be ashamed and disgusted if they could see you right now!!” shouted Versallia in anger.

“As I said before,” said Rihona, “I will do whatever it takes to make sure humanity is destroyed.”

“And we know you have the stones and are looking for this one.” Said Khan. “So then…what’s it going to be?”

Before anyone could respond, Time suddenly stopped, confusing Roland as he looked around, noticing that nobody was moving a muscle.

“Do you wish to fight in his stead?”

Roland looked around and couldn’t see anyone, until he felt a massive migraine whilst holding onto his head.

“Do you wish to fight in Michelangelo’s stead?”

Roland grunted, but said “I do.”

“Then you shall toss the gauntlet to the challenger’s feet, and say that you shall challenge him to Mock Garl Na.”


“Trust me, and you shall see.”

Roland grunted and suddenly felt something in his left hand. He looked and to his surprise, it was a gauntlet glove like the voice said. He wondered what this could mean. But then he noticed that time has resumed, making him realize he knew what he needed to do.

“Well. We are waiting.” Said Khan.

Before anyone could say anything.

“He’s not going to challenge you.”

Everyone looked as Roland took a step forward.

“So, you’re saying you do not want…?” said Jagwar before being cut off.

“You didn’t let me finish.”

Some were puzzled by what he meant. Roland suddenly pulled out a gauntlet, one that Jagwar and Ue Sama noticed. Within a split second, Roland tossed the gauntlet to Jagwar’s feet, taking the warrior by surprise.

“Jagwar,” said Roland before he sharply pointed at him and shouted, “I challenge you, to Mock Garl Na!!!!

When all of a sudden, thunder had begun to sound and lightning had begun to strike, shocking everyone as they looked around and did not realize what was going on. Then from the heavens, three beings had arrived as they descended and landed near them. And what they saw, they couldn’t believe.

(Ancient beings)

“The challenge has been issued.” Said the fist being, “Mock Garl Na, has been declared.”

“It can’t be.” Muttered Shine Boy as he was shocked by what he was seeing.

“Who are you!!” demanded Khan.

“We are the ancient ones of the cosmos.” Said the second being. “A challenged has been issued on sacred ground. Therefore, by law, when someone issues the challenge, the challenge, must be followed.”

“Bah, we won’t follow some stupid…!!!” said Rihona, before the third being shot her with a thousand volts of electricity, electrocuting her as this was a shock to the others. Rihona then collapsed and panted whilst trying to recover from the pain.

“Your people know this law better than anyone, fish walker.” Said the third being. “You will do well to abide those laws. For it is the very reason, your father had perished when he chose to defy our laws.”

Alim, Versallia and Rihona were shocked to hear that as they sort of looked at one another. As Rihona stood up, the first ancient being walked up to the allies. Though they were cautious, they kept their guard up for just in case.

“Who among you, has issued a challenge?” asked the first being.

“I have.” Said Roland as he took a step forward.

The being approached Roland as he said “Are you prepared to fulfill the challenge that you have issued?”

“I do.”

“Are you willing to follow its rules to the letter without question?”

“I do.”

“Will you fulfil them until the match is over and the winner is declared?”

“I do.”

“Very well then,” said the being, “Present your right hand.”

Roland did so, until within a split second, the being grabbed Roland’s hand and used a knife to slice his palm, making Roland yelp, which surprised the others. Until the being pulled out a contract and placed Roland’s hand against it, causing his blood print to be on the contract, making it glow before Roland retracted his hand as he tried to put pressure on his hand to stop the bleeding.

The being walked over to Jagwar and presented the contract, with Jagwar doing the same. However, he quickly hid behind his back and made him think he slit it, which caught Shine Boy’s attention.

“The Challenge has been issued!!” declared the first being. “We shall prepare for the arena. By the third day, we will call upon you, and you shall participate.”

Within mere moments, the beings disappeared whilst everyone was stunned. But just in case things got bad, Roland had sent a morse code to the ship during their time. And before the bad guys could react, all of them had instantly teleported back to the ship, surprising everyone at the same time. Whilst Khan merely screamed in rage as if his prey had gotten away.

However, what no one had noticed, was that Ue Sama had quickly hid behind the shadows. He was curious of what they had meant. When all of a sudden, a portal had opened, causing a large man with a mask to come through, surprising Ue Sama.

“Ue Sama.” said the masked figure.

“Father?” said Ue Sama, when he realized it was his father. He went over and bow to him.

“What are you doing here?” asked the Daiyou, “Didn’t I tell you not to use the traveling gate spell?”

“Forgive me father, but I had to.” Said Ue Sama, “For the Turtles and Rainbooms’ enemies, Khan and Jagwar, are involved in matters.”

“How is that possible?” said the Daiyou, “Did they not perish long ago?”

“Khan was resurrected by one from Atlantis. Someone name Rihona.” Said Ue Sama.

“That fish girl, I should’ve known.” Said the Daiyou.

“This Jagwar is the son, named after his father. He came for revenge and to challenge Michelangelo for a rematch in his father’s place. But one of their allies had volunteered to take his stead instead. However, something else has occurred.”

“What kind of occurrence?”

“Three beings appeared after he issued a fight.” Said Ue Sama, “But they were not of our origins or anywhere else. In fact, they bore armor that was more celestial and powerful than our home dimension. They arrived and arranged the challenge the moment the human challenged Jagwar.”

“What did the human say exactly?”

“He said that he would challenge Jagwar to, I think it was, Mock Garl Na.”

The Daiyou was greatly startled by the name. He instantly grabbed Ue Sama by the shoulders, startling the boy.

“Don’t tell me they’ve already fulfilled the contracts?!” he exclaimed in panic.

“Th-they did.” Said Ue Sama. The Daiyou released his son’s shoulders as he sighed and used his one hand to hold it in panic. “Father, what is it?”

“My son.” Said the Daiyou as he turned to Ue Sama, “I have an important task for you. I want you and Usagi to retrieve Usagi’s counterpart and assist in training this man for his fight.”

“Why is that father?” asked Ue Sama. The Daiyou whispered to Ue Sama’s ear. After explaining, his eyes widen, then looked back, and said “Is this true?”

“It is.” Said the Daiyou.

Seeing how it is of great importance, Ue Sama quickly bowed to his father and said “I will make haste father.”

Ue Sama quickly left in doing what his father had asked him to do. The Daiyou turned around and looked at the horizon.

“That foolish young man. What did he do?”

However, from afar, a cloaked figure was watching from afar and watched the whole thing. He gripped his hands, as if what was happening had made him tense. He then walked away before being spotted.


Everyone was soon back at the ship, whilst at the same time, all of them were greatly confused over what just happened.

“What da shell was that?!” exclaimed Raphael.

“I can’t believe Rihona brought back Khan and Jagwar’s had a son and wants revenge on me!!” said Mikey, “Those two are extremely bad news!!”

“You encountered them before?” asked Nightwing.

“I know Jagwar and his son.” Said Raven, “They comes from a dimension where they have anthropomorphic animals and they have the fiercest warriors in their world. Though the other one, I don’t know.”

“I know him.” Said Karai, “He’s was one of Shredder’s enforcers from my world. He tried to take over and attempted to take the Turtles and Rainbooms’ powers whilst using me as a sacrifice. We fought them, until Jagwar killed Khan when he knew he was going to backstab him. Jagwar also perished a while later.”

“I cannot believe Rihona would go this far.” Said Versallia. “She truly has lost all reason.”

“I knew her hatred towards the humans and other surface dwellers were deep,” said Alim, “But I never thought her madness would continue to fester like this out of control.”

“Though I’m more concerned about the beings that helped arrange the challenge.” Said Gamer.

“I know, right. I haven’t seen them before.” Said Love Shine.

When all of a sudden.

“I have.”

They turned to Shine Boy, as he had a look of his own.

“They are known as the Phalanxians.” Said Shine Boy. “I encountered them when I was still training with my master. They are ancient beings that follow the universal code when it comes to balance. Not to mention, long ago, someone had placed them in charge of many tournaments. Tournaments that are similar to the Battle Nexus, but far graver.”

“How bad are we talking?” asked Leo.

“It’s a fight to the death.” Said Shine Boy.

Everyone gasped in horror from the revelation.

“You seriously did that?!” exclaimed pony Rainbow Dash.

“I know what I’m doing.” Said Roland, “This way, no one will die and Mikey won’t be used again. This time, I’m doing things my way.”

“If you’re gonna fight him, then let us…” said April before being cut off.

“No.” said Roland, shocking everyone, “I don’t need any help. I’ll do this challenge, alone.”

“But Roland…” said Karai…

“I said, I’ll do this alone.” Said Roland, before his eyes were purple, his teeth were like a piranha and his voice was different. “END OF DISCUSSION!!!”

They were surprised by that, until Roland’s face was back to normal and he coughed, causing Purple ooze to come out, which shocked Team Shine, Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow, especially their 03 companions, Static, Gears, Rubberband Man, and Brainy Barker.

“This is bad.” Said Brainy Barker, “It’s growing more powerful whenever he’s angry.”

Roland then wiped his mouth and said “I’ll be in the training simulation.”

He walked away whilst at the same time, Ue Sama grabbed Usagi and pulled him away. When the samurai turned around, he was surprised to see his counterpart with Ue Sama, who then motioned to follow him, to which he did.

Back inside with the others, however…

“What the heck is his problem?!” exclaimed Leo, “We only wanted to help and he keeps turning us down.”

“Especially the fight with Jagwar’s son.” Said Mikey.

“But still,” said Nightwing as he pondered something, “I wonder why Roland would refuse you, just like that?”

“I can shine some light into this situation.”

Master Splinter approached the group as he gained their attention, with the 03 Turtles behind him, as well as O’Neil and Jones.

“Yeah, how would you know?” said Raph as he crossed his arms.

“I have looked deeper into his mind. To what I could reach, that is.” Said Splinter. Though it surprised Team Shine, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack, they saw the look in his eye, indicating that though he is hiding the full truth, he would only reveal this one.

Splinter took a breath and told them.

“In the same situation but with him involved,” said Splinter as he began, “Your counterparts have also turned their backs on Michelangelo when he asked you for help, but he was the only one who wanted to help. Because he knew how dangerous Jagwar is and how his culture works when it comes to ‘rematches’. He tried to explain, but none of your counterparts would hear him out. And during the fight after you discovered it was tampered, Jagwar nearly killed Michelangelo. Roland had no choice but to step in and kill Jagwar and ended the match. But after Michelangelo’s counterpart was healed, he was angry at all of your counterparts for abandoning him when he needed you the most. His bitterness and anger overtook him and he quit the team, as he lost all faith and trust in all of you. Roland, in his anger, was enraged of how all of your counterparts treated him. And as punishment, he broke half the limbs and shells of the turtles, whilst he stripped the Rainbooms of their clothing and whipped each of them twenty times behind their backs until they were scarred and bleeding, and he exposed you to your friends of what you have done. He left to retrieve Michelangelo, but your counterparts went with him to redeem themselves and regain his trust. He forgave them, but deep down, he did not as he lost all love and trust within them, even to Roland. And the Michelangelo all of you knew, was no more.”

Everyone, minus the ones who knew, were shocked and horrified by what Splinter revealed. Even the Turtles, with Pinkie, Fluttershy and Twilight in tow, were shocked by what he had revealed.

“Wait.” Said Mikey as he was speechless. “You mean…I ended up like Ronin, but different?”

“That is correct.” Said Splinter.

Fluttershy looked at Venus shocked and said “Is that way you…?”

“That’s…one of the reasons.” muttered Venus as she crossed her arms and looked away.

“I can understand all of you wantin’ to ditch Mikey because of his boasting,” said Raphael, “But I can’t believe that Leo of all mutants turned his back too.”

“How were we supposed to know?! How was I supposed to know?!” said Leo.

“Sounds like to me your jealousy over him is what clouded your sense of thinking.” Said Michelangelo.

“Wait,” said a confused Nightwing, “What are all of you talking about?”

“It’s like dis.” Said Jones as he began to explain the full version. “A dat’s what happened.”

Everyone was surprised by what he said.

“Whoa, you guys really abandoned your own brother? Just like that?” said Jason in disbelief.

“Wow, that’s seriously messed up.” Said Amethyst.

“Amethyst!!” scolded Pearl.

“Still,” said Cyborg as he pointed at Mikey, “I can’t believe you’d constantly boast and rub your victory in your friends’ faces whilst belittling them by their flaws like that.”

“Seriously.” Said Raven with a flexed eyebrow.

“Okay, so I got a bit overboard and overexcited about my victory as a champion.” Said Mikey.

“Even if your first victory was a fluke?” said Zack, which caused Mikey to blush in embarrassment about it.

“Still,” said Static, “I’m more surprised that all of you would ditch Mikey like that.”

“We wanted to teach him a lesson about karma.” Said Applejack, but then looked ashamed and said “And we ended up getting the short stick of it, even karma hitting us back, hard.”

Even though some of the Rainboom members knew, it was still hard for them.

“You guys shouldn’t have made assumptions though.” Said Rubberband Man. “The guy who challenged Mikey? Jag, something, you should never believe them to keep their word. A lot of us have fought against guys like that before, and we ended up being at the short end of the stick of it.”

“I once thought the same thing,” said Ben, “I ended up letting fame get to my head and I ended up being a jerk about it. Which put me in a bad relationship with the others. That’s why sometimes tough love is needed. Just not one to get another killed.”

Before anyone else said anything, Michelangelo began to put in his two cents.

“You know, I’ve sort of been in two different kinds of situations. Same as Mikey.” Said Michelangelo.

“What do you mean?” asked Rainbow.

“When we were trapped in the future…” said Michelangelo.

“Wait, you guys were stuck in the future, too?!!” exclaimed Mikey.

“Wait, you too?!” exclaimed Michelangelo. “How?”

“You first!!” said Mikey.

“Let’s say it together.”


“One. Two. Three.” Said both Mikeys as they said, “We were busy minding our own business, next thing you know, we ended up in the future by accident and met a (few) descendant/descendants of our friend/friends.”

Everyone was silent in shock by what they said at the same time. Though none were more surprised than the Turtles. With Raphael groaning and said “Okay, dis is gettin’ freaky.”

“No need to tell me twice.” Said Raph.

“What were you going to say, Michelangelo?” asked April, which caused the said turtle to clear his throat.

“When my brothers were training,” said Michelangelo, “They were about to graduate to the rank of Chunin.”

“The what now?” said pony Rainbow Dash.

“Chunin,” said Twilight as she read about it once, “Meaning a middle level ninja, is generally allotted to a shinobi who has excelled in leadership and combat at a high level whilst maintaining the traditional ninja way of life.”

“Most impressive.” Said Master Splinter in approval, “You are indeed correct, Twilight Sparkle. You truly know the rules of the Ninja.”

“I’ve been reading about it ever since our Master Splinter gave me my weapon and my friends started to train me in order to bring me up to speed.” Said Twilight.

“As they were about to graduate, I couldn’t because, as all of you know, I slacked off in my training.” Said Michelangelo, “So they ended up taking my weapon and split it into three pieces, in order to speed up my training. I passed all three of my tests whilst trying to retrieve my weapon. Only thing is, I felt like I didn’t deserve to graduate.”

“How so?” asked Keno.

“Well for one thing, after I passed all of my tests, I didn’t feel any different. Cause if I did, I should’ve been a new me. I mean, just because I pass a couple of tests, didn’t mean I wasn’t lazy anymore. It didn’t mean I was back to focus on the true path, or graduated with my brothers. That I was still a shell of a goofball.”

Then Michelangelo said something completely unexpected.

“And that…I was never going to be like Leo.”

Everyone was surprised by what he said, but none were more surprised than his brothers.

“Leo was always the better ninja out of all of us.” Said Michelangelo. “He’s always level headed, he’s always been there. He’s brave enough to stand up to a lot of foes. He’s never too afraid to even sacrifice his own life. That’s why I was happy that he trained me when I fought in a rematch against my opponent in the Battle Nexus. I’ll always be grateful. And I’m still proud to be his brother. Even…even if I’m a bigger screwup.”

Michelangelo felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Leonardo, who smiled at his brother, which the latter returned.

“The point is, as Master Splinter tries to teach us,” said Michelangelo, “Being a team is also about helping out working on each other’s flaws. I mean, I was sometimes annoyed by Raph’s outbursts, but that’s why we’re here, to help work on it. Same with mine, Donnie, and Leo’s.”

“Indeed.” Said Splinter, “Though we are on the path of the ninja, we must remember not to leave another behind in order for them to reach their potential as the ninjas they were meant to be. And not putting them in danger.”

“That’s why I try to be better.” Said Leonardo as he approached Leo. “Even though we’re only turtles, and even though we get on each other’s nerves, as leaders, it’s our responsibility to make sure that everyone stays on the right path. I chose to put my personal feelings aside and chose to help. That’s the role of a leader. Or in your case, as your role as a Sensei.”

Leo looked down in shame, realizing that his counterpart was right. But Leonardo placed his hand onto his counterpart’s shoulder and said “But there is still time to make amends of this. By being there for them like one should be.”

Leo thought about it, then had a determined look, and looked at his counterpart, whilst nodding in agreement, knowing what he had to do.


At the same time, the CMC, the Young Six, Lancer and the Rock N Beats went to check on Bright Eyes. At the same time, Azmuth was using his small hovercraft to get around whilst he’s checking on his tech manual. He suddenly bumped into someone.

“I told you a thousand times, will you get…?!” shouted Azmuth, but was shocked to see who was standing before him.

It was Jacob in his cloak. However, Azmuth could see his eyes more clearly as day.

“Master.” Muttered Azmuth as he instantly bowed. “Forgive me, I didn’t realize…”

“It’s fine Azmuth.” Said Jacob. Then said “I heard a fight has been issued.”

“It is, from what I’ve heard.” Said Azmuth after he picked up his pad.

“I see.” Replied Jacob. Then said “Listen, under no circumstances are the CMC and their friends to see what will happen.”

“Oh?” said Azmuth in confusion whilst looking at Jacob, whom the latter whispered to Azmuth, which shocked the Galvin to say the least. “Are you certain?”

“I am.” Said Jacob. “They mustn’t see what will transpire. For if they do, I fear they might not recover from this. I trust you know what you can do to ensure they won’t see anything?”

“I do.” Said Azmuth, “Once they are subdued, I’ll place them into stasis pods. I’ll set the timer for 76 hours for just in case.”

“Good.” Said Jacob. He then sighed and said “And…did you…?”

“I did.” Said Azmuth as he looked at his data pad. “I have to admit, when you told me, I was just as surprised. I didn’t think another part of him survived like the others and somehow live in the other dimension at a young infancy. And you said you found the others?”

“I did.” Said Jacob, “But I fear the current one’s soul won’t make things easy.”

“Indeed, not.” Said Azmuth, “For we all know that when a piece of a whole is scattered, there is a highly likely chance that a part of them will be contaminated and will likely be lost forever if not treated immediately.”

“There has to be a way.” Said Jacob.

“Jacob, you know as well as I do that a part of the soul has to willingly give up in order for this to happen.” Reminded Azmuth.

“I know.” Said Jacob, “I just hope he’ll listen.”

“I have faith. After all,…” said Azmuth before he smirked, “It happened to you once before.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Said Jacob dryly. “But still…it’s good to see you again old friend.”

Jacob instantly teleported away, leaving Azmuth alone.

“You too old friend.” Said Azmuth as he left, who only smiled and said “If it were not for your teachings and to listen to others, I would’ve been lost forever.”


At the same time in the medical room, the CMC, the Young Six, Lancer and the Rock N Beats visited Bright Eyes and filled her in.

“Wow, so Jagwar has a son and wants payback.” Said Bright Eyes, “Honestly, I thought something like this would happen.”

“Same here,” said Ace, “You’d think we’d hear the last of them and fight fair.”

“Since when is any of them fair?” asked Patch rhetorically.

“Touche.” responded Ace.

“So, what’s the plan on dealing with them?” asked Bright Eyes.

“Well, we heard that Roland had issued the challenge, so we’ll be there to help train and support him.” Said Sandbar, unknowingly that the doors had slowly been sealed, as well as the room.

“Then what are we waiting for,” said Silverstream, “Let’s…”

Suddenly, the room was slowly being filled with white mist of some sorts.

“Huh, what is…?” said Smolder, until she suddenly felt tired. “Whoa…what’s…?”

And one by one, everyone in the room fainted and passed out on the ground, not moving. Once that was done, the gas began to slowly clear, with Azmuth entering with the Plumbers behind him.

“Put them in cryogenic statis.” Said Azmuth, “Make sure none of them are down in that tournament.”

The Plumbers began to take the kids one by one and took them to the cryogenic stasis room, where they would stay out of the fight.


Back at the training simulation, Roland was hard at work, training himself up to how he needs to be. He kept punching, and kicking, and dodging, whilst at the same time, focused on Jagwar’s son’s strengths and weaknesses.

At the same time, Ue Sama, Usagi and his counterpart entered the training room, which surprised them as they saw Roland hard at work.

“Goodness,” said Usagi 03, “I never figured that Roland would be this hard at work.”

“Though from the looks of it, he’s been training for almost a month.” Said Usagi.

“How is that possible?” said a confused Ue Sama.

“Because of the room,” said one of the Plumbers as he walked passed them. “The room is designed to act like its own pocket dimension, something Azmuth came up with per Roland’s request. He said that this training room would allow time to pass faster whilst training. So, say, half an hour passes, six months had passed here. You don’t age, but you will gain that much of an experience during your training.”

“Very impressive.” Said Usagi as he pondered, “If the mystics in our world could learn such a thing, it would certainly save a lot of time and trouble training the next generation of recruits.”

“Come,” said Ue Sama, “We do not have much time. The match is only three days away, and we need to be prepared for the events ahead.”

They then entered the room and closed the door behind them.

As Roland trained, he noticed Ue Sama and the others were there.

“I thought I said I would train alone.” Said Roland.

“There is no honor in training on one’s own, Roland.” Said Usagi, “I know what it feels wanting to do things alone, but even I understand better than anyone that not everyone can accomplish everything on their own.”

Roland sighed and said “End training simulation.”

The simulation ended, causing the room to be different, but had the setting changed to a grassy plain with logs near for them to sit down, which Roland did.

“Look, I appreciate what you want to do, but like I said, I’m fine.” Said Roland.

“If you were, ‘fine’, then you shouldn’t have pushed them away to train you for the fight ahead.” Said Ue Sama.

Roland sighed and said “I am slowly beginning to trust them. However, it’s the training thing that I don’t.”

“Why not?” asked Ue Sama.

“Remember when Jagwar challenged Michelangelo to a rematch, but the others refused to help him because of his boasting to them?” asked Usagi.

“I do. Why do you ask?” asked Ue Sama.

Usagi briefly explained to them what Roland told him a while ago. After explaining, Ue Sama and Usagi 03 were shocked by the discovery.

“That is…this is wrong.” Said Ue Sama.

“Indeed, there is no honor in boasting about one’s victory, but it is even more dishonorable to abandon one’s own clan and kin, and because of it, they do not see a monster behind sheep’s clothing.” Said Usagi 03.

“That’s why I was furious at them.” Said Roland. “I know that they weren’t the same, but…I…”

“It is clear you have a hard time telling the difference between the friends in your world and the friends in the other.” Said Usagi.

“He’s right,” said Usagi 03, “Though they appear and act the same, does not mean that they are truly the same. Certain events had transpired and certain decisions happen. Before one knows it, they descent to a path where there is no coming back from.”

Roland sighed and said “I tried so hard to convince the others, but they wouldn’t listen. Their grudge and jealousy against Mikey was so great, it clouded their judgment. They didn’t even show him any support whatsoever. I mean he did make a mistake, and even if it had to take someone else to make them realize it, they still wouldn’t help. Some friends they are.”

“You should not think like that.” Said Usagi.

“I am sure that you might not have a grudge towards your Michelangelo when you trained him…” began Ue Sama before Roland cut him off.

“Oh, are you kidding me,” said Roland as he looked at him, “You have any idea how many times I wanted to punch Mikey in the face for rubbing his victory in mine, Obaki and Venus’ faces?”

“Your Mikey boasted in your faces, too?” said a confused and surprised Usagi.

“Yeah,” said Roland, “He said that Obaki’s anger is what got him falling harder than a pepperoni slice, and Venus lost because she was a girl.”

This however, surprised Ue Sama, Usagi and his counterpart. “As the Turtles would say…bad move.” Said 03 Usagi.

“And what of you?” asked Ue Sama.

“He kept calling me colonel klutz.” Said Roland. “In other words, clumsy.”

“Clumsy?” said Ue Sama, “What did you do?”

“I was busy fighting against an opponent who was a trickster, known as Monkey King.”

Suddenly, the three of them groaned as Usagi said “You have got to be joking.”

“He a problem in your world, too?” said Roland.

“The one in our dimension tried to enter, but my father was furious when I was hurt when I broke my legs falling because of the Monkey King, so he banned him from ever entering the tournament.” Said Ue Sama.

“Same with the one in my dimension.” Said Usagi 03, “But anyway, what happened?”

“I uh…” began Roland, “Was busy fighting him, until he tossed a banana peel, I slipped, both my guns went off and I ended up shooting off both of the Diaoyu’s beard, hair and eyebrows.”

This left the three of them stunned by what he said. “I do not have the words.” Replied Ue Sama.

“When Jagwar came, I wanted to turn my back on Mikey too, but I couldn’t.” said Roland.

“Why not?” asked Usagi.

“Because I was scared, okay?!! For Mikey!! Scared that he’d get hurt!!” said Roland as he gave his reason.

Roland approached the two of them as he had a serious look in his face.

“I know what Jagwar was capable of and he wasn’t going to make it without help. I could’ve held a grudge but unlike the others, I honored the Hamato Code and its oath the day I joined. And that’s the whole point. Of having a teammate, a disciple, a friend, a brother, or whatever, means being scared for them 24/7 and doing it anyway!! It’s part of the whole job description!!”

Suddenly, Roland’s voice broke as he said “And I’d do anything to have that feeling back again!! To have my family and friends back to…!!!”

Roland stopped himself and shut his eyes before moving his head to another direction. Ue Sama, Usagi and his 03 counterpart were caught off guard of him nearly breaking down, Roland walked over to a stump and sat down whilst lowering his head.

After a minute, Usagi walked over and placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder. “It still haunts you to this very day, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t know where it all went wrong.” Said Roland, “I tried…so hard to be a good friend, and it wasn’t enough. They died, because of me…because I couldn’t do better. I wake up every night…after still hearing their screams…feeling sick…and sweating. Every food I ever ate felt tasteless. Every one of their faces staring at me…accusing me of being a monster. I’m already a dead man.”

Roland sighed and said “Dan was right. If Mikey had just grown up and started taking things seriously, his own friends wouldn’t have turned their backs on them. Even Ethan was right.”

“Ethan?” said Ue Sama in confusion.

“Old associate.” Said Roland, “He once told me something from an old verse. ‘If thou judge, thou shall be judged tenfold.’ I ended up being an even bigger fool. I wasn’t strong enough to stop any of this. And because of it, I ended up dragging everyone into my mess. I just wish…there was another way.”

Roland looked down and said, “I should’ve died with them too.”

“Do not say that.” Said Usagi, “Though you may have lost everything, you cannot let those thoughts continue to consume you. For if you continue to let the anchor of your past to weigh you down, you will continue to be consumed from within the darkness of the ocean. But now you have a chance to rectify that mistake.”

“Indeed.” Said Usagi 03, “Though things didn’t work out the way you wanted, you were able to see that none of them are the same as the ones you knew. It can be hard, but that is why you need to learn to detach yourself from your pain.”

“Indeed.” Said Ue Sama as he stood near Roland, “And it may come as a surprise to you, but Michelangelo was the one who inspired me.”

Roland looked at him shocked, but not as shocked as the others were outside, even Mikey.

“When I fought Leonardo, I was surprised that he bested me in combat, and instead I ended up being, what was the word again?”

“Sore loser?”

“Yes, that one.” Said Ue Sama. “But during the tournament he lost because someone wanted to get rid of him. When I saw how Michelangelo was abandoned, I realized that what they did was not honorable, and that I saw the same way my father and others abandoned me when I asked them to train me. When Michelangelo gave me the belt, he became my first friend. It then drove me to make friends too, as well as trying to find an honorable way to earn the title of champion, rather than wanting shortcuts and making a name for myself.”

He looked at Roland and said “At first, I did not like you because of what I’ve heard from your actions. But because of what Usagi told me, your life was difficult, and that you walked down a darkened path that there was no coming back from. That you felt that everything you knew and held dear had abandoned you. And that you chose to be alone.”

Ue Sama stood on his one knee and looked at Roland right in the eye.

“The ones from your dimension may have abandoned you when you needed a friend the most,” said Ue Sama, who then looked behind and smiled behind his mask. “But the ones here will not.”

Roland turned around and saw the Turtles, Rainbooms and their New York friends with them, showing that he won’t abandon them and that they really do want to help him. Roland looked down for a bit.

“I…well…” said Roland as he was a bit hesitant at first.

Sunset then suddenly had an idea, which got her blushing, but then she shook her head and smirked.


Roland looked at Sunset with a flexed eyebrow, who suddenly had a cute face on her.

“Will you please let us help you,” said Sunset, until she turned around and shook her rump whilst saying “Pretty, pretty please?”

Roland blushed madly what he said, even her friends were surprised by what she was doing. Suddenly, Roland was struggling to composure himself whilst growling and going red from embarrassment.

“Okay, fine!! I’ll let you help me!!” said Roland whilst he stood up and said “Let’s just get things ready.”

Roland then walked over to Sunset and whispered, “You know I was going to say yes, right?”

“I know, this was just my backup plan, by using Equestria’s booty, remember?” asked Sunset.

Roland couldn’t help but blush madly at this again whilst walking away and grumbling. For that wasn’t going away anytime soon.

Sunset couldn’t help but smirk whilst the others looked shocked and surprised at the same time.

“What?” said Sunset with a smirk, “There’s also another way to get through a man’s mind.”

She walked away with pride on her face whilst the others were just as surprised. Ue Sama looked at the girls surprised and said “Did all of you knew she was going to do that?”

“Nope!!” said everyone at the same time.


(Raph training Roland)

And thus, the training had begun. Raphael had presented his fists whilst Roland would constantly punch it over and over, with him blocking it.

“Come on, faster, you can do better!!” said Raph whilst Roland continued.

(Applejack training Roland)

“Alright, again!!” said Applejack.

Roland would kept swinging a sledgehammer in order for him to build proper movement for his body.

“And again!!”

(Rainbow training Roland)

“Come on, Roland!! Move faster!!” said Rainbow.

Roland was busy running on the treadmill with his top speed whilst Rainbow tries to make him faster on his feet at the same time.

(Fluttershy training Roland)

“Come on little friends, move faster so that Roland can move faster too.” Said Fluttershy.

Roland was trying to catch the chickens that constantly tries to dodge him in order for him to build up the quickness the speed of his legs.

(Pinkie training Roland)

“Come on, Roland, move like you mean it!!” said Pinkie whilst she was on a moving cart.

Roland tried to run after her so that he could focus more on moving forward then being held back.

(Leo training Roland)

Leo was showing Roland that whilst he’s fighting, Jagwar is a larger opponent, so he had to focus more on the bigger targets, which Roland kept on moving with a fastened pace at the same time.

(Mikey and Donnie training Roland)

“Keep holding it in, boy!!” shouted Mikey.

Both Mikey and Donnie were hitting Roland in the gut and body with medicine balls and bo-staff so that he could focus on enduring the pain.

(Rarity training Roland)

“Continue to focus all you can, Roland.” Said Rarity.

Roland decided to do many pushups whilst Rarity was sitting on his back whilst keeping focused on his breath at the same time.

(Sunset and Twilight training Roland)

“Come on Roland, focus on the knees.” Said Sunset.

“And keep your body balanced and firm.”

Both Twilight and Sunset helped with the weight on his back as he moved forward and back whilst bending his knee at the same time.

(Casey and Keno training Roland)

“Come on, Roland!!” said Casey.

“Punch it like you mean it!!” said Keno.

Roland was busy punching a large pole covered with tires in order to improve the strength of his fists in order for him to be in shape.

(April and Shinigami training Roland)

“That’s it, Roland.” Said April.

“Just keep on going.” Said Shinigami.

Both girls were using double jump ropes in order to help Roland be light on his feet whilst he did his best to keep his feet and himself on alert.

(Karai training Roland)

“Alright, once more time.” Said Karai.

Roland was busy standing in front of those Wing Chung dummies as he was blocking and deflecting at the same time whilst they were moving at the same time.

For each part of his training as the others helped him, Roland continued to hone in on his skills, as well as his movement, his strengths, his punches, as well as his awareness around him, to ensure that he doesn’t slack in his training.

At first, he nearly collapsed, but he kept on going, ensuring that he doesn’t want to give up, no matter what.

Each of the groups continued to help train him at the same time, as well as all of them trying to fight him whilst he was standing at the center of the ring at the same time.

“Come on, Roland, keep that defense up!!” said Raph.

“Just like they said on that one movie!!” said Mikey.

“What movie?” asked Donnie in confusion.

“You know, that one boxing movie we watched.” Said Mikey before turning to Roland. “You know the old saying!! One step at a time!! One punch at a time!! One round at a time!!”

“Oh, now I get it.” Said Donnie as he remembered the movie.

Roland heard that and got up and continued.

At the same time, the Titans, as well as the League after they got back once they filled them in of Roland’s challenged, walked in, and saw Roland was hard at training.

But during that, he suddenly collapsed, with Raph going over to help him, but Roland pushed his hand away, showing that determination as he slowly got up, bit by bit, with all his strength and all his willpower. Both Hal and John noticed their rings were glowing, and they could see the rings are reacting to Roland’s willpower, something that they’ve never seen before.

And with that, Roland continued with his training as those outside watched with the others training him.

For each of those sections, everyone continued to help train Roland as he was showing great progress in order to make sure he’s well and ready for what’s to come, with everyone watching.

(Raph training Roland)

Roland kept punching harder and faster, until the final punch really hurt Raph’s hand, making it numb as he held it, which made him smirk.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

(Applejack training Roland)

Roland kept smashing the sledge hammer harder and faster until eventually he made the rock break in two.

“Yeehaw!!” exclaimed Applejack as she liked what she saw.

(Rainbow training Roland)

Roland had kept up in full speed as he ran his fastest whilst screaming at the same time before smashing the treadmill controls in order to show determination.

“Awesome!!” said Rainbow with her fist pumping.

(Fluttershy training Roland)

After much running, Roland was able to catch the chickens whilst gently holding them on his shoulder, with Fluttershy clapping at his progress.

“Yay.” Said Fluttershy softly.

(Pinkie training Roland)

Roland ran at full speed as he was pushing the cart at the same time.

“Looking good, Roland!!” said Pinkie as she was exclaiming in excitement.

(Leo training Roland)

Roland was now fully synced with his moves whilst he was moving the same style as Leo was, with the latter smiling with pride.

(Mikey and Donnie training Roland)

Both of them kept hitting his objects, until both of them broke and popped, realizing that Roland was now showing more pain resistant, causing the two brothers to fist bump one another.

(Rarity training Roland)

Roland kept going his pushups faster, with Rarity nodding in agreement, showing that he made good progress.

(Sunset and Twilight training Roland)

Roland was now pulling objects that are much heavier, with both Twilight and Sunset cheering on for Roland at the same time.

(Casey and Keno training Roland)

Roland kept punching the tires harder and harder, until he punched so hard, the tires now snapped in two, causing both Keno and Casey to fist bump whilst smiling and looking at Roland at the same time.

(April and Shinigami training Roland)

Roland this time jumped rope on his own, whilst showing his legs were moving faster and faster and faster, until he suddenly jumped in the air whilst the ropes were spinning at the same time.

“Yeah!!” said April and Shinigami whilst they high fived.

(Karai training Roland)

Roland kept blocking and striking until eventually he broke them in half, with Karai holding his shoulder, showing her did good.

Everyone watching was impressed as they saw how well Roland was holding up. Ue Sama smirked whilst he nodded at the same time with his arms crossed.

“He is ready.” Said Ue Sama


On the third day, the day of the fight had begun. From one side of the ring, all of the Bad guys were waiting. Enemies like the Turtles’ mutant enemies, Subprime, Bixolio, Tiger Claw, Commander Tiger Claw, along with enemies from the Power Rangers, Team Shine, Ben 10, along with the League and Titans’ enemies were also there. However, among them, sitting on a throne, hidden from prying eyes, was none other than the Shredder.

The Turtles’ Tiger Claw then noticed someone next to Khan, a boy who was about a year older than the CMC.

“Remind me again, why you brought a child here?” asked Tiger Claw.

“Because once my brother heard I was alive, he didn’t want to part with me.” Said Khan, “And if he wishes to learn our ways, then he needs to learn to face the harshness of reality.”

Tiger Claw rolled his eyes and said, “Just because you are skilled, does not make you a Foot. Or did you forget how Shredder banished you from our Clan when he realized that you were unworthy to be a part of it?”

“The leadership was mine by right!!” said Khan, “He corrupted everything the Foot stood for by replacing them with machines, and the witch ended up dishonoring it more by siding with our greatest enemy!!”

“Not the way I heard it.” Said Tiger Claw, “Both clans were tricked into feuding. I found out who was responsible long ago.”

“Bah, details.” Said Khan as he was now focused on the ring.

From the other side, the heroes, namely the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies, along with their guests, the Crystal Gems, the Rangers, as well as Team Batman, the Justice League, Team Static, and the Teen Titans, or as Pinkie would call them, Team DC.

From down below, Jagwar’s son (I’m just gonna say Jagwar for the future of this chapter) was standing there, on the other side of the ring, focused on the gate where Roland would appear, with his axe behind his back and a large sword in the ground whilst holding the hilt.

From behind the gate, Roland was on his knees, wearing a traditional fighting outfit that Ue Sama had provided, something that nearly matched his outfit. He and Usagi were with him as they explained more about Jagwar.

“Like his counterpart, Jagwar will stop at nothing from using brutality to fight for his own gains.” Said Ue Sama.

“Your opponent will be using his strength for the fight.” Said Usagi.

“Meaning I can’t match his brutality.” Said Roland, “I have to fight smarter instead of harder.”

“Indeed.” Said Ue Sama. “And during that training, you’ve also seen how he fights, how he moves, and how he uses his own warrior spirit to overcome his opponents.”

“You know how he moves; you know how he will strike.” Said Usagi, “And it all comes down to this.”


Both Usagi and Ue Sama turned to the voice and were surprised to see the Daiyou walking towards them with a sword in tow, causing the three of them to bow to him.

“I have heard you’re going to fight against Jagwar.” Said the Daiyou, “You do understand the kind of fight you have put yourself into, correct?”

“I do.” Said Roland, who then said “In my world, he got away with driving a few I cared about away. I know he’s not the same, but I’d rather die than have him live and cause more trouble. And that’s a promise.”

“Then you will need this.” Said the Daiyou.

He presented a sword to Roland, though the sword almost looks like his.

“We have reforged this sword, made by my personal blacksmith.” Said the Daiyou. “It’s metals is the strongest they have ever made. More resistant to Jagwar’s sword, so you do not have to worry about it being cut in two.”

“I appreciate it, Lord Daiyou.” Said Roland as he bowed whilst accepting it.

“Then please accept this one.” Said the Daiyou as he gave what appeared to be a bo-staff, but the markings looked very familiar.

“Is that the Monkey King’s bo-staff?” said Roland surprised.

“Indeed.” Said the Daiyou, “After the true Monkey King passed away, he entrusted his bo-staff to me long ago, and said I should give it to the one who is worthy. And from what I have seen, you are worthy.”

He handed it to Roland, which allowed him to accept it and placed it behind his back. The Daiyou placed his hand on Roland’s shoulder as he said “Good luck with your match. You will need it.”

“Thank you, Lord Daiyou.” Said Roland as he bowed.

The Daiyou, Ue Sama and Usagi left to watch from the audience whilst Roland once again faced the arena gate and awaited until they opened it. Once it opens, then there’s no coming back from it.

Roland took a breather as he was now preparing himself.


From the good guys, everyone was waiting for the fight ahead. That was, until Mikey noticed the looks on some of the enemies from Equestria and their world.

“Uh, guys,” said Mikey, “You’re seeing what I’m seeing, right?”

They looked at where Mikey was pointing and some were shocked to see them.

“Wait, Shredder also recruited Tirek and Chrysalis?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight.

“And whose that pony there?” said Mikey, which shocked the Equestrians again.

“Sombra?!” squeaked Fluttershy.

“Okay, Chrysalis I can understand, but what about the others?” asked Wally/Flash.

The Equestrians gave a brief description of who the Equestrian Villains are, which surprised them.

“So, they’re dangerous?” asked Wonder Woman.

“Oh, they are,” said Venus, “They’re some of Equestria’s most dangerous criminals. But if they figured out how to work together.”

“Something is not right,” said Martian, “I have looked into Sombra’s mind, as well as the others. All of them are in complete mind control.”

“Mind control?” said Sunset surprised.

“The same way they controlled Karai, but more powerful.” Stated the Martian, which shocked the Turtles and the New Yorkers.

“This new Shredder is getting more dangerous.” Said Nightwing.

“I see even more of our enemies.” Said Starfire.

“Wait,” said Beast Boy as he squinted his eyes a bit, “Are those monsters that look like…squirrels?”

This caught the Turtles, Rainbooms and New York friends to freeze and slowly looked at the direction Beast Boy was looking at. To their horror, it was.

“Squirrelanoids?!” exclaimed the ones who know, but confused the others.

“Squirrel, what now?” said John/Green Lantern.

“It’s like this,” said Venus, “Back then when the Kraang attempted to try and attack New York, plenty of Mutagen were spilled all over New York. A few random squirrels walked into them, and mutated into that.”

The ones who didn’t know them saw them, and were shocked. But none were more shocked than the Leaguers.

“Wait, don’t they almost look like…?!” exclaimed Superman when he recognized the bone structure.

“The Xenomorphs that we encountered them, along with their enemies, the Yautja.” Said Batman.

“Wait, the what now?” said Leo in confusion.

“The Xenomorphs and the Yautja are both powerful aliens from other worlds.” Said Hawkgirl. “Every alien life knows about them.”

“The League fought them before, and we almost died on all fronts.” Said Wally/Flash.

“The first ones, the Xenomorphs,” said Hal/Green Lanter, “They’re a race of aliens that have smaller aliens called face huggers. The moment they attach to your face, they lay eggs in their victims. The eggs then hatch within them, killing their victims. Then in time they become full grown killing machines.”

“The other, the Yautja,” said John/Green Lantern, “Are an ongoing warrior race who fight each other and everyone else. When they see a dangerous warrior on any world, they mark you as their prey. They use every weapon they have in their disposal and hunt you down until your head becomes like a trophy on their walls.”

They were shocked to hear that, even Mikey shivered as he didn’t want to think the unimaginable.

“But still, how the heck did they get more Squirrelanoids?!” said Donnie.

“Shredder must’ve sent spies into that world whilst we were in the shadows.” Said Venus, “He was secretly stealing eggs and mass producing them. And I don’t know how it’s possible, but he has them all under his control.”

“From the looks of it, I think he is.” Said Mikey in concern, which concerned the others as well.

They saw two beings approach the center and blowing the trumpets. The gates was slowly opening, and from within it, Roland walked out, carrying his sword on him as he was moving towards the center of the arena, with Jagwar doing the same.

The two of them stood near one another, waiting to make a move.

“The rules are clearly simple.” Said one of the beings whilst acting like a referee. “The fight is to be of fair and honorable combat. The match is over when one of you surrenders or collapses from exhaustion. The moment when an opponent cannot fight, the said opponent will immediately be teleported out of the arena, no questions asked. Both of you are to fight, and will not have any interference. Am I understood?”

“Yes.” Said Roland.

The great being pointed his spear at Jagwar and said “And you?”

“And why am I being threatened?” said Jagwar with a growl.

“Because your kind has a tendency of not playing by the rules.” Said the Great Being, “It’s the reason why we subjugated it long ago.”

Jagwar merely growled at that, but reluctantly said, “Very well.”

Both Roland and Jagwar stood a few feet away from one another, both sides watching one another, especially the audience from the stage.

“This is a battle of skill and honor.” Said the Great Being, “You both possess abilities that have been forbidden, and thus have been nullified to ensure that none will use them.”

Roland felt it himself and he was right, for he couldn’t use what he did earlier back at the Foot’s building, but he knew he wouldn’t need it. But still, he needed to be fully prepared for what’s to come.

“They will not be used.” Said the Great Being, “For you will fight with what you have, and live by the warrior’s code and the Nexus’ rules. If not, then both of you will die. Is that understood?”

Roland turned to the Great Being and bowed, showing he understood, which the Great Being acknowledged, and he looked at Jagwar. Though he growled, the squinting of the Great Being’s eyes showed he was not to be trifled with, causing the Cat warrior to relent by nodding his head.

Jagwar took out his blade as he was ready, but Roland on the other hand stood there, holding his sword in position, not waiting to make a move as he was using neutral Jing, by closing his eyes and listening, whilst waiting for the right moment to strike.

“To the death, then.” Said the Great Being as he lifted his arm. But then lowered rapidly whilst shouting, “Fight!!”

Jagwar charged like a rabid animal towards Roland whilst the latter was waiting for him to make his move. Some of the good guys were tensed when they saw Roland standing there. Before Jagwar could land a hit, Roland instantly pulled out his sword and blocked Jagwar’s attack, causing both blades to clash and sparked at the same time.

Roland took a good look at his sword. The Daiyou had kept his word. He looked at Jagwar with a glare whilst the cat warrior bear his teeth. Both sides continued to fight as their blades clashed whilst they moved. But as Roland deflected Jagwar’s blade, he suddenly aimed the blade against his neck, causing Jagwar to look at him.

“You could’ve used your talents to help us, fight an enemy that slaughtered billions.” Said Roland, “And instead you ended up challenging this pointless fight, one that your father refused to let go. So, you have two options. Walk away and fight with us. Or you too will fall.”

Jagwar refused to listen as he struck again, but Roland was too quick for him as he dodged left and right, then struck, causing Jagwar to gain a scar over his right eye as he roared and moved back. Jagwar again growled and attacked, but Roland kept using both his size and his skills to his advantage, causing him to block, sweep the leg and kicked him away. The cat warrior again charged and fought clash for clash, until he kicked Roland away, but the latter was able to perform a spinning move and landed, causing him to stand in position again.

Roland stood in position whilst he placed his sword away and pulled out the Monkey King’s bo-staff, which allowed Roland to twirl it and hold into position.

“Once I defeat you, I will go after your brother, and I will make them pay for what they did to my father.” Said Jagwar.

“If you want to blame someone, blame Khan.” Said Roland as he stood in position, “Because of his obsession, he tampered with things that he shouldn’t, and your father ended up paying the price over it.”

“It matters, not!!” said Jagwar, “Because of your friends, my father’s family name had been smeared, as we have been dishonored for losing to the likes of you.”

“That’s always been your problem, pussycat.’ Said Roland, which made Jagwar growl, “You rely too much on savagery. I don’t know what kind of honor you have, but ours is about discipline, humility, and restraint. A few things that you obviously don’t have.”

“Do not mock me, human!!” said Jagwar, “For you confront a force, beyond reckoning!!”

“Your father, had dabbled in powers, beyond reckoning.” Said Roland, before squinting his eyes and said, “Where is he, now?”

Jagwar roared in rage and attacked, with Roland keeping his stance. The cat warrior tried to swing, but Roland kept his stance as he used his weapon to block it and use it as a spear. Jagwar continued to try to strike left and right, but Roland kept using the bo-staff by spinning it and blocking it, even found a way to outmaneuver him by grappling the weapon and pulled Jagwar by flipping him over.

Roland then suddenly dropped the staff, allowing Jagwar to strike, but Roland dodged it, and the moment his legs were standing in a position, Roland rapidly lifted the bo-staff, causing it to him right between the legs, making the warrior grunt in pain.

“Oooooohhh.” Went both sides.

Roland then twirled the staff and bashed it against Jagwar’s face, making the warrior stagger backwards. Though he wasn’t going to have it as he stared down at Roland whilst he stood in position, who then suddenly smirked.

“Why don’t we make it interesting,’ said Roland, “Something accustomed to your people.”

Jagwar looked at him confused. Until, to their surprise, Roland tossed his weapons aside.

“No weapons. Nothing but skill.” Said Roland as he took a stance, “The true test of strength.”

Jagwar then growled and tossed his weapon away before saying, “As it should be!!”

He charged towards Roland whilst the latter held his ground. Jagwar struck left and right, until Roland jumped and rapidly kicked him like a shaolin monk, making the latter move backwards.

Roland decided to use an old move he learned from another fighter, but realizing Jagwar was taller, so he’d have to improvise.

He jumped in the air and delivered his strongest roundhouse kick, causing Jagwar’s jaw to be broken. Roland then grabbed Jagwar by the head and kneed it hard, giving him a concussion at the same time. Roland then backflipped, giving Jagwar a hard kick in the jaw, breaking Jagwar’s jaw even further, but left him disoriented, making Roland land in position.

“Oooh, Roland’s good.” Said Mikey.

“I’ll say.” Said Michelangelo.

“It’s clear the training he’s gained paid off.” Said Donatello.

“I assume all of you helped?” asked Leonardo to the group.

“We did.” Said Leo.

“And I have to admit, his reflexes and resistance was very impressive.” Said Donnie.

Jagwar got up and attacked whilst Roland used his techniques to fight with full force. When all of a sudden, Roland’s right fist glowed red, as did his eyes, which shocked Jagwar. Roland then delivered a strong uppercut, by using a very familiar move.

“Shoryuken!!!” shouted Roland as he punched, launching Jagwar in the air, which surprised everyone.

Roland then jumped up higher, and jumped on Jagwar, allowing him to be higher in the air, allowing Roland to place both his hands together, causing a small blue orb of energy to appear.

“Hadoken!!!” shouted Roland as he blasted Jagwar, making him crash onto the ground.

“Whoa, he knows Ken and Ryu’s moves?!” exclaimed Raph as he was surprised by this.

“How is that possible?!” said Donnie.

After that blast, Jagwar suddenly got back up and felt dizzy. However, Roland then threw what appeared to be a pill in the dirt, causing it to turn into mud, which confused Jagwar, until Roland tackled him, making both of them fall into the mud. After a few minutes, Jagwar popped out and roared in anger whilst trying to search for Roland.

“Human!!” shouted Jagwar as he was losing his patience. “Come on out, you coward!! Face me fool!! And I will kill you!! I will show you the true wrath of a warrior!!”

Suddenly, Roland slowly emerged from the makeshift mud pit whilst his eyes were glaring at Jagwar, which everyone noticed, even Batman knew that look. Without hesitation, Roland removed his shirt to show he was no longer going to hold back.

“Okay then, bub,” said Roland, gaining Jagwar’s attention whilst Roland was smirking and said “Show me.”

Jagwar screamed and charged whilst Roland was standing still. As Jagwar tried to deliver a punch, Roland blocked it with his right hand and backhanded him with his fist, making Jagwar back away. Roland punched Jagwar’s wrists as the warrior cat blocked it, only for Roland to punch him in the gut, then in the face, punching two of Jagwar’s teeth out, showing that Roland was no longer going to hold back.

Roland attempted another punch, but Jagwar blocked him and punched him in the face. Then punched him in the gut, and double fisted Roland, making him land in the mud. Roland immediately got up after he dodged Jagwar’s attack. Roland attempted another punch, but Jagwar punched him again.

“You’re weak human!!” said Jagwar, “You’re slow.”

Roland then took a few steps backwards as he slowly wiped the blood from his moth with his left arm.

“True,” said Roland before he spat a little mud away. “But then again we’re all slow when we’re thigh deep in mud.”

Jagwar pounced, but Roland dodged his attack. He tried to slash Roland, but missed. He tried to punch Roland using his elbows, but Roland blocked it. Before Jagwar could respond, Roland slammed both his hands on both sides of Jagwar’s head, making the warrior cat scream in pain as he covered his ears whilst going backwards.

“And you’re not too bright, either.” Said Roland.

As Jagwar looked, Roland stood near and delivered a roundhouse kick against the right side of Jagwar’s face. Then Roland punched Jagwar in the gut, then to the face before the warrior cat growled at Roland.

Jagwar tried to kick Roland, but the latter blocked it with both his arms. Jagwar tried to punch Roland, but he dodged right, which allowed for Roland to punch him in the right side twice, which caused Jagwar to stagger as Roland moved to the left and punched him in the gut. Roland attempted to punch, but Jagwar kicked him. Though even though Roland blocked it, it made him stagger a bit before getting back in the fight. Jagwar once again tried to attack, but Roland was able to put up a good defense as he blocked a few punches and elbow blows.

However, as Roland was able to block and dodge, Jagwar was able to scratch the side of his face, which startled some of the good guys.

Roland felt the cut and the bit of blood, but was able to dodge two strikes from Jagwar before he could do anything else. Roland then delivered a high kick, but Jagwar blocked it. Jagwar again attempted to strike three times, until Roland did a cut maneuver on the cat warrior’s forehead, making him go backwards. Jagwar thought Roland missed.

“What was that?” said Jagwar with a mocked smile.

“Just the right kind of cut above the eyes.” Said Roland. Jagwar then felt something wet, and felt something. He then felt his forehead and saw it was bleeding, making him realize that Roland had cut his entire forehead. “The kind that bleeds.”

Before Jagwar could respond, Roland delivered a strong right hook. Jagwar tried to punch back, but Roland merely grabbed his entire left arm and threw him over his shoulder, making the cat warrior skid on the muddy ground.

“No way, how can he take Jagwar down so easily?!!” said Mikey.

“Because instead of fighting his opponent with brute strength,” said Master Splinter, “He is fighting him using his mind by using tactics and strategy above bravado.”

“Every martial artists knows this better than anyone.” Said Batman.

“Wish Viper Kai would learn something like that.” Muttered Karai as she glared at Viper Kai and his partner.

Superman was curious about something, causing Martian to read Karai’s mind, then showed it to Clark, which surprised the latter when he looked at him, realized that Kai would do whatever it takes to win no matter what it takes.

Roland walked over to Jagwar whilst the cat warrior stood up and looked at Roland with a stink eye whilst growling like a tiger. He wiped the bit of blood from his forehead and grabbed the barrel and tossed it at Roland, but he was able to dodge to the right, and dodged to the left when Jagwar attempted to roundhouse kick him. But he was able to land a kick against Roland, who skid a bit, but was able to get back up.

Jagwar attempted to punch Roland, but the latter dodged it, as well as blocked the cat warrior’s kick. He tried to elbow Roland, but he grabbed Jagwar’s elbow and pushed him away, allowing Roland to jump in the air and double fist slammed against the right side of Jagwar’s neck. Jagwar tried to punch Roland, but he missed it twice, allowing Roland to punch him in the left ribcage. Both Jagwar and Roland continued to try and block and punch one another. But Roland was able to punch Jagwar in the side of the face, against his arm, and against his nose.

Jagwar shouted in pain as he held his nose whilst it bled, for Roland had recently broke it. Angered, Jagwar attempted to strike, but Roland blocked his left, and right elbowed Jagwar hard in the face, then backhanded him. And delivered a strong kick so hard, it lifted Jagwar a bit and made him crash into the mud with a splash.

Both sides were shocked and eager to see who would come out on top.

Jagwar slowly got up whilst he growled again at the same time, this time his patience being tested whilst Roland just stood there, ready in defense. Jagwar sprinted and tried to land a punch, only for Roland to doge to his left and performed a pincer striker between Jagwar’s arm and shoulder. He attempted to strike again, but Roland performed another one before standing a foot away.

“Was that supposed to be a tickle?” said the warrior.

“That was a nerve bundle in your deltoid.” Said Roland, “Might not have hurt, but you won’t be moving that arm of yours for a while.”

Jagwar then held his left arm and realized that he couldn’t move. However, he wasn’t going to have it. He charged and jumped whilst kicking Roland with two of his legs, which Roland was unable to block as the second kick broke his defense. He punched Roland and backhanded him. But then he grabbed his head and kneed it. Then punched it, then gave an uppercut, causing Roland to collapse hard onto the mud.

“Roland.” Muttered Sunset as she clasped her mouth shut, with everyone just as worried.

However, from deep within his soul, Brainy Barker was getting more and more worried as she felt his soul, even with the device trying to keep it back.

“He needs to stop fighting.” Said Brainy.

“What do you mean, I’m sure Roland is fine.” Said Nightwing.

“That’s not what I’m worried about.”

Jagwar walked over and picked up Roland by the vest of his shirt, allowing the cat warrior to look at him face to face.

“You’re finished, puny warrior.” Said Jagwar.

Roland then suddenly headbutted the cat warrior hard, breaking his nose even further.

“You don’t get it, bub.” Said Roland as Jagwar staggered a bit. “This isn’t a mudhole.”

Roland then charged the moment Jagwar turned around. Roland blocked Jagwar’s punch, allowing Roland to punch a few of the cat warrior’s teeth out. Roland delivered two more punches to the face, then grabbed Jagwar as he jumped up, causing the entire mud pit to disappear, meaning Roland’s temporary ring had worn off, allowing Roland to bash Jagwar onto the ground, hard.

“This is an operating table, where you’re the patient,” said Roland before he blocked Jagwar’s punch, then grabbed it with his legs wrapped around it and Roland holding his right arm into place. “And I’m the surgeon.”

Roland then dislocated it, causing Jagwar to scream in pain as he flailed trying to get lose whilst everyone continued to watch. Roland then punched Jagwar a couple of times in the face, then grabbed Jagwar’s leg and did the same thing, making everyone wince on both sides. Roland was then on top of Jagwar as he kept on punching it repeatedly over and over, again and again and again in order to incapacitate him. After many punches, Jagwar was down, allowing Roland to stand up and take a few breathers.

However, Jagwar wasn’t having it as he suddenly pulled out an axe he held from his back and tried to slice, only for Roland to dodge, but he couldn’t dodge fast enough as the second one struck his left arm, making him collapse onto the ground.

“I’m…not…finished…yet.” Said Jagwar as he got up.

Suddenly, by Jagwar’s signal, many individuals had jumped from the stage and on the fighting arena.

“Hey, that’s not fair, that’s cheating!!” said Raph.

“Roland, get up!!” shouted Shine Boy.

Roland then opened his eye and grumbled, “This guy’s really getting on my…”

However, he suddenly heard a loud sparkling sound, which made him widen his eyes in shock and looked. Causing the gauntlet that was invisible to appear, and showed it had a large cut on it, meaning it was now damaged, and the gauntlet was only half workin.

Roland gasped, only to grunt in pain, trying his best to hold it together.

“No…” groaned Roland as he desperately held onto the damaged gauntlet. “Not…no…”

Roland grunted as he closed his eyes, then sharply opened his eyes. And then…a voice…

You…cannot outrun me…

However, Roland was not the only one who heard the voice. For Shine Boy, Night Shine, Sunset, Princess Twilight, even Brainy Barker heard it as the five of them were horrified by the sound of the voice.

From within you…I will rise. Through you…I will be whole…

Then Roland’s eyes slowly began to turn purple with veins from different parts of his eyes.

Through you…I am reborn.

The others grunted, with Shine Boy saying “Did you just…”

“I felt it too.” Said Night Shine.

Princess Twilight and Sunset however, suddenly felt something from Roland. Something…very dark on the rise.

Roland slowly stood on all fours with his head lowered, then grunted a few times. And within an instant, puked purple ooze from his mouth as it landed onto the ground in a small puddle.

This surprises everyone. However, to Team Shine, and four out of seven of the Rainbooms, Static and Gears, they realized in horror what it means.

“Stand up, warrior, I am not through with you yet!!” shouted Jagwar, “When I finish you, I will go after everyone else. And when I do, I will ensure that I will be the champion of the cosmos…”

However, Roland wasn’t listening as he was slowly standing up with shaking legs.

“I will destroy all who stand in my way!!” shouted Jagwar as he walked closer step by step, “I will conquer, I will have what I deserve!! And then…I will…!!!”


Dead silence has been filled in the air, nothing but utter silence, nothing but quietness, nothing had been heard as a loud sound had echoed throughout the entire landscape. For no noise was ever heard after that loud crack. After that loud noise.

From Jagwar’s left eye, it twitched, as he grunted and couldn’t breathe for some reason. As he chocked, not being able to speak or say anything.

From the villain’s side, all of them were surprised to see what had transpired, as well as those who chose to step in the ring when they cheated.

From the heroes’ side, all of them were shocked and horrified by what they saw, as they could not believe what they were seeing.

Jagwar slowly looked down, and there he saw it. A fist that had been directly punched through his chest. The punch came from none other than Roland as he kept his head lowered, not bothering to look at him in the eye. The Jaguar warrior was shocked as he saw what happened. Within a split second, Roland pulled his fist out, making Jagwar grunt and collapse onto the ground, not making any movements. With Roland’s right arm being covered by what others could not describe.

“Roland,” muttered Leo, then shouted “What did you do?!”

Jones however, noticed something instantly and was shocked by what he saw. “Uh, I don’t think dats Roland!!”

“What makes you say that?!” said O’Neil.

“Because of that!!” pointed out Casey.

Roland kept his head lowered, but slowly lifted it up. When everyone got a good look on his face. His teeth looked like a piranha’s teeth whilst purple ooze came out of his mouth, with his eyes being black with black veins as the color iris of his eyes were purple whilst he growled at the same time.

Everyone gasped and was shocked by what they saw.

“What happened to him?!” exclaimed Wonder Woman.

“That is what I have been trying to tell all of you!!” said Brainy Barker as she gained their attention, “An evil entity has taken over his mind from within his soul!!”

They were shocked to hear that as they looked at Roland. For he was now focused on his prey, all of them that had dared to step in the ring the moment they tried to cheat their way. Roland then walked towards his prey slowly, not taking his eyes off of them for a second.

However, two of 03 Hun’s purple dragons thought it was a bluff.

“Heh,” said the first of the two as they slowly approached him. “He don’t look so…”

However, it was cut short when Roland backhanded him, sending him flying across the arena. Then Roland made his hand into a blade position, then instantly jabbed it through the second Purple Dragon’s chest as he screamed, making Roland pull out whilst the dragon collapsed onto the ground.

This puts a shock to those as they saw what Roland was doing.

The third dragon tried to get away, but Roland tripped him and punched his face so hard, it was literally into the ground, whilst Roland grabbed the fourth and planted his head against a stone wall, scarring his face whilst screaming before being tossed away.

Even Hun was shocked by what he was seeing as two more dragons tried to shoot, but Roland dodged them left and right, then delivered a strong roundhouse kick, sending them both flying.

That was, until Fishface came and kicked the back of Roland’s head, who grunted and suddenly stood there.

Everyone watched as Roland’s head shook and twitched as if it were a robot. Suddenly, more veins started to slowly appear on his fists. Then within a split second, his entire body’s veins were turned black, whilst his eyes were glowing purple and he screeched like a banshee in rage, shocking everyone even further.

“What the shell?!” exclaimed Leo as he and the others were shocked by what they saw.

Roland soon moved forward and began to beat up Hun 03’s Purple Dragons. He grabbed one’s head and bashed it onto the ground and moved forward. He grabbed another and broke his arm whilst another attempted to punch Roland, only for the latter to bash him away whilst Roland knocked out the guy he was holding. The next one tried to punch Roland, only for the latter to grab him and break his fist before slamming him hard onto the ground. Roland then backhanded another, disorienting him and then kicked him away. Hard.

At the same time, the Wasps came to the attack, only for Roland to grab one and then…split it in half whilst screaming in rage and shocking the others in horror, before grabbing the stingers and jabbing them hard onto the ground with the other two before Roland moved forward.

The Squirrelanoids tried to attack, until Roland grabbed one of the Purple Dragons’ pistols. Roland moved swiftly back and forth, sharply point the pistol, and shot down a few of them as he fired at their heads at point blank range, even grabbed their heads and twirled around them, even using a few wrestling moves to bring them down.

“Whoa,” said Mikey, “He’s bringing them down so easily where we kept getting our shells kicked.”

Before he could move, he felt a slight jab on his left shoulder. He slowly looked and saw it was an Atlantean knife. He slowly reached for it and grabbed it before pulling out. He slowly looked back and saw Rihona, standing ready with her trident, as she was the first to make her move.

“I will ensure that I will end you!!” said Rihona, “And once I do, I will soon have my revenge!!”

Roland however, looked at Rihona, and memory flashes began to go through his head of what Rihona had done to Ace. The more he thought, the more his rage grew. This however, didn’t go unnoticed to the others.

“Uh, guys.” Said a worried Gamer to his team, as well as Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity.

“What is it?” asked Rarity.

“Remember what Roland said what happened to Ace?” said Gamer when he clued them in, “And who was responsible?”

Then it clicked to them, as they realize what Roland was thinking. They slowly looked in shock and worry.

“Oh, no.” muttered Rainbow as she knew what it mean.

Come.” Said Roland in a darker tone, “Come to me. Let me rip you. Let me kill…

Before Roland could finish, he screamed in a banshee rage as he now has his sights set on Rihona, which didn’t go unnoticed to the latter.

Roland charged straight towards Rihona and delivered a strong kick, but Rihona dodged it left and right. Rihona pulled out her trident and tried to strike, but Roland merely dodged it and jumped backwards.

“You cannot beat me!!” said Rihona, “I was Captain of Atlantis’ guard for a reason!! Nothing you can do will ever surprise me!!”

Roland then suddenly pulled out what appeared to be orbs, which surprised the others.

SOJOR!! SODOR!! BLINDR!!” shouted Roland before bashing the crystals together, causing a massive smokescreen to surround her, allowing Roland to instantly go in to strike from all around.

“Whoa, he knows Norse magic?!” exclaimed Gears.

“Wait, Norse Magic?” said a confused Leo.

“He’s right,” said Raven, “That magic he used was from Norse relations. And it’s impossible, all knowledge of Norse magic died out long ago.”

From within the cloud, Roland kept on striking, but Rihona kept using her trident to block him. Suddenly Roland pulled out two knives and threw it at the fish girl, causing Rihona to catch it. Before she could react, the top of the knives suddenly went off like a flashbang grenade, causing her to be temporarily blinded and distracted. Roland then charged forward once again; this time his strikes had increased their speeds whilst Rihona barely had the time to dodge. Just as she blocked him, Roland punched the left side of Rihona’s face, shocking the others.

“That’s impossible.’ Said Versallia.

“No one was able to struck a blow at Rihona.” Said Alim.

Rihona stood there for a moment, then slowly placed her left hand against her cheek. To her shock, her face had been cut. For the first time in her life, a mortal actually scraped her.

“You…actually hit me!!” said Rihona with a growl.

However, Roland was suddenly under her and delivered a strong uppercut, making her hover before Roland grabbed her by the leg and tossed her hard on the ground with a loud smash. However, Rihona instantly got up and readied her trident, with Roland landing on the ground and darting straight towards her. Rihona kept firing magic beams from her trident, but Roland kept dodging left and right whilst making his way towards her.

The moment he was close enough, Rihona tried to strike, only for Roland do duck and slide and used his fingers to claw her left leg, as well as her knee, making her flinch as she tried to fight, only for Roland to instantly bounce around and kneed her hard in the face, then punched her in the gut, then again in the face. As she turned around, she tried to strike, only for Roland to pull out four knives that he held between his fingers and blocked her trident as if those were his fingers.

“How?!” yelled Rihona as she was now having enough, “How are you doing this?!”

Roland yelled in rage as he took her trident out of her grip and used it to lift her up and charge towards a large rock behind her, allowing him to use it to pin her hand against the rock, but he also pulled out his four knives and jabbed it in four places of her right arm, making her scream as she was now pinned against the rock.

This was a surprise to both sides as Roland slowly backed away, not saying a word, not showing emotion but the anger on his face. Roland took a few steps backwards, and instead…he took his time.

“What…are you?” said Rihona, “None had matched my abilities besides the human and mutant runts who bested me. And none of them had this much…savagery.”

However, Roland didn’t say anything, he just kept staring at her.

“What? Too fat with pride to say anything.” Said Rihona, “I’d expect nothing more from the human filth.”

Roland then dug for something behind his belt, and pulled out what appeared to be a…detonator?

He then flipped a lid, revealing a switch, causing the knives to blink, which none had a clue why.

“Is this about…the boy that caught wind of my plans when I counted that none of his snot nosed bratty friends would believe him?” Roland then snarled, as she knew he was talking about Ace, whose counterpart killed him without a second thought. He slowly raised his hand as he placed his thumb over the detonator. However, for Team Shine, they put two and two together, and realized in shock what he was going to do.

“Roland, no!!” shouted Shine Boy.

“Oh, now I’m definitely going to gut him.” Said Rihona as she was about to pull the knives out.

However, within a split second, Roland pressed the button of the detonator hard, causing her right arm to be blown to kingdom come as she screamed in agonizing pain, which shocked the villain and hero side, but horrified some from the good side. Rihona was on her knees, the pain being unbearable for her. But Roland still stood there and placed the detonator away, whilst staring down at her.

“You…” growled Rihona, “You think you can just…fight me, and expect me to beg for mercy. That’s not…how it works.”

She slowly got up with both her legs shaking, and used whatever magic she had left to create a magic arm for herself.

“I…will not be defeated by a mere monkey.” She growled. “You will not. Decide!! My!! Fate!!”

Suddenly, Roland appeared in front of her, making her gasp in shock.

It’s already been decided!!

With a great forceful punch, Rihona was launched backwards whilst Roland charged. Rihona once again tried to strike at Roland, but this time, he was too fast for her. He then punched her in the kidney, then elbowed her in the chest, then quadruple punched her in the face. Gave her an uppercut, then punched from up high, allowing him to knee her in the face as it knocked some of her teeth out, and then grabbed her by the leg and tossed her hard, with him following suit.

After she landed, Rihona tried to swing her weapon, but Roland punched her at the left side of the face and punched her between the hip and ribcage. She swung again, but he kicked her in the gut and punched the right side of her face. She made one more attempt to swing her weapon, but Roland caught it, causing him to duck and was behind her whilst twisting her left arm, then kicked at the left side of her knee, causing it to dislocate. Then he kicked her hard at her face, dislocating the side of her jaw as she was sent tumbling, with Roland breaking her trident in half and charged towards her.

But as she crashed against a makeshift wall, Roland didn’t hold his punches back as he kept punching her at the gut, at her ribcage, at her chest, at both sides of her faces over and over and over, again and again and again and again.

“Holy…” said Wally/Flash.

“He’s not pulling any punches!!” said John/Green Lantern.

“I can still feel his mind,” said Martian, “He’s trying to break hold, but he cannot, his spirit’s too weak to break it, and I fear my mind powers cannot pierce it.”

However, with one swift punch, Rihona was punched through the rock, making it shatter. However, she still stood dazed and was still standing. Roland on the other hand, gave her a strong uppercut, punched her downward, making her stand on her one knee, and then used both his hands to bash her, making her land hard onto the ground.

She struggled to get up, only for Roland to grab her and pound her head against the ground a couple of times. Then he shoved her into another rock that she stood against. And then…Roland grabbed her throat.

She struggled to breathe, wailing, and flailing as she tried to get loose, but she couldn’t escape his grip, no matter how hard she tried. From the good side, everyone shouted at Roland to stop and let her go, but it all fell into deaf ears.

“Stop it!!” shouted Versallia.

“Human, stop!!” shouted Alim.

Rihona could barely look as everything slowly went dark. Yet, she stared at Roland with pure horror on her face as she saw the evil and darkness from his eyes. Humans weren’t evil. The one from within Roland was. As she tried to grab him, her magic began to die out.

“Monster…” was all she could said, until everything went black.

As far as anyone could see, Rihona’s eyes closed, and her left arm went limp. Which indicated her fate, much to the heroes’ horror, and the villains’ surprise.

Roland then tossed Rihona aside as she skid onto the ground and was at the corner. But his sights were no longer on hers. This time…they were onto his next victims. His next prey.

He darted straight towards the first ones that caught his attention.

“Why you little…!!!” shouted Spider Bytez as he tried to use his pincers to try and strike, but Roland dodged left and right, avoiding his pincers, until Roland charged and bashed the spider villain upward, making him fly in the air before crashing, whilst Panther, Bandit’s former partner, tried to attack, with Fishface backing him up.

Both of them tried to strike from both sides, but Roland just stood there, moving slightly, and adjusting his footwork, with both sides trying to take him down.

Roland suddenly jabbed Fishface in the gut, making him grunt as if the air was knocked out of him. He grabbed Fishface by the neck, pulled him and used his left hand to thrust Fishface’ face hard onto the ground. Then he pulled both his legs off, turned around and used it to constantly beat up Panther by striking him with the robotic legs left and right, over, and over, again and again, then used it to trip Panther, and used both of the legs to bash him hard onto the ground. Roland tossed the leg away and bashed him in the face over and over again, then picked him up and punched him so hard, it sent him flying straight into the wall, making Panther pass out from the pain.

Fishface tried to desperately crawl away, until Roland instantly grabbed him by the tail, pulled him as he screamed in fright, before bashing Fishface around over and over and over and over as if he was a ragdoll. He slammed Fishface down hard onto his back, making Roland jump on him as he roared in Fishface’, er, face, making the fish mutant scream in fear, before Roland pounded on him over and over whilst the ground shook.

“Wha…what is this?!” exclaimed Chrysalis as she was slowly showing a sign of fear, even Tirek and the dark Turtles. But none were more scared than Cozy Glow. Shredder on the other hand watched afar, making sure not to be seen whilst his eyes were squinting at Roland.

“Pff, he doesn’t scare me.” Said Sombra with arrogance. “I’ll handle this.”

He jumped up and summoned a dark crystal from the ground that headed straight for Roland. The shard went, until Roland suddenly disappeared, confusing Sombra, until Roland suddenly appeared and punched the mad unicorn in the face, making him skid backwards. The Dark Unicorn looked at Roland as the possessed warrior looked at Sombra with a deadly glare.

“You may act vicious,” said Sombra, “But with my power, I will make you under my command!!”

Sombra shot his power at Roland, with the latter grunting as he stood on one knee, grunting as he struggled trying to maintain control. At first he looked like he struggled.

“Yes, you are under my power…you will obey.” Said Sombra.

However, Roland didn’t show any sign of control, causing him to slowly look at Sombra as his rage was intensified. Which surprised the others.

“What?!” exclaimed Sombra. “That’s impossible!! How are you…!!!”

Suddenly, Roland opened his hand, causing electricity and lightning to generate from his hands whilst it slowly spread to his arms.

“Wait, when the heck did he get that kind of powers?!” exclaimed Michelangelo.

Roland unleashed the full might of the power, electrocuting Sombra as he screamed in agony. After he was done, he charged towards Sombra. After he recovered, he fired more of his magic at Roland, but he kept dodging and jumping back and forth. The moment Roland was close, he used his left hand to karate chop Sombra’s horn off, then planted it onto the ground as he did an air kick to his face, making the pony stagger backwards. But the moment Roland landed and crouched, he grabbed Sombra’s horn and with one quick strike.

Sombra grunted as Roland was suddenly next to him, with Roland whispering “May no one ever remember you or your name. Requiescat en pace.”

Roland pulled the horn out, causing Sombra to collapse onto the ground whilst slowly turning into ash, before Roland tossed the horn away. The Equestrians stared in shock.

“No way.” Muttered pony Rainbow Dash.

“He took Sombra down like he was nothing.” Muttered pony Applejack.

And from out of nowhere, something grabbed Roland from behind. And to the Turtles, April, and Casey’s shock.

“The Creep!!” exclaimed Mikey.

“Holy Chalupa!!” exclaimed Donnie.

“That’s the Creep?!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“Why the heck would Shredder bring him back too!!” exclaimed Casey.

The Creep then began to swung and smash Roland all around in order to injure him. After many knocks, they saw Roland had his head lowered, thinking that he was done.

“Excellent.” Said Khan. However, they were unaware that the wrist guards he was wearing was suddenly glowing as his hands began to form into fists. “Prepare to…”

Suddenly, a sword appeared from out of nowhere, with a chain on it, causing it to strike at the Creep’s arm, making him let go of Roland as it staggered backwards. When they looked at Roland however, he saw that his head was lowered as he had two swords in his hands, connected to chains that had been wrapped around his wrists.

“What the heck kind of weapons are those?” said Raph.

“I don’t know.” Said Leo, “I’ve never seen them before.”

However, to Shine Boy and Night Shine’s shock, they recognized the swords, even Jacob when he saw them from the shadows.

On Roland’s left hand, was a sword, whose scabbard had demon wings on it. It’s blade was glowing red whilst the flames were in black, whilst on the right, was another sword, whose scabbard had angel wings on it

“Are those?” said Night Shine in shock.

“It can’t be.” Said Shine Boy.

Jacob on the other hand… “It can only be passed down if…it is him.”

With one great swing, he sliced the Creep in half, causing it to instantly burn in the process, then ended up using the blades to kill the Mrs. O’Neil clone, incinerating it in the process.

He was hit by a few fireballs, which made him look at that direction, which was none other than Hotstreak.

“You think that just because you got some fancy new powers, fancy swords and hold back, you suddenly think you’re tough!!” said Hotstreak, “I’ll show you who’s really the tough guy here!!”

Hotstreak charged and kept shooting fire at Roland at the same time whilst he’s just standing there as his swords disappeared.

“Hotstreak, wait!! Don’t go near him!!” shouted Static, trying to warn him.

“No one tells me what to do!!” shouted Hotstreak as he unleashed his fire ability. He laughed as he thought that Roland was being engulfed by the fire. “Ha!! Burn baby burn!!”

However, from out of nowhere, a pair of hands had grabbed Hotstreak’s arms. When he stopped, he saw Roland standing in front of him, unscathed. He then gripped tightly on Hotstreak’s wrists.

“Hey, let go of me, you freak!!” shouted Hotstreak as he struggled.

Roland slowly looked at him with his purple eyes.

You wanna know what it’s like to be bullied?” said Roland, “Let me show you, just how terrifying, I can be.

Roland then broke both of Hotstreak’s wrists, making him yell in pain before Roland tossed him aside. Hotstreak was able to stand up after being tossed, but he lost both feelings in his hands. Roland slowly walked towards Hotstreak with his stern gaze.

“Wait,” said Hotstreak in a panic, “Just wait a…!!”

Roland grabbed Hotstreak and thrust him hard onto the ground. Then got back up and constantly stomped onto his head over and over and over about twenty-four times. He then picked up a very bruised Hotstreak and made him stand on his knees. Roland gave him an evil smile.

You like to play with fire? Then let us play.” Said Roland as he slowly raised both his hands, causing them to ignite. However, it’s fire was completely different from the one that Hotstreak used, making the latter look back at Roland in shock. “Burn.

Roland grabbed Hotstreak’s face, making him scream in pain as he felt his face burning from the fire of Roland’s hands. Within moments, he passed out from the pain, before Roland kicked him to the far side.

Before he did anything else, suddenly he was being sprayed by melted cheese, which came from Pizza Face.

“So,” said Pizza Face, “I see just how strong you really are. Well-a now, I think I will save you for…”

Suddenly, the cheese got instantly burnt when he saw that Roland was burning it away with his own body heat, before looking at Pizza Face.

“Oh, so you-a need a…” said Pizza Face before he was cut off.

Roland unleashed his rope dagger and wrapped Pizza Face around him, taking him by surprise. He then pulled Pizza Face and began to swing him around, splattering him back and forth, beating him like a human ragdoll, splattering him over and over and over.

“Okay, how is that possible?!” exclaimed Mikey, “It took us everything we had to beat him, and he’s beating him like he’s nothing.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever look at Pizza the same again.” Said Streaky.

“Streaky my main cat, I completely agree with you.” Said Gear.

Roland kept smashing pizza face back and forth as he held it by its cheesy tentacle. He then tossed Pizza face against the wall before it slide down the rocky wall as it's greasy cheese was stained against it.

“You think-a you can a kill me?” said Pizza Face as Roland was now near him, “I am a pizza face, I-a always come...”

But before Pizza Face could react, Roland suddenly screeched and sucked out what appeared to be a type of energy out of Pizza face, making him squirm and scream at the same time. And then the unexpected happened...Pizza face was turning back to human. Then he slowly looked at himself, which shocked the others.

“Whoa,” said Mikey, “He turned Pizza-Face back to normal.”

“How is that possible?” said Donnie in disbelief.

“You...” said Pizza Face “You turn a me back to normal? Why would...?”

Roland grabbed Pizza-Face by the shoulders and held him close to his face. Roland then growled as his entire mouth started to show cuts. It slowly began to open as it split in four, revealing something that made him widen his eyes in shock.

“Oh…my…” muttered Fluttershy as she and her counterpart shook in fear.

The former Pizza mutant kept staring at Roland in fear, not being able to make a sound and move. Until…

Within a split second, Roland lunged onto him, causing screams and bone crunching to be heard from the others, as they stared at Roland horrified.

Roland then chomped on what appeared to be an arm, then a hand, before swallowing it whole. He slowly looked at his next victim as he growled like a banshee.

“He...” muttered Keno “He ate...”

Casey then fainted from the sight, even Fluttershy and her counterpart.

Roland then suddenly charged towards more Squirrelanoids as he punched one in the gut, before punching it hard away, then grabbed one and pinned it on the ground before stomping its head, then went to another before ripping it in half, much to their shockened dismay.

Bane suddenly came from nowhere and punched Roland, but the latter was back on his feet.

“So, you think yourself an unstoppable force?” said Bane with a smirk, “Then let us see, how you fair against me.”

Bane turned the dial on his hand, causing the Venom to pump inside of him, enhancing his muscles at the same time.

“Man, I forgot how freaky that can be.” Said Sandalwood.

“No kidding.” Said Micro Chips.

Once Bane was fully pumped, he attempted to strike at Roland, only for the latter to simply move left, missing him entirely, which surprised Bane as Roland just stood there. Bane just got angry and tried to strike Roland whilst trying to land a punch. But Roland kept moving left and right, not even saying a word.

“Stop moving and fight me!!” shouted Bane.

Roland suddenly grabbed Bane’s fist, which shocked the latter as he just stopped his punch head on. Roland slowly looked at him, then moved towards his face.

So…” said Roland whilst in his demon voice, “You like punching and nearly killing old ladies?

Roland gripped on Bane’s fist, which caused the latter to grunt.

Then let’s see how you like it.

Roland gave Bane a hard punch in the gut, making him grunt in pain as he felt like the air had been punched out of him. Roland suddenly punched Bane’s chin hard, making him hover a foot in the air. Roland jumped after him, punched him twice, then grabbed him by the leg and, to their shock, flew in the air.

“Wait, he’s flying?!!” exclaimed pony Rainbow Dash.

With great force, he threw Bane hard, but not before unleashing the same power Superman has…laser eyebeams.

This made Bane crash hard against the wall, until Roland suddenly appeared and with his strength, combined with Flash’s speed, he began to speed punch Bane at his chest, gut, and ribs harder and harder, over, and over, again and again whilst screaming in rage, with Bane coughing up substance that one cannot described. And with one great strength, he grabbed Bane’s head and smashed it hard onto the ground, leaving a small dent.

Roland got up and stared down at Bane, with the latter struggling to get up.

“You…are nothing…compared to me.” Said Bane, “For you…are…weak.”

Bane tried to backhand Roland, but he caught something on Bane’s wrist. For it was none other than the venom device that gives Bane his strength.

Aw, I’m sorry, are you thirsty? It looks like you are.” Said Roland. “I think you need a little more.

Roland then turned the venom machine’s dial to full strength and shattered the controls.

“Eh?!” exclaimed Bane as he heard the machine pumping, and to his shock, the Venom was going overboard.

“No!! Stop!!” exclaimed Bane as he saw the Venom he gained was pumping into overdrive. “The Venom!! Too much Venom!! Stop it!!!”

Did you show Granny Smith any mercy when you beat her to death and nearly burnt her home to the ground?” questioned Roland, “There is no stopping for you.

Bane struggled and groaned, trying to break free, but Roland kept a tight grip on both the device and Bane’s arm, whilst Bane’s muscles continued to grow as he could barely focus or break free. At the same time, the eyes from his mask began to pop out as he showed genuine fear.

“No!!! Heeeelllllp Meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!” exclaimed Bane as he begged for help. Then he raised his head and screamed in agony as it showed his eyes were close to popping out of his head whilst his eyes, ears, nose, even his mouth, began to leak from the Venom as the overdose continued.

The Justice League and Titans all watched in shock and horror of what Roland is doing to Bane, even Raven couldn’t stomach it whilst Starfire looked away in fear.

“Roland, stop it!!” shouted Batman, trying to get his attention.

Roland slowly looked at Batman, and said “He nearly killed Alfred and broke your spine without a second thought. He nearly killed Granny Smith, leaving the siblings without the only parent they have. Give me one reason why he deserves the same mercy?

“You can’t do this to me!!” shouted Bane in pain as he gained Roland’s attention. “I am unstoppable!! I am invincible!! I am Bane!!!”

And with one swift strike, Roland punched Bane extremely hard, launching Bane as he flew and crashed straight into the wall, whilst Roland held onto the Venom machine. Roland roared like an animal whilst Bane was slowly being depowered as he had no muscle left, whilst the Venom was slowly disappearing, leaving him powerless.

Roland walked over to Bane and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

“Fair is fair.” Said Roland before lifting Bane up and kneed his back hard, before tossing Bane away with the rest of the fallen.

Suddenly, a few vampire monsters appeared and tried to attack Roland. Some pounced, some tried to beat him, and some tried to drain him. At the same time, Bing and Chi Chu were standing there, commanding the vampires to try and get to him.

“This one’s chi is greatly strong.” Said Bing with a hiss.

“We’ll be feasting from him for a long time.” Said Chi Chu.

However, the vampires were suddenly engulfed with flames, burning them all to ash, which shocked the two vampires as Roland suddenly walked out, with his body being resistant to the fire.

You’ll be going hungry tonight” said Roland.

He dashed towards those two as he clotheslined both of them, making them fall flat to the ground. But as they got up, Roland used his swords again, this time, the chains of it and wrapped those two around them. He pulled them and swung them hard onto one rocky surface to another, then smashed them hard onto the ground. The two of them slowly got up and was greatly angry. That was, until Roland suddenly began to generate lightning all over his body whilst he growled. However, what he was generating was no ordinary lighting, it was something that was only known to a few speedsters, ones that the Fastest Men Alive knows better than anyone.

“No.” muttered Barry/Flash in shock.

“Impossible.” Muttered Wally/Flash.

Within a split second, Roland dashed towards them with great speed, and began to bash the two vampires back and forth as they could barely see him, even with their own speed. He kept moving so fast and punched them so hard, some parts of their body could barely move. Though reasons for that, was because of the blades Roland had, the two vampires were covered in cuts and bruises. And with another great strike, the two of them tumbled near the corner behind the rubble, revealing their silhouettes as the fire from there was alit.

Roland made his blades disappear as he walked towards the two of them whilst disappearing around the corner. Everyone watched as the silhouettes of both Bing and Chi Chu had just stood up whilst dazed as Roland approached them. Within a split second, Roland grabbed Bing as he screamed whilst being torn in two, before grabbing Chi Chu’s head and smashing it against the wall, leaving the others horrified by what they saw, before Roland walked away.

Rahzar tried to attack next, but Roland dodged it and darted straight towards him with a strong uppercut, then smashed his head onto the ground. At the same time, Spider Bytes tried to attack again, but Roland again uses his body to bash against him.

“Hey, get off of me, you little…!!!” shouted Spider Bytez before he was cut off.

Roland punched him hard on the head over, before taking both the swords out and stabbing him hard in the back, making Spider Bytez scream in agony before Roland pulled him backwards.

“Get him off of me!!” shouted Spider Bytes as he wailed, in pain, with both Scumbag and Anthrax attacking to help, until Roland jumped off and sliced off Spider Bytez’ back pincers, allowing him to grab one of them before he used it to literally crush Anthrax, whilst also using his blades to slice Scumbag in half. Then he used one of the pincers to smack Spider Bytez to a distance, making him skid against the wall.

He looked and saw Roland slowly approaching him.

“Y-you can’t beat me.” Said Spider Bytez, “You’re just a little runt, a baby, a loser, a…”

Before he could utter another word, Roland did the same thing to him as he did to Pizza Face, by sucking out all of the Mutagen, returning him back to normal. But as he looked at Roland who only uttered one word.


And with great strike, he took the pincer and jabbed it right through the former mutant known as Spider Bytez, ending his life in the process.

“Hmph, good riddance.” Said Night Shine.

“Luke!!” said Shine Girl aghast as he and Team Shine looked at him shocked.

“What?” said Night Shine, “He was nothing but a jerk wad, who turned Tony into a monster.”

At the same time, Roland charged towards Lord Dreg, who tried to fend him off using his brute strength.

“You cannot best me, little human.” Said Dregg, “I am a lord of my own empire, I who nearly beat the Salamandrian race, I who nearly took over Earth, and I…”

Roland then showed his hand into Dregg and pulled something out, who happens to be a miniature version of him, whilst the big Dregg fell over, revealing to be a robot.

“Wait,” said Cyborg confused, “He’s just a little guy who was piloting a big robot body?”

“Trust us, we were surprised too.” Said Raph when they remembered their last encounter.

“Now where did I see this before?” said a confused Beast Boy as he was greatly puzzled

He tossed Dreg away until he was flattened against a rock and fell unconscious.

As Roland stood there, he was suddenly wrapped in vines and lifted up. It was revealed to be Snakeweed, the further encased him in his vines.

“Ha, you may be tough.” Said Snakeweed, “But let’s see how you get out of…”

Suddenly, smoke began to appear, causing Snakeweed to let go of Roland whilst some of his vines were burning. Roland had his head lowered, but slowly raised it before walking over towards the latter, and raised his one hand as it was in a zombie like position.

Repent.” Said Roland whilst walking over to it.

“If it means giving up.” Said Snakeweed, then shouted “Never!!”

Then, burn!!!” shouted Roland as he shot his fire at Snakeweed, causing him to be encased in flames, making him cry in agony before he slowly was burnt to ashes.

“Holy Chalupa.” Muttered Mikey in fear.

“What…why did he…?” muttered Donnie.

“What the shell is he?!” exclaimed Raph as he was now also afraid.

“April?” said Leo in worry.

“I…I can feel his mind.” Said April, before looking at them and said “He’s crying. Begging for it to stop. He can’t break free, but he’s also screaming and in pain from within, as if he’s burning in a cage made of fire.”

He ran towards Gladitron and punched him hard in the face numerous times, before finally grabbing his mace and knocked him so hard, it literally sent him flying out of the ring. Then he turned towards Rahzar and threw the mace straight to his head, making him falter, allowing Roland to jump and use his mace to bash against Rhazar’s head, making the mutant crash against the wall. Rahzar stood up and attacked, only for Roland to keep side stepping whilst avoiding any lethal blows from him at the same time.

“Will you hold still!!” shouted Rahzar, until Roland jabbed the mace into his knee, shattering it, causing the mutant to scream in pain as he held onto it and held.

Long ago, you were once a man of honor.” said Roland as he walked towards the Foot Mutant, “But all that changed when you chose to side with him. You could’ve found this opportunity to be someone better.

“And now?” growled Rahzar.

And now…” said Roland, before zeroing in on him.

Once he was close enough, Roland smirked sadistically. He suddenly planted what appeared to be a collar around his neck. Within a split second, he was turned back into human, much to his shock as he looked at himself, then to Roland, who was now face to face with him.

Judgment time.

He stomps his foot, causing two large rocks to appear, forming a corner, which surprised him. Roland then grabbed Rahzar, aka, Chris Bradford by the shoulders, and with great force, headbutted him in the face, breaking his nose in the process before collapsing onto the ground. Roland then grabbed him by the throat and punched him hard in the face twice, before Bradford collapsed hard onto the ground. Bradford tried to get up, but Roland didn’t give him a chance as he straight up kicked Bradford in the face, knocking him hard against the rocky wall.

Roland then grabbed Bradford by the throat and lifted him up, before punching him hard onto the ground and lifted him up by grabbing his head with both his hands. Roland proceeded into bashing Bradford’s head against the wall, and kneed him a couple of times, making Bradford nearly lose consciousness, but not before Roland tossed Bradford hard against another large rock. Bradford struggled to get up whilst Roland moved over towards him.

“Holy chalupa.” Said Mikey whilst he trembled at the same time.

“What did they unleash in him?” said Shini in shock as well.

Bradford looked and saw Roland walking over towards him. Bradford tried to crawl away, until Roland grabbed him by the legs and pulled him. Roland flipped Bradford over and grabbed him by the leg again, making Bradford look into Roland’s eyes as he saw the demon eyes as all the rage had consumed him.

Roland then jabbed his fingers, causing everything to go black for Bradford. Everyone watched in shock whilst Bradford screamed for some reason. And then…it went silent, before Roland released him, making him fall off the ring.

Roland then slowly turned to Eiling, before standing face to face with him.

So…” said Roland as he slowly walked over towards him. “You must be Eiling. The man who thinks he’s better than the heroes of their world. The one who hurts the innocent.

“I do what’s necessary to protect my country.” Said Eiling.

Necessary implies that you didn’t have any other option.” Said Roland, “And you’re a disgrace to the uniform. And I’m pretty sure you just committed treason.

Roland slowly walked over to Eiling.

You know, you kind of remind me of a certain general I met once long ago.” Said Roland as he casually walked over to him. “He was after a certain terrorist of the Ultra nationalist, who started a war between two countries whilst aiding another terrorist named Al-Asad. He watched over thirty thousand of his men killed in a blink of an eye. He even used a Task Force, the very one he helped formed, and betrayed them when he wanted all the glory himself. And the way I see it? You’re just as much of a coward as he is.

“How dare you…” said Eiling, but was cut off.

And I have to say, you’re no different either.” Said Roland. “Behind all the talks and the sternness and the Moxy, you’re nothing but a little boy behind a bulking suit, crying for attention. In fact, you’re not so innocent as you think you are. I mean you and Hardcastle have been working together for some time.”

Green Arrow was surprised to hear that name.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Said Eiling.

Oh?” said Roland before he snapped his fingers, revealing something that surprised everyone. Though not as surprised as Superman when he saw Supergirl, Green Arrow and Question talking to Hardcastle.

The military and the big businesses have been in cahoots for decades.” Said Hardcastle, which shocked the League and a few others, “Top Secret stuff. Experiments on Metahumans, mutants, aliens. Searching for new technologies, both for national security, and profit. That Volcana woman, she was one of ours. Same with those freaks the Joker made up like playing cards.

Both Superman and Volcana were surprised to hear that, whilst some of the leaguers looked at one another, just as surprised.

Any of it have to do with Supergirl?” asked Green Arrow.

It has to do with all of them. Your little club up in that spaceship. There’s a file on every one of you.” Said Hardcastle, once again shocking the good guys.

Roland once again snapped his fingers, making it disappear, whilst focused on Eiling.

It seems you’re not much of a saint after all.” Said Roland. “A soldier should know when to put the needs of others first than their own country. A good soldier knows when to defend the weak. A good soldier knows when to lay down his life for the greater good. More importantly, a soldier should know when to follow his brain and heart. Yours is entirely based on fear. And I can smell it on you.

Eiling felt he was backed into a corner.

You had great distrust towards those who wished to do the right thing and help others that not even the military alone could handle.” Said Roland. “The way I see it. You’re nothing but a traitor to your country. Cause the way I see it, you’re guilty of crimes against humanity, terrorism, aiding and abetting criminals. You’re looking at life plus. Or juicier. A one-way trip to the Hague.”

Eiling growled and attacked head on, wanting to strike Roland for exposing their goals. However, Roland just stood there. He drew one of the swords, until both of them had formed around his wrists, turning them into large metallic lions heads, which surprised Wonder Woman. With one great swift, he punched Eiling so hard, it sent him flying to the far side.

“He’s that strong?!” said Vigilante.

“None of us could land a dent!!” said Stargirl.

“Those gauntlets.” Said Wonder Woman. “I know those. Those are the types that Hercules would wield.”

“Wait, he did?” said Twilight surprised, remembering Greek Mythology. “I didn’t know he had weapons like that.”

“It was one of his most secret weapons that he never shows.” Said Wonder Woman, “Only the ones he brought whenever he faced the twelve labors the gods granted him.”

Eiling was disoriented for a moment, but charged towards him again. Roland stood there and waited for the right moment. Just before Eiling could land a punch, Roland grabbed him by the arm and tossed him over his shoulder, making him bounce a few times before crashing onto the ground. Eiling once again got up and was angry and charged towards Roland.

Before he could strike, Roland jabbed his fingers right between the arm and shoulder of Eiling’s arm, making him lose all feeling. He tried to strike again, only for Roland to jab him at the ribcage, making him flinch before Roland kicked him hard. He pulled out the swords again and landed on his chest. Roland then kept on jabbing the swords over and over, making Eiling grunt as he began to feel the pain that he didn’t feel before.

Roland then jumped off and did the same thing to Eiling’s gut, before being kneed at the gut, making Eiling bend over, with Roland doing the same thing over and over on his back. Eiling tried to grab Roland, but he merely jumped over and wrapped the chains around Eiling’s neck, making him struggle to break free. Roland then stomped his foot, revealing a stone ring that popped out of it. Roland jumped over the ring and pulled the chains, with Eiling being dragged. As he was high enough, Roland kept pulling the chains over and over, banging Eiling’s head against the stone constantly. After the thirteenth pull, he tossed Eiling aside, making him land hard onto his back.

Eiling struggled to get up, but Roland kept pulling the chain back and forth, making him smash Eiling’s head against the hard ground. Roland released the chains around Eiling and threw his sword against Eiling’s left leg, making him land on his knee. Roland charged and sliced Eiling’s right knee, making him collapse again, until Roland pulled the swords out and combined them into one big broadsword. With great rage and a scream, Roland struck Eiling down, ending him as he collapsed, motionless.

Many were surprised that Roland took down Eiling as if he was nothing, whilst Roland made the swords disappear at the same time.

Roland took a few sniffs, then sharply looked at two more of his targets. He sharply turned to none other than Silver Snake and Kai Hardstrike. Within a split second, he darted over to them with the speed of light, then reappeared right between them, taking the two by shock. Before they had a chance to react, Roland elbowed Kai’s gut, making him gasp loudly, whilst he buddha palmed Silver snake’s face, making the latter skid on the ground whilst Kai had a hard time breathing as he tried to get up.

Silver Snake tried to get up, only for Roland to dart forward and give him a hard kick to the chin, sending him flying as he was in the air, with Roland jumping after him before grabbing him and threw him hard towards the ground. Just as he landed on the ground, Roland landed on his back, making him grunt, with Roland picking the latter up and punched him hard in the gut, then to the face, sending him skidding hard onto the ground.

He grabbed Silver Snake by the leg and slammed him back and forth, whilst Kai got up and saw Roland beating the tar out of Silver Snake. Roland slammed Silver Snake hard onto the ground, then picked him up and punched his nose so hard, it broke. As Silver Snake was able to stand, he was now terrified of Roland as the latter slowly approached as his teeth was bear and the ooze continued to drool out of his mouth.

“Wait…wait!!” exclaimed Silver Snake… “Have Mercy!!”

Strike first. Strike hard.” Said Roland as he suddenly produced a whip from out of nowhere, which shocked them, as they realized what he’s going to do. “No Mercy, remember?

Silver and Kai realized that Roland had now used Viper Kai’s tactics. And with great swing, Roland struck the whip against Silver Snake hard, making him yelp, before Roland whipped him again and again and again whilst he moved backwards. By the fourth whip, Silver Snake collapsed onto the ground, with Roland standing over him and whipping him twenty-four more times, with the teens looking away as they couldn’t stomach it, even the Viper Kai students were shocked by what they were seeing.

Roland tossed the whip away, before towering over the beaten-up Silver Snake as he whimpered with the whip marks all over his body.

Who’s the weak one, now?” said Roland.

Roland suddenly took four metal objects out and smashed them down, pinning Silver Snake by the arms and legs. It didn’t hurt, but Silver Snake couldn’t move them.

And don’t worry,” said Roland as he bent over. “I’ll be sure to give Lady Dokuso your regards.

“Y-you’re not going to kill me, are you?” said Silver Snake scared.

Oh, I can choose a lot of things.” said Roland. “I could either strangle you, or I could even shoot you. But that would be all too easy.”

But instead, Roland stood up and said “So…I choose something…with a bang.”

He walked over to his utility belt and opened one of the compartments, pulling out a cylinder sized object with what appeared to have a plastic lid on top of it. Team Shine, the Turtles and Rainbooms were shocked to see what he was holding whilst he used his thumb to flip off the lid.

Like I told your counterpart back in my dimension.” said Roland before pressing the button on top, causing the top of the button to glow whilst it slowly began to hum, with Roland slowly glaring at Silver Snake. “Go to hell.”

Roland tossed the cylinder towards Silver Snake. But as he watched, he realized what it was. He screamed in fear, before the device went off, causing it to blow up in the process. Roland stood there, watching. Suddenly he sniffed, and darted towards Kai Hardstrike. The latter was scared out of his mind.

“What…what are you going to do to me?” he said.

Oh, not much.” said Roland, before having a sadistic smile and said “I’m just gonna make sure you never walk again.


Roland grabbed Kai, lifted him in the air, and with great force, dropped him whilst Roland kicked him hard in his spine, making Kai barely gasp for air by feeling the pain, which shocked some of them, before Roland tossed him away…hard.

Before Roland could react, he felt a strong strike against his back, making him stagger a bit. When he looked behind, he saw Hamato Mitsu, wielding her own blade. He slowly turned around and faced her.

“I do not know what you are demon.” Said Hamato Mitsu as she prepared her blade. “But it will take more than brute strength to frighten me.”

Suddenly, Roland pulled out what appeared to be a scythe, which shocked everyone as Roland suddenly dashed forward. Suddenly, with great speed, Roland and Hamato Mitsu fought blade to blade, with Roland moving swiftly with precision and with grace. Hamato Mitsu tried to keep up, but Roland was moving too fast for her, which baffled everyone when they saw how he was fighting.

Before she could strike, Roland sliced both her hands, causing her to drop her swords as she staggered a bit backwards.

“You claim you are head of the clan, yet your father banished you when you chose to sacrifice your own clansman for your own selfish needs.”

“I am the eldest!!” said Hamato Mitsu, “I deserve to be the head of the clan!!”

“You get nothing.” Said Roland, “And you should be glad that your father was merciful. For did you know that there was one law in the Hamato Clan that he didn’t want to enforce, even on his own kin?

“And what’s that?” said Hamato Mitsu.

Those who dishonor the clan by disobeying from the master, and injuring one’s own clan kin, as well lead through dishonorable means.” Said Roland, as he leaned forward and said, “Will be punished by death.

She was at first shocked, but then said “You cannot do this to me!! I’m the only family Miwa has!!”

Roland then slowly moved his head and looked at Karai. Then slowly back to her, expecting some mercy.

She’s a strong woman.” Said Roland, with Hamato Mitsu looking shock, indicating what he will do. “She’ll survive without you.”

Suddenly, Roland produced a six-shooter pistol and shot her five times, shocking everyone as Karai shouted “No!!”

Hamato Mitsu staggered and collapsed onto her knees. She looked at Roland as he looked down on her.

“What about…my…judgment.” Said Hamato Mitsu.

Within a split second, Roland shot her, making her collapse onto the ground, lifeless, which once again shocked everyone as Roland tossed his weapon away.

I am the judgment.” He replied before looking at Ebon next.

“Y-you think you can threaten me, just because you have powers?” said Ebon with a glare. However, Roland noticed something else.

Oh, is that a heckle I hear…Ivan?”

Ebon was startled that Roland used his real name.

You could’ve taken a different path. You could’ve been something more. But instead, you use your powers for crime, for evil, and you even have the gall to drag your brother into this.”

“Because I’m the oldest of the siblings!!” shouted Ebon, “I’m the man of the house.”

Was, the man of the house, until your mother decided to disown you and threw you out when you went to a life of crime.” Retorted Roland, which shocked Ebon and Rubberband Man, revealing that part that not even Static and Gears know, which shocked the two of them as well. “You had your chance to turn your life around, but you wanted to be a delinquent instead.

Roland chuckled and had his back turned, whilst saying “And one thing’s for sure…

Then Roland revealed the very few words, that would haunt Ebon forever.

Daddy dearest would’ve probably died all over again, if he saw the kind of person you became.

That struck a nerve on Ebon, causing him to scream in rage and attack Roland with his shadow power. He tried to grab Roland, but he merely jumped and delivered a strong kick to the face, making Ebon stagger a bit backwards. He enlarged his hands to try and grab Roland, but he jumped out of the way once again, and pulled out a chain that had a hook on the end.

“You think a little chain is going to hurt me?” said Ebon rhetorically.

However, Roland suddenly grabbed the chain and with a strong pull, caused the chain and hook to turn into a chain scythe as it was fashioned like a Grim Reaper’s, much to Ebon’s surprise. Suddenly with one strike, Ebon felt the cut on his chest, making him yell in pain. However, as he was distracted, Roland instantly jumped onto him as both his hands were on Ebon’s shoulders, whilst Roland’s feet was on Ebon’s gut.

“Get off of me!!” shouted Ebon as he tried to shake it off.

Roland then opened his mouth once more, causing energy to be sucked out of Ebon as he struggled to break free. And slowly but surely, Ebon had lost his powers and was reduced back to normal, which shocked everyone, even Ebon.

“How did you…?!” said Ebon before he was tossed in the air and crashed onto the ground.

As he grunted, struggling to get up, suddenly, Roland was towering over him. He had a sadistic smirk on his face as he was close.

Sucks to be you.” Said Roland whilst Ebon widened his eyes in shock.

Within moments, Roland punched Ebon as he was on the ground. But he didn’t stop. He punched Ebon over and over and over and over and over and over, again and again and again and again and again and again, showing no signs of stopping as he just kept going on and on.

Everyone watched in shock as they saw Roland continued to beat Ebon over and over and over, again and again and again.

“Roland, stop!!” shouted Rubberband man.

“He’s not worth it!!” shouted Static.

When all of a sudden, Night Terror, Turtle Hun and 03 Hun suddenly turned tail, with the rest of their Purple Dragons and Nightmares.

“Where are you going?!” shouted Commander Tiger Claw.

“We ain’t gonna be ripped to shreds by that!!” shouted Night Terror.

“We’re getting away from that monster!!” shouted 03 Hun as everyone high tailed away.

“Weak-minded fools.” Muttered Khan, whilst his little brother was afraid. But then he moved away as he had something in mind.

Commander Tiger Claw growled as he slowly pulled his sword out.

“Very well then.” Said Tiger Claw whilst getting his sword ready, “I will end him myself.”

Tiger Claw roared and charged towards Roland as he was still beating up Ebon, whose face was now heavily bruised. Just before he could make contact, Roland suddenly grabbed the sword from the hilt, which shocked Commander Tiger Claw because of his reflexes. Roland slowly looked at Tiger Claw, remembering him from long ago…and what he did to Shine Girl.

He slowly stood up whilst still holding it, with Commander Tiger Claw struggling to break free. Roland suddenly brought him closer to his face, which shocked the mutant tiger ninja. Roland then smirked with his piranha teeth.

Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.” Said Roland.

Roland gave a hard punch to Commander Tiger Claw’s gut twice, and then to his face, making Commander Tiger Claw land on his back, but Roland wouldn’t let him recover as he grabbed his leg and smashed him hard onto the ground, then to the next, then the next, and other, before tossing him away. But Commander Tiger Claw was still able to stand, despite being injured.

Commander Tiger Claw used his jetpack to fly around and use his dual pistols to try and shoot him, but Roland merely stood there and looked at him. Before Commander Tiger Claw could respond, Roland suddenly pulled something small out of his belt, causing it to turn into a bow, which surprised Green Arrow. Whilst he also produced two arrows, one that Green Arrow recognized anywhere.

“Wait, where’d he get a pair of Quantum arrows?!” exclaimed Green Arrow.

“Why, what’s so important about it?!” said Leo.

Roland then aimed the arrows and within a split second, shot it straight towards Tiger Claw. When all of a sudden, it created a plasma rope, causing it to ensnare Commander Tiger Claw whilst the arrows flew around him. And the moment the tips of both arrows made contact, they exploded, causing Commander Tiger Claw to crash onto the ground whilst his sword landed next to Roland, shocking everyone by what they saw.

“That’s why.” Said Green Arrow to a stunned Leo.

Roland saw the sword and slowly grabbed it. He broke the sword whilst he took the tip and used his fingernails to make it extra sharp. He slowly looked at Commander Tiger Claw, who was slowly standing up and held his head, trying to focus.

For Shine Girl.”

Roland threw the piece of the sword like a Frisby, making it fly towards Commander Tiger Claw. When he saw the sword…


The piece of the blade then crashed against a rocky wall, whilst Commander Tiger Claw slowly collapsed onto his back, no longer being able to move, which shocked the others, even Venus, as Roland had just killed Shredder’s second in command.

Before Roland could move, a handful of Purple Dragons still tried again to take Roland down as they used anything they could to beat him, and as he was suddenly on one knee, one of the dragons tried to shoot him in the head, only for the latter to suddenly turn into a puff of smoke, shocking them as they looked around, trying to find Roland.

“Where did he…?!” said the goon before he was cut off.

When all of a sudden, Roland suddenly appeared from the smoke and grabbed the one guy and used his own pistol to shoot down the last three, before tossing the Foot Bot away whilst holding a pistol. Suddenly, Roland grunted when he felt something had shot his shoulder. Then he slowly looked at the one responsible, and saw it was Khan’s younger brother, who was terrified as he tried to stop Roland. The others saw this too, with some realized in shock.

“Wait,” said Rarity, “He’s not really going to…?”

Roland instantly turned around and aimed at the child, then shot at him in point blank range, shocking and horrifying the others.

“NO!!” shouted Khan as he saw his little brother had fallen, with Roland walking over to Khan after he had tossed the pistol away. Suddenly, Roland turned into smoke again before vanishing.

“Where are you?!” shouted Khan as he looked around, looking for Roland. “Show yourself you coward!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!”

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard, and Roland appeared from out of nowhere and grabbed Khan by the neck whilst lifting him up in the air.

Silence was heard as everyone watched Khan being in Roland’s mercy. The latter’s mask fell off and saw he actually looked terrified, as he had never faced something like this before.

“What are you?” muttered Khan.

Roland just stood there, staring at Khan dead in the eyes. And finally…gave his answer.



Everyone was once again shocked as they saw what happened, whilst at the same time, Roland dropped the now fallen Khan as he no longer breathed the same air as him.

However, they noticed the barrier didn’t drop around them, even Superman couldn’t break through it.

“Something’s wrong.” Said Superman, “The barrier didn’t drop.”

“Hey, what gives!!” shouted pony Rainbow Dash, which suddenly gained Roland’s attention, “Why didn’t you drop the…?!!”

Suddenly, a chain was wrapped around pony Rainbow Dash and was pulled towards Roland, who then grabs pony Rainbow Dash. Said girl looked and was shocked to be close to him.

“Rainbow!!” exclaimed the Equestrians as they were shocked by what they saw.

Pony Rainbow was terrified by being so close to Roland.

You…” growled Rainbow, “It’s because of you, she’s dead. She didn’t do anything to you.

Pony Rainbow was too afraid to be confused as she didn’t know what he was talking about.

I will make you pay.” Said Roland before his mouth began to open wide as he was about to do what they realized what he was going to do.

“Roland, don’t do it!!” shouted Sunset.

When all of a sudden, a blade was struck from behind Roland’s back, making him screech in pain before being pulled and released Rainbow. Roland looked up as the blade was retracted, which was a rope dagger as it was flying back and was caught by someone.

The someone was standing there, in his cloak, staring at Roland whilst he gripped his rope dagger. If one could see his eyes, he would be glaring. Many were surprised by what they saw. However, the handful of spectators, aka, the Turtles, Sunset, and Serenity, instantly recognized him as they were surprised by who they saw.

“Jacob?” muttered the few who know him.

He took a few steps forward, until six of the beings landed near Jacob.

“You are trespassing on sacred grounds.” Said one of the beings.

“The match is over, the one who helped issue it is dead, and yet you’re letting this continue by having the challenger continue to fight when it was clear who the victor was.” Said Jacob. “You’re abusing your authority here.”

“Nothing was breached by the contract,” said the second being, “Therefore, we did nothing wrong.”

“Oh, you did do something wrong.” Said Jacob as he slowly looked up with anger in his eyes. “You made me angry.”

Within a split second, Jacob pulled out what appeared to be a very advanced six shooter, causing him to shoot all six of them, turning them to dust in the process.

This shocked everyone, including the Daiyou.

“Impossible.” Said the latter.

“Destroy him!!” said one of the ancient beings.

Within a split second, Jacob pulled out what appeared to be a Winchester 1873 model, but highly advance. Jacob shot each of them in point blank range as he killed the first fifteen, without missing a mark. Which stunned them as they never saw a man who never misses his mark, and with fast reflexes too.

Many more of the beings attacked, but not before Jacob dropped a smoke bomb, engulfing him. But then they noticed he was gone whilst the smoke was around. They looked around, but couldn’t find anything, until one of them grunted as he had a laser sword stuck through behind.

“Wait, where did he get a lightsaber?” said a confused Mikey.

“Wait,” said Sunset, “It looks different. Very different.”

Jacob pulled it out before disappearing. He then reappeared, but this time with two swords and mowed them down and disappeared again. Then did the same thing again with a few and disappeared. They tried looking around, but couldn’t find him. Suddenly, two grenades appeared, causing them to explode that turned four of them into dust.

Jacob suddenly appeared and slowly stood up, causing one of the beings to look behind. John backhanded it and shot it straight to the chest. Then turned to the other charging beings and shot them down one by one. He moved forward and shot a few more, then did a few jump kicks, kicking them away. However, he saw four more attacked. Jacob suddenly took a step forward, revealing two blasters by his knee guards, causing them to be shot down.

“Wow, quite the arsenal.” Said Rubberband Man.

As the beings were trying to regroup, Vam Mi was suddenly interested in Jacob as she wanted to pounce on him.

“I do not know who you are,” said the Vampire woman, “But once I feast upon you, I…”

When all of a sudden, Jacob pulled out a wire from his belt and with one quick swipe, he beheaded the Vampire, turning her to dust, which shocked everyone, even Jung.

“How? How did you…?” said Jung as he couldn’t believe it.

“You think you’re the first vampire I’ve encountered?” asked Jacob rhetorically whilst pulling out a pistol. “I’ve killed over thousands of different vampires. Including the vampire lords.”

He aimed the pistol at Jung and said “I even killed thousands of all of you as well.”

“Impossible.” Said Jung.

“Is a word I don’t even recognize.” Said Jacob.

“Oooh, good comeback.” Said Michelangelo.

However, Jung felt that the name was familiar. But when he saw the pendant around Jacob’s neck, and looked at his piercing eyes, Jung was instantly shocked and realized who it was.


Jacob pulled the trigger, taking the shot and killing Jung whilst he was being instantly turned to dust by the shot. He placed his pistol back inside his holster, before some of the beings stood near him and had their weapons ready. However, one of them saw a pendant Jacob was wearing, the birthmark on his neck…and his piercing baby blue eyes. It gasped as it recognized him.

“My lord, Jacob.” Said one of the beings as it bowed to him, with the others following suit.

Everyone was shocked the way that they were bowing before Jacob.

“Vesuvius?” said Jacob sternly. “Would you care to explain, in your wisdom, of why you chose to cheat the contract that had been signed? The opponent was defeated, therefore, you lot should’ve intervened and stopped this.”

“Forgive me, Lord Chosen.” Said the one called Vesuvius, “Gora was the one who made the contract. He failed to read the rules. But I couldn’t intervene because of his leadership status.”

Jacob stood on his one knee and grabbed Vesuvius’ face, making him whimper at the same time.

“Then I guess you’re in charge.” Said Jacob. But then he squinted his eyes and growled. “But know this. After this…I want a nice, long, chat for your abuse of contract. You know the price one would pay for disobedience.”

“Y-yes, my liege.” Said Vesuvius as he kept his head lowered.

However, they suddenly heard growling and looked at Roland, who was slowly standing up as he had recovered from the blade in his back. Jacob sighed at this before looking at Vesuvius.

“But until then,” said Jacob, making him stand up, “Continue to keep the barrier up, disable the nullifying spells, and make sure he doesn’t escape.”

“Yes, my liege.” Said Vesuvius as he and the beings got to work.

Jacob then walked over to pony Rainbow Dash. Just before Roland could attack…

“Chaos Freeze!!” shouted Jacob whilst pointing his hand, causing Roland to be instantly frozen, which surprised the others.

Jacob walked over to pony Rainbow Dash as she was still a little afraid. Jacob presented his hand, allowing her to accept it as he picked her up. He then held her bridal style and teleported, making him appear with the others, surprising them again. He placed her back on her feet and looked at her.

“Don’t be afraid. I’ll handle this.” Said Jacob. He turned around and was about to face Roland, until Superman stopped him.

“Wait, if he’s frozen, then we can…”

“You can’t.” said Jacob, “The demon in him is growing stronger. And if I don’t do something, he’ll go full on beast mode. Trust me, this is a massage compared to what he could’ve done.”

Now everyone was concerned and some were afraid.

“I got this.” Said Jacob.

“Now, wait here…” said Superman.

When all of a sudden, Jacob jabbed his two fingers onto Superman’s chest, causing him to get stiff as he felt like his body was cracking up whilst he grunted and struggled at the same time. Within a split second, he dropped onto the ground whilst Jacob moved on.

However, everyone was shocked by what he saw.

“No way.” Said Wally/Flash.

“He just took down Superman just by touching him on his chest with his two fingers.” Said Barry/Flash.

Batman on the other hand focused on Jacob. He couldn’t explain it, but something was definitely off, as if he wasn’t honest of who or what he really is. Jacob jumped off and landed a few feet away from Roland, whilst he was instantly unfrozen at the same time.

Roland was staring down at Jacob, growling, and snarling whilst the purple ooze continued to pool out of his mouth at the same time. Jacob on the other hand just stood there, not making a single move.

Rip. Tear. Kill.

“Your mind is not your own,” said Jacob, “Whoever you are from within, leave that host immediately. You do not belong here. And I will make sure of it.”

Roland screeched as he charged forward, until Jacob also charged towards Roland. The moment they were close enough, they punched one another’s fist, causing a shockwave to appear. As they were standing at the center, Roland kept trying to strike, but Jacob kept countering it, and tried to hit back as both of them used moves that only the Shaolin Monks and the most highly skilled masters. Both of them punched one another again, only for them to jump backwards, still facing one another.

Suddenly, Jacob pulled out what appeared to be a CD. And from out of nowhere, a large jukebox of sorts appeared, confusing everyone as Jacob tossed it in. When all of a sudden, music began to play.

As the song played, suddenly both of them dashed towards one another and disappeared. Flashes appeared all around as they appeared to and fro, back, and forth, as if fireworks were happening without their knowledge. Suddenly, both Roland and Jacob stood back on the ground, staring at one another.

Then they attacked again, suddenly using…superspeed?!! And darted back and forth, both landing good punches from one another. But everyone was baffled by what they were seeing.

“Whoa, this is incredible!!” exclaimed Leo.

“Just who da shell is dat guy?!” exclaimed Sunset as she was also shocked to see what was going on.

Suddenly they were back in the center as they charged at one another. When all of a sudden, Jacob turned into a Minotaur and charged towards him, bashing Roland, making him crash against the wall.

“What the…he can turn into a cow man?!” exclaimed Mikey.

“No, that’s a Minotaur.” Said Wonder Woman as she was surprised.

“That’s a minotaur?” said a confused Rainbow.

“Wow, they must look very different in different dimensions.” Said Starlight.

Roland got up and screeched, which caused him to charge. Jacob then turned into a Hippogriff before grabbing it, and flew in the air. Then he turned into a Griffon and clawed him. Then Jacob turned into a dragon and breathed powerful fire, making Roland fall down. But the possessed kid was able to land on his feet and stared at Jacob, who turned back to normal. Until…he turned into an anthropomorphic Hedgehog, something that the Turtles and Rainbooms recognized.

“Sonic?!” said the group.

“Wait, he looks different.” Said Rarity.

It’s true, for the Hedgehog Jacob turned into was pure white, with gloves and a metallic cover on top with blue lines. Shoes that matches Sonic’s, but in black, and he has a blue arrow on his head and blue tips by the points of his quills. When all of a sudden, three more individuals appeared by Jacob’s side.

Three more Hedgehogs next to him. Ones that those who knew were greatly shocked.

“Sonic?” muttered Rainbow.

“Shadow?” muttered Sunset.

“Silver?” muttered Rarity.

However, what was different of them was…they were in their late thirties.

Jacob looked at the three, and nodded, with the three Hedgehogs nodding in agreement. Suddenly, the four of them powered up as the Emeralds appeared, but to their surprise, only one emerald was around them, but there were also others around them. Another emerald, but with what appeared to be a ring with runes around it. A gem, another gem with a ring around it. A pearl, a jewel, a sapphire, a gem, a bracelet, and an amulet, and all of them were in a color that none had ever seen before.

Within a split second, it fused with them, causing them to transform. But instead of gold, they were all in white furs with blue markings, whilst Jacob was gold, but with blue lines at his head and quills, even his hands and legs, which surprised everyone. Roland then screeched and charged, with the four hedgehogs doing the same as all of them charged forward. They clashed, then ended up…flying?!

As they flew, they saw many flashes going on from all over the skies whilst watching what appeared to be beams of energy flying around, whilst they flew around trying to get the drop on Roland.

“Wait, he was holding us out the whole time?!” exclaimed Raph when they saw Roland’s abilities being greater.

“I don’t think even he knows it.” Said Leo as all of them did their best trying to watch the fight unfold.

Jacob, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver appeared whilst they skid on the ground with their feet, whilst Roland appeared far side and screeched before attacking head on, with the four Hedgehogs following suit. Then they clashed against his right arm, trying to break his defense, but no luck. They pushed him back, but Roland came back to the charge, and tried to land a punch.

Jacob slapped Roland’s fast, deflecting it, whilst allowing Sonic to appear form below and kick him from down there, allowing Shadow to land a punch, and Silver to kick Roland by the back of his neck as he was launched backwards. He landed whilst blocking and punching the four Hedgehogs that tried to fight him. Then they darted off to the speed of light as dust began to fly whilst both sides tried to punch one another.

The hedgehogs attacked from all around, whilst Roland would block and kick them away. Suddenly, he shot a beam from his mouth, causing Jacob to instantly teleport behind him and kicked him in the back, allowing Sonic to use a spin dash move strike at Roland’s gut, then Shadow launched his Chaos Spears, and Silver lifting rocks and throwing at Roland, whilst the latter tried to avoid them back and forth.

Sonic, Silver, and Shadow used their spin dash moves to knock Roland around, until Jacob grabbed him by the leg, spun him and threw him, but Roland got back up and launched straight towards the sky, punching Shadow and Silver first, until the two of them stopped and charged up from their Super Forms to their Hyper Forms, allowing both of them to give Roland a strong uppercut and launched Chaos Blast towards him.

Roland was then at the sky, with Jacob, Sonic, Silver, and Shadow surrounding him. And once again, engaged in great speed flying around trying to beat him, until they landed back on the ground whilst still trying to surround Roland.

Rip. And tear. Rip. And tear.” Growled Roland.

“We’ll need to finish this.” Said Shadow.

“He’s right, before anyone else gets hurt.” Said Silver.

“Then we’ll need to upgrade.” Said Sonic.

Jacob nodded and powered up whilst electricity was cackling over his body, with the others following suit.

“Then let’s show them how powerful we really are.” Said Jacob as he darted towards him.

However, the moment Jacob punched Roland in the face, causing a small window size image to shatter, showing the 87 Turtles as they shouted, “Turtle power!!

“What the…?!” exclaimed the Turtles from both worlds from what they saw, which shocked everyone from both sides.

Sonic suddenly appeared from behind Roland and kicked him, causing another window sized image to appear, this time as Sonic from the 91 world, “He’s the fastest thing, alive!!

Shadow appeared from below and punched Roland in the chin, causing another window size image to appear, this time of ponies from the first generation, “My little pony, my little pony!!!

Silver appeared and delivered a gut punch, causing another window size image to appear, this time of the Justice League, but old fashion, “This looks like a job, for!!!

Jacob delivered a strong roundhouse kick, causing another window sized image to appear, with the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers appearing, “Go, go, Power Rangers!!

Roland crashed onto the ground, with Sonic grabbing him and tossing him aside, making Roland crash against the wall and land back at the center.

Jacob, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver stood at the ready from all around, whilst everyone from both sides were staring in shock.

“They’re so strong, they can shatter reality?” said Shine Boy in shock.

“What…are they?” said Gamer in equal confusion.

Roland got back up again and screeched at them in pure rage and went on the attack again, but this time, he was now faster.

Speeding balls of energy and great speed form both sides as all of them fought Roland whilst he moved like a speeding bullet.

“Incredible.” Said Bebop as everyone was too shocked for words by what was going on.

Roland breathed fire, but the four Hedgehogs were too fast for him. Then they attacked all around, causing Roland to push them back, causing all four of them to surround Roland. Jacob looked up, and signaled the others to follow his league.

They flew with a rapid speed…towards the sun?! They flew it in, and came back out, causing them to go to every sun through every solar system throughout every part of the galaxy.

“They’re using the suns?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight.

“That’s impossible?!” exclaimed Twilight.

Then as Jacob, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver got together, they charged towards Roland, whom the latter was holding position. But the moment they got close, many energy plates appeared all around him, causing the four Hedgehogs to perform a Spin Dash, bouncing from one plate to the other, whilst bashing against Roland with full speed as he was being bashed by four individuals using solar energy. As Roland was in the air, the four Hedgehogs appeared and punched Roland hard, allowing him to crash onto the ground. Then the four of them suddenly powered their energy to great lengths.

“Chaos!!” shouted the four Hedgehogs at the same time as Roland got up.

“Blast!!” shouted Shadow.

“Fury!!” shouted Sonic.

“Flash!!” shouted Silver.

“Laser!!” shouted Jacob.

All four of them fired their full power, causing them to hit Roland, creating a large explosion as the barriers did their best to contain it, but the wind was blowing rough as everyone tried to block it with their eyes at the same time.

As the brightness lowered, everyone was able to see, with the four Hedgehogs landing back onto the ground and Jacob returning back to his human form whilst still wearing his cloak. So far things have been quiet.

“Is…is he…?” asked Sunset in worry.

When all of a sudden, a hand popped out, with Roland slowly climbing out, shocking everyone.

“Impossible.” Muttered Splinter as everyone was shocked by what they were seeing.

Roland was still in his state, until Jacob instantly appeared and grabbed him by the wrist his gauntlet was. Jacob held out a cube, revealing to be of Galvanic Mecha morph origins. It went out and repaired Roland’s gauntlet. Once that was done, Jacob increased it’s power, causing Roland to screech as it was getting brighter, with Roland slowly returning to normal, making him pass out at the same time.

However, from afar, a certain Clown Prince was watching, and looked at Roland’s gauntlet.

“Interesting.” Said Joker before giggling and disappearing from the shadows.

Jacob looked at the Keystone that Jagwar promised, allowing Jacob to take it and picked it up. Jacob looked at the Shredder and glared at him, causing Shredder to be afraid for some reason. He then stood up and left, with the villains following in tow.

Jacob looked to his right and saw the heroes going off the podiums and stood near him, wondering what he was. He looked at Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, nodding to them as if it were the signal. The three Hedgehogs nodded and used their speed to disappear.

Jacob turned to the others, who then tossed Roland, causing Superman to catch him. Martian went over and scanned him.

“The demon side is contained for now.” Said Martian. “But I recommend we immediately retrieve Zatanna and Jason Blood.”

Jacob tossed the stone to Princess Twilight, allowing her to catch it.

However, everyone was still staring at him, not letting them out of their sights.

“Make sure this never happens again.” Said Jacob. “Until then…”

Jacob was about to walk, until…

“Wait!!” said Sunset when she grabbed his arm. However, the moment he did that, she immediately began to read his mind.


A young boy five-year-old boy was restraint against the wall, crying as he shed tears, with his shirt ripped open and ten cuts to the right side of his hip. Then an elderly man came along, with a skull brand and walked over to him.

“You will soon know something far sweeter than pain.”

He branded the young boy, making him scream in pain from the burning pain he had to endure.


Throughout an entire year, he was beaten, poisoned, burnt, frozen, whipped, electrocuted and every painful torture one can imagine.


Then, for many years he was put through the harshest of training since he was six. Trained by every creature from every world until his bones were close to being cracked and him passing out from exhaustion.


Gained visions from everyone throughout the Multiverse and wrote stories about them, and at the age of twelve, met a certain blue hedgehog and his companions whilst offering them a place to stay


Was captured by a man wearing a type of armor and leading a robot army, before jabbing him with an electric type weapon that made him scream in pain.


Whilst holding onto two different emeralds, a gem, a pearl, a jewel, a sapphire, a Sol Gem, and a Diamond, he was engulfed by a great power from them whilst screaming in agony whilst his head was raised in the air.


Had stumbled upon a temple and gained more knowledge of his heritage and realized what he needed to do and what needed to be done.

“You…will be the savior…of the Multiverse.”


Encountered many different kingdoms and races and helped them at the blue hedgehog’s world, even became a peace maker.


Were in out of space and fought alongside a Turian, Asari and may other different races to stop Saren, the Reapers and the Xorda race.


He fought alongside the blue hedgehog and both of their allies against foes that would match them, whilst fighting the said madman who captured him, only for him to be back up and jabbed him with a sword.

“You took everything away from us,” responded the boy, “You will never rob anyone, of anything, ever again.”


Having to say goodbye to his friends after he turned 13. Went to save his dad, lost his team and his dad as he watched a building collapsed onto him.


Was fished out and killed right on the spot.


Then a warrior in dark armor came and kicked him unconscious.


He was lying wounded onto the ground, with five others tied to a steak, and a woman was being held down, surrounded by different assailants as the one with a pistol came along.

“Too bad you couldn’t teach any of that, to your sons.” said the assailant whilst pointing a pistol at her.

The assailant shot her at point blank range, with him widening his eyes in horror as he tried to reach out in his injured state.


Fought against over hundreds of thousands of warriors in black armor with pure savagery.

“I’m going to kill you!!!”


Boy was at a location and watched many of his fallen friends on the ground. But then the greatest of horrors, was watching the pile and what was placed on the steaks whilst he collapsed onto his knees in pure shock and horror.


Was standing in front of a graveyard with his mother being buried there, with him looking thin, pale, beaten, broken, shedding a tear and trembling, as if he hadn’t eaten or slept in a month.

Then he walked alone in the woods and collapsed whilst crying.


Was approached by a man in a dark cloak.

“I can offer you what you desire, and vengeance will be yours.”

The contract was placed before him, making the boy grab a glass bottle, crushed it, causing his hand to be bloodied, then placed it onto it, sealing the deal as it had been burnt.

The boy, who was Jacob, became insane as his laughter had been echoed throughout the countryside.


He went from one location to another for many years, destroying anyone in his way. He went from world to world, burnt it to asunder, many fallen under his might, whilst being accompanied by others who chose to stick by him until the end.


Then came the Greek Pantheon.

He destroyed crushed Poseidon, ripped Hades’ soul from his body, ripped off Hermes’ legs, he crushed Hera, beaten Hercules, snuffed out Helios.

And he beaten and destroyed Zeus over and over again.


He was about to kill the last one responsible, but then the horrors of what he has unleashed had dawned to him and was consumed with guilt and grief as he sat down whilst staring at his hands and shedding tears.

“What have I done?”


Chose to go into exile, and stayed there, until a year later at that world, he turned around and saw the same hedgehog and friends, who were all looking for him.


He came back and fought alongside many other heroes and somehow found a way to shapeshift into a hedgehog like his friend, except white with a blue stripe on his head. And he was in love with an…anthro lynx? Even made her an organic being, which left them very excited.


Continued to fight until he got sick, and discovered that he was dying, but chose to keep it a secret from them, as he didn’t want them to know.


Fought alongside the same squad when he was young, except against the Collectors and the Black Arms Race whilst gaining new allies along the way, as well as helping curing diseases like Kepler Syndrome and his friend and clan’s Geophage problem.


His relationship with his friends and family were strained. One by one, his brothers were killed. Billy fell into the great void with a fiery beast, Damian flew into a building to destroy the manufacturing compound, Nathan died in a mortar fire, Tyler got stabbed in the back by a monster, but stabbed it back and fell down on a four-story building, then Arnold was shot by a sniper as they tried to flee.


Was approached by a little girl from his childhood as he thought about everything in his past.

“You’ve been through the worst. How do you feel about Japan?”

“I can handle Japan.”


Was fighting against another overlord, but was stabbed by it. Then he pleaded to the hedgehog in his last breath to never stop fighting and to stop the monster at any cost.


Was suddenly resurrected a year later with his brothers and had a new mission, as the Reapers, Xorda, Black Arms Race, a mad Scientist named Eggman and the Collectors, along with an Orc/Ogre breed Death Lord teamed up to take over their galaxy.

Fought on every battlefield imaginable.


Saved a man from the Illuminati Race and revealed the dark truth of what happened to his people.


He led soldiers, Paladins, Archlords, Illuminati and many others against overwhelming odds.


Charged in with an entire fleet to towards a planet where the weapon they needed was being heavily guarded.


Fought against many foes and with the power of the station, and Jacob’s power, banished the threat from their galaxy/universe/dimension, so that no one would ever get in the way again.


The Lynx and Jacob got married and also had kids of their own, both who were born with powers just like they were.

Then went and found a new location to train more like him and the others, and vowed to protect the Multiverse from the greatest of threats.


Then came the Time War, where they had to travel through certain parts of time in certain parts of the world, for the Order had been involved in those worlds.


During the war, both his kids, when they were ten, were brutally murdered, and his wife was turned into a monster.

“Kill me.” She muttered.

“I love you.” He muttered back.

He killed her, making her grunt in pain, whilst after he died, he screamed in pain and agony of the terror he was forced to endure.


Destroyed a temple that was corrupted and that was this close into destroying the timeline, then by miracle both his wife and kids were back, and hugged them in joy.

“I will never let you go again.”


Then they went to both the homes of Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, where they went on adventures, fought together and where his son had a relationship with one of her friends, whilst his daughter became a Princess of Equestria.


She immediately let go and gasped a bit before staggering backwards, with Shine Boy being able to catch her. Before Sunset could breathe or say another word, Jacob had already left. But Sunset was in shock and awe from what she had seen.

“Sunset, what is it?” said Leo when he and a few others noticed what had happened.

“I…looked into his memories.” Said Sunset.

“You did?” said a confused Pinkie.

“What is he?” asked Fluttershy.

Sunset then spotted Jacob again, this time, standing far away and staring at her one more time, before vanishing like a ghost at night.

“I…don’t know.” Muttered Sunset as she still had trouble wrapping her head around it.


Meanwhile, Shine Boy was in his room working on his paperwork while Wallflower was setting down a bowl of spaghetti next to his bed.

“What’s the thing about paperwork for you?” She curiously asked.

“It’s plumber protocol.” Shine Boy answered. “Max Tennyson insisted that we leaders should do field reports of our missions. Pretty much use it to learn from mistakes and hopefully anticipate Shredders next move.”

“Who else does those?” Wallflower asked.

“Me, Leo, Slash, Steven, Tommy, Jason, Sunset, Princess Twilight, Ben, and Superman. And when they get here, Duke, Tai, Davis, and the other leaders.”

“I see. Well, anyway your salad and garlic bread are coming up.” Wallflower assured.

“Wouldn’t be spaghetti without it.” Shine Boy smacked his lips.

“You’re pretty busy.”

Shine Boy shot up as Serenity entered his room. “Oh Serenity! Sorry! Sorry I couldn’t make dinner. When we’re done with every world, I had to fill out worksheets about the missions.”

Serenity smiled. “It’s okay. Gwen told me and I understand. And I love it when you’re focused. Besides, I’m gonna be hanging out with some of the girls anyway.”

“Oh, like a girl’s night?”

“Yeah. April, Karai, Shinigami, Buffy, Caitlyn, the Rainbooms and their counterparts, Kimberly, Trini, Gwen, Connie, Mona, Starfire, Raven, and others. Zatanna is trying to convince Diana and Shiera to join. I hope it’ll cheer April up.”

Shine Boy looked up curious. “What’s wrong with April?”

“Didn’t you hear? Luke grilled her for past mistakes.”

Shine Boy was taken aback as Serenity continued. “Love Shine almost attacked him before in the arcade before getting stopped by Jason.”

“Hey uh your spaghetti’s getting cold.” Wallflower pointed out as she set down his salad and bread.

“Not hungry.” Shine Boy quietly mumbled as he sat back down from on his bed.

Serenity looked worried. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine. You have a good night with the girls.” Shine Boy faked a smile.

“Okay. It’ll be okay. I promise. Good night.” Serenity pecked his cheek before leaving.

Shine Boy grabbed his soda while Wallflower finished.

“Okay, anything else I can do for you?”

“Nah. I think I’m good. You joining the girls?” Shine Boy assured.

“Yeah me and Sapphire are joining them.” Wallflower said.

Shine Boy patted her shoulder. “Have a good night then.”

“Thanks.” Wallflower left the room.

After she left, Shine Boys smile turned to a frown as he crushed his can spilling his soda.

“Darn it, Luke. Why do you have to do this now?” He whispered to himself.


At the same time, the Mane 6 and the Rainbooms were looking for the kids.

“Where in tarnation are they?” said Applejack in concern, causing Azmuth to appear.

“If you are looking for them, follow me.” Said Azmuth as he used his hover ride to go to where they need to go.

But when they entered, they saw the medical officers letting them out what appeared to be tubes, making them groan.

“Why did you lock them up here?!” exclaimed Rarity.

“Be glad I did.” Said Azmuth, which surprised the latter as he looked at them. “If they were down there…they would be forever traumatized from that experience. I placed them in these pods because if I were to lock them up in their quarters, no doubt they would’ve escaped and saw the whole thing.”

The girls were surprised by this as they looked at one another, for Azmuth did have a point, if the kids saw everything…

“By the way, once you’ve checked on them, meet me in the debriefing room. We have much to talk about.” Said Azmuth as he left.

Everyone went over to the kids to see if they were alright. However, Sunset stood there and was in deep thought. When she read Roland’s mind about his darkness, she was greatly worried about him, for even he was terrified of it. But she also thought about Jacob, the man who helped her. How could a man who went through so much, carry such a huge burden.

“Jacob.” Muttered Sunset, “Thank you.”


Meanwhile, in the debriefing room, the Turtles from both worlds, the Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Justice League, Teen Titans, Team Shine (minus Night Shine), and Static’s team were watching a hologram of Roland, who was still unconscious in his bed.

“This is really concerning.” Said Wonder Woman.

“Agreed,” said Hal Jordan, “Whatever was inside of him, it was clear he wasn’t in control.”

“He was also terrified and couldn’t stop it.” Said Martian Manhunter, “But if it had gone to out of the arena…”

“Let’s not think about that,” said Superman, “Right now, I’m more concerned on how we can remove the darkness from him. We can’t let it stay in his body for that long.”

“I already placed shaman seals on him for the time being,” said Batman, “But we’ll need to find a solution.”

“The evil inside of him is far more different than the ones I encountered,” said Raven, “Whatever it is…it’s even stronger than my father.”

“What I wanna know is, who those guys are!!” said Raph.

“Well, it’s Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, obviously.” Said Mikey, but then said, “Although they look very different. Both age and powers.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Princess Twilight, “Never in any of our lives did we meet something like that.”

“But why did they chose to help us now?” said Leo, “Shouldn’t we ask him for help?”

“It doesn’t matter,” said Batman, “We already tried to find him the moment we got back on the ship.”

“He’s right,” said Gamer, “None of our tracking devices were able to find him.”

“Even my tech can’t find it.” Said Cyborg.

“Still though,” said Blue Beetle, “How are we going to remove the darkness from this primo?”

“We’ll dig at what we have.” Said Shine Boy as he got up, “I’ll talk to Gwen and a few of our magic experts in the League, maybe they might have something.”

“I hope so, for time’s running out.” Said Leo, “And knowing the Shredder, seeing that we have the stone, he’ll no doubt attack the city again with his army.”

“Then we’ll have to be ready,” said Barry/Flash, “And double our efforts.”

“In the meantime, we’ll put everyone on alert,” said Hawkgirl, “So until then, we’ll take this time to recuperate.”

Everyone, minus Team Shine, the Mane 6, the Turtles and Rainbooms left. All of them pondered about this.

“Guys,” said Fluttershy, “What are we going to do to help, Roland?”

“I don’t know.” Said Leo, “But he should’ve told us about it.”

“He wanted to,” said Venus as she entered the room. “But Roland was too ashamed because of it. When Shine Boy first encountered him, he was able to conceal Roland’s darkness. At first, for the past few years since he was fourteen, things seemed okay. That was…until the Meanbooms.”

They were surprised by this.

“The Meanbooms were also a problem,” said Venus, “And whilst they fooled all of you, they did something very horrible to him.”

“What could be that was so bad?” asked pony Rainbow Dash.

Venus had a hard time trying to get it out as she chocked and nearly shed a tear. But she swallowed it and was able to get it out.

“The Meanbooms cornered and raped him.”

They were shocked by what she had said. “That’s when Roland snapped, that’s when the darkness resurfaced after such a short time. What he did to Sapphire…”

Now they were greatly concerned about this. Until Venus stood on her knees.

“So please, I beg of you.” Said Venus. “If you can, please help him. I don’t want to lose him, too.”

Princess Twilight and Shine Boy approached her.

“We give you our word, we’ll try.” Said Shine Boy.

“And we’ll try to save him if we can.” Said Princess Twilight.

Venus was able to smile and hug them whilst saying, “Thank you.”

Everyone was now tensed from what happened, but what they saw today…this won’t be dropped from there. For now, a bigger fight has now begun.

Not just the fight outside…but the battle from within.

Author's Note:

Author’s note 1

After all this time, one of Roland’s secrets have come to light.

Author’s note 2

· The fight in the mud between Roland and Jagwar was a reference to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns part 1
· Roland beating up Bane was a reference to Young Justice, where Super boy beat up one of their enemies.
· Roland pumping Venom into Bane was a reference to Batman the Animated Series, where Bane made his first appearance.
· Roland having the two swords was a reference to the Blades of Chaos from the God of War saga
· Roland beating his enemies has a small reference to both God of War, as well as Apex Legends.
· A while ago when Danyram1308 asked if he could borrow my OC, I enjoyed the drama and tension between them, so I wanted to make something that matches it too.
· The argument between my OC and Danyram1308’s OC (which I forgot to ask what his OC’s name is) is partially I picked up from the Jumanji Movie (With Dwayne Johnson), Batman: Arkham Origins and a few others I can’t remember.
· The fight that happened was sort of a reference to Goku vs Sonic from Death Battle