• Published 24th May 2022
  • 3,632 Views, 1,028 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

  • ...

An Apple and Diamond's shine

Not long after the teams returned to the ship to resupply, Sunset sat all by herself in the mess hall and got a falafel to eat. Only she wasn't feeling very hungry. Despite reforming things with Mikey, she still felt hurt from everything Venus and Obaki told them before the mission before their fellow students. She felt like all her hard work to redeem herself and regain everyone's trust has been destroyed. Again. She kept pushing her food back and forth until she heard a voice.

“Penny for a moment of your time?”

Sunset looked up to see Shine Boy standing there holding a bag of churros and a cup of coffee.

“Sure.” she sighed.

After he sat down, Shine Boy held his bag to Sunset. “Churro?”

“No thanks.” Sunset mumbled.

Taking a churro for himself, Shine Boy took a deep breath, knowing what was bugging her. “Sunset, You shouldn't let what Venus and Obaki said put you down. -”

“But they're right.” said Sunset sadly, “I'm just a hypocrite. I try to make up for all the terrible things I've done in the past, but no matter what I do, I've made no progress. Somebody ruins all my hard work because they never believe I've changed. Anon-a-miss. the Memory stone. Sometimes I feel like I'm better off dead.”

Shine Boy quickly grabbed Sunset's arm and looked at her in the eye. “Don't think like that! Don't ever. EVER. Think like that! We've all made mistakes. They shouldn't define who we are!”

Sunset was quiet for a moment, but Shine Boy took a deep breath and began to sound melancholy as he let go of Sunset.

He took a deep breath and began to sound melancholy as he let go of Sunset. “Sunset, I've seen that you've been struggling lately. The weight of your troubles is heavy, but hear me now. Everything is going to be okay. It's okay to be sad. it's okay to feel the weight of your emotions. Remember your path of redemption, along with Starlight, Karai, Blade Swipe, Kevin, Tommy and even Ken. Remember how initially each of you were weighted down by the guilt of your past transactions. But you all persevered, found your inner strength, and emerged a hero. You can find that strength within yourself again, Sunset. It's okay to be angry. These recent battles with Shredder's ever-growing forces were relentless ones. And our anger fueled us in our desperation. But we didn't let it consume us. Use that anger to keep pushing forward and to keep fighting. It's okay to be confused. Our recent battle with Zedd and Rita left us with more questions than answers. But we kept searching, exploring, and eventually we found the answers we sought. Keep searching, keep exploring, and the answers will come.”

“But how can we even work together if no one will ever trust us again?” Sunset whimpered.

“They do trust you, and you guys already did sort things out.” Said Shine Boy, “And it's okay to be scared. Those times when we fought Devimon, Milleniummon, or even when we fought Dragaunus, we were scared. But we didn't let that fear beat us. We used that as our motivator to stay sharp and to stay alive. Use that fear to stay for whatever comes next as we try to save the multiverse. It's okay to feel lost. Our journeys as fighters were each a maze, full of twists and turns. But we kept moving forward, kept following our instincts, and eventually found the way out. Keep moving forward Sunset trust in yourself, and eventually you'll find your way. It's okay you don't know what to do. Every battle each of us had fought was full of uncertainties, and we were often caught off guard, but we didn't let that uncertainty stop us. We trusted ourselves and in our training and in each other. Trust in yourself and you will know what to do when the time comes. So, Sunset, it's okay to be yourself. You don't have to pretend to be something you're not of put on a fake smile all the time. Just like when we have our sense of doubt and fear on the battlefield. It's natural to have those feelings in real life. Everything's gonna be okay. Sometimes, to find your way, you'll have to get a little lost first. The road ahead may be a little tough, but this is all temporary and it'll eventually pass.”

Sunset stood up and walked up to Shine Boy who stood up and embraced him. “Thanks, Shine Boy, I'll try to do better. But I’m probably gonna head to my room. I doubt the school wants to be anywhere near me after everyone heard how I abandoned Mikey twice. First it was Cozy Glow then it was Jagwar. I made it up for him, sometimes I think it wasn’t enough.”

“Sunset, no matter how experienced we are, we all make mistakes. But think about those times your friends left you. And how you could've given up on them or at all. And this changes nothing! Keep fighting. keep pushing forward. And know you have the strength to overcome any obstacle no matter what anyone says. And always remember, Sunset, Even if your classmates shut you out forever, You're still loved.”

Sunset still looked unsure as she began to head out when Shine Boy heard something.

“We need to talk.”

He looked to his right and saw Roland looking at both Venus and Obaki sternly, whilst also violently pulling them. Curious, he followed them. Soon, they were in a secluded room, and he could hear them arguing.

“Have you two lost it back there?!!” said Roland. “This isn’t the plan!!”

“What, we were just…” said Obaki, before Roland cut them off.

“No, you were laying down your own personal feelings in front of everyone instead of in private!!” said Roland.

Shine Boy was surprised by this, then muttered “In private?”

“You know very well the orders Wayne gave us on the list,” said Roland, which shocked Shine Boy, did they just say Wayne? As in Bruce Wayne, aka, Batman? “He asked us to go through certain names through certain members because he had files on them ever since they got there. And seeing that he saw them in action, he asked me to speak to them, but in a private setting, and the reason we do that, was to remind them that the last time they had that kind of mindset, it nearly costed them everything. Or did you guys forget what Applejack and Raph did when they were stuck on Batman’s world?”

“How the heck can you agree to follow his lead?!” said Obaki, “After everything the others put you through?! And what they did to Mikey?!”

“I’m aware of that!!” said Roland.

“Well, we were just trying to help.” Said Obaki before Roland grabbed him by the throat, surprising Shine Boy.

“I’ll ask for help when I want help.” Growled Roland as he looked at Obaki dead in the eye. “Go behind my back again, like that stunt you pulled back at the training room, or so help me, you’ll be joining them!!”

Roland threw Obaki hard onto the ground, with the latter coughing.

“Batman was the one who trusted me to do this, remember?” said Roland, “Or did you forget that?”

“We’re just looking out for you, Roland.” Said Venus in concern after Obaki stood back up. “You haven’t been the same since back at what Sunset said to you at the Music Festival. About what she said about your mother, and about…”

“Don’t.” said Roland. Shine Boy then saw the anger, and the hurt on his face, and…on the verge of crying. “Don’t you, ever, mention her name. No one, is worthy of saying that name. Not even you two. She meant everything to me, and what Sunset said…I knew it was a mistake to talk about my past to anyone.”

“Well…” said Venus as she now had second thoughts, “Then maybe we should tell them the truth. Tell them why…”

“No.” said Roland. “They can never know.”


“End of discussion.” Said Roland before he left, with Venus and Obaki still looking with concern.

Shine Boy on the other hand overheard everything. He had a surprised look on his face.

“Batman asked him do all those things?” said Shine Boy to himself once he was far enough. “But…why? What could he gain out of all of this.”

He walked ahead, thinking about where to go next.


Meanwhile, from atop one of the buildings, Lord Zedd and Rita were watching over the city, with Goldar behind him.

“Bah,” said Rita, “This entire place sickens me.”

“Well, look at the bright side.” Said Cozy, “This is New York. It’s gloomy, dangerous with crime, noisy and partially polluted, and not the place where you two constantly get your butts kicked by the Power Rangers.”

Within a split second, she was tossed against a pile of garbage bags and cans with a crash. She got out of it with a grumpy look and spat out a banana peel.

“As much as it sickens me to admit,” said Goldar, “She does have a point, your evilness. This place is far better than the likes of Angel Grove.”

“We are aware.” Said Lord Zedd. “Still, we are in a world where we lost against the Rangers. And we can’t even bother to talk to our other selves, not without messing with time again.”

“Uh,” said Cozy, “Didn’t you already did that by turning them into kids, twice?”

Lord Zedd backhanded her as she flew into the garbage pile again. She came back out and spat out a milk carton instead.

“She does have a point, master.” Said Goldar as he hated to admit it, “We tried to turn them into kids twice, but somehow they always find a way to come back stronger.”

“He does have a point, my lord.” Said Rita Repulsa, “How are we going to get rid of them?”

Just then, a portal opened up next to Zedd and Rita as a white humanoid dog like creature came out of it.

“Ah! Finster. Perfect timing!” Zedd smirked.

“My emperor. Empress.” Finster greeted with a bow.

“Did you find who I asked for?”

“Yes, my lord. I brought her as you’ve instructed.” Finster nodded.

Rita looked confused. “Her?”

“Since my return, I’ve had a certain someone take care of some things in another solar system.” Zedd grumbled.

Rita smirked just as a female with scorpion attire merged from the portal. “Ah! Scorpina! Welcome back!”

“I am at your service, my Lord and Empress.” Scorpina bowed before the two.

Zedd then turned to Finster. “Your services are not needed anymore, Finster. Return to the palace!”

“As you command.” Finster left into the portal before it closed.

Zedd then turned to Scorpina. “I had to relieve you of your duties in the outer region, Scorpina, because I have been bargained with The Shredder who can not only rid us of the Power Rangers but their allies as well.”

“The Shredder? The one who stole the green power coin and used it?” Scorpina recalled.

“Well, this Shredder is from an alternate universe but yeah he’s just as antisocial.” Rita remarked before Zedd continued.

“He had defeated the Rangers in his timeline and wants to do the same here. You see, he wants to conquer the multiverse. We’ve formed an alliance with him and others he’s gathered so far. You and Goldar will serve him just as you serve me and Rita.”

“It shall be done, Lord Zedd.” Scorpina nodded before she got up to smile at Goldar. “Just like old times.”

“Yes!” Chuckled Goldar, happy to work with his partner again.

“Welcome aboard!” Cozy Glow waved.

Scorpina raised her brow at the pony. “Who’s that?”

“Oh, that’s just Cozy Glow. Ignore it and it’ll go away.” Goldar waved off as Cozy Glow glared at him.

“So…how should we proceed?” asked Scorpina.

“Simple,” said Zedd, “We gather as much materials we need to make the biggest monster ever. But not just one, a legion’s worth. Something that Xandred did during his time. Or that’s at least what Shredder said.”

“In the meantime,” said Rita Repulsa, “We shall unleash our Putties all over the city to cause as much damage as we can.”

“On the contrary.”

They all turned and saw Shredder’s second in command, Commander Tigerclaw, appear from out of nowhere whilst holding his sword.

“Ugh, what do you want?” said Rita Repulsa.

“We all have seen your putties in action, and they are formidable forces.” Said Tiger Claw. “But Shredder was somehow able to summon more minions to your cause to cause thrice as much damage.”

“Oh?” said Rita as she and Zedd looked interested, “Like what?”

Tigerclaw took out a gun and used it to open a portal. Within mere seconds, different sets of minions walked out, surprising them.

“What you see before you, happens to be minions that represent from each different faction of evil that tried to take over the Universe since your downfall.” Said Tigerclaw, “We have Tengu Warriors, Maggots, Ooze men, Cogs, Piranhatrons, Quantrons, Stingwingers, Batlings, Ghouls, Cyclobots, Demon Warriors, Putrids, Kelzaks, Tyrannodrones, Tripods, Krybots, Blue-Head Krybots, Orange-Head Krybots, Hidiacs, Chillers, Rinshi, Grinders, Moogers, Loogies, X Borgs, Bruisers, Royal Guards, Vivix, Kudabots, Basherbots, Foxbots, Robot-Ranger Clones, Tronics, and Hengemen.”

Lord Zedd walked over to them and hummed. He watched all of them as if they were in an assembly line.

“Most impressive indeed.” Said Lord Zedd as he looked through them. “They will certainly do.”

“What do you propose we do, master?” asked Goldar.

“We perform what the humans call a Pincer move,” said Lord Zedd, “In other words a divide and conquer strategy.”

“Hmm, I like that.” Said Rita Repulsa, “We’ll keep the heroes occupied on different parts of the city, and whilst we divide and conquer, we shall be able to find what we’re looking for.”

Lord Zedd looked at Tigerclaw and asked “How many of them?”

“Each of them are about a hundred.” Said Tigerclaw, “Plus combining them with your Putties and new monsters. That would make about four thousand in total.”

“Now we’re talking.” Said Goldar, “With this many troops, we can take over and destroy the city with ease.”

“Still, let’s not let the Rangers and their putrid friends know about our presence.” Said Lord Zedd, “We shall send them throughout the city to take up positions. Once we do, then we shall give the order to strike. To divide and conquer if necessary.”


Meanwhile, from within the Alliance ship, The Turtles 96 and Splinter looked around the ship and were amazed.

“Whoa, this ship is totally bombing.” Said Mikey 96.

“Yeah, the tech here is amazing.” Said Donnie 96.

“Meh, bit boring if you ask me.” Said Raph 96.

“Look at it this way, Raph.” Said Leo 96, “We’ll be able to teleport ourselves to a different location. That way we’ll be able to help anyone in need.”

“If Lord Zedd and Rita have not already attacked the city yet.” Said Venus 96.

“We appreciate all of you for bringing us onboard.” Said Master Splinter.

“It’s the least we can do.” Said Gwen.

“Plus, with the extra security here, we’ll have better luck on finding it.” Said Kevin.

“If you would please excuse me,” said Master Splinter, “Is there a place for me to meditate?”

“I would be more than glad to take you there.” Said Rook as he led Master Splinter away from the group and to a quiet place to meditate.

“Still,” said Silverbolt whilst crossing his arms, “What’s our next move? Obviously we can’t wait around.”

“Not only will Shredder be looking for the stone,” said Invictus, “But he could attack this city at any minute and the people have no way to properly defend themselves.”

“Too bad New York’s not like feudal Japan during our time traveling days,” said Mikey 96, “We could’ve used the army.”

“Wait,” said April surprised, “You guys time traveled?”

“Long story.” Said the Turtle Brothers.

“It was also before I came along.” Said Venus 96, “I went to New York to aid Master Splinter when my teacher told me to leave for New York to find them. I was surprised to see that they were my brothers.”

“Still,” said Amethyst Majesty, “It wouldn’t hurt to have eyes and ears on the ground.”

“Well, they’re not like the Dino Knight Rangers.” Said Mikey, causing some to look at him oddly, “Oh, they’re the next Ranger groups after Beast Morphers.”

“Do we have any idea on where they need to strike?” asked Rarity, “Just so that we could also be a step ahead for once.”

“We could try that.” Said Raph.

Or!”, said Leo as he cut Raph off, “We can get in a few more hours of practice before we move out. Just in case we might run into something very unexpected.

Raph glared at Leo, but knew he had a point before he sighed. “Or we could do that.”

As they went off, Master Splinter was alone in the meditation room and closed his eyes whilst he meditated. He began to clear his mind and within mere moments, he was in a different plain of existence.


Master Splinter opened his eyes and saw an old friend from long ago. Venus’ master, which was none other than…

“Chung, my old friend.” Said Splinter as he stood up, “It has been far too long.”

“Too long my friend.” Said Chung, “What can I do for you?”

“I am in need of your help.” Said Splinter, “A great evil has come to our world and seeks to destroy everything we held dear.

“I have felt it my friend.” Said Chung, “I had sensed powerful forces from another dimension has arrived. Both good, and evil.”

“They came here, seeking an artifact that would allow them to go to the source of reality,” said Splinter, “To stop the Shredder from destroying everything. That is why I came to this place, to ask you for your help.”

“Hmm,” said Chung as he closed his eyes in thought. He looked at Splinter and said “Normally we would not meddle in others’ affairs. But hearing the reason, they have agreed to help. In fact, in their possession, they have what you are looking for.”

“Where?” asked Splinter curiously.

“Follow me, and I shall show you.” Said Chung as he led Splinter to what he was looking for.


From atop one of the buildings, Lord Zedd, Rita, Goldar, Scorpina and a few monsters of their choice stood at the edge of the building, watching the public walking by.

“Look at them, walking around like the pathetic ants they are.” Said Lord Zedd.

“How should we proceed, master?” asked Goldar.

Lord Zedd chuckled and said “Unleash its destruction!!”

Lord Zedd was the first to fire his power, destroying a nearby building, which caused the hundreds of citizens to run in fear, with Rita and the others following suit as they destroyed more buildings and vehicles and people that were running scared. And at the same time, every minion over the years attacked, which caused more to run away in panic.

After a few explosions, not just the Putties from both Lord Zedd and Rita’s, but every single evil entity attacked all over the city, which caused more to run in panic.

Meanwhile, back at the ship, the alarms were raised, causing everyone to run around and in alert at the same time. Everyone was soon gathered in the room, and all of them gathered near the room where Grandpa max were.

“Grandpa, what’s going on?!” said Ben.

“Trouble.” Responded Max.

Everyone saw many creatures attacking all over the city, trying to destroy it with the destruction happening from all around.

“Whoa, who are they?” said Mikey, “It’s obvious about the putties, but I don’t recognize the other monsters.”

“Oh no.” said Roland, gaining their attention. “It’s worse than I thought.”

“What is it?” asked April.

“Shredder not only recruited Lord Zedd, Rita and Galvanax, but he recruited every single villain in Power Ranger history. All those monsters you see attacking, they’re their minions and creations.”

Everyone was shocked to see all of them.

“There’s like, so many, bra.” Said Mondo Gecko.

“We’ll have to divide different teams.” Said Max, “Focus on evacuating the citizens and stopping them at the same time.”

“Agreed.” Said Leo. “My team, April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, Rainbooms, Team Shine, Roland, Tommy, and their groups, we’ll focus on Lord Zedd and Rita. The rest will move out of the city and try to help as many people as they can!!”

“Then let’s get going.” Said Ben, “I’m itching for a fight.”

“Let’s go!!” said Kevin as everyone ran to the teleporter.


From one part of the city, many different monsters and minions were tearing up the place. However, the first group to arrive near the park was Steven Universe and his group.

“Let’s go guys!!” shouted Steven as he and the others attacked.

Steven jumped around, using his shield to block his enemies and used his bubbles to blow them away. Connie uses her sword to slice and dice a few of the Ooze men and Putties away. Garnett used her armored glove fists to bash many of the Tengu forces away, with Pearl backing her up using her spear against many of the Cogs along the way.

Amethyst jumped up and used her whip to wrap up a few Piranhatrons up, spun them around and threw them against a bunch of Quantrons. Peridot uses her limb enhancers to blast a few Stingwingers in the air, with Bismuth smashing a few Batlings with her hammer hands and Lapis using her water to wash away the Cyclobots.

In another part of town, Ben and his group landed at what appeared to be a shopping center.

“Let’s do this!!” said Ben as he and the others charged.

Ben turned into Four Arms and began to bash his way through a few Putrids, before turning into Diamond Head to do some real damage. Gwen uses her magic to ensnare and turn the Tengu warriors into birds, with Kevin absorbing the Cogs’ weapons, and uses it against them as he bashes them through. Rook uses his blasters to blast through many Kelzaks all over the place, with Manny backing him up and pulling out his four pistols and began to shoot down as many Tyrannodrones and Triploids.

Allen flew around and uses his flame powers to burn down any Krybots along the way. Helen uses her speed to mow down many Hidiacs, with Lucy using her sludge powers to splatter the Chillers.


From another part of the city, near what appeared to be a park, the largest attack spots ever, the CMC, the Young Six, the Rock N Beats and a few others, were teleported there to help the people, causing them to attack in full force.

Angel used her sparring sticks to bash through a few Putties, Carter uses his mutant power to turn into a falcon to grab a few Z Putties and dragged them away into the air in order to do some real damage. Trisha uses her nunchucks to take down a few Tengu warriors, Zack uses a hockey stick to whack a few Ooze Men, with Caitlyn backing him up using a Plumber Blaster to blast a few Cogs away. Wallflower uses her 2 Daburu Hidden Knives to block a few Quantrons, whilst Sapphire backed her up against a few Piranhatrons, with Juniper using her Nordachi sword to cut down a few Stingwingers.

Apple Bloom used her Tanto Sword to cut down a few Batlings, with Sweetie Belle using her Fingernail Claws to cut down a few demon warriors whilst she pounced at the same time, with Scootaloo running and sliding underneath a Cyclobot, grabbed its leg and landed on its shoulder, allowing her to jab her Butterfly knives into its head, making it collapse at the same time.

Sandbar blocked a Putrid before kicking it away, Yona charged a couple of Kelzaks over with her great strength before flattening them onto the ground. Ocellus took a stance and waited for the Tyrannodrones to attack. But the moment they were close enough, she opened her eyes sharply and twisted her body back and forth dodging them, whilst at the same time, she used her fan to slice and dice them. At the same time, Smolder jumped from behind and used her Kusari Fundo to whack a few Triploids away whilst she spun her body around, moving to flow with the chain.

Gallus used his dual blades to cut down many Krybots around him, with Silverstream using her double claw staff to back him up against a few Blueheads and Orange heads. Bright Eyes uses her nunchucks to bash against a few Hidiacs, with her brother Teddy backing her up as he uses his Hamato Warhammer to smash a few Chillers to pieces.

Ace uses his sparring batons to bash a few Rinshi warriors whilst jumping in the air and double kicking more of them away. Melody stayed by his side and used her 2 Chakrams to block a few Grinders, before throwing them like a discus as they flew around and sliced a few to pieces. Patch uses her two Butterfly knives to slice a few Moogers as she runs back and forth with her athletics, thanks to Rainbow’s training.

Half-Note uses her Tang sword to block, deflect and sliced a few Borgs and Loogies away, with Sweetheart backing her up using her chain claw to pull a few Vivix before kicking them away, with Clover Bloom using her Bamboo sword to knock a few Kudabots away as Lancer backed her up against a few Fox Bots using his 2 Naginata blades.


From the Statue of Liberty, many dark forces were trying to take it over, but the Shadowbolts, Dazzlings and a few others were there to put a stop to it.

Sour Sweet uses her Surujin chains to wrap up a few Putties and uses them to bash against the Z Putties, making them explode. Sugarcoat uses her Chigiriki Mace to make a few Tengu warriors trip, and made them crash onto the ground. Sunny Flare jumps up in the air and tackles a few Cogs from the air whilst slicing them at the same time. Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap were standing back-to-back, using their Kanabo Clubs and Guandao Spear to block and fight back a bunch of Piranhatrons and Quantrons.

From below, Blade and Tempest were fighting side by side with one another, blocking the Ghouls for some reason, whilst from atop, Starlight was using her bow and arrow to shoot down a few Stingwingers that were trying to attack from the air. And left from Blade and Tempest were the Dazzlings. Adagio uses her Kusanagi sword to slice a few Batlings away, with Aria jumping over her shoulder and uses her Tri-Baton to smash a Cog onto the ground, with Sonata using Adagio to help flung herself onto a few more Cogs as she uses her Tonabas to bash them to pieces.


From the New York Zoo, Princess Twilight and her friends were busy trying to keep the animals safe, per pony Fluttershy’s plea, with the Turtles of Earth 1996 backing them up.

Princess Twilight jumped over and uses her Kamayari sickle spear to slice a few Putties, with pony Fluttershy standing in front of the animals and using her Fukedake Blowgun to shoot the Putties right at their Z chests, causing them to explode afterwards. Pony Pinkie Pie however, uses her Bakuhatsugama with weight chain to whack a few Tengu warriors, until she pulled out her party cannon.

“Surprise!!” shouted pony Pinkie Pie as she uses her cannon to blast a few Tengu warriors away. Then shouted “Double surprise!!”, before throwing a bunch of pies, causing them to explode on impact.

“You made exploding pies?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight.

“For fighting purposes only!!” said pony Pinkie Pie.

“Ah’m surprised y’all didn’t use them during the Storm King’s invasion!!” said pony Applejack.

Applejack darted towards a few Cogs and uses her claws to slice them to pieces whilst moving back and forth. Rainbow darted towards a few Piranhatrons and twists hear Naginata spear to jab one and pin it on the ground, whilst vaulting over and kicked the next one. Rarity uses her sickles to slice and dice a few Quantrons to ensure that nothing happens to her friends or the animals.

Meanwhile, from within the other side of the Zoo, the Turtle 96 team tries their best to defend the people and animals from inside.

Leo 96 taunted the Stingwingers to attack him, which they did, causing him to jump in the air and twisting around, allowing him to slice down the Stingwingers. Donnie 96 posed with his bo-staff, and the moment the Ghouls were close enough, he spun it and struck them down in full force. Raph 96 used his fists to punch down many Batlings, with Mikey 96 and Venus 96 beating many Demon warriors that try to surround them. As all that happened, Casey 96 was busy trying to evacuate as many citizens as possible.


Meanwhile, at one of the bridges in New York, many minions were in the way, smashing anything that’s in their way, with the Mighty Mutanimals trying to stop them.

Slash was busy using his mace to bash many Cyclobots around him, and said “These aren’t like the Footbots, but they’re a ton of fun to smash around!!”

Leatherhead roared whilst rearing his head backwards before charging and tackles many Putrids over, whilst biting another before tossing it away. Dr. Rockwell hovered in the air and used his telepathic abilities to lift and throw as many of the Kelzaks away just for an advantage. Pidgeon Pete was flying around using his Krang blasters to blast a few Tyrannodrones and Triploids away.

Mondo Gecko was riding around his skateboard, trying to distract the Krybots as he planted explosives on them, with them later blowing up whilst Mona Lisa fought head-to-head with many Blueheads and Orangeheads and soon overpowered them. Bandit Raccoon uses his agility to jump around and distract many of the Hidiacs and Chillers, before Ray Fillet was able to move in for the killing blows.

Hokum Rabbit was running around, jumping onto one Rinshi to the next as they collapse onto the ground, with Alopex using her speed to cut down many Grinders around her. Bebop uses his dancing abilities to punch, kick and blast a few Moogers away, with Rocksteady tackling many Loogies, Borgs, and Bruisers away, whilst Muckman uses his garbage abilities to blast away Vivix and Basherbots


However, the biggest presence was at New York Town Square, where Lord Zedd and Rita and a few others were going on and about their business, with many forces behind them, until further away, Roland’s team, the Turtles, and their allies, the Rainbooms, and Team Shine and the Rangers arrived via teleportation, and stood ten feet away from them, with the bad guys spotting them and getting ready for a full-on fight.

“Get ready Ninjas.” Said Leo as he had his katanas ready, with the others getting their weapons ready too.

“Let’s do this, guys.” Said Tommy as he got ready.

“What do you say girls?” said Rainbow as she took out her Morpher, “You ready, too?”

The girls couldn’t help but smile as they got theirs ready too.

“Go for it, Tommy.” Said Rainbow.

“Right,” said Tommy before he and the others stood in formation and got ready. “It’s Morphin time!!”














Pretty soon, the Rangers and Rainbooms morphed and were ready for a full-on fight. Everyone stood ready, with Lord Zedd pointing his Z Trident and said “Foolish brats. None can stand against the power of Lord Zedd.”

“We’ll see about that!!” said Raph.

“Ninjas, Rangers, take them down!!” shouted Leo, allowing everyone to charge, with many of the minions charging too towards the heroes.

Leo went for the Putties and sliced them left and right, whilst kicking a few away at the same time. Raph jumped straight from the air and tackled a ton of Z Putties over, before punching the Z on their chests that made them explode. Donnie used his bo-staff to whack many Tengu warriors around him, with Mikey kicking away a few Cogs.

“Dudes, these guys are tough!!” said Mikey, “No wonder the Rangers from before had a hard time fighting them!!”

April uses her fan and Tanto blade to cut many Piranhatrons around her, and then used her psychic abilities to blast them away. Keno uses his two Escrima sparring sticks to bash many Quantrons away, whilst Casey used his exploding pucks to launch and explode a few of his own. Fugitoid uses his blasters to blast many Stingwingers from the sky, whilst Karai and Shinigami backed him up whilst fighting against Ghoul warriors.

Roland sprinted along, with Silverbolt by his side, as the two of them use their guns to shoot down the Batlings and demon warriors, whilst Invictus and Amethyst Majesty jumped over and landed near the demon warriors and use their weapons to cut them down. Venus did a somersault and double kicked a few Cyclobots around her, whilst Obaki pounced and sliced a few more to pieces.

Shine Boy fought many Putrids around him, as well as Gamer trying to back him up. Shine girl fought many Kelzaks, even the red ones.

“Who the heck thought it was a good idea to make these things red?!”

At the same time, Love Shine and Night Shine fought against the Tyrannodrones and Triploids.

The Mighty Morphin Rangers fought against the Krybots, Blueheads and Orangeheads.

Billy somersaulted over an Orangehead and kicked a Bluehead away, before he landed and twirled his Power Lance and knocked many Krybots away. Trini uses her Power Daggers to slice many of the Krybots before she delivered a powerful kick to a Bluehead that tried to attack her. Zack uses his Power Axe to slam onto the ground, which sent many of the Krybots flying, whilst he uses it to slice down two Blueheads at the same time.

Kimberly struggled her fight against an Orangehead, until she uses her Power Bow to slam it away, before using it to fire upon the incoming Krybots. Jason and Tommy fought back-to-back against the many Blueheads and Orangeheads that had them surrounded, with Jason using his Power Sword and Tommy using Saba.

“Whoa, Roland wasn’t kidding, these guys are tough.” Said Jason.

“No wonder the other Rangers had trouble taking care of them.” Said Tommy before delivering a strong kick to another Bluehead.

Sunset fought using her Kunai Daggers to slice down many Hidiacs, before throwing some of them to destroy a few Chillers. Fluttershy uses her Fukedake Blowgun to blow up a few Rinshi, before punching and kicking them away. Pinkie Pie jumped around using her Bakuhatsugama with wight chain to smash tons of Grinders and wraps them around with her chain and throws them sideways. Applejack uses her Shuko Hand Claws to cut down many Moogers.

“Never thought ah’d fought these varmints again.” Said Applejack.

Rarity uses her Kama Sickles to cut down many Loogies and uses her Crystalkinesis to cut down and block many Borgs and Bruisers in order to gain an advantage. Rainbow uses he superspeed to cut down many Vivix minions and shouted “Aw yeah, come get some!!”, before darting off to help Twilight as she uses her magic to lift up many Basherbots and threw them away before any of them could do anymore damage.

“Grrr, you brats are more trouble than you’re worth!!” shouted Lord Zedd. “Time to finish you off!!”

Within a split moment, during the battle, Lord Zedd, Rita, and a few others joined the fight, as everyone struggled to stay in the fight. However, during the fight, Sunset suddenly struggled and stood on one knee.

“Wha…what’s going on.” Muttered Sunset, “I’m losing power. I’ve got to keep it together.”

Her Ranger power suddenly began to malfunction, which caused Shine Boy to notice in shock when he saw what happened.

Sunset was able to get her Ranger form back, only for Goldar to appear and slash at her, causing her to crash against the wall and collapse. As she struggled to get up, the rest of the Rainbooms, along with Amethyst Majesty, Silverbolt and Invictus to cover them.

“You good?” said Amethyst.

“I’ll live.” Said Sunset.

Applejack looked at Goldar and growled “You little…!!”

“No Applejack,” said Invictus, “We need to stay focused here. We need to…”

“Ah got this!!” said Applejack as she charged.

“No, wait!!” said Silverbolt, but it fell under deaf ears.

She tried to keep striking at Goldar, but he blocked left and right whilst laughing. “You’re supposed to be the strong one?! Pathetic!!”

Goldar shot his lightning attack, causing Applejack to dodge. However, because of it, it went straight for Venus, causing her to scream in pain before the area around her exploded, resulting her to be launched against the wall crashed, which resulted her to collapse unconscious.

“Venus!!” cried Roland and Obaki.

Applejack saw and was surprised, until Invictus jumped over and kicked Goldar away, with the others trying to attack and

“What are you doing?!” said Invictus.

“He hurt, Sunset!!” said Applejack.

“Which is why we need a plan instead of rushing in!!” shouted Invictus, but failed to notice Lord Zedd behind him.

“Invictus, watch out!!”

Invictus turned around and was too late to dodge, for with great force, Lord Zedd struck down Invictus, making him launch backwards and crash near a bunch of crates.

“Victy!!” exclaimed Pinkie when she saw her friend taking the worst hit.

Lord Zedd smacked Applejack backwards, making her crash against Fluttershy, catching her off guard. When she stood up, Lord Zedd was about to finish her off. Silverbolt noticed in shock as he ran over.

“Time to finish you off!!” shouted Lord Zedd as he fired his attack.


Silverbolt blocked the attack, making him scream in pain, taking the worst hit, leaving him burnt and shredded clothes. He slowly collapsed face first onto the ground.

“Silverbolt!!” exclaimed Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash when she saw their friend fell.

“Enough of this!!” shouted Lord Zedd. “Goldar, we need a distraction!!”

“On it your eminence!!” said Goldar as he used his power to make everything explode around them, which allowed Lord Zedd and the others to retreat to find what they’re looking for.

Suddenly, all around them, all the minions everyone fought had disappeared.

From the 90’s turtles, they were surprised by this. Until…

“Oh, please help!!”

They turned and saw a pony of sorts, which was none other than Cozy Glow.

“You have to help me!!” said Cozy, pretending to be distressed.

“Whoa, what happened?” said Mikey 96.

“My friends ran into trouble, but it’s on the other side of town, you have to believe me!!”

“Then lead the way,” said Leo 96, “We never leave a friend hanging.”

Cozy soon led the Turtles of Earth 1996 away, but smirked as she had something planned.


Back with the heroes, everyone regrouped and tried to get things under control, with the wounded being treated of their wounds, and others helping Silverbolt, Invictus and Venus, for all three of them had been injured during the fight.

Shine Boy came over to Sunset as she had a frightened look on her face, with Shine Boy holding her shoulders.

“Hey, are you okay?” said Shine Boy.

Sunset instantly hugged Shine Boy as she was partially shaking in fear. “It’s okay…it’s okay.”

However, he secretly dug into her pocket and took out her Morpher. For something was wrong, and he needed to get to the bottom of things.

After the battle, with Lord Zedd and Rita teleporting to a new location. The others were wounded, with Venus, Silverbolt and Invictus down for the count. As Applejack struggled to get up, Obaki suddenly grabbed her by the shirt collar as he pulled her to his face.

“You idiot!!” shouted Obaki at a stunned Applejack, “Do you have any idea what you’ve done!!”

Roland helped Leo up as he patch him up using his syringe for the job, whilst looking at him for what he was doing.

“Because of your reckless move and abandoning formation,” said Obaki, “Our entire plan to take them down backfired, which resulted our butts to be kicked, nearly getting us killed, which resulted you injuring three good fighters, and nearly getting Fluttershy and Sunset killed!! You worthless piece of…”

Suddenly, Love Shine came in, separated the two whilst and shouting “That’s enough!! We’re already neck deep enough in wounded as it is, we don’t need to drive further wedges apart here!! We were able to defend the city and that’s it!!”

Obaki merely huffed as he went over to help Venus, whilst Applejack saw the three of them being down, and Fluttershy crying as she thought she was a goner, whilst she and Rainbow held onto Silverbolt as he was unconscious. Applejack, whilst stunned and shock, instantly stood up and ran away.

“Applejack, wait!!” said Rarity as she ran after them.

Roland, seeing that this was now his chance, ran over to another location to track them. However, feeling worried, Shine Boy and Sunset went along to see if they’re alright. However, a certain someone, by the name of Amethyst Majesty, saw them running and was worried about Rarity, causing him to run after them as well.


Once she was far enough, Applejack had finally stopped after a tenth building. She stood against the wall and panted for a bit. However, what Invictus had said to her, really hit her in the gut. She ended up whimpering and sat down with her back against the wall and hugged her legs. She shed a few tears and kept it lowered, not bothering to look around her or notice her surroundings. Rarity had managed to catch up with Applejack, and looked at her country gal friend in concern.

“Applejack?” said Rarity.

“Go away.” Muttered Applejack.

“No darling, I won’t.” said Rarity as she stood on her knees and held her close “Not this time.”

Applejack slowly hugged her back, but still kept her head lowered, silently sobbing. Right around the corner, Sunset and Shine Boy had just managed to catch up with them, but were around the corner.

“I’m so sorry darling.” Said Rarity “You didn’t deserve what he said to you.”

“He was just so…” muttered Applejack “So…”

“I know.” Responded Rarity.

“Thought I might find you here.”

They looked up, and saw Roland sitting on top of the water tank, but he kept his face neutral. At first, Sunset wanted to talk, but Shine Boy stopped her, gaining her attention, which he shook his head, for he knows the look in Roland’s eye, as do many. They continued to watch as Roland jumped off and were now on the same level as the two. However, unknown to them, a certain someone, who cares deeply about Rarity, spied on them from afar.

“If y’all are here to scorn me, don’t.” said Applejack whilst she and Rarity stood up.

“I’m not here to do that.” Said Roland “What he said was way out of line. Although…”

He had that face as if he felt like he was going to regret it.

“He did have a point about not thinking things through.”

Both of them gave him a glare, with Sunset being concerned, but Shine Boy kept Sunset at bay.

“You wanted to stop Shredder’s goons; I get that.” Said Roland “But you chose to rush in there without thinking. And look what happened. Half of our friends got hurt and we barely escaped with our lives.”

He then crossed his arms and said “It’s the thing with Batman all over again.”

“Ah knew what ah was doing!!” shouted Applejack.

“You or your stupid pride?” said Roland. “It’s that kind of selfish thinking that nearly costed you your friendship with the others in the first place.”

“How am ah selfish?!” said Applejack.

Roland knew this was going to be hard, but he had to keep on trying.

“Let me recap for you,” said Roland as he spoke in a calm manner “Before Sunset Shimmer came along, you lot have been friends since before the Freshman Fair. You grew up and did everything together over the years, hence why you guys trusted one another.”

He then leaned against the wall and said “But when she came along and began to broke apart your friendships, you ended up being played. I mean you and Rainbow have been friends for how long, and yet you thought she ditched you? Over what, a stupid bake sale?”

“We were raising funds…” said Applejack before she was cut off.

“And yet you didn’t even bother to reach out to her.” retorted Roland. “Like I said, your stinking pride.”

He walked past her and said “A friend. A real, friend, wouldn’t just accuse one. If any of my friends didn’t show up for something important, I would’ve called them and want answers. Cause maybe Rainbow got sick and couldn’t make it, maybe she got injured and had to be taken to a doctor, maybe there was a misunderstanding, didn’t you even think to consider that?”

Applejack wanted to say something, but realized what he said was true, which made her lower her eyes in guilt.

“And that kinda goes for you too.” Said Roland when he pointed at Rarity.

“Me?!!” exclaimed the Fashionista as if she had just been insulted “How am I selfish?!”

“You thinking that Pinkie Pie would plan a party without her friends and thought she didn’t appreciate you?”

Rarity winced at that, remembering those exact words she had said when they met Princess Twilight.

“I mean come on; you know how Pinkie is.” Said Roland “She’d never do that to you. She always looks forward of coming to you, hence why she kept sending invites to your locker.”

Rarity was a bit surprised by that, but remembered that he was from a different universe so he knew how she was thinking.

“Besides, Sunset was the one who may have started that rumor, but you lot were the ones who ruined your own friendships.” Said Roland “Then Princess Twilight came along and had to do clean your mess up and did the dirty work for you. Is it literally her job to hold your hands as if you were freaking toddlers fighting over a carton of milk?”

The two of them shook their heads, with Sunset surprised by what he was doing.

“Then came the Battle of the Bands.” Said Roland. “Yeah, sure, Rainbow may end up having an ego over the band, but it helps boost her confidence, you of all people should know that. You could’ve at least tried to talk to her, be a voice of reason, and instead you ended up starting a fight with Rainbow that ended up making things worse.”

“Ah was just tired of her bragging.” Admitted Applejack.

“You ended up being in her face about it.” Said Roland. “And don’t get me started on Rarity when it comes to clothing, which both of you are to blame.”

“Excuse me?!” exclaimed Rarity “How is that my fault?!”

“Well for one thing, the leather jacket may look good on you, but adding metallic tassels, seriously? You looked like a walking wind chime. Which, BTW, is the worst fashion trend, ever.”

Rarity gasped at that, with her saying “I just wanted to look fabulous!!”

“If it had been leathering straps, then Photo Finish and her band wouldn’t have sabotaged your outfit and performance in the first place. I mean adding something metal to it? That’s something a person with extremely poor fashion sense could come up with.”

Again, Rarity gasped at that whilst she was fumed and angry, with Shine Boy whispering to Sunset “Is he serious?”

“He is.” Whispered Sunset back.

“Uh, okay, I mean I may dress up like this to protect my secret identity and protect the innocent, but even I know that’s dumb.” Said Shine Boy.

“And then things got worst at the finals.” Said Roland, then looked at Applejack. “And you may not care what you wear, but others do. I know fashion isn’t your thing, but if you actually cared about your friend, you would’ve supported them for it, not brushing it aside. And in case you didn’t notice, you were performing in front of a live audience, not some smelly farming hobos at a family reunion who wouldn’t know proper attire if a pig would decorate them with mud.”

Some were surprised by what he said, but he didn’t stop as he looked at Rarity next.

“And you constantly kept fussing over what outfit to wear, you didn’t even bother to notice the situation you were in.”

“I was trying to make a creative contribution to the band!!” exclaimed Rarity.

“For the band or your own image?!!” shouted Roland, which made her wince. “You can obsess about your wardrobe in your own time, but not when you’re in the middle of a freaking world at stake conquest. You’re so focused on Rule 9.”

They were a bit confused by this, with him saying “The ten rules of bands, everyone knows that.”

He then listed them down for them.

“Rule 1, start a band. Rule 2, hold auditions. Rule 3, selecting instruments. Rule 4, write lyrics and songs. Rule 5, practice hard, whilst also have timing and being en-synced. Rule 6, record songs and hear if there can be improvements. Rule 7, find a place to audition. Rule 8, check your equipment. Rule 9, create the perfect wardrobe for the concert. And finally, Rule 10, the most important rule of all, have fun.”

He crossed his arms and said “You’ve gone through rule 1 to 4, but you kept on skipping and botching up Rule 5.”

Then he focused on both of them as he said “And you were so obsessed into that, you never even bothered to ask Sunset to join the band. She really wanted to be part of the band, to show the school she wasn’t that same person anymore, and you refused to do that. Some friends you are.”

They then looked away, thinking that it was unfair that they didn’t ask Sunset to be part of the band as a way of showing the school that she really had changed.

But then their expressions soured as he said “And then there was Anon a miss…”

Sunset winced at that, which Rarity immediately shouted “Which we wish others could stop bringing that up!!”

“Why? You’re the ones who didn’t believe Sunset and left her crying down in the hall in the first place.” Responded Roland harshly.

The two of them winced in guilt at that, with Shine Boy whispering “What’s he talking about?”

Sunset then whispered “In CHS there was a cyber bully that called itself Anon a miss. It posted embarrassing secrets of my friends. Then my friends automatically accused me because they thought I posted them. I begged and pleaded that I wasn’t the one but they didn’t believe me, then they ended up abandoning me, thinking that I was the one responsible. Which turned out to be their sisters the whole time.”

Shine Boy was shocked and appalled by this. Which he whispered harshly “Why the heck would they do that?!”

“Because they were jealous that they were spending time with me instead of them.” Said Sunset sadly. “But the only reason they spent time with me was because I told Applejack that I didn’t have any family back at our world, or even a home to go to. So, they wanted to spend time with me to cheer me up, and yet that didn’t matter to them.”

Shine Boy didn’t know who he wanted to be angry at. The rest of the Rainbooms for automatically accusing their own friend, or their own sisters who humiliated them and framed Sunset for it. But instead of being angry, he took a deep breath and sighed it out, for what was done was done and there was nothing they could do about it. But he knew he’d discuss with them about it later.

“Besides, didn’t you think about checking at the bottom of the webpage to see if she was Anon a miss?”

The two of them were surprised by this, even Sunset.

Roland facepalmed and said “Seriously?”

He showed them a website and showed the bottom of the page whilst saying “Whenever we create a new website, they always display the username at the bottom. And it had Apple Bloom’s handle name on it.”

Sunset and Shine Boy face palmed. For Sunset, she couldn’t believe that she didn’t think of checking at the bottom. For Shine Boy, he couldn’t believe that they were this dense into not checking it.

He placed the phone away and said “And I thought you were the honest one and not a liar. You could hear from the sound of her voice or the look on her face, even the tears in her eyes to see that she wasn’t the culprit. And I thought your grandmother taught you better, because she’d tell you, that if a friend says she’s innocent, then she’s innocent.”

He then walked close to her and said “And if I recalled correctly? Didn’t you one time said that you wished Sunset had disappeared forever?”

Applejack then sweated nervously at that, with Sunset and Shine Boy shocked by what she had said during that time.

Roland then said “Both your parents would be ashamed and disgusted if they could see you right now.”

Applejack was appalled by what he said, but then he added the icing at the top by saying “And you know what, I think I know another reason why you’re called Piggly wiggly, because you’re extremely pigheaded when it comes to hearing folks out or giving them a chance!!

Sunset clasped her mouth shut in shock, even Shine Boy was taken aback by this. Applejack widened her eyes in shock and got red with anger, even Rarity was shocked by what Roland had said.

“And you,” he pointed at Rarity “You could also tell if she was telling the truth. I mean you read that stupid detective book about Shadow Spade, where she could also tell the difference, and yet you were so selfish and focused on your own image, you barely notice anything else.”

Rarity was also taken aback by this, but lowered her head in shame. Roland shook his head and said “And I would’ve thought that you’d never trust your sister again after she nearly ruined your career when she thought you ruined her play, a play which was dull and boring by the way. Seriously, that girl has no imagination whatsoever.”

He then looked at the angry Applejack whilst saying “If you hadn’t ignored your own sister, she wouldn’t have resorted to this. If you had just told her why you were spending time with her, she wouldn’t have started that Anon a Miss page in the first place. Fishface was right, you really did neglect your own sister. If you lot keep undermining their confidence or keep ignoring them, they’re gonna end up strictly hate you.”

Applejack paled by what he said to her, even Rarity was taken aback by this, along with Sunset. Shine Boy begins to think if what he’s doing is taking things a bit too far.

“And then there was the Mean Boom incident.” Said Roland, which made them wince “Like I said, you’ve been friends with each other for how long and yet you still think that they would be mean and cruel, and didn’t you noticed how off they looked? Thinking that they would never do such a thing? Plus, didn’t you noticed how pale your copies looked? Even I could tell the difference. And when Mikey and Bright Eyes came to tell you, you didn’t want to listen to them. I get it, you were mad, but part of a good friend is to know when to listen. They tried to tell you, but as usual, your stupid pride got in the way. The way I see it, if you’re like that, you don’t deserve to be friends.”

The two of them gasped at that, even Sunset gasped whilst holding her mouth. Now Shine Boy was really getting worried.

“Plus, you even started a fight with the Peach family. Over what? A bunch of stupid fruit? And you wonder why nobody in Canterlot High liked you when you first met them. Then also the memory stone…”

Both of them, even Sunset winced at that, with Roland saying “Look, I get it, you had your memories erased and you thought she was still a bully, but when she showed that she wasn’t being bully but honest, you still didn’t believe her. And she wasn’t the only one, you didn’t believe Fugatoid, you didn’t believe Bebop and Rocksteady, heck, you didn’t even believe Leo and the others, despite what all of you had been through. Seriously, does your friends’ words mean nothing to you? And didn’t Princess Twilight teach you guys to be more forgiving rather than having a grudge?”

He then said “And then there was Equestria World. Both of you wanted to work in that dump, but instead things got a turn for the worse. Seriously AJ? You saw what Vignette did do Rainbow; didn’t you even think to bother to bring proof to Rarity? Even a dead brained monkey would know that.”

Applejack winced at that, for she had never thought about it. Roland looked at Rarity sternly.

“And you? Did you honestly think Applejack would get jealous over some stupid fashion show when she was focused on protecting her friends? You could’ve just given her a chance but no, you had to believe some dumb broad with no imagination or fashion sense whatsoever.”

“I thought she hired me for my vision!” said Rarity.

“Newsflash Rarity,” reminded Roland “This isn’t your little fantasy land where you think others would love your fashion. This is real life, and in real life, no one cares what you make. There will be criticisms, there will be folks who would want to steal your ideas, there will be those who will threaten by, and they will hurt you. Or did you forget that business with Suri and how you tricked and guilt your friends into working for you like slaves a while back? Plus, if you hadn’t rejected Amethyst, he wouldn’t have already been neck deep in the darkness.”

Rarity winced at that, remembering how Suri nearly destroyed her career when she copied her ideas and that she tricked her friends to be her slaves and guilt them into working for her, especially of how she treated Amethyst.

“Normally I’d scold you for you being seasick.” Said Roland to Applejack “But that was on you for being dumb enough not to carry your medicine for seasickness or go to the ship’s clinic. And I thought Snips and Snails were the dumb ones.”

Applejack blushed in embarrassment at that, for he wasn’t wrong there. Until he brought up the one subject, she didn’t want to hear again.

“And then the thing with Batman.”

“Will y’all just stop bringing that up!!” shouted Applejack “Ah…!!”

“And don’t even blame Mikey again!!” said Roland when he cut her off “He didn’t know that you guys would be sent to another dimension. But he had to stop the Krang’s machine, because if he didn’t, New York would’ve entered ground zero and thousands of innocent lives would be lost.”

He then walked close to Applejack and said “Plus you were in a different dimension. And in a different dimension, like a foreign country, they won’t always play by your rules. Remember how hard it was for Princess Twilight to adjust when she first got here?”

Rarity and Applejack did remember that, even Sunset when she first met her.

“Plus, I know you don’t like secrets being kept,” said Roland “But you of all people should know that sometimes it’s necessary, to keep secrets. Like your mutant friends and your Equestrian Magic. Plus, the only reason you didn’t like Batman because he called you dumb. Which, I’m starting to think that he’s right.”

As AJ looked at him shocked, Roland stepped forward and said “Did you forget, that ever since the day you and the girls joined the Turtles, both of you share the same problem? Meaning, that the Kraang, who were their enemies, are also your enemies. And by your enemies, meaning they were your responsibility. And during your enemies’ stay in Batman’s dimension, they mutated his enemies, that would’ve put all of Gotham on their knees, which the Kraang would’ve used to invade your home. So, all that time Batman had trouble trying to get you home? Well, he couldn’t do that, because he was busy cleaning up the mess you and the others made, instead of taking responsibility for it. It’s called putting your own needs aside, and think about others.”

He then crossed his arms and slightly turned whilst saying “But then again, you never could handle being responsible.”

“Ah’m responsible enough.” Retorted Applejack.

“Like you, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were responsible for Sunset’s rehabilitation when Princess Twilight asked you to do?” retorted Roland back.

Applejack winced at that, then Roland leaned against the wall and said “Look, I’ll grant you that he did attack you guys without giving you a chance to explain and that some of the things he said and did went too far, crossed the line and also wasn’t fair.”

He looked at them and said “But you’re the one who chose to resent him without giving him a chance or to talk things out.”

“Ah just wanted to get back home and made sure mah family was safe!” said Applejack.

“Oh, and what, they didn’t?!” motioned Roland as he gestured to Rarity and the others. “They also wanted to go back home, but they also know that they can’t just rush right in, because if they did, they’d end up doing more harm than good. Remember when you encountered Joker? If you’d lead Apple Bloom alongside you and she went to face that monster alone…”

“Ah’d never do that!!” exclaimed Applejack in a panic.

“Well of course not.” Said Roland “But you’d feel terrible, wouldn’t you?”

Applejack looked down in sadness and said “Yeah, ah would.”

“And yet, you didn’t show that to your friends.” Said Roland “And you had the gall to call them selfish? Not to mention I’m not the one who constantly starts the fight like you did back at the Battle of the Bands. And you sided with Raph of all people, the guy who was a jerk to half of your friends because of the handful of mistakes and choices they made.”

He stood back up and said “And I thought that you of all people, would appreciate to live and fight another day.”

He walked over to them and said “You know, there’s more to fighting the good fight than just charging in with raw power and fists. And Batman wouldn’t have need to try to track your enemies the hard way with his so called, gizmos, if he wasn’t too busy saving your sorry butt from being killed. Twice.”

“Did she really?” whispered Shine Boy.

“She and Raph did. Constantly.” Whispered Sunset whilst lightly groaning at the same time.

“Look, I get it.” Said Roland as he continued “You were ticked at Batman the way they treated you. You may have wielded Equestrian Magic and you may be skilled fighters, but you’re also kids, teenagers, who are way over your heads when it comes to facing bad guys. When I first met the Batman from my world, all he did was boss me around and it’s hard not to take it personally. But…”

He then harshly placed both his fingers against Applejack’s chest, which made her wince as he said “I. Never. Disobeyed. An order. And it’s also what kept me alive. And didn’t Granny Smith also tell you to listen to your elders and superiors, even if you weren’t family?”

Applejack looked down in guilt. Then Roland looked at Rarity and said “And like I said. You can gawk over a dress and a piece of glass in your own time, but not when you’re in the middle of facing a worldwide crisis.”

Then he brought up another sensitive topic. “And I know you two had already been through enough from what you did to Mikey. But let me ask you this…”

He leaned forward and said “What would’ve happened if it were Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle in his place?”

The two of them looked at him in shock.

“What would’ve happened if the two of them had boasted because they won and they ended up fighting a bully,” said Roland, “What would’ve happened if you lot didn’t help them and they were beaten to death. If that were to have happened, their blood would’ve been on both your hands.”

Once he was done, Roland looked at both Rarity and Applejack, with looks on their faces that screams ‘You’re point?’

“The point is, every single time. And I mean, every, single time,” started Roland “Whenever something happens, like misinformation, misunderstandings, or being accused, you lot automatically revert back to your original mindset from the days before the Fall Formal and accuse one another, thinking that someone wouldn’t like you anymore, thinking that they would lie to you when they would never do that, or that they would never be mean to you, after everything you guys have been through? I get it, you were tricked, brainwashed, mind warped, misled and being used, but that’s still no excuse in pointing fingers. You’re not just friends, you’re family, or are you lot going to throw it away again and abandon one another, just like you abandoned Sunset when you accused her of being Anon A Miss because of the webpage. Does your friends’ words mean nothing to you anymore?”

The two of them looked down in guilt, with Roland coming towards Applejack first.

“You also had plenty of opportunities to help others, to prove you’re more than some stereotypical country gal that others take for granted and think you weren’t smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong and would always help others out no matter how bad and selfish they were. But, you’re too fat with pride, or too, gutless to even consider doing that. But then again, what would I expect from a bunch of flawed hormonal and gullible high schoolers that are prone to fall into being judgmental, especially the female ones.”

“ROLAND!!”. Roland turned around before he was suddenly punched in the face, whilst being startled on the inside, to see Shine Boy, giving him a stern but calm stare, whilst Amethyst Majesty, who had followed them, standing there with his fist in his hand, indicating that he punched Roland in the face after the way he talked to Rarity like that. “I think that’s enough.”

Roland looked at Shine Boy for a few moments, then sighed out his frustration. But then he looked at both AJ and Rarity, who looked like they were going to burst in tears. Roland looked hurt by what he said, but regained his composure, which Shine Boy noticed.

“This discussion is far from over.” Said Roland in a calm manner “And don’t even think about backing out and making things right. Remember, you two still owe me after I turned you and the others back to normal when you got turned into toddlers, so I’m calling it in. In the meantime, think before you do anything else.”

Roland walked away, with Shine Boy in tow in order to speak with him privately. Sunset watched as both Applejack and Rarity had guilt and hurt looks on their faces, but instead of intervening, she left them in order for them to ponder their thoughts, but not before she teleported back to the ship to think.


Soon enough, both Shine Boy and Roland were on a separate rooftop.

“Hey!!” said Shine Boy once they were in a secluded spot, “Don’t you walk away from me!!”

Roland soon stopped, where they were alone.

“What the heck was that about?!” said Shine Boy, “First it was of your friends with the Turtles and Rainbooms in the training room, and now this?!”

“It’s none of your business.” Said Roland as he tried not to look at Shine Boy.

“With all due respect, Roland. I’m making it my business.” Said Shine Boy. “When you came to us for help, we accepted it because of the Shredder, not for you and the others to take your anger and frustration out of.”

“I’m just trying to remind them that the last time they did something like this, it nearly costed them everything.”

“And you think yelling at them will make them see things clearly?!” said Shine Boy sarcastically. “Or putting them down?”

“Oh, I suppose I could.” Said Roland, “If what I said wasn’t the truth.”

“What you said to them was out of line Roland.” said Shine Boy, “Sure they made mistakes, but you didn't have to yell at them and scold them like that.”

“Well what choice did they give me?!” said Roland whilst he looked at Shine Boy. “The moment when there's a white lie, a misunderstanding, an accusation or a mistake, they kept turning their backs on each other!!”

“I understand that is frustrating. But sometimes anger clouds the mind and makes people do stupid stuff. Also, I have some friendly advice. If you keep people wallowing in the past of their own mistakes, they will live in the fear of messing up.”

“I’m aware of that.” Roland pointed out.

“Well, if we lose someone because of fearing of repeating their mistakes, it might be because they were put out by your scolding.”

However, Roland merely looked at him and said “Not everybody can easily forgive and let go as fast as you and Starlight can, Tony.”

Shine Boy then took a loud breath as he stared at Roland. “Alright. Go on. Make us feel bad. Make us fail and die all over again. And then what? You’ll run to another version of us, who are probably better than us. Then you grill them for their mistakes and they get killed by doubt too. Thanks to you. Then you go to another. And another. And another. With the same result. Until you find yourself with nowhere to go and only then do you realize you just handed Shredder the multiverse. I only hope you wise up before then. And if you have a problem with my friends, then you have a problem with me!”

Before Roland could answer Shine Boy bolted off. He suddenly had a flashback to when the Turtles and Rainbooms were dead in his timeline and Shine Boy mourned for them. He angrily grabbed Roland by the collar.

”They were my friends!” he yelled. “They have been my friends and they will always be my friends! I don’t care why they hated each other! You just don’t understand.”

Roland then shook it off.

“Alone,” muttered Roland, “That’s all I ever need.”

“Even the wisest can see that something is very wrong.”

Roland was surprised to hear a familiar voice and turned around, and saw none other than Master Splinter. But not the Splinter from his dimension, but the one from the Turtles. Though Roland was glad to see him, he wasn’t in the mood.

“I don’t want to talk.” Said Roland.

“Maybe,” said Splinter, “But a friend/mentor of yours had told me of what had happened, so he gave me a special artifact that would allow me to enter the physical realm to interact and speak more often, rather than in a limited state. Kind of like a few creatures from the Overworld, if I’m not mistaken.”

Though Roland was surprised, Splinter continued to speak.

“Shine Boy did have a point you know.” Said Master Splinter, “What you did was indeed out of line. They may have made mistakes, but that is what makes them individuals. To quote from a movie I once watched, ‘The thing about perfection is that it is unknowable. It is impossible, but it is also, right in front of us all the time’, In other words, a true ninja master does not become a master by being perfect, they make mistakes during their training and trials. And once they know that, only then can they truly move on.”

“And if they often repeat their mistakes?” asked Roland.

“If you are referring to about Sunset,” said Master Splinter, “As a Princess from an alternate dimension once stated, sometimes some mistakes and lessons needed to be learned more than once before they can stick with you.”

“Yeah, and look how well that turned out.” Muttered Roland as he crossed his arms, trying to put on a brave face.

Splinter then thought about something, and said “Normally I do not often become a messenger. Do you happen to know someone, known as Ladybug?”

Roland’s hand slightly flinched, which Splinter noticed, meaning he was getting close.

“She seems to be very worried about you,” said Splinter, “And very concerned for you. And slightly mad at what you have been doing instead of talking about it.”

Roland scoffed, thinking that Splinter was bluffing.

“She also says, that if you do not tell someone how it really feels,” said Splinter, “She’ll, ahem, kick your cute little tushy from beyond.”

Roland widened his eyes in shock as his cheeks went red. Suddenly, his face began to go slowly from slightly red to really red whilst he snarled, then he growled, and then he shouted in anger that nearly an entire block heard him.

Once everything was silent, Splinter asked “So…ready to talk?”


Back on the ship as everyone began to regroup, Sunset went to her room as Flash Sentry saw her.

“Sunset, do you-” Before he could finish, Sunset briefly shut her door. “wanted to join us in hanging out in the lounge?” he mumbled in worry before walking away.

Meanwhile, Shine Boy carried a clipboard and his coffee trying to focus on his work, but was still worried about everyone who was hurt from Obaki and Venus' harshness. He still couldn't prove anything if whether or not those two were wolves in sheep's clothing or not.

Just then, Carter passed by him. “Hey, Shine Boy, wanna join a majority of us in the lodge to hang out?”

Shine Boy stopped without turning around. “Can't. I have work to do, Carter.”

“There's gonna be pizza. It's kinda our victory celebration.”

Shine Boy still didn't turn around. “Let me go get the others. Maybe we'll come later.”

Shine Boy then walked away, unaware that he past Venus, who looked back at him, sensing his worry.

Sunset soon sat down on her bed, with her head resting in her hands, feeling slightly miserable.

“Who am I kidding.” Said Sunset, “What Roland said was true…we’re really aren’t that good friends. We keep judging, we keep accusing. Why couldn’t things be that simple?”

“It never is.”

Sunset was startled as she instantly looked up, and saw a man wearing a hood over his head, with his mouth still visible. Sunset could’ve sworn his robes nearly resembles that of that Assassin game she played, but the hood was designed differently, nearly matching Batman’s.

“Who are you?” asked Sunset, not wanting to stand up.

“Call me Jacob.” Said Jacob with a gentle smile. “I’m a bit of an…explorer, and adventure throughout different worlds you might say. And I couldn’t help but notice the distressed look you have on your face. Mind telling me what’s wrong? I’m willing to listen.”

Sunset wasn’t sure to trust him, but she could sense comfort from him, warm even, something she had never felt before. She sighed and told him of her life’s journey and where it led up. And word for word, Jacob listened to every word she said. After she was done, he nodded in understanding.

“I see.” Said Jacob with his arms crossed, “So that’s why you’re like this.”

“No matter how hard I tried, it always feels in vain.” Said Sunset. “I tried so hard to make up for my mistakes, to show them I wasn’t that person anymore, but it was never enough.”

“And why was it not enough?” said Jacob. “Could it be because of your own problems?”

She looked at him a little surprised, and said “I don’t have a problem.”

“You’re right, you have four of them.” Said Jacob.

Before Sunset said anything, Jacob continued as he said “The problem is, when we begin our training, or start our journey, we are never immune to our nature. Our temper, our impatience, our quick judgement, and tolerance sometimes get in the way of what's truly important. We try the best of our abilities to help those in need, to protect those we love, yet, we are sometimes victims of those said emotions.”

“Because of the path you chose, yes, you wanted power, but you were only focused on others bowing, serving, and groveling at your hooves, rather than the weight, duty, and responsibility of a kingdom. Many failed to realize that one can only earn the title, if they are sure they are committed to it. And there were many others who walked the same path you did.”

He began to list those who walked the same path she did.

“What did the Dazzlings want? They wanted to be adored by people. Your Twilight? She wanted to understand the balance of magic in this world. Gloriosa Daisy? She wanted to protect a place that she held dear to her heart and that her family tried to protect. Juniper Montage? She wanted to be famous, because she wanted people to like her, because she was afraid to be herself. Wallflower Blush? She wanted to get noticed and didn’t want to be invisible. Sapphire? She wanted to be a renounced artist. Vignette? She wanted to have a perfect parade that matched her vision. And Post Crush? They wanted to have a perfect audience.”

Sunset was a little surprised about what each of them had desired.

Jacob sat near Sunset and said “The only problem with all of them, were that all of them were completely out of balance, and they took their ideologies too far. And that’s when those emotions kick in.”

He started with Wallflower, “When you found out Wallflower was the one responsible for taking the good memories away from your friends, your temper got the better of you, you would lash out to those who didn’t mean to hurt anyone, hence why everyone had a hard time trusting you after you were reformed.”

Jacob looked up and said “Although, to be fair, Wallflower, in her introverted mindset, thought you were mean to her on purpose, and she ended up using the stone for petty revenge. Plus, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it was all a misunderstanding.”

He then started with Mikey, “When Mikey tried to warn you about Cozy, your impatience with him got the better of you and you lashed out at him. You were able to tolerate Pinkie Pie for a long time, and yet you didn’t show the same for him. And as you know very well, subtlety had never been Mikey’s strong suit. Nor is it his thing. For Leonardo’s the leader, Raph’s the muscle, Donatello does machines, whilst he is the party dude. And yes, he could’ve been subtle, but that’s like trying to ask Rainbow Dash to wear a frilly dress and Rarity to wear a hillbilly outfit.”

Sunset ended up snickering, picturing Rainbow, and Rarity in those outfits.

He started with Sapphire, “You only painted what your heart desired, yet Sapphire instantly got jealous. When she created the Meanbooms, you were too quick to pass judgement, thinking that your friends were suddenly mean. I mean, you’ve known them for a long time, and yet you suddenly think they would turn on you?”

Jacob rolled his eyes and said “Then again, she shouldn’t have tried to cheat her way through a contest in the first place. All forms of artists are all equal.”

Finally, he started with Pinkie Pie, “Then there’s Pinkie Pie. You were frustrated and took your anger out behind her back because you kept missing out wanting to see Post Crush. She only did that because she wanted to build fond memories with you, and that she loves you to pieces, so that one day, ten years from now, you’d realize how good of a life you really had. Though then again, she should’ve been more specific about it.”

He sat down next to her and said “Sure you may have planned things out, but not every plan works out, for there will always be obstacles coming in one’s way. For one thing I learned long ago, is just because you’ve overcome your current trial and defeated your current enemy, doesn’t mean you should lower your guard. There will always be more difficult trials ahead, there will always be another out there who are worse than the last. There will always be those who will try to tear down everything we fought and built, no matter how hard we try to suppress it. And sure, you may encounter one hardship after another, but that shouldn’t stop us from achieving our goals in life. Your frustration doesn’t control you, for you control it. I mean, isn’t that what a ninja is being about, having discipline and patience?”

“I suppose.” Said Sunset as she looked down.

“Plus, you don’t seem to know about a lot about the lessons of Jing, have you?”

“I have.” Said Sunset, “There’s positive Jing when you’re attacking, and negative Jing when you’re retreating.”

“And neutral Jing, when you do nothing.” Said Jacob.

“There are three?” said Sunset a little surprised.

“Technically there are eighty-five, but let’s focus on the third.” Said Jacob. “Neutral Jing is the key to any ninja and leader; it involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike. For example, picture when Mikey talked about Cozy Glow constantly, but instead of listening to what you’re seeing, listen to what happens from within.”


“That’s right.” Said Jacob, “Instead of letting your frustration get in the way, you should focus your mind and body, and listen very carefully. When one spouts nonsense, their heartbeat tends to act fast, their breathing is rapid, and their mind is jumbled. But when one speaks the truth, then you can sense the heartbeat, and their chi, through their eyes. In fact, Mikey has already mastered it.”

Sunset looked at him in disbelief.

“When he first met Cozy, he felt something off about her.” Said Jacob, “For because of Neutral Jing, one is able to see the aura from another, and can look deep into their souls. And from deep within, that’s when he saw that she was not what she seemed to be. Like on the first day when you and the others met Mikey, for he could see that you have both light and darkness in you. You may have changed, but there’s always a little bit of darkness within us, one that plagues us. That is why they train to let themselves go of any distraction; of everything they fear to lose. For if they can do that, then they have achieved enlightenment.”

He looked at her and said “Anger can sometimes be the downfall of another, and one must never let it get in the way of what’s truly important.”

“What would you know?” asked Sunset as she partially looked away.

“More than you can imagine.” Said Jacob.

He looked ahead whilst lowering his head.

“I was born in another world that had been ravaged by war. I was forced to fight when I was a child.” Said Jacob as he began to tell his story. “And during that time, my temper, impatience, ignorance, lack of judgement and lack of tolerance got the better of me. And…I ended up losing everything.”

Jacob looked down as he explained.

“I watched helplessly as I watched my entire team get slaughtered whilst trying to defend a city from an impending invasion. I watched my father get buried alive in a collapsing building, only for him to be fished out and killed on the spot. My brothers and I watched helplessly as we watched our mother, being stabbed, and murdered right in front of us. I arrived too late to save my friends, kids like me, who wanted to make a difference as they were gutted on the floor. Whilst over one hundred of my family members, like uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins, and other relatives…”

Jacob gripped his hands and said “I watched helplessly as their heads were placed on pikes like they were some messed up version of Barbecue, whilst their bodies were placed in a pile and burnt like they were nothing but garbage.”

Sunset looked at him horrified, but what horrified her more, was when he said “I was only thirteen years old.”

Jacob looked ahead and said “Because if I had been patient, if I had just been open minded and not rushed into battle…I could’ve saved them. But because of that, I lost everything. My anger ended up taking the better of me, and turned me into a monster of vengeance. I traveled to different worlds and killed billions upon billions. My enemies tried to break me, but the only thing they created was a monster. And yet, the guilt remained. I may have slaughtered the ones responsible, but it didn’t grant me peace. So, in the end, I did what I had to do, and again when I lost more.”

“What, become a monster like I did last time?” said Sunset rhetorically.

“No, cupcake,” said Jacob, “What I did since I was eight years old when I one day lost my best friend and first love of my life, when she died trying to save me.”

Sunset once again looked at him in shock.

“You decide to be fine until the end of the day or the week or the month.” Said Jacob, “You look in a mirror and decided to train yourself to smile, because it’s all you can do, because you’re alive and you still have what little piece of your humanity you have left, and try to live your life the fullest to the next day. Then the day after that, you do it again. And again. And again. And again. Until you ended up being so used to it, you forgot what you were sad about, what drove you into that saddened state in the first place, what really was the one that ended up taking everything away from you. If you want to laugh, you laugh, if you want to cry, you cry. Then when the time comes, you let it out, because you ended up having a chance to spend your life to the fullest with the friends you make and have until your time comes. In the end, the only thing we can do is to live. Survive. And let go.”

“So, what, fake it?” said Sunset.

“I call it being professional.” Said Jacob. “Try to do it right, with a smile, because you’re a pillar of inspiration.”

Sunset was surprised by that, with Jacob suddenly wrapping his arm around her and hugged her, taking her by surprise as he said “Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. The only one who holds you back is not others, but yourself, because you brought two things that everyone wished they could do. You brought them hope and happiness.”

Sunset ended up slowly being in tears, and within a split second, she sobbed and hugged Jacob tightly, with Jacob fully hugging her, showing his full support, and to show her that she isn’t alone, not as long as life goes on.


Jacob ended up placing Sunset in bed, so that she could rest a little bit. He stood up and watched in pity, for she had been through a lot. He then felt a presence behind him and turned, and right there, was none other than Paradox with his usual monotone face.

“I figured you might come here.” Said Paradox as he walked over to Jacob.

“Hello old friend.” Said Jacob, “It’s been a long time.”

“Are you sure it was wise to come here?” said Paradox, “You know very well what the Lords of Order and Chaos would do if they find out you’re here.”

“Eh, they can stuff it.” Said Jacob. “I came by to see how he was doing, and I’m very disappointed. How the heck could you make him scold the others like that?”

“The boy merely asked for help, Jacob.” Said Paradox, “And Batman was the one who ended up making him do those things.”

“One of these days Wayne’s paranoia is going to get him killed.” Muttered Jacob before looking at Paradox, “He tried to care and yet he’s doing the opposite of what he was supposed to do.”

“The boy was merely misguided Jacob,” said Paradox, “He came to me, Batman, and Dr. Fate’s help. We were the only ones to help him.”

“And didn’t you even try to stop him?” said Jacob.

“Batman’s method would no longer work.” Said Paradox, “For from what Doctor Fate had said, things will work out.”

“Oh, they did,” said Jacob, “Because I changed the playing field.”

“Jacob.” Said Paradox, “You know very well we cannot intervene with certain events.”

“Like I care, Paradox.” Said Jacob, “Besides, like you tried to intervene and stopped Eon from constantly messing with the timeline?”

“Ahem, point taken.” Said Paradox when he coughed and looked away.

“Besides,” said Jacob, “Like Shine Boy said, they need to work together, and they can’t do that when their minds are clouded by their judgement and past mistakes. There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves, remember? Our destinies aren’t written in stone, for they have to find it on their own. Sunset continues trying to find hers, and the same goes for the others. Now Roland needs to do the same.”

“I hope you are right, Jacob.” Said Paradox.

“I’m always right.” Said Jacob. “Besides, I was right to trust you when I made you Lord and Master of Space and Time.”

“Indeed.” Said Paradox. “Shall I drop you off somewhere?”

“That would be nice,” said Jacob, “I’ve got some business to attend to.”

Paradox then teleported Jacob away, whilst Sunset continued to sleep.


At the computer room, Alpha 5 was pushing a couple buttons as Max Tennyson was looking over a few things when Shine Boy entered.

“Hey Alpha? Could I ask you something?”

“Sure, Shine Boy. What can I be of assistance for?”

Shine Boy held up Sunsets Equestria Morpher. As he hugged her, he snuck into her pocket and grabbed it. Sunset was too depressed to notice. “Could you analyze this please to make sure it works?”

“Um sure.” Alpha said curiously as he accepted the Morpher and began analyzing it.

“Does it have something to do with Sunset losing power during our fight with Zedd and Rita?” Max asked.

Shine Boy nodded. “It does. I want to make sure that it’s functional next time.”

“Where is Sunset, anyway?” Max asked.

“I’m…. Afraid she’s gone to her room for the night.”

Alpha handed the Morpher back. “Hmm. Theoretically, it should not have short circuited during the fight. I wonder what could have happened?”

“I think I know.” Shine Boy played the footage of Obaki and Venus grilling the Rainbooms earlier.

“Aye Yi-Yi-Yi!” Alpha cried.

“So, it is happening.” Max glared. “Ben and Steven had told me about Roland doing the same thing to Princess Twilight and her friends as well as the Rock n Beats. I don’t know what is going on with those three, but I don’t accept their attitudes.”

“If Sunset is losing her confidence, it would threaten her connection to the morphing grid. And sooner to the elements of harmony!” Alpha worried.

“I have a theory, but I cannot say unless I’m sure.” Shine Boy pondered.

“Agreed.” Max said. “We will have to keep it to ourselves until we learn the reason for this. So far, we’ve been able to collect all the stones as well as warn every version of the Turtles we’ve met about Shredder, so we’ll have to put a lid on it.” He then handed a sheet to Shine Boy. “Here’s tonight’s worksheet.”

“Thank you.” Shine Boy said. “I’ll get started right away.”

As he turned away, Alpha asked. “Aren’t you joining the others in the lounge to celebrate?”

“I don’t think so.” Shine Boy breathed. “It’s not much of a celebration if everyone isn’t invited.”

When all of a sudden, Gamer popped in and said “We gotta go!! Lord Zedd and Rita are on the move, the others are already closing in on their position!!”

“Let’s go then!!” said Shine Boy as he and Gamer ran down the hall.

As he left, Max turned to Alpha. “Let him be. He’s more concerned about keeping our hope alive to stop Shredder. We should do the same.”

“Zion chose a great successor.” Alpha sighed as he continued to work.


Meanwhile, on one of the rooftops, AJ, and Rarity, with Amethyst Majesty holding her, with Rarity sniffling a bit.

“The nerve of him.” Said Amethyst Majesty whilst he held onto Rarity. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Rarity.”

“But he’s right.” Said Rarity, “We’ve been horrible friends. How could I be so careless. I abandoned my friends when things happened instead of thinking otherwise. I should’ve been better.”

“Y’all…ain’t the only one.” Said Applejack, “Ah was the first one to point out that she was Anon a miss without even considering that she was being framed and also the victim. Ah should’ve never accused her of being bad when our memories were erased. Ah shouldn’t have said otherwise when we were at Equestria world. And he was right, ah didn’t take their word, despite what we’ve been through together.”

Applejack held her head and said “Why couldn’t ah believe her? Why didn’t ah believe them? How could ah have been such a fool?”

“Sometimes it’s hard to trust someone.”

They turned in shock and saw a familiar face, but he looked…older. Rarity somehow recognized him.

“Wait, I know you.” Said Rarity, “You’re the Tommy Oliver from another world, the one who helped us since the Ninja Steel Rangers helped us.”

“I am.” Said Older Tommy.

“You know him?” asked Amethyst Majesty.

“He fought alongside us when the Ninja Steel Rangers were trapped on our world by accident.” Said Applejack, “He also has five different Ranger powers.”

“One, I’m afraid.” Said Older Tommy, “My other Ranger powers were destroyed when I tried to save my son when he was kidnapped.”

They were a little surprised at first, with Older Tommy sitting close to them. “So, mind telling me what happened?”

Older Tommy heard them out of what they said, with him nodding after he was done listening.

“Sorry you lot had to go through with it.” Said Older Tommy.

“Roland was right.” Said Applejack, “We’re horrible friends.”

“We kept failing over and over again…why does it always happen to us?” said Rarity with Amethyst holding him close.

“Trust me, I know what it’s like, same with the other Rangers.” Said Older Tommy.

They wondered what he meant by it before he sat down.

“After I got reformed, I felt like I couldn’t be near anyone.” Said Older Tommy, “I know Rita Repulsa used me for her own selfish schemes, but what I did to my friends by hurting them as the Green Ranger. It left me with a dark mark. But my friends never gave up on me, even when some of them stepped down from being Rangers, they didn’t stop caring about me. I was skeptical from time to time, same with Jason, but I proved to others over and over that I could make it through, with them by my side.”

He looked at them and said “When Andros, the Red Space Ranger, wanted to rescue his sister, but his team knew it was a loss, since Dark Specter put her under his control. He kept putting his own needs before the mission. The needs of others had to come first before we took our own, otherwise if we don’t, someone else would die in their stead. And Leo, the Red Lost Galaxy Ranger, put his own needs first by going after his brother and defying their destiny. But during his travels, he really had to learn the true meaning of sacrifice.”

Older Tommy looked away and said “And when the rest of the Time Force Rangers from the future came to stop their enemies, they met Wesley Collins, who lived a rich life and kept taking things for granted. Who was laid back and didn’t care about anyone else but himself. Even his friend, Eric was like that. Wes tried to be his friend for years, but Eric didn’t want anything to do with it. But Wes reminded him that the both of them had fought hard to change their paths and they succeeded.”

“Then came my students.”

“Students?” asked Rarity.

“I became a teacher at a school.” Said Older Tommy. “Afterwards, I took in three students. One of them, Connor, was hot tempered, never considering what he did was hurting others. When Trent came along, he became the White Ranger by accident, and the gem corrupted him into doing horrible things. Even after he was freed and tried to prove himself, Connor still didn’t trust him, especially since he kept a secret that his father was our previous enemy, Mezagog. But he did it to protect him, as what any child would. But I gave Trent a chance, because I knew what it was like to be controlled and wanting to make up for my mistakes. I trusted him with my life, same with the others, but Connor was hard to convince.”

He looked at them and said “And during the SPD Rangers, one of them, Sky, was the son of a man who was also a Ranger, but died during the field of duty. He constantly pushed others and became ill tempered, because he wanted to prove himself, but unfortunately he still had a lot to learn. And when Anubis Kruger, their leader, tested him, Sky failed and was made the Blue Ranger, much to his dismay. And every now and then, he kept making one mistake after another, and no matter how hard he tried, he still wasn’t worthy. But during his time serving under another, he soon learned what it meant to be a leader, a Red Ranger.”

“And during the RPM Rangers, Doctor K created the Venjix Virus to escape her confinements that the people had forced her to be at. Just when she wanted to try to stop it, they took her away. They blamed her, but the true fault lies to the ones who forced her into that life. The Rangers may have tried to help clean up her mistakes, but she tried to make it up to them every day. Even the Samurai Rangers had trouble.”

“They did?” asked Rarity.

“That’s right.” Said Older Tommy, “When Antonio, Jay’s friend and also another Ranger, came to help them, they didn’t want him to get involved or risk his life, but he knew the risks, which is why he was very brave to come forward. Jay also remembered the promise they made and they kept it. Kevin was skeptical into trusting him, saying that what he did wasn’t the samurai way, but he failed to realize that like life, samurais find a way to adapt and evolve, it’s what makes them unique. But he later accepted it, realizing that he also made a few mistakes, same with Mike.”

He looked at them and said “The point I’m trying to make, is that whatever comes our way, we can’t always predict or know what will happen. We may be Rangers, but we’re not perfect or invincible. We’re people just like anyone else. People who make mistakes just like everyone else. Whenever we face threats, there will always be unexpected threats from around the corner. Sometimes there will be misunderstandings and sometimes there will come a time where we will be at each other’s throats, but we also have to realize that as Rangers, we can’t put our own needs first for selfish desires, no matter how good your intentions are.”

The two of them looked down, with Amethyst Majesty holding Rarity’s hand.

“So don’t let what others say to you bring you down.” Said Older Tommy, “Prove to them that you’re not like you used to be, or that no matter how hard you get knocked down, you always get back up, no matter how hard they push you.”

Both Applejack and Rarity thought about it, then began to look determined.

“Y’all are right.” Said Applejack, “We may have made mistakes, but we don’t let that define us of who we are.”

“We may make mistakes, but there will always be a way to solve them and try to rectify them.” Said Rarity as she and Applejack stood up, with Amethyst Majesty in tow.

Applejack looked at Older Tommy and said with a smile “Thanks Tommy. Y’all really are a good person.”

“I have a kid of my own, so I know what that’s like.” Said Older Tommy.

The three of them smiled, with Amethyst saying “We should get going, the others are waiting for us.”

“Right.” Said the two of them determined as they left with great haste.

After Amethyst Majesty, AJ and Rarity left, older Tommy watched them leave and had a smile on his face.

“Wise words, Oliver.”

Older Tommy turned around in shock, and saw Jacob standing before him. “I can see why you’re the greatest Ranger. But just because the current generation are now Rangers, doesn’t mean your journey is far from over.”

“Who are you?” said older Tommy.

“A friend.” Said Jacob. “I know what Roland had asked you to do. And I can tell you that what he did was wrong. And I think you know it too.”

Older Tommy slowly nodded and said “I’ll admit, what the kid did was out of line, especially since what he was instructed to do. But it was smart of him to ask me to help, even if what he did was out of line.”

“Do not worry, I already have things set in motion.” Said Jacob. “But right now, the others will need your help. But the power you currently have is not enough. I know how much you sacrificed when your son was taken. It takes a greater person beyond himself to make such a sacrifice. I too would’ve done anything to have kept mine safe.”

“I know.” Said Tommy, “But what can I do? I sacrificed my other powers to save him. I only have the Green Ranger Power now.”

Jacob smiled and suddenly extended his left hand, causing Tommy’s Green Ranger Power Coin to fly out of him, to which shocked Tommy. Jacob smiled and closed his hand, causing a massive energy to glow around his fist. When it died down, Jacob looked at older Tommy whilst he was cautious as Jacob slowly approached and stood in front of him.

“Not anymore.”

Jacob opened his left hand, and to older Tommy’s shock, not only did he reveal his Green Dragonzord Ranger power coin, but his White Tigerzord power coin, his Red Zeo Ranger power coin, his Red Turbo Ranger power coin, and his Black Dino Ranger power coin, but more energized. Jacob then opened his right hand, causing a brand new Morpher to appear, one that resembled his Mighty Morphin Morpher.

“How…?” said older Tommy in shock.

“Who do you think created the Morphing Grid?” said Jacob, which shocked older Tommy.

“But…Zordon…the Morphing Masters…” stammered older Tommy.

“They’re my students.” Said Jacob, which shocked Tommy again.

“What you see on my left, are your power coins, yes.” Said Jacob, “But they are reforged into something new, from the power of the heart of the Multiverse, energizing them, but that they would only work for you, and only you, and that these powers, will never be taken from you again. And on my right, a brand new Morpher, which is known throughout the cosmos, as the Grand Master Morpher, which will energize your coins ten times powerful, making you more powerful than any evil that have existed throughout the Ranger line.”

Older Tommy was stunned by what he was seeing, and said “But…why?”

“Tommy.” Said Jacob, “I know how much you’ve given and sacrificed for the sake of the world, and that you have been a teacher to many Rangers over the decades. But that doesn’t mean we can just rest on our laurels. The world may have new rangers every now and then, but the world will always need a Tommy Oliver, the one who had helped many over the years, a duty to uphold where others have forgotten. Now it is time for you to continue the role of teacher once more.”

Jacob presented the Morpher and the coins to older Tommy, to which the latter looked at them, and to Jacob.

“After all,” said Jacob with a smile, “Once a Ranger…”

Tommy took a good look at them. He then smiled and looked at Jacob.

“Always a Ranger.”

Tommy accepted the power before him, and left to continue his duty.


Meanwhile, after calming down, Roland sat down and told Master Splinter everything.

“I see.” Said Master Splinter as he stroked his thin beard, “So that is why you were on this path.”

“I didn’t want to do this, but…” said Roland before he groaned in guilt, saying “I’m always so used to know what the right thing to do is. But now, I’m not even sure anymore. I…don’t want them to lose each other…like I lost mine.”

“I understand that you wish to prevent this,” said Splinter before he stood on one knee and held his shoulder, “Your heart was in the right place, but your method was out of line. You clearly wished to help them your way, but you felt you needed to hear one who is more skilled and mor worthy of being a leader. And because of that, you have lost your sense of purpose and your will to think for yourself. And because of what you are doing, you’re becoming a hypocrite by doing what you were trying to prevent.”

Roland looked down in guilt, whilst also saying “What should I do?”

“As Venus said, tell them the truth.” Said Master Splinter, but then saw the uneasy look on his face and said “Or maybe…someone whom you are close to? Someone that you owe your life and think of as a brother as well?”

Roland then widened his eyes and took something out, an object of sorts. He then thought about it long and hard before gripping his other hand. He slowly stood up and said “I know who to talk.”

“Do you?” asked Splinter.

“Yes,” said Roland as he turned to the master, “I always sought to him for guidance. Maybe…he could do the same for me.”

Splinter smiled and said “Then ask him. Sometimes one’s friend can help during the most unexpected times. And once you do…try to make amends to those you hurt through your words.”

“I…understand.” Said Roland before looking to him and smiled. “Thank you Splinter. It’s…it’s really good to see you. You’re much more of a wiseman than the one in my dimension. Thrice even.”

Splinter chuckled and said “I do try. Safety and peace with you, Roland.”

Both Roland and Splinter bowed to one another. But the moment Roland stood back up, Splinter had vanished. Roland then sighed, and said “After this mission. I know what I need to do.”

But before he could move, he saw someone leading the 96 Turtles away. Or in this case…a certain filly. With Roland squinting his eyes and said “But first thing’s first.”


At the same time, everyone else continued to fight against Lord Zedd and Rita’s putties and monsters.

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were knocked aside and landed nearby. Two of the Putties tried to grab them, until Amethyst, Applejack and Rarity came from out of nowhere and kicked them away.

“Applejack!!” exclaimed Apple Bloom in excitement.

“Rarity!!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle, feeling the same.

“Y’all alright?!” said Applejack.

“Never better.” Said Apple Bloom as she and Sweetie Belle stood up.

“Then let’s teach these ruffians the true meaning of being a Ninja!!” said Rarity as she got her sickles ready.

They attacked and were able to help turn the tide of the fight.

Rita saw that the fight wasn’t turning to their favor, “Gah, this can’t be!!”

“How can a bunch of incompetent children stand up to the likes of us?!!”

Mikey then landed close by and pointed one of his nunchucks at Lord Zedd.

“You reign ends here, Ed!” Mikey declared.

His words made Zedd crossed. “ITS ZEDD, YOU INCOMPETENT SHELLBACK! Z!” He then fired lightning from his staff while Mikey dodged it. “E!” He fired another one Mikey dodged. “D!” Mikey barely dodged a third strike before getting hit by a fourth. “D!”

Mikey flies back from the blast and crashed onto the ground.

“Ugh. Touchy.” He groaned.

Zedd then grabbed Mikey in what looked like a hug. “Come here, little turtle! Let me give you a little HUG!” He teased as he began squeezing Mikey to death.

“MIKEY/MICHELANGELO!” Everyone gasped.

Mikey screamed in pain as Zedd continued to squeeze him tight. Suddenly, Zedd felt a stab on his shoulder and turned to see Shinigami stabbed him with her chain. Before he could react, Raph jumped in and stabbed him with his sais. “Nobody!”

“Hurts!” Donnie slashed at Zedd’s knee with his blade in his staff.

“MIKEY!” Leo jumped in and kicked Zedd, causing him to release Mikey who Shini caught before he hit the ground.

The others came together and helped him up.

“Ugh,” muttered Mikey, then looked at them and said “Thanks guys.”

“Consider us even, little brother.” Said Raph whilst smiling.

“You little brats!!” said Zedd, causing the others to instantly stand ready, “I’m going to…”

From out of nowhere, an assailant jumped in and kicked Zedd away as he landed right next to Rita. He got up angrily and said “Who dares?!!”

When they looked at the mystery assailant, they saw what they didn’t expect, not even Tommy could believe it.

The older version of Tommy Oliver.

“What the…?” said Jason as he and the others couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“Whoa, there are two Tommie’s?” said Mikey.

That’s when it dawned on April. “Wait, that’s the Tommy that fought alongside us when we fought alongside the Ninja Steel Rangers.”

After Lord Zedd got up, he and Rita were surprised to see an older version of Tommy.

“What the?!” exclaimed Rita.

“What is this?!” exclaimed Lord Zedd.

“Zedd and Rita.” Said Older Tommy as he stared down at them. “Been a long time. Now matter in what dimension, you still cause trouble wherever you go, even destabilizing the balance of any world you go to.”

“We go wherever we wish, you pathetic power mule!!” said Lord Zedd, “As long as there is good and decent in any world, I will ensure their destruction, no matter what.”

Tommy merely scoffed and said “You still talk a big game, Zedd.” Said Older Tommy.

“And what makes you say that?” said Rita Repulsa in a mocking tone.

“Because in my world, the two of you were destroyed by the power of good.” Said Older Tommy, “And because of that, even though there came new pathways for evil, there are also new Rangers, each of them willing to take the mantle and continue to protect the world and universe from the likes of you.”

“Ha!! Like you?” said Zedd rhetorically. “And how do you plan to stop us?”

Older Tommy ended up smirking whilst saying “With this.”, and revealed to them something in his hand and showed them, which shocked both Zedd and Rita at the same time.

“A Grand Master Morpher?!!” exclaimed Lord Zedd.

“That can’t be!! It’s just a myth!!” said Rita in equal shock and surprise.

“A what?” said a surprised Tommy.

“Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye!!” exclaimed Alpha from the comms, “It cannot be!! According to Zordon, the Grand Master Morpher happens to be the most powerful tool in the morphing grid!!”

Everyone stares in surprise, with Older Tommy saying, “Time to show you, what I can really do. It’s Morphing Time!!”

Tommy took the Morpher and displayed it for everyone to see.


The Morpher showed Tommy’s power coin from his time as a Dino Thunder Ranger. When he transformed, it showed him in that ranger suit, which surprised the others.

“Whoa, that’s awesome!!” said Zack.

“Let’s dance.” Said Older Tommy, “Brachio Sabre!!”

Tommy pulled out his saber and attacked both Lord Zedd and Rita as he struck his sword against them. The two of them landed on their feet, but both of them were angry.

“That does it!!” said Zedd, “I don’t care how powerful you are, you’re toast!!”

Both Zedd and Rita charged both sides and used their staffs to try and struck him all around, but so far, to no avail. Everyone saw how older Tommy kept deflecting their attacks as he moved his saber like an expect.

Suddenly, both Rita and Zedd tried to strike from both sides, with Older Tommy grabbing them with his bare hands, surprising everyone in the process.

“Now for one of my own.” Said Tommy, before yelling “SUPER DINO MODE!!”

He was suddenly energized, with the spikes on his armor growing slightly whilst showing he was roaring like a dinosaur. He pulled the staffs and grabbed both Zedd and Rita at the same time, spun them around and threw them sideways, making them crash hard.

“Whoa,” said Zack, “I didn’t know you’d be that skilled.”

Tommy on the other hand was fixated on his older self, for he never realized he was this strong.

Lord Zedd growled and stood up, now still holding his staff.

“You will regret doing that.”

“Then let’s change the game a bit.” Said Older Tommy before he used his Morpher again. “SHIFT INTO TURBO!! RED LIGHTNING TURBO POWER!!”

Within a split second, he turned into the Red Turbo Ranger, which surprised the others again.

“Whoa, that’s new!!” said Billy.

“Let’s do this!!” said Older Tommy as he pulled out his Lightning sword. He jumped in the air and struck from there, whilst at the same time, Zedd blocked Older Tommy’s attack, but the two of them continued to try to strike at each other, until Older Tommy used his speed to quickly zoom all around and sliced Zedd all over and kicked him away. He charged towards Zedd and had another sword.

“Double Lightning sword!!” shouted Tommy as he jumped up in the air, performed a twister move whilst his sabers glowed and struck Zedd, making him spin in the air before collapsing hard onto the ground.

Everyone stared at Older Tommy dumbfounded, with him landing on both his feet. He then placed his swords away and looked at himself.

“Whoa, that guy wasn’t kidding.” Said Older Tommy to himself, “The Grand Master Morpher really is powerful.”

He then heard a noise and used his speed to dodge an incoming attack, which was from none other than Rita Repulsa.

“Don’t think that just because you’ve got an upgrade, you think you can stand up to the likes of us!!” shouted Rita.

“Then let’s kick it up a notch.” Said Older Tommy, “Something that the Machine Empire faced, but you never did.”

Tommy motioned his arms and used his Morpher again.


Within a split second, Older Tommy turned into the Red Zeo Power Ranger, and attacked Rita head on. Older Tommy used his blade to deflect her attack whilst twisting his blade as if it were an extension of his abilities, he was even able to push her farther back. He charged towards her and jumped in the air.

“Zeo flying power kick!!”

Older Tommy kicked Rita so hard, he sent her flying against another building with a loud crash, surprising the others.

Within a split second, Lord Zedd attacked once more, with Older Tommy using his saber to block Zedd’s attack left and right, allowing Older Tommy to jump backwards and took a stance.

“I don’t know how you got the legendary Zeo powers!!” shouted Lord Zedd, “But it will not be enough to stop the likes of me!!”

“Then let’s change the game plan!!” said Older Tommy, before motioning his arms and used his Morpher again.


“No!!” exclaimed Lord Zedd as he tried to attack, but Older tommy saw him coming and kicked him away, whilst transforming in the air and landed, turning himself into the White Tigerzord Ranger.

“Give it your best shot!!” said Older Tommy, standing in position.

“Whoa, talk about seeing double!!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

“I know, right?!” exclaimed Pony Pinkie Pie as well.

Lord Zedd attacked head on whilst Older Tommy used his Saba to deflect and strike from all around to avoid Lord Zedd’s attacks. Lord Zedd tried to strike, but Older Tommy jumped in the air whilst performing a roundhouse kick, then crouched whilst kicking in at the chest, then another kick to send him staggering. Lord Zedd jumped in the air to get an advantage, unfortunately for him, Older Tommy had the same idea. As Lord Zedd was in the air, Tommy performed a twister move and sliced Lord Zedd in the chest and kicked him hard, sending Zedd flying and was wounded.

As Rita stood up and grunted in anger, she saw Older Tommy was standing right near her.

“As for you, Rita.” Said Older Tommy whilst pointing at her, “I’ve got a little surprise for you, something you never thought you’d see again, and something you never thought you’d face ever again.”

Tommy motioned his arms and used his Morpher again.


Within a split second, Older Tommy morphed into the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, which shocked Rita, as well as the others, especially Tommy.

“Whoa,” said Tommy, “Talk about a blast from the past.”

Rita growled and said “I knew I shouldn’t have given you that power!! It rightfully belonged to me!!”

“Not anymore.” Said Older Tommy, “Let’s finish this!!”

Older Tommy charged and jumped twice in the air as he kept kicking Rita whilst she moved backwards. Once she was further from him, Older Tommy pulled out his Dragon Dagger and used it to strike her left and right. However, as she was a bit further from him, he saw his blade glowed.

“What the…?”

He then heard Jacob’s voice, saying “Consider this a gift from me.”

Within a split second, his Dragon Dagger, turned into a Dragon Sword, much to everyone’s surprise, and also shocked Rita.

Seeing it as an opportunity, Older Tommy said “Time to finish this!!”

Older Tommy charged his sword whilst slowly spun it around, saying “Dragonzord!! Dragon Blade!! Dragon Blade Slice!!”

With one quick strike, Older Tommy sent Rita packing as she flew backwards and landed hard next to Zedd.

Everyone was shocked and surprised to see this, which caused everyone to gather around Older Tommy. However, Tommy got there first and removed his helmet and had a surprised look. Older Tommy looked at him and did the same thing. The two of them looked at each other for a bit, causing Older Tommy to chuckle.

“I can’t believe I used to have a ponytail back at the day.” Said Older Tommy.

“You kidding?” said Tommy, “I can’t believe I never thought of having a hairstyle like that.”

The two of them began to chuckle, which caused the others to do the same too.

“Man,” said Tommy in disbelief, “I can’t believe that I’m going to be five different Rangers.”

“Trust me,” said Older Tommy, “If our worlds are alike, then one day you’ll be able to wield it like I did. And you’ll be able to do amazing things too.”

Tommy then pondered, and asked “What was it like…fighting against Drakkon?”

“It was a nightmare.” Said Older Tommy, “He was a tough opponent to beat. I would’ve gone back in time to help him, but the Morphing Grid was already fragile enough as it is. But I’m glad to see that no matter in what world, we’ll always be there for the Earth and our friends.”

“So…what’s our, my life going to be like?” asked Tommy.

Older Tommy smiled and said “Let’s just say our future will always be bright, and we’ll always be Rangers, to be there for those in need. Just promised me one thing.”

Older Tommy placed his hand on his younger self, “Keep fighting the good fight, and never give up.”

Tommy couldn’t help but smile and accepted his hand. “I promise.”

They suddenly heard growling and saw both Rita and Zedd standing up.

“This isn’t over!!” growled Lord Zedd.

“You think you may have won,” said Rita with a smirk, “But we still have another trick up our sleeve!!”

Lord Zedd held out a type of object and said “Grow monsters, grow!!”

“Grow monsters, grow!!” shouted Rita.

Both of them threw their object/staffs in the other direction, and within a split second, every one of their monsters and putties grew into large beings, which shocked everyone.

“Okay, that is so not good.” Muttered Mikey when he saw what was happening.


“Right this way, quickly!!” said Cozy Glow as she was faking that someone was in danger as she led the Turtle 96 Team. “They’re just around…”

However, when she got there, to her shock, she saw that the Footbots, Putties and corrupted Gems were all destroyed.

“How did…?!” exclaimed Cozy before she felt her suddenly kicked away and crashed against the wall. She slowly got up and to her surprise, she saw that the Turtle 96 team had their weapons drawn and aimed right at her.

“Nice try, shorty!!” said Raph 96.

“Yeah, how dumb do you think we really are?!” said Mikey 96.

“What?!” exclaimed Cozy as she was suddenly caught right out of the blue, “How did…?!”

“From me.”

She turned sharply to the direction of the voice, which was none other than Roland when he made himself known.

“Who are you?!” demanded Cozy.

“Who I am is of no importance,” said Roland, “But if you really must know, I was the one who told the Turtles of this world about you.”

“Wait, you knew?!” said Cozy.

“Of course, I did.” Said Roland. “I knew you from another world. You attempted the same thing back in my home dimension. And like you, she didn’t succeed.”

“But let me guess,” said Cozy as she suddenly smirked, thinking that her counterpart got away. “My counterpart escaped to plan her revenge?”

“No.” said Roland before he leaned close to her ear and whispered “I ended her by snapping her neck.”

Cozy widened her eyes in shock, with Roland standing back up.

“You think you know everything there is to know about friendship,” said Roland, “Yet you scoffed and spit on everything on not just Twilight and her friends, but everything that the founders of Equestria stood for. You only cared about the ‘power’ aspect, and your inability to understand them.”

“Because…” said Cozy before Roland cut her off.

“Friendship is power, blah, blah, blah,” said Roland whilst mocking her, “Learn a new tune already!!”

Roland sighed and said “Equestria filled with great heroes, all who wish to work together to combat a single great evil. But, it’s also filled with cowards, each doing their part to ruin their world. That’s why you don’t scare me, because deep down at your very core, you are a coward too.”

“Coward?!” screeched Cozy in anger, “I nearly brought Equestria to its knees!! I nearly destroyed their magic, on my own!!”

“Pff, yeah right, by using Tirek?” said Roland, which Roland looked at her and said “You’re just a rotten cupcake compared to the other villains.”

Roland walked in a circle around her whilst he listed down the villains and enemies of Equestria.

“The Pony of Shadows and Nightmare Moon? They wanted to bring eternal night and darkness. Discord? He wanted to bring Chaos just for fun. Chrysalis? She tried to steal all the love for herself and leaving her subjects to starve. Sombra? He wanted to enslave not just the Crystal Empire, but the world. Tirek, he let his power-hungry ambitions drive him to nearly taking all the magic. And the temp villains. Starlight and Sunset attempted to try and take over and control what they couldn’t understand.”

He looked at her sternly and said “And you merely copied their ideas.”

Cozy was appalled that he would say something like that.

“You copied from Tirek by nearly taking Equestria’s magic.” Said Roland, “You copied from Chrysalis by lying behind a fake smile and personality. You copied from Discord, thinking that everything you did was for fun. And you also copied from the Storm King. You merely wanted to be the big bad. And you think by gaining friends, you think you’d become more powerful. But when you said you wanted to make friends without the elements of harmony. That isn’t friendship, that’s forced enslavement, puppets, that you wanted to use for your own selfish gain. You’re nothing but a little shrimp, who only cares about herself.”

Roland looked at her whilst he stood on one knee.

“And from what I’ve seen,” said Roland, “You’re no friend, you’re not even a good villain. You’re Equestria’s biggest joke.”

“Pff, shows what you know,” said Cozy smugly, “But I was able to trap them in Tartarus with the only key so that they would never escape!!”

“True.” Said Roland before he smirked, “But did you know that they were able to escape Tartarus, before, magic was restored?”

Once again, Cozy was surprised by it.

“The problem with you and every other villain,” said Roland, “You keep underestimating your enemies, your overconfidence and arrogance kept being your downfall. And just like you, your cutie mark is a chess piece, but one of those pieces are a pawn, and that’s what you are, a pawn meant to be sacrificed for something that’ll never happen.”

Roland squinted his eyes and said “And the problem with you sociopaths, you never know when to shut up.”

Cozy growled and said “All of Equestria would’ve been mine if it weren’t for them. If it meant breaking a few eggs, then so be it.”

“Are you trying to shock me? Intimidate?” said Roland, “That falls short, when the so-called Empress of Friendship, had to use underhanded tactics and sneak around because she was too much of a wimp on a full-on fight.”

Cozy growled and was right in his face and said “If you knew how my counterpart had fought? You wanna see what I can do?”

Roland merely looked at her, with the Turtles preparing for a fight. However, Roland sighed and stood up sharply, shocking Cozy as she was on her haunches as Roland gave her the most death scary stare he had ever given to someone.

“I. Am not. Princess Twilight. Nor am I Princess Celestia.” Said Roland sternly. “I fought against evils far beyond your imagination. I won’t go down quietly from the likes of you.”

Roland walked towards her as she crawled backwards.

“And whilst you may not care about the loss of your family, your friends, your home, and the life that you once had. I’m certain that everyone that you ticked off over the years, will be very upset.”

Cozy was then cornered as he said “Do you want that, on your head, too?”

Cozy sat there, starting at him for a few moments, then lowered her head. She suddenly turned around and walked away, with her shedding tears and breathing through her teeth.

“Just a bunch of empty and pointless words.” Said Cozy, “You’re no different from my deadbeat parents after all.”

Cozy soon disappeared, with the Turtles 96 watching, and Roland sighed.

“You gonna be okay?” asked Leo 96,

“Not yet.” Said Roland before looking at them, “I gotta clean up a mess I made.”

They then heard a loud explosion and looked ahead, causing them to see large monsters and Putties attacking New York, with Roland standing with the Turtles and said “But first, we gotta stop this.”

Author's Note:

Author’s note 1

This chapter and the one after that is dedicated to Jason David Frank, aka, Tommy Oliver, who was taken from us before his time. We will never forget him, the man who inspired many, and who, in the Ranger Storyline, was a friend and teacher to everyone. May the power protect you, Jason, we miss you.

Author’s note 2

· Jacob Drake was an old character I made long before I joined Fimfiction.
· Roland talking down to Cozy Glow was a reference to “Father and Son”, from the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, issue 192.
· Older Tommy fighting was a sequence I used from the special of Power Rangers Ninja Steel