• Published 24th May 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Across the Shell-Verse - Postwarmonkey50

The ultimate fight for good has just gotten to a whole new level for the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends.

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Mini-Booms and Girls

From within the lair, the Rainbooms (minus Pinkie and Twilight), Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, April, Karai, Shinigami and Sapphire, were busy training the CMC, the Young Six and the Rock N Beats, along with Bright Eyes and Teddy in the lair, whilst everyone else was out throughout the city, trying to place the new modified Geiger counters all over in order to track down their next target.

“Yamea!!” shouted Karai to stop the training session, allowing them to take a break.

“Nice job there Scoots.” Said Rainbow, whilst rubbing Scootaloo’s head.

“I’ll say,” said Applejack as she patted her sister’s back “Keep practicing that left shoulder of yers.”

“Ah’ll try mah best Applejack.” Said Apple Bloom.

“So Twilight,” asked Sunny Flare “How’s things going over there?”

“The Geiger counters are almost in sync.” Said Twilight as she looked over the monitors that mapped the entire planet, “Once the last one’s in place, the computers will automatically scan the planet for any sign of the next stone.”

“At least we remembered to bring the computers from the ship,” said Sunset “The ones in this dimension are outdated.”

“Well Peridot did say that this dimension was like an 80’s cartoon.” Said Sonata.

“Sonata does have a point.” Said Sour Sweet.

“So how long will it take for the guys to finish?” asked Fluttershy.

“They said that they just need to make sure the devices are well hidden and then they’ll come back once they’re in place.” Said Sugarcoat.

“Anyone else getting hungry?” asked Smolder.

“Pizza time!!”

They saw Pinkie coming in and carried a bunch of boxes of pizza.

“Wow, that was fast.” Said Teddy. “But how…?”

“It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.” Said everyone in the room.

“Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity “Why don’t all of you kids and Spikes go to the kitchen and fetch some plates.”

“Okay.” Said the kids as all of them left for the kitchen.

“So who wants the first slice.” Said Pinkie as she opened a couple of boxes.

“But shouldn’t we wait for them?” asked Shinigami.

“Relax girls,” said Rainbow “There are plenty over here. We’ll save some for the others when they get back.”

The girls shrugged and each grabbed a slice and took a bite each.

“Wow, these pizzas are great.” Said Pinkie, until her pinkie senses was going off whilst she was shaking. “Wow, now that was a doozy.”

“What’s going to happen?” asked Indigo Zap.

“I don’t know, but I bet it’s…” said Pinkie before she hiccupped. But then she suddenly felt dizzy as she held her head whilst going “Oooh, I feel funny.”

The rest of the girls began to feel the same way as all of them also felt dizzy…and began glowing. At the same time, just as the kids came into the room with plates in their hands.

“Rarity,” said Sweetie Belle “We got the plates and…”

The kids and Spike, along with dog Spike, gasped at what they saw and dropped their plates.


At the same time, in the middle of the city, Roland was busy setting up the last Geiger counter on the tower, with Wallflower at the bottom and checking the data pad. Once he had it in place, he closed the container to make sure it stays secured.

“How’s it look?” asked Roland whilst contacting her.

“Looks good from here, come on down.” Said Wallflower.

Roland climbed down and once he was a the bottom, the two of them began to talk whilst waiting for the others.

“So…” started Roland “How are things with you and Sapphire?”

“Oh, we’re doing great.” Said Wallflower. “We keep having trouble trying to meet with one another, but we try our best to make time.”

“That’s good.” Said Roland. “But uh…do both your parents approve of this?”

“What do you mean?” asked Wallflower with a flexed eyebrow.

“Sometimes they tend to disagree and try to drive them apart.” Said Roland. “Trust me, I’ve seen this kind of thing before. The last thing I want is for you to be kicked out or anything.”

“Oh, don’t worry, both of them approve.” Said Wallflower. She then blushed and said “Truth be told, it felt weird having a relationship out of the blue,” said Wallflower, “But the both of us have so much in common. And we both look forward to where this will go.”

“Yeah,” said Roland “Once you’re done with school, you two go to college, after that, you’ll be able to open a business together that focuses on both your garden and flowers, you two will be living together in your apartment and then when you two wanted to become parents, you…”

Roland then saw Wallflower blushing madly at this when he babbled out loud.

“Whoops,” said Roland before he chuckled sheepishly, “My bad.”

“I…never thought about it that way.” Said Wallflower. Then asked “What if she doesn’t?”

“Sometimes we got to take the leap of faith.” Said Roland. He smiled and said “Believe me when I say, I think you and Sapphire are meant for each other.”

“Thanks.” Said Wallflower with a sheepish blush “I appreciate it.”

She shook off her blush the moment the others came together, with Princess Twilight and the others in tow.

“How does it look?” asked Princess Twilight.

“Everything is set on our position.” Said Roland.

“Same here.” Said Donnie “With everything in place, we’ll be able to get the readings soon.”

“Once we do, we’ll need to make our way to the stone and fast in order to make sure that Shredder or Krang don’t get it.” Said Donnie 87.

“Come on guys,” said Leo 87 “We’d better get back before.”

Leo suddenly heard his phone ring and picked it up. He saw that it was from Spike, surprisingly since he knows how to use it. “Hello Spike? Wait what, what’s going…hold on, I’ll put you on Speaker.”

He pressed the button, causing Spike to say “You guys better get back here quick!! Something horrible has happened!!”

“Spike, what’s going on?!” said Princess Twilight as she got close.

“Never mind that, just get over here!!” said Spike before he hung up.

“This sounds serious.” Said Obaki.

“Come on guys, let’s go!!” said Leo as he quickly led everyone back to the lair.


Everyone soon quickly made it back to the lair, with Leo saying “What is it Spike?”

“Did Shredder find us?!” said Princess Twilight.

“Did we find another one of the stones?!” said Shine Boy.

“Did we get free pizzas?!” said both Mikey, before both Raph slapped behind Mikey’s head.

“No, much worse.” Said Spike.

“What could be worse?” said Shine Girl.

“That!!” shouted Spike, Dog Spike and the kids at the same time as they pointed at something.

From what they saw, were the Rainbooms, the Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings, April, Karai, Shinigami and Sapphire, all of them who had turned into toddlers and cried whilst their clothes were too big to fit them.

Everyone gasped at the sight.

“Holy cupcakes!!” shouted pony Pinkie Pie.

“Holy Chalupa!!” shouted Mikey.

“What the shell?!” shouted Donnie.

Garnett then said “Told you all of you were going to get an unexpected surprise.”


A short while later, the 87 Turtles had called both their April and Irma over and thankfully had toddler clothes with them. As they placed the clothing on them, and Roland collected their clothing to gather them in a safe spot, everyone quickly went over what happened.

“Thanks again for the help April and Irma.” Said Leo 87.

“No problem, guys.” Said April 87. “Though it was a bit weird when you called us to find out if we had any kid clothing.”

“But now we know why.” Said Irma 87 as she gushed over them “They’re so adorable.”

Roland came back and said “Okay, for safety’s sake, the Rainboom’s geodes are placed in containers and Obaki is doing their laundry.”

They gave him confused looks whilst he said “He really likes to do laundry. Says he likes to make clothes comfortable and smell really nice so that folks can feel good about themselves.”

Bright Eyes then inspected her clothes and said “So that’s why my clothes feel extra comfortable.”

The others on the other hand, tried to make sense of things.

“How the heck did this happen?!” exclaimed Princess Twilight.

“I don’t know.” Said Spike “One moment Pinkie came in with pizza and I was on my way back to the kitchen to get a plate for myself. And when I got back, they were turning into Toddlers.”

“Did they happen to have anything on them when this happened?” asked Shine Boy “Anything at all?”

“Well they were holding pizza.” Said dog Spike.

Gamer picked up one of the pizzas and used one of his gadgets to scan the contents of the pizza.

“Whoa,” said Gamer “That explains so much.”

“What?” said Donnie when he walked over to Gamer whilst holding Toddler April.

“See for yourself.” Said Gamer as he showed him.

Donnie looked over, and after seeing them, he said “Fascinating.”

“What is it, Donnie?” asked Gwen.

“From what I’m seeing,” said Donnie before he looked at the others “These pizzas seems to contain a few assortment of chemicals inside.”

“Which caused them to be reverted back to them being kids.” Said Gamer.

Suddenly, the 87 Turtles, Irma and April groaned as Raph 87 said “Oh no, not again.”

“Wait, again?” said everyone else in the room.

“Wait,” said Mondo Gecko as he realized something “This happened to you guys before?”

“Unfortunately.” Said Leo 87 whilst he groaned. “It’s the same chemical that turned us into toddlers before.”

“Seriously?” said Connie surprised.

“But just to point things out brah,” said Mikey 87 “My Leo got turned into a kid twice, and that time my Donnie and Raph got turned into toddlers were from a different effect. It was a real bummer dude.”

“A while back, Krang gave a reverse growth serum to one of our enemies, Captain Cruelec,” said Donnie 87 “He disguised himself at a pizza place and sprayed it on a couple of pizzas. Before Raph and I could eat them, we saw how both Mikey and Leo turn into kids.”

“And boy were those two a nightmare.” Groaned 87 Raph.

“Hey!!” exclaimed Raph 87’s brothers.

“But after a while we were able to find the pizzas they ate, found the chemicals and countered them the moment we made the antidote, resulting to turn our brothers back to normal.”

“So wait,” said Casey “You guys aren’t afraid that they might try something like this again?”

“No way bro,” said Mikey 87 “One thing bad guys don’t do, is do the same trick twice.”

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!!” shouted Raph.

“Do your enemies try the same plan to destroy you and the others?” asked Raph 87.

Raph was about to retort, until he groaned and grumbled “Point taken.”

“And even if they did, we’d never try the same place twice,” said Mikey 87 “Why do you think we constantly go to different pizza locations?”

“That’s pretty clever actually.” Said Keno.

“Can we just focus on what’s important here?!!” exclaimed Wallflower, which surprised the others. She then whimpered whilst pointing at Sapphire and said “I got a baby for a girlfriend.”

“You’re not the only one!!” exclaimed Keno when he saw them in this state.

“Everybody calm down!!” shouted Slash with a hint of roaring, starling many.

“He’s right.” Said Leo, “Going after Shredder and his goons can wait. Right now, our top priority is to get our friends back to normal so that we can return ourselves to full strength.”

“And let Shredder and his goons get the next stone ahead of us?!!” shouted Raph.

“We can’t just leave them like this Raph!!” said Mikey.

Raph then saw Toddler Sunset, holding his leg and looked at him with puppy eyes. At first Raph wanted to move, but seeing that he owes Sunset after helping him out a few times, he groaned and said “Fine. I can’t stand to see them like this either.”

“And until then,” said Rockwell as he used his psychic powers to lift the pizzas and placed them in protective bags to make sure that no one else touches them “We shall focus on creating the antidote for them.”

Donnie 87 said “Good thing I placed my notes in my file cabinet just in case.”

“Wait, seriously?” said a surprised Amethyst Majesty.

“Yeah, in case something like this happens.” Said Donnie 87 “We may as you guys put it, goof around, but we also take some topics seriously.”

“That’s clever.” Said Donnie, before mumbling, “For once.”

Donnie 87 took out his file and looked through the list and said “Okay, these are the ingredients needed to make the antidote. Only problem is, we’re missing about 3 different chemical compounds. There’s about three places we can go. Otsuka Chemical Co, Estech Specialty Chemicals and Lensing Fibers Inc.”

“We’ll need to divide the teams to go to get them.” Said Obaki.

Gamer walked up and said “I’ll work on an antidote with Rockwell and the two Donnies.”

“I’ll stay too.” Said Ben “Thankfully I have an alien at my disposal that can help. Gwen can help too.”

“Plus we’re also going to need some extra help looking after the uh…kids.” Said Pearl as she was somewhat uncomfortable, remembering the time they had to help Steven when he was a baby and when he accidentally turned himself into one.

“Connie can stay behind to look after them because of her medical knowledge,” said Roland, then he looked at Steven and said “Steven, you and your group will have to go to Otsuka Chemical Co.”

“You got it.” Said Amethyst as she saluted before they left.

“Kevin, Rook, you and the others go with them, make sure they have some backup.”

“On it.” Said Kevin as he and the others left.

“Blade, Tempest, Juniper,” said Venus “You guys, Juniper, Bandit, Bebop, Rocksteady, Muckman, Ray and Mondo will go to Estech Specialty Chemicals.”

“We won’t let you down.” Said Juniper as the others left.

“Team Shine, you and the others are gonna have to stay behind and look after the kids.” Said Obaki.

“What? Why?” said Love Shine.

“Because we’re going to need all hands on this.” Said Roland “Plus one of us needs to fill in Luke, considering he’s still out there.”

“I’ll go look for him.” Said Bright Eyes.

“We’ll go with you too.” Said Lancer as he, Teddy and Ace volunteered.

“I’ll make sure that they stay safe.” Said Starlight as she left with the kids.

“Just be careful out there you three. And listen to Starlight whilst you’re out.” Said Venus.

“We will.” Said the three as they left with Starlight

“And make sure you tell Sandbar and the others about this!!” said Roland.

After they were gone, Roland looked at the others and said “In the meantime, I’ll go to Lensing Fiber Inc, see what I can find.”

“Wait,” said Princess Twilight “Maybe my friends and I can come with you.”

“Yeah, same with us.” Said Melody and the rest of the Rock N Beats.

“Absolutely not.” Said Roland, which surprised them.

“Oh come on, you’re going to bench us on this?!!” exclaimed Pony Rainbow.

“Yeah, besides our friends are turned into toddlers!!” said Pony Applejack.

And you’re going to need some backup.” Said Patch.

Venus and Obaki looked in concern and at one another. Roland sighed and reluctantly said “Fine, just don’t get in my way.”

Roland walked with Princess Twilight and her group following. Team Shine noticed this, with Shine Girl saying “What was that all about?”

“I have no idea.” Said Love Shine.

“I don’t get why we have to stay behind.” Said Raph.

“Duh, Raph.” Said Mikey “Because the Rainbooms, even if they’re toddlers, trust us.”

They saw how the Rainbooms, the Shadowbolts, the Dazzlings, April, Karai, Shinigami and Sapphire huddled close to them.

“You know he does have a point,” said Donnie when he thought toddler April was adorable.

At the same time, Zach, Caitlyn, Buffy, Gabby, Angel, Burne, Trisha, Yoshi and Chen arrived when they received a call.

“We got your call,” said Caitlyn, “So what’s…?”

They were shocked to see the current state of the Rainbooms, with Zach saying “Uh, never mind.”


As the teams went out in different locations. Two of the teams were able to infiltrate the facilities and got the Chemicals. At the same time, Roland, the Mane 6, Spike and the five members of the Rock N Beats were going from rooftop to rooftop, trying to make their way towards Lensing Fiber Inc. As soon as they stopped to take a breather, with Roland looking down on the streets to find any signs of trouble.

“So, what’s the plan once we get there?” asked pony Applejack.

“I’m going to find the chemicals,” said Roland, “You lot make sure that we’re not going to get ambushed.”

“Oh darling, no need to be like that,” said pony Rarity “I’m sure we can all help.”

“Right,” said Pinkie Pie, “And the more friends are there, the quicker we’ll find what we’re looking for.”

“Right.” Mumbled Roland.

“Oh, don’t be such a downer Roland,” said Sweetheart, “Besides, our friends back at the lair is counting on us.”

“Yeah, the quicker we get there, the sooner the others will be restored.” Said Patch.

“Trust us when I say Roland,” said Princess Twilight, “We need to work together in order to get through this.”

Something inside Roland snapped when she said the trigger word. Trust. Trust. Trust. It kept going over and over again and again. He gripped his fists every time whenever he hears it.

“Trust?” muttered Roland. Then he looked down and said “Trust, huh?”

“Uh, you okay there?” asked pony Applejack.

Roland then stood up and went over to Princess Twilight, only to her slight surprise, he was upset.

“You and I have a very, different definition when it comes to trust.” Responded Roland harshly, which surprised Princess Twilight. “I mean what’s your plan anyway once we get to the chemical lab? Are you going to try and steal them whilst using your friends to distract anyone as if they were expendable deadweights?”

Princess Twilight was taken aback and said “I’d never do that!!”

“You did back at Mt. Aris.” Retorted Roland.

Everyone was shocked to hear that. “You always did have trust issues, I mean look at you,” said Roland “The so called Princess of Friendship herself, couldn’t even trust her own friends enough to help shoulder her problems without asking for their help or without giving them a yes or no answer.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” said Princess Twilight.

“Every time, and I mean, every single time,” said Roland “Whenever something happens, you try to solve them yourself because you didn’t trust your friends enough. Heck, you didn’t even trust Starlight to make her own decisions, especially when she was trying to be friends with Trixie, but you kept getting in the way because you didn’t trust her!!”

“Trixie constantly kept boasting about her tricks!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight, “Then she came back to Ponyville, wearing an Alicorn Amulet and took over the town!!”

“And who’s fault was that?!” shouted Roland, which startled Princess Twilight. “You lot are the reason she became like that!!”

“How is that our fault?!!” said Princess Twilight. “Trixie constantly boasted about her abilities, and ended up bringing an Ursa Minor into our town!!”

“Hey, that wasn’t her fault.” Said Roland, “Snips and Snails were the ones who brought that Ursa Minor to Ponyville, because you lot kept belittling her and they were dumb enough to believe Trixie and brought that thing in!! So if it’s anyone else’s fault, it was dumb and dumber. Well, dumb and dumber and those three idiots!!”

As Roland pointed at pony Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity, the latter were shocked by what he said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” shouted pony Rainbow.

“You three constantly kept heckling her every time whenever she was trying to perform!!” said Roland.

“We just tired of her bragging.” Said pony Applejack.

“And her boasting.” Said pony Rarity.

“She’s a magician!!” said Roland, “A street performer, it’s their job to brag about their skills, you can’t heckle someone just for doing their job!! But if you lot had just been patient with her and put a sock in it, she wouldn’t have showed you three up and she wouldn’t have brought the Alicorn Amulet to have revenge on you in the first place!!”

The three ponies turned humans pondered that and had shockened expressions upon realizing that, it was their fault, even Princess Twilight was surprised by that.

“And you.” Said Roland whilst pointing at pony Rainbow Dash, which took her by surprise, “You’re also a hypocrite, you know that? Cause oh sure, whenever someone else brags, it’s all silent stairs. But whenever you brag, you’re miss big shot around here.”

“Because I am the best at what I do!!” retorted Rainbow.

“You mean like you bragged that you could kick that dragon who did it’s hundred year nap near Ponyville a whilst back when you grumbled and complained about Fluttershy all day?” retorted Roland back.

Rainbow winced at that, with Roland saying “You constantly keep bragging how cool you are. But you know what’s not cool, you constantly disrespect other creature’s hobbies and jobs and hurt their feelings, but then again, I guess that’s what both you and the Wonderbolt have in common, you’re both lazy, unprofessional and stupid.”

“What?!!” exclaimed Rainbow in shock and anger.

“And it’s also your fault too.” Said Roland whilst pointing at Rarity.

“My fault?!” said Rarity.

“Yeah,” said Roland “You constantly keep saying how everything they do is uncouth. What are you, a Canterlot citizen? You are not, nor will you ever be on that level. Not to mention you kept on insulting Daring Do, even met her once, and you just didn’t want to read it and purposely spite her for your own amusement. Well at least she doesn’t focus making outfits to make people look fat. Or should I say, fatter!!

“What?!!” said Rarity as she was appalled by what he said.

When suddenly, “Why Rainbow Dash and Rarity, whyever are you so upset. It’s just my honest opinion of things that don’t interest me and that I don’t care about, what’s wrong with that?”

“Well it’s okay if you don’t like them,” said Rainbow “But if you knew how much it meant to me to be part of the best flyers that I dreamed of when I was a filly…”

Then Rarity said “And if you knew how much hard work, I placed into all of my work and craft at my own expense without giving them a piece of my mind through all the harsh criticisms they give…”

Then they both shouted “Then you wouldn’t be so mean and cruel about…?!”

The two of them stopped and blinked in surprise, with Roland flexing his eyebrow. Making the two of them look down in shock.

“Not so fun now, is it.” Said Roland, “But then again, it was miss Princess of Dumb Ideas who paired you two.”

Princess Twilight was taken aback and said “I don’t make dumb ideas!!”

Roland looked back at her and said “Oh yeah, then what do you call pairing up Rainbow Dash and Applejack, two of the most competitive ponies in all of Equestria to teach a bunch of kids to camp in a competitive manner instead of working together? Or pairing up Rarity and Rainbow Dash that resulted them in breaking their friendship instead of figuring out what they have in common before pairing them up.”

He looked back at the latter and said “And I would’ve thought you’d be willing to do it, considering you owe one another.”

Both pony Rainbow and pony Rarity blinked in surprise.

“You,” said Roland when he pointed at pony Rainbow Dash, “You owe Rarity when she helped made your dress for the Grand Galloping Gala, when you left her stranded in the middle of the desert when you went to fetch Applejack, and when she helped you clear your name when you got framed for Spitfire’s disappearance.”

Pony Rainbow wanted to retort, but blinked in surprise, realizing she does owe her, making her groan in frustration.

“And you,” said Roland when he pointed at pony Rarity, “You also owe Rainbow Dash when she helped you get your Cutie Mark, when she saved your life after you burnt your butterfly wings because you wanted to show off…”

“Show off?!” exclaimed pony Rarity, “I wanted to show everypony how fabulous I looked.”

Roland then gave a deadpanned tone, then said “No offense Rarity, but all that makeup you had on you made you look like a peacock working at a makeup factory.”

Pony Rarity neighed in shock in response to that, which surprised the others. “Also, and in an uncouth language, the butterfly wings made you look fat.”

Pony Rarity gasped in shock at that, even the others were shocked too, for Rarity hated the three letter F word.

“More importantly,” said Roland, “You also owe her for ruining their trip to Manehattan when you made her and your friends worked like slaves.”

She gasped again at that and said “I did not!!”

“Yeah, you did.”

“Since when?!”

“Two words; Suri Polomare.”

Pony Rarity winced at that, forgetting that she did make them do that.

Pony Pinkie then pondered for a moment and said, “You know, he kinda does have a point, Twilight.”

Twilight growled at that, then said “Name another.”

“Let’s see,” said Roland as he listed them off, “There was ditching Moondancer, when you thought that friendship was a waste of time, trying to take Nightmare Moon on your own, believing Zecora was evil before giving her a chance, changing the Parasprites’ diet that made them eat half of Ponyville, giving into Discord’s trap that made him flip their personalities, stressing over a stupid friendship report, dressing up like a vigilante to make Rainbow jealous, giving the CMC the love Poison and blocking them from the library without hearing them out why they did Gabby Gums, trying to show everyone Chrysalis was a fake without proof or evidence, trying to save the Crystal Empire on your own, told Pinkie about the Mirror pool, casting the spell that caused your friends’ cutie marks to be switched…”

“Okay, I get it!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight as she was frustrated, with everyone else surprised by how many mistakes she made.

“The point is, you never think any of these things through.” Said Roland, “This is exactly what happened when you faced Tirek alone. You fought him, and then you nearly brought all of Equestria to ruin.”

“I would’ve figured something out!!” said Twilight.

“No you couldn’t.” said Roland, “If you had just told your friends the truth about what the Princesses had planned, then all of you would’ve come up with a better plan and Tirek wouldn’t have used them as leverage to get what he wanted.”

“I know my responsibility!!” said Twilight.

“Is it really your own responsibility?” questioned Roland, “Or is it, a responsibility that coward, Princess Celestia is trying to force on you?”

Everyone gasped at what he said about Celestia, even Twilight was shocked by what he said.

“And she’s all talk, all that business about friendships and families.” Said Roland. “But who the heck is she to lecture you or anyone, about friendship and family. She chose to become immortal and lock herself away in that dump of a castle and gave up on all of her friends and family entirely!! Ever since the day she took both you and Sunset in to be her students, she’s done nothing but discouraged the two of you into making you do what she wanted, and on the so many rare occasions that she decided to help, and did so little, she may as well have chosen to do nothing at all!!”

One more they were shocked by what he said, with Twilight shouting “How dare you?!”

“Then tell me?” said Roland, “On who’s watch did Princess Luna succumb to her own darkness? Whose inactions have caused all of her enemies to go so unchecked, that they nearly destroyed all of Equestria?!!”

He then walked toward her and said “And sometimes you can’t take no for an answer. For if others kept trying to dissuade you it was because you know nothing. And if others were reluctant to contribute, it was because you were naïve! A thousand times you could’ve died and taken; Harmony knows how many you would’ve taken with you!! Let me tell you something Twilight Sparkle, life is not a fairy tale, and there are no happy endings!!”

Roland continued to move towards her and said “And you know what, I don’t know why everyone else even bothered to try and help you. Because did you know that Princess Celestia was the only one whoever believed in you, whilst everyone else, even Luna, Cadance and Spike, along with your own friends and family thought she was crazy, sending a mentally unstable book loving filly trying to do a grown up’s job.”

“How dare…”

“No, this is where you zip it, okay?! The Ninja Master is talking! What if somebody had died? Different story right, cause that’s on you. And if you died, that would be on them. None of them need that on their conscious. And I would’ve thought after everything you and your friends had ever done and built, had meant something to you. Cause the Twilight Sparkle they knew, would never have used her friends like that, would never had resorted to barbaric tactics to complete a mission and all for what? To be teacher’s pet.”

He leaned closer to her and said “And the way I’m seeing, you’re no better than Discord, Chrysalis and Tirek. And more importantly, you’re not as smart as you think.”

Princess Twilight was shocked by what he said. When she got angry, he said “Oh, I mean yeah, sure, ninety percent of the time when it comes to magic and science, you’re smart. But you’re not smart enough to realize that you’re still a rookie when it comes to making friends and not everyone will always agree with your methods and not everyone will always agree with your plans. And you can’t always get everything you want and have them do things your way, you know that right?”

Twilight then wanted to retort, but was shocked, and looked down in guilt.

“It’s just like the friendship report, you can’t always except everything to work out the way you always do, otherwise you’d end up screwing things up before things go your way.”

He then said in a mocking tone, “Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned I’m a prissy little unicorn who refuses to make friends and learn anything about friendship, especially from those who had friends longer than I have whilst I remained in Canterlot to be a freaking loser by having ponies walk all over me like a gutless doormat!!

Twilight was taken aback by his attitude. “And I think you and Celestia finally do have something in common. You’re both lousy teachers!!

Many gasped at that, with Roland saying, “The difference between her and Master Splinter, at least he does a better job at teaching rather than spoon feeding them like Celestia did.”

“And then came Cozy Glow.” Said Roland, making the Mane 6 and Spike wince, “Mikey had a bad feeling about her since the day he first met her, and yet all of you ignored him, thinking he was crazy, when you’re friends with the biggest goofbag on the planet!!”

When Roland motioned Pinkie, she gasped at that, whilst her hair was partially deflated over what he said.

“Cozy Glow was this close, this close, into taking over Equestria,” said Roland, “And because you lot didn’t listen to Mikey, Equestria’s magic would’ve been lost forever!!”

“But the way he was acting, he wasn’t very subtle about it!!” shouted Princess Twilight.

“It’s Mikey we’re talking about!!” said Roland “Subtlety had never been his strong suit!!”

Some of them remembered and realized he did have a point, with Princess Twilight saying “Plus we couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth, because he acted crazy and it was hard for us to believe him!!”

“You mean how everybody thought you were crazy when you stressed out over a stupid report and how everybody didn’t believe you before your brother’s wedding?” retorted Roland whilst crossing his arms.

Princess Twilight was taken aback by this, and before she could say anything, she began to remember how Mikey acted crazy and nobody believed him, then she slightly gasped and remembered that she was in the exact situation he was, where everybody thought she was crazy and nobody believed her.

“And after she was defeated,” said Roland, “When Bright Eyes took over, Mikey said that she’s okay. But in the end, you didn’t trust or believe him, again. And you ended up being paranoid and did the same thing to every other student.”

“We just didn’t want what happened to our school to happen again!!” exclaimed Princess Twilight.

“And nearly got it shut down when the students began to leave.” Said Roland, “Starlight told you guys to let it go, but you refused to. At least Starlight was able to forgive and let go over what happened, because she’s not a coward like you six.”

They all gasped at that, but Roland then said, “But then again, all of you are nothing but major disappointments.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” said pony Applejack.

“I seem to recall you saying that family means everything,” said Roland to pony Applejack, “Yet you ignored and sent Apple Bloom away when you found out she and her friends were Gabby Gums. You could’ve just asked why she did all that, but instead you gave her the cold shoulder. And that time when you were supposed to have taught the students, you ended up getting competitive and ended up nearly got them killed. But instead of admitting your mistake, your pride got in the way.”

He glared at her and said “Did you forget that it was because of pride that got your grandfather to disown and abandon your mother in the first place? Pride, is the enemy, and you ended up being the succubus for it.”

Pony Applejack was taken aback by this, with her eyes looking down in guilt.

“Oh come on,” said pony Pinkie Pie, “Don’t be so…”

“Be what? A grump?” said Roland. “Oh, I have a pretty good reason why I’m always such a grump. Cause if you had tried to take things seriously instead of treating everything like it’s some big joke, then no one would even have bigger problems than they already do. But no, you’d rather go around being a dump of a town’s party planner, going around planning and throwing parties that No one asked you to do!!

Pony Pinkie suddenly whimpered as her hair went straight and flat.

“And you.” Said Roland to pony Rarity, “You may act like you’re a generous soul, but you can be just as selfish. Using your friends to make clothes that you stupidly gave away, constantly whining over the dumbest thing. So instead whining, do actually something about it than constantly making clothes that nobody cares about.”

Pony Rarity gasped at what he said, then he turned to the frightened pony Fluttershy and said.

“And will you stop being a wimp for once for five minutes and actually try to be a little brave?” said Roland, “Cause the way you’ve been acting, it’s no wonder every pony in Equestria treats you like a gutless doormat.”

Pony Fluttershy whimpered as she hid behind Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, that’s e…!!” said pony Rainbow Dash, before Roland cut her off.

“And you,” said Roland whilst pointing at Rainbow. “You have the nerve and audacity to blame a handful of others mistakes when you’re the one who caused them? And you had the gall to yell at a little filly for smiling who didn’t even do anything to you. That’s so like you Rainbow, acting all high and mighty, thinking that you’re important and so much better than anyone else, but really, you’re nothing more than an insensitive jerk and blamed others whenever something went wrong. So instead of being a stupid selfish hotheaded jerk, pointing hooves at folks as always when you should accept the fact that you’re nothing but a major screwup who can’t do anything right! Some loyal friend you are.”

Rainbow looked like her face was recently slapped whilst her eyes were pooling with tears.

“And if you had your wings right now, I’d rip them off right here and right now.” Said Roland, scaring Rainbow. But then…


They gasped at what they saw. Rainbow was on the ground, holding her swollen cheek, and looked at Roland, who cracked his right hand knuckles, saying “But this will have to suffice.”

“Roland!!” said Princess Twilight. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but…!!”

“Oh what, you suddenly think that you care about your friends when you’re not trying to please your teacher, as usual?” said Roland.

“But…” said Princess Twilight before she was cut off.

“I believe you once told Spike back at Canterlot, that you didn’t need friends, and what good are they anyway, remember?” said Roland, which surprised Twilight that he knew about that. “And that you told Pinkie Pie you’d be better off without friends like them?”

He squinted his eyes and said “Don’t worry. Give it a hundred years.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Princess Twilight.

“Oh, you still haven’t figured it out, did you?” said Roland. “The moment when you became an Alicorn, you also ended up being immortal too like Celestia and the others. That means that you will end up outliving everyone. Your parents, your friends, your brother…even Leo and the others.”

Princess Twilight was taken aback by this, then he said, “And whilst you may be a princess, you will end up losing the ones who made you who you are. So you can rule on your throne for how many years, whilst everyone and everypony you’ve ever known and loved. Will be dead and gone, forever.”

Princess Twilight widened her eyes in shock, then slowly looked down, never even considered that, whilst everyone else was shocked by what he said. But he wasn’t done. The next group he began to stare harshly most of all; the Rock N Beats.

“And you lot.” Said Roland, making the group wince, “I still can’t believe you’d treat one of your own like garbage when he tried to warn you about that human hating fish girl. Oh yeah, sure, Ace made one mistake and suddenly you think anything else he’ll say will get you in trouble.”

“How were we supposed to know he was being serious this time?!” said Patch.

“At least I’m not the one who kicked him in the mud puddle and called him an idiot showoff.”

Both Melody and Patch winced at that, remembering how badly they treated him. He then leaned over to Patch and said in an eerie threatening tone, "And what did you say to the others after what you did?"

She then felt a little scared, but swallowed and said, "That he deserved it?"


The Rock N Beats, Mane 6 and Spike were shocked by what happened. For Roland...slapped Patch, making her hold her left cheek as she was horrified.

"Did you deserve that?" said Roland. "Believe me, if I really had my way..."

He produced a blade from underneath his wrist and aimed it at her neck, which shocked her as she was scared, with him threatening "I'd kill you myself without a second thought. But then again, I'm not Rihona. But if you do not tread lightly...then you'll truly see a wolf released from its cage."

He shoved her backwards, making Patch quickly hide behind her friends out of fear.

“And I would’ve thought that all of you would help Ace, considering that all of you owe him.” Said Roland.

The Rock N Beats were confused by that as they looked at one another, then to Roland.

“Seriously?” said Roland in a deadpanned tone. He then looked at Clover as he said, “Remember when you wanted to show your garden to everyone, only for a bunch of bullies to ruin it?”

Clover winced, remembering that day. “Ace was the one who snuck at your garden and spent the entire night trying to restore your garden, so that you’d win the prize money for your mother.”

Clover was shocked by that revelation, not realizing it was Ace who helped her.

“And you,” said Roland to Half-Note, “Remember that day when you wanted to enter the singing competition, but you couldn’t because you temporarily lost your voice? Ace was the one who made a fool of himself, trying to win the contest for you, so you could meet your favorite Idol.”

Half-Note was surprised by this and didn’t know how to respond to it.

“And you,” said Roland to Patch, “I can’t believe you had the gall to call him an idiot show-off because of one mistake, and after he defended you whenever you got bullied. What was it they kept calling you? Oh yeah, Ugly Freak.”

Patch widened her eyes in shock, and had forgotten how Ace had defended her that day.

“And then there’s you,” said Roland to Melody, “I would’ve thought that you’ve appreciate what Ace did for you.”

Melody was confused by what he meant. Until…

“Remember about a year ago before you guys met the Rainbooms,” said Roland, “That day when your sister was in an accident and that she could’ve died without a liver to help her regenerate?”

Melody was surprised by this, for she never told anyone, whilst everyone else around her were just as shocked.

Said Roland then he took a step forward and said, “But guess who was the donor, who offered to give your sister a liver?”

Melody looked down a bit, as if trying to process this. And in mere moments, she widened her eyes in shock and looked at him.

“Yeah, Ace was that donor.” Said Roland, much to their shock. “He saw how devastated you and your mom were and he wanted to help you. He offered to volunteer, but the doctor told him if he was going to go through this, he was going to die. But he said to him, in his own words, that all he cared about was making you happy, and if it meant seeing you smile again, then it would be enough for him.”

He took a step back and said “But I guess that didn’t matter to you, did it?”

Melody then remembered the day she and Patch kicked Ace as he collapsed on the mud puddle. And in that brief moment, she saw him clutch where his…

She widened her eyes in shock and clasped her mouth shut as tears began to fall on her knees, for he never told her or anybody. Even Sweetheart was just as shocked to hear this as she nearly fainted, with Clover holding onto her.

Spike then spoke and said “Hey now, come on. That’s a bit harsh don’t you think?”

“Says the gutless dragon who didn’t want to speak his mind.” retorted Roland.

Spike blinked in surprise and said “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You heard me,” said Roland “Every time whenever Twilight does stuff like this, you didn’t want to speak up or speak out against her because you were afraid, she was going to kick you out. You could’ve stopped her multiple times, you could’ve told her the truth and you could’ve tried to talk some sense into her, but you never listen. So meaning it was also your fault as it is hers.”

Spike was taken aback by what he said. But what Roland said next, stung him the most.

“Oh yeah, and one more thing, and it’s been a very, long time coming but didn’t pay attention because you’re a baby dragon; I know you still have this little fantasy that Rarity would finally fall in love with you. Well I got some news for you bub; it’s never going to happen!!

That, hit Spike right in the feels as he looked hurt and shed tears whilst looking down, with everyone else shocked by what he said.

“You know what,” said Roland in disgust whilst he looked at the Mane 6, “The Elements of Harmony made a mistake picking you lot. Cause if it were up to me, I’d pick someone who actually sticks to their elements, and what did they get in return?”

He then pointed to each of the Equestrian turned humans and dragon.

“A country hicked bumpkin, who’s not that bright when it comes to fixing problems and sometimes lying to herself because she’s too stubborn and fat with pride to admit when she made a mistake. A selfish, arrogant and brainless rainbow headed Pegasus who keeps belittling and making fun of and don’t care about other ponies’ talents and doesn’t care about anyone else but herself. An overpompous princess who’s so filled with vanity and envy whilst hiding behind her kit full of makeup and a thousand excuses. A wimpy yellow Pegasus who’s constantly scared of her own shadow. An annoying pink, crazy, party obsessed lunatic who doesn’t know the meaning of the word restraint, an immature mentally unstable book loving filly with a massive case of OCD trying to please others, a puny baby size boneheaded dragon who doesn’t realize the damage he caused and didn’t do a proper job in helping, stopping or advising the Princess of Friendship.”

Then he turned to the Rock N Beats.

“Whilst being accompanied by a bunch of snot nosed brats!!

Everyone was stunned and shocked and hurt by what he said, with Roland walking away and said “You know what, why don’t you go back home and be further screwups. That’s all you’re good for anyway.”

Pony Rainbow Dash got angry, though whilst shedding tears, said “Oh, and you’re any better?!!”

No, I’m not!!” shouted Roland as he stopped and looked back at them. “But at least I’m honest with my feelings, know the difference between right and wrong, don’t take anything for granted and I’m not a coward when it comes to admit making mistakes.”

He walked away, but the moment he was farther away, he instantly had a hurtful expression whilst mumbling “Just like the mistake I’m making for yelling at you.”

He then jumped to the next building and continued on, whilst leaving the others behind with hurtful expressions. Whilst from afar, someone was watching them from one of the water towers via binoculars, revealing to be Night Shine, who lowered them and squinted his eyes as he saw what happened.

“Mr. Luke?”

He looked down to see Bright Eyes looking up at him.

“You know, not many people call me that. And you’re smart not to call me Night Shine in front of me.” He slid down a lamppost next to Bright Eyes. “So, Bright Eyes, was it? Whatcha need?”

“The Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, April, Karai, and Shinigami were turned into babies. And I told them I’d bring you back to the lair.”

Night Shine looked back to Roland’s direction before looking at Bright Eyes. “I gotta see this. Let’s go.”

The two of them headed off to look after the friends turned babies.


After the much yelling, Roland was far enough from them, until he gasped and clutched to his chest, and coughed up purple goo. He looked at his gauntlet and noticed it was lowered, before fully restored.

“Dammit. I gotta be more careful.” Muttered Roland. “I really wish I didn’t do that. But I don’t have any other choice.”

“Trouble in paradise?”

Roland looked around and saw, not to his surprise, a certain creature of Chaos.

“You.” Growled Roland when he eyed a certain Draconequus.

“Oh,” said Discord intrigued, “You know me?”

“Yeah, though I wish I didn’t.” said Roland as he stood up and moved forward.

“Oh, come now. Don’t be like that.” Said Discord, “After all, a creature of Chaos like myself tends to make friends.”

“Or enemies.” Said Roland, “Which I question why you’re still not imprisoned.”

He stopped and turned around to look at Discord. “I mean you did betray your friends to Tirek, and if it were up to me, I’d…”

“Oh, what? Put me in a stone prison?” said Discord whilst rolling his eyes.

“No.” said Roland, “I’d kill you myself.”

Discord was taken aback by this. “You were given plenty of chances to redeem yourself, but everything’s just a sick game to you. You never take things seriously and it will always bite you on your flank in the end.”

“I took things seriously when I went to rescue my friends with Starlight Glimmer and a handful of others.” Protested Discord. “And speaking of which.”

He leaned over with a stern glare, “I don’t appreciate you yelling at them like that. If I were you, I’d apologize to them?”

“Or what?” said Roland.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Said Discord as he was right into his face, “Then you’ll see just how serious I really can be.”

“You’re in no position to make any demands from me Discord,” said Roland “Or should I call you…Grogar.”

Discord was shocked by what he said.

“How did you…?”

“Oh, I know plenty.” Said Roland, “Especially the fact that you knew all this was going to happen and didn’t bother to lift a talon to stop it. And what were you thinking, uniting Tirek and the others? I thought you would’ve learned your lesson, but you’re still the same stupid freak who couldn’t care about anyone else but himself.”

He took a few steps forward and said “And the so called bell you told them? That’s how Shredder gained his power. He followed you and used it for his own advantage. Meaning you were responsible for his path to power. And in the end, you ended up becoming his first victim.”

“I was merely…”

“What, trying to give Princess Twilight the confidence she needed to be a ruler?” said Roland. “There are plenty of ways to give one confidence. This, isn’t one of them. I thought you cared about Fluttershy. But clearly you never did care about her at all. And how would she feel, if she found out her friend betrayed her trust. Again.”

Discord got angry and said “Why you…!!!”

But just as he snapped his claws, it automatically rejected him and electrocuted him, making him scream in shock and collapse on the ground. He looked at Roland stunned, with Roland revealing he had an amulet around his neck, surprising Discord in the process.

“Is that…?” said Discord.

“That’s right,” said Roland “You didn’t actually believe I came unprepared, did you? I was also trained by them and the difference is, whilst you play with Chaos, others take that role very seriously.”

He placed the amulet away, then crouched and looked at Discord right in the eyes.

“And know this well, Discord.” Said Roland sternly, “If you, ever, show your mug around here again, if you, ever, mess with our plans, or if you, ever, attempt to do this for the fun of things ever again.”

Roland squinted his eyes with a deadly glare and said “I’ll make sure that everyone in Equestria knows exactly who was the one responsible for resurrecting Sombra and united all of Equestria’s worst villains.”

Discord was taken aback by this threat, and this time, for the first time, he was shocked by what Roland had said. No longer needed to say anything else, Roland stood up and walked away, with Discord shaking in fear.

“Sweet mother of Chaos,” muttered Discord “He’s terrifying.”

Discord snapped his fingers and teleported away. Roland was far enough and suddenly contacted someone.

“The pieces are in play, you’re up.” Said Roland.

Roland then opened a portal with one of his devices. He placed a call and said “Principle Celestia. I need a favor.”

He walked through and headed for a different destination.


At the same time, the Mane 6, Spike and the Rock N Beats, all sat down, hurt and miserable.

“I can’t believe it.” Said Melody, “All this time, Ace saved my sister. And I ended up treating him like…”

Sweetheart held her sister close, and said “I know. None of us knew.”

“I called him an idiot showoff,” said Patch, feeling guilty, “He defended me when no one else did.”

Pony Rainbow on the other hand, lamented and shouted in frustration “Who the heck does he think he is?!! I’m not a coward, I’m not selfish…I…I…!!”

She then groaned and sighed in defeat “Oh, who am I kidding, he’s right.”

She sat right next to pony Rarity and held her legs together. She looked at pony Rarity and said “Rarity. I’m really sorry for what I did to you. Or what I said about your talent and job. I’m your friend and I ended up belittling your passions and dreams. Roland was right about me…I am a screwup.”

Pony Rarity then sighed and wiped her tears and stained mascara and said “Don’t be hard on yourself darling, I’m the one who made so much selfish decisions without even realizing what I was doing in the first place. I was so focused on what I wanted, I didn’t think of anyone else’s.”

“Twilight, are you okay?” asked pony Fluttershy when Princess Twilight was quiet for so long.

Twilight was silent for a few moments, and said “Roland was right. I’m such a hypocrite.”

“Twilight…” said pony Applejack, only for Twilight to cut her off.

“I spent such a long time, doing the opposite of what everyone was doing.” Said Princess Twilight, “I silenced Mikey because I thought he was annoying and crazy and yet I did the same thing during the Friendship report and my brother’s wedding. I even broke a promise to listen to Mikey when he said Bright Eyes was okay, and yet I casted nothing but suspicion on her.”

“You weren’t the only one Twilight.” Said pony Applejack, “We’re just as guilty of mistrusting Bright Eyes and every other student because of what happened.”

“And because of my poor decisions,” said Princess Twilight “I ended up making so many mistakes and thought none of you had any good ideas. I should’ve told you about Tirek. I should’ve trusted you more during our trip to Mt. Aris. Rarity didn’t know Capper was a con-artist and Rainbow didn’t know Tempest was this close into tracking us, and instead, I ended up blaming them for what we went through. I’m the Princess of Friendship, and yet I didn’t do anything to prove that I deserved the title.”

She lowered her head and said “Why did Princess Celestia have to pick me? Why couldn’t it have been somepony else?”

“Trust us, I ask myself the same question in a similar situation.”

“Same here.”

The Mane 6 and Rock N Beats looked at the direction in shock and to their surprise, it was both Ben 10, who had turned into Jet Ray, and Steven Universe.

“Oh,” said Princess Twilight as a handful of them wiped their tears away. “Hey guys. What are you doing here?”

“We were already finished with our tasks in getting the chemicals, so we came to check up on you.” Said Steven, “And Ben decided to pop over to see how things are going.”

“Rough day?” asked Ben when he turned back to normal.

“You…might say that.” Said Melody.

“What happened?” asked Steven.

After a brief discussion, the latter caught on what happened.

“Wow, that’s rough.” Said Ben.

“Still, Roland was right.” Said Princess Twilight. “I ended up being the opposite of my element. We keep messing things up.”

She wiped a tear away and said, “Why did Celestia pick me to be her student? Why did she make me an element bearer, or us? Why did she make me a Princess?”

She sighed and said, “I guess we’re just not cut out to what we’re meant to be.”

“Same here.” Said Melody, “We treated one of our own like trash, and we took him for granted too. We did apologize, but we still felt guilty.”

“He did everything for us.” Said Patch, “And we ended up spitting it all in his face.”

“Some friends we are.” Said Clover.

Ben and Steven looked at one another. Then back to them.

“You know, it might come as a surprise to you, but I felt the same way when I first got the Omnitrix.” Said Ben when he looked at the Mane 6 and Spike, gaining their attention whilst he looked at his Omnitrix.

“When I first got this, all I did was treat it as a toy. I didn’t take things seriously and treated like it was nothing. But after a few weeks, after when I got this, I realized that if I make a mistake, someone could die. And if we messed up a situation, everyone could die. I then decided to treat everything as a big joke, and when the time came, I’d be able to do what I have to do.”

He looked at them and said “I also made some bad choices in my life. Back before Kevin was my friend, he was a criminal. He lured me into what he wanted to do, and he ended up using the power of my Omnitrix against me. I also had to take responsibility for what I did. But there will always be more enemies out there who will either hurt the innocent, or try to steal my Omnitrix and use it for their own personal gain. Most times I got way over my head, I ended up being a jerk to a few of my friends and pushed my loved ones away from me. Most times I kept asking myself why I even bothered with it if I never found it in the first place? And a while ago, we fought a villain named Malware, I kept using an alien called Feedback. But then I got cocky and Malware literally ripped him from me, destroying him too. I felt like I lost a piece of myself. It was because of my overconfidence and cocky attitude that I got myself in this mess in the first place.”

“I was the same way,” said Steven, gaining their attention. “When I first learned about my powers, I got thrusted into a war between myself and Homeworld. I ended up taking over my mom’s responsibility. I never wanted to be part of it either. And felt it was too much pressure on me. That I was scared that if I failed, then everyone and everything I ever loved and cared about would be destroyed. I was even overcome with so much stress, I ended up being corrupted and turned into a monster. After that, I was so hurt and traumatized I didn’t want to be part of anyone or anything ever again. And it also became too much pressure for me for not only protecting humanity, but also trying to help my friends find a way to restore their friends who were corrupted by Homeworld’s power.”

They were surprised to hear this, with Princess Twilight asking, “What did you two do?”

“We chose to embrace it and proved everyone wrong.” Said both Ben and Steven.

“I worked hard to earn everyone’s trust and to show them that I was worthy of wearing this.” Said Ben, “Plus, if it weren’t for my Grandpa Max and my Cousin Gwen, I wouldn’t be here. Overtime I gained plenty of friends that helped me out in every situation. Sure I had trust issues when we faced enemies, but we learned to put it aside for the greater good of others. Cause if we don’t, then we’d end up failing those we were sworn to protect, and we never forget the lessons we learned.”

“And if it weren’t for my dad and Connie to help teach me from right to wrong, I would’ve been in a bigger mess.” Said Steven, “Even Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst never gave up on me when I was struggling. I made mistakes that nearly got everyone else hurt, but they were able to help me get past my mistakes.”

“And trust me,” said Ben, “We know what it’s like to be judged that way. Constantly.”

“What did you do?” asked Princess Twilight.

“We proved them wrong.” Said Ben, “We proved that we’re not the same people we were anymore when we first started out. We continued to try and help those in need and focus more what’s in front of us, rather than behind us.”

“And my dad once said that if life were like porkchops, we wouldn’t have hotdogs,” said Steven, which confused them, but then he said, “It means that if you take everything for granted, if you fail to see what’s right in front you, that being perfect is unknowable. It’s impossible, but it’s also right in front of us. And in the end, you’ll fail to realize that what you have will be gone forever.”

Steven extended his hand to Princess Twilight and said “So prove to others that you’re not the same Princess anymore. That you vowed to help those in need. And promise yourself that you’ll never let fear and trauma hold you back from what’s really important.”

“And in the end, you’ll see that everything is worth it in the end.” Said Ben.

Princess Twilight looked at Steven for a moment, then lowered her eyes, then ended up smiling and looked at him with determination.

“You’re right.” Said Princess Twilight as Steven helped her stand up. “We can’t erase our mistakes, but we can focus on the present, the right here and now. And right now, Sunset and our friends need our help.”

She looked back at the others and said “So let’s prove those who doubted us wrong. And do it for them.”

The Mane 6 feel inspired and stood up, even Spike, along with the Rock N Beats, with determination in their eyes.

She looked back at both Steven and Ben with smiles and said “Thank you. Both of you.”

“It’s what friends do.” Said Steven.

“We’d better get going to the lair.” Said Ben, “We’ll see you there.”

“Alright,” said Princess Twilight as she looked back, “Come on guys, we’ve got work to do.”

They all darted towards the ledge and headed towards Roland’s location, with Ben and Steven going back to base.


Meanwhile, outside of Lensing Fiber Inc, Roland had just arrived and began to sneak around. However, he noticed something was off.

“That’s strange, no security.” Said Roland as he took a peak. But to his surprise, he saw the guards were turned into crystalized statues. And when he took another peak, to his shock, he saw Krang Bots and Foot Bots guarding the perimeter.

“That’s not good.” Said Roland. “I’d better get going before…”

But the moment he exited from cover, he was instantly shot in the shoulder with an arrow, taking him by surprise as he took a step back. He looked around and saw there were four Foot Bot archers standing above one of the buildings.

“Since when did they have archers?!” exclaimed Roland.

Within a split second, tons of Foot bots arrived, armed to the teeth. Roland sighed and had to reveal himself.

“Guess we’re doing this the hard way then.” Said Roland as he removed the arrow from his shoulder and tossed it onto the ground before charging towards them.

Roland vaulted over a Foot Bot and kicked another away, allowing him to punch and backhand the next two Foot Bots. He pulled out his knife and jabbed it in the robot’s gut and vaulted over that one. Roland grabbed the Foot Bot’s Guandao spear and punched it away, allowing Roland to use it and cut down at least a handful of Foot Bots, but before he twirled it and jabbed it through another. He grabbed the next Foot Bot’s sword and used it to block another, allowing Roland to kick it away and jabbed it through it’s back. Roland ducked a Foot Bot that tried to kill him using its Kamayari Sickle Spear, but he was able to get behind it and snapped its neck before pushing it away.

He was grabbed from behind by another Foot Bot, but Roland head butted it using the back of his head, allowing him to dodge another Foot Bot that tried to kill him using a Naginata Spear, only to destroy its own. Roland headbutted the Foot Bot, whilst blocking another and punched it back. Roland saw another Foot Bot coming and use it’s own weapon to kill it, then snapped another’s neck. He pulled out his long knives and gutted a few down, until he was sucker punched by two more and electrocuted by another, making him collapse on the ground. When Roland looked up, he saw many of the Foot Bots and Krang Bots were surrounding him.

“Okay, maybe I bit off more than I could chew.” Said Roland. He sighed and said “And I really hate to say it. Maybe I could’ve used their help after all. After a long apology.”

“About time you said that!!”

Roland perked up and looked, and lore and behold, there stood the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats (Minus Ace and Lancer). The Krang Bots turned around and saw them.

“Krang,” said one of the Krang Bots, “It is the one called Princess Twilight and her pony friends from Equestria.”

“As well as children, who are trained by the turtles and Rainbooms called Turtles and Rainbooms.” Said another.

“Krang,” said the third “Shoot first and ask questions later.”

The Krang Bots immediately began to fire.

“Scatter and take them down!!” shouted Princess Twilight, allowing them to quickly split up.

Both Melody and Sweetheart charged towards where Roland was whilst they readied their weapons. Melody threw her Chakrams as they acted like boomerangs whilst taking them down, whilst Sweetheart used her Chain claw to grab a Foot Bot and use it as a mace to knock many away. Roland was able to get up and use his pistols and began to shoot a few down, with both Melody and Sweetheart regrouping with him.

“Thanks for the assist.” Said Roland as he shot a few down.

“Consider this even for saving my sister.” Said Melody.

“We need to take them down!!” said Roland, “They’re trying to steal the chemicals!!”

At the same time, Patch overheard and was shocked to hear that. Then she looked to her right and saw what appeared to be a manifest on the table. She motioned Half-Note to follow her, which she did and ran to another direction.

At the same time, Princess Twilight used her spear to block and slice a few Krang Bots along the way, whilst Spike jumped up behind a Foot Bot and literally pulled the wires using his mouth, causing it to shut down. Pony Rarity kept ducking and hiding, trying to avoid the blasters, until she saw what appeared to be metal pipes of sorts. She grabbed them and used them to bash a few of the Foot Bots around.

She looked at them and said “Not really my style. But I think I’m getting the hang of this.”

Pony Fluttershy kept ducking and avoiding, whilst also whimpering a bit, until she panicked and grabbed a Krang Blaster. She accidentally ended up shooting all over the place, hitting a few bots. She then suddenly got a crazed look on her face and began to shoot like crazy. Pony Pinkie jumped all over the place, splattering cupcakes all over the robot and Krang’s faces, making them blind, whilst she used what appeared to be a random chain and whacked them around.

Whilst Roland pulled out his sword and assisted Clover Bloom, pony Rainbow Dash and pony Applejack kept punching and kicking a few Foot and Krang Bots, thanks to the partial training they got from the turtles on the ship.

“You gotta admit,” said pony Rainbow as she kept on going. “Out of all the things we did in Equestria over the years, I’d never imagine we’d be doing something like this.”

“This is what ah call a workout!!” said pony Applejack, “Ah can see why mah double tends to have a workout whilst doing this!!”

As the fight went on, a few Krang and Foot Bots were able to climb aboard a few trucks and quickly drove off.

“No!!” shouted Roland as they saw the Krang get away. He kicked a piece of rubble and said “They had the chemicals we needed!!”

The others soon regrouped, with pony Rainbow saying “That’s just great!! We lost the one thing we needed to help our friends!!”

“Not necessarily.”

They looked at another direction and saw both Half-Note and Patch. One holding a manifest whilst the other was holding a case filled with chemicals.

“What’s all this?” asked Princess Twilight.

“Well, whilst the fighting was going on, we figured that the Krang and Foot Bots would get away with the chemicals so we got to work.” Said Half-Note.

“I saw a manifest nearby and looked it over.” Said Patch. “It was a list of Chemicals that they stole. Thankfully I knew the ones Donnie was looking for, so I looked it over to see which was which, and luckily for us, it was in the truck.”

“And I also knew what the chemicals looked like.” Said Half-Note, “As well as what their containment and element case looked like, so naturally I was able to quickly find it and luckily for me, it was on the top shelf.”

Everyone were surprised by this, with the both of the chuckle sheepishly.

“I used to help around in my dad’s business,” said Patch, “I developed his organizing skills.”

“And I also studied a ton of chemicals and the periodic table of elements.” Said Half-Note, “It’s a hobby.”

“Huh,” said Roland with an impressed tone, “Nice job.”

He then looked down in guilt, then said “I…well…”

They noticed he had a hard time trying to say it.

“What I said back there was unforgivable. And wrong.” Said Roland. To their surprise, he bowed to them, the only way of showing a ninja some proper respect. “I have no excuse for what I said back there. I’m sorry.”

He soon felt a hand on his shoulder, looked up and saw Princess Twilight.

“I’ll admit,” said Princess Twilight, “What you said back there was…well…I don’t know how to describe it. But…you were also right. What we did back in the past…we’re not proud of any of them either.”

“Truth be told,” said pony Applejack after she took her hat off, “Even after Cozy, we weren’t fair with Bright Eyes. We were the reasons she ran away, because we let our past failure get to us., because our students were the ones who had to save the day.”

“But truth be told,” said pony Fluttershy, “We forgot that were saved before. Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, Discord. We didn’t see Chrysalis coming and we ended up being captured.”

“Plus, we also have to remember,” said pony Rarity, “That even though we were chosen to help protect Equestria, we can’t always be there forever.”

“Plus,” said pony Rainbow as she really hated to admit it, “What I did to everypony, even Bright Eyes and my own friends wasn’t fair, and that it was very wrong. I was scared out of my mind that something like that would happen and…I ended up being a coward. I even made fun of my friends’ jobs and hobbies, and accused a filly that Mikey said was okay…and I broke that promise to listen to him.”

“We all did.” Said pony Pinkie Pie, “Some friends we are. What’s the point of being friends if we can’t move on from what we did to each other and our own friends. Even I kept forgetting my lesson of not trying to force things on ponies.”

Princess Twilight sighed and said “We already apologized, but thinking about it, we do owe them much more than an apology. And an apology I needed to make to Mikey, but didn’t get the chance.”

“Same with Ace.” Said Melody on behalf of her and her friends.

“But…” said Spike as he was confused, “Why did you treat us with hostility?”

Roland stood up and sighed whilst saying “Let’s just say some things happened and…mistakes were made. But it’s what your counterparts did.”

“What did they do?” asked pony Fluttershy.

“I…I can’t.” said Roland as he had a hurtful look and a painful memory that came back.

“We understand,” said pony Applejack, “Y’all can tell us when yer ready.”

Roland was able to manage a smile and said “Thank you. And Twilight?”

Princess Twilight looked at him, with Roland saying “You don’t need to please or prove to anyone. You need to do what’s right for you, and no one else. So stop thinking about what others expect from you and start what you think.”

Princess Twilight pondered this for a moment, then she looked at him and smiled, whilst nodding, agreeing to give his advice a try. Roland placed his sword back in its hilt and said “Come on, we got friends to restore.”

Everyone soon moved with haste, for the friends turned Toddlers, needed help and fast.


At the same time, as everyone took care of the friends turned toddlers, the geniuses were still working on the antidote, but the groups had to take separate testing just to be sure, thankfully Night Shine and the ones that went to look for him had also come back.

“You know,” said April 87 as she took care of toddler Rainbow and Sunset, “Compared to how the guys were when they were turned to toddlers, these girls are pretty tamed.”

“I’ll say,” said Mikey 87 as he played with toddler Sonata, “And they’re pretty fun too.”

“I’m just glad they’re not having their geodes on them.” Said Shine Girl.

“No kidding,” said Love Shine, “Taking care of toddlers combined with their raw powers is a nightmare.”

Within a split second, Roland, the Rock N Beats and the Mane 6 and Spike walked in.

“We got the next bit of chemicals for the antidote.” Said pony Rainbow Dash.

“That’s great.” Said Donnie as he stepped out of the lab.

“But we also have a problem.” Said Melody.

“Turns out the Krang and Foot bots tried to steal most of the chemicals from the lab.” Said Patch.

“That’s weird,” said Mikey as he played with toddler Pinkie, “What do they want with that?”

“Knowing them, probably trying to create more Mutagen.” Said Raph.

“Okay, lab raid aside,” said Donnie 87, “We’re almost done with the antidote. Roland, I’m going to need you to use that chemical to work on part of the formula.”

“You got it.” Said Roland as he entered the lab, with the Rainbooms in tow.

However, the Rock N Beats looked at Ace after he had just finished talking with Lancer and Bright Eyes. Melody was the first to walk over to Ace, which gained his attention.

“Oh, hey Melody.” Said Ace. However, he noticed that she had a look on her face, something he never saw before. “Uh, is something wrong?”

At first, she was hesitant, but she slowly held his shirt and lifted it, which startled Ace. But what Melody saw, there was indeed a scar, which showed where he was operated on for his liver. She was shocked by what she saw, then looked at her.

“It’s true.” Said Melody. “You did save my sister’s life.”

Ace was taken aback by this, realizing she knew what she was inclining.

“Why would you do that?” said Melody as she began to shed a tear, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Ace didn’t know how to respond to it. But he gave in whilst sighing and said “Because I knew how much you loved your sister.”

He looked at her and said “Whenever I see you smile, that’s when I’m also happy. In fact, some of the songs I wrote, I was inspired by your smile, and I felt…I dedicated some of the songs to you without any of us even realizing it. But when I saw how your sister wasn’t going to make it, you were devastated. And when they couldn’t find a donor in time, I immediately jumped the gun. All I ever thought about was making you happy, so you could be reunited with Sweetheart. But I made the doctor promise not to say anything. And if it meant she were to live and you being happy. I’d be worth it.”

Melody was surprised by what Ace revealed, causing her to shed more tears. She instantly hugged him and muttered “Thank you. Thank you.”

Ace hugged her back, with the rest of his bandmates coming together and hugged him, thanking him for what he did for them in the past.


Whilst Roland was working on part of the antidote, Roland looked at the Mane 6, Spike, and the Rock N Beats. He sighed and said.

“Girls,” said Roland, gaining their attention whilst they also heard the guilt in his voice. “I…I’m sorry for how I acted and scolded you earlier. It…was beyond cruel of…”

“Ah know.” Said pony Applejack. “Y’all don’t have to apologize, not after that.”

“Truth be told, darling,” said pony Rarity “You were right, what happened during a few events in our past were our fault and we behaved poorly.”

“And from the sound of your voice,” said Patch “I’m guessing that our counterparts…”

“There…were a few things that happened a while back.” Said Roland with a sigh. “We…aren’t friends anymore, long ago.”

“Bad experience?” asked Pony Rainbow Dash, which earned a nod from Roland.

“Roland,” said Princess Twilight, gaining his attention as she stood next to him. “I don’t exactly know what happened between you and our counterparts. But we can assure you, we’re not them. We’re not the same as them.”

“Sure a few bumps on the road, but who hasn’t?” said pony Pinkie Pie.

“But the point is,” said Princess Twilight “Part of a good friend knows when to admit their mistakes before hiding it from others. You don’t have to keep pushing people away like that. You still have us.”

“That’s right,” said Pony Fluttershy “Why not give us a chance to get to know us?”

“I wish I could make it up to you girls for what I said back there.” Said Roland.

“Well, how about training most of us to be ninjas?” Said pony Rainbow Dash.

The others looked at her surprised, with Roland saying “Are you sure?”

“Heck yeah,” said pony Rainbow “We never adventured with Twilight much, and what better way to bond with her more as a Ninja.”

“And the others?” asked Roland.

“We talked and reached an agreement,” said pony Applejack, “We want to train alongside and fight alongside her.”

Roland stood up from his chair and smiled a bit, then said “I’ll train you. But you have to promise to pay attention, alright?”

The Mane 6 nodded, allowing them to walk over and give him a hug, which he happily returned. The kids were glad to see this, with Clover looking around and asked “Hey, where’s Melody and Ace?”

Roland then noticed something, smirked and pointed in the direction he was pointing at. To their surprise, they saw Ace and Melody, kissing one another.

“Whoa, didn’t see that coming.” Said Spike.

“I think my sister is thanking Ace in her own way.” Said Sweetheart with a smirk.

“Let’s…give them some privacy.” Said Rarity.

They heard a ding, showing the chemicals being partially complete.

“Alright, that should do it.” Said Roland “I’ll take it to Donnie so that they can finish the mix.”

Roland left, with the others following suit, minus Ace and Melody.


After working on the formula, the antidote was ready.

“Alright, good news.” Said Donnie 87 “The antidote’s ready and we can give them to our friends.”

The others cheered at this, for this was the best news they had all day.

“Now,” said 87 Donnie whilst holding a syringe “All we have to do is inject this and…”

“Hold it!!” shouted Roland as he stopped them, surprising them whilst he said “You can’t give babies injections!!”

“Dude, do you hear yourself?!” said a surprised Pony Rainbow Dash.

“You don’t get it, they’re toddlers!!” said Roland.

“So?” said Spike.

That’s when Ocellus understood what he was trying to say. “Oh right, of course, Roland’s right.”

“What?” said Smolder as she didn’t get it.

“Toddlers their age don’t know their surroundings.” Said Ocellus “They’re still new to the world. If you tend to give them injections and seeing something so pointy, scary and painful…”

Now immediately all of them caught on. “Oh my gosh, I almost forgot, they could get traumatized.” Said Princess Twilight.

“And anything would further traumatize and hurt their psyche the moment they’re restored.” Said pony Rarity.

“I know the feeling.” Said Patch as she thought about the traumatizing thing she went through for a while.

“And rectal is out of the question.” Said Melody.

“But how else are we going to give them the antidote?” said Donnie whilst holding toddler April.

That’s when Mikey snapped his fingers and said “I got it!!”

“No!!” said the turtle brothers.

Mikey then huffed at their denial. He then remembered Roland always listened to him for some reason. Not wanting to pass this opportunity, he whispered to Roland. With the latter widening his eyes and smiled and said out loud. “You’re a genius Mikey!!”

“Huh?!” exclaimed everyone in the room.

Roland instantly went to pony Pinkie Pie and whispered to her in her ear. She immediately perked up and said “I can do that!!”

She instantly ran out of the lair, which confused the others. Then a split second later, she came back with tons of apple juice boxes.

“Uh, Pinkie?” asked Starlight “What’s with the Juice boxes?”

That’s when 87 Irma understood what they were planning. “Of course.” Said Irma in realization. “I’ve seen this before. When doctors want to give toddler’s their medicine, they place them inside juice boxes.”

“Oh yeah, right on.” Said 87 Mikey as he realized it “No child can resist juice from juice boxes.”

“And we should know,” said Apple Bloom in embarrassment, “Happened to us too.”

“Then what are we waiting for bros,” said Mikey “Let’s get pouring.”


They all poured the antidote inside the juice boxes. Once it was done, Venus held the tray and said “Who wants some juice?”

Immediately their friends turned toddlers immediately went excited and reached for them. The toddlers went over to Venus and took their juice boxes and immediately started to drink it.

“Wow, it actually worked.” Said Leo 87.

“Told ya so.” Said Mikey “Never underestimate the power of juice boxes.”

“Got that right dude.” Said Mikey 87 before they high fived one another.

Once they were done drinking, they suddenly began to glow.

“Yes, it’s working.” Said Ben.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Said Steven.

“And not a moment too soon.” Said Pearl in relief.

As the change was about to happen, Gwen immediately realized something.

“Uh, guys?” said Gwen.

“Yes Gwendoline?” said Rook as he and the others looked at her.

“You do realize that they’re going to be back to their normal bodies, right?”

“Uh, yeah, isn’t that a good thing?” said Leo.

Suddenly, it dawned on both 87 Irma and April.

“That means their clothes won’t fit anymore.” Said Irma 87.

“And they’ll literally grow out of it.” Said April 87.

“But if they do,” said Leo “Then that would mean…”

Within a split second, all of them realized it and were shocked to know of that conclusion.

“Oh my.” Muttered Fugitoid.

They heard ripping sounds, but soon enough, the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, Karai, April, Shinigami and Sapphire were all back to normal.

“Ugh, what happened?” said a groggy Applejack whilst rubbing the back of her head.

“I don’t know,” said Pinkie “Last time I remember we were feeling tingly, then I blacked out.”

“Ugh, same here.” Said Rainbow.

The girls noticed the guys.

“Oh hey guys,” said Sunset “What’s...?”

But then they noticed that all the guys’ faces, except Roland’s, were red and all of them covered their eyes, Wallflower feeling like she was going to get a nosebleed from embarrassment, some shielded their eyes, whilst Night Shine took out his phone and casually took a picture of them, with the rest of Team Shine giving him incredulous looks.

“What?” asked a confused Fluttershy.

“Uh, how do I gently put this…” said Roland as he was feeling greatly nervous “But…you see.”

“You guys are in the buff.” said Connie.

“Yeah, what she said.” Said Roland.

The girls were confused, looked down, widened their eyes and gasped in shock whilst blushing bright red.

At the same time, whilst Splinter was meditating, the girls delivered a loud shriek, scaring 87 Master Splinter as he fell over. He slowly stood up and mumbled “This is why I have sons instead of daughters.”


Half an hour later, and an embarrassing ordeal, the girls were now fully dressed, but all of them were extremely embarrassed. Fluttershy kept hiding behind her hair whilst Slash, Connie and Garnett comforted her, trying to calm her down.

“Hmph,” said Rarity as she adjusted her dress whilst blushing “I’ve never been so humiliated in my entire life.”

“This is so embarrassing.” Muttered Sci-Twi as she adjusted her glasses.

“You’re telling me,” said Sunset, equally embarrassed “I come from a land of magical ponies and we don’t even wear clothes.”

“I can’t believe this!!” exclaimed an extremely flustered Rainbow Dash “Our second adventure in another dimension and we get turned into toddlers!!”

“Well it was bound to happen sooner or later,” said Pinkie Pie “Considering that there are many Fimfiction stories written about us being turned into kids, especially that one Fanfic where we get turned into babies by some evil man and stole our geodes just to become powerful whilst Principle Celestia, Vice-Principle Luna and Spike tried to figure out how to help us.”

The girls were silent about this and gave Pinkie some deadpanned expressions, but they continued on.

“This is worse than that time we got captured by Pizza Face by using mind controlled pizza!!” said Applejack.

“Or that time we wore those NV’s made by Dr. Cortex” said Adagio.

“And we didn’t even notice it was his, especially when it has his logo in it!!” shouted Aria.

“For realsies.” Said Sonata.

Roland on the other hand placed a needle in Sunset’s arm, making her yelp after he pulled it out. After Roland quickly bandaged it, he looked her blood over with his scanner.

“Well on the plus side and very good news, the chemicals are removed from your systems, so you don’t have to worry about any side effects.” Said Roland. “But still, after this, you lot are going to the infirmary just to be sure.”

“Still,” said Indigo as she enjoyed some of the kisses from Keno, for he was really happy to see her, “How the heck did we get turned into kids?”

“Apparently all of you got turned into kids when you guys ate the pizzas.” Said dog Spike.

“Wait,” said Sour Sweet in confusion “How the heck did that happen?”

“What Spike means is that your pizzas contained a small amount of chemicals that caused you guys to be affected and turned you into kids.” Said 87 Donnie.

“The pizzas were contaminated?” said a confused Lemon Zest.

“Wait?” said Sunny Flare as she looked at Pinkie “Pinkie, where did you get that pizza?”

“Oh, whilst I was on my way back, I got it for free.” said Pinkie.

“Wait, you got free pizza at the pizza joint?!!” exclaimed Mikey 87.

“Not fair!!” said Mikey out loud.

“Oh, I didn’t get to a pizza restaurant,” said Pinkie “See, whilst I was on my way back to the lair and whilst half of our friends were outside on patrol placing funny looking sensing devices all over the city, I got approached by a pizza delivery guy, telling me that I was the lucky customer, and because they were so generous, they offered anyone free pizza. So I accepted the pizza and brought them back to the lair so that we can share them.

“Wait,” said Sapphire “Some guy just came along? Who was he?”

“No idea, he was wearing a funny looking mask that looked like a cartoon version of the Kuro Kabuto.” She said in her bubbly tone.

That’s when all of them blinked widened their eyes. Raph’s left eye twitching. “Pinkie?” said a slowly angered Raph “That guy wouldn’t also happened to have metal blades on his wrists now, wouldn’t he?”

“Yep, and he told me they were pizza cutters.”

Now the jaws were dropped and some of their eyes twitched. And at the same time, everyone shouted…


“What?” said a confused Pinkie Pie.

“That guy was the Shredder of this world, you dope!!” shouted Gamer.

“And you took food from him and fed it to your friends in the lair?” said Shine Boy whilst flexing his eyebrow.

“Uh-huh.” Said Pinkie.

“You’re an idiot.” muttered Night Shine after he face palmed himself.

“Uh-Huh.” Said Pinkie Pie again whilst being absent minded about it. But Raph on the other hand…

“Of all the stupid things you did Pinkie, this is the worst!!” shouted Raph as Pinkie got scared and started to shed tears “Not only did you waste our time with this, but you stupidly took the pizzas from the Shredder!! The Shredder!! You no good low down stupid little…!!!”

Raph suddenly screamed in pain as his arm got dislocated. For the person who did that, was none other than Pinkie’s sister, Maud Pie, which shocked everybody when they saw her. For how she got here, nobody knows. Maud grabbed Raph and made him look at her face to face. And for the first time ever, Maud’s blank neutral face expression was no longer shown, but in anger and pure rage, which shocked everyone, for no one, not even Pinkie Pie had seen it.

“Nobody. Hurts. Or yells. At. My. Sister.” Said Maud as she punched Raph so hard, he was launched from one spot to the next, making him crash against the wall, then land on the ground hart.

Everyone stared at her in shock, with Roland calmy saying “Uh, Maud. You, okay?”

Maud then slowly turned around, and was back to her usual monotone self.

“I’m fine.” Said Maud “Needed to blow some steam.”

Roland then walked over and gave Maud a hug. “What are you…?”

Roland then stroked her hair in a calm manner and hummed a lullaby. She seems quiet for a few moments, then Roland looked at her and said “Feel better?”

Maud had her usual expression, but then gave a small smile and said “I’m good.”

Everyone was surprised, especially Pinkie with her jaw dropped. “How did you do that?!” exclaimed Pinkie. Then she suddenly remembered and said with a snort giggle “Oh, duh. You’re friends with her too in your world.”

“You’re not off the hook Pinkie,” said Maud, making the said sister wince “I didn’t like it when Raph yelled at you, but he was right that you taking food from a stranger, and a poorly disguised one. After we help the Turtles from this world, you and I will be having a serious talk about taking food from strangers.”

Pinkie looked down sad, for she was in trouble, until Sunset walked up. “Maud?” said a confused Sunset “What are you doing here?”

“I had just finished my homework when I suddenly got a call.” Said Maud “Apparently your friend here called me and most of CHS and CPA here when he said something happened. Naturally we were concerned so we rushed over.”

“Wait, everyone from our schools are here too?!” said a surprised Rainbow.

“Where are they?” asked Fluttershy.

“They’re currently at the ship waiting,” said Maud “But I came down here because I wanted to make sure Pinkie was okay.”

“Wait, who are you?” said a confused Leo 87.

Maud looked at Leo 87 and said “I’m Pinkie’s older sister, Maudelina Daisy Pie. But just call me Maud.”

“Wait, sister?” said Mikey 87 surprised. He looked at Pinkie, then to her. “Uh, sorry dudette, but I kinda don’t see it.”

“I get that a lot.” Said Maud “You could say I’m sort of opposite of her. Where my sister has high enthusiasm, I’m more of a calm collective type. Plus I don’t share the same kind of enthusiasm as insanely as my sister does.”

“Huh,” said Raph 87 “You learn something new about siblings every day.”

“But how was Roland able to convince Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna?” asked Rarity.

“When he mentioned you were in trouble, they didn’t want the Meanboom situation to haunt them again, so they asked those who could wield Ninja Weapons and know how to fight to come help. Cranky Doodle on the other hand was very stubborn about it.”

“Isn’t he always?” asked Scootaloo with a flexed eyebrow.

“But how did he change his mind?” asked Apple Bloom.

“He was able to make a convincing case and gave us permission.” Said Maud.

“Really?” said Sweetie Belle surprised with a flexed eyebrow.

That was until Maud said “Not really, Roland threw him out of a window.”


From outside of Canterlot Highschool, everything was quiet and everyone was going about their business, until Cranky Doodle got tossed out of the window and screamed whilst he was falling out. However at the bottom, near what appeared to be the loading area for the Cafeteria.

“For the last time, we did not order a large box of marshmallows!” said Granny Smith loudly.

“You know ma’am, you could’ve told me that, before I unpacked and opened the box.” Said the delivery guy.

And then Cranky fell in the box filled with marshmallows.


Everyone was shocked and aghast by that, then the Rainbooms shouted “You threw him out of the window?!!”

“No!!” said Roland, until “I shaved his head, gave him an atomic wedgie, and then, I threw him out of the window.”

Everyone’s jaw dropped at that revelation whilst Night Shine laughed out loud at that, with Roland said “What?! Teacher or not, he had that coming!! When I showed him your situation, he didn’t believe me and thought they were photoshopped!!”

“Again?! Seriously?!!” exclaimed Caitlyn loudly.

“Pff, Photoshopped,” muttered Roland, until he spoke out loud to them “He wouldn’t know photoshopped if he shopped for actual photos from a shop!! Plus, he doesn’t even know how to use a camera since they came out in the 70’s!!”

“But you didn’t have to hurt him.” Said Fluttershy worried.

“Hey, I’m not the only one who was satisfied by that.” Said Roland whilst crossing his arms.

“Really?” said Twilight with a surprised tone and flexed eyebrow, “Who else?”



Both Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna were surprised to see Cranky being thrown out of the window. Celestia turned around and walked away.

“Sister, are you simply going to ignore this?!” exclaimed Vice-Principle Luna loudly.

“If we didn’t say anything, it didn’t matter.” Said Principle Celestia.

“Are you serious?!” exclaimed Vice-Principle Luna.

“I am,” said Principle Celestia “And maybe it would also teach him a lesson of not to interfere when the girls are in trouble and needed help.”

Vice-Principle Luna suddenly gave a deadpanned stare and said “You’re still mad at him, because he didn’t want to wear the bunny costume for the kids on Easter, aren’t you?”

Principle Celestia merely smirked at this whilst the two of them walked.


Everyone in the room was shocked to hear this, with Pinkie saying “Wow, didn’t see that coming.”

“Dudes, your principle sounds scary.” Said Mikey 87.

“That’s nothing,” said Obaki “You should see Vice-Principle Luna when she doesn’t have her morning coffee on a good day.”

Suddenly, everyone who attends at CHS, suddenly shivered at the thought when they remembered seeing her that way.

“Not something we want to remember.” Said Sunset Shimmer.

The computers suddenly beeped, gaining their attention as they moved towards it.

“What’s going on?” asked April as everyone gathered near the computer that both Donnie and his counterpart were looking at.

“Well based on what we’re seeing here,” said Donnie 87, “The computers have detected the stone we’re looking for.”

“And according to this, it’s in Dimension X.,” said Donnie.

“Wait’ it’s back in Utrom territory?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Not really,” said Leo 87, “The Dimension X in our universe is much different from yours. This one houses the worst of the monsters, mutants and criminals inside.”

“Yeah,” said Mikey 87, “We once sent Shred head and Krang there and trapped them.”

“Yeah, only problem was, he came back stronger than ever.” Said Raph 87.

“And if the stone is in there,” said Donnie 87, “That means Shredder is trying to recruit them to fight in his army.”

“Well then let’s get going!!” exclaimed Rainbow as she suddenly had a flustered look on her face, “I wanna get back at that guy and make him pay for what he did to me!!”

“Us too!!” shouted the girls who were turned into toddlers too, with the same flustered looks on their faces.

The others were frightened by the display, as Slash said “Uh, maybe we should get going?”

“Indeed,” said Rockwell, “The last thing we need is the female of our group go crazed with violence.”

“Let’s saddle up guys,” said Leo, “We got a stone to catch.”

“And get revenge!!” said the girls.

“We get it already!!” shouted everyone else in the room.

Soon everyone left and headed towards the Technodrome to find the stone, and Shredder better pray not to come in contact with them, it will end very badly.

Author's Note:

Author’s note

Whoa, what was that about? Why was Roland treating the Mane 6 and the Rock N Beats with hostility? Why was he coughing purple ooze? And why was Night Shine spying on him? Only time will tell.

Author’s note 2

· The tactic of tricking the Rainbooms into drinking medicine was a callback from the episode “Attack of the 50 foot Irma”
· The Rainbooms turning into toddlers was a reference to “Back to the Egg”, when half the turtle team got turned into kids.
· The reference of Shine Boy asking of Pinkie feeding food the Shredder tainted, was a reference to the Christmas Special of SpongeBob SquarePants.
· Vice-Principle Luna talking about Cranky Doodle in a bunny costume was a reference to the Easter Special and the introduction of Hokum Rabbit.
· Roland throwing Cranky Doodle out of the window, was a reference to “Emperor’s New School”, where random folks kept being tossed out of the buildings.