• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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10. Sunny-Day Dinners

Sunny was in the kitchen, making some breakfast for her friends and flipping the pancakes. "And... Perfect!" Sunny cheered as she put the last bit of pancakes on the table where there was a pile of pancakes, a basket of apples, some muffins, orange juice, some toast, an omelet with tomatoes on the side. "Breakfast of champions!" Sunny cheered for her success. "Everypony needs a hearty meal before a busy day" she stated with a smile. "Ponies, family breakfast!" Sunny announced.

Zipp trotted towards her. "Sorry, Sunny. Gotta rush" she apologized to the mare as she grabbed an apple, chomped it on her mouth and zoomed away to her daily routine.

Suddenly, Sonic grabbed a plate with some pancakes and muffins, as he ate at high speed since he was a bit late. He also grabbed some of the orange juice on a cup and drank very quick, then putted the dish and the cup in the sink and went upstairs, then came back with a hat with 2 wings, a microphone on his ear and a little book with the same wings drawing of his hat. All of that in a matter of 10-15 seconds.

"Sorry Sunny, but I can't be late again to the speed inspection of the royal guards. Gotta go fast!" Sonic apologized, then boosted out of the Brighthouse.

Sunny heard humming sounds, she turned and smiled when she saw Izzy coming towards her while listening to music on some headphones.

Izzy chomped on the pancakes as she takes a bite. "Mmm! Good pancakes, Sunny!" she yelled out since she is listening to music, before putting the pancake piece she took a bite of back onto the pile of pancakes, as her saliva from her bite ooze down.

Sunny cringed in disgust, finding it gross that Izzy would take a bite out of something and then put it back.

"Do-do-do, do-do…" Izzy sang as she hummed away.

Then the front doors opened, and Sunny saw Hitch running towards her in a panicked expression.

"They're doing it again with the garden tools!" Hitch cried out as he pointed to the outside, while Sunny looked and saw what's going on.

Outside, the Racconicorns were growling on a pile of garbage as they levitated gardening pitch forks at a pegasus rat, who is holding a can of leftover food from the garbage. The pegasus rat was so afraid that he dropped the can in fright.

Sunny then brought out some pancakes to Hitch. "You can't deal with that on an empty stomach!" she told him with a smile, but then noticed that she picked up the chomped pancakes, and she throw them away.

Hitch didn’t seem to notice since he was panicking. "There's no time!" he cried out, as he galloped away to stop those critters from hurting anyone.

"Uh, er-- Good luck!" Sunny said with a smile, but a little hurt that her friends didn’t even stay for breakfast together.

Then Sunny’s phone started to vibrate on the kitchen counter, showing Pipp calling on face time as Sunny answered the call and picked up her phone.

"No" Pipp said to somepony, apparently she's in Mane Melody as she spoke to the ponies while holding her phone. "Oh, excuse me" she started to laugh awkwardly. "Oh, sorry. Excuse-moi" she apologized to some pony as she looked at her phone and sighed. "Can't be-lieve I missed your pancakes this morning, Sunny!" she apologized for not being there for breakfast. "But Mane Melody is totes slammed, heh. Okay, later, bye!" she said to her as she blew a kiss.

"Laters, heh…" Sunny said to Pipp before ending the call, while she looked with a sad look at the picture Pipp took the day finishing up the Brighthouse. "Everyone is so busy, it feels like we're drifting apart..." she said with a sad tone as she looked down.

But then, she looked up and smiled, since she now had an idea on how to pass time with her friends. Sunny turned on the camera on her phone to record a video.

"Turn it arou-- Ah hah! There we go!" Sunny cheered as she turned the front camera on to face her. "Hey, ponies! I know everypony's got a lot going on, but we can't forget to make time for each other" she said to the recording with a smile. "Who's up for a hike to Prancing Point?" she asked them. "Don't forget!" she said to finish the video, and then sent the message to her friends.

Zipp's icon with stars for eyes was the first to respond with a hoof up, Hitch’s icon responded next by sending a video of him dancing with joy, Pipp’s icon with heart for eyes appeared as she sends a heart, Sonic's icon responded with a 'Nice!' text in blue, and lastly Izzy’s icon pops up with a voicemail. "GLITTER!" Izzy’s voicemail announced cheerfully.

Sunny smiled at her friends’ responses, glad that her friends were on board for the hike so they can spend time together.

A little while later, Sunny was standing still in the woods, ready for the hike, but she had a down expression because her friends were not there as the wind blows at her.

"Ugh, they forgot!" Sunny groaned in disappointment.

"Oh! Forgot what?" Izzy asked with a smile, arriving to the place with a rainbow cart, full of rocks for some reason. Sunny turned to see Izzy and the smiled.

"Phew!" Sunny sighed with relief. "Ha, I thought nopony was coming. Aw, you're the only one who remembered, Izzy!" she said with a happy smile.

"Remembered?" Izzy asked with a hoof on her chin as she looked up, then realized the hike from earlier, which clearly she forgot. "Oh! Yes, totally! Nothing slips out of this brain!" she laughed awkwardly as Sunny looked at her strangely. "Nope, di-did not forget. Nooo way" she finished whistling, hoping that she would buy it.

"... And you brought a trailer full of rocks on the hike?" Sunny questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Izzy started to sweat nervously, then sighed and dropped the act. "They're gemstones. And okay, I did forget!" she cried out before she smiled with sparkling eyes. "But I'm here now!"

Sunny smiled at Izzy in forgiveness. "And that's all that matters!" she stated with a smile as she placed a hoof on Izzy’s shoulder.

Suddenly, a blue blur passed at their side, but then it returned and stopped on Sunny's other side, revealing himself to be Sonic "Sup, girls!" Sonic waved to the mares.

"Sonic! You're here!" Sunny cried out in excitement.

"Of course I am! Sorry to get late, but Thunder had a little accident with the speedometer and I had a struggle fixing it..." Sonic explained while stretched his arms and then put them on his back. "But I'm here now, ready for a new adventure!" he assured with a wink. But then he realized that Hitch, Zipp and Pipp were missing. "Say, where's the others?" he asked while looked around for the rest, but then immediately realized what might have happened. "They forgot, didn't they?" he asked while looked at Sunny with a bored expression.

"Yeah..." Sunny replied in a sad tone.

"Why am I not surprised?" Sonic asked himself as he rubbed his eyes with a hand. "Well, guess is just the three of us, huh? Like in the good old times!" he said, trying to be optimistic.

"Now that's the spirit, Sonic!" Sunny exclaimed. "Prancing Point, here we come!" she announced as she, Izzy and Sonic hike through the woods as they smiled at each other.

The three friends were chatting with each other as they laughed. Then they stopped when they saw a wooden arrow sign pointing down, which they blinked in confusion because they didn't know if they should go to the left or to the right.

Trying to think of which path they should take, the three then smiled to each other, and Sunny grabbed the sign and spin it around to guess which path they should take. When the arrow stop spinning, it pointed right, which cause the three to smile and took the right side of the path, but the sign tilted back down again as the three friends kept walking.

A little bit later, Izzy and Sunny were frightened by the many eyes that were staring at them in all directions, while Sonic didn't understand why they were a lot of eyes in the middle of the forest. Izzy laughed nervously as she and Sunny huddled together, and hided behind Sonic, realizing that they have taken the wrong way.

Izzy, and Sunny screamed with fright as they started running away from those creepy eyes, trying to find a way out of the forest while Sonic just looked at them with a bored expression, rolled his eyes and chased after them.

Back in Maretime Bay, Zipp was enjoying her flying in the sky, but then remembered something important and gasped in realization.

In the police station, Hitch was twirling with the phone with a smirk, then he remembers something important as well and gasped.

In Mane Melody, Pipp is doing Phyllis Cloverleaf mane with the mane cutter, but then gasped in realization since she forgot something, while at the same time cut off a piece of Phyllis' mane in the process, but is too shocked to care.

"D'oh! The hike!" Zipp, Pipp, and Hitch all gasped unison as they’ve forgotten about Sunny’s invite for the hike.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Zipp, Hitch and Pipp opened the front door to see if Sunny was still around.

"Sunny, w-we're here, we're so sorry!" Hitch said, but stopped as he, Zipp and Pipp looked with wide eyes that the Brighthouse was empty. "... Sunny!? SUNNY!" he cried out as he began to freak out.

"Izzy and Sonic are not here either!" Pipp cried out in panic as she checked the kitchen. "Uh, well, maybe they're together?" she asked, hoping those two were with Sunny.

"Let's hope so..." Zipp answered. "It's getting late, and they should've been back ages ago. Something's not right…" she thought as she rubbed her chin.

Zipp and Pipp then saw that Hitch was hyperventilating with a paper bag, worried about Sunny and her friends, as he was wearing a safety gear that he might use if Sunny or any of his friends were hurt.

Pipp and Zipp looked at each other strangely as they wondered how Hitch put a gear on that fast. "Don't worry, Hitch. We're, like, totally gonna find them!" Pipp tries to assure, but Hitch continues to hyperventilate in the paper bag, leaving Zipp and Pipp with worried looks.

At the brick of sunset, Hitch, Zipp and Pipp were trotting and flying through the woods trying to find their friends.

"Izzy!" Zipp called out, hoping they could hear them.

"SUNNY!" Hitch cried out in panic, really worried.

"Sonic!" Pipp cried out next as they looked through the forest.

They kept searching frantically through the forest, trying to find Sunny, Izzy and Sonic. But unknowingly, they kept passing each other in two different paths as latter three friends were trying to find their way out, while the former three ponies were looking for their friends. They couldn’t tell that their friends are there because they are in two different paths.

A little bit later, Sunny and Izzy were exhausted from trying to find their way out of the woods, now wearing headbands while having some dirt, twigs and leaves on them from all the running about.

Sonic then poked out his head from Izzy's car with rocks and growled. "Where even are we now?!" he asked on frustration, tired of running on circles. "And why are wearing headbands?!" he questioned.

Suddenly, Izzy heard twig cracks as she stopped, which caused her to stop her cart as it resulted in Sunny bumping into the back of it.

"Oof-- Izzy!" Sunny said to the unicorn, wondering why she stopped.

Izzy stammered nervously, and then whispered to her friends. "Did you heard that?" she asked and then gasped. "Something is out there! I can smell it..." she whispered as she narrowed her eyes through the trees and plants.

"Izzy, we heard nothing" Sonic replied with a little annoyance.

"It's just your imagination" Sunny added with an assuring smile. "There's nothing out there--" she stopped in midsection as she and Sonic heard a thump. Sonic came in front of them with a frown and charging his electrical power, while Sunny came next to Izzy. "We heard that. Come on, let's... go the other way..." she suggested that as they walked backwards.

Unknowingly to them, Zipp, Hitch and Pipp were walking backwards as well in freight since they got lost in the forest as well. The two groups walked backwards, not realizing that they were about to bump into each other. They hit each other's flanks, butt in Sonic's case, which resulted on all of them screaming in freight and Sonic shooting out a lighting in the air, as birds started fluttering away from the loud freighting screams and trying to stay clear from Sonic's lightning.

"Not the face!" Pipp cried out in fear.

Later that night, after getting Sunny, Izzy and Sonic cleaned up from the dirt and twigs they had, the Mane 5 and Sonic set up a camp on the hill for the night, so they could find their way back home in the morning.

"Hitch, I'm telling you. This is the fastest way home!" Zipp said to Hitch as she showed him the map.

"Agree to disagree" Hitch replied at Zipp’s suggestion with his hooves crossed and eyes closed, while Zipp narrowed her eyes in annoyance from Hitch’s picky directions.

"Dude, let Zipp take the leadership this time" Sonic pled with a smile. "Your sense of direction got us lost last time, and I honestly trust Zipp more with a map" he added, as Hitch growled in annoyance and Zipp smirked.

Pipp then nervously giggled as she looked out to the night sky. "It's kinda spooky out here, right?" she asked, then a rat pegasus flew over her head and Pipp screamed and ducked before start laughing. "I love it!" she said with a smile and sparkling eyes.

Izzy, on the other hand, started to rap a song. "Levitate your hooves in the air, earth ponies don't clean their underwear" she then stopped as she looked beside her and gasped with a smile because she saw a bunnycorn with a gold bit.

The others looked at Izzy strangely, finding her rapping lyrics weird. "Uhh, Izzy? I think it might be time for some new lyrics" Zipp told her, as Izzy looked at them bitting the gold bit to see if it was real or not.

Pipp, Zipp, Hitch and Sonic then started to laugh at Izzy’s expression, while Sunny looked at them with a joyful smile, then looked up to the night sky and saw a shooting star passing by.

"See? This is all I wanted. Good old-fashioned quality time" Sunny said as she inhaled the moment. "Let's eat!' she announced as they were about to eat carrots on sticks that they roasted from the fire.

"Instead of Sunday dinners, we have Sunny-day dinners!" she said while laughing, as she sticked a carrot to her stick. "Get it? Do you ge--" she asked them as she clears her throat with a smile. "Totally a thing though."

"That's it! I got it!" Izzy announced with a smile, then cleared her throat and started rapping again. "Raise your hooves up high and bring together all ponykind!" she sang as she raised her hooves high with a smile.

The rest of her friends smiled, and raised their carrots sticks high. "Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho!" they all sang together and enjoyed the rest of the night.

Not so far from their camp, a blue bird was standing on a tree branch, looking straight at the group of friends. The thing is... that isn't a bird, it's a robot that's been working as a camera, following Sonic and the Mane 5 around for the last 2 months.

And this robot isn't controlled by anyone else than Dr. Ivo Robotnik, a.k.a. Dr. Eggman, as he watches from an unknown location for our heroes at everything they have done so far. Not only things like their viral video or their T.U.E.S. Day with Izzy, but also their routines, favorite spots, things, private conversations, etc. Eggman was with his alicorn mare partner, Opaline, watching at their movement as they waited for the perfect time to attack them by surprise.

"This is a waste of our time, Doctor" Opaline complained. "We should have attack them the moment we came back from your dimension!" she yelled.

"Patience, my dear Opaline" Eggman requested. "The best attack you can perform to your enemies is the one they never expect. Sonic has no idea that I'm in Equestria, but once we execute Phase 2 of the plan, he will find out. Besides, now we know a lot about these 'Mane 5', and we can use that information against them" he explained.

"Which is exactly why we should attack now!" she yelled. "The more time we waste waiting, the stronger they can became and..."

"Relax, Opaline. The Emeralds that Sonic has with him aren't working, so we have a huge advantage" the doctor assured. "Besides, I have the feeling those ponies would be dealing with more stuff they used to. And while they have their problems, we'll move Sonic away of them and destroy him. With Sonic out, his new friends would become weak, and that's were you do your performance" he explained with an evil smile.

"And how do you plan to eliminate Sonic, exactly?" Opaline asked, since she didn't know what was Eggman's weapon to end with Sonic.

"That's the best part of all of this, my dear" he smirked sinisterly, and turned to a dark alley were there were several of his machines. "Follow me, there's someone I want to introduce you."

With doubt, Opaline decided to follow Eggman trough the alley. It used to be an empty place of her Castle with no life, but once Eggman's machines arrived and worked their 'magic', it started to be really alive again. The doctor stopped in front of a capsule that had some kind of robot connected to cables at the other side.

"Open capsule MS1497" the doctor ordered to his computer. The AI on his device followed its orders, as it opened the said capsule, which was the one they had in front of them. It was revealed a blue robot with silver metallic parts, his chest had a yellow hole, he had ears, nose and spikes that replicated Sonic's, red feet to also copy his shoes and a black screen above his nose where they would usually go his eyes. "With this guy over here, we'll make the perfect distraction to keep Sonic away from his new friends" Eggman explained to his partner.

"I'm afraid I still don't get it, Doctor" Opaline confessed. "How does this robot can put Sonic away from the Mane 5?" she asked with confusion and a frown.

"You'll see, dear Opaline: my research on this world and its festivities has found that a holiday called 'Maretime Bay Day' will take place on that location in around 2 weeks" he started to explain. "But what these ponies don't know is that not everypony is happy with the new structure were other races are included. If these Unity Crystals you have told me about only work trough peace and friendship, then they would start to glitch because of the disharmony between races, putting magic in danger."

"Why in Equestria would that be a good thing for us?!" Opaline yelled at the doctor, thinking that he was going to screw things up.

"Because they would learn their lesson and would start to work together, Opaline" Eggman stated with a smile. "And once magic is fully restored and stable..."

"The chance to take what is mine... would finally came!" Opaline exclaimed, now understanding what the doctor meant.

"Now we're on the same ride. And while you take care of your enemies, I will take care of mine once and for all!" Eggman stated with confidence, then looked back at the robot on the open capsule. "Of course, after he takes care of Sonic for a while..." he finished.

"He, huh?" Opaline smirked, as she saw the robot with and evil grin. "Does he have a name?" she asked in curiosity.

"Oh, of course he has. Geez, where are my manners?" Eggman joked as he presented his machine formally. "Ms. Opaline, I present to you the eight wonder of the world, my greatest creation, the perfect match in speed for Sonic, and the greatest weapon we have: Metal Sonic!" he introduced.

As his name was spoked by the doctor, his eyes turned on in red light, ready to start his mission.

Author's Note:

And as the last sentence says, were moving to the special now!

Since it's just one chapter of many words, I'm not putting TYT on hiatus, but we won't see more stories here until Friday September 30th.

See ya on Monday with the Prologue and the Special. Byeeee!

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