• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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2. A Home to Share

"Welcome to the home of our dreams!" Sunny yelled with joy, as she and her friends admired their new home as her old lighthouse home been redecorated into the Crystal Brighthouse.

Suddenly, a loud stomping was heard, and a giant crab came stomping to the brighthouse, hit the roof and broke it in half and then roared. But a hoof grabbed him, revealing that the Brighthouse was just a model to what Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Sonic were looking at before the crab destroyed it.

Hitch laughed nervously at what one of his animal crew did. "Cool it, McSnips-a-lot" he whispered to the crab, but then McSnips snips off a piece of his mane, leaving Hitch with an unamused look on his crab’s actions.

"Forget the model. We're going to make the real Crystal Brighthouse perfect!" she screamed excited, while she pointed to the real Brighthouse next to them, ready to be finished on the inside.

Izzy gasped and squealed after seeing the Brighthouse. "Then we can spend every minute of every day together for the rest of our lives!" she said excitedly with sparkling eyes.

Zipp, however, laughed nervously at what Izzy just said. "What?" she asked, not so sure that she heard Izzy correctly.

"It's going to be iiiicooooniiiic-kuh!" Pipp exclaimed, singing out the last word.

"This is it" Sonic said. "This right here, is the start of a new and exciting adventure. Hope you guys are ready cause I feel thing will get a bit crazier from now on."

"And I'm gonna teach this little fella how to build a shelf!" Hitch spoke up as he picked up a wrench with his hoof. "You know, I'm actually pretty hoovesy!" he said, spinning the wrench around, but then he dropped it, destroying what remains of the model. "Whoops..." he said in embarrassment, as the rest looked at him with a bored expression.

"There's a lot to get done, but we can do anything if we work together!" Sunny said, walking towards the supplies they have for the final decorations. "Now, I think if we just—" but before she could finish, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Sonic started stampeding and took some of the supplies before heading straight into the brighthouse. That caught Sunny off guard, but then she smiled. "Enthusiasm! I like it!" she giggled, and then ran to help her friends. "Wait up, roomies!" she exclaimed.

Sunny gasped at the sight of her friends working as they were trotting back and forth between their own line of work in their own ways.

Pipp was livestreaming the whole thing on her phone. "Hello, Pippsqueaks! And welcome to the ultimate D.I.Y. home makeoveeeer!" she yells with excitement, as the Mane 5 and Sonic starts their tasks.

Just a little touch-up
Just a little paint
And we'll be done in no time

Sunny saw Zipp painting the walls at her fast flying as she zig and zagged the paint all around the Brighthouse. Sonic was cleaning up some dust he found, and then throwing it out the window.

Izzy was painting on her side with purple paint while holding the paint jar with her magic. She nearly dropped and spilled it when she saw Sunny coming to her, but Sunny caught the paint jar just in time. "Hey, this is looking great!" Izzy said, as she and looked at her progress with Sunny.

'Cause they say many hooves
And the work gets lighter

Hitch then looked at the instructions of the shelf, while showing McSnips on how to set it up, with Sunny coming up to him with a smile. Hitch used his measuring tape, but McSnip snapped the tape with his claws, and Sunny walked away with a worried look, and Hitch felt irritated with McSnip keeping snipping his things.

And working with your friends
Will make the whole day brighter

The 6 friends then group up together with a smile, as they continued their progress on decorating.

Gonna work, work, work
Got so much to do

Sunny was sweeping the floors with a broom to help Sonic with de dust, while the group kept going with their tasks: Zipp kept painting; Izzy was running with the paint; Hitch was trying to catch McSnip to teach him more about the setting up the shelve thing, and also making sure he won’t snips anything else in the Brighthouse, Pipp kept livestreaming her progress with her phone while holding a wallpaper, and Sonic was keeping every tiny little dust away, with Sunny smiling at her friends’ progress.

Well, I don't mind the work
'Cause I get to work with you
Gonna work, work, work
Make our dreams come true

Izzy continued her painting job, but instead of following a specific order, she just painted the whole wall all the way.

Hitch was looking at the piece of the shelf as he inspects it, but then threw it away as he brought up his wrench, while McSnips grabbed a hammer and hammered a nail on the wood.

Sunny saw that her friends were getting a little overboard on their tasks, and started to get worried and had second thoughts on her friends progresses.

'Cause when we work together
There's nothing we, nothing we can't do

Pipp then starts rapping while bringing out a purple wall paper. "I found the perfect color!"

Now Hitch started rapping as well, with his glasses on and with McSnips on his back while bringing out his measuring tape. "Yeah, and you know that I measure right?"

Zipp kept painting zig zagging around, and Sonic kept running around cleaning dust. "'Cause we'll be done in no time!" they both rapped.

Izzy then levitated the purple pink bucket. "And we'll make this place a delight!" she rapped, as she chucked the whole paint into the wall.

'Cause they say there is magic
In every pony
And when I need a hoof
I've got you there beside me
Gonna work, work, work...

Sunny saw the chaos that her friends were making, then saw Zipp who stopped to realize that she painted zeg-zag the whole wall of her area, as a bird flew into an open window and got stuck to the wall on where a 'paint line' was at. Zipp saw that confused, and looked at her bucket just to realize that she had used wall glue the whole time, as she chuckled in embarrassment.

Sunny was sweeping desperately trying to get the floor clean as Pipp flew over her while still livestreaming on her phone.

"This blank canvas is getting the royal treatment!" Pipp announced, then she flew in circles around Sunny, but her wind current blew the pile of dirt that Sunny swept right onto her head. "Big dreams for such a tiny little price!" Pipp commented.

Sunny looked irritated at both the dirt on her head and Pipp’s comments. "Hey!" she shouted. Then Sonic suddenly appeared at her side, with a handheld vacuum on his hand, looking at the dirt on her head with a frown.

"More dust to clean? Not under my guard!" he yelled, as he carefully sucked the dust off Sunny's head and then ran off, not even giving Sunny a chance to thank him.

Izzy laughed as she kept splattering the wall with different colors of paints. "It needs more! More!" she cheered with sparkling eyes, as she splattered more paint into the walls. Sunny ducked before a paint hit her, but another paint splattered a pony portrait, and Sunny’s tried to rub the paint off.

Hitch was having trouble setting up the shelf, with McSnips being on it tilting, and dropped to the floor as he yelped.

Pipp was then setting up photos of herself on the walls. "Fan art!" she sang cheerfully, but then Zipp flew by and wallpapered the wall, with Pipp’s pictures in the process. "Hey!" she shouted to her sister.

"Uh, ponies? I think we're losing focus here!" Sunny told the group, as she was about to freak out.

Hitch then caught up to his crab friend who was carrying his measuring tape away. "McSnips-a-lot!" he lectured to the crab.

Sunny then shouted as a chair nearly hit her, as she ducked the incoming object. She then turned to see Izzy sweeping the floor with her right rear leg, carrying the dishes with her left front hoof as she levitated the chair with her magic. "Multitasking!" Izzy commented.

"Design hack!" Pipp called, as she putted a wallpaper on the wall. "Picture wall!" she announced it.

Sunny's jaw dropped at her friends not focusing on their tasks. The only one who wasn't making a mess at all was Sonic, who somehow was still cleaning dust. Then she turned to see something, and shouted as she saw the chair about to hit one of her plants. She at least caught it in time, but then heard someone screaming. "Aaahh!" Zipp yelled, as she wobbled and fell to the ground

Pipp was trying to put her throne upstairs, but was having trouble with how heavy it was. "How... much... further?!" she panted, as Cloudpuff - who was with them for some reason - was helping her by showing the way with safety signal sticks.

"What about my automatic breakfast butler bot?" Izzy asked, as she presents her machine from the kitchen, while turning on the machine, which started to spit out pancakes.

Zipp then got tangled on the ceiling lights, as she hung upside down with McSnips on one of her hooves. "Help!" she called out while struggling.

"Help!" Hitch called out, as he was hammering the shelf and having trouble setting it.

"My ice sculpture's melting!" Pipp cried out as the ice sculpture of herself in a pose starting to melt.

Sonic, who wasn't even paying attention to the disaster around, finally stopped and turned to see Pipp. "Did you seriously brought an ice sculpture of yourself?" he asked on disbelief. Pipp just laughed nervously and blushed a little, while Sonic just rolled his eyes and kept working.

"Glitter!" Izzy announced, as she threw glitter into the air, then at the fridge. "Glitter!", then at the same picture she trow painting before, "Glitter!", then to a bird stuck into a wall. "Glitter!", and finally she put glitter on Sunny's face. "Glitter!" she sang, as she twirled away from Sunny, who was looking shocked and concerned at the same time.

Sunny went to check out the rest of the Brighthouse, but immediately regret it: with a freak out expression, she saw the living room a mess, then went to look at the bedroom and plop to the floor with a shock expression. She then checked out the bathroom, which was surprisingly intact, clean and finished, leaving the earth pony with a big smile on her face, relived that at least one room in the Brighthouse was intact and not messy.

"Oh. That's actually quite nice!" Sunny commented at the sight, but then she ate those words as Izzy came in and made a mess.

"Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!" Izzy shouted, as she threw glitter all over the bathroom.

Sunny started to twitch her eye, while tried to stay calm due to all this chaos. "Ugh…" she grunted from the mess her friends made.

"Phew!" Sonic said, arriving at her side. "I'm finally done with all the dust. So, what did I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—" he didn't finished, because he saw all the mess his friends made while he was cleaning the dust. "How, when, where, why?!" Sonic exclaimed, looking with shock the disaster.

Sunny tried to explain, but then their friends started to have breakdowns of their own.

"I can't get it straight!" Hitch shouted, as he plop to the floor, admitting that he can’t set up a shelf right.

"What about the breakfast bot?!" Izzy yelled, not knowing what to do with her breakfast bot.

"Can somepony get me down?" Zipp asked, tangled in wallpaper again and hanging upside down with the lights of the ceiling, while Pipp was flying around in a panic state.

"Ponies!" Sunny called out, trying to calm them all down, while Sonic was still looking around in shock.

Suddenly, pancake from breakfast bot nearly hit Pipp as she flew out of the way, but hit the picture of Sunny and her father, it tilted as it dropped from the wall, about to hit the floor.

"No!" Sunny gasped, but in that moment Sonic got out from his shock state and also noticed the picture falling,. So he immediately ran to grab it, and give it back to Sunny.

She sighed in relief while hugged the picture, but then looked at her friends again, and ran to the bedroom, quickly closing the door behind her. Sunny turned to see the bedroom made a disaster, but even if it was messy, the sight of the rainbow shining through the roof brought some comfort to her. She put the picture of her and her father on the front of her bed. "I don't understand! I thought working together would be easy, but it turns out it's super messy!" she stated, but then a paper got stock on her right hoof, and it took her a hard time to shook it off.

Sonic quickly ran into the room, closing the door behind and laying on it to catch his breath. Then looked at Sunny with a concerned face, "Working out with these guys is super messy!" he yelled in shock. But then looked at Sunny's sad face and thought he said something wrong, so he tried to correct himself. "I-I mean, I've seen places that are messier, and this place is super clean in comparison" he said, but seeing that Sunny's sad face was still there, he sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry Sunny, I shouldn't have said that..."

"I'm not mad with you Sonic, nor sad because of what you just said" Sunny said, which made Sonic to feel a little better, but he was still concerned about her friend's state. "I also think this is all a mess" she pointed out the room, then suddenly a light fall from the ceiling and cracked in the ground.

"At this point, saying that this place's a mess is more of a compliment than an insult" Sonic said sarcastically. "I'm going to try and calm thing down out there. Come when you're ready, Sunny" he requested her with a smile, and then left the room.

Sunny then sighs, while sat down next her father's photo and then grabbed it. "I wish you were here, dad. You always knew how to bring out the best in me. And right now, I really need my best..." she admitted. She looked at the photo, then she looked at the door where her were, and then realized something as she smiled. "Wait. Maybe that's what my friends need me to do! To bring them together, to bring out their best!" she said, then kissed the picture and putted down, then walked to the door before taking a last look at the photo as she smiles. "Thanks, dad" she said, opening the door and closing it.

At the main room, Sonic was trying to untie Zipp, who was still stuck on wallpaper, while Hitch was biting on the shelf in frustration, and Pipp kept livestreaming the bathtub that somehow got gems with Cloudpuff in it, with Izzy levitating the whole tub.

Sunny then walked in front of the group with a serious face. "Okay, everypony! Just stop!" she called out to the group, as silence came to the room, with the others looking at Sunny in shock. Izzy undid her levitation, which resulted in a thud to the ground, and Pipp turned her livestreaming off. Sunny continued with a calm and gentle look, "Look, I love how much energy you're bringing to this. But this is supposed to bring us together, not pull us apart. And right now…" she gestured to the whole Brighthouse of the mess they made: one of the windows was covered in paint while a wallpaper piece fell to the floor, the breakfast bot was rolling around until it slip and fell on the floor from the mess on the ground, and the bird from earlier is still glued to the wall.

The group, with the exception of Sonic, realized the mess they made. Zipp got the wallpaper piece off herm thanks to Sonic's help, and spoke out. "It's a mess..." she admitted with a frown.

"Yeah, I-I-I didn't want to say anything..." Izzy confessed with a frown as well.

"I'm in way over my head!" Hitch added, as he leaned into the shelf with McSnips next to him.

"This is a total makeover fail!" Pipp dramatically called out as she flopped to the ground.

"I mean, it doesn't enter on my top 10 list of messed up places you don't want to live, but still..." he said with a neutral expression, as a wallpaper piece covered him completely. "It's a mess" he finished, still down the wallpaper.

"It's not a fail. It's a... work-in-progress!" she called out, then the group started to smile at what their friend said, while Sonic took of the wallpaper piece and smiled too. They all came closer to Sunny with big smiles, "Come on, everypony. We can do this…Together!" she shouted, as the Mane 5 and Sonic got back to work and cleaned up the mess they made, keeping their focus this time.

Gonna work, work, work
Make our dreams come true

Izzy was levitating the furnitures, with Hitch helping her with where to put it, and once he found the perfect spot, Izzy set the furniture down.

'Cause when we work together
There's nothing we, nothing we can't do

Zipp was flying around, setting up the wire lights in a perfect pattern.

Gonna work, work, work
Got so much to do

Sunny was setting up the pillows on the couch, with McSnip helping while pounding the pillows to be fluffy.

Well, I don't mind the work
'Cause I get to work with you

Pipp removed the portraits of herself, while Sunny put one of her childhood drawings. This drawing in particular was one of how the lighthouse looked like, with a rainbow next to it on a sunny day.

Zipp used her wings to blow away the dirt to hit the dirt shovel that Izzy was holding, as the two ponies smiled at their accomplishments as they high hoove each other. Sonic carefully took the dirt shovel and slowly took it out of the Brighthouse.

Gonna work, work, work
Make our dreams come true

In the bedroom, Sunny is setting up her photo of her and her dad next to her bed, while Pipp is setting one of her picture frames next to her’s. Sonic decided to frame the picture he had with Tails and Knuckles, and put it next to his bed. Then, the three friends looked at each other with a smile.

Hitch, on the other hand, was using McSnips as a power drill so he could screw the nail in place, so the shelf stays in place.

'Cause when we work together
There's nothing we, nothing we can't do!

In the bedroom, the Mane 5 and Sonic got some decorative stains on them while working, but finally got the Brighthouse finished.

Pipp then flew in front of the group with her phone on a hoof. Getting the hint, the rest came close to Pipp’s phone line of camera. "Say 'besties'!" Pipp called out as the camera clicked and snap the group together in a photo.

A little while later, they printed the photo out of Pipp’s phone and Sunny then framed it on the shelf Hitch made earlier.

The shelf then tilted a little as both Hitch and Sunny gasped at it, worried that the photo might fall, but sighed in relief as the photo and the shelf didn’t fall.

The group then take view at the complete Crystal Brighthouse: on the outside, the Brighthouse was shining the rainbow right out of it, so everypony in Equestria could see it; in the bedroom, the glass of the rainbow to where the elevator to the top of the brighthouse is was shining the rainbow to the top with the five beds of the Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Sonic, staying there to fit each of their personalities.

In the main room, the group looked on with a smile at their teamwork. "It's even better than I imagined!" Sunny commented with a smile.

"Now this is the power of teamwork!" Sonic stated with a big smile.

The group smiled as they continued to look at their new home, but then a loud pounding was heard, which startled the 6 friends as they looked around to find the source, only to realize to see McSnips pounding on the stairway of the brighthouse, which surprised the group and made them wonder how strong that tiny krab actually was.

"Leave it, McSnips-a-lot!" Hitch lectured his animal friend, McSnips stopped to look at him for a brief moment, before resuming his pounding, but at a faster paste, which results Hitch to face hoove himself at McSnips misbehavior.

"Guess you'll have to teach Mr McSnips-whatever-was-the-rest to behave himself a little" Sonic replied with a boring expression.

"Don't tell me..." Hitch said with sarcastic tone.


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