• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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37. Snow Pun Intended

Author's Note:


I highly recommend to read Winter Wishday first before reading from this chapter on.

Not precisely for this chapter, but for the future ones.

Snowballs were thrown around as Posey screamed and ran in panic.

At the end, Posey ducked in a snowy bush while peaking out to look around, shaking in fright.

All around Posey, the ponies were having a fun time in the snow. Since unicorns in Bridlewood realized they were using a spell unconsciously, the leftover snow were still all over Equestria, so it will take a while for the snow to melt away, but the ponies decided to have fun in the snow since there's never been snow in Maretime Bay before.

Two earth pony foals, a mare and a stallion, were playfully throwing snowballs at each other while laughing.

Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz were making a snowman, stacking the snow together to make a buddy as they made the face, with pebbles, rocks and a carrot for a nose.

Hitch, with Sparky on his back, jumped right in front of a snow version of Izzy, with snow versions of the other girls as well around them. "Freeze!" he called out, but realized what he said as he picked up a snowball. "Uh? I mean, un-freeze!" he corrected himself with a smirk.

Suddenly, the snow Izzy shook its head, revealing the true Izzy hiding under it. "Aw. How’d you know?" she asked Hitch with disappointment.

Hitch smirked at her, tossing the snowball on his hoof. "There isn’t much I don’t see coming… Ah!" Hitch cried out as he saw a snowball from out of nowhere about to hit him, so he ducked and it went overhead.

The snowball headed straight to Posey, who got her head out of the bush as she looked around in fright, but didn't noticed the snowball about to hit her.

Hitch and Izzy gave a panicked expression, while Sparky looked on in shock. "No!" both Izzy and Hitch cried out in panic.

Posey turned to where the two ponies were screaming, while the snowball hit her in the face, which made her gave an irritated look as the ponies around gave out nervous and shocked expressions. Sunny looked at Posey nervously, Pipp and Zipp were in the air, holding snowballs in their hooves and looking at Posey in shock as well, and Team Sonic just looked at each other before staring back at Posey with panic.

Glory, Seashell and Peach Fizz gave shocked expressions as well, as Seashell smacked a snowball on Peach Fizz in a panic while Glory took a picture of Posey in shock.

Hitch and Izzy got in front of Posey with a guilty expression. "Sorry! I was aiming for Izzy/I was amazing for Hitch, but…" they both tried to explain, but Posey lifted her hoof to shut them.

Posey gave an angry look at them with the snow still in her face. "Just. Take. Me. Home. NOW!" she yelled out in rage.

Zipp then came zooming to Izzy’s side, while she and Hitch gave fright looks at Posey’s outburst. Even Sparky, who was on Hitch’s head, had a worried expression. "Home? But it’s a snow day!" Zipp pointed out with a smile.

"The first ever in Maretime Bay!" Sunny added with a smile.

"Perfect to share with friends and followers!" Pipp called out excitedly, as she took a picture on her phone while livestreaming Posey, with emojis coming out as Posey shivered in the cold.

"Just because its new does not make it good" Posey pointed out, still frowning.

"Whaaaaat?" the Mane 5 all cried out in shock at what Posey just said.

Team Sonic, on the other hand, looked at each other before shrugging and say "Meh" in unison.

"Well, if you don't like it, then that's your miss" Sonic said with a bored expression, as he, Tails and Knuckles turned around and started to leave. "Come on, boys!" he called out.

"Let's see if we can get Rocky and Jazz on a snowball war or something" Knuckles suggested.

"I'm calling Dahlia too. I bet she will love to be involved" Tails added, taking out his phone and texting Dahlia.

The Mane 5 gasped in shock at Team Sonic's attitude, since they didn't seemed to care about Posey not liking snow.

Sunny suddenly got in front of them to stop them. "Guys! Why do you act so careless?!" she asked in shock and panic.

"Posey doesn't like snow, and what?" Sonic said. "If she doesn't likes it, then that's her thing" he pointed out.

"Yeah, we cannot just make her like snow. That's not how it works" Tails added with a neutral expression. "Also, she does have a big point that not everything new has to be good" he confessed.

"Maybe I wasn't here when that happened, but when the Unity Crystals were failing, didn't you said that just because we like something doesn't mean everyone has to?" Knuckles questioned with his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

Sunny had no words to counter that, so she just smiled nervously. "Well, it is a bit overwhelming to be outside with everypony out in the snow" she admittedly said. "Maybe somewhere quieter?" she suggested, now looking at Posey.

"No, that won't be––" Posey tried to object, but she was cut off by Zipp.

"Oh! Like Prancing Point!" Zipp called out with a smile.

"Apparently we're painted or something" Tails said with a bored expression.

"We suddenly became walls" Knuckles said, also with a bored expression.

Then, Izzy got to Posey's side and wrapped a hoof around her, which startled Posey. "To the Marestream, ponies!" she announced, as she and the others raced to the Marestream, while dragging Posey along with them.

"This is going to be one of those episodes where they don't learn their lesson until the end of the episode, isn't it?" Tails questioned with a bored tone.

"Pretty much" Sonic replied with an eye roll.

A little bit later, the Mane 5, Team Sonic and Posey were in the Mare Stream, flying towards their destination.

"Prancing Point, here we come!" Zipp announced with a smile, as Tails got on the driver's seat with a boring expression.

The Marestream flew across the sky as Sunny took a deep breath and sighed in relaxation.

"Much calmer. Right, Posey?" Sunny asked Posey with a smile, but saw Posey covering her face with her hooves in the ground while shaking in fright.

"I'm an earth pony, not a sky pony!" Posey cried out in panic, while Sunny looked with worry at her. "I'm an earth pony, not a sky pony! Are we there yet?! Are we there yet?! ARE WE THERE YET?!" she cried out in panic.

"Uh, Posey?" Zipp called out with a raised eyebrow. "We're here" she said with a smile, as she pointed outside, where Pipp was taking a selfie in the air with Sonic, who was standing on the ceiling of the Marestream, while Izzy, Hitch, Sparky and Knuckles were playing a snowball fight as Izzy threw hers at Hitch and Knuckles laughed.

"Phew!" Posey said, relieved that the flying part was over.

Sometime later, the Mane 5, Sparky, Team Sonic and Posey were on a spot where they will show Posey what makes snow fun.

"Here before me is the complete list of all good snow day activities!" Hitch said with a smile as he held up his clipboard.

Pipp raised her hoof excitedly as she waved it, while Posey felt very uncomfortable. "Oooh! Even snowponies?" Pipp asked Hitch with sparkling eyes.

"Snowponies?" Hitch repeated, as he looked around nervously before giving a nervous smile. "Of course! It's right here on my list!" he lied. "Well, we better get started if we want to fit everything in!" he announced with a smile.

"Whoo-hoo!" Izzy cheered excitedly as she trotted around. "Yeah! Snow day!" she said with a big smile and sparkling eyes.

"Yes! Snow day!" Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp all called out in unison as they laughed a little together.

"Well, if we're going to be proven right, the least we can do is enjoy whatever these guys are gonna do" Sonic pointed out as he shrugged, while Tails and Knuckles just nodded in agreement.

Posey, however, still felt very nervous and unsure about this. Right now, she wished that the Mane 5 listened to Team Sonic and leave her to go home.

"First up is... what Pipp said... that I definitely had written down" Hitch said nervously as he sweated a bit.

Pipp gave a smile and sparkling eyes. "Snowponies are so much fun!" she said, as she trotted ahead in excitement. "To make them hashtag #snowmazing, all you need is…" she tried to add, but then Zipp cut her off.

"Loads of snow!" Zipp called out excitedly as she flew up, did a spin and then dived down, making an impact on the snow that formed around her and her friends.

A little bit later, Zipp and Tails were showing Posey how to make snowponies as Zipp stacked some snowballs together.

"Seriously, roll as much snow as you think you need, then triple it!" Zipp said, as she rolled some snow together to make a big ball and held it on her hoof. "The bigger, the better!" she added with a smile, while Posey looked down at her snow pile.

"But don't cross the line" Tails suggested. "Zipp has a weird obsession with making things bigger" he whispered to her.

Later, while Posey tried to stack her snow pile together, a shadow came over her. She looked in shock at a giant snowball on a hill that Zipp made, which made Posey sweat nervously and gulp.

"This is exactly what I meant..." Tails said with an anxious look while also sweating.

Then, Zipp stood on top of her snow pile with a proud smile, but as she got on it, it titled and started rolling down the hill, with Zipp on it as she moved her hooves backwards to try and keep her balance. Posey and Tails screamed as Zipp's giant snowball started chasing them.

Zipp flew off the giant snowball as it crashed, but got Posey and Tails on it as they poked their heads off with irritated looks.

"Was it necessary to make it that big?" Tails questioned with a tired tone, while Zipp just gave a sheepish smile and chuckled nervously.

Sometime later, Pipp placed a giant scarf on the body of a snowpony.

"And the bigger the snowpony, the more snow-ccessories you can add" Pipp said with a smile as she and her friends keep it steady while the snowpony looked like a giant stallion with Pipp's blanket on its back and two big rocks for the eyes.

Posey came to them after getting out of the snow pile with bored expression as she shook her head to get the snow off herself. Pipp came to her and gave Posey some rocks, as the earth pony gave a curious look while Pipp gave her a smile.

Then, Posey placed the rocks on the chest part of the snowpony and gave a smile, then she looked up and saw Pipp adding some twigs and leaves on top of the snowpony for the mane part and for the chest as the ponies looked on in awe.

Pipp took out her phone so she could take a selfie of the snowpony with her and her friends in it, but then the snowpony titled as it was losing balance.

Posey screamed as the Mane 5, sins Pipp, moved out of the way and the head of the snowpony fell on Posey, while Pipp covered herself from the impact of that.

As this happened, Sonic gave a bored expression. "Well, this is going great..." he said sarcastically.

"I know! And it took me like 10 minutes to cover his body" Knuckles said with a smile, as he literally transformed Tails into a snowman except for his head, while Tails just gave a bored expression.

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this..." Tails groaned, while Knuckles putted a black top-hat on his head.

"I was not talking about––" Sonic tried to argue, but after seeing Tails transformed into a snowman, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit before burst out laughing and fall to the ground.

Tails just groaned more, while Knuckles placed now a scar similar to Zipp's around Tails' neck. Soon enough, Hitch and Zipp also arrived, staring confused at Sonic since they didn't get why was he laughing.

"Sonic? What's the mat––" Hitch tried to ask, but then both he and Zipp saw Tails' current state, and now Hitch joined Sonic in the loud laughing, while Zipp just covered her mouth with a hoof and giggled.

"This is humiliating..." Tails groaned more, not changing his bored expression at all.

"Aww, but you look so cute like this!" Zipp said with a smile, as she nuzzled her cheek with Tails'.

"T-That doesn't help, Zipp!" Tails complained as his cheeks puffed in frustration.

Later, after Tails finally got out of his snowman body, Izzy smirked at Posey since it was her turn to show Posey how fun snow could be.

"Touching all that snow? Nuh-uh! Neigh way! No frosty hooves here, folks!" Izzy said to Posey, who was still under the pile of snow as she got out and gave an irritated look again. "I have a better way" Izzy said while wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk, then she pointed to her horn. "With a little bit of unicorn magic, you can make anything with snow" she said... and then she gave an evil laugh with a creepy look. "Anything!" she repeated as she got right into Posey’s face, which scared the earth pony as Izzy gave another evil laugh.

Suddenly, someone behind her cleared their throat, and Izzy gulped as she turned around to smile sheepishly at Knuckles, who looked at her with a frown and his arms crossed. "What did we talk about?" he asked, now raising an eyebrow.

"That I shouldn't laugh like that..." Izzy replied in sad tone.

Knuckles nodded and patted her back with a smile, which made her feel better and smile as well.

The others gathered around Izzy as the unicorn concentrated her magic, then some snow started to come out from the ground as the others looked up and saw Izzy’s magic forming into a big ball before it exploded and made a rainbow swirl around them as the snow pieces sparkled with glow like a rainbow.

Posey watched in awe and gave a smile. Zipp laughed at the amazing sight while Tails at her side looked at her with a smirk, and Pipp watched with sparkling eyes and a wide smile, with Sonic looking at her with a side smile.

"Ahhh" Hitch said in awe as well, finding it amazing while Sunny looked at him with a smile and a slight blush.

"You never cease to impress me, Izz" Knuckles told her, as he kept looking around.

Sparky smiled at this as he tried to catch snow with his claws, but saw it was gone, then giggled.

Izzy was amazed at what she did, so she decided to focus even more now, which she used to make mini snow ponies as they danced around, all thanks to Izzy's magic, while the others continue to watch in amazement.

Posey looked up as she smiled widely with sparkling eyes, but then the wind started whistling as everything began to speed up, since Izzy was putting too much magic into the snow as she smiled with her eyes closed while concentrating, not knowing that she is making it go too fast.

The others got worried as everything began to speed up around them, while Posey and Knuckles came to Izzy as they tapped on her sides and shook her to snap out of it.

"Izzy! Stop! You're crossing the line!" Knuckles called out, as he and Posey got Izzy to snap out of her concentration by shaking her, which made her a bit dizzy from that.

Izzy got out of her dizziness and stopped moving the snow around, which caused the snow to fell on the Mane 5, Team Sonic, Sparky and Posey on their heads.

Posey raised an eyebrow and gave a look at Izzy, while Knuckles looked on with a bored expression. "Perhaps you got way too excited..." he said, while Posey nodded her head in agreement and Izzy gave a sheepish smile.

Later, Hitch and Sunny's turn arrived, and Sonic decided to join them because of what they planned to do.

"No, no, no. You ponies have this all wrong" Hitch said to the others, as some like Knuckles and Pipp looked at him with a bored expression, while Tails, Izzy and Zipp raised their eyebrows.

"I mean, they're all good ideas, but I think they just made Posey hate snow more than she already did" Sonic pointed out.

"It's not about doing stuff with the snow. It's what you can do on the snow!" Sunny pointed out with a smile, as she gave smirked to Posey. "Like…" she started, making Posey grow nervous.

"Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it!" Posey cried out in panic as she began to sweat and covered her eyes with her hooves.

Suddenly, Posey was wearing a helmet and stood on a snowboard, which made her look in fright while Hitch, with Sparky on his back, and Sunny came by in their own snowboard gear as they surfed down the snowy hill past Posey.

"SNOWBOARDING!" the two ponies called out as they began to board down hill in their snowboards.

"Tada rirakkusu, Posey!" Sonic told her to relax in Japanese with a smile, arriving with the same winter gear he used on Winter Wishday. "Just take it slow, and you'll be fine" he assured, then he putted on his winter glasses and followed Hitch and Sunny down the hill.

Posey rubbed her head nervously, while her snowboard tilted to the edge of the hill, which made Posey even more scared. "This... is... my... NIGHTMARE!" she cried out as she began to snowboard down hill and screamed in a panic, getting between Sunny and Hitch while still screaming, as the two ponies smiled at her.

"Snowboarding is all about discipline. Control. Being serious" Hitch explained, trying to look cool, while Posey rolled her eyes from that.

"It's about balance, courage, speed!" Sonic added, as he snowboarded by doing some twirls around and air tricks.

Sunny made some snow tricks on her board by doing a jump with a twirl and tossing snow in the air. "It's about grace, being free, having fun, but most of all…" she tried to add, but...

The snow Sunny tossed landed on Sparky's eyes, which made him yelp and fall on Hitch's face, which covered his eyes as he and Hitch screamed. Suddenly, they crashed into Posey and Sunny, which made the four of them to start rolling down the hill into a giant snowball as they crashed into the ground, looking dizzy from the rolling and the crashing.

"...not crashing" both Sunny and Hitch said in unison.

Sonic stopped in front of the three ponies and putted his snow glasses on his forehead. "Say, Posey, you're not liking this, are you?" he asked in concern.

"No..." Posey replied on a dead tone.

Sparky popped his head off on the top as he shook the snow off him with an annoying expression. Then, he blew one of his dragon fire on a hill that melted the snow and grass off as it showed a nice ground to lay on.

Sparky came down and landed on Posey's helmet as he giggled with sparkling eyes and sat down on the nice warm ground.

Sonic looked at Sparky, then at Posey, and then he smirked with an idea. He whistled at Tails and Knuckles, who were making a new snowman - not using Tails this time - when they heard Sonic calling them, so they boosted towards him.

"Guys, let's give Posey a little warm" Sonic said with a smirk, pointing at the place were Sparky was sitting.

Knuckles felled a tree on one hit, then he smacked the tree even more to make firewood for a campfire. Tails went to the headless snowpony they made before and grabbed Pipp's blanket, while Sonic helped Posey to stand up.

"No more snow for you, Posey" Sonic told her with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Posey asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sonic simply pointed to the place were Sparky was sitting, now with the firewood organized by Knuckles, and Tails waiting for her with the blanket and a smile. Posey smiled at the sight, then she looked at Sonic with a thankful look as he winked an eye to her.

Meanwhile, the Mane 5 gathered around as they tried to come up with other ways for Posey.

"We could always try sledding" Hitch suggested as he held up a sled.

"Or snowballs?" Zipp suggested while holding a snowball.

"Or snow cones?" Pipp suggested, popping between Hitch and Zipp as she held up a snow cone she made with a cherry on top with a smile. "They're so delish, Posey!" she called out.

But the Mane 5 turned and saw Posey with Sparky on the spot Team Sonic made as Posey was wrapped on Pipp's blanket and the sun shone down on her. Sparky used his dragon fire again to make a fire on some wood and giggled, while Posey smiled at the warmth, also shivering a bit.

"Maybe some ponies just don't like the snow" Izzy said to the others in a sad tone.

"We told you!" Sonic called out, as he, Tails and Knuckles walked away.

Sunny thought of what Izzy, then an idea popped up. "That's it!" she called out with a smile.

Sometime later, the Mane 5 and Team Sonic were having fun with the snow, while Posey was sitting in a beach chair drinking a smoothie, with Sparky sitting on a chair as well. They also had a cutout of a life size palm tree and Posey was wrapped on a blanket.

"Now this is my kind of snow day!" Posey said with a smile.

Meanwhile, Sonic was helping Tails and Izzy to turn Knuckles into a snowman as a revenge, while Knuckles looked on with a bored expression.

"This is a worst karma than being the guardian of a giant green emerald..." Knuckles said in annoyance.

"It's my revenge, Knucklehead!" Tails cheered, putting a black top-hat on Knuckles' head.

As Sonic laughed at Knuckles new aspect, since he always take every chance he could to make fun of Knuckles, Sunny approached to him.

"Hey, Sonic" Sunny called out. "Um... I guess I should apologize. You, Tails and Knuckles were right, we shouldn't had dragged Posey along is she didn't wanted to play in the snow..." she apologized with a little smile.

Sonic smiled back at her before smirking and crossing his arms. "I suppose I could forgive you..." he said on a playful tone. "But, that would be too easy and no fun, so..." he added.

Sunny rolled her eyes with a smile, knowing that Sonic was just messing with her "Then what do you have in mind?" she asked.

"A race!" Sonic stated with a confident smile. "You and I, snowboarding down the hill. I'll forgive you if you can defeat me" he explained.

"A snowboarding race?" Sunny asked with a confident smile as well. "It's on!" she stated with a challenging look.

And so, Sonic and Sunny decided to go and have that race. Of course, Sonic already forgive Sunny but he only wanted to have fun with her. After all, it was a snow day, so they had to enjoy as much as they could, right?


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