• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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69. Chaos Pocks

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sonic hold the Blue Chaos Emerald with a smirk.

"Chaos... Control!" Sonic shouted, as the Emerald began to glow bright on its color, soon followed by Sonic's body glowing in the same color scheme as well.

After that, Sonic's body literally started to multiply, until the room was filled with thousands of Sonics. Fun fact: This was not Sonic using his super speed to multiply himself, but instead, it was the Chaos Emerald's power literally multiplying Sonic's physical form.

Once all the Sonics were here, they all looked over at Zipp, who was taking notes about the Chaos Emeralds' abilities, but she also had her jaw dropped once Sonic multiplied himself without using his speed.

"Hello, Zippster!" All the Sonics said with smirks.

"Sweet ponyfeathers!" Zipp said amazed and with wide eyes. "You... are... and even... You are literally everywhere!"

"Yeah, all thanks to the power of this Emerald here!" The Original Sonic that used the Chaos Emerald said with a smirk, also pointing at said Emerald on his hand.

"But that's not the only power that I can use!" One of the other Sonic's said, laying on Zipp's shoulder.

"Just you wait until you see me using the the rest of them!" Another Sonic said with a smile.

"Then you better get to show me, sir! Or... Sirs? I honestly don't know, this is confusing," Zipp said with a sheepish smile.

In the daylight
Gonna go fast
Gotta beat the red light
Ain't no time lapse

Later on, Sonic and Zipp were outside near the beach.

Sonic was holding the Light Blue Emerald on his hand, and he smirked confidently before using the Emerald's power to turn his body into literal water that melted and went to the sea, which both surprised and concerned Zipp, because she knows he can't swim.

In the night time
I'ma keep on
Racing the shooting stars til the dawn

However, her worry didn't lasted long when Sonic came back to the surface with a smirk, just that now, his whole body was made of water, and that made Zipp's jaw drop again.

Still, she ended up smiling, taking a picture of Sonic, and then writing down her observations on her phone.

We can be friends, but I won't team up
If you wanna come along, then try to keep up

Now, they went to Bridlewood to test out the Green Chaos Emerald's power.

Sonic grabbed said Emerald and made it glow, then once his body was glowing on the same green color, he smashed the ground and made a giant vine grow from it, since this Emerald's power worked similarly to the Earth Pony's magic, but with Chaos Energy.

Zipp was surprised by this once again, but she still smiled, took a picture, and wrote her observations down.

I'm the fastest, I'm the fastest alive
Need no practice
If you insist I'm a liar

Soon, they moved towards Zephyr Heights with the Yellow Chaos Emerald.

While all the Chaos Emeralds can use the 'Chaos Control' ability to stop time entirely, only the Yellow One can slow it down, and Sonic was ready to do a demonstration of such quality.

So, Sonic grabbed Zipp's hoof, then used the Emerald's power and made time slow down around them. Zipp looked around amazed, and she realized that everypony else around was till moving, but at a very slow pace. She wondered if this is how Sonic feels the whole time.

Still, she decided to question him that later, because she wrote down her observations on her phone again.

I can't even explain it
But I know I'll never stop this feeling

Now, they came to Canterlot City with the Red Chaos Emerald.

There, they explained to Discord what they were doing, and Discord even decided to help by snapping his fingers and make a bunch of objects, or 'obstacles', to appear around the abandoned city.

This is because the Red Emerald's power is to transform the user into a living bullet that boots around at the speed of sound, and Sonic activated the power of the Emeralds to turn himself into a bullet, so he charged his Spin Dash and then started to boot around.

The speed in my soul
The speed in my soul

He always hit all the obstacles that Discord placed, and he destroyed them all in a matter of seconds, something Zipp recorded with a smile, then she wrote down her observations again on her phone.

And I can't even restrain it
So I'm gonna keep, keep on running
The speed in my soul

And now, they went back to Maretime Bay to try out the Purple Emerald's power.

There, Sonic grabbed Zipp's hoof again before using the Emerald's power again, which made the entire environment around them to change, but this time around, they were looking at a bunch of purple invisible platforms floating around Maretime Bay.

These platforms could only be visible and touchable thanks to the Emerald's power, which meant that only Sonic and Zipp could not only see them, but also touch them as well.

So, Sonic started to jump all over the platforms to have fun, and Zipp decided to join him over, feeling surprised that the platforms where this solid despite being invisible for everyone else, but she still smiled and started to make tricks over platforms along Sonic.

And nothing's gonna stop me
I'ma keep on running, oh!

The two of them laughed as the kept jumping over platforms, not noticing that Knuckles and Hitch were looking at them from the ground, since they were patrolling around the town.

But as soon as they noticed that Sonic and Zipp were making tricks and 'platforming' in the sky, floating around, Hitch's jaw dropped confused, while Knuckles groaned and facepalmed, because this wasn't the first time that Sonic was doing something like this.

"Not this crap again..." Knuckles muttered to himself in annoyance.

Later on, Sonic and Zipp returned to the Crystal Brighthouse.

Zipp was now at her laptop, uploading all the info she wrote down of the Chaos Emeralds on her phone and now putting it on her computer with a huge smile, while Sonic stood at her side with a smirk.

"I can't believe that the Emeralds could do all of that this whole time!" Zipp said with a smile, then her eyes opened wide, and she looked at Sonic with sparkling eyes. "Wait! Does this mean that Super Sonic has been using the power of all the Emeralds combined and is not just an exclusive thing of the Super form?!"

"Yup!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "Well, I mostly only use the Bullet Power, Avatar Power, Time Stop Power, and Extra Power. The other three? I barely have used them as Super Sonic."

"Extra Power?" Zipp asked confused. "I don't think I have that one down..."

"Oh, that's because I haven't showed you the Silver Emerald's power," Sonic explained with a smile, then he made the Silver Chaos Emerald appear on his hand. "Want me to show you what it does?"

"Of course!" Zipp said with sparkling eyes, also taking out her phone to record.

"Hey guys!" Sunny's voice suddenly spoke, as the two of them turned to see her entering the room with a smile. "Whatcha doing?"

"Hey, Sunny-bunny!" Sonic said with a smile. "Not too much, just showing Zipp the special powers of the Chaos Emeralds."

"Special powers?" Sunny asked confused. "What is that?"

After Sunny asked this, Zipp zoomed into her face while holding her laptop on her hooves. "Each Chaos Emerald has a special ability. Sonic's been showing them to me the whole morning!" She explained, as she showed Sunny the videos of what the first six Chaos Emeralds could do.

Sunny's eyes sparkled after seeing this. "Whoa!" She exclaimed happily. "I didn't knew the Emeralds could do all of that!"

"We rarely use those abilities 'cause they're not necessary, but Zipp had a good point when she asked me if I could show her what the Emeralds are capable of," Sonic explained.

"Which is?" Sunny asked with a smirk, since she noticed that Zipp wanted so badly to share what she had to say.

"Well, we know a bit about the Unity Crystals and what they can do," Zipp began to explain. "However, we barely know about the Emeralds' power. Sure, we know stuff like that they're from Equestria and come from space, but what do we know about their power for sure?"

"I mean, we have seen Sonic use them to stop time, and I'm pretty sure he told us the Ancients used them to create the Titans from the Starfall Islands," Sunny pointed out. "But we didn't know they each have different abilities, so I totally see your point, Zipp."

"And now, Sonic's gonna show me what the last Emerald's power is!" Zipp said with a smile, once again pointing her phone at him to record the demonstration.

"Ooh, I wanna see this, too!" Sunny said with her hooves together and sparkling eyes.

"Okay, ladies. I'll show you the power of the Chaos Emeralds," Sonic stated. "Now, this one in particular has the Extra Power. It's called like that because it gives you and extra ability in combat you can't usually do as yourself. In my case?"

After saying all of this, he pointed the Emerald high and made it shine brightly. Then, the said 'Chaos Control' and activated the Emerald's power, making his entire body shine brightly in a silver light. Once the Emerald Power was activated, Sonic twirled around on his place.

You may think this does nothing, but in reality, it transformed him into a literal living driller, although the driller part was upwards, hence why Sonic was twirling with his hands pointing to the ceiling.

Of course, this made Sunny and Zipp gasp amazed with sparkling eyes, and Zipp even took a good video of Sonic's demonstration about the Emerald's power. Then, the hedgehog stopped twirling and smirked at his friends after finishing showing the Extra Power.

"So? Whatcha think?" Sonic asked confidently.

"Amazing!" Zipp said, still with sparkling eyes. "I knew that the Emeralds were powerful, but this goes beyond my expectations! I must write this down and investigate further. I may not discover how they do what they do, but I know I'll get something!"

After saying this, Zipp went over to her laptop so she could write down what she just saw, while Sunny approached Sonic and stared at the Emerald on his hand with sparkling eyes.

"Say, Sonic..." Sunny called out, and Sonic turned to see her. "You won't happen to know if somepony can use the Chaos Emeralds, do you? I mean, we know you can use them and all, but what about a pony?"

Sonic blinked a few times, then crossed his arms and looked down in thought. "You know? I actually never wondered that before... I honestly don't know what could happen."

"I see..." Sunny said, then looked at the Emerald on his hand. "So, what would happen if I––"

Sonic noticed that Sunny was trying to grab the Emerald with her hoof, so he quickly moved it away from her.

"Whoa! Hold on, Sunny!" Sonic said with concern, then he frowned slightly. "A Chaos Emerald can't be used just like that."

"Why not? I have seen you using them several times! Even transforming into your Super self," Sunny pointed out with a smile.

"That's because I have been exposed to Chaos Energy for years," Sonic pointed out. "I also have a special connection with the Emeralds, but said connection was forged after I trained myself to resist their power."

"Resist their power?" Zipp asked this time, joining in the conversation and taking out her phone to record Sonic's dialogue. "Can you explain what do you mean?"

"The Chaos Emeralds are gems of miracles, jewels capable of amazing things," Sonic started to explain. "On the right hands, they can be used to create incredible stuff, but in the wrong ones, they can be used to cause a destruction like nothing you've ever seen. And, not everyone can use a Chaos Emerald. You have to train yourself in every aspect to resist their energy: Your body, your mind, your soul. They all have to be in sync when using a Chaos Emerald. If not, all three of them could get affected in ways I don't even want to think about."

"Whoa..." Both Sunny and Zipp said in surprise with wide eyes.

"It's a miracle that Tails is not dead after using the seven Emeralds to cure the Metal Virus," Sonic said with a concerned frown. "He never used that much power before. I still wonder why he survived, but I'm very glad he did."

"Wait... Tails could've died?!" Zipp asked in panic with wide eyes again.

"Hence why only Shadow and I use the Emeralds," Sonic pointed out. "And it'll be amazing if it remains like that. I'm serious, Sunny: Don't use the Emeralds. Either Shadow or I can train you to resist their power, just like I'm doing with Tails, but until then, I don't want you or anyone else to even think about using a Chaos Emerald. Understood?"

"Oh, I'm siding with you, bro-in-law," Zipp said, then she turned to see Sunny. "We are not using the Chaos Emeralds. If Tails survived even though he should've died, I don't want to even know what could happen to the rest of us."

"But I––" Sunny tried to argue.

"Sunny. This is out of question," Sonic scolded her. "I know why I'm telling you not to use the Emeralds' Power. Besides, there's a reason why I tell you not to use them without being prepared. Tails is alive by a miracle, but we don't know if you'll have the same luck, and I won't risk your life to find out the answer. Please, just don't touch the Emeralds."

Sunny didn't liked that she was treated like a child by her friends sometimes, but she also understood that Sonic's concern comes from the idea of her dying because of the Chaos Emeralds, and she honestly didn't liked the idea of dying either when she still had so much to see and say.

So, Sunny sighed frustrated and nodded. "Okay... I won't use the Chaos Emeralds."

Sonic's frown disappeared, and his smile returned. "That's all I need to hear," He stated, then he approached to the Capsule where they've been protecting the Chaos Emeralds for the past month after what happened in the parallel human world and placed the Silver Emerald back on place. "I'm almost late for dinner with Pipp. We're going out before our order gets cancelled... Again. See ya!"

After saying that, Sonic boosted out of the Brighthouse.

"And I have to reunite with Tails. He said something about discovering something cool from Cyberspace," Zipp said with a smile as well, so she headed to the exit, but before leaving, she turned to see Sunny. "Don't you dare to use the Emeralds, Sunny! We know you, and if you are planning on using them, forget about that idea!"

With that being said, Zipp left the place and closed the door of the bedroom behind, while Sunny turned her attention back to the capsule where the Emeralds were being protected.

"Is it really that bad for a pony to use a Chaos Emerald?" Sunny questioned, and then decided to do precisely what she was told not to: She removed the crystal protecting the capsule and grabbed the Silver Chaos Emerald with her hoof. "Maybe Sonic's just exaggerating. How bad can it be? Now, what's the word he uses? Chaos Control?"

Just when Sunny said that, the silver Chaos Emerald started to glow, and it made her body shine brightly in a silver color as well. However, this made her panic a lot since she wasn't sure if she'll be okay considering what Sonic said about training mind, body and soul.

So, in a desperate and panicked move, Sunny placed the Chaos Emerald back into the capsule and closed it quickly, then sighed in relief when both her and the Emerald stopped glowing.

"Phew! That was close," Sunny smiled, then checked around her body to verify she was fine, and everything seemed to be in order. "Well, nothing seems to be wrong. But I think I'm actually going to hear Sonic and Zipp's words. I mean, I technically didn't used the Emerald, so I should be fine, right?"

Sunny chuckled awkwardly to herself, then she sighed and turned around to leave... Not noticing that her Cutie Mark was now glowing in a silver color, the same tone of silver than the Chaos Emerald of said color. At the same time, said Emerald was glowing brightly.

After dinner that night, everypony went to sleep.

All of them were all cozy and nice on their beds, enjoying the sensation of comfort their beds where giving them after a long day on their respective jobs around Maretime Bay.

However, they were all so asleep that none of them noticed that Sunny's body was glowing on a silver tone again, not even Sunny herself, and the Silver Chaos Emerald from the capsule was glowing brightly once again, as well as Sunny's Cutie Mark, which glow in the same color scheme.

This glow started to make physical changes on Sunny's body, and then, bot the Emerald and the Earth Pony mare stopped glowing, but the Emerald's job over Sunny's body was done...

The next morning, Sunny was the first one of the group to wake up as usual.

She head downstairs to prepare breakfast like every morning, but just as she was about to exit the door of the bedroom, she noticed that the doorframe seemed to be smaller than usual for her. She had no idea why this is, but choose to shrug it off for now.

She ducked down and passed through the doorframe, then entered the kitchen and started to think what to do for breakfast today. Some bacon and eggs with salad should do it, or so she thought.

Once she decided what to make for breakfast, she prepared to get everything ready for cooking, but she also came to notice that the kitchen was smaller, and that she could reach higher and farther places than normal, something that she couldn't do before.

This was confusing her more and more, nut when she took a small glance at her hoof, she saw claws instead, and that made her eyes open wide, followed by a very loud and startled scream.

This made everyone else in the Crystal Brighthouse wake up startled as well by the scream, and Knuckles even fell from his bed. Everyone looked around for the source of the scream, but when they noticed that Sunny's bed was empty, the first ones to rush downstairs were Sonic and Tails.

Once there, they looked around for Sunny, only to gasp in shock when they finally noticed her in the kitchen, but completely transformed into something else.

"What the–– Sunny?!" Tails was the first one of the brothers to speak.

"Uh... I think so?" Sunny replied with a sheepish smile.

If you wonder why they screamed, well: Not only Sunny had claws on her front hooves now, but her figure was taller, probably as taller as Princess Cadance was back in the day, and her tail looked more like a lion's tale than a pony's, which made things even stranger.

"This... This makes absolutely no sense..." Sonic said confused. "What happened to you?"

"I have no idea!" Sunny replied with honesty. "I felt normal by waking up, but then everything started to seem smaller for me, and when I realized, I already looked like this!"

Tails was going to question her further, but before doing so, the rest came rushing downstairs.

"We heard the scream as well! What's going–– Whoa!" Zipp cut herself off when she and everyone else noticed Sunny's current state, as she smiled sheepishly at them and waved her hoof with claws.

The rest was shocked to see Sunny like this... except for Izzy. "Hi, Sunny!" She said cheerfully as usual.

Pipp, on the other hand, directly fainted in the ground for the shock, while the rest was concerned for Sunny.

"Sunny?! What's going on?!" Zipp asked confused and concerned. "How did you got like this?"

"I have no idea!" Sunny said frustrated, covering her face with her hooves, while Pipp started to wake up and felt dizzy, but then felt concerned when she saw Sunny in her current state.

"Did you wake up like this today?" Amy questioned. "Because if I recall correctly, you were just fine last night."

"Well, I think so?" Sunny replied. "Ugh! I just don't know, guys! Everything's so confusing right now!"

"What's so confusing?" Hitch's voice asked suddenly, and everyone's eyes widened, so they all turned and saw Hitch, Shadow and Rouge entering the Brighthouse, but as soon as they lay their eyes on Sunny's current aspect, their eyes widened as well. "Sweet hoofness! Sunny?!"

"What the actual $&@#?!" Shadow screamed out loud, but the last word was censored with a bip and the word 'SEGA' covering his mouth.

"Uh, did we missed something important here?" Rouge said.

"What part of I don't know everyone can't understand?!" Sunny shouted out loud in rage, as her body glimmered in a silver color, while her voice echoed across the entire Brighthouse, which actually took everyone off guard.

"...Huh... That's a pretty dope voice." Sonic said with amusement.

"This is getting weirder and weirder with every second." Knuckles muttered with concern.

"Sorry, guys..." Sunny apologized for shouting. "Is just that I don't know what's happening..." She pointed out, but then her whole body was covered by silver spots that disappeared as soon as they came, yet it was still weird. "And it's just getting worse!"

This was concerning everyone, specially Hitch, Sonic, Tails and Shadow, who wanted so badly to know what's happening to Sunny and how they could help her to get back to normal.

But then, something made 'clic' on Tails' brain, because he remembered something. "Hold on. Physical change, a strange glow, and spots covering the body... I have read about this before."

"You have?" Sonic asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Hold on a second!" Tails said, then he boosted towards the upper floor and came back with a brown book, which had a drawing of seven emeralds in the cover. "Let's see... Power boost, Chaos Control, Emerald Power–– Oh, here it is: Chaos Pocks."

After Tails said this, everyone else in the room blinked and stared confused at the young fox.

"Um, babe? How about you explain yourself?" Zipp said.

"I was getting into that," Tails deadpanned a bit. "Chaos Pocks is an infection that can only be obtained after someone with no previous preparation has attempted to use Chaos Control. The side effects of this infection are physical changes, constant popping of spots across the body, intense glowing for no reason, constant changes in attitude, and if not treated in time, Negative Chaos Energy could take control over the infected and turn them into an outrageous monster."

After Tails explained what the Chaos Pocks is, everyone stared at him with wide eyes, and Sunny even gulped nervously at that last thing, specially because she didn't wanted to become a monster that would loose control over herself and destroy everything on her way.

"Wait a second... 'An infection that can only be obtained after someone with no previous preparation has attempted to use Chaos Control'?" Sonic questioned, then his eyes widened, followed by a frown and a growl, as he turned to Sunny behind him, who flinched and gulped nervously at his angered look. "Sunny... Did you used Chaos Control when I specifically told you not to?!"

Sunny smiled sheepishly and scratched her arms ashamed. "Well... I was a bit curious on how the Emeralds' power worked, so... Maybe I did used the Silver Chaos Emerald? Just a tiny little bit?"

"Sunny!" Sonic scolded her with a frown. "This is the exact reason why I told you not to use a Chaos Emerald! I know it can have consequences on anyone that's not trained to use them!"

"I'm sorry!" Sunny apologized. "I just thought that it'll be harmless!" She said, but then her eyes glowed in silver color, then she shook her head and looked down at Sonic with anger. "If anything, this is your fault for not making sure I left the room!"

"Oh, we're going down that route?!" Sonic said with anger. "I worry about you! I have more experience with the Emeralds, which is precisely why nothing I said about them was a joke, woman!"

"Well, you should have warned me even harder than that!" Sunny said with anger, getting her face closer to Sonic's.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Sonic said in rage, also getting closer to her face and growling.

"Stop fighting!" Tails said, as he got in the middle of them and pushed them away from each other. "This isn't going to solve Sunny's problem! We need you both to calm down so I can look after a cure to bring Sunny back!"

Sunny and Sonic were still a bit mad, but Sonic ended up sighing and shaking his head. "You're right... Sorry. I shouldn't let my anger get the best of me."

Sunny, on the other hand, was still mad, so she huffed and looked away, also crossing her hooves.

"The infection is already making effect..." Hitch noticed with concern, because Sunny's attitude clearly changed all of a sudden, so he looked over at the young fox. "Tails, how do we help her?"

"Hmm..." Tails muttered, as he read though the book he brought earlier, while Sunny started to loose her patience over Tails taking so long. "Apparently, to revert the Chaos Pocks, we have to bring the infected one in a calmed and serene state, then make them use the Chaos Emerald they attempted to use and let them be the one that reverts the effect."

"So we only have to keep Sunny calm and with her mind clear to bring her back to normal?" Pipp asked, then she smiled. "That actually sounds pretty easy."

"Well, yeah, it sounds easy, but we have to do it quick!" Tails said with concern. "If we don't revert the Chaos Pocks back, the Negative Chaos Energy on her body is going to intensify, and then––"

But before Tails could finish explaining, the room was suddenly covered in a silver light coming form Sunny's body, as said light was shining so brightly that it illuminated the place and blurred everyone's sights.

Then, Sunny's body started to mutate even more: Her entire body was growing, to the point she was almost as big as the Crystal Brighthouse, spike scales began to grow from her mane, her voice was getting louder and deeper, which was noticeable because she was grunting to her transformation.

And finally, her usually green eyes were switched by red and bloody ones that clearly showed how enraged she was, so she quickly went ahead and roared in anger, before traversing the Brighthouse.

She destroyed the front part of the building, if it wasn't noticeable, and she roared in rage once again, then she saw ahead Maretime Bay and frowned. The Negative Chaos Energy was corrupting her beyond imagination, and now, she has turned into a beast like Chaos, God of Destruction.

Sunny headed towards the town to cause chaos around, while her friends stopped covering themselves because of her outburst and looked at her running away with concern.

"...and then that will happen..." Tails finished with concern.

"SUNNY!" Hitch called out from the Brighthouse with concern, then he rushed towards town so he could help her, even adjusting Sparky on his back so he wouldn't fall from it.

"I'm going with him!" Shadow stated, boosting away without waiting for anyone to say anything.

"We're all going!" Zipp stated. "She's our friend and needs our help!"

"Right!" The rest but Knuckles agreed with nods.

"I'll go ahead and get as many citizens as I can out of the way!" Knuckles declared. "You guys go and bring our friend back to normal!"

In Maretime Bay, everything seemed to be very peaceful so far.

Omega decided to patrol the streets on his own to cover for both Hitch and Knuckles since they went to the Brighthouse along Shadow and Rouge for breakfast, but when the ground suddenly rumbled, the robot got startled and started to look around with concern.

This was the second time this week that the ground rumbled like this, and he didn't liked it.

The robot prepared his guns to shot just in case, but when the rumbling felt closer than ever, he turned around, and he saw with anger at Sunny, or rather, at Chaos Sunny, since her form resembled Perfect Chaos.

Of course, Omega's first instinct was to attack straight at the monster that his sensors were detecting, but as soon as he scanned her Cutie Mark on her right flank, he could not shoot at her, because he recognized that as Sunny's Cutie Mark, and he had her registered as a friend on his database.

Yet he soon realizes that ponies around were panicking because of the sudden 'monster' that came out of nowhere, so even though he could not attack Sunny, he could put everyone else to safety.

So, Omega quickly created an improvised path for the ponies to follow. Everything pointed at Canterlove Studios, since it was the safest place in town, so everypony quickly started to run towards there, and Knuckles soon arrived to help Omega put everypony to safety.

"Come on, everypony!" Knuckles called out with a determined expression.

But then, he noticed that Hitch's animal crew was trapped inside of a box, so he boosted towards the box, opened it, and let the critters be free and get shelter on the studio as well.

"No pony or critter is left behind as long as I'm around!" Knuckles declared with a smirk.

Meanwhile, as Knuckles and Omega put everyone to safety, the rest of the gang was busy trying to figure out how the hell where they going to calm Sunny down, because she was being very destructive over all the buildings around, even stomping some of them with no mercy.

"Serious question: How are we gonna make Sunny calm down if we can barely reach her?! She's a freaking giant!" Pipp pointed out with concern.

"Giant or not, that's still Sunny." Shadow said with a frown. "There must be a way to bring her back to her senses..."

"Hmm... How about we plan something out the same way you guys dealt with that bunny with wings?" Amy suggested, looking at the ponies in the group.

"You mean make a trap to keep her on place?" Zipp asked. "Well, that could work, but what do we do after she's captured?"

Once Zipp questioned this, Sonic and Shadow looked at each other, and despite their differences in the past, they knew exactly what to do, so they nodded to each other and looked back at the rest.

"We know what to do," Shadow stated.

"It's gonna be thought, but we need you guys to follow our lead," Sonic added. "We might know how to stop Sunny before this gets completely out of hand. It might seem like it is, but we still can save her."

After the two hedgehogs said this, the rest nodded with determinate looks, willing to follow their lead.

Chaos Sunny spent at least 10 minutes making a big disaster on Maretime Bay.

This was similar to what the Death Egg Titan did months ago, but with a much smaller creature that was out of control because of corruption. The Negative Chaos Energy in Sunny's body just amplified her most destructive side, and now her home was paying the consequences.

Suddenly, however, Chaos Sunny heard a whistle, so she turned around and saw Sonic standing over a ceiling.

"Hey there, Sunny-bunny!" Sonic called out to her with a mocking smirk, which made Chaos Sunny feel angry. "How about we get you out of here to be a big, scary and outraged creature somewhere else, huh?!"

After saying that, Sonic chuckled and boosted away at top speed, which enraged Chaos Sunny a lot, so she chased after Sonic in a desperate attempt to catch him.

Chaos Sunny started to launch several attacks, like making her claws separate from her body and grow back, launching them at Sonic like projectiles, or even trying to vaporize him with lasers that she could make now that she looked like Perfect Chaos.

Yet Sonic dodged these attacks easily, and then boosted ahead at top speed since she got her pretty far from Maretime Bay already, which made Chaos Sunny growl in anger.

Yet before she could do anything to show this, Shadow suddenly teleported in front of her and looked at her with remorse and shame. "I'm sorry, Sunny. But this is the only way!"

After saying that, Shadow kicked Chaos Sunny's face hard enough to make her groan loudly in pain, which was going according to the plan. Then, Hitch used his Earth Pony magic to make some vines grow and tie Sunny from her hind legs, while Amy used the Vine Power of the Green Chaos Emerald to tie her front hooves as well.

Next to this; Tails, Rouge, Zipp and Pipp started to twirl around her head so they could make her dizzy and avoid her to try and escape from her current ties.

This made Sunny wobble a bit, until she eventually fell to the ground and made it rumble entirely, as Sunny and Amy stopped using the vines and let her go. Meanwhile, Izzy and Misty approached her and they lightened their horns, aiming to her head and casting a small but effective spell on her mind to get her back into her senses.

At least that's what Tails said when he teach them the spell, hopefully it does work. Well, it did worked, because Sunny started to open her eyes, but when she did so, she was once again the same Sunny.

"Ugh... Huh?" Sunny said confused, her eyes were green again, and her voice was normal as well, but her gigantic form remained the same. "What... Guys? What... What's going on? Why are you all so... small, compared to me?"

"We'll explain you later, Sunny," Hitch said, as he placed a hoof on her nose with a smile. "Right now, we only need you to go back to be yourself. The same Sunny we all love and care for."

"The Sheriff's right," Sonic said, as he approached and made the Silver Chaos Emerald appear on his hand, then he placed it over Sunny's nose and let go, while the Emerald floated and stood in contact with Sunny. "Now, we just need you to say the exact same thing you said when you used the Emerald.

"When I used the––" Sunny tried to say confused, but then her eyes opened wide when she remembered how she used the Emerald, how she turned into this... and how she went into a rampage because of the Negative Chaos Energy.

Sunny felt really bad for her actions, but before apologizing, she had to go back to normal first.

So, Sunny closed her eyes and let a lonely tear run down her cheek. "...Chaos... Control..." She said, and both her body and the Silver Emerald glow brightly, making her mutation revert and slowly return her back to normal, until both she and the Emerald stopped glowing.

The Chaos Emerald remained floating in the air after Sunny was back to normal, so Sonic extended his hand to take the Emerald back on his hand. Then, he and the rest of his friends looked at Sunny, who was a regular pony once again, the only real difference being her mane not being tied in any form.

Once everything seemed to be fine, Sunny sat down on her place, and now that she remembered everything she just did, she couldn't help but start to sob in pain, until it intensified and became actual crying.

This made her friends feel bad for her, so with the exception of Shadow and Rouge, everyone else approached and surrounded her on a group hug for comfort, which made Sunny just tear up more and burry her face on Hitch's chest, while also rubbing Sonic and Tails' arms to feel their comfort.

Shadow wanted to comfort her as well, on his very unique way, but he was willing to wait until the rest where done with their hug... Which he knew wasn't going to be anytime soon.

A while later, everyone went back to the now destroyed Brighthouse.

They all stared at the building's front part being destroyed. While it wasn't as bad as with the Death Egg Titan months ago, it still was very sad to see this place destroyed. It was going to take a good while before restoring the Brighthouse back to its glory, but the will pull it out.

But even so, Sunny was very sad and ashamed of letting herself getting corrupted. She, the Alicorn that's supposed to look after Equestria. How could she accomplish such a task if she let the Negative Chaos Energy drive her insane moments ago?

"I'm very sorry for all the trouble I caused..." Sunny apologized, then she looked over at Sonic. "You were right, Sonic. I was not ready on any of those ways to use the Emeralds' power, and I still tried to. If only I listened to you..."

"Sunny, we cannot think on what could it been anymore," Sonic told her with a smile. "I forgive you. And nobody was hurt, right? That's a win already. Sure, we have a lot to rebuild in both Maretime Bay and the Brighthouse, but with magic and the power of what I like to call 'teamwork', I'm sure we'll pull this off in no time."

"And, if you still insist on learning about Chaos Control, perhaps we can teach the proper way next time," Shadow suggested, placing a hand over Sunny's shoulder. "Just listen to us the next time we warn you about the Chaos Emeralds. Like Sonic said, those warnings are not for nothing."

Sunny smiled slightly and nodded. "Maybe when I feel ready to learn, I'll do it," She stated, then she looked back at Maretime Bay. "For now? I have to make it up to the town for my disaster, and to you guys for destroying my home. Our home. Is the least I can do before I actually learn to control the Chaos Emeralds."

"You don't owe us a thing, Sunny," Zipp said with a smile. "You only where curious to see what could happen."

"It could have been any of us, you know?" Pipp pointed out. "I had felt curious myself, and I'll be lying if I say I didn't wanted to try it out..."

"Pipp..." Sonic deadpanned at her, while Pipp smiled sheepishly.

"But we are not mad, Sunny!" Izzy said, side-hugging her with a cheery smile. "We're just glad to have you back as the same Sunny we love!"

"And we'll help you to rebuild everything," Hitch assured with a smile, while Sparky on his back babbled in agreement.

"After all, that's what friends are for, right?" Misty added with a smile.

Sunny felt really touched after hearing her best friends saying all of that, so she smiled and sniffed, then wiped out her tears and nodded in agreement. "I'm so lucky to have you all as my best friends." She declared joyfully, some tears of happiness still showing.

However, Sunny didn't noticed that her Cutie Mark was glowing with the seven colors of the seven Chaos Emeralds for a moment. Sonic did noticed it, though and he wonders why that is. But seeing that Sunny was fine, and that she didn't realized about the glow, he simply sighed and smile.

He will investigate further on this matter in other occasion, but for now? It'll be his little secret.


Author's Note:

So... Ever seen that "Manga/Anime/Netflix Adaptation" Meme?

This episode in particular falls in that category, and BenictheHedgehog can confirm this because he suggested today's chapter.

Originally, it was intended as a two-parter, but what he suggested me to do was so damn difficult to fit in the TYT kind of style that I had to scrap at least 65% of what he suggested me and use only 35%. This is the final result, and while he still told me that he liked the episode as it is, I still find it funny to compare this chapter to what he originally suggested.

There was a lot more going on, but again, I decided to cut it off because I don't want a two parter to steal a spot for a future original chapter. Is a matter about giving other ideas a chance, you know?

Anyways. This chapter's done. Next one is an original one as well, and fair warning: We're heading back into Cyberspace! Because suffering in the Starfall Islands wasn't enough, apparently.

See ya! :twilightsmile:

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