• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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79. The Crystal Ball - Part 2

20 Minutes earlier...

In Maretime Bay, Sonic was loudly slurping a smoothie while laying on Sunny's smoothie cart.

As Sunny herself kept doing her job and gave smoothies to the ponies of Maretime Bay, she also breaths fresh air and sighs happily, a mood she's been radiating more frequently ever since she beat the crap out of Eggman.

Sonic noticed this, and even if he did scolded her for summoning Eggman without telling anypony but Hitch, he still felt kind of proud that she finally let go that ghost of her past. He does fear for her safety still, and he hopes Eggman won't ever pull a trick as cruel on her, or else he'll do some stuff he won't be very proud of...

"You know? I haven't seen you this happy in a long time, sis," Sonic told Sunny with a genuine and kind smile. "After all the crap Eggman put you through months ago, it's good to finally see you smiling genuinely."

"Well, I did managed to strike quite a punch at him!" Sunny pointed out with a smile. "I feel so relieved to finally have broken that chain that didn't allowed me to sleep at night. I can finally go through my routine and feel relaxed!"

"If you ignore the fact that we still have to find Eggman and capture him for good, that is," Sonic reminded with a mocking tone. Not to mention we also still got a certain Alicorn to defeat."

"Let's face a day at a time, okay?" Sunny suggested. "Sure, stopping Eggman and Opaline is important, and if we don't, we could all probably die, but I think we're already used to it at this point."

"It took you a year and a half to get used to the constant chance of getting killed," Sonic told her as if it was something she should be proud of. "It took Tails, Knuckles, Amy and I like 3 or 4 years to get used to Eggman. I actually envy you!"

"Should I feel flattered or concerned considering the kind of thing you envy me for?" Sunny asked with a chuckle, which made Sonic chuckle as well.

However, just as they finished this short conversation, the Pippsqueaks passed in front of them in a rush, moving at top speed towards a certain direction.

You may think this is normal, but the fact that several other ponies, some much older than the three fillies, also passed by and rushed into the same direction. The Pippsqueaks alone called Sonic and Sunny's attention already, but what seemed to be the whole town? Something big's going on.

"We can agree that a bunch of ponies running to a certain place is strange, right?" Sonic asked Sunny.

"Not really, but I do wonder what's getting them this excited," Sunny replied, then pull out a sign that said 'Be back after lunch!' and put it on the stand's counter, then exited the truck. "Let's go check it out ourselves! Maybe it's something worth our time!"

"I really hope so," Sonic replied, finishing what's left of his smoothie, then throwing the cup into a trash can, and then rushing along Sunny to where everypony else head to.

Once they reach the same place, they noticed a bunch of ponies seeing curiously at a big and brown tent that had a big sign at the top of the entrance, this one reading 'Crystal Ball Fortune Teller'.

Realizing this, Sunny raised an eyebrow intrigued, while Sonic deadpanned. "A fortune teller... Really? Isn't Amy precisely that but with cards? What's a ball made of glass gonna tell? Get a free pie out of nowhere right after someone comes out of that tent?"

And right after he said that, Izzy jumped out of the tent with a smile. "The crystal ball told me that there is a super yummy pie in my future!"

This was already surprising for Sonic, but before he could say something else, Hitch came out of nowhere with a smile, holding a pie and extending it to Izzy. "Here you go. Iz. I know how much you love pie."

"Whoa!" Izzy cheered with sparkling eyes. "Did you ponies see that?! Mind totally blown! Whaaaa!"

Right after this, Izzy took the pie and started to eat it, while Sunny was jaw dropped and Sonic had wide eyes, one even twitching. He then took out some reading glasses and a book. Said book said 'The Crystal Ball - Part 2: Script' on the front, and Sonic started to read it anxiously.

"I need to check who's the writer of this episode, because they cannot keep getting away with this!" Sonic said in anger.

"That was... Well, something..." Sunny said confused and still shocked.

Just then, Pipp came out of nowhere and looked at the tent with a smile and sparkling eyes. "Okay, I gotta try this!"

Just as she said this and entered the tent, Zipp, Hitch, Tails and Amy followed along, although Amy seemed kind of mad for some reason. Sonic and Sunny, however, didn't seemed to trust this tent that much.

And then after a moment, Hitch came out of the tent with a panicked look. "The crystal ball said I was gonna lose Sparky!" He cried out, looking around for his baby dragon while Sunny looked at him in panic. "Sparky?! Sparky?! SPARKYYYYY!"

"Where is he?!" Sunny exclaimed in worry.

Then, Zipp came out with a smirk. "Calm down, you two. The crystal ball told me that I would find Sparky," She said, and then, Shadow suddenly arrived with a bored expression, while he opened a path on his left arm, allowing Spike to crawl through it and then climb to his head, much to Hitch and Zipp's surprise. "Huh. Would you look at that?"

Sparky seemed to happy around Shadow, and when he almost fell by doing a front flip from Shadow's head, Shadow himself just caught him by extending his arms, while Sparky babbled happily after getting caught. Then, Shadow looked at Hitch with a bored expression.

"Your son has been following me the whole day," Shadow said, no specific tone on his voice, he simply told Hitch the truth.

"Heheh... Sorry for that..." Hitch apologized sheepishly, quickly getting Sparky on his hooves while Shadow teleported away.

Next, Pipp came out of the tent with a frown. "Ugh! Get real! That ball thingy told me I wouldn't be able to stop squawking like a bird. What? As if," She scoffed, just before she made a squawking sound, which made her cover her moth in shock. "Oh, no! Oh, no-no-no-no!" She then squawked again. "No-no-no-no-no!" She then ran off, making the others look at her confused before Pipp squawked again.

"Okay... four predictions in a row..." Sonic said with wide eyes and concern. "I'm actually scared."

Now, Tails came out of the tent while scratching his neck confused. "Huh. The crystal ball says I'm gonna fly away anytime a sneeze for no reason the rest of the day. I probably should be concerned, but come on. How bad can it really––" He tried to say, but then he sneezed and flew away, landing on his stomach over a lamppost, groaning in pain. "Never mind..."

He then slid and landed on the ground painfully, while Zipp looked concerned and rushed to him.

"That's... five in a row..." Sunny pointed out. "This starts to get creepy."

And finally, Amy came out of the tent with an anxious look. "So the crystal ball said that my hammer's gonna be thrown at me... I feel in danger now."

"Okay, that's quite an impossible one," Sonic said with a confident smirk, also crossing his arms. "Amy's hammer is as heavy as a car, there's no way someone can throw it at––"

Yet just before Sonic finished talking, Amy's hammer fell right on her head and made her hold it in pain while groaning, then he and Sunny looked up at Rouge, who was covering her mouth with wide eyes.

"Oh gosh, Amy! I-I'm sorry! I-I just wanted to bring you back your hammer!" Rouge said concerned.

Amy just groaned, picked up her hammer and walked away, leaving Sonic and Sunny with their jaws dropped. If the bar was set to just two or three, both of them would've label wall that happened as simple coincidences. However, six guesses ina. row was alarming, and they had a terrible feeling about this.

"Okay. Six in a row. Whoever's inside there, knows what they're doing," Sonic said with concern.

"There has to be some sort of trick behind all of this..." Sunny stated. "Whoever's guessing this cannot get everything right, can they?"

"Just one way to find out..." Sonic declared, as he stepped inside the tent, and Sunny followed him.

Inside the tent, Sonic and Sunny found themselves confused, yet also surprised.

Everywhere they looked, there were several cut cardboard signs, some having the word 'fortune', some having the word 'luck', and the majority of them had the word 'future' in them.

"Huh... Okay... Whoever hosts this place knows their brand pretty well," Sonic commented with an amusing smirk.

"Maybe too much..." Sunny said unease, since there was also a bunch of creepy triangles with an eye around.

"I wouldn't pay any mind to those things," Sonic advised her. "Is just a shape with a human eye, what's the worse it can do?"

But then they heard a hum coming from inside the tent, and then, they saw a table with a mantle, as well as the crystal ball their friends have been talking about. At the other side, a creature covered by a cape with a cover sat and hummed, awaiting for both Sonic and Sunny to approach.

"Seems like we found our fortune teller..." Sonic deadpanned and approached them, with Sunny hesitantly following behind.

They sat down at the other side of the table, but as they noticed the little light in the room, they noticed the red skin of the covered creature, as well as his white and big boxing gloves with spikes in the knuckles.

This sell away who was at the other side, shocking the two siblings. "KNUCKLES?!" Both of them shouted.

"Heya!" Knuckles said happily while waving his hand, before clearing his throat and adopt his fortune teller posture. "Come, my child, and let me show you the wonders of the future––"

"Cut the act, Knucklehead!" Sonic interrupted. "The hell are you doing?!"

"And where did you get that crystal ball?!" Sunny asked confused. "A-And how are you guessing the future precisely as it happens?!"

"Well, it all started when I found this crystal ball in the basement," Knuckles began to narrate. "When I touched it, the ball said my future had a stack of grapes waiting for me. I didn't pay too much mind at first, but as soon as I put the crystal ball back on it's place and went to the kitchen, guess what I found?!"

Sonic and Sunny looked at each other, then back at Knuckles. "A stack of grapes?"

"A stack of grapes!" Knuckles said happily with sparkling eyes, before clearing his throat and calm himself down. "Now, it said that the stack of grapes would be found on the fridge, yet I found it on a box over the kitchen's table. That help me discover how the predictions of the ball work."

"Wait, what?" Sonic said confused.

"Turns out the crystal ball shows you fragments of the future, just not precisely what will happen or how," Knuckles started to explain. "For example, Izzy saw a pie on her future, right? Yet the ball shown her that she'll find the pie, but instead, I heard from here that Hitch give it to her. See what I mean?"

"So you found this random crystal ball that shows some kind of possible future combining fake elements and actual ones that will happen, right?" Sunny asked, as Knuckles nodded. "So what are you doing here exactly with it?"

"Well, Maretime Bay's school needs some money to repair a classroom that flood last week, and also some new instruments, so I said 'Screw it, let's make money by showing ponies their future'!" Knuckles replied with a smile.

"...Wait, you're playing like a Fortune Teller for charity?" Sonic asked. "That... That's actually pretty sweet. But was the Illuminati logo necessary, though? I find it kinda strange to be here."

"Illumi–– what now?" Knuckles asked confused. "I don't know what are you talking about, Hedgehog, 'cause I saw those statues and they remind me of Bill Cypher, so I used them because of that."

"...Honestly, I'm impressed you don't know what are the Illuminati..." Sonic confessed. "Let's keep it that way."

"Right..." Sunny rolled her eyes, then focused on Knuckles. "Well, now that we're here, we might as well get a glance to our future as well!" She smiled.

"Great!" Knuckles said, then extended his open palm. "But if you want me to make the ball show your future, you gotta pay for the school. It's 10 bucks per person."

"I'll usually complain you're charging up your own friends, but since this is charity we're talking about, makes sense you make no exceptions," Sonic said with a smirk, then payed his 10 bucks, while Sunny did the same.

"Well, then. Let the vision begin!" Knuckles stated. "Oh, but before that, quick warning: The vision you'll see can either last a few seconds or a few minutes. However, here in the real world, it's just around 4 or 5 seconds, so you won't be delaying the line outside the tent."

"That's pretty clever, actually," Sunny said with a smile. "I wonder why you found that crystal ball in the basement, though. I mean, Dad didn't had it... Or at least I don't remember have seen it before..."

"We can find that out later, Sunny," Sonic suggested. "Now hit us with our future, Knucklehead!"

"Just remember: You asked for it!" Knuckles warned them.

After saying this, Knuckles put his hands on the crystal ball and activated it, then let Sunny and Sunny have their vision, as their eyes turned blue for a moment while they stared for five seconds at the crystal ball. However, when their eyes went back to normal, they looked over at Knuckles extremely confused.

"Knux... What the hell was that?!" Sonic asked in panic with wide eyes.

"I dunno, I didn't saw what you," Knuckles shrugged.

"T-That thing... I-It showed us a really creepy scenario!" Sunny said. "Sonic and Eggman were working together, Opaline was stealing Cutie Marks, Sonic had a strange yet cool power up, w-we literally beat the crap out of Opaline!"

"Not to mention, THE END!" Sonic shouted. "What was The End doing there, and why did the vision finished right before showing us what The End planned to do?!"

"Calm down, you two!" Knuckles spoke. "As I said, the vision don't shows you exactly what will happen, it just mixes actual future events with fake ones and mixes them into a possible scenario, just not the one that will happen."

"So what we just saw might happen but in a different way?!" Sunny asked in panic.

"Pretty much," Knuckles nodded.

"Why, thank you, Knucklehead! Now I feel so much better!" Sonic spoke with sarcasm and rolled his eyes. "We didn't even got the full picture! I need to see that until the very end!" He stated, then put other 10 bucks in the table.

"Me too! It cannot end with The End coming out of nowhere, right?!" Sunny said concerned, also placing other 10 bucks.

"Eh, do as you want, you two. You're helping the cause, so I guess another peek won't hurt," Knuckles said, snapping his fingers and allowing the siblings to continue their vision.

The sky changed from its usual blue and switched to a deadly purple color.

Then, in the middle of all Equestria, the ground started to glow in a crimson red color, while seven gigantic arms with just three fingers emerged and stomped the ground, making it rumble violently.

Soon, the source of the arms began to rise from the mysterious portal in the ground. This creature seemed to be a giant and corrupted version of an Ancient: It was a black creature with red veins all over their body, 8 fin-like protrusions on the back of their head, a tall bulge on top, and 8 red eyes.

They also had a red aura surrounding them, as well as a strange red symbol floating behind them, which works as the wings of this creature. Finally, they had one single leg that looked like a sharp sword.

This creature was none other than the killer of the Ancients' planet: The End, on its final and true form.

The End roared loudly in rage and then went down to the ground, placing its main arms in front while the other five moved wildly behind. It then looked forward to stare at Sonic with anger, while Sonic himself stared back feeling the same. He then closed his eyes, charged up Cyber Energy on his right hand, then snapped his fingers.

With this, his body released a wave of Cyber Energy, while he transformed into Super Sonic 2 again and glared daggers at The End. He was beyond ready to take this entity down once and for all.

The End cyber corrupted the Together Trees and feed on the ponies magic, leaving them weak and useless. So now, Sonic's gonna make sure he's gone for good. Thankfully, he has learned that The End's real form is mortal, so destroying him this time will actually kill the entity for good.

Feeling confident, Sonic pointed a finger at The End, then raised two while provoking it to come at him. He wanted it to be the first one attacking, make it loose its cool and aim at him, something that worked.

The End roared in anger, and so, it launched several spheres of Cyber energy against Sonic in an attempt to damage him, but each time any of those attacks was gonna hit Sonic, he always raised his left hand and moved the attack away like nothing, like if it wasn't even a problem.

The attack ended up destroying a big portion of the ground instead, but The End didn't seemed impressed with the attacks... Except that the last one Sonic dodged went at it instead of the ground.

The attack stunned The End, long enough for Sonic to start punching him with a combo of several attacks: Spin Slash, then Phantom Rush, then Loop Kick, then some regular punches by multiplying himself, then another Spin Slash, then more punches at Super Sonic speed, and finally Quick Cyloop.

This caused a golden gust of wind to lift up The End in the air, and even though it tried to attack Sonic again, he parried the attack, then began to punch The End again with Phantom Rush and another Loop Kick.

And finally, Sonic punched The End a bit more before snapping his fingers, which made a massive golden laser came from the sky and hit The End, stunning the former Ancient for a second, before Sonic took advantage of his two most powerful moves: Phantom Rush and Stomp Attack.

With this, The End was now weakened and roared in pain, but Sonic knew that wouldn't be enough. So, he focused some Cyber Energy and snapped his fingers, which made an exact replica of Supreme appear.

After this, Eggman floated on his Eggmobile towards the top of the Titan, where a free spot was available for him to attach his vehicle. He did so, and soon, Supreme turned on with blue lights, indicating the Titan was in Eggman's control. He then looked ahead at Sonic and nodded with a smirk, while Sonic nodded back.

Follow me
I'm standing on the border of everything
Listen close

Yet The End recovered faster than anyone would've liked, then it roared in anger and shoot a bunch of daggers made of Cyber Energy against the three Equestrian cities, as well as against Eggman and Supreme.

Can you hear the spirits sing
Lost messages of long ago? (Long ago?)

Seeing this, Sage gasped and quickly moved ahead to create a massive shield that protected both the Titan and her father. However, the daggers in the other three cities were still moving at top speed, and Sage gasped again, because she knew that she didn't had enough power to protect the three pony towns.


However, this was a problem that she didn't had to solve, because suddenly, an orange shield was activated over maretime Bay, then a red one in Bridlewood, and finally a yellow one in Zephyr Heights.

These shields were activated by Shadow, Knuckles and Tails respectively. Shadow had to remove his inhibitor rings so he could use Chaos Control to make the shield in Maretime Bay, while both Knuckles and Tails had to exceed their limits with their powers to explode the magical side and create their shields.


Seeing that the cities and themselves were safe, Sage smiled, then looked ahead at Sonic and nodded, while Sonic nodded back and the looked at The End, who roared in rage at the fact it couldn't kill anyone.

Leave the life you knew before
See a new world worth fighting for

Sonic boosted ahead towards The End, but before he could pull the trick he wanted to, the creature roared again and covered its head with its main arms, while it moved wildly the other five in the air. Noticing this, Sonic moved ahead and approached the other arms, then parried and sent The End a bit backwards.

Find the truth of who I'm meant to become
Another path I must now walk on

Followed by this, Sonic began to hit The End until his Phantom Rush was charged, then made a Stomp Attack, and then finished off this short combo with a Wild Rush.

I'm here
Reaching far across these new frontiers
With my life I fight this fear

Sonic repeated the same combo up to the Stomp Attack, because when he was ready to punch The End's face again, the creature began to launch Cyber Energy spheres at him again. Noticing this, Sonic stopped and began to dodge them all, and once all of them were gone, The End roared in rage again.

In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

After that, Sonic crossed his arms and waited for The End to attack, something it did as it approached him like a spider ready to bite on it's prey and eat it with no mercy.

However, The End's plan failed, because as it was face to face with Sonic, the latter's eye looked at it, and in just an instant, he moved so fast that he not only hit The End several times, but he also made it roll painfully in the ground, until it was laying on its back and loudly groaning in pain.

Meanwhile, Sonic gave his back to The End and kept his arms crossed, but then he looked at The End over his shoulder with a very cold expression that only radiated his hate for the former Ancient.

Getting up and more enraged than before, The End ducked down and allowed its other five arms to charge up the biggest Cyber Energy sphere yet, one that it shot directly at Sonic with no shame nor remorse. Seeing this, Sonic placed his hands in front and attempted to stop the attack, but he couldn't do so.

This also caused him to go back into normal Super Sonic, as his eyes went red again, his shoes and gloves were not glitching anymore, the red of his arms and quills disappeared, and got a golden aura instead of red again.

Come with me
We'll travel through the trials and tragedy
Blessed and bleak

He thought he could stop the attack... But that was not the case, because the attack was so strong that it even sent him back to his regular self, with the Chaos Emeralds getting out of his body, and when Sonic noticed this, he panicked, and then the attack pushed him backwards, making him loose a lot of rings in the process.

Can you hear the spirits shout
The secrets in their melodies? (Their melodies?)

Eventually, the sphere exploded right in Sonic's face, making an explosion that could make anyone think Sonic was gone, and that The End has gotten exactly what it wanted.

But that wasn't the case, because when the smoke of the explosion faded away, Sonic was completely fine, the Emeralds still surrounding him and everything. He smirked, then snapped his fingers and turned back into Super Sonic, before closing his eyes and start to charge the Cyber Energy of his body again.

Explore the mysteries
A new life is revealed to me

It took him a while, but he eventually his gloves and shoes glitched again, his arms and quills got red lines, his golden aura turned red , and his eyes switched to cyan blue, meaning he once again turn into Super Sonic 2.

Once again we'll start our story anew
Don't be afraid I will be with you

Then, he took a deep breath, before pointing ahead at The End, open his eyes again, and then dare it to come at him. He was so glad that this new form was working, that Master King's trial has awakened a power he never knew he needed, and now, he was ready to go all out on The End if necessary.

I'm here
Reaching far across these new frontiers
With my life I fight this fear

The End lost its patience and charged up a laser against Sonic, but the Golden Blur didn't dodged it this time: He parried it, and then teleported to the place where the attack would fall and parried it again.

This sent the attack towards The End and stunned it in place, then Sonic went towards The End's chest and punched it towards the air. Once there, Sonic moved his hands and feet like if he was punching the air, and then sent those attacks against The End, hitting it and moving it even more upwards.

In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

Then, as The End was falling towards him, Sonic closed his eyes and extended his left hand, then closed it into a fist, flew upwards, and sent The End towards space in the process, stunning it again.

Noticing this, Eggman gasped, and then frowned with a determinate look. "Sonic, it's now or never!" He stated, pulling out Supreme's sniper and holding it for use.

Hearing this, Sonic turned to his nemesis and nodded, then he flew ahead and entered Supreme's sniper, the Titan still being controlled by Eggman. Once Sonic reached the very deep end of the sniper, he came to a stop and let out a sigh, remembering Master King's words...

"That power is a fragile thing and it was not meant to you. It has been synchronized to your form as best it can, but if used recklessly, the power will leave you entirely."

Sonic sighed again, then turned around to face the sniper's exit. "Sorry, Master King. Looks like I'm going all-out after all!"

After saying this, Sonic closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, and then he let the Cyber Energy remaining on his body take control over his entire body as Super Sonic 2.

Now, not only his gloves, shoes and red body lines were glitching, but his whole body in general started to glitch out as well. He was still grunting in pain, but then he opened his eyes and nodded to himself, then let out a combination of a warrior and painful cry, as the Cyber Energy kept extending though his body.

Sonic was now glitching completely in blue, then he extended his right hand, his left leg, and then his head started to move like crazy while glitching, as his eyes turned into blue spirals and he cried out in pain.

Eggman took Sonic's screams of agony as his sign to shoot, so he started to elevate the sniper and pointed it as much as he could to The End. However, to make absolutely sure that he'll hit it, he used his super hight tech advanced glasses to calculate the exact point he'll shot at.


It took him a moment to calibrate the exact point where he'll shot, but he eventually managed to do it.

(Ohhh, Who-o-ohhh)



Once he did, Eggman didn't had to think twice and shoot the sniper, releasing Sonic from it... But now with his new aspect, he wasn't Super Sonic 2 anymore. He was Cyber Super Sonic.

Standing here (Standing here)
The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers

Sonic zig-zagged in the air and growled in anger as he headed towards The End, while the former Ancient's eyes widened in terror, since it knew that it was finished. Its entire plant, all the chaos it caused across Equestria, all the magic it stole from the ponies... In the end it was all for nothing, because it lost.

Meanwhile, Sonic let out a warrior cry with his eyes closed and his hands extended, then he closed his hands in fists and traversed The End in space, making the entity scream in pain and charge up to explode.

In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

After traversing The End and release all the Cyber Energy of his body, Sonic fell unconscious as regular Super Sonic.

His body was dirty and beaten up, meaning that going all-out on The End made him use more energy than he should've... But even if Sonic fell unconscious, he was smiling, because he managed to give The End the definitive blow that actually killed it forever, even though he had knowledge on this last fact.

As for The End? Well, it exploded and died, finally putting an end to all the atrocities it made to Equestria, to the Ancients, and to Sonic's and Longclaw's ancestors forever. Their souls could finally rest in peace.

Once the second vision ended, Sonic and Sunny blinked and shook their heads.

As they did so, Knuckles raised an eyebrow. "So? How did it went?"

"...I... I don't really know what the heck I just saw..." Sonic replied. "But if that's my future, well, might as well start writing down my testament."

"...I don't know what I saw, either..." Sunny said, as she and Sonic stood up and head to the exit. "Uh, thanks for showing us that, Knuckles... I guess... Um, good luck with the charity!"

"Good luck in therapy! I feel you're gonna need it after whatever you just saw," Knuckles replied with a smile.

"For once, you might actually be right, Knucklehead..." Sonic said anxiously, exiting the tent along Sunny.

"Hmm... Should've I tell them that whatever the crystal ball shows them will be forgotten in 24 hours just to leave the timeline intact since knowing the future could kill us all?" Knuckles wondered, then shrugged. "Eh, they won't remember tomorrow anyways."

Once outside of the tent, Sonic and Sunny were received by Tails.

"Oh, there you are!" Tails said with a smile, then flew ahead and put his arms around his siblings' necks. "So? How did it went? What did the crystal ball told you, guys?"

As he asked this, Pipp suddenly came to them. "I hope for your sake it had––" She suddenly squawked again. "––nothing to do with birds!" She then gave another squawk and began to sob. "Why?!"

Sonic and Sunny looked at each other over Tails' head, and even if they shared no words, just by looking at each other they silently agreed into keep what they saw in the crystal ball to themselves and not tell anyone. After all, how do you tell your friends you saw some of them mind controlled and some without Cutie Marks?

"In a little bit of a slump: Some wild months are awaiting us..." Sonic replied with a little smile.

"Yeah, that's the best way to describe it," Sunny agreed, then both of them walked away, leaving Tails and Pipp confused.

"Uh, you guys realize how little that sentence narrows your vision down, right?" Tails called out, following them.

"Yeah! I need to know if you guys have a bird fortune or something!" Pipp said, just before squawking again. "AW, COME ON!"

On his lab, Eggman was walking back and forth as he held a book.

Not so far, Sage had her eyes closed, touching one side of Eggman's computer that glitched to her touch.

Eggman has been searching the past few months for a power source that can literally tear apart the wall that separates this reality from any other one, a power that can afford him the ability to travel across universes.

With the Chaos Emeralds on Team Sonic's power, Eggman had no choice but look after a different power source if he wanted to gain access to other realities. Thankfully, he created a new body for Sage, and now she's twice as useful and helpful as she was when Cyberspace transformed her program into a living being.

"I'm so glad to have you here, Sage," Eggman confessed with a smile, but still looking at the book he was holding. "To tell the truth, getting a new body for you was pretty difficult, but... it was worth it. You are my greatest creation, and I couldn't stand the idea of loosing you, so... having you here, by my side... feels surreal to me."

Sage opened her eyes and looked at Eggman for a second, before smiling warmly at him. "I'm glad to hear that, father," She said. "I just wish I could have been here before, physically, to help you out better."

"No need to apologize, dear," Eggman assured. "If anything, my recent failures have opened my mind a bit: If I wanna defeat that hedgehog, first I'll have to conquer any world to prove him how superior I really am."

"Father... I know you answered this on Cyberspace, but... Why do you keep respecting Sonic the same way you hate him?" Sage asked confused, as she retired her hand from the computer, that shut down after she did that. "I get you are enemies and it's a common thing, but... why not just finish him off directly?"

Eggman put the book aside and rubbed his chin with a raised eyebrow. "Hmm... perhaps I could explain to you why this is so important. Alright, kid. Listen closely: Sonic is a formidable foe. He's a pest that loves to make stupid and unfunny jokes, true: But he's a great fighter. He doesn't use his speed to run away, no: He turns it into a weapon! He's smart, he has courage, and he's willing to stop me even if could cost his own life!"

"Just like how he handled the Cyber Corruption... even if it was killing him..." Sage remarked.

"Perfect example, Sage!" Eggman said with pride. "He's that formidable! If only he didn't messed up with my plans, perhaps we could actually hang around the same way he hangs with Shadow. But since we are enemies, I need to prove myself to be just as formidable! The Death Egg Titan was, probably, the nearest I've ever been to fulfill my dream, but he still ruined everything."

"So... you wanna be at his level?" Sage asked.

"That's one way to see it," Eggman replied. "I don't want him death, even though I've been close to murder him a few times. I want to prove him that I'm superior, that I'm better than him! Conquering everything he knows and loves and crush it before his eyes! And after all of that... I don't know. Maybe I will kill him, or just turn him into a robot, only time will tell!"

Sage placed a hand on her chin, thinking about everything she heard, and comparing the new data with all the one she just downloaded from Eggman's computer.

After processing all the data for a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes with a determinate look and a smile towards Eggman. "I think I have something that might help you with you wish, father."

Eggman raised an eyebrow again at her. "Proceed."

Sage made her hand glow, and one of the many books spread on the ground floated, opened in a page, and then it moved towards Eggman, who grabbed the book and took a closer look at the object he was looking at: Some kind of weird looking prism of four different colors, these ones being red, green, yellow and blue.

"This is the Paradox Prism," Sage began to explain. "According to all the data I gathered, it's a legendary prism with the ability to tear apart the invisible wall that separates this reality from any other one."

Eggman's eyes widened and he looked between the image of the prism and Sage. "I'm sorry, what?!" He shouted in surprise, but also in disbelief.

"The Prism has powerful abilities that go beyond imagination," Sage began to explain. "It is powerful enough to destroy every wall between this world and any other one. If you had this in your power, you could travel to any world you wanted with no problem! You could conquer many worlds were Sonic does not exist, or even join forces with your counterparts across the entire multiverse!"

Eggman saw the image in awe, and an evil grin was drawn over his face. "Dear, could you please do that thing of yours?"

Sage grinned back, and with just moving one hand, she made an hologram of the Paradox Prism be projected, which made Eggman's grin grow bigger, if that's even possible.

"With this Prism... I could not only conquer my world and Equestria... every single reality in existence could be at the palm of my hand..." Eggman said with joy, then he turned to see Sage and he caressed softly her head. "Good job, my girl. Now, prepare searching units! We must find this Prism and explode all it's capabilities!"

"Yes, father!" Sage replied.


Author's Note:

So? Did you guys liked this concept?

Keep in mind that, as Knuckles said, these visions only shown some stuff that will happen, just not how. After all, I'm not making Chapter 6 (yes, I have to repeat it so it stays clear).

I cannot really say much about this second part 'cause pretty much all I wanted to share previously was already done in the first part. However, I do wanna share The End's true form so you all can appreciate it since, again, I don't like putting images in the middle of my stories:

Pretty sick, right? I know it is.

Well, thanks for reading this chapter, and I'll see you all on Tuesday for the series finales. Bye! :pinkiehappy:

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