• Published 14th Sep 2022
  • 2,240 Views, 591 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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Meanwhile, in another universe...

Somehow, Sonic broke the sky for a tiny, little moment before it went back to normal.

As for Sonic himself, he fell into some kind of metallic ground, where he rolled for a while and grunted in pain before he finally stopped moving.

He laid on the floor with his eyes closed. His gloves got dirty after the fall, and the sole of his shoes were glowing in a neon white light, as well as releasing a few electrical sparks.

It didn't took him long to finally open his eyes, just to be welcomed by a dark and blue sky, as well as lot of industrial buildings surrounding him.

"Ugh..." Sonic groaned in pain. "W-What?" He said, as he slowly sat down and looked around confused.

Everywhere he looked, there where either big metallic structures that he wasn't so sure if he could call buildings, or actual industrial buildings, releasing smoke to the sky. There were also a lot of robots around, all looking like anthropomorphic animals, walking slowly and looking... lifeless, even for robots.

"What the heck is this place?" Sonic questioned confused, before standing up and look around in search of something that could look familiar. "Tails? Pipp? Knux! Geez, I'll even take Shadow if that means I can see a familiar face around here," He said with concern, as he started to walk on this new place.

The more he walked around this new place, the more he hated what he watched: More robots that looked like animals, more industrial buildings, and even a giant base that had the shape of an egg in the distance.

"Seriously: What IS this place?!" Sonic complained with a frown. "It's giving big Eggman vibes... and I don't like that."

And then, one glance to his hand made him squeal in panic, since they were more... flat, and his body even looked more cartoonish than usual. Yes, he has a very wacky design, which added sense to why he was often confused as a porcupine, but he's never been this wacky and cartoonish before, specially since his quills were only three in row.

Suddenly, a light appeared on his back, and when he noticed that because of his shadow, he turned to see some kind of green-floating vehicle moving towards him at top speed.

He frowned again and jumped just in time before being hit by the vehicle, but then he noticed a bunch of other ones coming as well, so he dodged all of them by run.

Yeah, it wasn't a good idea.

Apparently, the new light on his shoes affected his super speed, because he couldn't control it anymore.

"What the––" Sonic exclaimed, before being carried around by his feet instead of being the one in control. "Hey! What comes?! Ow!" He said in pain, as he crashed against several walls, before crashing entirely against a last one that finally made him stop.

He groaned in pain again, before slowly standing up and stretch his body to make sure he didn't broke anything.

"Geez... that was weird..." Sonic said with concern, before looking down to his shoes and finally notice that weird glow with sparkles around. "Huh? My shoes? Why are they glowing?"

After a few seconds, however, they stopped glowing, and the sole was just as dirty as his gloves, another thing that he was realizing just now.

"I'm gonna have a talk with Tails about his polymer once I got back, because these are looking terrible today..." Sonic muttered in annoyance. "That is, if I even discover where am I in the first place, how do I got here, how to go back home and maybe eat some Chilidogs, because I skipped lunch today."

Since he was on a strange alley, where he accidentally got himself into because of his shoes, he decided to run over one of the walls and climb to the very top until he could get a better sight or where he was.

He noticed his shoes were glowing again, and he even had a struggle to keep them under control, but he still managed to do so. And once he reached the top, he stopped, thankfully not being dragged to another unknown place by his feet this time, but he gasped in shock and fear at the sight: A big industrial city, full of not only robots looking like animals, but also regular robots that looked like humans... except for the head. The central building, the one with a shape of an egg, was bigger than he thought, and it was very intimidating.

"Sweet Chaos... this place is like my worse nightmare turned into a reality," Sonic said with concern, and then he saw a letter with neon lights, that seemed like a 'Welcome' sign, but he didn't felt welcomed at all. "Huh... 'Welcome to Robotropolis'... Never heard of this place before," He said with a frown, before looking back at the egg-shaped building. "I'm clearly not in Equestria, but... this isn't Mobius, either... Right?"

Just when he thought this place was only full of metal and machines, he saw that, in the distance, there was some kind of cliff, and on top of that cliff, there were trees.

"So this isn't just a junkyard of robots after all, huh?" Sonic stated with a smirk. "Seems like I have my next destination defined!"

However, just when he thought this place was only full of metal and machines, he saw that, in the distance, there was some kind of cliff, and on top of that cliff, there were trees.

"So this isn't just a junkyard of robots after all, huh?" Sonic stated with a smirk. "Seems like I have my next destination defined!"

However, just when he launched himself to the ground and landed on his feet, a bunch of lights illuminated over him, blinding him for a while before he placed a hand over his forehead to see a bunch of robots, as well as some of those weird flying vehicles, pointing their lights and guns at him.

"I don't know what brings you here today, Hedgehog," A male voice said, a voice that sounded familiar but different at the same time to Sonic. "But if you were asking for a quick death, then this is your lucky day!"

"The what now?" Sonic said confused.

"What's the matter, Sonic? You're usually more talky and annoying," The mysterious man pointed out.

"Um, excuse me, mysterious man from the speakers I cannot see..." Sonic called out with a sheepish smile. "I'm afraid I'm not aware of what are you talking about. Who are you? How do you know me? What did I ever did to you? And what the heck is going on?!"

"This kind of foolish game is new to me, I must say," The voice said. "But it doesn't matter to me! I have you just where I want you! Now, KILL HIM!"

"In name of Doctor Robotnik, you must surrender to be roboticized," One of the robots instructed, now charging up one of its guns against Sonic.

"Excuse me, Robotnik? EGGMAN DID ALL OF THIS?!" Sonic shouted in shock.

Before getting any form of response, his shoes began to glow again, dragging him away from the machines and robots, who began to shot as Sonic screamed because of the sudden moves of his feet.

As his feet dragged him away, the robots got over the flying vehicles and chased him around the city, with Sonic struggling as he tried to take control over his own feet once again. However, it seemed like his feet worked alone, because they were moving him in a way he could always dodge the attacks... but that's not what Sonic wanted.

"What the heck is happening today?!" Sonic groaned. "Look, I have no idea of what's controlling my feet, but I don't want to run away! If anything, I should be kicking all these robots asses if Eggman's really behind this! So please let me go!"

It seemed to work, because his shoes stopped glowing and he finally felt like he was controlling his feet again.

"Neat!" Sonic cheered, before curling into a ball and charging up his Spin Dash against the robots and flying vehicles.

As the machines feel to the ground, more started to arrive towards him, but that just made Sonic smirk confidently. He charged his Spin Dash again and used it against some enemies, then he stopped right in front of one of them and used a Homing Shot, followed by a Stomp Attack that turned the robot into pieces.

Then, he used Wild Rush in several enemies that exploded, before using Loop Kick on another one at the end. Then, he used a Homing Attack against one robot before grabbing it and spin it to use it as some kind of hammer that smashed all the other robots, before throwing the one he grabbed and launch it towards a wall, where the robot destroyed itself.

Finally, and seeing that this wouldn't stop anytime soon, Sonic charged up his electrical powers and charged up his Spindash, before booting over thousands of robots at super sonic speed, destroying all of them in the process.

Sonic finally stopped and stood over a pile of all the robots he destroyed with a smirk. "Now that's what I call another job well done in my life!" He said with a confident smirk, but then frowned once he remembered what that robot said about surrounding in Robotnik's name...

In a room, right in the top of the egg-shaped building, a figure was looking at several monitors showing Sonic's image.

"Eggman! I don't know where are you hiding, you coward, but once I find you, I'll kick your butt harder than ever if you really are behind this nightmare-ish city!" Sonic stated, before it moved away from the camera's vision rang.

"Hmm... this is really interesting. Don't you think, Snively?" the man that threat Sonic asked to a skinny man with green clothes at his side.

"It is indeed, sir," Snively replied.

The man stood up and revealed himself to be some kind of half man and half robot, since it had black sclera with red iris, and his arms and legs were replaced with robotic prosthesis. He wore a black and yellow cape, a red suit with a black circle in the middle with yellow stripes around and black pants. His name was Julien, but everyone referred to him as Robotnik.

"I highly doubt this is the same Sonic that messes up with us," Robotnik said with a sinister grin. "He's faster, stronger, powerful! Didn't you saw all what he can do? It was simply amazing! Whoever this guy is, he also answers to the name 'Sonic', but he is different. More... special... We must take this power for us! He must. Be. ROBOTIZED!" He shouted, followed up by a maniac laugh. "Snively! Sent all the units to look after that mysterious hedgehog!"

"Y-Yes sir! R-Right away!" Snively replied nervously, moving towards a panel control and pressing several buttons to move all units to look after Sonic.

Sonic already lost track of time, but he could feel like it's been a whole day.

He didn't eat, he didn't slept, and he didn't found a way to leave Robotropolis yet. He still found more robots that he beat up easily, and there was no sign of Eggman either. Everything looked the exact same to him, and despite how tired he felt right now, he wasn't going to sleep until he left this place.

Sonic stopped suddenly and stared to a mark on a building that felt very familiar to him at this point. "Hang on, didn't I passed this alley, like, 3 times already?" He questioned, now looking everything around him, and then groaning once he realized he, indeed, passed over here already. "How am I supposed to find something coherent here?! Everything looks EXACTLY the same! I'm not going home anytime soon WHEN I KEEP WALKING IN CIRCLES!"

After a long and awkward moment of silence, Sonic sighed in defeat and decided to lay on the ground, looking at the blue and dull sky that already made him sick since it wasn't any beautiful to see... nor smell.

"Maybe I should just give up... Wherever I am, it seems like Eggman already has the high ground..." Sonic complained.

Suddenly, he heard a bunch of sirens, and he lifted his head a bit before raising and eyebrow.

Soon enough, he stood up and boosted to the direction where the sirens sounded a lot louder, and within seconds, he reached a place where he saw a bunch of red flying police-like humanoid robots, riding floating bikes that were chasing after something he could not see, and right now? He didn't cared either.

He also spotted one of those green-floating vehicles guiding some kind of large blue-floating convoy to someplace.

However, before he could make a sarcastic comment about anything, he saw a manhole cover opening, and out of it came out a bunny girl with robotic prosthetics, a coyote with a weird uniform... and a familiar face he never expected to see ever again.

"...S-Sally?" Sonic muttered in shock.

In fact, it was Sally Acorn, an old... acquaintance of his. The truth is, Sally and Sonic do not have the best of relationships. Let's just say that Sonic screw it at some point in his life, and now Sally hated him. So, seeing her down there, along two guys he never saw before, made him feel... strange? Weird? Maybe even happy?

That last thing was probably only because of his current situation, since Sally is the first familiar face he has seen ever since he arrived here.

"...Should I go down there?" Sonic wondered. "I mean, I now we're not in the best of terms, but... maybe she can help me find a way to return to Equestria."

However, the convoy passed right above Sally and company, and once it was gone... they were gone too.

"Huh?" Sonic said confused. "Okay... that's... really odd, but... Hang on a second!" He exclaimed, as he noticed that the convoy was moving towards some kind of big door at the limits of the city. "This thing is exiting this nightmare-ish city! Maybe that's what Sally and those guys are trying to do... Better follow up from here and make sure that I'm right!" He stated, moving above the buildings to follow the convoy, and also to avoid more unexpected encounters with robots.

He was really starting to get tired of them.

Author's Note:

This is it, ladies and gentleman.

After a year and 4 months, Tell Your Tale has reached its climax... BUT, as you already know, this is not the end for our heroes' journey, because everything continues in Sonic x Make Your Mark: Season 4, the final season of Make Your Mark and the penultimate story in the whole saga!

I seriously can't thank you guys enough for being here with me from the very beginning. Well, I also wanna thank those who arrived along the way. Is thanks to all the readers that my "Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony G5" saga has come so far.

Now that Tell Your Tale is done, let's not wait anymore and move ahead to Season 4! I'LL SEE YOU ALL IN THERE! BYEEEEEEEEEE!!! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 28 )

I had a feeling it was Sally Sonic was referring to last time.

Either way, we have Robotnik and Snively now so Sonic is going to need to be on his A game to handle the evil of Jim Cummings.

(No, I don’t hate Jim. He just plays many memorable villains)

Crap! Now the cruelest Eggman is here, too? Nah, man, Sonic's so fucking dead 💀

Wow, awesome epilogue! And looks like Sonic traveled to another world and now in robotroplis! And looks like he got himself known by that world robotnik and now planning on capturing him! And now he’s gonna follow sally and the other freedom fighters. Awesome! Ok looking forward to season 4!

Okay, considering Jim Cummings' Robotnik is a heartless monster, we can all agree Sonic's fucked up, right? :rainbowderp:

so wait ........... no season 2 of 'tell your tale'?

Nope. I don't see it necessary.

really? so we won't see more crazy interactions?

so team sonic is leaving equestrea then huh. dang.

Whatever you say, buddy.

I don’t think team Sonic is leaving equestria i think they are going to stay permanently in equestria

We’ll have to see in season 4 of Sonic X make your mark

I really love your stories my friend thank you for sharing them with us I really love them

Two things:

One: You misspelled Roboticized.

And two: Antoine's actually a coyote, not a fox.

Other than that, that's an interesting preview of the next story.

I’m really hoping for that too! Considering how Tails just started a relationship with Zipp. Please MAKE. IT. HAPPEN. Also, I did a story idea in the comments a while back with an idea from the ending of Toy Story 4.

i hope boscage maze birdie from sonic prime appears in this saga. she's so cool!

When I was reading top remodel of Sonic X make your mark Canterlove studios maybe a community center for all of equestria the building is still under the ownership of Sprout’s mother since no one bought it

I’m excited for sonic X Make your mark season 4 this Monday

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