• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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48. The Hunt for Eggmund Bunny

In the sheriff station, Sparky was running around happily with a lot of energy.

Hitch was trying to catch him, but Sparky was moving incredibly fast. Maybe he would be exaggerating, but he could swear he was more energetic than Sonic at this point.

Also, the entire station was filled with paperwork everywhere, and Hitch hasn't had time to finish it up.

"Who wants chocolate egg? Oh!" Zipp said as she entered the station with a basket with chocolate eggs, bit then she got startled when she saw Hitch chasing Sparky.

Worst of all, Sparky launched himself towards Zipp and grabbed one of the chocolate eggs, before eating it entirely, as his face got messy with chocolate and he rubbed his belly happily after finishing eating the entire egg, before burping a bit as well.

Then, Hitch popped his head out of a mountain of paper with messy hair and a tired expression.

"Sorry, Zipp" Hitch apologized. "He gets excited at the holidays..." he pointed out, as he approached both Zipp and Sparky, with the latter now lying on the floor. "... and all the other days..." he added with a bored expression. "Come on, nap time" he told Sparky with a tired smile, as he grabbed the baby dragon with a hoof.

However, as he placed Sparky over a desk, Sparky just moved his arms in excitement, meaning that he didn't wanted to take a nap.

And then, Tails entered to the station as well, with another basket with chocolate eggs, as he couldn't help but eat one of them too.

"Hey, Zipp. I heard noise in here. What's going––" Tails tried to ask, but then he noticed the amount of paperwork around the place, as well as Hitch's tired expression with Sparky. "Uh... what's happening here?" Tails asked confused.

"I don't know, but there are a lot of case files pilling up here..." Zipp pointed out with a sheepish smile.

And then, Kenneth and another bird came out of one of the piles of paper, with papers on their faces, as they chirped and tried to run away from the pile, but then they crashed with Zipp's front legs and fell to the floor. The papers on their faces finally removed, and so, both birds ran away.

"Huh..." Tails muttered, as he rubbed his chin confused. "Isn't Knuckles the one that cleans all this stuff?" he asked and pointed out.

"Yeah, he does" Hitch replied. "But he's been asking for free days way to often lately" he explained with concern. "He said something about planning up something for somepony that required his full attention... So I've been on my own these days" he pointed out, placing Sparky's Blankie on his head. "I wanna get back to work, but I'm so exhausted. How am I meant to look after a baby dragon and be sheriff at the same time when my deputy's been busy with other stuff?!" he cried out with panic.

And then, Sparky burped some dragon fire, which caused Blankie to switch to bananas. He let out a fart, not magical, but a fart anyways. At that, Hitch facehoofed, completely exhausted and tired to deal with Sparky on his own.

"Just take baby steps" Zipp suggested.

"Or dragon baby steps, in this case" Tails corrected with a chuckle, and Zipp chuckled as well.

"All you gotta do is start with something small" Zipp pointed out with a smile.

"Like what?" Hitch asked.

"I don't know, find a dragon-sitter, finish 25% of your paper work, take a bath..." Tails started to list with his fingers.

Suddenly, Zipp's phone biped, so she took it out and read a message from her mother on her phone.

"Chocolate emergency in Zephyr Heights?" Zipp read with a raised eyebrow. "Help, please?" she read again.

"Chocolate emergency? What's this about? A lot of bunnies out of control with chocolate eggs or something?" Tails asked rhetorically with a snort.

"I don't know..." Zipp said with honesty, before smirking as an idea popped on her head. "But that could work. Hitch!" she called out with a determinate smile. "We need your help, buddy!" she added confidently, before being tackled down by Sparky, who launched towards her face and made her fell to the ground.

Tails, however, laughed nervously as he looked around. "Uh, what do you mean 'we'?" he asked with a sheepish smile, as he putted his hands together and looked nervously at Zipp.

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sonic was lying on his bed with Floppy resting on his chest, while Sonic himself looked at a video on YouTube.

"... and after all the research, after all the eBay searches, I've come down to which one would give me the most unique game collection of them all, which one is, in fact, the rarest game of all time" a guy in the video Sonic was watching said, then that guy threw something since something falling in the floor was heard. "It's Sonic 2 with a line!" the same guy shouted, before a melody started to play once the video was over.

Sonic bursted out laughing once the video was over, as he placed his phone at his side as he tried to calm down from his laughing.

"Aw man..." Sonic said with a smile. "This Scott guy has to be the most original content creator I've ever seen... after Pipp, that is..." he told himself with a chuckle.

Suddenly, however, Knuckles entered the room as he smashed the door behind. He looked around, and once his sight stopped on Sonic, he immediately ran with him.

"Hedgehog!" Knuckles said with panic.

"Ah, what––" Sonic tried to ask, but Knuckles then started to shake him violently.

"I need help!" Knuckles shouted desperate. "I've been planing this for weeks, running all across Equestria, practicing with Rufus... I even putted my deputy job aside to make this work! But now that the day finally arrived, I'm scared as f$&3!" he exclaimed.

"You need help with... what, exactly?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow.

Knuckles looked all around the room, like if he was afraid that someone might hear, then he leaned closer to Sonic's ear and whispered.

"I have a crush on Izzy..." Knuckles said. "And I want to ask her out, no only as in a date, but... I also wanna tell her I like her..." he confessed with a slight blush and a concerned look.

Sonic's eyes went wide after hearing that. "Wait... you wanna ask her out and be her boyfriend?!" Sonic asked in shock and disbelief. "Man... I owe Tails so much money..." he muttered to himself.

"Uh, what?" Knuckles asked confused.

"A little bet we did a while ago. He said you'll declare to Izzy first before I would to Pipp" Sonic explained. "I said you wouldn't, but you're about to, so... yeah, I owe Tails 200 bucks now..." he added with a bored expression.

"... YOU KNEW I LIKE IZZY?!" Knuckles shouted in shock.

"Dude, everyone in Equestria but Izzy knows that" Sonic pointed out, still with a bored expression.

"Should I feel terrified that everyone BUT Izzy knows about it? Because she's literally the only one I care for to know about it..." Knuckles said with concern and anxiety.

"I wouldn't worry that much" Sonic said, rolling his eyes since he knows Izzy likes Knuckles back, but Knuckles himself doesn't knows about it. "And why ask me and not someone like Sunny or Pipp?" he asked confused, raising an eyebrow. "They are girls, I bet they could help you even more than I could" he pointed out.

"How?" Knuckles asked. "I know they are girls too, but why couldn't you help me?" he questioned.

"One; because I'm a free spirit that isn't ready for a relationship, which is why I haven't tell Pipp that I like her" Sonic started to list, as he crossed his arms. "And two; because I literally screw it last time I liked someone, and now that someone hates me" he pointed out.

"You mean that squirrel girl that was conveniently also a princess or that human girl in Soleanna?" Knuckles questioned.

"The former" Sonic replied with an eye roll. "Also, I never liked Elise" he added with annoyance. "Listen, Knucklehead: If you really like Izzy, just go for it! There's no yes or nos in here. And if she likes you back, which I'm pretty sure she does, then it's gonna end well for both of you! And if she isn't, then she's not the right one" he pointed out with a little smile.

"That last thing is what concerns me the most!" Knuckles said with concern. "Sonic, I really like her, but if she doesn't likes me back... I don't wanna loose her, not even as a friend..." he confessed with concern.

"This is going to be hypocrite coming from me, but isn't it better to tell her now what you feel rather than leave this dimension and never tell her at all?" Sonic questioned him with concern. "Telling her how you feel isn't going to kill you, Knux. You confronted dangers and death itself before. Why back up to a life changing decision if you have done them before?" he asked with a little smile.

"So what?" Knuckles asked, now crossing his arms and frowning. "I cannot just run to her and tell her 'I love you' just for her to tell me the same, can I" he asked with concern, while Sonic groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Come with me, we're asking Sunny and Pipp for some advice" Sonic replied with annoyance. "But I'm pretty sure they're gonna say pretty much the same" he pointed out, as he boosted out of the Brighthouse.

Knuckles hesitated at first, but then he sighed in defeat and decided to follow Sonic.

In Zephyr Heights, Sky and Dazzle where giving the news as usual.

However, behind the two pegasi, there where a lot of bunnies jumping around, all of them trying to hide chocolate eggs literally anywhere.

"Oh! Just hours before the start of the Royal Eggstravaganza, Eggmund Bunny has gone missing!" Dazzle exclaimed with worry.

"Tradition dictates that his army of egg hiding bunnies can't stop hiding eggs until Eggmund himself declares the hunt open!" Sky explained with concern.

As Sky told this, a pegasus mare was trying to eat her sandwich in peace, but then, a bunny placed a bunch of eggs on her mouth instead.

In a library, an old pegasus stallion tried to grab a book from a shelf, but then, a bunch of eggs fell straight into his face and made him fell to the ground, since there where lots of eggs hidden behind the book he grabbed.

In a bathroom, a bunny literally launched all the eggs into the sink, making the water overflow.

And outside of said bathroom, and pegasus stallion arrived to use it, but once he saw the water overflowing, he regret it and stepped back, immediately running away.

Back with Sky and Dazzle, some bunnies placed chocolate eggs right in front of them, startling both pegasi.

"As you can see, Zephyr Heights is literally bursting with eggs" Dazzle said with a sheepish smile.

Suddenly, both pegasi heard a noise behind them, and they turned to see a mailbox full of chocolate eggs, but since it was overwhelmed with eggs, it literally exploded and launched Eggs in all kind of directions.

Sky and Dazzle ducked down and yelped, while the eggs exploded and one even landed right in front of the news camera.

Hitch, Zipp and Tails saw all of that with anxious expressions, while Tails was carrying Sparky in a kangaroo bag for babies.

"This is starting small?!" Hitch cried out in panic.

"Yeah, I wasn't talking about this, either..." Tails said with concern.

"Why are you carrying Sparky, again?" Zipp asked Tails with a raised eyebrow.

"Last time you carried him, you made him get through really dangerous loops. While he was sick" Tails pointed out with a frown. "No offense, Zipp, but I can't trust his life on you after that" he added.

"... Fair enough" Zipp said with a bored expression.

"Also, is this bunny guy seriously called Eggmund?" Tails questioned with a snort. "Because if that's the case, I know about a certain Eggman that won't happy if he ever finds out" he pointed out with a chuckle.

At Opaline's Castle, the villains where sitting over a dinner table.

Eggman was reading the news on a digital screen with a device of his, Opaline was sipping some tea, and Misty was chomping a sandwich that Eggman prepared for her.

Suddenly, Eggman turned his head and looked around the castle confused, something that Opaline and Misty noticed.

"What's the matter, Ivo?" Opaline asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There's... a disturbance..." Eggman replied. "Sage, call my lawyer. I'm gonna patent the name 'Eggman' before someone tries to steal it. Or make a cheap copy out it!" he stated with anger and a frown.

"On it, doctor" Sage replied.

Opaline and Misty just looked at each other for a second with confused looks, before shrugging at Eggman's attitude, as Opaline sipped more tea and Misty chomped her sandwich again.

Back at Zephyr Heights, Tails, Zipp and Hitch kept looking at all the bunnies around in panic, until Queen Haven approached them.

"Zipp, Hitch, Tails! Thank hoofness you're here!" Haven said with concern. "This is getting out of control!" she pointed out, as she tossed some eggs off her crown before putting it back on. "Eggmund has never missed a Royal Eggstravaganza! Never!" she added with worry.

"If I hear another stupid joke related with eggs, I'm out of here" Tails said with anger. "I already deal with Sonic making egg jokes whenever we are fighting Eggman, I won't stand this with anyone else. I don't care if we're on Easter Week" he added with a frown and his fists on his hips, since he couldn't cross his arms because of Sparky being on the kangaroo.

However, Zipp pushed his shoulder a bit harsh with a bored expression, before looking back at her mother and Hitch with a smirk.

"Well, with sheriff Hitch helping me with the case, as well as the smartest little guy around Equestria, I'm sure we'll find him in no time!" Zipp assured, while Hitch rolled his eyes and Tails blushed a bit.

"Oh, I hope so!" Haven said with worry. "I've never seen Cloudpuff this nervous" she added, as she turned to Cloudpuff, who was hiding behind her tail, looking really nervous.

Cloudpuff came out of Haven's tail, whining and whimpered, and then when a bunny came in holding out an egg to him. Cloudpuff barked in fright and curled himself into a ball, still whining in fright, while the bunny hopped away with a glare.

"... I don't wanna know what that bunny wanted to do to Cloudpuff..." Tails said with an anxious look.

"Your Majesty!" Zoom called out suddenly, as the four of them turned to her, while she landed at Haven's side. "Eggmund Bunny's been spotted down at the supermarket buying carrots!" she informed.

"That's... pretty normal and reasonable, actually. I mean, he's a bunny, after all" Tails pointed out.

"Hmmmm…" Zipp said with a smirk, as she approached Hitch, who was still not into this yet, so Zipp also cleared her throat, still smirking playfully at the sheriff.

Seeing Zipp's expression, Tails too, and so, he started to whistle his 'Believe in Myself' song's melody, while he pushed Hitch slightly on his shoulder.

Hitch, on the other hand, felt extremely pressured by his friends, and seeing that he had no word out of this, he sighed in defeat and putted on another tired expression.

"All right. Let's find us a bunny" Hitch said with annoyance.

"My only complain with all this situation is that I'm probably gonna hear more stupid jokes about eggs" Tails said with a bored expression, as he grabbed two chocolate eggs from the floor and gave one to Sparky.

As both Tails and Sparky ate their chocolate eggs, Tails noticed that Hitch was looking at him with a bored expression, while Zipp covered her mouth and snorted at his attitude.

"What? I won't let these sweet threats go to waste!" Tails pointed out.

Sonic lead Knuckles to Mane Melody, where they met with Pipp and Sunny, since the latter was just having a relaxing treatment by the former.

And no, no magic glitter was involved this time, so no one's going young again.

"So, what this big thing you are talking about?" Pipp asked, while Sunny was using the massage chair.

"Knucklehead wants to tell Isabella how much he likes her!" Sonic said in a mocking tone, while Knuckles groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes, also blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"WHAT?!" both Pipp and Sunny shouted in shock, with the former having sparkling eyes and a huge smile, while the latter was actually just shocked.

"Aww, Knux!" Pipp exclaimed, as she hugged Knuckles sideways, while Knuckles' blush increased a bit. "This is so exciting! You are making an amazing and important decision here!" she said with excitement.

"And I owe Tails a lot of money..." Sunny said nervously.

"You too?" Sonic asked with a snort as he smirked at her. "Damn, Tails is making us ran off money, and all because we made a bet" he pointed out with another snort, while Sunny chuckled a bit. "Anyways. Knuckles here went to me and asked for advice. I gave it to him, he didn't liked it, and here we are now" he explained with a bored expression.

"Well, you came to the right salon, honey!" Pipp told Knuckles with a confident smirk. "So, what you wanna know?" she asked.

"I just want to ask her out so I can tell her I like her" Knuckles replied, still blushing in embarrassment. "But whenever I get close to her, I immediately step a t least 50 meters back!" he explained with concern.

"Aww, but that's totally normal!" Sunny said, as she approached the echidna and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Everypony feels nervous whenever it comes to ask to their crush out on a date" she pointed out with a smile.

"And then there's you, who cannot even accept you like Hitch" Sonic said with a mocking smirk, which made Sunny flinch and blush a lot in embarrassment.

"T-That has nothing to do with this!" Sunny said with a frown, still blushing.

"You didn't deny iiiiiiit!" Sonic sang with a mocking smirk again, while Sunny groaned in annoyance and facehoofed.

"Look, Knux. Just... be genuine. I'm pretty sure Izzy likes you too, just the way you are!" Sunny told him with a smile. "Ask her out, let things flow, threat her well, just like you always do!" she explained.

"And when the moment seems proper, just go on and tell her!" Pipp added with a smile as well. "Everything should work out fine, Knux! You two are gonna be a couple in no time!" she assured with sparkling eyes.

"But what if I screw it?!" Knuckles asked in panic.

"Knux, isn't it better to go with her and went for it than live the rest of your life wondering what could have it been?" Sunny asked him, now with a concerned look. "You won't be here forever. Besides, I've seen you stressed lately. Maybe Izzy is what you need to feel better!" she pointed out, smiling again.

"I literally told him something similar, but of course, he didn't listened to me..." Sonic said with annoyance, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Knux, just stop being so dramatic over it and ask her out!" he pointed out.

"And be firm! You can always be nervous, but if you show her some security over yourself, she'll be dating you in no time!" Pipp assured again with a smile.

"... So... All I have to do is go for it... and wait for the best... right?" Knuckles asked, once again blushing in embarrassment.

"Just go out there and tell your little crush how much she means to you!" Sonic said with a smirk. "And no matter what happens at the end, just remember to have fun with her!' he added with a wink.

Knuckles actually smiled a bit at that, then he took a deep breath and looked on with a determinate look.

"Alright... Let's settle this!" Knuckles said confidently.

He started to walk out of Mane Melody, while Sunny, Pipp and Sonic cheered for him behind, which actually gave him a bit more of courage to go on and ask Izzy out.

Hopefully? Things would actually go well...

Later on, Hitch, Sparky, Zipp and Tails moved to the Zephyr Heights supermarket security room, with an elder purple pegasus mare, a.k.a. the store owner, showing them the footage.

"This is from this morning. 9:00 A.M" the Store Owner said, as she showed them the footage

The video showed an anthropomorphic bunny wearing a white robe, with a cart full of carrots. It was Eggmund Bunny, who was looking really tired as he walked up to the cashier to pay for the carrots.

"There he is!" Zipp called out.

"Huh... I guess that explains why you recognized Sonic as a hedgehog since the first day you met..." Tails pointed out. "You're already used to have anthropomorphic animals around..." he added with a little smile.

"Yup!" Zipp said, then she turned to the camera and saw Eggmund rolling the cart out the supermarket, while carrots fell from the cart. "Pause! Zoom in!" she said, as the camera paused and zoomed on a trail of carrots from the cart.

"Look. All we gotta do is follow that trail of carrots!" Hitch said with a smile. "Come on, guys!" he said to Zipp and Tails. as they ran out the door.

Later on, Zipp, Hitch and Tails were following the trail of carrots that Eggmund has dropped, which lead them into a field.

Sometimes we get lost in the new (in the new)
And we forget what we love to do (what we love to do)

Hitch picked up the carrots, tossing them to Sparky, who ate each one he caught as Zipp and Tails follow behind him while also wondering how big Sparky's appetite is.

You gotta reignite the spark in you (In you)
Yeah, come on, pony, let me walk you through
First step, you gotta find your rhythm

Then, Hitch found a rabbit hole and laughed with joy, thinking they found Eggmund's home.

He jumped in, while Tails and Zipp looked in surprise at Hitch, while he crawled through the rabbit hole, and ran pass a couple of bunnies with a dining table set. When Hitch reached the other side, he saw that he exit the rabbit hole as he turned his head and saw Sparky, Zipp and Tails behind him, sighing with a facehoof, realizing this wasn't Eggmund's home, and that the carrot trail continues.

At a river stream, the three of them hopped on some rocks to get to the other side, then they landed on log and Hitch leapt in surprise to try and keep his balance.

Make your way back to the life you're livin'
Second step, have fun with it
It'll come naturally

Once they were all in the log, it started moving downstream as Zipp, Tails and Sparky laughed while Hitch looked nervous. They steer the log with their bodies to avoid getting hit by rocks, and Hitch finally started to have fun now, as he smiled with them and they all jumped over a waterfall while raising their hooves/hands and landed on the water.

Hitch, Zipp and Tails:
Don't lose your groove
Keep your attitude

They got off the log with a laugh and touched land before continue following the carrot path.

Now we're all just livin' it up
We're here, we're just havin' fun
Don't lose your groove
It's what makes you you (It's what makes you you)

Then, they bumped into a fallen tree in front of their path. Hitch, however, smirked, as he turned to Sparky and picked him up, before tossing him in the air as Sparky gave a laugh and landed on Hitch's hoof.

After that, Sparky released his dragon fire, which hit the fallen tree and turned it into apples that exploded, which made both Tails and Zipp, along with Sparky, to laugh at this as Hitch just kept smirking.

You'll always find your way back
So, pony, have fun with that
Like, uh, uh-huh-huh-huh

And then, as they reached a ravine, their path was destroyed. However, Hitch just kept smirking and brought out his hoof, which was glowing green. He stomped his hoof on the ground, using his earth pony magic to grow giant vines that begin to form a bridge, while Tail, Zipp and Sparky watched on and Hitch kept smirking as he wiped a brow and walked on the path.

Zipp and Tails smiled afterwards, and they saw that Hitch is doing great and seeing that their idea is working.

Find your groove, get back to it, back to it

On the vine bridge, Hitch did a quick dance of confidence as he twirled around before he trotted to the other side, while Zipp trotted after him and Tails flew in the air as he had Sparky, and they laughed while they made it to the other side.

Hitch, Zipp and Tails:
Uh, uh-huh-huh-huh

Find your groove, get back to it now

A little bit later, Hitch stopped and gave a confident smile, while Zipp and tails caught up to him, and what they saw in front of them surprised them.

"Huh?" Zipp asked in surprise.

"Ah!" Hitch gasped with a smile.

"Weird..." Tails commented.

What they saw was a hill that looked like a home, with a carrot garden on the side and bushes shaped like rabbit ears with chocolate eggs on them, surrounded by followers.

"Hmm…" the three friends said to each other, as they walked up to the front door.

Once there, Hitch knocked on the door, and after a while, Eggmund opened it, but he was looking really tired, while one of his cubs was in his left ear, and a lot more of them were playing around inside the house. However, the three friends couldn't help but smile at the fact that they found Eggmund Bunny

"There you are–– Whoa!" Hitch said in surprise as he, Zipp and Tails looked at his house with wide eyes, since there was a lot of baby bunnies having fun in Eggmund's house while making a mess. "Now, that is a lot of bunnies!" Hitch said in surprise.

"This is... not what I expected... at all..." Tails said with concern.

"Can I help you?" Eggmund asked them, getting his baby bunny off his ear.

"Um, hello?" Zipp said unsure with a small smile. "Aren't you forgetting something? You're supposed to be opening the Eggstravaganza?" she told him/

"Nope. I can't do it. No way" Eggmund simply said tiredly.

"Zephyr Heights is literally about to explode with chocolate!" Tails cried out in panic, getting close to Eggmund.

"And you, sir, have a job to do" Hitch added.

"Sorry, but... I'm too exhausted!" Eggmund cried out, as tears came out of his eyes. "Do you know how hard it is looking after sixteen baby bunnies all on your own?!" he questioned, giving them a tired and angry look.

"Actually, I kinda do" Hitch said honestly as he turned to Sparky, who climbed on Zipp's head and placed a carrot on her mane with giggles, while Zipp looked at him cutely before Tails grabbed Sparky and placed him on one of his tails. Then, he started to swing Sparky from one tail to the other, as Sparky giggle while having fun, and Zipp also giggled at Tails smart move to entertain Sparky, while Hitch smiled at his baby dragon, then he turned back to Eggmund.

"Look, I know it's hard. Believe me. I've gone through ten fire extinguishers in the past week" Hitch said with a panicked look, specially considering that Knuckles hasn't helped since he's been busy dealing with how to confess to Izzy. "But you don't have to do it alone. We can help you!" Hitch assured with a smile.

"I'm not that much of a babysitter, but yeah, sure. I'm always willing to help!" Tails said with a smile, while he and Zipp walked next to Eggmund.

"They are right. We could, um…" Zipp tried to say, but she trailed off as she felt a baby bunny hopping on her back and strained a bit from the vibration. "... look after the bunnies for you" she said uncertainty with a forced smile, while the baby bunny grabbed her mane and tugged it.

"Really?" Eggmund asked heartily, as tears began to form in his eyes. "You'd do that?" he asked gratefully.

"Of course" Hitch answered with a smile, while Eggmund eyes got hearts on them as he quivered with a smile. "Parents gotta stick together" Hitch added.

"Besides, helping out is the best that we know to do!" Tails added with a smile.

"So what do you say?' Zipp asked as she, Hitch and Tails got in front of him.

Eggmund thought of what they say as the three friends smiled at him with sparkling eyes, while the baby bunny he was holding gave cute squeaks. After seeing how generous their offer is, he smiled at them.

"Oh, all right!" Eggmund said with a smile, accepting their help. "You three grab the stroller! I'll get the ceremonial scissors!" he instructed, as he went back into his home to get ready.

"Yes!" Zipp, Hitch and Tails cheered, as they high hooved each other.

Then, they looked through Eggmund's house and saw the stroller next to the door, surprised to see sixteen seats on it.

"... It's in moments likes this one where I wished Vanilla was here..." Tails muttered with concern.

Knuckles was walking towards the Crystal Brighthouse, where he was probable going to find Izzy in her crafting spot.

To say he was nervous was just the tip of the iceberg, because he was terrified. Asking Izzy out sounded simpler than actually doing it, but... Sonic and Sunny's words were stuck with him.

Did he really wanted to leave Equestria when the day arrived by letting his feelings sink until they disappeared, wondering for the rest of his life what could have been a relationship with her? Or just go for it and expect the best of it?

"... Feelings are complicated..." Knuckles muttered to himself with concern.

Eventually, he entered to the Crystal Brighthouse, and just by hearing a hum and a lot of stop crashing was enough for Knuckles to know that Izzy was here.

His heart began to beat fast, his sweat ran down his body, and he took a glance to his hands... He was shaking. He never shook before, not even when he did felt a small glance of fear...

No, this wasn't fear. He was just nervous. He still didn't wanted to loose Izzy's friendship, and now he was going to ask her out on a date. A date. Something that's always related to romantic stuff. Yet, he was here already. He made it this far, why step back when you can went for it?

Taking a deep breath to relax, Knuckles walked over and stood behind Izzy, who seemed really focused on something she was unicycling.

"Um, Izz?" Knuckles called out nervously, as he gulped and rubbed his hands nervously.

Izzy felt a bit startled when she heard that, and her magic accidentally let go a cardboard tube that booted all over the living room, but when it was heading straight to Knuckles, the echidna just grabbed the tube in the air and looked at it with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh... sorry, for startling you, I mean" Knuckles apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, Knuckie!" Izzy said happily, as she immediately zoomed to his side and gave him a big hug.

Dang it! Knuckles though with concern. This is going to complicate things... he panicked a bit.

"Thanks for catching this up for me!" Izzy said cheerfully, as she used her magic to levitate the cardboard tube off Knuckles hand.

"Y-You're... welcome..." Knuckles said nervously. "U-Um... Izz? I, um... Well, I was wondering if––" he tried to ask.

"Mhm?" Izzy asked, as she quickly returned to her unicycling project, and Knuckles took another deep breath, before blushing entirely in panic and...

"PLEASE GO ON A DATE WITH ME!!!" Knuckles shouted in panic.

He immediately covered his mouth, while Izzy herself let everything she was levitating fell to the ground, as her face also blushed entirely, because she's not sure if she heard well or not.

"U-Uh... w-what?" Izzy asked, turning around and looking at Knuckles, who's face was even redder than usual, and Knuckles had no other choice but to retire his hands from his mouth to look at Izzy nervously.

"I-I... Izzy... w-would you like to got out... o-on a... d-d-date with..." Knuckles managed to say, but since he couldn't finish with word, he just used a thumb and pointed at himself, also looking away from her.

Izzy herself felt her heart racing a marathon, and her eyes literally turned into two little hearts, as she stared in delight at the echidna.

With no further hesitation, Izzy tackled Knuckles to the ground and gave him a massive hug and kissed his cheeks multiple times, also wagging her hind legs happily like a filly.

"YES!" Izzy shouted in excitement. "Yes, yes, and a thousand of times yes! I'll love to have a date with you, Knuckie!" she shouted again.

Knuckles himself felt his face going redder, but... he was also smiling now. This went better than he expected, and so, he embraced Izzy into the hug as well.

Sometime later, and back in Zephyr Heights, ponies were gathered around in front the center of town, while the bunnies were still hiding more eggs.

At the top of the stairs, Eggmund was in the middle with Queen Haven and Thunder by his side, and he's about to cut the red ribbon, while wearing his hat and bowtie.

Zipp, Hitch and Tails smiled at Eggmund before turning to the sixteen baby bunnies, who are squeaking cutely while Sparky is wearing a pair of bunny ears and making silly faces at the baby bunnies.

Thunder brought out a trumpet and blew it, which resulted in a chocolate egg coming out from it, surprising him.

"I hereby declare the Royal Eggstravaganza... open!" Eggmund announced as he cut the red ribbon.

After that, all the bunnies that were hiding the eggs finally stopped, as they either dropped them or got clear of some that are filled to the brick from either containers like trash cans, or filled in a building as they squeak while running out of the way to get clear of them.

"Thanks, ponies" Eggmund said, as he walked to the three friends and to his children. "I couldn't have done this without your help. And it felt good to be Eggmund Bunny again" he added in nostalgia.

"You know, two good friends once did the same thing for me" Hitch said, as he looked at Zipp and Tails with a smile, while the two latter smiled back, and the three of them hooftapped together, while Zipp and Hitch's Cutie Marks glowed without them knowing.

"Besides, helping other is pretty much our job" Tails pointed out with a smile.

"But seriously, anytime you need help, I'm a call away" Hitch added to Eggmund with a smile.

Eggmund smiled after hearing that suggestion, finding the idea very tentative, as brought out his phone.

"Weeeeell... it's funny you should say that, 'cause I'm gonna need bunny-sitters on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays" Eggmund said with a smile, while Hitch, Zipp, Tails, and even Sparky, were shocked and surprised by this outcome, as the baby bunnies started to climb on the three shocked friends. "Oh! I could do with help on my morning carrot run on Fridays. And also on Saturdays, I like to do a little rumba, so I do some dancing. So you could come over on Saturday nights, then get my rrrrumba on!" he added, making chitter sounds in happiness.

Suddenly, however, Eggmund got a mail on his phone, and once he opened it, his eyes went wide in shock.

"WHAT?!" Eggmund shouted in panic. "Who the heck is 'Dr. Eggman'?! And why is he demanding me for falsification and appropriation of identity?!" he questioned with worry.

"This is exactly what I didn't wanted to happen..." Tails muttered with an eye roll and an annoyed look.

Knuckles and Izzy were staring at the horizon, as they watched the sunset while Izzy rested her head on Knuckles' shoulder.

Their date was pretty wild actually: Since they were already in the Brighthouse, they decided to start their date by unicycling random stuff; then they went to the movie theater and watched a 'horror' movie, but they both laughed the entire time since the movie was terrible at being scary; then they ate at a pasta restaurant, and Knuckles got the entire plate of spaghetti stuck into his face; and at the end, they had a small pillow fight back in the Crystal Brighthouse.

Now, they just wanted to finish this off by watching the sunset at the edge of a cliff, near the Brighthouse.

"... Knux?" Izzy called out after a while. "I... um... First of all, I wanna thank you for today. It was... magical..." she thanked with a slight blush and a smile, and Knuckles himself also blushed slightly, but returned her the smile.

"Thanks to you for accepting... I was... kind of afraid you wouldn't want to..." Knuckles confessed.

"I would have to be crazy to not want to, Knuckie" Izzy said with a chuckle that made Knuckles' heart skip a beat.

"... Y-You know... I, um... I've been wanting to tell you something for a while..." Knuckles said, as he scratched his neck nervously.

"... M-Me too..." Izzy confessed as well. "But I... I don't know if you'll like to hear it... or if it could even work, considering you'll leave one day..." she pointed out.

Knuckles could be a bit lost sometimes, but that sentence? That was very clear for him, and he could feel his heart beating faster.

"... Izzy... I, um..." Knuckles tried to say.

However, he couldn't even finish his sentence, because Izzy suddenly pulled him into a kiss... on the lips.

Knuckles felt his entire face heating up, and his heart was racing a marathon now. Izzy's heart was also beaten crazily, and she finally pulled away from the kiss, blushing a lot while she stared at Knuckles' eyes.

"... I... I like you... ever since... ever since you became a deputy, Knux..." Izzy finally confessed. "B-But I'll understand if you don't––" she tried to add.

However, now it was Knuckles who kissed her suddenly, interrupting whatever she was going to say.

It took her off guard, but eventually, she kissed him back, even placing her hooves on his chest, while Knuckles carefully caressed Izzy's cheek as well.

"... I like you ever since the Unicorn Sleepover..." Knuckles confessed as well. "And... I was afraid that you wouldn't like me..." he added. "I'm... also afraid of how things can go once Sonic, Tails and I leave this world... But until then, I want to spent all my days in Equestria with you, Izz... as your partner... as your lover..." he added with a smile.

Izzy felt her eyes becoming little hearts again, and so, she tackled Knuckles down in the floor again, as they kissed each other once more, with Knuckles wrapping Izzy and carefully caressing her back.

Right here, right now, nothing and no one else mattered. It was just the two of them, sharing their love with each other without a care on what the world had to say about them being together as a couple.

Not so far, Sonic, Sunny and Pipp where watching everything, with Sunny and Pipp smiling as the latter was also crying in happiness for both of them.

"This is so beautiful!" Pipp cried out dramatically, and Sunny at her side let out a sigh.

"I adore happy endings" Sunny said with a smile.

Sonic, however, was more impressed on the fact that... that he now respected Knuckles a whole lot more.

He didn't even cared anymore about the bet he lost with Tails, he simply admired Knuckles for being so brave to make this step. And then, Sonic looked at Pipp. He... he couldn't do it yet. The thing about not being ready was just an excuse he used with Knuckles... he is ready, but he still wants to wait a bit longer.

"... Just a bit longer, Sonic..." he told himself. "Just a bit longer..."


Author's Note:

Welp, there it is, guys! Knuckles and Izzy are dating now!

The reason why I wanted them to be the first ones to become a thing is because it can be a pushover for both Sonic and Pipp to also make that big step, but that's an issue for Season 2, alright?

Now, I seriously do not care what next episode is gonna be about, it's gonna play exactly as it comes out, with no Team Sonic intervention, because they're gonna have their own plot the entirety of next episode.

I'm telling you this now in case you suddenly get ideas and want to tell me. Not because I don't want to hear them, but because what I have planned for next episode cannot be moved, no matter what.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode, as well as the first couple of lovebirds finally becoming a thing! See you later!

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