• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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16. Neighfever

"Flowers!" Dahlia called out, holding a pack of flowers. "Homegrown flowers!" she announced to the ponies of Maretime Bay with her right eye twitching. "Anypony? Flowers!" she said to the ponies around her flower stand, but they got a little freaky from her and ran off. "Anypony? Homegrown flowers! Flowers! Anypony?" she asked, but everypony just kept walking.

Next to her flower stand was the smoothie stand Sunny works at, while Hitch and Knuckles were borrowing smoothies, and Tails started to help Sunny deliver some smoothies. They all watched Dahlia desperately trying to get anypony to buy her flowers.

"Poor Dahlia. Now that earth ponies have magic, no pony is buying her flowers anymore" Sunny said in sympathy for Dahlia as they watched her waving the flowers in her hoove.

"One of a kind!" Dahlia announced, while Posey walked by and Dahlia turned to her. "Can’t be found anywhere else" she said to Posey, but said Earth pony stomped her hoof and made a flower sprout from the ground.

"Ooohhh" Sunny, Hitch, Tails and Knuckles all cringed at Posey proving her point there.

"Oh..." Dahlia said in a sad tone as Posey picked the flower she made grew and placed it on her mane, then walked away. "Perfect for a special occasion" Dahlia kept saying with a sad smile, knowing that nopony will buy her flowers anymore.

"It’s too hard to watch!" Hitch called out, since he could not stand seeing Dahlia sad and that nopony was buying her flowers.

"I can’t take it anymore!" Knuckles added and he walked towards Dahlia, with Hitch following him, since both of them would buy her some flowers.

"I hate see this..." Tails said with a sad tone and his ears down. "It's sad to watch that somepony's supposed special talent is not so special anymore..." he added, feeling bad for Dahlia.

"Yeah, I get what you mean" Sunny confessed. "There must be some way to help her" she added.

Tails then putted a hand on his chin, and smiled with an idea. "I think I might know what to do..." he said with a smirk.

In the afternoon, Dahlia was watering her flowers at home, since it helped her keep her mind off of her no sales lately.

"Hey, Dahlia!" Sunny’s voice spoke, and Dahlia turned her head and saw Sunny and Tails flying to her from the sky. Sunny was still practicing her flying and tried to land on the ground, a little wobbly.

Dahlia got startled and loose her balance, tossed her watering can to the air and fell into her flower patch, while Sunny and Tails landed on the ground. Dahlia cough some of the petals she got from the fall, getting some on her mane as well, but then recomposed herself and gave a smile to her visitors. "Hey, Sunny. Hey, Tails" she greeted them.

"Hi!" Tails said as he waved a hand at her.

"Sorry, Dahlia" Sunny apologized for scare her, as she got her alicorn form off. "I’m still getting the hang of this Alicorn thing" she added with a chuckle.

"It’s okay, No harm done…" Dahlia tried to say, but she got cut off when her water can fell on her head upside down, getting water on her mane. She sighed and grabbed the water can from her head, then shook it to get water out of her mane and looked at Sunny and Tails. "Can I help you two with something?" she asked them.

"It’s time you start growing your flowers with magic!" Sunny answered to Dahlia with a smile.

"Magic? Oh, no. I haven’t got any of that" Dahlia said to her, thinking she hasn’t gotten any magic.

"Of course you do" Sunny said to her. "Everypony has some kind of magic" she assured.

"You might not know yet, but it is there somewhere, waiting to rise and surprise the world!" Tails added with a smile, as he flew a little around.

"That's the spirit!" Sunny said, then got next to Dahlia. "Now..."

A little bit later, Sunny showed Dahlia how to use her earth pony magic. First, she showed her the moves on how to use it.

Dahlia followed her movements and then stomped her hoof down, which caused a small spark of her magic. The two mares and Tails watched closely as Sunny brought out her magnifying glass and saw that a tiny flower sprouted. Dahlia looked a little sad, but Sunny and Tails supported her, since it was a good start.

A moment later, Dahlia moved her legs again and did a twirl before stomping all four hooves on the ground, and that sprouted an actual size flower, but the petals fell off the stem the second it sprouted.

Sunny smiled and raised her hoof for Dahlia to give a high hoof, but Dahlia wasn’t happy since the flower petals fell off, and Tails just gave a nervous smile.

Later again, Dahlia stomp her hoof down and sprouted a small field of flowers.

Dahlia smiled, and Sunny raised her hooves to give Dahlia a high hoove. Dahlia was about to give her the high hoove, but then the flowers whittled and died.

Dahlia gave a discouraging look to Sunny and Tails, while they both smiled sheepishly.

A little bit later, the three decided to take a break while Dahlia is discouraged about her progress. "It's no use, guys. Face it. My flower business is over" she said sadly.

"Don't think like that, Dahlia" Sunny said, not wanting her to give up.

"Yeah. You're making good progress so far, no matter the results!" Tails assured to her.

"All you have to do is believe in yourself. Feel the magic inside, and think of something that makes you happy" Sunny said with a smile.

"Hmmm..." Dahlia then started to think of something that made her happy. "I do love a big... beautiful... flower!" she said with a smile, then moved her hooves that started to glow green, and she stomped her hoof down.

And then, a big stem starts to grow as Dahlia backs away and comes to Sunny and Tails. They all watched in amazement a flower as big as a tower with giant red petals.

"Wow!" Sunny said in amazement.

"Now that is Flower Power!" Tails said with a smile.

"See, Dahlia? We knew you could do it! Try again!" Sunny cheered to Dahlia with a smile as well.

As they walked around Maretime Bay, Dahlia got so overjoyed of her earth pony magic, that she kept making big flowers wherever she walked around.

At first, Tails did not took a lot of importance to this, but as more flowers growed, more pollen appeared, and when he finally noticed, he knew he had to stop Dahlia.

"Um... girls?" Tails called to Sunny and Dahlia, but none of them were listening.

"Whoo-hoo!" Dahlia cheered as she laughed. "I've got magic!" she cheered with a smile.

"Girls!" Tails called again. "We have to take the flowers out before they sick everyone with their pollen!" he warned, but the mares kept ignoring him. "Aw man, this is bad... This is really, really bad!" he said with worry, as he flew to away back to the Brighthouse.

After a while, the wind began to whistled around Maretime Bay, and the giant flowers began to tilt.

When the ponies noticed that, the ran away for cover, while Sunny and Dahlia stared in fear. and then a big red flower next to them tilted and broke off, falling towards them. Sunny and Dahlia screamed as the flower fell with a thud, which caused the pollen to come out of the flower, and since the flower was so big, it hold a lot of pollen, and it spread out to Maretime Bay.

"Ah... Ah…" Sunny and Dahlia felt like sneezing, and then... "Achoo!" Sunny and Dahlia let out a sneeze, then they turned and saw the amount of pollen that was spilled in Maretime Bay. "Uh-oh..." Sunny said, having a bad feeling about this.

"What have I done?!" Dahlia asked in shock at her actions on overdoing her magic with the big flowers.

You're feelin' kinda crummy
And things are gettin' tough
But it's not time to give up yet

Sunny and Dahlia walked through the covered pollen street of Maretime Bay, as the ponies around them sneezed and looked at Dahlia.

Haven't I done enough?
I thought I had the magic
But I look like a phony
Have you ever felt like, yeah
Felt like everypony

Dahlia felt ashamed of herself for getting Maretime Bay covered in pollen, as she trotted away from Sunny. Zipp was flying by, seeing Maretime Bay covered in pollen, and then sneezed, and that sneeze caused her to fly backwards and she through a Fifi poster sign.

Then Dahlia saw two ponies at her sides as they sneeze and look at her. Dahlia ran off as Sunny ran to catch up to her. Dahlia stopped next to Hitch and Knuckles as they began to sneeze as well, along with three bunnycorns and a racconicorns next to them. Dahlia ran off in guilt as Sunny tried to stop her.

Sunny and Dahlia:
Is lookin'?
ACHOO! They're lookin' at you

They're whispering, they're pointing their hooves

Izzy was nearby, wearing her goggles to try and keep the pollen off her eyes, but failed since she was tearing up her goggles, and then sneezed and fell into a barrel as Dahlia continues to run off.

You tried your best, so don't worry
You'll solve this problem, yeah, you'll see

Dahlia ran past Mane Melody with Sunny by her tail. Inside Mane Melody, Pipp was putting a face mask on a unicorn mare, but the pollen was getting to her and she sneezed on the face mask content. Pipp cringed and looked around in hope nopony noticed, and once the coast was clear, she stirred the face mask as fast as she could and then applied it to the unicorn mare, hoping nopony would notice.

Sunny and Dahlia:
Because... ACHOO! There's sparkle in you

And it will shine your way right through

Dahlia made her way back to her house and looked back to the ponies still sneezing from the pollen, as Sunny gave her a sympathetic look.

I'd rather hide so they can't see
Because... ACHOO! They're lookin' at me

Dahlia opened the door and close it with guilty about all this, while Sunny gave a pity expression, feeling bad for Dahlia and also feel guilty since she was part of all this.

Back at the Brighthouse, Tails and Sonic were using protective suits, since Tails could only warn him about the imminent neighfever before it could happen.

"Thanks for the warning, little bro" Sonic greeted again. "My only complain is that this is to tight, but I'm not sneezing at least" he added with a smile.

"I just wished I could saw this coming, so Dahlia wouldn't had plant all those flowers..." Tails said with guilty. "This is my fault..." he added with sadness.

"This is also my fault..." Sunny added, since they were sitting on the couch in the living room with Izzy, watching TV and the News on the neighfever spreading quickly across the town. "We've made everything worse!" Sunny added with frustration.

"Aaaachoo!" Izzy sneezed again, while she fell backwards and landed on her back. "I dunno, I kinda like sneezing. It's like a sneaky nose surprise. Achoo! See? So sneaky" she said to the rest.

"Well, usually I will say 'let's just roll with it', but I know we can't live sneezing the rest of our lives" Sonic commented. "And in my case and Tails', we cannot be trapped on this suits forever either. We need to use the bathroom, you know..." he pointed out with a bored expression.

"And we cannot leave Dahlia now!" Tails added. "Not when she needs us more than ever!" he pointed out to Sunny.

Sunny gave off a determined expression. "You’re right, Tails. We've gotta fix this!" she declared, as she and the fox ran out the door to fix their mistake.

"Well, while they do that, I'm gonna hit the shower" Sonic said, as he ran upstairs to use the bathroom.

Later, again, Dahlia was watering her flowers again, also having a stuffy nose from the pollen all over Maretime Bay. She turned and saw Sunny and Tails coming by again, with Tails still using the protection suit. "Ugh! Not you two again!" she groaned, still upset and guilty from what she did to the town. "Haven't you two done enough? Achoo!" she asks them, and then started to sneeze on the flowers.

"We’re so—" Sunny started, but stopped when Dahlia sneezes on her flowers again.

"Achoo" Dahlia sneezed.

"—sorry, Dah—" Tails kept going, but he got cut off by the sneezing, again on the flowers.


"We were just—" Sunny said, and got cut off again.


"—trying to—" Tails said, and again got cut off.


"—help!" Sunny and Tails both finished.

"Achoo!" Dahlia sneezed on her flowers again, but then they started to shine and glow with colors of the rainbow.

Dahlia, Sunny and Tails saw this with awe, and Sunny found the perfect idea for all their problems. "I think there's a way to make everypony forget all about this neighfever nightmare!" Sunny said to Dahlia with a smile.

Tails realized what she meant, and smiled as well. "It would also help to put your flower business to be back in no time!" he added.

"Keep sneezing, Dahlia!" both Sunny and Tails said.

Dahlia gave off a smirk, seeing what those two were planning up. "Now that I can do it! Achoo!" she said to them, and then continued to sneeze on her flowers.

After getting the whole town cleaned up from the pollen, and with everypony feeling better now, Sunny and Tails told Dahlia what she had to do to kept her business going.

Meanwhile, Pipp was livestreaming through her phone, filming Izzy wearing a necklace out of flowers that are glowing one color at a time. "And there you have it. The perfect accessory for the ultimate cool pony style" she said to the viewers of her livestream.

"Cool pony?" Izzy asked in confusion, and then gasped with sparkling eyes. "Is that me?" she asked cheerfully.

Pipp just looked a little nervous to Izzy, since it seems she forgot about the plan to tell everypony about Dahlia's new necklaces, but decided to let it slide and go along with it. "Um, yeah" she said to Izzy, before facing her livestream again. "Now don't forget, Pippsqueaks. You can get your own cool pony necklace at Maretime Bay's one-stop style shop – Dahlia's flower cart! Squeak ya later! Mwah!" she blew a kiss and ended the livestream.

At Maretime Bay, everypony were wearing Dahlia’s flower necklaces, finding them great, stylish and amazing as well, while ponies were lining up on Dahlia’s flower stand, who was very happy that her flowers and new flower necklaces are a hit again.

Sunny, Hitch, Tails and Knuckles looked at Dahlia, wearing necklaces as well and with smiles, happy that Dahlia got her flower business back. Also, Tails wasn't wearing his protection suit anymore.

"Now this is something great to watch!" Knuckles said with a smile, happy that Dahlia was having clients again.

"And another problem was solved successfully!" Tails added with a big smile.

"Gotta love a happy ending!" Sunny added, smiling as well.

Suddenly, Sonic arrived with a big smile, wearing a necklace as well. "Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!" he said, as he stopped in front of them. "Pipp's gonna perform a new song to honor this new style! Come on, you don't wanna miss this!" he said, more happy than usual, and then ran off to Mane Melody.

"You know, I never seen him so excited for a Pop Star singing before" Knuckles commented.

"It's Pipp the one singing, so I totally expected" Tails said with a smirk.

"Wait..." Hitch spoke, as he and Sunny looked at Tails and Knuckles a bit confused. "Why are you talking about Sonic like that?" he questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? He likes..." Knuckles almost shouted, but a glare from Tails was enough to make him realize he was talking to loud, so he whispered at Sunny and Hitch. "Sonic likes Pipp" he whispered with a smirk.

That made Sunny and Hitch gasp with sparkling eyes, since they knew for a while now that Pipp liked Sonic as well.

"By your reactions I'm, guessing it's a reciprocal thing that everyone but them notices, right?" Tails asked to the ponies.

"Yup!" Sunny answered, still with sparkling eyes.

"Should we tell them?" Hitch suggested.

"Nah, let's enjoy seeing those two love birds being so ignorant about their reciprocal love for now" Knuckles said. And let them enjoy it before we leave Equestria, maybe forever he tough to himself. "Let's make him some company, so if he makes something stupid we can mock him the whole month!" he added with a smile.

They all walked laughing towards Mane Melody, not noticing that the flowers from their necklaces started to lose their colors and dripped off the petals, probably putting Dahlia's business on trouble again.

But that's a story we'll either tell another day or probably never.


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