• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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77. Friday Night Food Fight

In Bridlewood, Misty is running as fast as she can while dodging an incoming cake.

Said cake was being tossed around for some reason, and she quickly dodged more of them, making as many flips as she could while trying to avoid the incoming food, which some is either old or rotten.

Just then, three unicorns came up from behind a bush with mischievous smiles, making Misty gasp and stop.

"Give it up, Misty! There's no escape!" The unicorn stallion in the middle stated, levitating four more pieces of food, while his two friends beside him held up their own.

Misty grew nervous and backed away a bit, just before turning around and gasp when she saw Onyx and Dapple appearing behind her with smirks, also levitating more food and tossing it at her. This made her quickly dodge the food, being close to get hit by it at several times.

But even with all her reflexes, she gasped when she noticed many ponies surrounding her, preparing to toss their food at her with sinister smiles.

But before this happened, Izzy front-flipped over to her. "Misty! Get down!" She called out, tackling Misty to the ground before the unicorns tossed their food to hit each other instead of Misty.

After this, Izzy grabbed some food and started to throw it around with a wicked smile, hitting unicorns with the food. A unicorn mare even grabbed Dapple to block an incoming pie, and she smiled when the pie didn't hit her, but then she was hit with another pie in her face all the same.

Meanwhile, Misty kept trotting away, while Izzy trotted beside her. "Yay!" She cheered, startling Misty bit. "Don't you just love Friday Night Food Fights?!" She asked, but then, she saw some foals like Peach Fizz and more unicorns appearing with more food to throw. "Whoa! Look out!"

Izzy grabbed Misty, then they danced the tango while dodging as much food as they could. "All the weeks' food that's old and rotten…" She ducked an incoming donut, "Gets saved up…" She ducked again, "And put to good use…" She then lean Misty back from incoming food again. "In the best, unicorn tradition!" She twirled Misty around, which caused her to spin and land in a bush, while Izzy jumped in after her.

Behind the bush, Misty was panting from the rush. "I'm not sure about this, Izzy. Isn't there someplace I can just watch?"

Yet as Izzy looked over to see if the coast was clear, here eyes widened when she saw the unicorns advancing towards them with mischief smirks and rotten foods ready to throw.

"The Tea House! Home-sies is safe-sies!" Izzy quickly answered, so Misty trotted off. "Quick, Misty! Make a break for it! I'll cover you." She exclaimed with a determined expression, then she started to laugh maniacally while looking at the other unicorns. "Oh, yeah? Take that!"

Then, She tossed some food at the unicorns to the face, while a rotten pizza hit a stallion in the mouth.

"And that! And––" Izzy tried to keep going, but she was cut off when Onyx, Dapple, and a unicorn mare came out of hiding with smirks, levitating some pies that they tossed at Izzy, who go buried in a pile she had to climb out of. "Or maybe I'll get covered... in pies!" She quipped cheerfully, then laughed at her joke. "Pies! Get it?"

Yeah, a pie hit her in the face right after she asked that, and then more pies began to hit her.

Back in Maretime Bay, Sunny had her Alicorn form activated, and she took a deep breath.

In the other side of where she was standing, Sonic and Shadow were waiting for her to give them a sign, being surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds. They were still training Sunny to make her resists Chaos Energy, just like Sonic promised they'll do back when she got her Chaos Pocks.

"Are we totally sure both of us going Super and fighting her is the best way to make her resist Chaos Energy?" Shadow questioned with his arms crossed to Sonic.

"Our options are that, or expose Sunny to the Emeralds again and risk her by making her transform into that strange lizard/dragon or whatever it was that triggered her Chaos Pocks." Sonic replied with a deadpan.

"Then going Super it is." Shadow nodded, even though he still had second thoughts with this idea.

"Ready whenever you are, Sunny!" Sonic shouted to his sister with a smile.

Sunny stretched herself a bit and then shook her body a bit, before taking a deep breath and spread her wings, then look ahead to Sonic and Shadow with a determinate expression.

"Do it!" Sunny instructed.

With the sign up, Sonic and Shadow immediately focused, and the Chaos Emeralds floated from the ground, surrounding them and transforming them both into Super Sonic and Super Shadow, then they boosted towards the air, and so did Sunny, since this is where the training begins.

Now that she was in the air, both Sonic and Shadow charged against her, so she simply flew around them to dodge whatever they were gonna do, but even if she did, Shadow still teleported in front of her.

Startled and gasping, Sunny created a shield in front of her that protected her from Shadow's punch, but she barely could see Sonic coming from below her and punching her to the sky. Of course, Sunny yelped startled, but she still recovered as quick as possible and tried to attack back to the two Super Hedgehogs.

She launched a blast against Sonic, but he dodged the attack like nothing and then launched himself as a bullet towards Sunny, then charged the Sonic Boom and launched several crosses to her.

Sunny dodged the crosses, then managed to hit Sonic in the face, and judging by his grunt, she supposed it hurt. Her instinct to apologize came afloat, but knowing that he'll be fine and that this is just part of the training made her regret the idea. However, she barely dodged one Shadow's Chaos Spares.

She turned to him with a frown and launched against him. She was going to punch him in the face, but Shadow stopped her hoof effortlessly, although Sunny smirked and made a flip, kicking his face with her hind legs.

Startled, Shadow grabbed his jaw and rubbed it, just to be blasted away by Sunny. She smirked, but then barely created a bubble shield around her to protect herself from Sonic's Homing Shot. She then managed to teleport behind him, only for Sonic to turn around and protect himself from a punch with his arms.

With that, Sonic then grabbed Sunny and twirled her around, making her yelp startled, then launched her away. Sunny got dizzy as she was thrown away, twirling around constantly while yelping.

And then, Shadow appeared and hit her towards the ground, making her groan in pain. Sunny landed in the ground on her back, deactivating her Alicorn form, while Sonic and Shadow's eyes widened, and they even panicked to the point they both rushed down to check on her.

When they both reached land, they released the Chaos Emeralds. The jewels landed in the grass, while the two hedgehogs approached Sunny, who slowly got up with a dizzy expression and a sheepish chuckle.

"...I think I went overboard..." Shadow said concerned, then he looked away and grind his teeth. "Sorry."

"I still could heard your apologize, Shadow." Sonic deadpanned, and Shadow glared daggers at him.

"I-I'm fine! Really!" Sunny assured, shaking her head and fixing her mane a bit since it got messy. "I just need more practice to avoid you both going all fast on me."

"Uh, maybe Shadow was right earlier, Sunny-bunny." Sonic hesitantly admitted. "Maybe you should consider other route. Why's us beating the crap out of you while being Super the only way you can learn to resist Chaos Energy, again?"

"Because if I want to use their power one day, I must be ready to resist powerful punches like the ones from Super forms like yours!" Sunny pointed out. "I'm an Alicorn and powerful, true, but if I can't resist a punch from a powerful source like the Chaos Emeralds, then what kind of Alicorn am I?"

"While you have a point, telling us not to hold back is not really safe for you. Are you sure you want us to go all out on you?" Shadow asked concerned.

"Absolutely!" Sunny nodded with a smirk, making her Alicorn form appear again. "Now come on! Hit me with all you've got!"

With that, she boosted back into the air, leaving behind two concerned hedgehogs. They looked at each other concerned, but they still went Super again and follow her along.

In Bridlewood, Misty kept running and dodging food through the path to her dad's working place.

Just then, she saw Crystal Tea Room ahead, which caused her to gasp joyfully in relief with sparkling eyes. She simply kept dodging more and mored food, until she finally made it to the tea room, where Alphabittle's cleaning a teacup. Yet when Misty gets in and he notices, her daughter quickly shuts the door.

Misty choose to peak outside again, just so see more food getting thrown in the air, so she quickly closed the door again and then turned to her father. "Dad! Quick! It's not safe! We got to get out of here! This food fight has gotta stop!"

Yet this last comment seemed to surprise Alphabittle. "You mean to tell me you don't like Friday Night Food Fights?" He asked, then smiled. "Hah! Oh, you sure changed your tune." He then walked to her. "Very well, then. If that's what you want, I will put an end to all this food-flinging nonsense."

Yet as Alphabittle walked out of the Tea Room, Misty then got really worried. "No, Dad, wait! Don't go out there!"

Outside, Alphabittle waved a white flag while frowning.

"Listen up, ponies! From this day forth, I declare a ceasefire!" He called out, which surprised the unicorns. "Lay down your old lasagna, your rotten bananas––" He ordered, but the unicorns only smirked at each other, then one launched a rotten tomato to Alphabittle's eye, making his other eye widen.

He clenched his hoof in anger, but then another tomato hit his other eye, then a rotten banana landed on his mouth, and then more rotten food was launched and piled over him, making Misty gasp.

More and more food was getting launched over Alphabittle, until the poor older unicorn was entirely covered in a pile of rotten food. He did managed to get a free hoof from the pile he was under, but it was still shocking for Misty to see, since she gasped in horror at the sight.

"Nooooo!" Misty cried out dramatically, then she ran to her father and started digging him out of the pile. "No! He was only trying to end this battle!” She cried out, getting her father's head out, who looked dazed. "This can't be happening! Why?! Oh, why, oh, why, oh, why?!"

In Mane Melody, Zipp and Pipp were having their brunch together.

However, Pipp suddenly stopped once she was going to chomp her food again, and started to look around with a glare and a raised eyebrow, something Zipp noticed.

"You okay sis?" Zipp asked confused.

"...Don't ask me why I do this, but I feel like somepony's being more dramatic than me..." Pipp replied.

"...Well, Twilight have mercy on us of that's the case..." Zipp said with a snort and a mocking smirk.

Pipp's eyes widened, and even if she snorted too, she still looked at Zipp with a glare. "Hey!"

Zipp only chuckled at her own joke, while Pipp rolled her eyes annoyed.

Back in Bridlewood, Alphabittle shook his head and looked confused.

"Hang on." Alphabittle said, standing up and turning to his daughter. "Are you telling me you... you don't remember?"

A few years ago, Alphabittle was feeding his young daughter some food, holding a spoon for her.

"The Pegasus soars through the air! It's coming into land! Ooh!" Alphabittle said with a smile, moving the spoon around like a pegasus and bringing it close to Filly Misty, who got her mouth open, yet Alphabittle boop Misty on the nose, getting some food on it.

Filly Misty looked at her nose for a bit before smiling widely. "Yaaay!" She cheered while waving her hooves, which Alphabittle responded with a smile as he moved the spoon around his daughter.

Yet this only made Misty smirk, so she stood up on her place and focused on the spoon, before she tried to catch it, but it flicked out of her father's hoof. The spoon flew around until it hit a unicorn mare on the head. The mare's friend started to laugh at her, irritating the mare a lot.

However, said mare was eating a salad, so to get revenge, she threw her salad piece at him, but he ducked before getting hit, which made an old unicorn stallion get the hit instead.

It's the place where love and friendship starts
It's for me, yeah, it's for you, yeah, it's for everycritter

The stallion glared at the mare that launch the salad piece, while the mare flinched frightened, and so did her stallion friend that got up again after ducking down. The elderly stallion's eye twitched, but then he smirked and lifted a piece of food, which he hit the other stallion with it.

Don't be aloof, pick up your hoof and play your part
Just show a little heart

The mare and stallion smirked, then they picked up more food and threw some at the elder, starting this way a food fight where everypony else in the Tea Room ended up joining.

Alphabittle saw this surprised, but then he heard his daughter's giggle, so he turned to her with a smile, while Filly Misty giggled and waved her hooves in excitement. In the end, she's the one that started this whole food fight in the first place. By accident, true, but she did it, anyways.

If you're feelin' what I'm feelin', then get up and show me
'Cause today's not the day for bein' lonely

But then, Alphabittle was hit in the face with some food, and so was Filly Misty, while a watermelon hit a bow with fruits. Yet this only made Filly Misty giggle again, making Alphabittle giggle as well.

Then, he joined the food fight by grabbing the watermelon and throwing it at somepony in the Tea Room.

With that explanation done, Misty was left shocked with a twitchy eye at the revelation.

"Hang on. Are you telling me I started this tradition back when I was a filly?!" Misty asked her father in surprise.

"Yes, that's–– Oof!" Alphabittle was cut off when more rotten food was thrown at him and made him fall to the floor.

Misty gasped and felt terrified at the sight, before looking ahead with anger and determination combined. "That's it! If I started this, I can finish it, too!" She snapped, ready to get revenge from her father's defeat.

Back in Maretime Bay, the sky was a festival of flashlights.

Yet this wasn't because of fireworks or something like that, but because Sunny was still training along Super Sonic and Super Shadow. This time, her strategy was simply fly away from them until she could catch the Super Hedgehogs off-guard, but she hasn't had any luck so far.

The most damage she could do to any of them was blast them towards the ground a couple of times, but considering there's two of them, she could only blast one and then dodge the other's attack.

Repeating this process several times wasn't leading anywhere, so she had to play a new strategy: This time, she multiplied herself and split up in two different directions. Of course, this finally took the Super Hedgehogs off-guard, but they still split up as well, each one chasing one Sunny.

Of course, they were faster than the two Sunnys together, so they could catch them at any second... But they never expected the two Sunnys to go against each other.

Then, when the Sunnys crashed, they went back to be one, then Sunny teleported away. This made Sonic and Shadow crash against each other instead, which made them loose their Super forms and fall into the ground with groans of pain, while the Chaos Emerald fell around them both.

Sunny landed in the ground and smirked down at the two hedgehogs. "Hah! You guys still think this is a bad idea?"

She only got painful groans from Sonic and Shadow as an answer, while both Hedgehogs started to slowly and painfully stand up after literally crashing in their backs because of loosing their Super forms.

"I think that we underestimated your strength, Sunny..." Shadow said with a chuckle, just to groan loudly in pain again. "But I also think we need to go to a hospital..."

"Come one, it wasn't that bad––" Sunny rolled her eyes and tried to shrug it off.

However, Sonic groaned in pain again after he tried to put his right foot on the ground. "...No, seriously. We need to go and see a doctor, like right now..."

"...Oh geez..." Sunny said with wide eyes and a sheepish smile, also blushing embarrassed.

In Bridlewood, sh*t was gonna get real.

Misty stomped her hoof on a pie, then drew some marks on her cheeks, and finally tied a headband in her head. After that, she roared in anger and charged towards the unicorns, ready to avenge her father. After all, and as she stated earlier: She started this, so now she's finishing it.

It's the place where love and friendship starts
It's for me, yeah, it's for you, yeah, it's for everycritter

The ponies looked surprised at Misty, but then they all smirked, while Misty rolled behind a pile of food. Am I the only one questioning why are these piles still intact? Eh, cartoon logic, I guess.

Don't be aloof, pick up your hoof and play your part
Just show a little heart

Then, Misty stood up and tossed some pies to a pair of unicorn mares, surprising them before getting hit. Then, two other unicorns came behind them, ready to throw their food at her, but Misty turned her head and saw them with a smirk, so she ducked down to avoid the pies.

After that, Misty threw two pies at the surprised unicorns like shuriken, hitting them both in the head. With that, she trotted off, while Izzy saw Misty with pride and a tearful smile, also eating some of the rotten ponycorn.

She's gonna be fine, though. Why? Because Izzy is built different, that's why!

If you're feelin' what I'm feelin', then get up and show me
'Cause today's not the day for bein' lonely
Oh, oh, I'm spreadin' the love...

Then, the unicorns levitated more food and tossed it at Misty, who quickly hid behind a pile of food. Yet she also noticed some rotten eggs, so she smirked, grabbed some and tossed them in the air, then levitated them with her magic, and then started to hit the unicorns with them, most hitting Dapple's mane.

"Eww! Rotten eggs?” Dapple exclaimed in shock. "My mane's gonna smell for weeks!"

"Revenge is sweet!" Misty quipped with a smirk, as she levitated some gelatins with whipped cream and sprinkles on them before twirling around and threw the gelatins at the unicorns, hitting pretty much every single one of them.

...You better follow your heart, it ain't gonna wait
Love, I'm gonna shout it
Love, I'm gonna shout it

Then, Misty grabbed some grapes and put them in her mouth, standing up and spitting them out like a cannon, hitting the unicorns as they all ran for cover, but got hit all the same.

"Nopony messes with my dad!" Misty called seriously, while Alphabittle was behind her wiping some rotten food off him.

Ain't no doubt about it
Love's in the air, let's shout it

Then, Misty stomped on some ketchup bottles, which hit a couple of unicorns. Next, she threw a pizza like a frisbee, making it land on a foal's open mouth, before Misty smirked and levitated a bowl full of honey, which she used to cover a unicorn mare in it.

Don't try to hide now, no, don't run from fate
Love's in the air and, ooh, it's smelling great
Don't be afraid, it's not too late for a new start
Just show a little heart

Then, Misty tossed some jawbreakers at Onyx and Dapple, making them trip and crash from losing their balance. Next, she brought out two loaves of bread and frowned, before whacking some ponies with them.

And finally, suddenly and literally out of nowhere, she brought out a cannon she strapped herself with, pulling the string to activate the cannon and shot some pretzels at a unicorn mare, which she tried to dodge. Finally, Misty levitated some spaghetti and tied a couple of unicorns together with it.

"Hasta la vista, pony!" Misty quipped with a smirk.

She choose to stay still for a moment to see so many unicorns around her that were down, but then she noticed a few more unicorns coming from behind her thanks to their shadows being really visible.

"How'd you like an extra big helping of... this?!" The unicorn stallion stated, as he and three unicorns levitated a ton of rotten food and threw it at her.

Misty gasped at the incoming rotten food, so she closed her eyes and focused her magic on her horn.

If you're feelin' what I'm feelin', then get up and show me
'Cause today's not the day for bein' lonely

The rotten food stopped mid-air, and while Misty strained a bit, the unicorns' jaws dropped in shock at the scene. Then, Misty gave a determined look and reeled back, stomping her hoof while roaring and tossing the food back at the unicorns, all getting hit and thrown to the ground, some even feeling a bit dizzy.

After the whole food slaughtering was down, Izzy walked up to Misty. "Misty, you were amazing! Food fight champion!" She cheered.

"But what about all this food?" Misty asked concerned, gesturing to the piles of rotten food, while the unicorns got out of them.

"What, that? Aww, the forest will have that for lunch." Izzy assured with a smile, now gesturing to a rotten apple. "See? All that musty old food was only ever good for one thing – mulch." She said, right when the rotten apple was absorbed into the ground, and some newly sprouted plants grew there. "It helps grow Bridlewood, enrich the soil, and keep the forest alive."

Misty smiled with sparkling eyes, but then she heard her father. "A prize for the food fight victor!" Alphabittle said, while Misty turned to him with a smile, as she saw him levitate a two-stack rainbow cake with strawberries and butterflies on it. "Thanks for avenging me."

Misty kept smiling with sparkling eyes, just as Izzy wrapped her hoof around her. "Friday Night Food Fight battle champ! That's sure a side of you I've never seen!" She said cheerfully, while Alphabittle came up to them and placed the cake down.

Misty smiled at Izzy, then she turned to the cake and gasped happily with sparkling eyes. But as she walked to it, she slipped on a banana peel, which caused her to trip.

"Aah!" Misty cried out, falling into the cake, completely covered in frosting and cream, while Izzy and Alphabittle walked to her.

"Thaaaaat's more like it!" Izzy said with a small smile, then she started to laugh, and soon, Alphabittle and Misty began to laugh along.

Back in Maretime Bay, Sonic was now resting a foot over a pillow with a frown and his arms crossed.

It turns out that Sunny's hit caused Sonic to sprain his foot, and now he has to rest for at least a month. It means he won't run for a whole month, which means he's now upset with Sunny for spraining her foot. Worse is the fact that Shadow recovered as if nothing had happened, because he is not injured.

"Are you still mad with me, Sonic?" Sunny asked with a sheepish smile.

"Yes." Sonic replied coldly.

"But I said I was sorry! Like, a millionth times already!" Sunny pointed out with concern.

"Like if being sorry is going to un-sprain my foot." Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Look, I know I got carried away with the training, but I'm really sorry!" Sunny apologized again. "It was not my intention to sprain your foot, I-I only wanted to prove I've got stronger!"

"Yeah, and how did that turned out? Shadow may be unharmed, but thanks to your excitement, I'll be the next month in bed without running!" Sonic complained. "If Eggman or Opaline attacks, I won't be able to do anything!"

"I... I'm sorry..." Sunny apologized again. "You're right, I should've thought in that before making the attack. Guess my excitement is a bit overboard sometimes, huh? Perhaps that's why sometimes I can barely see the entire picture around me. Maretime Bay Day, Winter Wishday, Misty's betrayal, Discord's reasons to destroy magic! And now this... I'm really sorry, Sonic."

"...You apologize too much, you know that?" Sonic said with a little smirk, and Sunny actually smiled a bit as well. "...I'm not that mad with you, Sunny. Sure, I may not be able to run for the next month, but... Accidents happen. Also, don't be so harsh on yourself. Not everyone can see the picture around them, not even me."

"Still, I should've thought of what would happen to you and Shadow! And I didn't..." Sunny pointed out concerned.

Sonic sighed, but then he wrapped an arm around his sister. "Cheer up, sis! As you said, it wasn't your intention. And, thinking about it, a month can pass flying by! So don't be so pushy with yourself! Nothing wrong happened here, okay?"

"You changed your mind really quick, you know that?" Sunny teased with a smirk.

"I don't like to see my sister so sad." Sonic replied with a smile. "And if that's a crime, then I declare myself guilty!"

Sunny laughed and hugged Sonic, while Sonic just smiled and laughed along her. Sure, he's gonna be a month without running, but having a sad Sunny around? Not under his watch!

Eggman was at his hidden lab, reading through some old books he hasn't checked in a while.

He's still investigating about that powerful artifact that could literally tear apart the wall that separates this reality from any other one, a power that can afford him the ability to travel across universes. His ambition was beginning to grow again, and even if he knows so little about this artifact, he loves what he's seen so far.

"Fascinating... With this power, I could rule over not only one reality and two dimensions... but every universe with every dimension that comes with them!" Eggman exclaimed out loud with excitement and a sinister grin. "Oh, this is gonna be good!"

As usual, the doctor laughed like a maniac, and he couldn't wait to learn more about this mysterious artifact.


Author's Note:

Eh, this chapter was a little bit "eh" to work with, if I'm being honest.

I had no f*cking clue on what to do with the Sonic cast, then I remembered that in "Chaos Pocks", Sonic mentioned he and Shadow would train Sunny so she can handle the Chaos Emeralds' power. In the end, that's how we got here, and what I wrote is what you got.

I really have nothing else to say this time around, so let's keep it short lived.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all later! Bye! :twilightsmile:

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