• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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8. Clip Trot

Pipp was in front of the Crystal Brighthouse, looking at her phone a video with bunnies wearing glasses and hats, as they dance at sync to the rhythm of the song in the background.

Bunny, bunny
Do the bunny-unny-unny
Bunny, bunny
Do the bunny-unny-unny
Kick up your paws and slide to the right
Shake your tail, now, side to side
Do a little zip and bring it up quick
Hop around and let's see you twist...

Pipp gasped at the video and squealed. "Ponies!" she called out to her friends, wanting to show them what she just found.

Meanwhile, inside the Brighthouse, Sonic was trying to think on some kind of job he could apply to gain some money and made up to his friends since he was basically living for free. Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Zipp were trying to help, although Sunny was more trying to change his mind.

"Sonic, it's okay" Sunny assured again, thinking that Sonic was exaggerating a little. "You don't have to pay us anything, really" she said, as the rest nodded in agreement.

"I do, actually. Even if I'm not from this dimension, that doesn't mean I have to leave for free and have my life here granted. I need to earn my money the right way" Sonic stated, not thinking on change his mind a single bit. "Besides, the fact that I'm from Equestria isn't an excuse for me to not have my own money."

"Well, if you're interested in the job, I'm still looking for a new deputy" Hitch suggested. "You just have to do the same thing I do, except for some specific ones, of course" he explained.

"I usually wouldn't mind, but I don't think you'll accept 'Gotta go fast' as a medical condition" Sonic joked around, getting laughs from the others. "But seriously talking, technically you still would be paying me your own money, even if it's in different circumstances" he pointed out.

Before the conversation could continue, Pipp opened the door with an exciting look. "Have you seen this Clip Trot? It. Is. So.Awe-some!" she sang the last word and showed her friends the video of bunny hip hop. Her friends looked in surprise at the video, clearly never seen it before. Pipp gave them a look and found weird that they didn't knew about the clip. "It's the Hip Hop Bunny Bop? The new dance craze? It's only got like, a million hoof taps" she pointed out with a smirk.

"A million hoof taps?" Izzy questioned with a smile, "Surely you only need four!" she called out, clearly not getting what hoof taps mean, then she started to scat and hoove tapping on the floor with a little dance.. She saw her friends looking at her weirdly, since that was a little weird to see. Izzy then chuckled awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed. "Okay, you're a tough crowd..." she said to them, saving herself from being more embarrassed when her friends stared at her.

Pipp then came to Izzy with sparkling eyes. "We have to try it!" she called out as she squealed. "My pippsqueaks will be expecting it!" She placed her phone on a phone holder and tapped the record button. "Aaand five, six, seven, eight" she announced to her friends to get ready to show their skills in front of the phone.

Sunny smiled at her friends, convinced to try out Pipp’s idea. "Just listen to the beat, feel the rhythm, and... most importantly, be yourself!" Sunny advised her friends as she got in front of the camera and danced, while the Bunny Hip Hop song starts to play.

She dances a bit and then hopped away, while Izzy walked backwards and laughed while danced around with an added spin and waved her hooves, then she moved backwards with a smile, waving at Zipp to come into the camera’s view. Zipp poked her head, and then danced and flopped to the floor as she shook her head, made a backflip as she struck the landing and walked backwards. Sonic made Michael's Jackson moonwalk, then stopped in front of the camera and breakdanced, then made a backflip getting out of sight.

"C'mon, sheriff!" Sonic cheered up, as Hitch came into the view of the camera and danced.

Hitch laughed and jumped a little, "Hitch has got it, uh-huh!" he cheered as he danced.

Izzy laughs as she and the rest of her friends, san Pipp, free dance as they listen to the rhythm.

Pipp however, did not like what they were doing. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Cut! Stop. Stop it" she called out, but while the others did stoped, Zipp continued to dance.

Zipp hummed as she still danced, getting really into it as she then flies and flies around, ending her dancing with a twirl in the air and landing back into the ground, as her friends watch her in awe. "Yeah!" she cheered, "Upload that!" she called out to her sister, wanting to post that video with her moves in it.

"Way to go, Zippster!" Sonic said with a smile as he nicknamed Zipp like that, and surprisingly she didn't got mad, because she fist bumped with the hedgehog.

"I can not upload THAT!" Pipp protested. "That was nothing like the bunnies! Watch. It goes like this" Pipp added, then she got in front of the group and putting on the glasses as she danced to the music.

Time to get fluffy
I said it's time to get fluffy
Here we go now
Here we go
Bunny, bunny
Do the bunny-unny-unny
Bunny, bunny
Do the bunny-unny-unny...

Pipp then danced to the same moves the bunnies did in the video with effort grunts, which was a little weird to watch to say the least. Her friends looked at her weirdly and a little disturb by her trying to dance the bunny dance. But Sonic, well, he find it kinda cute, although he wasn't going to say it just like that.

"Oh! Uh, is that the time?" Zipp said suddenly, trying to find a way out of Pipp’s weird bunny dance. "Gotta do that thing I was telling you about. Sunny, you remember? That thing?" she winked to Sunny, as she chuckled and ran off.

Seeing where Zipp is going with this, Sunny decided to play along. "Uh... Uh, yeah! That... thing! Wasn't I supposed to help you?" she acts as well, then ran after Zipp.

"Me too!" Hitch called out as he ran after the two mares, leaving Sonic and Izzy with Pipp.

Pipp then stoped dancing as she took her glasses off and she looked at her two remaining friends, seeing that the rest were gone, as Izzy and Sonic looked at each other.

"Aaand yeah, I can't think of an excuse. Gotta go!" Izzy called out, as she ran out of the house, leaving Sonic behind.

"Man, I never saw them running that quick before, and the fastest thing alive tells you!" Sonic chuckled a bit.

Pipp looked down in disappointment, feeling upset that her friends left her while she danced. Sonic noticed her sad look, and he felt bad for her, so made up his mind as he smiled. He was the only one there, so it was his duty to cheer her up. "Hey Pipp, look at me" he pled her, as she faced him while blushing a little. "I'm sorry the rest ran off like that. It's just that we think the bunnies are the only critters that can make that dance look both good and adorable" he tried to explain. "Although, I have to say, you did made it kinda cute" he whispered at her ear.

This made Pipp blush a lot and laugh nervously, as she tried to speak clearly. "T-Thanks, Sonic..." she said clearly at last.

"Anytime, Pipp" he said with a smile, then started to walk towards the door. "Now, I'm gonna have a little walk to find some job since I'm serious when I say I'm not staying for free. Wanna come with me?" he asked her while stopped at the door, thinking that maybe a walk could make her feel better. "You can distract your mind as well" he pointed out.

After thinking it for a while, Pipp smiled at him and nodded. "I will love to" she said, still with a little blush.

Pipp and Sonic walked through Maretime Bay. Pipp tried not to think on the whole video thing, while Sonic listed a few jobs he was interested to get on his phone and started to look for one that could fit him.

"Let's see... I could be a mailman... although no one writes letters that often anymore, so it would be a lost cause" Sonic said to himself, as he marked with an 'X' to the 'Mailman' option in the list. "Maybe a Pizza delivery guy? Nah, my sonic speed would leave the pizzas made a mess" he concerned, as he also marked an 'X' on the 'Pizza delivery guy' option. "Maybe I should accept Hitch's offer to be his deputy... then again, he technically will be paying me his own money, even if is for a good job. Say Pipp, you don't need any help on Mane Melody? Beside Jazz and Rocky, I mean" Sonic asked the pegasus.

"Hm?" Pipp said while looking at him in a bad mood. "Uh, no really. We're good, Sonic. Don't worry" she assured a little down.

Sonic noticed that, but decided to let her get lost on her thoughts. Soon, they were walking next to the Mane Melody, and Pipp gasped when she saw a familiar pony coming out. Jazz was coming out of the salon, ending her daily job for the day, then she turned and saw Sonic and Pipp there.

"Hey, Jazzy-babe, loving that hooficure!" Pipp said to Jazz with a cheerful tone. "Cu-ute!" she said in admiring Jazz’s hooves, as Sonic took a look and nodded in agreement with a smile, then returning his sigh to his phone.

"Oh, wow, thanks!” Jazz replied with a smile. "I just--" she tried to say, but was cut off by Pipp.

"So, I could totally use your help on some like, amazing content" Pipp asked for a favor as she blinked with sparkles in her eyes and gave Jazz the phone.

Sonic automatically moved to Jazz side, still looking at his phone in search for a job.

"And five, six, seven, eight!" Pipp cheered out and began to dance as she sang the song, while Jazz looked at Pipp strangely.

Come on, ponies
Show me what you got
I said show me what you got
Here we go now
Here we go!

As Pipp was dancing, Jazz looked at her with cringe, as Sonic looked for a second to Pipp, then got back to his phone, and then he immediately looked back at Pipp in disbelief, as he just putted an amused face on how Pipp was still trying to do that dance.

Yeah! Uh-uh-uh-oh-ooh! Who needs those ponies? Not me. I'll just do it myseeelf!

Pipp then panted a little, while Sonic facepalmed in frustration, since the point of the walk was make her forget the thing, but it didn't work. Pipp turned to Jazz and Sonic to know how she did it,. "What do you think, guys?" she asked for them to judge.

Sonic looked at her with a bored expression. "Am I tell you the truth or we're still being friends?" he asked with sarcasm, as Jazz pushed him hardly on a shoulder, then spoke herself.

"Ah, I mean... It's... great" Jazz said while tried to think of the right words, "But…" she tried to explain, but was interrupted when Posey came out of nowhere.

"That's so last week" Posey said, answering for Jazz while she smirked at Pipp in a little amusement.

Sonic rolled his eyes since he already knew Posey was like that, and Pipp looked her in confusion. "Elaborate, Posey" Sonic asked with annoyance.

"What?" Posey replied as she laughed at the pegasus and the hedgehog. "Have you two been living in a cave?" she asked rudely, as Jazz flinched at Posey’s comment.

After hearing the cave part, Sonic and Pipp looked at each other and started to have a flashback from last week...

A week ago, the Mane 5 and Sonic decided to go on a camping trip. Hitch suggested to take a break from all of the technology and took his friends to camping into the woods. But as bad luck has it, it was raining where they set up their camp. So they refuged on a cave, and they were all soak and wet from the rain outside, and stood close to the fire for warmth while both Izzy and Sonic covered themselves with a blanket, as the 4 girls and Sonic glared at Hitch for getting them lost in the forest while trying to get back home.

"We're not lost!" Hitch said, trying to stay optimistic as he came up with the right words. "We're just... slowing down. Living life unplugged!" he stated with a smile.

"You should be glad those aren't my thunders, Trailblazer!" Sonic yelled out as electricity came out of his body in anger.

Pipp then tried to use her phone to see her stats and if anything new popped up, but only received beeps and she taped her phone repeatedly in frustration. "No canternet?" she groaned as this was gonna be a long day without her phone.

Pipp shook her head to get out of the flashback, now knowing why she didn’t know of the Hip Hop Bunny video earlier, while Sonic just looked with and concerned expression. "Uh... kinda?" he simply answered to Posey's question from before.

"So, no one does the Hip Hop Bunny Bop anymore?" Pipp questioned in shock, realizing that the Hip Hop Bunny Bop is outdated.

Posey chuckled at Pipp’s realization. "Nope" Posey answered. "We're waiting for the next big thing" she added with a wave of her hoof.

And then Pipp smirked, coming up with an idea. "The next big thing, huh? Hmm…" she said, putting a hoof on her chin. Pipp then grabbed her phone from Jazz as she started pressing it, editing some videos into what she tough was going to be 'the next big thing'.

Both Jazz and Sonic looked carefully at Pipp’s editing, and they both smiled. "Hmm. That really is gonna be the next big thing. Explode it!" she said with a smirk as she raised her hoof to Pipp and made a hoof bump.

"Aaand upload!" she said. as she uploaded the edited video to the web.

Do a little dip and bring it up quick
Trot to it now, let me see you twist
Look at you glow, look at you shine
Show me that spark, everypony, unite...

The video showed Pipp's friends doing their dances with a four-way split mirror with stars in the background. Rocky, Jazz and Posey looked at the video with smiles on their faces.

"Now that is fire!" Rocky commented to the other two ponies.

"Hooftap!" the three ponies said in unison as they liked the video.

It's the pony hip hop!

The gardener earth pony was pouring water on her flowers as she hooftaped the video and she danced to the music, but didn't noticed McSnips growling because she was wetting him.

Do the pony-ony-ony
Pony pony
Do the pony-ony-ony
Everypony, everywhere

In Bridlewood, Alphabittle was tapping his hoof while bobbing his head and dancing to the beat of the song and twirled around with a smile, then hooftaped the video.

Trot to the beat, you can feel it in the air
Pony pony

And then in a cave or so, two magical creatures that looked like raccoons, somehow had a phone with them in their magic as they bob their heads to the music, loving it.

Do the pony-ony-ony
Pony pony
Do the pony-ony-ony…

In Zephyr Heights, Queen Haven and her fellow ponies watched the video on the big screens as they bob their heads to the music.

"Hooftap!" Haven cheered with sparkles and a smile, as she backflipped, while a random pegasus mare came up to the screen.

"Hooftap!" the pegasus mare cheered, as she somehow hooftaped the screen.

Back in Maretime Bay, the Mane 5 and Sonic looked at the video with smiles of joy.

"We. Look. Amazing!" Izzy cheered out with a smile.

"I've never seen so many hooftaps!" Sunny said with surprise. "I bet everypony in Equestria has seen this!" she added, as the group smiled at the thought.

"Hey, pippsqueaks!" a filly voice spoke out loud, as the Mane 5 and Sonic turned and saw three fillies, each one of a different tribe. "You be Sunny, you be Izzy, and will be Pi-i-i-i-ipp." she said as she sang Pipp’s name.

Pipp smiled at her pippsqueaks, as she spoke to them while the fillies giggled. "Or... How about you just be yourselves?" she said to the fillies, then gave a wink to Sunny, who gave a proud smile at Pipp and winked back.

The fillies laughed a bit with smiles as they began to dance in their own way.

"Yeah-hah! That's it! You got it!" Pipp cheered to the fillies as she laughed and her friends smiled, except for Sonic who was once again on his phone, looking for a job, and Izzy who started to beatboxing scatting, and dancing.

"Is anypony getting this?" Izzy asked her friends as she continued to dance. "Because I'm an icon!" she cheered as she bobbed her head up and down, twirled around and then jumped up and down.

The rest of the Mane 5 smiled at Izzy’s cheerful side as they all had a little laugh. Then Hitch looked at Sonic and walked towards him. "So, who's the job searching going?" he asked with curiosity.

"Well, I just have one option left" Sonic confessed, as he showed his phone to Hitch, and the others came closer to look as well. The remaining option was a job that required to control the pegasi guards speed, since now they could fly better thanks to the students that Zipp tough to fly. "I was thinking that it was far away, but then I remembered my sonic speed, so problem solve!" he stated, as he turned his phone back to his sight.

"Wait, how did you knew about the pegasi guards thing?" Zipp asked with suspicion.

"Your mom told me when I reunited with her and Alphabittle last week on the Crystal Tearoom" Sonic answered with calm while looking at his phone.

When he looked back at his friends, he found surprised expressions on Sunny, Izzy and Hitch, but shocked ones on Zipp and Pipp.

"I like tea, okey? I go there sometimes when Queen Haven has some free time" Sonic said with a bored face. "And I'm just making bonds with those two, they're really nice once you know them better. Besides, I needed to look for some jobs outta town in case none of the ones here convinced me. But those things aside, I didn't did anything bad" he explained to his friends, as they came up with neutral expressions again.

"... So, when are you starting?" Sunny asked with a nervous smile after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"I'll have to check on Queen Haven to see my schedule" Sonic replied, then he put his phone on his quills. "But I'll do that later. For now, I think I'm just gonna 'stretch my legs' and called it a day" he said with a smirk, and then ran off "Gotta go fast, guys! See ya later!" he yelled out from distance.

The Mane 5 laughed at Sonic's attitude, while Pipp looked enthralled at the figure of Sonic that became more distant little by little. Zipp noticed this, and smirked as she thought about teasing her sister a bit.

"You like him, don't you?" Zipp asked with amusement.

"Yes…" Pipp answered, almost sighing, until she realized what her sister meant, and tried to correct herself. "I mean... what?! No! Of course not! Why would I like someone like Sonic?" Pipp asked, covering it up as she pretended to be confused and offended.

"Uh… Pipp?" Hitch said. "Zipp never said who exactly…" the sheriff revealed, as he laughed slightly along with the others.

This caused Pipp to realize that she exposed herself, and she suddenly blushed, but then smiled a little as her eyes sparkled, still entranced by the hedgehog from another dimension that captivated her.


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