• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Faint Heart never won Fair Lady

It was a red-letter day in Ponyville. Birds were chirping, the sun was shining bright and a gentle breeze blew the sweet smell of spring flowers throughout the town. Ponies were out taking advantage of this glorious day, going to the open-air market, picnics in the park, some friendly games of buckball or just go out and fly a kite. It’s on this fine day that a certain purple dragon was hanging out with Big Macintosh at Sweet Apple Acres and pacing about in front of a mirror, his mind racing with thoughts ranging from "Will she say yes?" to "What the hay are you thinking Spike? She’s WAY out of your league." Taking deep breaths, trying his best to slow his heart rate he stood tall and inspected his reflection.

“Ok, claws are filed and buffed,” Spike inspected his claw.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac commentated.

“Scales polished to a perfect shine,”


“Breath…” He breathed into his claw “Not offensive!”


“Wings? Looking awesome as usual,” flapping his wings a little


“Alright Big Mac, today’s the day!” Spike puffed out his chest and spoke with a new found confidence. “Today’s finally the day I ask Rarity out to lunch!”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac pumped his hoof in excitement

Spike started walking towards the door with a spring in his step. “Alright, The weather is absolutely perfect to eat outside and enjoy a nice conversation, just the two of us at the cafe. I’m just going to go over to the boutique, knock on the door…A-and ask R-R-Rari-t-ty if she…” The spring in his step was replaced with wet noodles as he began to sweat and shake. Big Mac raised an eyebrow as he watched his friend get cold feet.

“You know what Big Mac? Maybe today’s NOT the day. After all, why do today what you can put off till tomorrow right?” Big Mac just stared with him through lidded eyes. “Oh come on, I’ll get around to asking her. I’m just saying that today may not be good. I got a new comic to get through and I’m sure Twilight needs me to help grade some tests or something, maybe reorganize the library-” Big Mac just continued staring at the scaly excuse machine listing off his weak reasoning of not pursuing his dream mare. Then without breaking eye contact he pulled out a small black bag. Spike's eyes widened in fear.

“Uh, Big mac what are you doing with that?”

Big Mac pulled out a single 20-sided die.

“C’mon big guy, let’s not be too hasty!”

He tossed the die in his hoof a few times.

“Big Mac I swear I’ll ask her out another day! So let’s put the die away and-“

Big Mac tossed the die out on to the floor.

“Nooooooo!” Spike made a vain attempt to catch the die, but it bounced off his claws and he face planted on the ground, physical pain to match his wounded ego. The die rolled and came to a stop and all of a sudden a bright flash filled the room and their third party member for Ogres and Oubliettes appeared in full costume.

“Greetings fellow adventurers! Tis’ time we sally forth and slay the foul underlings of the vile Squizard and save yonder realm! Captain Wuz is ready for combat and- oh not again!”

Upon noticing that Spike and Big Mac had none of their materials for their favorite game, Discord immediately formed a scowl and had a glare that could melt steel. “Let me guess, you summoned me for some menial task by tricking me into thinking we were having a rousing game of Ogres and Oubliettes. I get that your lives are nowhere near as fulfilling without me in it, but this is getting old. I am the Lord of Chaos, not some errand colt!”

“Oh no, we didn’t mean to summon you,” Spike said hastily “Big Mac was just showing me his new dice and it just sort of fell out of his bag is all, right Big Mac?”


“He means 'eeyup!' Sorry again! I promise the next time we summon you it’ll be for guy’s night so see you lat-“ A hoof over his mouth cut off Spike’s farewell.

“Oh fer Celestia’s sake! He’s chickenin’ out askin’ Rarity on a lunch date!” Big Mac confessed, having grown tired of the dragon’s ramblings.

Discord was silent for a moment before bursting out laughing.

“Bwahahahaha! Oh this old chestnut? What does this make it, the fifteenth or twentieth time? I’ve honestly lost count, hahaha!”

Spike suddenly found a great deal of interest in the Apple family’s floor trying to hide an embarrassed blush. “It’s not funny Discord…” he mumbled.

“What do you mean? After all this time I thought this was a running joke. You want to ask Rarity out, you panic and come up with excuses, miss another chance at your dream mare and we have a good laugh at the punchline, comedy comes in threes after all. I mean really, what’s funnier than seeing Spike, the hero of the Crystal Empire, the personal assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, who on more than one occasion has helped save Equestria from destruction and above all else, has saved his very dream mare from being possessed by the Nightmare, turn into jelly at the idea of a lunch date.”

Spike was about to argue with the wily Draconequus when something crossed his mind. He creased his brow as he was caught in a moment of thinking. Even though he had saved the Crystal Empire and helped save Equestria enough times to justify a national holiday dedicated to him and his friends, he still couldn’t ask Rarity out? He’d be so full of confidence one minute and feel like he had needles in his gut the next. How many perfect days have gone by without anything to show for it? How many times had he helped Rarity in the boutique or with gem hunting and not ask a simple question? He could’ve even asked to have coffee or something with her between classes at the School of Friendship but he didn’t. “Wait… is, is that true?” He finally asked, disbelief staining his voice.

“Uhh… Eeyup…” Big Mac said nervously rubbing his neck.

“B-but what am I supposed to do?”

Discord answered matter of factually, “Why don’t you just simply ask her out?”

“Ugh, Discord. If it was that simple don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?” Spike’s eyes rolled dismissively.

“Oh but it is that simple my simple friend,” Discord placed a paw on Spike's shoulder and snapped his fingers making another Discord appear in a full-bodied costume that made him look like Rarity… kind of. If Rarity had a serpentine body with sunken red and yellow eyes, actually it was a rather horrifying mascot like costume, as Spike seemed physically ill upon seeing it.

“All you have to do is knock on her door, wait for her to answer and say,” Discord snapped his fingers again and a set of green spikes adorning a large brimmed purple hat appeared on his head and was wearing a purple zoot suit. “Hello Rarity, would you do me the honor of having lunch with me on this beautiful spring day? And she’ll say,

“Why Spike you darling gentlecolt, it would be an honor to go to lunch with you, my absolute favorite dragon,” replied the Rarity imposter in a mock voice. And with a snap of the fingers Discord prime did away with his suit and the pseudo Rarity. “See? Nothing to it.”

After recovering from bizzaro theatre, cogs started to turn in Spike’s head. Discord had a point, all he had to do was just talk to her. No harm in just asking somepony out to lunch, plus how else was he going to move forward in trying to win Rarity’s heart? Not by standing on the sidelines tongue-tied that’s for darn sure. If he could save Equestria, he could do something as simple as this. So Spike clenched his claws and took a deep breath.

“You know what? I’m not going to let another day go by without asking Rarity out, this knight is gonna eat with his lady at the cafe. Thanks for the love advice Discord, it really helped,”

Discord crossed his arms and huffed “Me? Help? The Lord of Chaos doesn’t 'help' anypony and he most certainly doesn’t care for frivolous things like 'love' and emotions.”

“So how are things with you and Fluttershy?” Spike asked with a smug smile

“Oh I’m glad you asked! She loved the ginger snaps I made for her; the secret is a little extra ginger and a light coating of sugar on top to make them-Wait! There’s NOTHING going on between me and Fluttershy, it was just our weekly tea party…for the third time this week.”

“Whatever you say you big softy,” Spike said, confidence returning, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lady to see!” And with his new bravado nestled comfortably in his chest he strode out of the Apple house and headed towards the road to Ponyville.

The light of the early noon sun streamed through the apple trees making a series of Rorschach like patterns in the dirt, as Spike strolled down the road he kept rehearsing what he’d say when he reached Carousel Boutique. He didn’t want to be too formal and seem stiff and fake, then again being too informal might cause her to slam the door in his face and call him a “cur” or something along those lines. It had to sound natural, like something he’d say. But how could he do that? Maybe the secret is to not be like everypony else, but be more… Himself? Is that how it works? Couldn’t hurt to try right? Just as Spike was making a major breakthrough, some nearby confrontation brought him out of his moment of self-reflection.

“Now, now, there’s no need to fight. I’m sure we can all talk this out calmly and come to a mutual understanding,” said a yellow soft-spoken Pegasus.

“Look here Fluttershy, Ah’m already late getting these here apples to the market, so the only thing ah 'understand' is that you gotta tell these gophers to vamoose so my cart don’t fall into any more blasted potholes!” replied an ornery orange earth pony. One of the gophers in question began making angry chatters and squeaks while shaking his tiny fist. “What’d that lil’ feller say to me?”

“Oh, um, I don’t think I should repeat so much, um, colorful language,” Fluttershy said nervously putting her hooves together.

“Well Ah got some names fer him too! It starts with 'no good stinkin’ varmint!' And ends with-“ a yellow hoof hushed up any further profanity.

“Applejack, you’re only making things worse,” Fluttershy replied through clenched teeth and uneasy eyes.

“Having trouble with critters Applejack?’ Spike said as he approached the two mares.

“Well howdy there Spike, Ah’m just havin’ problems with these var- (ahem) gophers diggin’ holes all over the road so ah asked Fluttershy to help get ride of them.”

“Applejack! There’s no reason to sound so mean about it. “ Fluttershy chided her country friend.

“Ah ain’t bein’ mean, Ah called them gophers this time.”

“So I’m guessing taking the road is not a good option right now?” Spike interjected

“Only if ya want to end up like my cart,” Applejack pointed to her cart which had two wheels stuck below the surface of the earth and spilling apples.

“But this is the fastest way to town and I have a date-I mean appointment to keep, how am I supposed to get back now?” Both Applejack and Fluttershy just stared at him flatly before Fluttershy pointed to the feathery appendages on her back. “You want to give me a ride? …Oh wait; I have wings now, duh! I sometimes forget I have them, see you later!” he said in an embarrassed hurry before taking off into the sky.

Flying above the treetops in the warm sun Spike focused again at the task at hoof, or claw in this case. Should I open with a joke? He thought to himself. Nah, I’ll save that for the café. Maybe just saying, “Rarity I know how hard you’ve been working, why don’t you take a quick break and we can get something to eat? It’s such a great day we could walk through the park too if you’d like.” Yeah that sounds like a good way to get the ball rolling. Alright Spike let’s do this! Spike was brought out of his thinking by the sound of a whistle and a pegasus in an orange reflective vest.

“Sorry pal this is a ‘no fly zone’,” the pegasus said as he held up a stop sign.

“What? Since when?” Spike asked scratching his head.

“Since the Wonderbolts decided to hold their formation practice in Ponyville.”

Sure enough in a clearing not to far from where they were, the Wonderbolts were all doing rolls, dives and perfect maneuvers in perfect synch. Something caught Spike’s eye and he squinted to see a multi-colored mane leading the squad. Guess they’re doing a routine around Rainbow Dash Spike thought. All of a sudden the rest of the bolts pulled up and Rainbow was picking up more and more speed, then a sharp redirection and she launched her signature sonic rainboom.

“INCOMING!” the pegasus shouted as he flew at a higher altitude, unfortunately Spike didn’t have the speed or reaction time that a pegasus who has been flying for a majority of their life had, so he was caught in the prismatic shockwave of Rainbow Dash’s feat and was hurled screaming through the sky.

“Alright ah may have over reacted a little bit,” said Applejack rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. “Ah’m sorry for gettin’ so hot headed back there and just so there’s no hard feelings ah’ll even give ya one of granny’s famous apple pies,” the gopher made a few chatters and squeaks.

“He said he’s sorry too and that the road will be patched up in no time,” Fluttershy translated with a smile on her face.

“Ah want to apologize to you too Fluttershy. Ah’m sorry my stubbornness got in the way of just talkin’ out my problems,” Applejack rubbed her head sheepishly.

“It’s ok Applejack. You just needed a little help remembering that it’s not just your needs that matter when there’s a disagreement. After all, listening to both sides of a problem and compromising is what friends-“ Applejack and Fluttershy’s weekly revelation was interrupted by the sounds of screams, snapping branches and then a loud thud as Spike slammed into the ground.

“Owwww…” Was the only thing Spike could think to say.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy dashed over with Applejack behind her. “Spike! Are you ok?” Spike’s head felt like it got caught between the tracks and the 12:30 train to Canterlot.

“Not sure…” Spike responded slowly. “Are there three of you?”

“Um, no?”

“Well I guess that’s how I’m doing…” Spike started to get up but took one step and fell over.

“Hold on there sugarcube,” Applejack ran to her now above ground cart. “Ah’ve got just the thing,” she galloped back to Spike with a jug and a small cup, she poured some of the brown liquid in the cup and gave it to Spike. “Here drink this here cider, it’ll make ya feel better.”

Spike reached for the cup and drank it in one gulp, then after a second his face scrunched up and he began coughing. “ACK! That wasn’t cider!”

“Yeah it is; that’s our family’s special apple cider vinegar. Helps with joint aches, head aches, stomachaches, and muscle aches, inflammation, and is darn good to cook with too. You can also wash your mane with it to give a real purty shine,” Applejack stated proudly rehearsing her selling pitch. Spike wasn’t really listening to what she was saying and was more concerned of his tongue being tainted from that weird liquid and wondered if the dirt would help get the taste out of his mouth when he realized something.

“Hey! I can see one Fluttershy again! That stuff really helped, thanks Applejack!”

“No problem lil’ guy. What happened to ya anyway?”

“I got caught in one of Dash's sonic rainbooms.”

“Oh right, the Wonderbolt’s formation thing. Well ya might wanna stick to low flying fer today Spike. You too Fluttershy.”

“Oh that’s ok, I don’t like flying that high anyways.” The timid Pegasus said

“Well I got to get going, thanks again Applejack, see you later Fluttershy!” Spike said as he took off towards town.
As Spike was flying down the road he began to go back to planning his date. Ok, when we get to the café I’ll pull her seat out and then we’ll order our drinks. While looking through the menu, engage in small talk; maybe crack a joke or two. Be sure to ask her questions about herself. Don’t boast, and drown on about yourself. I’m sure she’ll have a great story from Manehattan fashion week, can’t wait to hear it.

“And that every creature, is how you play Buckball. Any questions?” Said a hyper-active pink earth pony. She was addressing a group of six creatures from different backgrounds.

On the ground was Sandbar, a light green earth pony with a two-tone green and sea foam green mane and a cutie mark depicting three sea turtles. Opposite him was Yona, a yak, her hair was done up in loops to keep her from tripping. Above her was Smolder an orange dragon with purple spikes and yellow horns. Opposite her was Silverstream a lavender hippogriff; her mane was a mix of blue and light blue. Behind them was Gallus a blue griffon holding up a wooden bucket with his claws, and opposite him was Ocellus a light blue changeling with a red insect like back and an almost transparent pink “mane,” tail and matching wings holding her bucket with magic.

Yona raised her hoof, “Professor Pink pony, Yona not sure Yona can buck the ball. Can Yona use head instead?”

“Hmmm, as long as your horns don’t pop the ball I don’t see why not. Any other questions?” the students either shrugged their shoulders or gave a simple ‘nah,’ “Alright then, plaaaaayyy ball!” Pinkie bounced the ball between Yona and Sandbar, when the ball came back down Yona head-butt the ball but was intercepted by Silverstream who spiked the ball, zipping by Smolder and into Gallus’ basket.

“Point!” Pinkie called out

“Oh. My. GOSH! Did you see that? I was like 'you’re not getting past me ball' and the ball was like 'OH NO!' this is so much FUN!” Silverstream did a few spins in the air to punctuate her joy.

“Great use of 'rule number one' SIlverstream! Remember every creature, the point of the game is to have fun!” Pinkie popped some confetti at the word “fun.”

“I think winning is pretty darn fun.” Smolder fumed under her breath

“Alright, next round! Aaannnnnnnnd… GO!” Pinkie bounced the ball again and Sandbar was quick on the buck a shot it towards Gallus but Smolder was fast enough to catch the ball and pass it back to Yona who used her brute strength to smash the ball with her head towards Ocellus but Silverstream was quick to intercept and quickly used her pearl shard to transform into a sea pony and whack the ball with her tail, the resulting momentum from Yona and Silverstream sent the ball passed Smolder so fast nopony knew where it even was till Gallus was about a foot or two in the dirt clutching his basket.

“Another point!” Pinkie cried.

Smolder blew fire out of her nose in a frustrated huff. “Professor Pinkie, is that even fair?”

“Aw chillax Smolder, she’s just working with her natural talent.” Sandbar’s mellow tone tried to defuse the dragon’s temper.

“Yeah, I actually think it makes the game a bit more interesting.” Pinkie chirped.

Smolder was about to complain before a thought crossed her mind natural talent? She soon had a mischievous smile growing next to her chin-stroking claw.

Spike was flying by the buck ball fields, as the little six were getting ready for the next buck off.

After lunch I’ll see if she wants to go for a walk in the park. Maybe Octavia and her band will be performing in the square, or maybe Starlight can loan me a kite or two. Does Rarity like kites? I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Maybe we can talk about our next gem hunt. Better yet see what Rarity is working on now and then scout out the best places to find those gems for when we do go gem hunting. I wonder if Maud will help a dragon out?

“Annnnnnnd… GO!” Pinkie bounced the ball again and Yona butted the ball to Ocellus before being intercepted by Silverstream again who passed the ball to Sandbar, Sandbar bucked the ball and was caught by Smolder.

“Hey Silverstream, bet ya five bits you can’t do that sea pony trick a second time.” Smolder said with a smirk.

“You’re on! I’m feeling the fire of competition coursing through my very being!” Silverstream announced dramatically.

Took the bait hook, line and sinker, thought Smolder smugly.

She passed the ball to Yona who reared back and smashed the ball with all her might, Silverstream used her pearl to transform and again slapped the ball with her tail, but this time Smolder was ready and just before the ball connected with Silverstream’s tail she blew a steady stream of fire onto her claws, as the ball rocketed towards her she put her two flaming claws together and spiked the ball with enough force to cause a small explosion firing the ball towards Ocellus. Ocellus was faced with two options; try to catch this high velocity volatile death projectile or not. The meek little changeling decided to scream in panic and shape shift into a turtle and hide in her shell. The ball sailed passed Ocellus and her abandoned basket and was on a direct course for a certain oblivious dragon.

“SPIKE WATCH OUT!” Pinkie screamed. Hearing his name brought him back to reality for a moment before uttering a brief “Huh?” and getting struck down by the vengeful flaming sphere and crashing into the brush. Every creature ran to the impact site.

“Oh no Spike! Are you ok?” Pinkie pulled a disoriented Spike from the bush.

“I don’t know, I think I am. Geez, what the hay hit me?” Spike said rubbing his arm. Every creature looked at Smolder with accusing eyes.

“Eh, hehe, I uh, may have taken Buckball a bit too far…” She said kicking the dirt.

“I’ll say you did, ow, at least I’m fire proof. That could’ve been way worse.”

“I’m really sorry Spike, I just got angry and didn’t think if I was gonna hurt some creature or not. I guess I-”

“It’s ok Smolder, it was just an accident.” Spike cut Smolder’s lesson off. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date- I mean appointment to keep.” Spike jumped up and started flapping his wings. “OUCH!” Spike flopped on to the earth. He looked at his wings; they were looking a bit crooked. “What happened to my wings?” Spike asked panicking.

Smolder rushed over and inspected his back. After a few delicate pokes and prods she said in a relieved tone, “They’re just sprained, they’ll be fine after a couple days.” Smolder didn’t realize she was holding her breath until she told him.

“Alright I guess I’m walking then,” Spike picked himself up and started his way to town.

“Spike are you sure you’re ok?” Pinkie called out

“I’m fine, sorry but I really need to go,” He said picking up the pace.

Pinkie turned back to the six friends, “Ok new rule! No fancy transformations and no fire! Let’s try this again!” Smolder took her position, a look of guilt still plastered on her face.

“You think Spike is going to see Professor Rarity?” Sandbar nudged Gallus on their way back to their positions.

“Well yeah, any creature with eyes can see that. It’s funny how he thinks he’s hiding it though,” Replied the snarky griffon.

Spike huffed and puffed down the road as he finally came to the outskirts of town, just recently noticing how bad his running stamina was after getting his wings. “Then after the park we can go to the ice cream parlor or Sugarcube Corner.” He said to himself. “I’m sure after walking around town she’ll want a snack, I know I will.” He then started thinking about Rarity and him sharing an ice cream soda, gazing into each other’s eyes as they enjoyed the sweet treat. He imagined getting whipped cream on his snout only for Rarity to gently whip it off with a loving smile on her face, a goofy love struck grin across his.

“Pleeeaaaase?” A blue unicorn in a wizard hat and cape begged.

“No,” replied a light purple unicorn dryly.



“Pretty, pretty, please with as many cherries as you want on top?”

“No Trixie! I’m not doing it!”

Trixie threw herself onto the purple unicorn’s hooves. “But Starliiiiight, how am I supposed to try this new trick without my assistant? I promise it’s totally safe!” She whined.

Starlight rubbed her throbbing temples with her hooves, “If it’s so safe then why don’t you get in the cannon?”

“Uh, because this is a two pony trick and I need to be the one not in the cannon,” snapped Trixie.

Spike came over a hill and saw Trixie and Starlight talking about Trixie’s new illusion, or so he assumed. This might be the perfect opportunity to ask Starlight if he could borrow some kites if he needs to. Spike made a beeline for the unicorn.

“Well you’re gonna have to find somepony else to do it cause I’m not getting in that thing,” Starlight crossed her forelegs in defiance.

“Fine I’ll just have to find another test subject,” Trixie huffed.

“Starlight! Hey Starlight!” Spike said running up to the unicorn duo.

“Spike?” Starlight asked quizzically.

“Spike! That’s perfect!” Trixie clapped her hooves together in glee.

“Starlight thank goodness I found you! You would not believe the day I’ve been having. Hey I wanted to ask, do you think I can borrow-“ Spike was cut off by a helmet being strapped to his head and being lifted up by magic.

“Now watch Starlight Glimmer,” Trixie began to use her stage voice, “as the Great and Powerful Trixie astounds you with her ‘disappearing cannonball’ illusion!” Trixie levitated Spike into the cannon barrel.

“Trixie this is really a bad idea!” Said Starlight.

“Yeah, get me out of here!” Spike tried struggling, but couldn’t free himself from the cannon.

“Don’t worry you two, the Great and Powerful Trixie has perfectly measured the right amount of black powder and when Spike flies out of the cannon he’ll reappear in the black box completely unharmed.” Trixie’s horn started glowing.

“No Trix wait!” Starlight tried to stop her but Trixie already fired a beam, hit the fuse and blasted Spike out of the cannon, the last thing they heard was his screams as he sailed further and further towards the horizon. Trixie stared wide eyed at the events that transpired and was brought out of her shock with the sound of a door, she looked at Starlight opening and closing the black box, a scowl directed at the cerulean egotist.

“Hehehe… Ta da…” Trixie said weakly and waved her hoof half-heartedly.

The open market in central Ponyville was still bustling with stands and shoppers alike. Ponies merrily went from stall to stall for flowers, fire wood, pear jam, cakes, veggies and anything else a pony could need. Except for apples. Applejack galloped into town and came to a screeching halt when she reached the spot for her cart.

“Whoa Nelly! That took longer than ah would’ve liked, but now that ah’m finally here,” she kicked her cart with her back leg and the cart sprang open with multiple shelves of assorted apple related goods, “let’s git to sellin’ some apples!” Applejack cleared her throat and began her pitch, “Come an’ git’em ya’ll! Fresh apples from Sweet Apple Acres! Ain’t any better apples in all of Equestria! We also got apple turnovers, apple jam, apple tarts, apple bread and of course, Granny Smith’s famous apple pies!”

As Applejack held up said pie she could’ve sworn she heard a scream but wasn’t sure where exactly it was coming from. All of a sudden she saw a purple blur pass her by, her pie had gone missing and something crashed into the hay bale behind her. Followed by some low groans. She rushed over to see what fell from the sky and that’s when she saw a small purple dragon stumble out, pie crust and apple chunks smeared all over his face.

Applejack rushed to his side, “What in blue blazes? Spike are ya ok?”

“…I think so? Maybe? I don’t know. I mean I just got fired out of a cannon,”he said still in shock. “Oh hey Applejack, guess I can’t be too hurt, I can only see one of you. Well I guess I’ll be on my way.” Spike started limping away when an orange hoof blocked his path.

“Whoa there partner, you shouldn’t be goin’ anywhere but home. This is the second time today ah seen ya fall out of the dang sky and ya’ll lookin’ even worse than the last time ah saw ya. Why are ya pushin’ yerself so hard to make this appointment anyway?” Applejacks voice was full of concern for the banged up dragon, she was surprised his little body could take such a beating.

Spike looked at Applejack with a crestfallen look in his eyes and sighed. “You don’t get it Applejack, today was supposed to be perfect. The sun is shining without a single cloud in the sky and I finally worked up the nerve to go to lunch with Rar- I mean my friend, uh, Rariry, yeah that’s her-I mean his name-” Applejack raised an eyebrow at the obvious slip. “-but from getting hit with a sonic rainboom, falling through trees, getting hit by a Rouge buckball and getting fired out of a cannon into a pie, I’m starting to feel like I shouldn’t even bother,” he sat on the ground dejected and started drawing circles with his claws. Applejack’s face softened and put a hoof on the sad little dragon’s shoulder.

“Look here sugarcube, Ah know it looks like ya should give up. But you went through heck an’ high water just to see this 'friend' of yers. Ah’m worried about ya gettin’ more hurt than ya already are, but ah gotta ask, in yer heart is this friend of yers worth getting hit with a sonic rainboom?”

“Yeah…” Spike mumbled

“Are they worth getting hit with a buckball?”


“Are they worth getting shot out of a cannon an’ landing face first into an apple pie?”

“Yeah of course she- he is.” Spike’s voice picked up despite his slip.

Applejack gave Spike a pat on the back, “Then shouldn’t ya see this through to the end? Ah mean yer already in Ponyville, just another hop, skip and jump away till you see 'him.' I think if yer friend is worth going through all this trouble they must be awfully special to ya. And I’m sure if they knew how much ya went through to see ‘em they’d feel pretty lucky to have a friend like you”

Spike looked up at the honest Apple, a smile spread across his face as he shakily stood up and puffed out his aching chest. “You know what? You’re right. I’m already this close, why stop now when I’m at the home stretch?”

“That’s the spirit, but before ya go,” Applejack pulled out a rag and the apple cider vinegar. Dapped some of the vinegar on the rag and started to rub Spike with it, “we’re gonna clean ya up a bit. Ya look like ya got caught in the cider wheel after wrestling in the pig pen.” After a few minutes of rubbing and scrubbing she stepped back and admired how shiny Spike’s scales were. Spike picked up the pie tin and looked at his reflection.

“Wow! I don’t think my scales have ever looked so shiny! That vinegar stuff is awesome, thanks Applejack!”

“Yer welcome sugarcube, now scoot on outta here. Don’t wanna be any later than you already are do ya?”

“No way, I’m a dragon on a mission and I plan on seeing it through to the end,” Spike started walking with a newfound boldness towards Carousel Boutique.

“Hold up a minute Spike!” Applejack called out. As Spike turned around she tossed something at him. He caught a shiny yellow apple. It was pretty big, practically glowed in the sunlight and looked absolutely delicious.

“Ah’m not sure if yer friend 'Rariry' likes apples, but if he does, Ah got a feelin’ that’ll be their favorite kind.” She said with a wink.

Spike got her message loud and clear he was beaming now. He got a great gift for Rarity to help break the ice. After saying his thanks he made his way to the boutique, apple clutched in his claws.

As Rarity’s home/place of business came into view Spike went over the last part of his plan. After lunch (late lunch at this point), a stroll through the park and ice cream, he’d walk Rarity home and then with all his courage he’d ask if she’d want to do it again sometime. It had a bumpy start, but Spike was determined to make this a great day.

“Well, well, well. I didn’t think you’d actually go trough with it.” An all too familiar voice said. Spike turned to his side to see Discord and Big Mac stepping out of a bush. “But seriously bravo on making it to the end Spike, you have truly impressed me.” Big mac tapped Discord on the shoulder.

“Ahem?” He coughed. Discord grumbled, snapped his fingers and some bits appeared in Big Mac’s hoof.

“Even if you cost me five bits.” Discord grumbled.

Spike watched them with a confused look on his scaly face. “Have you guys been following me all day?”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said, sounding a little bit ashamed for spying on his friend.

“But can you blame us? We were getting so tired of you chickening out that we just wanted to make sure you actually spoke with Rarity this time. I gotta say though, you provided the best entertainment I’ve seen since I turned Ponyville upside down, hahaha! You should’ve seen the look on your face when you got fired out of the cannon, priceless!”

As Discord continued his laughing fit, Spike turned to the boutique and marched up to the door ignoring the jerky Draconequus. He took a deep breath and knocked.

“Rarity! Rarity, it’s me Spike! I have a question for you!” He knocked again and a piece of paper floated from the top of the door onto Spikes face. He grabbed it and began reading, his eyes became wider and wider with each word, “WHAT?! ARRRRGH! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!” Spike tossed the note in the air in frustration, which was caught by Discord.

“To whomever it may concern-” Discord began to read, “-due to an emergency fitting request from Canterlot I am currently unavailable and will be gone for a day or two. I’m dreadfully sorry for any inconvenience. Signed Rarity. Well I guess this means your date is a bust.” Discord stopped being snarky when he noticed that Spike was trembling.

“Oh hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. No need to cry, I’m sure you’ll get another chance when she gets back.” Then Spike did something Discord wasn’t prepared for, Spike started laughing, “What’s so funny?” Discord asked.

“Hahaha! This- this has- hahaha- been one of the-the worst days ever!” Spike said as he held his stomach with his free claw. Discord raised one of his bushy brows.

“And that’s funny to you? That’s a really strange sense of humor you got, and that’s coming from me.”

“Well look at me, I was put through the wringer three times today and I still had the courage to ask Rarity out. If I can have the guts to ask her after all that, then I can totally try asking her out again.” Spike gazed at the apple in his claw, it still shined bright and looked delicious, then Spike decided to take a bite, after the day he’s had, he deserved it. Plus it wouldn’t have been as fresh when Rarity got back anyways, after all, waste not want not.

“Golly, I see why these are Rarity’s favorite, they’re amazing.” Spike finished the apple in a few more bites and turned to his friends. “You know in a weird way I’m glad Trixie’s cannon misfired, I wouldn’t have had Applejack give me a pick me up without it.”

Discord began twiddling his paw and claw, “Yeah, misfire, of course that’s what happened.”

“Anyway Discord, I just want to thank you.”

“Why? I didn’t mess with the cannon?” He said defensively.

“What? No, I mean if you weren’t such a jerk back at the farm I wouldn’t have worked up the nerve to ask Rarity on a date. So thanks again for helping me out.”

Discord crossed his arms, turned his head away and had a big sulk. “I told you, the Lord of Chaos doesn’t help!” He then looked around to make sure that only Spike and Big mac were near by. “But if he did he might say, 'what are friends for?'”

Spike had his smug smile back again. “I knew Fluttershy was rubbing off on you, you big softy.”

Discord glared at him “Don’t push it kid.”

“Alright, sorry. But can you guys do me a favor?” Spike then collapsed on the ground “Can you take me back to the castle? I’m beat.”

Big Mac picked up the little dragon and placed him on his back “Eeyup.”

As the three friends walked back to the Castle of Friendship Spike couldn’t help but think about what he accomplished today. He finally worked up the courage to ask Rarity out. Even though it didn’t work out in the end, the fact is he was going to do it. Heck he used to think saving the Crystal Empire was easier than doing what he did today. But Spike’s determination paid off, he no longer felt that crippling fear and he felt he could take on the world. Just you wait Rarity, he thought I’ll show you what this dragon's worth.

Author's Note:

The first chapter of my first fanfic. Hope you like it. See you in chapter 2