• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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A Dragon's Code of Chivalry

Luna’s moon shone bright in the night sky above Ponyville. Most of the town was quiet with the few exceptions of a few parties, dinner dates or playing games with your friends. Behind the ‘closed’ sign on Carousel Boutique’s show floor, three fillies were standing on multiple stools and each other. On the bottom of the filly tower was a yellow earth pony with a red mane and matching bow, standing on her back was an orange pegasus with a magenta mane, and standing on her back was on off-white unicorn with a two tone purple and pink mane, her horn was glowing and she was in deep concentration.

“Ugh, Scootaloo! Why do Ah hav’ta be on the bottom?” the yellow pony complained.

“Because earth ponies are stronger than pegasi, it’s just a fact,” said Scootaloo as she tried to brace her legs and stay perfectly still to support the unicorn above her.

“Then the least you an’ Sweetie Belle can do is lay off the milkshakes, y’all are heavy!”

“Says the girl who can gallop with a cart full of apples and pies.”

“Ah don’t balance the cart on mah back!”

“Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, will you stop bickering? I’m almost done,” Sweetie Belle said while keeping her eyes glued to her work.

“Hurry up! My back hurts,” Scootaloo whined.

Your back? Ah’m the one on the bottom!” Apple Bloom shot up.

Almost… there…” Sweetie Belle bit her lip as a nervous sweat began to collect on her forehead. Her magic, which held two playing cards delicately, was carefully placed on top of a surface with several other cards around it. Her magic aura vanished, all three fillies held their breath, the cards stayed in place. Sweetie Belle sighed in relief, “Alright girls, let’s stick to the plan,” she jumped off Scootaloo’s back and onto a pile of pillows. After landing, her horn lit up and carefully lifted Scootaloo off of Apple Bloom and placed her gently on the ground, and then she lifted Apple Bloom from atop the highest stool.

“Geez you need to ease up on the milkshakes too Apple Bloom,” Sweetie groaned.

“Hey! This ‘ere is all muscle!” Apple Bloom said flexing her foreleg.

“Sure it is,” Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

After Apple Bloom was safely on the ground, the three fillies looked up at their creation, the massive quantity of playing cards took up a large portion of the boutique’s space and was nearly as high as the ceiling. They took a deep breath and after a few more seconds of tense silence began cheering.

“We did it! We made an exact replica of Canterlot castle out of playing cards!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“Oh wow! This is sooo cool! Like, like, almost Rainbow Dash levels of cool!” Scootaloo said, fluttering her wings in joy.

“Another victory fer tha Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Apple Bloom hollered before all three fillies hoof bumped each other, cheering a loud “Yeah!”

“You got the camera Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo fished out her Polaroid camera from her saddlebags, “You know it! Get into position, I’ll set the timer.”

“Golly! Could y’all imagine if we got our cutie marks fer this? It’s one heck of a castle.” Apple Bloom threw her foreleg around Sweetie’s shoulder.

“Yeah! I bet Rarity will be so surprised that history was made right here in her boutique,” Sweetie adjusted her mane so it wasn’t in her eyes.

“Alright, timer’s set! Everypony put on your happy face!” Scootaloo quickly took her place next to Apple Bloom. “We said we’d do it and we did. All thanks to our teamwork!”

“And our friendship,” Apple bloom added.

“And best of all, we’re going to have our glorious castle immortalized in a picture for others to see. Cutie Mark Crusaders, masters of-“ Sweetie Belle was cut off by a loud, SLAM!

The front door burst open with enough force to shake the entire boutique, the three fillies noticed a growing shadow and looked back just in time to see their creation collapse. A trio of screams rang out as the towering castle of cards came crumbling down on top of them in a cascade of suits. When the dust settled the three fillies popped out of the pile, coughing up cards and eyed the photo the camera spat out of them at the very moment of the disaster, panic and fear immortalized on film.

Sweetie Belle looked at the door and saw Rarity the castle wrecker stomping through the shop. “Rarity, what the hay? You ruined our card castle! Do you have any idea how hard it was to make?”

The glare Rarity shot at Sweetie Belle would make even the scariest manticore head for the hills with it’s stinger between its legs. The kind of glare so scary that it would take the paint off the side of a house. The three fillies flinched and hid in the card pile as Rarity stormed past them, tossing her dress off and levitating her robe on along with a bucket of vanilla and chocolate oat swirl ice cream before flinging herself onto her favorite chaise lounge, mumbling some very angry words and a few obscenities between spoonful’s of ice cream.

“Uh oh, I’m guessing Rarity’s date didn’t go very well,” Scootaloo whispered.

“No way, she went for the extra large bucket, clear sign of something gone wrong,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Is she gonna be alright?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Um, why don’t you two make some popcorn and then go to my room. I’m going to make sure Rarity’s ok,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Good luck,” both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom said before they scurried off to the kitchen. Sweetie Belle pulled herself out of her card burial and slowly walked over to her emotional sister.

“H-hey Rarity. Uh, how’s it going?” Sweetie’s voice was soothing, like she was trying to calm down the fuse of a bomb.

Rarity pulled her muzzle out of her ice cream and glared at her little sister. “How’s it going? How’s it going!? I’ll tell you how it’s going! That-that-that CAD! He was nothing but a completely insufferable boor! He kept talking on and on about himself, and all the ‘great’ things he’s done! ‘Oh let me tell you about the time I scored the record number of points out of any rookie in the league’s history,’ ‘I put Canterlot’s team on the map you know,’ ‘you should see how many fans I have, stallions, foals and mares.’ He looked down on every pony we met, including me! I’m going to have to apologize profusely to Maud and Mudbriar for his rotten behavior! Do you know what he said about me being in the fashion industry? ‘Oh how cute, I suppose every mare should have a hobby.’

“A hobby!? I’ve worked my hooves to the bone to get to where I am today! And this low-down snob has the gall, the absolute nerve, to scoff at my accomplishments!? UGH! I just can’t believe him, and he seemed so nice too, HA! Nice? He was just another prince charmless masquerading as a gentlecolt!” Rarity finished her rant by shoveling a few more helpings of frozen comfort into her mouth.

Sweetie Belle was well aware of her sister’s date with Heavy Hitter, the polo MVP. Rarity wouldn’t shut up about him ever since she got back to Ponyville and the hour or two leading up to their date. Of course she wished nothing but the best of luck, but deep down, Sweetie had a gut feeling that this guy was just going to be another insensitive jerk to add to the tally.

Sweetie patted her sister’s shoulder, “It’s ok Rarity. This guy may have been a dud, but I’m sure the next stallion will be better. You just gotta put yourself out there and try again.” Sweetie Belle’s cheer had no positive effects on Rarity, if anything it made her shovel her ice cream faster.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why do I keep falling for these thoughtless stallions? I may have high standards, but I don’t think they’re unreasonable. A true gentlecolt, strong, tall, handsome, somepony who’ll treat me like a princess and support me in my career. Somepony I can share my secrets with and makes me feel safe. Is that really so much to ask?”

"Well… I don’t think so. I mean, I think that’s something everypony wants. You just haven’t found the right guy yet. You just need to find the right pony that sees you for you. Not just a pretty face, but thinks you’re the greatest mare in all of Equestria. I know there’s somepony out there like that. Who knows, he might appear when you least expect it.”

Sweetie Belle’s words finally pulled Rarity out of her ice cream. She gave a soft smile and pulled Sweetie into a hug. “Thank you darling, you really know how to perk a pony up don’t you?”

“All in a days work for a Cutie Mark Crusader and a sister. Feeling any better?”

“I’ll be fine Sweetie Belle, now run along and play with your friends, don’t let my crummy night get in the way of your fun.” Rarity went back to eating her ice cream in a more refined and less aggressive way. As Sweetie Belle left, she gave one last look at her sister. Even thought Rarity gave her a big smile, Sweetie saw the sadness in her eyes. Another hopeful flame has gone out.

“He really said that?” Scootaloo exclaimed, popcorn shards spewing from her mouth.

“Yep, he sure did,” sighed Sweetie Belle.

“Why that no good, gol dern, varmint! If Ah were your sis, Ah’d buck that big galoot into a dumpster for being such a jerk!” Apple Bloom bucked an imaginary pony to emphasize her point.

“But the worst thing about this is that I think Rarity’s starting to lose faith that she’ll find her special somepony,” Sweetie continued.

“Is she going to be ok?” asked Scootlaoo.

“I don’t know. She said she was fine, but you should have seen her. I’ve never seen her eyes like that before. They looked so dim and heartbroken, I just wish there was something I could do…-“ a light lit up in Sweetie as she came to a realization “-Wait a second! What if we helped Rarity find her special some-“ Sweetie was silenced by a yellow hoof on her lips.

“Sweetie Belle, Ah know yer upset and all, but if Ah learned anything from being a Crusader, it’s that we really ought to stay away from the whole ‘matchmaking’ thing. It doesn’t end well.”

Scootaloo stepped forward, “I have to side with Apple Bloom on this one, sure Big Mac and Sugar Belle are happy together, but we really shouldn’t have been meddling as much as we did.”

“An’ you remember how much extra homework Ms. Cheerlie gave us after that whole love potion thing?” Apple Bloom added.

Sweetie Belle shuddered. The memory of the equations, grammar assignments and essays on “why love potions are wrong,” and Ms. Cheerlie making them stay after school so she could go over each of their work to make sure they weren’t copying each other was not a pleasant memory.

Scootaloo put her hoof on Sweetie’s shoulder, “We know you want to help her Sweetie Belle, but maybe the best thing you can do for Rarity is support and encourage her.”

Sweetie sighed, they both had good points. The Cutie Mark Crusaders could do many things, tap dance, juggle, solve mysteries and tame lions to name a few. But the field of love is one they haven’t had any success in. But Sweetie Belle couldn’t take that lying down. She wasn’t going to give up on Rarity. Sweetie had to help, even if she has to do it alone. Don’t worry Rarity. I’ll figure something out.

A battle was being fought in the halls of the Castle of Friendship, the sounds of clashing metal and flashes of light and smoke joined the explosions. Anypony from out of town might have cause for alarm, after all the Princess of Friendship might be in danger. But to the residents of Ponyville, this was just a typical “guys night” thing.

On the make believe battlefield, an army of cardboard monsters surrounded an archer with a long flowing wig and a “unicorn” black knight.

“Behind you, Sir McBiggin!” Discord let loose a volley of arrows that hit a gang of cardboard cut out skeletons. “Are you unharmed Sir McBiggin?”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said, pounding a hoof on his chest plate.

“Good, here’s the plan. You clear a path through the goblins while I take out the gargoyle sentry. Then Garbuncle will launch his fire spell, destroying the powder kegs and sending General Snide and the rest of his cronies back to the Squizard with their tails between their legs and smelling of burnt toast! Then, after Feather Fall the Quick swipes the key to Snide’s golden hoard, the vault will be ours!”

Big Mac nodded and raised his sword, he shouted a war cry and charged forward, clearing away the cardboard goblins with ease, but the sheer number of goblins was proving difficult for Big Mac to handle. Just when it seemed like he was going to be overrun, Big Mac stomped his hooves into the ground, knocking the goblins off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Big Mac drew his sword and started clearing out the enemy numbers while Discord lined up his sights on the gargoyle sentry that was swooping down, paper sharp talons out, aiming for the black knight’s head. Discord focused his eyes on his target, he only had one shot at this and if he failed, the party wouldn’t stand a chance against the paper craft enemies. He held his breath and let his arrow loose, it soared through the air and struck a direct hit to the gargoyle’s weak point, sending it crashing into the ground like a ton of bricks. A stockpile of powder kegs was in full view.

“Alright Garbuncle, take the shot! …Hit it now Garbuncle! Uh… Garbuncle?” Discord looked around for the pint sized dragon wizard, only to find said wizard drawing doodles in the pseudo dirt sighing sadly into his claw.

Discord slapped a paw against his face and huffed, “Oh for the love of!“- he placed two talons into his mouth and whistled, stopping all the monsters in their tracks “- Alright everypony timeout! Calling timeout, we’ll set up again in five! Gunkwart, great use of acid breath, keep up the good work. Scalpula, please, for the love of Celestia do something about your sword. I swear I’ve stepped on blades of grass that were sharper.” The cardboard baddies dispersed amongst themselves and started doing stretches, chatting around a water cooler, read some magazines and manage their weapons and armor.

“Oh come on!” cried a raspy voice. A pegasus in a thief’s garb flew up to Discord and pulled back her mask and hood to reveal a vibrant rainbow mane. “What the hay Discord? I was this close to swiping General Snide’s key to his gold hoard and you call a time out? There better be a good reason,” Rainbow Dash said. Discord pointed a finger to the melancholy dragon drawing random lines and sad faces with his staff. “Ok, that’s a good reason. Let’s go see what’s wrong.”

In truth they all had a good idea what was wrong. Spike’s been like this for the last few days, they thought that with any luck a nice exciting game of Ogres and Oubliettes would get Spike out of his slump. But since that plan wasn’t working, they tried the next best thing, talking about it. “

"Hey Spike, what’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Spike looked up at Rainbow and then looked back down at the dirt, “I’m fine…”

“You are most certainly not fine, you look absolutely miserable! Now, out with it, what’s wrong?” Discord wasn’t so much asking as he was ordering.

“It’s… nothing. Really, I’m just in a bad mood. I don’t want to talk about it,” Spike said quickly before turning his back on the group.

Big Mac sat next to Spike and put a hoof on his shoulder, “Spike, you an’ Ah both know Ah aint much fer talkin. But Ah know that look, it’s tha look of heartbreak. Ah’ve had that look myself when Ah thought Sugar Belle broke up with me. Ah know how ya feel, but you know what helped me? Havin’ my friends around ta help pick me up an’ straighten everythin’ out with my special lady. But we can’t help ya if ya don’t talk about it. So? What’s wrong buddy?”

Maybe it was Discord’s “concern” or Big Mac’s sincerity, but for the first time in days, Spike had a genuine smile on. Realizing he’s held onto this baggage long enough and that his friends were there to help him out, Spike took a deep breath and began, “Well…remember how we had a ‘half-day’ at school a few days ago?”

“Yeah,” Dash said.

“And that I got to spend the rest of the day with Rarity?”

“You called me an ‘annoying bug,’ of course I remember,” Discord huffed.

“Well, it started out great. We had lunch, caught up and even got to spend some time in the park. She gave me a comic and then… she said she had a date with some guy… I know I was expecting a lot. Like, a lot a lot. But we were having such a great time and I just thought, maybe… I don’t know…” Spike’s ear fins drooped and his gaze fell with them.

“Ya wish she’d gone on that date with you,” Big Mac finished.

“Yeah… I know it’s selfish of me. I should just be happy that Rarity’s happy with whoever she’s with.”

“Pfff, ha-ha-ha! Happy? With that clown?” Rainbow Dash clasped her hooves over her big mouth. Everypony turned and looked at her quizzically.

“Rarity’s date was with a clown?” Spike asked.

“Uh, I, um, n-not exactly, but uhh,” Rainbow Dash was working up a nervous sweat trying to speak.

“Oooooh, Rainbow Dash has some gossip! Please do tell, with excruciating detail! Come on, dish it filly!” Discord sang out from his folding chair with a bag of chips on his lap.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip and rubbed her hoof on her opposite foreleg, debating whether or not to come clean. She started slow, “Uhhh, sooo, you know how Rarity went on a date? I mean, of course you knew, you were there when she, *cough*, anyway, I was hanging with Scootaloo yesterday and she told me that Rarity’s date was a total jerk bag and she wanted to know how I deal with jerky stallions.”

“Pfft, Rainbow Dash giving dating advice? The little filly might as well ask a fish jogging tips,” Discord snickered.

Dash blushed, “I’ve been on dates! Tons of them!” she didn’t sound very convincing. “As I was saying, Scoots was telling me that Rarity took the rejection pretty hard.”

Spike’s claws tightened around his staff, “Rarity’s date was a jerk to her? Why that, that! That jerk! Doesn’t he know how lucky he was to go on a date with somepony so great?”

“Just remember that you didn’t hear this from me. I don’t want anypony to think I’m some kinda gossip. But now that you know, you really ought to see her. If she’s feeling down she’ll need somepony to cheer her up, and if anypony can cheer her up, it’d be you.”

“How should I do that?” Spike asked

“OOH! OOH! Pick me! Pick me!” cried a cheery voice behind a pink waving hoof, in a colorful outfit not the least bit subtle.

“Yes Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Pinkie Pie folded her forelegs across her chest with a pout, compressing the puffy costume,” Whooooo?”

Dash smacked her hoof to her forehead in frustration, “Ugh, Magpie the Silly…”

Pinkie gleefully bounced over to Spike and pulled him close with a hoof, “I think what Rarity needs is a night of fun, fun, fun! Garbuncle, next time you see Spike tell him that Pinkie Pie is throwing a party celebrating her 1,000th party, as far as she knows and that he should ask Rarity if she wants to go!”

“A 1,000th party, party? I’d have thought you- that Pinkie had thrown more than that,” Spike said, pressed against the very loud fabric.

“Weeeellll, Pinkie Pie decided to start celebrating every 1,000 parties but she didn’t have her party cave before she became Equestria’s number one party planner, so she didn’t keep a record of those parties, so she decided to throw a party every time she thinks she’s thrown 1,000 parties, because she’s probably thrown 1,000 parties by whenever she thinks she started!”

“I guess that makes sense? But what should I- uh, Spike say? I don’t think he’d want to ask Rarity on a date after a lousy one.”

“Oh silly, silly Garbuncle, that’s the best part! Spike should ask Rarity to go as friends, which should be SUPER easy since they’re already such good friends! That way neither of them will feel pressure about spending time with each other!”

Spike chuckled, “That sounds like a great idea Magpie, I’ll be sure to tell Spike all about it. Now, what was that about sending General Snide and his goons back to the Squizard with their tail between their legs?”

“Well it’s about darn time! I was running out of chips,”- Discord sprung out of his folding chair and whistled again- "ok, ok everypony, get into positions! We’re taking it from ‘Discord lined up his shots on the gargoyle sentry that was swooping down.’ Ready? One, two, three!” Discord let his arrow loose, it soared through the air and struck a direct hit to the gargoyle’s weak point, sending it crashing into the ground like a ton of bricks. “Alright Garbuncle! Do what you do best!” Discord gave a thumbs up to the little fire mage.

Spike smiled, he was lucky to have friends as supportive as they were. To have ponies (and Discord) around to help pick him up and move forward. He gripped his staff in his claws and fired a mighty flame into the pile of powder kegs, blowing the makeshift mountain range up like a fireworks display. The many cardboard baddies were sent scattering to the winds and Spike and the party rejoiced in their victory.

The next day, Spike flew towards Carousel Boutique. He had spent enough time being sad and now he was determined to help Rarity. Even the thought of Rarity being sad upset Spike greatly and he was going to make sure that by the end of the night Rarity would be herself again.

He landed on the welcome mat and knocked on the door, after a few moments he knocked again. “I’m coming!” called out a voice, it wasn’t Rarity; she sounded too young. Sweetie Belle opened the door, “Oh hi Spike, what brings you here?” she asked.

Spike had a nervous quaver in his voice, “Hey Sweetie Belle, I was wondering if Rarity was home. I, uh, wanted to ask her about something.”

The light in Sweetie Belle lit up again, she smiled wide as she came to her conclusion, “Of course, Spike! Uh-I mean- of course Spike, she is here. Just wait and I’ll go get her.” she spun on her hooves and ran to find her sister. “Why didn’t I think of this before? Spike! He’s perfect! He’s kind, supportive, all of those other things Rarity said, he already treats her like a princess, well, more like a goddess. Hmm, he isn’t tall or strong, I hope that’s not a dealbreaker.”

Sweetie Belle entered Rarity’s workroom, the organized chaos that was her creative space was looking just as messy as ever. Rarity was sitting at her sewing machine with her red glasses, focusing on the task at hoof. “Hey Rarity!" In Sweetie Belle’s excitement she neglected to lower the volume of her voice. Rarity was jolted out of her concentration.

“Sweetie Belle! What did I say about knocking and more importantly, what did I say about your inside voice? I nearly jumped out of my fur!” Rarity scolded. She was in no mood for Sweetie’s antics right now. She had important work to do and wanted to keep her mind occupied.

“Sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean it. I just wanted to tell you that Spike’s here and he wants to see you.”

“Really? Well, alright. I’ll be down in a moment. Thank you for telling me.”

“No prob sis!” Sweetie chirped like an excited sparrow. She left Rarity’s workspace and descended the stairs.

Rarity Sighed and placed her glasses next to her sewing machine, perhaps seeing a friend will bring her mood up. She wanted time to herself to try and decompress. It’s not that she wanted to avoid her friends, she just needed some alone time. She found Spike on the show floor, engaging in small talk with a very excited little sister. Sweetie Belle waved Rarity over when she saw her, “Rarity! Here’s Spike, he wants to ask you something!”

Rarity rubbed her temple, “Thank you Sweetie Belle. Hello Spike, how are you today?”

“Great, I’m doing great. And how are you today Rarity?”

“I’m doing well thank you. So, what did you want to ask me about?”

“Um, well, Pinkie Pie is throwing a ‘Pinkie’s 1,000th party, as far as she knows party,’ and I was wondering if you wanted to go? I know you probably have a lot of work to do, but maybe you can take a break tonight and have some fun?”

“Well… I don’t know. I haven’t really been in a party mood and I wouldn’t want to fall behind with my work…”

I think you should go,” Sweetie cut in. “C’mon Rarity, you’ve been working non-stop for days, you can treat yourself to a break. Plus what’s better than spending time with your favorite dragon? Getting to go to an awesome party with your favorite dragon.”

Rarity took a moment to think. True she had been working hard to take her mind off her recent heartache. Working so hard that she actually forgot what day it was today. Maybe Sweetie Belle had a point.

“Please Rarity? You’ll have a great time, I promise,” said Spike.

Rarity gave a small smile and sighed, “Very well. I suppose I’ve been cooped up in here longer than I realized. A party sounds great, come by the boutique later and we’ll go. Is that ok?”

“Sounds great, I’ll see you tonight,” Spike gave a wave goodbye before flying out of the boutique. As soon as he was gone Sweetie began jumping about.

“Oh this is so great!”

“And why is that?” Rarity asked, eyeing her little sister with suspicion.

“Uh, um, well because, I think that it’s great that you’re going out tonight.”

“Why? Are you and your little Crusader friends planning on causing trouble?”

“No, its just… you seemed so sad after your date and you kept working on projects and not leaving the house. I was just worried about you and I thought this might be what you need to cheer up.”

She wasn’t lying; Sweetie really was worried about her big sister. Every time she came to visit, Rarity always had a smile on, but it wasn’t genuine. She knew her smile was just painted on, nothing short of a façade. But then Spike showed up and Sweetie Belle knew if anypony could make Rarity happy, truly happy, it’d be him. The perfect guy for Rarity was in front of her the whole time. All Sweetie had to do now was start to inch them closer together and a party was a great start.

Rarity pulled Sweetie Belle in for a hug, “It’s very sweet of you to be so worried about me darling, but I don’t want my little sister worrying about my love life. I’m fine, really I am. Perhaps a bit overworked is all.” She let go of Sweetie and went back to her workroom.

Sweetie Belle listened to the whirr of the sewing machine, “I can’t help but worry sis. You deserve to be happy…” she said sadly.

The time for Pinkie’s big bash was drawing near as spike flew up to Rarity’s door. He’d spent the whole day getting ready, making sure his scales were polished, claws trimmed and nerves settled. They were just going to the party as friends, he kept telling himself that, but just thinking about going to any shindig with Rarity always made the butterflies in his stomach swarm. He knocked and in a few moments the door opened and the butterflies were at a crescendo.

“Good evening Spike,” said Rarity.

“H-hello Rarity. You look l-lovely this evening,” Spike wanted to kick himself. One for the nervous stutter and another for saying “lovely this evening.” He was here as a friend, he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable by saying something that might come off as flirty. And a third kick because she always looked lovely, not just this evening.

Rarity giggled, “Thank you Spike, shall we be going then?”

“Just a sec, I have something for you-“ Spike pulled a red rose from behind his back, he flew close to Rarity’s head and tucked it between her ear and her purple curls, “-it’s just a little something to say thank you for the comic. Do you like it?”

Rarity ducked into the boutique and peeked at a small mirror by the door used for last second inspections to make sure she’s presentable. The rose wasn’t very big, but it didn’t need to be. It complemented her mane color perfectly and was subtle enough that it wasn’t too distracting from the rest of her features. She smiled warmly at Spike and gave him a nuzzle, “It’s wonderful Spiky, thank you.”

Spike blushed, he flew to Rarity’s side and the two of them began heading to Pinkie’s party. The party was taking place at the center of town near city hall. The invitations that literally everypony in Ponyville received said that there’ll be food, punch, a magic show, a wide variety of carnival games and a plethora of other things that got cut off on the invites. Spike and Rarity joined the crowed as Pinkie Pie took to the stage to ring in the party.

Pinkie Tapped the mic, “Thank you, thank you everycreature for coming out to ‘Pinkie Pie’s 1,000th party as far as I know, party!” Aaaannnnnnnd without further ado, LEEEEEEEEEET’S PARTY!!!!” Pinkie pulled the rope on her party cannon and streams of confetti rained down on the crowd as they all cheered and dispersed to partake in the party’s fare.

Spike turned to Rarity, “So what do you want to do first? Bobbing for apples? Throw some balls at the dunk tank? Oh! How about dancing?”

“Actually I’m a little parched, perhaps you could grab us some punch?” Rarity replied.

Spike saluted, “One cup of punch coming up!” Spike flew off to the buffet tables that had everything from multi-layered cakes to hayburgers and fries. Spike found the punchbowl, which was the size of a small pool and scooped up a cup for himself and Rarity. He flew back to where she was and stopped.

He saw Rarity sitting on a bench, she lost the smile she came to the party with, her ears were drooped and her eyes didn’t have the luster that Spike was always hypnotized by. He took a deep breath and put on a confident smile. For Rarity, he thought as he flew and landed softly in front of her. “Here ya go, one cup of punch for the lady.”

Rarity quickly put on her happy façade as the cup in Spike’s claw glowed a familiar blue aura and Rarity levitated it up to her lips. She took a dainty sip of the fruity red liquid and sighed, “Delicious, just the right amount of sweetness.”

Spike took a seat next to her and had a sip from his own cup, “You’re right, it’s really good.” They sat in silence for the next few minutes. Spike was wracking his brain just trying to think of a way to open up a conversation. I probably shouldn’t ask her about her date. At least not yet, I don’t want to upset her. but she doesn’t know I know her date went bad, so should I ask? But since I do know that she had a bad date I don’t want to make her feel bad knowing I know about it.

“I’m glad to see your wings healed up nicely,” Rarity said, finally cutting the silence and Spike’s train of thought.

“Oh thanks! Yep, good as new, I can fly again and it’s nice being able to talk to ponies at eye level,” Spike said cheerily.

“I’m sure it makes Twilight’s chores easier too.”

“Big time, especially chores in the castle library. I can go from top to bottom in no time flat again.”

“Well that’s good.” Silence between the two began again and Spike could see her eyes were still dim.

“He took a deep breath and asked, “Hey Rarity? A-are you ok?”

Rarity’s punch nearly leaked out of the corners of her mouth she smiled so fast and so wide, “W-why what makes you say that?”

“Well it’s just that you seem really sad. And I was wondering if you wanted to talk about it.”

“I’m not sad, I’m just tired. Overworked and tired is all. Maybe a little stressed too, from the work. I’m ok,” Rarity felt Spike’s claws wrap around her hoof.

Spike was blushing at the boldness of his action. He spoke clearly and with resolve, “Rarity, I won’t force you to talk if you don’t want to. But you’re my friend and I just want to help. I’ll always be here to help if I can. If you’ll let me. You sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

Rarity paused as she felt the warmth of Spike’s claw spreading through her body. And the sheer sincerity in his voice felt like it was melting through her walls. She bit her lip, deciding whether or not to actually confide in Spike. Then she saw his eyes. Those emerald pools that held no judgments or criticism just concern. She downed the rest of her punch in one gulp and began slowly, “You… remember my date a few nights ago right?”


Well it… it didn’t go very well. I’d dare say it was a downright disaster.”

“What happened?”

“He was an absolute blight! A self-absorbed cur that only cared about himself. Never caring about what I do or what I think! You know what he called my accomplishments in fashion? CUTE! He called my mark in fashion ‘cute’ as if it were a silly little pastime while he kept bragging about how many trophies he’s won or how he’s the best polo player in all of Canterlot! I swear if I never see or hear the name ‘Heavy Hitter’ again, it’ll be too soon!” Rarity finished her rant and huffed to catch her breath.

“I don’t believe that guy! He didn’t care about anything you said?”

“Unless I was praising him or on his looks or his precious accomplishments I might as well have been a ghost.”

“That creep! If I ever see that guy I swear I'll, I’ll… Rarity?” Spike’s anger dissipated when he saw the tears in Rarity’s eyes. Try as she might, she couldn’t hold them back any longer and they fell freely. She quietly sobbed as her tears and mascara fell on the ground.

“What’s wrong with me Spike? Why am I only attracted to shallow, selfish stallions that can’t even be bothered to care about me? Blueblood, Trenderhoof, Heavy Hitter and the stallions I can’t even remember anymore all have one thing in common, I fall for them at first sight and expect them to be my prince charming and every time I’m left disappointed and feel like such a fool for letting myself believe that ‘this one will be different.’ Maybe I should just give up on love and get some more cats…”

Spike was shocked. He had no idea Rarity was holding on to this much anguish from her past relationships. She always seemed fine after a bad date, sure she’d be huffy afterwards, but she always bounced back and was on her hooves in no time, brandishing the confidence the mare was known for. But the Rarity he was seeing before him was as fragile as fine china, full of self-doubt and heartbreak. Spike felt guilty for being so down over the last few days while Rarity was feeling this beaten down. He should have seen her sooner, he should have been there to listen to her plight sooner.

He gathered his thoughts and said, “Don’t give up on love Rarity, so Heavy Hitter wasn’t the right guy for you, to heck with him, it’s his loss not yours.”


“No buts. Rarity, you’re one of the most incredible ponies I know. You’re a fashion legend, an element of harmony, a teacher and you’d do anything for a friend in need. You’re clever, beautiful and have overcome so many obstacles and challenges over the years we’ve known each other. How many ponies can say they’ve saved Equestria? Not very many, right? So what if those guys didn’t appreciate you, they’re just missing out on somepony great, not just great, wonderful. Maybe going after those wealthy snobs just isn’t the right match for you. You just need to find the pony who’ll appreciate you for you.”

“You sound like Sweetie Bell. Do you really think the right pony is out there for me?”

“Can’t he be a dragon?” Spike whispered to himself.

“What was that?”

"Nothing! I mean, I’m sure he’s out there, waiting for the mare of his dreams. C’mon Rarity, you’re better than to let some dumb stallion bring you down. You just gotta get back out there and try again. You can do this, I know you can and you know you can.”

Rarity wasn’t sure where this side of Spike was hiding; perhaps being at Twilight’s side helped him pick up on some wisdom. But wherever it came from, Rarity was glad she had a friend like Spike to help snap her out of her insecurities. She dabbed her tears away with a napkin and took a deep breath,” You’re right Spike. Forget those foolish stallions that had a chance with me and blew it. If anything I dodged a cannonball with them.”

“That’s the spirit! So, what do you want to do now?”

Rarity smiled, “I think I see Trixie and Starlight performing their signature trick, let’s go watch.”

“As you wish my lady,” Spike said, happy to see that wonderful smile again.

After hours of dancing, an accordion duet with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, bobbing for apples (Applejack was the star of this event to no pony’s surprise), a ferries wheel ride, a cake and pie sampling, carnival games and another dance for good measure, Spike and Rarity left the party and began walking (or in Spike’s case flying) down the street back to Carousel Boutique. The two were sharing a cotton candy cone, though Spike ate most of it.

“You know Spike I really ought to thank you for today. I had a lot of fun,” Rarity said as she nibbled her last piece of cotton candy.

“Aww, it was nothing Rarity. I just did what any friend would do.” Spike tossed the sticky cone into the garbage.

“It was most certainly not nothing. I was wallowing away in my shop until you came by. Thank you for convincing me to go to Pinkie’s party.”

“I think Sweetie Belle deserves some credit for that too. Feeling better?”

“I most certainly am, I’m feeling lighter than air and I got to spend time with a dear friend and the best part is I’ve forgotten all about-“

“Oh there you are Rarity. Where have you been?” A voice seeped with arrogance cut though Spike and Rarity’s conversation like scissors through silk. Rarity glared daggers at the stallion crossing their path. He was a large earth pony, not as big as Big Mac but pretty close with plenty of muscle. He was wearing a short-sleeved collared shirt and had a tan coat with a dirty blond mane and tail with a thin moustache. He was sporting a cutie mark of a mallet hitting a ball.

“Heavy Hitter…” Rarity let the name ooze out of her refined mouth with as much disgust as she could muster.

“I told you that we had another date tonight and you keep me waiting for hours just so you can spend time with this… reptile?”

“His name is Spike! And I told you I’d rather shave my mane than go on another date with you,” Rarity spat.

“Oh Rarity, we both know that’s not true. Now let’s go, I’m sure there’ll be at least one restaurant open at this hour.”

Spike flew between Rarity and Heavy Hitter and glared at the pompous pony, “Hey pal, Rarity said she’s not going anywhere with you. So get lost,” he growled and blew smoke in Heavy Hitter’s face.

Heavy Hitter just looked at Spike with lidded eyes and gave an annoyed groan, “Excuse me junior, but the adults are talking.” He brought up his hoof and swatted Spike out of his face like a pesky fly. Spike smacked into the wall of a house and fell to the ground, down for the count.

“Spike!” Rarity screamed. She tried to rush to his side and make sure he was ok, but Heavy Hitter blocked her.

“Now that that uppity lizard isn’t bothering us anymore, let’s get going,” He approached Rarity and grabbed her foreleg and started dragging her along. She felt so helpless, Spike was hurt and this brutish pony was carting her off.

Somepony! Anypony! Help! Rarity screamed internally.

“S’cuse me pardner,” came a voice.

“Ugh, what is it now?” asked Heavy Hitter. The next thing he knew a pair of orange hooves slammed into him and he was sent flying through the air into an alleyway where he landed in a dumpster with a loud clang.

Applejack stood tall and flicked her hat above her brow in a victory pose, “The lady said ‘no,’ y’alright Rarity?”

Rarity dashed over to Spike, he was still out cold and slumped against the wall. Rarity was softly slapping his cheek, trying to get him to come around, “Spike! Spike darling! Are you ok? Please wake up!”

Spike groaned and slowly opened his eyes. His double vision soon subsided, “Rarity? What happened? Are you ok?”

“Yes, I’m fine. But I’m more worried about you. Are you ok?”

“I’m really sore. Wait? What happened to Heavy Hitter?”

“Ah took care of that slimy varmint. Gave ‘em the ol’ Apple family buck special. You’re… uh, not gonna owe me another life debt again, are ya?" Applejack said that last part nervously.

Spike barely registered anything that was said. His head was killing him and his back was in a similar state. But what hurt the most was Spike’s ego. I…I couldn’t protect her… he thought, I couldn’t protect Rarity and had to be saved by Applejack again!

“Spike darling, what’s the matter?” Rarity asked.

“What? Oh, um, no don’t worry Applejack, you don’t have to worry about a life debt or anything…” Spike stood up and fell after taking his first step. He cried out in pain as he felt an electric current of pain run through him.

“Spike!” Both mares exclaimed.

Applejack carefully picked him up and placed him on her back. "Ah’ll get Spike to a doctor quick like. You go an’ tell Twilight what happened,” Applejack began galloping towards the hospital.

“Right! I’ll see you there!” Rarity called out as she ran towards the castle.

As Applejack ran through town she started hearing sniffling sounds. She thought about slowing down in case somepony was hurt, but realized that the sniffling was coming from her passenger.

“I’m sorry Rarity… I’m sorry…” Spike whispered over and over again.

Applejack’s heart sank hearing the little dragon’s sad words. She picked up the pace, “Don’t worry sugarcube, you’ll be alright.”

Author's Note:

Oh. My, GOD! I' can't believe it's been a whole freaking month since my last update. I REALLY wish I was updating every two weeks or so, but being a student trying to graduate kinda sucks up a lot of my time. I swear I'm trying to pump these chapters out faster than this, but I'm kind of a perfectionist, if the chapter isn't good enough I gotta go back and edit, rewrite and get my proofreader on it. I am SO sorry I'm being so slow, please forgive me. I'm actually thinking of doing something about it, maybe dividing my 7,000+ word chapters in half. It'd still be the same story, but told in two chapters instead of one thus quicker releases.

On another note, you guys see the trailer for the final season? Man oh man am I sad that MLP is ending. Also the fact that Sombra comes back kinda throws a wrench in my story, but then I remembered "Oh yeah, I go mostly by comic lore," I mean I made the "Siege of the Crystal Empire" arc canon in this story in the last chapter and I plan on sticking to it. Anyways, I am planning on continuing this story even after the show ends and I really hope you guys will keep reading, because I have a lot of fun writing them and I have a HUGE new world I want to share with you.

See you all next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit