• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,956 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Shortcut Through the Facts

Let’s see. List of supplies. Balloons, confetti, potting soil, beakers… Twilight wrote out on a piece of parchment as she walked through the halls of the School of Friendship. I need to check the budget, but I’d love to pour more resources into the theatre department. Just need to find a good teacher. Another problem for another day.

“Geez, I still can’t wrap my mind around you Twilight,” said her Captain of the Guard.

“Hm?” Twilight pulled her head out of her list. “Did you say something Flash?”

“I’m just impressed,” Flash chuckled. “Since leaving the castle, you somehow avoided three puddles, two low hanging branches, five students and a slug. You’re something else.”

Twilight giggled, “Gotta be a good multitasker when you’re Celestia’s top student. Guess I don’t even really think about it anymore.”

Just then Flash’s wing sprung out and deflected a rogue ball flying right for Twilight.

“Nice reflexes…” Twilight said with a blush.

“Heh, comes with the job.”

After a slap on the fetlocks to the students practicing Buckball indoors, Twilight and Flash neared the Headmare’s office.

“Thanks for walking with me Flash, but I think I can take it from here.”

“Are you sure Twilight? You have been working harder than you usually do. Maybe I should-“

“I’m fine,” Twilight said quickly. “Really, I am. I just like keeping busy is all. Got to stay focused and not let my mind wander.”

Flash sighed, “Twilight you can’t keep pushing yourself like this. You’re libel to burn out.”

Twilight rested her hoof on the door to her office. “Flash, I appreciate the concern, I truly do. But I’m ok. I can’t be a crying mess day in and day out. So I’ll keep working for now.”

Twilight opened the door and was surprised to see it abuzz with activity as Starlight Glimmer seemed to have made herself quite comfortable in Twilight’s chair and was signing papers and going over itineraries.

“Hey Starlight!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced in place. “I need’ja to sign this order of coconut cream pies for today’s slapstick class!”

Starlight quickly grabbed Pinkie’s forms and signed off on them. “There you go Pinkie, be sure to clean up the mess. Fluttershy, did your class hand in their permission slips for the animal sanctuary tour?”

The kindly Pegasus nodded. “Yes, I have them right here.” Fluttershy passed a folder to Starlight and she quickly went over them.

“Ok, I’ll get these filed asap, have fun! Hang on, who do we have covering for generosity 101 today?”

“Maud’s covering today,” Rainbow Dash said. “I can run over the lesson plan to her if you want.”

“That’d be great, thanks Dash,” Starlight held up the necessary forms and in a blink were out the window with Rainbow Dash.

“Um, what’s going on here?” Twilight finally said as she approached her counselor.

“Ah, there you are Twilight! I was wondering when you’d get in. Take a seat, we have something to talk about.”

“We do?” Twilight asked as she took a seat opposite Starlight.

“Yes we do,” Starlight’s tone took a turn to serious. “I’m giving you the day off Twilight. To settle some… unfinished business you have.”

“Oh no!”- Twilight slapped her forehead. -“I messed up the inventory of the new math books didn’t I? Don’t worry, I’ll get right to it and-!“

“That’s not what I’m talking about Twilight,” Starlight said rolling her eyes. “I’m talking about the business you have with a certain somepony.”

Twilight got the hint, but still didn’t want to admit it. “I… I don’t know who you mean.”

Starlight sighed, “Rarity, Twilight. I mean Rarity. I think it’s time you have an actual talk with her.”

Twilight’s body tensed up. “And… why do you say that?”

“Because she hurt you Twilight,” Starlight said bluntly. “And I don’t think you’ll be able to move forward until you talk it out with her. Even if Spike were to show up on your doorstep today completely healed, you’d still be carrying this baggage with you. And I know you’ve been trying to ignore it with work, but how long can you really keep this up?”

She was right. As much as Twilight didn’t want to admit it, but both Flash and Starlight were absolutely right. How long had it been since that day? The last time she saw the snow-white mare was… funny, Twilight honestly couldn’t remember. Was it the stress? The workload? Maybe time just ran away from her without much notice.

“But…” Twilight said quietly. “But what am I supposed to say?”

“Take a page from Applejack and try some honesty. Tell her what’s really on your mind, how you really feel and don’t sugarcoat anything.”

“And… what if…” Twilight’s voice froze for a moment. “What if we aren’t friends anymore?”

Starlight’s ears drooped. She paused as if she were sifting through all the possible responses she could give to her mentor and friend on such a heavy question. “I think… that lies solely on you. Whether you’re still friends with her or not, will be based on what the two of you say and what you decide to do. I can’t guarantee anything, but I truly believe you need this for your own peace of mind.”

Twilight massaged her temples and took a breath. “Ok, ok. You’ve made your point. I’ll… I’ll go see Rarity. Are you sure you have everything under control here?”

Starlight waved a hoof. “Oh don’t worry Twilight. I got this whole headmare thing in the bag. Forms signed, orders made and I got Trixie to cover my counselor duties.”

“Trixie?” Twilight gawked.

Starlight smiled. “Yep! She can give really good advice when she wants to.”

Twilight stood up and gave her pupil a grateful smile. “Well, at least I know the school is in good hooves. Thank you Starlight.”

“No problem Twilight. Now shoo, go, and get some closure.”

“Alright,” Flash said. “Let’s get to the station, I think the next train is-“ He was cut off by Twilight’s gentle hoof on his shoulder.

“Thanks Flash, but I have to do this on my own. I’ll see you when I get back.”

The determination in Twilight’s voice was unmistakable. Flash nodded and rested his hoof on hers. “Good luck Twilight.”

32 to the left, 10 to the right, 24 to the left, and 3 to the right. The safe made a soft “ker-thunk” and the door swung open, revealing piles of bits. Rarity’s magic scooped up a few stacks and placed them into a small bag, she tied the string into a stylish knot and placed it in her saddlebag.

“Alright, that should be enough for another order of quartz. Speaking of, where did I leave my basket?”

As Rarity searched around the room, Sassy Saddles stood in the doorway, looking quite perturbed. She forced a smile as her eyes took turns twitching. She cleared her throat to announce her presence. “Rarity,” she said through strained teeth. “May I have a word with you?”

“Hm? Oh, yes! What can I do for you Sassy?” Rarity asked as she continued her search.

“Rarity,” Sassy began, holding her smile up with pins and needles. “As your friend, I have total confidence in your business and I trust your judgement in how you run and operate it. But as manager of Canterlot Carousel, I feel that it’s my responsibility and duty to bring up some… concerns that I’ve had as of late.”

“I see,” Rarity said as she turned over some boxes. “And what has you concerned darling?”

Several hairs split on Sassy’s already frazzled mane. “You… you haven’t been making dresses… lately… at all actually… You’ve, um, you’ve just been buying gems and not using them for dresses. Did I mention that you haven’t been making dresses?”

“You have darling,” Rarity said unfazed as she peeked inside a closet. “And I understand your concerns, but I can’t design anything at the moment, I have… other responsibilities right now, not to mention I just haven’t had inspiration for moons.”

“Other responsibilities? Inspiration?” Sassy was teetering on a knife’s edge of sanity and a total meltdown. ”What in satin’s sake could be more important than your responsibilities here!?

Rarity turned to Sassy with a grave expression. “I… I can’t tell you. But I promise as soon as I’m finished I’ll be right back to work, I promise. Oh! Now I remember, I left it by the entrance!” Rarity trotted to the front of the shop and sure enough there was her basket of rainbow quartz. She turned back to Sassy. “I’ll see if I can get some dresses shipped from home. Don’t fret Sassy, everything will be fine.” I hope…

Rarity left her shop and headed in the direction of her gem supplier. Turning a corner she was shocked to see a very long line of angry ponies with dress bags, waiting outside of a boutique. Rarity recognized the name, “Pony Posh,” with a sign in the window that read “50% OFF!”. A pony trotted out of the store with a bag of bits and another followed suite. The sign in the window was quickly taken down and replaced with one that read, “75% OFF!” in hastily drawn red ink.

Rarity turned her nose up. “Hmph! Serves her right!”

After a pop and a flash, Twilight was standing before Canterlot Carousel. As much as she was psyching herself up for this, she found her hooves glued to the sidewalk. She kept telling herself that it wasn’t a big deal, she just wanted to talk. She’s done that countless times before with Rarity, and Applejack, Pinkie Pie, heck with all of her friends. But none of those talks had the potential to end a friendship… Not that Twilight was hoping to end it, but could she really forgive Rarity for what she’s done to Spike? And if Twilight did choose to cut her ties with Rarity, what would happen to the rest of their friends? Would they choose sides? Would the Elements of Harmony be lost when Equestria needs them most?

Twilight shook her head. “No. Don’t fall into that hole Twilight,” she said to herself. “You’re just here to talk. Start with that first and we’ll go from there.” Twilight finally drummed up the courage and trotted up to the door and pushed it open. The bell chimed and announced her presence to anypony inside.

“Welcome to Canterlot Carousel!” the strained voice of Sassy Saddles called out as she greeted her customer. “How can I- OH MY GOSH PRINCESS TWILIGHT THANK THE STARS!!”- Sassy grabbed Twilight by the shoulders. -“YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!!”

“S-Sassy?” Twilight asked worriedly. “Help you with what? What in the world is going on?”

“It’s Rarity!” a dam finally seemed to break as Sassy let out a deluge of all her recent stressors in one fluid motion. “She- she’s not making any dresses!“ Sassy turned Twilight so she could get a better look of the store. Needless to say, there were only a few dresses left. “We’re literally thread bare! I’ve had to dig out and display dresses from two seasons ago, and this one isn’t even finished! Business is plummeting and all Rarity can think of is blowing all her money on gems! If this keeps up, I’ll be out of a job again! I can’t lose this job Twilight, it’s the best I’ve ever had!”

“Gems?” Twilight’s voice suddenly had a cold edge to it. “What kind of gems?”

Twilight’s tone was strong enough to snap Sassy out of her panic. “I-I don’t know. They’re very pretty and very expensive, but she isn’t using them to make anything. No dresses, no suits, not even a hat or a scarf. She just takes her basket of gems and goes off to Celestia knows where.”

Twilight tried her best to keep her composure. Rarity would never be so brazen. Would she? Deep down, Twilight didn’t want to believe it. But with everything that’s happened between the two of them and after what Sassy had said…The Princess of Friendship turned and made her way back to the street. “I’ll see what I can do,” she muttered.

Twilight didn’t waste any time and soon she was hastily moving through the halls of Canterlot General Hospital. She hoped for Rarity’s sake that the fashionista was nowhere near her little brother. She finally arrived at Spike’s room and just to add more fuel to Twilight’s fire, she heard a very familiar voice.

“Alright Spike,” Rarity said cheerily. “this is the last one.”

“Of course you save the biggest one for last,” Spike’s eye roll was practically audible.

Twilight couldn’t take it for another second, her horn flared to life and the door burst open with a powerful thud. Both Rarity and Spike jumped. All of a sudden neither of them could move. The anger and malice from the Princess of Friendship could be felt like an oppressive heat. “What are you doing here?” she hissed.

“T-Twilight,” Spike’s voice was meek. “It’s not what yo- GAGH!”

Rarity’s magic shoved the last gem in Spike’s mouth as she stared her mortality in the face. “Oh goodness me, look at the time!” She said as fast as she could. “I must be going now, goodbye Spike, feel better!” She knocked over her chair as she bolted for the exit, at a speed that Rarity prayed would be quick enough to escape her execution.

Twilight turned her attention back to Spike, stomped over with her horn a glow. “Get that out of your mouth!” she yanked the gem out of Spike’s mouth as if he were a hatchling who had a whole box of crayons between his teeth. “I can’t believe you let Rarity just buy you off like that! I swear when I get my hooves on her I’ll-!”

Spike raised a claw. “Woah, woah, woah, slow down Twilight. It’s not what you think.”

“What!?” Twilight scoffed. “You expect me to believe Rarity wasn’t just buttering you up with gems after she put you in the hospital in the first place!?”

“Twilight calm down. Rarity isn’t ‘buying me off,’ give me a bit more credit. And trust me, nopony could ever buy a dragon off with these gems,” he plucked the quartz from Twilight’s magic and popped it in his mouth. After an agonizing crunch he downed the contents of a nearby pitcher. “Ugh, they taste terrible…”

“Then why are you eating them!?”

“Because they’re helping me recover,” Spike said plainly.

Twilight’s anger broke and was replaced with bafflement. “Helping you recover? What are you talking about?”

Spike was relieved that something got through to his sister. “Those gems, they’re called ‘rainbow quartz’ and they’re supposed to help dragons heal from any ailment. Rarity got a book from Princess Luna by Starswirl and he wrote all about these things. They taste worse than dirt, but I’m feeling better every day. And it’s thanks to Rarity and those gems that I’m doing as well as I am now.”

“Starswirl?” Twilight almost choked on her disbelief. “That can’t be right! I’ve studied Starswirl for years, ever since I was a foal and I’ve never read anything about rainbow quartz or magic gems for dragons.”

“Twi, if you don’t believe it, go ask Dr. Hawkeye. He’s the one who gave Rarity the ‘go ahead’ in the first place.”

“it’s exactly as Spike said, Princess Twilight,” Hawkeye said as he finished pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Those gems are as real a life saver as any form of medicine. I’ve seen the results with my own eyes.”

Twilight sipped her own coffee and fidgeted in her seat at Hawkeye’s desk. “And… it was Rarity who suggested it?”

Hawkeye took his seat across from Twilight. “Weird, I would’ve thought you’d know it was her idea in the first place.”

“We, um, haven’t seen each other in a while…”

“Oh, that explains it,”- Hawkeye opened a drawer and pulled out the old tome in question and flipped to the appropriate page. –“Here it is, one Starswirl original with the key to Spike’s health from the princesses themselves. I gotta tell ya, I was wracking my brain for hours trying to figure out how to help Spike. At first he just wasn’t healing at all and I even considered sending word to Dragonlord Ember herself to ask for any information. Next thing I know, Ms. Rarity gives me this book and a chance to save a life.”

Twilight went over the text very carefully. It was an authentic Starswirl alright, the penmanship and calligraphy are spot on. Either that or Twilight found the best forgery she’s ever seen in her life, but how could it be a forgery if it came from the royal sisters themselves?

“And Rarity’s been the one supplying you with gems? Why can’t you get those gems yourself?”

“I’d love nothing more,” Hawkeye said as he ran his feathers through his raven mane. “However I can’t just spend hospital money on anything that hasn’t been proven effective, even if it’s by Starswirl. And according to Rarity, they’re pretty pricey. But there is a silver lining to this.” Hawkeye pulled out a file and laid its contents before Twilight. It was a collection of charts, notes, recordings, and quotations from the book marked off on certain diagrams. “Thanks to Rarity’s efforts, I have everything I need for my presentation. All this evidence will show the director how important these gems will be in the future. We can officially use hospital funds to purchase rainbow quartz. We can help dragons as well as ponies and it’s all thanks to that plucky little mare. I should write myself a reminder to get this book back to the princesses as soon as I can.”

Twilight needed to clear her head and put everything that just happened into perspective. A nice quiet spot in the park was just what she needed. She couldn’t shake this overwhelming torrent of emotions, pushing and pulling at her psyche. She had every right to be angry. After all, she thought her little brother was in trouble and Twilight wasn’t going to let Spike get hurt again. But he wasn’t in danger…

Twilight caught the sounds of laughing in her ears. A pair of foals were playing nearby, the colt was chasing after an older filly. The colt tripped over a rock and landed face first onto the ground, he started to cry and the filly immediately turned around and comforted the colt. She brushed off any and all dirt and gave him a hug. The she placed him on her back and trotted off, with the colt hugging onto the filly with a smile that said he knew he was safe.

Twilight gave an annoyed sigh; she couldn’t believe she showed such an ugly side of herself to Spike. She was just so angry; she couldn’t control herself and the look on Spike’s face… like a monster burst into his room. But it came from a good place, right? Twilight couldn’t help but see the irony in all this. She was worried that Rarity would do something to ruin their friendship, but in the end, it seemed like Twilight was more than willing to burn that bridge on her own.

“Business is plummeting, and all Rarity can think about is blowing all her money on gems!”

“Those gems are as real a life saver as any form of medicine.”

“They’re very pretty and very expensive, but she isn’t using them to make anything.”

“Next thing I know, Ms. Rarity gives me this book and a chance to save a life.”

Echoes from the day played and re-played in her head. Rarity’s willing to risk everything she built. Everything she hoped to achieve. Twilight finally understood, but she couldn’t bring herself to face Rarity. Not now and she wasn’t sure when. Twilight’s horn glowed and in a flash, she was gone. Hoping that Starlight had some time left in the day for a little counseling.

“Canterlot sales are down 67%,” muttered Pish Posh as she looked over her reports. “Manehattan down 73%, Baltimare, 79%, Crystal Empire… ALL THE STAFF QUIT!?” Posh tore up the report and chucked it into the fireplace of her office. She leaned back in her plush chair and swore, “Figs! I don’t even have to see the rest of my sales! I know what they’ll say! How can things get any worse?”

A chime rang out in her office. “Bitsworth! Someponey’s at the door!” the chime rang out again a few moments later. “Bitsworth!” Posh shouted. “Answer the flippin’ door!” Oh. That’s right, Bitsworth isn’t here. Pish Posh had to cut the help’s hours ever since her sales tanked and all those bothersome fines found their way to her. No more night help for the time being. With a grunt of annoyance, Pish Posh rose out of her chair and trotted down the hall. Her hooves tapping on the marble, echoes her only companion on her journey to the foyer, she never really thought how far away the front of her mansion was. With every new chime fueling her anger more and more at the fact that she has to answer her own door like some kind of commoner.

Pish Posh finally came to the door and flung it open. “What!?” she barked.

On the doorstep was a tall cat in a blue coat, with an armored batpony guard flanking him on both sides. “Pish Posh I presume?” Capper asked coolly.

“What of it?” Posh asked. “I don’t have time for strays so peddle your crud elsewhere!”

“Ah, ah, ah, watch that tone,” Capper said unphased as he drew the mare’s attention to the crescent moon on his ascot. “You are speaking to Princess Luna’s personal advisor.”

“The princess?” Pish Posh asked. “What does the princess want with me?”

“I’m glad you asked,“ Capper pulled out a scroll from one of his pockets and unrolled it. He cleared his throat and read, “By order of the Princesses of Equestria, you Pish Posh are to report to court and stand before her majesties Luna and Celestia, for the crimes and accusations listed below. Be sure to arrive promptly at the designated time, failure to do so will be viewed as an act of incrimination and you will be arrested forthwith.”- Capper rolled up the scroll and passed it to Pish Posh. –“Here you go, and trust me, you really don’t want to miss your court date. Both Luna and Celestia are very eager to meet you.”

“Eager to meet me?” Pish Posh questioned. “Wait, could this mean they want to help me get out of this? Of course! I knew the royal sisters would want to hear my side of the story. All I have to do is tell them how this whole debacle isn’t my fault and they’ll let me off the hook and I can wash my hooves of this whole troublesome event!”

Capper smiled. “Oh yes. I’m sure they’d love nothing more than to hear your side of things. Well, good evening Ms. Posh.”

Pish Posh excitedly slammed the door and Capper walked off with his guards trotting a few steps behind him. Capper couldn’t help but chuckle as he left the mansion grounds.

“This is going to be fun!”

Author's Note:

I kinda love the idea of Capper sitting right next to Luna with a smug grin as he watches his boss and Celestia chew Pish Posh out. And I'm more than happy to dunk on her any chance I get. This chapter was an interesting one for me, since this was the first chapter that I actually had a bit of a tug of war with my proofreader. For those of you who don't know, my proofreader is my best friend (Pastel Pallet) and I trust her more than anyone else to give me honest feedback (aside from you guys of course). But we kept going back and forth on the issue of Twilight and how she handles what happened in the park. First she was too guilty, and then I felt that she was being too callous, so we butted heads over this for like a whole day until we came to this result.

This might sound like I was annoyed with the process, but I'm really not. See, one of my personal beliefs is that one of the things that can seal an artist's downfall is ego. Ultimately you have the final call, but I think if more artists/writers/directors/etc had someone they could trust to give honest advice and slap their wrists with a ruler to keep them from doing something stupid and nail their feet to the floor, creativity can shine through and they'll create something extraordinary. I feel like all of this can be summed up in the phrase, "art from adversity."

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit