• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,956 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Light Through the Leaves

It’s been a long time since Rarity felt this excited. She made sure her mane was perfect, and that her face was free of any signs of exhaustion. She had to look her best today. After so many weeks and so much time devoted care and treatment, today was finally the day for Spike to be discharged from the hospital.

Rarity trotted to the door of her apartment above Canterlot Carousel, making special note of where she set her latest design sketches as well as her gem basket. She’ll have to give it a new purpose in the future. Amazingly, despite yet another restless night, Rarity was feeling so energetic that she decided to forgo her usual trip to the café. Who needs espresso when you already feel like and million bits? Rarity had to keep her composure and resist running to the hospital, can’t ruin her mane before Spike sees her after all.

“Don’t worry Spike, I’ll be there soon.”

"Let’s see,” Dr. Hawkeye said as he went over a chart. “Vitals are normal. Temperature is normal. Blood pressure is normal aaaand no pain to speak of.”

“So?” Spike asked in eagerness of some good news.

Dr. Hawkeye smirked. “Just one last test Spike and you’ll be free as a bird. I gotta see you fly.”

“You got it doc!” Spike said with confidence. “I’ve been aching to get back to flying for Celestia knows how long.”

There was a soft knock on the door and in stepped Rarity. “Good day Spike, doctor. Glad to see I’m on time.”

Spike smiled. “Right on time! Doc says all I have to do is show him I can fly and I’m out.”

“Oh marvelous darling, simply marvelous!”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Hawkeye asked. “Spike get your flank out of bed and get down to the courtyard, on the double!"

Canterlot General Hospital is famous for its excellent care of its patients, but what many don’t know is the lovely courtyard with stunning flowers and perfectly pruned topiary. A nice little slice of calm and respite for patients and doctors alike. Spike stood on a patch of well-manicured grass and was stretching his arms and wings. “Ahh, feels good to be out and about! Gotta love that fresh air!”

“Alright Spike,” Dr. Hawkeye said. “Let’s see what you can do. Remember, a little pain is normal, but if you feel a lot of pain, come right back down.”

“Be sure you’re careful darling,” Rarity added. “One false move and it’s back to eating rainbow quartz.”

Spike felt a chill run through his whole body. “Ok, don’t get carried away, got it.” Spike took a breath and looked up at the sky. Then he slowly started to flap his wings, after feeling confident that he wasn’t in any pain he flapped harder and harder, soon he was off the ground and above the hospital. Spike let out a hoot and began to fly higher up, gliding, doing loop-de-loops and a barrel roll or two for good measure, laughing the entire time. He began his decent back to the same patch of grass he started from. “So doc? What do you think?”

Dr. Hawkeye smiled and scribbled on a form. “As of this moment, you are officially discharged.”

“YES!” Spike pumped his claw in the air.

“That was magnificent darling!” Rarity trotted up and gave the dragon a hug. “I can’t believe it! I saw it with my own eyes and I still can’t believe it! You were a natural up there!”

Spike chuckled, “Heh. Yeah it felt good to fly again. And the view from up there was awesome!”- just then a mischievous smirk crossed Spike’s lips. –“Hmm. Hey Rarity, ever wonder what Canterlot looks like from up there?”

“Well, yes the thought has crossed my mind, but I don’t see what- eep!”

Before Rarity knew what was going on, Spike scooped her up in his arms and quickly gained altitude with a screaming pony.

“Spike!” Rarity shrieked as she smacked Spike in the chest, not that Spike seemed to notice. “Put me down! Put me down this instant!”- Rarity glanced downward and her eyes shrank to pinpricks as the ground grew further and further away. –“AHHH! Don’t let go, don’t let go, don’t let goooo!” she screamed as she clung to Spike as tight as she could.

“I wouldn’t dream of it!” Spike said. “C’mon let’s take a tour!”

The city of Canterlot was a much different sight from the air. Rarity saw the beautiful architecture in an entirely new light. Spike flew over the castle and spotted Princess Luna and Capper roller skating in the garden, and even from this height both Spike and Rarity could tell that the two of them had some moves. The pair also caught a glimpse of Princess Celestia on her balcony, before she ducked back into her room and closed the door and drawing the curtains. Spike then flew to the city limits, wing brushing against a waterfall, sprinkling some rogue drops on the pair.

Rarity couldn’t help but admire the way the water sparkled in the sunlight. Spike flew up quickly and began his return to the city. At that moment, Rarity saw something truly wonderful. Spike was grinning wider than Rarity could remember, and the sun gave him a warm glow. A tint of pink graced the mare’s cheeks which only redden when she realized just how strong Spike’s arms were and how truly close they were. Rarity prayed that Spike didn’t notice her heart thumping like an impatient rabbit. But then, her cheeks returned to a rosy pink and her heartbeat returned to rhythmic calm. She just felt so… safe in Spike’s arms, so well protected. And his scent. A musk like a burning fireplace and just as warm. Rarity couldn’t help resting her cheek to his chest, listening to his heart, wishing this moment could last forever. But then Spike slowly lowered them towards the ground and then were both safely on the grass. Even as Rarity’s hooves touched the earth, her head was still in the clouds.

As the hospital’s doors closed behind him, Spike cried, “Goodbye hospital and helloooooo freedom!” He gave a celebratory jump and a few loud laughs.

“I’m so happy for you darling,” Rarity said. “Perhaps this calls for a celebration?”

“Oh, yeah! Great idea! Maybe we can go to a restaurant and I can eat some real food for once.”

“That sounds marvelous darling! Where would you like to go? My treat.”

“Spike rubbed his neck sheepishly. “You know, I spent all that time dreaming about what I’d do when I finally got out of the hospital and what I’d want to eat first. But now, I can’t decide.”

“Well look who we have here!” came a familiar voice. Spike and Rarity were so lost in conversation that they didn’t even notice that they were crossing paths with Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis. “I thought that was you flying around Spike,” Fleur continued. “I’m so happy that you’re feeling better. And Rarity! I’ve been meaning to congratulate you on stepping up and putting Pish Posh in her proper place.”

“Yes, quite right,” Fancy said. “I’m glad somepony finally knocked her down a peg or five. I only wish I was there to see you tear her apart myself.”

Rarity smirked. “Please, no praise is necessary. I was happy to do it.”

“And Spike! How jolly good to see you out and about ol’ chap! This calls for a celebration! If there’s anything I can do for you, just ask and I’ll pull some strings.”

Spike waved his claws. “Oh, there’s no need to go through all that trouble Fancy Pants. Rarity and I were just gonna get something to eat and-“

“Nonsense!” Fancy said quickly. “A dragon of your caliber deserves a grand gesture! Now, what to do…” Fancy rubbed his chin as he began to sort through his thoughts.

“Fancy, dear.” Fleur motioned her fiancé to come closer and began whispering in his ear.

“Yes…” Fancy nodded. “Yes… right… right, yes, yes, brilliant love.” Fancy cleared his throat. “Oh no Fleur! Say it isn’t so! You’re sick?” delivering his lines like a novice drama student.

Fleur draped herself across Fancy Pant’s back and held her hoof to her forehead. “Oh, yes Fancy, I have the most dreadful of headaches!”

“Do you have chills?”

“Why is it so cold out here?”


“I’m so, so tired!”

“Memory loss?”

“Excuse me my good stallion, but can you tell me who I am?”

“Dash it all! It would seem I’ll have to rush you straight home and put you right to bed, and we’ll have to cancel our dinner plans.”

Spike looked perplexed. “Um, the hospital’s right over there if you-“

“Ah, Spike and Rarity!” Fancy interrupted. “Would you like to take our reservation at the Golden Stable? I’m afraid Fleur is far too ill to be out.”

“Th-th-the Golden Stable!?” Rarity couldn’t believe her ears. “That’s one of the most illustrious restaurants in Canterlot, if not Equestria! I’ve heard it can take moons to get a reservation!”

“It is a lovely restaurant, I’ll admit,” Fancy said. “But I’ll have to go on a day when Fleur is feeling better. So, what do you say Spike?”

Spike chuckled and smiled when he realized what was going on. ”Well, if you insist. We’d be happy to take you on your offer.”

“Splendid! I’ll make the necessary arrangements, and another reservation while I’m at it. Be sure to be there at seven tonight. Now, come along Fleur, let’s get you some soup and a warm bed.”

“Oh the pain!” Fleur wailed as Fancy supported her trotting. “Oh the anguish!” the wealthy pair rounded a corner and Spike and Rarity could swear they heard chuckling and whispers.

“Goodness gracious,” Rarity marveled. “I can’t believe it! The Golden Stable, I never thought I’d ever dine at such an establishment. I’m sure you’ll love it too darling, and remember, it’s on me tonight.”

“Um, Rarity?” Spike asked nervously.

“Yes? What is it Spike?”

“Is it true? About what Fleur said. Did you really tell Pish Posh off?”

“Yes Spike, it’s all true. And frankly I’d do it again if I could.”

“But… isn’t that gonna… hurt your business?”

Rarity hummed. “Hmm, perhaps. But I don’t particularly care.”

The moon was slowly rising in the sky as Spike and Rarity arrived at the Golden Stable. Tall, well-polished marble columns with gold trim lined the front of the restaurant, with elaborate statues and a glittering, well illuminated walkway.

“Looks like we’re right on time,” Rarity said as she glanced at a clock on the street. “Let’s see if we can find the host.”

Spike pointed. “Is that him over by the podium? And is that… Pish Posh?”

“Ugh,” Rarity groaned. “She’s like a bad rash. Well no matter, let’s get our table shall we?” Spike and Rarity moved towards the entrance of the restaurant and were just in time to see the drama unfold.

“I said,” Pish Posh said through gnashing teeth. “I. Want. A table!”

“And I told you,” the earth pony behind the stand said with his nose up. “That you don’t have a reservation.”

“This is ridiculous! I’ve always been given a table before!”

“Change of policies Ms. Posh. No free rides for anypony. No reservation, no table.”

Posh was about to launch into another tirade of verbal teardowns when she spotted the pony/dragon pair and sneered, “Sorry Rarity. But you’re not allowed to bring pets here. Perhaps the hayburger dive down the street is more your style.”

Rarity growled and opened her mouth to retaliate, but Spike rested a claw on her shoulders and then approached the host. “Hello.”

The host looked up. “Good evening. How may I help you sir?”

“Table for two for Spike and Rarity. It might be under the name-“

“Ah Spike and Rarity!” the host’s attitude did a complete flip. “Yes, yes, of course! Mr. Fancy Pants informed us that you were coming. Please follow me, I’ll take you to your table.”

“Thank you very much sir. C’mon Rarity, let’s eat!”

As Rarity passed a stunned Pish Posh, she gave the pompous pony a smirk and trotted off to catch up with Spike. While Pish Posh yelled through her teeth and stomped on the ground.

The interior of the Golden Stable was even more luxurious than the exterior. Wall to wall plush red carpeting lined the lobby, with a small bridge of an artificial river leading to the actual dining area. On the far walls to the left and right of the room were tall onyx monoliths with a steady stream of water gently falling from the dark waterfall and bubbling into the river below. The soft sounds of a string quartet playing on a small stage carried gently over the patrons like a spring breeze. Eventually the host led Spike and Rarity to their table, pulled out their seats and presented them with their menus.

“A waiter will be by momentarily. Please enjoy yourselves, and if there is anything we can do to make this evening more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to ask.” The host bowed and scurried off back to the front.

“Wow…” Spike said as he adjusted his seat. “This has got to be one of the fanciest places I’ve ever eaten at.”

Rarity raised a brow. “Says the dragon who’s eaten in Canterlot Castle’s dining hall?”

Spike laughed, “Well I guess if we’re comparing this place to the castle, it’s not as fancy. But I lived in the castle, I just saw it as another place to eat. Same with Twilight’s castle too.”

Rarity giggled, “You’ve certainly lived in rather interesting places darling.”

“Good evening,” a Pegasus mare said to the pair, a pen and a pad of paper clutched in her feathers. “I’m Powder Puff and I’ll be your waitress this evening. Can I start you off on something to drink?”

“Oh, hmm…” Spike quickly skimmed the drink menu “I think the sparkling cider sounds good. Is that ok with you Rarity?”

“That does sound rather delightful. One bottle of sparkling cider please.”

Powder Puff scribbled on her pad. “Very good choice. I’ll give you a few more minutes to go over the menu and return with your cider.” The waitress trotted off.

“Dang, look at this menu,” Spike said as he went down the list. “All of this looks good. The toasted almond salad, the sautéed hay sandwich with cranberry sauce, heck even the rose petal dumplings look amazing.”

Rarity scratched her chin. “Hmm, I do remember having some rather impressive dumplings the last time I was in Manehattan. I’d rather like to see how these compare.”

“I think I’m gonna go with the daffodil alfredo pasta. Never had it before, but it sounds great.”

“That it does darling.” Rarity gazed at Spike, but made sure to duck behind her menu when he looked up. Why was she so nervous? It’s not like she hasn’t shared a meal with Spike before. Certainly not in a restaurant as extravagant as this, but the point still stands. Maybe it was the atmosphere. The room had a soft light that complemented the relaxing sound of flowing water around them. It certainly was a romantic setting, definitely something Spike would’ve dreamed of for the two of them, if it wasn’t for her misdeeds and using him for her own personal gains. The unsettling feeling in Rarity’s stomach and chest was back.

“Rarity? Is something wrong?”

Spike’s voice cleared Rarity’s head, though the yucky feeling in her stomach and heart were still there. “What makes you say that darling?”

“Well, I’ve known you for a long time. I can tell when something is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it? It’s ok if you don’t.”

Rarity shook her head. “No, no… I…I think I need to get this off of my chest…” She looked Spike in the eyes, though even doing this made her feel like she was unworthy. “Spike, I need to apologize…”

“Didn’t you already apologize back at the-?”

“No,” Rarity said quickly. “This is different…” Rarity breathed and braced herself. “Spike… I want to apologize for… for taking advantage of your feelings for me…”

Spike blushed but didn’t speak.

“I’ve known… for some time now… about how you feel… how you felt about me. But I disregarded it. I thought it was just a phase, a harmless crush that would fizzle out given time. But that’s no excuse. It was wrong of me to wrap you around my hoof, to use your affection to control you. Spike… I’m so ashamed of myself. I should never have been so cold and inconsiderate of your feelings. Nothing I say could ever make up for it, but I am sorry Spike. I’m sorry I handled your heart so, so poorly…” Rarity quickly wiped the tears from her eyes.

Spike rubbed his neck with a melancholic look on his face. “Rarity… the truth is… there was a time when I thought you were perfect. Beautiful, generous, creative, smart… I saw you as a princess… maybe goddess is the better word. I never thought you could do anything wrong. But you did do wrong and you hurt me bad. And I learned that you’re not a princess and you’re not a goddess. You can be selfish, mean, callous and self-absorbed. Nothing like the pony I thought you were.”

Rarity felt her heart ache. She deserved this, she deserved every bit of Spike’s tongue lashings and anything else Spike said, she’d bare it all.


Rarity perked up; she wasn’t expecting “but.”

“But that’s ok. Cause in a weird way, I feel like I got to know the real you and… you also took so much time to take care of me. If it weren’t for you and those gems, I’d still be lying in that hospital bed. You really are the most generous pony in Equestria, and I’m glad I got to see a more authentic you. Flaws and all. You messed up… really bad, but you also did so much good for me too… I guess what I’m trying to say is… I forgive you.”

Rarity couldn’t believe what she just heard. She thought perhaps this was all a dream, the first good dream in ages. But no, this was reality and Rarity was convinced she’d never hear those words from Spike for as long as she lived. She wanted to cry out in joy from the warmth she was feeling… but something was holding Rarity back as if chains were tying her down. She couldn’t help but feel it constricting her, snuffing out what happiness there was.

Rarity’s ears drooped. “You’re… far too kind darling.”

Just then Powder Puff returned with a bottle of sparkling cider in a small bucket of ice. “Our finest bottle of cider,” she said. “With a note. ‘Dear friends, order whatever you wish, it’s on us tonight. Sincerely, your friends, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis'.”

“Boy oh boy!” Spike exclaimed as he strolled down the street. I haven’t eaten that good in a loooong time! I almost forgot what food is supposed to taste like!”

“Indeed,” Rarity said. “And it was very kind of Fancy and Fleur to pick up the check. We’ll have to thank them later.”

“Oh totally! I can make them a nice throw pillow, or maybe…” Spike stopped and turned his head side to side, ear fins erect.

“Spike?” Rarity asked. “Is there something wrong darling?”

“Follow me,” Spike replied as he turned down a street.

Rarity did as she was told and the pair strolled off, with Spike leading the way, stopping every so often to look around before continuing his search for… whatever it was. Normally Rarity would’ve been slightly uncomfortable following somepony down random streets, directing her through darkened alleys. But she trusted Spike, and Rarity knew that wherever she was going, Spike would keep her safe.

Eventually Rarity heard something and her ears perked up. The sound of music was being carried over the night air, fast, upbeat and Rarity heard the boisterous crashes and clanks of a big brass band. Spike turned one more corner and the two finally came to their destination, an open-air concert in a public square, with ponies dancing up a storm to the rhythm of a jazzy tune played by (as Rarity guessed) a big brass band.

“Oh my, what fun!” Rarity said clapping her hooves. “And this music really puts some pep in your step.”

“I knew I heard something cool!” Spike said patting himself on the back. “Hey Rarity, let’s dance!”

“Are you sure darling? You’ve just been discharged from the hospital; I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Aw c’mon Rarity. I’ve been stuck in bed for moons. I wanna get out there and shake a leg.”

Rarity giggled, “Well, if you insist. Let’s cut a rug!”

Now you’re talking! Let’s go!”

Spike pulled Rarity onto the square with the many other dancers. It was a lively scene, as the fast tempo jazz kept every pony moving in a chaotic rhythm. Spike and Rarity danced around each other, somehow improvised, yet also in synch with the other. All the while laughing amongst themselves.

“I didn’t know you could move like this Rarity!”

“Well I know more than just ballroom dancing darling!” Rarity replied. “A lady must know how to dance at a multitude of settings and events. Or whenever Pinkie throws an impromptu party!”

“Heh, a lady of many talents!”

The music sped up for a moment before hitting a crescendo and then a gradual slow down before ending with an appropriate burst of sound. Applauses and cheers rang out as the musicians and the conductor bowed.

A pony in a snazzy suit stepped on stage with a microphone in hoof. “Let’s hear it for Brass Tacks and his band!” The audience’s applause rose up again as the band took a bow, before slowly but surely leaving the stage. “And now,” the snazzy pony continued. “For our next guests! Here’s Serene String, Crimson Concerto and Octavia Melody!”

The crowd cheered as the three mares took the stage. The familiar grey earth pony was joined by a pair of cream-colored unicorns. The first had violet eyes and a long blond mane pulled back with a green hairband. She was wearing a green kirtle over a white dress with and orange skirt wrapped around her flank and barrel. She was also wearing a pair of blue earrings with a blue pearl necklace around her neck. The other had violet eyes as well, along with a blond mane, though hers was worn in twin braids. She wore a long red cap and a red dress over a white smock and a pair of blue bracelets over both forehooves. The unicorn in green trotted up to the mic.

“Um, hello everypony,” she said in a shy tone. “I’m Serene String and this is my sister Crimson Concerto.”

Crimson rolled her eyes. “Ugh, they know who we are Serene. Mr. Snazzy already introduced us.”

“Well I like to be polite. Anyways, my sister and I are here tonight to play you a song that’s very near and dear to our hearts. It was written by our ancestor for her one true love, and passed down through our village for generations. And, with the help of our friend Octavia and her chamber orchestra, we’d like to share our love song with you.”

“That’s right, so you better be grateful you lot!” Crimson boasted. “Cause a chance like this doesn’t happen every day!”

“Crimson please!” Serene said flustered. “Let’s be civil.”

“Oh fine. We hope you all enjoy it.”

Serene String pulled out a lyre and Crimson Concerto lifted a flute to her lips. Octavia Melody rose her conductor’s baton and her orchestra waited for their cue. Then, Serene plucked the strings of her lyre as the orchestra’s strings accompanied her, Serene’s playing continued as the orchestra softened and let Crimson’s flute playing take lead with Serene’s gentle plucks joined Crimson in a melodious duet. Then the sounds of a violin could be heard, then the rest of the orchestra began to play. The ponies in the audience paired up with one another and began to dance slowly under the fairy lights of the square to the mellow and uplifting melding of wind and string.

Spike began to sweat. “Uh, um, well th-thanks for dancing with me Rarity. It was fun, b-but maybe it’s time we-“



Rarity looked into Spike’s impeccable emerald green eyes. “May I… have this dance?”

Spike blushed. “Gosh… I-I don’t know Rarity… I mean, I don’t know how to do this dance and I wouldn’t want to-to, mess up and-“

“It’s not difficult,” she said gently. “I can show you.”

Spike still seemed nervous, but he smiled and nodded his head.

“Ok, so first thing is to get into position.”

Spike looked over the other couples and noticed that they were all dancing with their opposite cheeks touching as they moved slowly in a box step. Despite his height, he was able to lower his head and placed his cheek next to Rarity’s. “Like… like this?”

Rarity’s heart fluttered like a dove as her fur touched Spike’s scales. She prayed that Spike couldn’t feel the heat rising in her face. She took a long breath and whispered, “Y-yes… that’s perfect darling. N-now, I’m going to step forward with my left, and you step back with your right, okay?”

“Got it.”

Spike stepped back as Rarity stepped forward. “Now, step out with your left, perfect now step forward with your right, excellent darling, now step to the right, there you go Spike, I knew you could do it.”

“Y-yeah. It’s not so hard. It’s actually… really nice.”

“I…I think so too darling…”

The unique pair continued to dance and sway to the music. It carried them over the dance floor and guided them as if they were dancing on clouds being pushed by a soothing night breeze. They didn’t notice the other dancers. It was just Spike, Rarity, and the music. Rarity’s heart beat calmly, the heat in her cheeks subsided, she felt at ease. Relaxed. At peace. Even after the last note was played and the crowd paid their respect, hoof and claw were still dancing.

“Well that was a lot of fun,” Spike said as he and Rarity rested on a bench near the music. “Thanks a lot for doing this with me Rarity. Did you have a good time?”

“But of course Spike,” Rarity said. “I haven’t danced like that in ages. But I dare say I am thoroughly worn out.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna sleep well tonight for sure,”- Spike smacked his forehead. –“Aw shoot! Where am I gonna sleep? I was discharged.”

“Well, if you’d like I could find some space in my apartment. Or I could get you a room at the hotel if you’d prefer.”

Spike hummed, “Hmm… actually, I think I know where we can sleep.”

After a bit of walking through the nicest parts of the city, Rarity realized that Spike was leading her to Canterlot Castle. A bit bold, but Spike did grow up here, perhaps his room is still how he left it when he and Twilight moved to Ponyville. As they approached the gates, the two of them noticed a tall cat, leaning on a wall, filing his claws.

Rarity cocked a brow. “Capper?”

Capper pocketed his file and stood to greet the pair. “Good evening Rarity, and to you as well Spike. I’m here to escort you to your rooms for the evening.”

“Huh?” Spike questioned. “How did you know we were going to ask to stay the night?”

“I have my sources,” Capper said coolly as he spun on his dapper paws and began to walk towards the castle. “Now, if you’ll just follow me, we can get you to bed and I can report to Lulu that you made it here safe and sound.”

Spike and Rarity’s eyes met for a second before following after Capper.

“Lulu?” they both whispered.

“And here my dear Rarity,” Capper said as he held his paw out. “Is your room. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. Not me, one of the help. I have things to do.”

“Thank you Capper, I’m sure everything will be fine,” Rarity said.

“As for your room Spike.”

Spike waved a claw. “Oh, no need. I know where to go. My old room isn’t too far from here.”

Capper barely waited for Spike to finish before he started walking off. “Oh great, that means I can split. Have a good night you two, pleasant dreams.”

“Well he’s in an awful hurry,” Rarity scoffed.

Spike chuckled, “Yeah, he’s a hard one to figure out. But at least he does right by Luna.”

“As far as we know. Well, we should probably get some shut-eye.”

“Hey Rarity?”

“Yes Spike?”

Spike smiled. “I… had a lot of fun tonight. And I’m really glad I got to share it with you. Thank you Rarity.”

Rarity returned the smile. “The pleasure was all mine darling. It was wonderful spending time with you as well Spike.”

“Um, Rarity… you can call me, ‘Spikey Wikey’ if you’d like…” Spike said with a light blush.

Rarity was taken aback, but giggled, “I’d like that very much… Spikey Wikey. Goodnight darling.”

“Goodnight Rarity,” Spike waved and walked off.

In that moment, something felt odd. As the drake left for his room, Rarity could swear she felt a tug in her chest. As if something was pulling her towards Spike. She lifted a hoof as if to appease this force, but then set it back down and shook her head, which seemed to only rile up the butterflies in her stomach. She looked again and caught a glimpse of Spike before he turned a corner and Rarity felt the tug again, but she also felt… relaxed. Rarity wasn’t sure what was going on, she never felt something like this before. She recalls having feelings similar to these, but never this strong. Never so warping as this. Never as… peaceful as this. Like light through the leaves. Rarity smiled and held her chest. She opened the door to her room and trotted in.

Twilight stared up as she laid in bed. She was afraid of this. Not having any work to do. The School of Friendship was closed today, no pressing matters with her friends, students, or the town. She actually did so much work that she ran out of work to work on and take her mind off of Spike. Starlight and Flash both warned that this would happen. Why didn’t Twilight space out her errands and her “to do’s” better? If she had, she wouldn’t be lying in bed right now feeling sorry for herself. Twilight shrugged her blanket off. No reason to mope the day away in bed, she reasoned. She brushed her teeth and began her slow trot down the hall to the kitchen. Can’t be sad on an empty stomach.

Twilight descended the stairs and looked out a window. Bright and sunny, with not a cloud in the sky. A truly beautiful day. Twilight sighed and kept trudging to the kitchen. Then stopped, and sniffed the air and she sniffed again. Twilight’s hooves picked up the pace and ran the rest of the way to the kitchen. She opened the door and froze. There at the stove was Spike, a stack of pancakes and a bowl of fresh fruit waited at the table and coffee percolating on the counter.

Spike turned his head. “Oh, good morning Twilight! I’m almost done with breakfast. I actually made the apple compote this time, I think you’ll love it.”

Twilight was stunned. This couldn’t be real. She dreamed of this so much, for so many nights in a row only to be reminded of the harsh truth upon waking. But at that moment, Twilight didn’t care. She leapt at the dragon and wrapped her hooves around him and squeezed tight, bursting into tears when she realized that what she was holding didn’t vanish into the air, that she was still hugging and feeling Spike. It was Spike! It was really truly him!

Spike wrapped his arms around his sister. “I’m home.”

Twilight looked up, feeling the happiest she’d ever been.

“Welcome home.”

Author's Note:

Thus ends the "Hospital arc." Wow that's a terrible name, but I couldn't think what else to call it. You have no idea how excited I am to share this chapter with you all. I've had this chapter in my head for a long, long time and now that I actually wrote it, feels so great. Like climbing a mountain just as the sun is setting fire to the sky and the earth beneath you and they cry, "You did it you mad lad!" I hope you like this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I wanted to have this done and posted last week to keep the update streak going, but I had to polish this as best I could.

So a quick bit of news. At time of writing, I'll be in Colorado from tomorrow till the 13th, I'm so excited. Going to a concert, seeing my cousin, exploring a new city, all the good stuff. And let's not forget it gives me plenty of time to write and plan out future stories and chapters. I'm planning on writing a number of side stories connecting them to Life and Times. For a few reasons, one, I took to heart the lessons I learned from the rodeo chapters and it'll cut down on the glut of this story, two, one of my biggest goals is to create and share my vision of Equestria and it'll help expand the goings on and lives of the characters In the "Wit verse." "Silver verse?" "Silver Wit verse?" Eh screw it. And three I want to write a featured freaking story and I think firing out some more tales from yours truly will certainly boost those chances. Shallow yes, but I want it to happen at least once.

On a side note, does anyone know who Serene and Crimson are references to? I put enough clues in the chapter and if you figured it out, than congrats you're officially apart of the Cool Kids club, congrats to you. :coolphoto:

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit