• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Little Dark Angel

The mid-day sun was shining brightly in Canterlot. Groundskeepers trimming the trees and bushes, salesponies showing off their wares to the buying public, large museums and libraries with marble columns housing knowledge and knowledge seeker alike. Upper class ponies playing lawn games like polo and croquet and the royal guards patrolling the streets to assure everypony that they were safe. The city was always vibrant with daily life of the ponies that lived and visited the shining metropolis of Equestria. And on this particularly lovely day a large group of ponies were assembled in a square outside Canterlot castle. Many of them had picket signs with the words “Free Cozy” and “She didn’t deserve Tartarus” painted in bright bold colors. Standing on a platform with a megaphone in hoof was an earth pony mare. She had a light blue coat and wavy two-toned blue and pink mane. A cutie mark of a red bishop chess piece adorned her flank.

She held the megaphone up and announced, “Thank you everypony for being here today! It warms my heart to know that there are ponies out there who want to stand by a noble cause! To free Cozy Glow from Tartarus!”
The crowd of ponies cheered and stamped their hooves in applause.

“Our numbers have grown!” the mare continued. “And everyday our message is being sent across Equestria to everypony from Appleoosa to Manehattan, that the royal sisters have made a hasty, rash and unfair judgment! My sister Cozy made mistakes, but does that justify the princesses to throw a young and misguided filly into the black void of Tartarus? No I say, no! If changelings and even the Lord of Chaos himself can reform and change for the better of Equestria, why can’t my little sister? So I ask you, are we going to let a young life spoil in a cage like some evil monster?”

“NO!” the crowd yelled.

“Are we going to sit idly by as the royal sisters ignore this injustice?”


“No we are not! What do we want?”


“When do we want it?”


The crowds chanting echoed across the city and into Canterlot castle. On a balcony high above the square stood Celestia. Her multi-colored mane and tail flowing in an absent breeze, her golden regalia shined bright and accentuated her pristine white coat, horn, wings and her sun cutie mark. She gazed down at the square, never taking her eyes off of the rabble-rouser running the rally. She exhaled an aggravated sigh and pursed her lips as the chants continued to flood the air.

“Sister?” came a voice behind Celestia. Another alicorn was there. She had a black coat, wings, horn and black and blue regalia. Her mane flowed in the same manner as Celestia’s, but hers was mix of blues and black and resembled the night sky. Her cutie mark was of a crescent moon against a starry sky.

“Yes Luna?” Celestia responded, not taking her eyes off the crowd.

“Are they at it again?” Luna asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes they are. And it seems Fuzzy Feeling has even more ponies than last time.”

“This is ridiculous. Don’t they know how close Cozy Glow came to destroying Equestria? And they want her released?”

Celestia sighed, “Perhaps they know. But they’ve made their voices heard and something must be done about it.”

“What do you plan to do?”

Celestia narrowed her eyes on the leader of the protesters. Fuzzy Feeling, and after a few moments of thought turned and
walked into her chambers. “I need to write some letters.”

A few days later:

Twilight Sparkle tossed in her bed. Try as she might, she just couldn’t avoid the rogue beam of light peeking through her curtains and focusing on her face. Eventually she gave up and threw her covers aside and stretched. “Ok, ok, I’m up. Geez,
can’t a pony get some sleep after grading tests all night?”

Twilight yawned and rubbed the sand from her eyes and after her standard morning ritual of brushing her teeth, mane, shower, etc. she walked downstairs towards the kitchen. She could smell the pungent aroma of fresh coffee and the sweet smell of fruit and cinnamon. Twilight quickened her pace, with the thought of enjoying Spike’s special breakfast of pancakes
and berries.

Twilight entered the kitchen, Spike was hard at work over the stove as he flipped pancake after pancake onto a big silver tray. Starlight was sitting at the table, a wide grin on her muzzle, practically bouncing in her seat, waiting for Spike to finish cooking.

“Good morning everypony!” Twilight greeted.

“Morning Twilight!” both Spike and Starlight responded.

“Any particular reason you’re making special pancakes today, Spike? Need another favor?”

Spike flipped the last of his pancakes onto the tray and using his tail slid the tray onto the table. “Nah, I just thought we’d celebrate the end of testing week with a big breakfast. I made the apple compote this time too.”

Over the last few days Spike’s gotten used to his new body, and now it’s like he’s been this size for years. He even learned how to use his tail as an extra limb.

“I couldn’t care less why,” Starlight commented. “I just want more of those amazing pancakes. Why don’t we have this everyday?”

Spike placed the coffee pot and three mugs on the table. “Well I could, but then they wouldn’t be ‘special pancakes’ anymore.”

Everypony grabbed their helping of pancakes, fruit and coffee and started digging in.

Twilight took a bite and sighed in delight, “Oh yeah… that’s the good stuff. This is just what I needed.”

“Ditto,” Starlight said between bites.

“Heh, glad you guys like it so much. Good thing I remembered to pick up some extra- BURP!” a flaming belch and a
scroll manifested from the fire cut off Spike’s sentence.

Twilight levitated the scroll over to her. “A letter from Princess Celestia?”

“Oh please don’t tell me Equestria’s in danger again!” Starlight groaned. “It’s special pancake day!”

Twilight unrolled the scroll. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Everything’s been quiet since Cozy tried to take over Equestria. I can’t imagine what could go wrong.” Twilight took a sip of her coffee as her eyes scanned the note from her
mentor. Then her eyes widened and she spat her coffee out in surprise.

“Aw heck, did I burn the coffee?” Spike asked.

“Oh no…” Starlight smacked her hoof to her forehead.

Twilight just stared in disbelief at the coffee stained parchment. “I-I-AH! This can’t- I mean how? EMERGENCY MEETING!” And with that Twilight teleported out of the kitchen leaving a confused Spike and an annoyed Starlight.

“So much for a relaxing breakfast,” Spike said.

“Speak for yourself,” Starlight said loading her plate with more pancakes. “I’m not saving Equestria on an empty stomach.”

Soon all of the elements of harmony were assembled in the map room upon their respective thrones. Spike and Starlight standing on either side of Twilight for much needed emotional support.

“What’s the emergency Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah! You were all like ‘AH! CASTLE! COME NOW!’ and all of the other random noises and heavy breathing you do when you’re Twilighting,” Pinkie said.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Twilighting? You made me into a verb?”

“Twilight, what did Princess Celestia send you that’s gotten you so worked up?” Starlight asked.

Twilight took a deep, calming breath and revealed a coffee stained scroll and began reading.

"Dear Twilight: I’m not sure how to tell you this, so I’ll be frank. Because of the overwhelming support and public outcry as well as weeks of protests, Luna and I have decided to release Cozy Glow from Tartarus to the custody of her sister Fuzzy Feeling. Your presence along with the presence of your friends is needed in Canterlot post haste.
Signed, your friend and mentor, Princess Celestia."

Everypony in the room gasped. Not even Pinkie Pie could ease the tension at the news of Cozy’s pardoning.

Rainbow Dash was the first to voice her opinion, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Release Cozy Glow from Tartarus? Are they nuts? Don’t these ponies know she got us trapped in Tartarus?”

“And nearly erased all magic from Equestria?” Rarity added.

“And took over the school?” Pinkie said.

“And played us all fer suckers?” Applejack said.

Twilight’s ears drooped and she hid her face in her hooves.

“You ok Twilight?” Spike asked.

“No… I’m not. Cozy Glow tried to destroy everything we’ve built together. She nearly ruined our home and I’m the one who was foolish enough to allow her to be my friendship assistant and even more foolish to fall for her trap.”

Spike placed a claw on Twilight’s withers. “Twilight, you were deceived, we all were and you shouldn’t blame yourself for being deceived by a deceiver, it’s what they do.”

Applejack nodded. “Well said sugarcube. Ah don’t know what these varmints are a thinkin’, lettin’ that no good liar out.

Don’ they know what a punishment is? ”

“W-w-what if she’s out for revenge after she’s free?” Fluttershy said hiding in her wings. “Oh dear, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep at night.”

Rainbow Dash slammed a hoof on the table. “Yeah! Don’t these ponies know how dangerous Cozy Glow is? We can’t let the princesses release her! Uh… right?”

“Actually… I think I agree with Celestia’s decision.”

Every pair of eyes in the room focused on Starlight Glimmer. Jaws hung open out of sheer alarm at the words she spoke so casually.

“Wait. You think Cozy Glow should go free? What the hay Starlight?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I know I don’t have much of a leg to stand on in this debate. I mean, I did brainwash a town and destroyed Equestria dozens of times by screwing up the past and if it wasn’t for the time line fixing itself and Twilight taking me in I might be where Cozy is now.”

“Starlight, do you know what you’re saying?” Twilight asked solemnly. “She held you prisoner, she threatened the school, put our students in danger and came dangerously close to dooming us all. Do you really want her to be set free?”

Starlight sighed, “Look, maybe Cozy had a change of heart. You yourself taught me the value of forgiveness Twilight, and that ponies can change, I did thanks to you. And I’m not saying Cozy Glow shouldn’t have been punished for what she did, I’m just wondering if sending her to Tartarus was the right thing to do.”

Twilight and her entourage arrived at Canterlot castle after passing through crowds upon crowds of ponies all waiting in anticipation for the rulers of Equestria to make their appearance. The announcement that Princess Celestia and Luna were going to be releasing a prisoner from Tartarus spread like wildfire across Equestria and ponies turned out in drones. Journalists, photographers, royal guards, protesters with signs and curious onlookers flooded the castle grounds.

Twilight and friends made haste through the halls in the direction of the throne room. A door to the throne room swung open and Twilight came to a stop. Out stepped a tall brown cat with vibrant green eyes and blue hair on his head. He wore a black and blue waistcoat; an ascot with a crescent-moon symbol was wrapped around his neck. Twilight and her friends knew this cat very well.

“Capper?” Twilight asked

Capper replied coolly, “Hello, my little ponies. Here to see the princesses? No need to answer, it’s written all over your faces.”

“What the hay are you doing here?”

Capper buffed his claws on his coat. “Oh you haven’t heard? I’m Princess Luna’s right paw now. You know how it goes, I scratch her back in breaking into a goddess of fortune’s casino to reclaim her stolen magic, she scratches my back with a nice, cushy, official job as her advisor. The lady knows quality when she sees it and I have to say, this place sure beats the pants off of Kludge town.”

Starlight whispered in Twilight’s ear, “Trixie did mention a villain dimension where she beat you in a magic duel or something. I just thought she was reading from her fantasy journal.”

Capper took out a small pocket watch and glanced at the face. “Hmm, I hate to cut our reunion short, but the official pardoning will begin soon and I know how badly you want to see the princesses.” Capper spun on his paws and led Twilight and her friends into the throne room.

The royal sisters were sitting on their respective thrones and Capper bowed politely before them, with style the and grace most unbecoming of an ally cat. “Your majesties, Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends have arrived.”

Twilight walked forward. “Princess Celestia… is what you said in your letter true?”

Celestia gave a heavy sigh and nodded. “Yes it’s true. We will be releasing Cozy Glow from Tartarus.”

“Capper, alert the guards and tell the ponies outside that the royal pardoning will begin shortly,” Luna said.

“Right away Luna,” Capper said before strolling out of the throne room.

“But why?” Twilight asked. “I-I don’t want to question your judgment, but it’s just… well…”

“We’re a lil’ curious why y’all are doin’ this,” Applejack finished.

“It was not an easy decision,” Celestia replied. “But after weeks of protests, petitions and countless letters pushing for her release my sister and I decided that for the sake of our public relations, releasing Cozy Glow was the right thing to do. Thanks in part to Fuzzy Feeling, Cozy’s sister. She certainly has a talent for whipping ponies into a frenzy and rallying them behind a cause.”

“Try to understand, our hooves are tied,” Luna continued. “When word got out about how we locked up a filly in Tartarus, the backlash has been ferocious. These ponies don’t even care about her crimes or misdeeds, they just see this as a wrong to be righted.”

“I understand Fuzzy Feeling’s frustrations in losing her sister; I really truly do, and I also understand why she’s been working so hard for Cozy’s release.” Celestia closed her eyes and sighed, “ I suppose I felt sorry for her as well…”

Starlight stepped forward. “Your majesties, for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing the right thing. I believe forgiveness and compassion is what’s going to help Cozy Glow become a better pony. After all, it was thanks to Twilight that I became a better pony, but that wouldn’t have happened if she didn’t give me that second chance.”

Twilight smiled as a feeling of pride swelled up in her. Starlight has come a long way from enslaving ponies to helping them and it was thanks to her efforts that Starlight became one of her closet confidants.

“You speak with much wisdom Starlight Glimmer,” Celestia said. “And your admiration for your friend is commendable.” She turned her attention to Twilight. “Twilight, I’d like to hear your opinion on this matter. Do you think you can forgive Cozy Glow?”

Twilight thought she could answer with, “yes of course” immediately. But when she opened her mouth to say it, nothing came through. The memories of Cozy’s betrayal were still fresh in her mind and she couldn’t shake the uneasy feelings brewing in her heart. She froze up, like she swallowed a hoof full of ice and slush, unable to feel or say anything.

She felt a light pat on her withers. “Twilight? Are you ok?”

It was Starlight. Her number one pupil, friend and her voice of reason. Twilight remembered a time when Starlight wanted nothing more than to destroy the bonds of friendship that Twilight made with her friends and destroy Equestria. And Starlight almost won. But Twilight helped her see the true value of friendship and helped guiding Starlight to become a better pony. If forgiveness helped Starlight, then maybe…

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said. “Even though I’m still uncertain of how I feel about Cozy’s release, as the Princess of Friendship, I feel that it’s my duty to show everycreature forgiveness and compassion in the hopes of them righting their wrongs and being better than they were before.”

Celestia nodded. “I see. I’d expect nothing less from you Twilight Sparkle. Now if everypony is ready, I believe we have business outside. Luna?”

“Going, see you soon sister,” Luna opened a portal and stepped inside with two guards.

“Are you ready Twilight?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be princess.”

Twilight’s heart started beating as she looked over the sea of ponies, all-waiting on bated breath for the ceremony to begin. Protesters with signs eyed her and everypony next to her with ire and contempt. The constant flashes from the photographers’ cameras and a wall of royal guards with spears at the ready. A small wave of panic came over Twilight, her stomach was tying itself into knots and she found it hard to breath. This was the one part about being a princess she never got used to. All eyes were on her, judging her, looking for even the slightest weakness to exploit and show that she’ll never be a great leader.

A hoof pat brought Twilight back to earth. “Twilight, are you ok?” Starlight said.

Twilight took a deep breath. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’re sure you can do this?”

Twilight nodded. “As the Princess of Friendship it’s important that I show forgiveness and compassion to those who’ve done wrong. Even if I’m not one hundred percent ok with it. I just hope you’re right when you said that maybe Cozy Glow has changed.”

The sound of trumpets filled the air and everypony’s attention was drawn to Celestia. She cleared her throat and spoke when the crowed fell silent.

“Citizens of Equestria! You have made your voices clear and you have been heard! As of today, Cozy Glow is a free pony!”
The sound of cheers claps and stomps roared out from the crowd. Even if Celestia used her royal Canterlot voice she’d only be barely audible.

"You have all shown great determination and drive in this matter! And we have decided to grant you your request! Fuzzy Feeling, would you like to say a few words?”

Fuzzy Feeling trotted onstage as the protesters cheered for their leader. She bowed to the princesses and addressed the crowd. “Thank you everypony! I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am to have you all here today. This is just as much my victory as it is yours! And thanks to our efforts, my sister is finally free!” The cheers rose up again.

As if on cue, a portal opened up on stage and Luna stepped out, followed by two guards and a pink pegasus filly with a mane of tight blue curls and a rook chess piece cutie mark. Cozy Glow and Fuzzy Feeling locked eyes with each other.

“Fuzzy?” Cozy Glow said in awe.

Fuzzy Feeling’s eyes were flooding with tears. She choked back a sob. “Cozy!” she ran and embraced her little sister, planting kisses on the top of her head. The crowd was stirred into a rejoicing frenzy as cameras flashed to capture the moment of this tender family reunion.

Fuzzy Feeling broke her hug and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I would like to give a special thank you to Princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight-“ Fuzzy bowed “- thank you your majesties. Thank you for giving me my sister back.”

“You’re most welcome Fuzzy Feeling,” Celestia replied.

Cozy trotted up to Twilight. “Um, Headmare Twilight? -“ She nervously drew little circles on the ground with her front hoof “- I’m awful sorry about what I did. It was a huge mistake and I promise from this day forward, I’ll be a better pony. I’ll take all the lessons you taught me and use them to make a difference. Spreading friendship across Equestria and making up for all the bad things I’ve done. So… do you forgive me?” Cozy Glow looked up with wide eyes and sticking out her lower lip. The crowd all gave a collective “aww.”

Twilight shifted her eyes from Cozy Glow to the crowd. She said it was important as the Princess of Friendship to show forgiveness. But could she really forgive Cozy Glow for her betrayal? For trapping her and her friends in Tartarus? For putting her school and students in danger? Isn’t this the same cutesy display that tricked Twilight and everypony around her before? Could she forgive Cozy? If she didn’t the crowed would riot and eat her alive. Her name would be dragged through the mud; she’d be a failure as a princess and a hypocrite to the very ideals that inspired her to open a school to teach the values of friendship.

In the end, Twilight nodded and said with a smile, “Yes Cozy Glow. I forgive you.” Cheers went up as Cozy Glow hugged Twilight.

“Gee wiz, that sure makes me feel a whole lot better!”

“Just promise me you’ll stay out of trouble.”

“Oh you don’t have to worry about that. I got my big sister to keep an eye on me so I’ll stay a good pony.” Cozy Glow flew over to Fuzzy.

Fuzzy Feeling gave another bow to the princesses. “Thank you Princess Twilight. Now if we’re done here, I’d like to take my sister home.”

Celestia nodded. “You are free to go.”

Fuzzy Feeling gave one last farewell to the crowd and she and Cozy Glow left. The sea of ponies parting for the newly reunited siblings and saw them off with cheers, camera flashes and confetti.

“You did a great job Twilight,” Starlight said.

“Then why do I feel so unnerved?”

“ I think you’re just worrying too much. Cozy Glow served her time and I have faith that she’ll be a better pony. You’ll see, I’ll bet you at this moment she’s thinking about all the good she can do.”

Fuzzy Feeling and Cozy Glow were on the outskirts of Canterlot when Cozy looked over her shoulder to make sure they were the only ponies around. “Took you long enough,” she said with a sneer.

Fuzzy Feeling shrunk. “P-please Cozy, I-I tried to get you out sooner, I just-“

You were supposed to be my back up plan! If something went wrong, you were supposed to bail me out! I was in that stinking pit for months! Do you have any idea what Tartarus is like? Because I have half a mind to show you just a sample of what I had to go through!” Cozy stated flying closer and closer to the earth pony mare.

“Please Cozy I tried my hardest, really!” Fuzzy Feeling said in terror as she started backing away from the little pony. “But I had to get ponies behind me, the royal sisters wouldn’t take me seriously! I know I had to get you out of there, please have mercy!” Fuzzy fell to the ground and covered her head with her hooves.

“Oh well, I guess it’s not all bad,” Cozy said adopting her cute tone. “After all I got to spend some extra quality time with my old pal Tirek and we did some brainstorming on how to exact my revenge.”

“R-Revenge? But wouldn’t revenge on Celestia and Luna-“

“Fool! Celestia and Luna are nothing! Who defeated Nightmare Moon? Who stopped Discord from turning Equestria into his personal playground? Who drained Tirek of his magic and chained him back up in Tartarus? It sure as heck wasn’t Celestia or Luna! It was that obnoxious goody, goody purple princess and her stupid friends! Celestia and Luna are just glorified pencil pushers compared to Twilight Sparkle and her lackeys! But their power is only strong when all six of them are together, if you took one of them out, the rest will fall like dominoes.”

"So… what are you going to do?” Fuzzy asked cautiously, not wanting to set off her sister’s rage again.

“I’m going to make a plan to destroy Twilight Sparkle and after her, the rest of her little friends. And thanks to that performance at my pardoning, I doubt anypony will suspect me of doing anything bad. Nice touch with the tears it made the whole thing really believable.”

Fuzzy timidly pressed her hooves together. “Well… I am happy to see you again Cozy…”

“Ugh, don’t start with all of that sisterly love garbage, it makes me sick. Now let’s go, we have work to do.”

“Wait? W-we?”

“Yes, we! I hate to say it but I’m going to need help and who better to help me than my big sister. A hard working pony like you is exactly the kind of support I’ll be needing. Of course, you could choose not to help me, but I don’t think you’d like what’ll happen if you say ‘no’.”

Fuzzy just gulped and nodded her head.

“Very good. Now try to keep up.”

Cozy Glow took off down the road with Fuzzy Feeling trailing behind her. Fuzzy glanced over her shoulder and gave one last look at Canterlot, whispering apologies as she left.

Author's Note:

Ugh, this one was a bit of a chore to write. Why? Because it was too big with conflicting tones. So I basically broke this chapter into two chapters, the next one will be out soon. I feel like a broken record when I say sorry for not posting sooner, I try to get these chapters out asap but life has a way of tripping me up. I suppose it also has something to do with this whole "trial by fire" style of writing I'm doing for this story. It's not that I dislike it per sé, but for my next stories, I'll wait till it's done and well polished before I publish them. I think it'll be better for me and for you.

Have you guys read the mini series "Knightmare Knights"? You should really read it. It's a five issue series about how Luna assembles a crew to help steal her magic back from the goddess of fortune, Eris, in a villain casino. I decided to add Capper into this story because one of the reasons Capper decided to Join Luna was because he made her agree to all of these perks and job opportunities that he wasn't getting from being a motivational speaker at Flim and Flam's resort (that sentence was more fun to write then you think). So Then I thought "Hmm, you know, being Luna's personal advisor sounds like a really cushy job." And the rest is history. I like to think that Capper is grateful to Luna for giving him this job (though he'll never admit it to anyone) so even though he seems aloof and might seem like he's just in it for the power, he actually does take his job seriously, but I also see him kicking back, only really listening to Luna and at times getting a little too comfortable with castle life.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Silver Wit you lump of coal miner's snot, why is there a Twilight chapter in your story about Spike and Rarity?" Well my mucus enthusiast friend, it's because Twilight is an important figure in this story, not as much as our stars and favorite ship, but as Spike's big sister and the pony who practically solo raised him, she's important none the less and I feel like she needs to have a chapter or two for her to grow. And what of Cozy Glow? What future will be in store for her? I suppose you'll have to keep reading and find out.

Thanks for reading, see you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit