• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,956 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Rarity the Huntress

The train from Ponyville was hustling down the iron rails that stretched across all four corners of Equestria, puffing out white clouds of steam and the occasional loud whistle as it continues on its' merry way helping ponies get from point A to B, “Next stop, Canterlot! All passengers for Canterlot! Canterlot next stop!” came a voice in the train cars. Ponies began to hastily gather up their belongings for arrival to the shining capital; a particular white unicorn mare with a perfectly coifed purple mane and tail peaked out from her latest Shadow Spade novel and gazed out the window.

“Oh my, here already? It seems the trip to Canterlot gets shorter and shorter every time I visit,” she placed her book in her saddlebag and went to collect the rest of her things. As the ponies disembarked from the train Rarity stood on the station platform with her cart full of luggage looking at her pocket watch, “Perfect timing, as per usual, now I just need to find-“

“Rarity!” a feminine voice called out over the crowed. A light blue Unicorn mare trotted up to Rarity, she was tall and lean with an orange mane with yellow highlights with a matching tail, wearing a very stylish black dress with golden studs and a golden saddle on her back. Rarity immediately recognized her as her manager and right hoof of Canterlot Carousel.

“Sassy Saddles! So good to see you darling! How are things at the boutique?”

“Couldn’t be better, ever since fashion week your new designs fly off the racks faster than I can put them on! I showed some customers previews of your new line and they could not be more excited.”

“Well as luck would have it” - Rarity motioned to her towering bags - “I’ve brought plenty of stock as well as the new line, oh our customers will just love them! I was so inspired by Applejack and Fluttershy’s stories about the Kirin that I couldn’t even sleep until I finished at least five designs. I’m calling it, Rarity’s Perilous Perfection collection.”

Rarity and Sassy began their walk through the busy streets of Canterlot. Rarity never gets used to this. The sights of the various upscale stores and their perfectly designed displays, the tantalizing smells of the fancy restaurants dancing through the air, the high class ponies dressed for success and the tourists with the same slack-jawed “awe” Rarity had when she first laid eyes on this jewel of a city. Of course Ponyville will always be her home, but she’s always felt like a Canterlot girl at heart, it’s like a wonderland of sorts to the alabaster mare. If you have a dream and a drive you can do amazing things in Canterlot and from there your name will be carried on the wind to all corners of Equestria and be the talk of every elite and royal in the country.

“Thank you so much for meeting me on such short notice Sassy,” said Rarity.

“Oh think nothing of it dear” - Sassy waved her hoof - “it gives me a reason to get out and stretch my legs a bit, and we had quite the crowd this morning so a little break to catch some fresh air and meet a friend is just what I need to get back in the saddle, eh, so to speak.”

“Well I appreciate it none the less. So first stop is the boutique and then I must meet my client as soon as possible.”

“Who is your client if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Fancy Pants, or more specifically Fleur de Lis. She needs a last minute fitting and wanted nopony but me to do it and I simply cannot keep such good customers or friends waiting to look their very best.”

Sassy gasped, “Well taffeta and twill, it’s no wonder you got here as fast as you did,” she knew how important these particular ponies were to Rarity. Fancy Pants is one of the most influential ponies in all of Canterlot. Doing a favor for him or his marefriend Fleur for that matter is something anypony would jump at the chance for.

After a bit more walking and talking Rarity and Sassy made it to Canterlot Carousel. Rarity wasted no time in unpacking her sewing supplies and with Sassy’s help, organized all of the new stock for the boutique. When the new line was made presentable Rarity went over the contents of her saddlebag.

“Ok, needles, thread, scissors, measuring tape, pins and glasses. Alright I think that’s everything,” Rarity placed her saddlebags on her back, a royal blue chapeau with a peacock feather on her head and trotted out of the boutique to meet with Fancy and Fleur. As she was leaving, something caught her eye. A new store, almost directly in front of Canterlot Carousel, but it wasn’t a dress shop, or a shop that sold fine hats or even a haberdashery; it was a comic book store.

Rarity slowly approached the store with raised brow and head tilted. Strange, she thought, where did this come from? If I remember correctly this wasn’t here the last time I visited Canterlot. Then she noticed the window display, it was neatly showing comic books in sealed bags on short stands with a cardboard cutout of a super hero of some kind in the background. I’m sure Spike would know their name, hmm; maybe I’ll come back here later. I think I’ll get dear Spikey Wikey a gift. He’s been working ever so hard lately and not just for me. I’m sure he’d be delighted. Rarity made a mental note and made haste to the upper part of the city.

Uptown Canterlot. Where the most elite of the elite live in gorgeous mansions that are only outdone by Celestia’s palace in terms of beauty and wealth. Perfectly manicured lawns and shrubbery, a fountain in every yard and no establishment was smaller than four stories. Fancy Pants and Fleur’s manor resides in this little piece of Xanadu; and it’s also one of the largest manors there. Rarity’s eyes got wider and wider the closer she got to the front doors of this bastion of high class. She carefully walked up the smooth marble steps and slowly made her way to the doors. Her heart started pounding in her chest as she stared at these enormous doors, she almost forgot how intimidating this lifestyle could be.

“Perhaps I underdressed for this occasion,” Rarity said glancing at the hat on her head. Her horn glowed and magic pulled a red rope by the doors ringing a pair of bells. Almost immediately an older grey earth pony butler with a salt and pepper mane and tail with a fancy tuxedo and a cutie mark of a silver bell on his flank opened the door.

“May I help you?” he said eyeing Rarity cautiously.

“Oh, yes, ahem. Good day, I’m Rarity and I have a meeting with Fancy Pants regarding a last minute fitting for Fleur de Lis,” Rarity recovered from her nervous stumble rather quickly and put on her usual airs of sophistication and confidence. The butler, who seemed to be glaring at Rarity like she was a potential threat to the well being of this house, however, was slowly deflating those airs. She began to sweat and her genuine smile was replaced with one of nervousness and uncertainty. Then the butler reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, he opened the box and took out a pair of glasses and after a quick buff he placed the glasses over his eyes and his demeanor changed instantly.

“Ah yes! The seamstress, of course! Master Fancy is expecting you, please come right in!” The butler stood to the side to allow Rarity into the mansion and when she took her first step inside she was flabbergasted to say the least. A massive chandelier hung from the celling, illuminating the ivory whites of the columns and the golden accents in the staircase with a massive crimson rug that seemed to stretch from the door to all the way to the back of the mansion. A large bouquet of flowers sat in two white and blue vases on either side of the door offering a delightfully fresh scent to anypony who visits.

“Sweet Celestia. It’s magnificent!” said an awestruck Rarity.

“Why thank you miss, I do try my best to keep the place spotless. Now if you’d be so kind as to follow me, I’m sure master Fancy will be happy to see you,” the butler motioned Rarity to follow him and the two began to traverse the mansion.

“I must apologies for my previous behavior Miss. Rarity. In my old age I’ve been prescribed these glasses much to my dismay and I keep forgetting to actually wear the blasted things,” the butler seemed to huff at his spectacles.

“Oh it’s quite alright darling, everypony makes mistakes. But you might want to start making a habit out of wearing them, I’m sure Fancy Pants wouldn’t want you running into a door or scare away other visitors,” Rarity couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle.

“Ha-ha, too true Miss. Rarity, too true. May I be so bold as to ask what your relationship is with the master?”

“Well a few years ago I accidentally bumped into him and Fleur on the street and one thing led to another and he made me the talk of Canterlot, I dare say it’s thanks to him spreading my name I was able to open my boutique in this fine city and since then he and Fleur have been great customers and good friends.”

“I see. Well it’s always good to have a friend in high places and it’s always good to have a seamstress on call whenever an emergency comes up,” the butler stopped in front of a door and gave it a firm knock. “Master Fancy? Miss. Rarity is here to see you.”

The door opened by a tall unicorn stallion with a blue mane combed at the top to part in the middle with a matching blue moustache. An expensive looking suit, purple bowtie, classy monocle and a cutie mark of three crowns pulled the whole look together. Fancy Pants smiled at the sight of the fashionista, “Ah Rarity, right on time! So good to see you again, I trust your trip here was a fair one?”

“Why yes indeed it was and it’s a pleasure as always to see you again Fancy Pants. Where’s Fleur?”

“Just in here, please come in, don’t be shy,” Fancy stepped back to let Rarity into the room, the butler bowed and excused himself. They walked through what looked like an enormous closet with wall-to-wall racks of gowns, dresses and suits, all of which looked very expensive. In the very back of the room was a platform and a divider for privacy. A slim white unicorn mare with a light pink mane and tail was standing in front of a mirror. She was wearing a long red elegant dress with a white shawl and a slit on her right back leg to show off her cutie mark of the same Fleur de Lis which she shares her name.

“Fleur dear, we have a visitor,” said Fancy Pants.

“Oh my if it isn’t Equestria’s number one designer, how are you Rarity?” Fleur said excitedly.

“I’m doing quite well, thank you for asking. Now what seems to be the problem?” Rarity replied.

“I seem to have lost a bit of weight since last I wore this dress, and I thought who better to fix up a Rarity original than the very seamstress herself?”

“Not a problem darling,” – Rarity set her saddlebags and chapeau down and put on her pair of red reading glasses- “I’ll have that dress fixed up in no time,” she started pulling out all her sewing supplies from her saddlebag and started her work. “By the time I’m finish here you’ll be the talk of the town,” Rarity took out her measuring tape with a flourish.

“Gosh I hope so, I’m making a big announcement tonight and I want to look my absolute best,” Fleur said.

“What announcement might that be?” Rarity asked as she started measuring Fleur's torso.

“Fancy may I tell her? I feel like if I don’t tell somepony I’ll burst.”

“Go right ahead dearest, Rarity is a friend after all,” Fancy Pants replied.

Fleur was blushing and gave a slight giggle, “Fancy and I… are engaged!”

Rarity almost dropped her pin cushion as soon as she heard the E word, “Oh my stars! Congratulations you two! I’m so happy for you, when’s the wedding? Who will cater the event? I know the perfect pony for that as well as the perfect pony to plan your reception, oh dear listen to me gab on and on, I just get so excited for weddings!”

“It’s alright Rarity, I’m so thrilled that you’re thrilled for us, which is why I was hoping you’d design my wedding dress.”

“M-m-me? Design y-your? Yes of course I will, it will be an honor,” Rarity gushed as she added another pin to Fleur's dress.

“We’re actually planning on revealing our engagement tonight at Pish Posh’s garden party,” Fancy said.

Rarity gasped so hard she nearly swallowed her threads, “P-P-Pish Posh? Head editor of Vague magazine, proprietor of Boutique Mystique, and one of the biggest fashion talent scouts in Equestria, that Pish Posh?”

“The very same, I’m hoping this news will take some of the wind out of her sails,” Fleur chuckled smugly.

“Now Fleur we promised to behave. Though I’ll agree that it will be fun to see the look on her face,” Fancy joined Fleur in a chuckle of his own.

Rarity was still in awe of what she just heard involving a pony with her hoof on the very pulse of the fashion world, “Pish Posh. Just imagine what her endorsement could do for my boutique, the fame, the glory, every pony across Equestria will know my name. Oh I wish I could go to a Pish Posh party just once.”

Fleur sighed, “Honestly you’re not missing anything. Posh has a bad habit of needing to be the center of attention and, well, let’s just say she has some very… narrow ideas.”

Maybe it was from the excitement depriving Rarity of oxygen or the concentration that she needed for the end of the fitting, but the fashonista didn’t hear a word Fleur was saying and her mind kept wandering to dreams of meeting one of the biggest names in the industry. Just imagine it, Rarity thought; if I’m noticed by Pish Posh, I’ll be set for life. Every pony will want to wear my cloths. I’ll be big, no, I’ll be huge, a household name, immortalized even,” Rarity snapped out of her musings when she realized she was done with her measurements and pinning. “Alright, I’ve finished here. Not much work needs to be done; I’ll finish the adjustments at the shop tonight and have it to you first thing tomorrow.”

"You're a true life saver Rarity, thank you," Fleur carefully removed her dress and levitated it over to Rarity who gingerly placed it in a garment bag.

"Think nothing of it darling, after all I have a duty to make ponies as beautiful on the outside as they feel on the inside," and with that Rarity said her goodbyes and left.

The next bright and shiny day rolled around and true to her word Rarity finished her work on Fleur’s dress in record time. After going over the dress for the umpteenth time Rarity finally sighed, “Perfection,” and proceeded to place the dress in a garment bag and zipped it up tight. She began to look herself over in her vanity mirror, “I’ll drop off Fleur’s dress, have some time to chat and then I’ll find a gift for Spike and be back in time to catch the train to Ponyville,” Rarity grabbed the garment bag with her magic and made her way to the door of the boutique, “Oh I can’t wait to see the look on Fleur’s face when she sees this dress, she’s going to be so excited!” Rarity opened the door and almost ran right into a pegasus mail pony mid knock, “Oh I’m terribly sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s alright miss, happens more often than you think-” he reached back into his satchel and pulled out an envelope “- I have a letter for a miss… Rarity, that wouldn’t happen to be you would it?”

“Why yes it is,” the pegasus handed Rarity the envelope. It was snow white with her name spelled out in beautiful, golden calligraphy. On the back was a red wax seal of three crowns. After saying her thanks the pegasus tipped his cap and flew off to his next destination. Rarity carefully opened the letter and began reading,

“Dear Rarity, I neglected to inform you that Fleur and I would be attending an important brunch this morning to discuss plans for the city and what not. It slipped my mind completely and I do apologize for not writing sooner, but we’ll have to delay our meeting until later tonight. Fleur can’t wait to see the dress and neither can I, signed Fancy Pants,” Rarity folded up the letter. “Hmm, I suppose if I don’t have to meet with Fancy Pants right now I can take some time looking for a gift for Spike, I’ll make sure it’s something extra special,” Rarity placed the garment bag in her work room and trotted out the door towards the comic book shop.

The inside of the store was not what Rarity was expecting. Actually since she’s never set hoof in a comic book store she wasn’t sure what to expect, but she still felt out of place, like a stranger in a strange land. On the far end of the store was a huge wall lined with comics under signs saying “new releases” and “released last week,” along the other walls were statues of super heroes in dynamic poses or action figures in boxes. In the middle of the store were tables lined with white boxes filled with dividers separating issues in alphabetical order by series. Ponies would be rummaging through these boxes, looking at the figures or chatting about favorite comic heroes. Rarity was walking around like she stumbled into an alien world where she clearly didn’t belong, but she put up with the awkwardness because she was a mare on a mission. She soon found herself looking at the wall of comics in the back.

“Let’s see. Spider-Stallion, Batpony, Harlequin, Doll Mare, Zombie Champ, ugh, I have no idea what Spike would like. I know he likes Power Ponies but I don’t see any on this rack,” She kept going down the wall till she came across an issue of Astro Colt, “Wait a minute, this seems familiar…”

It was that time of the week for Rarity and Spike’s routine gem hunt. Rarity approached the Castle of Friendship with a skip in her step, humming a merry tune, mind brimming with ideas on her next project and excitement thinking about what she and Spike will discover in the gem cave this time around. As she was coming up the steps, the doors to the castle opened revealing her near and dear purple alicorn friend.

“Oh, why good morning Twilight,” Rarity said cheerily.

“Good morning Rarity, you seem to be in a good mood. Let me guess, time for another gem hunt?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed it is. After Sapphire Shores’ last tour I received a big order from Songbird Serenade and I just can’t wait to get started. Is Spikey around? I can’t go looking for gems without the helpful little dear.”

“Yeah he’s up in his room, have fun and good luck on your hunt,” Twilight said her goodbyes and trotted off towards the School of Friendship. Rarity made her way to the upper floor of the castle and found Spike’s room after about a minute or two.

After a quick knock she heard Spike say, “Come in! Just watch your step!” Rarity carefully opened the door and stepped into his room. Spike was seated in the center of the room surrounded by comic books, organized in neat rows or perfectly balanced piles. Spike didn’t look up from his work.

“Good morning Twilight, do you need me for something?” Spike asked while placing a claw full of comics into a long white box.

“Well yes, we’re supposed to go gem hunting, did you forget?”

Spike looked up from his box and began his typical love struck jitters with a bright blush, “R-R-Rarity! Oh-uh-um, no-no of course I didn’t forget, I just uh, wanted to get some organizing done before we left is all,” Rarity giggled at his frazzled display, seeing Spike get tongue tied never failed to put a little smile on her face, it was rather cute.

“Well you certainly have quite the collection to go through Spikey, do you need a hoof?”

“Uh, y-yeah, that’d be, um, great. Can you bring me those issues over there?” Spike pointed to a row of comics near where Rarity was standing. She used her magic to scoop up each issue one by one, she looked at the issue at the top of the pile, the cover had the title “Astro Colt” in big bold letters and showed a pony with rockets in his back hooves flying through what looked like the rubble of a fallen building, his joints were segmented like a doll’s and he had a stiff looking black mane. She noticed something else; the corner of the comic had the number “2” printed on it.

“Spike, you seem to be missing one of your comics,” Rarity said. Spike’s ear fins drooped a bit and he sighed.

“Yeah, I, uh, don’t have the first issue…”

“Why don’t you just go and find it at the same place you bought these? Seems unlike you to leave a collection unfinished.”

“It’s not that easy, Astro Colt number one is really hard to find. Heck I was lucky enough to find numbers two trough five. I don’t know anypony who’s seen it let alone has it, but I’ll get my claws on it someday,” Rarity wasn’t sure why, but she felt compelled to ask more.

“Spike, I don’t think I’ve ever asked you this but why do you like comics so much?

Spike’s eyes looked off to the side as he fidgeted with his claws, “They’re… They’re a lot of fun to read I guess. And it may sound silly but comics can be just as interesting as a real book.”

Rarity raised one of her delicate brows, “How so?”

Spike seemed to perk up at Rarity’s interest in his hobby, “Well they have all the things that make a great story in a book, heroes, villains, interesting characters, sure a lot of them deal with super powers but that doesn’t make them feel any less real or relatable. They all go through struggles and grow and become better ponies. But I think what I like most is that if I’m having a rough day I can read one of them and feel better. Forget about all my troubles and read something that makes me smile. Oh, sorry Rarity, I hope I didn’t bore you,” Rarity watched him with a soft smile on her lips.

“Not at all darling, I think it’s nice that you have a hobby that you’re so passionate for,” Spike put the last of his comics in their boxes.

“Alright I’m done here, let’s get going, those gems won’t collect themselves-“ Spike bowed and held his arms towards the door “- after you milady.”

Rarity brightened up, “Astro Colt number one! That’s what I should get Spike. Oh he’ll be so happy,” she made her way to the counter where an earth pony stallion with a cutie mark that looked like a round shield with a star in the center. She rang the small service bell to get his attention, the pony turned around with a big smile on his face.

“Hello, welcome to Canterlot Comic Crypt! How may I… wait a minute, are you? Rarity?”

Rarity was taken aback, “Uh, yes. I’m sorry, but do I know you?”

The pony chuckled, “Well not personally, but Spike talks about you all the time.”

“Spike? Spike the Dragon? He comes all the way to Canterlot for comics?”

“Oh no, this is just my Canterlot branch, I’m originally from Ponyville, just like you, I just stop by every once in a while to see how things are going around here. I’m Cover Art, it’s nice to officially meet you Miss Rarity,” Cover Art held out his hoof and Rarity daintily held hers in a hoofshake.

“It’s nice to meet you as well Mr. Cover Art, perhaps since you and Spike are friends you can help me find a gift for him.”

“I’d be happy to, looking for a recommendation? We got a lot to choose from so it might be a bit overwhelming to sort through.”

Rarity shook her head, “Actually I already know what I want to get him. Do you have Astro Colt number one?” Cover Art had a look of disappointment on his face.

“Sorry Miss Rarity, that’s one thing I don’t have.”

“Well can you tell me where I might find one?”

“That’s the other thing, I have no idea. That issue is so rare most ponies think it’s just a rumor. I’ve only seen it once at Rainbow Falls not too long ago, but before I could find out what the owner wanted for it some psycho unicorn hoofball tackled me and traded for it.”

Rarity sighed, “I see, well, thank you for your time Mr. Cover Art,” she started heading towards the door when she paused for a moment and turned around, “Would you mind if you keep this a secret? I wouldn’t want to leak any spoilers to Spike.”

Cover Art raised a brow, “You’re still going to hunt down that comic?”

Rarity tossed her hair in a showy fashion, “Of course I am darling; I made a commitment to get this for Spike and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

“Heh-heh-heh, I like your attitude Miss Rarity. Good luck, you’re gonna need it.”

Rarity trotted outside and scratched her head, “Hmm, where am I supposed to go now? To another comic store obviously, but I don’t know what other stores there are in Canterlot.”

“Um, pardon me miss, but I think I can help.”

Rarity gave a quick “eep” before turning her head and seeing a tall unicorn stallion with a cool grey coat and dark grey hooves, a royal blue mane and tail, both short and curly. Sporting a black beret with a white sun pattern, glasses and a classy blue and black vest. His cutie mark is a silver fountainpen head drawing out and elegant "S" shape.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” the stallion said apologetically.

“That’s quite alright, but who are you?”

“My name’s Silver Wit, it’s nice to meet you,” he said with a slight bow.

“Nice to meet you too Mr. Wit, my name’s Rarity.”

“Wait, Rarity? Equestria’s famous couturier and the talk of every Manehattan fashion week, not to mention one of ponies that saves the world on a regular basis, that Rarity?”

“Mhmm, that’s certainly me,” Rarity responded with a voice filled with pride.

“Well it’s certainly an honor to meet a celebrity such as yourself.”

“You’re too kind darling, but as I recall, you’re quite the talk of the town as well, being an up and coming writer and everything.”

“Heh, now you’re being too kind, I’m just starting out. But then again, a novice has nowhere to go but up,” Silver Wit said scratching his head.

“No need to be so modest Mr. Wit I think you’re doing a splendid job, now what was it about you helping me?”

“Right, right, right, I couldn’t help but overhear you speaking with the owner of the shop, you’re looking for Astro Colt number one right?”

Rarity’s eyes gleamed, “Yes I am, I’m thinking one of the other comic stores might have it, but I don’t know where I’d even begin looking.”

“Hmm, you sure you want it? It could take you all day to find it, that is if anypony even has it.”

Rarity stood firm in form and voice, “I have to try, it’s for a very dear friend and I want to get him something special.”

Silver Wit then looked directly into Rarity’s eyes and stroked his chin with his hoof; Rarity was starting to get really uncomfortable being scrutinized; is staring you down just a normal thing for Canterlot ponies now or something? After a few more seconds Silver Wit chuckled and clapped his hooves together, “I see the determination in your eyes Miss Rarity; eyes of a true huntress. Yes, I can definitely help you.”

“Wait, eyes of a what?” Rarity said in confusion and concern.

Silver Wit took out a note pad and a fountain pen and began to jot down some notes and in no time he tore out the page and neatly folding it before passing it over to Rarity.

“That’s the name and addresses of the best shops in Canterlot from closest to farthest, I’m sure one of them will have it. Good luck in your hunt Miss Rarity!” and with a flash if his horn the strange unicorn teleported away, leaving behind a very bewildered and baffled fashionista.

“I guess…I should get started.”

Rarity looked up from the note Silver Wit gave her as she approached her first stop, “Cloud Nine comics,” a small building with sky blue paint with a trim that looked like clouds, a little on the nose, but effective decor nonetheless. Rarity stepped inside and heard the little chime on the door ring. A pegasus stallion at the counter turned his head with a smile.

“Welcome to Cloud Nine comics!” He said in a cheery voice.

“Good day to you sir, I was wondering if you had a copy of Astro Colt number one?” Rarity said, cutting to the chase. The pegasus then began laughing uncontrollably, which caused Rarity to raise a brow.

“Astro Colt number one? Maybe you’d like the Lead Wing variant of Power Ponies number forty-eight while you’re at it? Ha-ha-ha!”

“Uh, no just Astro Colt please,” Rarity replied with slight displeasure. Realizing that she didn’t understand his sarcasm the pegasus quickly composed himself.

“Look miss, I hate to break it to you, but what you’re looking for is so rare you have a better shot at asking to have tea with Princess Celestia.”

“I’ve had tea with Princess Celestia, it was just last week.”

The pegasus was momentarily stunned at the fact she just torpedoed his analogy with what he could only tell to be the truth, “My point is, unfortunately I can’t help you. And to be honest I have no idea who can.”

Rarity sighed, “Very well, I’ll just keep looking. Thank you for your time,” and with that Rarity spun on her hooves and left, scanning the note for the next stop.

After a bit of walking Rarity came to her next destination, “Shooting Star comics,” a rather large building painted in purples, blacks and blues, with bright shining stars with a big star with a flashy tail proclaiming the shop’s name, my these shops take their names quite literally don’t they? Rarity thought to herself. She stepped inside the store and was greeted by a dark purple unicorn mare, “Hello! Welcome to Shooting Star, can I help you find something today?” the mare said with a smile.

“I really hope so, I’m looking for a copy of Astro Colt number one,” Rarity formed an annoyed frown when the mare began laughing as hard as the pony from the first store, if not harder.

“Oh is that all? Would you also like a copy of Marvelous number one while you’re at it?” the mare continued her laughing fit, Rarity’s face was starting to tense up.

“No. Just Astro Colt. Please,” she said, frustration tainting each of her words.

The mare began to calm down sensing Rarity’s aggravation “Sorry, but we don’t have that issue, I don’t know any store that does.”

Rarity gave a vexed sigh, “Very well, the search continues,” she turned with a huff and left the store.

The next stop was “Garden Wall comics,” a building cobbled together with stone, cement with an accent of moss and flowers, Ok, keep it together Rarity, third time’s the charm after all, I’m sure this will be our last stop, Rarity hopefully wished to herself. She stepped inside and was greeted by a dark green earth pony stallion behind a counter.

“Can I help you with anything today miss?”

Rarity took a deep breath to compose herself, “Yes. I am looking for Astro Colt number one,” and once again the pony reacted like she just told him one of Pinkie Pie’s best rib tickling jokes, which was finally starting to try her patience.

“Hahaha! That’s a good one, do you also want-“

Rarity cut him off with a sharp and loud, “NO! I am not looking for anything other than Astro Colt! Do you have it or not?!”

The pony could do nothing but shake and utter a scared, “N-no, sorry,” before Rarity stormed out.

Celestia’s sun began painting the sky in vibrant oranges and reds as Rarity crossed out another name from her list. She’d been running around Canterlot all day from store to store and every time was the same answer, a big fat “no” with a laughing fit here and there. Her mane and tail was losing their luster and was frayed from the sweat of a day worth of combing the city. She had to wrap this up soon, comic or no comic she still had to meet with Fancy and Fleur before the day was up.

She approached the last store that was on the list, “Newbie Comics and Sports Cards,” a small wooden two story building overlooking a river at the edge of the city with a green awning that had the name of the store. “Well, this is the last store on the list, here goes nothing,” Rarity sighed and opened the door, just wanting to get the ridicule out of the way so she can get on with her day, or what’s left of it. When she stepped inside however she was a little surprised, there was something about the shop that made her stressors go away, green carpet, board games on display racks, glass cases filled with cards, thick Ogres and Oubliettes manuals and loads of comic books in neat, form fitting bags. It was nothing new to Rarity; she’s seen stuff like this all day long. But whether it was the lighting or something else, Rarity couldn’t help but feel relaxed here, like the store had a very cozy or homey atmosphere.

She trotted up to a tall unicorn behind the counter; he had a light blue coat with a light black mane and tail with a few gray strands in each, he has what looks like fanned out trading cards for his cutie mark and was going over an order list with pen in his magic grasp. He looked up from his work when he heard Rarity walk over the old wood in the floor.

“Oh hello, can I help you with anything?” he asked with a warm smile.

“I don’t know. To be perfectly frank I’ve been all over Canterlot trying to find something and, no offense, but I’m starting to wonder if anypony can help me. But I’ve come this far, so I’ll ask, do you have Astro Colt number one? It’s for a very dear friend of mine and I want to get him something nice,” Rarity braced herself for the same laughing storm she’d faced through out the day. But it never came; instead all she heard was the unicorn humming to himself then give a low whistle.

“He must be a very good friend if you’ve been looking for something like that for him.”

Rarity smiled, “He’s one of my best and dearest friends in all of Equestria. He helps me with my work, he’s always there to cheer me up, he’s a wonderful and willing ear, and he would drop everything he’d been doing just to make sure I’m all right. So to thank him for all he’s done, I wanted to get him something as special as he is and-” Rarity was cut off by the sound of chatter in the back of the store.

“So why couldn’t they just fly the eagles to the volcano? It’d cut out like a third of their trip. What, could they just not afford the insurance or something?” said a familiar voice.

“No, because if they did take the eagles then the ring specters would’ve found them,” said another voice with a Michicolt accent.

“But they’d be flying and it’d be faster than walking not to mention they had Starswirl the flippin’ Bearded with them, he’d be able to fight off the ring specters.”

“Well if you’re so hung up about this why not just ask Starswirl himself?”

“Because it’s not the actual Starswirl, it’s basically a novelization of fan-fiction. Hey do you think Starswirl gets royalties from that or something?”

Out of the back stepped two stallions, one was a beige colored pegasus with glasses and a chestnut colored mane, tail and bearded with what Rarity could only guess was a glow stick with a metal handle for a cutie mark, while the other pony was a very familiar unicorn.

“Silver Wit?” Rarity cocked her head to the side as she stared at the unicorn in confusion.

“Oh hi again Miss Rarity,” Silver Wit replied.

“How did you get here?”

This time Silver Wit cocked his head in confusion, “What do you mean? You saw me teleport.”

“Yes, but I’m just a little confused about what you are doing here? Do you work here?”

“No, no, I don’t work here; I’m here because this is the best comic book store in all of Canterlot, maybe all of Equestria. I always come here to help out and unwind.”

“Is that a fancy way of saying loitering?” chuckled the bearded Michicolt pony.

Silver Wit turned his nose up with a smirk, “Hey I give you guys plenty of business, I convinced Princess Celestia and Luna to buy their magazines here didn’t I? Not to mention how much I buy here on a regular basis,” the older unicorn couldn’t help but chuckle at the two young colt’s bickering, Silver Wit turned back to Rarity.

“Oh where are my manners, Miss Rarity this is” – Wit pointed to the unicorn– “Near Mint, and this” – he then pointed to the pegasus – “is Sky Trotter, these are the best guys in the business, apropos of why you’re here I assume you’re hunt has been unsuccessful?”

Rarity sighed, “You’re right in your assumption Mr. Wit, this was my last chance, not a single store on your list has had Astro Colt number one.”

“Well that’s fine, because we have it,” said Near Mint.

Rarity’s eyes lit up like fireworks, “W-What? Really? You actually have it?” she couldn’t believe her ears.

“Yep we sure do. Give me a moment and I’ll go fetch it,” Near Mint got up and made his way to the second floor of the building, Rarity was giddy at the news that her trial was finally over.

“Oh thank sweet Celestia that I finally found it, now I can go back to the boutique, freshen up, give Fleur her dress and- Wait a minute!” Rarity stomped over to Silver Wit, “You knew the comic I needed was here didn’t you?”

Silver Wit raised his hooves in defense, “What makes you say that?”

“You teleported back here after our meeting and after you gave me a list of what stores to go to, surely you would’ve checked here just to err on the side of caution and since there is a copy here, why didn’t you track me down with the list you gave me just to save me time, energy and furthermore stress?!”

Silver Wit couldn’t help the large genuine grin creeping across his muzzle, “Well, well, well, determined and sharp as a tack, I knew there was something special about you”- Wit struck a dramatic pose –“Yes it’s true! I did know there was a copy of Astro Colt here and that I neglected to tell you, you caught me red hoofed Shadow Spade!”

Rarity was beginning to growl, “And why is that?”

Wit chuckled completely immune to Rarity’s seething, “Oh come on Miss Rarity, what’s the harm in a good natured venture?”

“Good natured venture? Just look at me! My mane and tail are a mess; I’ve been running across all of Canterlot and am sweating like a farmer in summer! And now I find out that you’ve just been lounging about waiting for me instead of making my life easier!”

“So it would’ve been easier if I popped in and brought you here at the drop of a hat?” Wit questioned.

“Of course it would have!”

Wit’s ears drooped slightly, “Aww but where’s the fun in that?”

“Fun?” Rarity was almost floored by his question.

“Yeah, part of the fun in comic hunting is tracking down that one issue you’re missing, the excitement of going through boxes hoping to find that one diamond in the rough and trying your luck elsewhere when all else fails, of course it’d be easy to just go to one spot and find what you’re looking for but there’d be less satisfaction in it, imagine if the gems you used in your lovely winter collection were so common that anypony could dig them up, would you be satisfied with the outcome?”

Rarity felt her stomach churn at the mention of the word common to describe her designs, “No, I suppose it wouldn’t be as special then. If at all.”

“Exactly! Not to mention now you know what it’s like when your special somepony goes out comic hunting.”

Rarity blushed, “H-he’s not my special somepony, he’s just a good friend.”

Wit looked slightly embarrassed, “Oops, sorry, I guess I jumped to conclusions.”

By that time Near Mint was coming back down to the first floor and Wit said a silent prayer to Celestia, thanking her for the end of any awkwardness.

“Here we go, one copy of Astro Colt number one,” he laid it on the counter for Rarity to see, the cover has the same character as Spike’s other issues, standing triumphantly with a shimmering futuristic city in the background, the number “1” shown in the top left corner.

Rarity started laughing, “Ha-ha! That’s it! I’ve finally found it!” she then realized how unladylike she must have appeared right then and there and gave an embarrassed cough, “I’m so relieved you have it, I’ll take it, how much do I owe you good sir?” she said in her more dignified tone. Silver Wit stepped up and waved a hoof.

“This one’s on me Miss Rarity," Wit said. "Think of it as a token of apology for the day you’ve had.”

“Oh darling there’s no need for that, I wouldn’t feel right taking something so valuable for nothing.”

“Well then how about this? If I ever need a fitting or an emergency beret repair, I’ll come see you.”

Rarity smiled, “Deal, thank you ever so much Mr. Wit, even if your way of doing things is…odd, I still appreciate your help. And by the way, you can call me Rarity.”

“Only if you call me Wit.”

Rarity placed the sealed up comic in her saddlebags, said her goodbyes and left the shop, after the front door closed Near Mint trotted up to Wit.

“You sure about this?”

“Of course I am, that was the extra I picked up at Rainbow Falls anyways, I still have my original,” Wit replied.

“Really? Cause you might as well be part dragon for how easily it is for you to let something go from your collection,” Sky Trotter added.

“You guys didn’t see her like I saw her. When I first met her I saw the fire in her eyes, the untapped determination, the drive to finish what she set out to do, trust me when I say that’s a filly who gets what she wants and what she wanted today was something special for somepony special, call it writer’s intuition. Although I hope she can learn to be a bit more patient in the future.”

Outside the shop, Rarity was happily trotting down the sidewalk heading in the direction of the boutique, I can’t believe I actually got it, she thought to herself, I can’t wait for Spike to see this, he’ll flip over the castle and the school for that matter in a single leap, she giggled at the thought of an acrobatic Spike, Though it’s not exactly what I was expecting, I can’t deny this has been quite exhilarating, she paused for a moment when another thought crossed her mind, I wonder if Spike wouldn’t mind letting me join him on his next comic hunt?

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, I wanted this chapter to be up last week, but no dice, then I wanted it up by Thanksgiving, but that didn't work out, But now it's ready, or as ready as it'll be. Not too comfortable with this chapter to be honest, I think the pacing is all off and that's just the tip of my grips, but I've kept you all waiting long enough and I want to get to chapter 3 before 2019.

Before anyone flames me, yes that is indeed my ponysona, made by a very dear friend of mine which will be my profile picture when she finishes him up and while I find authors putting their personas in fanfic to be a bit faffy I said to myself, "Wait, this is a chapter where Rarity goes out hunting for comic books, this in itself is nothing but faff," plus I find it more faffy and annoying when an authors' persona takes the role of a major character from a major character or just shows up to fist bump (or in this case hoof bump) them, gush and then skips out.

Just a little FYI, I'm REALLY into comic books (no I've never tackled anyone for an issue, but I have thought about it) and I'm a HUGE fan of Osamu Tezuka (if I was being too subtle about the Astro Boy reference I'm sorry), and if the little tidbit in the first chapter referencing "Nightmarity" didn't tip you off I truly adore the MLP comics, they're all great reads and most of this story will either be inspired by or based off of stories in the comics (can't wait to start the :insert name here: arc, I'll have fun writing that).

The store "Newbies" is actually based on an actual comic book store I go to called "Rookies" when I visit my family in Michigan and the two ponies that work there are based on the actual owner and one of his employees, actually the dialogue Wit and Sky Trotter have about the eagles is based on an actual conversation we had once about Lord of the Rings and the topic of Hobbits not being able to afford flight insurance was one of the "points" I brought up.