• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,956 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Mixed Nuts

Well, well, well. What have we here? Came a voice from the darkness.

Rarity’s eyes widened as panic began to rise. She held her head as pain threatened to split it open. “No… no! Leave me alone!”

You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself darling. The accursed voice of the nightmare echoed throughout the darkened room. Dinner, dancing and then you start looking at Spike like you’re a hopeless school filly?

Rarity yelped as she felt something graze her hoof. “It’s not like that!”

Lies? Didn’t I tell you that there’s no point in lying? I know you better than anypony, quite possibly more than you know yourself. How strange, you feeling these emotions for somepony you maimed?

Rarity rubbed her eyes as the shadows began to shift around the room. “You shouldn’t be here! Spike! He-he forgave me! Why are you still-?”

Ohhh, Spike forgave you did he? Well, isn’t that nice? But that isn’t enough, now is it? Funny, you maul one of your “dearest friends,” and you think his forgiveness is all you need to be rid of me? Rarity screamed as a thud rang out in the room along with the sound of scratching. No. Oh, no, no, no! You can’t do that, and I won’t let you do that! You see Rarity, you’re stuck with me and I’m afraid you’re going to be stuck with me until the day comes; that wonderful day when you finally crack, when your heart falls to despair and your mind is putty in my hoof! Every day is just one step closer to when you finally break! When you finally…

Rarity could feel the breath on her ear. “Submit to me.”

Rarity screamed. She bolted up so hard and so fast that she fell out of her bed and crashed onto the floor. She gasped and wheezed as she tried to get her breath under control. Her heart was beating harder than she ever felt in her life. Her hooves were shaking and Rarity could still feel the sweat and goosebumps all over her body. She picked herself up and began to cry into her sheets, with the only comfort being that she was back in her room in Ponyville. When she calmed down enough, Rarity opened the curtains and let the sunlight in. Not that it mattered much, Rarity slept with all the lights on, she even went so far as to buy bulbs with higher watts. She couldn’t stand the dark, she was terrified of going down her own hallway at night, like she was back to being a four-year-old filly.

With tears fully spent, Rarity decided to start her day. Perhaps some sun and fresh air will help calm her nerves.

And perhaps Spike was free as well.

Regrettably, strolling into the Castle of Friendship wasn’t really a viable option. After what happened with Twilight at the hospital, Rarity has done everything she could to avoid the princess. Luckily Rarity hasn’t run into her at any point since the fashionista’s return, not even at the school. So Rarity had to wait and see if Twilight left the castle and quickly see if Spike was available or not. Fortunately, Rarity spotted Twilight leaving her home with Flash in tow. Probably going out shopping together, which gave Rarity a perfect window to get inside. After waiting a minute or so longer to make sure Twilight wouldn’t notice her, the snow-white mare quickly, but quietly entered the castle.

Once inside, she wasted no time. She made a beeline for Spike’s room and knocked on his door. “Spike? Spike are you there?”

Rarity knocked again and at this point, curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door. Spike was indeed in his room, he was at his desk, writing something out on a piece of paper, every once in a while erasing something while mumbling something like, “Not, not good enough,” or “That’s lame, she deserves better than that.”

Rarity trotted closer. “So sorry to disturb you darling, but I was wondering if you’d like to spend the day together? It’s so lovely outside, perhaps we could take a quick excursion to the gem caves? Or, maybe we can go to the comic book store? I know how much you enjoy it, and I’m sure that will be enjoyable as well.”

But Spike didn’t turn around, still engrossed in whatever he was working on. Rarity decided to trot a bit closer.

“Spikey? What are you working on?”

Spike jumped. “Rarity!-“ he quickly covered the paper with his claws. “-Wh-what are you doing here?”

“I was curious if you wished to spend the day together,” Rarity said as she tried to get a peek of what was written on the paper. “It’s an absolutely gorgeous day and- “

“Gee, I’d love to Rarity!” Spike said as he folded his paper and took nervous steps to the door. “But I have other plans, I’ll talk to you later, bye!” Spike waved and then dashed down the hall.

“I just don’t understand it Pinkie,” Rarity sighed as she strolled through town with her hyperactive friend (though in Pinkie Pie’s case, she was bouncing alongside Rarity). “Spike was behaving so odd. I respect his privacy and all, but there was just something about him that didn’t sit well with me…”

“Aww, I’m sure you’re just overthinking things!” Pinkie Pie assured. “Maybe Spike has a big project for Twilight, or maybe he has an important letter, or maybe- OH MY GOSH!” Pinkie dragged Rarity over to what caught her eye. It was the Ponyville joke and novelty shop, with a banner reading, “Under New Ownership” over the door.

“Well I’ll be,” Rarity said. “I didn’t think the owner would ever sell his business. I’m sure he was running it since I was a filly.”

“I guess Clown Shoes finally decided to retire,” Pinkie said. “I’ll have to remember to stop by to see him, but that’s NOT the issue. The new owner might be new to Ponyville! I have to meet them and find out what kind of cake they like, cause I gotta throw a ‘Welcome to Ponyville party’ asap!”

Pinkie Pie ran into the shop with Rarity following after. Inside the store, everything looked the same, or at the very least standard. Whoopee cushions, chattering wind-up teeth, cans of “peanut brittle,” plastic spiders on poles with strings, googly eyed glasses and rubber chickens. Again, pretty standard.

“Well everything looks the same to me,” Pinkie said as she picked up and giggled at a novelty hat with an arrow running through the crown.

“I’ll take your word for it darling,” Rarity said as she cringed at the sight of earwax flavored gum. “Can’t say I’ve spent much time here myself…” Just then Rarity ran to the window, pressing her hooves on the glass, her jaw dropped and confused croaks could be heard.

“Really?” Pinkie said, somehow not noticing that Rarity had other things on her mind at that moment. “That’s a shame, this is like, the bestest store in Ponyville!”

“Hello, welcome to Ponyville joke and novelty…” a voice lacking any and all enthusiasm said.

“Waaaaaaaait a second! I know that voice! I’d know it even if I was at a huge party with a fishbowl on my head!” Pinkie drew her attention to the counter, where a very familiar long-legged stallion sat. He had a curly chocolate brown mane and a saffron coat, with a yellow collard shirt. Pinkie Pie didn’t even need to see his cutie mark to know that it was-

“Cheese Sandwich! Eeeeeee!” Pinkie was at the counter faster than a blink. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you tell me you were visiting? Did you buy this shop? What have you been up to?”

“Oh. You know. Stuff…” Cheese said with the same bored monotone he used in his greeting.

“What’s the matter Cheese?” Pinkie’s voice was laced with concern. “You’re not smiling, singing, or laughing and you look all, ‘blegh.’”

Cheese whimpered, “Pinkie Pie, I don’t know how else to say this. But… I lost my laugh!”

Pinkie’s gasp was so big it nearly sucked all the merchandise off the shelves. “WHAT!? But- but, a Cheese Sandwich that can’t laugh is like a cupcake without frosting or a pinata without candy or a cannon without confetti! How did this happen!?”

Cheese sighed, “I don’t know… see, I recently set up a factory to help make all of my supplies. But as I kept working on sillier and sillier gags, eventually I just couldn’t bring myself to laugh at anything. I tried to think of what could’ve happened but nothing came up. Then I remembered you and your letters always mentioning how Ponyville is the best place in Equestria where it’s impossible to be down. So I left the factory in the care of my business partner and came here, and I bought this store in hopes that it’d put the spark back in my laugh, but nothing’s worked.” Cheese’s eyes began to water before faceplanting the counter.

Pinkie grabbed Cheese by the shoulders and lifted him up. “Well don’t you worry Cheese! I, Pinkimina Diane Pie will give you the ultimate Pinkie promise and tell you that I will not rest until your laugh is back! And with Rarity’s help we’ll!”- Pinkie reached out to pull her friend into the conversation, but quickly realized that the only thing she pulled in was empty air. In fact, Pinkie and Cheese were the only ponies in the store

“Rarity?” Pinkie called out. “Rarity! Where’d you go?”

“What the devil are you doing Rarity?” the fashionista said to herself as she ducked behind a barrel. “This is beneath you; it isn’t like you. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I should just go back to Pinkie Pie and forget what I saw. After all, it’s not my business.” But Rarity ignored her own reasoning and continued to make her way quickly and quietly down the street, catching up to what caught her eye in the first place.

Spike was strolling around town with a griffon girl. And from what Rarity saw from the novelty shop window, the two of them seemed close.

Rarity watched as the two chatted and laughed as they ate ice cream together. Every once in a while the grey griffon dropped off a package or a letter to somepony. Rarity couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Was Spike… dating this girl? “Wh-who cares?” Rarity whispered. “It’s not my concern who Spike dates. He’s free to date whomever he wishes. Even if it’s not…” Rarity shook her head vigorously and ducked behind a hedge before Spike noticed her.

“I need to investigate.”

Rarity peeked up from the newspaper she’d been “reading,” eyes peered through her thick sunglasses and watched as Spike and the griffon browsed the open-air market, still laughing amongst themselves, still walking a little too close for Rarity’s liking. Just then, Spike and the griffon stopped by the flower stand. Rarity couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Spike motioned to the many bouquets on display with a blush. The griffon rubbed her chin and after a moment or two, she pointed to an arrangement of green and lavender orchids, with a few red roses in the mix. Spike paid Rose Luck and passed the bouquet to the griffon, who giggled and gently placed it in her satchel.

In an instant, Rarity’s newspaper was ripped right down the middle and her jaw tightened. “What just happened?” she growled.

“Well, if I had to guess,” came a voice. “I’d say that Spike just gave that griffon a bunch of flowers.” Rarity let out a small “eep!” before facing the pony. It was Trixie, casually munching on an apple and looking only mildly interested in what she saw.

“T-Trixie!?” Rarity quickly covered her mouth and jumped behind the bench she was sitting on. “How-how long have you been watching?”

“Oh, a little bit before you tore through that paper in a jealous fit.”

“Jealous?” Rarity scoffed. “Pff, that’s ridiculous! A lady does not feel jealousy!’ Rarity crossed her hooves in a huff.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Uh huh, yeah, Trixie can tell you’re hung up on Spike dating this girl but-“

“So they are dating!?”

“I don’t know, maybe. Trixie just saw the same thing you did. Look what I was trying to say, is that you should just accept that you're jealous over this. And if it makes you feel better, even Trixie has bouts of jealousy, even after burying the hatchet with Twilight.”

Rarity raised a brow. “That’s… a really big confession coming from you.”

The showmare blushed. “W-well! Starlight said that it’s important to admit your issues so you can deal with them, and Trixie agrees! The point is, if you don’t get over this whole jealousy thing, it’ll only get worse. Good luck.” Trixie trotted off and tossed the rest of her apple into her mouth.

Rarity grumbled. There’s no reason for the fashionista to be jealous. Spike’s free to see whomever he pleases. Rarity was just… curious is all. Besides, what if this griffon was bad news and wanted to hurt Spike? Yes, that’s the reason. Rarity jumped up from her hiding spot as she realized that she lost sight of Spike and ran off to look for him.

Nearby, a pony just finished eating a banana and tossed it into the trash, which was quickly scooped up by a pink hoof and placed on the ground.

“Ok Cheese!” Pinkie said. “Just watch this and be sure to hold your sides!” Pinkie Pie took a running start and jumped onto the peel, which slid her over the ground, Pinkie then expertly timed her fall to land face first into a pie, which was placed on a see-saw, which launched a collection of balloons into the air and splattered on Pinkie, covering her in chocolate pudding. “Huh? Huuuuuh?” Pinkie egged.

Unfortunately, Cheese Sandwich just shook his head with a glum expression.

“Aww,” Pinkie whined. “I thought that’d work for sure…”

After a few minutes of chatting and chuckles, Spike and the griffon’s next stop was to a booth, with very fancy and decadent chocolates displayed behind crystal clear glass. Rarity peered out from behind the fence. Taking a moment to make sure her scarf was covering her mane and that her trench coat covered up any other identifying features. Rarity watched with gritted teeth as the griffon sampled some of the chocolates, shaking her head to some, nodding to others. Eventually Spike picked out an assortment of treats, from chocolate dipped strawberries to truffles and a few raspberry sticks. The chocolatier quickly placed all of Spike’s order into a box with a lovely ribbon and passed it to the drake. The griffon made some kind of comment that flustered Spike, as he handed the box to the griffon who smiled and placed the box of chocolates into her satchel.

The sound of splintering wood could be heard under Rarity’s hooves. It wasn’t possible was it? First the ice cream, then the flowers, and now chocolates? And what’s worse, was all the attention Spike was giving to this girl. He truly seemed like he had a connection to her, something well beyond the superficial. And what was worse…

“He used to look at me like that…”

“Like what?” came a voice from behind Rarity.

Again the incognito mare yelped and ducked behind her hiding space, coming face to face with Autumn Blaze. The Kirin sported a small cart behind her and looked quizzically at the unicorn.

“Woah, did you do this to the fence? You’re stronger than I thought Rarity.”

“Autumn!” Rarity peeked through the damaged fence, luckily Spike nor the griffon seemed to notice them. “Don’t you know it’s rude to sneak up on somepony?”

Autumn gasped, “Oh gosh! I didn’t mean to! But, then why are you trying to sneak up on somepony?”

Rarity blushed. “I-I-I wasn’t sneaking up on anypony!”

Autumn tapped a hoof to her chin. “Huh. Maybe there’s a bit of a cultural difference, cause it really looks like you’re sneaking up on Spike and Gabby.”

“Gabby? Wait, you know that griffon?”

The Kirin nodded. “Sure do! She delivers letters to the farm every once in a while and I see her hanging out with Applebloom and her friends. She sure is nice; nicest griffon I’ve ever met, though I’ve only met two so far, but I think that still counts. She sure seems to get along well with Spike, no wonder you seem bent out of shape. You’re jealous, aren’t you?”

“A lady doesn’t get jealous!” Rarity snapped. “I’m just curious is all.”

“Is that why you’re dressed all secretive and stuff?”

“W-well… I thought about starting a new trend is all.”

Autumn’s eyes widened. “Oooooh, really? That sounds cool! I’d love to walk around like a spy! Creeping though the streets and keeping an eye out for shadows; I’ll have to try it out sometime. Maybe I can get AJ to join me. Speaking of which, I gotta get back to Sweet Apple Acres, AJ’s expecting me. She’s so sweet, she said I could bring some plants back from the Peaks of Peril for the farm, but they’re not great in the cold like trees, maybe I can get one of those greenhouses or something, anyways I’ll see you later Rarity! Good luck in getting your new trend off the ground!” Autumn then trotted off, looking as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

Autumn’s words rang in Rarity’s head. Was she jealous of Spike? No, this wasn’t jealousy, this was concern… and maybe curiosity too. Either way, Rarity continued her pursuit, determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.

“Aww, I don’t know what else to do!” Pinkie Pie cried not too far away, dragging her hooves across the ground. “I’ve tried slap-stick, standup, pranks, subversive comedy, over the top antics, puns, and topical humor! I even tried the best knock-knock jokes I’ve ever crafted and nothing’s worked!” Pinkie moped as her mane and mood visibly deflated.

Cheese Sandwich patted Pinkie’s shoulder. “Don’t beat yourself up Pinkie, you did your best. But I just gotta face the facts. If the funniest pony in Equestria can’t make me laugh, I guess I’ll never be able to laugh again. I’m sorry I got you roped into this Pinkie; this whole thing has just been a cost lause…”

There was a sound of a nearby pony stifling a chuckle that made Cheese spin his head.

“Wait. What did you just do?”

Rarity dashed through the streets, keeping her eyes peeled for Spike and Gabby. One little distraction after another and now she was scrambling around Ponyville trying to find them again. Rarity paused to catch her breath. Didn’t she already come down this street before? Either that or there are two antique shops with the same exact name in town.

“Alright…” Rarity gasped. “Think Rarity, think! I came from that direction, then I made the left, and then… aghh! This is maddening!” Just then her ears swiveled as she caught the sounds of a familiar laugh. She sprung up and ran in the direction it came from. She rounded the corner and sure enough, there was Spike and Gabby, only problem was… They’re closer than I thought! Rarity realized too little too late, as Spike heard the clop of running hooves and turned his attention to-


Rarity stopped dead in her tracks, nearly tripping over herself. “O-oh! Spike! How, um, nice it is to run into you!”

Uh, yeah. What’s with the get up?”

“The get up? Oh, the get up! Well, you see… I was trying out a new style! Uh… spy couture…?” Rarity fought the urge to slap her own forehead over that ridiculous name.

“Oh, so you’re Rarity!” Gabby said in an overly cheery tone and reached out for Rarity’s hoof with both of her claws and shook it vigorously. “Hi I’m Gabby Griffon! I’ve heard so much about you! It’s nice to finally meet you!”

“Y-yes, it’s nice to meet you too darling. I’ve heard a lot about you as well.”

Gabby giggled, “I hope Spike’s only told you good things about me!”

“Yes he has, well actually, he didn’t. I heard it from Autumn Blaze and-“

“Um, Rarity?” Spike interrupted. “What’s going on?”

“Wh-what do you mean darling?” Rarity said with a smile that she hoped didn’t look suspicious.

“Well. You’re dressed all secretive, you’re out of breath and you seem really flustered. Is everything all right?”

“Wh-whatever do you mean?” the mare stammered. “Secretive? I’m just… uh… I was on my way to...” Rarity sighed. No point in making herself look more foolish than she already does. “Spike, the truth is… I’ve been following you…”

Spike raised a brow. “Huh? Why were you following me?”

Rarity removed her glasses and scarf. “Well… I was curious is all. You were acting strange this morning and then I saw you out and… it looked like you were having so much fun with Gabby, I suppose I… got a little jealous as well. I’m so sorry Spike. I didn’t mean to interrupt your date; it wasn’t and isn’t my business. Can you forgive me?”

The feathers around Gabby’s neck and cheeks puffed out as her eyes widened. “A… d-d-date!?”

Spike blushed furiously. “R-Rarity! We weren’t on a date!”

It was Rarity’s turn to be baffled. “You… you’re not?”

“No, no, no! Gabby and I are just friends. She’s the official messenger of Griffonstone, and she likes to help out around Ponyville delivering letters and stuff. And I help her out sometimes.”

“But… the ice cream?”

“We like to get ice cream when delivering letters. It’s… kinda our thing.”

“What about the flowers and the chocolates?”

“Wow,” Gabby marveled. “You’ve been following us for a while.”

Rarity’s silence and aversion to look Gabby in the eyes was enough of an answer

Spike gulped. “W-well… I needed another girls opinion on what to get… um…”

Gabby reached into her satchel and handed Spike the bouquet and the box of chocolates. Spike seemed to freeze in place, before Gabby gave Spike a firm pat on the back.

“H-here, Rarity. These… these are for you…” Spike passed the gifts to Rarity. It was the very same bouquet of flowers and the same box Rarity saw Spike buying earlier.

“These… these are for me?” Rarity said in disbelief. “What… whatever for?”

“Rarity. I was a real jerk at the hospital… and you still went out of your way to take care of me. I feel like I haven’t really done anything to repay you. So, I asked Gabby if she could help me pick out a gift for you… I know it’s not much, compared to what you did for me, but I hope you like it.”

Rarity couldn’t believe what she just heard. She was running around all day out of some ridiculous jealous fantasy over Spike not wanting to spend time with her, only to discover that Spike wanted to surprise her with a most generous gift. She was really feeling ridiculous.

“Spike… I… I don’t know what to say. It’s lovely, darling… thank you very much. But you really didn’t have to.”

“I… was happy to do it. I’m glad you like it.”

Just then all three heard the sound of pops, bangs and an accordion solo.

“What the devil?” Rarity remarked.

“What’s going on?” Spike said.

“I think it came from over here!” Gabby said as she flew off, with the other two following after her.

Eventually the three of them came to an open section of town where there seemed to be an elaborate song and dance happening. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, sporting a stylish yellow suit and matching top hat stood atop a giant three-layer cake, confetti flying freely as the other residents of Ponyville fell in synch with each other.

“Then that’s all I need to do! That’s all I need to see! I thought I needed laughter, but it had to come from me!” Cheese sang.

“Squirting flowers and knobby knees! Rubber chickens and dungarees! If you want laughter, then stick with Cheeeeeeeeeeese!” Sang everypony. The song ended with laughter and cheers. Pinkie clapped her hooves.

“WOOHOO! I’m so, so, so happy you got your laugh back Cheese, this is the best!” then Pinkie’s normally cheery smile fell. “Oh. I guess that means you gotta go right? Back to your factory or back to wandering around Equestria…”

Cheese looked sad for a moment as well, but then smiled. “Well… I’m sure my business partner can handle things on his own if I check on him every once in a while. And as much as I love wandering Equestria, I think it’ll be even more rewarding if I have somepony to party plan with.”

Pinkie Pie gasped, “Wait! Are you saying what I think you’re saying!?”

Cheese nodded. “Yep! I think I’ll make Ponyville my homebase!”

Pinkie’s squeals rang out as she gave Cheese a bear hug.

“Did… did we miss something?” Spike asked.

“I don’t… well, maybe.” Rarity said.

Rarity trotted through her front door and sighed. Today certainly turned out livelier than what she was expecting. She gave her bouquet of flowers a sniff and admired the delicate blooms and sweet fragrance wafting from them. Rarity’s heart fluttered when she remembered that Spike bought them for her. She made her way to the kitchen; Rarity had the perfect vase in mind to display them in. She set her gifts down and set about to find the vase in question. One check in a cupboard later and Rarity found her vase, it was crystal-clear with some intricate designs in the glass. She set it in the sink and began to fill it up with water.


Rarity jumped. She couldn’t handle anypony else surprising her, especially not in her own house. Standing in the door frame to the kitchen was one filly she wasn’t expecting.

“Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?”

Sweetie looked at the floor and sighed, “I was looking for you… but you were out. Can we talk?”

“Of course darling, please, take a seat.” Rarity pulled out the chairs at her table and the sisters sat down. “So… what is it you wished to talk about Sweetie?”

Sweetie Belle still wasn’t looking at Rarity. “I… I heard about Spike… what you did for him…”

“Oh… you did, did you?”

“Yeah… I was wondering why you didn’t come back… you were taking care of Spike this whole time… weren’t you?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes darling, I was. You were right. About everything you said to me at the hospital… I was the worst pony in Equestria and an even worse friend… but I swore, even if it was the last thing I did, I was going to make sure Spike was healed…”

“Rarity… I don’t know if I can forgive you yet… but I don’t want to be angry at you anymore… can we be sisters again?”

“Sweetie Belle. We were always sisters.”

Sweetie Belle got out of her chair and hugged her big sister with misty eyes. “I missed you Rarity…”

Rarity returned the hug and stroked the filly's mane. “I missed you too darling. I know it’ll be some time before you can forgive me, but I’m so glad you’re here. I promise, I’ll never do something so terrible again.”

“You better not,” Sweetie said into Rarity’s chest. “Or else I’ll be really mad.”

After Sweetie Belle’s departure, Rarity returned to the kitchen and centered her vase on the table. She removed the flowers from their wrapping and placed them in their new home. Just as Rarity suspected, it looked superb. Then something caught Rarity’s eye, there was a white envelop on the table, it must’ve fallen out of the wrapping. Perhaps one of Gabby’s letters got mixed up in the bouquet? But it had Rarity’s name written on the front and Rarity could tell that it was in Spike’s script. She opened the top of the envelop and removed the letter within. It was covered in eraser marks and shavings. Was this the letter Spike was writing this morning?

Rarity gently blew the shavings away and began to read.

Dear Rarity.
Words can’t explain how grateful I am for you. I know you couldn’t have asked for a worse patient. And I certainly apologize for that, but I’m writing you this letter as a way, in even the smallest sense, to say thank you for your hard work and generosity. Truth be told, I’m glad that it was you who took care of me. I know I wasn’t at first, but I’m happy that it was you who stood by me. You certainly made things a lot less scary for me back in Canterlot and we even got a great meal and a dance out of it. Thank you for standing by me for as long as you did and thank you for putting up with my stubbornness. You really are the best friend a dragon can ask for.



Rarity smiled as a comforting warmth was felt through her chest. The mare made herself comfortable in her seat and opened her box of sweets. She picked out a raspberry chocolate stick, gave it a small nibble, and hummed in delight. Then Rarity picked Spike’s letter up, and decided to read it again.

And again, and again.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay on this one folks, I honestly thought I'd have more time to finish it. I was thinking I'd have it done during my trip to Colorado, but there was NO chances of that. I was running around everyday and had an absolute blast! So much so I'm just aching to go back and visit. Now I see what John Denver, Matt Stone and Trey Parker see in it, Colorado's awesome with some of the friendliest people I've ever met. And now I feel like a Rocky Mountain Jehova's Witness, but I digress!

So if you didn't quite catch it, yes, this chapter is basically my own retelling of "Dragon Dropped," with a little "The Last Laugh" thrown in there to get Cheese into the story. The funny thing is, I rewatched Dragon Dropped again to prepare for this chapter to make sure I didn't screw anything up, but if anything (and this MIGHT be hubris talking) it would be dang near impossible to screw up this chapter compared to the actual episode. I kinda hold a grudge against that episode, mainly because an episode that could've reignited the Sparity ship was kneecapped from both Spike AND Rarity being jerks to each other. Though I have nothing against Gabby and I do friend-ship her with Spike, but geez, I don't think I've ever felt so betrayed by an episode in MLP before. In summary I hope you liked my reinterpretation.

Anyhoo, I have a bit of news! I wanted to say that I'll be taking a small break from "Life and Times." But for good reason! I want to take some time to start planning for some side stories tying into the "Sil-verse" (Thank you Pastel for the name) and for the next and final arc which will lead into a sequel story. Also I really want to finish my "Over the Moon" story and I should really be devoting more time to it. I really hope you'll all join me on this upcoming journey and enjoy it as much as I will.

One more thing, am I the only one who thinks "The Last Laugh" is a criminally underrated song? That's a dang good song if I've ever heard one and I'm shocked that Weird Al didn't write it.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit