• Published 2nd Nov 2018
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The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

  • ...

The New You

“Now, watch me again. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four,” Rarity said as she walked across the lawn behind the Castle of Friendship, her steps were slow and exaggerated to show every movement in her legs and hooves. Spike watched Rarity’s movement closely, seeing every motion of muscle in her alabaster legs, the way her perfectly polished hooves touched the vibrant green of the grass, her well conditioned mane bouncing with each step and the way her body- Spike turned his head to hide his growing blush.

Rarity spun around to face Spike. “And that’s all there is to it, now you try. Uh, Spike?”

Spike snapped back to attention. “Yes?”

“Were you paying attention to me at all?”

“Oh I was paying attention all right…”

“Good, then try walking again.”

Spike took a deep breath as he took his first step. His early attempts at walking resulted in him slipping, tripping and falling down the stairs. Going from bipedal to a quadruped overnight isn’t an easy change to get used to. But Rarity was determined to help and as Spike took further and further steps her teaching efforts was beginning to show. Spike grew more and more confidant with each step as he put one claw in front of the other.

Rarity walked alongside Spike as he walked forward. “Ok, now try turning.” Spike pivoted on his front claw, pushed off his back claw and made a sharp turn. “Wonderful darling! You’re doing great!”

Spike chuckled. “Heh, I never thought I’d have to learn how to walk again.”

A voice came above Spike’s head, “You know, I can still remember the day you took your first steps-“ Twilight swooped down and landed before Spike, “- it was so cute the way you waddled around my room.”

“Twilight!” Spike cried in embarrassment.

“Welcome back Twilight, how was your meeting with the mayor?” Rarity asked.

Twilight smiled. “Good! Smolder, Starlight and I explained the whole situation to Mayor Mare and she sent out a bulletin to let the rest of the town know what happened to Spike.”

Rarity looked around. “Where is Smolder? And Starlight for that matter?”

“Smolder said she had a study session with her friends and Starlight said she was late for a magic lesson with Trixie. So
it’ll just be the three of us today.”

“So what are we doing today?” Spike asked.

“Well I thought it’d be a good idea to take a walk through town and show ponies the new you. Gives you a chance to get used to your new body and gives ponies a chance to see your growth for themselves,” Twilight said.

Spike nervously fidgeted with his claws and gulped. “Gee, I don’t know about that Twilight. Me around everypony looking like this? It just sounds… bad.”

Twilight placed a hoof on his claw. “You have nothing to worry about. Remember what Smolder said? This isn’t like your birthday; you’re still the same Spike as before. And besides, you won’t be alone, you’ll be walking with me and Rarity.”

“That’s right Spiky, we’ll be right by your side every step of the way. And do you really think the ponies in Ponyville will see you any differently? They’ve lived alongside you for years, I’m sure they can handle a change like this,” Rarity said.

A small smile crept across Spike’s face. “Yeah. Yeah you’re right, I’m just being silly. But, um, you promise you guys will walk around with me right?”

“Of course we will Spike. We’ll be with you for as long as you want,” Twilight said warmly.

“Well alright, let’s go see what’s happening in Ponyville,” Spike said with confidence. With the comforting support of his friends, Spike walked into town with his head held high

The reactions of the ponies in town were a mixed bag. Some stared with wide eyes and open mouths, others rubbed their eyes to make sure they weren’t hallucinating and others just waved and said “hello.” But luckily to Spike’s relief nopony looked scared of him. He strode through town with Twilight and Rarity at his side, waving back at ponies as he passed by. The three turned down a narrow street.

“So? How are you feeling Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Pretty good. I guess I was just overreacting; ponies don’t really seem to mind me. But it is a little weird getting this much attention,” Spike replied.

“You can’t blame them for being curious darling, no need to be shy about it. You’re doing just fine,” Rarity said.

“I am? That’s a relief.” Spike continued walking until he came to an unexpected dip in the road. He stepped in the dip and lost his balance, belly flopping on the ground.

“Spike! Are you ok?” Twilight asked.

“Y-yeah, I’m alright. Just tripped up,” Spike replied. As he got up his tail swung out from behind him, sending barrels flying, ponies ducked and dodged as the barrels smashed into the walls behind them. Spike hearing the commotion turned around. “S-sorry everypony!” Spike’s tail swung out again, this time slamming into a cart full of cabbages, the cart speeded down the road and crashed into a tree. “Sorry again!” Spike said.

Twilight’s magic held Spike’s tail in place. “Maybe we should move somewhere less, uh, cramped.”

They took the nearest exit to the more wide-open parts of town and then spotted the open-air café. Sitting at one of the tables was a familiar yellow Pegasus and a long lanky chaos god.

“Is that Fluttershy and Discord?” Rarity asked.

“I’d say that’s a pretty safe bet,” Twilight responded. “C’mon Spike, let’s go say hi.”

Spike tensed up. “I don’t know… I wouldn’t want to scare Fluttershy.”

Rarity giggled, “Darling, Fluttershy has come a long way since then. Besides, I doubt she’d be scared of you,surprised or startled maybe but not scared. Trust me.”

“Well if you say so.”

The party of three walked to the café to meet with their friends. Fluttershy and Discord were engaged in light conversation, every so often Discord would laugh or Fluttershy would giggle about something the other said and just enjoying each other’s company.

“How’s your cucumber sandwich Fluttershy?” Discord asked.

Fluttershy swallowed a mouth full of sandwich. “Delicious, you were right, it does go well with oolong tea.”

“Would I ever steer you in the wrong direction my dear?” Discord took a sip of his tea and then set his eyes on something coming from behind Fluttershy and cocked an eyebrow.

“What’s wrong Discord?” she asked.

“We have company, Flutters.”

Fluttershy turned around and was greeted by the smiling faces of her friends Twilight and Rarity along with a large dragon. “AHHH! Oh dear, I’m so sorry for screaming Spike. You just surprised me.”

“Told you,” Rarity whispered to Spike.

“You’re not scared of me?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy gasped, “Oh goodness, no! How could I be scared of you? You’re not scary. It’s just, when I heard you grew I thought you’d be as big as Smolder.”

“Believe me darling, it was just as surprising to us as well,” Rarity said

“Well I approve,” Discord chimed in. “You certainly look more dragonish now. Lost all the baby fat, put on some muscle and if we ever need a dungeon boss in Ogres and Oubliettes, we can just use you.”

“I like being a wizard Discord,” Spike huffed.

“Just saying.”

A voice came out of the blue, “No Way!”- Rainbow Dash flew in and landed in front of Spike. –“ I heard you grew, but this is so cool! You’re like a real deal dragon now!”

“I am?” Spike asked.

“Heck yeah you are! And look at those wings, they’re awesome!”

“They are?” Spike asked, puffing up his chest.

“Of course, I’m an expert in awesome and those bad boys are awesome. Hey think I can see them?”

Spike nodded and unfurled his wings. His moment of pride was interrupted by a “thwack!” sound. Spike’s wing hit a waiter in the face, sending him into a table and his order of soup onto the patrons. “Oh geez, I’m sorry! I-I didn’t see- I’m sorry!” Spike said in a panic as the waiter and the soupy customers glared at him.

“Well I guess we should get going,” Twilight said hastily, “Fluttershy, Discord have a wonderful lunch and Rainbow Dash have a great day cloud busting or whatever is on the agenda today. Let’s go Spike.”


The marketplace was bustling with activity as ponies bought everything from firewood to rugs and from flowers to jams. A peculiar unicorn was darting from stall to stall with Applejack; at least she looked like a unicorn. She had an off white coat, not a particularly rare color, but she also had green scales on her back, and matching scales on her forehead which went down to the tip of her nose. Her hooves weren’t like normal hooves, they looked like they could’ve been very short claws. She had bright golden eyes with a long majestic rust colored mane with a matching patch of fluff on her chest and back legs as well as on her unusually long tail. Her horn wasn’t a typical unicorn horn; it looked more like a pruned dark red tree branch with bright red bands across it.

She was quickly going from stand to stand, looking at all of the wares the vendors had to offer with a look of pure wonder like she stumbled into a thrilling new world. She even looked at everyday objects like vases with awe, marveled at the fancy fountain pens and practically gushed seeing the variety of flowers Ponyville had to offer.

“OOH, what pretty flowers! They smell so sweet! Do you have foal’s breath? Great cure all if you’re mute. What am I saying? Of course you don’t, they only grow at the Peaks of Peril! Have you ever been? It’s nice there this time of year. Hey if you want I could bring you some foal’s breath, but I’m not sure how I’d do that. Do I just bring you the flower or something? But then again you already have SO many pretty flowers. Of course I could just ask AJ what she’d do if she were to bring you new flowers, but I think she deals more with apples and crops and stuff. Oh, I’m Autumn Blaze by the way, hi!” Autumn Blaze shook the flower mare’s hoof quickly.

“Oh, uh, nice to, uh, meet you Autumn Blaze. You’ve got quite the… spirited friend Applejack,” Said the bewildered florist.

Applejack chuckled, “Heh, heh, yeah she’s a feisty one alright. Dern friendly too.”

“OOH! AJ! AJ! What’s that?” Autumn pointed her hoof at another stall.

“That’s a vegetable stand.”

“Of course! The bell peppers gave it away, let’s check it out.”

Autumn Blaze skipped to the vegetable stand propelled by curiosity. Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes at the happy, chatty kirin and trotted after her. then out of the corner of her eye she spotted Twilight and Rarity, nothing strange about seeing them, they live in the same town after all. But what made Applejack curious is that they both seemed to be talking to somepony that she couldn’t see.

“You go on ahead sugarcube, I’ll catch up.” Applejack said to Autumn Blaze before she left to say hello to her best friends.

“C’mon Spike, don’t be nervous,” Twilight said.

“I-I don’t want to go through the market Twilight. I don’t want to cause another accident or get somepony hurt…” Spike replied.

“Spike, you shouldn’t let a few mishaps deter you from enjoying the day. Trust me darling, all you have to do is go out there with that same confidence you had at the castle and you’ll be right as rain,” Rarity said.

“Also being slightly more aware of your surroundings,” Twilight added.

“Howdy girls! Fancy seein’ you here!" Applejack called out.

“Hey Applejack! Are you working the market today?” Twilight asked.

“Naw, Big Mac is coverin’ fer me since ah’m showin’ a friend ‘round town. Y’all really ought to meet her. Say, who were you talking to before?”

“Oh it’s Spike, he’s just being shy today.”

“Yeah, ah heard he had a lil’ growth spurt.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Ehh, you could say that.”

“Spike, it’s just Applejack. Come out and say hello,” Rarity said trying to coax him out into view.

“Applejack?” Spike asked.

“Yeah it’s me sugarcube. Come ‘ere and let me get a look at the new you,” Applejack said.

“Um, ok, but just so you know, you’ll be surprised.”

After a few seconds Spike stepped out from behind the wall. Applejack’s jaw and eyes went wider and wider and after she saw all of Spike she said, “Well throw me in the fryer and call me Apple Fritter. You’re huge!”

“Is that a bad thing?” Spike asked nervously.

“Well ah’d be lyin’ if ah said ah wasn’t surprised. Aint often somepony is bigger than Big Mac. But that’s not a bad thing.”

Spike smiled. “Wow, thanks Applejack. That’s a relief.”

“Actually, you got one heck of a farmer’s build Spike. Any chance ah can get some help next harvest season? Ah bet we could get done in no time with somepony as strong as you.”

Spike was beaming. “Sure thing! To be honest I’ve always wanted to try applebucking, you and Big Mac make it sound like fun.”

“We’ll be sure to save ya the biggest tree in the orchard. Hey, Ah want y’all to meet a friend o’ mine. She’s been aching to meet you guys ever since she got to Ponyville.”

Applejack walked back towards the marketplace followed by the party of three. As they walked by the various stands, Applejack kept her eyes peeled for her chatty friend. Ponies looked at Spike with curiosity and amazement, they waved and Spike waved back, his previous worries forgotten. Soon Applejack spotted Autumn Blaze at a stand selling candles.

Applejack called out, “Hey Autumn!”

Autumn turned her head and trotted up to Applejack. “AJ! Did you know candles come in scents? That stand is selling one that smells like cinnamon and another that smells like spring rain. How do they make a candle smell like rain?”

Applejack decided to step in before the conversation ran further away. “Uh, hey Autumn ah’d like you to meet my friends. This here is Twilight, Rarity and the big guy is Spike. Fellas this is Autumn Blaze, the kirin who helped me and Fluttershy out at the Peaks of Peril.”

Autumn jumped at Twilight and shook her hoof; Twilight blushed, as their muzzles were inches apart from each other. “Hi! I’m Autumn Blaze! So you’re the Princess of Friendship I’ve heard so much about. AJ told me all about how you and her saved Equestria and that you run your own school. Do you have a theatre? Anyway, it’s so nice to finally meet you!”

Twilight pulled her head away for some breathing room. “W-well it’s uh, nice to… meet you too Autumn.”

Autumn Blaze then shook Rarity’s hoof, again getting a little too close for the unicorn’s liking. “Nice to meet you Rarity, I’m Autumn Blaze! I heard you make really pretty dresses; do you think I’d look good in one of your dresses? I mean I don’t normally wear clothes unless it’s on stage but I’m sure I’d love whatever you make. By the way I love you’re mane, how do you get it to curl like that?”

“Are all kirins like this?” Twilight whispered to Applejack.

“You have no idea,” Applejack whispered back.

Autumn spun around to face Spike. “Whoa! Are you really a dragon? Like, really real?”

Spike looked himself over from his claws and wings to his tail. “Well… yeah.”

Autumn gushed. “Oh WOW! I’ve never seen a dragon before; I’ve only heard stories about them. You look so cool! You’re all big and tough and your scales are so shiny! Is it true that dragons eat gems?”

Spike puffed out his chest and buffed his claws on his scales. “Heh, heh, yeah it’s true. Gems are a dragon’s favorite food. They’re my favorite at least.”

“Wow, that’s crazy awesome! Hey is it also true that dragons can breathe fire?”

“It sure is, I’m a pretty good fire breather if I do say so myself.”

Autumn’s golden eyes glittered with awe. “Oooh can I see?”

Spike rolled his shoulders and a confidant grin graced his face. “Of course, check this out!” Spike took a deep breath.

Twilight gasped, “Wait, Spike, I don’t think that’s the best!-“

FWOOOOOOOOOM! A giant green plume of fire erupted from the dragon’s mouth and covered the sky of the market like an emerald storm cloud bringing with it an immense wave of heat. Ponies screamed and hit the ground with their hooves covering their heads or ducked behind barrels. Spike stopped his fire breathing and he saw the state everypony was in. Soon all eyes in the market were on him and they were all scowls or glares.

Spike started panicking “I-I’m sorry! It was an accident, I didn’t think it’d be- I’m so sorry!”

“Well it was nice to meet you Autumn Blaze,” Twilight said in a rush. “But we need to go… to Sugarcube Corner! Yeah, I could go for a cupcake or two, we’ll see you later Applejack, sorry again everypony!” Twilight ushered Spike out of the market with Rarity following close behind.

“I like your friends AJ,” Autumn Blaze chimed. “They’re neat!”

The walk to Sugarcube Corner was a somber one. Spike dragged his claws and hung his head low trying not to look anypony in the eyes.

Rarity decided to try and break the tension. “Don’t look so morose darling, it was just an accident,” she said in a soothing tone.

“Yeah, everypony makes mistakes. What makes this any different?” Twilight asked.

Your mistakes didn’t almost burn down the town…” Spike replied sullenly.

“Spike you didn’t almost burn down the town, you just got a little excited is all.”

“Yeah and it freaked everypony out. Look Twi, I know you mean well, but this isn’t working, I should just go home and stay out of everyone’s way.”

“Oh Spiky, I know things are less than ideal but that’s no reason to give up. Let’s take a little break shall we? I’m sure if anypony can put some pep in your step its Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said as she climbed the steps to Sugarcube Corner.

As soon as the three entered the store a silver platter with six cupcakes were presented to them on a bouncy pink mane. “One purple velvet cupcake with candy glitter for Rarity! Two chocolate cupcakes with extra frosting and cherries for Twilight! Aaaaaaannd three emerald key lime cupcakes for Spike!” Pinkie Pie bounced the cupcake platter off her mane and onto a table and gave her friends a wide smile.

“How did?-“ Twilight started.

“Well my Pinkie sense told me that I’d need to make three emerald cupcakes because Spike was gonna be super upset about something and emerald key lime is his favorite so then I thought, ‘I’ll bet Twilight and Rarity will be with him’ so I made a purple velvet and two extra chocolates and wouldn’t ya know it? You guys are with him! WOOHOO! Everypony gets cupcakes!” Pinkie clapped her hooves in glee.

The four of them took seats around the table and Spike made quick work of his three cupcakes. “They’re great Pinkie, thanks…”

“Heeeeeey, why so glum chum? That’s not the face somepony makes when they have cupcakes. They’re more like ‘EEEEEEE’ and you're more like ‘BLEEEEGH.’”

“I’m just not having a great day. I grow up, I cause trouble for ponies in town and I feel worse and worse with every mess up I make,” Spike said with a heavy sigh.

“Honestly darling, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Making a slip up or two isn’t the end of the world, you just need a bit more practice with the new you,” Rarity said between dainty nibbles of her cupcake.

“She’s right, I shouldn’t have made you come to town before you were completely comfortable. I’m sorry Spike,” Twilight said, ears drooping.

Spike wrapped an arm around Twilight. “It’s ok Twilight. You were just trying to help. I guess I just didn’t think about how much this all would affect me.”

“Well that’s no reason to be down silly!” Pinkie said. “It’s like trying a new cupcake recipe, the first time you make them they might not be great, but soon you’ll be making AMAZING cupcakes with enough practice and mistakes! By the way, what’s so bad about being so big and strong? You look like you could beat Big Mac at hoof wrestling, haul three- no, four carts full of gems and catch a flying wagon with your bare claws.”

“A flying what?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie continued, “Just you wait Spike the dragon, soon you’ll see that growing up was the best thing that ever happened to you!” Pinkie finished her pep talk with a shower of confetti.

Spike smiled. “Thanks Pinkie Pie, maybe you’re right; I should see this as an opportunity. I just need to get used to this” – he motioned his claw over his body – “and I’ll be fine. No more runaway carts, no more sending waiters flying and more importantly no more close calls with the fire department.”

“Here, here darling!” Rarity cheered

The sound of giggles and squeals filled the shop as two foals, playing tag, rushed across the floor. A Pegasus colt was chasing a unicorn filly and every time he was inches from tagging her, she’d teleport out of his reach. Pound and Pumpkin Cake played happily as the four friends watched and made their “awws” and “so cute” as the foals darted too and fro. Finally Pound got the drop on his sister and tackled her. they both rolled on the floor giggling and bumped into a wall of purple scales. The Cake twins were curious of the weird purple wall made of something so smooth to the touch. It was like nothing they’ve ever seen before.

Spike laughed at the pair of perplexed foals, “Hey Pound and Pumpkin! You really should be more careful, you could’ve gotten hurt.”

The Cake twins looked at the smiling dragon speaking to them. Spike liked the twins. They were cute, fun, and energetic and they would normally greet him the same way they greet everypony, with happy gurgles and coos. But Spike made the mistake of smiling too widely , exposing his new longer and sharper teeth. Both of the foal’s lips quivered before they burst into scared tears. Spike’s smile broke like fine porcelain.

Pinkie Pie scooped up the foals into her hooves and gently rocked them. “Aww, what’s the matter little Cakes? It’s just Spike, you remember him don’t you?”

Spike clenched his teeth and screwed his eyes shut, anything to stop the surge of emotions from bubbling out. And the only thing he could think of doing was running out of the door at full speed.

“Spike! Spike, wait!” Rarity ran out after him.

“Ohhh… figs!” Twilight cursed before following her friends.

Spike ran through Ponyville like a big purple locomotive, knocking over barrels, trashcans a store sign or two. But he didn’t care, he just wanted to run away. He slowed down when he reached the park and finally stopped when he reached a pond. He sat down at the water’s edge to catch his breath and was greeted by his reflection. The larger body, muscles and claws, the wider wingspan, the mature face, the sharp teeth, all of his new features on display, taunting him, Spike glared at the water and swiped at the surface with his claw, and then he swiped again. And again and again. Water was splashing all around the distraught dragon but he kept slashing at the unwanted figure. Eventually he stopped and just sat on his haunches, sniffling and crying into the choppy pond.


He’d recognize that voice anywhere. It was Rarity’s. it was Rarity’s sweet and caring voice. The same voice that made his heart sing from the rooftops and soar in the skies.

“Are you ok?”

That was Twilight’s voice. The same supportive and loving tone he’d known since the day he was hatched. The reliable and comforting voice of his big sister.

Spike quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and faced them. “Hey Twi… Hi Rarity…”

Twilight stepped closer. “Spike… what’s wrong?”

Spike didn’t answer. His eyes drifted to the soggy grass beneath Twilight’s hooves.

“Please Spike, talk to us. We just want to help,” Rarity said.

Spike sighed, “You’ve tried to help me all day. And I appreciate it, I really do, but I gotta face the facts. I’m just a nuisance to you and everypony in town…:

Twilight gasped, “Spike! You’re not a nuisance, why in the world would you ever think that?”

Spike had fresh tears in his eyes. “How am I not a nuisance? Ever since I grew up I’ve caused nothing but trouble in town. I smacked that waiter at the café, I almost set the market on fire and now… I’m so scary I make babies cry…”

“You’re not scary darling,” Rarity said. “You just have a new look. You’re still the same Spike everypony in Ponyville knows and loves.”

“You guys keep saying that,” Spike scoffed. “But I don’t see the same Spike that you see. I see something dangerous and scary. Something so terrible that nopony should be near me incase they get hurt. The only thing I see is…-“ Spike looked back at the pond’s surface “- A monster…”

Rarity trotted up to Spike’s side and gazed at the reflections in the calm water. She watched the image of a snow-white mare and a large purple drake ripple in the light breeze. She squinted her eyes before speaking. “Where? Where’s the monster?”

Spike’s brow furrowed. “Where’s the monster? What are you talking about? It’s right there!” Spike pointed to his reflection.

“I don’t see a monster,-“ Rarity turned to Twilight “-Twilight? Do you see a monster?”

A small smile crept up on Twilight’s face as she came closer to the water’s edge. “Nope! I don’t see a single monster!”

“Do you want to know what I see?” Rarity directed at Spike.

Spike slowly nodded.

I see a dragon. But not just any dragon, I see my favorite dragon, Spike. He’s one of my nearest and dearest friends in the whole wide world. He’s generous and sweet, with a heart as big as Equestria. He’s always helpful and knows just what to say to make me smile. He’s brave and can be a wee bit reckless at times, but he always does what he thinks is right and would do anything for his friends. What do you see Twilight?”

Twilight gazed at their reflections. “I see, Spike, my number one assistant and best friend. No matter what happens I know I can rely on his help and when I go a little… Twily-nannas, he’ll be right by my side to keep me grounded. I can’t imagine being the pony I am today without his help and support. He’s my little brother, the best little brother ever. I love him so much and I’m proud of everything he does. Did I mention he’s a hero?”

Spike couldn’t speak. He just sat there on the bank of the pond with wide eyes, listening to the two most important ponies in his life sing his praises. Qualities that they both valued in him. The qualities that make Spike who he is.

“Do… do you really mean that?” Spike asked.

Rarity nodded. “Of course we do darling. You’ve been so bogged down in all of today’s mishaps that you forgot what makes you so wonderful. Large or small, you’re still the same Spike.”

“You made mistakes today, but nopony hates you for it,” Twilight said. “Because everypony in town knows that you didn’t do them on purpose. They’ve lived alongside you for years and they know you’d never do any harm to anypony.” Twilight hugged Spike around his torso. Twilight giggled, “I can’t even wrap my hooves around you anymore.”

Rarity joined the hug. “Please don’t beat yourself up, precious scales. Everything will be all right, sooner than you think.”

Spike wrapped his arms around Twilight and Rarity and returned their hugs and smiled a wide goofy grin. “Thanks guy,

I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Nicely done Trixie!” Starlight praised as Trixie teleported herself and random objects around her campsite. “Looks like you’ve been practicing.”

Trixie teleported around the site and stopped on her makeshift stage next to Starlight and took a bow. “Practice? Pff, this spell is mere foals play for somepony like Trixie! I need something bigger and bolder for my next performance!” Something that’ll make the audience go ‘oooh! That Trixie is the most spell binding pony in all of Equestria!”

Starlight giggled at her friend’s antics. She couldn’t really explain it, but Trixie always had a special talent of making Starlight’s day. “Well what did you have in mind?”

Trixie grabbed Starlight’s shoulder and pulled her in close, waving her other hoof across the sky as if she were painting on a canvas. “Picture it. A darkened stage, everypony is waiting on bated breath for the greatest magic show around. The curtain rises, the lights flare up and what does the audience see?”

“Uh, you?”

“Yes! But I, the Great and Powerful Trixie will summon a great and powerful wind and shall make her debut in the center of a giant tornado. The audience will be thrilled and chilled at the sight of the magician that can bend the very elements to her whim!”

Starlight scratched her chin in thought. “Hmm, that would be a pretty cool opening for your show.”

“Sooo? Can you teach me a spell to do that?” Trixie asked eagerly like a filly waiting to open her Hearths Warming presents.

“Well there is a spell to do that, but it’s kinda tricky.”

Trixie turned her nose up. “Humph, I’m sure that Trixie, master of the art of teleporting, can handle any spell.”

Starlight rolled her eyes, summoned her spell book and started flipping through the pages. “Let’s see where did I see that Spell? No… that’s not it… not that one either… I’ll have to remember to look at that one… AH HA! Here it is, ‘Tornado in a jar,’ used for wind conjuring in limited space.” Starlight read over the spell a few times before closing the book. She and Trixie walked over to a box of jars and Starlight lined them up in a neat row.

“Are we putting the tornadoes in the jars? Cause that’s not the kind of spectacle I had in mind,” Trixie said with sarcasm leaking from her mouth.

“We’re not putting actual tornadoes in jars Trixie. It’s for practice. Now, what you want to do is picture the breeze blowing against you. Feel the wind across your face, your mane and passing over your hooves. Then, take that wind and bend it in a circle-“ Starlight’s horn began to glow and a small circle of wind began to materialize around the first jar “- now make the wind in that circle spin faster and faster, and when you’ve built up enough energy-“ Starlight’s horn glowed brighter and the jar was thrown into the air by a concentrated updraft and landed a few feet away “-voila! Tornado in a jar!”

Trixie clapped her hooves. “Oooh, me next, me next!” Trixie focused the next jar in the line.

“One more thing Trixie, it’s better to start with a gentle touch and build from there and don’t break your concentration.”

“I got this spell in the bag, watch and be amazed!” Trixie’s horn glowed and soon a small circle of wind formed around the jar.

“Good, just like that. Now give it a little more energy,” Starlight said quietly.

The small circle grew in size and speed as Trixie put more energy into her effort. She smirked and put more energy into her tornado.

“Uh, Trix. That’s a little too much energy, maybe you should dial it back?” Starlight asked nervously.

“Relax Starlight, I got this. I am Trixie! Master of illusion and the elements themselves!” Trixie put even more energy into her tornado and it became so strong that it was blowing strong gusts in every direction. Just as Trixie was about to shoot the jar into the sky, something caught her eye. A skunk was walking towards the open door of Trixie’s wagon. Trixie turned her head and snarled at the woodland creature, “Keep your stinky tail out of my wagon!”

“Trixie no!”

The energy Trixie was building up materialized under her four-wheeled home and with a mighty “WOOOSH!” the caravan was catapulted into the air.

“MY WAGON!” Trixie cried as she ran after the careening carriage.

Starlight facehoofed, grumbled a few choice words and ran off after Trixie.

A soft buzzing could be heard through the streets of Ponyville as a little pegasus filly zoomed past buildings on a scooter, towing her friends in a little red wagon.

“C’mon Scoot! Ya gotta go faster, we’re gonna be late for friendship tutoring!”

“We’re already late Applebloom! It’s not my fault the roads are messy today, I’m doing the best I can!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were dashing through the streets of town, dodging random debris and jumping off conveniently placed ramps. Scootaloo turned a sharp corner, nearly throwing her passengers out the back.

“WOAH! Watch it Scootaloo! I’m trying to do something really important,” Sweetie Belle said as she was scribbling in her notebook.

“What are ya workin’ on? Is it a lesson plan or somethin’?” Applebloom asked.

“It’s nothing suspicious! Just a secret project!" Sweetie Belle replied then started mumbling, “Should I try another picnic plan? No, that got Timberwolves involved. Ooh, maybe I can get them to spend time together at the market, shop for fabric followed by a romantic dinner for two.”

“It’s ok guys! We made it to the park, the hard part’s over and we can make up for lost time!” Scootaloo announced as she passed the park gates.

“Well we’ve had a pretty busy day”- Twilight said as she broke the hug –“ What do you say we head back home?”

Spike thought for a moment. “Actually Twi, I think I want to walk around a bit more. I’m feeling better now and I need more practice with the new me”- Spike looked to the sky and sighed –“yep, things are looking up from here on out.”

“That’s the spirit darling!” Rarity cheered.

Spike’s gaze was still fixed on the sky. He placed a claw above his eyes. “Do you guys see that?”

Both Rarity and Twilight looked up to see what Spike was talking about.

Twilight asked, “What is it Spike?”

Spike squinted and tried to focus his eyes on the strange flying object. It had wheels, a roof and a harness to pull it. “Uh, I think it’s a wagon.”

The flying wagon reached the apex of its arc and was plummeting to the ground. "Oh no! It’s gonna crash!” Twilight exclaimed.

The cart came closer and closer to the ground, the three of them spotted a group of three fillies speeding down the road. And was on a direct course for the falling wagon.

“SWEETIE BELLE!!!” Rarity cried out as she galloped towards her little sister.

“Huh? Did you guys hear Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Uh guys, what the heck is that?” Scootaloo asked with a shaky voice and pointing to the cart falling out of thin air.

“Ah-ah don’t know but it’s headin’ right fer us! Hit the brakes Scootaloo!” Applebloom shouted.

Scootaloo beat her tiny wings as fast as she could to reverse direction. "We’re going too fast! I can’t stop!”

“We have to do something!” Twilight said lighting her horn, then a strong gust of wind and a large shadow passed over Twilight and Rarity. The Cutie Mark Crusaders screamed and held onto each other as if their lives depended on it. All of a sudden Spike was standing in the road, he planted his tail firmly on the ground, rose up on his back legs, braced himself and when it came close enough, he caught the wagon with his bare claws, the force of the wagon pushed him back but his tail kept him from toppling over and his new muscles bulged as he kept the wagon in place. Twilight took this opportunity to quickly teleport, grab the three fillies and teleport them to safety.

After a few moments Spike set the wagon down and took a deep breath. “Sweet Celestia! Did you guys see what the hay just happened? I actually caught a wagon! I knew I was stronger now, but not this strong!” Spike flexed his biceps in amazement.

Rarity pulled Sweetie Belle into a crushing hug. “Oh Sweetie Belle! My one and only sister! Are you ok? Does anything hurt? Please say something!”

“Can’t… breathe…” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Rarity let Sweetie go. “Oh, um, sorry darling. I’m just so relieved you’re safe.”

“Yeah I’m fine. Thank goodness that dragon was here. We’d have been crushed if it weren’t for him.”

“Sweetie, that dragon was Spike.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes jumped out of their sockets. “What? Spike? That big, strong dragon was Spike?”

Rarity nodded and walked over to Spike. “Thank you Spike. If you weren’t here… well, I don’t even want to fathom what could’ve happened to Sweetie Belle or the others.”

Spike scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. “Aww, it's no problem Rarity, I’m just happy I could-“

Rarity gave Spike a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for saving my sister Spiky Wikey.”

The only response Spike could give was a flustered stuttering of incomprehensible gibberish.

Twilight patted Spike’s head. “That was very brave of you Spike. Very brave and very risky and very crazy and when we get back home we’re going to have a long talk about safety and how you almost gave me a heart attack.”

“No way! Spike is that really you?” Scootaloo asked.

“Like, really, really you?” Applebloom asked.

Spike smiled and pointed a thumb at himself. “Yep, this is the new and improved Spike.”

The three fillies broke out in squeals and cheers.

Scootaloo jumped in excitement, fluttering her little wings in glee. “Oh WOW! That was awesome! And you were awesome! You caught a flying wagon!”

“Ah don’t even think Applejack is strong enough to do that. Um, don’t tell ‘er ah said that,” Applebloom said.

“Thank you for saving us Spike. You’re our hero.” Sweetie Belle gave Spike a hug followed by Scootaloo and Applebloom.

The tender moment was broken up by the sound of galloping hooves and gasps for air. Starlight Glimmer and Trixie were running towards them at full speed.

“Is everypony ok?” Starlight asked. her eyes darting around looking for any signs of damage or injury.

“Yes, we’re all fine, thanks to Spike,” Twilight said.

Trixie threw herself at her precious mobile home. “My wagon! Oh my sweet, sweet wagon! You’re ok! I was so worried about you!” Trixie started planting kisses on her wagon’s panels.

“Ahem,” Starlight coughed.

Trixie turned and faced a group of disapproving looks and scowls. “Oh and… nopony was hurt! And I learned a valuable lesson on listening to Starlight more often, all’s well that ends well. Sorry about the whole flying wagon accident.”

“It’s ok Trixie,” Spike said. “Everypony makes mistakes. Hey Twi can you do me a favor?”

“What is it Spike?”

“Think we can grab some gems? Saving the day works up an appetite.”

The sound of collective laughter filled the air as everypony felt the tension evaporate. While the rest of the group was engaged with small talk and questions about Spike, Sweetie Belle sneaked away and rummaged through her saddlebag and fished out her notebook. She started flipping through the pages and stopped on a page titled “What Rarity wants & what Spike has.”

“Big and strong? Check and check! Now Spike is the perfect match for Rarity!” Sweetie chirped.

The next day Rarity found herself trotting up to Twilight’s castle again with gem cart in tow. Just as she was about to reach for the door she heard a voice say, “Rarity!” She looked up and was greeted by a smiling flying dragon.

“Good morning Spike. How are you feeling today?”

“Better than ever! I just went on a morning flight with Smolder. These new wings are something else.” Spike landed next to Rarity, kicking up some dust as he folded his wings.

“Are you sure you want to do this again Spike? I wouldn’t want a repeat from the last time we went gem hunting.”

“Don’t worry Rarity, I have a feeling that today will be different.”

“Very well, shall we be off?”

“After you my lady.”

The two began their walk through the familiar streets to the familiar path of the familiar forest. Spike and Rarity were so invested in their small talk they didn’t even realize that they were walking right into a familiar clearing in the forest.

Spike’s ear fins twitched. “They’re back…”

No sooner did Spike say those words that the sound of growls and howls could be heard in the thick brush. Timberwolves started to slowly stalk out of the forest, their glowing green eyes focused on the two friends.

Rarity started inching herself closer to Spike. “What do we do now?” She asked, terror evident in her voice.

“Cover your ears.”

Rarity did as she was told. Spike took a deep breath and let loose a roar so mighty that it shook the very leaves of the trees. The Timberwolves recoiled from the noise and ran yelping back into the forest.

When the wolves were nowhere to be seen Rarity uncovered her ears. “Bravo, darling. I doubt they’ll be troubling us anytime soon.”

“I had a feeling that would work,” Spike said proudly.

Author's Note:

Once again I am SO freaking sorry about the delay. I had a LOT of stress with it being the end of the semester and tests and all the "fun" things that come from finals week. But I hope this chapter makes up for it. I know I said I'd write shorter chapters, but I just kept going with the idea of Spike bumbling around Ponyville in his new body and here we are. And now dear readers I offer you a bit of "Silver Wit wisdom." If you want to write fanfiction (or write anything for that matter) find someone you trust to give you feed back. My proof reader, who I'll call Pastel Pallet, has saved me from multiple errors and bad ideas. I told her my earlier ideas for this chapter (I was thinking that the ponies in town would be afraid of Spike because of the whole birthday thing) and she told me "That doesn't sound right" (she said more than that obviously I'm just paraphrasing) and low and behold I took her advice to heart and made the chapter more about Spike being afraid of himself because of the whole birthday thing. The result is a chapter I'm actually proud of. By the way I'd like to mention that the next chapter is already underway and is much shorter so I'll try to get it done in about a week or so. ALSO someone requested a TwiLuna story from me so I'll be writing that as well in the coming weeks. I apologize profusely for not starting that sooner requester, but I'm a terrible multitasker. However, with summer vacation I can start working on it as well as bring you all more chapters of "Life and Times." I'll be turning up the heat of my slow boil of a story in the coming chapters, the stage has been set and with the mid point of the story on the horizon it's time to pick up the pace. What will that mean for our heroes? I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out.

So, who likes Autumn Blaze? (I do!!!!) I loved writing her part cause I just love Autumn's thought process when she talks and just seems so fascinated with any new thing and her lack of personal space. Also I'm sure she'd call Applejack, AJ more than Applejack. (Wow that sentence is awkward).

And a quick side note, anyone else picture the cover of "Action Comics #1" during the Spike saves the day scene? Cause that's what was running through my head at time of writing.

Thanks for reading, see you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit