• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 2,955 Views, 407 Comments

The Life and Times of Spike and Rarity - Silver Wit

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady.

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Hooves of Clay

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Celestia’s Royal Canterlot voice roared, eyes blazing behind her sleep deprived bags. “I SHALL HEAR NO MORE OF YOUR PATHETIC CLAIMS PISH POSH!”

Pish Posh’s jaw hung open as she was almost thrown from her podium. “B-b-but, I’m innocent in all this! It was a freak accident and-!”


“I knew this was gonna be fun,” Capper said through a smug grin. “Great use of that Canterlot voice of yours Lulu, really packs some oomph.”

Luna had a slight blush and whispered, “Hush Capper, you’ll throw off my groove.”

Celestia cleared her throat and took a gulp of the nearby cup of coffee. “Pish Posh! This preliminary hearing is over! And with both circumstantial and direct evidence you are hereby indicted, and it is the judgment of this court that you will be brought up on criminal charges and will wait for the appropriate court date! You will also be banned from travel! Any attempt at leaving Canterlot will lead to an arrest and further charges!”

Pish Posh could only stand there and grind her teeth as the princesses ruling sank in. All the while cursing the princesses, cursing whoever sold her out and especially cursing Rarity and that stupid dragon.

“This isn’t over,” Posh muttered to herself. “Not by a long shot.”

It was a typical mid-morning in Canterlot, same hoof traffic going up and down the streets. Same foals playing in the same parks while their parents rehashed the events since they last spoke to one another. But the one thing that was different was a particular pony, who seemed to have the whole world on a string.

“I shan’t be late today!” Rarity sang after sipping her espresso. “I can’t believe Spike’s finally starting physical therapy! Another step towards being discharged and back on his claws! Not sure if he needs the rainbow quartz anymore, but just in case, he’ll have to stomach them a tad longer.”


Rarity rolled her eyes and groaned as her excitement took a blow. She recognized that voice and frankly, she had no time for this.

“Stop right there Rarity!” Pish Posh stomped up to Rarity, eyes burning and mane disheveled. Her group of ponies absent and her Yes Pony trailing behind Posh like a foal dragging a balloon.

“Well, hello Pish Posh,” Rarity said with her nose in the air. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Do you have any idea what’s happened to me since that little stunt of yours?” Posh barked.

“No,” Rarity said flatly. “And to be honest, I don’t particularly care.”

Pish Posh cut Rarity off before she had a chance to leave. “I was subpoenaed! The princesses actually brought me to court! Me! And then I was indicted! They didn’t even have the decency to believe my side of the story! My sales are down in every major city in Equestria and my staff just up and quit in the Crystal Empire! And now I have officials snooping around my estate on top of the daily fines, an audit and my business partners pulling plugs left and right! My life is falling apart and it’s all your fault!”

You brought this on yourself!” Rarity sneered. “You’re the one who hurt Spike, you’re the one who ignored the warnings about your chandelier, you’re the one who thinks anycreature that isn’t a unicorn is dirt beneath your hooves and you’re the one who thinks that every problem can just go away with enough money! Everything that’s happened is by your design!”

Posh opened her mouth for a rebuttal, but then took a breath and held back her rage. “Maybe you’re right,” Posh said through the most painfully forced smile Rarity has ever seen. “But there’s something you can do for me that could make all of this go away.”

“Why should I-?”

If,” Pish Posh interjected. “You were to tell the princesses that this was all a misunderstanding and what happened to your little dragon friend was an honest to goodness accident, I’d surely be forgiven with all charges dropped. They’d listen to you, you’re an Element of Harmony and personal friends with Princess Twilight. I’m sure the two of you-“

“Are you even listening to yourself!?” Rarity snapped. “Do you really expect me to say any of those dishonest things after what you’ve done!?”

“I’m trying to apologize!”

“No you’re not!” Rarity got right into Pish Posh’s face, and to nopony’s surprise, Posh backed down. “You’re just trying to save your own skin! If you had even the slightest bit of compassion or empathy, you’d apologize for what you did to Spike and face the consequences of your own actions!” Rarity stepped away and adjusted her mane. “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Rarity said in a much calmer voice. “I have places to be.”

Rarity trotted off with her head held high, not looking back for even a moment. Pish Posh grinded her teeth as a string of growls bubbled out from her throat. “THIS ISN’T OVER!” Posh screamed. “YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS! DO YOU HEAR ME RARITY!? YOU WILL PAY!”

“I never get tired of this,” Dr. Hawkeye said as his scissors cut off another section of bandages. “It’s like unwrapping a present on Hearths Warming morning, but better.”

“I’m with ya doc,” Spike said. “I can’t remember the last time I was this excited for something. You almost done?”

“Almost,” Dr. Honey Cut said as he lit his horn, projecting a concentrated beam of magic. “Just gotta cut this cast of ya and you’ll be good to go.”

“Then physical therapy?”

Dr. Hawkeye tossed another bundle of bandages into the trash. “Yep! And after a bit of therapy you’ll be right as rain and then I’m afraid we’re gonna have to kick you out.”

Spike chuckled, “Hey, no complaints here! I can’t wait to kiss this place goodbye!”

A soft knock was heard at the door and Rarity stepped in a moment later. “Good morning Spike! And to you as well doctors.”

“Hiya Rarity!” Spike said. “You’re just in time, Dr. Hawkeye and Honey Cut are almost done with my cast.”

“Aaaaaand, bingo!” Dr. Honey Cut said as if on cue. “No more cast for you my friend.”

“Oh my, how simply marvelous!” Rarity said. “I’m so happy for you Spike! Just another step towards…”
As Rarity got closer to the hospital bed and the doctors stepped back from their patient, Rarity got a good look at Spike. Her blood ran cold and her words dried up. Spike had a noticeable scar above his right eye and a large scar running up and down his right forearm. But worst of all was Spike’s back and wing. Multiple scars marked his back, as if he was mercilessly clawed by some terrifying beast. And his wing had a scar running from the base to the very tip, the webbing was scarred as well. Rarity was paralyzed as she drank in every inch of every mark on Spike’s body. His scales. His beautiful scales… tarnished, ruined and a physical reminder of Rarity’s transgression.

Her greatest shame.

I…I did this! Rarity’s mind felt impossibly heavy, as if a thousand lead weights were crushing her. This… this is my fault… my fault! No, no, no, no, no-!

“Rarity?” Spike asked. “Are you ok?”

“Y-yes!” Rarity blurted. “I-I just… need to step out for a moment. I don’t think breakfast is agreeing with my stomach, I’ll be right back.” Rarity quickly left the room, held her hoof up to her mouth and ran to the nearest restroom.

The sound of flushing water echoed off the tiled walls of the ladies restroom as Rarity emerged from the stall panting and holding her stomach.

“Get a hold of yourself Rarity. You knew this would be a possibility; he suffered such terrible injuries. He was bound to… to…” She couldn’t finish her sentence for fear of having to duck back inside the stall. Rarity trotted up to the sink and drank some water, swishing it in her mouse before spitting it out.

What a shame. He always had the most… precious scales.

Rarity held her head as the voice scraped against her mind with iron claws. She looked into the mirror above the faucets and what looked back wasn’t a white mare, but a tall, dark, smirking pony with diamonds in her eyes.

“What do you want?” Rarity snapped at the nightmare before her.

I wouldn’t miss this for anything, replied Nightmarity. Spike’s sullied body was a feast for the eyes, and what better icing than knowing that it was all your fault. I only wish I could have seen the look on your face when you saw your handiwork.

“Shut up!”

I wonder what Twilight will say when she sees what became of her precious little brother, the Nightmare taunted. If she was that mad when she caught you feeding Spike, just imagine what’ll happen when she sees those brutal scars. She just might snap. Wouldn’t that be a sight to see?

“I said shut up!” Rarity cried. “I’m doing everything I can to help Spike! If Twilight hates me, so be it… but Spike-“

Might forgive you? Nightmarity rolled her eyes. Please. Are you really trying to fool me? Who do you think you’re talking to? You know as well as I do that as soon as Spike is released, you’ll be a pariah. No friends in Ponyville, nowhere else to call home. Spike will move on and you’ll be completely alone!

Rarity's lips trembled as a tear rolled down her cheek. In a flash, her horn fired a blast of magic, shattering the mirror into countless pieces. She let out a sob and then slowly composed herself. She turned to leave only to be met by a stunned nurse whose eyes were going back and forth between Rarity and the shattered glass.

“I’m sorry,” Rarity said in her usual grace. “I was trying to swat a fly and I broke the mirror. Tell me who I have to see, and I’ll pay for it.”

Rarity’s hoof hovered over the knob leading to Spike’s room. She breathed deep; she had to remain calm. For Spike’s sake. Nothing can upset him, not today. This was about Spike, not her. So with steeled resolve, Rarity stepped in. The doctors had just moved Spike onto a gurney (he was way too big for any of the wheelchairs).

“There you are Rarity,” Spike said. “You feeling better?”

“Much better,” Rarity replied. “Thank you darling.”

“Thanks again for coming today Rarity. It really means a lot.”

Rarity giggled, “Spike, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“Alright, now that we’re all here,” Hawkeye said as he began to Push Spike’s gurney. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

“Hey, doc,” Spike asked tentatively. “Will this hurt at all?”

“Oh it’ll hurt like crazy,” Hawkeye said without skipping a beat. “But it’ll be worth it in the end.”

A roar erupted from the hospital, nearly breaking the surrounding windows. Another one sounded only a few moments later, this time frightening a flock of birds that happened to be flying at the wrong time.

“Alright Spike,” Dr. Hawkeye said. “Give me another! Push with everything you got!”

“RRRRAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!” Spike roared as he lifted his wing up and slowly lowered it. His sweat and tears covering his face, claws clenched so tight they started to turn white.

“C’mon Spike! Give me another!”

“I…I can’t… it’s so painful… so painful…” Spike gasped out.

“You can do this darling!” Rarity cheered. “You’re almost there, one more flap and you’re done!”

Spike gritted his teeth, took a sharp inhale, and raised his wing again, howling in pain. He started to faulter, his wing slowly sinking back down, but then he felt a gentle hoof on his claw. Rarity looked into Spike’s eyes and nodded. Spike felt a surge of energy, he slowly but surely raised his wing and stretched it out as far up as he could before slowly lowering it again.

“Done!” Spike wiped the sweat from his face. “Geez, walking wasn’t even half as painful. That’s it right?”

“Almost,” Dr, Hawkeye said. “All that’s left now is some light stretching.-” Hawkeye trotted up to Spike’s wing and placed his hooves on it. “-This might sting a little,” he warned.

“Please, after all the work I did, I can handle a little sting.” Spike winced as Hawkeye’s hooves gently moved the Dragon’s wing in a clockwise motion.

“I warned ya.”

There was a bit of static before Foresight's voice came over the PA system. “Dr. Hawkeye, you’re wanted in room 407, bed seven! Dr. Hawkeye, please report to room 407, bed seven on the double!”

“Rats,” Hawkeye swore. “I can’t just stop now. Dr. Hawkeye hummed a moment and noticed that Rarity was still resting a hoof on Spike’s claw. “On second thought, this isn’t so bad. Rarity, think you can take over?”

“M-me?” Rarity stammered. “B-but I’m not a doctor! What if something goes wrong?”

Hawkeye chuckled, “It’s not that hard, heck even Foresight can do this and he has three left hooves. C’mere.”

Rarity thought it might be for the best not to argue with the doctor, after all he had duties to perform and Spike still needed help.

“It’s best if you use your hooves,” Hawkeye said as he directed Rarity and guided her hooves to move in the same gentle motion that he was doing. “Gotta feel the tension so you know when to pull and how hard. Perfect, just like that. I’ll check back with you two as soon as I’m done.” Dr. Hawkeye trotted out of the room, leaving Spike and Rarity alone. Not that either of them minded.

Rarity continued her slow and steady strokes, stretching out Spike’s wing, trying her best not to hurt the poor dragon. Or pay too much attention to his scars. Spike flinched every so often, but he had to admit that Rarity had the right touch. Firm yet gentle. Eventually Spike began to relax, and deep down he was actually glad that he and Rarity were alone, he felt a warm sense of comfort being here with her. Just like before…

Spike’s face fell. “Hey, Rarity?”

“Hm? Oh, I’m sorry darling, did I pull too hard?”

“No, no, you’re doing fine. It’s just… well…”

“What’s on your mind Spike?”

Spike took a moment to think about his words. “Um, the thing is… I’m really glad that you came here today. And to be totally honest, I’ve really been enjoying our time together lately. It feels like old times…”

Rarity hummed, “Hm, I’ve enjoyed it as well darling.”

“But… I have to ask,” Spike clenched a claw. “Why…? Why did you treat me the way you did…?”

Rarity froze. It’s not like she wasn’t expecting this question to come up, but it still took her by surprise all the same. After all, it’s not like the mare had to think too hard as to what he was referring to. Rarity bit her lip and continued working on Spike’s wing. “There’s… nothing I can say that won’t make it sound like an excuse. I… I was so obsessed about making a good impression, making sure I brought the perfect companion. Only realizing too late that you were perfect the whole time and I was just a shallow, foolish mare. I’ll never forgive myself for what I’ve done and I wouldn’t blame you for not being able to forgive me as well, but I truly am sorry Spike… I’m so sorry for everything…”

Silence followed as Rarity kept to her work and fought to keep the tears in her eyes.

“Spike?” Rarity asked gently. “May I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“…Why did you save me…?” Rarity noticed Spike flinch, but whether it was from the stretching or the question wasn’t very clear. “After everything I did to you, you still risked your life to save mine… why?”

Spike turned to look at Rarity, his eyes were soft, but she couldn’t read his emotions. “I didn’t want you to die. Do I need more of a reason?”

Rarity’s heart squeezed in her chest. Spike just can’t help but be a hero, can he? “No. No I suppose you don’t darling.”

Rarity closed the door to her apartment and sighed, it has been a long and turbulent day for the mare, in more ways than one. She wasn’t ready for bed, sometimes Rarity wondered what would be the point if she could hardly ever find peace in her sleep. She set down her basket and saddlebag and out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something on her desk. Paper, pencils, and charcoal. Did Sassy put those there? Or were they always there? Rarity couldn’t remember, but she felt drawn to them. She pulled the chain on the desk light and sat down. Then her magic wrapped around a pencil and she drew. One line, then another, and another, and another, until a dress was visible. Rarity smiled, she set the paper aside and went to work on another design.

Then another, and another.

Author's Note:

I love seeing narcissists get torn down. Especially since I picture this happening to my ex-girlfriend or the character I based Pish Posh on. There's just something so satisfying about taking someone who thinks they're above everybody around them, like they're the self-appointed kings and queens of the world and see them get thrown from their cloud and seeing them land smack dab into the dirt.

Funnily enough, I actually wasn't planning on showing the preliminary hearing at first. I was just gonna leave it to the reader's imagination. But my proof reader (and you lot) convinced me other wise, plus it lead me to ideas for content later down the line (I.E. the criminal trial). So yes, I'll be kicking this character in the stomach for quite a while yet. Hope it's to your liking.

We're so close to Spike's full recovery, and I don't think anyone is more excited to see him released than I am. Mainly because I'm getting closer and closer to writing the BIG arc. And I was also happy to have Spike and Rarity hash out their issues. Sometimes you have to have really uncomfortable talks to work through your problems so you can heal.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter, I love reading the comments.

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time :raritywink:

Silver Wit