• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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Chaos Edge( Chaos Slayer)

Celestia stood in her throne room reading letters that had been written to her(They where mostly love letters though)she was hoping that one of them was from Twilight on any information on alien attacks.

Then a guard busted into the room with a look of haste in his eyes.

"What is it?" Celestia asked

"Your majesty Shining Armor and the search team has discovered something in the south"

"What is it?"

"You'll have to see it to believe it"

"Very well summon Discord we may need him"

With a reluctant face the guard left the room.

Little did anypony know that all this was heard by a robotic bird that flew off.

The Driller.

"Shockwave Ratbat returns with the report" Soundblaster said

The Minicon perched it self on Shockwaves arm, Shockwave then looked at Soundblaster, the Con was a clone produced from Soundwaves robotic DNA, at first he thought he was rouge due to the fact he escaped from his lab to go to Equestria but it turns out that he was taking the initiative after reading the plans for invasion, it turns out that Soundblaster was just loyal... to loyal.

"Soundblaster play back Ratbats findings" Shockwave said

The former Autobot high council member flew into Soundblasters body and played back the findings.

The Decepticons that where present heard all that was recorded.

"Well lets see what the ponies have found" Shockwave said

"Ratbat eject operation spyation" Soundblaster Said

The minicon flew out of the ship and to the convoy of ponies who where heading west.

The Ark.

"Grimlock Ive detected strange energon Readings in the far north" Perceptor said

"Shall I prepare the groundbridge?"

After a few seconds of silence Perceptor turned around only to find the pegasus colt Orion Comet in front of him.

"Orion do you know where Grimlock is?"

"Oh uh, Grimlock had to go and do magic training, hell be done in a while" Orion said

"Ah well what to do know"

Akiba Prime and Hot Shot walked into the room.

"I'll go, me and jolt need to practice our power linking in the field" Hot shot said motioning to his minicon partner next to him.

"And I'll go to" Akiba said "Something tells me this mission will need my expertise"

"What makes you say that?" Hot shot said

"Just a feeling"

"Okay I'll prep the groundbridge" Perception said

A mountain to the far south.

The day was soon to get dark, miner ponies and royal guard where busy chipping away rock and guarding the discovery.

A few minutes later Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Spike along with discord and their friends arrived at said sight, they where greeted by Shining Armor who was not to happy with the spirit of chaos with them.

"Whys he here?" Shining Armor said

"Oh come now I'm reformed can't we all get along?" Discord said

"Shining I brought Discord because he may be able to help us with this discovery if it is so important" Celestia said

"Very well we can't really understand this, so come on let me show you" Shining lead the ponies to the discovery.

After a few seconds of walking they came to a large rock.

Twilight was confused.

"Where is it?" She said

"Right here" Shining Armor said, the rock was moved to revel a object embedded into the rock.

"Is that a sword?" Spike asked

It was a sword alright but not like anything the ponies had seen, it was red and was clearly to large for any of them to hold, most of it was in the rock so it was obvious why it hadn't been moved yet.

"We have tried everything from dynamite to hammers but the sword not even the rock wouldn't move or be broken" A miner said

The ponies where surprised by this.

"You mean the rock is impermeable? Luna said

"It seems so, we where hoping you could get it out" Shining said

The ponies where intrigued by this sword, but mostly Discord, he didn't know why but he felt a familiar power emitting from it, one of Chaos.

In truth Discord wasn't really reformed, he was just faking it until he could betray them at the right time.

But for now he had to play mister nice guy.

"So its emanating a protective shield huh?" Discord said

"It would appear that way" Shining said

"If thats true then we can't take it out here" Celestia said "Well just have to move the rock and examine it at the castle"

"It'll be trick but the rock is moveable so it might work" Shining said

"Alright lets do it" Pinkie said

Shockwave who was watching the whole thing from Ratbats eyes was shocked when he saw the sword the ponies had found.

"It cannot be" he said

"Is that what i think it is?" Cyclonus said

"Yes, and power of this magnitude must never be allowed to fall into the hand of Grimlock no matter what!" Shockwave said

A few yards east of the sword.

A groundbridge opened and Akiba Prime and Hot Shot stepped out.

"The signals coming from over their" Akiba said

"Then lets roll" Hot Shot said

The two Autobots ran until they reached a grove of trees, their they spied on the ponies who where examining the relic.

Using his built in goggles Hot Shot got a good look of the weapon.

"Whoa its a sword" He said

"Not just any sword, that looks like Chaos Edge, a legendary weapon forged by Solus Prime, as legend would have it" Akiba said

"Its rumored to wield the power of Chaos itself"

"Well whats it doing all the way out here?" Hot Shot asked

"Well originally it was one of the many blades carried by the components of Nexus Prime"

"Really?" Hot Shot said

"Yeah, Alpha Trion a member of the Thirteen told me that Nexus had appeared sometime after the great Exodus to aid your leader Optimus Prime"

"Wow, that happened?"

"Yeah, Nexus used it to threaten the Star Seeker caption Thundertron, after he fled Nexus split into his five parts and traveled to a dimension outside the multiverse where he was reassembled"

"Cool which universe did he go to?"

"Alpha Trion calls it the "Shattered Glass universe" but i don't know, after that Nexus traveled back here and his his swords throughout this Galaxy"

"So it would stand to reason thats how Chaos Edge ended up here, what a coincidence"

"Indeed" Akiba Prime said "But if a sword is driven into a rock like over their a security measure creates a protective shield around it, only the power of a Prime can pull out"

"Well your a Prime can't you do it?"

"I'm not going out their, we can't take it without engaging them, and Autobots don't harm the innocent"

"Then well just have to wait until the swords less crowded" Hot Shot said

The two bots looked on trying to think of a plan, Akiba's wandering eyes looked to the right to see someone running to the ponies.

"Here whose that?"

Hot Shot looked at what she was viewing and immediately recognized the runner.

"Its Barricade!"

Twilight heard the sound of firing and all the ponies looked in the direction it was coming from.

She watched an alien enter the scene an proceeded to shoot a guard and spin kick another, finally he did a slide while shooting two more as they fell dead.

"Who's that!?" Luna asked

Barricade was here for one reason take the sword and get out of here no problem, he ran to the sword killing a few ponies on the way, finally he was a few feet from the handle, readying himself he grabbed its hilt and tried to pull it out, but after a few seconds of pulling the sword wouldn't budge.

"Scarp" Barricade said as he let go "its really in their tight -AAAGGGHh!"

Barricade was hit with power shot of magic from a royal guard, he rolled over only to see six guards surround him with spears at the ready.

"Well I guess now that the Decepticons know the swords here we must contact the Autobots for backup" Akiba said

"I'll see if I can try to contact Grimlock"

The rock which contained the sword was loosed from the mountain and was ready to be transported.

Celestia looked at the group of guards who where guarding the prisoner.

"Bring him to me" Celestia said

The guards picked Barricade up and threw him at Celestias feet.

"What is you name alien?" She said

Barricade looked up at Celestia with murderous eyes.

"Why? Who wants to know" He said

Now Twilight was mad, no one disrespected Celestia in front of her, alien or pony.

"How dare you talk to the princess like that!" Twilight said

Celestia extended her hoof as a sign of Twilight to stand down.

"Very well if you won't tell us your name at least tell us the name of the weapon in the rock if your so interested in it that you went after it alone"

Barricade then noticed Discod was with the ponies, this gave him a idea.

"Its called Chaos Edge"

Discords eyes widened at the words this alien spoke.

"It is said to wield the power of Chaos itself, whoever wields it is granted immense power"

Clearly this sword looked powerful, but if everything the aliens said is true then the ponies had a major problem.

Before Celestia could speak a strange noise was heard from the sky, Celestia then looked up and her eyes widened.

Right above them was a giant black spaceship with glowing red lights, all the ponies on the ground dropped their weapons in aww at the size of this thing, it was huge!

Then without warning a green portal opened on the ground and aliens started to pour out and surround the ponies.

Since the guards had accidentally dropped the weapons they where defenseless and had no choice but to surrender.

The Vehicons formed a ring around the princesses, the ponies and Discord.

After Barricade joined his fellow Decepticons all eyes where on a new figure who stepped out of the portal.

The ponies had never seen this one before he had a purple color scheme and a cannon for a hand and stood larger than the rest.

But the most scariest thing about him was his one red eye.

It walked up to the group and bared down on them.

"Who are you?" Luna asked

Their was a silence them Shockwave spoke

"Yes how rude of me, I am Commander Shockwave of the Decepticons it is a pleasure to finally meet you Princess Luna"

Shockwave then began to name them off one by one.

"And Celestia, Discord, Applejack Element of Honesty, Rarity Element of Generosity, Rainbow Dash Element of Loyalty, Spike sub for Rainbow, Fluttershy Element of Kindness, Pinkie Pie Element of laughter, And my least Favorite"


"And finally" Shockwaves eye zoomed in on Twilight.

"Twilight Element of Magic"

The ponies where shocked about how much Shockwave knew about them.

"How do you know our names?" Rarity said

"I have been observing your world for quite some time"

"How long" Cadence Said

"Longer than you know" Shockwave said in a deep voice

Shining Armor held his wife close to him, their was an edge in his voice when he addressed her, like he was out to get her.

"What are you doing here?" Shining said

"First of all I am here to thank you"

"Thank us for what?" Spike said

"For saving us the trouble of digging out Chaos Edge"

"And the second thing?" Twilight said

"We are here to take it"

Then as if on cue a giant crane came out of the ship and grabbed the rock, and slowly but steadily it began to lift it up.

"We will now be taking our leave"

"You can't take that sword!" Twilight said "You ave no right"

"And you do" Shockwave responded "Where do you think that sword came from?"

Twilight thought this trough before all this before it came to her.

"You made that sword?"

"No, but its is from my home planet,where just taking it back"

"That explains why its so big" Spike said

"Yes, and if you'll excuse me-"

The sound of blaster fire was heard again, the group turned to see a fog of dirt accumulating, and after a few second con came out followed by a white Autobot in blue armor.

"Commander Shockwave, its the Autobot Elite Guard!"

"The Elite guard?" Shining remembered what Twilight told here about them a few weeks earlier.

The one who appeared to be the leader extended what appeared to be an alien spear.

"Who are you?" A miner pony asked.

"The names Scattershot!"

Scattershot then transformed into a tank and blasted Shockwave right in the chest sending him backwards.

Everypony who saw Scattershot Transformed had their mouths hanging.

"You never said they could change form" Shining Armor said

"Even I didn't know" Twilight said

"I did" Rainbow whispered to herself she remembered how scared she was when Grimlock transformed

"He looks like a tank now" Shining said he had heard of tanks before but only seen pictures, and the way Scattershot was now he looked like a tricked out tank.

Scattershot transformed back into robot mode and readied his weapon.

"Elite Guard and Autobots attack!"

Suddenly new aliens popped out of the bushes,and began firing upon the Decepticons.

"Let me guess those are the Autobots?" Celestia said

"Yeah, you can tell by the red insignia on them"

And it the ones who had a red face somewhere on them where firing at the Decepticons.

Hot Shot was finally able to bring out the big guns again.

"Alright Jolt Powerlink!"

His minicon partner jolt transformed and connected to his back, two barrel guns came out and mounted on his shoulders.

"Lets do this weaponizer style!"

Hot Shot then proceeded to mow down every con he saw.

Shockwave got up and began to observe the battle, then a shocking revelation came to him.

"Where is Grimlock?"

"Look!" A Royal guard said

Shockwave and then ponies looked up to see a giant Autobot climbing up the mountain, jumping from ledge to ledge and transformers into a tank tread and ride the wall, transforming again he jumped onto another ledge and climbed higher.

"Keep Grimlock from the relic!" Shockwave transformed and flew after Grimlock with three jet vehicons chasing after him.

Hot Shot saw this and aimed his weapon at the flyers only for a con to aim his gun at him, only to be blasted by Scattershot.

"I got your back" The Elite Guard Caption said

The two Autobots then proceeded to finish off the remaining cons.

Grimlock was now driving downhill to a rock formed ramp that had a good aim at the crane.

All eyes, both bot and pony(the cons where dead) as to see if Grimlock was going to make it.

Tank speed was not the fastest but Grimlock got a good speed before launching from the ramp.

Grimlock was in the air heading straight to the rock, Shockwave and the cons kept on firing but only one managed to land a hit.

Grimlock spun for a little before transforming and reached for the sword.

He was a few feet from it and finally he grabbed it!

The crane shock from the new weight added to it the cons veered form the rock(one was not so lucky) Shockwave and the rest landed on the ship and went inside.

The sword glowed a bright red aurora before sliding out of the rock, Grimlock went straight down and the impact created a mist of red energy.

When the smoke cleared Grimlock pulled the sword out of the ground and held it in the air.

"I loosened it for him" Hot Shot said

The Driller

"Drop the mountain on him" Shockwave said

The crane let go of the rock and it began to tumble down the mountain.

The Autobots saw this but Grimlock seemed completely oblivious.

"Grimlock retreat!" Scattershot said

"NOW" Akiba Prime said

Grimlock looked at his sword before turning around.

He swung his sword, and the rock cleaved in two pieces which came to a stop.

The ponies and the Autobots couldn't believe their eyes.

"Did he just" Twilight said

"Do that!" Blaster said

"No way!" Rainbow Dash said

Grimlock looked up at the Driller, inside Shockwave was looking back, if he had a mouth it would be on the floor.

Grimlock then sprinted and swung the sword with a mighty war cry.

The sword sent a mighty wave of energy the struck the engines of the ship, rocking every body that was inside.

"It can do that!" Hot Shot said

The ship limped away as it regained its position

Inside Shockwave made a statement.

"We Decepticons now face our Darkest Hour"

Back at base Hot Shot was still talking about how Grimlock used the sword on the Driller and was telling everybody about it.

"With the power of Chaos Edge the war is clearly now in out favor" Preceptor said

"Yeah and now Shockwave won't even think to mess with us!"

"This sword will clearly provide us with an edge in this war" Alchemist Prime said "But you have just begun to use it, this sword has many secrets and you must use it wisely Grimlock"

"Yes Alchemist Prime" Grimlock said

"Good, tomorrow we will go out and i will show how to handle such a blade"


"Did you see how Grimlock used that sword!" Rainbow Dash said

"I don't Ive ever seen anything that powerful" Twilight said

"What ever shall we do!" Rarity said

"Were all screwed!" Spike said

"Grimlock may posses a powerful weapon" Celestia said quieting them down "But we will find a way to counter this threat"

The ponies calmed down and nodded in agreement.

"Shining Armor I will assign you and the Royal Guard to deal with any Autobots or Elite Guards you or you men come across"

"With pleasure!" Shining said

"Twilight I will assign you and your friend to see if you can find the Autobot base"

"Don't worry princess you can count on us"

"Search only when you need to, i wouldn't want this to interfere with your friends and your activities"



The ponies left the room and the two Princesses were alone with Discord"

"And Discord"

"Yes Celestia" Discord said

"See if you can find a way to counter Grimlocks Chaos Edge sword"

"Yes my princess" Discord gave a sly grin before disappearing"

Now the Celestia and Luna were alone.

"I still don't trust him" Luna said

"Yes I saw the reaction on his face when the words Chaos Edge rang in his ears"

"Will we have to imprison him again?"

"We will see if he does anything, for now we have to keep this to ourselves"

Meanwhile in a rock, a cube was in a dormant state it had two handles on its sides and alien writing all over it.

An if you paid attention you could see that if flickered to life for a second.

Author's Note:

If your wondering what Chaos Edge looks like, picture in you mind Grimlocks sword but double edged and all glowy