• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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Destruction of the Crystal Empire (Allies and Enimies Part 3)

<Grimlocks log: It has been two weeks since we have awoken from stasis and a lot has happened, first of all our awakening was apparently a result of a move called a sonic rainboom preformed by a pony named Rainbow Dash we have adapted our selves to our surroundings but, the primitive vehicles of this world prevents us from going outside during the day so we have to scout at night. The name of the land we reside in is called Equestria ruled by two regal princesses the land's only form of defense are magical objects called the Elements of Harmony fueled by the spiritual virtues that make up the concept of friendship, I personally think it is a weak form of defense compared to brute force, this world would not stand even a day against a Decepticon attack. In other news a pony has moved in with us, a Pegasus colt named Orion Comet at first I was upset Swoop reviled our existence to a native but after hearing the story of how an Insecticon killed his parents I was moved to let the pony live with us while still attending school as long as he does not revile our existence to any other pony, also an event called the Crystal fair was held in the northern area of Equestria in a kingdom called the Crystal Empire some previously unknown area said to been gone for over a thousand years after curse was placed on it, the elemental bears where sent to prevent it from vanishing again and thanks to the dragon named Spike they where successful in deafening the curse and its maker: King Sombra restoring the Empire by returning its crystal heart. The Empire is now lead by the royal couple wedded on the day of our awakening, it was then discovered this area was rich in energon and we have made plans to go their and begin harvesting, I only hope we can leave this planet before Shockwave becomes aware of our presence here.>

Cybertron, Kaon

<Shockwaves log 77268: My time on Cybertron and observing this new world has yielded some new technology worthy of experimentation I have developed a device that can mutate the native inhabitants of this world called ponies into something else I call this device the "Ray Sphere" the device works by unleashing an explosion mutating the subjects but destroying everything in its path and anyone who does not poses the correct gene code to absorb the Ray Sphere energy, in other words if you are not special your scrapped, or incarcerated, which ever comes first. Their has been recent talk among the ponies about an area called the Crystal Empire, a magical place that represents hope and love throughout Equestria they say if the Empire falls then Equestria will be that much vulnerable, so me and a group of Decepticons that are known for destruction are leading an assault soon to completely destroy the Crystal Empire once we do this all of Equestria will know the name "Decepticons". I have suspected that Grimlock and his team are alive and active on this world ever since the Insecticon I sent to investigate was reported to have been terminated I can only hope Grimlock can be at the Crystal Empire to witness the Decepticons latest rampage>

The Crystal Empire

A messenger was on his way to deliver a letter to the leaders of his city he knew it was important and had to be sent excuse me he said walking up to the attendant yes i have a letter to deliver to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor very well I shall send it up to them. Meanwhile in the throne room "So how do you like being more than just the captain of the royal guard shiny?"

"Well its a Responsibility I'm willing to take up as long as I'm with you Cadence"

The pink alicon smiled at her husband then their was a knock at the door

"Come in" Shining said

"Excuse me my leaders" the messenger said "But their is a letter sent to you it seems to be from Princesses Celestia"

"A letter from Celestia already well lets see what it says" Cadence said

"So how do you think your brother is gonna do as a leader of the Crystal Empire Twilight?" Rainbow asked

"Well I'm not gonna think about it to much but now that the Crystal heart is back in its rightful place he should have no trouble leading it"

Just then spike came running up to the group he looked like he was out of breath

"Spike what's wrong?" Rarity said

"I just got a letter from Celestia"

"Really whats it say?" Twilight asked

Spike pulled out a letter and unrolled it.

"Ahem dear twilight you and your friends are invited the attend my 1,010th Birthday party held in canterlot tomorrow you may bring what ever desserts pinkie can bake up signed princess Celestia"

"Did you hear that ?! Rainbow said

"I most certainly did Celestia has invited us to her birthday do you know how popular we would become" Rarity said

"But where already popular" Pinkie said

"Girls lets all calm down I know this is a very big honor but we shouldn't freak out about it" Fluttershy said

"Aw really?" Pinkie said


The Metroplex

"Grimlock mining equipment is ready to roll" Swoop said

"Okay good activate the ground bridge"

"Okay" Swoop pulled the lever to activate the portal Grimlock sighed to himself and stepped through the portal upon coming out he saw a city in the distance the so called Crystal Empire

"If only they knew the Crystals in the Empire where actually the life blood of another race brought here by the ancients" Grimlock mumbled to himself as he set to work


The Crystal Empire

"Ready to go?" Shining asked "Ive got the cake Celestia will be pleased that we came" Cadence said the two got in their carriage and where taken to the capital city.
Shockwaves Ship "the Driller"

<Shockwaves log 77269 It appears the leaders of this Empire are leaving to attend a event held in the capital city probably good for them' they would not want to stick around to witness what is about to happen>

"Ready the dark energon make sure no one leaves the city their cannot go to warn the others about what is going to happen to their precious empire"
Grimlock and his team where almost done mining

"Okay this should be the last of the energon, wow I didn't know there would be so much red energon here

"Well the ancients did have many secrets some long forgotten" Sludge said

Then just when they where about to leave Grimlock heard screaming following by a low humming

"What's that?

Grimlock looked up to see a Nemesis class Decepticon warship hover above the crystal empire then they watched as some form of dark energon wall erupted from the ground on the outskirts of the city, preventing anyone from leaving.

Decepticons! Swoop said

"What are they doing here?" Slug said

"I don't know lets investigate it" Grimlock said

When they got down to the Empire the Dark Energon wall was already very tall, and surprisingly very thick "

Whoa that dark energon stuff is really powerful" Swoop said

"Not as powerful as me!" Grimlock said smashing his fist into the wall

"Careful Grimlock prolonged exposure to dark energon...well their no telling what's going to happen"

As time went by Grimlock became weak with each punch their was no getting through the dark energon wall.

"Man its though I can't get through"

"Well we gotta do something"

"Come one even if we get through how are suppose to take out all those cons? Theirs just to many of them!"

Come one think Grimlock think"

They needed someone who can defeat all those cons and make sure they know who their dealing with but who?

Then a thought came across his mind

"I know who"

"Well who is it?"

Grimlock pressed a few buttons on his hand and they started to blink.

"You'll see"


The Metroplex


Sigma Supreme began to take his first steps in millions of years Approaching the door He requested Metroplex to open it


When the door opened all that was their was rock but not a problem for Sigma with his drill capable hand and started to get to work.


The Crystal Empire

Shockwave stood on the edge of the front of his ship over looking the Empire below him with his zooming eye he could she the crystal ponies cowering in fear looking at some sinister unidentified flying object
wondering what would happen next.

Shockwave turned to his Decpeticons all ready for killing, slaughtering and destroying......not necessarily in that order.

He looked down to see a hyperactive Brawl waiting for commands

"Come on Shockwave give the order my trigger fingers itching!"

Shockwave stepped forward, cleared his vocal processor and spoke

"Decepticons! This "Crystal Empire represents love and order throughout this pitiful land if we destroy it the magic it radiates will also be destroyed! So, WHO'S READY FOR A GENOCIDE?"





"I thought he'd never ask!" Skywarp said charging with his fellow Decepticons they all transformed and flew into the air and then, began to invade the Empire.

"Come my Decpeticon brethren ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!"

Skywarp, Thundercracker and Blast Off were the first ones to fire their missiles into the crowd of shivering ponies, one couple held their child as they waited for the end.

The missiles did not miss their target as an explosion occurred killing at least 15 ponies, blood parts and pegusi feathers flying everywhere.

Landing on the ground Shockwave slowly mad his way to the center of the empire, on the way he saw Swindle flip a unicorn into the air, slam it down, and crush its head, then he saw Vortex sneak up behind a Pegasus and run his sword through it,
finally he watched as Onslaught punched a earth pony causing it to fall aimed his scatter blaster and finished it of while screaming "EXECUTION"

Continuing his walk he saw a couple Pegasus trying to fly away, knowing he couldn't let anyone warn the other equestrians he used his fine aim to shoot one down while the other was thrown of by the blast, he approached the fallen pony and looked at it

"Now,now we can't let you get away and warn your little pony friends no can we?"

The pony looked back at Shockwave with tearful eyes

"Why?" It said


"Why are you doing this?"

"Ah yes that well lets just say that once we destroy this empire then all of Equestria will quake in fear, knowing that their is a force power powerful than even you two precious rulers and their little Elements of Harmony, then they shall know the name,

Then the last thing the pony saw was a purple beam of energy heading towards his face.


Sigma Supreme busted out of the wall on the other side of Canterlot mountain gazing to the sky he knew his mission and what had to be done.


And with that Sigma transformed into his ship mode and flew to the sky, when he was just above the cloud layer he turned north and flew to the Crystal Empire, egar to bring justice.


The Crystal Empire

The Comaticons now Bruticus where doing a smashing job of destroying the Empire. literally. From what Shockwave could see they had already destroyed about 87.4 percent of the Empire but It wasn't enough, in order for it to truly be destroy they had to destroy the heart.

"Bruticus, Devastator head to the palace and knock it down" Shockwave said

"With pleasure Shockwave!" They both said.

The two combinders went ahead of Shockwave to the castle on the way they saw two Decepticons knocking one the door to the library, then someone answered the door

An old pony popped her head out.


"Surprise!" Skywarp said before firing his null ray

The two seekers then turned around to see Bruticus.

"Hey Bruticus would you mind using your shock pain wave to destroy this building?"

"Its outta my way, but sure stand back"

The two seekers got out of the way a s Bruticus raised his fist and brought it down on the library, the impact and power of the wave completely destroyed the building, papers and scrolls flying everywhere.

"Ha that was too easy!"

"Bruticus where are you?" Devastator said " I'm at the castle and ready to pound some metal"

"I'll be right their"



"Thank you all for coming I could not have asked for better subjects"

"Quick quick blow out the candles" Pinkie Pie said

Celestia blows out her candles.

"Well well what did you wish for?" Pinkie asked

"Pinkie!" Twilight said that's Celestia's wish its not something you can ask."

"Its alright twilight I would like to tell

"Oh OK"

"I wished that this year will be a year of prosperity and with Shining Armor and Cadence ruling the Crystal Empire nothing can go wrong"

The ponies cheered and nodded in agreement, they did this without knowing a giant transforming spaceship just hovered over their heads


Bruticus just arrived at the castle with Shockwave and Devastator waiting, Shockwave looked a Bruticus then at Devastator

"Tip it"

"Alright!" They said

The two combinders pressed their hands against the tower immediately it began to come of its supports, the remaining crystal ponies watched in horror as the castle came tumbling down on them.

"Yeah what a nice remodel of this place" Brawl said just coming out of combinding

"Yes indeed it is a nice rearranged" Shockwave said. "But their is one more thing we have to do"

"Whats that?" Vortex said

We must destroy the Crystal heart" he said gesturing to a blue heart in place of where the castle used to be

"Whats so special about it?" Swindle said

"This crystal heart was meant to protect the Crystal Empire from harm and the forces of evil"

"Well it did a terrible job because we just wrecked the place"

"Indeed, so you can say it is, no longer required"

Shockwave aimed his cannon at the gem charged it up and said

"Now begins a new age of the Decepticons" And fired

The Crystal heart shattered upon explosion.

If Shockwave had a mouth he would be smiling, but that smile would fade to a shocked expression as a faint rumbling was heard following by the northern lights turning red and black then, the quakes came.

"Uhh Shockwave?"


"Maybe that wasn't such a good idea"

I'm staring to agree"

Suddenly the shards of the heart began to react and glow then... an explosion followed.

The ponies where just leaving the castle, Twilight and her friends were gonna escort cadence and Shining armor back to the Crystal Empire.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah I'm ready!" Pinkie said

"I can't wait to go back and bet that beautiful crystal coat" Rarity said

Just before they where about to get on a thought crossed Twilight's mind

"Hey Shiny?"

"Yes Twilight?"

"Who did you leave in charge of the Empire while you two are here?"

Shining and Cadence looked at each other then back at Twilight.

"Well we didn't actually leave anypony in charge"


"Twilight its okay we know the ponies can take care of themselves don't worry"

"Are you sure?"

"Trust us I bet right now they are all living long healthy lives"

Twilight was about to give herself a sign of relief when the lights from the north suddenly turned black and red, everypony looked up to see the lights disappear then an explosion, a large explosion all the way from the...Crystal empire!

"Everypony look!"

Everypony turned to see a large mushroom cloud coming from the far north.

"Theirs only on place that could have occurred"

"Everypony in the train now"

Everypony got in the train, all that was that was one their minds was the status of the Crystal Empire.

Shockwave lowered his cannon to see what had just happened, all he could see was fire and smoke.

"Whoa Shockwave" Vortex said " I'm surprised we survived because that explosion destroyed everything else"

"Indeed" he said looking around

Every building was on fire bodies were burning in the streets, most of them with horrified expressions on their faces.

"The blast must have been used as a fail safe device to destroy all organic material, that is the only logical reason"

"Logic is always your reason isn't it Shockwave?"

"Indeed Swindle"

The con's began to look around for any sign of survivors, and to their happiness, their where non.

"Well looks like our work is done" Onslaught said "Can we go Shockwave?"

Shockwave took one last look before responding to the combaticon leader. Looking to the sky he saw smoke, ashes, fire, and a blue light....... yes their was a blue light, but the problem was is that it kept getting closer, and closer. Then the blue light began to swirl the clouds around it and something came out of the hole, it was blue like the light but took a shape, a shape he knew all to well.

"Yes I believe we should leave..... NOW!" He said breaking into a run.

"Where are you going?" Brawl asked

"We must leave! LOOK!"

All the con's looked up at what Shockwave was pointing at... it was a giant starship, and from the looks of it, it was Autobot origin.

"Its an Autobot ship!" Vortex said

"What are they doing here?" Mixmaster said

But that wasn't the only surprise the ship was packing, as it drew closer it began to...........transform! It right side thruster turned into a hand, its left one became a rocket weapon, it went skyward as a pair off feet sprouted from the bottom and impacted the round with them, it stood upright as finally a head sprouted from its top, and its optics lit up blue.

"No!" Skywarp said "It can't be!"

The Decepticons could not believe what they saw! It was a blue version of Omega Supreme!

The giant looked at its prey for one second before speaking.


And with that Sigma began to charge his hand and fired a beam that killed several Vehicons.

The rest of the Decepticons broke into a run, some transformed and flew back to the ship, others who had ground vehicles hid behind buildings.

"How is it that their are two of them?" Swindle asked

"Who knows?" Scrapper said "Maybe their might be even more!"

"It does not matter if their are hundreds!" Shockwave said "All that matters is that we are outmatched and outgunned by this "Sigma Supreme at Aeriel cons fly back to the ship all ground troops get back trough the ground bridge at these coordinates"

The cons did what they where told Swindle, Brawl, Onslaught, and many other raced towards the ground bridge portal with Sigma Supreme's laser on their tails

"Where not gonna make it!" Brawl said

"Your gonna make it like your life depends on it Brawl, cause it does!" Onslaught said

"Almost their and....."

Brawl was the last one to enter the portal as the laser passed over where it was.

Sigma Supreme looked up at the Decepticon ship as it flew away.


"Good work Sigma" Grimlock said via radio "Alright Sludge bridge us back, the cons are gone"

The Dinobots entered the bridge while Sigma looked arond for more Decepticons, it was this curiosity that he laid his optics on a train in the distance.

Author's Note:

End of Arc one.