• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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Bad Comedy (Unicron Saga part 2)

Appaloosa Desert

The hot area was distinct but what really caught you attention was a mountain which stood their ever since they ponies settled their, they just assumed it was just a regular flat hill like the rest they encountered.

But little did anypony realize that if they dug a few feet they would hit alien metal.

Inside that mountain housed a guardian that was sent her to protect the one relic in the universe that had the ability to make Cybertronians

It laid in emergency stasis until the day came when the relic was activated, that day was yesterday.

Because of the distance and the thick rock it was a while before the sleeping guardian received the message.

Slowly his systems came back online and his circuit flowed with power again.

And despite just waking up, with little resistance he broke out of his camber and started to roll to retrieve the Relic.

Flating a few train tracks on the way


It was a happy day for Equestria

Twilight was as happy as she could be, she was presented with her crown and stood on the balcony, adored by hundreds of ponies from all over Equestria.

Celestia sung a short song about Equestrias newest Princess, and it was amazing.

"Say something, Princess" Celestia said to Twilight

"Oh um.." Twilight began "A little while ago my and mentor Princess Celesti-"

Suddenly a whirring sound was heard, all eyes where on the fireworks boat as a ship came out of it.

As The ship came down Twilight spotted a familiar figure riding it like a surf board.

"Who disrupts this Coronation?" Celestia said

The crowd of ponies jumped to the sides as the ship came down and the one eyed figure known as Shockwave came down from it, the ship then transformed into Cyclonus.

"Coronation Celestia, this is bad comedy!" Shockwave said

"Shockwave what are you doing here?!" Twilight said

"Heres a hint!" Shockwave transformed into his tank mode and fired his powerful Hyperflux cannon at Twilight

Who quickly put up a force field which shattered at the blast of the shot, sending all the ponies on the platform backwards.

Shockwave transformed back into his robot made and looked back at the party boat.

"Decepticons attack!"

The flying boat exploded and the sky rained Decepticons.

Stunticons(Minus Breakdown)

They began to kill Royal Guard that came at them.

Twilight got up, still dazed from the blast, just in time to see Shockwave fly strait towards her.

"I Shockwave will conquer you just as Sombra conquered the Crystal empire"

Twilight got up, her strength returning.

"And you'll die trying just like Sombra!" Twilight fired a powerful blast of magic that surprisingly sent Shockwave flying back.


Shockwave hit the ground only to be assisted by Cyclonus.

"Please commander Shockwave allow me to make her suffer" Cyclonus said

"No, you can kill her friends but Twilight Sparkle is mine!"

Twilight now understood this was about her.

"Everypony into the castle" Celestia said "Royal Guard stop them"

The Royal guards rushed at the Decepticons with their spears but all they met was their deaths.

"Press forward!" Blast Off said "Leave none alive!"

The cons began to strike hard against every guard that came at them.

The Sky

Sunder was witnessing the whole thing, having enough proof he requested a ground bridge and flew back into the Ark


The Ark

"Yo Grimlock" Blaster said "Sunder must have seen something crazy!"

Blaster let his minicon into his chest compartment and play6ed back what he had heard.

It was Bruticuses voice.

The sound of screaming ponies was shortly heard afterward.

Preceptor was the first to speak

"Well from what Sunder heard it sounds like Shockwave and the Decepticons are attacking Canterlot city"

"No you think!?" Jazz said

"We have got to help them" Ultra Magnus said

"And help them we shall" Alchemist Prime said

"Wheres Grimlock" Orion Comet said


Grimlocks Room.

Grimlock had done everything that was required of him, but something didn't feel right, like their was still more to come.

Something evil was string he could feel it!


The Autobot leader turned to see Swoop in the doorway.

"Whats wrong?" Grimlock asked

"The Decepticons are attacking Canterlot looks like everyone of them is their!"

Grimlock lowered his head.

"So Shockwave has finally resorted to a full scale assault"

"We can't just stand here and let innocent ponies die, we have got to help them"

Grimlock rose to his feet and walked to the door.

"Get me every able Autobot, minicon, and Dinobot to the groundbrige room where going to Canterlot.

"Yes sir!"

The two Dinobots ran off to make their final stand.

Shockwave walked up to a wounded Royal guard, he was hurt but he might live if given medical care.

The guard met eyes with Shockwaves one eye.

"Please let me live, I have a Wife and three kids"

Shockwave raised his arm cannon.

"Please, don't you have a family?"

Shockwave stood their, his eyes fixated on the pony.


Shockwave executed the guard on the spot.


Twilight watched and heard the whole thing, she had to turn her head as Shockwave killed the guard.

She had never seen anything so cruel in her life, tears where welling up in her eyes.

Then all the Decepticons convened at he gate.

"Construcicons, merge for the kill!" Cyclonus said

"Yeah, Bring on Devestator!" Brawl said

Twilight saw six robots connect bodies to form a new combinder.

Devestators green head rose with a look of evil on his face.


Devestator crushed a tower with royal guards in it causing it to explode, the giant Decepticon then began to pound on the wall trying to get inside and lead the assault.

"Twilight get inside!"

Twilight heard Shining Armors voice and ran into the throne room.

the sound of unicorn magic fire was heard flowed by the bloody screams of ponies dying horrible deaths.


The fighting continued for another 5 minutes, then their was silence.

For now.

"Their defenses are broken, let the slaughter of Princesses BEGIN!" Cyclonus shouted a war cry as Devestator pushed trough the last gate, leaving only the throne room door in their way.

"Flamewar locate the Allspark" Shockwave said

"Yes sir!" Flamewar transformed and headed down the east wing.

"The rest of you Deceptiocns stay outside, or if you want you can destroy the city and its treasures.

Half of the Decepticons went outside to trash the city while others went to trash the castle.

"What about you sir?" Cyclonus said

"I will personally deal with the friendship bunch" Shockwave said

"As you command" Cyclonus went outside


The ponies of Canterlot where scrambling to get their belongings and get out of Canterlot as quickly as possible.

One pony colt tripped and fell dropping his doll.

He was about to pick it up, before a green portal opened and a brown colt with a red and white mane stepped out, he picked up the toy and handed it to the pony.

"Are you alright?" Orion Comet asked

The pony confused took back his toy and thank Orion.

But the second a giant robot alein appeared behind him he ran screaming.

The ponies who saw this ran in fear as more Aliens came of of the portal, nearly filling up the street.

"So what now?" Orion said

Grimlock looked in the direction of the Canterlot castle and at his fellow Autobots, they where all geared up and ready to fight.

Looking back Grimlock said some words of encouragement.

"Shockwave must be stopped no matter the cost"

The Dinobot commander, leader of the Autobots of Equestria, transformed into a Cybertronian tank as speed-ed towards Canterlot castle

(Pay this for awesomeness)

The Decepticons where executing the remaining royal guards when dirge spotted a tank coning right at him, too late the thing sent him flying in a world of pain, it then ran over Sharpshot critically injuring him, the Decepticons then saw that it was Grimlock and fired upon him, in response Grimlock transformed jump and used his weapon to down, Skywarp, Thundercracker and Soundblaster, he landed on the ground and shoot Kickback, Slipstream, defeating them.

Cyclonus, was in the doorway when he turned around to see the Autobots leader.

"Grimlock" he said

"As Optimus Prime would say, one shall stand, one shall fall"

"Why throw away your life so recklessly Grimlock?"

"Oh I'm not trowing away my life I'm trowing away your life!"

"NO! I'll crush you with my bear hands!" Cyclonus hurled himself at Grimloock who tacked him to the ground.

"I'll rip out your optics!" Cyclonus said

Unamused Grimlock picked up the Decepticon and threw him to the ground.

Then the rest of the Autobots arrived at he seen and put the Decetpicons at Gunpoint.

"Finish him of Grimlock do it now!" Kup said

Grimlock coked his weapon and aimed it at Cyclonus.

The down con saw a gun beneath ruble and hatched an idea.

"No more Grimlock, grant me mercy I beg of you"

"You who are without mercy now plead for it? I thought you Decepticons where made of sterner stuff"

Cyclonus grabbed the blaster and aimed.

But Grimlock saw this coming and shot Cyclonus in the head, killing him.

"Ha, that trick only work with G1 Optimus"

"What?" Scattershot said

"Never mind, keep these Decepticons from doing anything, I'll go after Shockwave"

"Yes sir!"

Grimlock went into the castle, to make his stand.


Flamewar sped down the hallway, she came across a group of guard who began to fire at her, she transformed killed one with her blades, bashed the other and pinned the last one to the ground.

"Wheres the Allpsark?!" Flamewar said

The guard sat in fear, his face stuck for words.

Flamewar unshielded her blade.

"Answer me!"

No answer, Flamewar brought the blade down on his neck.


Shockwave stood at the door that lead to the throne room, inside was his target, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

When he told Lord Megatron about this new world and how its inhabitants favored freindship above all else, his master gave him one simple order: Kill the royal family and anyone else who valued friendship and love.

That was the initial order, but now it was personal, Shockwave had been researching Twilight's history and Celestia's plans for her, after doing a careful evaluation his concluded that Twilight's life was very similar to that of Optimus Prime, her time as a Liberian, a student to a mentor of the capital city, and the fact that both would eventually rise the a higher calling.

He also showed this comparison to Megatron.

Reminded about how he was robbed of his rightful title of Prime, Megatron told Shockwave to kill her first.

And he would gladly do so.

Shockwave destroyed the doors to the throne room and saw at least 50 royal guards stand between him and the ponies they guarded.

He laid his eye on Twilight who returned a set of angry eyes.

"Now how are we going to do this?" Shockwave said

Taunted a guard rushed at his, Shockwave grabbed his spear broke it and stepped on his head, crushing it.

"Will anypony else attempted to fill his shoes?"

Now Shinning Armor was mad.

"You think you can just walk in here and believe you can kill my sister? I'll die protecting her!"

"Oh like you protected the Crystal Empire when we destroyed it?"

A shocked expression washed over everypony in the room.

"You... you where the ones who destroyed the Crystal empire!?" Cadence said

"Yes, I personally destroyed the Crystal Heart, and believe me, that was the most fun I had in my life!"

Tears where welling up in Cadences eyes.

"You.. you MONSTER!" Luna said "You killed hundreds of innocent ponies, and they had jut recovered from a 1,000, year old curse, how could you?"

"Oh believe me Ive done far worse, just ask Grimlock and his team, I tore them apart and put them back together as what they are now, I also have abandoned all emotion, I consider that feeling a weakness, just like your stupid, pathetic, friendship that binds you all"

Twilight and the ponies had never been more angry in their life.

"Royal guard attack!" Shining Armor said

The remaining 49 ponies rushed with spears at the ready.


Flamewar stood at a very important looking door, it was shielded with a magic lock.

"No problem" Flamewar said

The door easy opened with a boom of her blasters.

Turning on the lights, I stood their in all is majesty.

The Allspark.

"Finally after so long, Cybertron will be restored to life" Flamewar slowly walked towards the cube, nothing could ruin this moment.

Except a explosion that shook the room.

When her optics cleared she saw Thunderwing flying in a hole he just made.


"Hello Decepticon"

"What do you want with the Allspark?"

"Don't worry you won't live long enough to see him rise"

Flamewar then realized what he was talking about.

Thunderwing charged his main dark energon beam and fired at the Con, with blew a hole in her.

Thunderwing took the Allspark and flew off.

That was the last thing the Spark hunter saw before going offline.


Killing the Royal guards that came at Shockwave was no problem for him, since he was very durable he barely flinched when that shoot him or jabbed him with his spear.

One by one they met their end until none where left.

Except for Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Flutters, Spike, and Twilight.

"Now as I said before, how are we going to do this mules?" Shockwave said

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash said she got from her position and flew straight at Shockwave.

"Rainbow NO!" Twilight said

Rainbow flew at Shockwave in less that a second.

And he caught her in mid air.

All held their breath as Shockwave threw Rainbow Dash to the ground.

Rainbow struggled to get back up, only to fell the weight of a two ton foot crushing her body.

"NO" Twilight shouted "Let her go!"

Shockwave aimed his cannon at Rainbows head, the blue Pegasus waited for it to come.

"Well what are you waiting for? Do it" the Pegasus said in defiance.

Shockwave was about to charge his cannon, but stopped, he lifted his foot off of Dashes body who was still to weak to get up.

"No. Not yet" the scientist said

He looked at the group that was crowding around Twilight.

"My orders where to kill Twilight first so you all could watch"

Shining Armor held his sister closer.

"I won't let you!" he said

"Be reasonable, if you let me do this your death will be less agonizing"

"Even If you kill me Shockwave, others will rise to defeat your tyranny" Twilight said

"Then I'll just have to destroy you all!"

Shockwave pulled the trigger.

But nothing happened.

Author's Note:

One Shall rise. One Shall fall. next chapter will change the way we see ponies forever.