• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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Princess Celestia: Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza...

Princess Cadance: Princess Cadance is fine.

Princess Celestia: Hm. The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please? I now pronounce you mare and colt.


Princess Celestia: This is your victory as much as theirs. You persisted in the face of doubt, and your actions led to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us. Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance: [kissing]

Princess Celestia: Rainbow Dash, that's your cue.

Rainbow Dash: Best - wedding - ever!

little did any pony realize that the sonic rainboom dash made would forever change the fate of the two love birds.

the force of the rainboom rocked the entire city and echoed trough the underground cave going deeper until it reached a giant metal structure the power of the rainboom rocked the structure it was not much but it was enough to deactivate one of the stasis pod the one belonging to Grimlock.

the pod opened and Grimlock's systems slowly came back online.

"Ugh my head gasket" Grimlock said as he stepped out of the pod he them started to remember he was in a ship on an unknown planet probably buried underneath hardened rock after he brought himself up to speed Grimlock then proceeded to awaken the other 4 dinobots

"Ugh that was a long nape" swoop said

"Well i hope you had a good rest because we need to find out where we are I'll try to transform Metroplex while you all try to get his systems online" Grimlock said

While the dinobots began to turn on the computers Grimlock made his way to the ships core

"Metroplex i know your not dead so break your self out of here so we can get moving" Grimlock said as he pulled the lever then the core began to glow and he heard a voice speak


Cadance and shining Armor made their way down the stairs when to ground began to shake

"whats going on?" cadance asked worryingly

"Earthquake!" Pinkie Pie said

"Oh no, not now" Twilight said

the ground shaked for a few more second before subsiding

"Whoa what was that" Applejack asked

"I don't know but what ever it was its passed by"Spike said

Grimlock was starting to worry "What happened ?"


"OK I'll try to find more just sit tight"


Grimlock entered the main control room

"Whats the status? where are we?"

"Unable to tell due the the rock shield covering us" Snarl said

"Well is the ground bridge working?"

"let me see and, yes it fully functional" Sludge said

"Good one of us will have to go outside and scan the area to find out where we are Slug I nominate you

"oh okay Grimlock"

"Here take the C.L.U.T.C.H drone it will make scanning easier" Swoop said

"Alright lets do it"

"Ive set the ground bride to a location that's probably not rock good luck slug" Snarl said

"OK thanks"

Slug made his way into the ground bridge when he came out he found himself standing on a grassy plain

"Well it not rock but that's fine"

Slug looked in the distance and saw a village

"Hmm that looks like a good place to find info"

Slug transformed and speed to the village

Meanwhile at the Dinobot ship.

"Grimlock Ive prepared the portable satellite well use it to get a good view of the planet as well as send messages to other Autobots who may be out their in the stars" Sludge said

"Good go outside and launch it"

By the time the satellite was ready it was nighttime sludge stepped out of the ground bridge and looked up at the clifffside before him.

"Hmm the inhabitants of this world built a city on top of us good thing Metroplex didn't break free or we would have blood on our hands"

Sludge lunched the satellite when the fireworks came on.

"Huh must be some sort of celebration up their they might mistake the satellite as a firework"

Sludge watched as the device sailed into orbit upon entering said orbit the satellite activated and began scanning the world while viewing it.

Meanwhile slug arrived at the village using his universal translator he read the sign:

"Ponyville huh? odd name but this is an alien world"

Slug crept through the streets of Ponyville careful not to awaken the sleeping ponies after a while he came upon a tree fashioned into a house the sign said library

"libraries are places of knowledge lets take a look" Slug said

Slug popped open window and let the C.L.U.T.C.H drone in then using scanning technology it read and recorded every book even tough they were closed after it was done scanning the drone flew back into Slugs hand

"Okay I got the Intel bridge me back"

"You got it slug"

When everyone was inside, the drone and satellite were already hooked up to the computer and stored all the files within one minute.

"So what do we got?" Grimlock said

"Well" Snarl began "According to the data Slug gathered this world is called Athian and its dominate species are called ponies or horses but mostly poneis their are four different kinds of ponies, earth ponies which are the land workers, Pegasus which have wings enabling flight and cloud manipulation, unicorns who can perform magic spells and stuff and finally alicorns are a fusion of all three species together"

"Hmm how quaint"

"The kingdom or land we are in is called Equestria ruled by their two leaders princess Celestia and princess Luna"


"Oh and get this these ponies believe their princesses control the sun and moon can you believe it?!"

"Wow! don't these organics know the planet rotates on its axis giving it day and night and the planet in turn revolves around the sun giving it its season" Slug said

"Ha! if only they knew or maybe this planet is screwed up or something" Swoop said

"Either way what vehicles do they posses?" Grimlock said

"They have trains and carriages but their all pulled by ponies"

"Huh primitive lifeforms well i guess we can't blend in so what do we do now?" Sludge said

Grimlock thought for a moment and then said "First things first send a message to the stars telling all Autobots who are near to come and help us maybe we can work together and find prime"

"Okay Grimlock I'll start recording" Snarl said

"To any Autobot's who hear this message this is Grimlock leader of the Dinobots or the Lighting Strike Coalition Force our ship is buried underground and we need help if you come we could really appreciate it"

Canterlot. Shining Armor: Twilight! None of this would've been possible without you, little sis. Love ya, Twily.

Twilight Sparkle: Love you too, B.B.B.F.F.

Twilight watched as here brother and new sister ride of into the night

Twilight Sparkle: Now this was a great wedding.

Spike: Oh yeah? Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!

ten minutes later

"What? the bachelor party was suppose to be before the wedding?

"Yeah sorry spike" Twilight said

"Aww man i never get to do anything important"

"That's not true you where the ring bearer" Rarity said

'Well that is true he-he"

"Twilight look a shooting star Rainbow Dash said

The ponies turned to see a bright object streak across the sky

"Wow I'll make a wish" Twilight closed her eyes

"I wish that Shining and cadence would live a happy long life"

Twilight waited then open here eyes only to see the shooting star get closer

"Uh guys I don't think that's a shooting star"

everypony witnessed as the space object enter Equestria and finally impact the ground

"What is it a meteor?" Spike said

"I think so lets get down for a closer look" Luna said

"Hey Grimlock I think the message you sent worked" Snarl said


"Becuase a ship just entered the planets atmosphere its identification beacon says its Autobot!"

"Well how long until impact?"

"According to the computer its on the ground now"

"Well open that bridge we need to meet our new ally"

the Dinobots stepped out of the ground bridge and onto the crash-site

"Well looks like a rough landing" Slug said

the Dinobots walked closer to the ship when a voice spoke behind them

"What up fellas?"

startled the Dinobots turned and cocked their weapons

"Whoa whoa I'm on your side"

the Dinobots looked at each other and put their guns up

"Sorry its just you startled us" Swoop said

"Yeah i should have just said hi"

"Well this guy looks like a destroyer class bot" Sludge said

"What is your name?" Grimlock said

"What you don't recognizance me? Well no one does since i keep changing my form all the time but my full name is Amalgamous Prime"