• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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Death of Friendship (Unicron Saga Part 6)

Galvatron, stood in his proud pose, laughing.

"Galvatron?" Grimlock said

"Never heard of you" Swoop said

Galvatron snickered.

"Of course you haven't heard of me, allow me to explain"

The Autobot and ponies kept their guard up.

"When Thunderwing was on earth, he was brought aboard the Nemesis for repairs, but when he escaped he managed to attack Megatron and rip off a piece of his armor which containing his C.N.A."

"C.N.A?" Twilight said

"Cybernuclaic Acid" Snarl said

"He brought it to Unicron to us the sample to make a new loyal minion from the personality of Megatron, which in term created me, Galvatron, the servant Megatron never was"

"Ha you my be made from Megatron, but your still gonna go down they same way he will" Slug said

"Oh please, i'm far more powerful then he will ever be, be first I must take care of you Discord"

Now it was the Spirit of Chaos's turn to laugh.

"Hah and what makes you think you can destroy me?"

"Heres a hint!"

Galvatron transformed into a cannon and shot a powerful blinding shot at Discord.

Some had to look away from the light.

The energy of the blast weaved its way trough Discords body, rotting him from the inside out.

When all this was done, Discrod looked like he'd been turned back to stone!

But it was not over, the ponies watched in horror as his stone body began to crumble to dust, until only the head remained.

It rolled down the stairs to Galvatrons feet.

Who promptly crushed it with his heel.

"Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes?"

The ponies where in complete shock, not only did Galvatron did something in 5 seconds which took them 5 hours, but he had ended Discrod for good.

"You.. you killed him!" Celestia said

"Yes and maybe you will show your gratitude to me by swearing your undying loyalty to Unicron!"

"This is absurd, we have always punished our enemies but never killed them, thats not our way!" Luna said

"Wake up and smell the music, these Cybertronians have fought a war that lasted for millions of years, countless worlds have probably fought innumerable wars and conflicts, your endless pursuit for peace and friendship has made your reactions to these truths and events ridicules, death is hard yes but it is a part of everyday life, you should now more since you practically lived for a thousand years!"

"Yes me and my sister have lived for a Millennium, yes we have seen death, but never like this, we embrace natural death, but never in all my life have I seen one ponies take a life from another!" Celestia said

"Then allow me to show you the pain as I take all of your lives"

The door to Unicrons Spark chamber opened.

"If you can stop me maybe, just maybe your subjects will live to see another day"

Galvatron went into the tunnel, leaving the door wide open.

"Come on its now or never!" Ultra Magnus said

"Lets move!" Rainbow Dash said going ahead as usual.

The group and their way to the twisted tunnel and after a few second of walking, they saw a purple light at the end.

When they came out they where in a large spacious room which could have fit half of Ponyville!

And at the center floating in mid air was a ball of purple light.

Unicrons Spark.

The ponies may not know much about the world beyond them, but they knew in their hearts that the purple sphere was the heart of their maker.

"So thats it, thats the Spark of Unicron" Celestia said

"Yes, it is" Alchemsit Prime said

"The Spark is the Cybertronian version of the organic heart, as long as it burns, the being it gives life to will function"

"Its huge!" Pinkie Pie said

"It is said the the first pony was born from the blood of Unicron" Celestia said

The Autobots looked at Celestia.

"You must be referring to Dark Energon, to us it is deadly, Primus our creator makes regular enegron which gives us life" SLug said

"You said that Primus created you guys?" Twilight asked

"Yes, you know of him?"

"And in the legends it says that Primus and Unicron are brothers"

"That is correct" Amlagamous said

"So if Unicron created us and Primus made you guys, that means-"

"Where related!" Pinkie Pie said

Their was a short silence

As much as the idea was unlikly, it was true, the Transformers race and the ponies where somewhat Cousins.

"Okay we can do a family bonding thing later, now we have something to do" Snarl said

"Twilight do you and your friends have the Elements of Harmony ready?" Celestia asked

The six mares stepped forward with their Elements.

"Where ready"

"Then do it swiftly!" Slug said

The 6 ponies stepped closer to Unicrons spark, they where about to use their elements when suddenly Unicrons spark began to glow brighter and brighter!

Then an invisible force slammed into their bodies, causing them the fall to their knees in pain.

"AAGGHH!" Twilight groaned, it felt like she was being crushed!

"Twili!" Shining Armor said "I'm coming!"

"No you must not go any closer!" Sludge said

"I'm not leaving me sister!"

But the white stallion was also hit with the same invisible force.

"AAGGH man, so thats what it feels like"

Twilight got up and saw her brother in pain, now she was mad.

She looked at Unicrons spark, which was somehow beginning to resemble his face.

"Unicron I heard stories about you, how you made our world, how you card for us, how you left us for a worthless fight against your own brother! I now see that your are truly evil, but when you hurt my friends and my brother, thats crossing the line!"

Twilight flapped her wings and her element glowed its magic flowing back into her friends who also got up and their elements glowed.

"You may be our maker!" Applejack said

"You may have brought us into existence!" Rarity said

"You may have thought us what we know!" Flutterhsy said in a scary voice

"You may have given some of use wings!" Rainbow Dash said

"You may have thought us how to party!" Pinkie Pie said

"But you will never change who where are, we use friendship as Magic and now we will use it to defeat YOU!"

A rainbow began to from around the ponies and their elements glowed brighter and they all closed their eyes.

And when they opened they where pure white, and a rainbow shot from their orb of magic.

And straight into Unicrons spark.

The colorful Rainbow mingled with the purple spark, mangling it and distorting it, until it bursted in a bright light.

The ponies floated back down and it seemed like it was all over.

"We did it!" Rainbow said

"Group hug!"

The ponies embraced each other. It seemed like their troubles where over.

Twilight looked up to see their victory.

And her smile faded instantly.

When to light died, their in the same place was a glowing purple sphere.

The ponies even Shinning Armor and the Princesses where Shocked.

But no one was more shocked than Twilight Sparkle.

"I...I don't understand.. the omelets should have done something at least, it should have put Unicron back to sleep"

"OH ye foolish ponies, you think some trinkets could stop ME! your creator!

Suddenly the elements of Harmony, in the blink of an eye where gone from the ponies possession!

The reappeared in mid air, close to Unicrons spark.

"You may think that friendship is the most powerful magic in the world, you think that you know everything, well I made you so I out date that all!

Twilight's face was in pure terror.

"Allow me to demonstrate what real Magic IS!

Suddenly sound of something cracking was heard, the Element glowed brighter and brighter.

And then, they shattered to thousand of pieces.

Time seemed to slow down as the ponies watched as the remains of elements fell to the ground and when they hit it their color faded, along with their very being.

Twilight was lost for words, the Elements of Harmony, the very things that brought her and her friends together where now destroyed.

"You, you, destroyed the Elements of Harmony! You have taken them away from us forever!" Celestia shouted in her Canterlot voice.

"Oh that is the only thing I will take away" Unicron said in a deep voice

Suddenly a purple light began to glow around Twilight and she Floated in mid air.

"Twilight!" Spike said

Twilight was now face to face with Uncirons Spark.

"I believe you are the newest Alicorn Princess?" Unicron said

Twilight began to shake(if she could)

"I personally think it was pointless for you to earn your wings merely because of friendship, only I have to true authority to grant a Unicorn alicorn status"

Then pain racked troughout Twilight's body and she began to scream.

"Twilight!" they all screamed

"Allow me to show what awaits those who defy me.

Twilight began to glow brighter and brighter, then Celestia and Luna's horns began to glow as well.

And in a second the room was consumed in light.

And when the light died down both alicorns and Twilight fell.

The five ponies and Shining Armor rushed to her side.

"Twilight are you alright?" Applejack said

Twilgith began to open her eyes

"Look" Rainbow Dash said

The ponies looked at Twilight's side and gasped.

"What, whats going on?" Twilight began to come to, and when she got up and looked at her side she also gasped.

Their was nothing their.

The ponies looked at Unicron.

"What have you done!?" Spike said

"I have stripped Twilight of the alicorn status, destroyed the Elements and placed a seal that prevents Celestia, Luna and her from using Magic ever again!"

The ponies looked their horns which where now grey and flopping.

"And also I have placed a second seal which will last even if you somehow manage to stop me


"Twilight's genetic structure has been altered she will never ascend to the rank of an Alicorn ever again, she will remain a unicorn for the rest of her @$%# life!"

As soon as Unicron said these words, the ponies could not believe what their ear where hearing.

But knew it all to be true.

Twilight lowered her head and cried.

But she didn't cry a single cry, just tears

Author's Note:

this is for those who didn't like the Twilight alicorn thing