• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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Beast Machines( Magic Duel)

Akiba Prime and Alchemist Prime were both nervous, mostly Akiba, Alchemist kept his cool as he tried to steer the ship to safety, trying to outrun the Meteor was harder than anticipated

"Can this thing fly any faster" Akiba shouted

"If you stopped shouting maybe I can fly faster"

Akiba was a Prime from Cybertrons secret society of Primes, the last one really, the rest where killed off by Megatron in the war. So in truth Akiba was the last of the Primes from Cybertrons golden age.

Before he left Cybertron, Alchemist brother, Alpha Trion, commissioned him to take her to Cybertron and Aid their brother Amalgamous Prime in defeating this new threat that Thunderwing was planning to unleash, he didn't know what he was gonna do, but considering who his maker was he had his suspicions. Besides Akiba was a decedent of Solus Prime his sister, so Akiba and his brothers where the only family he had left, and protecting his family is what he intended to do.

"Hold tight" he said "Its gonna be a bumpy ride"


Thunderwing relentless chased his prey to the surface his intentions on their deaths where high

"I must be vigilant if I must use my full power to destroy these Primes and do my duty so be it"

the two space objects broke through the planets atmosphere and where 1 minute from landing.


The Ark

"Grimlock I'm detecting two objects entering the planets Atmosphere" Preceptor said

"What are they?" Grimlock asked

"I don't know but ones radiating Dark energon!"

"And the other one?"

"Two cybertronian life signals"

Just when Preceptor finished those words Grimlocks Omega key began to glow, immediately he knew what to do.

"Bridge me to their estimated landing points" Grimlock said

"On it"


The Everfree forest

Akiba was the first to get out of the ship followed by Alchemist, they bolted for cover when Thunderwing's meteor came crashing down their ship, crushing it( luckily their was nothing of value in their) The two Primes ran for cover.

"What now?" Akiba asked

"He needs time to break out of that meteor, lets run while we can" Alchemist Prime said

Suddenly their where loud footsteps heard behind them, the two robots turned to see a giant Thunderwing standing before them.

"I wasn't in the meteor" He said

"What now?" Akiba said

"Where Primes, me and my brothers have faced bigger stuff than him, lets stand and fight, theirs two of us and one of him"

"Yes their is no greater honor than to fall at the hand of THUNDERWING!"

Before any shots could be thrown, a blast of fire came behind them and hit Thunderwing square in the head.

The two Primes turned to see a giant T-Rex stand before them.

"And theirs no greater honor, than to get smashed by ME GRIMLOCK!"

"Who is that" Akiba asked

The dino began to transform, its jaws opened to revel a smaller head, its legs became arms, and its tail finally twisted out in legs.

When the process was done a Destroyer sized Autobot stood before them.

"Ohh he's awesome" She said

"That Grimlock!" Alchemist said

"The one you sent here to train? He's better looking in person"

The Autobot leader walked down to the Primes.

"Are you two alright?"

"Indeed, I'm am Alchemist Prime, and this is Akiba Prime"

Grimlock observed the two bots, he had heard of Prime named Alchemist but not someone whose name was Akiba.

Before anything else could be said, Grimlock noticed Thunderwing getting back up.

"Preceptor, ground bridge!"

A ground bridge portal opened behind Grimlock and the Primes

"Get in I'll hold him of"

"He's to big, you can't take him!"

"Just go!"

The Primes did as they where told and entered the ground bridge which closed behind them.

Then it was just him and Thunderwing.

"Lets do this!" Grimlock said

"I may not be able to destroy two Primes today, but you will do!" Thunderwing responded



Twilight was stealing the show with her entertaining the guests from Saddle Arabia

"Don't worry Fluttershy" Spike said "She not gonna let them fall"

"I sure hope so!"

Twilight was in complete focus, nothing could go wrong now!



Grimlock and Thunderwing had practically destroyed half the forest with their fall, Grimlock was surprised he could last this long against this titan and his Dark energon.

"Your powerful Autobot!" Thunderwing said "But not powerful enough" And with that he smashed his fist into the ground but missed

"I faster than you realized" Grimlock activated his riot cannon and shot Thunderwing in the chest, dodging he fired a planet buster shot at his face.



"What?!" Thunderwing was still standing after that shot! Grimlock's enemies barley survive a planet buster shot!

"Impressive Autobot, now its my turn!"

Grimlock was not prepared for the fist that made contact with his chest.

Which promptly sent him flying, all the way to Ponyville.



Twilight was almost done with the event, only to receive help from Trixie.

"Thanks" Twilight said

"Its the least I can do, after I treated you and your friends so horribly, can you ever forgive me?" Trixie asked

"Apology accepted"

"Thank You Twilight"

"Okay time to put down the animals"

But Twilight never got the chance as a giant object fell from the sky and flattened to poor things

Grimlock was half dazed from the hit combined with the fall, it didn't settle well with his processor.

"Ugh man" He said getting up "That guy can sure throw a punch"

After his vision cleared he realized where he had landed


Their where 200 pairs of pony eyes on him.

"I got to get out of here" He thought to himself.

Before Grimlock could make a move, something hit him in the back, he turned around to see who was so foolish enough to hit him.

"Aright big guy, you think you can just fall from the sky and flatten Fluttershys animal well you've got another thing coming now put em up!"

Grimlock had no time to deal with the pony known as Rainbow Dash, he had to get back to defeating Thunderwing.

Looking up to the sky he saw his enemy fly over him.

"Grimlock, Autobot" The titian said

"Lets finish this"

Extending his sword Grimlock charged at is opponent.

Twilight tried to complicate what was happening, a giant metal monster had fallen from the sky and flattened Fluttershys animals and now it was trying to changeling even bigger monster, not knowing what, or who was friend or foe she knew one thing to do.

Talk to Celestia.

Grimlock attacked his opponent with his riot cannon but they did very little damage to the Thunderwing.

"Do you really think you can defeat me with those shots Autobot?"

"They can and they will Thunderwing" Grimlock Responded shooting a planet buster blast

"Ha, that's all? Very well now its my turn!"

The giant shot Grimlock with a massive amount of Dark enegron which exploded at his feet.

Grimlock went flying into a building.

"Ugh that hurt"

"You think your a Prime? Ha Ive squashed bigger bots than you!"

Grimlock started to get up.

"You are nothing but a weakling!"

That was the last straw! no one called him a weakling!

Thunderwing fired another shot at Grimlock, but the Autobot deflected it with just his hand!

"What?! how is that possible no one has deflected any of my Dark energon shots"

Grimlocks rage began to build, but not just his anger but he felt something else growing inside him something that was very unfamiliar, but powerful, very powerful.

Then he didn't know why but something told him to lift up that building with just mind.

Concentrating he did what is conscience said and focused the unknown energy inside him.

Then the next thing he knew the house was torn from its foundation and was hovering in the air

Twilight was in awe, she had just witnessed a giant monster fall out of the sky and flatten Fluttershys animals, then an even bigger monster appeared and challenged it to a fight, now she was looking at the smaller monster who was using telekinesis to lift a house.

"Princess what are they?" she asked

Celestia was just as confused as twilight, even she didn't know what they where.

"I have no clue Twilight, but lets stay out of the way until one of them falls"

Grimlock was still knew at using telekinesis but he was getting the hang of it, after a few seconds of levitating the thing he then threw it at Thunderwing with a bang

"Ugghh" Thunderwing was hit by the house as it smashed upon contact, although it didn't hurt much it really annoyed him

"Is that the best you can do Autobot?"

"No, Ive got plenty more" Grimlock said in response

"Grimlock can you hear me its Jetfire"

"Jetfire yes what is it?"

"I can bring in an airstrike to try and take down Thunderwing"

"Good how soon can you get here?"

"1 nanocycle, just keep him still"

Now all Grimlock had to do was stall The titan until help came.

Rainbow Dash was watching impatiently as the battle progressed, she looked over at Fluttershy who was mooring the death of her animals, this irritated Rainbow, if the fall was intentional then she would make that monster pay.

Grimlock knew he couldn't keep this up forever, his energon ammo was dangerously low.

"You cannot keep this up forever Autobot, eventually you will run out of ammo" Thunderwing said

"Grimlock this is Jetfire were in position"

"Good commence the airstrike"

"Wait you first need to keep Thunderwing still so we can get a clear shot"


"You cannot win Autobot, no one can match the might of Thunderwing!"

Grimlock was trying to think of a way to keep Thunderwing still but he had nothing to work with.
Then it cam to him.

"You want Thunder?"

Grimlock raised his hands to the sky.

"Have your fill!"

Grimlock brought his hands down to the Ground, and with them came a powerful bolt of lighting.

"AAAAGGGGHHH!" Pain racked Thunderwings body, the lighting bolt stunned him.

"Okay hes still commence airstrike!"

The sound of a flying object reached Rainbow Dash's ears.

"Hey are those the Wonderbolts I hear?"

The sounds got closer as Rainbow Dash looked to the sky hoping to see her idols again.

Only this time it wasn't the Wonderbolts.

"Airstrike commencing!" Silverbolt said

Their was a ominous sound and 5 flying objects soared over Thunderwing, pelting him with missiles, critically damaging him.

"And theirs goes the BOOM!" Jetfire said

Thunderwing was thrown back by the blast, but somehow he managed to get back up and still stand

"You will pay for this Autobots" Thunderwing siad

Thunderwing leap off the ground and flew into the sky and out of sight.

Grimlock looked around at the damage he caused and out of the corner of his eye he saw the ponies staring at him.

Their exetstance was now known.

"Swoop open a ground bridge"

Grimlock stepped through the portal and out of sight.

Almost immediately after those ponys of Ponyville started to clean up after the battle while Twilight, her friends and the Princess met up in the library to discuss what had happened.

Twilight as always was the first to speak.

"What where those things?"

Princess Celestia was the next to talk.

"Their obliviously machines, their metal skin assures that"

"Then how come they talked like ponies and did those things" Applejack said

"I think their aliens" Rainbow Dash said

The ponies turned their eyes to Rainbow when she said those words, Aliens was a viable answer.

"If they really are aliens could they present some sort of threat to Equestria?" Twilight said

"Its quiet possible" Princess Celestia said "The smaller alien seemed to have the ability to preform magic of devastating power"

"Magic? Really?" Twilight asked

"Twilight that monster preformed telekinesis and something that only the highest level unicorns can do"

Now Twilight was interested. "What thing?"

"When it summoned lighting from the sky that was called an ionic storm, one of the legendary ionic spells"

Twilight read about the ionic spells, that power was exclusive to Alicorns.

"You think this monster could be that powerful?"

"We don't no much about these things yet, one flew of while the other disappeared through a portal, we have to wait till one of them show up again and try to capture them, we can't search for them now"

"Yes princess"

"Listen to me Twilight I don't want you or any of your friends to go searching for those creature unless instructed"

"Yes Princes" They all said in unison.

"Good I will see you all later" Celestia flew of back to Canterlot leaving the ponies to ponder about the future now that these beings where among them.

The Ark

"And that's what h append" Grimlock said finishing explaining the battle to the crew of the Ark

"Wow sounds like an intense Battle" Blaster said

"And if theirs a bot like Thunderwing out their then theirs bound to be trouble" Kup said

"Thunderwing is more than just trouble"

All eyes turned to the bot who had recently arrived and his partner.

"How do you know?" Preceptor asked

"Because I was their when he was born" The male said

"Who are you?" Jazz asked

"I am Alchemist Prime and this is my student Akiba Prime"

"Hi" The female Prime said


The bots where surprised, now they had 4 Primes on their side.

"Brother it has been a while!" Amalgamous stepped forward to greet his sidling.

"Brother you haven't changed a bit!" the two shook hands as they exchanged greetings.

"Akiba" Amalgamous said greeting the female. "Hows your sharpshooting?"

"Still sharp" Akiba said

"This is all touching but can you tell us what you all are doing here and what Thunderwing is?" Hot Shot said

"Of course eveyone listen"

Every Autobot in the Ark was listening as Alchemist told the story.

"Thunderwing is a creation of Unicron, he sole mission was to destroy the Matrix."

"But the Matrix is in Optimus and hes not here right now" Ironhide pointed out.

"Yes that's why he has come to this planet to do another bidding of his master" Akiba answered

"And what would that bidding be?" Snarl asked

"We have yet to determine that, but until that time we should continue to monitor the land for any signs of trouble" Alchemist said

"Alright we now know what to do, Preceptor and Blaster you monitor the airways" Grimlock said

"Yes sir" They both said

"The rest of you all continue to try and get the Ark up and running again, we may need in in case we need to get of this planet"

"Uhh Grimlock can I speak to you in private?" Alchemist asked

"Of course"

Soon Grimlock and Alchemist where in a room.

"Whats this all about?"

Alchemist stood for a moment then asked a question that was completely unexpected.

"You can use magic can you?"

Author's Note:

Just to not confuse anyone here is a list of all the confiremed characters from the Aligned countinuty

Hot Shot