• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

  • ...

Broadside(Unicron Saga part 4)

All of central Equestria stood in awe at the sight of the Titan, never in a their entire life would they have guessed that beneath Canterlot their was a giant robot waiting to break out at the right time.

And now it stood where their capital city once was, the giant looked like a walking city to them, and from what had just happened it was an appropriate title.


The mane six, Spike, Celestia, Luna, the CMC, and the royal couple and Grimlock stood before this giant being.

"Who's he talking to?" Spike asked

"Me" Grimlock said stepping forward to the giant being.


"Orders?!" Shining Armor said

Grimlock thought for what Metroplex could do, his brain was fixed but he was still hard at thinking for the moment.

After a few seconds of thinking he came out with a plan.

"Metroplex you must dig out the Autobot Ark and help launch it into space"

Metroplex processed the order he had been given and then responded.


"What kind of assistance?"


This did not settle well with Grimlock.

"Ugh I think your the only guy here thats city sized"

Metroplex turned to the south.


"What about who?" Grimlock also turned to the east.

And saw something he hadn't noticed before.

It was yellow, form the looks of it this thing was old and ancient.

"What is that?" Applejack said

"It looks like and Autobot energon transport we onced used on our home planet Cybertron"

"Well what it doing here?" Twilight asked

Then suddenly the transport began to move and shift its parts, the same way Metroplex did!

"I think where about to find out" Luna said

The transports wheels began to shift and buckle until the separated parts from the ship the front sides of the transport moved in a an odd way as they formed two arms! hands came out of both of the limbs as the thing began to stand up!, the wheels formed the back of the bottom legs of this thing, three sets of twin mini cannons(Transformer scale) formed on each shoulder as three bigger cannons emerged on the front of each shoulder.

A head erupted, it bore a visor similar to Grimlock and red Autobot symbol light up the front of the second titan.

When all this came to pass a second Titan stood before them.


This was to much to comprehend for the ponies, first a giant sleeping titan bursts from beneath Canterlot, now a second one just came out of nowhere.

"This is just unbelievable" Luna said

"I'm with you on that" Rainbow Dash said

The two titans spoke in unison.


Their plan seemed logical.

"Preceptor are you hearing this?"

"Yes I am but first of all the Autobots are asking how in the world did both Metroplex and Broadside get here?!"

"I can explain Metroplex later, I don't know about Broadside, but will their plan work?"

"If they can attach themselves to the Ark and if we use the Red energon we got, the Ark will be able to leave the planets atmosphere"

"Okay where on our way!"

"Can we see?"

Grimlock turned to see Pinkie Pie with an smiling face.

"Really, you want to come to see the Ark?"

"Yes besides we want to see what feat of engine ring brought you here" Luna said

"Besides, we have nothing else to do" Rainbow Dash said

Grimlock thought for a moment.

"Okay you can come"

"Yeah I can't wait to see a real alien spaceship!" Scootallo said

Metroplex lowered his hand.


Grimlock looked at the hand, then at Metroplex

"Alright lets go"

The ponies and Grimlock stepped onto Metroplexes hand.


The giant started to walk west to the forests of La Pegasus.

Normally it took hours to reach one side of Equestria to another( the place was small), but while riding a giant it took only minuets.

When they reached their destination the Autobots where waiting for them.

Metroplex set his hand down and his passengers got off.

Jazz stepped forward.

"Who Grimlock I don't know how you got these guys here, but their here!"

"And they have a job to do so stand back everyone!"

The Autobots made way for the two titans, they walked over to where the Ark was suppose to be and stood before each other, then they knelt down and dug their hands into the ground.

And uprooted several hundred square feet of forest.

At first the ponies thought they where digging up ground, but then Twilight spotted gold and red, as it rose more gold and yellow was shown until they saw a giant golden structure being reveled.

When the titans stood it upright their stood the Ark.

"WOW" the ponies said in unison, the ship was bigger then both of the titans!

"That's the biggest ship I ever saw!" Luna said

"How are they suppose to lift it into space?" Rainbow Dash said


Rainbow was surprised Metroplex heard her!

The titans put their backs to to each side of the Ark then the sound that transformers made when they transformed was heard throughout Equestira.

Parts of the Ark connected with the two titans until it looked like those two where already built into the ship.

"ARK READY FOR LAUNCH!" Metroplex said

"Good where all ready" Preceptor said

"Wait just a second!"

All eyes where on Hot Shot.

"When we go up their to trash Unicron, how are we suppose to defeat him?"

The crowd fell silent, Grimlock hadn't thought about that.

Amlagamous stepped forward.

"When me and the Thirteen first battled Unicron it was the combined power of my brothers, Alchemist Prime here and the power of the Matrix of Leadership that defeated him"

"Well in case you haven't noticed where short on Primes since theirs only three of you, and Optimus Prime as the Matrix who is nowhere to be found" Ironhide said

"What the Matrix Of Leadership?" Celestia asked

"It is a vessel of pure energy, the collective wisdom of the Primes, it was what was used in the final battle against Unicron" Alchemist said

"So this Matrix represents Harmony and goodness in some way?"

"It represents all that and more"

Celestia stepped aside to revel the ponies with their Elements of Harmony.

"These are the Elements of Harmony, they where used to defeat the forces of Chaos before, maybe it will work on Unicron"

Alchemist thought for a moment.

"I don't know, everything on this planet came from Uincron, he may already know about them"

"That is possible" Ultra Magnus said

The Autobots exchanged glances.

"Its all we got" Grimlock stood before the crowd.

"Look if Unicron is allowed to rampage while Primus is still sleeping, then their will be no one to stop him from destroying the Universe and spreading Chaos, we must strike now while he is still coming to"

The Autobots exchanged more glances.

"It is the duty of a Prime to stop Unicron and bring about peace, me Alchemist, Akiba, and Amlagamous don't have a choice, but you do"

The Autobts exchanged more glance, then finally they stepped forward.

"Well I don't know about you guys but i''ll do it, for Primus" Jazz said

"For Cybertron" Blaster said

"For Prime" Ironhide said

Each Autobot had one of the three answers, but one thing was certain, they where ready.

"Alright everyone inside!" Grimlock said

The door opened, Jazz and Hot Shot regulated everyone in an orderly fashion, finally everyone was inside.

Grimlock then turned to the ponies who where looking at him.

"Are you ready for this?"

The ponies all looked at each other.

"Yeah where ready" Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

Grimlock gave a reassuring look.

"Okay then get in"

The mane six, the CMC, and the royal family all got in, and the door closed behind them.

Twilight followed Grimlock to a window which displayed all of Equestria, when they looked out they saw a crowd of ponies looking back.

"Hey Shining I can see mom and dad"

Shining Armor saw their parents looking at the spaceship

"I can see my dad" Rainbow Dash said looking a a rainbow colored stallion.

"We can all see our families" Applejack said.

And they all sure could.

"We may might not survive this" Twilight began "If only we had a chance to say goodbye"

The ponies put their faces on the window, looking at their families, hopefully not for the last time.

"Alright folks this is Blaster Blaster and we are about to take of in 5....4.

Twilight looked at her friends.


"Are you girls ready for this?"


They all got into a group hug.

"Ready as well ever be" Applejack said


The Arks new rocket boosters shot downward slowly lifting the Ark off the ground for a while it looked like it floated, then a few bursts of red energon and it was accelerating to space.

The Ponies of Equestria watched as their rulers along with their heroes leave. possibly forever.



The Ark rocketed trough the atmosphere. For the first time Twilight saw what her planet looked like from space.

"Is this what you saw during your time on the moon Luna?" Twilight asked

Luna looked at the planet then back at Twilight.

"Yes this is exactly how it looked like"

The com system spoke again.

"Will the ponies please report to the bridge?"

"Looks like where needed" Celestia said

"Alright lets go" Rainbow Dash said

The ponies made their way to the bridge and saw Autobots Repairing broken equipment.

"Wow these guys must really care about this ship" Twilight said

"We do it is our last hope"

The ponies saw a white Autobot walk by them.

"I'm Jazz we have been introduced properly"

"Nice to meet you Jazz" Twilight said

"The Ark was built as a last resort to leave the planet in search for a new home until we could bring life back to Cybertron"

"Really tell me more"

Jazz explained the battle that took place upon the Ark until they made it to the bridge.

"Where here"

The room was big, it had many consoles and flashing lights.

And at the front of the room was Grimlock.

"So whats the plan Grimlock?" Jazz asked

Grimlock turned to Preceptor.

"We are going to ground bridge as close as we can to Unicrons spark, then these ponies will unleash the elements of Harmony and hopefully destroy him"

"Sounds like a good plan" Luna said

"But since Unicron is practically our creator hell be expecting us" Celestia said

"Yeah how are we suppose to distract him?"

The Autobots thought for a moment, before their was a strange ringing noise.

"Grimlock where being hailed!" Blaster said

"On screen!"

The window of the room changed from an image of Unicron to Shockwave on the Driller.


"What does he want?" Spike said

"Grimlock I have come to propose an alliance"

"And what makes you think well do that?"

"Someone will need to keep Unicron distracted while you infiltrate his body to destroy his spark"

"How do you know about that?!" Rainbow Dash said

"Its a logical plan that anyone can figure out, and its the only plan you've got"

The Autobot all looked at each other.

"I promise I will not intervene we will stick o out side of Unicron if you stick to yours"

Grimlock thought for a moment then responded.

"Very well you do your thing while we do ours"

"A wise choice" Shockwaves screen disappeared

"I don't trust him" Celestia said

"Me neither, but with him taking on Unicron we will have less trouble inside"

"Grimlock the ground bridge is ready" Preceptor said

"Alright Autobots lets move out!"

The gang made their way to the room, they where given words of encouragement by passing Autobots.


The Groundbridge room

"The Ultra Magnus, Wreckers, Scattershot, the Elite Guard, Alchemist, Amlgamous, Akiba and my Dinotbots will come for backup"

"Yeah lets kick afterburners!" Rotorstorm said

Shining Armor turned to his wife.

"I'll be back, I promise"

"You better" She said tearfully.

"Kick some tail while your in their Grimlock" Ironhide said

"You can count on that Ironhide"

"I want all three of you to stay here" Applejack said to the CMC

"AWW but I wanna see the inside of something" Scootaloo said

"Scoots where not going inside our creator, despite the chance we may get our cutie marks in their" Applebloom said

"I'll be back I promise" Applejack said hugging he sister

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone!" Rarity said to Sweetie Belle

"Yes Rarity" they hugged

"Do something awesome in their Rainbow Dash!" Scootallo said

"Don't worry squirt I will" they hoof-bumped

The Groundbridge was live and ready.

"Autobots, as Optimus Prime would say, Transform, and roll out!"

The Autobots changed form, the ponies got inside some of them and rolled tough the portal.



The Autobots stepped onto a very hard surface, when they where all out and the groundbridge closed behind them they looked all around them.

"So this is what the inside of Unicron looks like" Luna said

The place was covered with purple spots, obliviously dark energon. their where nerves that looked like bridges.

"So how long until Unicron knows where here?"

"Make no mistake, he already does" Alchemist Prime said

The group walked alongside the bridge into another part of Unicron, all of this watch witnessed by a giant Eye.