• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

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The Chaos Bringer (Unicron Saga Part 5)

The Group made their way through the interior of Unicron, the Autobots where focused on their mission, but the ponies where a little distracted by the insides of their creator.

"I can't believe where actual inside a sentient being!" Twilight said

"I can't believe nothing has happened yet" Spike said

"Where not here to admire Unicrons interior, where here to destroy it" Scattershot said

"Scattershots right Twilight we have to stay focused" Shining Armor said

"I never thought I hear you agree with Scattershot" Twilight said

"Oh just keep moving"

The group came to a large open room, and on the other said of it was a big door.

"Their, where getting close" Alchemist said

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Rainbow Dash flew towards the door.

"Rainbow wait!" Grimlock said

Rainbow Dash stopped where she was, and heard a strange sound.

"Whats that noise?" Rarity asked

"I sounds like the flapping of wings" Warpath said

Then the sounds grew louder and louder, until the voice of a servant was heard.

"Grimlock, holder of the Omega key!"

The gang looked up and saw Thunderwing fall out of nowhere!

"Your destruction is at hand!"


The Driller

The Decepticon sentry guns where pouring everything they had on Unicron, but they where barley making a dent in him.

"Where barley making a dent in this guy!" Brawl said

"Keep the fire on Decepticons, hes got to break sometime" Shockwave said

The Decepticon commander entered the bridge and confronted Soundblaster.

"Yes Commander Shockwave?"

"I need you to bridge onto the Ark and retrieve someone without notice"

"Who is it?"

"Oh believe me she will not be unnoticeable"



The Autobots where pouring everything they had on Thunderwing, but non of their weapons could harm him.

"I have gained power since our last encounter Autobots!"

"This is not good where barley making a dent in him" Slug said

"Listen up use missiles and explosion devices on his shoulders!" Grimlock said

"Why?" Warpath said

"They appear to be vulnerable"

Scatterhot got a good look at the giants shoulders and their armor did look weaker.

"Concentrate fire on those Shoulder pads!" he said

The Autobots shot Thunderwings Shoulders and sure enough he began to move back.

That should stall him, but to do some real damage we got to destroy his armor and expose as much as we can.

"What we need is an E.M.P. pulse that can weaken him" Alchemist said

"So anyone got an E.M.P. grenade on them?" Warpath said

"Whats an E.M.P?" Celestia said

"E.M.P stands for Electromagnetic pulse" Slug said

Celestia looked at Twilight and they nodded.

"We can use a spell that can generate a pulse similar to that" Twilight said

"Well use it" Sludge said

"Only one problem, it can only be used at close range"

That was a problem.

"So your just going to walk up their while he is still standing and use it?" Swoop said

"No, its to dangerous Twilight" Spike said

"Yeah even Grimlock can't do that without Thunderwing stunned"

This was a real problem.

"Wait I got an idea!" Grimlock said

"Well lets us hear it!" Sludge said

"If I can cast an ionic storm spell to stun Thunderwing long enough, you may be able to get close to him and do it!"

Twilight thought about it.

"Yes Grimlocks ionic storm defeated Thunderwing once"

"Okay its a go" Snarl said

Grimlock rushed to Thunderwing and sucker punched him, the dark robot then clashed fists with him.

"You think you can defeat Unicron, he is Chaos incarnated, as long as you are just a mindless Autobot you are nothing!"

Grimlocks rage began to build.

"I'm no mindless Autobot!

Grimlock slammed Thunderwing into the wall.

"I'm a BEAST!"

"Grimlock put his hands to the ceiling and brought them down.

Along with a huge bolt of lighting.

"Wow" Rainbow Dash said

The bolts of power power for a few seconds which ended with a soft thundering.

"He stunned do it now!" Grimlock said

Twilight rushed up to Thunderwing, and with her quick new Alicorn powers she cast the spell with ease and ran back.

Thunderwing came to.

"Whats happening? My strength is fading"

The pads on the titans shoulders opened.

"Yes those reactors are vulnerable target them target them!"

The Autobots rained fire on the reactor( with the help of the Alicrons) and Thunderwing roared in pain.


Grimlock fired five more shots at the beast hoeing to fell him.

"No, no, I will not be defeated, if I must expel every bit of energy in my core, to destroy the rage that threatens my master, so be it!"

Grimlock cross arms.

"You wanted the rage so badly" A red aurora began to glow around Grimlock, Twilight had seen this before, right before Grimlock...


Grimlock transformed into his Dino mode and unleashed a mighty roar.

"OH that is Awesome!" Rainbow Dash declared

Grimlock fired a ball of fire at Thunderwings exposed core.

"AAAAAGGGGGGHHHH" the titan roared in pain as he stepped back.

"Look hes gonna!"

Thunderwing, not looking where he was going fell off the bridge and cried all the way down the the bottom.

Grimlock looked over the edge and saw only darkness.

The he looked back at the door which surprisingly opened on its own.

Grimlock looked back at the group.

"Well I guess thats the sign for us to go" Luna said

The group ran through more corridors on the way to the spark of the Chaos Bringer.

"Unicrons spark is just yonder the next room" Alchemist Prime said

"Alright where almost their" Akiba Prime said

"I'll go on ahead" Rainbow Dash said

The cyan Pegasus flew ahead.

"You freind sure is courageous" Alchemist said

"She sure is" Applejack said

"Alright the sooner we get to the core the sooner we AGH!"

Swoop came out of the hole and straight into a floating Rainbow Dash.

"Hey whats the big idea?!" Swoop said

Rainbow Dash pointed to the door, or rather she was pointing to the Draconequus who was trying to open it.

When the rest of the group came out, he turned around.

"Why hello my little ponies, fancy meeting you here"

"Discord!" Celestia said

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash said

"Oh what does it look like, I'm trying to get inside Unicrons spark so I can Destroy it and prove myself the true Chaos Bringer"

"But Why?" Luna said

"I am the being of Chaos no one else, I don't care if he made me I am the true spirit of Chaos"

"Technicality, Unicrons a God" Amlgamous said

"Shut up"

"But we reformed you, you should be good" Twilight said

"Oh you think a little reforming is gonna switch mt alignment that easily?"

"But Discord you said we where friends!" Fluttershy said

"Oh please I was born evil I don't need friends"

Fluttershy's eyes began to water.

"But what about you saying friendship is magic?"

"Oh Fluttershy, we can still be friends, if you join me"

She held beck some of her tears.

Then she put on an anger face.

"I will never be friends with someone as evil as you!"

"Fine the second I destroy Unicorn I'll turn all turn animal friends into feral beasts!"

The dam broke and Fluttershy wined.

"How dare you make her cry!" Pinkie said

"Oh I could care less, now it you excuse me I have a god to destroy"

"I'm afraid I can't let that happen"

The group look at a corner as a new face came out of its shadows, he bore purple armor and a orange cannon and his head looked like it was wherein a crown and his face was one of evil.

"Who are you?"

The Purple being stepped forward and just laughed a slightly crazy laugh.

"Who am I? Who am !?"

The ponies backed up in fear

"I Galvatron, I am your destruction!"

Author's Note: