• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,231 Views, 118 Comments

Transformers Prime: Magic of the Dinobots - Metroid Prime

The Autobots and Decepticons battle the ponies for Equestrias energon supply.

  • ...

Aerialbots vs Wonderbolts( Bruticus vs Superion)

2 weeks later

Thunderwing could not believe he was defeated by two Primes in one month it was humiliating, ever since that human had implanted that device into his systems he was not doing well as a servant of Unicron.

"I must get stronger if I am to resurrect my master" He thought to himself "The Autobots no this world will pay for their defiance, if I must destroy every last pony and bot on this world so be it!"

Then as if on cue his sensors detected a new source of Dark energon coming from a nearby mountain and immediately he knew what to do.

"Soon my master, soon"


The Driller.

"Shockwave Our sensors have picked up a massive amount of Dark Energon, and its on the move" Soundblaster said.

"Good we must assume its Thunderwing" Shockwave said.

"How do you know its name?" Flamewar said

"Lord Megatron told me about him, he said if any of us should encounter him that we should terminate him"

"Why?" Hook asked

"Megatron told me that Thunderwing is a servant of Unicron and that his mission was to destroy the Matrix of Leadership"

"So the Matrix isn't here" Brawl said.

"Yes, Thunderwing attempted to destroy Optimus Prime on Earth but was Defeated by the power of the Matrix, the Autobots Presumed him dead"

"Really?" Skywarp said.

"Yes, but Megatron saw Thunderwing rise from his grave and fly off into space, he said should we encounter him, fire on sight"

"Well if Megatron says he's Dangerous than I say let's smash his face in" Motormaster said.

"Good is everyone in agreement?"

The Decepticons shouted battle cries in agreement.

"Good, Sooundblaster whats his location?"

"He is at the Wonderbolt Academy"


The Ark.

Grimlock was Busy practicing levitation spells as instructed by Alchemist, ever since that talk with him he had been practicing his magic skills nonstop.

2 weeks earlier.

"Grimlock, you are a decedent of Nova Prime, one of the last Novians" Alchemist said.

"Novians?" Grimlock responded.

"Cybertroinans who can manipulate the ancients arts of magic, they have a sense for being powerful which explains why you have survived all those many battles"

"Wow, this is all so sudden"

"You shouldn't be surprised, after all you did call lighting down from the sky and lift a house without even grabbing it"

"That's true"

"Grimlock remember when Primus entrusted you with the omega that now resides in your body? Its because your well on your way to becoming a Prime, and all Primes have a special ability, much like how these ponys have cutie marks"

"So my special ability is Magic?"

"Correct, Alpha Trion sent me here to help you with your training in the ways of magic, will you accept this?"

"Of course!"

"Very well lets begin"

(End of flashback).

Now that Grimlock had discovered this new power his was ready to take on anything.

"If only their was something to take on" Grimlock thought to himself.

Their was a knock on the door.


The door opened and Blaster was standing in it..

"Grimlock our scouts just spotted Thunderwing heading for the Wonderbolt Academy!" Blaster said.

"The place where they Train the Wonderbolts?"


Finally some action he thought.

"Blaster stereo mode I have an announcement to make"

"Sure thing!"

Blaster transformed into his boombox mode.

"Will the following Autobots please report to the groundbridge room: Airelbots, Scattershot, Hot Shot, Dinobots, and Warpath, Thunderwing has been spotted"

Blaster transformed back into his robot mode.

"Blaster your with us too"

"Alright Ive been wanting to get out of the ship for a while!"


"Now get out their and give me 20!" Spitfire said.

"Yes Mame!

Rainbow Dash Flew off into the sky, a bunch of other students following her lead.

"Wait, you didn't even get to open your care package" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Looks like Dash got just what she wanted" Rarity said.

"Well I guess we can just wait here until someone picks us up" Applejack said.

"Lets just hope nothing else that threatens our lives happens" Twilight said.

(500 feet above the cloud layer).

Thunderwing scan the mountain below him for signs of dark energon..... it was their alright.

"Activate drill feet!" He said to himself. Then his feet transformed into two drills.

Doing a 360 spin at 100 mph Thunderwing rocketed down to the surface.

5 seconds to impact. 4. 3. 2. 1.....

Rainbow Dash was in complete bliss now that she was Lead pony, nothing could go wrong.

She flew on her backside to show of, she she opened her eyes she saw a giant metal green twister descending to the ground.

"What the?!"

Nearly missing her, she dodge the thing as it passed her and the group.

"Look out below!" she called out

The ponies looked up as they saw a green tornado descend to the ground.

"Duck and cover!" Spitfire said

The ponys dropped to the ground as the thing impacted the mountain, the sound of a boom followed by a drilling noise was heard.

Twilight opened her eyes and got up to see the damage. but the thing was nowhere in sight.

"Over here!" somepony said

The ponies gathered at the pony's position and at his feet was a giant hole.

"How long does it go down?" somepony said

"I don't know" Spitfire said

"What could have caused this?" Applejack asked

Before anypony could answer a weird sound was heard. Everypony turn to the supposed source of the sound to see a glowing green portal.

Then out of the portal stepped out two purple two legged beings, They were both clearly twin they had arms and a visor for eyes but no mouth, but the thing that frightened Twilight the most was the scary looking symbol they bore on their chests.

They both parted was for another set of twins who where the same except one was purple while the other was blue.

"Maybe they know" Twilight said shaking

A few yards away

"What are your orders commander Skywarp" The vehicon asked chocking his gun.

"Clear the area of these ponys we must set the explosives before Thunderwing comes out of that hole" Skywarp said

"With pleasure!" The vehicon responded aiming his gun and firing on a group of ponies.

Rainbow Dash ducked as a blast of laser soared over her head, grazing her hair leaving a sizzle on her rainbow mane.

"Hey whats the big idea!?" Rainbow Said in response.

The metal beings just stepped aside as more of the purple beings poured out of the portal and started to fire on everything that looked like a pony.

"Run!" Twilight shouted.

"Where to? Theirs no way of this rock!" Applejack said.

"Then will just have to wait out until help comes" Twilight responded.

"Where are we going to hide?" Rarity asked.

Twilight hastily move her head trying to find a place to hide themselves, then she saw a pair of big sturdy rocks.

"Hide behind their!" She said.

The ponies ran to the rocks and hide being their safe structures.

"Okay we can wait here until another balloon comes" Twilight said.

"Lets hope it comes soon" Rarity said.

Applejac was about to quiet down when she checked head count.

"Wait, wheres Rainbow Dash?!"

Thundercraker was satisfied, he hadn't have this much fun since they trashed Iacon.

"Hurry it up!" He said to a lagging vehicon. "I want this done before they show up"

"Who?" The con said obliviously.

Before Thundercraker could answer, another ground bridge opened, only it didn't belong to them.

All eyes, both pony and Decepticon where on a red and yellow figure that stepped out of its vortex.


Pinkie Pie was all eyes and ears when this figure said.

"Its party time!"

(5 seconds earlier)

Blaster stepped out of ground bridge and into the sunlight, he hadn't remembered the last time he felt a stars warm rays.

But as much as he wanted to enjoy this planets fun ways he had cons to blast!

"Its party time!"

Blaster activated his bass cannon and played a powerful dub-step, the force of the soundwaves hit two vehicons and sent them flying.

The Aerialbots were the next to come out of the portal and into the sunlight followed by the Dinobots, Hot Shot, Scattershot and Warpath.

"Autobots!" Grimlock said "ATTACK!"

The warriors cocked their guns and charged at the incoming Decepticons who in term charged and fired back.

Grimlock was about to transform when yet again a blue blur hit him.

The second Rainbow Dash laid eyes on Grimlock she immediately recognized him from the incident in Ponyville.

"You!" Rainbow shouted, with anger and strength flowing back into her vein's, she flew straight into Grimlock, who was surprised at the strike.

"You!" Grimlock said in response.

"You attacked us in Ponyville hurt my friend and kill Fluttershys animals!"

"I have no idea what your talking about pony but get out of my way!"

Grimlock shoved Rainbow Dash aside.

"Hey no one does that to me!" She said.

"Well I just did" Grimlock said.

Now Dash was really mad.

"These Ponies should be getting out of here, not asking for a talk"

Then again the one called Rainbow Dash was in his face.

"What do you want?" Grimlock said

"I want you to fight me! Now put em up!" Rainbow said

"Why should I? You'll lose so easily"

"I never lose"

"Then you don't want to fight me, just lets us do what has to be done"

"I'm not getting out of your face until you throw some punches bozo!"

Grimlock hated being called a bozo, it was one of the few words that got him angry enough to transform.

"For the last time get out of here!" he said

Grimlock grab Rainbow Dash and threw her into the air, knowing that she was a flyer he didn't worry about her falling.

What he didn't worry about was the fact that she came flying back at him and hit him so hard in the head that Grimlock actually fell on his feet.

"Now get up and fight me weakling!" Rainbow had done it this time.

Grimlock got back up, but she saw a red aura radiate around his body, which made her worry, then he growled looking at his left hand then his right, finally he let out a roar that was heard all the way to Canterlot.

For the first time in her life Rainbow was beginning to succumb to fear, dropping to the ground scared she watched as the creature stared at her with pure, manifested hatred.

Then it spoke in a deep demotic voice.

"You want a fight? I'll give something else, wanna know what it is?" Grimlock said

"What?" Rainbow said quivering

"FEAR!" Grimlock shouted, and he wasn't kidding, what Grimlock did next scared her right to the bone.

Grimlock smashed both his fists into the ground, then Rainbow heard some mechanical noise as they changed into feet, then his other feet twirled up into a long, sharp, tail, finally Rainbow stopped breathing when a large monsterus head arose from Celestia knows where.

"All the Autobots, Decepticons and ponies heard the beast like roar that Grimlock shouted from his voice box, Rainbow Dash had just witness this monster turn into the most scariest thing she had seen in her life, This creature looked like a dragon without wings and no hands, but its was the head that scared her the most.

Grimlock let out another roar that sent Rainbow Dash rolling into the safe zone and out if the battle field, which should keep her out of his hair(If he had any) Now he could focus on the Decepticons.

"Grimlocks Transformed into his Dino form run!" a con said before being eaten buy said robot.

All the Decepticons made no attempt to fire on the Autobot leader less they attract his attention.

"Thundercracker our troops don't stand a chance against Grimlock what do we do?" a vehicon said

"Get me the Combaticons they combined into Bruticus to take him on" Thundercracker said

"Yes sir!"

After the con contacted the bridge for the said robots he was promptly eaten by Grimlock who had heard this.

As powerful as he was he couldn't handle a combinder yet, he would have to counter with their own

"Silverbolt" Grimlock said

"Yes Grimlock?" Silverbolt said

"Show these cons and ponies who the master of the skies"

"Yes sir"

Spitfire and her Wonderbolts were watching from the distance as the battle progressed, she was mainly focusing on the ones that appeared to be fliers, seeing them as potential rivals she studied them like she studied flight plans but she listened carefully as the one who appeared to be the leader step forward.

"Alright Aeriabots assemble!"

"Aerialbots, so that what their called" spitfire said with interest.

Twilight observed as a purple ship emerge from the skies and into the scene a yellow alien jumped out into the battle field and two flying objects flew beside the ship, then she observed as they faced of against the flying aliens who had just arrived.

But what those two groups did next was completely unimaginably

"Aerialbots combine into Superion!" Silverbolt said

"Combaticons combined into Bruticus"

Spitfire, Twilight and all the ponies watched in complete amazement as two fling aliens transformed into what appeared to be two feet, the leader then transformed into a torso and connected to the two legs, finally the remaining two aliens transformed into two arms completing the giant.


The the ponies watched as the other group did the same thing, two big aliens transforming into two legs while the one in the purple ship jumped out and change into a torso and linked with the two legs, then the two flying objects formed into two arms ready to fight.


Twilight had just witness 10 aliens merge into two giants! physically that wasn't suppose to be possible.

"What are those thing?" Applejack asked hoping someone would answer.

"I wish I knew Applejack, I wish I knew" Twilight said

Superion sent a volley of missiles at his opponent Bruticus who in term used his flamethrower to destroy them in mid air.




The two combinders met each others fists which sent a wave a force throughout the area.

"You think you can defeat us!?" Thundercrackers said with distaste

"Yeah we can!" Blasters said "Steeljaw, Sunder, Rewind and Eject!"

Three minicons came out of Blasters chest and attacked Thundercracker.

"AAHH! Get these things off of me!"

Thundercracker transformed and fled the scene.

"Ha! Won't be seeing him for a while" Sunders said

Meanwhile Bruticus had just thrown Superion across the pavement and was still getting back up.

"Thats it I'm done, no more mister nice guy"

Spitfire then watched as this giant monster started to fly! I could fly? That giant thing.

And if it that wasn't surprising enough she watched as if lifted up its opponent and threw it into the air.

"AAAAAAHHHH" Bruticus fell down to the ground with a loud thud!

"Ow thats got to hurt" Blaster said

And with that Superion walked up to his fallen opponent and shoved him off the edge of the mountain and plummeting to the surface.

Knowing what was about to happened Buticus deformed back into the five Combaticons that made him, Blast Off and Vortex saving their comrades from certain doom.

"Get us back up their we need to get back into the fight" Brawl said.

'No, Something tells me that we don't want to get back up their" Onslaught said.

"What makes you say that?" Swindle said the all of their optics spied the Driller warship coming into view.

"I don't Know, call it a hunch"

Scattershot was busy finishing off the remaining the remaining Decepticons when his audio receptors pick up a rumbling sound he turned to his right to see the Driller warship coming in a full speed.

"Grimlock look!"

Grimlock turned around just in time to see the Decepticon warship come into view.

"Well I guess thats our cue, Shockwave open a ground bridge" Skywarp said and almost immediately a ground bridge opened at his feet, to which the remaining Decepticons began to pour into.

"Preceptor open a ground bridge!" Grimlock said.

The ground Bridge opened and the Autobots to began to fall back.

"Elite Guard disengage and retreat" Scattershot said.

"Yes sir Caption Scattershot sir!" An elite guard said.

"Elite guard?" Rainbow said.

"Caption Scattershot?" Twilight said.

Twilight spotted the insignia that the leader bore on his shoulder it looked similar to her brothers Royal guard insignia, then Twilight heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"Twilight come on!"

Twilight turned to see her Spike in a ballot land, almost immediately all six ponys got into the balloon and floated to safety.

The remaining Autobots disappeared trough the portal as the Driller hovered over the hole that Thunderwing dug, Almost at the same time Thunderwing came out of said hole.

"At last I have enough energon to rebuild my master!" Thunderwing gloated to himself and them looked up to see a giant laser gun come out of the Driller.

"But as it seems I am pressed for time" Thunderwing flapped his wings and came off the ground.

"Quick fire the laser now!" Shockwave said. The laser began to charge to its full power, on the ground Spitfire didn't know what that weapon was but something told her it was not good.

"Everypony get out of here now!" She said.

The pegusi did as they where told and in a few moments not a single creature was on the mountain.

"Fire" Shockwave said.

The laser fired at full force sinking into the hole and deep into the mountain, the process created a chain reaction the began to bring the mountain down from the inside.

All the ponies watched as the mountain began to crumble from the force of the laser the side slide of like they where butter and in a few moments the Wonderbolt academy no longer stood in the sky.

Rainbow Dash was both Furious and sad, sad because the one place she could become a Wonderbolt was gone and the fact that its was all those aliens fault, she wanted to go after the ship that destroyed the place but that would be suicide, all she could do is watch as it floated of into the distance.


Only Twilight went inside to report to Celestia and Luna about the incident her bother was here too, wanting to listen to what her sister said.

"And the laser just blew into the mountain and the entire academe fell out of the sky"

The two rulers where silent for a time then Luna spoke.

"It seems these aliens are highly advanced if they have the power to destroy an entire mountain"

"Indeed" Celestia said "And its seems that theirs no point in hiding this from the rest of Equestria, the attack on the Castle combine with the fight in ponyville and the destruction of the academy will definitely spread rumors"

"I have also learned some things about these aliens" Twilight said.

"And what would that be?" Celestia asked.

"They appear to be at war with another but neither appear to be good"

"I see" Luna said.

"One fraction is called Decepticons and the other is called Autobots, I have identified two subgroups belonging to each, the Decepticons have a group of aliens called the Combaticons and Seekers while the Autobots have Aerialbots and Dinobots"

"Interesting" Celestia said.

"And your never gonna believe this! It seems that the Aerialbots and Combaticons have the ability to combined into a large foe called Superion and Bruticus respectively"

Both princesses where taken back by this.

"Impossible no species int he world has the power to merge into one being!" Celestia said.

"Well this species are not from this world"

Shining Armor was some what worried, these creature where indeed powerful, he wondered if the Royal guard would be able to match them.

"Hey Twiliy?" Shining said.

"Yes Shining?"

"Anything else you learned about these creatures?" He asked.

"Oh yeah apparently the Autobots have their very own Elite Guard!"

All three ponies where intrusted in this response, especially Shining Armor these aliens had a guard force of their own?

"And their leaders name is Scattershot" Twilight said.

"Scattershot huh..I'll remember that name" Shining Armor said.

The two princesses looked at each other and nodded.

"Thank you Twilight we are going to find a way to stop these aliens from destroying Equestria"

Shining Armor walked up to her sister.

"Don't worry Twilight I'll send a guard escort to take your friend home okay?"

"Thanks Shiny" Twilight hug her brother and walked out of the throne room.

"Do you think the Elements of Harmony can defeat them if they where gathered in one Place" Luna asked.

"I don't know but the power of friendship has saved Equestria before maybe they can save it again" Celestia said.

"Lets hope so" Shining Armor said.

All three of them turned to the stained glass windows that had been glued back together after the explosion at castle.

Author's Note:

In The next chapter Grimlock gets a new toy.