• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,231 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 10: A Mother's Anger

Author's Note:

As you all can see, I'm back, for now.

This chapter is about Celestia and what she did after arriving back in Equestria, it's not very good.

The Shining in this story is a little different than you are used to, he is not a guard so he never meet Cadence. I just want to write something diffferent.

PLEASE don't write a comment that say 'it's good your back' or 'I'm glad the story is back' or anything like that, I'm getting tired of it. If you guys want to write a comment then write about the chapter, PLEASE.

It was your typical day in the Canterlot castle until in flash and Celestia appeared in the garden, face first on the grass. “I really hate this spell.” She mumbled to herself as she laid there.

The guards who was nearby rushed over to Celestia to help her up. “Are you okay princess Celestia?” Asked one of the guards as he help her up.

“I’m just a little tired, the spell takes a look of magic.” She told the guards while rubbing her head.

“Did you have a fun time in Wiacaster?” Celestia and guard looks in the directions to the entrance of the castle, it was Luna who was walking towards them. “Or did you have some fun with Drake?” She asked with some tease in her voice, she also had amusing look on her face.

Celestia gave her sister an annoying look. “I regret telling you about him.” She said to her sister while getting up, with some help from her guards.

Luna just smiled. “You did and now I can tease you for it, how did it go with Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked her sister.

“She thought she owned Spike.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she heard right. “Did you just say that Twilight thought she owned Spike?” Celestia nodded. “Why…? Why would she believe that?”

“She was afraid of losing him so she denial everything, I was lucky to talk some sense into her.”

Luna started to rub her face with her hand. “How long is she going to stay in jail?” Luna asked her sister.

“A week.” Celestia let out a tiring sighed. “Can we talk about this another time? I want to head to my room and rest. I’m very tired. I have to explain things to Twilight’s parents and her friends tomorrow and that’s not something I’m looking forward to.” She went to bed.

After a good night rest Celestia had recover her magic, she had a shower, eat breakfast and was ready to talk to Twilight’s parents, she was really not looking forward to that.

Celestia was now standing outside the house of Twilight Velvet and her husband Night Light, she knew they had a son but she wasn’t sure if he was there. She walk to the door and knock.

It didn’t take long before the door open. “Yes?” The one to open the door was Twilight’s brother, Celestia remember his name was Shining Armor, she thinks, Twilight had mention him a few times. He was unicorn with white fur and his hair was blue with some light blue stripes. He was wearing a jacket with some pants.

Shining’s eyes widen when he saw who it was. “Princess Celestia? What are you doing here?”

Celestia nodded her head . “Hello Shining Armor, I was hoping to talk to you and your parents, if they are home.”

It took a few seconds before Shining could answer. “Why… Why do you want to talk to us?” He asked her.

“It’s about your sister Twilight.”

“Twily? What about her?” Shining asked with some curiosity.

“Is possible we can talk inside?”

Shining didn’t react at once. “Yes, off course. Please step inside.” He step aside so Celestia could walk inside, he then notice how big she was and the only thing he could think of was, wow.

As soon as Shining closed the door they heard a female voice. “Who is a the door Shining?” That was probably Twilight’s mother Velvet.

“I’m not sure if you would believe me if I told you mother, you should come and see for yourself.”

“Don’t tell me you brought another mare from a bar with you home again, I’m getting sick of it.”

That made Shining groan while Celestia gave him a intrigued look, she couldn’t help but wonder what Twilight’s brother does. “I don’t bring every mare with me here and no, this is no mare I pick up at a bar, it’s princess Celestia.”

There was silence for a second. “Do you really expect me to believe that?” They heard footsteps. “Why would princess Celestia come her?” A mare with grey fur walk into the hallway, she also had white hair with some purple strips. “There’s no reason for her to come…” That was all she could say when she spotted Celestia, Velvet’s mouth fell open. “Princess Celestia?” She then went down on her knees and bowed. “I’m so sorry that I thought you were one of my son’s sluts.” Shining just rolled his eyes of what he’s mother said.

“That’s it, I’m moving out.” He mumbled to himself as he walk past his mother.

Shining was embarrass by his mother and so was Celestia, she never like it when ponies bowed the way Velvet did. “Please, stand up. I’m here to talk about your daughter.”

Velvet look up. “Twilight? What about her?” She asked while getting up.

“I would like to talk about her with your family.”

Velvet became a little nervous. “Alright, follow me.” She walk to the living room and Celestia followed her.

Once Celestia she could see Shining sitting a chair while a blue unicorn with dark blue hair was sitting in the couch reading the newspaper, it had to be Night Light. The living room was pretty normal, two chair, couch, pictures on the walls.

Velvet walk over to Night. “Honey, we have a very special guest.”

Night look over the paper with intriguing and he almost had a heart attack when he saw who it was. “Princess Celestia.”

Night was very quick to get up but Celestia held up a hand to stop him. “Please, you don’t have to bow, I’m here to talk about your daughter.”

Night look over at his wife in confusion, she just nodded. “Alright, please sit down.”

Celestia sat down in the chair while Night and velvet took the couch. Celestia wasn’t sure how to begin, she decided to just to get it out of the way. “I have come to tell you all that yesterday Twilight travelled to Wiacaster where she got herself arrested.”

Twilight’s family wasn’t sure if the heard right. “I’m sorry princess, did you just say that Twilight got arrest? In Wiacaster?” Velvet asked the princess who gave her a nod. “You are lying, my daughter would never be that stupid.”

The Night spoke up. “I have to agree with my wife on this.”

“If you all let me explain.”

They did. In the next teen minutes Celestia tod Twilight’s family everything, Spike was the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom, how they gave his egg to Celestia eighteen years ago and how Twilight handle the news. The reaction was mix, Shining was mad at Twilight for what she did but he had also trouble understanding that Spike was a prince. Night was angry but not as angry as his wife, Velvet was trembling with anger, she couldn’t believe that her daughter would act like that.

“That little brat, when she comes back I’m going to drag her by her ear back here and ground her for the rest of her life.” She then slammed both hands on the table scaring everypony in the room. “I did not raise her like a hogger, she is in so much trouble.”

Night place a hand on his wife shoulder to try and clam her down. “I understand that you are angry Velvet, but right now there’s nothing we can do.”

Velvet managed to calm down a little. “Your right, a week in jail are good enough punishment for now but when she get back, I’m going to have a long talk with her.Princess, I want you to alert me right away when Twilight is back so I can have a talk with her." Celestia would do that.

Celestia was actually a little afraid now, she didn’t expect Velvet to be this mad but she don’t blame her. then Celestia told them she had to leave, she had to travel to Ponyville to talk to Twilight’s friends. The family thank the princess for telling what happened to Twilight and then Celestia left. Once outside, Celestia decided to take the train to Ponyville, talking to Twilight’s family was more exhausting than she thought. The guards who was escorting her, followed her.

Once she arrived at Ponyville train station, she decided to head to Applejack farm, considering she had no idea where Twilight’s friends were, so decided to see the farmer first. Luckily for her, Applejack was at the farm and she would happily gather the rest of her friends, Celestia told her to meet outside the library.

Celestia hadn’t to wait long, Applejack managed to gather her friends pretty fast. Celestia was surprised by the elements reaction when she had told them what had happened to Twilight, none of the was surprised at all, they all had expect that Twilight would get in trouble considering how she had acted before she left but there was one thing they didn’t like and that was that Twilight thought she owned Spike. Spike was his own dragon and if he wanted to stay there, then it was his choice. Celestia had to talk to one pony so she headed for one of the houses that was not far from the library.

Once she arrived at the house she told her guard to wait outside, they did as she walk inn. “Steel?” Once inside she couldn’t see anyone there, but then she heard movement.

“About time you got here.” Walking to the living room was a unicorn with white fur, his mane and tail was grey, he had a bag slung over his shoulder. “I was starting to think you had forgotten me.”

“I apologize Steel, these past days has been hectic.”

Steel snorted. “For two years I have been watching Twilight and Spike while reporting back to you for what Twilight has done, she left two days ago and I really thought you would come and get me then. I guess I was wrong.”

Celestia felt bad. “I do apologize Steel, it was never my…”

Steel cut her off. “Whatever, can you please take me back to jail? I’m getting sick of being here, that pink pony is getting on my nerves.”

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle, she knew that pinkie could be a little bothersome at times. “Do you really want to back to jail?”

Steel just gave her a bored look. “Yes.” He then walk out of the house.

Celestia just started at the door. “I don’t understand you at Steel.” She then walk out.